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Beautiful BeastsPrimer

No matter how long I live, I shall never understand the motivations of
wizards. What possible need could there be for a codex on the nature of beasts
when every child has grown up surrounded by them? Nevertheless, old friend,
here is the excerpt you requested for your project from the journal of the young
wizard Caspar Jacquemin. I am glad to be rid of them. Several passages here
border on the blasphemous. Whatever it is you are involved in, I pray you be
The Tree of Origins
The Scriptura speaks of a garden in which all life began. The location of this garden is
lost to us, but within it grew the Tree of Origin, from which came the seeds of creation. Some
texts suggest that these seeds were used by the original wizards before the Great Fall to work
wonders that we can only imagine, and I do like to imagine. I digress.
The seeds of creation were carefully guarded until, again, according to the scriptura, the
Sisters of Gloria seduced a guard and attempted to harvest the seeds for themselves. In doing
so, they released the seeds upon the world and very nearly doomed humanity. The seeds
planted themselves in the Sisters of Gloria and every other woman save for those three families
which went on to become the diamond souled rulers of Freutsche, Romalia, and Nordhlig.
Nihsia, of course, has their own version of events, but the differences are ultimately semantics
for the purposes of this entry.
The result of the Sisters of Gloria’s actions was the Great Fall which resulted in the
beasts, the diamond souled, and the scelus trees.
Diamond Souled
All women who survive their teenage years without Falling are, of course, able to wield
their animas to sever a beast’s connection with its keeper, inflict a horrible kind of vertigo, and
disconnect a harvested beast from its powers. The degree of a woman’s anima’s effectiveness
varies from individual to individual, depending on a variety of factors, including practice, but
the diamond souled are the undisputed masters of this ability. Their use of their animas seems
almost instinctive.
Diamond souled are women of families that have produced women who have not
Fallen for no fewer than three generations. Each of the ruling families is diamond souled. In
fact, the greater the noble ranking one possesses, the more likely it is for that individual to
belong to a diamond souled bloodline. They are commonly accepted to be more pure than
other humans and their women are formidable, though I might attribute that more to the
intense training they undergo, rather than their breeding.
Scelus Trees
These trees are twisted shadows of the Tree of Origins. There is much speculation as to
the exact nature of their relationship with the Tree of Origins and very little in the way of
actual known facts. What is known is that wherever one of these trees grows, Rampant beasts
gather. It is my suspicion that the fruit of these trees may play some role in the asexual
reproduction of Rampant beasts in the wilderness, which is why their numbers never seem to
dwindle. Sadly, the dangerous nature of Rampant beasts and their tendency to gather around
these trees has prevented any sort of accurate study of the subject.
The term Fall is used to describe a beast’s transition from woman to inhuman,
bloodthirsty beast. It has never occurred in a girl who has not experienced menses and never in
a woman past her twentieth birthday. For this reason, teenaged women, even among the
diamond souled, are treated with great caution. One never knows exactly what might cause a
young woman to Fall and no one wants to suddenly find themselves face-to-face with a
Rampant beast.
Just as all women can wield their animas, so too can all men wield theirs, though to
radically different effect. Men can use their animas to “harvest” Rampant beasts, creating a
spiritual binding between themselves and the beast commonly referred to as “roots.” The bond
appears to largely be empathic in nature, to which I can personally attest. Some, however,
have described instances of what appears to be telepathic communication when a connection or
keeper is especially powerful. This suggests to me that each connection, despite the similarities,
each connection between beast and keeper is unique. Due to the intimate nature of this bond,
acquiring more data is difficult.
As with women, the effectiveness of a man’s anima varies from individual to individual.
Practice seems to be the dominant factor in determining strength of connection and command.
All men can wield their animas. Not all men can wield them well. Those who commit
themselves to the mastery of this skill and harvesting beasts for the good of their nation are
known as “keepers.” A knight keeper is a knight who is also a keeper, obviously enough. These
men specialize in combat-oriented beasts and train their menageries to be as dangerous as
possible. They are the backbone of any queendom’s military and are largely regarded as the
most powerful keepers do to the nature of their work.
