Institute of Molecular Life Sciences (IMLS) Prof. Michael Hengartner Dr. Monika Hediger Practical course BIO 111 Part 2: Molecular Genetics Course-4: 08. Nov. / 09. Nov. / 15. Nov. / 16. Nov. 2018 Course-5: 22. Nov. / 23. Nov. / 29. Nov. / 30. Nov. 2018 HS 2018 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner 1 Table of contents Table of contents A) Human genetic diversity 1. Human trait: “Bitter” taste perception_the PTC gene 1.1. Introduction 1.1.1. “Bitter” taste perception: the TAS2R38 gene (PTC taste receptor) p. 3 1.2. Goal of the Experiment p. 8 1.3. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): Theory p. 8 1.4. Protocol 1.4.1. DNA Isolation of cheek cells 1.4.2. Setting up PCR reaction 1.4.3. Setting up sequencing reaction p. 10 1.5. Analysis of PTC genotype and phenotype 1.5.1. Determining your PTC genotype 1.5.2. Testing your PTC phenotype p. 13 1.6. Questions p. 14 B) Recombinant DNA Technology 2. Isolation of pB30 plasmid DNA (Miniprep-Protocol) 2.1. Introduction 2.1.1. Principles of Plasmid DNA Isolation p. 15 2.2. Goal of the Experiment p. 16 2.3. Protocol p. 17 2.4. Quantification of the isolated DNA 2.4.1. DNA concentration 2.4.2. Purity of DNA 2.4.3. Concentration and purity of “your” DNA sample p. 19 2.5. Questions p. 20 3. Restriction analysis of plasmid pB30 4. 3.1. Introduction 3.1.1. Plasmid vectors 3.1.2. Restriction endonucleases 3.1.3. Agarose gel electrophoresis p. 22 3.2. Goal of the Experiment p. 27 3.3. Protocol 3.3.1. Restriction digest 3.3.2. Separating DNA fragments by agarose gel electrophoresis p. 28 3.4. Analysis of agarose gel 3.4.1. Fragment size expectations of restriction digest 3.4.2. Actual fragment sizes p. 30 3.5. Questions p. 31 References p. 33 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner Time table Time table: Part-2_Molecular Genetics Room: Practical room 14-F-21 Time: 13h00 – 17h00 Course-4: Thu_08.11.2018 ; Fri_09.11.2018 ; Thu_15.11.2018 ; Fri_16.11.2018 Time Experiments 13:00 – 15:00 1. Human trait: “Bitter” taste perception_the PTC gene 1.1. Introduction 1.4. Protocol: 1) DNA-Isolation and 2) setting up PCR reactions 1.3. PCR: Theory short break 15:00 – 16:30 2. Isolation of Plasmid DNA 2.1. Introduction 2.3. Protocol: Isolation of Plasmid-DNA 2.4. Quantification of isolated DNA 2.5. Solving and discussion of questions 16:30 – 17:00 1. Human trait: “Bitter” taste perception_the PTC gene 1.4. Protocol: 3) Setting up sequencing reactions Course-5: Thu_22.11.2018 ; Fri_23.11.2018 ; Thu_29.11.2018 ; Fri_30.11.2018 Time Experiments 13:00 – 15:30 3. Restriction analysis of Plasmid DNA 3.1. Introduction 3.3. Protocol: 1) Setting-up of restriction digest 3.4. Agarose gel electrophoresis: 1) expected fragment sizes 3.3. Protocol: 2) Loading digest on agarose gel short break 15:30 – 16:30 1. Human trait: “Bitter” taste perception_the PTC gene 1.1. Introduction/Recapitulation 1.5. Analysis of PTC genotype and phenotype 1.6. Solving and discussion of questions 16:30 – 17:00 3. Restriction analysis of Plasmid DNA 3.4 Agarose gel electrophoresis: 2) Analysis of results 3.5. Solving and discussion of questions 2 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner A) Human genetic diversity → Experiment 1: “Bitter” taste perception_the PTC gene A) Human genetic diversity With the development of DNA-based technologies, geneticists now have the ability to observe directly differences between the DNA sequences of individuals throughout their genomes, and they can measure theses differences in large samples of individuals in many species. The result has been a revolution in our understanding of genetic variation in populations. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most prevalent types of polymorphism in most genomes. SNPs occur within genes (including exons, introns, and regulatory regions) as well as outside of coding regions. SNPs within protein-coding regions can be classified into one of three groups: synonymous (if the different alleles encode the same amino acid), nonsynonymous (if the two alleles encode different amino acids), and nonsense (if one allele encodes a stop codon). Thus, it is sometimes possible to associate a SNP with functional variation in proteins and an associated change in phenotype. 1. Human trait: “Bitter” taste perception 1.1. Introduction Taste perception is triggered by chemicals when they come in contact with taste-receptor cells (TRCs) of the tongue. Five basic tastes are recognized by most animals: sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and umami (the taste of monosodium glutamate). TRCs are assembled into taste buds, which are distributed across different papillae of the tongue. There are about 5000 taste buds in the oral cavity. There are three types of papillae: Circumvallate papillae are found at the very back of the tongue. Foliate papillae are present at the posterior lateral edge of the tongue and fungiform papillae are found in the anterior two-thirds of the tongue (Fig. 1) Each taste bud contains ~100 TRCs. TRC’s are classified into three subtypes and all taste buds contain cells of all three subtypes (Fig. 2). Figure 1 Three types of taste papillae located on the human tongue 3 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner A) Human genetic diversity → Experiment 1: “Bitter” taste perception_the PTC gene Figure 2: Three different taste bud cell types Figure 2 1.1.1. “Bitter” taste perception: the TAS2R38 gene (PTC taste receptor) The sense of bitter taste is mediated by a group of bitter taste receptor proteins. There are ca. 30 genes for different bitter taste receptors in mammals. Taste bud cell type II – bitter recognition Figure 3 The gene encoding the taste receptor TAS2R38 (taste receptor type 2, member 38), which enables us to taste the bitter compound phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) or the related compound propylthiouracil (PROP), was identified in 2003 [Kim, 2003]. It resides on chromosome 7, position q35. Within this gene, several single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) have been identified, all of which result in amino acid changes in the protein (nonsynonymous SNPs). Three of these SNPs are the most common in the human population. They reside on nucleotide position 145 (SNP-1: C ® G), nucleotide position 785 (SNP-2: C ® T) and nucleotide position 886 (SNP-3: G ® A), and alter the amino acid sequence (see Fig. 4, 5). 4 5 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner A) Human genetic diversity → Experiment 1: “Bitter” taste perception_the PTC gene Figure 4 These three most common SNPs are inherited as a unit (also called haplotype). There are two common haplotypes in the human population: One haplotype correlates most strongly with bitter-taste ability. This “wildtype” protein contains the three amino acids Proline (P), Alanine (A) and Valine (V) at the SNP positions (SNP-1, -2, -3) and is called the dominant “PAV” taster haplotype (= dominant taster “T” allele). The second specific combination of the three SNPs correlates with the inability of PTC tasting. This “mutant” protein contains the three amino acids Alanine (A), Valine (V) and Isoleucine (I) at the SNP positions (SNP-1, -2, -3) and is called the recessive “AVI” non-taster haplotype (= recessive non-taster “t” allele). Thus, the hTAS2R38 polymorphisms that differ on chromosomes within an individual and between individuals code for functionally distinct receptor types that directly affect bitterness perception of N-C=S-containing compounds (Bufe et al., 2005) Figure 5 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner A) Human genetic diversity → Experiment 1: “Bitter” taste perception_the PTC gene Frequencies of tasters and non-tasters in different human populations It should be noted that PTC taste sensitivity is not an all or nothing trait. However, people homozygous for the PAV/PAV genotype have the highest PTC scores (most find PTC intensely bitter), PAV heterozygotes (genotype PAV/AVI) generally have a mean PTC score (find PTC somewhat bitter), and AVI/AVI homozygote persons have the lowest PTC score (for most of them the PTC compound has no taste at all). In addition to the high-frequency PAV and AVI haplotypes, also two rare (AAV and AAI) and four extremely rare (PVI, PAI, AVV, PVV) haplotypes are found in the human population (Table 1 and Figure 1, Risso et al, 2016). The rare AVI/AAV heterozygotes found in European populations had a mean PTC score slightly, but significantly, higher than the AVI/AVI homozygotes. Table 1 There is a global predominance of the PAV and AVI haplotypes of TAS2R38. The AVI form is less common in Africa and Asians. The AAI haplotype is primarily present in Africans and much less common in all the other populations. Evolution of Taster and non-tasters in human populations Sequencing the PTC gene from several non-human primates determined that all were homozygous for the PAV form. Thus, the AVI nontaster haplotype arose after humans diverged from the most recent common primate ancestor. There are cases of PTC nontaster phenotype in chimpanzees. However the non-taster phenotype appears to be due to a mutation of the initiation codon of the PTC gene, such that a downstream ATG is used as the start codon for translation, resulting in a truncated protein that does not respond to PTC. The persistence of common haplotypes over time and their widespread distribution across globally diverse populations suggest that these variants are functionally important. The dominant PAV taster haplotype is hypothesized to have played a role in detecting potentially toxic substances. Bitter taste is innate and triggers stereotypical behavioral outputs leading to rejection. Although a clear correlation between bitterness and toxicity has not been established, it is generally believed that this taste quality prevents mammals from intoxication by avoiding ingestion of potentially harmful food constituents (Meyerhofer, 2009). However, the selective force maintaining other common AVI (AAV and AAI) haplotypes for extraordinarily long periods of time remains yet unclear. 