Higher Nationals Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF) INTERNAL VERIFICATION – ASSESSMENT DECISIONS Programme title BTEC HND in Computing Mr. Lilanka Assessor Internal Verifier Unit 13: Computing Research Project Unit(s) Final Research Project Proposal - Remote working Assignment title Jeyakumar Krishanth Student’s name List which assessment criteria the Assessor has awarded. Pass Merit Distinction INTERNAL VERIFIER CHECKLIST Do the assessment criteria awarded match those shown in the assignment brief? Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade awarded justified by the assessor’s comments on the student work? Has the work been assessed accurately? Y/N Y/N Y/N Is the feedback to the student: Give details: • Constructive? • Linked to relevant assessment criteria? • Identifying opportunities for improved performance? Y/N Y/N Y/N • Agreeing actions? Y/N Does the assessment decision need amending? Y/N Assessor signature e Date Internal Verifier signature date e Programme Leader signature (if required) Jeyakumar Krishanth date e Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal |1 Confirm action completed Remedial action taken Give details: Assessor signature Date Internal Verifier signature Date Programme Leader signature (if required) Date Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal |2 Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form Student Name/ID Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit Title Unit 13: Computing Research Project 1 Assessor 2022/11/22 Submission Date Date Received 1st submission Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission Assignment Number Assessor Feedback: LO1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the research process Pass, Merit & Distinction Descripts Grade: P1 P2 M1 D1 Date: Assessor Signature: Resubmission Feedback: Grade: Assessor Signature: Internal Verifier’s Comments: Date: Signature & Date: * Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board. Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal |3 Assignment Feedback Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student Action Plan Summative feedback Feedback: Student to Assessor Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal |4 Assessor signature Date Student signature Date Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal |5 Pearson Higher Nationals in Computing Unit 13: Computing Research Project Proposal Name: Jeyakumar Krishanth Module Name: computing research project Program Name: Higher National Diploma In computing Topic: Final Research Project Proposal - Remote working Registration number: Col/A-00061867 Word count: 10425 Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal |6 Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal |7 General Guidelines 1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use previous page as your cover sheet and make sure all the details are accurately filled. 2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment. 3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software. 4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing. 5. Allow 1” for top, bottom , right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page. Word Processing Rules 1. The font size should be 12 point, and should be in the style of Time New Roman. 2. Use 1.5 line spacing. Left justify all paragraphs. 3. Ensure that all the headings are consistent in terms of the font size and font style. 4. Use footer function in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment No, and Page Number on each page. This is useful if individual sheets become detached for any reason. 5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help editing your assignment. Important Points: 1. It is strictly prohibited to use textboxes to add texts in the assignments, except for the compulsory information. eg: Figures, tables of comparison etc. Adding text boxes in the body except for the before mentioned compulsory information will result in rejection of your work. 2. Avoid using page borders in your assignment body. 3. Carefully check the hand in date and the instructions given in the assignment. Late submissions will not be accepted. 4. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date. 5. Excuses of any nature will not be accepted for failure to hand in the work on time. 6. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively. 7. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you may apply (in writing) for an extension. 8. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade . 9. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic RE FERRAL. You will then be asked to complete an alternative assignment. 10. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly using HARVARD referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both intext citation and a reference list. 11. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could be reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from the course Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal |8 Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal |9 Student Declaration I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as my own without attributing the sources in the correct form. I further understand what it means to copy another’s work. 1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft. 2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of Edexcel UK. 3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiarise or copy another’s work in any of the assignments for this program. 4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my program, will be my own, and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the correct way. 5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding agreement between myself and Pearson , UK. 6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is not attached to the assignment. Krishanth723@gmail.com 22/11/2022 Student’s Signature: (Provide E-mail ID) Date: (Provide Submission Date) Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 10 Higher National Diploma in Computing Assignment Brief Student Name /ID Number Unit Number and Title Academic Year Unit Tutor Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13 – Computing Research Project 2021/22 Mr.lilanka Assignment Title Issue Date Submission Date 22/11/2022 IV Name & Date Submission format Research Project Proposal • • The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. • You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research • • Reference using the Harvard referencing system. Please provide a referencing list using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is minimum 2000 words. Unit Learning Outcomes: Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 11 LO1. Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the research process. Assignment Brief and Guidance: Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 12 Remote Working “The option to work remotely was already being embraced by some businesses in the prepandemic era. These businesses were making some progress to adapt their working practices to accommodate remote working by allowing those in certain job roles to take the opportunity to work from home, albeit a day or two a week. However, on the whole there had been a reluctance to have staff working remotely and this has largely centred around productivity concerns, security implications and technology issues. The global pandemic however necessitated and accelerated the move to remote working. The vast majority of businesses have now shifted some or all of their operations online, and almost all of their staff are working from home. The enabling force behind this necessary shift has been the different technologies and platforms that facilitate workers to achieve business goals remotely. This sudden shift to remote working took place within weeks and months and has not been without issues. Several surveys conducted during this period cited business leaders complaining about how technology problems have impacted their business and employees while working remotely. The biggest issues remote workers face are being frequently disconnected from corporate networks, slow file downloads, poor quality of video meetings and long response times when loading apps. As a result, building secure, effective and integrated technology capability, to continue this flexibility in the workforce, has now become a priority for all organizations.“ (Pearson, 2020) Choosing a research objective/question. Students are required to choose a research topic and come up with their own research questions based on the suggested research scope. It is extremely important to complete a strong research project with clear, well focused and defined objectives. A central skill in selecting a research objective is the ability to select a suitable and focused research objective. The research topic could be based on the following areas. • Digital transformation strategies • Monitoring and productivity tools, their uses and implications security concerns when working remotely. Jeyakumar Krishanth Key Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 13 The Learner requires to produce a research proposal that clearly defines a research question or hypothesis, supported by a literature review (Use the project proposal and ethical consideration form template formats) Project Proposal should cover following areas. 