It is difficult to accurately measure the strength of a keeper’s anima or his skill at
wielding it, but it is known that the more practiced a keeper is, the more beasts he can safely
keep in his menagerie. Each time a keeper harvests a beast, he creates a spiritual connection
that opens them to one another. The more of these connections a man has, the greater the
strain on his psyche and spirit. A man with more than five beasts who isn’t a gibbering idiot is
an impressively powerful keeper indeed. A menagerie of three beasts is considered a strong
average by most knight keepers.
Harvesting a beast is the only known method of returning a degree of the beast’s
humanity, making them decidedly more human in appearance and restoring higher cognitive
functions. To harvest a Rampant beast, a man must “open” his anima and accept the beast’s
own rampaging anima into himself, letting it take root there and creating a spiritual bond.
(See my earlier mention of roots.)
The act of harvesting a Rampant beast is difficult and not for the faint of heart—
failure tends to result in one’s face getting eaten. Only the most skilled keepers are able to
perform multiple harvests in quick secession. I suspect that a keeper could potentially improve
this skill, however, doing so runs the risk of harvesting too many beasts and losing one’s sense of
self from the feedback of so many roots. Keepers are probably better served by focusing on the
quality of their harvests rather than the quantity.
The simplest description of a beast is that of “fallen woman,” though I find it far from
satisfactory. Beasts are all female, possessed of a ravenous hunger for human flesh and blood
that is never sated no matter how much they eat. They hold within their spirits two seeds of
creation, referred to as bestia and orbis seeds, which endow them with incredible abilities.
Rampant beasts are more physically influenced by their seeds than a harvested beast, and
have an instinctive, if unimaginative, grasp of their powers. The bestia seed appears to be the
primary influence in a Rampant beast’s behavior. Because of the keeper’s ability to command
them and the sheer power their seeds bestow upon them, beasts are the favored weapons of the
queendoms. It probably helps that the ruling women can all effectively disarm their knight
keepers with a thought.
Not all beasts are powerful. There is no guarantee of a beneficial combination of orbis
and bestia seeds and there have been some truly tragic cases where the two effectively crippled
the beast in question. For example, one poor beast had a whale bestia and sodium orbis. The
soft metal combined with the sheer bulk of her left her effectively trapped by her own mass,
slowly crushing herself. The quick actions of the newly fallen beast’s parents and a local keeper
saw it hauled into a lake before it could suffocate, only for the poor creature to combust as its
mineral properties interacted with the water.
On the other hand, a beast whose seeds are synergized is a terrifying thing to behold on
the battlefield. Had that same whale beast been blessed by the Goddess with a diamond or steel
mineral instead of something soft and highly reactive, it would have been a force to be reckoned
All beasts, Rampant or harvested, are healed by the holy hot springs on which we have
built our castles to power their electrical machinery. No scientific reason has been discovered for
this effect to date. It does not appear to be a question of mineral composition, temperature, or
even location. Taking water from a hot spring and pouring it over an injured beast or giving it
to her to drink has absolutely no effect. I have yet to test injecting it directly into the blood
stream and will be sure to record my findings when I do so. A beast submerged in a hot spring
will emerge with its wounds vanished and notably calmer than when it went in.
Another peculiar feature of beasts, and one that cements their inhumanity in the minds
of most, is their inability to read. Something about the beast’s mind is unable to put symbols
together in a meaningful way. They can recognize individual letters but putting them together
results in what has been described to me as a kind of dancing. The combination seems to blur
and become an illegible mess that their minds simply cannot process. Tragic. I could see many
uses for a beast capable of reading and writing in my work.
Counting and doing mathematics in their head is still possible but reading or writing
out an equation is beyond even the most intelligent of beasts. Similarly, they struggle with
ranged weaponry, especially of the mechanical and combustible variety. It does not appear to
be a question of hand-eye coordination, but something related to the seeds themselves. A beast
might be able to fire a pistol, but they’d be hard pressed to hit what they were aiming at and
likely to end up with a splitting headache.
