, ,d[lli, a*Hflir Desionation: D303e/D30seM - 14 a, OJ ,NTERNAfIONAL o ? Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materialsl o thc tlxecl clesignation D3019/D30i9M: the nurnbcr immediately tirlloling the designrtion inclicaLes the yelr of origiral adoption or, in the case of revisiorr. thc year of last re\ision. A number in parentheses indicares tlre )ear of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (r:) irdicates an eclitorirl change sincc the last rerisiol or reapproval. o n. o o Tlris stancl*'d is issued rLnder This sttuulttnl lws been upproted./or u.sc h ogtttti<'s nl tlu' U.S. Deportruot o1'DeJbn,sc. 1. erlies and Equilibrium Conditioning of Polymer Matrix Scope UCornposite Materials HO VE-l Practices for Folce Verification of Testing Machines E6 Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testing 1a E83 Practice fbr Verilication and Classi{ication of Exten>Y someter Systerns F), El l1 Test Method for Young's Modulus, Tangent Modulus, and Chord Modulus E 121 Practice for Calculating Sarnple Size to Estimate, With tsE Specified Precision, the Average for a Characteristic of a 1.1 This test rnethod determines the in-plane tensile properties of polyrner matrix composite matedals reinforced by high-rlodulus fibers. The composite material forms are limited to continuous fiber or discontinuous fiber-reintbrced composites in which the laminate is balanced and symntelric with respect to the test direttion. og >: >d ze 1.2 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the inch-pound units are shown in brackets. The values stated in each systenr are nol exact equivalents; therefore. each system must be used independently ol the other. Combining values tiom the two systems may result in noncontormance with the FX ASTM Test Methods (/!F I Test Methods fbr Perlbnnance Characteristics of Me- mo E25 tallic Bonded Resistance Strain Gauges F= 9; 1D Terminology Relating to Quality and Statistics Practice for Verification of Testing Frame and Speci- :lo men Alignment Under Tensile and Compressive Axial HU Force Application >C E1237 Guide for Installing Bonded Resistance Strain Gages ? (t) E.156 E priute sofett tttrl ltealtlt practices cmd detennine the applical,i lit.t t'.1 ti,?rtldtt)t-\'littrittttiotts prior t,t tt.sc. 2. Referenced Documents l0l2 as ;P 2 1 ASTM Stuntlurds:) D792 Test Methods lor Density and Specific Gravity (Rela- 3. Terminology *g E 3.1 Defnitions-Terminology D3878 defines terms relating A=' to high-modulus fibers and their composites. Terminology >=. D883 defines terms relating to plastics. Tenninology E6 defines 2a terrns relating to mechanical testing. Terminology E.l-56 and 6): ob Praclice E 177 define terrns relating to statistics. In the event of a conflict between terrrs, Terminology D3878 shall have >o 3E precedence over the other standards. >J (aE iUl 3.2 Definitions of Terms SpeciJic to This Standard: tive Density) ol' Plastics by Displacement D88-3 Terminology Relating to Plastics D258'+ Test Method fbr Ignition Loss of Cured Reinforced Resins D213,1Test Methods fbr Void Content of Reinforced Plastics D3l7l Test Methods for Constituent Content of Cornposite Materials D3878 Terrninology for Composite Materials D5229/D5229N{ Test Method for Moisture Absorption Prop- >z 3.2.1 Note-If the term represents a physical quantity, its zd o-' ts(t analytical dimensions are stated imrnediately fbllowing the @o {< (or fbrm, using in fundamental dimension letter symbol) terrn vD the following ASTM standard symbology for fundamental dimensions, shown within square brackets: lMl for mass, [L] = o o ibr length, [I] fbr tirne, [@] fbr therrnodynamic temperalure, 9, and I nril for nondimensional quantities. Use of these symbols is restricted to analytical dimensions when used with square o 'This test rnethod is Ltnder the juriscliction ol ASTM Committee D30 on Conrposite \'luterids and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D30.0:l on Lamina ancl LiLnrinate Tcst Methods. CLLrrent edition approved May 15. 201:1. Publishecl NIay 201;1. Originally approred in 1971. Last prtvious eclition approved in 2008 as D3039-08. DOI: -520/D-1039_D30.19M- s9 >9Method for Poisson's Ratio at Room Temperature ai El77 Practice tbr Use of the Tenns Precision and Bias in rni E 132 Test 1.3 This stutdard tloes not purport to atltlress all oJ the sufett trnrcems, if any, ossociated vvith its use. It is the respottsibilin' of the user of this standard to estttblish oppro- I fo Lot or Process standard. 10. =o torE 1,1. : fjor reterenced ASTN'I standards. visit thc ASTM lvebsite, lvww.astn].org. or contact ASTM C'ustomer Sen,ice at service@rashn.org. For Anntutl Book oJ ASTill brackets, as the symbols may have other deijnitions when used without the brackets. Starulartl.s volurne infbrmation. refcr to the stanrlarcl's Docurncnt Summary page on the ASTN{ rebsite. 3 o Copyright O ASTM lnternational, 100 Barr Harbor Drive. PO Box C700, West Conshoh@ken. PA 19428'2959 United States I o !t o I ([Jp oeoss/D3o3eM 3.2.2 nornirnl ralue, n-a r,,alue. existing in narne onlv, assigned to a measurable properly for the purpose of convenienl designation. Tolerances r.na) be applied to a nominal l'alue to define an acceptable range lor the property. 3.2.3 transition regiort, rr-a sLrain region of a stless-str.rin or strain-strain curve ovel rvhich a significant cl-range in the slope of the curve occurs 'nl,ithin a small strain range. 3.2.1 trctnsitiott stroitt, ttl'ttt\i.i"t, Intl], n-the strain value at the mid range ol the transitiort re_tion betr,veen the two essentially linear portions of a bilinear stress-straiu oI srrainstrain cun,e. Discusslon-Many {ilamentary composite materials shorv essentially bilinear behavior during force application, such as seen in plots of either longitLrdinal stress versus longitudinal slrain or transvel'se slrain versus long longitudinal strain. There are varying physical reasons lor the existence of a lransition region. Common examples include: matrix cracking under tensile fbrce application and ply delantination. 3.3 .S.r'nrbols: A-minimum cross-sectional area of a coupoll. B_,.-percent bending for a uniaxial coupon of rectangular cross section about -y axis ol' the specirnen (about the narrow direction ). B.--percent bending tor a uniaxial coupon ol rectangular cross section about i axis of the specimen (about the wide direction). CV-coeflrcient of variation statistic of a sample populalion for a given property (in percent). E-modulus of elasticity in the test direction. in the test direction. prrr-gl1imn1s shear strength in the test direction. f'I1-1111im31s tensile strength Ir-coupon Lr-extensometer gage length. f,,,,,-minimum required bonded tab length. n-number of coupons per sarnple population. P-fbrce carried by test coupon. P/-fbrce carried by test coupon at failure. quality assurance, and structural design and analysis. Factors that influence the lensile response and should therefore be reported include the fbllowing: ntaterial, nterhods of ntaterial ! preparation and lay-up. specimen stackiltg sequence, specimen ;{ preparalion, specirnen conditioning, environrnent of testing, 0 F specimen alignment and glipping, speed of tesring, rinle lr 6) temperature, voicl content, and volume percent reinforcement. z Properties, in the test direction, which may be obtained from F this test method include the fbllowing: 5.1.1 Ultimate tensile strength, 5.l.l Ultinrate tensile srltin. 5.1.3 Tensile chord modulus of elasticity, 5.1.4 Poisson's ratio. and 5. I .5 Transition stlain. 6.1 Material z o o z m a ! 