1. Definition of research problem or question. (This can be stated as a research question, objectives or hypothesis) 2. Provide a literature review giving the background and conceptualization of the proposed area of study. (This would provide existing knowledge and benchmarks by which the data can be judged) 3. Critically evaluate research process /different research methodologies by demonstrating an understanding of the pitfalls, ethical issues, and limitations. choose a suitable research methodology and Justify the selection. Draw points (1–3, above) together into a research proposal by getting agreement with your tutor. Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 14 Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 15 Grading Rubric Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback P1 Produce a research proposal that clearly defines a research question or hypothesis, supported by a literature review P2 Examine appropriate research methods and conduct primary and secondary research. M1 Evaluate different research approaches and methodology and make justifications for the choice of methods selected based on philosophical/ theoretical frameworks. D1 Critically evaluate research methodologies and processes in application to a computing research project to justify chosen research methods and analysis. Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 16 Research Proposal Form Student Name Jeyakumar Krishanth Student number Col/A-00061867 Centre Name ESoft metro campus Unit Computing research project Tutor Mr. lilanka Date 2022/11/22 Proposed title Digital Transformation strategies for MAG CITY to remote work Section One: Title, objective, responsibilities Title or working title of research project (in the form of a question, objective or hypothesis): Research project objectives (e.g. what is the question you want to answer? What do you want to learn how to do? What do you want to find out?): Introduction, Objective, Sub Objective(s), Research Questions and/or Hypothesis Section Two: Reasons for choosing this research project Reasons for choosing the project (e.g. links to other subjects you are studying, personal interest, future plans, knowledge/skills you want to improve, why the topic is important): Motivation, Research gap Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 17 Section Three: Literature sources searched Use of key literature sources to support your objective, Sub Objective, research question and/or hypothesis: Can include the Conceptual Framework Section Four: Activities and timescales Activities to be carried out during the research project (e.g. research, development, analysis of ideas, writing, data collection, numerical analysis, tutor meetings, production of final outcome, evaluation, writing the report) and How long this will take: Milestone Propose completion data Comments and agreement from tutor Comments (optional): Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 18 Section Five: Research approach and methodologies Type of research approach and methodologies you are likely to use, and reasons for your choice: What your areas of research will cover: Research Onion; Sample Strategy/Method; Sample Size Reference List I confirm that the project is not work which has been or will be submitted for another qualification and is appropriate. Agreed Yes ☐ No ☐ Name Date Comments and agreement from project proposal checker (if applicable) Comments (optional): I confirm that the project is appropriate. Agreed Yes ☐ No ☐ Name Date Research Ethics Approval Form All students conducting research activity that involves human participants or the use of data collected from human participants are required to gain ethical approval before commencing their research. Please answer all relevant questions and note that your form may be returned if incomplete. Section 1: Basic Details Project title: Digital Transformation strategies for MAG CITY to remote work Student name: Jeyakumar Krishanth Student ID number: col/a-00061867 Program: HND-COM BATCH 105 School: ESOFT METRO CAMPUS Intended research start date: Intended research end date: Section 2: Project Summary Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 19 Please select all research methods that you plan to use as part of your project • Interviews: ☐ • Questionnaires: ☐ • Observations: ☐ • Use of Personal Records: ☐ • Data Analysis: ☐ • Action Research: ☐ Focus Groups: ☐ • Other (please specify): ☐ ................................................................ Section 3: Participants Please answer the following questions, giving full details where necessary. Will your research involve human participants? Who are the participants? Tick all that apply: Age 12-16 ☐ Young People aged 17–18 ☐ Adults ☐ will participants be recruited (identified and approached)? How Describe the processes you will use to inform participants about what you are doing: Studies involving questionnaires: Will participants be given the option of omitting questions they do not wish to answer? Yes ☐ No ☐ If “NO” please explain why below and ensure that you cover any ethical issues arising from this. Studies involving observation: Confirm whether participants will be asked for their informed consent to be observed. Yes ☐ No ☐ Will you debrief participants at the end of their participation (i.e. give them a brief explanation of the study)? Yes ☐ No ☐ Will participants be given information about the findings of your study? (This could be a brief summary of your findings in general) Yes ☐ No ☐ Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 20 Section 4: Data Storage and Security Confirm that all personal data will be stored and processed in compliance with the Data Protection Act (1998) Yes ☐ No ☐ Who will have access to the data and personal information? During the research: Where will the data be stored? Will mobile devices such as USB storage and laptops be used? Yes ☐ No ☐ If “YES”, please provide further details: After the research: Where will the data be stored? How long will the data and records be kept for and in what format? Will data be kept for use by other researchers? Yes ☐ No ☐ If “YES”, please provide further details: Section 5: Ethical Issues Are there any particular features of your proposed work which may raise ethical concerns? If so, please outline how you will deal with these: Section 6: Declaration I have read, understood and will abide by the institution’s Research and Ethics Policy: Yes ☐ No ☐ I have discussed the ethical issues relating to my research with my Unit Tutor: Yes ☐ No ☐ I confirm that to the best of my knowledge: The above information is correct and that this is a full description of the ethics issues that may arise in the course of my research. Name: Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 21 Date: Please submit your completed form to: ESOFT Learning Management System (ELMS) Digital Transformation strategies for MAG CITY to remote work Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 22 Contents Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form.......................................................... 3 Assignment Feedback ................................................................................................................. 4 Computing ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Research Proposal Form ........................................................................................................... 17 Research Ethics Approval Form ........................................................................................... 19 Table of Figures ........................................................................................................................ 26 ACKNOWLEDGMENT ........................................................................................................... 28 Introduction to the company ..................................................................................................... 29 MAG CITY has its own Mission & vision ............................................................................... 29 Services of MAG CITY ............................................................................................................ 30 How did Mag CITY work during the Covid-19 ....................................................................... 30 Introduction Research area........................................................................................................ 31 Remote working ........................................................................................................................ 31 History of remote working ........................................................................................................ 31 How Remote working works in the world pandemic Covid-19 ............................................... 32 Advantages of remote working ................................................................................................. 32 Disadvantages of Remote Working .......................................................................................... 