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一、單字選擇(10 小題,每題 0 分,共 0 分)
1. (
)Some mushrooms and toadstools that we find in the wild are ____________. We ’d
better not touch them. (A) eager (B) obvious (C) poisonous (D) proper
2. (
)It’s amazing that this factory can ____________ up to one thousand cars ever y day.
(A) surround (B) consume (C) drift (D) produce
3. (
)Christine turned her back on Tim, not wanting to say a word to him. ____________,
she was angry at him. (A) Eagerly (B) Harmfully (C) Properly (D) Obviously
4. (
)There was a large ____________ of workers in front of the factory asking for higher
wages. (A) product (B) crowd (C) consumer (D) poison
5. (
)Some insects are able to blend in with their ____________ so that they won ’t be
caught easily. (A) consumers (B) products (C) substances (D) surroundings
6. (
)Solar power is a kind of energy that can never be totally ____________ or used up.
It is clean and green. (A) drifted (B) surrounded (C) harmed (D) consumed
7. (
)Many volunteers have joined the ____________ program; they are busy putting
paper, cans, and plastic bottles into different baskets. (A) substance (B) recycling
(C) poison (D) convenience
8. (
)Many experts have pointed out the importance of ____________ protection in
government policy-making. (A) poisonous (B) environmental (C) obvious
9. (
)Sandy said she did not care if Lily was very popular. But in fact, she said it out of
____________. (A) envy (B) poison (C) harm (D) crowd
10. (
)This chemical is used to ____________ rats, and if children eat it by mistake, they
might die. (A) produce (B) consume (C) poison (D) recycle
二、文意字彙(15 小題,每題 0 分,共 0 分)
1. ____________________ People are more aware of the importance of e____________al
protection as global warming becomes more serious.
2. ____________________ Due to the typhoon, many flights were delayed or canceled. The
waiting rooms in the airport were c____________ded with passengers.
3. ____________________ Don’t feed your dog dark chocolate; chocolate can be a deadly
p____________n for pets.
4. ____________________ C____________e stores like 7-Elevens and FamilyMarts are good
places for people to rest and have a coffee with friends.
5. ____________________ A worker bee has to fly among thousands of flowers to collect sweet
liquids before it can p____________e a drop of honey.
6. ____________________ When going to a meeting, one has to dress p____________ly and, of
course, be on time.
7. ____________________ Those who want success so e____________ly will try their best to
reach their goals.
8. ____________________ Some insects can change the color of their bodies so as to blend in
with the s____________gs.
9. ____________________ More robots are used in the modern p____________n line, which in
turn causes some workers to lose their jobs.
10. ____________________ It is o____________s that drunk driving is against the law, but some
drunk drivers still hit the road and accidents happen.
11. ____________________ To help both the earth and people, more farmers are using ways that
are friendlier to our e____________t to grow crops.
12. ____________________ The most exciting part of the movie was when the leading actress was
forced to drink the wine mixed with p____________n and the leading
actor came to save her.
13. ____________________ P____________c containers like cups, boxes, and bottles are not eco friendly; it will take hundreds of years for them to break down.
14. ____________________ 3R, that is “reduce, reuse, and r____________e,” is three ways to cut
down on the amount of waste.
15. ____________________ A c____________d of about two thousand gathered in front of the
city hall on New Year ’s Eve, waiting excitedly for the start of the
New Year Countdown Party.
三、詞類變化(5 小題,每題 0 分,共 0 分)
1. ____________________ The honey sold at the store is said to be ____________ (product) by
wild bees. That’s why it is sold at such a high price.
2. ____________________ The evil queen wanted to ____________ (poisonous) Snow White by
giving her a poisoned apple.
3. ____________________ We should avoid drugs like cocaine because they are very
____________ (harm) to our health.
4. ____________________ The Lins will move into a country house which blends in with its
natural ____________ (surround).
5. ____________________ The ____________ (produce) of workers will increase when they are
happy in the workplace.