6 7 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner A) Human genetic diversity → Experiment 1: “Bitter” taste perception_the PTC gene Human TAS2R38, coding region: 1002nt The human TAS2R3 gene consists of a single coding exon 1002 bp long, encoding a 333 amino acid, 7-transmembrane domain G-protein-coupled receptor. Shown is the coding DNA strand of the “wildtype” = taster TAS2R38 gene and below the amino acid sequence of the TAS2R38 “wildtype” protein. Non-Taster: Taster: 5’-ATGTTGACTCTAACTCGCATCCGCACTGTGTCCTATGAAGTCAGGAGTACATTTCTGTTCATTTCAGTC -069 Protein M L T L T R I R T V S Y E V R S T F L F I S V Non-Taster: Taster: CTGGAGTTTGCAGTGGGGTTTCTGACCAATGCCTTCGTTTTCTTGGTGAATTTTTGGGATGTAGTGAAG -138 Protein L E F A V G F L T N A F V F L V N F W D V V K Non-Taster: Taster: AGGCAGCCACTGAGCAACAGTGATTGTGTGCTGCTGTGTCTCAGCATCAGCCGGCTTTTCCTGCATGGA -207 Protein R Q P L S N S D C V L L C L S I S R L F L H G Non-Taster: Taster: CTGCTGTTCCTGAGTGCTATCCAGCTTACCCACTTCCAGAAGTTGAGTGAACCACTGAACCACAGCTAC -276 Protein L L F L S A I Q L T H F Q K L S E P L N H S Y Non-Taster: Taster: CAAGCCATCATCATGCTATGGATGATTGCAAACCAAGCCAACCTCTGGCTTGCTGCCTGCCTCAGCCTG -345 Protein Q A I I M L W M I A N Q A N L W L A A C L S L Non-Taster: Taster: CTTTACTGCTCCAAGCTCATCCGTTTCTCTCACACCTTCCTGATCTGCTTGGCAAGCTGGGTCTCCAGG -414 Protein L Y C S K L I R F S H T F L I C L A S W V S R Non-Taster: Taster: AAGATCTCCCAGATGCTCCTGGGTATTATTCTTTGCTCCTGCATCTGCACTGTCCTCTGTGTTTGGTGC -483 Protein K I S Q M L L G I I L C S C I C T V L C V W C Non-Taster: Taster: TTTTTTAGCAGACCTCACTTCACAGTCACAACTGTGCTATTCATGAATAACAATACAAGGCTCAACTGG -552 Protein F F S R P H F T V T T V L F M N N N T R L N W Non-Taster: Taster: CAGATTAAAGATCTCAATTTATTTTATTCCTTTCTCTTCTGCTATCTGTGGTCTGTGCCTCCTTTCCTA -621 Protein Q I K D L N L F Y S F L F C Y L W S V P P F L Non-Taster: Taster: TTGTTTCTGGTTTCTTCTGGGATGCTGACTGTCTCCCTGGGAAGGCACATGAGGACAATGAAGGTCTAT -690 Protein L F L V S S G M L T V S L G R H M R T M K V Y Non-Taster: Taster: ACCAGAAACTCTCGTGACCCCAGCCTGGAGGCCCACATTAAAGCCCTCAAGTCTCTTGTCTCCTTTTTC -759 Protein T R N S R D P S L E A H I K A L K S L V S F F Non-Taster: Taster: TGCTTCTTTGTGATATCATCCTGTGCTGCCTTCATCTCTGTGCCCCTACTGATTCTGTGGCGCGACAAA -828 Protein C F F V I S S C A A F I S V P L L I L W R D K Non-Taster: Taster: ATAGGGGTGATGGTTTGTGTTGGGATAATGGCAGCTTGTCCCTCTGGGCATGCAGCCGTCCTGATCTCA -897 Protein I G V M V C V G I M A A C P S G H A A V L I S Non-Taster: Taster: GGCAATGCCAAGTTGAGGAGAGCTGTGATGACCATTCTGCTCTGGGCTCAGAGCAGCCTGAAGGTAAGA -966 Protein G N A K L R R A V M T I L L W A Q S S L K V R Non-Taster: Taster: GCCGACCACAAGGCAGATTCCCGGACACTGTGCTGA-3’ -1002nt Protein A D H K A D S R T L C 333aa Figure 3 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner A) Human genetic diversity → Experiment 1: “Bitter” taste perception_the PTC gene 1.2. Goal of the experiment In this experiment, a sample of human cells is obtained by saline mouthwash. DNA is extracted by boiling with Chelex resin, which binds contaminating metal ions. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is then used to amplify a short region of the TAS2R38 gene. The amplified PCR product is then sequenced to identify two of the three most common SNPs within the TAS2R38 gene. Each student scores his or her genotype, predicts his or her tasting ability, and then tastes PTC paper. Class results show how well PTC tasting actually conforms to classical Mendelian inheritance, and illustrates the modern concept of pharmacogenetics—where a SNP genotype is used to predict drug response. 1.3. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR): Theory PCR is an alternative to cloning for generating essentially unlimited amounts of a sequence of interest. PCR is an enzymatic amplification of a fragment of DNA (the target) located between two oligonucleotides (= primers). These primers are designed so that one is complementary to one strand of a DNA molecule on one side of the target sequence and the other primer is complementary to the other strand of the DNA molecule on the opposite side of the target sequence. Because the 3’ end of each primer points toward the target sequence to be amplified, the primers are extended by the synthesis by DNA polymerase of the sequence between them. After denaturation of the DNA duplex, the primers anneal to the single stranded DNA (ssDNA), giving rise to short double-stranded stretches of DNA, to which the polymerase adds nucleotides complementary to the template strand, thereby extending the doublestranded region in a 5’ > 3’ direction. First, a pair of oligonucleotides of about 20 nucleotides (nt) in length has to be designed and synthesized (done by numerous companies). The primers are designed to anneal to complementary DNA-sequences flanking the DNA region of interest, thereby bracketing the region to be amplified. An excess of the two primers are mixed with a DNA sample containing the target sequence, along with a DNA polymerase. The cofactor Magnesium (Mg++) and the four deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) are also provided. The reaction mixture is then taken through multiple synthesis cycles consisting of the following: 1. Denaturation: Heating to near-boiling temperatures (95°C) denatures the target DNA and creates a set of single-stranded templates. Heating increases the kinetic energy of the DNA molecule to a point that is greater than the energy needed to break hydrogen bonds between base pairs, and the double-stranded DNA separates into single strands. 2. Annealing: Cooling to approximately 60°C (depending on the length and the sequence of the primer) encourages primers to anneal to their complementary sequences on the single-stranded templates. Because the primers are added in excess and are short, they will anneal to their long target sequences before the two original strands can come back together. 3. Extension: Heating to 72°C provides the optimum temperature for the DNA polymerase to extend from the primer. The polymerase synthesizes a second strand complementary to the original template, at a rate of up to 1000nt/minute. 8 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner A) Human genetic diversity → Experiment 1: “Bitter” taste perception_the PTC gene During each synthesis cycle of approximately 30-60sec, the number of copies of the DNA molecule is doubled; thus, 30 rounds of synthesis theoretically can produce a 1’000’000'000fold amplification of the target sequence in as little as 1 hour. In practice, the amplification is rarely perfect, and a slightly lower yield will be achieved. The high temperatures used in PCR require heat-stable polymerases. In the late 1980s, the first such polymerase (known as Taq-polymerase) was isolated from Thermus aquaticus, obtained from the Mushroom Pool in Yellowstone National Park. Volcanic ocean vents became another prominent source for organisms adapted to extreme conditions with heatstable polymerases. Temperature cycling was initially achieved by moving reaction tubes back and forth between different water baths. This tedium was relieved by the advent of automated DNA thermal cyclers in which the temperature of a heating block and the incubation times are controlled by a microcomputer. Primer → Primer extension → desired fragment (only target DNA) → desired fragment (only target DNA) → variable length strands Figure 10-3 Introduction to Genetic Analysis, 11ed, Griffiths et al. 9 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner A) Human genetic diversity → Experiment 1: “Bitter” taste perception_the PTC gene 1.4. Protocol The protocol we use is a modified version from the DNA Learning Center Kit, Carolina, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2006. 1.4.1. DNA isolation of cheek cells by saline mouthwash Each student will isolate his/her own genomic DNA from cheek cells. Reagents • 0.9% saline solution (in 50ml Falcon tubes). Ingredients suited for human consumption: salt from the supermarket, water from the kitchen faucet. Aliquots of 10ml are prepared. • 10% Chelex solution (BT Chelex 100 Resin, BioRad, Cat.