34 Introduction to digital transformation Strategy ......................................................................... 35 Problem statement ..................................................................................................................... 36 Research Significance ............................................................................................................... 37 Research objectives ................................................................................................................... 38 Research Questions ................................................................................................................... 39 Conceptual framework ............................................................................................................ 40 Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 23 Hypothesis ................................................................................................................................. 40 Chapter 2 Literature review ...................................................................................................... 42 Literature review for Digital Transformation Strategies for Remote working ......................... 42 Literature review ON Virtual meetings and digital Transformation strategies For Remote working ..................................................................................................................................... 44 Literature review On Document file /sharing and Digital Transformation Strategies For Remate working ........................................................................................................................ 46 Literature review On Document Admin Logging and Digital Transformation Strategies For Remate working ........................................................................................................................ 48 Literature review On Document Employee management and Digital Transformation Strategies For Remate working ................................................................................................................. 50 Chapter 03 Methodology .......................................................................................................... 52 Research onion .......................................................................................................................... 52 Philosophy -Positivism ............................................................................................................. 53 Research Approach -Deductive ................................................................................................ 54 Research Strategy-Survey ......................................................................................................... 54 Research Method –Mono method: Quantitative ....................................................................... 55 Time Horizon ............................................................................................................................ 55 Techniques and procedures ....................................................................................................... 56 Data collection .......................................................................................................................... 56 Target population ...................................................................................................................... 56 Sample Size ............................................................................................................................... 56 Data collection method ............................................................................................................. 57 Data analysis ............................................................................................................................. 57 Role Of Researcher ................................................................................................................... 58 Time management ..................................................................................................................... 58 Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 24 Planning .................................................................................................................................... 58 Data collection .......................................................................................................................... 58 Data management ...................................................................................................................... 58 Documenting ............................................................................................................................. 59 Gant chart .................................................................................................................................. 60 References ................................................................................................................................. 62 Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 25 Table of Figures Figure 1: Logo of mag city ........................................................................................................... 29 Figure 2: Conceptional framework ............................................................................................... 40 Figure 3 : Digital Transformation Method .................................................................................... 43 Figure 4 : Research Onion ............................................................................................................ 52 Figure 5 : The Morgan Table ........................................................................................................ 57 Figure 6: Process of Gant chart work ............................................................................................ 61 Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 26 Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 27 ACKNOWLEDGMENT I must express appreciation to the ESOFT personnel who guided me through this difficulty by providing me with the most appropriate recommendations. In higher national diploma class, I can't say enough good things about the instructor who helped me learn about today's technologies. I appreciate Mr. Lilanka, our instructor, for coming up with the idea and facilitating the overall direction. I'd want to give extra credit to my instructor Mr. Lilanka, for providing me with the feedback and guidance I needed to complete this project successfully. Thanks to the tasks I've been given by the coordinator and teachers at the ESOFT Bambalapitiya branch, I've improved my Research skills. Your Faithful Student, Jeyakumar Krishanth Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 28 Chapter -01 Introduction 1.1Introduction to the company Mag City is Sri Lanka's largest automobile maintenance super Mart with a service capacity for over 300 vehicles at any given time. We have many branches across the island. Our head office is located on Darley Road in Colombo 10. We are equipped with state-of-the-art, computerized auto maintenance equipment imported from the US, UK, Japan, and Italy. Mag City has over 200 professionally qualified technicians in their respective fields. At Mag City, we only use genuine spares for all our vehicles. Our dedicated staff is always aiming to ensure every customer is satisfied by Mag City. (Magcity, 2022) Figure 1: Logo of mag city MAG CITY has its own Mission & visions Aiming "to be Sri Lanka's top grade and world-class auto repair garage and to be the finest among the best" is the company's stated mission. In its own words, the company's goal is "to provide expert vehicle repair, maintenance services, and other auto repair related services." Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 29 Services of MAG CITY Repainting and refinishing the vehicle's body: involves fixing any dents or dings and painting the affected area so that it blends in with the rest of the car. All Types of Body Fix: We repair European, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and other automobiles. Arabian motors' well-trained and experienced Engineers, Supervisors, and Technicians assure optimum repairs following thorough diagnosis. Besides paintless dent repair: car washing and interior cleaning may mend dents. Body filler putty is one of two popular ways for repairing dents. Mechanical repairs: After being in an auto accident, you may be concerned about getting your vehicle back to its pre-crash condition in terms of its mechanical components. Scratches, scrapes, and dents are visually unappealing, and they may hint at more serious problems, like a bent frame, which might be disastrous. How did Mag CITY work during the Covid-19 In 2021, Sri Lanka was hit hard by the Covid-19 virus. Because of this, the government has chosen to limit travel throughout the nation. During the lockout, Mag city had no customers or clients, therefore they had to temporarily shut down operations. Due to the fact that Mag city garage/Motor Technicians are unable to fulfill their duties during the pandemic, the company's key clients—school transportation services, business transportation services, and common transporters—restrict transportation. However, the management team at Mag City is functioning around the clock despite the epidemic. The management staff has a lot of work to do in case of a worldwide pandemic. The company's enterprise resource planning system is accessible to every one of the management teams. An ERP system allows them to handle accounting tasks in addition to managing payroll and benefits. Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 30 1.2 Introduction Research area Remote working Remote work refers to a style of employment in which workers can perform their duties outside traditional office space. The concept is predicated on the premise that one's physical location is irrelevant to the success of one's efforts. One way to look at it is that remote workers don't have to walk into an office daily or even to a designated workstation to get their work done. Employees are allowed considerable leeway in organizing their schedules, allowing them to balance professional and personal responsibilities. In addition, as a result of a shift in the cultural paradigm of what constitutes an acceptable workplace, remote workers now have more freedom in determining when and where they do their job. (remoteyear, 2022) History of remote working Telecommuting was coined by NASA engineer Jack Niles, who published his definition of the concept in his 1973 paper, the Telecommunications-Transportation Tradeoff. In 1979, five employees at IBM were allowed to try out working from home. By 1983, the figure had doubled to 2000. (sorryonmute, 2022) Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 31 How Remote working works in the world pandemic Covid-19 All workers and employees were ordered to stay inside during the worldwide pandemic lockdown. This prompted businesses to implement remote working strategies (sometimes known as work-from-home policies) during the duration of the lockdown. Employees and workers were substantially assisted in their tasks by the global epidemic. Fifteen to sixteen percent of respondents claimed remote workers were employed by their organization before the epidemic, and thirty-four percent of respondents expected their staff to be remote permanently by late Twenty twenty, (statista.com, 2022)long after the pandemic had ended. Employers may choose from a larger pool of qualified candidates because of telecommuting (almost no geographical restrictions). Workers get their total salaries and are eligible for all benefits. Workers and businesses may save time and money by not having to commute. Giving workers more freedom and responsibility and reducing interruptions at work can positively affect output. Advantages of remote working The reduced need to commute to and from work is one of the most visible advantages of telecommuting. This is because working from home eliminates the need to go to and from work each day, cutting down on wasted time each week, and the tools used can help reduce the need for business travel overall. One potential benefit of cutting less on your trip is less stress. Some workers may take advantage of this by getting extra shut-eye in the mornings, which can improve their overall readiness for work. In addition, since you won't have to spend time commuting, you'll be able to get more done around the office. Another major perk of working from home is the freedom to choose your own hours. This applies to both when you start and stop your workday and the tasks you complete during that time. As a result, you may find yourself in a position where you can spend more time one day and less. Properly managing your adaptability is essential to learn how to work from home efficiently. Workplace amenities, such as telecommuting and choosing your own hours, may significantly affect how you feel each day. However, you'll need order and consistency if you want the best outcomes. Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 32 Boosted productivity may be one of the companies' most unanticipated advantages of remote labor. While it may make sense that employees working without direct supervision would be less productive, a study by Ctrip found the opposite to be true. There might be several factors at play here, one of which is a decrease in coworkers' distractions. As a result, it's possible that working from home may be looked at with mistrust and investigation in the future. Meanwhile, the potential for losing telecommuting privileges may serve as an incentive. Having workers do some of their duties from home might be cost-effective for businesses and their workers. As an employee, you might save money on anything from the cost of petrol or public transportation for your daily commute to the price of meals and workplace fundraising collections organized by coworkers. Finally, one of the most apparent benefits of remote work is that it eliminates some of the barriers to employment that would otherwise exist, the most glaring of which being geographical distance. An employee who is expected to show up to work every day must be conveniently near the workplace. As a result, workers need to be open to relocation or settle for jobs in their immediate vicinity. Obviously, this means that businesses will have a reduced talent pool too. (Home, 2022) Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 33 Disadvantages of Remote Working Due to a lack of solidarity and cooperation, therefore, it is evident that man cannot sustain himself or run an organization effectively and efficiently without assistance. Some workers will thrive in an environment where they can focus without interruptions from coworkers, but others may struggle. It's not easy to put in long hours and work closely with remote team members through a computer screen and email without ever meeting in person. Video conferencing and other video calling applications like Zoom and Skype are available in the workplace. However, it might not be as effective as getting everyone in the same room and throwing ideas at each other. Constant interruptions and an unfriendly atmosphere at the office make it difficult for workers to focus on their tasks and produce quality work. In a home environment, it can be challenging to concentrate on a charge when there are so many potential interruptions. To be as comfortable as one would be at an office is an unrealistic expectation for most homes. Working solo may be challenging. Self-monitoring of work performance is a must for this role. Managing one's own behavior is complex and calls for the use of discretion on the part of workers. Employees may waste time and decrease productivity if their breaks and work are not closely monitored. Compared to being in an office where one is constantly reminded to keep on task and perform at a high level, working from home might make it challenging to maintain these habits. It's also possible that you're just not trying very hard. To keep continuing and complete one's goals, one must be motivated to do so. It's simple to lose your drive if you're in the wrong location at the wrong time. In addition, it endangers the desired business outcomes. A pep talk from your supervisor or working with like-minded individuals in the company may be great external sources of motivation. Remote work, on the other hand, typically takes place in a less social environment. (Blog, 2022) Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 34 Introduction to digital transformation Strategy A company's strategic repositioning in the digital economy might be outlined in a document called a Digital Transformation Strategy. As consumers shift their habits, so must the strategies of successful businesses. They take advantage of new technologies by adapting their business and operational models to state of the art. Digital transformation is essential for businesses of all sizes. Almost every talk, conversation, article, or research on how companies might thrive in today's increasingly digital market will make that point abundantly evident. (ionology.com, n.d.) Businesses of all sizes need to undergo digital transformation. The overwhelming majority of presentations, discussions, and articles/studies devoted to how companies might thrive in today's increasingly digital environment make that point very plain. Many C-suite executives don't understand what it means to undergo a digital transformation. Is this merely a clever synonym for "cloud "? What are the specific steps we need to take? Do we need to invest in training new employees or hiring a consulting firm to help us set up a foundation for digital transformation? Which parts of our business strategy need to be revised? What are the benefits, if any? (Project, 2022) CIO of Quikrete Jay Ferro (2022) suggests outlining the issue at hand, the opportunity available, or the desired end result to kick off the digital transformation process. The "why" of your company's digital transformation "may be, for example, to improve customer experience, decrease friction, boost efficiency, or increase profitability," Ferro explains. Or, if it's a goaloriented remark, it may mean being the best company to do business with by using cutting-edge digital tools that were out of reach only a few short years ago. The foundation of digital transformation is made up of three pillars: people, processes, and technology. Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 35 People: Since the experiences of both workers and customers are intertwined, a customer-centric transformation must first focus on the latter. Method: Companies focusing on their customers don't introduce new technology just to have it. They do this because it aids in the dissemination of practices that are to the benefit of those they serve. Here are some methods for keeping the big picture in mind when you change your business and operations to provide your consumers with unprecedented value. Technology: The quality of the tech stack dedicated to the customer experience should be an enterprise-wide investment priority, as found in the study by Zendesk and ESG. Broken technology is one of the most irritating problems one may face. That's why successful businesses always get the top-tier software available. 1.3 Problem statement The worldwide spread of Covid-19 has caused significant difficulties for businesses in Sri Lanka. After widespread infection with the Covid-19 virus in 2021, the government made the difficult decision to close the country for the duration of the pandemic. Public and private authorities (including the business world and startups) were forced to close as a result. In protest of the government's decision, Mag City temporarily closed its doors. Lackluster attendance is another issue plaguing Mag city. After the lockdown was lifted, the government opted to restrict movement between districts and limit access to the worst-affected areas of the island. As a result, vital personnel could not report to work because they were either stranded in inaccessible areas or lived too far away from the office (in another district). In addition, some workers who contracted COVID-19 missed time from work due to their illness. The company ran into financial trouble due to low income and low productivity caused by employees' lack of attendance. Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 36 Due to travel restrictions and geographical limits, higher officials and middle managers are doing their duties from home. The problem is that they cannot access the necessary documents from the workplace at home. Ledgers and invoices are only some of the paperwork that MAG CITY keeps. 1.4 Research Significance Humans have experienced many different time contexts, from the Stone Age through the Age of Hunting and Art to our own Modern Technological Era. With constant technological advancements, authorities today may benefit significantly from adopting digital transformation techniques. As a result of the global epidemic caused by COVID-19, this study is crucial. Currently, government agencies are behind the technological curve. Intelligent solutions to this issue may be found in digital transformation plans. For instance, a well-established business and its employees may be unable to access papers, plan meetings, or handle employee salaries if the country is locked down. Ultimately, a company that wants to do the right thing will employ digital transformation strategies to solve the problem. They have to become paperless by scanning and uploading all their documents (Excel spreadsheets, resumes, and Word documents), holding online meetings using a video conferencing service, and writing software to manage their employees. With this new knowledge, you can more easily implement digital transformation methods for telecommuting. Remote work is a strong emphasis of this study; hence, the study's principal objective is to implement digital transformation technologies that enable such work. Mag city’s digital transformation initiatives for telework have not been the subject of any study. Meetings, document management, and personnel management are just some of the problems investigated in this study. This research also shows how digital transformation techniques might help close the gaps hindering efforts to combat global pandemics. Unfortunately, only a few studies worldwide have Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 37 answered the question, "how to apply digital transformation methods for remote working." While digital transformation strategies for remote work are becoming increasingly important, no studies have been undertaken in Sri Lanka. Consequently, the solution is adopted by other businesses in the area. 1.5 Research objectives RO1: To find out whether document sharing is a digital transformation strategy for remote work at MAG CITY RO2: To find out whether Virtual meeting is a digital transformation strategy for remote work at MAG CITY RO3: To find out whether Employee management is a digital transformation strategy for remote work at MAG CITY RO4: To find out whether Admin login is a digital transformation strategy for remote work at MAG CITY Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 38 1.6 Research Questions RQ1: Is document sharing a digital transformation strategy at MAG CITY to remote work? RQ2: Is virtual meeting a digital transformation strategy at MAG CITY to remote work? RQ3: Is Employee management a digital transformation strategy at MAG CITY to remote work? RQ4: Is Admin Login a digital transformation strategy at MAG CITY to remote work.? Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 39 1.7 Conceptual framework Depended Variable Independent Variable Virtual meeting Admin login Digital Transformation strategies for MAG CITY to remote work Document Sharing Employee Management Figure 2: Conceptional framework 1.8 Hypothesis Hypothesis for Virtual meeting and Digital Transformation Strategy for MAG CITY remote working • HO: Virtual meeting is not a digital Transformation Strategy for MAG CITY remote working • H1: Virtual meeting is a for Digital Transformation Strategy MAG CITY remote working Hypothesis for Admin login and Digital Transformation Strategy for Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 40 MAG CITY remote working • HO: Admin login is not a Digital Transformation Strategy for MAG CITY remote working • H1: Admin login is a DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION STRATEGY for MAG CITY remote working Hypothesis for Document Management and Digital Transformation Strategy for MAG CITY remote working • HO: Document management is not a DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION STRATEGY for MAG CITY to remote working • H1: Document management is a DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION STRATEGY for MAG CITY to remote working Hypothesis for Employee management and DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION STRATEGY for MAG CITY remote working • HO: Employee management is not a Digital Transformation STRATEGY for MAG CITY to remote working Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 41 • H1: Employee management is a digital transformation strategy for MAG CITY to remote working Chapter -2 Literature review Literature review for Digital Transformation Strategies for Remote working In addition, the fact that everyone relies on digital tools for communication helps to level the playing field. "Our common experience of depending on digital technology to engage and work with our teams offers the conditions that inspire empathy for our end users," explains The A.J. Meyer (2022) an innovation fellow at West Monroe Partners. "Every digital contact point is vital to our business and the lives of our patients, customers, and staff," the corporation adds. At the same time, as attendees of COVID-19 gain a better understanding of how to properly manage digitalization, a few dos and don'ts are beginning to emerge. (enterprisersproject.com, 2022) Academic articles are wanted by Educational Technology & Society. As a result of the COVID19 epidemic, several universities have abandoned traditional classroom instruction in favor of online courses. Due to rising competition in the digital sphere, universities are under more pressure to deliver a novel learning experience. The study's overarching purpose is to explore how the unexpected epidemic has altered the ongoing digital transformation (DT) process and the learning value proposition of universities and colleges (HEIs). One case study of a recently founded online university serves as the basis for this paper, focusing on how the institution has adapted its learning value proposition, particularly its multimode learning offer. (Society, 2022) According (AI, 2021) there are 3 ways corporate digital transformation can help create a remote work culture Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 42 Figure 3 : Digital Transformation Method Digital workplace: During the pandemic, many companies relied on digital workplace tools like Zoom and Skype for business conversations. However, more than needed for a company that plans to make remote labor a permanent part of its operations. It's time for your firm to modernize its internal communication systems, embrace digitization, and set up a web-based place of business. It is essential that workers feel like they are in a professional setting, even if they are at home. The goal of the digital workplace is to improve