MADHYA PRADESH POWER TRANSMISSION CO. LTD. SHAKTI BHAWAN RAMPUR: JABALPUR TENDER SPECIFICATION NUMBER PROJECT TR-30/2022 VOLUME-II TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR 400/220/33KV 500MVA POWER TRANSFORMERS WITH OIL AND ERECTION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF TRANSFORMERS CHIEF ENGINEER (PROCUREMENT) CONTENTS DESCRIPTION OF DOCUMENT SECTION–II TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR 400KV 500MVA POWER TRANSFORMERS WITH OIL Page No. 1-89 Annexure I - Principal parameters 90-94 Annexure II - List of Fittings and Accessories 95-100 Annexure III - Test certificates to be furnished for accessories 101-104 Annexure IV - Schedule of Inspection Windows Annexure V - Schedule of Valves 106-107 Annexure VI - List of Vendors for major items 108-112 Annexure VII - Drawings & Data to be furnished 113-115 105 Annexure VIII - Calculations required to be furnished 116-119 Annexure IX - Details of Inspection Programme 120-124 Annexure X - List of Hand Tools 125 Annexure XI - Under Taking for supply of Spares 126 Drawings 4 Sheets VOLUME II TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR 500 MVA, 400/220/33 KV POWER TRANSFORMERS 1.0 SCOPE : 1.1 This specification covers design, engineering, manufacture, assembly, stage inspections and testing before supply and delivery including unloading on plinth at our substation sites located anywhere in the state of Madhya Pradesh, of the 4 nos. 400/220/33 KV, 300/400/500 MVA Auto, three phase transformers with shall be fitted with Nitrogen Injection Fire Protection System/ Nitrogen Injection type Fire Prevention & Extinguishing System (NIFPS), self- regenerating maintenance free breather, RIP bushings and on line monitoring system for minimum four parameters viz. ppm, and three key gases and all fittings, accessories, associated equipment’s including oil for first filling including wastage & 10% extra of that quantity and essential maintenance/ mandatory spares/equipments to be supplied alongwith each transformer which are required for efficient and trouble free operation as specified hereunder. Scope of supply also includes services to be provided by the supplier/Tenderer for erection, testing & commissioning charges of each transformer unit at each project site anywhere in MP. 1.2 It is not the intent to specify completely herein all the details of the design and construction of equipment. However, the equipment shall conform in all respects to high standards of engineering, design and workmanship and shall be capable of performing the duties specified herein. The offered transformers shall be complete with all components necessary for their effective and trouble free operation. Such components shall be deemed to be within the scope of TENDERER’s supply irrespective of whether those are specifically brought out in this specification or not. The transformers should be free from Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PVB/PCB). 1.3 The Purchaser will interpret the meanings of drawings and specification and shall have the power to reject any work or material which, in his judgment is not in accordance therewith. The offered transformers shall be complete with all components necessary for their effective and trouble free operation. Such, components shall be deemed to be within the scope of Tenderer’s supply irrespective of whether those are specifically brought out in this specification and/or the commercial order or not. 2.0 STANDARDS 2.1 The transformers and associated accessories shall conform to the latest issues/amendments of standards as given below and report of the committee for standardization of the parameters and specification of major class of 400 KV equipment except to the extent explicitly modified in this specification. Transformers conforming to any other authoritative standards meeting better quality and ensuring better performance are also acceptable. Tenderer shall specifically indicate deviations if any from the INDIAN STANDARDS & IEC given in a Table-1. Volume-II 1 400KV 500 MVA Transformer TABLE-1 APPLICABLE INDIAN/INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS FOR POWER TRANSFORMERS AND ASSOCIATED ACCESSORIES ETC. INDIAN STANDARD NUMBER IS-2026 (Part 1 to 5 ) CBIP Publication No.295 IS-335 IS1866-2000 INTERNATIONAL AND INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISIED STANDARD IEC-60076(Part I to 5) TITLE Power Transformers Manual on Power Transformers Insulating oil for transformers Electrical maintenance and Supervision of mineral insulating oil in equipment. IS-2099 Bushings for alternating Voltage above 1000V. IS-2312 Fans (Cooler fans) IS-2705. Current Transformers. IS-325. Three phase Induction motors. IS-375 & Marking & arrangements for switch gear, bus IS-996 bars, main connections & auxiliary wiring. IS-3637. Gas & oil operated relays. IS-10028 (Part Code of practice for installation and 1to3) maintenance of transformers. Degree of protection provided by enclosures IS-2147. for low voltage switch gear and control. IS-5. Colors for ready mix paints. IS-6272 Industrial cooling fans. DOC.ETD16 Draft standard by BIS for revision of IS-6600 (3703) for Guide for loading of oil immersed transformers. OLTC IS 8478 Application Guide for OLTC IS 10561 Application Guide for Power Transformer. Method of measurement of Transformer Sound IS 13964 levels. IS 2071 (Part Methods of High Voltage Testing 1 to 3) IS 6209 Methods for Partial Discharge Measurements IS 2165 Insulation Coordination IS 5561 Terminal connectors Short Circuit Current – calculation of effects Shunt Reactors, Neutral/Earthing Reactor and IS-5553 Arc Suppression Coil IS:335 Insulating oils for transformers and switchgears Volume-II 2 IEC-296,BS-148. IEC-60137(2008) IEC 60044 IEC-34. IEC 60529, IEC60947 IEC 60354 IEC 60214 IEC 60542 IEC 60076-8 NEMA-TR1 IEC 60060 IEC 60270 IEC 60071 IEC 865(part I & II) IEC 60076-6 IEC:60296, BS:223 400KV 500 MVA Transformer INDIAN STANDARD NUMBER IS -1886 TITLE Code of practice for installation and maintenance of transformers. Supervision and Maintenance guide for Mineral Insulating Oil in Electrical Equipment Method of Sampling of Liquid dielectrics Guide for the Sampling of Gases and of Oil from Oil-filled Electrical Equipment for the Analysis of Free and Dissolved Gases Digital Recorders and Software for High Voltage Impulse testing Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus Guidelines for conducting design reviews for transformers 100 MVA and 123 kV and above. Metal oxide surge arrestors without gaps Selection and application recommendation Indian Electricity Rule 1956 INTERNATIONAL AND INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISIED STANDARD IEC 60422 IEC 60475 IEC 60567 IEC 61083 CISPR 16 Cigre Publication 202 IEC 99-4 IEC 99-5 2.2 In case equipment conforms to other International standards which ensure equivalent or better performance than specified under cl 2.0 then the English version of such standards or the relevant extracts of same shall be forwarded with the Tender and the salient features of comparison shall be brought out separately in additional information schedule. 2.3 The electrical installation shall meet requirements of Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 and IS-1886,"Code of practice for installation & maintenance of Transformers" as amended till date. 2.4 In this Tender, the Tenderers will have to furnish confirmation in regard to compliance of all our technical requirement. The Tender should clearly describe various technical particulars of the transformer as per details given in Annex. I to XI enclosed with this specification. Based on above information all details required in FORM & Schedules should be furnished so that we may be able to examine whether the Tender submitted is technically and commercially acceptable or not. Also all details and confirmation required as per Schedules will form part of technical Tender. 2.5 It has been experienced that the weight of core lamination, weight of copper, weight of steel, weight of Transformer Tank along with Fittings and Accessories and quantity of oil for first filling including wastage & 10% extra of that quantity, total weight of core + winding after assembly and total weight of transformer are indicated in the technical Tender by the manufacturers on tentative basis and at the time of submission of drawing, wide variations in these quantities take place. This is not in order and it will be obligatory on the part of the Tenderer to Volume-II 3 400KV 500 MVA Transformer ensure that all these details are worked out carefully and only correct figures after proper design are offered in the technical Tender. It may be noted that at the time of submission of final drawings, variation in these weights beyond the limits of (+) 5% shall not be permitted. 2.6 At the time of Tender opening, only the following technical particulars shall be read out (i) No load, load & auxiliary losses including stray losses (iii) Weight of copper (v) Quantity of oil a. For first filling including wastage b. Against 10% extra of ‘a’ (ii) Impedance voltage (iv) (vi) Weight of core Total weight of X'mer with oil 2.7 Discrepancy In Technical Particulars : It has been noticed that some of the information furnished in the schedule of technical particulars, technical questionnaire and price schedule do not match with each other. In order to avoid any discrepancy, it may be noted that for the purpose of price evaluation, the details brought out by the Tenderers in "FORM-X’ Technical Questionnaire" will be treated as final and evaluation will be done based on the information which will be given in this FORM-X. In case of any discrepancy in regard to information given in any other schedule, responsibility will rest on the Tenderers. While this condition shall be applicable for the purpose of price evaluation, at the time of acceptance of offer, the Purchaser will have the right to take such of the values which are advantageous to the Purchaser . 2.8 Interconnection : The transformers are meant for service as interconnecting transformers and shall be capable of being energized either from 400 KV side or 220 KV side. The auto transformer shall be capable of being loaded at rated power on the 400 KV and 220 KV sides with tertiary winding loaded at its full rating (lagging or leading or mixed load). On Load Tap Changer and tertiary winding shall be suitable for such operation. The OLTC shall be suitable for bidirectional flow of power of linear type only. 3.0 SERVICE CONDITIONS 3.1 Climatic Conditions : The transformers and its accessories to be supplied against this specification shall be suitable for satisfactory continuous operation under the following tropical conditions. 1. Location 2. 3. 4. Max. Ambient air temp. (oC) Min ambient air temp (oC) Maximum daily average ambient air temperature(oC) Maximum yearly weighted average temperature (oC) 5. Volume-II 4 At various substations within the State of Madhya Pradesh 50 -5 40 32 400KV 500 MVA Transformer 6. Maximum Relative humidity (%) 7. 8. 9. Average annual rainfall (cm) Max. Wind pressure (Kg/sq.m.) Max. Altitude above mean sea level (Metres) 10. Isoceraunic level (Average number of thunderstorm days per year) 11. Seismic level (horizontal acceleration) 95 (sometimes reaches saturation point.) 125 150 1000 50 0.3g Moderately hot and humid tropical climate, conducive to rust and fungus growth. Tropical Protection Shall conform to IS:3202 titled “ climate proofing of electrical equipments” and BS: 1014 : titled “protection of electrical power equipments against the climatic condition”. The transformer tank fittings and radiators including all accessories shall be designed to withstand seismic acceleration equivalent to 0.3 g. Special precautions shall be taken to prevent maloperation of Buchholz relay under such condition. 3.2 Auxiliary Power Supply : Auxiliary electrical equipment shall be suitable for operation on the following supply system. a. Power Devices (like drive motors) b. DC Alarm, control 220 volts DC, ungrounded 2wire & protective (from two supply sources). devices c. Lighting. 0.415KV, 3phase, 4wire 50Hz. neutral grounded AC supply. 230V, single phase, 50Hz AC supply. Tenderers scope include supply of interconnecting cables, terminal boxes etc. The above supply voltage may vary as indicated below and all devices shall be suitable for continuous operation over the entire range of voltages. i) AC supply : Voltage Variation of –25% to +10%;Frequency +/- 4% ii) DC supply : Voltage Variation of -20% to + 10%. All accessories requiring AC or DC satisfactorily for voltage variation as above. 4.0 GENERAL TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Duty Requirements a) Volume-II supply shall perform The transformers and all its accessories like CTs etc., shall be designed to withstand without injury, the thermal and mechanical effects of any external short circuit to earth and of short circuits at the terminals considering infinite bus arrangement of values specified as under : 400KV - 63 KA for 3 secs. 220KV - 40 KA for 3 secs. 33KV - 31.5KA for 3 secs. 5 400KV 500 MVA Transformer b) Over Loading : The transformer shall be capable of being loaded in accordance with IS:6600. There shall be no limitation imposed by windings, bushings, tap changer etc. of transformer. Transformer & all its accessories shall be liberally rated to allow 10% over loading at all taps on continuous basis without exceeding the temperature limits specified in clause 6.0. The transformer shall be capable of being operated without danger on each tapping at the rated KVA with specified voltage variation corresponding to the voltage of that tapping with normal temperature rise. The design adopted to achieve this shall be indicated in detail in the Tender. Transformer shall be capable of operating under the natural cooled condition up to the specified load i.e. as ONAN rating. The forced air /oil cooling equipment shall come into operation by pre-set contacts of winding temperature indicator and the transformer shall operate as a forced air/oil cooled unit i.e. as ONAF/OFAF. Cooling shall be so designed that during total failure of power supply to cooling fans/pumps, the transformer shall be able to operate at full load for Ten(10) minutes without the calculated winding hot spot temperature exceeding 1400C. Also stopping of two cooling fans/pumps should not have any effect on the cooling system. Transformers fitted with two coolers (cooling banks) each capable of dissipating 50 per cent of the loss at continuous maximum rating shall be capable of operating for 20 minutes in the event of failure of the blowers/pumps associated with one cooler, without the calculated winding hot spot temperature exceeding 140oC at continuous maximum rating. The transformer shall be capable of being operated without danger at all taps and rated MVA with specified voltage variation corresponding to the voltage of that tap with specified temperature rise c) Over Voltage: The transformers shall be capable of being operated on continuous basis at 10% excess voltage than the rated voltage specified at each tap. 4.2 Radio Interference & Noise Level: 4.2.1 The transformers shall be designed with particular attention for suppression of maximum harmonic voltage especially the third and fifth so as to eliminate wave form distortion and minimize interference with communication circuits. 4.2.2 The noise level, when energized at normal voltage and frequency with fans running shall not exceed, when measured under standard conditions, the values specified in NEMA,TR-I. Volume-II 6 400KV 500 MVA Transformer 4.3 Stresses : Transformer shall be capable of withstanding Electrical, thermal and mechanical stresses on any winding caused by forces due to symmetrical or asymmetrical external fault. 4.4 Frequency & Magnetic Induction: 4.4.1 The transformers shall be suitable for continuous operation for a frequency variation of (+) plus (-) minus 4% from normal 50Hz without exceeding the specified temperature rise. For considerations of over fluxing, the transformer shall be suitable for continuous operation for values of over fluxing factor up to 1.1. V FN { -- x -- } VN F The over fluxing factor being 4.4.2 The working flux density shall not exceed 1.65 Tesla for offered no load losses and the maximum flux density in any part of core and yoke at 110% rated voltage combined with (-) 4% frequency variation shall preferably not exceed the value of 1.90 Tesla as per CBIP manual no 295. For manufacturing of Power transformer, core laminations of various specifications are available and therefore while selecting the working flux density, the Tenderers will have to comply with the requirements of cl.4.4.1 & 4.4.3. 4.4.3 For the selected flux density, the transformer shall have minimum of following over fluxing capabilities, such that while meeting the above requirement saturation of transformer core shall not take place under any circumstances. Transformer shall accept, without injurious heating, combined voltage & frequency fluctuation, which produces the following over fluxing conditions : Over Fluxing Factor 1.50 1.40 1.25 1.10 Period Less than 2 seconds 5.0 seconds 60 seconds Continuous 4.4.4 The maximum current density for design of power transformers within specified limits of transformer losses shall not exceed the limits of 300 amps per 4.4.5 All other requirement of magnetic circuit shall be as per latest issue of CBIP Manual no 295. 4.4.6 The transformers shall be either core type or shell type construction, oil immersed, ONAN/ONAF/OFAF with external heat exchangers and shall be suitable for outdoor service as inter connecting and/or step-down transformers suitable for parallel operation with the existing transformer having tertiary winding already in service at the EHV substation where these transformers are to be commissioned. The rating and electrical characteristics of the transformers shall Volume-II 7 400KV 500 MVA Transformer be strictly as specified in this specification. For matching the parameters required for parallel operation with existing unit, details shall be intimated to successful Tenderer. 4.5 All the transformers shall be suitable for continuous operation with frequency variation of +/- 4% from normal 50 Hz. Combined voltage & frequency variation should not exceed the rated V/f ratio by 10 %. 5. INSULATION 5.1 Impulse & Power Frequency Voltage Withstand Values : For rated nominal system voltage of 33KV, 220KV & 400KV following minimum power frequency and impulse withstand voltage should be offered for the windings. System Voltage Highest System Voltage 33KV 220KV 400KV 36KV 245KV 420KV Power Frequency Withstand Voltages 95KV rms 395KV rms PD at 1.5Um/√3# Switching Surge/ Impulse Withstand Voltage Impulse Withstand Voltage 1050KV rms 250KVp 950KVp 1300KVp # The Partial Discharge level should be ≤ 500 pico coulomb at 1.5Um/√3 (Method 2) as per IS 2026 part 3 or IEC 60076-3. 5.2 The HV/IV winding of the transformers shall have graded insulation. The insulation class of the neutral end of the winding shall be graded to 95 KV. The 33KV winding shall have full insulation for 33KV i.e. 250 KVp impulse and 95 KVrms power frequency. 6.0 TEMPERATURE RISE : Each transformer shall be capable of operating continuously at its normal rating & 10% over load condition without exceeding temperature limits as specified below. The maximum ambient temperature shall be taken as 50 degree C and type of cooling be suitably adopted to limit the temperature rise within the safe limit of operation. Type Of Cooling Temperature-Rise Windings Oil ONAN (Air natural). o 45 C 40oC ONAF (Air Forced)/ OFAF(Oil Forced Air Forced) 45oC 40oC. 7.0 FREQUENCY : All the transformers shall be suitable for continuous operation with a frequency variation of + 4% to -4% from normal 50 Hz without exceeding the specified temperature rise. 8.0 IMPEDANCE : The percentage impedance of the power transformer shall be 12.5% between HV-IV whereas percentage impedance between IV-LV & HV-LV shall Volume-II 8 400KV 500 MVA Transformer be offered as per design on its own highest MVA base i.e 500 MVA base. Tenderers shall indicate the guaranteed impedance, tolerances and also the impedance on all taps for the offered transformers. Impedance shall include positive and zero sequence and shall be expressed in terms of the branches of the star connected equivalent diagrams on all the specified MVA base and the range shall be given for each branch of the equivalent circuit turn. It may be noted that if required the percentage impedance should be designed identical to the existing transformer of any make in case parallel operation is desired. The IS tolerance on all matching taps are acceptable. Confirmation regarding requirement of parallel operation should be given in the bid. It may be noted by the Tenderers that for the purpose of matching impedance of transformer, included in scope of this bid, between 400KV, 220KV & 33KV main/ tertiary windings , the Tenderers are not permitted to use reactor or reactor/capacitor assembly. The design of the main winding should take care of the requirement of impedances as specified in this tender document and for this purpose, no reactor or reactor/capacitor should be used. 9.0 GUARANTEED LOSSES AND PENALTY 9.1 Maximum Losses : While the Bidders may offer their own design, it may be noted that the transformer losses at 75 deg. C at rated output, rated Voltage and rated frequency should not exceed the following maximum limits which include tolerances as per IS : a) No load losses (Iron losses): 90 KW b) Load(Copper losses) + Auxiliary losses: 500KW including stray loss in KW c) Copper losses in KW : 388 KW d) Stray plus eddy losses in KW: 97 KW e) Auxiliary losses in KW : 15 KW Note:- May please note that losses are fixed and evaluation shall be carried out on pass fail basis, no capitalization shall be done. Bidder may please note that while quoting bid for losses shall not exceed the above limits otherwise the offer may be treated as non-responsive. 9.2 The No load losses in kilowatts ( including BIS tolerance ) at rated voltage and rated frequency and the total load losses in kilowatts at rated output, rated voltage and rated frequency at 75oC shall be guaranteed by the bidder. Successful bidder may please be note that the losses of the Transformer shall not exceed +2% during final testing of the transformer, if the same exceeds from the maximum ceiling limit of Transformer losses as detailed in 9.1 above then the Transformer shall be liable for rejection. No benefit shall be given for supply of transformer, with losses (measured during routine tests) less than the losses specified. The penalty shall be recovered as detailed under but as a exception only first unit upto +2% excess losses may be accepted within penalty on excessive losses:Volume-II 9 400KV 500 MVA Transformer S. No 1 2 3 Differential of specified losses vs Measured losses No load Loss I²R Losses/Load Losses (Differential of whichever loss is higher shall be considered for penalty) Auxiliary Losses RATE (in INR per KW) Rs. 10,00,000/KW Rs. 8,00,000/KW Rs. 8,00,000/KW Note: For a fraction of a KW, the penalty shall be applied on prorate basis 9.3 Four (04) Nos. 500 MVA 400 KV power transformer has been included in this specification and out of ordered quantity, one no. power transformer shall be subject to heat run test (Temperature rise test). 9.4 TERTIARY: 9.4.1 For 500 MVA transformer, OFAF rating of HV & IV shall be 500 MVA and that of 33 KV tertiary rating shall be 167 MVA. The tertiary of 500 MVA transformer shall be designed for full rated MVA loading of either capacitive or inductive or mixed load. The tertiary winding shall not have taps i.e. Tertiary winding shall be without tap changer. 9.4.2 Tertiary winding may be used for connecting switched type reactors or synchronous condensers with individual phase ratings of 40/50 MVAR or station transformer with 33 KV CT/PT & associated equipment. The winding shall be able to withstand frequent switching in and out many times every day of such reactors and synchronous condenser. The tertiary winding is intended to be loaded for the specified rating as mentioned above and accordingly terminals of delta winding needs to be brought out on transformer through three bushings. 9.4.3 One 33 KV class, turret mounted type, separate CT of ratio 1600/1-1 Amps having two secondary cores of rating 1Amp, one of accuracy class 5P10 and other of accuracy class 1 shall be provided for monitoring circulating current and also to provide protection against circulating current beyond rated capacity. For measurement of circulating current of delta winding, one Ampere meter of digital /numeric type suitable for specified CT ratio shall be provided on the RTCC panel. In case size of CT is large provision of separate CT with structure shall be included within the offered price. The tertiary winding shall be designed to carry the fault current under worst fault condition. 10.0 COOLING : The Tenderer may offer ONAN/ ONAF/ OFAF type of cooling for these Transformer. Each transformer shall be provided with two sets of radiator banks each rated for affording 50% cooling and required number of air blast fans and oil pumps for normal operation. Each of the two (50% rated) radiator banks shall have stand by fans. There shall be two oil pumps for each Bank rated for 100% duty, Volume-II 10 400KV 500 MVA Transformer one of the oil pumps being stand by for each Bank. The OFAF cooling two groups each of 50% capacity. Adequate number of fans and pump for providing additional 20 % cooling capacity as standby shall separately duly mounted and wired for each group/bank of coolers requirement indicated in clause 15.1 ( C ). shall be in one cooling be provided in line with 11.0 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS : The features and construction details of power transformer shall be in accordance with the requirements stated hereunder: 11.1 Tank : (A) As required in CBIP specification, the tank shall be of Bell type construction for 500 MVA transformers covered under this specification. Top cover of Bell type construction shall be welded to the tank body . (B) Tank shall be of welded construction and fabricated from tested quality low carbon steel. The base of the tank on the unit shall be so designed that it can be possible to move the complete unit by skidding in any direction without damages when using plate or rail and the tank plate thickness shall be as follows. Length of tank (m) Flat bases Over 2.5m but less than 5m Over 5 m but less than 7.5m Over 7.5m Minimum plate thickness (mm) 20 26 32 (C) All seams and those joints not required to be opened at site shall be factory welded and wherever possible they shall be double welded. After completion of tank construction and before painting, 'Dye Penetration Test' shall be carried out on welded parts of jacking bosses, lifting lugs and all load bearing members. (D) Tank stiffeners shall be provided for general rigidity and these shall be designed to prevent retention of water. Volume-II (E) The tanks shall be designed to withstand the following without permanent distortion. (i) Mechanical shocks during transportation. (ii) Vacuum filling of oil at 10 milli torr in transformer with all fittings. (iii) Continuous internal pressure of 35 kN/m2 over normal hydrostatic pressure of oil. (iv) Short circuit forces & (v) Under seismic condition /events both horizontal/vertical . (F) Where ever possible the transformer tank and its accessories shall be designed without pockets wherein gas may collect. Where 11 400KV 500 MVA Transformer pockets cannot be avoided, pipes shall be provided to vent the gas into the main expansion pipes if any. (G) The shields shall be such that no magnetic fields shall exist outside the tank. They shall be of magnetically permeable material. If required impermeable shields shall be provided at the coil ends. Tank shield shall not resonate when excited at the natural frequency of the equipment. Tenderer shall confirm use of tank shields in the schedule of additional information. (H) The tank shall be provided with : (I) (i) Lifting lugs suitable for lifting the equipment complete with oil. (ii) A minimum of four jacking pads in accessible position at 500mm height to enable the transformer complete with oil to be raised or lowered using hydraulic or screw jacks. The location of jacking pads shall be such that there should not be any interference with the civil foundation of rails in either direction i.e. longitudinal or transverse. (iii) Suitable haulage holes shall be provided. (i) Inspection cover/access windows & Manholes: Suitable man-hole with a welded flange and a properly gasketted bolted cover having of minimum thickness of 10 mm shall be provided on the tank cover. The man-hole shall be of sufficient size to offer easy access to the lower ends of the bushings, terminal etc. The requirement of inspection windows and manholes have been stipulated in AnnexureIV & Tenderers have to confirm compliance of the same in their offer. Space for free movement in Transformer Tank for inspection: Details of passage & free space provided inside the main tank should be indicated in concerned drawing to allow free movement of at-least two persons for inspection of active parts etc. To be more specific it may please be noted that minimum clearance from outer most winding/connection leads/ support to tank shall not be less than 300 mm on all 4 sides with suitable platform on bottom of the tank to facilitate free movement of person all around inside the tank. All bolted connections to the tank shall be fitted with suitable oil tight gaskets which shall give satisfactory service under all operating conditions. Special attention shall be given to the methods of making the hot oil tight joints between the tank and the cover as also between the cover and the bushings and all other outlets to ensure that the joints can be remade satisfactorily and easily with the help of semi skilled labor. Where compressible (ii) (J) Volume-II 12 400KV 500 MVA Transformer gaskets are used, stoppers/ runners shall be provided to prevent over compression. (K) Suitable guides shall be provided for positioning the various parts during assembly or dismantling. Adequate space shall be provided between the cores and windings assembly and the bottom of the tank for collection of any sediment. (L) The design of the tank, lifting lugs shall be such that the complete transformer assembly filled with oil can be lifted with the use of these lugs without any damage or distortions. (M) For the complete transformer we have clearly brought out our requirement of various types of valves in Annexure V enclosed brings out details of type, size and quantity of valves which are to be provided at various locations. This requirement has to be confirmed by the Tenderers without any deviation. (N) Gasketing Arrangement : It may be noted that all gasketted joints shall be grooved one using ‘O’ rings of nitrile rubber or better, such as the joints between bushing turret and bushing flange, inspection covers of inspection windows and all other openings provided for the purpose of inspection of internal parts of the transformer etc. The main bell tank gasket between upper tank and bottom tank shall be single piece ‘O’ ring cord/gasket of nitrile rubber or material of better quality. The gasketting arrangement shall be grooved one with proper stopper to avoid over compression. It is to be noted that one additional set of gaskets shall be delivered by the Tenderer alongwith transformer to replace the used gaskets at the time of erection of the unit. The Gaskets to be used shall not be older than one year for which documentary evidence regarding procurement of gaskets shall be furnished. Note :- All tank gaskets/O-rings used shall be of NBR (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber).The properties of all the above gaskets/O-Rings shall comply with the requirements of type-IV rubber of IS-11149. (O) Ladder : One detachable bolted type mild steel (MS) ladder with anti-climbing arrangement shall be provided. Ladder for climbing up to & over top cover of power transformers shall be mechanically sturdy enough to bear the load of healthy maintenance staff without any shake/jerks. The arrangement shall not be detached after erection and commissioning of the unit, hence shall be provided with padlock locking arrangement for anti-climbing device. On the upper top of the ladder, provision for support shall be made. However, the arrangement of the ladder shall be to purchaser’s approval. Collapsible ladder shall not be acceptable to us. Also, suitable mild steel (MS) ladder shall be provided for conservator tank. (P) Suitable earthing bridge between upper and lower tank shall be provided at least on four places each on HV & IV side and four place on other both sides. Volume-II 13 400KV 500 MVA Transformer (Q) The thickness of transformer wheel base plate (roller mounting) shall be 32 mm so as to avoid its bending during dragging of transformer on rails. (R) Tank MS plates of thickness >12 mm should undergo Ultrasonic Test (UT) to check lamination defect, internal impurities in line with ASTM 435 & ASTM 577. 11.2 Tank Cover (a) The tank cover shall be sloped to prevent retention of rain water and shall not distort when lifted. (b) Inspection cover/man holes shall be provided as per AnnexureIV. (c) The tank covers shall be fitted with pockets at the position of maximum oil temperature of MCR (Maximum Continuous Rating) for inserting bulbs of oil and winding temperature indicators. It shall be possible to remove these bulbs without lowering the oil in the tank. The thermometer shall be fitted with a captive sensor to prevent the ingress of water. (d) Bushings, turrets, covers of inspection openings, thermometer, pockets etc., shall be designed to prevent ingress of water into or leakages of oil from the tank. (e) All bolted connections shall be fitted with weather-proof, hot oil resistant gasket in between, for complete oil tightness. If gasket is compressible, metallic stoppers shall be provided to prevent overcompression. (f) 11.3 A minimum of three nos. PRD i.e. one each shall be provided above each phase winding. Undercarriage (a) The transformer tank shall be supported on a structural steel base equipped with forged steel or cast steel single flanged wheels suitable for moving the transformer completely filled with oil. If necessary, the wheel assembly should consist of two wheels for each point. Provision shall be made for mounting bidirectional flanged rollers with locking and bolting device for rail gauge specified below:, (b) Volume-II Type of Construction Three Phase Shorter axis Longer axis 2/3/4 rail combination Two rails with 1676 according to layout and size mm gauge of transformer Jacking pads/steps shall be provided. It shall be possible to change the direction of the wheels through 90 deg. when the transformer is lifted on jacks to permit movement of the transformer both in longitudinal and transverse direction. 14 400KV 500 MVA Transformer (c) (d) The track/rail gauge shall be 1676 mm along the longer side, as well as along the shorter axis. However Rails shall be placed perpendicular to the bushing line. Pulling eyes shall be provided to facilitate movement/pulling of the transformers and these shall be suitably braced in a vertical direction so that bending does not occur when the pull has a vertical component. 11.4 Axles And Wheels (a) The transformers are to be provided with flanged bi-directional wheels and axles. These shall be so designed as not to deflect excessively to interfere with the movement of the transformer. Wheels shall be provided with suitable bearings which shall be rust and corrosion resistant. Fittings for lubrication shall also be provided. (b) Suitable locking arrangement along-with foundation bolts shall be provided for the wheels to prevent accidental movement of transformer. The locking arrangement shall be such that it can be locked with plinth of transformer. The length of the arrangement should be adequate to cover height of the rail. No floating type locking arrangement shall be accepted. (c) The wheels are required to swivel and they shall be arranged so that they can be turned through an angle of 90 degrees when the tank is jacked up to clear of rails. Means shall be provided for locking the swivel movements in positions parallel to and at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the tank (i.e. longitudinal & transverse directions). (d) To facilitate uniform distribution of transformer weight two nos. props each on front & rear side along longer axis to be provided. 