#143-2832). Aliquots of 100µl are prepared. Solution has to be shaken frequently as the beads tend to settle quickly. Chelex 100 resin is a styrene divinylbenzene copolymer containing paired iminodiacetate ions, which act as chelating groups in binding polyvalent metal ions --> Chelex sequesters heavy metals. If they remain in the solution, they would activate DNases, which would then cleave DNA. !! During all centrifugation steps: a) Balance tubes and b) put hinge of the tube towards top/outside of the centrifuge, so that you know where the pellet will be !! 1. Pour 10ml saline solution (0.9%) in your mouth and rinse your mouth vigorously for 30 – 40 sec. → Spit the solution back into the tube. 2. Swirl the tube to keep the cells in solution and pipet 1ml into a 1.5ml Eppendorf tube. → Label the Eppendorf tube with your place number. 3. Centrifuge 2 min at full speed in Eppendorf (table top) centrifuge. 4. Pour off supernatant carefully. NDo NOT disturb the (white) pellet of cheek cells at the bottom of the tube! 5. Resuspend the cells in the residual volume (about 100µl), by vortexing the tube. → The liquid now appears opaque. 6. Pipet 30µl of the cell suspension into one of the small PCR tubes containing 100µl of the aliquoted Chelex solution. 7. Close the lid and mix the content by tapping the tube with your finger. → Label PCR tube with your place number. 8. Place labeled PCR tube in PCR machine and heat for 10 min at 99°C (Ê disruption of cell membranes and release of genomic DNA into solution) 9. After heating, vigorously shake the PCR tube by hand for 5 sec. 10. Place the PCR tube into an adaptor and centrifuge at full speed for 2 min. (Ê This will pellet the Chelex beads with bound metal ions (e.g. Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+, etc.) and cell debris, leaving the genomic DNA suspended in the supernatant above the beads.) 11. Store the PCR tube on ice. You will later directly use 2µl of the clear supernatant containing YOUR genomic DNA to set up the PCR reaction (Nbe careful not to disturb the pellet of cell debris and Chelex beads at the bottom of the tube !). 10 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner A) Human genetic diversity → Experiment 1: “Bitter” taste perception_the PTC gene 1.4.2. Setting up PCR reaction Each student (and each assistant) will set up 1 PCR reaction using his/her own genomic cheek cell DNA preparation as template to amplify part of the TAS2R38 (= PTC) gene. Reagents • Cheek cell DNA from part 1 (protocol 1.4.1.) • PTC gene-specific DNA primers (10 µM stock solution): TasterSNP_fwd (pos 669 – 688): 5’-CATGAGGACAATGAAGGTCT-3’ TasterSNP_rev (pos 955 – 974): 5’-TGGTCGGCTCTTACCTTCAG-3’ • GoTaq G2 DNA Polymerase, Promega, Cat.# M7845 • PCR Buffer (green color due to loading dye; contains Mg2+that is needed as cofactor for Taq DNA polymerase) • dNTP mix (10 mM of each deoxyribonucleotide: dATP, dCTP, dTTP, dGTP) The PCR reaction is done in a final volume of 25 µl. Keep the tubes always on ice! 1. Assistant: • Spin down all tubes with the reagents for a few seconds before use ‼! • Set up a mastermix for the PCR reaction in an Eppendorf tube containing all components except the DNA template: It is important to add the components in the same order as indicated below and to use new tips for every component. Carefully/slowly soak up and release the PCR buffer (the solution is viscous (contains glycerol) and therefore less easy to handle than a completely watery solution) • If you have less than 8 students → calculate the correct amount for the mastermix! Mastermix for PCR reaction (keep on ice): Reagent Amount for 1 or 10, 1x 10x ddH2O 5x PCR Buffer dNTP mix (10mM) Primer_fwd (10µM) Primer_rev (10µM) Taq polymerase 16.65 µl 5.00 µl 0.25 µl 0.50 µl 0.50 µl 0.10 µl 166.5 µl 50.0 µl 2.5 µl 5.0 µl 5.0 µl 1.0 µl Total volume 23.00 µl 230.00 µl or different number of tubes: ........ students + 1 (assistant) + 1 “reserve” = ........ x Assistant: mix well mastermix (N Do not vortex!) and spin down for a few seconds. 2. Assistant: label a stripe of 8 PCR tubes (with numbers 1 – 8 and the assistants name) + 1 additional PCR tube for yourself 3. Assistant: add 23µl of mastermix into each PCR tube 4. Each student: pipet 2µl of the clear supernatant from the top of your isolated cheek cell DNA into one tube of a strip of 8 tubes: Na) do not disturb the pellet of cell debris and Chelex beads at the bottom of the tube; b) insure that no DNA remains in the tip after pipetting! 5. Student: please write down your place number in the sample sheet in order to know which (of the 8) reaction is yours! 6. Assistant: hand in the labelled PCR tubes for PCR reaction. Mark them with your name. The tubes are then placed in a PCR cycler, using the following profile: 95°C for 5 min 95°C for 20 sec 58°C for 20 sec 30 cycles 72°C for 20 sec 72°C for 20 sec 4°C until tubes are removed from PCR machine 11 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner A) Human genetic diversity → Experiment 1: “Bitter” taste perception_the PTC gene 1.4.3. Setting up sequencing reaction Each student (and each assistant) will set up 1 sequencing reaction using his/her own PCR amplified DNA of part of the TAS2R38 (= PTC) gene. Reagents • PCR amplified DNA of part of the PTC gene from part 2 (protocol 1.4.2.) • DNA primer (10 µM stock solution) for sequencing: TasterSNP_fwd (pos 669 – 688): 5’-CATGAGGACAATGAAGGTCT-3’ The sequencing reaction is done in a final volume of 10 µl. Keep the tubes always on ice! 1. Assistant: set up a mastermix for the sequencing reaction in an Eppendorf tube containing all components except the PCR template. Use always new tips for every component. If you have less than 8 students → calculate the correct amount for the mastermix! Mastermix for sequencing (keep on ice): Reagent Amount for 1 or 10, 1x 10x ddH2O Primer_fwd (10µM) 6 µl 1 µl 60 µl 10 µl Total volume 7 µl 70 µl .......... or different number of tubes: students + 1 (assistant) + 1 “reserve” = ........... x Assistant: • mix mastermix by tapping the tube • spin down mastermix for a few seconds 2. Assistant: dispense 7µl of sequencing mastermix into as many PCR tubes as there are students in your group (+ one tube for yourself) 3. Each student: pipet/add 3µl of your PCR product into one of the tubes containing sequencing mastermix and close the lid. NInsure that no DNA remains in the tip after pipetting! 4. Student: label your tube with your place number, give it to your assistant. → You will get the sequenced part of your PTC gene back in the next course. 5. Assistant: hand in the labelled PCR tubes for sequencing. → Collect all tubes from your group of students and put them into the zip lock bag that you got handed out. → Write your name, date and all tube numbers on the bag and bring it to the table in the front. 12 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner A) Human genetic diversity → Experiment 1: “Bitter” taste perception_the PTC gene 1.5. Analysis of PTC genotype and phenotype 1.5.1. Determining your PTC-genotype Each student will get his/her own sequence from the amplified part of the TAS2R38 gene. Example of part of such a sequenced PCR product: Nucleotide color code: A (green), T (red), G (black), C (blue); N = base cannot be determined first part of sequence is always badly readable --> many “unclear” (N) bases a) “double peak”: red and blue peaks have a similar height --> at this (SNP-2) position both bases T (red) and C (blue) are present in this “example” PCR product In the „wildtype“ taster sequence (Fig. 3) on page 7, ... 1. Mark the positions of the three SNPs (see also Figures 4 + 5 on page 5) 2. At each SNP, write the „mutant“ nucleotide triplet leading to the altered amino acid above the „wildtype“ taster sequence. 3. Indicate the positions of the two primers that were used for amplification of part of the TAS2R38 gene. (For primer sequence see protocol 1.4.2. and 1.4.3.) 4. Indicate which of the two primers was then later used for sequencing. b) Compare your sequence with the one from the „wildtype“ taster allele from Fig. 3. 1. What bases (A, T, G, C) do you have at the polymorphic positions SNP-2 and SNP-3 ? Bases at SNP-2: ......................................................... Bases at SNP-3: ......................................................... 2. Are you homozygous or heterozygous at SNP-2 and SNP-3? 3. Determine your PTC genotype (PAV/PAV; PAV/AVI; AVI/AVI; other...?) --> My genotype = ........................................................................................................................................ c) According to your genotype, what prediction can you make for your PTC phenotype? £ PAV/PAV = homozygote taster (T/T) £ PAV/AVI = heterozygote taster (T/t) £ AVI/AVI = homozygote non-taster (t/t) £ other ........ = ? 13 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner A) Human genetic diversity → Experiment 1: “Bitter” taste perception_the PTC gene 1.5.2. Testing your PTC-phenotype Determine your „real“ PTC phenotype 1. Place a strip of PTC taste paper in the center of your tongue for several seconds. How would you describe the taste of the PTC paper: strongly bitter, weakly bitter, or no taste other than paper-like? 2. Correlate your PTC genotype with your phenotype. Hand in your data by answering the “Klicker-survey” à we will record class results Genotype strongly bitter --> Supertaster Phenotype bitter --> Taster not bitter --> Non-Taster T/T = (P)AV/(P)AV T/t = (P)AV/(A)VI t/t = (A)VI/(A)VI Other ? 