The sheer variety of seeds and combinations makes the act of classifying beasts a
difficult prospect. The common practice is to name the type of orbis seed and then the type of
bestia seed. For example, a beast with an aluminum orbis seed and a snake bestia seed would
be referred to as an aluminum snake while a beast with an apple tree orbis seed and a leopard
besia seed would be referred to as an apple tree leopard, or perhaps an apple leopard. There
are a number of theories pertaining to how a beast ends up with the seeds that it does, but to
date nothing definitive has been discovered. Skilled keepers pride themselves on being able to
readily identify a beast’s seeds.
Bestia Seeds
While orbis seeds can be broken down into multiple categories, the bestia seeds are more
consistent, always drawing from the animal kingdom. These seeds appear to influence a beast’s
shape and psyche to a greater degree than the orbis seed. Despite the consistency, the sheer
variety of the world’s fauna has scholars constantly updating their notes. Mercifully, purely
aquatic animals and invertebrates are not nearly so common as birds, reptiles, and mammals
or else our poor scholars might go insane from attempting to keep track, though there are
plenty of these types as well. To date, there are no known examples of bestia seeds of extinct or
mythological animals, though I am hopeful to discover one someday.
Orbis Seeds
Orbis seeds come in four categories and are the more “elemental” of the beast’s seeds.
Most keepers care far more about a beast’s orbis seed than its bestia seed. Considering the truly
impressive and physics-defying abilities these seeds bestow upon their beasts, one can hardly
blame them.
-Flora Seeds
The name is something of a misnomer as it implies that these seeds draw exclusively
upon the plant kingdom. They do, but they also include fungi and bacteria. Thankfully, these
fungi and bacteria seeds are rare. Beasts with these types of seeds tend to quietly vanish, likely
to be weaponized by a kingdom’s spy network or assassins or be euthanized as soon as possible.
Beasts with Flora seeds have the ability to rapidly grow and manipulate plants around
them of their seed type. More often than not, they share certain physical characteristics with
their plant, such as leaves, bark, or thorns. Many prove to be photosynthetic and quite resilient
to physical damage. Hardwood tree and fruit or vegetable baring plant seeds are highly
sought after by keepers, the former for the obvious combat advantages of durability and
mobility. As to the latter, a keeper’s menagerie must still be fed. They do tend to be vulnerable
to fire and may have unusual dietary or environmental requirements.
-Mineral Seeds
Beasts with mineral seeds tend to take on the physical characteristics of their mineral.
Highly sought after by keepers who regularly see combat for their resilience, they tend to be
heavy and, aside from hot springs, avoid water. Their lung capacity is largely dependent upon
their bestia seed and drowning is a very real danger. Beasts with a large animal bestia and a
sturdy mineral orbis are terrifying and tend to serve the role of living siege weapons on the
-Energy Seeds
While more difficult to recognize based purely on appearance, once a beast with an
energy seed utilizes its ability it is almost immediately recognizable thanks to the lack of
variety—especially in comparison to other seeds. Energy seeds are the rarest of seeds and
among the most sought after for their combination of utility and combat ability. With most
beasts unable to wield firearms or even bows, energy types possess a decided advantage in
ranged combat. Rare is the beast that can fly that is not possessed of either a fire or electrical
-Phenomenon Seeds
These seeds are easily the most frustrating type to recognize and no less common than
the mineral or flora seeds. Phenomenon seeds draw their powers from events or interactions
between the elements occurring in the natural world. These include, but are not limited to,
meteorological, astrological, and tidal occurrences, though there are plenty others, including
decomposition or oxidation. The stunning array of possibilities here has made the phenomenon
seed something of a catch all for any type of orbis seed that does not fall into one of the other
three categories. While this method works for the layman, what truly defines a phenomenon
seed is action. To be possessed of a phenomenon seed is to be connected to a naturally occurring,
if occasionally rare, activity.