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Critical Design Review Document: Engineering Project Management

Critical Design Review
Revision 0.1
The Critical Design Review document should demonstrate that the maturity of
the programs design is appropriate to support proceeding to full scale
fabrication, assembly, integration, and testing. It reinforces the technical effort
to assure that the project is on track and within budget.
The Document format should follow the preceding
Document Title Page
Owners of Document
Record of Revisions
Note (Document Examples)
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
1.0 Document Purpose
1.1 Document Scope
1.2 Change Control and Update Procedures
2.0 Reference Documents
3.0 Mission Summary
3.1 Concept of Operation
3.2 System Objectives
3.3 System Requirements
3.4 Gantt Chart
3.5 Summary of Changes since PDR
4.0 Materials and Equipment Required
4.1 Microcontrollers
4.2 Sensors and Actuators
4.3 Data Display and/or Storage Components
4.3 Other Components Required
4.4 System Cost
5.0 System Design
5.1 Mechanical or Structural Design
5.2 Electrical Power System Design
5.3 System Software Design
i-iii should each of the three be on
separate pages. After the List of
Tables insert a page break. Make
sure you update your title page
(document, revision number and
dates) and Record of Revisions Log.
Change the file name to reflect the
document. It is no longer a template
and should include your team name
and version
Sections 1.0 and 2.0 should also be a
separate page with 3.0 beginning a
new page.
3.1 Concept of Operation should
include a written summary of what it
is which can be either as a paragraph
or within the diagram next to what it
is explaining.
3.3 System Requirements high level
labels i.e., 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 should
include the 3.2 Objectives described
as the high-level subject line of each
of your requirements.
3.4 Gantt Chart should also contain
a written description as to what if
any dates were changed and why or
if the project has always been on
4.3 Data Display and Storage
component should describe how you
will display or store your data
4.4 A chart should be created with
the components, their function, and
distributor along with their
individual price and Total Cost of
5.0 System Design should include
how you will handle the data
5.4 Communication and/or Data Handling Design
6.0 Integration and Test Plan
6.1 Verification of Systems Accuracy and Reliability
6.1.1Electrical function
6.1.2 Programing
6.2 System Validation Process
Integrated Electrical Performance
System Integrated Structure and Operation
Safety Considerations
7.0 Systems Operational Success Summary
8.0 Glossary
9.0 Appendices and/or Annexes
Add test plan here
Add integrated code here
6.0 Integration and Test Plan
Try to find ways in which your system
may fail and test against them. If they
fail when they should not find a
Verify ranges of operation for each
sensor and document how you did so
and what were the results.
Test more than one or two times and
document what you did, how many
times and what resulted. Use statistical
evaluation tools to validate that your
system is accurate and reliable.,
7.0 Systems Operational Success
Discuss what you expected to occur
and if the results you got were what
you expected. Be specific and