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Third Quarter
Mental Health
This section aims to:
1. Explain the factors that affect the promotion of good mental health.
2. Identify types of mental disorder
3. Explain the sign and symptoms of mental disorder.
4. Recognize and respect the person with mental disorder.
Pre test
From the list below, choose the term that best complete the statement. Write your answer on the blank.
People with good __________ are happy and active most of the time and have positive outlook on life.
Your __________ is the sum total of your attitudes, habits, and feeling.
Your __________ is the way you act in situations.
Your mental picture of yourself and way in which you believe others you see you in your __________.
Learning to express __________, or feelings, is an important part of mental health.
___________ means “Split mind”.
Depression is also called __________ in which the sufferer feels extreme sadness and lack of energy.
Medical depression is usually brought by a serious __________.
__________ can cause physical symptoms, including uneven breathing, a speeding up of the heart,
muscle pain, and sweating.
10. A condition in which a person is not able to function in the real world is called ____________.
mental health
body language
Choose the best answer by encircling its letter.
1. It can cause physical symptoms, including uneven breathing, a speeding up of the heart beat, muscle
pain, and sweating.
a. Psychosis
b. Depression
c. Neurosis
d. Behavior
2. It can make you alert and focused on a task.
a. Eustress
b. Distress
c. Stress
d. Inspiration
3. It is when people talk about being under a lot of stress, they usually mean negative stress.
a. Eustress
b. Distress
c. Stress
d. Inspiration
4. It is any physical or psychological event or condition that produces stress.
a. Eustress
b. Distress
c. Stressor
d. Stress
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5. ____________ is an effective coping technique for those who tend to procrastinate, take on too many
tasks, or organize their time poorly.
a. Time management
c. Cognitive techniques
b. Exercising
d. Eating healthy food
6. When death is near, they may choose not to talk much with visitors and family members and close
friends, this is part of letting go.
a. Acceptance
b. Depression
c. Bargaining
d. Denial
7. A person with a _____________ has trouble getting along with others or getting along in certain
a. Personal Disorder b. Phobias
c. Anorexia
d. Depression
8. A ________ is a medical doctor who specializes in treating mental and emotional disorders.
a. Psychologist
b. Psychoanalyst
c. Counselor
d. Psychiatrist
9. They are trained to conduct individual and group counseling sessions.
a. Psychologist
b. Psychoanalyst
c. Counselor
d. Psychiatrist
10. _________ is also the name of a medical condition in which the sufferer feels extreme sadness and lack
of energy.
a. Acceptance
b. Depression
c. Bargaining
d. Denial
Engage yourself
Below are life’s quotations related for Mental Health, can you explain each passage?
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Let’s dig deeper
The term mental health is often used to describe the thinking
part of psychosocial health. As a thinking being, you have the ability to
reason, interpret, and remember events from unique perspective, to
sense, perceive, and evaluate what is happening and then to solve
Mental health is also your ability to like yourself and to accept
yourself as you are. When you have good mental health, you feel good
about yourself and are comfortable around other people. You are also
able to take changes of your life and meet its demands. The quality of
your mental health is determined by your ability to cope with the environment and adjustment to changes.
Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person
A mentally healthy person is described as one who experiences high level of self-esteem and find social
interaction to be comfortable and rewarding.
People with good mental health...
1. can take a disappointment every now and then and know how to accept their limitations;
2. are happy and active most of the time and have a positive outlook on life;
3. are aware of their thoughts and feelings and can usually express them in a healthy way;
4. can work well in a group;
5. know how to accept criticism and don't get angry when they can't have their way;
6. are not afraid to face problems and look forward to new challenges;
7. give their best at whatever they do and set realistic goals for themselves.
Factors that Shape Personality
Your personality is shaped by a number of factors. The three most important of these are identified below.
1. Heredity or the passing on of traits from your parents. Your intelligence and other personality such as
talent, sense of humor, and interests are part of your heredity or something that you picked up or learned
from your parents.
2. Environment or the sum total of your surroundings. Your environment includes where you grew up, who
your family and friends are, and all the experiences you have had.
3. Behavior or the way you act in the many different situations and events in your life. Behavior is the factor
of your personality over which you have the most control.
Keep this in Mind
Mental health is the foundation for the well-being and effective functioning of individuals. It is more
than the absence of a mental disorder; it is the ability to think, learn, and understand one's emotions
and the reactions of others.
Mental health is a state of balance, both within and with the environment.
From the perspectives of positive psychology or holism, mental health may include an individual's
ability to enjoy life and to create a balance between life activities and efforts to
achieve psychological resilience.
Cultural differences, subjective assessments, and competing professional theories all affect how one
defines “mental health”.