11.5 Anti Earthquake/Transport Clamping Device (a) To prevent transformer movement during earthquake, clamping device shall be provided for fixing transformer to the foundation. The Tenderer shall supply necessary bolts for embedding in the concrete foundation. The arrangements shall be such that the transformer can be fixed to or unfastened from these bolts as desired. The fixing of the transformers to the foundations shall be designed to withstand seismic events to the extent that a static coefficient of 0.3g. applied in the direction of least resistance to that loading will not cause the transformer or clamping devices as well as bolts to be over stressed. (b) Locking arrangement to eliminate relative movement between top yoke/active parts with the transformer tank shall be sturdy enough to bear transport hazards taking in to account the poor road conditions and also considering that road transportation of transformer will not be on hydraulic trailers . Volume-II 15 400KV 500 MVA Transformer 11.6 Conservator Tank : (a) The conservator tank shall be of minimum thickness of 10 mm and it shall have adequate capacity between highest and lowest visible levels to meet the requirement of expansion of the total cold oil volume in the transformer and cooling equipment from minimum ambient temperature to 100oC. (b) The conservator tank shall be bolted into position so that it can be removed for cleaning purposes. (c) Magnetic oil gauge (MOG) & prismatic oil level gauge having three overlapped windows on one side of conservator and on opposite side of conservator, plain oil gauge with three overlapped windows shall be provided to indicate oil level inside the conservator at each location. Proper arrangement to ensure visibility of oil level from ground be also ensured . Further, MOG and prismatic oil guage shall provided for OLTC conservator. (d) Conservator shall be provided in such a position as not to obstruct the electrical connections to the transformer. (e) In order to avoid congestion and to facilitate operation and maintenance activities, the main conservator and OLTC conservator shall be provided on opposite sides of the main tank. Further, there shall be adequate space for manual operation of OLTC. (f) Separate conservator tank shall be provided for OLTC. (g) The size of the conservator shall be so designed as to accommodate approximately 10% volume of total quantity of oil in the transformer. (h) Suitable arrangement shall be made for providing a foot rest with easy & access arrangement to facilitate maintenance/operation at top of the conservator, on magnetic oil level gauge and buchholz relay. (i) The design of conservator shall be such that the air is not trapped between air cell and main conservator. (j) Conservator Protection Relay (CPR)/Air cell puncture detection relay shall be externally installed on the top of conservator to give alarm in the event of lowering of oil in the conservator due to puncture of air cell in service. (k) OLTC shall have conventional type conservator (without aircell) with magnetic oil level gauge with potential free oil level alarm contact and prismatic oil level gauge. 11.7 Tank Earthing Arrangement : : Two earthing pads (150x150mm) complete with two number tapped holes M12 bolts plain and spring washer suitable for connection to 75x12 mm GI flat shall be provided each at position close to two diagonally opposite bottom corners of tank. Earthing strips up to the ground level and its connection with station earth pit shall be provided by the Tenderer. 11.8 Pressure Relief Device : A minimum of 3 (three) number of pressure relief devices of reputed make and reliable quality shall be provided on each transformer and these shall be mounted preferably on the tank cover above Volume-II 16 400KV 500 MVA Transformer each phase winding. Tenderers must submit calculations to prove that the no and capacity of pressure relief device with location of each PRV provided on the transformer will adequately meet our requirement. The quantity of three numbers is on the basis that two numbers will be required as per design calculation and one number additional PRD shall be provided from the point of view of additional safety. Constructional and design details of pressure relief device must be furnished and it should be proved by calculation that the size and operating pressure setting of pressure relief device is adequate, considering the rating of the transformer and quantity of oil in the transformer. Furnishing of this information is a must. These PRD's shall be of sufficient size for rapid release of any pressure that may be generated in the tank and which may result in damage to the equipment. The device shall operate at a static pressure of less than the hydraulic test pressure of transformer tank. It shall be mounted directly on the tank. One set of electrically insulated contacts shall be provided for alarm & tripping along-with the recommendations. 11.9 Relays 11.9.1 Buchholz Relay : A double float type Buchholz relay along with suitable moulded type cover to avoid ingress of moisture/ rain water shall be provided. All the gases evolved in the transformer shall collect in this relay. The relay shall be provided with a test cock suitable for a flexible pipe connection for checking its operation and for taking gas sample. A copper or stainless steel tube, shall be connected from the gas collector to a valve located about 1200mm above ground level to facilitate sampling of gas while the transformer is in service. The device shall be provided with two electrically independent ungrounded contacts, one for alarm on gas accumulation and the other for tripping on sudden rise of pressure. The contacts of relay shall be properly housed, sealed and gasketted to make the arrangement water proof. Entry of moisture/water in the contact chamber needs to be eliminated. Cable entry to terminal box of buchholz relay should be made through bottom of relay. It is further to note that the rain water protection cover is required to be provided for the Buchholz relay. 11.9.2 Oil Surge Relay (OSR) : From our past experience, it is found that undesired tripping of Power Transformers is occurring on oil surge relay (OSR)and Buchholz relay operation actuating due to accumulation of water inside relay pockets. The water accumulation takes place through entry point of cable gland. In view of above, the design and placement of Alarm & trip contact assembly of OSR and Buchholz Relay should be improved to take care of the following requirements: (a) The cable entry to terminal box of OSR should be made through bottom of relay. Also the OSR relay should be protected from rain water by providing proper cover on it. (b) In order to ensure exit/drainage of accumulated water from inside the relay, a fine hole should be made in terminal box of relay. Volume-II 17 400KV 500 MVA Transformer Note : The Tenderers shall ensure that the compartments housing relay contacts of Pressure Relief Valve , Buchholz Relay and Oil Surge Relay are made absolutely water and vermin proof. The compartment housing contacts of OSR,PRV and Buchholz Relay shall be tested for water proof at the time of inspection and effectiveness of water proofing shall be demonstrated at the time of inspection. This should be noted carefully by the Tenderer and specifically confirmed in their Tender. The rain water protection cover is required to be provided on the OSR. 11.9.3 Sudden Pressure Relay/ Rapid Pressure Rise Relay: One number of Sudden Pressure Relay/ Rapid Pressure Rise Relay with alarm or trip contact (Terminal connection plug & socket type arrangement) shall be provided on tank of transformer/reactor. Operating features and size shall be reviewed during design review. Suitable canopy shall be provided to prevent ingress of rain water. Pressurized water ingress test for Terminal Box (routine tests) shall be conducted on Sudden Pressure Relay/ Rapid Pressure Rise Relay. 11.10 Temperature Indicator: 11.10.1 Oil Temperature Indicator (OTI) :Transformers shall be provided with a 150mm dial type thermometer with maximum pointer for top oil temperature indication. The thermometer shall have adjustable two electrically isolated heavy duty alarm and trip contacts, maximum reading pointer and resetting device mounted in the Fan control cubicle (FCC). A temperature sensing element suitably located in a pocket on top oil shall be provided. This shall be connected to the OTI by means of capillary tubing. Accuracy class of OTI shall be plus or minus 1.0% or better. The OTI shall be provided with anti-vibration mounting. Note:- Temperature transducer with PT100 sensor : RTD shall be provided with PT100 temperature sensor having nominal resistance of 100 ohms at zero degree centigrade. The PT100 temperature sensor shall have three wire ungrounded system. The calibration shall be as per IS 2848 or equivalent. The PT100 sensor may be placed in the pocket containing temperature sensing element. RTD shall include image coil for OTI system and shall provide dual output 4-20mA for SCADA system. The transducer shall be installed in the Individual Marshaling Box. Any special cable required for shielding purpose, for connection between PT100 temperature sensor and transducer, shall be in the scope of manufacturer. 4-20mA signal shall be wired to Digital RTCC panel/BCU for further transfer data to SCADA through IS/IEC 61850 compliant communications. 11.10.2 Winding Temperature Indicator (WTI):(a) Volume-II WTI for measuring the winding temperature of each of the windings (HV, IV, Tertiary) shall be provided. It shall comprise of the following (i) Temperature sensing element. (ii) Image coil. 18 400KV 500 MVA Transformer (iii) Auxiliary CTs, if required, to match the image coil, shall be provided. (iv) 150mm dia local indicating instrument with maximum reading pointer mounted in FCC/marshalling box and with four adjustable electrically isolated heavy duty contacts (two for control of cooling equipment, one for high winding temperature alarm and other for trip) shall be provided. The WTI shall be provided with anti vibration mounting. (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (v) Calibration device. In addition to the (a) above, repeater dial of WTI for each winding shall be provided for Remote winding temperature indication. It shall be suitable for flush mounting on RTCC panel. A precision potentiometer mounted inside the case shall function as a transmitter to operate a repeater for RWTI. For two windings(i.e. HV and IV) the transmitter shall be directly connected to the repeater. For the third winding i.e. LV(Tertiary) the transmitter shall be connected to a resistance Transducer, which will supply DC for operating repeater. Auxiliary supply, if required in RTCC panel for RWTI, shall be 220V DC only. Accuracy class of WTI shall be plus or minus 1.0% or better. Any special cables required for shielding purpose for connection between cooler control cabinet and remote winding temperature indicator control circuit shall be in Tenderer’s scope of work. WTI CT ratio shall be embossed on secondary winding terminal box. Note :i) Some of the manufacturers have a practice to directly install winding temperature indicator (WTI) and oil temperature indicator (OTI) on the body of the transformer in open. This is not acceptable & it is obligatory on the part of the BIDDERs to enclose OTI & WTI and all such accessories in a separate Fan Control Cubicle (FCC) cum Marshalling Box . ii) Temperature transducer with PT100 sensor for each winding: RTD shall be provided with PT100 temperature sensor having nominal resistance of 100 ohms at zero degree centigrade. The PT100 temperature sensor shall have three wire ungrounded system. The calibration shall be as per IS 2848 or equivalent. The PT100 sensor may be placed in the pocket containing temperature sensing element. RTD shall include image coil, Auxiliary CTs, if required to match the image coil, for WTI system and shall provide dual output 4-20mA for remote WTI and SCADA system individually. The transducer and Auxiliary CT shall be installed in the Individual Marshaling Box. Any special cable required for shielding purpose, for connection between PT100 temperature sensor and transducer, shall be in the scope of Contractor. 420mA signal shall be wired to Digital RTCC / BCU panel for further transfer data to SCADA through IS/IEC 61850 compliant communications. Volume-II 19 400KV 500 MVA Transformer 11.11 Core a) The core shall be constructed from high grade, non- ageing, low loss, Cold Rolled Super Grain oriented (CRGO) silicon steel laminations of HI-B grade steel or better. All stipulations under clause 4.4 should be considered while selecting material of core. Core shall be preferably 5 limbed construction. Interlamination resistance shall be as per BS 601 Part 5 method of July 1973. The Tenderer shall furnish the details of steel laminations i.e. type alongwith hysterisis loss curve (B-H curve) etc. b) The hot spot temperature and surface temperatures in the core shall be calculated for over voltage conditions specified in the document and it shall not exceed 125 deg C and 120 deg C respectively. After being sheared, the laminations shall be treated to remove all burrs and shall be re-annealed to remove all residual stresses. (c) The design of the magnetic circuit shall be such as to avoid static discharges, development of short circuit paths within itself or to the earthed clamping structure and production of flux component at right angles to the plane of laminations which may cause local heating. The core shall be provided with lugs suitable for lifting complete core & coil assembly of transformer. Core Belting : The core shall be rigidly clamped by belting to ensure adequate mechanical strength. Core and winding shall be capable of withstanding the vibrations & shock during transport, installation, service and adequate provision shall be made to prevent movement of core & winding relative to tank during these conditions. The location, size and material of belting shall be clearly indicated in drawing which shall be submitted with Tender. Bolted type core construction shall not be acceptable. All steel sections used for supporting the core shall be thoroughly sand blasted after cutting, drilling and welding. Each core lamination shall be insulated with a material that will not deteriorate due to pressure and hot oil. The insulation of core to clamps plates shall be able to withstand a voltage of 2 KV RMS for one minute. The maximum flux density in any part of the core and yoke at rated MVA, 110% voltage and (-) 4% frequency at any tap shall not exceed 1.90 Tesla. The Tenderer shall provide saturation curve of the core material proposed to be used and calculations to demonstrate that the core is not over fluxed under stringent condition of transformer operation. Tenderer will offer the core for inspection & approval by the purchaser during the manufacturing stage. Tenderer’s call (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) Volume-II 20 400KV 500 MVA Transformer notice for this purpose should be accompanied with the following documents, as applicable, as a proof towards use of prime core material. i) Invoice of the supplier ii) Mill's Test Certificate iii) Packing List iv) Bill of lading v) Bill of entry certificate by customs. (k) Core material shall be directly procured either from the manufacturer or through their accredited marketing organization of repute and not through any agent. (l) Tenderer should have in-house Core Cutting facility for proper monitoring & control on quality and also to avoid any possibility of mixing of prime material with defective/second grade material. However, in case if in house core cutting facility is not available at manufacturers works in that case cutting from other sources shall also be accepted subject to condition that manufacturer shall be solely responsible for proper monitoring & control on quality and also to avoid any possibility. (m) Oil ducts shall be provided wherever necessary to ensure adequate cooling. The winding structure and major insulation shall not obstruct the free flow of oil through such ducts. Where the magnetic circuit is divided into pockets by cooling ducts parallel to the plane of laminations or by insulating material above 0.254 mm. Thick, tinned copper strip bridging pieces shall be inserted to maintain electrical continuity between pockets. The design of the magnetic circuit shall be such as to avoid static discharge development of short circuit path within itself or to the earthed clamping structure and production of flux components at right angles to the plane of the laminations which may cause local heating. (n) Considering that the requirement is for three phase auto-transformer with tertiary delta, it is expected that the Tenderer may offer transformer design with five limb core. Details in this respect shall be furnished. (o) Core shall not directly rest on the bottom metal sheet of transformer tank. Around 5 mm or more free space for oil insulation shall be made between the core and bottom sheet of transformer tank. A 5 mm FRP Insulating sheet shall be provided to take care of core earthing due to accidental slippage of stampings. Also in addition to this extra insulation thickness of 5 mm or more FRP sheet be provided at the bottom of resting shoes of end frame with proper fixing arrangement to avoid accidental slippage, damages etc. Volume-II 21 400KV 500 MVA Transformer 11.12 Windings: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Volume-II The Tenderer shall ensure that windings of all transformers are made in dust proof, conditioned atmosphere. The Tenderer shall furnish the facilities available at their works alongwith the Tender. The conductors shall be of electrolytic grade copper as per relevant IS. The maximum current density for design of transformers within specified limits of transformer losses shall not exceed the limits of 300 amps per The insulation of transformer windings and connections shall be free from insulating compounds which are liable to soften, ooze out, shrink or collapse or be catalytic and chemically active in transformer oil during service. Coil assembly and insulating spacers shall be so arranged as to ensure free circulation of oil and to reduce the hot spot of the winding. The conductor shall be transposed at sufficient intervals in order to minimize eddy currents and equalize the distribution of currents and temperature along the winding. The LV (tertiary) winding should withstand short circuit faults/forces of the transformer upto the prescribed fault levels on HV & IV sides against mechanical and thermal stresses. To avoid damage to tertiary windings due to high stresses at the time of severe short circuit it is desirable that some special constructional features like encasing the tertiary windings by epoxy compound etc is done as per tenderers practice. Tenderer shall elucidate the constructional features adopted by them for the same. Special constructional and design features adopted for avoiding displacement of coils/clamping structure during dynamic short circuit conditions be given. Best insulating material shall be used and compression of the windings after drying out shall be carried out at a pressure exceeding one and a half to twice the force which can occur in the transformer; to impart greater mechanical strength to the windings against heavy short circuit stresses. The windings shall be so designed that all coil assemblies of identical voltage ratings shall be interchangeable and field repairs to the windings can be made readily without special equipment. The coils shall be supported between adjacent sections by insulating spacers, and the bracings and other insulation used in the assembly of the winding shall be arranged to ensure free circulation of the oil to reduce hot spots in the windings. The coil insulation shall be treated with suitable insulating varnish or equivalent compound wherever necessary to develop the full electrical strength of the winding. All materials used in the insulation and assembly of the winding shall be insoluble, non-catalytic and 22 400KV 500 MVA Transformer chemically inactive in the hot transformer oil and shall not soften or otherwise be adversely affected under the operating conditions. (i) All threaded connections shall be provided with locking facilities. All leads from the winding to the terminal connectors and bushings shall be rigidly supported to prevent injury from vibration. Guide tubes shall be used where practicable. (j) Windings shall be subjected to a shrinkage treatment before final assembly so that no further shrinkage occurs during service. Adjustable device shall be provided for taking up any possible shrinkage of coils in service. After shrinkage process, the windings shall be clamped securely in place so that they will not be displaced or deformed during short circuits. The assembled core and windings shall be vacuum-dried and suitably impregnated before removal from the treating tank. The copper conductors used in the coil structure shall be best suited to the requirements and all permanent current carrying joints in the windings and the leads shall be crimped or brazed preferably by high frequency brazing system shall be finalized at the time of drawing approval. It is observed that many manufacturers are using sectored clamping arrangement at top as well as bottom for clamping of the windings. This type of arrangement is considered to be not suitable for EHV grade power transformers. In this regard, it may be noted that both top & bottom clamping rings to be provided for clamping of windings shall be of one piece single ring. The top & bottom clamping rings should be of minimum thickness 60 mm thk with proper safety margins based on design and shall be in one piece to make the clamping arrangement sturdy. Sectored pressure/clamping rings are not acceptable. The single pressing/clamping ring shall be provided with adequate number of pressure/jacking points as per design. Since sectored ring arrangement shall not be accepted hence Tenderer should ensure and confirm this specific requirement in the technical questionnaire. In case of non availability of pressing/ clamping ring in single piece suitable for offered rating transformer, issue will be discussed & finalized at the time of drawing approval for use of a ring in two pieces. However, MPPTCL decision in this regard will be final and binding on the supplier. (k) Tenderer will offer the Copper and insulating material for windings for inspection & approval by the purchaser during the manufacturing stage. Tenderer’s call notice for the purpose should be accompanied with the following documents, as applicable, as a proof towards use of prime Copper and insulating material for windings . i) ii) iii) Volume-II Invoice of the supplier Mill's Test Certificate Packing List 23 400KV 500 MVA Transformer iv) v) (l) Bill of lading Bill of entry certificate by customs. Core, Copper and insulating material for windings shall be directly procured either from the manufacturer or through their accredited marketing organization of repute and not through any agent. (m) Certificate : Supplier shall provide purchaser procurement of raw materials i.e., core, insulation Supplier shall also record a certificate as under : details of & copper. " CERTIFICATE " It is certified that the Transformer shall be manufactured by --------(Name of manufacturer) out of the core, insulating and winding material procured as per details indicated in enclosed schedule. We are agreeable to undertake third party inspection of Transformer during its manufacture or of raw materials, at the sole discretion of MPPTCL without any extra cost. If at any stage it is found that the transformer is not manufactured out of the raw material indicated in enclosed Schedule, the transformer shall be liable for rejection by MPPTCL and transformer shall be replaced by (name of manufacturer) at no extra cost to MPPTCL. Signature of Authorised Signatory with Seal of manufacturer (n) The Purchaser also reserves the right to carry out stage inspections at other stages also, for which advance intimation shall be given and all necessary cooperation shall be rendered by the supplier. (o) Epoxy bonded Continuously Transposed Conductor (CTC) shall be used in main winding for rated current of 400 A or more. (p) The conductor insulation shall be made from high-density (at least 0.75 gm/cc) paper having high mechanical strength. Density of paper shall be verified by paper manufacturer test certificate. (q) The barrier insulation including spacers shall be made from highdensity pre-compressed pressboard (1.15 gm/cc minimum for load bearing and 0.95 gm/cc minimum for non-load bearing) to minimize dimensional changes. Kraft insulating paper used on conductor should have density of >0.75 g/cc. To verify the parameters manufacturer test certificate can be accepted. (r) Winding paper moisture shall be less than 0.5%. 11.13 A) BUSHINGS :- Bidders may please note that Transformers covered in the bid are being procured with RIP Bushings instead of OIP Bushings, Volume-II 24 400KV 500 MVA Transformer however some parameters of OIP bushings are detailed below for reference and the same shall also be applicable for RIP Bushings. (a) The electrical & mechanical characteristics of bushings shall be in accordance with IS-3347 & IS-2099 ( latest version ) & IEC 60137(2008 or latest version). (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Volume-II The bushings shall have high factor of safety against leakage to ground and shall be so located as to provide adequate electrical clearances between bushings and also between the bushings and grounded parts. Bushings of identical voltage rating shall be of similar BCT and inter changeable. All bushings shall be equipped with suitable terminals of approved type and size and all external current carrying contact surfaces shall be adequately silver plated. The insulation class of the high voltage neutral bushing shall be properly coordinated with the insulation class of the neutral of the high voltage winding. All main winding and neutral leads shall be brought out through outdoor type bushings which shall be so located that the full flashover strength will be utilized and the adequate phase clearance shall be realized. Each bushing shall be so coordinated with the transformer insulation that all flashovers will occur outside the tank. All porcelain used in bushings shall be of the wet process, homogeneous and free from cavities or other flaws. The glazing shall be uniform in color and free from blisters, burns and other defects. (i) For 33KV winding & neutral of common winding, the bushing shall be of OIP condenser of 72.5KV class of draw rod type/solid stem type. (ii) The bushings of 420 KV & 245 KV class shall be of OIP condenser of draw rod type (DR) only. (iii) Tan-delta of all bushings shall be 0.005 (max.) during testing at manufacturer’s works/site. All bushings shall have puncture strength greater than the dry flashover value. Main winding terminals shall be solder-less terminals and shall be of the type and size specified in the schedule of requirement of drawings. The spacing between the bushings must be adequate to prevent flashover between phases under all conditions of operation. The clearances shall be as follows : 25 400KV 500 MVA Transformer S. No 1 2 3 Impulse Nominal Voltage Current Withstand System Class of Rating Voltage Voltage Bushing (Kvp) 400KV 220KV 33KV 420KV 245KV 72.5KV 1250A 2000A 3150A 1425 1050 325 1 Min. Power Frequency/ Switching Impulse Voltage Kv (Rms) 630/1050 460 / 140 / - Creepage Distance in mm 10500 6125 1813 Clearance in mm Ph to Ph Ph to E 4000 2700 700 3500 2400 660 The Tenderer s are required to confirm clearances and no change / reduction in clearances shall be acceptable. The clearances shall be clear distances in air after accounting for clamps/connectors dimensions to be mounted on the stud of bushings. (j) Special adjustable arcing horns shall be provided for the HV & IV bushings. For 72.5KV class bushings, arcing horns are not required. (k) The Tenderer is requested to furnish the guaranteed withstand voltage for the above and also furnish a calibration curve with different settings of the coordination gap to the purchaser to decide the actual gap setting. Tenderer’s recommendations are also invited in this respect. (l) The bushings shall be capable of withstanding without injury the electrical, thermal and mechanical effects of external short circuits. Bushings shall be rated for short time thermal current rating of 63/ 40/ 31.5 KA for 3 seconds, for 400/ 220/ 33 KV respectively. (m) All the transformers covered under this specification shall be utilized in heavily polluted atmosphere. In view of this the Tenderers while offering prices for the transformers against this contract may please note that the offer should be made out based on the creepage for the bushings @ 25mm per KV based on the voltage of 72.5KV/245KV/ 420KV. Thus in the quoted prices of transformer cost of bushings should be included based on a creepage distance of 25mm per KV. (n) All O.I.P. Condenser bushings shall be provided with : (i) Oil level gauge. (ii) Oil filling plug and drain valve, if not hermetically sealed. (iii) Tap for capacitance/tan delta test. (o) The bushings with current transformers are specified, hence the bushings shall be removable without disturbing the current transformers. (p) Porcelain used in bushing manufacture shall be homogenous, free from laminations, cavities and other flaws or imperfections that might affect the mechanical or dielectric quality and shall be thoroughly vitrified tough and impervious to moisture. Glazing of porcelain and bushing shall be of uniform brown color free from blisters and burrs. Volume-II 26 400KV 500 MVA Transformer (q) (r) (s) (t) (u) Bushing turrets shall be provided with suitable vent pipes which shall be connected to route any air/gas collection through the Buchholz relay. For Bushings of all voltage class, the arrangement for connection of winding/neutral terminal shall be indicated . From the end point of the condenser of the bushing which will protrude inside the transformer OR the bottom termination point of bushing, sufficient clearance should be available so that in case any other make bushing is installed problem in this regard may not arise. Maximum length of condenser portion, which can be easily accommodated, should be clearly indicated by the Tenderer. The LV take off arrangement within the transformer is of utmost importance hence due care shall be taken while providing this arrangement inside the transformer tank. The connecting lug of LV winding with the bushing bottom terminal pad should match with the current rating of the bushing. The size of the LV winding lug shall be of suitable rating to match with the maximum load current of the transformer to be fed through extreme tap of OLTC meeting requirements of IS-6600. In this regard, the clamping arrangement of LV winding with two lugs having two holes with two hole terminals on counter part of the bushing pad are not acceptable. In case of such arrangement, it will have to be ensured that the counter part of winding lead/lug i.e. bushing terminal is with four holes or vice versa. Similar arrangement shall be ensured for termination of neutral lead on neutral bushing pad. Size of turret for particular rating of bushing should be inline with requirements specified by the bushing supplier in respect of min dia. & lower insulation arcing distance etc. (B) Bushings (RIP):- The transformer will procured with RIP bushings with all the ratings indicated above:a) b) c) Volume-II Bushings shall be robust and designed for adequate cantilever strength to meet the requirement of seismic conditions, substation layout and movement along with the spare Transformer with bushing erected and provided with proper support from one foundation to another foundation within the substation area. The electrical and mechanical characteristics of bushings shall be in accordance with IEC: 60137/DIN 42530. All details of the bushings shall be submitted for approval and design review. Bushing for voltage of 72.5 kV and above shall be RIP bushings with composite polymer insulator as per detailed indicated in 11.10. RIP type bushing shall be provided with tap for capacitance and tan delta test. Test taps relying on pressure contacts against the outer earth layer of the bushing is not acceptable. 27 400KV 500 MVA Transformer d) e) f) g) Where current transformers are specified, the bushings shall be removable without disturbing the current transformers. Bushings of identical rating shall be interchangeable to optimise the requirement of spares. Porcelain used in bushing manufactures shall be homogenous, free from lamination, cavities and other flaws or imperfections that might affect the mechanical or dielectric quality and shall be thoroughly vitrified, tough and impervious to moisture. Polymer / composite insulator shall be seamless sheath of a silicone rubber compound. The housing & weather sheds should have silicon content of minimum 30% by weight. It should protect the bushing against environmental influences, external pollution and humidity. The interface between the housing and the core must be uniform and without voids. The strength of the bond shall be greater than the tearing strength of the polymer. The manufacturer shall follow non-destructive technique (N.D.T.) to check the quality of jointing of the housing interface with the core. The technique being followed with detailed procedure and sampling shall be finalized during finalization of drawings. The weather sheds of the insulators shall be of alternate shed profile as per IEC 60815-3. The weather sheds shall be vulcanized to the sheath (extrusion process) or moulded as part of the sheath (injection moulding process) and free from imperfections. The vulcanization for extrusion process shall be at high temperature and for injection moulding shall be at high temperature & high pressure. Any seams / burrs protruding axially along the insulator, resulting from the injection moulding process shall be removed completely without causing any damage to the housing. The track resistance of housing and shed material shall be class 1A4.5 according to IEC60587. The strength of the weather shed to sheath interface shall be greater than the tearing strength of the polymer. The composite insulator shall be capable of high pressure washing. h) i) j) Volume-II End fitting shall be free from cracks, seams shrinks, air holes and rough edges. End fittings should be effectively, sealed to prevent moisture ingress, effectiveness of sealing system must be supported by test documents. All surfaces of the metal parts shall be perfectly smooth with the projecting points or irregularities which may cause corona. All load bearing surfaces shall be smooth and uniform so as to distribute the loading stresses uniformly. The hollow silicone composite insulators shall comply with requirements of the IEC publications IEC 61462 and the relevant parts of IEC 62217. The design of the composite insulators shall be tested and verified according to IEC 61462 (Type & Routine test) Clamps and fittings shall be of hot dip galvanised/stainless steel. Bushing turrets shall be provided with vent pipes, to route any gas collection through the Buchholz relay. No arcing horns shall be provided on the bushings. 