Robotics 17ME29 – ROBOTICS 2 B. Tech VII Sem 2 (Theory) + 2 (Tutorial) – 3 Credits Prerequisite Subjects: Engineering Mechanics & Kinematics of Machines Course Educational Objectives: The ability to main objective develop robotic of this course systems for is to social cultivate and the industrial interest development. Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to: CO1 Understand the basics of robots, end effectors and its applications. CO2 Familiarize the working of actuators and sensors for robotic application. CO3 Formulate D-H matrices for different kinematics problems. CO4 Model the dynamic behavior of robot. CO5 Analyze the trajectory of robotic motion. and Syllabus 3 UNIT - I INTRODUCTION : Basic concepts – Robot anatomy –Components of robots- Robot motions –Number of D.O.F – Work volume-Robot applications in Material transfer and machine loading/unloading applications – Processing operations – Assembly and inspection – Future applications. ROBOT END EFFECTORS: Introduction – Types of end effectors – Mechanical grippers –Vacuum cups, magnetic grippers, adhesive gripers and others – Robot / End effectors interface –Considerations in gripper selection and design. UNIT - II ContentSENSORS: Sensor characteristics-Position sensors: Potentiometers, LVDT, Resolvers, Magnetostrictive Displacement Transducers (MDT) – velocity sensors: encoders, tachometers. s UNIT - III ACTUATORS: Characteristics of actuating system- pneumatic actuators-hydraulic actuatorselectric motors. encoders, MANIPULATOR KINEMATICS: Introduction –Coordinate Frames, Description of Objects in space, Transformation of vectors, Inverting a Homogeneous Transform, Fundamental Rotation Matrices, Problems- DH representation – problems on forward kinematics. UNIT - IV DYNAMICS: Introduction -Differential transformations- Jacobian – problems- Lagrange Euler formulation – Problems. UNIT - V TRAJECTORY PLANNING: Introduction – considerations on trajectory planning – joint Interpolated trajectory – Cartesian path trajectory – problems. 4 Textbooks and References TEXTBOOKS Saeed B.Niku, Introduction to Robotics- Analysis, Systems & Application, Second Edition, Willy India Private Limited, New Delhi,2011. R.K.Mittal and IJ Nagrath, Robotics and Control, Tata McGraw–Hill publishing company Limited, New Delhi,2003. REFERENCES MikellP.Groover, Mitchell Weiss, Roger N. Nagel&Nicholas G. Odrey,Ashish Dutta, Industrial Robotics, Second Edition McGrawHill Education(India) Private Limited,2012 Robert J.Schilling, Fundamentals of robotics analysis & control, PHI learning privat limited, New Delhi,4thEdition, 2002 John.J Criag, Introduction to Robotics-Mechanics and Control, Third Edition, Pearson Education,Inc., 2008 INTRODUCTION TO ROBOTICS 5 Industrial Automation Due to the globalization, the manufacturing industry is facing an increasing competition on the international marketplaces. High quality products are demanded with competitive prices. To meet these challenges successfully, fast response to market needs, short time-tomarket based on adequate manufacturing technologies are required. Key strategy for improvement and to stay ahead is: Manufacturing Automation Definition: Industrial Automation can be defined as the use of set of technologies and automatic control devices that results the automatic operation and control of industrial processes without significant human intervention and achieving superior performance than manual control“. Evolution of Industrial Manufacturing 6 1784 1870 1960 2010 7 Industrial Automation Advantages To simplify human activities in production To reduce periodic manual checking by control systems To increase the production speed increase of productivity; To reduce production cost by reduced human intervention -->less investment on labor cost; To improve product quality To reduce routine checks To raise the level of safety. Source:,, shutterstock .com 8 Industrial Automation To improve quality, reduce delivery times, simplify human activity during the production process, and to lower production costs, manufacturers around the world are turning to industrial Automation. Industrial Robots Source Texas Instruments: Robot manipulator 9 Wrist Forearm Elbow joint Upperarm Shoulder joint Base plate Robot manipulator 10 Introduction to Robotics 11 Robot: An electromechanical device with multiple degrees-offreedom (DOF) that is programmable to complete a variety of tasks. Industrial robot:The Robotics Industries Association (RIA) defines robot in the following way: “An industrial robot is a programmable, multi-functional manipulator designed to move materials, parts, tools, or special devices through variable programmed performance of a variety of tasks” motions for the Robotics: The science of robots. Humans working in this area are called robotics. DOF degrees-of-freedom: the number of independent motions a device can make. (Also called mobility) Manipulator: Electromechanical device capable of interacting with its environment. Anthropomorphic: Like human beings. 