6. Interferences rn F Preltartttiort-Poor material fab- (, m control of fiber alignment, and v cutd Specintetr rication practices, lack of damage induced by improper colrpon machinins are known causes of high material data scatter in composites. f sarnple population for a given property. ,r--mean ot' average (estimate of mean) of a sample population fbr a given property. d-extensional di splacement. e general symbol fbr strain. whether normal strain or shear strain. e-indicated normal strain fiom slrain transducer or extensometer. stress. o I ! Test Method 4.1 A thin flat strip of marerial having a constant rectangular cross section is mounted in the grips of a ntechanical lesting machine and monotonically loaded in tension wl.rile recording the force. The ultirnate strength of the material can be .tI I x elasticity determination. Every effor1 should be rnade to elirninate excess bending frorn the test system. Bending may occur z as a result of misaligned grips or li'om specin'rens themselves if 6) improperly installed in the grips or out-ol-tolerance caused by o o poor specimen preparation. If there is any doubt as to the alignment inherent in a given test rnachine, then the alignrnent = should be cl.recked as discussed in 7.2.5. tn 6.4 Edge Effects in Angle Ply Lcuninate.i-Premature failure and lower stilfnesses are observed as a result ol edge softening -t z, ol in laminales containing offaxis plies. Because of this, the lrl 6l strength and modulus fbr angle ply laminales can be drastically \fl underestimated. For quasi-isotropic laminates containing significant 0' plies. the efl-ect is nor as significant. 7. Apparatus r,-Poisson's ratio. 4. Summary of 5. Significance and Use 5.1 This test nrethod is designecl lo produce tensile proper.ty data for rnaterial specifications. research and developrnent, 6.3 System Alignnrcnt-Excessive bending will cause premature ailure, as well as highly inaccurate modulus ol p/r/"t-1111i11um fbrce carried by test coupon before failure. s,, ,-standard deviation statislic of a sample population fbr a given property. x,-coupon width. o-nonnal detelrninecl fionr the nta.riutum fbrce carried belble failur-e. Il the coupon strain is monitored rvith strain ol displacernent tlansducers then the stress-strain l'esponse ol' tl're malerial can be deternrined, from rvliich the ultirnate tensile strain, tensile modulus ol elasticity. Poisson's ratio. and transition strain can be derived. 6.2 Gripping-A high percentage ol grip-induced failures, F o especially when cornbined with high rnaterial data scatter, is an o indicator of specimen gripping problems. Specimen grippin-q D 3 methods are discussed l'urther in 1.2.1,8.2, and 11.5. thickness. -rr-test result for an individual coupon l'rom the 14 J.l Mir:rcnrcters and Calipers-A micrometer with a 4 to 7 mrn [0.16 to 0.28 inl nominal diameter ball inter{ace shall be used to measure the specimen thickness rvhen at least one surfhce is irregular (such as the bag-side of a laminate). A rnicrometer with a 4 to 7 mm [0. 16 to 0.28 in.l nominal dianreter ball interface or with a flat anvil intertace shall be (NJp osose/D3ossM to measule the specimen thickness rvhen both sutfaces are smooth (such as tooled surlhces). A rnicrometer or caliper, with a llat anvil interface. shall be used to measttre the width of the specimen. The accuracy of lhe instruments shall be suitable for reading to within I 7a of the sample dimensions. For typical specimen geometries, an instrumetrt with an accuracy of -f0.0025 mm [-10.0001 in.l is adequate fbr thickness rneasurement, rvhile an instrument with an accuracy of +0.025 used mm [+0.001 in.l is aclequate for rvidth nteasurement. 7.2 Testirrg Macltine-The testing machine shall be in conformance with Practices 8,1 and shall satisty the lbllowing requirements: 7.2.1 Testing Machine Heads-The testing machine shall have both an essenlially stationary head and a movable head. 1.2.2 Drive Meclrunisrn--:lhe testing machine drive mecha- nism shall be capable of imparting to the rnovable head a controlled velocity with respect to the stationary head. The velocity of the movable head shall be capable of being regulated as specifled in I 1.3. I .2.3 Force Indicator --The testing machine force-sensing device shall be capable of indicating the total force being carried by the test specimen. This device shall be essentially fiee from inertia lag at the specified rate of testing and shall indicate the force with an accuracy over the force range(s) of interest of within + I 7c of the indicated value. The fbrce range(s) oi interest may be fairly low for rnodulus evaluation, much higher for strength evaluation, or both, as required. Nore l - {btaining precision tbrce data over a large range of interest in the same test. such as *hen both elastic modulus and ultimate f-otce are bein-g determined. place extreme requitements on the load cell and its calibration. For some equipment, a special calibration may be required. For some combinations of material and load cell, simultuneous precision measurement of both elastic modulus and ultimate strength may not be possible and rneasurement of modulus and strength may have to be performed in separate tests using a different load cell range for each test. 7.2.4 Grips-Each head of the testing machine shall carry one grip fbr holdin-e the iest specimen so that the direction of force applied to the specimen is coincident with the longitudinal axis of the specin.ren. The grips shall apply suffrcient lateral pressure to prevent slippage between the grip face and the coupon. If tabs are used the grips should be long enough that they overhang the beveled portion of the tab by approximately 10 to 15 mm [0.5 in.].It is highly desirable to use grips that are - 14 OJ n A rectangular alignment coupon. pref'erably sirnilar P in size and stilTness to the test specimen of interest. is I instrurnented with a minimum of three longitudinal strain A gages of similtrr type, two on the front lace across the width and one on the back lace ol the specirnen, as shown in Fig. 1. f= Any difference in indicated strain between these gages during f loading provides a rleasure of the amount ol bending in the thicknesi plane (8,,) and rviclth plane (8.) of the coup-on. The + = strain gage location should normally be located in tlre rniddle : of the coupon gage section (if moclulus determinaiion is a 6 3concern), near a grip (if prernature grip failures are a problem ). A E or any combination of these areas. +o 7 .2.5.2 When evaluating system alignment, it is advisable to C S perform the alignment check with the same coupon inserted in li I each of the fbur possible installation permutations (described I $ relative to the initial position): initial (top-front lacing fl 3 f. I ! observer), rotated back to front only (top back facing obselr, er lotated end for end only (bottom liont facing observer), and f j rotated both front to back and end to end (bottorn back facing i j. observer). These fbur dala sets provide an indication "f :0 whether the bending is due to the system itself or to tolerunce ! { in the alignment check coupon or gaging. EI 1 .2.5.3 The zero strain point may be taken either before f 6 gripping or after gripping. The strain response of the alignment gl g coupon is subsequently monitored during the gripping pro..sr. | 3 the tensile loading process, or both. Eq I and Eq I use these fi 3 indicated strains to calculate the ratio of the percentage of fl H bencting strain to average extensional strain for each bending [ fi plane of the alignment coupon. Plotting percent bending uersus fi i axial average strain is useful in understanding trends in the ] # bending behavior of the system pE Problems with failures during gripping would U. 5 3 reason to examine bending strains during the gripping process I3c in the location near the grip. Concem over modulus data scatter b E would be reason to evaluate bending strains over the modulus I B evaluation force range for the typical transducer location. 1,. Excessive failures near the grips would be reason to evaluate x $ bending strains near the grip at high loading levels. While ,h" ^:. >1. 