28 400KV 500 MVA Transformer k) l) m) n) o) p) RIP Bushing shall be specially packed to avoid any damage during transit and suitable for long storage, with non-returnable packing wooden boxed with hinged type cover. Without any gap between wooden planks. Packing Box opening cover with nails/screws type packing arrangements shall not be acceptable. Bushing oil end portion shall be fitted with metal housing with positive dry air pressure and a suitable pressure monitoring device shall be fitted on the metal housing during storage to avoid direct contract with moisture with epoxy. Alternatively, oil filled metal housing with suitable arrangement for taking care oil expansion due to temperature variations shall be also be acceptable. Manufacturer shall submit drawings / documents of packing for approval during detail engineering. Detail method for storage of bushing including accessories shall be brought out in the instruction manual. Adequate precautions must also be taken to ensure that the storage of RIP bushing with polymer housing, which is susceptible to attacks by rodents or birds, is done in a rodent/pest-free environment by using PVC coated mesh or any other material for wrapping. Bushings which are kept in storage container can be used even after long term storage without any further testing of the bushing. The terminal making and their physical position shall be as per IEC:60076. The delta measurement at variable frequency (in the range of 20 Hz to 350 Hz) shall be carried out on each condenser type bushing (OIP & RIP) at Transformer manufacturing works as routine test before despatch and the result shall be compared at site during commissioning to verify the healthiness of the bushing. If the bushing Tan delta goes beyond 0.005 or increase is more than 0.001 within the warrantee period w.r.t. per-commissioning values, the contractor shall arrange to replace the defective bushing by new one. No temperature correction factor shall be applicable for tan delta. Tan delta measurement at variable frequency (in the range of 20 Hz to 350 Hz) shall be carried out on each condenser type bushing (OIP & RIP/ RIS) at Transformer manufacturing works as routine test before despatch and the result shall be compared at site during commissioning to verify the healthiness of the bushing. Tan δ value of OIP/RIP/RIS condenser bushing shall be 0.005 (max.) in the temperature range of 10°C to 40°C. If tan delta is measured at a temperature beyond above mentioned limit, necessary correction factor as per IEEE shall be applicable. Note:- Bidders may please note that RIP Bushings manufactured in India shall be considered subject to approval. 11.14 Bushing Current Transformers:(a) Current transformers shall comply with IS:2705. (b) One no. bushing CT of Ratio 1000-2000/1-1 on each phase of HV & IV winding i.e 3 nos. for HV & 3 nos. for IV winding, one no. outdoor Volume-II 29 400KV 500 MVA Transformer (c) (d) (e) bushing CT of Ratio 1000-2000/1-1 for neutral shall be provided for each Transformer. Further, one no. 33 KV bushing CT of Ratio 1600/1-1 shall be supplied as per clause no.9.7.3. In addition to above, also three nos. 33 KV bushing CT of ratio 1600/1 shall be provided for each phase. It shall be possible to remove turret mounted CTs from the transformer tank without removing the tank cover. Necessary precaution shall be taken to minimize the eddy currents and local heat generated in the turret. All secondary leads shall be brought to a terminal box near each bushing. These terminals shall be wired out to cooler control cabinet using separate cables for each core. For the thermal image coil of winding temperature indicator, ‘CT’ with suitable ratio and class may be used. 11.15 Terminal Marking : The terminal marking and their physical position shall be in accordance with IS:2026. 11.16 The positioning of HV & IV bushings shall be such that skew jumpering is avoided. The middle phase primary & secondary bushing center line shall be parallel to side axis of the transformer body. 12.0 EARTHING ARRANGEMENT : 12.1 NEUTRAL EARTHING ARRANGEMENT : The neutral terminal of the star connected HV / IV winding shall be brought up to the ground level through two tinned copper flat strips of size 75x12mm which shall be supported on transformer tank horizontal/vertical by porcelain insulators of 36 KV voltage class. The number of insulators shall be sufficient to provide a mechanically sturdy arrangement. Necessary mechanical supports on the tank for mounting of the insulators shall be made. It may be ensured that connection of the neutral strips to neutral bushings at one end shall be made using a terminal connector suitable for connection to the neutral bushing terminal and to receive 2x75x12mm tinned copper strips on the other side. The connection between the bushing and transformer’s earth pit shall be through 2x75x12mm tinned copper strips single run without any joint connection/brazing/ welding etc. In case of problem in availability of single run tinned copper strips, it may be accepted with single joint. However, joint to be provided shall be subject to approval of purchaser. The other end of the earth connection to the earth pit shall also be through terminal connector suitable to receive 2x75x12mm copper strips at one end and to receive MS flat and /or twin ACSR Moose conductor on the other end. The length of the copper strips shall be suitable for providing a joint less connection between transformer neutral and earth pit and details in this regard shall be intimated to the successful Tenderer based on transformer/substation layout design. A typical arrangement is shown in drg. No: MPPTCL/500MVA/02 of this specification for neutral earthing. 12.2 CORE EARTHING ARRANGEMENT: The Tenderer should note our requirement in this regard very clearly. It is required to bring out leads from core, end frame and tank to the top of the transformer through only three insulated bushings. These Bushings shall be non oil communicating type of minimum 17.5 KV Volume-II 30 400KV 500 MVA Transformer class Porcelain Bushings. The arrangement shall be housed in a box at the top cover of transformer tank with provision for interconnection between the studs of bushings. The bushing housing shall have a suitable cover with gasket to make the arrangement waterproof. A clear marking (engraved/punched) shall be made to indicate that the housing contains core/end frame/ tank earthing arrangement. Please note that stickers/flags/tags/painted marking for identification shall not be accepted. A typical sketch of general arrangement needed by purchaser is shown in drawing no. MPPTCL/500MVA/03 of this specification. Arrangement shall be such that even after removal of connections, oil shall not leak. Removable shorting strips between the three bushing shall be provided. It may be noted that internal earthing of any nature between core and End frame should not be provided. Earthing at site shall be done by interconnecting the three bushings through shorting strips. This arrangement is to facilitate checking of multiple core earthing in the transformer. It may be noted that : a) Any alternative arrangement is not acceptable and therefore Tenderer must confirm provision of three bushings as desired above. b) Once transformer reaches site, before unloading from the trailer the position of core earthing shall be checked and in case any problem of multiple core earthing is observed, delivery of Transformer will not be taken. The insulated cable to be used for core to Bushing connection & end frame to Bushing connection should be of good quality with proper grounding arrangement. The size and number of strands of cable shall be subject to purchaser’s approval. 13.0 AUXILIARY POWER SUPPLY FOR OLTC, COOLER CONTROL POWER CIRCUIT AND 13.1 Duplicate(Two) auxiliary power supplies of 0.415 KV, three phase, four(4) wire shall be provided by the purchaser at cooler control cabinet and for OLTC drive. 13.2 All loads shall be fed by one of the two feeders through an electrically interlocked automatic transfer switch housed in the cooler control cabinet , for tap changer control and cooler control circuits. 13.3 Design features of the transfer switch shall include the following : i) Provision for the selection of one of the feeders as normal source and other as standby. ii) Upon failure of the normal source, the loads shall be automatically transferred after an adjustable time delay to the standby source. iii) Indication to be provided at cooler control cabinet for failure of normal source and for transfer to standby source and also for failure to transfer. Volume-II 31 400KV 500 MVA Transformer iv) v) Automatic re-transfers to normal source without any intentional time delay following re-energisation on the normal source. Both the transfer & re-transfer shall be dead transfers and AC feeders shall not be paralleled at any time. 13.4 AC feeder shall be brought to the OLTC cabinet (Cooler Control Cabinet) by the Tenderer, after suitable selection at cooler control cabinet. The Tenderer shall derive AC power for control circuit from the AC feeder as mentioned above by using appropriately rated dry type transformers. If the control circuit is operated by DC supply then suitable converters to be provided by the Tenderer to be operated from AC Power source. 13.5 Necessary isolating switches and HRC fuses shall be provided at suitable points as per approved scheme of purchaser. 14.0 TAP CHANGING EQUIPMENT : 14.1 General Requirement (a) OLTC gear shall be motor operated for local as well as remote operation. An external hand wheel/handle shall be provided for local manual operation. This hand wheel/handle shall be easily operable by a man standing at ground level. (b) Arrangement shall be made for securing and padlocking the tap changer wheel in any of the working positions and it shall not be possible for setting or padlocking the wheel in any intermediate position. The arrangement shall be such that no padlock key can be inserted unless all contacts are correctly engaged and switch set in a position where no open or short circuit is possible. An indicating device shall be provided to show the tap in use. (c) The current & voltage rating of OLTC for the transformers shall be as under. The through current rating of OLTC shall be based on Clause 2.3.2 of IS 8478 and following OLTC rating specified are the minimum requirements. Tenderer, however must offer bidirectional OLTC of linier type with higher current rating, as mentioned below:Rating of OLTC OLTC on Transformer Winding Voltage Minimum Tap Range Rating (IV) Rating Current rating (In steps of 1.25%) 500MVA, 1800/ -10 % to +10% of 220KV (IV) 245KV 400/220/33 KV 2100Amp 220kV (d) The OLTC motor should be capable of smooth and trouble free operation with supply voltage variation of 0.415KV -25% & +10%. The OLTC having bidirectional flow of power of linear type shall be preferred. (e) The design of the tap changing arrangement shall be such that there should be minimum variation of ohmic impedance of the transformer Volume-II 32 400KV 500 MVA Transformer from minimum to maximum tap. The permissible tolerance on these ohmic values shall be plus minus 10%. 14.2 On Load Tap Changing Gear (OLTC): (a) The details of the method of diversion of the load current during tap changing, the mechanical construction of the gear and the control features for OLTC gear alongwith detailed drawings on the inner view and the arrangement of connections shall be submitted with the Tender. Information regarding the service experience on the gear and a list of important users shall also be furnished. The tap changer shall change the effective transformation ratio without producing phase displacement. (b) The current diverting contacts shall be housed in a separate oil chamber not communicating with the oil in main tank of the transformer. (c) The contacts shall be accessible for inspection without lowering oil level in the main tank and the contact tips shall be replaceable. (d) The Tenderer shall indicate the safeguards employed to take care of harmful arcing at the current diverting contacts in the event of operation of the OLTC gear under overload conditions (overloading capability as per IS 6600) of the transformer. Necessary tools and tackles shall be provided alongwith main supply for maintenance of OLTC gear. (e) The OLTC oil chamber shall have oil filling and drain valves, oil sampling valve, relief vent and oil level gauge/glass. It shall also be fitted with an oil surge relay. For accommodating oil expansion of OLTC a separate conservator tank shall be provided. (f) The diverter switch or arcing switch shall be designed so as to ensure that its operation once commenced shall be completed independently of the control relays or switches, failure of auxiliary supplies etc. To meet any contingency which may result in incomplete operation of the diverter switch, adequate means shall be provided to safeguard the transformer and its ancillary equipments. (g) Drive mechanism chamber shall be mounted on the tank in accessible position. It should be adequately ventilated and provided with anti condensation metal clad heaters. All contactors, relay coils and other parts shall be protected against corrosion, deterioration due to condensation, fungi etc. (h) The control feature shall provide the following : i) LOCAL-REMOTE selector switch mounted in the local control cubicle shall switch control of OLTC for lower/ raise functions in local or remote mode as selected. Volume-II 33 400KV 500 MVA Transformer The LOCAL-REMOTE selector switch shall have at-least two spare contacts per position which are closed in that position but open in the other position. iii) A RAISE-LOWER CONTROL SWITCH shall be provided in the local control cubicle. The switch shall be spring loaded to return to the Centre "OFF" position and shall require movement to the RIGHT to raise the voltage of the transformer. Movement to the left shall lower the voltage. Alternatively push button type arrangement of standard design may be provided. iv) An OFF-ON tap changer control switch shall be provided in the OLTC local control cabinet of transformer. The tap changer shall be inoperative in the OFF position. Also the OFF-ON switch shall have atleast one spare contact per position which is closed in that position but open in the other position. v) Operating mechanism for on load tap changer shall be designed to go through one step or tap change per command. Subsequent tap changes shall be initiated only by a new or a repeat command. vi) On load tap changer shall be equipped with a time delay in complete STEP alarm consisting of a normally open contact which closes, if the tap changer fails to make a complete tap change. The alarm shall not operate for momentary loss of auxiliary power. vii) The selsyn units or approved equivalents shall be installed in the local OLTC control cabinet to provide tap position indication for the transformer. Complete mounting details shall be included with approved diagram. viii) Transformer load tap changer shall be equipped with a fixed resistor network capable of providing discrete voltage steps for input to the supervisory system. Any other approved / established design for remote indication of tap position shall also be acceptable. Limit switches shall be provided to prevent over-running of the mechanism and in addition, a mechanical stop shall be provided to prevent over-running of the mechanism under any condition. Limit switches may be connected in the control circuit of the operating motor provided that a mechanical-de-clutching mechanism is incorporated. Thermal device or other means shall be provided to protect the motor and control circuit. All relays, switches, fuses etc. shall be mounted in the drive mechanism chamber and shall be clearly marked for the purpose of identification. ii) (i) (j) (k) Volume-II 34 400KV 500 MVA Transformer (l) A permanently legible lubrication chart shall be fitted within the driving mechanism chamber. (m) Any "DROP DOWN" tank associated with the tap changing apparatus shall be fitted with guide rod to control the movements during lifting or lowering. (n) A five digit counter shall be fitted to the tap changing equipment to indicate the number of operations performed. (o) All relays and operating devices shall operate correctly at any voltage between the limits specified. (p) It shall not be possible to operate the electric drive when the manual operating gear is in use. (q) It shall not be possible for any two controls to be in operation at the same time. (r) The equipment shall be suitable for supervisory control and indication with make before break multi-way switch, having one potential free contact for each tap position. This switch shall be provided in addition to any other switch/switches which may be required for remote tap position. (s) Operation from the local or remote control switch shall cause one tap movement only until the control switch is returned to the off position between successive operations. (t) All electrical control switches and the local operating gear shall be clearly labeled in a suitable manner to indicate the direction of tap changing. (u) Transfer of source failure of one AC supply shall not affect tap changing operation. (v) For the purpose of operation of OLTC, based on design of manufacturer, transition resistor could be used. However, no component of OLTC including transition resistor shall be housed inside main transformer tank. The design of the transition resisters should be liberal to ensure suitability during tap change operation at rated current including over loading capability and system short circuits. (w) The location and design of OLTC shall be such that in the event of any repair / maintenance , it should be possible to take out various parts from the OLTC and other accessories and fittings mounted on the transformer particularly equalizing pipes etc do not infringe / obstruct. 14.3 Manual Control: The cranking device for manual operation of the OLTC gear shall be removable and suitable for operation by a man standing on ground level. The mechanism shall be complete with the following : i) Mechanical tap position indicator which shall be clearly visible to the person operating tap changer manually at the transformer. ii) A mechanical operation counter. Volume-II 35 400KV 500 MVA Transformer iii) iv) Mechanical stoppers to prevent over-cranking of the mechanism beyond the extreme tap positions. The manual control considered as back up to the motor operated load tap changer control shall be interlocked with the motor to block motor start-up during manual operation. The manual operating mechanism shall be labeled to show the direction of operation for raising the voltage and vice-versa. 14.4 Electrical Control : This includes Local Electrical control and Electrical remote control from remote control panel. The control circuits shall have the following features: i. An interlock to cut off electrical control automatically upon recourse being taken to the manual control in emergency. ii. Reinforcement of the initiating impulse for a tap change, ensuring a positive completion once initiated to the next (higher or lower) tap. iii. Step-by-step operation ensuring only one tap change from each tap changing impulse and lock-out of the mechanism if the control switch (or push button) remains in the "Operate Position". iv. An interlock to cut-out electrical control when it tends to operate the gear beyond either of the extreme tap positions. v. An electrical interlock to cut-off a counter impulse for reverse step change being initiated during a progressing tap change and until the mechanism comes to rest and resets circuits for a fresh position. Suitable interlocks shall be provided to prevent operation of OLTC beyond extreme tap with a mechanical/electrical lockable switch. vi. Protection apparatus, considered essential by the Tenderer according to specification. 14.5 Remote Electrical Group Control : The OLTC control scheme offered shall have provision of remote electrical group control during parallel operation of transformers. This is in addition to independent control of OLTC. i. A four position selector switch having MASTER, FOLLOWER, INDEPENDENT and OFF position shall be provided in the remote OLTC control panel for each transformers. This shall be wired to enable operator to select operation of OLTC in either Master, Follower or Independent mode. ii. Out of step relays with timer contacts shall also be provided to give alarm and indication in case of tap positions in all the transformers under group control being not in same position. iii. Master Position : If the selector switch is in MASTER position, it shall be possible to control the OLTC units in the FOLLOWER mode by operating the controls of the MASTER unit Independent operation of the units under FOLLOWER mode shall have to be Volume-II 36 400KV 500 MVA Transformer prevented. However, the units under independent mode will be controlled independently. iv. Follower Position : If the selector switch is in FOLLOWER mode, control of OLTC shall be possible only from MASTER panel. v. Independent Position : In this position of Selector Switch, Control of OLTC of individual unit only shall be possible. 14.6 Local OLTC Control Cubicle : The Auxiliary devices for electrical control of the OLTC shall be housed in a weather proof cubicle . It shall be complete with the following : i) A circuit breaker/contactor with thermal overload devices for controlling the AC auxiliary supply to the OLTC motor. ii) Cubicle light with door switch. iii) Space heaters to prevent condensation of moisture. iv) Padlocking arrangement for hinged door of cabinet. v) Cable terminal glands for power and control cables to the OLTC gear. 14.7 Digital RTCC Panel:- 14.7.1. The digital RTCC relay shall have automatic Tap Changer control and monitoring relay with Automatic Voltage Regulating features (referred as Digital RTCC relay) to remotely control and monitor OLTC. For new substation the contractors shall provide digital RTCC panel consisting of 4 Nos. Digital RTCC relays. Further, one spare digital RTCC relay shall also be provided in the same panel. Each digital ETCC relay shall be used to control 1 bank of transformers (i.e. 3 Nos. I-Phase units or 1 No. 3-Phase unit). For existing substations, the requirement of digital RTCC panel and relays are specified in Section-Project /BPS. However, bidders are advised to get clarified about the availability of existing RTCC schemes/Digital RTCC relays to finalise matching digital RTCC relays requirements. The digital RTCC relays envisaged for existing transformers shall be integrated for parallel operations. All required cables for the same shall be included in the scope. Digital RTCC relay shall be microprocessor based adopting the latest state of the art design & technology with in-built large display for ease of programming and viewing. The unit supplied shall be field programmable so that in the event of change in transformer/location, it could be customized to site conditions without sending back to works. The programming shall be menu driven and easily configurable. If it is designed with draw out type modules, it should take care of shorting all CT inputs automatically while drawing out. The CT/VT ratio shall be filed programmable and relay shall display the actual HV voltage and current considering suitable multiplying factors. The system shall be self-sufficient and shall not require any additional devices like parallel balancing module etc. All digital RTCC relays shall be of same make for smooth integration 14.7.2. 14.7.3. Volume-II 37 400KV 500 MVA Transformer 14.7.4. 14.7.5. 14.7.6. 14.7.7. of these relays for parallel operations of all transformers in the substation. Further specification are as per Annexure-I. The RTCC panel shall be provided with digital RTCC relay having raise/lower push buttons, manual/automatic mode selection features. Master/follower/Independent /Off mode selection features for control of OLTC. Touch screen option in the relay instead of electrical push button/switch is also acceptable. In Manual Mode: In his mode, power system voltage based automatic control from digital RTCC relay shall be blocked and commands shall be executed manually by raise/lower push buttons. In Auto Mode: In auto mode, digital RTCC relay shall automatically control OLTC taps based on power system voltage and voltage set points. An interlock shall be provided to cut off electrical control automatically upon recourse being taken to the manual control on emergency. Master/follower/Independent /Off mode: Master/follower parallel operation is required with group simultaneous feature in digital RTCC relay. Master follower scheme implies that controlled decision shall be taken by the master and control actions (Raise/Lower tap position) shall be executed simultaneously by master & follower units. Same logic needs to be implemented in digital RTCC relays. Master Position: If the digital RTCC relay is in master position, it shall be possible to control the OLTC units of other parallel operating transformers in the follower mode by operation from the master unit. Follower Position: If the digital RTCC relay is in follower position, control of OLTC shall be possible only from panel where master mode is selected. 14.7.8. 14.7.9. Independent Position: In Independent Position of selector switch, control of OLTC shall be possible only from the panel where independent mode is selected. Suitable interlock arrangement shall be provided to avoid unwanted/inconsistent operation of OLTC of the transformer. Raise/Lower Control: The remote OLTC scheme offered shall have provision to raise or lower taps for the complete bank of three I-phase transformers / 3-Phase transformers. Individual I-phase OLTC operation shall not be possible from the remote control panel. Digital RTCC relays shall communicate with SCADA using IEC 61850 through FO port to monitor, parameterise & control the OLTC. Any software required for this purpose shall be supplied. The supplied software shall not have restriction in loading on multiple computers for downloading and analysing the data. Software shall indicate the current overview of all measured parameters of the connected transformer in real time. The digital RTCC relay shall have multiple selectable set point voltages and it shall be possible to select these set points from SCADA, with a facility to have the possibility of additional set points command from SCADA. Communication between the digital RTCC relays to execute the commands for parallel operation shall be implemented using required communication Volume-II 38 400KV 500 MVA Transformer protocol. IEC-61850GOOSE messaging between digital RTCC relays for OLTC parallel operation is not permitted. Suitable communication hardware shall be provided to communicate up to distance of 1km between digital RTCC relays. Scope shall also include communication cables between digital RTCC relays. Cables as required for parallel operation of OLTCs of all transformers (including existing transformers wherever required) from digital RTCC relays shall be considered included in the scope of bidder. 14.7.10 14.7.11. 14.7.12. The digital RTCC relay shall have additional programmable Binary Input (minimum 7Nos.) and Binary output (minimum 7Nos.) for Employer’s future use. It shall be possible to have additional module for Binary Input/output as well as Analogue input module depending upon requirement. The relay shall ensure positive completion of lowering/raising of the OLTC tap, once the command is issued from the relay. “Step-by-Step” operation shall be ensured so that only one tap change from each tap changing pulse shall be effected. It the command remains in the operate “position, lockout of the mechanism is to be ensured. Following minimum indications/alarms shall be provided in digital RTCC relay either through relay display panel or through relay LEDs. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. INCOMPLETE STEP alarm OLTC motor overload protection alarm Supply to DM Motor fail alarm OLTC IN PROGRESS alarm Local/Remote Selector switch positions in DM Box OLTC upper/lower limits reached alarm OLTC tap position indications for transformer units. Independent-combined-remote selector switch positions of CMB (In case of single phase transformer) i. 415V, AC Main Supply Fail j. 415V, AC standby Supply Fail 14.7.13. 15.0 In case of parallel operation or I-Phase transformer unit banks, OLTC out of step alarm shall be generated in the digital RTCC relay for discrepancy in the tap position. COOLING EQUIPMENT 15.1 Volume-II The design shall take into account the following requirements a) The oil cooling system of transformer shall be designed using 2x50% radiator banks. The radiator banks shall preferably be mounted on two different sides of transformer tank. The arrangement shall be subject to approval by the purchaser based on substation layout and positioning of other neighboring switch yard equipments. Coolers/radiators shall withstand pressure / vacuum conditions specified for the tank. All coolers/ radiators shall be attached on the transformer tank through header having suitable expansion joints (flexible coupling) to ensure adequate 39 400KV 500 MVA Transformer b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) Volume-II mechanical strength against vibration etc. subject to specific approval from the purchaser. Radiators directly mounted on transformer tank are not acceptable. Each radiator bank / block shall have its own set of cooling fans, shut off valves, lifting lugs, top and bottom oil filling valves, air release plugs, drain valves and if considered necessary based on design thermometer pocket fitted with captive screw cap on the inlet and outlet, in line with valve schedule as per Annexure-V. Each radiator bank shall be provided with at least 20% standby (spare)cooling fans. These spare fans shall be duly mounted and shall also be wired up complete with required protective devices and be identified with each radiator bank. While working out number of spare fan for 20% additional cooling per bank, if 20% quantity works out in fraction , the spare fans to be provided shall be next whole number. Cooling fans shall be designed to meet overloading requirements as per clause 4.1 (b). Two (2), 100% centrifugal oil pumps (out of which one pump shall be standby) shall be provided with each radiator bank. Measures shall be taken to prevent mal-operation of Buchholz relay when all oil pumps are simultaneously put into service. The pump shall be so designed that upon failure of power supply to the pump motor, the pump impeller will not limit the natural circulation of oil. Under failure of main oil pump, the changeover from main to standby oil pump shall be automatic. Cooling fans and oil pump motors shall be suitable for operation from 0.415KV, three phase 50 HZ power supply and shall conform to IS:325. An oil flow indicator shall be provided for the confirmation of the oil pump operating in a normal state. A provision shall be made in the flow indicator to indicate reserve flow of oil/loss of oil flow. The exhaust air flow from cooling fan shall not be directed towards the main tank in any case. Cooling fans for each radiator bank shall be located so as to prevent ingress of rain water. Each fan shall be suitably protected by galvanised wire guard. The cooler and its accessories shall preferably be hot dipped galvanised or corrosion resistant paint shall be applied to it. Each cooling fan shall be provided with starter thermal overload and short circuit protection and also single phase preventor. Each radiator shall be provided with suitable lifting lugs and shut off/air release/sampling valves as per Annexure-V. The sheet thickness of radiator tube shall be of minimum 1.2 mm. Expansion joints, one each on top and bottom cooler pipe connections as per ‘a’ above. Air release device/plug and oil drain plug on oil pipe connections. 40 400KV 500 MVA Transformer m) n) o) p) The cooling Fans shall be mounted on separate foundation. Mounting of Cooling fans directly on Radiators or on transformer tank is not acceptable . Cooling fan support shall be of adequate strength to avoid bending etc. The mounting arrangement of cooling fans shall be subject to drawing approval from MPPTCL. Cooling fans and oil pump motors shall be suitable for operation from 415 volts, three phase 50 Hz power supply and shall be of premium efficiency class IE3 conforming to IS: 12615. Each cooling fan and oil pump motors shall be provided with starter, thermal overload and short circuit protection. The motor winding insulation shall be conventional class 'B' type. Motors shall have hose proof enclosure equivalent to IP: 55 as per IS/IEC 60034-5. 15.2 Cooling Equipment Control (ONAN/ONAF/OFAF Cooling) a) Automatic operation control (switching in and out) of fans shall be provided (with temperature change) from contacts of winding temperature indicator. The TENDERER shall recommend the setting of WTI for automatic changeover of cooler control from ONAN to ONAF and ONAF to OFAF. The setting shall be such that hunting i.e. frequent start stop operations for small temperature difference do not occur. b) Suitable manual control facility for cooler fans & oil pumps shall be provided. c) Selector switches and push buttons, shall also be provided in the cooler control to disconnect the automatic control and start/stop the fans manually. 15.3 Indicating devices Fan ‘ON’ , Fan ‘OFF’ Pump 'ON' and pump 'OFF'. Cooling system ‘on automatic control’. Cooling system ‘on manual’. No flow/Reverse flow of oil in oil pump. Selector switch in auto or manual for cooler and pump. A.C. auxiliary cooler supply auto change over. Cooler supply failure for main /standby. Cooling fan failure for each fan. Control supply failure for main and standby. Oil pump failure for main and standby. One potential free initiating contact for all the above indications shall be wired independently to the terminal block of cooler control cabinet exclusively for purchaser’s use. 16.0 LOCAL OLTC CONTROL CABINET, COOLER CONTROL CABINET & REMOTE TAP CHANGER CONTROL PANEL Volume-II 41 400KV 500 MVA Transformer a) b) c) d) e) f) Volume-II Each three phase transformer unit shall be provided with local OLTC control cabinet, cooler control cabinet OR fan control cubicle (FCC) and RTCC panel. The total height of RTCC panel shall be 2250mm to match with the height of other control & relay panels. Local OLTC control cabinet shall be mounted on the transformer. The thickness of front panel, door frame etc. shall be 3mm (10 SWG),while doors & side panels may be 2 mm (14 SWG) and gland plate shall be of minimum thickness 4mm. The cooler control cabinet or FCC shall not be mounted directly on transformer tank .Please note that FCC shall be grouted away from the main tank thus the length of capillary tubes of all oil and winding temperature indicating meter shall be sufficient to connect OTI and WTI meters in the FCC. The cooler cabinet shall have all necessary devices meant for cooler control and local temp. indicators. All the contacts of various protective devices mounted on the transformer shall also be wired up to the terminal Board in the cooler control cabinet. All the secondary terminals of the bushing CT's shall also be wired upto the terminal Board at the cooler control cabinet. The cooler control cabinet shall have two (2) sections. One section shall have the control equipment exclusively meant for cooler control. The other section shall house the temperature indicators, aux. CT's and the terminal Boards meant for termination of various alarm and trip contacts. Alternatively the two sections may be provided as two separate panels depending on the standard practices of the Tenderer. The cooler control cabinet, Local OLTC cabinet and RTCC Panel shall be provided with non disconnecting stud type terminal blocks. Each of the terminal blocks in the above panels should have 20% spare terminals exclusively for purchaser’s use. All the necessary terminals for remote connection to purchaser’s panel shall be wired upto the cooler control cabinet. Necessary shorting of terminals shall be done at the cooler control cabinet, local OLTC cabinet and remote OLTC panel. All the CT secondary terminals in the cooler control cabinet shall have provision for short circuiting to avoid CT open circuit while it is not in use. The local OLTC control cabinet shall house all necessary devices meant for OLTC control and indication. Following cabling are specifically excluded from the scope of the Tenderer. However, interconnection drawings for the same are to be submitted by the Tenderer. i) Cabling between Remote OLTC Panel to Cooler Control Cabinet. ii) Cabling between Remote OLTC panel to Local OLTC Cabinet. iii) Cabling between Remote OLTC to Purchaser's Panel. iv) Cabling between Cooler Control Cabinet to Purchaser's Panel. 