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IRCUWU 2022 Paper Submission Requirements

1. Draw the Entity Relationship Diagram for the following scenario.
2. State any of the assumptions that you made while drawing the ER Diagram.
3. Map the drawn ER diagram to a set of relations in the relational model.
4. Submit a Zip File renamed by your index number with your ER Diagram drawn from an electronic tool
and a document with the mapping of the ER diagram and the relevant assumptions made.
IRCUWU is a premier annual research conference held in Uva Wellassa University to disseminate recent
advances in research and development. For the upcoming IRCUWU 2022 the university is planning to
implement a system and store all the necessary details accordingly.
There are several tracks under the conference. A track has a track id and a track name. A track is monitored
by a track chair. Same person cannot be the chair for another track. A track chair has an id, name as in
First Name and Last Name, research interests, email address and a mobile number. In case the mobile
number does not work, the landline connection should also be stored.
Authors who are willing to publish their papers at IRCUWU 2022 need to undergo the conference process.
The details of the authors need to be provided to the publication committee. An author has an author id,
name as in First Name and Last Name, affiliation and a country. Also, they need to provide their contact
details including their personal contact number and email address. The author’s country is determined
using the country code in the phone number where the phone number is accepted only if it is in the
correct format.
An author can publish many papers at IRCUWU 2022. A paper has a paper id, title, abstract, co-authors,
content, and acceptance state. A paper can have only one main author. Upon registration, the paper
should be registered under the related conference track. One paper can be registered only for one track.
Depending on the number of papers submitted to each track, a track may have many papers.
Reviewers are assigned to each paper. Upon appointing reviewers, first a reviewer needs to register with
the conference track. Several reviewers are appointed to review papers in one track. There is no
restriction that a reviewer can only be reviewing papers under one track. Usually, a paper is reviewed by
5 reviewers. A reviewer can review more than one paper if he/she is interested. A reviewer can be an
internal reviewer or an external reviewer. Based on
the system constraints, the categorization of the reviewers is extended only up to this level. A reviewer
has a reviewer id and a name as in First Name and Last Name. If it is an internal reviewer, the department
name is also used. If it is an external reviewer, the institute Name is stored. A reviewer has areas of
research interest too. According to the reviewer’s evaluation the acceptance state of the papers is
changed into “Reject” or “Accepted” from the default “Pending state”. Since an external reviewer is
recruited outside of the university he may not be recognized as an internal reviewer and vise versa.
On the conference day, each track is allocated a hall. A hall has a floor no, hall no and a seating capacity.
With the number of the papers in each track, there is a chance that more than one hall is allocated to a
track. Also, depending on the priority given to the smooth run of the conference, tracks with a smaller
number of papers will be allocated to the same hall. When assigning this way, the timeslot of the
presentations at the hall needs to be recorded.
Depending on the type of the paper that the author submits the initial paper as, there are two types of
papers namely full papers and extended abstracts. However, if a full paper gets downgraded to an
extended abstract, it may be categorized into a new category. However, when the decisions get finalized,
the paper should belong to only one of these categories. For the convenience of the publication
committee, the number of pages in the full paper and the relevant poster for the extended abstract are
Since there are many papers submitted to IRCUWU 2022, the publication committee distributes the
papers among smaller publication teams. But the system should maintain the constraint that one paper
is distributed only to one team. However, the maximum number of papers assigned to each publication
team is 15. With respect to the teams, the Team Number, team leader name and the number of members
need to be recorded. Upon assigning the paper to the team, the date assigned, and the current progress
of the work should be updated.
For all authors of papers accepted to the conference, a certificate needs to be given. Depending on the
number of accepted papers, an author may have several certificates. Since the certificates change with
the achievements the authors have gained, for each certificate, the Certificate serial number, material
type and the size need to be stored. The authors who have been selected for excellent research work will
be given the honorary mention certificates and one author or a group of authors is presented with the
best research work certificate. All the authors will be given with the participation certificates. Hence, the
best research work certificates and participation certificates or honorary mention certificates and the
participation certificates will be granted on the same certificate. To maintain the quality of the conference,
no other certificates will be issued. The sponsor logo for the best paper certificates, tagline for the
honorary mention certificates and institute name for participation certificates also need to be recorded.
Each conference track is sponsored by a person or a business of interest. With regards to the sponsor, the
Sponsor Id and sponsor type need to be recorded. If the sponsor is a person, the name, short biography
and the NIC of the person needs to be recorded. If the sponsor is a business, the business registration
number, business name, short description of the company and the logos need to be recorded.