productivity and efficiency in the workplace. (AI, 2021) Data Automation: When attempting to foster a remote work culture, you rapidly learn that conventional wisdom goes out the window because of the lack of face-to-face communication across departments. You can ensure your employees can quickly execute administrative and cross-departmental tasks with the help of business automation software. Only one case in point Human resource management (HRM) software, help desk software, analytics and reporting software, project management software, and other back-end services must all be automated and in place to guarantee quality output. Keeping and maintaining data automatically and digitally is essential to preventing the loss of critical information when working remotely. (AI, 2021) Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 43 Cybersecurity: One of the most significant concerns with working remotely is cyber security, which includes protecting your company's data, sensitive documents, and communications. Working from home increases your risk of becoming the target of a cyberattack. However, you may avoid cybersecurity risks with suitable digital instruments and security solutions. First, you should implement complex authentication systems to prevent unauthorized access and educate your staff on security best practices and risks. (AI, 2021) Literature review ON Virtual meetings and digital Transformation strategies For Remote working What we call a "virtual meeting" is a meeting that occurs between participants through the internet instead of in a physical location. Popular virtual meeting solutions include Ring Central Video, GoToMeeting, Google Hangouts, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Skype. (But the latter two, and maybe a few more, might be best discussed with friends and family.) Virtual meetings are increasingly employed to facilitate collaboration among employees in different locations and time zones (or in different parts of the same building). What matters is that they may all communicate with one another and see each other on the screen simultaneously by using virtual conference software. The benefits of virtual teams may be very context-dependent. Numerous groups assert that they are more productive thanks to their remote workers. For instance, a Harvard Business Review study discovered that the United States Patent and Trade Office saw a 4.4% increase in productivity after allowing their employees to work remotely. This equates to an additional $1.3 billion annual value contributed to the US economy. Remote workers benefit from virtual teams because it provides them more flexibility to focus on their needs outside work. Employees' ability to strike a good work-life balance is highly valued, with 46% of them saying it's essential Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 44 their employer offers them flexibility in their schedule. Instead of wasting time traveling, which benefits neither the company nor the employee, this time may be put to better use within the company, allowing employees more time to concentrate on crucial tasks and finish them in a less frantic, more relaxed setting. (monday.com, 2022) To hold a virtual meeting, technology enables participants to connect and speak with one another through video and audio over the internet. It's the act of communicating in real-time amongst geographically distant people yet working together toward a shared goal or strategy. It may come as a surprise, but virtual meetings are simpler to organize and manage than in-person meetings. Many people find it sufficient to simply fire up their laptops and use a remote conference programmer to include everyone else. You'll want a microphone and a camera that can be rotated so that everyone can see and hear you. Investing in headphones or a headset is a great way to avoid interrupting people while still hearing what they have to say. (wrike, 2022) According to AI & SOCIETY volume 22, pages133–144 (2007) Meetings consume a significant amount of time at work, and as a result, they have been the focus of multidisciplinary research. Virtual Meeting Rooms (VMRs) are three-dimensional virtual reproductions of meeting rooms that may be controlled in terms of voice, gaze, distance, gestures, and facial expressions. This enables VMRs to be used to improve remote meeting participation, visualize multimedia data, and conduct research into meeting social interaction. This paper explains how these three applications can be implemented in a VMR. We explain the method of observation, annotation, and simulation, as well as a model that defines the relationships between annotated elements of verbal and nonverbal conversational activity. (AI & SOCIETY volume 22, 2007) Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 45 The situation in Georgia's general education has altered after the first instance of coronavirus COVID-19 infection was discovered in the spring semester of 2020, with 211 local cases and more than 1,5 million infection cases globally by April 8, 2020. Georgia has joined a list of 188 nations throughout the world that have halted the educational process. The paper investigates the country's and population's ability to continue their education at schools via online distance learning. It examines the various platforms available and highlights those that have been used by government support, such as the online portal, TV School, and Microsoft teams for public schools, as well as alternatives such as Zoom, Slack, and Google Meet, and the EduPage platform for online education and live communication. The authors created a case study in which the Google Meet platform was used for online education at a private school with 950 pupils, which shows the system's use statistics during the first week of the online education process. The results show that the swift transition to online education was a success and that the learned experience may be applied in the future. Other nations who haven't figured out how to make the change might benefit from the experience and study. The 2020 pandemic's lesson will drive a generation of new laws, rules, platforms, and solutions for future situations, when countries, governments, and populations will be better prepared than they are now (Pedagogical Research, 2022) Literature review On Document file /sharing and Digital Transformation Strategies For Remate working Document sharing refers to distributing or providing digital information or resources such as text files, audio and video files, images, computer code, photos, and electronic books. It refers to sharing information or assets in a network with broad permissions. With the advent of portable media and network protocols like FTP, file sharing became a valuable component of computer services (FTP). In the 1990s, several long-distance file-sharing technologies were introduced, including File Transfer Protocol (FTP), hotline, and Internet relay chat (IRC). (techopedia.com, 2022) Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 46 Data storage and computing resources managed by third-party service providers are what cloud technologies provide, and they're becoming more and more widely acknowledged for their ability to help businesses improve security, quality, and productivity. 1 There have been concerns that cloud computing could disrupt established procedures for ensuring data security, privacy, and the reliability of services, which has slowed its widespread adoption by organizations. 2 and 3 The vital shared goal and informational demands in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic have provided an enormous incentive to embrace and profit from rapid scale-up of cloud-based solutions. Now that they have traction, implementers need to know the costs and risks associated with rapidly rolling out these solutions. (thelancet.com, 2022) It's conceivable that your company has established protocols for the secure transfer and storage of files (and if not, you should). As a result of COVID-19, however, many employees are now performing remote work, which has prompted a reevaluation of existing regulations and the possibility of making any necessary adjustments. These are essential guidelines for secure file sharing in a distant work setting. (keepersecurity, 2022) Paperwork is still vital to running a business, but fewer and fewer companies are choosing to print their documents instead of using electronic alternatives. Instead, team members in various faraway locales may work closely utilizing online file documents, spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, and other comparable technologies. Since comments and revisions are made instantly, misunderstandings and other problems that might develop when papers are emailed back and forth are avoided. Real-time cooperation is particularly beneficial when critical documents must be prepared for time-sensitive activities. Just as in a physical office, it is standard practice for team members to share, download, and upload files. As a result, cloud storage is quickly replacing other methods as the default for sharing large files. Data may be simply shared after it is saved online, and others may access, view, and alter files using Windows, Mac, or mobile