42 400KV 500 MVA Transformer v) 16.1 The degree (Category-I). Cabling between Local OLTC Cabinet to Purchaser's Panel. of protection shall be IP-55 in accordance with IS-2147 16.2 The temperature indicators shall be so mounted that the dials are not above 1600mm from ground level. Glazed door of suitable size shall be provided for convenience of reading. 16.3 A space heater and cubicle lighting with ON-OFF switch shall be provided. 16.4 Terminal Blocks a) The terminal blocks to be provided shall be fully enclosed with removable covers and made of moulded, non inflammable plastic material with block and barriers moulded integrally .Such block shall have washer and binding screws for external circuit wire connections, a white marking strip for circuit identification and moulded plastic cover. All terminals shall be clearly marked with identification numbers or letters to facilitate connection to external wiring. b) All internal wiring to be connected to the external equipment shall terminate on terminal blocks, preferably vertically mounted on the side of each panel. The terminal blocks shall be 1100 V grade and have 10 amps continuous rating, moulded piece, complete with insulated barriers, non-disconnecting stud type terminals, washers, nuts and lock nuts. Terminal block design shall include a white fiber marking strip with clear plastic, slip-on/clip-on terminal cover. Markings on the terminal strips shall correspond to wire number and terminal numbers on the wiring diagrams. c) Terminal blocks for current transformer secondary leads shall be provided with test links and isolating facilities. Also current transformer secondary leads shall be provided with short circuiting and earthing facilities. d) Unless otherwise specified, terminal blocks and wiring shall be suitable for connecting the following conductors on each side. For all circuits except current transformer circuits minimum of two nos. 2.5 mm2 copper. For all CT circuits minimum of four nos. 4.0 mm2 copper. e) There shall be a minimum edge to edge clearance of 250 mm between the first row of terminal blocks and the associated cable gland plate. Also the clearance between two rows of terminal blocks shall be a minimum of 150 mm. f) Arrangement of the terminal block assemblies and the wiring channel within the enclosure shall be such that a row of terminal blocks is run parallel and in close proximity along each side of the wiring duct to provide for convenient attachment of internal panel Volume-II 43 400KV 500 MVA Transformer g) wiring. The side of the terminal block opposite the wiring duct shall be reserved for the owner's external cable connection. All adjacent terminal blocks shall also share this field wiring corridor. A steel strip shall be connected between adjacent terminal block rows at 450mm intervals for support of incoming cables. Spare cable trays are to be provided to accommodate securely supported interconnection of cables from purchase’s panel to RTCC panel. The number and sizes of the owner's multi core incoming cable will be furnished to the successful Tenderer. 16.5 One Cooler Control Cabinet and OLTC local control cabinet shall be tested for IP-55 protection in accordance with IS-2147(Category-I). 16.6 The gaskets shall be of neoprene rubber. 16.7 MOTORS : Motors shall be "Squirrel Cage" three phase induction motors of sufficient size capable of satisfactory operation for the application and duty as required for the driven equipment. 16.8 STATOR: a) Stator Frame : The stator laminations shall be made from suitably annealed to eliminate any residual stresses introduced during the process of fabrication of machining. b) Stator Core: The stator laminations shall be made from suitable grade magnetic sheet steel varnished on both sides. They shall be pressed and clamped adequately to reduce the core and teeth vibrations to minimum. c) Insulation and winding: i) insulation shall be conventional class B type. The winding shall be suitable for successful operation in hot, humid and tropical climate with the ambient temperature of 50 deg. C. The insulation shall be given fungicidal and tropical treatment as per IS:3202. ii) Any joints in the motor insulation such as coil connection or between slot and winding section shall have strength equivalent to that of slot section of the coil. iii) For 0.4 KV all insulated winding conductor shall be of copper. The overall motor winding motors, after the coil are placed in slots and all connections are made, entire motor assembly shall be impregnated by completely sub-merging core and winding in suitable insulating compound or varnish followed by proper backing. At least two additional submersion and bakes shall be applied either making a total of at least three submersion and bake treatment. Volume-II 44 400KV 500 MVA Transformer 16.9 ROTOR: a) Rotors shall be adequately designed to avoid overheating during the starting and running conditions. b) Rotors shall be properly balanced so as to keep the vibration under running condition within the limits. c) Rotors of induction motors shall be of rigid core construction with bars firmly secured and solidly bonded to the end rings. The end rings assembly shall be such that it is free to move with expansion of the bars without distortion. The connection of the bars to the end ring shall be made by brazing or fusion welding. d) Rotors shall be designed as to keep the combined critical speed with the driven equipment away from the running speed by at least 20%. e) Rotors shall also be designed to withstand 120% of the rated speed for 2 minutes in either direction of rotation. f) All high speed rotors shall be constructed with provision of rebalancing the rotor on its site position without major disassembly. 16.10 BEARING: a) Depending upon the capacity and loading conditions supplier shall design suitable grease lubricated or oil lubricated bearings. b) Greased ball and roller bearings when used shall be of reputed make subject to Purchaser's approval. The minimum standard life of the bearings shall not be less than 30,000 working hours taking all motors and driven loads into account. These shall be pressure grease gun lubricated type fitted with grease nipple and shall have grease relief devices. c) Bearing shall be so constructed that the loss of grease and its creeping alongwith shaft into motor housing is prevented. It shall also prevent dirt and water from getting into the motor. d) Unless otherwise approved, bearing lubrication system shall be such that no internal forced oil or water is necessary to maintain the required oil supply or to keep bearing temperature within permissible limits. e) For oil lubricated bearings, drain plugs shall be provided by draining and residual oil when required. 16.11 ENCLOSURES: a) Motors to be installed outdoor shall have hose proof enclosure equivalent to IP-55 as per IS:4691. For motors to be installed indoor, the enclosure, shall be dust proof equivalent to IP-54 as per IS:4691. b) Two independent earthing points shall be provided on opposite side of the motor for bolted connection of earthing conductor. Volume-II 45 400KV 500 MVA Transformer c) Motors shall have drain plugs so located that they will drain water, resulting from condensation or other causes from all pockets in the motor casing. d) Motors weighing more than 25 Kg shall be provided eyebolts, lugs or other means to facilitate lifting. 16.12 COOLING METHOD : Motors shall be of self ventilated type having TEFC (total enclosed fan cooled) enclosure. 16.13 RATING PLATE : The rating plate shall confirm to the requirements of IEC incorporating the year of manufacture. 16.14 OPERATIONAL FEATURES: a) Continuous motor rating (name plate rating) shall be at least ten (10) percent above the maximum load demand of the driven equipment at design duty point and the motor shall not be overloaded at any operating point of driven equipment that will arise in service. b) Motors shall be capable of giving rated output without reduction in expected life span when operated continuously. 16.15 STARTING REQUIREMENT: All induction motors shall be suitable for full voltage direct-on-line starting. These shall be capable of staring and accelerating to the rated speed alongwith the driven equipment without exceeding the acceptable winding temperature even when the supply voltage drops down to 85% of the rated voltage 17.0 PAINTING: 17.1 It has been observed that certain units received in the past by us are not having good quality painting on inside & outside and with passage of time peeling of flakes of paint takes place. In view of this the Tenderers are requested to furnish in a separate sheet, painting procedure adopted by them for internal & external surfaces of the tank. This is an essential requirement and details should be confirmed by the Tenderer in their offer. The internal and external surfaces including oil filled chambers and structural steel work to be painted shall be shot or sand blasted to remove all rust and scale of foreign adhering matter or grease. All steel surfaces in contact with insulating oil shall be painted with two coats of heat resistant, oil insulating varnish. 17.2 All steel surfaces exposed to weather shall be outside paint – one coat of chemical + thermal resistant epoxy primar and two coats of chemical + thermal resistant epoxy light grey paint with thickness 150 microns (Min) with shade no.631 of IS-5. The inside paint- oil+ heat resistant full glossy white paint with thickness 40 microns (Min). For each transformer, oil paints should be obtained from same source to ensure compatibility & proper finish. The AKSONOBEL paint should be used in both inside & outside painting. Volume-II 46 400KV 500 MVA Transformer 17.3 All paints shall be carefully selected to withstand extremes of weather. The paint shall not scale off or crinkle or be removed by abrasion due to normal handling. The process of painting should be clearly described. The supplier shall also includes supply of paint of 10 liters for touching purpose during erection/ commissioning of transformer. 17.4 Bolts & Nuts :All bolts and nuts exposed to weather shall be hot dipped galvanised/cadmium plated. 18.0 WIRING & CABLING : (a) All external cabling will be carried out by the purchaser based on wiring diagram & interconnection schedule to be supplied by the Tenderer. Cable box/sealing end shall be suitable for following types of cables :i) POWER SUPPLY 0.415KV : 1100 volts grade PVC insulated armoured aluminum cable . ii) CONTROL CABLE : 1100 volts grade PVC insulated 7/0.737mm stranded armoured copper cable . Size of the Purchaser’s cable will be intimated to the successful TENDERER after detailed engineering. (b) Compression type cable gland shall be provided for termination of power and control cables. (c) All controls, alarms, indicating and relaying devices provided with the transformer shall be wired upto the terminal blocks inside the Cooler Control Cabinet. (d) All devices and terminal blocks with the Cooler Control Cabinet shall be clearly identified by symbols corresponding to those used on applicable schematic or wiring diagrams. (e) Not more than 2 wires shall be connected to one terminal. Each terminal shall be suitable for connecting two 7/0.737mm stranded copper conductors from each side. (f) All internal wiring shall be securely supported, neatly arranged, readily accessible and connected to equipment terminals and terminal blocks. (g) Engraved code identification plastic ferrules marked to correspond with schematic diagrams shall be fitted at both ends of wires. Ferrules shall fit tightly on wires and shall not fall off when the wire is disconnected from terminal block. (h) The schematic diagrams of circuitry shall be available in the respective cabinets (local OLTC control cabinet , local fan control cubicle and RTCC panel). The diagrams shall be mounted on the inner side of door of cubicle/cabinets. The arrangements shall be such that it is not be possible to remove the diagram from its place and diagrams are long lasting (engraved type). Volume-II 47 400KV 500 MVA Transformer 19.0 TERMINAL CONNECTORS: 19.1 Terminal connectors for HV / IV /LV side bushings shall be suitable for double (twin)/ double (twin)/ (single) Moose ACSR (31.77 mm) conductor respectively with sub conductor spacing of 450/300 mm for HV/IV and suitable for horizontal and/or vertical takeoff arrangement i.e. universal type. All terminal clamping arrangement shall be subject to Purchaser’s approval. Regarding neutral earthing, details have been indicated in clause no. 12.1 of this specification and arrangement shall be as per drawing no. MPPTCL/500MVA/01. Two (2) no. terminal connectors for Earth pit end connection suitable for double (twin) Moose ACSR (31.77 mm) conductor shall also be supplied loose as per drawing no. MPPTCL/500MVA/03 . 19.2 Bushing terminals shall be provided with terminal connectors of approved type and size for connection to external parts. Terminal connectors offered must have been successfully type tested as per IS-5561. 19.3 All terminal connectors shall be manufactured out of gravity dye casting process only and shall be free from blow holes, surface blisters, cracks and cavities. All sharp edges and corners shall be blurred and rounded off. The aluminum alloy castings, if used, shall conform to relevant IS. 19.4 No part of the clamp shall be less than 12mm thickness. 19.5 All bolts, nuts and washers shall be of Hot Dip Galvanised. 19.6 For bimetallic clamps, bimetallic strip of not less than 2 mm thickness shall be provided. 19.7 Flexible connectors, if provided shall be made from tinned copper sheets. 19.8 Size of terminal (bushing stud)/conductor ( ACSR Moose ) for which the clamp is designed and also rated current under site conditions shall be embossed/ punched on each part of the clamp, except hardware. 19.9 All current carrying parts shall be designed and minimum contact resistance. 19.10 manufactured to have Clamps shall be designed corona controlled. 19.11 The nominal current rating and short time current rating of terminal connectors shall match the corresponding rating of respective bushings i.e., 63KA for 3 seconds for 400kV, 40KA for 3 seconds for 220kV & 31.5KA for 3 seconds for 33kV. 20.0 INSULATING OIL REQUIRED FOR TRANSFORMERS: 20.1 Transformer oil shall be supplied by the Bidder. The offered Price of transformers therefore, should include first filling of oil( including wastage) & 10% extra of that quantity. The quantity of oil for first filling including wastage and 10% extra of that quantity should be indicated by the Bidder in kilo-liters and in kg in the technical questionnaire. The design of the transformer shall be based on the Volume-II 48 400KV 500 MVA Transformer characteristic of EHV transformer oil as per relevant IS. Transformer oil for each transformer covered under this Bid specification shall be supplied separately. 20.2 Although oil for the transformer is included in the scope of supply, but it may be noted that the transformer shall be supplied duly N2 gas filled with suitable arrangement to ensure that the pressure of gas is regularly maintained during transit and upto the date of filling of oil. For this purpose, necessary gas cylinders with regulator shall be supplied on non-returnable basis. Additional gas cylinders required recouping and maintaining of positive Nitrogen pressure upto filling of oil should be supplied by the manufacturer of Transformers and the offered price should take into account this requirement. 20.3 The quality of the oil supplied with transformer shall conform to the oil parameters specified in this clause. No inhibitors shall be used in the oil. The oil samples of transformer will be drawn for the oil used at factory & site as follows. i. Prior to filling ii. Before and after heat run test / pre-commissioning test iii. Before energizing. All tests as per IS:335 (latest revision) shall be conducted on oil samples. 20.4 Sufficient quantity of oil necessary for first filling of main tank, coolers, radiators and conservators etc. upto the proper level plus anticipated quantity of wastage of oil during first filling shall be supplied in tankers. Please note, wastage means quantity of oil absorbed during initial filling at works for testing. In addition to the oil needed for first filling, 10% extra quantity of oil for topping up in future, shall be supplied in non-returnable containers suitable for outdoor storage. Therefore, total quantity of oil required for first filling shall be measured at works at the time of testing on unit subjected to heat run test. 20.5 The supplier shall dispatch the transformer in an atmosphere of pressurised Nitrogen. In this case, necessary arrangement shall be ensured by the supplier to take care of pressure drop of nitrogen during transit and storage till completion of oil filling during erection. A gas pressure testing valve with necessary pressure gauge and adapter valve shall be provided. 20.6 The supplier shall warrant and confirm that oil to be used for the transformer testing at Works & oil to be supplied for the transformer is free from Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PVB/PCB). The transformer oil to be used and supplied by the bidder for first filling at site shall be new oil of EHV Grade-I having technical specification mentioned hereunder. Oil to be used by the manufacturers at factory for the purpose of testing at their works shall be of good quality having parameters matching with the parameters specified in the specification. Specific approval of oil test results of oil proposed to be used for testing of transformer in factory shall be obtained by the manufacturer from the purchaser before filling in the unit. S No. 1. Volume-II Characteristics Technical Requirement Test Method Appearance Oil shall be clear, transparent and free from suspended matter A representative sample of the oil shall be 49 400KV 500 MVA Transformer or sediments 2. Density at 29.5°C (Max) 0.820-0.895 g/cm3 (max) 3. Kinematic viscosity (mm2/s) 4. 5. Interfacial tension at 27°C Flash point 3 (max) at 100°C 12 (max) at 40°C 1800 (max) at - 30°C 0.04 N/m (min) 140°C (min) 6. Pour point -30°C (max) 7. 0.01 mg KOH/g (max) 8. Neutralization value (total acidity) Corrosive sulphur 9. Total Sulphur Content 0.15% (max) 10. 11. Negative Impulse Strength Electric Strength (Breakdown voltage) a. New unfiltered oil (as received condition) b. After filtration 150 kV(min) 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Dielectric dissipation factor (tan delta) at 90 °C Water Content Specific resistance a. at 90°C b. at 27°C Oxidation stability a. Total acidity b. Sludge c. DDF- @90 °C Ageing characteristics after accelerated ageing test a. Resistivity at 27°C b. Resistivity at 90°C c. Dielectric loss factor (tan delta) at 90°C d. Total acidity e. Sludge content after ageing Presence of oxidation inhibitor Volume-II examined in a 100 mm thick layer at ambient temperature ISO 3675 or ISO 12185 or ASTM D 4052 IS 1448 (Part 16) ISO 3104 or ASTM D445 or ASTM D7042 IS 1448 (part 25) ISO 6295 or ASTM D971 ISO2719 IS 1448 (Part 21) ISO 3016 or ASTM D97 IS 1448 (part10 Sec 2) IEC 62021-1 Or ASTM D974 IEC62535 DIN 51353 or ASTMD1275B BS 2000 part 373 or ISO 14596 ASTMD-3300 IEC 60156 / IS 6792 Not corrosive 40 kV (rms) (min) 70 kV (rms) (min) Less than 0.002 Max 20 ppm (as received) /less than 10ppm (after filtration) for filling in the tank 100x1012 ohm cm (min) 1500x1012 ohm cm (min) After 164 Hrs @ 120 °C 1.2 mg (max) 0.8% (max) 0.500 (max) IEC 60247 or IEC 61620 Or ASTM D 924 IS 16086 IEC 60814 IS:6103 IEC 61125 (method C) or IS 12422 (method C) IS 12177 2.5x1012 ohm cm (min) 0.20x1012 ohm cm (min) 0.15 (max) 0.05 mg KOH/gm 0.05% (max) by weight Not detectable (<0.01%) 50 IEC 60666 or ASTM D2668 or D4768 IS 13631 400KV 500 MVA Transformer 18. Carbon Type Composition Aromatic Naphthenic Paraffinic Dibenzyl Disulphide (DBDS) 2-Furfural and related compounds content Not detectable (<0.05mg/kg) for each individual compound 21 PCA content 3% (max) 22 PCB content Not detectable (<2 mg/kg) 19. 20. IEC 60590 and IS 13155 or ASTM D 2140 4- 12% > 42% < 50% Not detectable (<5 mg/kg) IS 16497 (Part 1) IEC 61198 Or ASTD M 5837 IS 15668 BS2000 Part346 IEC 61619 or ASTM D 4059 IS 16082 Note:Particles in the oil (For 400 kV and above transformer & reactor) : The particle analysis shall be carried out in an oil sample taken before carrying out FAT at manufacturer’s works and after completion of the oil filtration at site. The procedure and interpretation shall be in accordance with the recommendation of CIGRE report WG-12.17- “Effect of particles on transformer dielectric strength”. Particle limit as shown below shall be ensured by manufacturer, implying low contamination, as per CIGRE Brochure 157, Table 8. After filtration the oil is to be flushed and particle count to be measured. Limiting value for the particle count are 1000 particle/100 ml with size ≥ 5 μm; 130 particle/100 ml with size ≥ 15 μm. 20.7 AIR CELL: Our technical specification calls for supply of power transformers with air cell type oil preservation system. It is obligatory on the part of the Tenderers to clearly submit complete constructional and technical details of sealing arrangement, duly supported with technical details, pamphlets and dimensional drawings. While furnishing details for the above sealing arrangement the Tenderers must confirm clearly that the size and capacity of sealing arrangement is adequate for the transformer and for the quantity of oil required for the transformers. Necessary calculation/documentary proof shall be furnished. 20.8 Air cell type oil preservation system included with each transformer shall ensure as under: (a) The air inlet of COPS (Conservator Oil preservation System) shall be properly fitted on the conservator for leak proof arrangement to ensure that the air does not come in contact with oil under any circumstances. (b) The size and capacity of the COPS (Conservator Oil preservation System) shall be selected to suit the design of Conservator and to ensure proper operation for the quantity of oil in the unit with the proper allowances. The COPS shall be of reputed make, proven design and of established performance. Details in this regard are to be submitted with the offer by the Tenderer for verification . The Tenderer is required to submit calculation with Tender to prove adequacy of air cell & its size. Volume-II 51 400KV 500 MVA Transformer (c) The Tenderer shall clearly indicate in the manual the procedure for installation of COPS and precautions to be taken at the time of first oil filling under vacuum in the transformer. 20. 9 SPECIFICATION OF FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM : Nitrogen Injection Fire Protection System/ Nitrogen injection type fire prevention & extinguishing system with flow sensitive conservator isolation valve alongwith MS oil storage tank shall be provided for all the transformers. 20.9.1 Nitrogen Injection Fire Protection System (NIFPS) shall be designed to prevent explosion of transformer tank and the fire during internal faults resulting from arc and also to extinguish the external oil fires on transformer due to tank explosion and/or external failures like bushing fires, OLTC fires and fire from surrounding equipments, etc. The system shall work on the principle of Drain & stir. On activation, it shall drain a pre-determined quantity of oil from the tank top through drain valve to reduce the tank pressure, isolate conservator tank oil and inject nitrogen gas at high pressure from the bottom side of the tank through inlet valves to create stirring action and reduce the temperature of oil below flash point to extinguish the fire. The quantity of oil removed from the tank shall be such that adequate amount of oil shall remain to cover active part, i.e. core coil assembly even after stoppage of oil drain. Electrical isolation of transformer shall be an essential pre-condition for activating the system. The NIFPS shall conform to NEPA 70 standard titled “ Fire protection of transformers & transformer vaults” and Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC) regulations. 20.9.2 OPERATIONAL CONTROLS: The system operation shall be fully automatic and activate from the required fire and other trip signals. In addition to automatic operation, remote operation from control room/ remote centre and local manual control in the fire extinguishing cubicle shall also be provided. System shall operate on following situations. 20.9.3 PREVENTION OF TRANSFORMER EXPLOSION AND FIRE: To prevent transformer explosion and fire in case of an internal fault, signals given by operation of Electrical protection relays and tripping of circuit breaker of transformer and operation of either Buchholz relay, or pressure relief valve (PRV) alongwith Rapid Pressure Rise Relay (RPRR) shall be used to activate the system and logic for RPRR for system activation should include for operation of Electrical protection relays and tripping of circuit breaker of transformer. The exact logic for system activation shall be finalized during detailed engineering. 20.9.4 FIRE PROTECTION: In case of fire, sensed by fire detectors, the system shall be activated only after electrical isolation of the transformer, confirmed by breaker trip. If the fire detection is not associated with any other fault, the system activation shall be only manual. Manual operation switch shall be provided in the control room/ remote control centre with a cover to avoid accidental operation of it. 20.9.5 OPERATION OF SYSTEM: On receiving activation signal, the following shall take place: i. Open the quick opening drain valve to drain the top layer oil Volume-II 52 400KV 500 MVA Transformer ii. Shut off the conservator isolation valve to prevent flow of oil from the Conservator tank to the main tank. iii. Open the Nitrogen regulator valve to inject Nitrogen into the transformer tank to create stirring of oil. There shall be interlock to prevent activation of the system if the transformer is not electrically isolated. There shall also be provision for isolating the system during maintenance and/or testing of the transformer. 20.9.6 TECHNICAL PARTICULARS: The supplier shall be responsible for the design of the complete system and shall submit the drawings and design calculations for the number of fire detectors, pipe sizing of drain pipe and Nitrogen injection pipe, Nitrogen cylinder capacity, number of injection points, etc. and get approval from purchaser. Facility shall be provided to test the system when the transformer is in service, without actually draining the oil and injecting Nitrogen. The Nitrogen regulator valve shall be designed in such a way that the Nitrogen shall not enter the transformer tank even in case of passing/ leakage of valve. The system shall work on station DC supply. MPPTCL shall give two distinct DC feeders in control. The control box of fire protection system shall have facility to receive these feeders for auto changeover of supply. It shall be the contractor’s responsibility to further distribute power to the required locations. Following indications and alarms shall be provided in the cubicle as well as the control box:• Nitrogen cylinder pressure indication. • Nitrogen cylinder pressure low. • Fire in Transformer/ Reactor. • Oil drain started. • Conservator oil isolation valve, oil drain valve & gas inlet valve closed. • Nitrogen injection started • DC supply fail • Pressure indicators for Nitrogen pressure in the cylinder after nitrogen regulator and Oil leak detector chamber is to be incorporate in FEC to provide indication in control box. 20.9.7 DETAILS OF SUPPLY & WORK FOR SYSTEM EQUIPMENTS AND OTHER RELATED ACTIVITIES: The scope of supply shall include the following items, any other items required for safe & trouble free operation of the system and the scope of works include complete earthwork (i.e. excavation, backfilling etc.), scope of supply also includes services to be availed by the purchaser for erection and commissioning of NIFPS at EHV sub-stations of MPPTCL in MP., civil work with civil material for the entire open/ buried piping and requisite foundations for the fire protection system, construction of safety wall, construction of oil pits with provision of oil storage tank of MS and pipe supports for open/ buried, entrenched and overground piping. Further, civil works shall be in scope of NIFPS manufacturer to avoid any complication in future. The system design shall also conform to TAC/NFPA norms. (i) Fire extinguishing cubicle with base frame and containing at least the following: Volume-II 53 400KV 500 MVA Transformer • Nitrogen gas cylinder of sufficient capacity with pressure regulator and manometer with sufficient number of adjustable NO contacts. • Oil Drain Assembly including oil drain pipe extension of suitable size for connecting pipes to oil pit. • Mechanical release device for oil drain and nitrogen release. • Limit switches for monitoring of the systems. • Panel lighting. • Flanges on top of the panel for connecting oil drain and nitrogen injection pipes for transformer. • Limit switch for pressure switch/sensor. • Pressure indicators for Nitrogen pressure in the cylinder and after Nitrogen regulator. (ii) Control box to be installed in the control room of the station for monitoring system operation, automatic control and remote operation, with alarms, indication light, switches, push buttons, audio signal, suitable for tripping and signaling. (iii) Conservator isolation valve which shall be flow sensitive and shut off when the flow in the pipe is more than the flow expected in the permissible normal operating conditions. It shall be provided with position indicator remote alarm indication. (iv) Required number of fire detectors to be located in strategic locations to be finalized during detailed engineering. One set (30%) of fire detectors for NIFPS shall be supplied as spare for future replacement. (v) Flow Sensitive Conservator Isolation Valve. (vi) All controls, alarms, panels, cables, cable trays (if required), junction boxes, valves etc. (vii) Provision of monitor the Nitrogen display and also indication for leakage from drain pipe is to be incorporated in control box and its respective schematic drawings. Further leak detector chamber is to be incorporated in FEC to avoid oil leakage problem. Specify quantity of detectors of NIPFS and its location on transformer top cover. Also furnish supporting calculations for selection of number of fire detectors and time of extinction period. (viii)MS Oil Storage Tank : Each transformer unit shall be provided with an underground MS oil storage tank. The MS oil storage tank shall have non corrosive, water proof, epoxy coated (from inside) mild steel (minimum thickness 5 mm) to store drained out oil on operation of NIFPS. The total capacity of storage tank shall be at least 10% of transformer tank oil to avoid overflowing of oil considering that drained oil volume shall be around 10% of transformer tank oil. Necessary arrangement shall be made on underground storage tank so as to take out the drained oil from the tank for further processing and use. All the pipe and physical connection from transformer to oil pit shall be in the scope of bidder. The design of tank and pit shall be finalized during approval of drawing. (ix) In this connection, to review such working of NIFPS a committee has been formed, the committee has suggested following points for improvement in NIFPS as detailed under:a. To ascertain how much percentage of oil drained and time required for draining, oil flow sensor shall be arranged. b. For event logging of complete process through PLC based systems provisions should be made. Demo for oil draining shall be arranged. Volume-II 54 400KV 500 MVA Transformer c. For overhauling of system, company service engineer should visit the site yearly for maintenance purpose. 20.9.8 INSTALLATION AND PRE-COMMISSIONING TEST: After installation the system pre-commissioning tests shall be carried out jointly with the MPPTCL representative before the system is put in service. 20.9.9 In order to restrict the supply of oil in case of a fire in transformer, provision shall be made to isolate the conservator oil from the main tank. 20.9.10 A valve which shall be flow sensitive and shut off when the flow in the pipe is more than the flow expected in the permissible normal operating conditions. This valve shall be located in the piping between the conservator and the buchholz relay and shall not affect the flow of oil from and to the conservator in normal conditions. 20.9.11 When the flow from conservator to main tank is more than the normal operating conditions, the valve shall shut off by itself and will have to be reset manually. It shall be provided with valve open/close position indicator along with alarm indication in control room during closing operation of valve. 20.9.12 Necessary switches shall be provided in cooler control cabinet / common marshalling box for manual open / close operation of the valve. Tenderers shall offer Transformers completely fitted with Nitrogen Injection Fire Protection Systems, separately in their offer in schedule of prices. 20.10 ON LINE MONITORING DEVICE FOR TRANSFORMER: 20.10.1 The TENDERER should offer for a suitable on line monitoring device for regular monitoring of 3 key gases and moisture for condition assessment and fault detection of the 400 KV 500 MVA transformer. The device should measure 3 key dissolved gases viz. Hydrogen, Acetylene, Carbon mono oxide with accuracy of ±10%. The minimum range of measurement of dissolved gases shall be Hydrogen :5 to 500, Acetylene : 3 to 5000, Carbon mono oxide : 10 to 5000. The moisture content shall be measured from 0 to 100 % RS (in ppm). The device shall have non volatile memory storage to prevent loss of data. The device shall be provided with user configurable at least six alarm contacts & two front panel LED arrays. The alarm setting screen shall be available for setting alarms based on level of 3 Key gases or moisture and rates of change for Key gases. For configuring the six alarm settings, suitable PC software shall be provided alongwith PC/Desktop and suitable connection cables upto control room shall be done by supplier with the device. The device shall be supplied with two separate channels for remote communication plus local USB and Ethernet connections. The device should support communication Protocol viz. MODBUS, DNP 3.0 and IEC-61850. It shall be possible to configure sampling rates to hourly/ daily. The alarm & Caution thresholds shall be user configurable. The device should support Load monitoring by analyzing results with loading of Transformer and device shall be provided with suitable software for graphical trending & diagnostic analysis of results. The device shall have minimum maintenance requirements. Volume-II 55 400KV 500 MVA Transformer On line monitoring unit shall not be mounted on the body of the transformer. A separate mounting arrangement near the transformer body with proper protective sheds & covers for protection against sun and rains be provided. The mounting cubical shall have provision for ventilation/cooling and also provision for reading of parameters by operators without opening the box. The associated mounting structure, foundation bolt and civil works are in scope of supplier. On line monitoring unit shall be complete with provision for remote monitoring alarm and indication in RTCC panel in control room. Complete details of offered device shall be submitted by the Tenderer and explained by suitable manual/pamphlets. External temperature range : 0 to 55 o C Operating Humidity : 10 to 95% RH non condensing Enclosure : IP:55 Input Power requirement : Voltage 120 to 260 V AC, Frequency 47 to 60 Hz; The power supply should be able to withstand electrical surges & disturbances prevalent in EHV substation. 