2a a= 6): -lwr- oil rotationally self-aligning to minimize bending stresses in the S S SGI coupon. G G 2 SG2 Nole 2 {rip surfaces that are lightly serrated, approximately 1 >o 3E >J OEE & iUl 2z B o-. ts(r I serration/mm 125 ser-ralions/in.l, have been tound satisfactory lbr use in wedge-action grips when kept clean and sharp; coarse setutions tnal' produce grip-induced failu'es in untabbed coupons. Smooth gripping surfaces have been used successfully with either hydraulic grips or an emery cloth intertace, or both. 0, 00 \l< vil 5: (,} o J.2.5 St'stem Alignntent-Poor system alignment can be a major contributor to premature failure, to elastic property data scatter, or both. Practice El0l2 describes bending evaluation guidelines and describes potential sources of misalignment during tensile testing. In addition to Practice E1012, the degree of bending in a tensile system can also be evaluated using the following related procedure. Specimen bending is considered separately in I 1.6.1. 9. w18 o 3 (rYP 2PL) o FlG. 1 Front Sidc Gage Locations for System Alignment Check Coupon o f. o J o_ ,{$Jp osose/D3o3eM rutaxirrr-rr.t-t acli'isable arlloLlnt ()l s-\'stenl rtrisalignntent is urete- rial and location clependent, goocl testing practice is generall-y able to limit percent bending to a ranse ol'3 to 5 Ct at nrodelate strain levels (> 1000 pre ). A sl,stenr shorving excessile benclil-s lirr the given application should be reacljusted or niorti{iecl. l, - !-r-jti.: -: )/l lt:. x r:,) ' 11,,, tog 100 (t) rlr " rvhele: B, - B. - t",, t:r, dtttl t,.i = percent bencling about syslem r. axis (abor.rt the narrorv plane), as calculated by Eq 1. 9i; perceut bending aboLtl svstent : a.xis (about the wicle plane). as calculated by I:c1 l. 9L: indicated longitudinal srraills displayed by 1,2. and 3, respectively, o1'Fir. l, pe; Ga_ses c,,," Nor = L, and (({rr + t'..112+ t.112 3-'txperimental error- rraY be introduced bY sorLr-ces such as poor' st'stem alignnrent. specimen preparalion and strain gage precision ancl calibration. These sorLrces of error r.nay result in an uverale calcr"rlated strain (r:,,.) of 0. car:sing B, and B- (Eq I and l:tg 1) to approach infinity as the averase calculalecl strain is the denorninator. To rninirnize the potential fbr this occurrence during svstem alignn.rent evaluation. it is recomrrended that lblce be applied to the alignntent coupon until all three strain gages measure positive strain of no less than -500 prs u,ilh an r:,,. of no less than 1000 pu;. ll these conditions can not be met. the tesl configulation should be atljusted prior to perfirrrring futlher systenl aliErnrent evaluation. 7 .3 Strain-lndi<'utirtg Det,icc-Folce-strain clata, ii required, shall be determined by nreans of either a strain transducer or an extensolreter. Attachment of the strain-indicating device to the coupou shall not cause danrage to the specinteu surfhce. If Poisson's ratio is to be determined. the specimen shalt be instrunrentecl Io measure strain in both longitudinal and lateral directions. If the modulus of elaslicity is to be deterntined, the longitudinal strain should be sinrultaneously measulecl on opposite laces of the specinren to allow lbr a correction as o result ol'any bending of the specimen (see ll.(t lor llrther guidance). 7 .3.1 Bondctl Rcsisttutce Stroin Gagc Sclecrron-Strain gage selection is a compromise based on the i-Vpe ol- material. _sage Iength ol'6 mrn [0.25 in.] is recontnrended for nrost matel'ials. Active ga-ce lengths should not be less than 3 An active nrm [0. 125 in.].3 Gage calibration cerlilicalion shall corlply rvith Test Methods El5l. When testin_u rvoven l'abric laminates, gage selectiou should consider the use ol'an aclive gage length that is at least as great as lhe characteristic repeatin-c unit ol'the weave. Sorne guidelines on lhe use o1- strain gages on con'lposites fbllor.v. A general rel'ercnce on the subject is Tuttle and Brinson.r Sudace preparation of llber-r'einlorced compt'rsites in accordance rvith Practice Ir1ll7 can penetl'ate the ntatrix 'A tr,picrl gagc uould harc a 0.25-in. actire sage Icngth. i5t) (l r.\i'tiutcc. J strnin rrting of l',i or bett.'r. ancl the ilppropriate c.nrirrtnntc'ntrl rc\i\tiulcd ind thcrrnrl coefticient. ''futtle. \'1. tl. iurd l.lrinson. H. I-.. "Resistilnc. Ftril Strtin-G roe-li'chnirlotr ii' Applied to C'onrposite NIrLterirls." E.rparitnefiol Lleclrurtir'.s. Vrl l-{. \o. I. \lrrch l98J: pp.5,1 65: crratr notc'd in Vtrl 26. \o. l. Junc 1936. pp. l5-l l5-1. - 14 rnaterial ilutl cause darnage Lo thc reinliircin_r libcrs lesulting in iurproper coupon lailures. Reinlbrcing llbers should not [rt, exposed or dalnaced durinc the suLfnce prepar.rtion process. The strrrin cage uanufiictul'er shoulcl be consultecl regarcling surl'ace preparatiorl _suidelines anri recon.rnrended bonclinc agents tbr contposites pendin_e the clevelclprnent of a set of staudal'd practices fbl strain gage install.ttion sulface prepal'ation ol' hber'-reinlbrcecl contposite rnatel'ials. 7.3.1 .2 Consicleralion shoLrld be given to rhe selection ttf' gtges hal'ing larser resistances to reduce healing elI'ects on c lorv-conductir itv rnaterials. Rc.sistances ol 350 O trr higher ure l preferred. Aclclitional consicleration should bc giren to the ure ! ol' the mininrurn possible -sage excitation vohage eonsislr-nt t with the ctesired accuracy ( I to 2 V is recomrnencled) to reduce J lirrther the por,ver consulned by the gage. Heating ol the ! coupon by the eage rnay afl'ect the perl'orrnance of the material clirectly, or it rnay aff'ect the indicated strain as a resulr ol a difl'erence betrveen the ga-ue temperalure cornpensurion lacttlr and the coefllcient ol' thermal expansion ol- llre coLrpor", ,ru,"ri il ! i i al. 7.3.1 .3 Consideration o1'some fbrrn of teniperature coltlpensation is recommended, even when testiltg at stancllrcl labora- E = tory atrnosphere. TemperatLlre cornpensation is requirecl when fr testin-q in nonambient ternperature 1.3.1 envitontnenis. .4 Considelation sl.rould be given Lo the transvelse I I sensitivity ol the seleclecl strain gage. The strain gage manu- H facturer should be consLrlted fbr reconrmenclations on tl'ans- E verse sensitivity con'ections ancl efl'ects on cornposites. This is f, particularly irriportant fbl a transversely rnountecl gage ,re.l t,., ! deterrnine Poisson's ratio. as discussed in Note ll I J.3.2 E.rtensotneter.s-For lnost purposes, the extensonleter ! ga-ee length shoulil be in the lan,ee of t0 to 50 mm t0.5 to 2.t) f; in.l. Extensorneters shall satisl)i, at a minimum, Praclice E8f , P Class B- l requirernents lor the strain range of interest and shall D be calibratecl clver that strain range in acCordance with Practice ] Eiii. For extremely stiff rnaterials, or fbr measurement o1' T transverse strains, the tixed error allowed by Class B- t x extensonreters nray be signilicant, in which case Class A extensorreters should be consiclerecl. The extensonreter shall be B essentially ll'ee of inertia lag at the speciliecl speed ol testing. fr and the weight of the extensorneler should noi induce bending $ strains greater than those allorved in 6..1. Norc 4-lt i is generallv less dillicult to perti)nn \lrrin calibration of longer gaue length as lesi precirion in displacenrenf requiretl ol the exlensorneter calibration extensometers clerice. on 3 is fi il 7.1 Conditiorting ()ltuntber'-When conditionin.q materiuls Z at nonlaborillory environmeltts. a tetlperature/i'lporIevel- 3 controllecl erlvil'onntenlal conclitioning charnber is requiled thar S shall be capable ol' ntaintaining the requirecl ternperature to within +3'C [*5"F] ancl the required relatii,e vapor level to u,ithin +3 7r, Chamber conclitions shall be ntonitorecl eitlrer on an autolnated continuous basis o| on a r.nanual basis at resular intervals. 