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Synchronous Machines: Generator Construction & Operation

Synchronous Machines
1.0 Introduction
One might easily argue that the synchronous
generator is the most important component
in the power system, since synchronous
• Are the source of 99% of the MW in most
power systems;
• Provide frequency regulation and load
• Are the main source of voltage control;
• Are an important source of oscillation
For that reason, we will spend the remainder
of the course studying this component.
EE 303 contains a chapter on synchronous
generators (Module G1). Sections 2 and 3 of
these notes will be basically a review of this
module, except that we will more rigorously
develop the smooth rotor model used there.
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Sections 4 and 5 will extend your
knowledge of synchronous generators to
account for salient pole machines,
2.0 Synchronous Generator Construction
The synchronous generator converts
mechanical energy from the turbine into
electrical energy.
The turbine converts some kind of energy
(steam, water, wind) into mechanical
energy, as illustrated in Fig. 1 [1].
Fig. 1 [1]
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The synchronous generator has two parts:
• Stator:
carries 3 (3-phase) armature
windings, AC, physically displaced from
each other by 120 degrees
• Rotor: carries field windings, connected to
an external DC source via slip rings and
brushes or to a revolving DC source via a
special brushless configuration.
Fig. 2 shows a simplified diagram
illustrating the slip-ring connection to the
field winding.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3 shows the rotor from a 200 MW
steam generator. This is a smooth rotor.
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Fig. 3
Fig. 4 shows the rotor and stator of a hydrogenerator, which uses a salient pole rotor.
Fig. 4
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Fig. 5 illustrates the synchronous generator
construction for a salient pole machine, with
2 poles. Note that Fig. 5 only represents one
“side” of each phase, so as to not crowd the
picture too much. In other words, we should
also draw the Phase A return conductor
180° away from the Phase A conductor
shown in the picture. Likewise for Phases B
and C.
Phase A
Phase B
The negative terminal
for each phase is
180 degrees from
the corresponding
positive terminal.
Phase C
Fig. 5
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A Two Pole Machine
Salient Pole Structure
Fig. 6 shows just the rotor and stator (but
without stator winding) for a salient pole
machine with 4 poles.
A Four Pole Machine
(Salient Pole
Fig. 6
The difference between smooth rotor
construction and salient pole rotor
construction is illustrated in Fig. 7. Note the
air-gap in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7
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The synchronous generator is so-named
because it is only at synchronous speed
that it functions properly. We will see why
later. For now, we define synchronous
speed as the speed for which the induced
voltage in the armature (stator) windings is
synchronized with (has same frequency as)
the network voltage. Denote this as ωe.
In North America,
ωe=2π(60)= 376.9911≈377rad/sec
In Europe,
ωe=2π(50)= 314.1593≈314rad/sec
On an airplane,
ωe=2π(400)= 2513.3≈2513rad/sec
The mechanical speed of the rotor is
related to the synchronous speed through:
ωm =
(ωe )
where both ωm and ωe are given in rad/sec.
This may be easier to think of if we write
ωe = (ωm )
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Thus we see that, when p=2, we get one
electric cycle for every one mechanical
cycle. When p=4, we get two electrical
cycles for every one mechanical cycle.
If we consider that ωe must be constant
from one machine to another, then
machines with more poles must rotate
more slowly than machines with less.
It is common to express ωm in RPM,
denoted by N; we may easily derive the
conversion from analysis of units:
Nm=(ωm rad/sec)*(1 rev/2π rad)*(60sec/min)
= (30/π)ωm
Substitution of ωm=(2/p) ωe=(2/p)2πf=4πf/p
Nm= (30/π)(4πf/p)=120f/p
Using (3), we can see variation of Nm with p
for f=60 Hz, in Table 1.
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Table 1
No. of Poles (p)
Synchronous speed (Ns)
Because steam-turbines are able to achieve
high speeds, and because operation is more
efficient at those speeds, most steam turbines
are 2 pole, operating at 3600 RPM. At this
rotational speed, the surface speed of a 3.5 ft
diameter rotor is about 450 mile/hour. Salient
poles incur very high mechanical stress and
windage losses at this speed and therefore
cannot be used. All steam-turbines use smooth
rotor construction.
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Because hydro-turbines cannot achieve high
speeds, they must use a higher number of
poles, e.g., 24 and 32 pole hydro-machines are
construction is less expensive, all hydromachines use salient pole construction.
constructions for smooth and salient-pole
rotors. The red arrows indicate the direction of
the flux produced by the field windings.