20.10.2 Tenderers shall offer Transformers completely fitted with On Line Monitoring Device for Transformer of Kelman or equivalent make, suitable for monitoring of 3 Key gases, separately in their offer in schedule of prices. 20.11 THERMOSYPHON FILTER Atleast four Nos. of Thermosyphon filter arrangement each of capacity 1/5th of the total oil flow in the cooler shall be provided with rigid support (i.e., slotted one not acceptable) on the transformer along with connecting piping, isolating valves at either end, drain plug shall be mounted on the transformer. It will have Alumina trap and will be designed in such a way that 1/5th of the forced oil circulation passes through it. The quantity of absorbent will be 0.25% of the total weight of total oil in the transformer, cooler, conservator etc. Spare alumina for one time replacement shall be also supplied by the supplier. The location of Thermosyphon filter should be in such a way that same do not interfere with any of the existing equipments. The Thermosyphon filter shall be located at diagonally opposite points of transformer and out of four filters, two filters shall be with pumps .The connecting pipes of Thermosyphon filter to tank shall be provided with flexible couplings. It may be noted that rigid supports shall be provided for thermosyphon filter i.e., slotted type of fixing arrangement is not acceptable. 20.11.1 SELF REGENERATING MAINTENANCE FREE DEHYDRATING BREATHERS FOR TRANSFORMERS: Minimum 2 nos. self-regenerating maintenance free dehydrating Silica Gel Breathers each of 100% breathing capacity are required separately for Main & OLTC Conservator. Suitable arrangement for parallel mounting of breathers shall be made for connecting the Silica Gel Breathers to the main conservator. Size of breather and its pipe connection is to be indicated. The passage of air should be through dual filter & Silica Gel. Silica Gel shall be Volume-II 56 400KV 500 MVA Transformer isolated from atmosphere. Adequate supports are required to be provided for pipe connection to avoid any swing in air The capacity of breather shall be adequate to ensure supply of dry air only for the volumetric expansion/contraction of oil keeping in view the total quantity of oil in the unit. The container of the breather shall be made of metal with glass enclosure along its periphery to ensure that the transparency (to verify the color of dehydrating agent) is maintained during operation directly under sunlight (ultra violet rays) for long life. General requirement of the self-regenerating maintenance free dehydrating Silica Gel Breathers shall be as under; 1. The transformer main tank conservator and OLTC conservator shall be fitted with a completely separate and independent silica gel breathers of the Maintenance-Free type in a convenient floor height at eye level. Both breather should have modular humidity sensors to regulate regeneration operation. Each breather of adequate capacity having its pipe connection of minimum size of one inch dia shall be preferable. 2. A stainless-steel filter at the bottom shall protect the silica gel chamber against external environment influences. 3. This condition-controlled regeneration (with help of humidity & temperature sensor) application shall be environment friendly. 4. Material of External Construction of the Breather: All external parts must be suitable for mounting for outdoor use, resistant against transformer oil and ultraviolet rays. Material used in the construction of the breather to ensure durability. 5. Important function of breather is to dehumidify air entering in transformer during inhale. It should not affect breathing process of transformer. Hence there should be no moving parts in construction of breather which could restrict or redirect air flow from the desiccant chamber, to ensure uninterrupted breathing of transformer. Moving parts can cause serious troubles by blocking breathing of transformer. The requirement briefed above are the general requirement, however the detailed requirement/ make etc, shall be finalized at the time of drawing approval with successful bidder. 20.12 SURGE CAPACITORS: The Tenderer has to provide with each 400KV 500MVA transformer, three (3) nos 40 KVrms, 0.125 micro farad Surge Capacitors with mounting structure & terminal connectors for connection to 72.5 KV tertiary bushings. The complete technical particulars of capacitor units has been specified in Annexure I. The constructional features of the surge capacitors shall be as under : a) The dielectric fluid within the capacitor unit shall be environmentally safe and biodegradable. PCB type fluid shall not be used. The capacitor elements shall be vacuum dried inside the case prior to impregnation with dielectric fluid. After impregnation, the capacitor unit shall be sealed immediately upon removal of impregnating reservoir. Volume-II 57 400KV 500 MVA Transformer b) The capacitor shall include bushings, discharge resistor, capacitor elements connected in series and/or parallel, internal connections etc. All joint of casing shall be tested for leaks. c) Each capacitor unit shall be provided with lifting eyes or similar provision for lifting or placing the unit into its position. d) Each capacitor unit shall be provided with discharge device which reduces the residual voltage from the crest value of rated voltage to less than 50 Volt within one minutes after the capacitor is disconnected from the source of supply. e) Surge capacitor shall be mounted on a support structure. Associated support structure & foundation bolt shall be supplied by the Supplier. f) The surge capacitor shall have adequate strength to withstand without damage or loss of life the mechanical load both in operation and transportation, handling and erection. The loads shall include electromagnetic forces including those during fault external or internal to the capacitors, wind loading forces due to expansion and contraction due to ambient temperature, load variation and seismic efforts. g) The capacitor units shall be interchangeable in order to reduce spare requirements and simplify maintenance procedures. h) The bushings of the capacitor shall be of porcelain or oil communicating type. The bushings and other insulators shall have creep age of 25 mm per KV of phase to earth voltage. Bushing terminals shall be provided with terminal connectors for interconnection with adjacent equipment or bus bars. 21.0 FITTINGS & ACCESSORIES FOR THE POWER TRANSFORMERS: 21.1 Only those offers will be considered for evaluation wherein the Tenderers submit a specific confirmation that the transformers will be supplied complete with all fittings and accessories exactly in line with various requirements indicated in Annexure II in this technical specification. The basic offered cost must take into consideration cost of all fittings and accessories as under and indicated elsewhere in this specification otherwise the Tender will be treated as non responsive. 21.2 The equipments and accessories furnished with the transformer shall be suitably mounted on the transformer for ease of operation, inspection and maintenance and the mounting details shall be subject to the approval of the purchaser. All valves shall be provided either with blind companion flanges or with pipe plugs for protection. 21.3 Indication, alarm and relay equipment shall have contacts suitable for operation with 220V DC supply. Any other accessories or appliances recommended by the manufacturer for the satisfactory operation of the transformer shall also have 220V DC as input. a) OLTC and its controls shall be as per clause 14. Volume-II 58 400KV 500 MVA Transformer b) All cabinets & panels shall be conforming to stipulations under Clause-16 . c) All 420KV, 245KV, 72.5KV phase bushings and 72.5 KV neutral bushings shall be of RIP condenser type and as per Clause 11.13 . 21.4. Equalizing pipes for maintaining equal pressure between main tank and OLTC and at various other locations as per design shall be provided. These equalizing pipes shall be routed such as not to create any obstruction. 21.5 Accessories, which are not included in the above schedule but details of which are given in Tender specification and which are necessary for satisfactory operation of Transformer shall be deemed to have been included in the accepted price without any extra cost to the Purchaser. 21.6 It may be noted that all the name plates/rating plates/diagram plates on transformer shall be engraved type/anodized type and shall be fixed using rivets/spot welding method. The method of printing of letters on the R&D plate shall be such that inscriptions shall not fade by ultra violet rays and other adverse weather conditions under which the same is subject to during service life of transformers. (a) Rating & Diagram Plate: In the R&D plate following additional information over & above as specified in the IS/CBIP specification shall be provided. - Weight of the copper for windings (bare & with paper insulation) Weight of the core laminations . Weight of insulation Transport weight Weight of steel Untanking weight (Core & Coil) Weight of Transformer Tank along with Fittings & Accessories Percentage Impedance at all taps HV & IV windings resistance of all phases at all taps LV winding resistance of all phases Weight of the oil for first filling (including wastage) in Kg/Liters Total quantity of oil including 10% extra quantity in Kg/Liters If required two separate R& D plates may be used. (b) Valve Schedule Plate: In the valve schedule plate, at least two views should be inscribed so that location of all the valves provided on the transformer could be indicated/visualised. In the table of valve schedule plate, details of valves viz. type, material, size & position during transportation and after commissioning shall be clearly indicated. The size of the letters shall be such that the same be visible clearly to a person standing away at a distance of one meter from the respective vertical face of the transformer. (c) Instruction Plate For Oil Filling in the Conservator with Air Cell: An instruction plate shall be provided for oil filling in the conservator having air Volume-II 59 400KV 500 MVA Transformer cell type breathing arrangement. In addition to the instructions for oil filling on this plate, a diagram indicating mounting details of MOLG, oil level gauges, air cell inside the conservator with a pictorial view of conservator including make, type & size of air cell shall also be inscribed. The location of plate should be such that same is visible to operating personal from a distance as mentioned in (b) above. 22.0 CENTRE OF GRAVITY : The centre of gravity of the assembled transformer shall be low and as near to the vertical centre line as possible. The transformer shall be stable with or without oil. If the centre of gravity is eccentric relative to track gauge either with or without oil, its location shall be shown on the outline drawing. 23.0 PACKING : 23.1 The packing may be in accordance with the Tenderer’s standard practice but Tenderer should give full particulars of packing for the approval of the purchaser. Special arrangements should be made to facilitate handling and to protect the projecting connections for damage in transit. 23.2 The transformer shall be transported filled with inert gas preferably Nitrogen gas. The Tenderer shall ensure that adequate pressure of gas is maintained inside the tank throughout during transportation by sending escorts and required apparatus and equipment with the transformers. 23.3 All parts shall be adequately marked to facilitate field erection. Boxes and crates shall be marked with the contract number and shall have a packing list enclosed showing the parts contained therein. however the verification of accessories shall be done in presence of suppliers representative. 24.0 TESTS: 24.1 The manufacturer shall carryout routine test ,additional routine tests and type tests on the transformers as per the relevant Indian Standard IS-2026 with latest amendments , IEC 60076, CBIP Publication No 295, IEEE or any equivalent International Standard .The details of tests are specified hereunder. It should be specifically noted by the Tenderer that testing of each & every transformer included in this bid specification shall be carried out at the manufacturer’s works in fully assembled condition complete with all fittings & accessories. It is to note that on receipt of call from your end for final inspection of each unit , testing of the unit shall be carried out in presence of our inspecting officer in line with approved QAP. However, after final testing , one of the unit as decided by MPPTCL may be sent for testing at accredited laboratory (i.e. CPRI) at our cost for conducting routine/type tests as decided by us and to ensure correctness of measured no load losses & load including stray loss + Auxiliary losses and temperature rise of oil and winding. 24.2 ROUTINE TESTS AND ADDITIONAL ROUTINE TESTS: All routine tests and additional routine Tests detailed under clauses 24.2.1 & 24.2.2 herein under Volume-II 60 400KV 500 MVA Transformer will be carried out on each transformer on "free of cost" basis, in accordance with IS:2026 part-I. 24.2.1 ROUTINE TESTS a) Measurement of winding resistance as per cl.16.2 of IS 2026 Part I. The winding resistance shall be measured on all taps and of all the three phases and values be recorded in respective test certificates. b) Measurement of voltage ratio & % error at all taps and checking of voltage vector relationship as per cl.16.3 of IS 2026 Part I. Measurement of Impedance voltage/ short circuit impedance & load loss (at principal tap & extreme taps) as per cl.16.4 of IS 2026 Part I, IEC 60076. Also measurement of Impedance voltage/ short circuit impedance at all taps at low voltage supply. c) d) Measurement of no load loss at 90%, 100%, 110% of rated voltage & no load current as per cl.16.5 of IS 2026 Part I. e) Measurement of insulation resistance as per cl. 16.6 of IS 2026 Part I. f) Dielectric tests shall be carried out as per IS 2026 (part I, II & III) & IEC60076 as under i. 400 KV winding - Lightning impulse on all the line terminals (routine test) - Induced over-voltage with partial discharge indication On all the line terminals (routine test) - Separate source AC on neutral terminal (routine test) - Switching Impulse test The test voltage between line and neutral shall be brought upto 420 KV and held for 5 seconds. It shall then be reduced to 364 KV. This shall be held for 30 minutes where after the voltage shall be reduced to zero. During the 30 minutes period at 364 KV between the line and neutral, observation of partial discharge shall be carried out at line as well as neutral terminals of the winding under test. Further, following conditions shall be specifically verified Note : There shall be no breakdown during short application of higher voltage i.e 420 KV and the continuous level of partial discharge during the long application of lower test voltage shall not exceed 500 pico-Coulomb in any of the measuring channels. ii. The 220 KV winding - Lightning impulse on all the line terminals (routine test) Volume-II 61 400KV 500 MVA Transformer - Induced over voltage test with partial discharge indication (routine) .This test gets simultaneously done when 400 KV winding is tested, therefore, no separate test needs be done. iii. The 33 KV winding - Separate source AC on all the line terminals (routine test) - Lightning impulse on all the line terminals (routine test) Note : No separate induced over-voltage test need to be done. The winding gets tested as a consequence of the induced over voltage test with partial discharge indication on 400 KV winding. g) All tests on OLTC as per cl.16.9 of IS 2026 Part I, IEC 60214. h) Measurement of Tan-Delta, Capacitance & IR values of HV,IV,LV & Neutral bushings before & after tests on transformer Low voltage AC, magnetic balance and magnetizing current three phase & single phase at normal tap for field reference. The test shall be carried out only after ensuring proper demagnetization of the core so as to achieve proper results. Measurement of leakage current between core – frame – tank at rated voltage (during no load loss measurement) and at rated current (during load loss measurement). i) J) Note : DGA test of oil of main tank of transformer before (initial) & after completion of all testing shall be done and test results shall be submitted to the purchaser . 24.2.2 ADDITIONAL ROUTINE TESTS (A) Insulation Resistance : Insulation Resistance measurement shall be done for 15 Secs. , 60 secs. and 600 secs. Duration. Polarization Index (PI) shall be clearly recorded on test report for 600 sec /60 sec values and D.A.R. for 60 sec/15 sec values. Minimum preferred IR values for 60 secs at 60oC shall be 1000 M.Ohms. PI value : PI value (i.e. ratio of IR Values for 600 sec / IR Values for 60 sec) for winding should be greater than 2.0. This requirement is to be confirmed specifically by the Tenderers in their offer. (B) Magnetic Circuit Test : After assembly, core shall be tested for 1 minute at 2 KV AC between all bolts, side plates & structural steel work. Immediately prior to the despatch of the transformer from works of manufacturer, the magnetic circuit shall be tested for one minute at 2 KV AC between the Core & Earth and leakage current shall also be recorded. (C) Oil Leakage Test on Tank : All Transformer tank with its active part as assembled for type test (i.e. including pipe work and cooling Volume-II 62 400KV 500 MVA Transformer equipment and excluding PRV and conservator when air cell is provided) shall be subjected to a pressure corresponding to twice the normal head of oil or to normal pressure plus 35 kN/ m.sq.(5psi) whichever is lower measured at the base of the tank and will be maintained for 12 hours during which time no leakage shall occur. Before conducting the pressure test, the following are to be taken care of : (i) Pressure relief valve are to be removed and the opening blanked. (ii) Transformer and tap changer conservators are to be disconnected. (iii) Diverter switch compartment of tap changer to be connected with transformer tank for equalizing the pressure on both sides. (iv) Oil should be completely filled and all trapped air released. (D) Capacitance & Tan-delta Test on winding : The measurement of capacitance and tan delta to determine capacitance between winding & earth shall be carried out in mode UST, GST & GSTg both before and after series of dielectric tests by Ampere turn method. For temperature correction factors IEEEC 57.90 shall be referred. For clarity measurement of capacitance and tan delta shall be carried out as under : - HV+IV/LV + Earth (GST) LV /HV + IV+Earth (GST) HV+IV/Earth (GSTg) LV/Earth (GSTg) HV+IV/LV (UST) The measured Tan delta values of winding shall not exceed 0.45% at 200C (degree Centigrade) temperature. In case Tan delta of transformers during testing at works of manufacturer is measured above maximum ceiling of 0.45% at 200C (degree Centigrade) temperature, then MPPTCL reserves right not to accept such of the transformer. This requirement is to be confirmed specifically by the Tenderers in their offer. (E) Test Results of calibration & measurement reports of WTI & OTI , ratio test for all CTs and measurement of knee point voltage, IR value and winding resistance for bushing CT. (F) Checking & recording of following: a. IR values i. Between Core and End frame ii. Between Core and Tank iii. Between End frame and main Tank. Volume-II 63 400KV 500 MVA Transformer The measured IR values should be more than 1000 M Ohms. This requirement is to be confirmed specifically by the TENDERERs in their offer. b. Measurement and recording of currents with application of 400 volts, 3phase, AC supply on HV side with IV side shorted, as under: i. ii. iii. iv. Between Core and Tank. Between Core and End frame Between End frame and Tank Between neutral and short circuited links with neutral grounded and ungrounded conditions. NOTE: The details of arrangements provided outside the main tank for connecting core, end frame and main tank body shall be indicated on a diagram , to be attached with the test reports. (G) Test results of CT provided in one phase of tertiary winding before delta formation. (H) Magnetizing current measured with LT supply. No Particulars a b c On HV side On IV side On LV side With Single phase supply Volts. Amps. With Three phase supply Volts. Amps. (I) Magnetic balance test on HV, IV and LV side (before and after dielectrics). (J) Pressure Relief Device Test :All pressure relief devices provided in each transformer shall be subject to test for its successful operation. It shall operate before reaching the test pressure specified in clause 24.3 (B) of this specification. The device shall seal off after the excess pressure has been relieved. (K) Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA) Test on Transformer : The SFRA test shall be conducted by the manufacturer at manufacturers works using his own SFRA test set and also SFRA test shall be conducted by the manufacturer at site using same SFRA test set at the time of erection & commissioning of unit. (L) Measurement of Dew point prior to despatch of the unit, filled with N2 gas: Dew point is the temperature at which water vapours present in the gas filled in the transformer begins to condense. The transportation of transformer from the factory of manufacturer’s works upto the purchaser’s site is done with dry Nitrogen gas filled condition, due to weight limitation. Positive gas pressure say 0.25 kg/cm2 is normally maintained during transportation as well as during storage. In case positive pressure is not maintained then due to hygroscopic properties of insulation used in transformer possibility Volume-II 64 400KV 500 MVA Transformer of absorption of moisture in insulation cannot be overruled. Therefore to check the dryness of insulation, measurement of dew point at factory prior to despatch and on receipt of unit at site is necessary and to be carried out. It may be noted that dew point shall be measured at factory prior to despatch. Temperature, pressure and dew point at the time of gas filling (reading taken after stabilisation) shall be taken and painted on the transformer tank. The minimum permissible value of dew point shall be (–)25oC at normal temperature and pressure. (M) Functional tests on auxiliary equipments i.e. OTI, WTI, valves, Filters etc as per CBIP publication no 295. (N) Visual inspection and dimension measurement of transformer as per approved OGA drawing. (O) Measurement of rail guage, distance between wheels and demonstration of rotation of wheel by 90 degree. (P) Supplier’s test certificate in respect of on line monitoring (OLMD), NIFPS, pumps & Surge capacitor as per IS,IEC,CBIP publication no.295. (Q) Verification of type, material and quantity of valves in line with Annexure-V. 24.3 TYPE TESTS : Following Type Tests shall be conducted on the transformer as per IS:2026 Part I, IEC , CBIP publication no 295. (A) Temperature Rise Test: This test as per cl. 16.8 of IS:2026(Part- II) shall be conducted at the lowest voltage tap having maximum current with 10% overload conditions. The supplier before carrying out such tests, shall submit detailed calculations showing the alternatives possible, on various taps and for different ratings (ONAN/ONAF/OFAF), of the transformer and shall recommend the combination that results in highest temperature rise, for the test. Since 500 MVA transformer is a auto transformer, the temperature rise test shall be conducted for the condition of simultaneous loading of all three windings for their respective OFAF rating i.e. 400KV and 220KV winding corresponding to current of 500 MVA, and 33 KV winding for 105 MVA. Loading on two windings for 500 MVA transformer for the measured losses will not be accepted. Gas chromatographic analysis of oil shall be conducted before and after heat run test and the values shall be recorded in the test report. The sampling shall be in accordance with IEC-60567. For the evaluation of the gas analysis in temperature rise test, a method will be proposed which is based on the rate of increase of particular gases and the permissible limits of minimum detectable value of gases and the maximum limit will be mutually discussed and agreed upon between the Purchaser and Supplier. This shall be treated as reference during maintenance of transformer in future. Volume-II 65 400KV 500 MVA Transformer The calibration of OTI and WTI shall be done by Transformer Manufacturer and these calibrated OTI, WTI shall be used during testing of transformer. The Sr. No. of WTI,OTI shall be recorded during testing of transformer and these indicators only shall be supplied with the transformer. During test, manufacturer selects suitable tap from CT based on gradient between the readings of WTI & OTI. This tap position is to be clearly recorded on test report so that selection of correct tap could be done at site to avoid discrepancy in temperature gradient recorded during factory test and the value recorded at site. Tank tests : Following Vacuum and Pressure tests shall be carried out on one transformer tank of each fabricator: (B) (a) Vacuum Test (Fabrication stage) Transformer tank of each design shall be subjected to the vacuum of 760 mm of Hg. The tanks designed for full vacuum (760 mm of mercury at sea level or the barometric reading at the location of test) shall be tested at a maximum internal pressure of 3.33 kN/m.sq. (25 mm of Hg) for one hour i.e. 760-25=735 mm of Hg at sea level and (Barometric reading -25mm Hg) at other location. The permanent deflection of flat plates after vacuum has been released shall not exceed the values specified below: Horizontal Length of flat plate (in mm) Up to and including 750 Permanent Deflection (in mm) 5 751 to 1250 6.5 1251 to 1750 8 1751 to 2000 9 2001 to 2250 11 2251 to 2500 12.5 2501 to 3000 16 Above 3000 19 Note :- During Vacuum testing, provision of any kind of internal supports are not acceptable. This fact is to be kept in view while finalizing design of tank. (b) Pressure Test (Fabrication stage) Transformer tank of each design , its radiator, conservator vessel ,and other fittings together or separately shall be subjected to a pressure corresponding to twice the normal head of oil or to normal pressure plus 35 kN/m2, whichever is lower, measured at the base of the tank and will be maintained for 1 hour during which time no leakage shall occur. The permanent deflection of the flat plate after the excess pressure has been released shall not exceed the figures specified above for vacuum test as per clause 24.3(B)(a). Volume-II 66 400KV 500 MVA Transformer Note:- 24.4 Permanent deflection both under vacuum and pressure test shall be within permissible limits separately, as detailed above. SPECIAL TESTS : Following special tests other than type and routine tests shall also be carried out as per IS:2026 Part-I on one transformer. a) Measurement of zero seq. impedance as per CL.16.10 of IS:2026 Part-I. b) Measurement of acoustic noise level as per CL.16.12 of IS:2026 Part-I, NEMA TR1 & IEC 60076-10. Detailed calculations & conditions outlined in the IEEE standard C shall be followed. c) Measurement of power taken by fans & pumps as per cl.16.14 of IS:2026Part-I. d) Measurement of harmonic level of no load current and total harmonic distortion of voltage & current as per CL.16.13 of IS:2026 Part-I. Details of rms voltage applied & print out of Harmonic Analyser shall be enclosed with report. e) One Cooler Control Cabinet and OLTC cabinet of each design for each type of transformer shall be tested for IP:55 protection in accordance with IS:2147 (Category-1) at CPRI/ ERDA. f) Test to prove over fluxing capability of transformer at over fluxing factor 1.25. 24.5 To summarize the requirement of tests for 400KV 500 MVA power transformers covered in this bid specification, are as under : Number of transformers to be tested 1 2 3 24.2.1 Routine tests & On each unit & additional routine 24.2.2. tests 24.3 Type test: (A) Temperature On One unit of bid rise test (B) Vacuum and On One unit pressure test /vender Clause No. Nature of tests 24.4 Special tests On One unit of bid 25 Tests at site On each unit included in bid Volume-II 67 Test charges 4 Routine tests, additional routine tests type & special tests and tests to be carried at site shall be included in the offered cost. 400KV 500 MVA Transformer Note : It is to be noted that after complete final testing of the unit , it should be kept charged at rated voltage for adequate time to ensure proper demagnetization of core i.e. demagnetization of core shall be ensured prior to dispatch of the unit. 24.6 Oil to be used by manufacturers at factory for the purpose of testing at their works shall be of similar or better quality having parameters matching with the parameters specified in the specification. Specific approval of oil test results of oil proposed to be used for testing of transformer in factory shall be obtained by the manufacturer from the purchaser before first filling in the unit. MPPTCL shall not accept any other oil for testing purposes having lower parameters than those specified in the tender. 25.0 TESTS AT SITE :On delivery /receipt, after erection at site, the transformer shall be subject to the following tests, in presence of supplier's engineer. (i) Immediately upon receipt of transformer at site and before unloading of transformer from trailer, core earthing , end frame earthing & tank earthing shall be checked . Only after satisfactory verification that there is no multiple core earthing in transformer, unloading of transformer shall be undertaken. ii) Insulation resistance test and polarization index. iii) Ratio and polarity test. iv) DGA of oil and Dielectric, Tan-Delta, resistivity & moisture content test of oil . v) OLTC operational test at each tap for lower and raise operation of tap changer. vi) Magnetic balance test and measurement of magnetizing current. vii) Vector group test. viii) Percentage Impedance test at all taps. ix) Short circuit current measurement at low voltage and at all taps. x) Measurement of winding resistance at all taps. xi) Tangent Delta, capacitance and insulations resistance tests of bushings. xii) Leakage current between core & tank, core & end frame , end frame & tank and between short circuited links & neutral in grounded and un grounded conditions. xiii) Dew point measurement & recording of pressure of Nitrogen gas on receipt of transformer at site on trailer. xiv) SFRA test xv) After receipt of transformer at site physical inspection shall be done for checking any physical damage to transformer tank & accessories. Further data of Impact recorder shall be analysed for any changes before unloading of transformer. Volume-II 68 400KV 500 MVA Transformer 26.0 CHECKS & TESTS : Following checks & tests shall be carried out by Manufacturer at different stages of manufacture & supply of transformer and these reports shall be sent to the purchaser for records : (i) Assembled Transformer: a) Check completed transformer against approved out line drawing, provision for all fittings, finish level etc. b) Jacking test on the assembled Transformer. c) Measurement and recording of temperature and drying time during vacuum treatment. d) Check for completeness of drying by measuring IR values & Tan Delta. e) Certification of all test results. (ii) Preshipment Checks at Manufacturer's Works: a) b) c) d) e) Check for interchangeability of components of similar Transformers for mounting dimensions. Check for proper packing and preservation of accessories like radiators, bushings, explosion vent, dehydrating breather, rollers, buchholz relay, control cubicle, connecting pipes, conservator etc. Check for proper provision of bracings to arrest the movement of core and winding assembly inside the tank. Gas tightness test to conform tightness. Derivation of leakage rate and ensure adequate reserve gas capacity. (iii) Commissioning Checks at site : a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Check the color of silica gel breather. Check the oil level in the breather housing, conservator tank, cooling system, condenser housing etc. Check the bushings for conformity of connection to the line etc. Check for correct operation of all protection and alarms. i) Buchholz relay ii) Excessive winding temperature iii) Excessive oil temperature iv) Low oil flow v) Low oil level indication Check for adequate protection on electric circuit supplying the accessories. Insulation resistance measurement for: i) Control wiring ii) Main winding Check for cleanliness of the Transformer and the surroundings. 27.0 TEST REPORTS : After all tests have been completed seven certified copies of each test report shall be furnished. Each report shall supply the following information :i) Complete identification data including serial number of the transformer. Volume-II 69 400KV 500 MVA Transformer ii) iii) iv) Method of application, where applied, duration and interpretation of results for each test. Complete diagram of test circuits and details of test equipments including auxiliary transformer, Instrument transformer shall be furnished. Where ever applicable parameters to be corrected to 75º C temperature. Test certificates of all the accessories and stage inspections. 28.0 TOOLS : The transformer shall be supplied with a full outfit of tools, spanners, special tools for assembling and dismantling transformers with a rack for holding them as per Annexure X. All spanners shall be double ended & case hardened. The quantity of each item of tools shall be indicated by the Tenderer in bid. 29.0 DRAWINGS & INSTRUCTION MANUALS 29.1 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT FOR GENERAL ARRANGEMENT DRAWING: For our 400KV switch yard, the bay width adopted is 27 metres. Following points shall be kept in view while finalizing General Arrangement drawing of the transformer. ii) Along transverse direction (i.e. the parallel to the Bushing line) spread of the transformer from one extreme end to the other extreme end shall be limited to 27 meters. This spread shall be distributed symmetrically with respect to the centre line of the transformer ( i.e. 13.5 meters on either sides) This is an essential requirement to avoid encroachment of the transformer body in the adjoining bay. 29.2 The drawings for each items of transformer and its accessories are to be submitted to MPPTCL at the time of obtaining approval of manufacturer. 29.3 As soon as possible after the award of the contract (preferably within 15 days), the manufacturer shall supply four (4) copies of the drawings as listed in Annexure VII (duly bound in suitable plastic folder), which will describe the equipment in details for approval and shall subsequently provide ten complete sets of final drawings (duly bound in suitable plastic folder) , one of which shall be auto-positive suitable for taking blue prints. Also after the award of the contract the manufacturer shall supply Instruction Manual. This Instruction Manual shall be hard bound manual shall contain set of all approved drawings, instruction books, manufacturer’s catalogue of all bought items & fittings, operation & maintenance manuals , spare part bulletin (a) Two copies of each drawing mentioned above and Instruction Manual shall be sent along with the transformer & its accessories to site. Further a CD containing soft copy of all drawings in AutoCAD , instructions manuals and other relevant details in acrobat or MS word shall be sent with transformer to site . This CD shall contain AutoCAD software and acrobat reader software also. Volume-II 70 400KV 500 MVA Transformer (b) Ten (10) sets of hard bound folders containing copies of approved drawings, instruction manuals shall be sent to order placing authority within a fortnight of approval of drawings. Further, Six (6) CDs containing soft copy of all drawings in AutoCAD , instructions manuals and other relevant details in Acrobat or MS word shall be sent to order placing authority. These CDs shall contain AutoCAD software and acrobat reader software also. 30.0 The offered price shall include cost of drawing / manuals as detailed out in Annexure VII. 31.