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W5-MidTerm Exam-FChowdhury-MKT6210

Guideline for Midterm Exam
As you've probably already seen (if you've looked at the exam), the four key areas to focus on are:
1. The new, dynamic realities of marketing in today's ever-changing environment
2. Defining and targeting high-value customer segments
3. The critical role that - data/information plays in modern-day marketing
4. The importance and ROI of investing in customer loyalty and retention
Again, my apologies for having to cancel tonight's Zoom session,
Dr. Stephenson
Beginning in Chapter 1, the text discusses the "New Marketing Realities” that characterize
our modern business environment. 1.) Identify and briefly describe four (4) of these key new
marketing realities. 2.) Pick two of these new marketing realities and explain in detail how
they impact marketing decision-makers in modern organizations. 3.) Provide at least two
actual examples from current real-world organizations (e.g., Apple, Tesla, Amazon, NetFlix,
Disney, Google, Zoom, Hilton, Southwest Airlines, etc.).
Provide outside reference sources
to support your answer.
1. Four (4) Key New Marketing Realities
Due to the rapid innovations and development in technology the modern market is changing at
a fast pace. This leads to a new form of consumer behavior and presents new challenges and
opportunities for marketers. The 4 key aspects of the new marketing realities are Digital
Revolution, Retail Transformation, Intensifying Competition, and Increased Customer
Sophistication (Ismail, 2021).
Digital Revolution includes the rapid development and popularization of mobile technology,
social media, and the Internet. Retail Transformation has changed the way how consumers buy
products online and how companies can reach out to consumers directly. The increase in
competition is also a part and parcel of every organization in the modern market. Consumers can
instantly check the prices and features of a product and compare it with other products. Lastly, the
increased capability of customers to research a product before buying has made the market more
competitive in terms of achieving market share (Ismail, 2021).
2. Two (2) Key Features Details in New Marketing Reality
Out of the 4 key concepts discussed above, I want to elaborate on Digital Revolution and
Increased competition in the new marketing era.
In the era of the industrial revolution, the increased usage of modern technology has reduced
the human effort in making a transaction due to automation carried out by machines. Consumers
do not necessarily have to buy a product from an offline retail store. Consumers can buy products
from online stores, social media, and the internet. Consumers can also compare prices and product
reviews quickly while making a purchasing decision. Therefore, consumer behavior data can be
utilized to make strategic marketing decisions. By monitoring consumer purchasing history and
behavior, consumers can market their products effectively. By using digital technology like social
media platforms, website marketers can market their products online. With the advancement of
credit card payments online, consumers can conveniently make purchases from the comfort of
their homes. The advancement in the banking system is making the seller aware of the instant
transaction that has been made online from a product sale. This digital marketing technique has
not only led to national economic growth but also affected the global economy positively. The
Digital revolution has affected people’s lifestyles where consumers do not have to go to a store to
sort which clothes to buy. Consumers are facilitated by purchasing online. Therefore, it has most
important for any business to keep track of consumers’ internet usage history and gather data from
them to find out consumer interests and customize the marketing ads accordingly. Businesses in
the modern era not only have to be present offline but also online to create brand awareness and
increase sales. In the modern era, using the digital revolution as an advantage, marketers must
strategically market their products to achieve sustainable competitive advantage (Zulianti,
Khaerul, Dewi, Izza, & Suhairi, 2022).
Another new marketing reality is the increase in competition for market share in every industry.
Brand new markets are like science fiction where the rules of time and space do not apply. The
forces of competition are more and more intense, and it is increasingly more unclear who are the
customers of the business, and the competitors can be from an industry that nobody could predict.
For example, Airbnb has become a competitor in the hotel industry. In the new market, the
conventional strategies of achieving a competitive position in the market do not seem to work.
When a company is growing, they do not exactly know what components are most important to its
customers by using conventional strategy. Therefore, with the intense competition in the market,
the only way the business model will survive the competition is by creating value for the customer,
being more flexible to change, and adapting to changes quickly. Every company that hopes to
achieve sustainable profitability in the long-term will eventually need one or more sources of
differentiation (Eisenhardt & McDonald, 2020).
3. Two (2) Real-Life Examples of New Marketing Reality
I researched Apple and Disney to understand how they have adapted themselves to the new
marketing realities.
Apple is the most successful company in terms of building a brand and creating value.
Therefore, it is important to understand how they are surviving in the ever-changing marketplace.
Apple’s strategy to obtain market share is to keep its product simple, smooth, and minimal. Apple
does not overwhelm tech customers with numerous options. Apple also focuses on customer
experience which is consistent and creates value among consumers. Apple also comprehends its
customer’s behavior deeply by using simple words on their websites like LED backlighting, and
retina display. This strategy of Apple works which is seen in their financials and increased market
share. Apple also focuses on building its fan bases worldwide and its marketing strategies make
customers want to belong to the Apple community. Apple strategically avoids price wars and
prices itself higher than competitors like Samsung. Apple believes in the strategy of you getting
what you pay for. Apple has continuously adapted to the changing market and has focused on a
consumer behavior database to monitor the actual purchasing history of its customers strategically
target segments and position itself in the market. These strategies have helped Apple achieve a
higher return on investment (ROI) from its high-value customer segment and gave them a
competitive advantage and sustainable profitability (Ellie, 2022).