7.5 Enyixtuntental Test Cluttnbcr-An environrnental test chamber is lecluired for test environr.nenls other than ambient testing laboratory conditions. This chantbel shall be capatrle ol lraintaining the gage section of the test specirnen at the recluirecl test environrnent during the n.rechanical test. $p osose/DsoseM - 14 8. Sampling and Test Specimens 8.1 Santpling-Test at least five specimens per test condition unless valicl results can be gair.red through the use of fewer specimens, such as in the case ol a designed experiment. For statistically significant data, the proceclures outlined in Practice E,122 should be consulted. Report the rnethod of sampling. Nore 5-lf specimens are to under-eo environmental conditioning to equilibrium. and are of such type or geometry that the rveight change of the material cannot be properly mezrsured by rveighint the specirnen itself (such as a tabbed mechanical coupon). then use antxher traveler coupon of the same nominal thickness afid appropriate size (but without tabs) Io detemine uhen equilibrium has been reached for- the specimens being conditioned. 8.2 Gaontetrt'-Design of mechanical test coupons, especially those using end tabs, remaitrs to a large extent an art rather than a science, rvith no industry consensus on how to approach the engineering of the gripping interface. Each major composite testing labortrtory has developed gripping methods for the specilic material systems and environments commonly encountered within that laboratory. Cornparison of these methods shor.vs them to differ widely, making it extremely difltcult 10 recommend a universally useful approach or set of approaches. Because of this dilficulty, definition of the geometry of the test coupoll is broken down into the following three levels, which are discussed further in each appropriate section: Purpose Degree of Geometry Definition l\ilandatory Shape and Tolerances 8.2.1 General Requirements 8.2.2 SpecificRecommendations NonmandatorySuggestedDimensions Nonmandatory Typical Practices 8.2.3 Detailed Examples 8.2.1 General Requirenrcrts : .l Shape, Dintensiorts, and Tolerances-The complete requirements for specimetr shape, dimensions, and tolerances is shown in Table l. 8.2.1 .2 IJse of Tabs-Tabs are not required. The key factor in the selection of specimen tolerances and gripping methods is the successful introduction of force into the specimen and the prevention of premature failure as a result of a signiflcant discontinuity. Therefore, determine the need to use tabs, and specilication of the major tab design parameters, by the end result: acceptable failure mode and location. If acceptable 8.2.1 list of TABLE 1 Tensile Specimen Geometry Requirements Bequirement Parameter Coupon Requirements: shape minimum length specimen width specimen width tolerance specimen thickness specimen thickness tolerance specimen flatness Tab Requirements (if used): tab material fiber orientation (composite tabs) tab thickness tab thickness varialion between tabs tab bevel angle tab step at bevel to specimen A constant rectangular cross-section gripping + 2 times width + gage length as neededA 11 % of width as needed 14 % of thickness flat with light {inger pressure as needed as needed as needed a1 % tab thickness 5 to 90", inclusive feathered without damaging specimen See 8.2.2 or Table 2 for recommendations !, failure modes occur rvith reasonable fiequency, then tl.rere is reason to change a given gripping rnethcld. no P o 8.2.2 Spet:ifit Recontnrt:nclrttiotts: E 8.2.2.lWdttl'Thickness,ttnc!Length-Selectthespecimen< ancl fibers bulk ; 5 wiclth and thickness to promote failure in the gage section q assure that the specimen contains a sull'icient nuirb.. of in the cross section to be statistically representative of the material. The specinren length should normally be substantially 3' longer than the minirnum requirement to minimize bending $ stresses caused by minor grip eccenlricities. Keep the gage section as far fiom the grips as reasonably possible arrd prol'ide a significant amount of material under stress and theretble ri fr b I produce a more statistically significant result. The mininrum f { requirernents for specimen design shown in Tuble I ale by o ] themselves insufficient to create a properly dimensioned and [ fl toleranced coupon drarving. Therefore, recommendations on Q $ other irnportant dimensions are proviclerl for typical material E E confrgurations in Table 2. These -eeometries have been lound I p by a number of testing laboratories to produce acceprable f, i' failure modes on a wide variety of rnalerial systems, but use of rr l" then'r cloes not guarantee success lbr every existing o. trtur" fr f marerial system. 9n Gripping/tlse oJ Tabs-There are many mrteri.l fi g configurations, such as multidirectional laminates. fabric-based t d rnaterials, clr ranclomly reinforcecl sheet-molding compounds, 6 d which can be successfully tested without tabs. However', tabs I i are strongly recommendecl when testing unic'lilectional materi- fi ! als (or strongly unidirectionally dominated laminates.l to tailure ! I in the fiber direction. Tabs may also be required when testing I L unidirectional rnaterials in the matrix direction to p..u"ri I f, gripping darnage. i E Tab Geontetrt-Recommendations on important di- H H mensions are provided lor typical material conflgurations in f; Table 2. These dimensions have been found by a number of 3 $ testing laboratories to produce acceptable failure modes on a f, ' wide variety of material systems, but use of thern does not j< 8 guarantee success for every existing or future material system. € The selection of a tab configuration that can successfully ! i' produce a gage section tensile failure is dependent upon the 2 6. couporl material, coupon ply orientation, and the type of grips [i g being used. When pressure-operated nonwedge grips are ur.d $ I with care, squzred-off 90" tabs have been used successfully. > o Wedge-operated grips have been used most successlully wittr f, I tabs having low bevel angles (7 to 10") and a leathered smooth 4 E transition into the .oupor. For alignment purposes, l, ir ! I essential that the tabs be of matched tl.rickness. Friction Tabs-Tabs need not always be bondecl tu S S the material under test ro be eff-ective in introducing the fbrce J $ into the specimen. Friction tabs, essentially nonbonded tabs :f held in place by the pressure of the grip, and ol'ten used with d emery cloth or some other light abra.sive between the tab and 9 the coupon, have been successfully used in some applications. 3 In specific cases, lightly serrated wedge grips (see Note l) have been successfully used with only emery cloth as the interlace between the grip and the coupon. However, the abrasive used g i 5 Sorne f in this i must be able to withstand significant compressive fbrces. types of ernery cloth have been fbund ineffective application because of clisintegration of the abrasive. *) g ($ip oooss/D3o3eM - 14 TABLE 2 Tensile Specimen Geometry FlecommendationsA widrh. Fiber Orientat:on A mm Iin.l Overah Lenglh. mm [in.j 0'unidirectional 90'unidirectional balanced and syrnmetric 15 [0.s] 250 [1 0 0] 2s 2s 11.01 175 I 7.01 l1 .01 250 [10.0] random-d iscontinuous 25 [1.0] 250 I10.01 Tnickness mm [in.] Tab Length mm lin.l [0.040] [0.080] 2.5 [0.100] 2.5 [0.100] 56 [2 25] 25 11.01 emery clcth emery cloth 1.0 2.0 Tab Thickness. [in.] mm Tab Bevel Angle,' 7 or90 1.5 [0.062] 1.5 [0.062] 90 Dimensions in this table and the tolerances ol Fig 2 or Fr.t 3 are recommendaiions only and may be varied so long as the requirements of Tai[rle 1 are met. 8.1.2.-5 Ttb 14utcriul-The rnost consistentlv usecl bonded !as been continuous E-glass {lber-reinfbrcecl polyn.rer nratlix ntatelials (rvoven or unwoven.) in a [()/90lns laminate con{i_suration. The tab malerial is cornrnonly appliecl at;15'to the fbrce clirection to provicle i1 sol-t interf'ace. Other trotches, undercuts. rough or uneveu surl aces, or clelanrinations Bottderl Tub Lertgth-When using bondec[ tabs. estimate the minirnunr suggested tab length firr bonclecl tabs by the causecl by inappropriate rnachining ntelho(ls. Obtain final dinrensions lrv u,ater-lubr-icatecl plecision sau'ins. rnilling, or grinclin-u. The r-rse o1'clianroncl tooling has been tbund to be extrernely e{i-ective lirr ntany nratelial s-ystents. E,clges should be flat and parallel rvitl.rin the specifiecl tolet'ances. 