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAMME : The Tenderers must establish that a proper quality assurance program is being followed by them for manufacture of power transformers. The quality Assurance Program must have a structure as detailed in the following paragraphs. 31.1 Customers Specifications And Contract Review : The quality assurance and failure prevention starts with careful study and scrutiny of our technical specifications and requirements. The supplier shall carefully study all the technical parameters and other particulars & the supplier shall categorically give his confirmation that these requirements shall be met in a satisfactory manner. 31.2 Design Control : The supplier shall furnish the checks exercised in design calculations particularly in respect of short circuit forces and method of clamping end coil to show the healthiness of the design. The salient features of design together with the certificates of design engineers will have to be made available to the Purchaser. 31.3 Engineering Documents :The supplier shall give complete information regarding copper conductor, insulating paper, core materials, tap changer, gaskets etc. bringing out the detailed description and specification of these items with explanation as to how our requirements are being met in this respect. 31.4 Procurement Document Control & Purchased Material & Services: The supplier shall indicate the various sources of the items namely copper conductor, insulating paper, core material, tap changer and other items such as gaskets etc. are being procured. The type of checks, quantum of checks and acceptance norms shall be intimated and random test and check results should be made available for inspection whenever so desired. The vendor for various bought out items should be as per list indicated in Annexure-VI only. No change in vendor list shall be acceptable after placement of order. Only in case of difficulty in getting timely supply from approved vendor, supplier may submit request for inclusion of only one additional vendor alongwith requisite details pertaining to Experience/performance/supply capacity/ their own experience etc. However, Employer decision to accept or not to accept such request shall be final and binding on the suppliers. Therefore, suppliers are requested to take timely action for arranging delivery of complete bought out items so as to avoid such situation. Furnishing of following certificates is essential:- Volume-II 71 400KV 500 MVA Transformer i) Certificate and proof in the form of bill of lading for purchase of core material either directly from abroad manufacturers or their accredited selling agent. ii) Certificate and proof in the form of bill of lading for purchase of EC grade copper from National & International reputed manufacturers or from their accredited selling agents. It will however be obligatory on the part of Tenderer to allow third party inspection of all important material e.g. copper, core material, Insulating cylinder etc. Tenderer shall furnish certificate that the transformer shall be manufactured with the input material approved by the Purchaser and in case during independent third party inspection any of the above material is found different than from approved list of vendors, in that case Purchaser reserves the right to summarily reject complete transformer and the manufacturer has to replace complete unit made out from all input material from the vendors approved by the Purchaser. 31.5 Programme Chart : Based on above QAP and offered delivery schedule a tentative program chart indicating period for various manufacturing/testing activities shall be submitted along with QAP . The program chart should specify periods for various activities i.e. design, ordering of new materials, assembly, testing etc. It should be noted by the Tenderers that submission of QAP by successful Tenderer is an essential requirement. 32.0 INSPECTION AND TESTING 32.1 Inspection 32.1.1 The Purchaser shall have access at all times to the works and all other places of manufacture where the transformers are being manufactured and the Tenderer shall provide all facilities for unrestricted inspection of the Tenderer’s works, raw materials, manufacture of all the accessories and for conducting necessary tests as detailed herein. 32.1.2 The successful Tenderer shall keep the Purchaser informed in advance of the time of starting and of the progress of manufacture of equipment at its various stages of manufacturing, so that arrangements could be made for inspection. 32.1.3 No material shall be dispatched from its point of manufacture unless the material has been satisfactorily inspected and tested. 32.1.4 The acceptance of any quantity of Transformer & its accessories shall in no way relieve the successful Tenderer of his responsibility for meeting all the requirement of this specification and shall not prevent subsequent rejection if such equipments are later found to be defective. Acceptance of condition regarding Volume-II 72 400KV 500 MVA Transformer stage inspection at various stages which will be intimated to successful Tenderers shall be the essence of the contract to be placed against this TENDER. 32.2. Inspection Programme : The Tenderer shall chalk out a detailed inspection and testing program for manufacturing activities for the various components. An indicative program of inspection as envisaged by the Purchaser is given in Annexure-IX. The Purchaser reserves the right to get carried out any tests by a third party. All Cost of inspection/tests shall be borne by the Tenderer. Readiness of stage/final inspection be intimated in 15 days advance so as timely deputation of inspecting officer could be ensured. 32.3 Stage Inspections 32.3.1 The supplier shall indicate the inspections and checks carried out at various stages of the manufacture of the transformers. A complete record of stage inspection would be kept by the supplier and this record should be made available for inspection by the representative of the Purchaser. The supplier should indicate the manufacturing program and the Purchaser will have a right to depute its inspecting officers during the manufacture. Some of the inspecting stages are tank during fabrication, coil winding , core building, assembly of coil on core, the condition of the coil and core after the treatment in vacuum chamber, assembly within the transformer tank together with application of tap changer. 32.3.2 It may be noted that stage inspection for first unit or all the units ,at our discretion , shall be done by us at the following stages. (a) Fabrication stage of tank: After fabrication, tank shall be inspected for measurement of its dimensions, thickness of sheets used , leakage test by applying requisite pressure/vacuum and water logging test. (b) Building up of Core : After the core is built but before its clamping, our representative will inspect the core to take complete weight of the core and also to measure approximate core loss. If necessary, a small strip of core shall also be taken for testing at CPRI, Bangalore or at any other testing lab of repute. (c) Preparation of Winding : Once the coils are prepared but before the same are fitted on to the core, stage inspection shall be done to take various measurements and also for weighment of total weight of coil of each voltage class. Measurement of resistance shall be taken and for this purpose, a small piece of conductor for each type of winding shall be made available by the manufacture. (d) Core Coil Assembly Before & After VPD. The Successful Tenderer has to submit with the bid complete details of Drying out process of transformer adopted in its works. The details should include cycle, description , termination rate , process diagram , size of oven , measurement method of moisture extracted etc . , Apart from the above, the Purchaser also reserves the right to carry out stage inspections at other stages also, for which advance intimation shall be given and all necessary cooperation shall be rendered by the manufacturer. Volume-II 73 400KV 500 MVA Transformer 32.4 Final Inspection and Testing 32.4.1 At the time of final inspection, the supplier shall identify each and every item/accessories/fittings of the particular transformer under testing. Unless all the items are identified, the manufacture will not be treated as complete. Serial number of bushings, serial number of tap changer and other accessories shall be entered into the test report to ensure that the same are supplied with the transformer. Various tests stipulated in IS shall be performed in the presence of purchaser’s engineers or when the inspection waiver has been given, in such a case, the testing shall be done at the manufacturer’s works as per IS stipulations and same should be confirmed by documentary evidence by way of Test Certificate which shall be got approved by the purchaser. 32.4.2 The WTI & OTI shall be calibrated during testing of transformer and Serial Nos. of these instruments shall be recorded in test reports. The WTI & OTI used during testing shall be dispatched with the transformer so that installation of same OTI & WTI on transformer is done which are utilized during testing of transformer at suppliers works. The Bushings and Radiators on Transformer (if heat run test is conducted ) during testing of transformer at manufacturers works are required to be supplied with the same transformer to avoid any mismatch / misalignment etc. during assembly of transformer. This should be noted for strict compliance and confirmed specifically. 32.4.3 Whenever inspection call for a particular transformer is given, the letter of inspection call will accompany the following: 33.0 a. List of various fittings and accessories which are ready at the works and will be offered for inspection. The Inspecting Officer will carry the list and check the items declared to have been offered for inspection . b. It is expected that before a transformer is finally offered for inspection, internal testing of the transformer for various important parameters like winding resistance, transformer losses, IR values etc are already done. Routine test report for such tests shall also accompany the letter of inspection call so that the Inspecting Officer at the time of inspection may verify the parameters brought out in the preliminary report. Details of all tests should be clearly brought out. c. In case for any reasons inspection is not completed or equipment is not found to be complete with all accessories as per confirmation given with the letter of inspection call, the Purchaser will reserve the right to recover the complete cost of deputation of inspecting team to the works of the manufacturer. STORAGE, HANDLING & SHIPPING: When the transformer is declared ready, the manufacturer has to identify each and every item associated with this unit and a `Complete Packing List shall be Volume-II 74 400KV 500 MVA Transformer prepared in advance. The equipments shall be stored and handled properly in shipping depot, while the same is under process of dispatch. The manufacturer should ensure dispatch of all the related items and accessories with a particular unit of transformer along with tank. Tap changer, bushing, radiators and other accessories of the transformer should not be withheld for use subsequently on units for testing purposes. If there are any items procured from sub-contractors which are to be directly installed like instrumentation, panels, control gear etc. test and inspection report for the same shall be kept separately and made available to purchaser’s inspecting officers. It may be noted that NO CHANGE in any accessory or associated equipments after passing all the test successfully shall be allowed and if this is subsequently detected it shall be binding on the Tenderer to replace with the same item with which the initial test were conducted at his part failing which the entire test shall become null and void. The Purchaser at his discretion may consider for rejection of the units thus supplied. The entire cost, for replacement of such rejected units thus supplied and for repeating acceptance test, shall be borne by the Tenderer. 34.0 COMPLETENESS OF EQUIPMENT AND BOUGHT OUT ITEMS 34.1 A list of all the accessories which will be supplied with the transformer should be as per Annexure II & III. 34.2 It is obligatory on the part of Tenderer to ensure that supply of all accessories as per Annexure-II are made alongwith Main Tank or prior to delivery of Main Tank so that erection and commissioning work of Transformer can be completed properly and uninterruptedly .The date of supply of last accessory will be treated as date of delivery of transformer and penalty shall be imposed upto a maximum of 10 % for delay in supply and supply bills will be processed accordingly. 34.3 The responsibility for obtaining timely supplies of bought out items will rest on the Tenderer and only on this basis, delivery period will be offered in the tender. 34.4 It may be noted that in case of damages/shortages due to improper packing or any other negligence ,replenishment shall be arranged within one month of being noticed by the purchaser. If this is not done, date of delivery of such accessory will be treated as date of delivery of main equipment and full penalty shall be recoverable from the Tenderer on total cost of the equipment. This should be confirmed. 34.5 For bought out items, responsibility for guarantee and obtaining immediate replacement in case any defects are noticed and in case defective supply of any item is reported will rest on the Tenderer. 34.6 In case for attending to defect in any accessory or inspection/ replacement of the accessory, which may be bought out item for the Tenderer; services of Volume-II 75 400KV 500 MVA Transformer engineer of original manufacturer is required, the same will be organized on immediate basis by the Tenderer at his cost. 34.7 The Tenderers are required to furnish, the following details of packages for supply of complete quantity of materials/one complete equipment: i. Total number of packages ii. Dimensional details of each package. iii. Weight of each package. iv. Nature of content (i.e. fragile or non-fragile) In addition, the Tenderer from outside India offering CIP prices shall also indicate the port of entry in India. 35.0 For all power transformer included in the bid specification , provisions and stipulations as per CBIP Manual on Transformers in regard to the following except as modified in this document should be strictly adopted a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) s) t) u) 36.0 Design and authorization. Galvanising. Labels. Nuts & bolts. Cleaning & Painting. Prevention of acidity. Continuous maximum rating & over loads. Duty under faults conditions for stabilizing windings. Flux density and magnetizing current. Vibration & noise. Suppressions of harmonics. Magnetic circuit and mechanical construction of cores. Constructional arrangements for winding. Earthing arrangements. Cooling plant for the transformers. Temperature indicating device and alarm. Gas actuated relays. Marshalling box/control cubicle, panel drives & Mechanism Box Control connection and instrument wiring. Drying out, transport and erection. Valves and air release plugs. REQUIREMENT FOR TRANSPORTATION OF TRANSFORMERS Two nos. Electronic impact recorder (on returnable basis) in diagonally opposite position to eliminate changes of loss of data to failure of recorder during transportation to measure the magnitude and duration of the impact in all the three direction. The acceptance criteria and limits of impact in all three directions which can be withstood by the equipment during transportation and handling shall be submitted by the supplier during detailed engineering.The recording shall commence in the factory before despatch and must continue till the unit is installed on its foundation. The data of electronic impact recorder(s) shall be down-loaded at site and a soft copy of it shall be handed over to Engineer-incharge. Further, within three Volume-II 76 400KV 500 MVA Transformer weeks the supplier shall communicate the interpretation of the data. In the unlikely event of impact recorder output not available at site, the equipment shall be thoroughly internally inspected by the manufacturer’s representative before erection at site to ensure healthiness of the equipment. Further the supplier shall mount Vehicle tracking system (GPRS/ GPS/ GSM based) to track the exact position of the vehicle on which the Autotransformer is being loaded for transportation and during detailed engineering take approval for the equipment installed. Note :- No charges shall be payable for installation of electronic impact recorder & vehicle taking system during transportation while quoting transportation charges, this aspect is to be kept in view. 37.0 THE DETAILS FOR ONE SET OF ESSENTIAL MAINTENANCE MANDATORY SPARES/EQUIPMENTS TO BE SUPPLIED ALONGWITH EACH TRANSFORMER: S. Essential Maintenance/Mandatory Spares/Equipments to No. be supplied with each transformer. 1 420 KV RIP bushing (Meeting technical specification stipulated in clause 11.13) 2 245 KV RIP bushing (Meeting technical specification stipulated in clause 11.13) 3 72.5 KV RIP bushing (Meeting technical specification stipulated in clause 11.13) 4 Terminal connector each for HV, IV & LV bushings suitable for double/double/single Moose ACSR (31.77 mm) conductor . (Meeting technical specification stipulated in clause 19.0) 5 5 KV digital Insulation Tester (Meeting technical specification stipulated in clause 37.2.1) 6 Capacitance & Tan delta measurement kit (Meeting technical specification stipulated in clause 37.2.2) 7 BDV test kit (Meeting technical specification stipulated in clause 37.2.3) 8 Winding Resistance Measurement kit (Meeting technical specification stipulated in clause 37.2.4) Quantity 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1+1+1 No. 4 No. 4 No. 1 no. 1 no. 37.2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR TESTING EQUIPMENT :The offered Testing equipments shall have technical particulars generally conforming to the requirement of the latest version of relevant standard of International ElectroTechnical Commission (IEC) or equivalent National Standards of India. Bidders shall clearly state the standards to which the equipment offered by them conforms. 37.2.1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR 5 KV INSULATION RESISTANCE TESTERS:The 5 KV digital Insulation Tester shall be compact, lightweight, 3 digit digital insulation tester. The 5 KV digital insulation tester shall be compact, lightweight, 3 digit digital insulation tester. The Insulation Tester shall be supplied with suitable software in form of CD/DVD to allow for further analysis of tests results, including features such as graphical representation and automatic report generation. The Insulation Tester shall provide safe, Volume-II 77 400KV 500 MVA Transformer reliable and accurate measurements of insulation resistances up to 10 TΩ, with selectable test voltages, 250 V – 5 kV in steps of 50V. The operation of Insulation Tester shall be microprocessor controlled and it shall have features such as auto-range selection, memory for 1000 readings, AC/DC voltmeter, automatic measurement of Insulation Resistance, Dielectric Absorption Index, Polarization Index, Dielectric discharge test, Breakdown Voltage Test, Step voltage test, leakage current and capacitance measurement. Timer enabling programming of test duration, & real time clock shall be provided. Built-in chronometer, indicating remaining time in minutes and seconds, since the test started, up to 99 minutes. It shall be possible to transmit Measured values through the isolated serial output (RS-232). Storage of about 1000 measured values in a non-volatile internal memory which can be transferred to a PC and the supplied software by Insulation Tester shall allow further analysis of the test results, including a graphical representation & automatic report generation. The real time clock, and the sequential test number, shall facilitate the identification of each test, and the organization of a predictive maintenance system by trend analysis. The Insulation Tester shall be powered using a rechargeable battery and supplied with an automatic inbuilt charger operating on 240 V +- 10% , 50Hz mains supply. The battery backup shall not be less than 5Hours of typical use with fully charged battery. The cabinet of Insulation Tester shall be IP 65 rated, strong, lightweight, easy to carry, impact-resistant and suitable to be used under severe weather conditions. The instrument must be IEC 61010-1 to 600V phase to earth, Category IV and IP54 Protected. FEATURES: • Microprocessor-controlled • Insulation resistances up to 10 TΩ • Auto-range • Digital & bar-graph reading • Tests Regimes: • Absorption index • Polarization index • Dielectric Discharge • Step Voltage Test • Breakdown Voltage Test • Capacitance • Leakage current • AC/DC voltmeter • Chronometer up to 99 minutes • Real time clock • 1000 readings memory • Isolated RS-232 data port • Software for data management • Rechargeable battery Selectable • Selectable test voltage of 250 & 5000 V DC in steps of 50V. • The Insulation Tester should have self-calibration checkup at every startup. • The Insulation Tester shall be equipped with High Voltage terminal, Measurement & Guard terminal. These terminals shall be suitably marked for easy identification. Volume-II 78 400KV 500 MVA Transformer • The Insulation Tester shall be equipped with audio & visual indication for the test ON condition. • The Insulation Tester shall discharge the test object after every test. • The Insulation Tester should have three programmable timers for conducting diagnostic tests. •Instrument should have Dual Power supply, Battery and hand-crank generator. Both power supply should be available at the same time without a need to disassemble it. Accessories to be supplied with each 5 KV Insulation Tester:a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. 2 x Measuring test leads (IEC 61010-031) 1x GUARD test lead Charger power cord Software CD RS-232 cable Protective bag Operating instructions software Test & calibration sheet. Fuses The Insulation Testers shall be suitable for insulation measurements during installation, servicing and maintenance work in charged substations. The instrument shall be suitable for testing Transformers, Switch Gears, relays, switches and contactors. The preferred vendor for 5 KV Insulation Testers shall be Megger/ Motwane make. No. Technical Particulars:Particulars Requirement of 5 KV Insulation Tester 1 Resistance 2 Output Voltages Max 10 TΩ @ 5 kV ± 5 % of reading up to 1 TΩ @ 5 kV ± 20 % of reading up to 10 TΩ @ 5 kV Selectable test voltage of 250 & 5000 V DC in steps of 50V. 3 4 Current Input Power 3mA 230V AC±10%, 50Hz±10% 5 6 Response Time Display 7 Display Update Over Range Indication Environment < 15 seconds 3 digit LCD, 1000 counts Current battery status 2.5 readings/sec “>” is displayed in most significant digit 8 Physical Volume-II (a) Operating Temperature Range : 0 ºC to 60 ºC (b) Storage Temperature Range -10 ºC to 60 ºC (c) Humidity Range 95% RH (non condensing) (d) Environmental Protection: IP 65 (with closed lid) (e) Safety Class Meets the requirements of IEC 61010-1 (f) E.M.C: In accordance with IEC 61326-1 (g) Type tested as per IS 11994 (h) CE marking 5 kg (Approx) 79 400KV 500 MVA Transformer TRAINING: Subsequent to delivery of 5KV Insulation Testers, demonstration & Training for 1 to 2 days period to a batch of our engineers shall be provided by the supplier on “free of cost” basis for each Equipment supplied by the supplier. The training shall cover operation, evaluation/analysis of test results and general trouble shooting about the equipment. SCOPE OF SUPPLY : Each 5KV Insulation Testers shall consist of following - 5KV Insulation Tester in rugged case - Accessories – Kit should be supplied with IEC 61010-031 complied 2 sets of measuring leads out of which one 2-3 Meter long and the other 8-10 meter long testing leads. With maximum jaw opening span of 40mm, software CD, RS232 Cable, - Operating instruction &Test Certificate Any other item or accessories, which are essentially required for satisfactory operation of equipment & for meeting requirements of this specification shall be deemed to be within scope of the Tenderer irrespective of whether these are specifically indicated here or not. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENT OF 5 KV INSULATION TESTER:No. Particulars Requirement of 5 KV Insulation Tester 1 Resistance Max 10 TΩ @ 5 kV ± 5 % of reading up to 1 TΩ @ 5 kV ± 20 % of reading up to10 TΩ(for lower test voltages, the upper limit will be reduced proportionally) 2 Output Voltages 250V to 5000V in steps of 50V 3 4 Current Input Power 3mA 230V AC±10%, 50Hz±10% 5 6 Response Time Display 7 Display Update Over Range Indication Environment < 15 Seconds 3 digit LCD, 1000 counts Current battery status 2.5 readings/sec “>” is displayed in most significant digit 8 Physical Volume-II (a) Operating Temperature Range : 0 ºC to 60 ºC (b) Storage Temperature Range -10 ºC to 60 ºC (c) Humidity Range 95% RH (noncondensing) (d) Environmental Protection: IP 65 (with closed lid) (e) Safety Class Meets the requirements of IEC 61010-1 (f) E.M.C: In accordance with IEC 61326-1 (g) Type tested as per IS 11994 (h) CE marking 5 kg (Approx) 80 400KV 500 MVA Transformer 37.2.2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF FULLY AUTOMATIC CAPACITANCE & TAN DELTA MEASUREMENT KIT :I. Functional Requirement:1. The instrument should be suitable for automatic offline measurement of Capacitance & Tan Delta of the switchyard equipments as well as excitation current of transformers/ reactors, in live switchyard upto 400 KV level, as per applicable standards and testing procedure of MPPTCL. 2. The test results should have repeatability, consistency & immunity to electromagnetic interference in live switchyard upto 400KV level. 3. The measurement of ambient temperature & relative humidity which inbuilt/external arrangement. 4. The instrument should be suitable to measure tan delta and capacitance in UST, GST, GSTg mode 5. The test kit should have sinusoidal frequency generator 6. The test kit should have frequency modulation technologies for interference suppression 7. The test kit has measuring principal R-L-C II. Out Put: 1. V: 0-12KV AC Continuously 2. I : 0-100mA (Min) continuous, 300mA(Min) intermittently III. Test Frequency: 15Hz to 400Hz, Independent of line voltage & frequency variations. IV. Accuracy: 1. Capacitance: <0.5% of reading ± 1pF 2. Tan delta : <0.5% of reading ± 0.02% V. Measurement Range: 1. Capacitance: 1pF to 3µ F 2. Tan delta : 0 to 10000% VI. Test Leads and Accessories: One complete set of cables of sufficient length (Min 20 metre) with suitable clamps & connectors, compatible with the instruments should be provided for successfully carrying out the test in MPPTCL S/S. Additionally all the required accessories, drawing & documents, tools etc. should be provided for the smooth functioning of kit. Original carrying case which should be robust / rugged enough, for ensuring proper safety of the kit during transportation shall have to be provided. VII. Design/Engg.: The complete equipment alongwith complete accessories must be designed / engineered by original equipment manufacturer Volume-II 81 400KV 500 MVA Transformer VIII. Power Supply: It shall work on single phase 100-240 Volts , 50Hz ± 5% supply with standard socket. IX. Operating Temperature: 0 to + 50 deg C X. Relative Humidity: Max. 90% non-condensing XI. Protection/Control: Against short circuit, over voltage, improper ground connection over load & transient surges, the kit should have alarm/cut-off features with magnetic overcurrent tripping at I> 16 Amp to protect the instrument. Also the kit should have facility of stopping automatically on power failure as well as interlock for HV. XII. Cooling Arrangement: Necessary in built cooling arrangement should be provided to dissipate the heat generated during testing, No external coolant/accessory shall have to be required. XIII. Weight: It should be easily portable and trolley mounted for smooth movement in live switchyards XIV. Software: The software should be suitable for automatic test report generation and trend analysis. The kit should have facility to store and communicate with windows based computer for exporting the test data. XV. Display /Control: It shall include supply of one laptop PC of Dell/Lenovo/HP make with latest specifications such as Core i5 Intel Processor, 4GB RAM, 320GB or better HDD, 15” TFT screen, Combo DVD Drive i.e having CD read/write facility Window 10 professional or better with latest version of application software required for storage, analysis and record management . If kit is being controlled through inbuilt LCD monitor and kit is having data storage facility, then there is no need to supply laptop. XVI. Environment: The test kit shall be compatible for EMI/EMC/safety environment requirement as per IEC. XVII. Calibration Certificate: Unit shall be duly calibrated before supply and the date of calibration shall not be older than two month from the date of supply of kit. XVIII. Training: Supplier shall have to ensure that the kit is made user friendly. Apart from the detailed demonstration at site, the supplier shall also have to arrange necessary training to MPPTCL engineers. XIX. Commissioning, Handing Over the Instrument: Successful tenderer will have to commission the instrument to the satisfaction of MPPTCL. The instrument failed during the demonstration shall be rejected and no repairs are allowed. Volume-II 82 400KV 500 MVA Transformer XX. After Sales Services: Tenderer will have to submit the documentary evidence of having established mechanism in India for prompt after sales services. XXI. Accessories: Any other item or accessories, which are essentially required for satisfactory operation of equipment & for meeting requirements of this specification shall be deemed to be within scope of the Tenderer irrespective of whether these are specifically indicated here or not. XXII. The preferred vendor for Capacitance & Tan Delta kit shall be Megger/ Omnicorn make. XXIII. It may be noted that free training facility will have to be provided to two batches of our Engineers/ Technicians. Each batch will consist of 4 Engineers and 4 Technicians and the period of training shall be around one week. During the period of training, our staff/officers will be trained in regard to design, assembly, erection, commissioning and maintenance of the equipments. This facility will have to be provided on “Free of Cost” basis, although necessary accommodation and boarding charges and to and fro fare charges for our personnel to manufacturer works will be to our account. 37.2.3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR DIELECTRIC STRENGTH OF OIL (BDV)TEST KIT :1.1 This specification covers the design, manufacture, stage testing, inspection and testing before dispatch, packing and delivery of Dielectric Strength of Oil (BDV) Test Kit in the state of Madhya Pradesh for 400kV, 220kV and 132kV Transmission Substation. The offered equipment shall be of reputed make, type tested and shall be subjected to acceptance & routine tests in accordance with relevant standards, as applicable. 1.2 It is not the intent to specify completely herein all the details of design and construction of Dielectric Strength of Oil (BDV) Test Kit. However, the offered Dielectric Strength of Oil (BDV) Test Kit shall conform in all respect to the high standard of design, workmanship and shall be capable of performing the duties specified herein. The Dielectric Strength of Oil (BDV) Test Kit shall be robust, rugged in design so that these can be used even in adverse site conditions. In the event of bidder offering equipments manufactured by different manufactures, it will be responsibility of the bidder to fully coordinate the activities of each manufacturer in such a way that the complete offered equipment is manufactured, supplied & guaranteed for successful operation. 1.3 All the materials used for the manufacture of the Dielectric Strength of Oil (BDV) Test Kit shall be of the best quality and the design, workmanship shall be of the highest order, so as to ensure satisfactory operation over its full life. The Dielectric Strength of Oil (BDV) Test Kit shall complete with all components & accessories necessary for their effective and trouble-free operation for meeting technical requirement stipulated herein below. Such components and accessories Volume-II 83 400KV 500 MVA Transformer shall deemed to be within the scope of supply, irrespective of whether these are specifically brought out in this specification or not. STANDARDS: 2 2.1 Unless otherwise mentioned in the specification the offered Testing equipments shall be manufactured, tested and supplied with all guaranteed technical particulars generally conforming to meet the requirement of the latest revisions of relevant standard of International Electro-Technical Commission (IEC) or equivalent National Standards of India (IS). Bidders shall clearly state the standards to which the equipment offered by them conforms. In the event of offering of equipment conforming to standards other than IS, the salient points of comparison between standards adopted and the relevant IS shall be indicated in the proposal alongwith copies of adopted standards. It will be sole responsibility of the bidder to prove that the salient features of offered equipment are equivalent or better than standards specified above. 3 CLIMATIC CONDITIONS: The offered equipments / materials shall be suitable for continuous satisfactory operation under climatic conditions listed below: S. No. 1 Particulars Conditions Location 2 3 4 5 Maximum ambient air température Minimum ambient air température Average daily ambient temperature Maximum Relative humidity 6 Average number of thunderstorm days per annum Average No. of rainy days per annum Average annual rainfall Months of tropical monsoon condition in the year Maximum wind pressure Altitude not exceeding Seismic level(Horizontal acceleration) 7 8 9 10 11 12 Outdoor In the state of Madhya Pradesh 500 Centigrade -10 Centigrade 300 Centigrade 95% (sometime approaches saturation) 50 90 125 cm June to October 150 Kg/m2 1000 Mtrs 0.3 g Note: Moderately hot and humid tropical climate, conducive to rust and fungus growth. The climatic conditions are also prone to wide variations in ambient conditions. Smoke is also present in the atmosphere. Heavy lightning also occurs during June to October. Volume-II 84 400KV 500 MVA Transformer 4 SYSTEM PARTICULARS: The equipment/materials offered under this specification shall be used in the substations having following system parameters: S.No PARTICULARS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Nominal system voltage Highest system voltage Frequency Number of phases Earthing Basic insulation level (Kv peak) 5 SYSTEM PARAMETERS 765KV 400 KV 220KV 132KV 33KV 765KV 420 KV 245KV 145KV 36 KV -----------50HZ---------------------------------------Three------------------------------Effectively earthed------------1550 1425 1050 630 170 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR DIELECTRIC STRENGTH OF OIL (BDV) TEST KIT :- An Oil breakdown voltage test set is used to measure the dielectric voltage withstanding capacity of insulating oils between a specified gap between electrodes. An automatic Oil BOV test set shall work according to pre-programmed national and international test standards and provide repeatable and consistent breakdown values, and automatically average them. 1. The instrument should have step less/continuous voltage incrementing ability from 0 to 100kV. User should be able to use as a breakdown test set or as withstand test set. 2. The instrument should have a large graphic backlit LCD display with membrane keypad or 5’’ touch-screen display for user interface. 3. The instrument should have option to set Initial Hold time, Stir time, and Intermediate Hold time, each for 99 mins with resolution of 1 sec. Stirring should be non-contact magnetic type. 4. The instrument shall have internally pre-programmed national and international test standards related to Oil BOV testing, for convenience of user. There should be further ability for the user to program a customized test sequence as when may be required. 