Talking Solar Lamp Research Paper

Arellano University
Gen. Luna Cor. Esguerra St. Brgy. Bayan-Bayanan, Malabon City
Tel./Fax no. 932-52-09
The Development of Solar Lamp Post
Into a Talking Solar Lamp with the Use of HighPowered Solar Panel
in Addition of Talking Chip
A Research Paper Presented to:
Ms. Lara Jenelle Busuego
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements in
Research Project
Abode, Helen Rose R.
Escalicas, Ma. Jenil V.
Balla, Rafael Angelo
Fadriquela, John Cris R.
Bellosillo, John Rex
Lazaro, Catherine Joyce
Concepcion, Alejandro
Macario, Lorenz Alfrederick
Corral, Caleb
Mancao, Ericka G.
Cruz, Hannah Mae
Nadela, Pinky
Cruz, John Vergel
Tabucon, Mark James
Cruz, Rensie Mae S.
Tan, Sophia Andrea
Cuevas, Jairah P.
Uy, Kaila
Dalayawon, Valerie D.
Villabeza, Aron Myles
Delara, Vince
In this research, the proponents use the high-powered solar to make a talking solar
lamp in addition with a talking chip. The solar panel is a medium to convert sunlight to
make electricity that can use to power the LED strips. The additional talking chip is from
the Talking Tom toy and its major role is for the entertainment of all the people who will
used the product. The researcher aims to lessen the consumption of the electricity and to
help the beneficiaries in studying/ working even in the dark areas in different fields. The
researcher excluded the two way-power source which the electrical energy. The
research’s objectives are to have successful innovation of the new product and it will be
beneficial to all.
The researchers used factorial design under experimental method. As they apply
the trial and error method to test every components of the product. After that the
researcher used Yes or No Checklist to evaluate the product as if it is successful or not,
it is done after each trial. Moreover, the researcher finds out that the body of the talking
solar lamp are easy to break, and the bending lights of the talking solar lamp is not made
for some problems that the researcher have been faced.
All in all, the talking solar lamp is helpful for the users as it provides them a light
during night time and also entertainment with the audio/sound that is being released by
the talking solar lamp.
Keywords: Solar Panel, Talking Chip, Talking Solar Lamp
To our supportive families, thank you very much for the moral and financial help.
For giving your son/daughter permission to attend in every grouping, even it is far from
their home and going home late.
To Mr. Antonio Lajot, we are grateful to we get some knowledge from you in using
soldering iron and help us to make a schematic diagram.
To Engr. Justine Dominic, it is hard to find a word to express our gratitude for your
help in the idea that you advise as we use this as a project title of our research.
To Ms. Lara Jenelle Busuego, we give our fullest gratitude to you as our adviser in
research project and as you become our guide to make this product successful. .
Last but definitely not the least, most sincere thanks and glory shall be given to
God, thank you very much for guiding us for this entire research. By your guide we believe
that we can finish this research paper. Surely this research is good, thus it is with the help
of the Lord that our group was able to accomplish such humongous task.
May God bless us all!
PROJECT TITLE………………………………………………………………………..……..1
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT………………………………………………………………….…. 3
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………………4
CHAPTERI: INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………….5
Background of the Study……………………………………………………………………5
Scope and Delimitation…….……………………………………………………………….6
Significance of the Study…………………………………………………………………...6
Conceptual Framework………….………………………………………………………....7
Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………….…8
CHAPTER II: METHODOLOGY……..……………………………………………………....9
Research Design………………………………………………………………………..…..9
Treatment of Study……………………………………………………………………..…11
CHAPTER III: RESULT………………………………………………………………..….…12
Experiment Number 1……………………………………………………………………..12
Experiment Number 2……………………………………………………………………..13
Experiment Number 3……………………………………………………………………..13
CHAPTER IV: DISCUSSION…………………………………………………………….…17
Summary of Findings…………………….…………………………………………….…17
Schematic Diagram……………………………………………………………………..20
Table A……………………………………………………………………………………12
Table 1……………………………………………………………………………………12
Table B….………………………………………………………………………………..13
Table 2…………………………………………………………………………………….13
Table C……………………………………………………………………………………13
Table 3…………………………………………………………………………………….14
Background of the Study
In the Philippines there are several power plants that uses renewable energy as
their source of power, like hydroelectric, wind, steam/geothermal, nuclear, biogas and
etc. But the price of electricity in the Philippines is expensive compared to other countries
(Jr., 2015). The demand for electrical energy has increased significantly with the passage
of time to meet the challenge of the twenty first century for continuing developing process
smoothly. Philippines mainly dependent on fossils-based electricity. Since fossil fuels are
non-renewable and require finite resources which are declining of environmentally
damaging retrieval technique. Due to such concern, developing countries like Philippines
are facing setback sustainable development.