四、文法選擇(課本句型)(7 小題,每題 0 分,共 0 分)
1. (
)Sadly, in some countries women are still denied education simply ____________
their gender. (A) except (B) except for (C) because (D) because of
2. (
)When watching movies in theaters, I prefer comedies to tragedies, for sad movies
always make me ____________. (A) cried (B) crying (C) cry (D) to cry
3. (
)David was forced to drop out of school ____________ he had skipped too many
classes. (A) except (B) except for (C) because (D) because of
4. (
)To help me lose weight, my father ____________ me go jogging for one hour and
jump rope for thirty minutes every day. (A) suggests (B) orders (C) helps (D)
5. (
)The couple can’t afford to buy a house of their own ____________ rising housing
prices. (A) because of (B) because (C) such as (D) except for
6. (
)The members of this organization have worked very hard to ____________ visitors
to our country feel more welcome. (A) leave (B) keep (C) make (D) ask
7. (
)The rivers in this area are seriously polluted ____________ harmful waste from
factories. (A) such as (B) because (C) because of (D) except for
五、文法選擇(其他考點)(14 小題,每題 0 分,共 0 分)
1. (
)Last weekend, Jason took his American friends ____________ Shilin Night Market,
which is a famous tourist spot. (A) of (B) by (C) on (D) to
2. (
)As winter approaches, it is getting ____________. Therefore, be sure to wear a coat
or jacket when you go out. (A) colder (B) coldly (C) coldness (D) colds
3. (
)Issac Newton came up with his theory of gravity when an apple suddenly fell on his
head and dropped ____________ the ground. (A) below (B) onto (C) above
(D) upon
4. (
)You should eat more fruit and vegetables to ____________ yourself healthy.
keeps (B) kept (C) keep (D) keeping
5. (
)Last night, Grace kept working on her homework ____________ she completed it.
(A) despite (B) upon (C) through (D) until
6. (
)Ellen asked her friends to leave her ____________ for a while. She said she needed
some space. (A) lonely (B) around (C) along (D) alone
7. (
)There is a restaurant ____________ which is only open for breakfast and lunch.
near (B) nearby (C) along (D) beside
8. (
)Looking at her baby who died of hunger, the poor sick mother ____________ just
cry, feeling helpless and hopeless. (A) might (B) would (C) could (D) should
9. (
)These days, it seems that ____________ and _________ ___ people buy what they
need on the Internet. (A) more; many (B) more; more (C) many; more (D)
many; many
10. (
)Fiona’s meal tasted flat, so most of her dinner guests added salt to ____________
the food better. (A) let (B) make (C) ask (D) have
11. (
)The grocery store will shut down next month because ____________ customers
come to buy goods. (A) fewer and fewer (B) less fewer (C) more or less (D) a
12. (
)Tiffany’s father ____________ is a famous basketball coach, often asks the players
to practice overtime. (A) , who (B) , which (C) who (D) that
13. (
)The movie Mission Impossible stars Tom Cruise ____________ is no doubt a
superstar. (A) who (B) , who (C) that (D) , that
14. (
)Working out at a gym at least three times a week makes Arnold ____________, and
that’s why he attracts many girls. (A) strongly (B) strong (C) strength (D)
六、句型練習(2 小題,每題 0 分,共 0 分)
1. Combine the two sentences using the pattern “Because of....”
Ang Lee’s wife encouraged him.
Ang Lee finally realized his dream of becoming a world-famous director.
2. Rewrite the sentence using the pattern “S + make + O + VR....”
Tim’s mother asked him to tell the principal that he had pretended to be sick to have a day off
from school.
七、引導式翻譯(5 小題,每題 0 分,共 0 分)
1. Phil 那天晚上睡不大著是因為他那天下午喝的所有咖啡。
Phil had trouble falling asleep that night ①____________ ②____________ all the coffee
he’d had in the afternoon.
2. George 和 Mary 正在打包去夏威夷蜜月旅行所需的東西。他們期待在那裡度過美好時
George and Mary are ①____________ ②____________ the things needed for their
honeymoon in Hawaii. They expect to have a wonderful time there.
3. 許多藥物和其他有用的產品會被發現是因為實驗室裡的意外。
Many medicines and other useful products have been discovered only ①____________ ②
____________ accidents in the lab.
4. 那兩位家長讓那隻狗睡在他們小孩的房間,因為那孩子不喜歡在夜晚時獨自一人。
The parents let the dog ①____________ in their child’s bedroom because the child doesn’t
like to be ②____________ her ③____________ at nighttime.
5. 雖然每個人都認為在午夜前完成這個專案是不可能的,但 Patrick 在無人協助下,靠自己
Though everyone thought it was impossible to finish the project by midnight, Patric k made the
deadline ①____________ ②____________ ③____________ without anyone’s help. The
project ④____________ ⑤____________ being successful.