devices. (Microsoft, 2022) Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 47 Literature review On Document Admin Logging and Digital Transformation Strategies For Remate working The on-premises method is problematic for several reasons, including the fact that it is challenging to enable remote work, users are connected to Wi-Fi using insecure passwords like WPA2, and administrators have to manage many individual passwords. As technology advanced, cloud applications, multiple operating systems, and dispersed resources became increasingly commonplace in the workplace, posing a challenge to the on-perm strategy. Various technological shifts have occurred over the past several decades, including replacing desktop computers with portable laptops, migrating locally installed applications to web-based alternatives, and developing safer Wi-Fi protocols. Remote staffing and several outposts are becoming the norm in today's workplaces. (Jumpcloud, 2022) These days, businesses rely heavily on computers, from communicating with customers and suppliers to managing finances and stock levels. Internet and networking technology have made it easier for companies to conduct transactions, find and recruit new customers, and share information inside the workplace. However, if not controlled appropriately, these technologies might cause various problems. Assuming your firm is similar to others, you probably have a few key employees who are well-versed in computers and can assist with any issues that may arise. Provide these workers remote administrator access to business PCs so they may fix issues from wherever, even their own homes or rooms. (petri, 2022) In business networks, local administrator accounts often use the same password across all computers, making it easier for hackers to take over the web. Microsoft's security baseline templates exclude access to local configurations remotely because of the lack of a safe way to manage local administrator accounts before the Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) announcement in 2015. Microsoft's free LAPS software can change the local admin password for Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 48 each machine account every 30 days and store the new passwords safely within Active Directory. (petri, 2022) In the event of a pandemic, the 2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, and Energy Technologies states that the security and dependability of remote workers are even more critical for long-term survival. The most challenging part of working remotely is ensuring that remote employees and systems are always connected. The difficulties of remote work are exacerbated by unreliable and difficult-to-manage information technology platforms and by the fact that some companies allow employees to utilize untrusted personal computers. To address these problems, the authors of this paper proposed an offline authentication solution that is both lightweight and secure for distant workers. The recommended method is applied to LPS (Lightweight Portable Security) devices to solve these connection and trust problems, which provide USB bootable images in a protected setting. USB dongles using LPS technology are intended to increase users' reliance on the device. To provide secure user authentication, this layout employs 2FA (2 Factor Authentication), which requires both possession (a mobile phone and a USB dongle) and knowledge (a password) to pass (mobile PIN). As an added layer of security, the proposed architecture incorporates geofencing between USB dongles and mobile phones. (International Conference on Electrical, 2022) An organization may improve efficiency and decrease costs by using a work management application to coordinate and carry out tasks. In response, this thesis describes an online tool for organizing projects. The purpose of this thesis was to create a user-friendly, responsive web application that could be used by the whole corporation. We built a working prototype of a web app with an admin panel for straightforward updates and management. Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 49 Literature review On Document Employee management and Digital Transformation Strategies For Remate working Employee management is commonly used to describe encouraging and enabling workers to do their best work every day in service of the organization's overarching mission. Many jobs and tasks are involved in managing employees, but they can all be broken down into five broad categories: selecting employees, keeping tabs on them, communicating with them, rewarding them, and disciplining them. Finding and hiring the most qualified people to fill open positions is essential for the smooth operation of teams and departments during the selection process. Performance evaluation and assessment are vital components of monitoring, often known as performance management. Interaction describes the routine conversations between supervisors and subordinates and amongst coworkers to convey information about tasks, company norms, employee opinions, and other issues. Employee management rewards include managers' verbal and written acknowledgment of their workers' efforts and any monetary or material compensation or other incentives that may be offered. Last but not least, the term "discipline" describes the steps managers take to address subpar performance, correct mistakes, and enforce company policies. These measures might include private conversations, formal dismissal or even legal action. (bamboohr, 2022) Although remote working is not new, never before have so many companies been obliged to let their workers work from home at the same time as in 2020, when the COVID-19 issue erupted internationally. This has significant ramifications for businesses, including how they may use managerial control (MC) to "affect employees' behavior in desired ways" to achieve their objectives (. While some sorts of MC, including casual lunch gatherings, face-to-face meetings, and direct observations, were no longer available, the crisis encouraged using new technology to work, coordinate, and communicate, giving managers additional control options. The Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 50 consequences of these abrupt shifts are mainly unknown. Furthermore, MC shifts in reaction to disasters. Uncertainty among workers is amplified, and the organization's performance and survival are jeopardized when unanticipated events, such as external crises, occur. Companies in the modern day need to be alert and adaptable to these changes. However, because of the present COVID-19 outbreak, businesses have had to deal with the unexpected and find creative solutions to problems in several operations areas. In this piece, we'll examine some of these problems, focusing on how COVID-19 will affect human resource management (HRM) as businesses help their workers adapt to their new workplace. Further, we advocate for an integrated research agenda to address the challenges mentioned and recommend several future study areas. (Business, 2022) Remote workforce management refers to the practice of leading and managing a remote workforce effectively. In most cases, this means implementing certain methods of communication, procedures, and technological infrastructure to facilitate productive work by a distributed team. In-depth training for managers and staff on relevant remote work themes is commonplace at companies that are serious about effectively managing remote workforces. By coordinating the work of remote workers, it is possible to create teams that are more mobile and less tied to a single location. That means you may recruit team members from anywhere in the world and form international teams. Recruiting people who prefer remote work vs working in a regular office can boost employee happiness and retention. Success in managing a remote workforce is considerably more feasible now than in the past, owing to advancements in technology. (Vmware, 2022) Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 51 Chapter 03 Methodology 3.1 Research onion Figure 4 : Research Onion Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 52 The phases that must be completed to birth a research endeavor are represented by the "onion" of the research process. Two thousand-seven marks the year of its inception, thanks to the efforts of Saunders et al. The multiple steps involved in conducting research can be represented more comprehensively using an "onion model." The research onion's potential growth as a tool for methodology development is discussed. For a more comprehensive illustration of the research process, one of the creators, Saunders, suggests using the research onion from its outer to its inner layers. Research onion is adaptable to various research methods and settings, demonstrating flexibility. (Bryman, 2012) 3.2Philosophy -Positivism Research philosophy is an approach to gathering, analyzing, and using data in a study. It explores questions like "how" and "why" we know what we know and its beginnings and development. As their literal meanings suggest, "what is known to be true" and "what is thought to be true" both encompass a wide range of theoretical research approaches. (Gallidars, 2022) The study's methodology is grounded in the research philosophy's underlying principles. (Flick, 2011) A significant philosophical research methodology, Positivism, is predicated on the idea that any phenomenon's existence can be shown by using appropriate scientific methods and proper mathematical or logical proofs. For positivists, there are just three possible categories for arguments. They have some truth, some untruth, and no real significance. Insufficient clarity prevents investigation with positivist tools. (positivism, 2022) Because the assertion may be classified as true or untrue, the research on 'Digital transformation for remote working' fits within positivism. In this study, only one truth/belief will be assessed, either actual or untrue. The research may be viewed, validated by tests, and rationally proven. As a result, the chosen research's philosophy is positivism. Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 53 3.3Research Approach -Deductive Everything from overarching hypotheses to detailed plans for data collection, analysis, and interpretation goes into a research strategy. What this means depends on the specifics of the issue under investigation. (Chetty, 2020) Inductive and deductive methods are two types of research approaches. The purpose of the inductive method is to construct a theory, while that of the deductive method is to provide evidence for or against a given hypothesis. An inductively produced approach is the starting point for the deductive method, which then moves on to formulating a theory, collecting data, and analyzing this data. Finally, existing concepts are used to construct a research hypothesis supported by the deductive process in my investigation. Since Snieder and Larner (2009) allow for the creation of hypotheses and the statistical testing of projected outcomes to a predefined degree of probability, the deductive method complements the positivist approach. 3.4 Research Strategy-Survey A research strategy is a well-thought-out, detailed plan of attack for doing and reporting on research that will keep us on track and ensure that we produce reliable findings. (Dinnen, 2020) According to Saunders et al. (2007), It lays out the researcher's plan of action for completing the study. The research strategy incorporates various approaches, such as case studies, interviews, surveys, and experiments. To do my research, I will be using a survey. I think a survey is suitable for the job because I need to learn the general public's opinion. Quantitative research initiatives and the deductive method both benefit from this approach. It also helps collect lots of data that may be used to answer research questions. (Bryman & Bell, 2011) Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 54 3.5Research Method –Mono method: Quantitative At this stage of the research procedure, we decide whether or not to combine quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative methods, as the name indicates, emphasize numerical data. (Flick, 2011) It is represented by numerical values and graphical representations. It is used to test or confirm hypotheses and presumptions. Comparatively, qualitative research can convey its findings through the use of language. It's used to make sense of concepts, mental processes, and life events. Just that type of information is gathered in a study employing a single research strategy, such as a quantitative or qualitative approach. There is some overlap between mixed and multi-methods, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. (streefkerk, 2021) Since statistics will be my only way of analysis, I will be doing a "mono method" study. Existing theories will be put to the test, verified, and validated, and new, more generalizable facts will be developed, all with the use of quantitative tools. 3.6 Time Horizon The time horizon is the estimated length of time needed to finish the project. Saunders et al. describe it as a boundary within which the project is to be carried out (2007). In the research "onion," two types of time frames are delineated: cross-sectional and longitudinal. The data need to be collected once, and the cross-sectional time span is known in advance. It is used when a certain factor has to be examined or evaluated at a specific time. By contrast, a longitudinal time horizon involves gathering information over an extended period of time. This technique is used if an important variable in the study changes over time. (Goddard & Melville, 2004) Cross-sectional time series analysis is appropriate for my study since I intend to look at a snapshot in time for a specific population sample. In addition, a cross-sectional temporal horizon, which may also be utilized in conjunction with quantitative methods, is ideal for my Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 55 work since the parameters impacting the deployment of AI in security threat identification do not change over time. 3.7 Techniques and procedures Data collection For my research, I used a different type of primary data. I want to use surveys to get first-hand information from participants and elicit honest feedback from human resources and staff that will be timely and useful. Target population Human resource managers and accountants are the focus of my study. Twenty is the desired population size. Sample Size The number of respondents chosen from the whole target population is referred to as the sample size (Newman, 1998) The Morgan table is used to establish the sample size for my study since it is an excellent way for estimating sample size from the target population. As seen in the above Morgan table, my sample size would be 44 as my population size is 50. Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 56 Figure 5 : The Morgan Table Data collection method A survey with an accompanying Likert scale will serve as my data collection tool. The Likert scale is a technique for people to rate how much they agree or disagree with a set of statements. Since it is easy to transmit the questionnaire to the sample size and the sample population will have devices available to access Google forms, I want to build and disseminate the questionnaire using Google forms. Data analysis I used the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program to analyze the responses to the survey. MS Excel would be perfect for assessing and processing the quantitative data I collect in my one-method quantitative study. Mean, standard deviation, range, graphical analysis methods, correlation Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 57 analysis, and regression analysis are just some of the statistical techniques I plan to use, and they're all compatible with Microsoft Excel. Role Of Researcher Time management If researchers can learn to better manage their time, they can maintain their concentration and make more remarkable strides in advancing their studies. This helps create and polish those skills vital to the growth and maintenance of productive research. Good time management skills are essential to developing and maintaining formative research. Planning The research's aims and limitations can be better determined if we lay out a strategy for doing the research before diving in headfirst. And that's why we need to know the future, so we can plan our actions and arrive where we need to be on time. Data collection Before the researcher can make any conclusions from the data that was obtained, they need to conduct a survey of the desired sample. Data management In addition, the researcher is responsible for ensuring that the data they acquire are kept private and secure. The information obtained must be treated with the utmost care if there is any chance of preserving the investigation's validity. In addition, the researcher must maintain the confidentiality of the information and replies gathered from the sample population. Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 58 Documenting One of the best ways to make future research more manageable and quicker is for the researcher to keep detailed records of their previous efforts. Researchers who properly credit their sources demonstrate their honesty about the origins of their findings and protect themselves from accusations of plagiarism. For clarity, it is crucial to properly document all quotes, data, and sources. Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 59 Gant chart Task Time Duration Selecting the research area Literature review & Methodology Preparing the questionnaire Permission for the proposal Extension of literature Gathering information Analyze the gathered information Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 60 Conclusion and recommendation Approval finalizing Figure 6: Process of Gant chart work Jeyakumar Krishanth Unit 13: Computing Research Project proposal | 61 References AI & SOCIETY volume 22, p., 2007. AI & SOCIETY volume 22, pages133–144. [Online] Available at: https://link.springer.com/journal/146/volumes-and-issues/22-2 [Accessed 15 September 2022]. bamboohr, 2022. bamboohr.. [Online] Available at: https://www.bamboohr.com/hr[Accessed 18 September 2022]. Blog, N. a. E. a. S. W. |. V. C. H., n.d. Disadvanatges of working from home. 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