Uploaded by academicrockclimber

A Letter to the Class

A Letter to the Class
Dear 68D Class,
Included in this collection is the homework and tests for phase II. While I would love to
take the credit of completing and submitting these answers for you… My only
accomplishment is compiling the answers from resources found around the internet. I
am only a curator of sorts.
I hope that this collection helps you during your clinical’s in phase II and that it gives
back some much needed free time to you all.
Just remember to set aside some time to study for the CST exam and good luck in your
Army career.
Sincerely yours,
The Academic Rock Climber
Test and Homework Resources
Keywords for future classes:
68D phase 2 II test pdf flashcards homework quiz quizlet chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 orientation to surgical technology legal concepts
risk management and ethical issues the surgical patient special populations physical
environment and safety standards biomedical science preventing preoperative disease
and transmission emergency situations and all hazards preparation surgical
pharmacology and anesthesia instrumentation equipment and supplies hemostasis
wound healing and wound closure surgical case management diagnostic procedures
general surgery obstetric and gynecologic surgery ophthalmic surgery
otorhinolaryngologic surgery oral and maxillofacial surgery plastic and reconstructive
surgery genitourinary surgery orthopedic surgery cardiothoracic surgery peripheral
vascular surgery neurosurgery
Study collections