1.6. Questions à course-1: provide answers to questions 1-3 / course-2: provide answer to questions 4, 5 1. Indicate on page 11 what happens during the various steps of the PCR reaction. 2. Why does the annealing temperature of a PCR reaction depend on the length and sequence of the primers? 3. DNA replication and PCR are both DNA amplification events. What is the difference between the two? 4. Give an explanation how the other rare PTC-chromosome variants that exist in the human population (AAV, AAI, PVI, PAI, AVV, PVV) could have arisen. 5. Why are there some students in which genotype and phenotype does not match? a) genotypically predicted homozygous AVI (non-taster) that do smell PTC. b) genotypically predicted homozygous or heterozygous PAV (taster) that do not smell PTC. 14 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner B) Recombinant DNA technology _ Experiment 2. Isolation of pB30 plasmid DNA B) Recombinant DNA Technology Recombinant DNA technology is a set of molecular techniques for locating, isolating, altering, and studying DNA segments. The term “recombinant” is used because, frequently, the goal is to combine DNA from two distinct sources: e.g. a gene from Drosophila, C. elegans, mouse or human might be inserted into a bacterial or viral vector. A first step in the molecular analysis of a DNA segment or gene is to isolate it from the genome and to make many copies of it so that further analyses can be carried out. One way to amplify a specific piece of DNA is to place the fragment in a bacterial cell and allow the cell to replicate the DNA. This procedure is termed gene cloning because identical copies (clones) of the original piece of DNA are produced. Overview of gene cloning: a) Isolation of DNA fragment from any organsim b) Insert DNA fragment into DNA vector (e.g. plasmid) → recombinant DNA molecule c) Introduce recombinant DNA molecule into bacteria (= transformation) d) Detection of bacteria that contain a recombinant DNA molecule e) Further growth of bacteria with recombinant plasmid → amplification of rec. plasmid f) Isolation of recombinant DNA plasmids from bacteria → Experiment 2 g) Test of recombiant DNA plasmid, e.g.: - inserted fragment is DNA segment of interest? → Experiment 3 - orientation of inserted fragment in plasmid? - etc. see also: • Griffiths 10ed, international; chapter 11.2, Fig. 11-7, -8, -9 • Griffiths 11ed; chapter 10.2, Fig. 10-7, -8, -9 • lectures L21 and L22 (Prof. Hengartner) 2. Isolation of pB30 plasmid DNA 2.1. Introduction Many purposes in molecular biology (such as cloning) require the amplification of plasmid DNA. The first step in amplifying DNA is to introduce the plasmid into bacteria (e.g. Escherichia coli). Amplification of plasmid DNA is achieved by growing bacterial cells containing the plasmid in liquid cultures to obtain large numbers of cells. From these cells, the plasmid DNA can be separated from the bacterial chromosomal DNA and selectively isolated. In this experiment, E. coli cells have been transformed with the plasmid pBE30 that contains the C. elegans ced-9 cDNA, and the Ampicillin resistance gene. 2.1.1. General Principle of Plasmid DNA Isolation The first step is to culture the E.coli cells and then separate the cells from the culture. This is done by centrifugation. The cells are then re-suspended in a re-suspension buffer (= buffer P1) to enable further processing. The re-suspension buffer has a more or less neutral pH (pH = 8.0). It contains EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), which chelates divalent metal ions like Mg2+ and Ca2+, thereby rendering DNases inactive. DNA cannot be degraded and remains intact. 15 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner B) Recombinant DNA technology _ Experiment 2. Isolation of pB30 plasmid DNA The next step is the disruption of the plasma membrane to release the DNA out of the cells. This is achieved by using the lysis buffer (= buffer P2) that contains a detergent like SDS (sodium dodecyl sulphate) that disrupts the plasma membrane. The lysis buffer also contains sodium hydroxide (NaOH), which makes the lysis buffer strongly basic with a pH of 12.0 – 13.0. Because this is a huge contrast to the normal physiological pH, proteins and DNA denature, cannot be solute any more and precipitate. In denatured DNA (both chromosomal and plasmid DNA), the two strands get separated from each other (in plasmid DNA the two separated single stranded DNA molecules remain interlocked). In the next step the plasmid DNA has to be re-natured and separated from the bacterial chromosomal DNA. The lysate is neutralized by addition of acidic potassium acetate (buffer P3). The high salt concentration leads to co-precipitation of denatured proteins, chromosomal DNA and cellular debris. In this step, the pH is lowered again reaching physiological conditions. The plasmids are able to renature first, because they are small and the two DNA strands find each other with a much higher probability than the ones of the big chromosome. If the renaturising step is kept short, only the plasmids are able to build double helices and solute again. The chromosomal DNA and the proteins stay precipitated. They can be separated from the plasmids by centrifugation. (The white fluffy material on the bottom of the tube after centrifugation are the precipitated proteins, DNA and other cell components.) The plasmid DNA is dissoved in the clear supernatant. Finally, the plasmid DNA has to be taken out of this salty solution. This can be done in two ways: a) the classical method: adding isopropanol (an anti-solvent) to the solution. DNA is less soluble in isopropanol than in water and therefore will precipitate after centrifugation. The pelleted plasmid DNA is washed with ethanol and then dissolved in TE buffer. The EDTA in the buffer prevents plasmid DNA from degradation and RNase could be added to remove any RNA contamination. b) using spin column: Plasmid DNA is first bound to silica-based membranes on the spin column, washed with high salt buffers containing ethanol and finally released (eluted) from the membrane with low salt, neutral pH buffers, like TE buffer. 2.2. Goal of the experiment In this experiment we will isolate DNA from a bacterial liquid culture. The bacteria contain the plasmid pB30 with the inserted C. elegans ced-9 cDNA. This isolated plasmid will then be used further in experiment 3 to establish a restriction map and to draw conclusions about the inserted DNA fragment. 16 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner B) Recombinant DNA technology _ Experiment 2. Isolation of pB30 plasmid DNA 2.3. Protocol: Plasmid Miniprep Kit Plasmid DNA is isolated from E.coli bacteria by a modified alkaline lysis method, according to the protocol provided by ZYMO RESEARCH (ZR Plasmid MiniprepTM – Classic). Each student will isolate plasmid DNA from 1ml of a freshly grown bacterial culture. Reagents • Bacterial culture of E. coli. Bacteria carry the pB30 plasmid with inserted C. elegans ced-9 cDNA. Aliquots of 8-10ml are prepared. • Buffer P1 (red) = Re-suspension buffer (stored at RT) neutral pH trade secret; contains glucose, Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, chelating agent) • Buffer P2 (blue) = Lysis buffer (stored at room temperature) basic (alkaline) solution (high pH) trade secret; contains NaOH (alkali: denatures DNA and proteins), SDS (sodium dodecyl sulphate, a detergent: solubilizes the phospholipids and protein components of the cell membrane, leading to lysis of the cell membrane), pH 12.0 – 13.0 • Buffer P3 (yellow) = Neutralizing buffer (stored at 4°C) acidic solution (low pH) trade secret; contains potassium chloride and guanidinium chloride (= chaotropic reagent) (Converts soluble SDS into PDS, decreases alkalinity of mixture and allows renaturation of DNA) • Wash buffer-1 (stored at RT) trade secret; contains guanidinium chloride, isopropanol high salt, alcohol • Wash buffer-2 (stored at RT) trade secret; contains Tris-HCl and ethanol high salt • Elution buffer = TE buffer (stored at RT) 10mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.5, 0.1mM EDTA neutral pH, low salt • During all centrifugation steps: a) Balance tubes and b) put hinge of the tube towards top/outside of the centrifuge, so that you know where the pellet will be !! • Keep buffer P3 (yellow colour) always on ice! STEP-1: Separation of plasmid DNA from other cell components and genomic DNA 1. Transfer 1ml of a freshly grown bacterial culture to an Eppendorf tube. Label the tube with your seat number. 2. Spin down the bacterial cells by centrifugation at max. speed for 1 min. 3. Decant the supernatant completely, shake out remaining drops. NDo NOT disturb pellet! 