In spite of the slowdown in the growth of the Philippine economy in 2018 to 6.2%
compared to 6.7% in 2017 and below the government’s downward revised target which
ranges from 6.5% to 6.9% for 2018, the total electricity sales and consumption all over
the country still posted a notable figure of 99,765 GWh in 2018 from 94,370 GWh in 2017,
equivalent to 5.7% growth from the previous year [1]. The electricity consumption
increased and the power supply continuously decreasing as the population grow. But how
about to those people who cannot afford to put a power of electricity in their home, it
shows that electricity cost a price that all cannot afford.
Based on the topographical location of the Philippines, this country is considered
as tropical country where sunlight is abundant [2]. That’s why solar energy is another
option of our country as an alternative source of power supply. Many researches and
innovations about on how people can use electricity in a low cost of price happened every
year to ride on the changes and needs inside the community.
Every garden, front yard or pathway needs a touch of sophistication. Solar lamp
posts are just the way to add that touch. You can add them without breaking the bank
with electricity bills (Lee, 2019). Solar lamp post is one of the researches that gave
solution to the problem of every individual in terms of giving enough light in the street and
it also show that there is a cheaper and more efficient way of providing light in the street.
The researcher gets the concept of solar lamp post and develop this solar lamp
into a conventional talking solar lamp. This project aims to make a new solar lamp with
talking chip inspired from the famous game app “Talking Tom” to enhance its capability
not only providing light but also giving entertainment and lessen the expenses of the
users. The target of this research is to make a product that can help the community in
providing light in addition of giving an entertainment as the lamp imitate the voice of the
user. With this product it will be able to minimize the consumption of electricity, as it uses
solar energy as a source of power converted into electricity.
Scope and Delimitation
The researchers focused on the study of developing a conventional solar lamp
post into a talking solar lamp. This is the combination of two product to make a one
product that will provide light and entertaining sound.
This would have a wide range of application in different fields, ranging from
household to school purposes and even in work place area. This study will focus mainly
in developing solar lamp post with enough power supply, containing low voltage
requirement together with talking chip. Electricity produced by this solar panel by the sun
will based on the temperature of one junction heated in a plane while keeping the other
junction for the storage of solar energy.
The study does not include the used of other lighting components and devices in
the solar lamp post and also the two way-power source is excluded.
Significance of the Study
In various ways every study has its own importance and benefits. Nowadays,
electricity can’t reach the distant place and not all cannot afford to provide electricity in
their homes. In this study the researchers pursued to help and give several purposes that
will be able to give contributions to the following:
For the Students – to be able to help the students in their school work and study
habit. The students can use this product that give less radiation that will not affect their
health. It is also affordable and environmental-friendly to buy for those less fortunate
people/ students. This way it can help them in their everyday life.
For the Office Workers/ Teachers/ School Administration – to be able to give
benefit to the office worker and teachers in their field. They can use this product when
doing their paper works in different field. They can also use this solar lamp in library, and
also in the faculty that can provide a help to the students and their workers.
For the Future Researchers – to be able to use this research paper by the future
researchers for the improvement of the talking solar lamp and also to served as reference
for their future study.