12 End-effector: The tool, gripper, or other device mounted at the end of a manipulator, for accomplishing useful tasks. Workspace: The volume in space that a robot’s end-effector can reach, both in position and orientation. Position: The translational (straight-line) location of something. Orientation: The rotational (angle) location of something. A robot’s orientation is measured by roll, pitch, and yaw angles. Link: A rigid piece of connecting joints in a robot. material Joint: The device which allows relative motion between two links in a robot. 13 Kinematics: The study of motion without regard to forces. Dynamics: The study of motion with regard to forces. Actuator: Provides force for robot motion. Sensor: Reads variables in robot motion for use in control. Speed • The amount of distance per unit time at which the robot can move, usually specified in inches per second or meters per second. • The speed is usually specified at a specific load or assuming that the robot is carrying a fixed weight. • Actual speed may vary depending upon the weight carried by the robot. Load Bearing Capacity • The maximum weight-carrying capacity of the robot. • Robots that carry large weights, but must still be precise are expensive. Accuracy 14 • The ability of a robot to go to the specified position without making a mistake. • It is impossible to position a machine exactly. • Accuracy is therefore defined as the ability of the robot to position itself to the desired location with the minimal error (usually 25 mm). Repeatability • The ability of a robot to repeatedly position itself when asked to perform a task multiple times. • Accuracy is an absolute concept, repeatability is relative. • A robot that is repeatable may not be very accurate, visa versa. History of Robotics 350 B.C The Greek mathematician, Archytas builds a mechanical bird named "the Pigeon" that is propelled 15 by steam. 322 B.C. The Greek philosopher Aristotle writes; “If every tool, when ordered, or even of its own accord, could do the work that befits it... then there would be no need either of apprentices for the master workers or of slaves for the lords.”... hinting how nice it would be to have a few robots around. 200 B.C. The Greek inventor and physicist Ctesibus of Alexandria designs water clocks that have movable figures on them. 1495 Leonardo Da Vinci designs a mechanical device that looks like an armored knight. The mechanisms inside "Leonardo's robot" are designed to make the knight move as if there was a real person inside. 1738 Jacques de Vaucanson begins building automata. The first one was the flute player that could play twelve songs. 1770 Swiss clock maker and inventor of the modern wristwatch Pierre Jaquet-Droz start making automata for European royalty. He create three doll, one can write, another plays music, and the third draws pictures. 1801 Joseph Jacquard builds an automated loom that is controlled with punched cards. 1898 Nikola Tesla builds and demonstrates a remote controlled robot boat. 192116 Czech writer Karel Capek introduced the word "Robot" in his play "R.U.R" (Rossuum's Universal Robots). "Robot" in Czech comes from the word "robota", meaning "compulsory labor“. 1940 Issac Asimov produces a series of short stories about robots starting with "A Strange Playfellow" (later renamed "Robbie") for Super Science Stories magazine. The story is about a robot and its affection for a child that it is bound to protect. Over the next 10 years he produces more stories about robots that are eventually recompiled into the volume "I, Robot" in 1950. Issac Asimov's most important contribution to the history of the robot is the creation of his “Three Laws of Robotics”. 1946 George Devol patents a playback device for controlling machines. 1961 Heinrich Ernst develops the MH-1, a computer operated mechanical hand at MIT. 1961 Unimate, the company of Joseph Engleberger and George Devoe, built the first industrial robot, the PUMA (Programmable Universal Manipulator Arm). 1966 The Stanford Research Institute creates Shakey the first mobile robot to know and react to its own actions. 1969 Victor Scheinman creates the Stanford Arm. The arm's design becomes a standard and is still influencing the design of robot arms today. 1976 Shigeo Hirose designs the Soft Gripper at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. It is designed to 17wrap around an object in snake like fashion. 