8.3.3 kbeliti.q-Label the coupons so that the1, will be distinct lrorr each other and traceable back to the ra',v material ancl in a milnner that u'ill both be r.rnaft-ected by tlre test and not inUuence the test. fbllorving sinrple equation. As this equation does no1 itccount lbr the pealiing stresses that are known to exist tlt the ends ot 9. Calibration bonded .joints. The ta[] len_cth calculated by this eLluation should normally be increased by some l-actor to leduce the chances of joint lailure: equipnrent. 1ab nraterial conligulations that have reportedl)' been successfully usecl have incorporatecl steel tabs clr tabs rilacle ol the sanre malerial as is bein-c tested. L*": F"'ltl2F"' (3) r.l,here: I Lrrirr FU It FU minirnurn recluired bonded tab length, nrm Iin.]: ultirnate tensile strengtl.r of coupon rnaterial. MPa Ipsi]; coupon thickness. rnm Iin.]; ancl ultimate shear strength ol- adhesive. coupolr rnaterial, or tab nraterial (whichever is lowest), MPa [psi]. Brtrdei Tul; Atlltesiya-Any high-elon_qation (tough) adhesive systenr that rneets the environrllental requirenrerrts may be used rvhen bonding tabs to the rnaterial under test. A uniforrn bondline of r.ninimurn thickness is desirable to reduce undesirable stresses in the assenrbly. 8.2.3 Detailed E.rtutrplcs-The minimurn requirements lirr specimen design cliscussed in 8.2.1 are by thenrselves insufficient to create a properly dinrensioned and toleranced coupon drawing. Dimensionally toleranced specinren drawings fbr both tabbed and untabbed lbrms ale shown as exanrples in Fig. 2 (SI.1 and lrig..3 tinch-pouncl). The tolelances on these drawings are hxecl, but satisly the recluirernents of hbb I lor all ol the reconrrnended configurations of Table 2. For a specific conliguration, the tolerances on Fig. I and l-'ig. .j rniglit be able to be relaxed. 8.-j 5/,c, irtcr Prcp(trLtti()n: 8.3.1 Pancl Fultricution-Control of llber alignnrent is critical. Irnproper fiber alignment will reduce the nreasured properties. Erratic fiber ali-snment will also increase the coeflicient of variation. The specirnen preparation nrethod shall bc repolted. 8.3.2 Mttcltitting Metlnds-Specirnen preparirtion is ertrenrely inrporlant lbl this specimen. Mold the specirrens individually to avoid edge and cutting eftects or cut theui lronr plates. Il-they are cut lionr plates, take precautions to aroiti 9. I The accuracy of all measurir.rg ecluipment shall have certified calibrations that ure cul'rent at the time o1'use ol'the 10. Conditioning 10. I The recornnrendecl pre-test condition is efl'ective n.roisture equilibrium at a specilic relative hurniclity as established by Test Method D5ll9/D-5129\.'1; however, il the test requestor does not explicitly specity a pre-test conclitioning errvironmeut. no conditioning is recluired and the test specirnens ntay be tested as prepared. 10.2 The pre-test specinren conditioning process. to include specified environnlenlal expclsure Ievels and resulting moisture coutent, shall be repol'ted with the test clata. Notr. 6rThe tenn moisture. as used in Test Method D.1129/l)-ill9\1. inclucles not only the vapor o[ a Iiquid anrl its condensate. but the liqLLid itsell'in large quantities. u: lol intnrersiorr. 10.3 Il no explicit conclitioning process is perlbnned, the specimen conditioning plocess shall be reported as "unconclitioned" and the rnoisture content as "unknorvn." 11. Procedure ll.l Puruttteters To Be Speci.fiel Befttre Tcst: I l.l.l The tension specimen sampling rnethod, coupon type required). tensile properties ancl clata reporting tbrrnat and georletry, and conditioning travelers ll.l.2 The (il des ired. Norr T Determine specilic material propert),. accunlcv. and dala reporting requirements belirre test fbr propel selection of inrtrunrentation ancl data-recorclint equiprnent. Estimate operating stress and strain levels to arcl in tlansducer selection. calibration ol equipment. ancl cleterr.nination ol equipment setdngs. .1.3 The environnrenlal conditioning test paralneters. .4 lf perl'orrned, the sampliltg ntethocl, coupoll seonletry. and test parameters used to deternrine density and rein lbrcemen[ \'olunte. I I I I .l I l .) Gtrrt'nr l I rt.st t'trr'l it,tt.t. : a {Np - osose/Dso3eM J qJ 14 Q. DRAWIIIC NOTES: I INTERpRET DRAWING tru ecconoeruie wlrH ANSI yr4.sM r9i2, suaJEcr ro rHE FoLLowlNG: 2, ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES \ryITH DECIMAL TOLERANCES AS FOLLOWS NoDFcrMAi I o i I xx +3 ltr l+: 3 ALL ANGLES PAVE IOLERANCE OF + ,5O 4. ply oRTENTATToN DrREcrroN ToLERANcE RELATTvE ro @ wtrutru + .s". 5, FIN SH ON MACHINED EDGES NOT TO EXCEED 1.6/ (SYMBOLOGY IN ACCORDANCE o 3 WITH ASA 846,I, WITH ROUGHNESS HEIGHT IN MICROMETRES,) 6. 7 VALUES TO BE PROVIDED FOR THE FOLLOWING, SUBJECT LAy-up, ply oRTENTATToN REFERENcE RELATTvE ro To ANY RANGES SHoWN ON THE FIELD OF DRAWING: L4ATERIAL. o @. ovrnaul LENGTH. GAGE LENGTH. coupoN THTcKNESS, TAB MATERIAL TAB THICKNESS, TAB LENGTH, TAB BEVEL ANGLE. TAB ADHESIVE. NO ADHFSIVF BTJILDUP ALLOWED IN TH S AREA, _45.90' A, n o +45" '.,1\u+0o ,: sil Nort+ 4. sEENorE5, __l r- OJ r1 DTIoTAl I t SEE NOTE 5 I l*_ 2x sre ruore t4l =o !olE gl{o E;^ El. s SEE NOTE 5 >: z\ I+IojEcE ilg F), t l! t >; ze I lr E tsE COUPON WITH TABS +l' 99' ++s' \t400 SEE NOTE uDo =,; >q H5 4 i f/fosT.Al SEE NO'TE at^ o :.,:,1 5 -I-q UtIilo FE .g; ;D AA =E HU >C COUPON \A/ITHOUT TABS FlG.2 Tension Test Specimen Drawing (Sl) 11.2.1 Report any deviations from this test method, whether intentional or inadvertent. 11.2.2 If specific gravity, density, reinfbrcement volume, or void volume are 1tl be reported, then obtain these samples fiom the same panels being tension tested. Specific gravity and density may be evaluated by means of Test Methods D792. Volume percent of the constiluents may be evaluated by one of the matrix digestion procedures of Test Method D3 171, or, for cefiain reinforcement materials such as glass and ceramics, by the matrix burn-off technique of Test Method D258,+. The void content equations of Test Methods D2731 are applicable to both Test Method D2584 and the matrix digestion procedures. Following final specimen machining and any conditioning, but before the tension testing, determine the I 1.2.3 specimen area as A = w' x /i, at three places in the gage section, and report the area as the average of these three determinations to the accuracy in 7.1. Record the average area in units of ,,,rt 1in.';. ll.3 Speed of Testing Set the speed ol testing to effect a nearly constant strain rate in the gage section. If strain control =p *g t, ^=' >=. a= 6.)9 is not available on the testing machine, this may be approxi- 2a mated by repeated monitoring and adjusting of the rate of force application to maintain a nearly constant strain rate, as measured by strain transducer response versus time. The strain rate should be selected so as to produce failure within 1 to l0 rnin. If the ultimate strain of the material cannot be reasonably estimated, initial trials should be conducted using starldard speeds until the ultimate strain of tl.re material and the compliance of the system are known, and the strain rate can be adjusted. The suggested standard speeds are: ll.3.l Strain-Controlled Tests-A standard strain rate of 0.01 rnin I. 11.3.2 Cutstant Head-Speed Tests-A standard head displacement rate of 2 mm/min [0.05 in./minl. NorE 8 Use of a fixed head speed in testing machine systems with a high compliance may result in a strain rate that is much lower than required. Use of wedge grips can cause extreme compliance in the system. especially when using compliant tab materials. In some such cases, actual strain rates l0 to -50 times lowerthan estimated by head speeds have been obserr,ed. ob DO 3E >J (aE iut >z zd o-. HE @o \l< vi = o o J 9, o = o o n. o I {$p - osose/D3oseM 14 ORAWING NOTES: INTERPRET DRAWING IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANSI YI4,5M.1982, SUB]ECT TO THE FOLLOWING: ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES WITH OECIMAL TOLERANCES AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2, l.xxx .r.x l,xx l +ol | +ot 3, ALL AN6LE5 HAVE TOTERANCE OF *,5'. 4. pty oRTENTATToN DrREcroN ToLEFANcE RELATTvE ro i-! wtrutru +.s". 