5. The instrument shall be internal non-volatile memory for storage of test data. Facility should be provided to download them on PC via USB communication. It should be also possible to print the test results on an integrated panel printer on the test set. 6. The instrument should have necessary interlocks and protection for user safety. Important among them being, Earth missing, Phase-Neutral reversal, HV chamber door open, Zero start interlock etc. 7 The instrument should be portable & light weight. It should not weight more than 35 Kgs. The body of the instrument shall be of powder coated SS grade steel to avoid corrosion even after years of usage in high moisture conditions. 8. Additionally a Industrial grade Carrying case must be provided with the instrument. 9. The oil vessel supplied with the instrument should be made of Polycarbonate or of Acrylic, and should be able to fill in 350-500ml of Oil. The electrode gap will have to be adjustable and gap gauges suitable for various standards need to be provided. Electrodes suitable to various standards like Mushroom, Volume-II 85 400KV 500 MVA Transformer Cylindrical and Spherical also to be provided as part of supply 10.The instrument should work on 230V AC +/- 10%. Test frequency should be same as line frequency, of 50 Hz 11. Instrument should have facility to record ambient temperature and humidity and record the same in test result printout 12 Test result printout should have the standard deviation, min BOV, max BOV and average BOV noted in it 13 . It should have power consumption less than 500VA. 14. It must operate reliably for temperature from 0°C to 50°C and up to 95% RH (non-condensing) 15 It should be supplied with carrying case for Oil Vessel and other accessories. 16.The instruction manual and calibration certificate having traceability to NABL accredited lab should be supplied alongwith the instrument 17. Supplier shall have to ensure that the kit is made user friendly. Supplier has to impart training to substation engineers on proper operation/utilization of kit. 18.A Suitable calibrator should be provided with the set of calibration meter suitable for verifying the calibration of oil test sets upto 100 KV. 19.The preferred vendor for BDV kit shall be Motewane / Shivnanda make. 6 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:- 6.1 SUPPLY SOURCE:- It shall be capable of being operated from 230/250V, 50 HZ, single phase AC supply and shall be completely portable. It shall also work from inbuilt battery with battery charger. 6.2 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:- The construction shall be suitable for use of indoors as well as outdoors with minimum operational problems. 7.0 TRAINING:- It may be noted that free training facility will have to be provided to two batches of our Engineers/ Technicians. Each batch will consist of 4 Engineers and 4 Technicians and the period of training shall be around one week. During the period of training, our staff/ officers will be trained in regard to design, assembly, erection, commissioning and maintenance of the equipment. This facility will have to be provided on “Free of Cost” basis, although necessary accommodation and boarding charges and to and fro fare charges for our personnel to manufacturer works will be to our account. 37.2.4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION RESISTANCE METER:I. OF TRANSFORMER WINDING Functional Requirement:1. The instrument should be suitable for offline measurement of winding resistance of transformer, including OLTC and reactors etc. upto 400KV in live switchyards upto 400KV level, as per applicable standards/testing procedure. 2. It should have min. 03 No. measuring channels for Winding Resistance, 1 for Test Current measurement and 1 for external temperature input 3. The test results should have repeatability, consistency & immunity to interference in live switchyard upto 400KV levels 4. The instrument should be work on 4 wire measurement method. Volume-II 86 400KV 500 MVA Transformer II. Test Current: 25A DC continuous current with selectable current range facility in the range of 10mA, 100mA, 1A, 5A, 10A, 25A. III. Measurement Range: 0-2000 Ω, Auto Ranging. The instrument shall be capable of measuring resistance upto 800 milli – ohms at 25 Amp current and upto 2 ohms at 10 amp current. IV. Resolution & Accuracy: Resolution:0.1 micro Ω in lowest resistance range. Accuracy Value ± 0.5% ± 2 digits. V. OLTC Testing: The kit should be capable of checking the current v/s time characteristics during the tap change. It should be able to display the magnitude of current variation during tap change operation in %. The kit should present the transition time from one tap to the next tap in the test results. VI. Temperature Sensor: Kit should have facility to measure the temperature with RTD sensor. It is to be supplied with kit. VII. Open Circuit Voltage: 50 V DC VIII. Temperature Correction: The kit should have the facility to have correction of resistance value to a reference temp. i.e. provide temp. compensated reading of resistance (for Copper & Aluminum). IX. Test Lead / Accessories: One complete set of cable of sufficient length (Min 20 Mtr) with suitable clamps & connectors, compatible with the instruments should be provided for successfully carrying out the test in substation. Additionally all the required accessories should be provided for the smooth functioning of kit. Further hard carrying proper safety of the kit during transportation shall have to be provided. All the standard accessories for desired monitoring, operation & control of instrument shall have to be provided. X. Design/ Engineering: The complete equipment alongwith complete accessories must be designed /engineered by Original Equipment Manufacturer XI. Power Supply: It shall work on input supply variations, Voltage:230±10%, Frequency:50Hz ±5% on standard sockets. XII. Operating Temperature: 0 to + 50 deg C XIII. Relative humidity: Max. 95% non-condensing XIV. Protection/ Control: Against short circuit, over load, transient surges etc. The instrument should have facility of automatically discharging the specimen when test is completed or when current cable is accidentally disconnected or when instrument power supply is lost. The kit should have built in rapid discharge circuit for automatically discharging the stored energy in the transformer at the end of each test. Kit should also have indication to show the status of discharging. Volume-II 87 400KV 500 MVA Transformer XV. Weight: It should be portable for easy movement. XVI. Software: The software should be suitable for automatic testing & report generation including OLTC testing. The kit should have facility to conduct the test through laptop as well in stand-alone mode. XVII. Display/Control: Onboard, large back lit graphic LCD Display. Operation through built-in keypad as well as through external laptop. XVIII. Printer: In-built thermal printer XIX. PC Interface: Kit should have RS232 or USB port for PC interface. Kit shall include supply of one laptop PC of Dell / Lenovo /HP make with latest specifications such as Core i3 Intel Processor, 2 GB RAM, 320GB or better HDD, 15” TFT screen, Combo 24XCD R/W Drive i.e. having CD read / write facility complete with required cables and connectors with preloaded operating system MS Window 7 Professional or better with latest version application software required for storage, analysis and record management. The laptop shall be supplied with suitable antivirus software. XX. Memory: Build-in non-volatile memory to store minimum 5000 results. XXI. Environment: The test kit shall be compatible for EMI/EMC/Safety environment requirements. XXII. Calibration Certificate: Unit shall be duly calibrated before supply and the date of calibration shall not be older than two month from the date of supply kit. The calibration certificate should have traceability to NPL or any NABL accredited Laboratory. XXIII. Training: Supplier shall have to ensure that the instrument is made user friendly. The supplier shall also have to arrange necessary training to engineers after supply of the instrument. XXIV. Commissioning: Successful tenderer will have to commission the instrument. XXV. After Sales & Service: Tenderer will have to submit the documentary evidence of having established mechanism in India for prompt services. XXVI. Accessories: Any other item or accessories, which are essentially required for satisfactory operation of equipment & for meeting requirements of this specification shall be deemed to be within scope of the Tenderer irrespective of whether these are specifically indicated here or not. XXVII. Clamp: Suitable size of 3 Nos. clamps for connection of X-mer bushing are to be provided with instrument so that lead of instrument connected properly. The preferred vendor for Winding Resistance measurement kit shall be Tettex/ IBEKO Power AB make. Volume-II 88 400KV 500 MVA Transformer 38.0 Please ensure the bid document containing number of pages have been properly page numbered and each page is signed by the Tenderer. All bid documents including schedules and Annexures should be indexed properly and Index of the document should be enclosed/placed at the beginning of the bid document. Volume-II 89 400KV 500 MVA Transformer ANNEXURE –I PRINCIPAL PARAMETERS FOR 500 MVA, 400/220/33 KV POWER TRANSFORMER The transformer shall conform to the following specific parameters described hereunder:No. 1 DESCRIPTION PARAMETERS Type of power transformer/installation Auto 3 phase Suitable for outdoor installation 2 Type of Mounting Mounted on rails Center to center distance 1676 mm+ Rail width, longitudinal and transverse both 3 Suitable for system frequency 50 Hz 4 Rated voltage ratio: HV/IV/LV 400/220/33 KV 5 No. of phases Three 6 No. of windings Auto transformer with tertiary 7 Type of cooling ONAN/ONAF/OFAF 8 MVA Rating corresponding to a) ONAN Cooling (60%) b) ONAF Cooling (80%) c) OFAF Cooling (100%) Method of connection HV IV 300 300 400 400 500 500 HV - Star IV - Star LV - Delta 10 Connection Symbol (Vector group) YnaOd11 11 System earthing Solidly/effectively earthed 12 Percentage Impedances, Voltage Principle / Highest / Lowest tap on normal tap and MVA base corresponding to HV/IV rating with applicable tolerances: 9 13 a. HV-IV Anticipated continuous loading 12.5%+10%tol a) HV and IV Not to exceed 110% of its rated Capacity. Suitable for no load operation as well as for loading to its rated capacity with capacitive or inductive loading or combination of both (Subject to a maximum of 33% of the rated capacity of HV winding b) Tertiary Volume-II LV 100 134 167 90 400KV 500 MVA Transformer No. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Volume-II DESCRIPTION PARAMETERS Tap Changing gear :i. Type ii. Provided on iii) Tap range iv) Tap step v) Voltage and current rating Over voltage operating capability and Duration Minimum Air core reactance of HV Windings Flux density a) Working Flux density in any part of core and yoke at rated MVA, frequency and normal voltage b) Maximum flux density in any part of core and yoke at 110% voltage &(-) 4% frequency variation shall not exceed Insulation levels :For windings a) 1.2/50 micro second wave shape lightning impulse voltage withstand (KVp) b) Power frequency voltage withstand (KV rms) c) Switching surge voltage withstand (KVp) Type of winding insulation ON LOAD (bidirectional/linear type) Provided on series winding immediately before IV tapping point for variation of 220KV voltage -10% to +10% 1.25% 245 KV and 1800/2100 Amps. 110% continuous 125% rated voltage for 60 seconds. 140% rated voltage for 5 seconds 20% 1.65 Tesla 1.90 Tesla HV /IV /LV: 1300/950/250 PD at 1.5 Um /√3 /395/95 1050/ - / - a) HV/IV winding Graded b) LV winding System short circuit level and duration for which the transformer shall be able to withstand thermal and dynamic stresses (kA rms/sec) Noise level when energized at rated voltage and frequency but without load. Full 63 KA for 3sec. for 400KV 40 KA for 3sec. for 220 KV 31 5 KA for 3sec. for 33 KV 91 As per NEMA standards (Copy of standard to be furnished with TENDER) 400KV 500 MVA Transformer No. 22 23 24 25 26 DESCRIPTION PARAMETERS Permissible temperature rise Over ambient temp of 500C. i) Of top oil measured by thermometer ii) Of winding measured by resistance 40 deg.C Minimum clearance in air (mm) a. HV (400) b. IV (220) c. LV ( 33) Terminals : (Bushings) a. HV winding line end b. IV winding line end c. HV/IV winding Neutral end d. LV winding a. Radio Interference voltage level at 1 MHz. & 266 kV rms phase to ground voltage for HV winding b. Maximum visual corona exitinction voltage (KVrms) c. Partial discharge level at 364KV Cooling Equipments : a) Number of banks b) Number of pumps Ph-Ph 4000 2700 700 c) Number of Fans 27 Bushings : a. Voltage Rating (KV rms b. Current Rating (Amps) c. Lightning impulse voltage withstand(KVp) d. Switching surge voltage (KVrms) e. Creepage distance (mm) f. One min. power freq. Voltage (KVrms) Volume-II 92 45 deg.C Ph-Ground 3500 2400 660 420 KV RIP condenser 245 KV RIP condenser 72.5 KV RIP condenser 72.5 KV RIP condenser 1000 micro volt 320 500 pico columb (maximum) Two 50% cooler banks Adequate number of pumps and one set of standby pump in each bank. Adequate number of Fans with standby Fans for each bank. HV / IV / LV & NEUTRAL 420 / 245 / 72.5 1250/2000/3150 1425/1050/325 1050/ - / -/ 10500/6125/1813 630/460/140 400KV 500 MVA Transformer No. 28 29 30 DESCRIPTION PARAMETERS a) Bushing Current Transformer for purchaser’s use i) Type Quantity ii) Current Ratio HV & IV(A/A) iii) Knee point voltage (V) iv) Accuracy class v) Secondary resistance(Ohms) vi) No. of cores b) Neutral side C.T. for Purchaser’s use (for restricted E/F protection) i) Type ii) Quantity iii) Voltage class iv) No. of cores v) Current Ratio (A/A) vi) Knee point voltage (KVp) vii) Secondary resistance (Ohms) viii) Type of mounting HV ix) Turns ratio Identical to the turns ratio provided on HV & LV side x) In neutral lead before connection to s/s. earth the detailed arrangement shall be worked out by the supplier as per actual layout. Location for mounting Single ph. ring type turret mounted 3 nos 3nos 1000-2000/1-1 1000-2000/1-1 1000 V 1000 V PS PS 5 5 2 2 Single phase outdoor mounted One number 72.5KV Two 1000-2000/1-1 1000V 5 Frame mounted c) 33 KV class CT for Tertiary winding. Single phase turret mounted i. Type 1600/1 1600/1-1 ii. Current Ratio (A/A) Three number One Number iii. Quantity PS Core1- 5P10, iv. Accuracy class Core2 – class I As per requirement or < six ohm v. Secondary Resistance 1000 V ---vi. Knee point voltage (KVp) Surge capacitors : 40KVrms IS 11548 / IS 9348 50 Hz i) Rated voltage ii) Applicable standards iii) Rated frequency Volume-II IV 93 400KV 500 MVA Transformer No. Volume-II DESCRIPTION PARAMETERS iv) Rated capacitance v) Tolerance on capacitance value vi) One minute power frequency withstand voltage vii) Lightning impulse withstand voltage viii)Temperature rise over designed ambient temperature ix) Temperature coefficient x) Bushing/support insulator for surge capacitor a) Applicable standard b) Rated voltage c) Creepage distance (mm) d) Power frequency withstand voltage e) Lightning impulse withstand voltage 94 0.125 micro farad. -5% to +15% of rated value 95 KVrms 250 KVp Not more than 10 deg.C 0.035%/deg.C Porcelain housing IS 5621 40 KV 1820 minimum 95 KVrms 250 KVp 400KV 500 MVA Transformer ANNEXURE - II LIST OF FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES TO BE PROVIDED WITH EACH POWER TRANSFORMERS. 1. Each transformer shall be provided with the following accessories. Volume-II i One no. Dial type Thermometers for oil : A dial type indicating thermometer with repeater of robust pattern mounted inside FCC at a convenient height to read the temperature in the hottest part of the oil and fitted with alarm and trip contacts. ROTI shall also be mounted on RTCC panel. RTD shall be provided with PT100 temperature sensor having nominal resistance of 100 ohms at zero degree centigrade. ii Winding temperature Indicator : Two nos. WTI for HV (on extreme phases), one no.WTI for IV ( on middle phase) & one no.WTI for LV ( tertiary) winding : These shall be indicating type, with repeater responsible to the combination of top oil temperature and winding current, calibrated to follow the hottest spot temperature of the transformer winding. The winding temperature indicator shall operate a remote alarm before the hottest spot temperature approaches a dangerous value and it shall automatically actuate the cooling fan Motors and oil pumps. iii Repeater Winding temperature Indicator (RWTI) : These shall be as per cl. 11.10 of this section. RTD shall be provided with PT100 temperature sensor having nominal resistance of 100 ohms at zero degree centigrade. A precision potentiometer mounted inside the case shall function as a transmitter to operate a repeater for RWTI. For two windings ( i.e. HV and IV) the transmitter shall be directly connected to the repeater. For the third winding (i.e. LV) the transmitter shall be connected to a Resistance Transducer, which will supply DC for operating repeater. iv One magnetic type oil level gauge with low level alarm contacts and dial showing minimum, maximum and normal oil levels. v One plain / prismatic oil level gauge of over lapped type on either side of the conservator shall also be provided. vi Valves (As Per Annexure V) In the Annexure-V of valve schedule, 4 nos. valves are required to be provided in each Thermosyphon filter. Out of 4 nos., 2 nos. shall be provided for the purpose of disconnecting the oil flow between the main tank & Thermosyphon filter and 2 nos. are to be provided for the purpose of filtration of charge of the Thermosyphon without disconnecting the Thermosyphon from body . vii Minimum 3 nos. pressure relief valves . The quantity of these valves should commensurate with the quantity of oil in the transformer and also location of valves should be properly designed to adequately release the excessive pressure. 95 400KV 500 MVA Transformer viii A set of air release valves on the top and on the radiators and also at appropriate places. ix One thermometer pocket for mercury in glass type thermometer. x Buchholz relay : One double float gas detector relay with alarm and tripping contacts to detect accumulation of gas and sudden changes of oil pressure, complete with shutoff valves and flanges couplings to permit easy removal without lowering oil level in the main tank, a blend valve for gas venting, and test valve. Make of buchholz relay shall be as per our discretion. xi Heat exchangers or radiators complete with shut of valves and with facility for oil draining arrangement. xii a. Two oil conservator, with required accessories, one for main tank and other OLTC. Self re-generating breather for main & OLTC conservator as per clause no.20.11.1. b. Volume-II Air cell type breathing arrangement with oil preserving equipment complete in all respects of PRONOL make only. xiii Eye bolts and lugs on all parts for easy handling. xiv Two grounding earthing terminals at diagonally opposite corner of tank. xv xvi One rating and diagram plate. A set of minimum 4/8/12 nos.(as per requirement) flanged bidirectional wheels for rail mounting (for 1676 mm rail gauge.) xvii Set of fans, Pumps required for ONAF & OFAF cooling of transformer with following information the a. Number of Radiator Banks. b. No. of cooling fans (Industrial duty of adequate voltage & rpm) & pumps provided in each bank to ensure 100% ONAF & OFAF rating of the transformer. As per our specification, for each bank 20% additional cooling fan & one pump is to be included which will be duly wired-up. xviii Suitable jacking lugs and haulage holes. xix Inspection window & main holes with bolted cover Annexure-IV xx Adequate no of Thermosyphon filter assembly (minimum 4 nos) with suitable supports, valves and pumps for forced but slow circulation of Transformer oil . xxi Lifting arrangement for the complete transformer, core assembly and also tank. xxii One detachable bolted type MS ladder conservator tank. 96 as per coil each on main tank and 400KV 500 MVA Transformer xxiii For the purpose of taking earthing connection from the neutral bushing, adequate number of brackets with small support insulators shall be provided on the body of the tank so that earthing could be arranged by Purchaser near the earthing pit of transformer itself. xxiv A separate weather proof FCC (Fan/Cooler control) cubicle containing dial type thermometer and winding temperature indicator and terminals of dial type thermometer, winding temperature indicator, buchholz relay, MOG, control of fans etc. Please note provision of separate Fan Control Cubicle (FCC) is a must. FCC shall be suitably dimensioned to accommodate the following :a The wiring from Digital RTCC panel shall be brought to marshalling box and for terminating the same adequate numbers of suitably rated terminal connectors shell be provided. b Necessary cable glands shall be included in the scope of supply. The cable gland and the hole on the gland plate for cable entry shall be provided. c Arrangement for terminating the connecting leads of OTI, WTI, buchholz, magnetic oil level gauge etc. shall be made in the marshalling box. It should be possible to read OTI and WTI readings without opening the box through suitable glass window. All trip alarm and repeater signals will be transferred to control room for which arrangement will have to be made. d Starters for cooling fans & Pumps shall be housed in marshalling box and necessary switches for local operation of fans and pumps shall be provided. e Local remote control switch for OLTC shall be provided. f Space heater with switch, cubicle illumination lamp, fuses, links overload protection arrangement for motors and other accessories shall be included in the scope of supply. xxv One set of indoor RTCC (Remote tap changer control) cubicle complete with provision for remote operation of OLTC, as independent or master/follower scheme, with oil and winding temperature repeater, tap position indicator with annunciation for fan group ON/OFF and cooler supply fail indication and Tap changer in progress including OTI repeater & WTI remote indicator operated by remote sensors. xxvi One set of erection manual/relevant drawing/leaflets should be secured permanently inside the RTCC cubicle as a guide line for site erection and commissioning. Volume-II 97 400KV 500 MVA Transformer xxvii Three separate connection i.e. connection from core, connection from end frame and connection from tank shall be brought out on to a terminal box with cover. Arrangement for inter connecting these terminals in the terminal box shall also be provided. This arrangement shall facilitate verification of core, end frame and tank insulation. xxviii Mounting of radiators on the 33KV side of 72.5 KV bushing should be avoided. In no case, the radiators should be projected above the main tank height. xxix All transformers shall be supplied with a full outfit of tools, spanners, special tools as per Annexure X for assembly and all spanners shall be double ended and of very good quality of " Gedore " or "Taparia " or equivalent make. 2. The equipments and accessories furnished with the transformer shall be suitably mounted on the transformer for ease of operation, inspection and maintenance and the mounting details shall be subject to the approval of the purchaser. All valves shall be provided either with blind companion flanges or with pipe plugs for protection. 3. Indication, alarm and relay equipment shall have contacts suitable for operation with 220V DC supply. Any other accessories or appliances recommended by the manufacturer for the satisfactory operation of the transformer shall also have 220V DC as input. 4. a. OLTC and specification. its controls shall be as per b. All cabinets & panels shall be under Clause-16 of specifications. c. All 400KV, 220KV & 33KV and neutral bushings shall be of RIP condenser type and as per Clause 11.13 of specification. conforming clause 14 of to stipulations 5. NIFPS : Nitrogen injection type fire prevention & extinguishing system with flow sensitive conservator isolation valve shall be provided for all the transformers as per clause no. 20.9. 6. OLMD : On Line Monitoring Device shall be provided for all the transformers as per clause no. 20.10. 6.1 Essential maintenance spares shall be delivered alongwith each transformer as per clause 37.0. 6.2 Self regenerating maintenance free dehydrating breathers for transformer as per clause no.11.7.2. Volume-II 98 400KV 500 MVA Transformer 1. Surge Capacitor with structure : 3 nos Surge Capacitor with structure shall be provided for all the transformers as per cl. No. 20.12. 2. Provision for Measurement of Degree of Polymerization of Insulation of Winding of Transformer :- To assess the life of paper insulation of winding , a provision is to be made inside the transformer . For this purpose, a container of insulating material of good electrical, mechanical & chemical properties having free circulation of oil through it shall be provided at suitable location where maximum oil temperature is expected. In the container, atleast 10-12 spools of paper having size not more than one cm be placed. The container shall be closed and there should not be any possibility of spools coming out from the container due to natural circulation as well turbulence of oil during fault etc. Location of the container shall be selected such that spools may be removed from the container as and when required by the purchaser during service of transformer for the purpose of testing of insulating material for “Degree of Polymerization” (DP test). 8. COMPATABILITY FOR SCADA OPERATIONS : The transformer should be compatible for SCADA connectivity. Further, TPI, ROTI and RWTIs shall suit the following operation through SCADA. 2. 3. 4. TPI indication on SCADA. Winding Temperature Indications on SCADA. Oil Temperature Indication on SCADA. The necessary fittings required for above SCADA operation are to be provided in addition to the conventional fittings. Provision of 4-20 mA signal points of TPI, OTI & WTI meters for SCADA operation having dual outputs are required at Digital RTCC panel. Further, ratings of the transducers required for SCADA system:i. ii. Transformer Tap position Transducers :Input measuring ranges1-1000 ohms per step upto 25 steps. Dual Output signal of 4 to 20 mA DC. Supply Input- 90….265V AC/DC Winding/Oil Temperature Transducers :Dual Output signal of 4 to 20 mA DC. Supply Input- 90….265V AC/DC 9. Control cables of adequate length for body protection (viz. Buchholz relay/PRV etc.) needs to be laid on the tank cover /wall through appropriate arrangement using cable trays for termination of either ends with proper leveling during transportation. Volume-II 99 400KV 500 MVA Transformer 10. Accessories, which are not included in the above schedule but details of which are given in Bid specification and which are necessary for satisfactory operation of Transformer shall be deemed to have been included in the accepted price without any extra cost to the Purchaser. Volume-II 100 400KV 500 MVA Transformer ANNEXURE -III LIST OF TRANSFORMER ACCESSORIES AND THEIR TEST-CERTIFICATES TO BE SUBMITTED BY MANUFACTURERS/APPROVED VENDORS S. No. Accessory Ref. Std. Test-certificates required IS2099,IEC60137 1. Appearance, construction and dimensional check 2. Test for leakage of internal filling at a pressure of 1.0 kg/cm2 for 12hours. 3. Insulation resistance IS 2099 measurement with 2000V Insulation Tester. 4. Dry/wet power frequency voltage withstand test. 5. Dry/wet power frequency voltage withstand test for test tap insulation 6. Partial discharge measurement up to 1.5 UN/_/3 KV. 7. Measurement of tangent delta and capacitance. 1 RIP Bushing 2. Air Cell IEC 3. OLTC IS 2026 part I, IEC 60214 Volume-II 101 1. Dimensional check, inflation/Deflation at 10 inflation/Deflation at 10 Kpa 2. Pressure test at 10 Kpa for 24 Hr. 1. Oil tightness test for the 8468 diverter switch oil chamber at an oil pressure of 0.5 kg/cm2 at 100 degree centigrade for 1 hour. 2. Mechanical operation test. 3. Operation sequence measurement 4. Insulation resistance measurement using 2000V Insulation Tester 5. Power frequency voltage withstand test on diverter switch to earth and between even and odd contacts. 6. Power frequency voltage 400KV 500 MVA Transformer S. No. Accessory Ref. Std. Test-certificates required withstand test on tap selectorbetween stationary contacts, between max. and min. taps, between phases and supporting frames, between phases. 7. Operation & dielectric test of complete OLTC 4. Winding & Oil Temp Indicator 5. Pressure Relief valve IS13947 1. Functional test with Compressed air to check bursting pressure, indicating flag operation and switch operation. 2. Dielectric test at 2 KV for one minute. 3. Switch contact testing at 5A, 240 Volt AC. 4. Leakage test at 75% operating pressure for 1Hr. 6. Cooling Fan and motor assembly IS 2312 1. Appearance, construction and dimensional check. 2. Insulation resistance measurement 3. Dielectric test at 2 KV between winding and body for one minute 4. Operation check. 5. Power consumption, RPM, Current. 7. Buchholz Relay IS:3637 1. Leak test with transformer oil at a pressure of 3 kg/cm2 for Volume-II 1. Calibration test 2. Dielectric test at 2 kV for one minute. 3. Accuracy test for indication and switch setting scales. 4. Test for adjustability of switch setting 5. Test for switch rating 6. Measurement of temperature rise with respect to the heater coil current. 102 400KV 500 MVA Transformer S. No. Accessory Ref. Std. Test-certificates required 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 8. Oil Level gauge including MOG 9. Pressed Steel Radiators 10. OLTC Control cubical/Cooler Control cubicle 11. Bushing Current Transformers Volume-II 30 minutes at ambient temperature for relay casing. Insulation resistance measurement with 500V Insulation Tester. Dielectric test at 2 kV for 1 minute Elements test at 1.75 kg/cm2 for 15 minutes using transformer oil at ambient temperature. Loss of oil and surge test. Gas volume test Mechanical strength test Velocity calibration test Appearance construction and dimensional check. IS 1. Appearance, construction and dimensional check 2. Dielectric test at 2 KV for 1 minute 3. Switch contact test at 5A 240V AC 4. Switch operation for low level alarm 5. Test for oil levels IS 513 3. Appearance, construction & dimensional check. 4. Air pressure test at 2 kg/cm2 under water for 15 minutes 1. Appearance, construction & dimensional check. 2. Electric operation 3. Insulation resistance measurement using 500 V meggar at ambient temperature 4. Dielectric test at 2kV for 1 minute IS: 2705 103 1. Appearance, construction & dimensional check. Polarity Check, Measurement of insulation resistance. 400KV 500 MVA Transformer S. No. Accessory Test-certificates required 2. H V power frequency test. 3. Determination of ratio error and phase angle of measuring and protection BCTs 4. Interturn insulation test 5. Exciting current characteristic test, Secondary winding resistance measurement 12. Terminal connector 13 Silica Gel Breather 14 NIFPS Volume-II Ref. Std. IS 5561 TAC/NEPA norms 104 1. Dimensional check as per drawing & visual inspection 2. Tensile test, resistance test 3. Test as per IS 5561 1. Pressure tests 2. Visual & dimension tests 3. Operation test 4. silica gel test 5. Oil compatibility test 1. Lamp test 2. Out of Service 3. Transformer Conservator Insulator Valve (TCIV) open 4. Transformer Conservator Insulator Valve (TCIV) closed 5. Fire Detector trip 6. Buchholz Relay trip 7. Differential Relay trip 8. PRV trip 9. RPRR trip 10. Transformer trip 11. D.C. fail etc.. 400KV 500 MVA Transformer ANNEXURE-IV SCHEDULE OF INSPECTION COVER/ACCESS WINDOWS S.No. Particulars Size of openings (Length x Width) (mm x mm) Qty. (Nos.) 1 Inspection cover (man hole) 450x900 1 2 Inspection cover/ Access Window for OLTC (with lifting handle on tank wall) 450x900 3 3 Inspection cover/ Access Window for HV Bushing 500x500 3 4 Inspection cover/ Access Window for IV Bushing 500x500 3 5 Inspection cover/ Access Window for LV (Tertiary) Bushing 500x500 3 6 Inspection cover/ Access Window for Common Neutral Bushing 500x500 1 8 Inspection cover on Tank cover – 2nos for HV & 1 no for IV . 300x600 3 300x400 1 500mm dia 1 9 10 Note: Volume-II Inspection cover on Tank cover for core-end frame-tank earthing arrangement Inspection cover on Conservator This Schedule shall be finalized at the drawing approval stage. 105 400KV 500 MVA Transformer ANNEXURE-V SCHEDULE OF VALVES Description of Valves Size Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Oil inlet / outlet valve for Tank Top /Bottom Oil filter valve Top / Bottom oil sampling valve Drain plug bottom tank Drain valve (Tank) Drain valve (Tank) Valve for outlet from & inlet to tank 250NB 50NB 25NB 50NB 100NB 100NB 250NB 8 Valve for pipe assembly and bank I&II Isolating valve for bank I&II 50NB* 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Quick Oil discharge valve N2 Injection valve Valve for oil inlet & outlet for OLMD Radiator Isolating valve Drain plug on radiators Air release plug on radiators Drain cum filter valve on header Drain plug on header Air release plug on header Drain plug on inlet/outlet pipe Air release valve on tank cover Pressure release valve (Main tank) Thermosyphon filter valve Air release plug on Thermosyphon filter Thermosyphon pump isolating valve Thermosyphon pump bypass valve Thermosyphon isolating valve Oil surge relay isolating valve OLTC equalizing valve OLTC suction valve OLTC Conservator drain valve Buccholz relay isolating valve Pre Stressed Non return valve Gas Sampling valve Main conservator Drain valve Main conservator Air release valve Main Breather isolating valve Valve for Vacuum breaking during oil filling Volume-II 106 250NB 150NB 25NB 25 NB* 100NB ½ ” Bsp ½ ” Bsp 50NB ½ ” Bsp ½ ” Bsp ½ ” Bsp 15NB 150NB 50NB ½ ” Bsp 100NB 100NB 100NB 25NB 25NB 25NB 25NB 80NB 80NB ¼” Bsp 50NB 25NB 25NB 25NB Qty Type (Design) 2+2 2+4 1+1 2 1 1 As per design As per design As per design 1 6 2 As per design Gate valve Gate valve Globe valve 4 4* 4* 2*+2* 2 3 8 4 Globe valve -- 4 As per req. 8 3 3 3 1 2+1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Butterfly valve Gate valve Butterfly valve Gate valve Gate valve Gate valve Gate valve Butterfly valve Gate valve Gate valve Gate valve Gate valve Butterfly valve Globe valve Gate valve Globe valve Globe valve Gate valve Gate valve Gate valve Gate valve Gate valve Gate valve Gate valve 400KV 500 MVA Transformer NOTE: 1. All valves shall have position indicators to indicate the status i.e. valves are in open or shut position. 2. All valves shall be made of gun metal (GM); cast iron valves are not acceptable. 3. All plugs shall be made of cast iron (CI)/GM NB- Normal Bore – mm. * Size & Qty. indicated is subject to change as per design Volume-II 107 400KV 500 MVA Transformer ANNEXURE –VI LIST OF VENDORS FOR MAJOR ITEMS OF TRANSFORMER “Major items/inputs in transformers’ have to conform to highest quality standards prevailing.” The vendors of various major items from whom procurement was made by various suppliers of transformers and quality of which was found acceptable are listed below. However, major items procured from any vendors meeting the required specification would be acceptable. S. No. 1. 