4. Add 200µl of red P1 buffer (= re-suspension buffer). Disperse the pellet completely in the liquid by vortexing. Make sure there aren’t any little lumps visible. Ê This step leads to resuspension of the cells so that they are evenly distributed in the buffer. IMPORTANT for steps 5 and 6: the given (short) reaction times shouldn’t be exceeded → one person (student or assistant) should pipet the two steps for all the group samples: 5. Add 200µl of blue P2 buffer (= lysis buffer) and mix gently by inverting the tube 6-8 times. NDo NOT vortex! Let the tube stand at room temperature for 1min. NDo not exceed 1 min! Ê This step lyses the cells: the plasma membrane will get disrupted and the contents of the bacterial cells leak out giving the solution a viscous (purple) and less opaque appearance. The alkali denatures DNA and proteins. 6. Add 400µl of yellow P3 buffer (= neutralizing buffer; on ice) and mix by gently inverting the tube until the solution turns entirely yellow, about 6-8 times. NDo NOT vortex! The solution will get cloudy. Let the tube stand for 1 min. NDo not exceed 1 min! Ê Chromosomal genomic DNA, denatured proteins, lipids and cell debris will stick together. Small plasmid DNA gets renatured (→ selective part of the procedure) 17 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner B) Recombinant DNA technology _ Experiment 2. Isolation of pB30 plasmid DNA The following steps can be done again individually by the group members: 7. Centrifuge for 2 min at maximum speed. Ê Chromosomal genomic DNA, denatured proteins, lipids and cell debris will form a fluffy white precipitate. The plasmid DNA is in the yellow supernatant, that you are going to clean up in step-2. STEP-2: Cleaning and concentration of plasmid DNA 8. While the centrifuge is running, insert a spin column in a collection tube without touching the outlet of the spin column. Label the spin column with your seat number. 9. Pipet the yellow, clear supernatant (approx. 800-900µl) to the spin column. NMake sure not to disturb or transfer any of the precipitated cell debris and proteins that form a fluffy pellet at the bottom of the tube! 10. Centrifuge the column-collection tube assembly for 30 sec at full speed. 11. Disassemble column and collection tube and discard the flow-through in the collection tube. NMake sure the flow-through does not touch the bottom of the column. Return the spin column to the collection tube. Ê The plasmid DNA is bound to the white silica-based membrane on the spin column. 12. Add 200µl of Wash Buffer-1 to the spin column and centrifuge for 30sec at full speed. Ê The plasmid DNA bound to the to silica-based membrane is washed with high salt buffers containing alcohol. Plasmid DNA is not soluble in high salt-alcohol solutions and stays bound to the membrane. Proteins, cell debris, etc. are washed away from the membrane. 13. Add 400µl of Wash Buffer-2 to the spin column and centrifuge for 1min at full speed. 14. Transfer the spin column into a clean Eppendorf tube, labelled with your seat number. 15. Add 30µl of Elution Buffer directly in the middle of the membrane at the bottom of the column. NDo NOT touch the membrane with the tip of your pipet! It is important to pipet the buffer in the center of the membrane in order to elute enough DNA! Ê This step will release the bound plasmid DNA from the membrane by adding low salt (watery), neutral pH elution buffer. 16. Centrifuge for 30 sec at full speed. 17. Discard spin column, close Eppendorf tube. 18. Store the Eppendorf tube with the plasmid DNA at room temperature. ® Use 2µl to determine the concentration and purity of the isolated plasmid DNA (see below: 2.4. Quantification of isolated DNA) ® Afterwards, hand in your properly labeled tube (seat number) to your assistant. You will get it back in the next course (course-5). 18 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner B) Recombinant DNA technology _ Experiment 2. Isolation of pB30 plasmid DNA 2.4. Quantification of the isolated DNA We will determine the concentration and purity of the isolated plasmid DNA by ultraviolet absorbance spectrophotometry using the NanoDrop spectrophotometer. The NanoDrop is a cuvette free spectrophotometer, which requires a sample size of only 1 µl, and calculates automatically the concentration of the sample (see example picture below). 2.4.1. DNA concentration DNA absorbs UV light with a maximum absorbance of 260nm. All 4 bases contribute to the absorbance. An absorbance(A260) of 1.0 corresponds to 50µg of double stranded DNA/ml. ® A260, 1 unit ≈ 50µg/ml (equal to 50ng/µl) x 50 ng/µl ratios 260/280 (and 260/230) to determine the purity of the sample = DNA concentration in sample 2.4.2. Purity of DNA In most DNA preparations, one step is the separation of DNA from protein. Carryover protein during a DNA prep could lead to problems with subsequent operations, such as cutting with a restriction endonuclease. The most commonly used assay is the A260/A280 ratio. Ratio 260/280 The ratio of absorbance at 260nm and 280nm is used to assess the purity of DNA and RNA. As a "rule of thumb": A ratio of ~1.8 is generally accepted as “pure” for DNA; a ratio of ~2.0 is generally accepted as “pure” for RNA (RNA will typically have a higher 260/280 ratio due to the higher ratio of Uracil compared to that of Thymine). If the ratio is appreciably lower in either case, it may indicate the presence of protein, phenol or other contaminants that absorb strongly at or near 280 nm. A260/A280 = 1.6 – 2.0 ® pure DNA sample A260/A280 < 1.6 ® residual proteins and other contaminants A260/A280 > 2.0 ® residual RNA, degraded DNA 19 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner B) Recombinant DNA technology _ Experiment 2. Isolation of pB30 plasmid DNA 2.4.3. Concentration and purity of “your” DNA sample Note the concentration and purity of the plasmid DNA you have isolated, using the NanoDrop spectrophotometer: Concentration of plasmid DNA in your sample: ………………………………………………………….………….. Purity of your plasmid DNA sample: A260/A280 ratio = …………………………………………………….…… 2.5. Questions 1. Why does the re-suspension buffer (buffer P1) contain glucose and EDTA? 2. Why does the lysis buffer (buffer P2) contain sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and the detergent sodium dodecyl (lauryl) sulfate (SDS)? 3. How does adding neutralizing buffer (buffer P3) help to separate the plasmid DNA from the bacterial genomic DNA? 20 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner B) Recombinant DNA technology _ Experiment 2. Isolation of pB30 plasmid DNA 4. The elution buffer contains low salt Tris-buffer (≈pH 8) and EDTA. Why is the elution buffer made of this two components? 5. In some protocols, RNase is added after elution of the plasmid DNA. Why? What advantage could the addition of RNase have? 21 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner B) Recombinant DNA technology _ Experiment 3. Restriction analysis of plasmid pB30 3. Restriction analysis of plasmid pB30 3.1. Introduction 3.1.1. Plasmid vectors In medical terminology, a vector is an organism that carries a pathogen from one host organism to another. In molecular biology, a vector is a DNA molecule that is used as a vehicle to carry foreign DNA sequences into a host cell. Plasmids are the simplest bacterial vectors. Ranging in length from 1’000 to 200’000 bp, they are circular DNA molecules that exist separately from the main bacterial chromosome. For a plasmid to be propagated through successive bacterial generations, the plasmid vector must contain a specific DNA sequence, called the origin of replication (ori), which allows it to be replicated within the host cell. E. coli DNA polymerase and other proteins required to initiate DNA synthesis bind to the ori. Plasmids can be divided into two broad groups, according to how tightly their replication is regulated. Plasmids under ‘stringent control’ replicate once per cell division, along with the bacterial chromosome. ‘Relaxed’ plasmids replicate their DNA autonomously throughout the cell cycle of the bacteria and accumulate in up to hundreds of copies per cell. Relaxed plasmids are therefore useful for amplification of large amounts of cloned DNA. The plasmid pBluescript II SK (+) is an example of this latter class of plasmids. The plasmids routinely used as vectors carry a gene for drug resistance and a gene to distinguish plasmids with and without DNA inserts: a) These drug-resistance genes (e. g. antibiotic resistance sequence to ampicillin) provide a convenient way to select for bacterial cells transformed by plasmids: those cells still alive after exposure to the drug must carry the plasmid vectors. b) However, not all the plasmids in these transformed cells will contain DNA inserts. For this reason, it is desirable to be able to identify bacterial colonies with plasmids containing DNA inserts. DNA inserts disrupt a gene (lacZ) in the plasmid that encodes an enzyme (βgalactosidase) necessary to cleave a compound added to the agar (X-gal) so that it produces a blue pigment. Thus, the colonies that contain the plasmids with the DNA insert will be white rather than blue, since they cannot cleave X-gal because they do not produce β-galactosidase. 