• Synchronous generator
Rotor construction
Round Rotor
Two pole
Four Pole
Eight Pole
Salient Pole
ωs = 3600 rpm
ωs = 1800 rpm
ωs = 900 rpm
Fig. 8
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3.0 Conceptual description
The following outlines the conceptual steps
associated with production of power in a
synchronous generator.
1.DC is supplied to the field winding.
2.If the rotor is stationary, the field winding
produces magnetic flux which is strongest
radiating outwards from the center of the
pole face and diminishes with distance
along the air-gap away from the pole face
center. Figure 9 illustrates. The left-handfigure plots flux density plotted as a
function of angle from the main axis. The
right-hand plot shows the main axis and
the lines of flux. The angle θ measures the
point on the stator from the main axis. In
this particular case, we have aligned the
main axis with the direct-axis of the rotor.
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Direct rotor axis
B, flux density gap
in the air gap
field lines
Fig. 9
3.The turbine rotates the rotor. This
produces a rotating magnetic field (text
calls it sinusoidal traveling wave) in the air
gap, i.e., the plot on the left of Fig. 9
“moves” with time. Figure 10 illustrates,
where we see that, for fixed time (just one
of the plots), there is sinusoidal variation
of flux density with space. Also, if we
stand on a single point on the stator (e.g.,
θ=90°) and measure B as a function of
time, we see that for fixed space (the
vertical dotted line at 90°, and the red eye
on the pictures to the right), there is
sinusoidal variation of flux density w/time.
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Fig. 10
4.Given that the stator windings, which run
down the stator sides parallel to the length
of the generator (see Fig. 5) are fixed on
the stator (like the eye of Fig. 10), those
conductors will see a time varying flux.
Thus, by Faraday’s law, a voltage will be
induced in those conductors.
a. Because the phase windings are spatially
displaced by 120°, then we will get
voltages that are time-displaced by 120°.
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b.If the generator terminals are opencircuited, then the amplitude of the
voltages are proportional to
• Speed
• Magnetic field strength
And our story ends here if generator
terminals are open-circuited.
5.If, however, the phase (armature) windings
are connected across a load, then current
will flow in each one of them. Each one of
these currents will in turn produce a
magnetic field. So there will be 4 magnetic
fields in the air gap. One from the rotating
DC field winding, and one each from the
three stationary AC phase windings.
6.The three magnetic fields from the
armature windings will each produce flux
densities, and the composition of these
three flux densities result in a single
rotating magnetic field in the air gap.
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7.This rotating magnetic field from the
armature will have the same speed as the
rotating magnetic field from the rotor, i.e.,
these two rotating magnetic fields are in
8.The two rotating magnetic fields, that from
the rotor and the composite field from the
armature, are “locked in,” and as long as
they rotate in synchronism, a torque
(Torque=P/ωm=Force×radius, where Force
is tangential to the rotor surface), is
developed. This torque is identical to that
which would be developed if two
magnetic bars were fixed on the same
pivot [2, pg. 171] as shown in Fig 11. In
the case of synchronous generator
operation, we can think of bar A (the rotor
field) as pushing bar B (the armature
field), as in Fig. 11a. In the case of
synchronous motor operation, we can
think of bar B (the armature field) as
pulling bar A (the rotor field), as in Fig.
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Bar B
Bar A
Bar B
Bar A
Fig 11a
Fig 11b
Fig. 11
4.0 Analytical model: open circuit voltage
We will now associate an analytical model
with the previous conceptual description.
We begin with Fig. 11 (Fig. 6.1 from text).
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Fig. 11
In this figure, note the following definitions:
• θ: the absolute angle between a reference
axis (i.e., fixed point on stator) and the
center line of the rotor north pole (direct
rotor axis); it is the same as θ of Fig. 9 if,
in Fig. 9, we assume that the direct rotor
axis is aligned with the reference axis.
• α: the angle made between the reference
axis and some point of interest along the
air gap circumference.
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Thus we see that, for any pair of angles θ
and α, α-θ gives the angular difference
between the centerline of the rotor north
pole and the point of interest.
We are using two angular measurements in
this way in order to address
• variation with time as the rotor moves; we
will do this using θ (which gives the
rotational position of the centerline of the
rotor north pole)
• variation with space for a given θ; we will
do this using α (which gives the rotational
position of any point on the stator with
respect to θ)
We want to describe the flux density, B, in
the air gap, due to field current iF only.
Assume that maximum air gap flux density,
which occurs at the pole center line (α=θ), is
Bmax. Assume also that flux density B varies
sinusoidally around the air gap (as illustrated
in Figs. 9 and 10). Then, for a given θ,
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B (α ) = Bmax cos(α − θ )
Keep in mind that the flux density expressed
by eq. (4) represents only the magnetic field
from the winding on the rotor.