Conceptual Framework
A. Intruments used is the
Yes or No Checklist.
B. Materials that the
researcher used,are the
1. Solar Panel (1.5V)
2. Integrated Circuit
3. Electrical Wire (Gauge #
4. LED strips (12V)
5. Talking Chip
6. Fiber Glass
7. Electric Tape
8. Soldering Iron
9. Rechargeable Battery
10. Battery Holder
11. Breadboard
12. SPDT Switch
13. Resistor
A. Observation/Analyzation
B. The procedure below in
making the product.
1. Prepare the materials
needed to start the project.
2. Make a schematic diagram
on where the components be
placed in the Printed Circuit
3. Prototype the circuit on the
breadboard in order to know if
all the components work
4. Use Multimeter to check
the performance of the circuit.
5. Solder the component into
a perforated board or PCB.
6. Solder the solar panel
terminals and put an electrical
7. Put the solar panel at the
top part of the lamp for it is the
best place to absorb sunlight.
8.Connect the components of
the lamp to the solar panel.
9. Attach the talking chip to it
and connect to the energy
storage (battery).
10. Fix the switch of the
talking lamp and concentrate
on making how the switch will
power on the components
inside the lamp.
11. If success already,
proceed to form the final
Product Testing/Evaluation.
Talking Solar Powered
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to develop a solar lamp post into a talking solar lamp. This will further
be assessed by answering the following questions:
1.) Is the innovated talking solar lamp successful?
2.) Is the innovated talking solar lamp affect the normal functioning of the solar lamp?
3.) What will be the recommendation to be improved in the talking solar lamp?
Solar power cannot be used as a power source use for a solar talking lamp.
Solar power can be used as a power source use for a solar talking lamp.
This chapter contains the research design, instrument used to make the product,
procedure and treatment of data used to conduct this study. It incorporates the statistical
tool, sources of data, the research subjects, as well as the instrument utilized to gather
data and in processing the data. This chapter is showing how the researcher came to the
necessary data for this study, and how these data were analyzed, interpreted and
presented in the easiest possible way.
Research Design
In this study, the researcher used the factorial design under the experimental
method of research to determine the Development of the Solar Lamp Post into a talking
solar lamp and the researchers will use trial and error method in the experiment to see
the effect of every components that will be added to the solar lamp post to make a new
product which is the talking solar lamp.
The main instrument used in this study was the YES or NO checklist type of
question. Yes, means the statement meet the expected output and No, means if the
statement doesn’t meet the expected output. There is no human participation in the
1. The light emitted by talking solar lamp.
2. The overall appearance of the talking solar lamp.
3. The audio produce by the talking solar lamp.
4. The talking solar lamp is easy to use.
5. The battery life expectancy.
6. The quality of materials being used.
7. The talking solar lamp is affordable.
8. The talking solar lamp does what it claims.
9. The bending light of talking solar lamp is useful for viewing from
different angle.
10. The entertainment given by the talking solar powered lamp.
11. The talking solar lamp is recommendable.
12. The talking solar lamp is beneficial to the user.
13. The light of talking solar lamp covered the used space.
14. The talking solar lamp is easy to carry anywhere.
15. The talking solar lamp is durable.
The following are the materials used in making the product:
Solar Panel (5.5V) – it is used as
a medium to absorb sunlight to be
a source of energy in the talking
the components and wirings.
solar lamp.
Integrated Circuit (QX5252F) -
-used as a
heart of this talking solar lamp or
second option,
known as control center.
to use as a
Electrical Wire (Gauge # 22) – it is
source of
used as a conductor for the flow of
energy of the
LED strips.
LED strips (12V) – it is used as the
Breadboard – used for testing the
components of the circuit used in
Aluminum Foil – to reflect light and
making talking solar lamp.
Talking Chip – use to imitate the
Electric Tape – used for
Battery Holder – it is used to hold
the battery.