Disney is an icon of all US Brands. The business is highly scalable, and it is impossible to
reach these heights without having a clear and critically thought marketing strategy. However, the
best marketing strategy Disney has taken is the continuous adaptation to the rapidly changing
market. Disney has continuously adapted itself to new stories that resonate and inspire its fan base
and followers. Disney’s unique story-telling strategy influences its consumers to the core and
provides meaningful lessons which touch the emotions of its consumers. Disney also builds Disney
world and Disneyland destinations as iconic and sacred destinations and quickly adapts to the
trending movies that have disrupted the industry like Harry Potter, Marvel, etc. Disney also
generates an emotional impression on the lives of millions of people by employing nostalgia which
reinforces customer loyalty and retention. Disney also keeps its theme simple but dreamy and
continuously adapts to the needs of the consumers. All these strategies make Disney unique to
achieve brand awareness and equity in the continuously changing market. Also, the return on
investment (ROI), made on marketing and sales from Disney’s high-value customer segments, has
seen rapid growth over the years (Ellie, Disney Marketing Strategy: How Disney Becomes The
Entertainment King?, 2022).
AWS. (2022, NA NA). AWS Cloud Databases. Retrieved from AWS:
Burdick, M. (2019, May 14). Understanding the Challenges of Amazon Marketing Optimization.
Retrieved from TotalRetail: https://www.mytotalretail.com/article/understanding-thechallenges-of-amazon-marketing-optimization/
Eisenhardt, K. M., & McDonald, R. (2020, May 15). The New-Market Conundrum. Retrieved from Harvard
Business Review: https://hbr.org/2020/05/the-new-market-conundrum
Ellie. (2022, July 01). Apple Marketing Strategy: 8 Precious Lessons to Learn. Retrieved from MegaPlaza:
Ellie. (2022, July 01). Disney Marketing Strategy: How Disney Becomes The Entertainment King?
Retrieved from Megaplaza: https://www.mageplaza.com/blog/disney-marketing-strategy.html
Green, S. (2021, NA NA). The Ultimate Guide to Database Marketing. Retrieved from Hubspot:
Indeed Editorial Team. (2021, June 15). Guide to Marketing Information Systems and Why They Matter.
Retrieved from Indeed.com: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/careerdevelopment/marketing-informationsystem#:~:text=A%20marketing%20information%20system%2C%20or,data%20to%20analyze%2
Ismail, S. (2021, January 21). The New Marketing Realities. Retrieved from Linkedin.com:
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/new-marketing-realities-sabran-ismailManancourt, V. (2021, February 24). ‘Millions of people’s data is at risk’ — Amazon insiders sound
alarmed over security. Retrieved from Politico: https://www.politico.eu/article/data-at-riskamazon-security-threat/
Zulianti, D., Khaerul, M., Dewi, S. K., Izza, V. N., & Suhairi. (2022, January 28). THE EFFECT OF THE
DIGITAL REVOLUTION IS TO CONQUER GLOBAL. International Journal of Social Research, 1(2),
At the Beginning of Chapter 3, the text discusses the use and importance of "Marketing
Information Systems". 1.) Explain what a “Marketing Information System” is - And why it is
important to you as a marketer. 2.) If you are an Amazon marketing decision-maker,
identify and describe four (4) major categories of critical information you should maintain in
your marketing database(s)? 3.) Describe two (2) major risks incurred by Amazon by
operating a large, extensive marketing database? Provide outside reference sources to
support your answer.
1. Marketing Information System and Its Importance:
A system that is used for gathering, analyzing, and distributing marketing data and to help marketers
make better decisions is called a Marketing Information System (MIS). Marketers use the data, collected
by the MIS from relevant internal and external records, to analyze, interpret, and make marketing decisions
(Indeed Editorial Team, 2021).
An MIS aids effective communication within the organization. From MIS, team members obtain
valuable and reliable information. This information keeps the internal teams aware of the marketing
behavior of consumers and also keeps them motivated on the specific tasks and goals. MIS also prevents
miscommunication as it provides the same access to shared information to all levels within the organization.
Therefore, MIS can aid the overall performance of the organization. Using MIS, employees can access
well-organized data, analyze, and interpret it and help shape the strategic decisions of the organization in
the right direction. MIS also helps an organization identify new ways to upgrade and expand the existing
system. This, as a result, helps the organization to further collect and analyze data to build a more efficient
business (Indeed Editorial Team, 2021).