3.1.2. Restriction endonucleases Restriction endonucleases are possibly the most powerful tools in biotechnology. They allow scientists to precisely cut DNA in a predictable and reproducible manner. They are components of the restriction-modification systems that bacteria developed to protect themselves from viral infections. From the three classes of restriction endonucleases, type II enzymes are ideal as tools for manipulating DNA for several reasons: (i) they contain only restriction activities, but no modification activity; (ii) they cut in a predictable and consistent manner, either within or right next to their recognition sequence; (iii) they require only Mg++ as a cofactor, ATP is not needed. The names for restriction endonucleases reflect their origin: EcoR I: E = genus (Escherichia) co = species (coli) R = strain RY13 I = first endonuclease identified in E. coli 22 23 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner B) Recombinant DNA technology _ Experiment 3. Restriction analysis of plasmid pB30 Type II restriction endonucleases recognize sequences that are generally four to eight nucleotides in length, and are usually palindromic - that is, they have the same sequence (read 5' > 3') on both (complementary) strands. EcoR I acts as a homodimer: Two EcoR I molecules align at the recognition site in opposite orientation on the DNA and work by accessing the bases on the inside of the DNA molecule. Specific amino acids within the EcoR I enzyme form hydrogen bonds with the DNA recognition sequence, GAATTC. Once bound, other residues within the enzyme catalyze a hydrolysis reaction that uses water to break the phosphodiester linkage on each strand of the DNA helix within the recognition sequence. The DNA molecule is cut in two, with a phosphate group at the 5’ end and a hydroxyl group at the 3’ end. By working as a dimer, the enzyme is able to cut the DNA simultaneously on both strands. The Figure (Fig. 1) below shows the graphical map of the plasmid pB30. Into this plasmid the C. elegans ced-9 cDNA containing 5’ and 3’ upstream sequences (UTRs) has been integrated. Ced-9 is a gene that prevents programmed cell death in the nematode C. elegans [1, 2, 3, 7]. The ced-9 cDNA has been inserted into the plasmid as an EcoRI fragment: The plasmid as well as the ced-9 fragment have been cut by the EcoRI restriction enzyme and then the ends have been ligated. The pB30 plasmid with the integrated ced-9 insert at the EcoRI site has a length of 4254bp. The DNA sequence of the plasmid is depicted in Figure 3 (next page). Fig. 1 The pB30 plasmid contains a multiple cloning site (MCS; containing many restriction sites but only the one for EcoRI is shown), an antibiotic resistance sequence to ampicillin (AmpR) an E.coli origin of replication (ori) and a lacZ gene. The multiple cloning site sequence (MCS) is located within the LacZ gene, that encodes the β-galactosidase enzyme necessary to cleave the compound X-gal. If no insert is present in the MCS, the enzyme is produced and cleaves X-gal, converting it into a blue dye (--> bacterial colonies on the agar plate turn blue). If the LacZ gene is disrupted by successful insertion of a DNA sequence, X-gal can no longer be cleaved and the bacteria exhibit a white color (Fig. 2). Fig. 2, blue-white selection for bacteria with insert 24 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner B) Recombinant DNA technology _ Experiment 3. Restriction analysis of plasmid pB30 Figure 3: DNA sequence of the pB30 plasmid with inserted ced-9 cDNA 1 CACCTGACGC GTGGACTGCG 61 TGACCGCTAC ACTGGCGATG 121 TCGCCACGTT AGCGGTGCAA 181 GATTTAGTGC CTAAATCACG 241 GTGGGCCATC CACCCGGTAG 301 ATAGTGGACT TATCACCTGA 361 ATTTATAAGG TAAATATTCC 421 AATTTAACGC TTAAATTGCG 481 GCGCAACTGT CGCGTTGACA 541 AGGGGGATGT TCCCCCTACA 601 TTGTAAAACG AACATTTTGC 661 GCCCCCCCTC CGGGGGGGAG 721 ACGCTGCACG TGCGACGTGC 781 TGGCGAGATG ACCGCTCTAC 841 TAGTGATGCT ATCACTACGA 901 CGGAGAGTCA GCCTCTCAGT 961 ATTTGTGGTC TAAACACCAG 1021 ACCGGGATTG TGGCCCTAAC 1081 ATTCGAGAAG TAAGCTCTTC 1141 CAGAATCTCA GTCTTAGAGT 1201 TCAATGTCCA AGTTACAGGT 1261 TGCAAAAATG ACGTTTTTAC 1321 ATCGCTGTTC TAGCGACAAG 1381 CGACTTCATG GCTGAAGTAC 1441 AGTGGGACGC TCACCCTGCG 1501 AGCCATTGGA TCGGTAACCT GCCCTGTAGC CGGGACATCG ACTTGCCAGC TGAACGGTCG CGCCGGCTTT GCGGCCGAAA TTTACGGCAC AAATGCCGTG GCCCTGATAG CGGGACTATC CTTGTTCCAA GAACAAGGTT GATTTTGCCG CTAAAACGGC GAATTTTAAC CTTAAAATTG TGGGAAGGGC ACCCTTCCCG GCTGCAAGGC CGACGTTCCG ACGGCCAGTG TGCCGGTCAC GAGGTCGACG CTCCAGCTGC GCGGACAACT CGCCTGTTGA AAGGAGTTTC TTCCTCAAAG CAGGACTTGC GTCCTGAACG ATTGATGGAA TAACTACCTT GACTATTTCA CTGATAAAGT CCGTGTGGAG GGCACACCTC AAGCACGCGG TTCGTGCGCC TTTTCACTGT AAAAGTGACA ATGTCTTATG TACAGAATAC ATGGAATCCG TACCTTAGGC ATCAAAACGC TAGTTTTGCG ACACTCGGAA TGTGAGCCTT CGGAAGCAGA GCCTTCGTCT ATCGTTGGAG TAGCAACCTC GGCGCATTAA CCGCGTAATT GCCCTAGCGC CGGGATCGCG CCCCGTCAAG GGGGCAGTTC CTCGACCCCA GAGCTGGGGT ACGGTTTTTC TGCCAAAAAG ACTGGAACAA TGACCTTGTT ATTTCGGCCT TAAAGCCGGA AAAATATTAA TTTTATAATT GATCGGTGCG CTAGCCACGC GATTAAGTTG CTAATTCAAC AATTGTAATA TTAACATTAT GTATCGATAA CATAGCTATT CGCTGACGAA GCGACTGCTT TGGGGATAAA ACCCCTATTT CATCACCGAG GTAGTGGCTC AAATCAATGA TTTAGTTACT CGCACCGAAT GCGTGGCTTA TGCAACCGGA ACGTTGGCCT AAAATTTTGA TTTTAAAACT ATCAGGATGT TAGTCCTACA GACGTTTGAT CTGCAAACTA TGGAACTGCA ACCTTGACGT GGATCCGCAA CCTAGGCGTT AACAAATGAA TTGTTTACTT ACAGACGGTG TGTCTGCCAC TCGTCGTGTG AGCAGCACAC GCGCGGCGGG CGCGCCGCCC CCGCTCCTTT GGCGAGGAAA CTCTAAATCG GAGATTTAGC AAAAACTTGA TTTTTGAACT GCCCTTTGAC CGGGAAACTG CACTCAACCC GTGAGTTGGG ATTGGTTAAA TAACCAATTT CGCTTACAAT GCGAATGTTA GGCCTCTTCG CCGGAGAAGC GGTAACGCCA CCATTGCGGT CGACTCACTA GCTGAGTGAT GCTTGATATC CGAACTATAG TCCGGCGTAT AGGCCGCATA AGGCACAGAG TCCGTGTCTC TAGGCAGGCT ATCCGTCCGA TTGGGAAGAG AACCCTTCTC CCGGCAAAAC GGCCGTTTTG GCACGAAATG CGTGCTTTAC GACCTTCTGT CTGGAAGACA GGTTCGGACG CCAAGCCTGC AGGTCTAATC TCCAGATTAG GGGACAAGTG CCCTGTTCAC CAACTGGAAG GTTGACCTTC AGAGGACTAC TCTCCTGATG GTCGATGATT CAGCTACTAA TGGGCGGATG ACCCGCCTAC TGTGGTGGTT ACACCACCAA CGCTTTCTTC GCGAAAGAAG GGGGCTCCCT CCCCGAGGGA TTAGGGTGAT AATCCCACTA GTTGGAGTCC CAACCTCAGG TATCTCGGTC ATAGAGCCAG AAATGAGCTG TTTACTCGAC TTCCATTCGC AAGGTAAGCG CTATTACGCC GATAATGCGG GGGTTTTCCC CCCAAAAGGG TAGGGCGAAT ATCCCGCTTA GAATTCCGGT CTTAAGGCCA CGGCGACGAA GCCGCTGCTT CCCACCGATT GGGTGGCTAA TCGACGCGAA AGCTGCGCTT CCAAGGCTTG GGTTCCGAAC GGAATGGAAT CCTTACCTTA ATGCGAGTTA TACGCTCAAT GAGCAGCTGC CTCGTCGACG GTTGGAAATG CAACCTTTAC TCGTTCGGCG AGCAAGCCGC CGAAACCTCT GCTTTGGAGA GAACACAATC CTTGTGTTAG GAACGAGCAG CTTGCTCGTC GGCGCTGGAG CCGCGACCTC ATGTTCAGCT TACAAGTCGA ACGCGCAGCG TGCGCGTCGC CCTTCCTTTC GGAAGGAAAG TTAGGGTTCC AATCCCAAGG GGTTCACGTA CCAAGTGCAT ACGTTCTTTA TGCAAGAAAT TATTCTTTTG ATAAGAAAAC ATTTAACAAA TAAATTGTTT CATTCAGGCT GTAAGTCCGA AGCTGGCGAA TCGACCGCTT AGTCACGACG TCAGTGCTGC TGGGTACCGG ACCCATGGCC TTGAGATGAC AACTCTACTG CGATGGCGAC GCTACCGCTG TTGGAATCAA AACCTTAGTT GAATGTCCAT CTTACAGGTA ATATCGAGGG TATAGCTCCC GGTTTGGAGC CCAAACCTCG TGGGAACGAT ACCCTTGCTA TCGCAGTGCC AGCGTCACGG CACAGACAGA GTGTCTGTCT GTTTCGTAGC CAAAGCATCG TCGTTTACAC AGCAAATGTG GGAGCTGGGA CCTCGACCCT AAGCTGAAAA TTCGACTTTT TAACAGCTGG ATTGTCGACC TGAAGTAACG ACTTCATTGC Ori PvuI lacZ EcoRI ced9 25 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner B) Recombinant DNA technology _ Experiment 3. Restriction analysis of plasmid pB30 1561 TATTCAATTT ATAAGTTAAA 1621 GCTCACTGAT CGAGTGACTA 1681 GGCTCTCTGT CCGAGAGACA 1741 CAAACCCTAC GTTTGGGATG 1801 TGAAACCCTA ACTTTGGGAT 1861 TACCCCTGTA ATGGGGACAT 1921 TACGCGTACG ATGCGCATGC 1981 AAAACGGTTC TTTTGCCAAG 2041 GAGCGGCCGC CTCGCCGGCG 2101 AGCTTGGCGT TCGAACCGCA 2161 CCACACAACA GGTGTGTTGT 2221 TAACTCACAT ATTGAGTGTA 2281 CAGCTGCATT GTCGACGTAA 2341 GCGAGTGACT CGCTCACTGA 2401 AGGCGGTAAT TCCGCCATTA 2461 AAGGCCAGCA TTCCGGTCGT 2521 TCCGCCCCCC AGGCGGGGGG 2581 CAGGACTATA GTCCTGATAT 2641 CGACCCTGCC GCTGGGACGG 2721 CTCATAGCTC GAGTATCGAG 2841 GTGTGCACGA CACACGTGCT 2801 AGTCCAACCC TCAGGTTGGG 2861 GCAGAGCGAG CGTCTCGCTC 2941 ACACTAGAAG TGTGATCTTC 3001 GAGTTGGTAG CTCAACCATC 3061 GCAAGCAGCA CGTTCGTCGT GTGTAAATAA CACATTTATT TCTCTCATCC AGAGAGTAGG GTCGATTTAC CAGCTAAATG TTCCGCGTAA AAGGCGCATT ACTTTTCTCG TGAAAAGAGC TCTCAATAAT AGAGTTATTA CGACTTTGTA GCTGAAACAT AAAAAAAAAA TTTTTTTTTT CACCGCGGTG GTGGCGCCAC AATCATGGTC TTAGTACCAG TACGAGCCGG ATGCTCGGCC TAATTGCGTT ATTAACGCAA AATGAATCGG TTACTTAGCC GAGCGACGCG CTCGCTGCGC ACGGTTATCC TGCCAATAGG AAAGGCCAGG TTTCCGGTCC TGACGAGCAT ACTGCTCGTA AAGATACCAG TTCTATGGTC GCTTACCGGA CGAATGGCCT ACGCTGTAGG TGCGACATCC ACCCCCCGTT TGGGGGGCAA GGTAAGACAC CCATTCTGTG GTATGTAGGC CATACATCCG GACAGTATTT CTGTCATAAA CTCTTGATCC GAGAACTAGG GATTACGCGC CTAATGCGCG TTAATTTATG AATTAAATAC TTTGAACTGG AAACTTGACC GATTTTACTG CTAAAATGAC TATCAACTTT ATAGTTGAAA CCGTGGCCTA GGCACCGGAT TCATCTTCAC AGTAGAAGTG TTTATTTTTT AAATAAAAAA AAAACGGAAT TTTTGCCTTA GAGCTCCAGC CTCGAGGTCG ATAGCTGTTT TATCGACAAA AAGCATAAAG TTCGTATTTC GCGCTCACTG CGCGAGTGAC CCAACGCGCG GGTTGCGCGC AGCCAGCAAG TCGGTCGTTC ACAGAATCAG TGTCTTAGTC AACCGTAAAA TTGGCATTTT CACAAAAATC GTGTTTTTAG GCGTTTCCCC CGCAAAGGGG TACCTGTCCG ATGGACAGGC TATCTCAGTT ATAGAGTCAA CAGCCCGACC GTCGGGCTGG GACTTATCGC CTGAATAGCG GGTGCTACAG CCACGATGTC GGTATCTGCG CCATAGACGC GGCAAACAAA CCGTTTGTTT AGAAAAAAAG TCTTTTTTTC TACAACTCCT ATGTTGAGGA AAGAAGTGGG TTCTTCACCC CAATTTTTTC GTTAAAAAAG TCCGTGTTCT AGGCACAAGA GCCTCCCGCT CGGAGGGCGA TTTAACTGTC AAATTGACAG TCAAATTGTT AGTTTAACAA TCCTGCAGCC AGGACGTCGG TTTTGTTCCC AAAACAAGGG CCTGTGTGAA GGACACACTT TGTAAAGCCT ACATTTCGGA CCCGCTTTCC GGGCGAAAGG GGGAGAGGCG CCCTCTCCGC GGCTGCGGCG CCGACGCCGC GGGATAACGC CCCTATTGCG AGGCCGCGTT TCCGGCGCAA GACGCTCAAG CTGCGAGTTC CTGGAAGCTC GACCTTCGAG CCTTTCTCCC GGAAAGAGGG CGGTGTAGGT GCCACATCCA GCTGCGCCTT CGACGCGGAA CACTGGCAGC GTGACCGTCG AGTTCTTGAA TCAAGAACTT CTCTGCTGAA GAGACGACTT