1981 Takeo Kanade builds the direct drive arm. It is the first to have motors installed directly into the joints of the arm. This change makes it faster and much more accurate than previous robotic arms. 1989 A walking robot named Genghis is unveiled by the Mobile Robots Group at MIT. 1993 Dante an 8-legged walking robot developed at Carnegie Mellon University descends into Mt. Erebrus, Antarctica. Its mission is to collect data from a harsh environment similar to what we might find on another planet. 1994 Dante II, a more robust version of Dante I, descends into the crater of Alaskan volcano Mt. Spurr. The mission is considered a success. 1996 Honda debuts the P3. 1997 The Pathfinder Mission lands on Mars 2000 Honda debuts new humanoid robot ASIMO. Definition of Robot: 18 A robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.” (Robot Institute of America). “A robot is a one-armed, blind idiot with limited memory and which cannot speak, see, or hear.” Ideal Tasks: Tasks which are: Dangerous Space exploration disaster cleanup chemical spill cleanup disarming bombs Boring and/or repetitive Welding car frames part pick and place manufacturing parts. High precision or high speed Electronics testing Surgery precision machining. 19 Automation vs Robots Automation –Machinery designed to carry out a specific task Bottling machine Dishwasher Paint sprayer etc. Robots – machinery designed to carry out a variety of tasks Pick and place arms Mobile robots Computer Numerical Control machines etc. 20 Association of Robotics JIRA (Japanese Industrial Robot Association) Class1: Manual-Handling Device Class2: Fixed Sequence Robot Class3: Variable Sequence Robot Class4: Playback Robot Class5: Numerical Control Robot Class6: Intelligent Robot Association of Robotics 21 - RIA (Robotics Institute of America) Variable Sequence Robot (Class3) Playback Robot (Class4) Numerical Control Robot (Class5) Intelligent Robot (Class6) 22 Association of Robotics AFR (Association FranÇaise de Robotique) Type A: Manual Handling Devices / telerobotics Type B: Automatic Handling Devices / predetermined cycles Type C: Programmable, Servo controlled robot, continuous point-to-point trajectories Type D: Same type with C, but it can acquire information. 23 Laws of Robotics (Asimov's Laws) Zeroth Law A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm. First Law A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. Second Law A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. Third Law A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. 24 Manufacturing Automation with Industrial Robots Why to apply robots in industrial manufacturing? Constraints: high initial costs security threats high and sometimes unpredictable cost for further development, add-on or upgrade personnel of higher qualification is requested; operators need sufficient training Robot Anatomy 25 Joint3 Link3 Manipulator consists of joints and links End of Arm Joints provide relative motion Link2 Link1 Links are rigid members between joints Each joint provides a “degree-offreedom” Joint2 Joint1 Link0 Base 26 Robot Anatomy Robot manipulator consists of two sections: Body-and-arm – for positioning of objects in the robot's work volume Wrist assembly – for orientation of objects Robot Anatomy 27 The physical construction of the body, arm and wrist of the machine The wrist is oriented in a variety of positions Relative movements between various components of body, arm and wrist are provided by a series of joints Joints provide either sliding or rotating motions The assembly of body, arm and wrist is called “Manipulator” Attached to the robot’s wrist is a hand which is called “end effector” The body and arm joints position the end effector and wrist joints orient the end effector. Mechanical design of Industrial Robots: 28 Robots are built from numerous parts: Arm elements → material= aluminum alloy, carbon steel or castiron Actuators → AC servomotors Reduction gears→ to reduce motor rotation and to multiply motor torque Transmission devices → to transmit the mechanical power generated by the motors (for instance by means of belts, spindles, or gears) Sensors → to measure arm positions and speed of axis motion Cabling → transmission of electrical power and electrical signals. 29 Manipulator Joints 30 Translational motion Linear joint (type L) Orthogonal joint (type O) Rotary motion Rotational joint (type R) Twisting joint (type T) Revolving joint (type V) Robot Joints 31 Prismatic Joint: Linear, No rotation involved. Revolute Joint: Rotary, (Ex: Hydraulic or pneumatic cylinder) (Ex: electrically driven with stepper motor, servo motor) (R) (P) 32 Robot Configurations Variety of sizes, shapes and physical configuration 1. Cartesian Coordinates Configuration 2. Cylindrical Configuration 3. Polar or Spherical Configuration 4. Articulated or Jointed-arm Configuration 5. Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm (SCARA) Configuration 31 July 2022 32 Cont. 33 Cartesian Coordinate: Body-and-Arm Assembly Notation LOO Consists of three sliding joints, two of which are orthogonal Other names include rectilinear robot and x-y-z robot Translational motion Linear joint (type L) Orthogonal joint (type O) Rotary motion Rotational joint (type R) Twisting joint (type T) Revolving joint (type V) Cartesian Coordinate Configuration 34 Uses three perpendicular slides to construct x, y and z axes X-axis represents right and left motions, Y-axis represents forward-backward motions and Zaxis represents up-down motions Kinematic designation is PPP/LLL Other names are xyz robot or Rectilinear robot or Gantry robot Operate within a rectangular work volume 34 Cont. Cartesian Coordinate Configuration 35 31 July 2022 35 Cont. Cartesian Coordinate Configuration Advantages 36 Linear motion in three dimension Simple kinematic model Rigid structure Higher repeatability and accuracy High lift-carrying capacity as it doesn’t vary at different locations in work volume Easily visualize Can increase work volume easily Inexpensive pneumatic drive can be used for P&P operation Disadvantages requires a large volume to operate in work space is smaller than robot volume unable to reach areas under objects must be covered from dust Applications Assembly Palletizing and loading-unloading machine tools, Handling Welding 31 July 2022 36 Cont. Cylindrical Configuration: Body-and-Arm Assembly 37 Notation TLO Consists of a vertical column, relative to which an arm assembly is moved up or down The arm can be moved in or out relative to the column Translational motion Linear joint (type L) Orthogonal joint (type O) Rotary motion Rotational joint (type R) Twisting joint (type T) Revolving joint (type V) Cylindrical Configuration 38 Use vertical column which rotates and a slide that can be moved up or down along the column Arm is attached to slide which can be moved in and out Kinematic designation is RPP Operate within a cylinder work volume Work volume may be restricted at the back side 31 July 2022 38 Cont. Cylindrical Configuration 39 Advantages Simple kinematic model Rigid structure & high lift-carrying capacity Easily visualize Very powerful when hydraulic drives used Disadvantages Restricted work space Lower repeatability and accuracy Require more sophisticated control Applications Palletizing, Loading and unloading Material transfer, foundry and forging 31 July 2022 39 Cont. Polar Coordinate: Body-and-Arm Assembly 40 Translational motion Linear joint (type L) Orthogonal joint (type O) Rotary motion Rotational joint (type R) Twisting joint (type T) Revolving joint (type V) Notation TRL Consists of a sliding arm (L joint) actuated relative to the body, which can rotate about both a vertical axis (T joint) and horizontal axis (R joint) Polar or Spherical Configuration 41 Earliest machine configuration Has one linear motion and two rotary motions First motion is a base rotation, Second motion correspond to an elbow rotation and Third motion is radial or in-out motion Kinematic designation is RRP Capability to move its arm within a spherical space, hence known as ‘Spherical’ robot Elbow rotation and arm reach limit the design of full spherical motion 31 July 2022 41 Cont. Polar or Spherical Configuration 42 Advantages Covers a large volume Can bend down to pick objects up off the floor Higher reach ability Disadvantages Complex kinematic model Difficult to visualize Applications Palletizing Handling of heavy loads e.g. casting, forging 31 July 2022 42 Cont. Jointed-Arm Robot Configuration 43 Notation TRR Translational motion Linear joint (type L) Orthogonal joint (type O) Rotary motion Rotational joint (type R) Twisting joint (type T) Revolving joint (type V) Jointed Arm Configuration 44 Similar to human arm Consists of two straight components like human forearm and upper arm, mounted o a vertical pedestal Components are connected by two rotary joints corresponding to the shoulder and elbow Kinematic designation is RRR Work volume is spherical 31 July 2022 44 Cont. 45 Jointed Arm Configuration 46 Advantages Maximum flexibility Cover large space relative to work volume objects up off the floor Suits electric motors Higher reach ability Disadvantages Complex kinematic model Difficult to visualize Structure not rigid at full reach Applications Spot welding, Arc welding 31 July 2022 46 Cont. SCARA Robot Configuration 47 (Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm or Selective Compliance Articulated Robot Arm) Notation VRO Similar to jointed-arm robot except that vertical axes are used for shoulder and elbow joints to be compliant in horizontal direction for vertical insertion tasks Translational motion Linear joint (type L) Orthogonal joint (type O) Rotary motion Rotational joint (type R) Twisting joint (type T) Revolving joint (type V) SCARA Configuration 48 Most