But, you might say, this is a fictitious
situation because the currents in the
armature windings will also produce a
magnetic field in the air gap, and so we
cannot really talk about the magnetic field
from the rotor winding alone.
We may deal with this issue in an effective
and forceful way: assume, for the moment,
that the phase A, B, and C armature
windings are open, i.e., not connected to the
grid or to anything else. Then, currents
through them must be zero, and if currents
through them are zero, they cannot produce
a magnetic field.
So we assume that ia=ib=ic=0.
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So what does this leave us to investigate?
Even though currents in the phases are zero,
voltages are induced in them. So it is these
voltages that we want to describe. These
voltages are called the open circuit voltages.
Consider obtaining the voltage induced in
just one wire-turn of the a-phase armature
winding. Such a turn is illustrated in Fig. 12
(Fig. 6.2 of the text). We have also drawn a
half-cylinder having radius equal to the
distance of the air-gap from the rotor center.
Fig. 12
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Note in Fig. 12 that the current direction in
the coil is assumed to be from the Xterminal (on the right) to the dot-terminal
(on the left).
With this current direction, a positive flux
direction is established using the right-handrule to be upwards. We denote a-phase flux
linkages associated with such a directed flux
to be λaa’. Our goal, which is to find the
voltage induced in this coil of wire, eaa’, can
be achieved using Faraday’s Law, which is:
dλ aa '
e aa ' = −
So our job at this point is to express the flux
linking the a-phase λaa, which comes entirely
from the magnetic field produced by the
rotor, as a function of time.
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An aside: The minus sign of eq. (5)
expresses Lenz’s Law [3, pp. 27-28], which
states that the direction of the voltage in the
coil is such that, assuming the coil is the
source (as it is when operating as a
generator), and the ends are shorted, it will
produce current that will cause a flux
opposing the original flux change that
produced that voltage. Therefore
• if flux linkage λaa’ is increasing (originally
positive, meaning upwards through the
coil a-a’, and then becoming larger),
• then the current produced by the induced
voltage needs to be set up to provide flux
linkage in the downward direction of the
• this means the current needs to flow from
the terminal a to the terminal a’
• to make this happen across a shorted
terminal, the coil would need to be
positive at the a’ terminal and negative at
the a terminal, as shown in Fig. 13.
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Fig. 13
To compute the flux linking with the coil of
wire a-a’, we begin by considering the flux
passing through the small slice of the
cylinder, dα. The amount of flux through
this slice, denoted by dφaa’, will be the flux
density at the slice, as given by eq. (4),
multiplied by the area of that slice, which is
(length) × (width) = (l) × (r dα), that is:
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dφaa' = Bmax cos(α − θ )lrdα
= lrBmax cos(α − θ )dα
We can now integrate eq. (6) about the halfcylinder to obtain the flux passing through it
(integrating about a full cylinder will give 0,
since we would then pick up flux entering
and exiting the cylinder).
φaa ' =
π /2
∫ lrB
cos(α − θ )dα
−π / 2
π /2
= lrBmax sin(α − θ ) −π / 2
 π
= lrBmax  sin − θ  − sin − − θ  
 14
43 14
3 
− cosθ
cos θ
= lrBmax (cos(θ ) − − cos(θ ))
= 2lrBmax cosθ
Define φmax=2lrBmax, and we get
φaa ' = ϕ max cosθ
which is the same as eq. (6.2) in the text.
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Equation (8) indicates that the flux passing
through the coil of wire a-a’ depends only
on θ. That is,
• given the coil of wire is fixed on the
stator, and
• given that we know the flux density
occurring in the air gap as a result of the
rotor winding,
• we can determine how much of the flux is
actually linking with the coil of wire by
simply knowing the rotational position of
the centerline of the rotor north pole (θ).
But eq. (8) gives us flux, and we need flux
linkage. We can get that by just multiplying
flux φaa’ by the number of coils of wire N. In
the particular case at hand, N=1, but in
general, N will be something much higher.
Then we obtain:
λaa ' = Nφaa ' = Nϕ max cosθ
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Now we need to understand clearly what θ
is. It is the centerline of the rotor north pole,
BUT, the rotor north pole is rotating!
