TEACHING PHILSOPHY RUBRIC CRITERIA CONCEPTION OF TEACHING CONCEPTION OF LEARNING IMPLEMENTATION OF BELIEFS EXPRESSION & ORGANIZATION PROFESSIONAL GROWTH VERY GOOD (3) GOOD (2) ACCEPTABLE/FAIR (1) UNSATISFACTORY (0) Well-articulated statement of the author’s beliefs on teachers’ facilitation of learning (teaching). Experiences that inform/guide these beliefs are clearly described. Well-articulated statement of author’s beliefs on how learning occurs. Beliefs on the student’s roles in the learning process are clearly articulated Statement of beliefs about teaching and learning are directly linked to practice. Examples provided strongly exemplify these beliefs. Statement coherent, succinct and wellarticulated. Reflectivewritten in the first person. Clear statement of author’s beliefs on teachers’ facilitation of learning (teaching). Experiences that inform/guide these beliefs are somewhat described. Adequate statement of author’s beliefs on teachers’ facilitation of learning (teaching). Experiences that guide these beliefs not described or vague. Author did not include beliefs related to teacher’s role in facilitating learning (teaching). Clear statement of author’s beliefs on how learning occurs. Student’s roles or responsibilities in the learning process are somewhat articulated. Fair statement of author’s beliefs of how learning occurs. Student’s roles may be vaguely suggested but not described. Author’s beliefs of how learning occurs is not stated. Student’s roles may be vague or not articulated. Statement of beliefs about teaching and learning are clearly linked to practice. The example(s) provided generally exemplify beliefs. Statement coherent, succinct and articulated. Reflective- written in the first person. Outlines beliefs, but influence on practice is vague or somewhat disconnected to stated beliefs. Statements of experiences and practice that do not connect beliefs or no examples of practice provided Statement somewhat coherent and fairly organized. Reflective- written in the first person. Well-articulated statement of the author’s changes in attitudes to, or beliefs of, teaching and learning over time Statement of the author’s changes in attitudes to, or beliefs of, teaching and learning over time is somewhat articulated. Statement of the author’s changes in attitudes to, or beliefs of, teaching and learning over time is vague Statement is either incoherent, poorly worded/organized and/or impersonal, or written in the third person. Statement of the author’s changes in attitudes to, or beliefs of, teaching and learning over time is not articulated. SCORE /15 TOTAL Created by the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), 2020