SPDT Switch – it is used to switch
the talking solar lamp on and off.
around the LED strips.
light of the talking solar lamp.
voice it can hear for only 3s.
Rechargeable Battery – used as a
storage of energy.
add more brightness.
Soldering Iron – used to connect
Resistor - it is used to control the
electric current flow.
insulation of the open wires.
1. Prepare the materials needed to start the project.
2. Make a schematic diagram on where the components be placed in the Printed
Circuit Board.
3. Prototype the circuit on the breadboard in order to know if all the components work
4. Use Multimeter to check the performance of the circuit.
5. Solder the component into a perforated board or PCB.
6. Solder the solar panel terminals and put an electrical wire.
7. Put the solar panel at the top part of the lamp for it is the best place to absorb
8. Connect the components of the lamp to the solar panel.
9. Attach the talking chip to it and connect to the energy storage (battery).
10. Fix the switch of the talking lamp and concentrate on making how the switch will
power on the components inside the lamp.
11. If success already, proceed to form the final structure.
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Treatment of the Study
An analysis was done in order to find out the specific variables and measures
which allowed the researchers understand the functions and efficiency of every
component of the talking solar lamp.
The researcher uses trial and error method in order to come up with the finished
product. The component of the talking solar lamp needs to be fit with one another to avoid
the short circuit and the researcher test those components with the use of breadboard
and multimeter.
The researcher used formula in order to solve the following:
1.) Current
2.) Power
Given Data of Materials:
Battery - 18V
Resistor - 220 Ω
Ampere Calculations
The current I in ampere (A) is equal to the voltage V in volts (V) divided by the
resistance R in ohms (Ω):
I = V__
= _18V_
220 Ω
= 0.082 A
Watts Calculation
The power P in watts (W) is equal to the voltage V in volts (V) times the current I
in amps (A):
= 18 V x 0.082 A
= 1.476 W
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This research aims to make a talking solar lamp that is eco-friendly and beneficial
to the user. This will be further assessed by using the trial and error method during the
experimentation and using Yes or No Checklist after the product has made.
This are the result in breadboard testing, it is always a good idea to prototype any
circuit on a breadboard, to make sure that all of your components are working perfectly.
The table shows the STEP 3 in the procedure and the components being tested in the
Table A. Experiment No. 1
Trial 1
Integrated Chip
LED Strips
1kilo Ω
For trial 1, The researchers try to light the LED strips only.
Observation: The resistor value that is being used is 1kiloΩ and the LED strips didn’t light.
The resistor value affects the lighting up of the LED strips as it reduces the flow of current
running towards the LED strips.
Table 1: Yes or No Checklist
1. The light emitted by talking solar lamp.
2. The overall appearance of the talking solar lamp.
3. The audio produce by the talking solar lamp.
4. The talking solar lamp is easy to use.
5. The battery life expectancy.
6. The quality of materials being used.
7. The talking solar lamp is affordable.
8. The talking solar lamp does what it claims.
9. The bending light of talking solar lamp is useful for viewing from
different angle.
10. The entertainment given by the talking solar powered lamp.
11. The talking solar lamp is recommendable.
12. The talking solar lamp is beneficial to the user.
13. The light of talking solar lamp covered the used space.
14. The talking solar lamp is easy to carry anywhere.
15. The talking solar lamp is durable.
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Table B. Experiment No. 2
Trial 2
Integrated Chip
LED Strips
220 Ω
For trial 2: The researchers try to light the LED strips only.
Observation: The LED strips lights up but not so bright, because the battery being used
is 12V. The power from the battery flow on the resistor. The resistor is used to limit the
current through the LED and to prevent that it burns [3], as a result for that, the light
produce by the LED strips is not so bright in the connection with the voltage of battery.
Table 2: Yes or No Checklist
1. The light emitted by talking solar lamp.
2. The overall appearance of the talking solar lamp.
3. The audio produce by the talking solar lamp.
4. The talking solar lamp is easy to use.
5. The battery life expectancy.
6. The quality of materials being used.
7. The talking solar lamp is affordable.
8. The talking solar lamp does what it claims.
9. The bending light of talking solar lamp is useful for viewing from
different angle.