Let’s assume that when the rotor started
rotating, it was at θ=θ0, and it is moving at a
rotational speed of ω0, then
θ = ω0t + θ 0
Substitution of eq. (10) into eq. (9) yields:
λaa ' = Nϕ max cos(ω 0 t + θ 0 )
Now, from eq. (5), we have
eaa ' = −
dλaa' − d
( Nϕ max cos(ω 0t + θ 0 )) (12)
We get a –sin from differentiating the cos,
and thus we get two negatives, resulting in:
e aa ' = N ϕ max ω 0 sin (ω 0 t + θ 0 ) (13)
E max = Nϕ maxω 0
eaa ' = Emax sin(ω 0 t + θ 0 )
We can also define the RMS value of eaa’ as
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Eaa ' =
which is the magnitude of the generator
internal voltage.
We have seen internal voltage before, in EE
303, where we denoted it as |Ef|. In EE 303,
we found it in the circuit model we used to
analyze synchronous machines, which
appeared as in Fig. 14.
Note that internal voltage is the same as
terminal voltage on the condition that Ia=0,
i.e., when the terminals are open-circuited.
This is the reason why internal voltage is
also referred to as open-circuit voltage.
Fig. 14
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We learned in EE 303 that internal voltage
magnitude is proportional to the field current
if. This makes sense here, since by eqs. (14)
and (16), we see that
Eaa '
Emax Nϕ maxω0
and with N and ω0 being machine design
parameters (and not parameters that can be
adjusted once the machine is built), the only
parameter affecting internal voltage is φmax,
which is entirely controlled by the current in
the field winding, if.
One last point here: it is useful at times to
have an understanding of the phase
relationship between the internal voltage and
the flux linkages that produced it. Recall
eqs. (11) and (13):
λaa ' = Nϕ max cos(ω 0 t + θ 0 )
e aa ' = N ϕ max ω 0 sin (ω 0 t + θ 0 ) (13)
Using sin(x)=cos(x-π/2), we write (13) as:
eaa ' = Nϕ maxω 0 cos(ω 0 t + θ 0 − π / 2) (18)
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Comparing eqs. (11) and (18), we see that
the internal voltage lags the flux linkages
that produced it by π/2=90° (1/4 turn).
This is illustrated by Fig. 15 (same as Fig.
E6.1 of Example 6.1). In Fig. 15, the flux
linkage phasor is in phase with the direct
axis of the rotor.
Reference Axis
Flux Linkage Phasor Λaa’
Reference Axis
Internal Voltage Phasor Eaa’
a-phase armature winding
Fig. 15
Therefore, the flux linkages phasor is
represented by
Nφmax jθ 0
Λ aa ' =
e = Λ aa ' e jθ 0
and then the internal voltage phasor will be
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E aa ' =
Nφmaxω 0
e j (θ 0 −π / 2 ) = E aa ' e j (θ 0 −π / 2 )
Let’s drop the a’ subscript notation from
Eaa’, just leaving Ea, so that:
Nφmaxω 0 j (θ 0 −π / 2 )
Ea =
= E a e j (θ 0 −π / 2 )
Likewise, we will get similar expressions for
the b- and c-phase internal voltages,
according to:
E b = E a e j (θ 0 −π / 2 − 2π / 3 )
E c = E a e j (θ 0 −π / 2 + 2π / 3 )
5.0 Armature reaction: one phase winding
Armature reaction refers to the influence on
the magnetic field in the air gap when the
phase windings a, b, and c on the stator are
connected across a load.
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Let’s consider a smooth rotor, as given in
Fig. 16 (Fig. 6.3 in text). For a smooth rotor,
the flux sees constant (& high) permeability
path throughout the rotor and stator, with the
only exception being the air gap.
Reference Axis
a-phase armature winding
Fig. 16
Two important observations from Fig. 16:
1.Because the armature windings are
stationary, and since the rotor is round
(and therefore flux path is constant), the
way the picture characterizes lines of flux
is representative for all time. The only
temporal variation will be the magnetic
field strength as it pulsates with current.
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2.The lines of flux made by each side of the
a-phase winding will combine in the rotor
in such a way so that its maximum
strength is along the reference axis, and it
varies sinusoidally along the air-gap.
Let’s assume that the current in the a-phase
winding is given by:
ia ( t ) = 2 I a cos(ω 0 t + ∠I a )
where |Ia| is the RMS current magnitude and
∠I a is the angle made by the current
phasor enabling proper phase relation with
its corresponding voltage phasor, eq. (18),
ea ( t ) = Nϕ maxω 0 cos(ω 0 t + θ 0 − π / 2) (18)
where ∠Ea = θ 0 − π / 2 .