5. FrNrsH oN MAcHTNED EDGEs Nor ro ExcEED 64/ (svtrrebi-o-cv rN AccoRDANcE wrrH ASA 846,I, wrrH Rou6H5. 6. NESS HEIGHT rN MTCROTNCHES.) VATUES TO BE PROVIOED FOR THE FOLLOWING, 5UBJECT TO ANJ ]TA NGES SHOWN ON TH E FIELO OF DRAWING I MATERTAL, LAy-up, ply oRrENTATrorl REFERENcE Reulrtve ro l -I--]. ovERALL LENGTH, GAGE LENGTH, coupoN THICKNESS, TAB INATERIAL, TAB THICKNESS, TAB IENGTH, TAB BEVEL ANGLE, TA8 AOHESIVE. NO AOHESIVE BUILDUP ALLOWED IN THIS AREA, 9o' -45"t.iz' +15" . \Z+ 4x l'- l- 0" SEE NOTE 4 SEE + NOTEI .010 I l'-_-=- ----------.-1-.]ll. ' l//loo3lAi 5E€ NOTE n { d H d 5 lf,l + SEE NOTE 6t z{ I t2 t- D) >1 ri 2 d o 1 nt 4x.010 MAX BONDLINE THICKNESS COUPON WITH TABS _ou. 9!" \ v+l,/ tfl H +r5" DI 'rl ln oo SEE NOTE 4 SEE NOTE l*_ sEE NorE _l 5 A ti ill !i 5 I --E1 ol ri !l E] ol 5 o -T-rB:l 3r sEE NOTE 7' I a *l TI x laloo:l FlG. 3 COUPON WITHOUT TABS Tension Test Specimen Drawing (inch-pound) 11.4 Test Ertyironntent-Cclndition the specinren to the desired rnoislure profile and. if possible, test under the same cortditioning fluid exposure level. However, cases such as elevated tentperature testing of a ntoist specimen place unre- alistic requirenrents on the capabilities of corrrnon testing machine environmentul chambers. In such cases, the mechanical test environrnent may need to be rnodified, lbr example, by testin_u at elevated ten'lperaturc rvitlr no fluid exposure control. but with a specilied limit on tir.ne to lailure fion.r rvithdrawal lrorn the conditioning chamber. Modifications 1o the resr environnrenl shall be recordecl. [n the case where lhere is no fluid exposure control, the pel'centage nroisture loss of the specimen prior to test completion may be eslilnated by placing a conditioned traveler coupon ol- known weight wilhin the test clrarnber a1 the sanle tirne as the specirnen is placed in the charnber. Upon corr.rpletion ol the test, the traveler couplrn is removed from the chamber. ',veighecl. ancl the percentage weight calculated and reportecl. I1.4.1 Store the specin.ren in the conclitioned environment until test tiure, il'the testing area environrnetlt is diff'erent than the conditioning environment. ll.5 Specinten lttsertion-Place the specitnen in the grips ol the testin_e machine. taking care 1o align the long axis oi the gripped specimen with the test direclion. Ti-ehten the grips. recording the pressure used on pressure conlrollable (hydraulic or pneumatic) grips. NrrrE 9-The ends of the glip.jau s on rveclge-tvpe grips shoulcl be even rvith each other-lirllowin,s insertion to avoicl inducin_rl a bending moment that results in prcmature lailure of tlre specimen al the grip. When using untabbed specimens. a lblded strip of mediunt grade (80 ro 150 grit) ernerl, cloth betu'een the specirnen faces and the grip .jau,s (-urit-side loward specirnen) provides a nonslip grip t.rn the specimen without jalr serralion damage to the surface ol' the specimen. When usin_q tabbed jarvs extencl approxinratelr specimens. insert the coupon so that the -urip 1() to I5 rnrn 10.5 ir.l past the beginning olthe tapeled portion o1'rhe trb. Ctrupons haring tabs that extend beyond the grips itre prone to lailure irt the tab ends because of excessive interlaminar stresses. z o o o 3 o -{ z o c0 ,([p 11.6 Trtmsducer lnstullution-Il' strain l'esponse is to be deterrnined attiich the strain-indication trausducer(s) to the specimen, svnrntetrically aboul the micl-span, rnid-rvidlh location. Attach the stl'ain-recording instlumentation to the transLlur'crs olr llte specirnen. 1L6.1 When cleterminin-[ modulus o{-elasticiti. it is rectrmn'rended that at least one specimen per like sample be evaluated rvith back-to-back axial transducers to evaluate the percent bendin-e. using Ec1 4. at the average axial strain checkpoint value (the rlid range of the appropriate chord n-rodulus strain range) shorvn in Tahle 3. Asingle transclucer can be used if the percent bencling is no more than 3 7c. When bending is _ereater than 3 Tr averaged strains tiom back-to-back transducers of like kind are recommended. B l.-,-l rt'-------:l'/ - osose/DsoseM rlt 'hl fla,"v constitutes a variable being studiecl. RetesLs shall be I perlbrmed fbr any specimen on rvhich values aLe not ellcu- 3 Iated. B 12.2 Grip/Tab Failures-Reexarnine the means of force introducLion into the material il a signitrcant fiacrion of failures in a sample population occur within one specimen lvidth of the tab or grip. Factors considerecl should include the tab 3 5 q 13. Calculation = indicated strain from fiont transducer, pe: = indicated strain from back transducer, pre; and 8,, - percenl bending in specinten. ll.7 Loucling-Apply the lorce ro the specimen at 13.l Tensilc Stre.ss/Ten.sile Strengtlt-Calculate 5 and ieport the resulrs ro three a S tf the tensile modulus is to be calculated. ] ] the tensile stress at each requirecl data point using Eq E i 'tr- significant fi-eures. determine o lA o, P/A el rhe specified rate until lailure. while recording data. 11.8 Data Recnrding-Record force versus crosshead displacement (and lorce versus strail'I, if extensometers are u1ilized) continuously or at lrequent regular intervals. For this test method, a sampling rate of 2 to 3 data recordings per second, and a target minirnum of 100 data points per test are recommended. If a transition region or initial ply failures are no1ed, record the force, strain. and rnode of damage at such points. Record the rnethocl used to deten'nine the initial failure (visual, acoustic ernission, etc.). Il-the specimen is to be lailed, record the maximum fbrce, the failure force, and the strain (or transducer displacement) at, or as near as possible to, the moment of rupture. NorE 10-Other valuable data that can be useful in understanding testing anomalies and gripping or specimen slipping problenrs includes lbrce versus head displacement data and fbrce velsus time data. Failure Mode-Record the mode and location of lhil- ure ofthe specirnen. Choose, ilpossible, a standard descriplion using the three-part failure rnode code that is shown in Fig, L 12. Validation 12.1 Values for ultirnate properties shall not be calculated for any specimen that breaks at some obvious flaw, unless such Point frrA _ Start iooo' Calculation Range End Point pri 3oooT Longitudinal Strain Checkpoint lor Bending pa; a ,1000 pa 0.001 absolute strain. = I This strain range is to be contained in the lower half of the stress/strain curve. For materials that fail below 6000 pe, a strain range of 25 to 50% of ultjmate recommended. P-" gg i i rr, I I Y :.t' r.sr where: Ftu = ultimate tensile strength, Mpa [psi]; Pmax = maximum lbrce beloie failure, N ilUfl: o; = tensile stress at ith data point, MPa [psi]; Pi = force ar lrh clata point, Ni Ubfl; and A = average cross-rectioral area f-rom I 1.2.-1, mmr Li, .l 3F 9n fi O gE X3 13.2 Tensile Strain/Ultinrute Tensile Struin-.If tensile i 3 rnodulus or ultimate tensile strain is to be calculated. ,na 6 * material response is being cletermined by an extenso,r.,"., I I determine the tensile strain from the indicated disolacement ar I L each required data point using Ec1 7 ancl report tire results ,o I X three significant iigures. ; I r., 6,/1,. (7,88 >c where: f si = tensile strain at ith clata point, ;-re; E, = extensometer displacement at lth data point, mm tin.l; jt; [t and Le = extensotneter gage length, rnm [in.l. ^ -:. 13.3 Tensile Mocltrltr.s oJ Elasticitl-: i O= NorE I I To minimize potential efi'ects of bending it is recommend.d that the strain clata usecl tir modulus of elasticity dlterminadon U. tn. average of the indicated strains I'rom each sidi of the specimen. o. di:cussed irr 7..1 and I 1.r,. 