CCACCGCTGG GGTGGCGACC GATCTCAAGA CTAGAGTTCT TACATTTGAA ATGTAAACTT AAAGCTAGGC TTTCGATCCG CGATTGCCTT GCTAACGGAA GTACATTTCG CATGTAAAGC TCTCTTCCAC AGAGAAGGTG TCTTTTCGTG AGAAAAGCAC TTCTCTCTAC AAGAGAGATG CGGGGGATCC GCCCCCTAGG TTTAGTGAGG AAATCACTCC ATTGTTATCC TAACAATAGG GGGGTGCCTA CCCCACGGAT AGTCGGGAAA TCAGCCCTTT GTTTGCGTAT CAAACGCATA AGCGGTATCA TCGCCATAGT AGGAAAGAAC TCCTTTCTTG GCTGGCGTTT CGACCGCAAA TCAGAGGTGG AGTCTCCACC CCTCGTGCGC GGAGCACGCG TTCGGGAAGC AAGCCCTTCG CGTTCGCTCC GCAAGCGAGG ATCCGGTAAC TAGGCCATTG AGCCACTGGT TCGGTGACCA GTGGTGGCCT CACCACCGGA GCCAGTTACC CGGTCAATGG TAGCGGTGGT ATCGCCACCA AGATCCTTTG TCTAGGAAAC TCTCATTTTK AGAGTAAAAM CACAAATTAC GTGTTTAATG TTTTTTTGGC AAAAAAACCG TCAAAAACCC AGTTTTTGGG ATTTCCAAAG TAAAGGTTTC TGGCCTCTTC ACCGGAGAAG AACAACAAAA TTGTTGTTTT ACTAGTTCTA TGATCAAGAT GTTAATTTCG CAATTAAAGC GCTCACAATT CGAGTGTTAA ATGAGTGAGC TACTCACTCG CCTGTCGTGC GGACAGCACG TGGGCGCTCT ACCCGCGAGA GCTCACTCAA CGAGTGAGTT ATGTGAGCAA TACACTCGTT TTCCATAGGC AAGGTATCCG CGAAACCCGA GCTTTGGGCT TCTCCTGTTC AGAGGACAAG GTGGCGCTTT CACCGCGAAA AAGCTGGGCT TTCGACCCGA TATCGTCTTG ATAGCAGAAC AACAGGATTA TTGTCCTAAT AACTACGGCT TTGATGCCGA TTCGGAAAAA AAGCCTTTTT TTTTTTGTTT AAAAAACAAA ATCTTTTCTA TAGAAAAGAT ced9 MscI EcoRI lacZ prom BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner B) Recombinant DNA technology _ Experiment 3. Restriction analysis of plasmid pB30 3121 CGGGGTCTGA GCCCCAGACT 3181 CAAAAAGGAT GTTTTTCCTA 3241 GTATATATGA CATATATACT 3301 CAGCGATCTG GTCGCTAGAC 3361 CGATACGGGA GCTATGCCCT 3421 CACCGGCTCC GTGGCCGAGG 3501 GTCCTGCAAC CAGGACGTTG 3561 GTAGTTCGCC CATCAAGCGG 3621 CACGCTCGTC GTGCGAGCAG 3681 CATGATCCCC GTACTAGGGG 3741 GAAGTAAGTT CTTCATTCAA 3801 CTGTCATGCC GACAGTACGG 3861 GAGAATAGTG CTCTTATCAC 3921 CGCCACATAG GCGGTGTATC 3981 TCTCAAGGAT AGAGTTCCTA 4041 GATCTTCAGC CTAGAAGTCG 4101 ATGCCGCAAA TACGGCGTTT 4161 TTCAATATTA AAGTTATAAT 4201 GTATTTAGAA CATAAATCTT CGCTCAGTGG GCGAGTCACC CTTCACCTAG GAAGTGGATC GTAAACTTGG CATTTGAACC TCTATTTCGT AGATAAAGCA GGGCTTACCA CCCGAATGGT AGATTTATCA TCTAAATAGT TTTATCCGCC AAATAGGCGG AGTTAATAGT TCAATTATCA GTTTGGTATG CAAACCATAC CATGTTGTGC GTACAACACG GGCCGCAGTG CCGGCGTCAC ATCCGTAAGA TAGGCATTCT TATGCGGCGA ATACGCCGCT CAGAACTTTA GTCTTGAAAT CTTACCGCTG GAATGGCGAC ATCTTTTACT TAGAAAATGA AAAGGGAATA TTTCCCTTAT TTGAAGCATT AACTTCGTAA AAATAAACAA TTTATTTGTT AACGAAAACT TTGCTTTTGA ATCCTTTTAA TAGGAAAATT TCTGACAGTT AGACTGTCAA TCATCCATAG AGTAGGTATC TCTGGCCCCA AGACCGGGGT GCAATAAACC CGTTATTTGG TCCATCCAGT AGGTAGGTCA TTGCGCAACG AACGCGTTGC GCTTCATTCA CGAAGTAAGT AAAAAAGCGG TTTTTTCGCC TTATCACTCA AATAGTGAGT TGCTTTTCTG ACGAAAAGAC CCGAGTTGCT GGCTCAACGA AAAGTGCTCA TTTCACGAGT TTGAGATCCA AACTCTAGGT TTCACCAGCG AAGTGGTCGC AGGGCGACAC TCCCGCTGTG TATCAGGGTT ATAGTCCCAA ATAGGGGTTC TATCCCCAAG CACGTTAAGG GTGCAATTCC ATTAAAAATG TAATTTTTAC ACCAATGCTT TGGTTACGAA TTGCCTGACT AACGGACTGA GTGCTGCAAT CACGACGTTA AGCCAGCCGG TCGGTCGGCC CTATTAATTG GATAATTAAC TTGTTGCCAT AACAACGGTA GCTCCGGTTC CGAGGCCAAG TTAGCTCCTT AATCGAGGAA TGGTTATGGC ACCAATACCG TGACTGGTGA ACTGACCACT CTTGCCCGGC GAACGGGCCG TCATTGGAAA AGTAACCTTT GTTCGATGTA CAAGCTACAT TTTCTGGGTG AAAGACCCAC GGAAATGTTG CCTTTACAAC ATTGTCTCAT TAACAGAGTA CGCGCACATT GCGCGTGTAA GATTTTGGTC CTAAAACCAG AAGTTTTAAA TTCAAAATTT AATCAGTGAG TTAGTCACTC CCCCGTCGTG GGGGCAGCAC GATACCGCGA CTATGGCGCT AAGGGCCGAG TTCCCGGCTC TTGCCGGGAA AACGGCCCTT TGCTACAGGC ACGATGTCCG CCAACGATCA GGTTGCTAGT CGGTCCTCCG GCCAGGAGGC AGCACTGCAT TCGTGACGTA GTACTCAACC CATGAGTTGG GTCAATACGG CAGTTATGCC ACGTTCTTCG TGCAAGAAGC ACCCACTCGT TGGGTGAGCA AGCAAAAACA TCGTTTTTGT AATACTCATA TTATGAGTAT GAGCGGATAC CTCGCCTATG TCCCCGAAAA AGGGGCTTTT ATGAGATTAT TACTCTAATA TCAATCTAAA AGTTAGATTT GCACCTATCT CGTGGATAGA TAGATAACTA AmpR ATCTATTGAT GACCCACGCT CTGGGTGCGA CGCAGAAGTG GCGTCTTCAC GCTAGAGTAA CGATCTCATT ATCGTGGTGT TAGCACCACA AGGCGAGTTA TCCGCTCAAT ATCGTTGTCA PvuI TAGCAACAGT AATTCTCTTA TTAAGAGAAT AAGTCATTCT TTCAGTAAGA GATAATACCG CTATTATGGC GGGCGAAAAC CCCGCTTTTG GCACCCAACT CGTGGGTTGA GGAAGGCAAA CCTTCCGTTT CTCTTCCTTT GAGAAGGAAA ATATTTGAAT TATAAACTTA GTGC CACG 26 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner B) Recombinant DNA technology _ Experiment 3. Restriction analysis of plasmid pB30 3.1.3. Agarose gel electrophoresis DNA fragments of different sizes, such as PCR fragments or fragments resulting from digestion with restriction endonucleases, can be separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. This method takes advantage of the fact that DNA is negatively charged. When placed in an electric field, DNA molecules are attracted by the positive pole (anode), and repelled by the negative pole (cathode). During electrophoresis, DNA fragments migrate at different rates through the agarose gel. The gel matrix acts as a molecular sieve through which smaller molecules can move more easily (rapidly) than larger ones. Thus, agarose gel electrophoresis will sort DNA fragments according to their size. An agarose matrix can efficiently separate DNA fragments ranging in size from 100 bp to more than 50 kb. DNA fragments in different size ranges can be separated by adjusting the agarose concentration: A low concentration (down to 0.3 %) produces a loose gel that separates larger fragments, whereas a high concentration (up to 2%) produces a stiff gel that resolves small fragments. To load the DNA onto the gel and monitor the migration of the unseen DNA bands in the gel matrix, a dense sugar solution or glycerol and one or more visible dyes are added to the samples. The dense sugar solution weights the DNA sample, helping it to sink when loaded into the well. The negatively charged visible dyes migrate towards the cathode, for easy visual tracking of DNA migration: e.g. the markers xylene cyanol and bromophenol blue migrate at a rate equivalent to a DNA fragment of about 4kb and 400bp, respectively (in a 1% gel and TAE running buffer, see picture below). Visualization of the DNA in the agarose gel is achieved by a fluorescent dye, ethidium bromide (EtBr), which usually is added directly to the buffer with which the agarose gel is made of (When handling the gel, be sure to always wear protective gloves as the EtBr in the gel is classified as carcinogenic!) The planar EtBr molecule can intercalate between the stacked nucleotides of the DNA helix. Because EtBr that is bound to DNA fluoresces much more strongly than free ethidium bromide, the DNA bands in the gel become readily apparent as fluorescent bands in a dark background. The fragment pattern is viewed and recorded directly under UV light: the DNA/EtBr complex strongly absorbs UV light at 300 nm, and emits visible light in the orange range at 590 nm, which can be captured by a camera or on a photographic film (see picture below). This technique is extremely sensitive; as little as 5 ng of DNA can be detected! It is important to understand that a band of DNA seen in a gel is not a single DNA molecule, but rather a collection of millions of identical DNA molecules, all of the same length. To estimate the length of the DNA fragments, DNA size markers (ladder) are loaded in a well of the gel, and the experimental fragments are compared with the marker fragments of known size. Day light: Only the added dye is visible on the gel. UV light: The intercalated EtBr becomes visible, indicating the DNA bands Xylene cyanol (ca. 4kb) migration wells Bromphenole blue (ca. 400bp) Photo of gel under UV light: The DNA bands are in white DNA marker (ladder) 3000bp 1000bp 500bp 3.2. Goal of the experiment In this experiment, we will establish in which orientation the EcoRI fragment containing the ced-9 gene is inserted in pB30. The plasmid is digested with different combinations of restriction enzymes, and the size of the resulting restriction fragments is determined by agarose gel electrophoresis. 27 28 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner B) Recombinant DNA technology _ Experiment 3. Restriction analysis of plasmid pB30 3.3. Protocol The plasmid that has been isolated in experiment 2 (protocol 2.3.) will now be digested with different combinations of restriction enzymes, and the size of the resulting restriction fragments is determined by agarose gel electrophoresis. 