2. Four (4) Major Critical Information for Amazon’s Marketing Database:
As an Amazon marketing manager, I would use the following four (4) major critical information for
creating our database: Update customer contacts regularly and get feedback from customers; identify
potential and valuable buyers; Segment the buyers; Create a loyalty program and provide superior customer
service (Green, 2021).
As a marketing manager, I want to be in control of my customer contacts and not rely upon social
media. Social media is a strong tool. However, the database will soon disappear if a media entity like
Facebook disappears suddenly. Therefore, I would choose Amazon’s databases like Aurora, RDS, or
Redshift (AWS, 2022) to create my customer database; regularly update the data of new and existing
customers. I would also send out surveys for customer experience and make a gauge of customer
satisfaction. I would also keep a track of the real buying behavior of my customers and create a database
out of it (Green, 2021).
By analyzing the database, I will find a list of the best customers. I will look for where they live. I will
research what problems they have and whether Amazon is contributing to solving their problems. I will
also try to find customers with similar purchasing behavior. Database marketing will allow me to
understand my ideal customers and then help target individuals who behave similarly to them on paper
(Green, 2021).
The third thing I will consider is segmenting my buyers based on purchasing behavior, demographics,
and buying history. This will help me understand my customers better and offer them more of what they
want and less of what will lose their attention (Green, 2021).
Lastly, I will create a marketing channel and loyalty program for my customers to provide the best
offerings and value to retain and repeat their engagement with Amazon. I will make this information open
to all levels of employees so that Amazon employees can understand what the goal is and provide superior
customer service for loyal customers to retain their business. Once, this can be achieved, Amazon can focus
on its high-value customer segments and the return on investment (ROI) done on marketing and sales will
grow quickly (Green, 2021).
3. Two (2) Major Risks of Amazon with Large Database System
The two major risks that Amazon is facing with the large database system are- Increased Competition
and Database Security Issues. Amazon.com has become the most widely used search engine as of 2021 for
any product. People Skip Google and go directly to Amazon to search for products when shopping online.
As a result, Amazon has become one of the key product marketing battlegrounds along with Google.
Therefore, to minimize this risk of losing customers, Amazon requires an increasingly high level of active,
real-time campaign management. This is putting an increasing amount of pressure on brands and marketers
to stay on top of their game. Amazon has launched its Marketing and Search Engine Optimization strategy
to overcome this increased competition from different players in the market such as Google, Facebook,
Shopify, etc. (Burdick, 2019).
The other major risk that Amazon is facing is protecting its consumer data and compliance
(Manancourt, 2021). Amazon can track our order history, save our credit card information, and even have
access to our health data. Amazon has an empire of data that covers a lot more areas of our lives. However,
according to experts, the efforts of Amazon to protect the information it collects are insufficient. This leads
to an increased risk of potential data breaches, theft, and exploitation. Amazon prioritizes growth over other
factors which lead to an increased threat of sensitive customer information. Although experts have shared
their concerns, Amazon representatives have been strong in their statement that ensuring security and
protecting the privacy of consumer data is Amazon’s long-standing top priority (Manancourt, 2021).
AWS. (2022, NA NA). AWS Cloud Databases. Retrieved from AWS:
Burdick, M. (2019, May 14). Understanding the Challenges of Amazon Marketing Optimization.
Retrieved from TotalRetail: https://www.mytotalretail.com/article/understanding-thechallenges-of-amazon-marketing-optimization/
Eisenhardt, K. M., & McDonald, R. (2020, May 15). The New-Market Conundrum. Retrieved from Harvard
Business Review: https://hbr.org/2020/05/the-new-market-conundrum
Ellie. (2022, July 01). Apple Marketing Strategy: 8 Precious Lessons to Learn. Retrieved from MegaPlaza:
Ellie. (2022, July 01). Disney Marketing Strategy: How Disney Becomes The Entertainment King?
Retrieved from Megaplaza: https://www.mageplaza.com/blog/disney-marketing-strategy.html
Green, S. (2021, NA NA). The Ultimate Guide to Database Marketing. Retrieved from Hubspot:
Indeed Editorial Team. (2021, June 15). Guide to Marketing Information Systems and Why They Matter.
Retrieved from Indeed.com: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/careerdevelopment/marketing-informationsystem#:~:text=A%20marketing%20information%20system%2C%20or,data%20to%20analyze%2
Ismail, S. (2021, January 21). The New Marketing Realities. Retrieved from Linkedin.com:
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/new-marketing-realities-sabran-ismailManancourt, V. (2021, February 24). ‘Millions of people’s data is at risk’ — Amazon insiders sound
alarmed over security. Retrieved from Politico: https://www.politico.eu/article/data-at-riskamazon-security-threat/
Zulianti, D., Khaerul, M., Dewi, S. K., Izza, V. N., & Suhairi. (2022, January 28). THE EFFECT OF THE
DIGITAL REVOLUTION IS TO CONQUER GLOBAL. International Journal of Social Research, 1(2),