八、整句式翻譯(3 小題,每題 0 分,共 0 分)
1. 像吸管、杯子和盤子的一次性使用塑膠產品,已經對環境造成極大的傷害。
2. 當秋天接近,樹上的葉子變成金黃色和暖紅色,給予這個城市一種浪漫的感受。
3. 因為我的高血壓,醫生建議(advise)我待在家中並休息一陣子。
九、綜合測驗(2 小題,每題 0 分,共 0 分)
Ocean pollution* is really getting out of hand. All around the world, __(1)__ and
__(1)__ trash is ending up in the sea and on our beaches. This is not only destroying nature,
but also __(2)__ sea creatures and birds. Plastic bags and pieces of Styrofoam make more
than 100,000 fish and other forms of ocean life __(3)__ every year, as a direct result of
swallowing them. __(4)__ recent studies, around a million birds a year suffer the same fate.
This is a problem __(5)__ is so serious that it’s even led to hundreds of so-called “dead
zones” in and around the ocean. __(6)__ these areas are so polluted, it is impossible for any
life to exist there. In other words, dead zones are so full of plastic and other hum an-made
__(7)__ that they can no longer support life. Sharks, lobsters, and seals simply __(8)__ their
things and leave. __(9)__, even underwater plant life cannot survive in these areas.
Today, around 500 of these dead zones exist around the world, yet humans continue to
dump tons and tons of waste into the ocean. Are we hoping some sea god will __(10)__ and
clean up all our trash for us? Or do we think it will all just disappear and that the ocean will
somehow save itself? Perish the thought!*
註:pollution 汙染 Perish the thought! 死了這條心吧!
)(1) (A) little; little
(B) more; more
)(2) (A) consuming
(B) envying
)(3) (A) suffer
)(4) (A) In addition to
)(5) (A) , which
)(6) (A) Because
)(7) (A) consumers
)(8) (A) carry out
)(9) (A) Personally
(B) suffering
(C) many; many
(C) poisoning
(C) to suffer
(B) Thanks to
(B) , who
(B) Because of
(B) go through
(A) come along
(D) to suffering
(C) crowds
(C) turn to
(C) Finally
(B) die away
(D) According to
(D) who
(C) Except for
(B) substances
(B) Usually
(D) recycling
(C) Similar to
(C) which
(D) much; much
(D) Except
(D) surroundings
(D) pack up
(D) Hardly
(C) end up
(D) make sure
I was swimming near the land one day when I noticed something shiny in the water.
After eyeing it __(1)__, I decided it must be a juicy little fish. I was getting __(2)__ after
not eating for a day or two, and this would make a decent* meal.
I slowly swam a little closer __(3)__ I didn’t want to scare it away. I __(4)__ opened
my mouth and then, in a flash, darted* forward and seized my prey* in between my teeth. I
bit and bit and didn’t stop __(5)__ the delicate* dinner was halfway down my throat.
__(6)__, I felt like there was something very strange inside my body. Somehow, that
slippery little fish had __(7)__ getting stuck in my throat. It turned out that the thing
making me __(8)__ was not a fish after all.
I tried __(9)__ some time to cough it back up, but it was of no use. It was definitely
stuck. Then I tried to swallow something else, but I just couldn’t get it down. It was
__(10)__ that without food, there was no way I could survive. I guess plastic bags make for
a deadly dinner.
註:decent 像樣的 dart 飛奔 prey 獵物 delicate 可口的
)(1) (A) for a while
)(2) (A) hunger
)(3) (A) because of
)(4) (A) eagerly
)(5) (A) unless
)(6) (A) Fortunately
)(7) (A) packed up
(B) at the same time
(B) hungrily
(C) hungry
(B) because
(B) properly
(B) while
(C) before long
(D) all of a sudden
(D) hungers
(C) except
(D) except for
(C) harmfully
(D) obviously
(C) until
(B) Suddenly
(B) showed up
(D) although
(C) Actually
(C) gave up
(D) Additionally
(D) ended up
)(8) (A) to choking
(B) to choke
)(9) (A) at
(C) with
(B) for
(A) obvious
(C) choking
(D) choke
(D) from
(B) crowded
(C) poisonous
(D) plastic
十、文意選填(2 小題,每題 0 分,共 0 分)
1. (A) substance (B) for some time (C) harm (D) products (E) obviously (F) surrounds
(G) proper (H) inside (I) Later on (J) But
It can be hard to convince people that trying to protect our Earth really works. They may
sometimes doubt they can do much to slow down the __①__ being done to our planet. __②__
now, there is very clear proof that changing our behavior makes a huge difference.
Between 10 and 40 kilometers above the earth lies a layer of gas called the ozone layer,
which __③__ the planet. This __④__, ozone, is extremely important as it protects humans
from dangerous rays from the sun. People were shocked when scientists in the 1980s
discovered a large hole __⑤__ the ozone layer, a hole which had been growing each year
__⑦__, in 2018, a study found proof that the ozone layer was getting smaller. Why is the
protective covering surrounding the planet healing itself? The reason is that in 1987, world
leaders banned the use of certain chemicals in __⑧__ that damage the ozone layer. In the last
20 years, the ozone layer has been increasing by one to three percent each decade.
