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Mt. Everest Formation: Plate Tectonics Worksheet

Why is Mt. Everest so tall?
Name ______________________________________
Watch the video in google classroom and then answer the following questions. Be ready to justify your
answers with explanation if I ask you a question.
1. How fast do the plates move each year? _________
2. What happens when 2 plates collide?
3. What plates is Mt. Everest between? _______________________________________________
4. What gives a mountain its shape
5. Name 6 factors that can shape mountains.
6. How are the Appalachian Mountains different from the Himalayan Mountains?
7. What is the snow line?
8. Is the snow line the same all over the planet? Explain your answer.
9. What makes some glaciers flow faster than others?
10. Which erodes faster: glaciers or rain? Explain WHY.
11. Give 2 reasons as to why Mt. Everest is so tall