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Cyber Crime 1

Cyber Crime
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Cyber Crime
Technological advancement propels increase in global internet connectivity encouraging
online offending and victimization. According to Koziarski & Lee (2020), active internet
connection reaches 3.5 billion people in the world. Owing to the technological advancement,
cyber crimes increase in frequency is felt over time for example Glib Oleksandr IvanovTolpintsev, a cyber criminal sentenced to federal prison for decrypting information of thousands
of computers and selling to the dark web. Analysis below discuss the incident and discovery of
the crime, cost and outcome of the case, and category of crime.
Ivanov-Tolpintsev case discovery came from conspiring to traffic access of restricted
devices and computer passwords. The evidence of crime establishment came from a market place
where sale of login credentials to servers around the world with personally identifiable
information of the US residents took place. The personal information facilitated activities like
cyber attacks and tax fraud. The marketplace bid $700,000 for decrypted information including
158,000 in the US and Florida (U.S Attorney’s Office, 2022). The information came in handy for
cyber attacks in local, state, and federal government infrastructure, hospitals, call centers,
pension funds, and universities. Ivanov-Tolpintsev network of computers controlled as a group
affected the owner’s computer without their knowledge.
Ivanov-Tolpintsev sale of hacked personal information to the market place led to
personal gains and violation of US laws. Sales enhancement came from assurance of decryption
of minimum of 2,000 computers every week. Hacked servers including 100 in Florida generated
proceeds compounding to $ 82, 648 in 2017 and 2019(U.S Attorney’s Office, 2022). Polish
authorities were responsible for his apprehension while prosecution took place in USA in
accordance with extradition treaty between USA and Poland. Ivanov-Tolpintsev received a
sentencing of four years in prison for conspiring in unauthorized access to devices and passwords
after pleading guilty. The court required the criminal to refund $ 82,648, the cumulative proceeds
from the crime. The use of botnets led to the classification of the case as a cyber dependent crime
in violation of Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
Discussions above explain Ivanov-Tolpintsev conspiracy and discovery, money lost to
the crime, the outcome of the case, and crime classification. Development of protocols that
addresses various computer crimes enhances crime search and seizure, electronic evidence, and
the relevant chain of custody to maintain in order to deal with computer-related crimes.
Koziarski, J., & Lee, J. R. (2020). Connecting evidence-based policing and cybercrime. Policing:
An International Journal.https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/PIJPSM07-20190107/full/html?casa_token=n4ZyWuBojkUAAAAA:e1RnZWyfa0X1fWrMKIggLbemal
U.S Attorney’s Office (Thursday, May 12, 2022). Cybercriminal Sentenced To Federal Prison
For Decrypting The Credentials Of Thousands Of Computers Across The World And
Selling Them On A Dark Web Website. The United States Department of