Then the air-gap flux density at the
reference axis, where the flux density is
maximum, is given by
B a ,max ( t ) = Ki a ( t )
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We emphasize eq. (22) gives flux density at
the reference axis only, a fixed point in the
air gap corresponding to α=0°. Fig. 17 uses
the orange to illustrate what eq. (25) is
capturing. The sequence of the 4 pictures,
numbered 1,2,3,4, correspond to the
sequence-in-time that characterizes flux
density seen at the α=0° fixed stator point.
Fig. 17
Because flux minimizes travel in highreluctance paths, all flux lines are directed
radially outwards in the airgap.
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Substitution of eq. (24) in eq. (25) results in:
Ba ,max ( t ) = K 2 I a cos(ω 0 t + ∠I a ) (26)
Studying the pictures of Fig. 17, we observe
that if the flux density is maximum at α=0°,
then it will be minimum (i.e., a maximum
but negative, or radially directed inwards) at
α=180°, and it therefore must be zero
halfway between these two points, at α=90°
and α=270°. Moving from the maximum to
the zero-point in either direction, the flux
density will decrease, and a similar thing
will occur in moving from the minimum to
the zero-point in either direction. Figure 18
Radially outward is
positive; radially
inward is negative.
Fig. 18
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And so, for a particular time t, we can
express the spatial variation of the flux
density from the a-phase winding as a
sinusoidal function of α, having a value of
Ba,max(t) at α=0°. Therefore:
Ba (α , t ) = Ba ,max ( t ) cos α
Substituting eq. (26) into (27), we obtain:
Ba (α , t ) = K 2 I a cos (ω 0 t + ∠I a ) cos α (28)
Now define
′ = K 2 Ia
(This B’max is a little different from that
implied in the text, page 195, because we
have assumed a perfect sinusoidal
distribution of flux density in the air gap,
whereas the book assumed a square wave
distribution and then took the fundamental
of that square wave).
Substituting (29) into (28) results in:
′ cos(ω 0 t + ∠I a ) cos α
Ba (α , t ) = Bmax
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Question: Does eq. (30) characterize a
rotating magnetic field?
To answer this question, we need to recall
precisely what we mean by a rotating
magnetic field. Let’s re-examine the rotating
magnetic field developed by the rotating
rotor winding. We expressed this in eq. (4):
B (α ) = Bmax cos(α − θ )
Inserting explicitly the dependence of θ on t:
B (α , t ) = Bmax cos(α − θ ( t ))
where θ(t)=ω0t+θ0. So there are three
1.Constant amplitude
2.One sinusoid
3.Argument of sinusoid a function of space
and time
Equation (30) has two sinusoids with one
being a function of time (first one) and the
other being a function of space (second one).
And employing trig identities can not result
in satisfying the above criteria.
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Physically, a rotating magnetic field
• maintains a constant amplitude waveform
• continuously moves around the air gap.
Equation (30), on the other
characterizes a field that
• has a time-varying amplitude
• which is stationary in the air gap.
If you stand at a particular point on the air
gap and observe only the field at that point,
you will not be able to tell the difference
between the two.
However, if you cut the stator and spread
out the air gap linearly, and observe the
entire waveform of both fields, you will
• the rotating magnetic field moves.
• the other one pulsates.
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A good way to think about this is to consider
that in the case of the rotating magnetic
field, the flux density is never 0
everywhere in the air gap.WS
In contrast, every time the current in the aphase winding goes to zero, the flux density
of the eq. (30) pulsating field goes to zero
everywhere in the air gap.
6.0 Armature reaction: all phase windings
We can go through a similar thought process
to obtain the flux density produced by the band c-phase armature windings. The result
will be identical to eq. (30), except that
• the time-dependent term will be phaseshifted consistent with the phase-shifts of
the current, and
• the space-dependent term will be phaseshifted consistent with the phase-shifts of
the physical windings.
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Therefore, the flux densities from all phases
will be:
′ cos (ω 0 t + ∠I a ) cos α
Ba (α , t ) = Bmax
′ cos ω 0 t + ∠I a −
Bb (α , t ) = Bmax
′ cos ω 0 t + ∠ I a +
Bc (α , t ) = Bmax
 
 cos α −
 
 
 cos α +
 
What will the composition of these three
flux densities look like? Let’s add them up!
′ cos(ω 0 t + ∠ I a )cos α
Babc (α , t ) = Bmax
′ cos ω 0 t + ∠ I a −
+ Bmax
+ Bmax cos ω 0 t + ∠ I a +
 
 cos α −
 
 
 cos α +
 
Factor out the B’max:
′ cos(ω 0 t + ∠I a ) cos α
Babc (α , t ) = Bmax
2π  
2π 
+ cos ω 0 t + ∠ I a −
 cos α −
 
2π  
2π  
+ cos ω 0 t + ∠ I a +
 cos α +
 
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Now deploy the trig identity
cos a cos b =
[cos(a − b) + cos(a + b)]
to all three terms.