13.3.1 Tensile Chord Modulus o.f Elasricitt-select the = RE Y* D9 ; I I ff 2 I appropriate chord modulus strain range lrorn Table -1. Calculate ! the tensile chord n'rodulus of elasticity frclm the srress-strain I data using Eq 8. if data is no1 available ar the exact strain range $ end points (as ofien occurs with digital data), use the closest J available data point. Reporl the tensile chord modulus of elasticity to three significant ligures. Also report the strain TABLE 3 Specimen Alignment and Chord Modulus Calculation Strain Ranges Tensile Chord Modulus Longitudinal Strain ; grip f. _I 5L the ultimate i'fbo tensile strensth using L,q r" - €t, is -l alignment, tab rntrterial, tab angle. tab adhesive, grip type, pressure. and grip alignment. rvhere: ll.9 ql 14 $ $ r f range used in the calculation. A graphical example of chorri f; modulus is shown in Fig. 5. I 3.3. l. I The tabulated strain ranges should only be usecl for A materials that do not exhibit a tran.sition region ia significant change in the slope of the stress-strain curve) within the given I= strain range. If a transilion region occurs within the recom- f mended strain range, then a more suitable strain range shall be j used rntl reported. B. o i J ffi oaoee/D3o3eM - 14 trt ffi YW ill ilt M LIT GAT ! i m7l /// I 6 ! \W 2 I Vt z c z t! M U, iiy AGM(I) LGM AcM(2) XGM ! rl1 First Character v at m Third Chatacier Second Character re Location Code v A edge Delarlination Giip/iab Lateral Multi-nrode long. Splitting eXplosive D G L At grip/tab A <1W Irom grip/tab w M(xyz) Multiple S Various rop Le{t Right Middle Vatious Unknown Cage x M areas Unknown U o Other o t L R M V I ! v o a I U D FlG. 4 3 Tensile Test Failure Codesffypical Modes .t1 I Fcr.'d: nrlAl (8) x where: Echord Ao Ae z = tensile chorcl modulus ol elasticity, GPa [psi]; 6) cliff'erence in applied tensile stress between the two 6 = o strain points of Table i, MPa [psi]; ancl = diff'erence between the two strain points of Table .l 3 D 13.3.2 Tensile Motlulus of Elasticitt' (Other De.finitiotts)- q Dt Other detinitions of elastic rnodulus may be evaluatecl and reported at the user's discretion. If such data is generated and (nominally 0.002). repofiec1, report also the deltnition used, the strain range used. and the resulls to three significant llgures. Test Method Elll provides additional guidance in the determination of rnodulus of elasticity. Norr I2 An example of another modulus definition is the secondarl chord modulus of elasticity for materials that exhibit essentially bilinear' slress-strain behavior. An example of seconclary chord modulus is shown in Fig. 5. I 5000 FlG. 5 Sr.i. (r() J.-l Poissorr's Rutit,: !0000 NorE l3-11'bonded resistance strain gages are being used. the errorproduced by the transl'erse sensitit,ity effect on the transverse gare rvill Typical Tensile Stress-Strain Curves l0 a ,(p osose/D3ossM - 14 tr - generally be rnuch liuger fbr composites than tbl rretals. An accurare mersurement of Poisson's ratio requires correction lor this e1lec1. inlo".ation .n the rnaximum extelt applicable (repor.ting of iterns bevond tl,re The control of a given tesling laboratory. such as might oicur with & g rnaterial paner derairs or pararnere.r. rabrication ,nuri-rr."J; A :'i:T;ii:"l,'illtjii.:',i1;li':i:.';':Ii'ffilt"r resPonsibilirv of the lequestor): 13.4.1 Polsso rt's Rotio Bt' Cltortl Metlnd-select the approI I The revision level or date of issue of this test melhod' 5 = pliate chorcl rnodulus longitudinal srrain range ti"", r.irri : lil-1 I ' 2 The date(s) and localion(s) of the test' f (by betermine plorring or otheru,ise) rhe rrans'err. .rr*in l'1.1.3 The name(s) of the test operator(s). (measured perpendicular to the applied tor..), r,,'.il;;;il ; t'"i,o longitudinal strains (nteasured parallel to the applied 14.1.4 Any variatiotrs to this test method, anomalies noticed 3. tolce). r;,, sirain range encl points. If data is not available it the during testing, or equiprnent problerr.rs occurring during testing. ! l'1.1.5 Identiltcation of the material tested including: mate- $ -exact striiirt range end points (as often occurs lvith digital clata), use the closest available ilata point. Calculate PoisJon's ratio rial specification, material type, material designation. ! B by Eq 9 and reporl lo three signilicant fi_eures. Also report the manufacturer, manufacturer's lot or balch nurnber, source (if = ; not fiom manul'acturer). date of certification. expiration of I E slrain ran_ee used. use \ - a:,1., (e) ffi:ffH,?,xiLHll1illill';tl:niiTii:,T'xl"illl#ii q x where: prepreg matrix content, and prepreg volatiles content. 0B v = Poisson's ratio; 14.1.6 Description of the fabrication steps used ro p,.prr" 2 E Ac, = diil'erence in lateral strain between the two lon-titudi- the laminate including: labrication start date. fabrication enA >i 9 nal strain points of Table -i, prc; ancl date, process specilication, cure cycle, consoliclation rnethoO. f; fr' Ler = difference between the lrvo longitudinal strain points and a description of the equipment used. H i(nominally of Table 3 either 0.001, 0.002, or O.OOS). l1.l .7 ply orientation stacking sequence of the laminare. EF 14.1.8 Il requestecl, report density, volume p..."n, ! ! 13.4.2 Tensile Poissort's Ratio (Other DeJinitions) Other definitions of Poisson's ratio may be evaluated and rcported at reinforcement, and void content test methods, specirnin .r*- fi 5l the user's direction. 11' such data is generated and reported, pling rnethod and geometries, test parameters, ancl test results. I il leport also the clefinition used, the strain range used, and the 14.1.9 Average ply thickness of the material. C d. results to three significant figures. Test Method El32 provides lzl.l.l0 Results of any nondestructive evaluation tests. Hi additional guidance in the determination of Poisson's ratio. 14.1.11 Method of preparing the lesl specimen, including S f 13.5 T'ansition Strttin-Where applicable, determine the specimen labeling scheme an<l method, specimen geornetry. IF transition strain from either the bilinear longitutlinal stress sampling method, coupon cutting method, identiflcation of tab ] E versus longitudinal strain curve or the bilinear transverse strain geometry, tab material, and tab adhesive used. o !i versus longitudinal strain culve. Create a best linear fit or chord 14.1 .12 Calibration dates and methods fbr all rneasurement I E line for each of the two linear regions and extend the lines until and test equipment. EU they intersect. Determine to tlx'ee significant digits the longi14. 1.13 Type of tesl rnachine, grips, jaws, grip pr...rr., Ei tudinal strain that corresponds to the inlersection point and alignment results, ancl data acquisitior.r rorrpiing iat" una 3 B record this value as the transition strain. Report also the equipment type. I method of linear fit (if used) and rhe strain ranges over which 14.1 .14 Results of system alignment evaluations, if any x$ thelinearIrtorchordlinesweredetermined'Agraphicalsuchweredone.< example of transition stlain is shown in Fig.5. l4.l.l5 Dimensions ol-each tesr specimen E 13.6 Sttttistics-For each series of tesls calculate the averl4.l.l6 Conditioning parameters antl results, use of tlauet- E =: ! age value, stanclard deviation and coellcient of variation (in ers and traveler geometry, an<I the procedure usecl if other rhan $ f, percent) for each property determined: that specified in the test method. i f l4.l.l1 .-/i.),,, \,=, I //T,r;'ttt'l/ttt\ Vt4 CY : 100 X ,i,, ,/r ( lt = = = = = the test machine environmental used) and soak time at environmenr. 14.1.19 Nurnber of specimens tested. chamber tllt (if t4.1.20 Speed of (12) testing. l1.l.2l 3 6>J 3E =; F; S 3 facLors ts Transducer placement on the specirnen and rrans- + ducer type fbr each transducer used. d 14.1.22 If strain gages were used, the type, resistance, size. E gage tactor, temperature compensation method, trallsverse 2, where: .1 s,, r CV n ,ri Relative hurnidity and temperature ol- the testing laboratory. 14. l.l8 E,nvironment ol l0) sample mean (average): s&mPle stanclard deviation; sample coelficient of variation, in percent; number of specimens; and measured or derived proper0/. sensitivity, lead-wire resistance, and any correction used. l4.l .23 Stress-strain curves and tabulated data 14. Report \ 14.1 Report the following information. or relelences poinring to other documentation containing this infonnation, to the of stress !i = ersus strain for each specimen. 