SMK SERI BEMBAN Jalan Ayer Panas 77200 Bemban Melaka Kod sekolah: MEA1080 Telefon: 06-5216684 Fax No: 06-5210252 Laman Web ! ! MINUTES OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE 1ST PANEL MEETING ! DATE: 10th January 2017 TIME: 3.00 pm VENUE: Meeting Room ! ATTENDANCE: ! Presesnt: 1. Pn Fatimah binti Salim (GKMP Bahasa) 2. Encik Mohd Noor Suhaimee bin Bahari 3. Encik Nasaruddin bin Rahmat 4. Pn Hjh Manja binti Md Doli 5. Pn Aida Mastura binti Mohd Hussin 6. Pn Ratha a/p Kuppusamy 7. Cik Ong Lih Ji 8. Cik Nurkhaliza binti Mahashim 9. Cik Khuzaimah Binti Ibrahim ! Absentee: 1. !1. Pn Shobha a/p Pubalan WELCOMING ADDRESS BY THE CHAIRPERSON The Panel Head thanked all the members for their presence. He highlighted that the main purpose of the meeting is to discuss on the yearly activities which the panel should carry out to improve the mastery of English Language among teachers and students. He also congratulates all the English Language Teachers especially the form three team for their efforts and hard work especially with the result went up with increasing number of students to get an A in PT3. He hopes the teachers will perform better this year so that the target will be achieved. ! 2. CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES The minutes was confirmed as proposed by Cik Ong Lih Ji and seconded by Cik Nurkhaliza binti Mahashim without any amendments. ! ! 3. MATTERS ARISING No arising matter raised up in the meeting as everything was well done for the year 2016. ! 4. INTRODUCING NEW MEMBER AND APPOINTING of ENGLISH LANGUAGE PANEL SECRETARY FOR 2017 4.1 A new English teacher, Cik Khuzaimah binti Ibrahim being introduce to the panel members. All members are hope to be cooperative in ensuring the success of the English Panel in carrying out any formal or informal school’s activities including during the exams. Action: all members of the English Panel. ! 4.2 The Panel has agreed to appoint Cik Khuzaimah binti Ibrahim as the secretary for this year. It is hope that she will carry the duties successfully. Action: Cik Khuzaimah Binti Ibrahim ! 5 ULBS 5 Listening and speaking tests should be carried out throughout the year. ULBS should be done early and all teachers have to ensure that the particulars stated upon the students’ performances to be kept in a file with all the details needed. Teachers also need to make it ready by end of March and if possible by end of February. Action: all english teachers ! 6 SCHEME OF WORK 6.1 It is agreed that that a representative from all forms will prepare the SOW for each particular form taught. Remove: Pn Ratha, Form 1: Cik Nurkhaliza Form 2: Cik Khuzaimah Form 3: En. Nasaruddin Form 4: Miss Ong Lih Ji Fomr 5: Encik Mohd Noor Suhaimee ! 6.2 Whereas the writing of the lesson plan, do have to follow the format given by the JPM, a standard format has to be written in writing the yearly, weekly and daily plan. For instance, in writing daily lesson plan, must includes Theme, topic, learning objectives, success criteria, activities and reflections. Action: all English Teacher ! 7 LITERATURE COMPONENT 7.1 The English syllabus had incorporated Language for Aesthetic used in all forms. The literature components for form 1,2,4 and 5 are still the same. Changes only for form 3 where there are new literature components to be use this year. The literature component use: ! ! ! FORM 1, 2 and 3 POEMS SHORT STORY NOVEL Sad I am (form 1) Fairs Fair The Elephant Man Newsbreak (form 1) Cheat My hero (form 2) A Night Out What is Red (form 2) Poisoned Talk (form 3) The Day the Bulldozers Came (form 3) FORM 4 and 5 POEMS SHORT STORY NOVEL Living Photograph Leaving Sing to The Dawn Charge of the Light Brigade Tanjung Rhu A poison Tree What happened to Lulu ! 7.2 Teachers can rely the revision and reference books published in the market besides surfing the internet for more details. Action: All English Teachers ! 8 ANALYSIS of PT3 2016 RESULT 8.1 The PT3 examination which is basically to test the true ability of the candidates in acquiring the language skills. Here are the analysis and performance statistics for PT3 from 2014-2016 A % B % C % D % Wrt. Test! 201 6 5 3.8 2 1.4 9 6.6 Wrt. Test 201 5 2 1.3 2 1.3 8 5.2 8 Wrt. Test 201 4 0 0.0 6 3.7 5 3.1 16 11.9 1 0.7 32 23.7 Oral 201 6 19 14.0 E % Bil Lulu s % F % Jum Cal on 81 59.6 139 Jum GP Amb MP il 20 14.7 55 40.4 5.2 28 18.1 48 31.0 107 69.0 162 155 5.45 16 9.8 23 14.1 50 30.7 113 69.3 165 163 5.42 13 9.6 32 23.7 94 69.6 135 41 30.4 139 136 Oral 201 5 1 0.6 3 1.9 14 9.0 43 27.7 48 31.0 109 70.3 46 29.7 162 155 4.75 Oral 201 4 4 2.5 9 5.7 11 6.9 32 20.1 25 15.7 78 49.1 165 159 4.88 8.2 81 50.9 Based on the performance as seen above, there is an improvement in the number of students who achieved ‘A’ in both written and Oral examinations. It is hope that this year the number of students who achieved A and pass the exam in PT3 will increase. ! 