′ 
cos (ω 0 t + ∠ I a − α ) + cos (ω 0 t + ∠ I a + α )
2 
2π 
2π 
+ cos  ω 0 t + ∠ I a −
−α +
+α −
 + cos  ω 0 t + ∠I a −
3 
3 
Babc (α , t ) =
2π 
2π  
+α +
+ cos  ω 0 t + ∠ I a +
−α −
 + cos  ω 0 t + ∠I a +
3 
3 
Combine all of the terms with π.
cos (ω 0 t + ∠ I a − α ) + cos (ω 0 t + ∠ I a + α )
4π 
+ cos (ω 0 t + ∠I a − α ) + cos  ω 0 t + ∠ I a + α −
3 
4π  
+ cos (ω 0 t + ∠I a − α ) + cos  ω 0 t + ∠ I a + α +
3 
Babc (α , t ) =
Now we notice a very interesting thing. The
three cos terms on the right side of each row
constitute a balanced set (equal-magnitude
terms 120° out of phase). They therefore add
to zero! So we have
{cos(ω 0 t + ∠I a − α )
+ cos (ω 0 t + ∠ I a − α )
Babc (α , t ) =
+ cos (ω 0 t + ∠ I a − α )}
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But now we can see that all three of the
remaining cos terms are identical! So we
Babc (α , t ) =
3 Bmax
cos (ω 0 t + ∠I a − α )
And this is an expression for a rotating
magnetic field because it has
1.Constant amplitude
2.One sinusoid
3.Argument of sinusoid a function of space
and time
Note that the text, in eq. (6.15) gives:
Babc (α , t ) =
3 Bmax
cos (α − ω 0 t − ∠ I a )
But eq. (32) and (33) are the same, since
Comment on angular relations: Consider eq.
(33) when t=0:
Babc (α , t = 0) =
3 Bmax
cos (α − ∠ I a )
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The maximum of this rotating magnetic field
occurs when the argument of the cosine
function is 0, and this occurs when α = ∠I a .
Another way of saying this is, at t=0, the
centerline (or north pole) of this rotating
magnetic field (from armature reaction) is at
an angle ∠I a with respect to the reference
Now consider the following equations that
we have previously used:
θ = ω0t + θ 0
λaa ' = Nϕ max cos(ω 0 t + θ 0 )
eaa ' = Nϕ maxω 0 cos(ω 0 t + θ 0 − π / 2) (18)
These equations say the following for
angular relations at t=0.
• From eq. (10), θ = θ 0
implies that the
north pole of the rotor is at θ0.
• From eq. (11), the a-phase flux linkage
phasor is also at θ0, aligned with the north
pole of the rotor.
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From eq. (18), the a-phase induced
voltage is at θ0-π/2, 90° behind the rotor
and the flux linkage phasor.
• And from eq. (34), as mentioned, the
north pole of the armature reaction
rotating magnetic field is at and angle
∠I a .
Figure 19 illustrates.
Fig. 19
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7.0 Reactances and terminal voltage
You will recall that when we were
developing the induced voltage in the
armature windings (the open circuit voltage)
from the rotating magnetic field produced by
the rotor, we expressed the flux density from
the rotor as
B (α ) = Bmax cos(α − θ )
and then we integrated to get total flux about
the half-cylinder surrounding the rotor via:
λ aa ' = N
π /2
∫ lrB
cos(α − θ )dα
−π / 2
π /2
= NlrBmax sin(α − θ ) −π / 2
 π
= NlrBmax  sin − θ  − sin − − θ  
 14
3 
  243 14
− cos θ
cos θ
= NlrBmax (cos(θ ) − − cos(θ ))
= 2 NlrBmax cosθ = φmax cosθ = Nφmax cos(ω 0 t + θ 0 )
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Finally, we used Faraday’s law to get
dλaa ' − d
( Nϕ max cos(ω0 t + θ 0 )) (12)
eaa ' = −
eaa ' = Emax sin(ω 0 t + θ 0 )
The whole point of the above exercise was
that the a-phase windings were experiencing
flux linkages that varied with time, and this
produced a voltage in which we were
Now the a-phase windings are seeing
additional fields from armature reaction, and
as we have shown, the composite of the
fields from all three phases is a rotating
magnetic field. Therefore the a-phase is
experiencing flux linkages that vary with
time (in addition to those from the rotor
field) that are caused by the rotating
magnetic field of armature reaction.