2. (a) Volume-II Name of Item CRGO Winding copper & conductor Supplier M/s Nippon steel corporation, Japan M/s JFE Steel corp., Japan ( Erstwhile M/s Kawasaki Corp. Japan) M/s AK Steel,USA M/s Armco, USA, M/s Posco, Korea M/s Covefi, France M/s Salzgittar, Germany M/s Usinor, France M/s Transfer, France M/s Mitsubishi, Japan. M/s AST Terni, Italy M/s EBG India Pvt Limited, (Indian Agent) for M/s GELSE NKIRCHEN, Germany M/s British Steel Corporation , UK M/s Thyseen Krupp Group of Companies M/s Invex Filli Isolati Speciali s.p.a. Italy M/s Sam Dong Korea M/s Asta, Austria M/s Smit Draad, Holland M/s Incab Industries, Jamshedpur M/s Sterlite Industries, Mumbai M/s Hindalco Industries M/s Bhandary Powerlines Private Limited (BPPL), Manipal. M/s BCPL Conductors Private Limited, Manideep, Bhopal. M/s Bhandary Powerlines Private Limited (BPPL),Vadodara. M/s Shakti Insulated Wires, Mumbai M/s KSH International Pvt Limited, Taloja M/s Delta-Trans Conductor, Mumbai M/s Vijay Electricals, Hyderabad M/s RIMA Transformers & Conductors Pvt. Limited, Bangalore. M/s Lacroix and Kress (GMBH) hopal 108 400KV 500 MVA Transformer S. No. Name of Item (b) CTC Conductor 3. Precompressed press Board & press Board components 4. Insulating Material 5. Air Cell 6. Gaskets 7. Bushing Volume-II Supplier M/s Pirellicavi Italy M/s Shree Cable & Conductors, hopal M/s Chandra Metals, Allahabad M/s Rational Engineers Limited, Thane (MS) M/s Apar Industries Limited, Mumbai M/s Sam Dong Korea M/s Invex Filli Isolati Speciali s.p.a. Italy M/s Loc Roix AND KRESS – Germany M/s Chandra Portico ltd silvassa M/s KSH International Pvt. Ltd, Chakan. M/s Shree Cable & Conductors, Bhopal M/s Rational Engineers Limited, Thane (MS) M/s Apar Industries Limited, Mumbai M/s H. Weidmann, Switzerland M/s ABB fige Holms, Swedan M/s Senapathy Whiteley, Banglore M/s Raman Board, Mysore M/s Dupont, USA M/s Senapathy Whiteley, Banglore M/s H. Weidmann, Switzerland M/s Munksio M/s Amotfors, Sweden M/s Krammerer M/s PRONAL, France M/s PRONAL, Asia manufacturing SDN BHD Malaysia/Repute makes subject to approval M/s Nucork, Bhiwadi / M/s Unirub, Pune M/s Talbros, Faridabad M/s Cortica, Chennai M/s Packing & Jointing, Chennai M/s Indian Rubber Products, Haridwar M/s Bombay Oil Seal Mfg. Mumbai M/s MGM Rubber Kolkata M/s Bharat Corrub Industries, Vadodara. M/s Indian Cork Industries, Bahadarpur M/s Nu-cork, Gurgaon M/s BHEL M/s CGL M/s TELK M/s ASEA-MICAFIL M/s Passonivilla M/s Yash high voltage (upto145 KV) 109 400KV 500 MVA Transformer S. No. Name of Item Supplier M/s GE T&D India Bangalore 8. Terminal Connector M/s Best & Crompton, Chennai M/s PeeVee Engg., Bangalore M/s Milind Engg., Mumbai M/s Nootan, Baroda M/s Utsav, Baroda M/s Vinayak and Co., Mumbai M/s Megha Engg. Enterprises, Chennai M/s Klemmen Engg. Corporation , Chennai 9. OTI/WTI with repeater 10. Magnetic oil gauge 11. Buchholz Relay & Oil surge relays 12. Pressure Relief Device 13. Fan & Motor 14. Un-impregnated Densified laminated wood M/s Accurate Control, UK M/s AKM, Swedan M/s Perfect Control, Chennai, India M/s Preci Measure, Banglore M/s Radix Electrosystems Pvt. Ltd/ Radix Pyrotech India M/s Sukrut Udyog, Pune M/s Yogya, Jhansi M/s Fukuda Instrument, Japan M/s Atvus,Calcutta M/s English Electric, Chennai M/s Prayog (AJ Services); M/s BHEL M/s Instrument and Control, Vadodara M/s Qualtrol, USA M/s GE, USA; M/s Sukrut Udyog, Pune M/s Viat Instruments Pvt Ltd, Kolkatta (Erstwhile M/s Atvus Industries, Kolkatta) M/s Viat Sanad Ahmedabad M/s Marathon Electric Motors (India) Ltd, Kolkata (Erstwhile M/s Areva, (Alstom), Kolkata) M/s CGL, Mumbai M/s Khaitan, Kolkata. M/s EPC, Kolkata M/s Permali Wallace Bhopal M/s Kit ply Assam M/s Mysore Polymers Banglore M/s Narmada Forest Ind. Pvt. Ltd. Bhopal. M/s Western India Plywood , Kerala M/s Dehonite, Germany M/s Surendra Composites, Bhopal M/s Rochling Engineering plastics, Germany Volume-II 110 400KV 500 MVA Transformer S. No. Name of Item Supplier M/s Leader M/s Bombay Metal & Alloys M/s Audco M/s Petson M/s Manixon M/s Creseant M/s Precision Engg. Kottayam, M/s Eapen Joseph, Kottayam M/s Apex Piping Systems, Jalandhar M/s Liberty Engg., Mumbai M/s Niton Valves, Mumbai M/s Eapen Joseph & co., Coimbatore M/s GG Valves ,Udaipur Ms Siemans M/s MDS M/s S&S M/s Havell’s 15. Valves 16. MCB 17. Fuse M/s Siemens/ S&S / Areva / Havell’s 18. Tank Steel M/s SAIL M/s Essar 19. OLTC Complete 20. Terminal Blocks 21. Silica gel Breather 22. Transformer oil 23. Radiator M/s BHEL M/s TELK M/s Easun, Madras M/s CTR, Pune M/S ELMEX M/S Technoplast, M/S Tosha M/S Yogya Enterprises, Jhansi. M/S Anusen Industries, Pune. M/s Instruments & Controls , Vadodara, India M/s Apar Limited, Mumbai M/s Savita Chemicals Ltd, New Mumbai M/s CTR Manufacturing Industries, Pune M/s Thermal Transformer Product, Bangalore M/s Exotherm, Bangalore. M/s P.E. Engg. Hyderabad. M/s Hitech Radiators Pvt, Ltd, Mumbai M/s BHEL, Bhopal M/s Gururaj Radiator, Naini M/s Toshiba Transmission & distribution, Hyderabad Volume-II 111 400KV 500 MVA Transformer S. No. Name of Item Supplier 24. On Line Monitoring Device M/s Kelman, UK M/s MTE, New Dehli (with extended warranty) M/s A-eberle, Germany 25. Oil flow indicator M/s Sukrut Udyog, Pune M/s Viat Sanad Ahmedabad 26. NIFPS M/s CTR, Pune M/s Vendere Aurangabad 27. Self-re-generating maintenance breather M/s MESSKO MR, Germany 28. RIP bushings (PGCIL approved) (Subject to approval of MPPTCL) M/s ABB AB, Sweden M/s Massa LLC Russia M/s MGC Moser-Glazer AG Switzerland M/s HSP, Germany M/s ABB Switerland Ltd, MICAFIL M/s GE Grid Solutions, Italy M/s Yash Highvoltage Ltd, Vodadara (with extended warranty) Volume-II 112 400KV 500 MVA Transformer ANNEXURE – VII DRAWINGS AND DATA TO BE FURNISHED BY THE TENDERER. The following drawings and data for each items are to be submitted on placement of order. (a) Outline dimensional drawings of transformer and its accessories including conservator complete with Bill of material and details of all parts, their quantity, rating & name of Vendors indicating clearances of transformer body from live terminals i.e. HV,IV,LV. (b) Drawing of transformer tank with location of inspection windows, thickness of side/bottom/top of tank, details of stiffener. (c) Drawing indicating limbed core construction with complete details of no., width and wt. of core laminations with size of steps; thickness of core laminations ; dimension of window; size of limbs; Gross and net core ; wt. of complete core. (d) Drawing indicating core belting arrangement with details of belting, belting material etc. (e) Large scale dimensioned drawings for HV,IV & LV windings of the transformer; size and no. of parallel of HV,IV, LV and of, cooling ducts, coil clamping arrangement, no./size & location of pressure screws, clamping ring; top yoke arrangement etc. The details should commensurate with the short circuit calculations submitted by you for each rating of transformer (f) Detailed drawing of transformer tank with complete core and winding indicating clearances inside transformer tank as also passage and space for free movement of at least two persons for inspection of active parts etc . (g) Schematic diagram showing the flow of oil in the cooling system as well as each limb and winding. Longitudinal and cross-sectional views showing the duct sizes, cooling pipes etc. for the transformers/radiators drawn to scale . (h) Drawings giving the weights for foundations. (i) Combined Rating and diagram plate including tap changing, which should also include details of guaranteed and measured no load and load losses as also winding resistances and percentage impedances at all taps. (j) Schematic control and wiring diagram for all auxiliary equipment and control cubicle. (k) Drawing showing constructional details, dimensions, mechanical & technical particulars of bushings. Arrangement of terminals and details of connection of bushing shall also be indicated in drawing with their technical particulars. (l) Transportation drawing of transformer. (m) Details of fittings and cable box. Volume-II 113 400KV 500 MVA Transformer (n) Drawing showing arrangement and details of tap changing gear including selector switch, diverter switch and drive mechanism. (o) Valve Schedule plate. (p) Oil filling instruction plate for conservator fitted with Air cell breather arrangement including equalizing arrangement if any required at the time of taking full Vacuum at site. (q) Drawing and instruction for fitting of Air Cell. (r) Drawing of conservator indicating internal details of air cell MOG, oil level gauge and silica gel breather pipe fitting arrangement. (s) Drawings of all HV, IV & LV bushings with complete details meeting TS requirement. (t) Drawings of HV,IV,LV & neutral terminal connectors thickness, no. of nut bolts with size and other details. (u) Drawing of detachable bolted type MS ladder with its complete details and fitting arrangement on transformer/ conservator tank. (v) Drawing for HV/IV neutral earthing arrangement indicating voltage rating of insulators and its fitting arrangements, size of copper strips, terminal connectors etc. (w) Detailed drawing transformer tank. (x) Drawing tank. (y) Detailed internal drawing of transformer indicating transportation locking arrangement provided to avoid shifting of core assembly. (z) Drawing showing weights of transformers, cooling fan structures, FCC structures with distance from central line of transformer for casting of civil foundation for transformer and associated equipments. (aa) Drawing of Earthing terminal box showing earthing arrangement for core, end frame, tank giving details of voltage class and current rating of terminal bushings. (ab) Drawing indicating insulation thickness details and other arrangement provided between core assembly and bottom yoke and base of bottom of tank. (ac) Drawing indicating details of ‘O’ ring transformer tank covers. (ad) Drawing of stiffeners provided on top, each faces/sides of tank with their number and size. (ae) Drawing indicating number, location, size of shields/ magnetic shunts and its material provided inside the tank as per clause 11.1 (g). Volume-II indicating plate indicating two views of all valves provided in the of Thermosyphon filter with fixing arrangement with transformer 114 gasketting arrangement provided in 400KV 500 MVA Transformer (af) Drawing indicating internal details of transformer giving complete details of clearances from live parts. (ag) Drawing of internal LV winding termination arrangement indicating minimum clearance between core and LV take off lead. (ah) Drawing of Neutral Current Transformer with details of its mounting arrangement. (ai) Drawing of On Line Monitoring Device with details of mounting arrangement. (aj) Drawing of Neutral Current Transformer with details of its mounting arrangement. (ak) Drawing for Lead termination to bottom of HV , IV & LV RIP bushings. (al) Internal drawing & design of Core & Winding indicating all attachment with identification numbers, description including take-off arrangement of lead connection for Core & End frame and related Bill of Material (am) Locking arrangement drawing for tank top cover, core & winding with complete dimension & details. (an) Plan view of the bottom of Bell Tank for complete details of core coil resting arrangement, indicating clearly dimensional details, material of insulation, clamping arrangement with details of nuts/ bolts, clearance from all sides provided at bottom. (ao) Drawing indicating complete details, dimension & mounting arrangement of OLTC inside the tank with respect to End frame. (ap) Drawing indicating complete details, dimensions & fixing arrangement of static end rings if used. Other relevant drawings. As soon as possible after the award of the contract the manufacturer shall supply four (4) copies of the drawings as listed out above, which will describe the equipment in details for approval and shall subsequently provide ten complete sets of final drawings, one of which shall be auto-positive suitable for taking blue prints. Ten sets of instruction books, operation and maintenance manuals and spare part bulletin, shall be supplied. In addition to above two sets of manuals and drawings with test certificates for each unit to be despatched as per despatch instructions. Volume-II 115 400KV 500 MVA Transformer ANNEXURE VIII DESIGN CALCULATIONS & DESIGN DATA REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED FOR POWER TRANSFORMER It should be specifically noted by the Tenderers that submission of following Design Calculations & Design Data is necessary on placement of order for our approval. (1) SHORT CIRCUIT WITHSTAND CAPABILITIES : The calculations to prove dynamic and thermal short circuit withstand capability of transformer shall be submitted for the fault level indicated as under: 400KV 220KV 33KV - 63 KA for 3 secs. 40 KA for 3 secs. 31.5KA for 3 secs. The design of winding assembly, which is to be furnished in the drawing as per Sr. No. (e) of Annexure VII should be commensurating with these calculations. The details of clamping ring shall be indicated in the drawing . (2) DESIGN DATA OF CORE & WINDING : On the basis of offered flux density and current density, the TENDERERs shall furnish following design calculations & data. Calculations regarding wt. of core & copper and also calculations for losses will be brought out to justify the offered transformer losses. : (A) Core Data: Details of core material i.e Name of Manufacturer, Manufacturer’s type designation for core , thickness of core, curve for Loss Vs Flux density, No of steps of Core & No of limbs, gross core area , stacking factor , Net core area ,height & width of core window, center to center distance of limb, voltage per turn, wt. of core material, working flux density , core loss in watts per kg marked on graph for grade of core material & selected flux density, building factor and calculated no load loss in watts, guaranteed no load loss. A drawing indicating details of core i.e. limbed construction, step width & thickness , core belting, top & bottom yoke plate etc shall be submitted. (B) Winding Data: wt. of copper for windings ie. for HV(series), IV(common) ,tap, LV(tertiary), cross sectional area , current density, type of coil, ID/OD/mean dia of coils, size of winding conductor including parallels, no. of turns per phase, no of spacers, length of mean turn, weight of copper without paper covering, resistance per phase of winding at 75 deg C, I2R loss at 75 deg C & normal tap, eddy current & stray loss at 75 deg C , total copper loss at 75 deg C , guaranteed transformer losses at 75 deg C. Complete details of Insulation components i.e. Top & Bottom clamping rings, washers, Pressboard blocks & cylinders, Pressboard spacers & Phase barriers, Pressboard segments etc shall be submitted indicating qty , thickness in mm, width & height , wt. Volume-II 116 400KV 500 MVA Transformer Dimensioned drawings indicating details of winding , ducts, insulation , take off arrangement, clamping ring , pressure points etc shall be submitted. (3) DESIGN OF TANK : Complete mechanical design of transformer tank including details of stiffeners shall be submitted . The tank shall be designed to withstand the following without permanent distortion. (i) Mechanical shocks during transportation. (ii) Vacuum filling of oil at 10 milli torr in transformer with all fittings. (iii) Continuous internal pressure of 35 kN/m2 over normal hydrostatic pressure of oil. (iv) Short circuit forces & (v) Under seismic condition /events both horizontal/vertical . The calculations for tank stiffeners shall be submitted to prove no. & size of stiffeners are adequate to withstand full vacuum & pressure . Drawing of tank shall be submitted indicating stiffners . (4) DESIGN OF STATIC END RINGS (SER) AND MAGNETIC SHUNTS : Details of Static End Rings (SER) and magnetic shunts , if provided , with calculations shall be submitted . A drawing indicating locations , size ,material of SER and magnetic shunts shall be submitted. (5) QUANTITY OF OIL : Complete calculations of oil quantity to be utilized in transformer for first filling shall be submitted . The calculations shall indicate (i) Volume of tank including turrets, conservator main & OLTC ,volume of headers & Radiators, oil quantity in OLTC & thermosyphon filter. (ii) Oil displacement by Active parts i.e. core - coil assembly, (6) CAPACITY OF CONSERVATOR & SIZE OF AIR CELL : While furnishing details of conservator & air cell type sealing arrangement, the TENDERER shall submit details & calculations for adequacy of size and capacity of Pronal make air cell for the rating of the power transformer and also for the quantity of oil required. Catalogue of Pronal should be enclosed clearly marking type designation of selected size of Air cell. A drawing indicating complete details of conservator with Air cell shall be submitted . (7) CAPACITY OF PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICE: Tenderers must submit calculation to prove that the capacity/rating of pressure relief device and locations of the same for the transformer will adequately meet our requirement. Constructional and design details of pressure relief device must be furnished and it should be proved by calculation that the size and setting of pressure relief device is adequate considering the rating of the transformer and quantity of oil in the transformer. A drawing indicating complete details of PRDs & their locations on tank shall be submitted . Volume-II 117 400KV 500 MVA Transformer (8) CALCULATIONS FOR TEMPERATURE RISE & HOT SPOT WINDING TEMPERATURE : The limits of temperature rise for windings, oil and hot spot have been specified . Temperature rise calculations at rated full load, 110% load and 125% load considering 100% cooler banks, 50% cooler banks and without coolers shall be furnished as indicated below : (a) 100 % Loading : (i) 20 minutes duration - 100 % cooler bank - 50 % cooler bank - without cooler bank (ii) 10 minutes duration - 100 % cooler bank - 50 % cooler bank - without cooler bank (b) 110 % Loading : (i) 20 minutes duration - 100 % cooler bank - 50 % cooler bank - without cooler bank (ii) 10 minutes duration - 100 % cooler bank - 50 % cooler bank - without cooler bank (c) 125 % Loading : (i) 20 minutes duration - 100 % cooler bank - 50 % cooler bank - without cooler bank (ii) 10 minutes duration - 100 % cooler bank - 50 % cooler bank - without cooler bank The calculations shall indicate temperature gradient (for all windings i.e. HV,IV,LV,tap), load losses at lowest tap for all windings , Eddy current & stray losses, thermal Constant Value & calculations with parameters affecting the values for above conditions for top oil temperature & winding hot spot temperature .The Calculations for Hot Spot winding Temperature and calculations for Temperature Rise shall be submitted . (9) COOLING CALCULATIONS : Calculations of tank surface for heat dissipation, details of radiators , fans for ONAN, ONAF & OFAF cooling shall be provided . (10) OVERFLUXING CAPABILITY: A curve to prove suitability of transformer to withstand various overfluxing conditions for the duration indicated in clause 4.4.1 to 4.4.3 without core saturation shall be furnished . (11) CAPACITY OF FILTER & BREATHER : (A) Number and Capacity of each Thermosyphon Filter : The TENDERER shall submit details & calculations for adequacy of size and capacity of thermosyphon filter for the oil quantity in the power transformer . While furnishing details of thermosyphon filter arrangements, the TENDERER must confirm clearly the number of thermosyphon filter, its size and capacity is adequate for the rating of power transformer. The TENDERER shall submit Volume-II 118 400KV 500 MVA Transformer details & calculation to prove for adequacy of size and capacity of thermosyphon filter. (B) Capacity of Breather : The TENDERER shall submit details & calculations for adequacy of size and capacity of silica gel breather for the oil quantity in the power transformer. (12) RATING OF ON LOAD TAP CHANGER (OLTC) : To verify the adequacy and suitability of the OLTC components, it is necessary to furnish the calculations for selecting the proper rating of transition resistance as well as the normal current rating of OLTC. The calculations shall include the temperature rise of the OLTC diverter switch and also the short circuit current considered for calculation of temperature rise. Calculations shall be submitted to prove that the current rating of OLTC is adequate for the rating of the transformer winding taking in to account the over loading capability as per IS 6600. The basis for selection of transition resistance and its current carrying capacity shall also be submitted. In this regard the circulating current in tap winding during tap change operation through transition resistance shall be taken in to consideration. Adequacy of insulation provided in the OLTC between various parts needs to be established with specific reference to the voltage between two taps. Confirmation shall be given that the OLTC is suitable for TENDERirectional flow of current. The through current capacity shall be adequate to handle on continuous basis the winding current including over loading as per IS 6600. The through current rating and the rating of transition resistance shall take in to account the short time current rating of the winding. Capability to handle short circuit current to be established by calculations and also by test reports. (13) Capacity of Nitrogen Cylinder, pressure in Nitrogen Cylinder to be used during transportation shall be submitted. (14) Size & capacity of Oil sump/ pit for Nitrogen Injection Fire Protection System shall be submitted. (15) DESIGN REVIEW : The “Design Review” of the 500 MVA, 400 KV transformer shall be carried out in accordance with the “Guidelines for consulting Design Reviews for transformers 100 MVA & above” of Cigre working group 12.22 (SC12 WG 12.22). The Tenderer shall carry out optimization of Dielectric design of insulation including electromagnetic design, overload & short circuit withstand capabilities. During design , transformer modeling shall be done & finite element software (FEM) may be used. Note : Tenderers may please note that submission of above calculations & design data as mentioned in this Annexure is an essential requirement on placement of order. Volume-II 119 400KV 500 MVA Transformer ANNEXURE IX DETAILS OF INSPECTION PROGRAMME 1. INSPECTION PROGRAMME : 1.1 Manufacturer shall chalk out a detailed inspection and testing programme for various manufacturing activities for the different components, fittings & accessories. The MPPTCL also reserves the right to carry out any tests by a third party at its sole discretion. All Costs of inspection/ tests shall be borne by Manufacturer. 2.2 STAGE INSPECTIONS : 2.2.1 Manufacturer shall indicate the inspections and checks carried out at various stages of the manufacture of the transformer. A complete record of stage inspection shall be kept by Manufacturer and this record shall be made available for inspection by the representative of the MPPTCL. Manufacturer shall indicate the manufacturing programme and the MPPTCL will have a right to depute its inspecting officers during the manufacture. The inspecting stages shall be Fabrication of Tank & Conservator, core building, coil winding , assembly of coil on core, the condition of the coil and core after the treatment in vacuum chamber, assembly within the transformer tank together with application of tap changer etc . 2.2.2 It may be noted that stage inspections for all the units shall be done by us at the following stages as per the different formats enclosed : (i) STAGE I : Stage Inspection of Transformer Tank and Conservator after fabrication. After fabrication, tank & conservator shall be inspected for measurement of its dimensions, thickness of sheets used and leakage test by applying requisite pressure. In this stage following shall be measured ,recorded & checked in Format I (A,B,C) . (A) Format I (A) : Inspection of Tank & Conservator a) Certification of chemical composition and mechanical properties of plates. b) Welder's and weld procedure qualification. c) Testing of electrodes for quality of base materials as per ASME. d) Dimensional check and visual Inspection of weld . e) Crack detection, of major strength weld seams by dye penetration test. f) Measurement of film thickness of inside and outside of X'mer tank and conservator i) Oil insoluble varnish ii) Zinc chromate paint iii) Light grey paint Volume-II 120 400KV 500 MVA Transformer g) Check for physical properties of materials for lifting lugs, jacking pads, etc. All load bearing welds including lifting lug and jacking parts shall be subjected to DP test. h) Leakage test of conservator and tank. i) Pressure and vacuum test of tank. j) Surface cleaning by sand or shot blasting. k) Water logging check on top cover of tank. l) Certification of all test results. (B) Format I (B) : Inspection of Valves as per Schedule of Valves (C) Format I (C) : Inspection of Tank for Inspection Windows. (ii) STAGE II : Stage Inspection of Transformer Core during Core Building : After the core is built but before its clamping, MPPTCL representative shall inspect the core to take complete weight of the core and also to measure approximate core loss. If necessary, a small strip of core shall also be taken for testing at CPRI, Bangalore at our discretion or at any other testing lab. of repute for measurement of specific loss . During this stage, following documents shall be verified by our inspector as a proof towards use of prime core material material for manufacturer of transformer ordered by us . i) ii) iii) iv) v) Invoice of the supplier Mills test certificate Packing list Bill of lading Bill of entry certificate by custom's. The core material shall be directly procured either from the manufacturer or through their accredited reputed marketing organisation but not through any agent. A copy of all above documents shall be sent with joint inspection report for MPPTCL records. In this stage, following shall be measured, recorded & checked in Format II (A,B,C). (A) Format II (A) : Report in respect of Raw material viz core, copper, insulating material ,tank steel etc.: Details of various raw material shall be recorded viz. Name of Supplier/Sub supplier, Test Certificate, QAP Report , Invoices, Bill of Lading ,bill of entry etc. (B) Format II (B) : Report in respect of Accessories: Details of accessories Viz Buchholz relay, Pressure Relief device, Axles and wheels, Winding and oil temperature indicators , Cooling fan and radiator, Condenser Bushing & Bushing Current Transformer, OLTC, Oil level gauge ,OLTC Cubicle and fan control cubicle, RTCC , Valves, Clamps, Air Cell Breather, Pronol Bag etc. Volume-II 121 400KV 500 MVA Transformer shall be recorded i.e. Make, Rating, Factory Test Certificate, QAP Report , Invoices etc. (C) Format II (C) : Inspection of Core . a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Checking of in house or vendor core cutting facilities. Sample testing of core steel for checking specific total loss, ductility and bend properties, resistivity, ageing, magnetization characteristics and thickness. Check on the quality of surface insulation & surface finish; Measurement of thickness and hardness of varnish on stampings; Solvent resistance test to check that varnish does not react in hot oil; Check over quality of varnish on stamping, to ensure uniform shining colour, no hot spots, no over burnt varnish layer and no bubbles on varnished surface. Check on the amount of burrs i.e. cutting & edge; Bow Check on stampings. During core building dimension, leaning or waviness of core, tightening torque, dia of resiglass tap to be checked. Check for the overlapping stampings. Corners of the sheets are to be apart. Visual and dimensional check during assembly stage. Check for inter laminar insulation between core sections after pressing. Visual and dimensional check for straightness and roundness of core. High voltage test on fully built core 2 kV for one minute between core & yoke bolts, core & core clamps, core clamps & yoke bolts, core loss measurement. Certification of all test results. (iii) STAGE III : Stage Inspection of Winding after their preparation : Once the coils are prepared but before the same are fitted on to the core, stage inspection shall be done to take various measurements and also for weighment of total weight of coil of each voltage class. Measurement of winding resistance shall be also done. A small piece of conductor for each type of winding shall be made available by the manufacturer to our representative. During this stage, following documents shall be verified by MPPTCL inspector as a proof towards use of prime copper and insulating material for manufacturer of transformer ordered by us : i) ii) iii) iv) v) Volume-II Invoice of the supplier Mills test certificate Packing list Bill of lading Bill of entry certificate by custom's. 122 400KV 500 MVA Transformer The winding and insulating material shall be directly procured either from the manufacturer or through their accredited reputed marketing organisation but not through any agent. A copy of all above documents shall be sent with joint inspection report for our records. In this stage, following shall be measured, recorded & checked in Format III. (A) Winding: a) Sample check on winding conductor for mechanical properties and electrical conductivity. b) Visual dimensional checks on conductor for scratches, dent marks etc. c) Sample check on insulating paper for PH value, electric strength. d) Check for the reaction of hot oil on insulating paper. e) Check for the bonding of the insulating paper on conductor. f) Check and ensure that physical condition of all materials taken for winding is satisfactory and free of dust. g) Check for absence of short circuit between parallel strands. h) Check for brazed joints wherever applicable. i) Measurement of voltage to be carried out when core/yoke is completely restacked and all connections ready. j) Conductor-enamel test for checking of cracks, leakage and pin holes. k) Conductor-flexibility test. l) Heat shrink test for enameled wire. m) Measurement of no. of turns, cross sectional area of each winding , winding resistance and weighment of windings. n) Certification of all test results. (B) Insulating Material: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) (iv) Sample check for physical & chemical properties of material. Check for dielectric strength. Visual and dimensional checks. Check for the reaction of hot oil on insulating materials. Dimensional stability test at high temperature for insulating material. Tracking resistance test on insulating material. Certification of all test results. STAGE IV : Stage Inspection of Core Coil Assembly Before Vapour Phase Drying/Dryout: In this stage , following shall be measured, recorded & checked in Format IV. i. ii. iii. iv. Volume-II Check Clamping Ring with approved drawing. Check Core Belting, Check condition of insulation on the conductor & between the windings. Insulation test of core earthing . Check for proper cleanliness and absence of dust etc. Certification of all test results. 123 400KV 500 MVA Transformer (v) STAGE V: Stage Inspection of Core – Coil Assembly After Vapour Phase Drying/Dryout : In this stage , following shall be measured, recorded & checked in Format V. a) Measurement and recording of temperature and drying time during vacuum treatment. b) Check for completeness of drying by measuring IR values. c) Check insulation distance between high voltage & low voltage connections with respect to earth and other parts. d) Measure minimum clearance from all sides. e) Certification of all test results. Pre-shipment Checks at Manufacturer's Works: a) Check for interchangeability of components of similar Transformers for mounting dimensions. b) Check for proper packing and preservation of accessories like radiators, bushings, explosion vent, dehydrating breather, rollers, buchholz relay, control cubicle, connecting pipes, conservator etc. c) Check for proper provision of bracings to arrest the movement of core and winding assembly inside the tank. d) Gas tightness test to conform tightness. e) Derivation of leakage rate and ensure adequate reserve gas capacity. Installation & pre-commissioning test of Nitrogen Injection Fire Protection System : After installation the system pre-commissioning tests shall be carried out jointly before the system is put in service. 2.2.3 Details of Procurement : Manufacturer shall provide us complete details of procurement of raw materials i.e. core, insulation and copper . Manufacturer shall also record a certificate . 2.2.4 The MPPTCL also reserves the right to carry out stage inspections at other stages also, for which advance intimation shall be given and all necessary cooperation shall be rendered by the manufacturer. Volume-II 124 400KV 500 MVA Transformer ANNEXURE X LIST OF HAND TOOLS FOR SUPPLY ALONG WITH TRANSFORMER (A) One tool box consisting of the following 41 Hand tools of GEDORE make or equivalent with better quality shall be supplied 1. Spanners of different sizes a) Open Jaw Double Ended - 8 Nos. b) Cranked ring double ended - 3 Nos. c) Tubular Box Double Ended - 1 No. 2. Tommy Bar (For Tabular Box Spanner) - 1 No. 3. Adjustable Wrenches - 2 Nos. 4. Pipe Wrench - 1 No. 5. Screw Drivers Of Different Sizes - 5 Nos. 6. Flat Nose, Round Nose, Side Cutting Pliers - 3 Nos. 7. Gasket Punches - 10 Nos. 8. Files With Handles - 2 Nos. 9. Hammers With Handles - 2 Nos. 10. Knife With Handles - 1 No. 11. Adjustable Hacksaw - 1 No. 12. Cold Chisel - 1 No. Total Volume-II 41 Nos. 125 400KV 500 MVA Transformer ANNEXURE – XI UNDERTAKING FOR SUPPLY OF SPARES FOR 400KV 500 MVA TRANSFORMER It is confirmed that spares required for satisfactory operation of offered power transformer shall be made available at reasonable cost for a minimum period of 10 years from the ate of commissioning of power transformer at EHV substation within MP. Signature of authorized Signatory of Tenderer alongwith seal. Volume-II 126 400KV 500 MVA Transformer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. OLTC OIP DL type COPS RTCC Cl IEEMA KV KW IV LV VPD ONAN ONAF OFAF CBIP OTI WTI KA TC V f VN FN CT PT Xmer PRD PRV MOLG OSR Isc V Zt Zs θ1 θ0 J t Iph Zpu Rdc 48. 49. Hw N List of Abbreviation used in technical specification On load tap changer Oil impregnated paper Draw lead type Conservator oil preservation system Remote tap changer cubicle Clause Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturing Association Kilo voltage Kilo Watt Intermediate voltage Low voltage Vapour phase drying Oil natural air natural Oil natural air forced Oil forced air forced Central Board of Irrigation and Power Oil temperature indicator Winding temperature indicator Kilo Ampere Terminal connector or test certificates as applicable Voltage Frequency Normal voltage Normal frequency Current Transformer Potential Transformer Transformer. Pressure Relief Device Pressure Relief valve Magnetic Oil Level Gauge Oil Surge Relay RMS value of symmetrical short ckt current,KA rated voltage of system, KV short ckt impedance of transformer, Ohms short ckt impedance of system, Ohms final temperature in degree centigrade Initial temperature in degree centigrade short ckt current density amp/mm sq. duration of short ckt in secs rated phase current in amps per unit impedance DC resistance of the per phase of winding at 75 degree centigrade height of winding in cm no of turns per phase of winding 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. Dmi Bi E Sn Pu Fa Ai Ao m - 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. bo Dmo Ao F D b t n mA kg kl temp. max. min. vol. - mean diameter of inside winding, cm thickness of inside winding conductor, cm modulus of elasticity of conductor, cm rated KVA per unit impedance axial imbalance force, Kg (no of spacers x length x width) for inner winding (no of spacers x length x width) for outer winding no of conductors in the radial direction= no of turns x no of parallel conductor thickness of outer winding conductor, cm mean diameter of outer winding, cm supported area of outer radial spacers total axial force in MT mean diameter of clamping ring, cm width of clamping ring ,cm thickness of clamping ring ,cm no of jacking or clamping points milli ampere kilogram kilolitre temperature maximum minimum volume MP POWER TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED TENDER SPECIFICATION NO. TR-30/2022 FOR PROCUREMENT OF 400/220/33KV 500 MVA POWER TRANSFORMERS WITH OIL AND ERECTION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF TRANSFORMERS (VOLUME-II) ANNEXURES ANNEXURE - I TO ANNEXURE - XI (PAGES 90 TO 126) MP POWER TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED TENDER SPECIFICATION NO. TR-30/2022 FOR PROCUREMENT OF 400/220/33KV 500 MVA POWER TRANSFORMERS WITH OIL AND ERECTION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF TRANSFORMERS (VOLUME-II) DRAWINGS 12 500 500 500