common in assembly robot Arm consists of two horizontal revolute joints at the waist and elbow and a final prismatic joint Can reach at any point within horizontal planar defined by two concentric circles Kinematic designation is RRP Work volume is cylindrical in nature Most assembly operations involve building up assembly by placing parts on top of a partially complete assembly 31 July 2022 48 Cont. SCARA Configuration 49 Advantages Floor area is small compare to work area Compliance Disadvantages Rectilinear motion requires complex control of the revolute joints Applications Assembly operations Inspection and measurements Transfer or components 31 July 2022 49 Cont. Parallel Manipulator 50 Parallel robots are closed-loop mechanisms presenting very good performances in terms of accuracy, velocity, rigidity and ability to manipulate large loads. They have been used in a large number of applications ranging from astronomy to flight simulators and are becoming increasingly popular in the field of machine-tool industry. Dual Arm Robots 51 Dual-arm robots provide efficient approach for automated execution of complex assembly operations. With bimanual-manipulation, a dual-arm robot can simultaneously control relative motion and interaction of assembly counterparts in a dexterous human-like manner. This requires, however, sophisticated programming and control algorithms for arms cooperation. An advanced industrial dual-arm robot system with novel capabilities, such as easy and rapid commissioning, compliance control of bimanual interaction in all assembly process phases, as well as intuitive planning and programming. The robot can be leased and easily integrated in assembly environment sharing the same workspace with human workers. Wrist Configurations 52 End effector is attached to wrist assembly Function of wrist assembly is to orient end effector Body-and-arm determines position of end effector global Two or three degrees of freedom: Roll Pitch Yaw Notation :RRT Translational motion Linear joint (type L) Orthogonal joint (type O) Rotary motion Rotational joint (type R) Twisting joint (type T) Revolving joint (type V) Example – Design your own configurations 53 Sketch following manipulator configurations (a) TRT:R, (b) TVR:TR, (c) RR:T. Solution: R T R R R T R T R V T (a) TRT:R T (b) TVR:TR (c) RR:T Translational motion Linear joint (type L) Orthogonal joint (type O) Rotary motion Rotational joint (type R) Twisting joint (type T) Revolving joint (type V) Robot Motions 54 Industrial robots perform productive work To move body, arm and wrist through a series of motions and positions End effector is used to perform a specific task Robot’s movements divided into two categories: 1. Arm and body motions 2. Wrist motions Individual joint motions referred as Degree of Freedom (DOF). Motions are accomplished by powered joints Three joints are associated with the action of arm and body Two or three used to actuate the wrist Rigid members are used to connect manipulator joints are called links Input link is closest to the base Output link moves with respect to the input link 31 July 2022 54 Cont. Robot Motions 55 Joints involve relative motions of the adjoining links that may be linear or rotational Linear joints involve a sliding or translational motion which can be achieved by piston, telescopic mechanism May be called ‘Prismatic’ joint Represented as L or O or P joint Three types of rotating motion: Rotational (R) Twisting (T) Revolving (V) 31 July 2022 55 Cont. 56 Robot Motions Physical configuration of the robot can be described by a joint notation scheme Considering the arm and body first Starting with the joint closest to the base till the joint connected to the wrist Examples are LLL, TLL, TRL, TRR, VVR Wrist joints can be included for notation From joint closest to the arm to the mounting plate for the end effector have either T or R type Examples are TRL : TRT, TRR : RT The scheme also provide that robot move on a track or fixed to a platform Example TRL : TRT, L-TRL : TRT 31 July 2022 56 Cont. 57 Degrees of Freedom (DOF) in Robotics 58 Degrees of freedom, in a mechanics context, are specific, defined modes in which a mechanical device or system can move. The number of degrees of freedom is equal to the total number of independent displacements or aspects of motion. such a robot arm has five to seven degrees of freedom. 