10. The entertainment given by the talking solar powered lamp.
11. The talking solar lamp is recommendable.
12. The talking solar lamp is beneficial to the user.
13. The light of talking solar lamp covered the used space.
14. The talking solar lamp is easy to carry anywhere.
15. The talking solar lamp is durable.
Table C. Experiment No. 3
Trial 3
220 Ω
Integrated Chip
LED Strips
For trial 3: The researchers try to light up the LED strip, connect the talking chip and made
the outside body of the talking solar powered lamp.
Observation: The LED strips light brightly, the researchers used 18V of battery and the
LED strips lights up brightly. This means that all the components that are being used such
as battery, resistor and LED strips function well and can be powered by solar panel.
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This are the data that the researcher gathered during the observation on the
finished product using the instrument which is the Yes or No Checklist, stated in the
table below are the results that is analyzed and interpreted.
Table 3: Yes or No Checklist with Observation
1. The light emitted by talking solar lamp.
The energy from the solar lamp
can support, to light up the LED
strip that is enough to cover the
space needed. The brightness of it
is just enough to read and it will
not irritate the eyes of the students
or the people who will use it.
2. The overall appearance of the talking
solar lamp.
appearance is inspired from the
researcher made their own design
of lamp. It is pleasant to the eye as
it covered with illustration board
and painted with metallic spray.
3. The audio produce by the talking solar
researchers used as an audio in
the talking solar lamp is not so
clear that the student/ people will
hear. The talking chip used is a
recycle because the researchers
want to aim that all the cost or
price needed to make the talking
solar lamp is not expensive
4. The talking solar lamp is easy to use.
It means that all the function of the
talking solar lamp is working. The
students can be able to use the
talking solar lamp without using
instructional guide.
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5. The battery life expectancy.
The researcher tried to use the
talking solar lamp to try the battery
sustained its power until 8 hours
that consistently being used.
recyclable material in part of the
talking chip so it will become
6. The quality of materials being used.
affordable to the students, as the
quality of materials is not so good
but it doesn’t mean that the talking
solar lamp will not function well.
The other materials used to make
7. The talking solar lamp is affordable.
the talking solar lamp is not
expensive and the talking chip is
As what does the title of the
product, “Talking Solar Lamp” it
says that the lamp can imitate the
8. The talking solar lamp does what it
sound it can hear and talk for a few
seconds, and the energy from the
solar panel power the whole
talking solar lamp.
The researchers failed their aim to
make the bending lights used as
for viewing from the different
9. The bending light of talking solar lamp
is useful for viewing from different angle.
angles but in the contrary they
used the LED strip as the light for
the talking solar lamp instead of
the LED light to increase the
space that light can cover.
The researcher placed the talking
chip for the main reason is to give
10. The entertainment given by the
talking solar powered lamp.
entertainment as it copies the
sound it will hear and mimic the
sounds in a funny way.
11. The talking solar lamp is
recommendable to purchase.
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The talking solar lamp would not
just compensate the electric bill of
the people who will use it but it
would be useful in studying/
working even in the dark areas
and in the same time it can
entertained the user.
Making this product is looking for
those beneficiaries that will benefit
12. The talking solar lamp is beneficial to
the user.
in this product. As this talking solar
lamp is eco-friendly cause it used
solar energy and will lessen their
expenses in paying electric bills.
This product uses LED strips and
aluminum reflector in the top and
bottom part of the LED strips, in
13. The light of talking solar lamp cover
the used space.
line with that, the light from the
LED strips reflected from the
aluminum reflector and that’s why
the talking solar lamp can cover
the used space.
The researcher used fiber glass
as the protection for the LED strips
and that is the reason why the
14. The talking solar lamp is easy to carry
talking solar lamp is heavy, in
connection with that it means that
the fiber glass affected the weight
of the talking solar lamp.