9 EXAM SETTERS 9.1 Diagnostic test, Monthly test and semester exams have to be carried out throughout the year. Teachers concerned are being assigned to set or prepare the assignments scheduled NAME TEST 1 MID YEAR TRIAL EXAM TEST 2 END YEAR SUHAIMEE ONG AIDA RATHA NURKHALIZA KHUZAIMAH MANJA NASARUDDIN SOBHA ! 9.2 All teachers who prepare the questions will strictly do have to follow the exam format especially for formal exams (mid-year and end-year), lower forms:PT3 format ; upper forms; SPM format. Whereas during diagnostic test, teachers can test the students language in certain areas such as grammar and tenses. Action: All English teachers ! 10 ENGLISH PANEL: SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES 10.1 Suggested activities throughout the year are as follows: No Name of Activities Teacher in-charge 1 Public Speaking Miss Ong and Cik Khuzaimah 2 Poem Recital Pn Aida and Pn Ratha 3 Scrabble Pn. Ratha and Pn Sobha 4 Reciting prayer in English Cik Nurkhaliza 5 English quiz all English teachers 6 Learn a word a day En. Nasaruddin 7 lesson study representative 8 peer correction Miss Ong 9 Language Month:! • quizzes! • English song singing competition! • crossword puzzle! • story telling! • essay writing competition! • sweet tooth dedication 10 English Day !! all English teachers! English society members all English teachers (alternate) 11 In-house training for PT3 and SPM examiners 12 peer teaching among all English teachers 13 extra classes all English teachers ! 10.2 Activities carried out must be adhere to the programmes scheduled by the school’s plan. All teachers can refer to the Head of English Panel for financial assistance in carrying out the activities assigned. Please do have to prepare the necessary budget or paper work to be approved by the authorities concern. teachers can suggest any other activities if possible. Some of the programmes can also be carried out during the English language Society meeting. Action: all English Teachers. ! 11 BUDGET 2016/2017 11.1 According to the clerk in-charge, the money left is RM710.86 to be spent early this year, because the PCG allocation is still in progress. Hence teachers can suggest something beneficial for the students’ need to be bought later. ! 11.2 Cik Nurkhaliza suggested to buy LCD using the money since 21st century classroom need to be implement. Pn. Aida suggested that the panel buy a cupboard to put all the English books for easy access. The Head of English Panel will look forward into this matter as soon as the panel has the allocation. ! 12 STRATEGIC PLANNING AND REPORT 12.1 The plan and report had to be sent to the schools authority and to be compiled together with other subjects. The plan includes the operational and tactical plans as suggested by the English Panel to ensure the level of proficiencies and students’ performances in the test and exams will increase gradually. ! 12.2 For upper form it will be done by Encik Mohd Noor Suhaimee while for lower form, it will be done by Encik Nasaruddin. ! ! ! 13 EXERCISES/HOMEWORK 13.1 For Exercise books, teachers can ask students to use at least 2 exercise books and maximum of 4 exercise books. Exercise need to be given after each chapter. ! 13.2 At least 2 essays exercises should be given to the students in a month where it comprises of 1 model essay and 1 guided essay. En. Nasaruddin also suggested that students are given grammar exercise online that they can do at home during their free time. ! 14 MISCELLANEOUS 14.1 The Head of English Panel reminded the members that they have to carry out MBMMBI and the MBMMBI room is available to be utilised in teaching by using the teaching courseware supplied by the ministry. ! 14.2 Pn Ratha also reminded the members that PISA materials are available in PSS and all the modules should be use since it is compulsory to finish all the modules given. ! 14.3 OPS English is still to be carried out for form 2 until June as what being reminded by Encik Mohd Noor Suhaimee. ! 14.4 Miss Ong reminded form 4 teachers to carry out drama for form 4 students. ! 14.5 Teachers have to be aware of the current development in teaching and to make use of their skills to ensure that the students are not left behind compare to other schools. ! The meeting was adjourned at 5.30 pm ! ! ! Prepared by: ! ! KHUZAIMAH BINTI IBRAHIM Secretary of English Panel SMK Seri Bemban !