14.1 .24 Percent bending results for each specirnen so ated. d, evalu- j * 3 ll ': ([Jp ososs/DsoseM TABLE 4 Precision Statistics Material * B c F G 8.52 156.37 66.]8 121 .52 B C 23.57 1.30 '12.38 F 3.95 G 9.47 B U u.bb F 2.04 G 127 t.Jo s, S. S,'.' SF 0.52 0.85 0.92 3.84 10.85 10.85 3.20 1.52 3.48 1.59 3.92 3.92 Modulus. Msi 0.86 0.06 0.44 0.09 0.20 0.1 6 Failure Strain.9'o 0.08 0.09 0.06 0.16 0 0.05 0.65 0.05 0.29 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.15 03 9.94 6.94 2.30 3.23 0.63 0.04 0.37 0.04 o.12 0.07 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.0s 6.94 5.26 3.23 1.29 2.06 dqq b. t5 13.02 12.47 5.25 3.19 15.1.2 Mechanical factors that can all'ect the test lesults include: the physical cliaracteristics ot' the testing nrachine 10.84 1.01 2.98 N4ethod D-i039/D3039Mand are influencecl by rnecl'ranical and material tactors. specinren preparation. and rneasurernellt errors. S^/X'' 3.66 4.57 3.54 2.28 3.1 2 (stiflness, damping, and mass). accurac\ of tbrce application and displacernent/strain nreasLrrenlent. :peed of lorce application. alignrnent of test specirren uith applied lorce, parallelism of the grips, glip pressure. ancl tr pe of' force control (displacement, straill, or tbrce). 15.1.3 N,{aterial factors that can aff'ect test results inclr.rde: rnaterial quality rind represenlativeness. sampling scheme, tind specimen preparation (dimensional accuracy. tab rnaterial, tab taper. tab adhesive. and so forth). 15.1.-1 The mean tensile stren-eth lbr ti strairr rate seusiti\ e^ glass/epox1 tape courposite testing in the fiber direction was founcl to increase br approximately trvo standard deviations with decreasins time to failure tested at the limits of the recommended time to failule prescribed in Test Method D3039iD3039M. Tliis result su-s-eesl thal caution rnust be used when comparing test data oblained for slrtrin rate sensiti\e composite materials tested in accordance rvith this standard. l5.l.5 Measurenlent errors arise lronr the use ol specialized rneasuring instruments such as load cells. extensornetels ancl strain gages, micrometers, data acquisition devices, aud so forth. 15.1.6 Data obtained fiom specimens that fl'acture outsicle the gage are should be used with caution as this data may not be representative o1' the material. Failure in the grip region indicates the stress concentration at the tab is greater than the natural strength variation of the material in the gage section. A tapered tab, bonded with a ductile low-modulus adhesive has a relatively low-stress concentration and should result in the lowest fiequency of grip failures. Low-strength bias increases with the frequency of grip ftrilures by an amount proportional to the stress concentration at the tab. l5. I .7 An interlaboratory test program was conducted where an average of five specimens each, of six diII'erent 5.27 8.03 4.13 11.l .25 Individual strengths and average value, starldard deviation, and coefficient of variation (in percent) fbr the population. Note il the failure force was less than the maxi- murn force before lailure. 14.1.26 Individual strains at failure and the average value, standard deviation, and coefllcient of variation (in percent) for the population. 14.1 .21 Strain range used for chord modulus and Poisson's ratio determination. 14.l .28 If another delinition of modulus of elasticity is used in addition to chord rnodulus, describe the rnethod used, the resulting conelation coeffrcient (if applicable), and the strain ranee used krr the evlluation. 14.1 .29 Individual values of modulus of elaslicity, and the average value, standard deviation, and coel'ficient of variation (in percent) for the population. 14.1.30 [f another definition of Poisson's ratio is used in addition to the chordwise definition, describe the method used, the resulting correlation coefficient (if applicable), and the strain range used fbr the evaluation. 14.1.31 Individual values of Poisson's ratio, and the average value, standard deviation, and coeflicient of variation (in per(ent t l'or the poprrlation. 14.1.32 If transition slrain is determined, the method of linear ht (if used) and the slrain ranges over which the linear fit or chord lines were determined. 14.1.33 Individual values of transition strain (if applicable), and the average value, standard deviation, and coetficient of variation (in percent) for the population. 11.1.34 Failure mode and location ol lailure fbr 14 rnalerials and lay-up configurations, were tested different laboratories.6Table -tr by nine presents the precision statistius generated frorn this study as detlned in Practice E69 I lor tensile strength, modulus, and failure strain. All data except that fbr Material B (90' lay-up) was normalized with respect to an average thickness. The rnaterials listed in Table ,1 are deflned as: A B C F each lM-6/3501-O uni-tape (0)n llv-6/3501-6 uni-tape (90)n ll\,'l-6/3501-6 uni-tape (90/0)n Glass/epoxy tabric (7781 glass/Ciba R 7376 Epoxy)- specimen. " 15. Precision and Biass 15.1.8 The averages ol the coellicients of variation are in Table 5. The values of S,.iX and S^/X represent the repeatabilitr l5.l Precision: l5.l.l The precision and bias of tension test strength and rnodulus measurements depend on strict adherence to the Test i (ooroa "ffiffil:[labric carbon/Ciba R 6376) and the reproducibility coeflrcients of variation. respeiiirelr. \lrt;ri-,i. I)h.,..' I : Hrrtnrrnization .rl7.i. Irinril Relrrrt. .\ST\1 Lr\titute tirr " lnternational Hrrnronization of Contptr'ite ol'ASTM A research rcport is available frrxr AST\'1 lntemrtional Herclcluarters. Request D3039/D3039N1and ISO St:rnd:u'ds Reseiuch, RR:D.30.1003. 1) April 1997. a ,qg7m D3039/D3039M Average ol s/x,7; 5.11 Strenglh Modulus Failure strain 2.22 5.94 Average of s"lx, - 14 Q, measuled while nrodulLrs was fclund to plovide the highest repeatability and reproducibility of the parameters measured. 15.1.9 The consistency of agreet.nent fbr repeated tests of the same material is dependent on lay-up configuration, material and specinren preparation techniques, test conditions, and meaisuremeuts of the tension test parameters. TABLE 5 Averages of the Coefticients of Variation Parameter + g, % 6.00 3.22 s I o 15.2 Bias-Bias cannot be deterrnined tor this test method These arerages permit a relative comparison of the repeatabil- as no acceptable ref-erence standard exists. ity tri'ithin laboratorl, precision) and reproducibility (betlveen laboratoll prccision) ol- the tension test parameters. Overall, 16. Keywords this indicates that the failure strain rneasurements exhibit the least repealabilit,r and reproducibility of all the parameters 16.1 composite materials; modulus of elasticity; Poisson's ratio; tensile properties; tensile strength A, s. o o E =o T' O' ASTM tnternational takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. LJsers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infingement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. 9I t{o This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised. either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision ol this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM lnternational Headquafters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. lf you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your vieuls known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. ig F., This standard is copyrighted by ASTM lnternational, 1 00 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 1 9428-2959, t)nited States. lndividual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website (vlww.astm.org). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the ASTM website (wv'/w.astm.org/ COPYRIGHT,O, 6+ >: z1 >; ze tsE f;o sg >9. a) =o 6* mo F= 9; 1! PE AD Hts >C za ;P ',:! *g -> 2a=. 6)= 6: oil >o 3E >J u!@ :{ >zut zd o-. uU @o {< v; {=, o 9. a 3 o 0, f. o o_