Considering the materials that the
researchers used specifically the
15. The talking solar lamp is durable.
air-dry clay, fiber glass and the
illustration board that is used for
making the body of the talking
solar lamp is easy to break.
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Summary of Findings
Nowadays, solar energy has very significant in the fulfillment of power because of
heavy need and lower production. It is the easiest way to produce power to make an
electricity. The problem regarding solar panel is unawareness of this method and heavy
cost. The researchers want to made a lamp using the solar panel and improve with
additional talking chip. It was been successful to made the talking solar lamp as it answers
the following research question:
1.) Is the innovated talking solar lamp successful?
2.) Is the innovated talking solar lamp affect the normal functioning of the solar lamp?
3.) What will be the recommendation to be improved in the talking solar lamp?
In order for the researchers to answer the objectives stated, they used trial and
error method while observing the effect of every component on each part of the talking
solar lamp. After that the researcher used the Yes or No checklist for assessing the
product and it shows that talking solar lamp is successfully made but the audio/sound
released by the talking lamp is not so clear as the researcher used recycled talking chip
from the “Talking Tom” toy. The talking solar lamp doesn’t affect the functioning of the
solar lamp because the talking solar lamp also provide light in addition with the
audio/sound that the talking solar lamp hear and imitate. Moreover, the researcher finds
out that the body of the talking solar lamp are easy to break, and the bending lights of the
talking solar lamp is not made for some problems that the researcher have been faced.
All in all, the talking solar lamp is helpful for the users as it provides them a light
during night time and also entertainment with the audio/sound that is being released by
the talking solar lamp.
Solar talking lamp are raised light sources which are powered by solar panels
generally mounted on the lighting structure of the lamp, in addition with talking chip from
the “Talking Tom” toy. The solar panels charge a rechargeable battery, which powers a
LED strips in the lamp during night time.
Therefore, the researchers conclude that the solar power can be used as a power
source use for a solar talking lamp. As based on every trial the researchers try to light the
LED strip using the solar power and they made it to light up, it means the solar panel can
be used as a medium for the absorption of sunlight to provide power or energy used for
the LED strip. Then, they just add talking chip just for the entertainment since the target
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beneficiaries is the students and nowadays students are easy to experience boredom and
the researcher thinks on how they will surpass that boredom, so this talking solar lamp
was made.
For the researchers who will continue this experiment, these are the following
It is better to put a two way of power source which is the solar and electrical energy.
Try to make the bending light to make view from the different angle.
Use a light- weight material to make the product easier to carry of the people.
Use material that is durable since sometime people are clumsy.
Test the audio/sound of the talking chip to make sure that the sound it will released
is clear.
Design your own outside body appearance of the talking solar lamp.
Make a program that can make an adjustment of the brightness of the light.
For the future researchers, these are the following recommendation:
They can use this research as a reference or guide to their research papers
They can use the reference of the researchers used in this research for more
For the beneficiaries, these are the following recommendation:
Use the Talking Solar Powered lamp properly.
Do not use the Talking Solar Powered Lamp if it is not necessarily important.
Make sure that you will not overuse the product.
They can recommend this product
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[Accessed: January 25, 2020].
[2] http://www.seia.org/about/solarenergy [Accessed: January 25, 2020].
[3] http://www.resistorguide.com/resistor-for-led/ [Accessed: January 25, 2020].
Jr., R. W. (2015). Design and Development of a Solar-Powered Lighting System Using
Motion Sensing Detection. http://www.nscb.gov.ph/sexystats/
2013/SS20130927_electricity.asp/[Accessed: January 25, 2020].
Lee, S. (2019). Best Solar Lamp Posts.
[Accessed: January 25, 2020].
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Integrated Circuit
Pin-1 -> Solar panel
positive terminal
Pin-2 -> Battery positive
terminal and one leg of
Pin-3 -> All ground (Solar
panel, Battery and LED
negative terminal)
Pin-4 -> Other leg of
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