The improved condition of the ozone layer is __⑨__ good news for all of us. It also
proves that we must take the __⑩__ actions. Only then can we help save the world.
①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ ⑤________
⑥________ ⑦________ ⑧________ ⑨________ ⑩________
2. (A) plastic (B) even (C) consumes (D) First (E) substance (F) However (G)
environment (H) harmful (I) produce (J) obviously
Most people think paper bags are quite environmentally friendly. Actually, the experts
say they aren’t much better than __①__ bags. In some ways, bags made from paper may be
actually worse than plastic ones for the __②__.
__③__, let’s look at the benefits of using paper instead of plastic. Perhaps the biggest
advantage is that paper products are biodegradable. If a material is biodegradable, it means it
will break down and eventually disappear. Paper breaks down much more quickly over time
than plastic does. This is __④__ good for the world. __⑤__, it does take an awful long time
for paper to disappear through natural processes. If paper bags end up in landfills, they may
not totally break down for decades or __⑥__ for centuries because of a lack of oxygen.
Unfortunately, using paper bags also has other disadvantages. They are made from trees,
which means they require destroying an important resource in order to __⑦__ them.
Furthermore, this manufacturing process __⑧__ a large amount of energy, more than the
amount needed for plastic bags. In fact, producing paper bags takes four times more water
than producing plastic bags. More water pollution is also created during the manufacturing of
this __⑨__. Therefore, paper bags aren’t perfect. Producing them is also __⑩__ to the
environment. Given all these factors, it may be time to reconsider our point of view regarding
the use of paper bags.
①________ ②________ ③________ ④________ ⑤________
⑥________ ⑦________ ⑧________ ⑨________ ⑩________
十一、閱讀測驗(2 小題,每題 0 分,共 0 分)
These days, the fashion industry is producing clothing at cheaper costs and a faster
pace so that it can deliver new collections more often and encourage people to buy more.
This trend is called “fast fashion,” and it is harmful to the environment in ways that most
people may not realize.
According to the United Nations, the fast-fashion industry is the second-largest water
consumer in the world. To make one cotton shirt requires 2,700 liters of w ater. That’s how
much an average person drinks in two and a half years! The fast -fashion industry not only
wastes but also pollutes water, since it uses toxic chemicals for the colors and designs on its
clothes. These chemicals end up in our clean water when chemical-filled water is left
untreated and dumped by factories into our rivers and oceans.
The environmental damage doesn’t stop there. Artificial fabrics, often used in fast
fashion because they’re cheap, tend to shed fibers when washed in a washing machine. The
fibers make their way to the oceans, where they’re eaten by fish and, in turn, by us.
Furthermore, with more clothes available at cheaper prices, consumers tend to buy new
clothes and throw away old ones more often than ever. In fact, 21 bill ion tons of clothes are
sent to landfills every year!
It’s difficult to resist buying new clothes, especially when they ’re cheap. But before
you go to the stores next time to take advantage of a sale, think about fast fashion’s impact
on the environment.
)(1) How long does it take for an average person to drink up 5,000 liters of water?
(A) Two and a half years. (B) Less than four years. (C) More than four
years. (D) No more than three years.
)(2) Based on the article, how can artificial fibers become harmful? (A) The toxic
chemicals they carry come into people’s bodies. (B) The shed fibers pollute
rivers. (C) The shed fibers damage washing machines. (D) The shed fibers
are consumed by people.
)(3) Which of the following is the writer ’s point of view about fast fashion? (A)
Think twice before following fashion trends. (B) Fast fashion leads to the
growth of the economy. (C) A smart shopper should keep in mind that less is
more. (D) Speaking of fashion, customers are always right.
)(4) Which of the following can be the best title of the article? (A) Fast Fashion:
A Quick-Fix Solution for a Clean Environment (B) The Tug of War Between
Fashion and the Environment (C) Low Prices Are the Best Policy (D) The
Rise of Fast Fashion
People disagree about climate change. Some say it’s real, while others believe it’s
made up. Let’s look at both sides of the argument.
Those who think climate change is happening argue that the last twenty years of the
20th century saw some of the highest temperatures in recent centuries. Furthermore, rising
temperatures in the air and water have caused Arctic sea ice to melt, which leads to the rise
of sea levels, and coral reefs die at a faster pace. According to climate -change believers,
human activity, such as industrial production and rain-forest destruction, has caused carbon
dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere to rise over the last century. CO2 traps heat in the air,
leading to higher temperatures on Earth.