59 Degrees of Freedom The mobility, or number of DOF, of a robot is defined as the number of independent joint variables required to specify the location of all the links of the robot in space. It is equal to the minimal number of actuated joints to control the system. The number of degrees of freedom 𝑁𝑑𝑜𝑓 of a robot is equal to the number of joints in the case of tree structure system L. In the case of a closed-loop mechanism, the calculation of the mobility Ndofcan be expressed by the following relation: 𝑁𝑑𝑜𝑓 = L − c where Lis the number of joints of the structure and cis the number of independent relationships (constraints) between the joint variables, i.e. the number of dependent joints. In case of a system composed of Bindependent closed loops, the mobility of the system may be calculated by: 𝐵 𝑁𝑑𝑜𝑓 = 𝐿 − 𝑐𝑗 𝑗=1 This simple formula gives good results for most robot structures but it can yield bad results for certain complex systems and does not give information about the type of motion of the system. However, for some robots, the exact solution is obtained by analyzing the kinematic constraints and taking into account the coupling between the loops (Hervé 1978; Le Borzec and Lotterie 1975). Robot Working Envelopes 60 A robot's work envelope is its range of movement. It is the shape created when a manipulator reaches forward, backward, up and down. These distances are determined by the length of a robot's arm and the design of its axes. Each axis contributes its own range of motion. A robot can only perform within the confines of this work envelope. Still, many of the robots are designed with considerable flexibility. Some have the ability to reach behind themselves. Gantry robots defy traditional constraints of work envelopes. They move along track systems to create large work spaces. 61 Robot Working Envelopes Different Robot configurations generate characteristic working envelope shapes. This working envelope is important when selecting a Robot for a particular application since it dictates:Care should be exercised when interpreting the working envelope of a Robot, for a number of reasons. the working envelope refers to the working volume which can be reached by some point at the end of the Robot arm, this point is usually the centre of the end effector mounting plate. It excludes any tools or workpiece which the end effector may hold. There are often areas within the working envelope which cannot be reached by the end of the Robot arm. Such areas are termed dead zones. The maximum quoted payload capacity can only be achieved at certain arm spans this may not necessarily be at maximum reach. Standard Working Envelope Shapes 62 Cartesian Configuration The working envelope of the Cartesian configuration is a rectangular prism. There are no dead zones within the working envelope and the Robot can manipulate its maximum payload throughout the working volume. Cylindrical Configuration 63 The working envelope of this configuration is as its name suggests a cylinder. The cylinder is hollow, since there is a limit to how far the arm can retract, this creates a cylindrical dead zone around the Robot structure. Polar Configuration 64 The working envelope of this configuration sweeps out a volume between two partial spheres. There are physical limits imposed by the design on the amount of angular movement in both the vertical and horizontal planes. These restrictions create conical dead zones both above and below the Robot structure. Revolute Configuration or Articulated Robotic Arm 65 This configuration has a large working envelope relative to the floor space it occupies. The shape of the working envelope depends on the individual design. The two most common designs are shown below. The design in b) allows almost a true sphere to be reached, whilst the design in a) has a complex cusp shaped envelope. SCARA Configuration 66 The SCARA configuration has a working envelope that can be loosely described as a heart or kidney shaped prism, having a circular hole passing through the middle. This allow a large area coverage in the horizontal plane but relatively little in the vertical plane. Spine Configuration 67 The envelope of the spine Robot will approximate that of a true hemisphere the size being dependent on the number of articulations in the spine. Pendulum Configuration 68 The working envelope of the pendulum configuration resembles that of a simple horseshoe having a segmented shaped cross section. The limited working envelope is offset by the fact that this Robot can be mounted in almost any position, allowing the envelope to be finely positioned in relation to its task. Workspace for Parallel Robot 69 70 Robot Workspace and Specifications 71 Design of Workspace Common Industrial Robot Applications 72 1. Arc Welding Arc welding, or robot welding, became commonplace in the 1980s. One of the driving forces for switching to robot welding is improving the safety of workers from arc burn and inhaling hazardous fumes. 2. Spot Welding Spot welding joins two contacting metal surfaces by directing a large current through the spot, which melts the metal and forms the weld delivered to the spot in a very short time (approximately ten milliseconds). 