3.3.1. Restriction digest Each student in a group is responsible for 1 restriction digest using his/her isolated plasmid DNA from the previous course. The whole set of digests of the group is later used to establish the orientation of the ced-9 insert. In addition, each group will set up one control tube in which no restriction enzymes are added, in order to see what the original undigested plasmid DNA looks like. Reagents • Isolated pB30 plasmid DNA with inserted C. elegans ced-9 cDNA. Tubes labeled with place numbers. • Restriction buffer: NEB-Buffer 3 (10x), pH 7.9 1X Buffer: 100mM NaCl, 50mM Tris-HCl, 10mM MgCl2, 1mM DTT + BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin: prevents adhesion of the enzyme to reaction tubes and pipette surfaces. BSA also stabilizes some proteins during incubation). • Restriction enzymes: EcoRI, MscI, PvuI (temperature sensitive → keep always on ice!) • ddH2O Per assistant one complete set of reactions (= 5 different digests + 1 undigested control) has to be done. Each student sets up one restriction digest. If there are more than 5 students per group, some digests are done twice (see below). One of the students (in addition to a restriction digest) sets up also an undigested control reaction without restriction enzyme (if needed, this can also be done by the assistant). The complete set of digests (per assistant) comprises the following reactions: Restriction enzyme Single digests Double digests Control tube Number of tubes in a group of 8 students 1. EcoRI 2x 2. MscI 1x 3. PvuI 2x 4. EcoRI + MscI 1x 5. PvuI + MscI 2x 6. without enzyme 1x 1. Calculate the amount of plasmid DNA and ddH2O you need for the digest (and for the undigested control tube: if you are the one to set this up). Note the amounts and the restriction enzyme you use in the table (next page). a) For each reaction you will need 500ng plasmid DNA. According to the concentration of “your” plasmid DNA (see course-4, experiment 2.4.3.), calculate the amount (µl) you have to add to your reaction tube: Concentration of “your” plasmid DNA sample = ………………ng/µl → amount you have to add of your plasmid DNA to the digest reaction = …………µl b) Finally calculate the amount of ddH2O you have to add to your reaction tube. The final/total amount for the digest is 20µl. BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner B) Recombinant DNA technology _ Experiment 3. Restriction analysis of plasmid pB30 2. Set up the restriction digest: • Spin down all reagents before adding them, to make sure that all the liquid is at the bottom of the tubes. • label an Eppendorf tube with your place number and/or reaction number (1 – 6) • add the following components in the order shown below (fill in the blank according to the concentration of “your” plasmid DNA sample): control Amount for Single digest Double digest reagents ddH2O 2 µl 2 µl 2 µl Buffer, 10x (including BSA) pB30 plasmid DNA, 500ng -- no -- 1 µl 20 µl 20 µl 2 µl (1µl each) Restriction enzyme(s): ……………….…….. ¬ Total amount per tube 20 µl 3. Mix gently by tapping the tube with a finger. 4. Spin down in a centrifuge for a few seconds. 5. Incubate the sample at 37 °C for ca. 45 – 60 minutes in the thermomixer/thermoblock. 3.3.2. Separating DNA fragments by agarose gel electrophoresis After the restriction digest is completed, the different DNA fragments will be separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. This method sorts DNA fragments according to their size. To estimate the length of the DNA fragments, a DNA size marker is loaded in a well of the gel, and the experimental fragments are compared with the marker fragments of known size. 1. Add 4µl of the 6x loading buffer (= Tis buffer, glycerol, blue dye (bromphenol blue, xylene cyanol)) to each Eppendorf tube (containing the digest or the control reaction) and mix well by tapping the tube gently. 3. uncut plasmid DNA DNA ladder 2. Load 10µl into the assigned well of a 1% agarose gel (see below). NExpel any air from the tip before loading! NBe careful not to push the tip of the pipette through the bottom of the sample well! NWhen handling the gel always wear protective gloves (see 3.1.3.) Well 1: Well 2: Wells 3 – 10: different digests load 5µl of 2log DNA Marker (ladder) load 10µl of control reaction (uncut) load 10µl each of digests !! Note directly in the “gel picture” (left) in which well you loaded your sample make sure you have a complete overview of the order of the loaded samples from your group !! If all samples are loaded, let the gel run for ca. 60min. at 100-120V. NRemember the gel that belongs to your group! Assistant: write your name on a tape and put it on or next to the electrophoresis chamber in which “your” gel is running. If you remove the gel from the chamber to take a photograph, take the tape with your name with you! 29 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner B) Recombinant DNA technology _ Experiment 3. Restriction analysis of plasmid pB30 3.4. Analysis of agarose gel 3.4.1. Fragment size expectations of restriction digest 1. Below you find two plasmid maps with two different possible orientations of the ced-9 cDNA insert (“clockwise” or “counterclockwise” orientation). The numbers given in the plasmid maps correspond to basepair (bp) positions for the cutting sites of the three restriction enzymes you used in this experiments (EcoRI, MscI, PvuI). The numbers 1 and 4254 indicate the start and the end, resp. of the plasmid. For each of these sites indicate the corresponding restriction enzyme (use Fig. 3). “Clockwise” ced-9 orientation “Counterclockwise” ced-9 orientation 2. Determine the length of the DNA fragments you expect after the digestion of the pB30 plasmid with the different restriction enzymes for both possible orientations of the ced-9 insert. Fill in the bands of the expected sizes in the sketches of “hypothetical agarose gels” below: Expected fragments in “clockwise” ced-9 orientation Expected fragments in “counterclockwise” ced-9 orientation 3. Which restriction digest(s) are most useful to discriminate between the two possible orientations? 30 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner B) Recombinant DNA technology _ Experiment 3. Restriction analysis of plasmid pB30 3.4.2. Actual fragment sizes and orientation of ced-9 insert After the DNA fragments are separated, each assistant and his group will take a photograph of the gel analyze the different fragment sizes obtained by the complete set of digests and discuss the following points: 1. How do I see that a DNA fragment has inserted into the pB30 plasmid vector? 2. Is the inserted DNA fragment the one of interest (namely ced-9)? 3. In what orientation has the ced-9 fragment been inserted in the vector (clockwise or counterclockwise)? 3.5. Questions 1. When undigested plasmid DNA is loaded on a gel, a complex banding pattern can be visible: Sometimes up to 5 bands can be distinguished on the gel after electrophoresis. Indicate, which of the following forms of plasmid DNA could correspond to each of the five putative bands. Quickly explain how these forms arise: five possible forms of plasmid DNA: plasmid multimer, doublestranded open-circular, singlestranded open-circular, supercoiled, linear (See also lecture L3). 31 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner B) Recombinant DNA technology _ Experiment 3. Restriction analysis of plasmid pB30 2. On an Ethidiumbromide (EtBr) gel, small fragments are not as bright as long fragments. Sometimes they are even hardly detectable. Why? Give a short explanation. 3. Why can fragments of similar or very similar size represent problems in mapping experiments (by gel electrophoresis)? 4. There is a site for the restriction enzyme BamHI (GGATCC) in the MCS as well as at position 1342 and at position 1029 (see Fig. 3). Would this enzyme also be useful to clone the ced-9 cDNA into the plasmid pB30? 5. Before inserting a DNA fragment into a plasmid vector, why is it important to have a map displaying the cutting sites of all possible restriction enzymes? 6. Why is it important to analyse in which orientation a fragment has been inserted into a (plasmid) vector? 32 BIO 111 – Classical and Molecular Genetics Practical course, part-2: Molecular Genetics, Prof. Michael Hengartner 4. References 4. References Exp. 1: “Bitter” taste reception Bufe, B. et al (2005). The Molecular Basis of Individual Differences in Phenylthiocarbamide and Propylthiouracil Bitterness Perception. Current Biology, Vol. 15, 322–327 Kim U. et al (2003). Positional Cloning of the Human Quantitative Trait Locus Underlying Taste Sensitivity to Phenylthiocarbamide. SCIENCE VOL 299 Meyerhofer et al. (2009). The Molecular Receptive Ranges of Human TAS2R Bitter Taste Receptors. Chem Senses. 2010 Feb;35(2):157-70 Risso, E.S. et al. (2016). Global diversity in the TAS2R38 bitter taste receptor: revisiting a classic evolutionary PROPosal. Scientific Reports 6 Santa-Cruz Calvo, S. and Egan, J.M. (2015). The endocrinology of taste receptors. Nature Reviews Endocrinology Exp. 2 and 3: Recombinant DNA technology 1. M. O. Hengartner, H. R. Horvitz (1994). The ins and outs of programmed cell death during C. elegans development. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci, 345(1313): 243246. Review 2. M. O. Hengartner, R. E. Ellis, H. R. Horvitz, Nature 356, 494-499 (1992). 3. M. O. Hengartner, H. R. Horvitz, Cell 76, 665-676 (1994). 4. Kim, U., Jorgenson, E., Coon, H., Leppert, M., Risch, N., and Drayna, D. (2003). Positional Cloning of the Human Quantitative Trait Locus Underlying Taste Sensitivity to Phenylthiocarbamide. Science 299:1221-1225. 5. M.C. Campell, A. Ranciaro, A. Froment, J. Hirbo, S. Omar, J.-M. Bodo, Th. Nyambo, G. Lema, D. Zinshteyn, D. Drayna, P. A. S. Breslin, S. A. Tishkoff, Mol. Biol. Evol. 29(4), 1141–1153 (2012) 6. Wooding, S., Bufe, B., Grassi, C., Howard, M. T., Stone, A. C., Vazquez, M., Dunn, D. M., Meyerhof, W., Weiss, R. B., and M. J. Bamshad. (2006). Independent evolution of bitter-taste sensitivity in humans and chimpanzees. Nature, 440, 930-934. 7. Jovanovic M, Hengartner M O (2006). Developmental apoptosis in C. elegans: a complex CEDnario. Nat Rev Mol Cell 7(2): 97-108 Books: D. A. Micklos, G. A. Freyer, DNA Science-A First Course, Second Edition, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (2003). 33