People who deny that climate change is real say the Earth ’s climate has always warmed
and cooled. They think that the rise in temperatures during the 20th century is normal if we
consider it within the context of the past 3,000 years. According to them, a large amount of
CO2 is already in the Earth’s atmosphere, so more CO2 will have little effect on climate.
Lastly, they claim that further studies are needed to understand climate, which is very
Whether or not we believe the Earth’s temperature is actually rising, it seems like a
safer bet to assume that climate change is real. Otherwise, by the time we’re able to find
additional proof of the existence of climate change, it may already be too late.
)(1) Which of the following can be the best title of the article? (A) The Debate
about Climate Change (B) The Long-term Impact of Climate Change (C)
The Hidden Facts Behind Climate Change (D) Climate Change and Global
)(2) For the climate-change believers, which is NOT among the things that the rise
of global temperatures results in? (A) The quick death of coral reefs. (B)
The rise of sea levels. (C) The fast melting of Arctic sea ice. (D) More CO2
trapped in the atmosphere.
)(3) What does the rise and fall of global temperatures mean to those who deny
climate change? (A) A wake-up call. (B) A major killer of many creatures.
(C) A natural phenomenon. (D) A hot potato to deal with.
)(4) Based on the article, what does the writer think about climate change? (A) He
sees climate change as nonsense. (B) He thinks climate change is a false
alarm. (C) He tends to think climate change is certain. (D) He shows little
concern for climate change.
十二、混合題(素養題)(1 小題,每題 0 分,共 0 分)
Every creature in the world needs energy to live. Plants depend on soil, water, and the
sun, while animals consume plants or other animals to stay alive.
The balanced situation in which all living things live together is called an ecosystem. We
may describe the relationships among them as a food chain.
Food Chain
A food chain shows which creatures eat which other ones. It begins with a plant and ends
with fungus or bacteria that eat an animal or a plant after it dies.
Roles in a Food Chain
The following are three key roles in a food chain. They express the functions each
creature has in an ecosystem.
˙Producers: Plants are producers because they produce energy for the ecosystem by
absorbing energy from sunlight. They also need water and nutrients from the soil.
˙Consumers: Animals are consumers because they eat other living things. Primary consumers
are the animals that eat plants. Animals eating other animals are secondary consumers. A
tertiary consumer takes a higher level in the food chain. Some animals play different roles,
eating both plants and animals.
˙Decomposers: Decomposers eat dead plants and animals. They h elp put nutrients back into
the soil for plants to eat. Decomposers include worms, bacteria, and fungi.
Choose the correct food chain. (A) plant→sheep→fungus (B) secondary consumer→
primary consumer→producer (C) lion→worm→grasshopper (D) decomposer→
tertiary consumer→secondary consumer
Why is a food chain necessary in an ecosystem? (A) To prove the strength of
decomposers. (B) To trace the movement of animals. (C) To maintain a balance
among creatures. (D) To save more lives on earth.
Fill in the blanks in the food chain using the words or images below.
role ①_________
consume ③_________
(A) fungus
(B) secondary consumer
(C) decomposer
(D) producer
十三、篇章結構(1 小題,每題 0 分,共 0 分)
1. (A) If it gets into the soil or the water supply, it could be extremely damaging to humans and
(B) Thus, he threw away his old television and his remote control with me still inside, as I no
longer had any use.
(C) Throughout most of my life, I served as a useful item to that man, who placed me inside
his TV remote control when I was still a baby.
(D) Although this substance enables me to give life to certain objects, it is also harmful to
humans and animals.
I have a riddle * for you: I give life to objects that have none, but I also have the power to
take life away. What am I? Okay, I’ll tell you: I’m a battery.
A long time ago, a man bought me from a store. He was likely impressed by my shiny
yellow case. __①__
For the next year, I reliably * powered this remote control, helping my owner to enjoy
many hours of entertaining television. However, one day, my owner decided to buy a new
television. __②__ It seems he didn’t realize that inside me is a substance called lithium * . __
The next morning, I was carried away in a large truck and taken to a large pile of waste
outside the city. This waste pile is where I’ll now spend my remaining days. Someday, I will
die and my case will slowly disappear. This is a problem because the lithium inside me will
then leak out. __④__
Please grant * this dying battery one last wish: recycle your batteries. By doing so, you
could save many lives.
註:riddle 謎語 reliably 很可靠地 lithium 鋰 grant 允諾
①____________ ②____________ ③____________ ④____________