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So let’s define λag as the total air-gap flux
linkages seen by coil aa’. Then, as eq. (6.18)
states in the text:
λ ag = λ aa ' + λ ar
• λaa’ is the flux linkages from the rotating
magnetic field of the rotor
• λar is the flux linkages from the rotating
magnetic field of armature reaction
We want to obtain the voltage induced by
the time variation in λag. This will be:
− dλ ag − dλ aa ' − dλ ar
v ag =
But we have already obtained the first term
in eq. (36); it was eaa’ as given by eq. (15).
You will recall that we renamed this ea, and
that we showed it had a phasor
representation, from eq. (21), of
E a = E a e j (θ −π / 2 )
So our job is only to obtain the second term
in eq. (36).
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I will spare you the details of this effort.
Suffice it to say that the steps are virtually
identical to the steps we took to get eqs. (7),
(12), (15), and (21), and are provided in the
text on pp. 196-197.
But I do want to impress upon you four
important ideas that are at the heart of this
development. The first two and the last one
are articulated by the text, the 3rd one is not.
• Although the flux linkages λar are due to
all three phase currents, the voltages
induced by dλar/dt are given by
− dλ ar
di a
v ar =
= − Ls1
where the influence of the other two
phases is absorbed into the inductance Ls1.
• The expression (37), in the time-domain,
can also be expressed in the phasor
domain as:
Var = − jω 0 Ls1 I a
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Because of Lenz’s law, the voltage
induced by the armature reaction flux
linkages will be in opposition to the
voltage which produced the time varying
currents responsible for these time varying
flux linkages. This means that this
induced voltage will subtract from Ea:
Vag = E a − Var = E a − jω 0 Ls 1 I a
Eq. (39) is the same as (6.23) in the text:
In the ideal world, Vag would be the
terminal voltage, but in reality, the
machine will also experience two other
effects that need to be included:
o Flux leakage
o Conductor resistance
To account for these two effects, we
subtract from eq. (39) a drop across an
impedance r+jXl, where r is the resistance
of the a-phase armature winding, and Xl is
a small reactance that accounts for the
drop in induced voltage caused by some of
the flux leaking. Therefore:
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Va = Vag − ( r + jX l ) I a
Substitution of eq. (39) into eq. (40) results
Va = E a − jω 0 Ls 1 I a − ( r + jX l ) I a (41)
Define Xs1=jω0Ls1, so that eq. (41) becomes:
Va = E a − jX s 1 I a − ( r + jX l ) I a
Now rearrange eq. (42) to obtain:
Va = E a − j ( X s1 + X l ) I a − rI a
Now define the synchronous reactance
Xs=Xs1+Xl, so we obtain:
Va = E a − jX s I a − rI a
Eq. (44) is the same as eq. (6.24) in the text.
The text mentions (page 197) that the
armature reaction term Xs1 is the dominant
term; the leakage reactance Xl is typically
only about 10% of Xs1, and r is only 1%.
Figure 20 illustrates per-phase circuit of a
synchronous generator, and shows the
relation between eqs. (43) and (44):
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Fig. 20
One last thing: the angle by which the
phasor Ea leads the phasor Va is typically
referred to as the power angle and
represented by δm, i.e.,
δ m = ∠E a − ∠V a
If Va is the reference (has 0 degree angle),
then δm is the angle of the internal voltage.
Eq. (44) provides the instruction manual for
drawing a phasor diagram of a synchronous
machine. Usually, however, we begin
assuming that we know Va and Ia. We
assume that Va is the reference (i.e., has an
angle of 0 degrees).
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To obtain Ea from Va and Ia, we re-write eq.
(44) like this:
E a = Va + jX s I a + rI a
Now draw the Ea vector for the lagging
condition (this means that Ia is lagging Va):
Now draw the Ea vector for the leading
condition (this means that Ia is leading Va):
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What can you say about the relative
magnitude of the field current in the two
cases above?