3. Materials Handling Material handling robots are utilized to move, pack and select products. They also can automate functions involved in the transferring of parts from one piece of equipment to another. Direct labor costs are reduced and much of the tedious and hazardous activities traditionally performed by human labor are eliminated. 4. Machine Tending Robotic automation for machine tending is the process of loading and unloading raw materials into machinery for processing and overseeing the machine while it does a job. 5. Painting Robotic painting is used in automotive production and many other industries as it increases the quality and consistency of the product. Cost savings are also realized through less rework. Common Industrial Robot Applications 73 6. Picking, Packing and Palletizing Most products are handled multiple times prior to final shipping. Robotic picking and packaging increases speed and accuracy along with lowering production costs. 7. Assembly Robots routinely assemble products, eliminating tedious and tiresome tasks. Robots increase output and reduce operational costs. 8. Mechanical Cutting, Grinding, Deburring and Polishing Building dexterity into robots provides a manufacturing option that is otherwise very difficult to automate. An example of this is the production of orthopedic implants, such as knee and hip joints. Buffing and polishing a hip joint by hand can normally take 45-90 minutes while a robot can perform the same function in just a few minutes. 9. Gluing, Adhesive Sealing and Spraying Materials Sealer robots are built with numerous robotic arm configurations that enable the robot to apply adhesives to any type of product. The primary benefit in this application is increased quality, speed and consistency of the final product. 10. Other Processes These include inspection, waterjet cutting and soldering robots. 74 Robotic Material Handling 75 Die Cast REDUCE LABOR COSTS WITH AUTOMATION Material handling (MH) makes use of the robot's simple capability to transport objects. Machine Tending By fitting the robot with an appropriate end of arm tool (e.g. gripper), the robot can efficiently and accurately move product from one location to another. Bin Picking Palletizing Robotic Material Handling 76 Picking and Placing Press Forming Logistics Parts Transfer Robotic Machine Loading / Unloading Applications 77 In machine loading and unloading process, a robot will be used to move the work parts to or/and from the production machine. This application comes under the category of material handling operations. The machine loading and unloading application includes the following three processes: Machine loading Machine unloading Machine load and unload Machine loading: In this operation, the robot loads raw work parts in the machine, and some other systems are used to unload the finished work parts from the machine. Example: In a press working process, a robot is used to load the sheet metal in the press, and the finished work parts are removed from the press with the help of gravity. Machine unloading: In machine unloading, the finished work parts are unloaded from the machine by a robot, while the loading of raw materials are done without any robot support. Example: Plastic modeling and die casting. Machine load and unload: In this process, a robot performs both loading and unloading of work parts in and from the machine. 78 Ex: Machining operation: The machine loading and unloading process performed by industrial robots are very well characterized by the robot-centered workcell. This cell includes a robot, production machine, and other devices like part delivery system. It helps in increasing the usage of a robot by making it to service more than a production machine. As a result, the productivity in the cell is also increased to a larger extent. This robot cell can be preferred when a robot is in the idle state for a long time. Moreover, the robots are largely used to carry out loading and unloading process in some production operations like forging, die casting, plastic modeling, stamping press, and machining operations. Design of Robot-centered cell: Robot-centered cell is one of the commonly used layouts in the industrial applications. In this arrangement, a single robot will be incorporated at the center of the work cell for performing operations on several machines that are set in a semi-circle form. This type of work cell is shown in the below figure. 79 Applications of Robots Processing operations 80 In robotic processing operations, the robot manipulates a tool to perform a process on the work part. Examples of applications include such spot welding, continuous arc welding, spray painting. Spot welding of automobile bodies is one of the most common applications of industrial robots. 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96