What can you say about the strength of the
magnetic field produced by the rotor
winding, and the var supply, in the two cases
8.0 Power for the smooth rotor case
The per-phase equivalent circuit of Fig. 20 is
simplified to that of Fig. 21:
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Fig. 21
The complex power will be
 E a − Va
S = V I = Va 
 jX s
a a
Assuming that Va is the reference, and with
Ea=|Ea|(cosδm+jsinδm), we obtain:
 E a cos δ m + j E a sin δ m − Va
S = Va 
jX s
 (48)
Multiplying top and bottom by j we get:
 j E a cos δ m − E a sin δ m − jVa 
S = Va 
− Xs
 − j E a cos δ m + E a sin δ m + jVa 
= Va 
+ Xs
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Rearranging, we obtain:
 E a sin δ m − j E a cos δ m + jVa 
S = Va 
Taking the conjugate of what is inside the
 E a sin δ m + j E a cos δ m − jVa 
S = Va 
Recalling Va has 0 degree angle, we
distribute it through:
Va E a sin δ m + j Va E a cos δ m − j Va
Recalling S=Pg+jQg, we can separate the
above expression into its real and imaginary
parts to obtain:
Pg =
Qg =
Va E a sin δ m
Va E a cos δ m − Va
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Equation (50) provides us with an important
way to understand the relation between
leading and lagging generator operation.
The difference between leading and lagging
will occur when Qg=0.
Qg =
Va E a cos δ m − Va
Va E a cos δ m − Va = 0
Va E a cos δ m = Va
E a cos δ m = Va
So, eq. (51) provides the condition
corresponding to the boundary between
leading and lagging.
Draw the corresponding phasor diagram for
this boundary, and from that, identify the
condition for lagging generator operation
and the condition for leading generator
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9.0 Excitation control
Moving between lagging and leading
condition is performed via control of the
generator field current, which produces the
field flux φ . Field current control can be
done manually, but it is also done
automatically via the excitation control
The excitation control system is an
automatic feedback control having the
primary function of maintaining a
modifying the field current of the
synchronous generator based on changes in
the terminal voltage.
Without excitation control, terminal voltage
would fluctuate as a result of changes in Pg
or external network conditions. The control
is referred to as “negative feedback” because
when terminal voltage increases, field
current is decreased, and when terminal
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voltage decreases, field current is increased.
A simplified block diagram of an excitation
control system is shown in Figure G1.9.
Fig. 22
Block Diagram of Excitation Control
There are three fundamental components to
any excitation system. The main exciter, or
more simply, the exciter, is the device that
provides the field current for the
synchronous generator. The automatic
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voltage regulator (AVR) couples the
terminal voltage to the input of the main
exciter. The amplifier increases the power of
the regulating signal to that required by the
exciter. If the amplifier is electromechanical,
it is called the pilot exciter or the rotating
amplifier. If the amplifier is solid state, it is
usually considered as part of the AVR.
There are three basic types of excitation
systems. These are:
• rotating DC commutator
• rotating AC alternator
• static
These are illustrated in Fig. 23, 24, and 25.
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Fig. 23
Rotating DC Commutator Type Excitation
The DC commutator excitation system
utilizes a DC generator mounted on the shaft
of the synchronous generator to supply the
field current. This type of system is no
longer used in new facilities because it is
slow in response, and because it requires
high maintenance slip rings and brushes to
couple the exciter output to the field
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Fig. 24
Rotating AC Alternator Type Excitation
The AC alternator excitation system uses an
AC alternator with AC to DC rectification to
supply the field winding of the synchronous
generator. An important advantage over DC
commutator systems is that AC alternator
systems may be brushless, i.e., they do not
use slip rings to couple the exciter to the
rotor-mounted field winding. For example,
the General Electric Althyrex uses an
“inverted” alternator to supply the field
voltage through a rectifier. The alternator is
inverted in that, unlike the power generator,
the field winding is on the stator and the
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armature windings are on the rotor.
Therefore the alternator field can be fed
directly without the need for slip rings and
brushes. Rectification to DC, required by the
synchronous generator field, takes place by
feeding the alternator three-phase output to a
thyristor controlled bridge. The thyristor or
silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) is similar
to a diode, except that it remains “off” until
a control signal is applied to the gate. The
device will then conduct until current drops
below a certain value or until the voltage
across it reverses.
Figure 25:
Static Type Excitation System
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The third type of excitation system is called
a static system because it is composed
entirely of solid state circuitry, i.e., it
contains no rotating device. The power
source for this type of system is a potential
and/or a current transformer supplied by the
synchronous generator terminals. Threephase power is fed to a rectifier, and the
rectified DC output is applied to the
synchronous generator field via slip rings
and brushes. Static excitation systems are
usually less expensive than AC alternator
types, and the additional maintenance
required by the slip rings and brushes is
outweighed by the fact that static excitation
systems have no rotating device.
[1] http://geothermal.marin.org/GEOpresentation/
[2] A. Fitzgerald, C. Kingsley, and A. Kusko, “Electric Machinery,
Processes, Devices, and Systems of Electromechanical Energy
Conversion,” 3rd edition, 1971, McGraw Hill.
[3] S. Chapman, “Electric Machinery Fundamentals,” 1985,
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