Factor that Shapes Personality
o Hereditary
o Environment
o Behavior
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Think about this
Do you have some or all of the qualities you admire in others? Color the circle red/orange if your
answer is YES, color green/yellow if NO, and blue/violet if SOMETIMES. Be honest with your
1. I am interested in what other people say and do.
2. It is fun for me to be part of a group.
3. I get along well with moat people.
4. Other people can count on me.
5. I care about other people’s feeling.
6. I am a good listener.
7. I try to be on time.
8. I have good manners.
9. I cooperate with others.
10. I set realistic goals for myself.
Extend your understanding
Pie of Life
The pie of circle represents the 24hours timespan of your life. Divide the pie
according to the number of hour/s that you
usually spend for the following activities.
1. Time with family
2. Time with friends
3. Time for studying in
4. Time for doing
5. Time for sleeping
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Answer the following questions.
1. With what activity do you spend the most time? Why?
2. With what activity do you spend the least time? Why?
3. What activity do you enjoy most?
4. What activity can you forego? Why?
5. If you were to arrange you time budget, how would it be? Why?
Extend your understanding
Draw Yourself!
As a Colegian, we all know how important our mental health is, draw something about yourself on
how to make your mental health healthy? Be creative!
I am Mentally Healthy!
I am Mentally Healthy!
5 || Health 7
This section aims to:
1. Explain that stress is normal and inevitable.
2. Differentiate eustress from distress.
3. Identify situations that cause feelings of anxiety or stress.
4. Identify physical responses of the body to stress.
Engage yourself
Make an acrostic poem about stress.
S- __________________________________________________________________
T- __________________________________________________________________
R- __________________________________________________________________
E- __________________________________________________________________
S- __________________________________________________________________
S- __________________________________________________________________
Let’s dig deeper
Stress is your body’s response to the changes around you. It is also a collective physiological and
emotional responses to any stimulus that disturbs an individual’s homeostasis, which refers to the stability and
consistency in an individual’s physiological functioning.
1. Eustress or positive stress – stress that helps you accomplish and reach goals. When you feel excited or
challenged by an activity, you are experiencing positive stress. Positive stress can make you alert and
focused on a task. This helps you get the task done.
2. Distress or negative stress - stress that can hold you back. When people talk about being under a lot of
stress, they usually mean negative stress. Too much negative stress can be unhealthy.
Common Stressors
Stressor is any physical or psychological event or condition that produces stress. We are surrounded
by stressors at home, at school, in the workplace, and within ourselves. Being able to recognize potential sources
of stress is an important step in successfully managing it.
1. Major Life Changes
Any major change in your life that requires adjustment and accommodation can be a source of stress.
High school life is one of the major life changes in an individual's life because of establishing new relationships,
setting new study habits or even career goals, and developing a sense of identity and purpose. Even changes
typically thought of as positive like graduation, job promotion, or marriage can be stressful.
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2. Daily Hassles
While major life changes are undoubtedly stressful, they seldom occur regularly. Life's daily hassles
can be an even greater source of stress because they occur much more often like the following:
Misplaced your keys, wallet, or a school project
Had an argument with a troublesome neighbor, classmate, or family members
Waiting in a long line
Been stuck in traffic or had another problem with transportation
Worried about money
3. Job-related Stress.
If job-related stress is severe or chronic, the result can be burn out a state of physical, mental, and
emotional exhaustion.
4. Interpersonal and Social Stressors.
Your relationships with family members and old friends. You may change as you develop new interests
and new course for your life
5. Environmental Stressors.
Environmental stressors include the things like natural disasters, industrial accidents, and intrusive
noise, smell, or sight.
Managing stress
The first step toward reducing stress is learning what your triggers are. "If you know what pushes your
buttons, then avoid it. But there are stresses we have to accept, so we must change our reactions to them,"
explains Dr. Webster.
She offers the following ways to reduce or manage stress:
1. Relaxation techniques.
These are activities that trigger the relaxation response, a physiological change that can help lower
your blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, oxygen consumption, and stress hormones. You can achieve
this with activities such as meditation, guided imagery, yoga, and deep breathing exercises.
2. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
CBT is based on the idea that changing unhealthy thinking can change your emotions. A CBT therapist
will help you identify negative thinking and learn to automatically replace it with healthy or positive thoughts.
3. Goal setting.
"When people set goals for themselves, they have a positive sense of commitment, feel they're in control, and
are optimistic," says Dr. Webster. She recommends setting goals in your career, relationships, creativity, play,
and health.
Keep this in Mind
Stress is your body’s response to the changes around you.
Eustress or positive stress – stress that helps you accomplish and reach goals.
Distress or negative stress - stress that can hold you back.
Stressor is any physical or psychological event or condition that produces stress.
Any major change in your life that requires adjustment and accommodation can be a source of stress.
Life's daily hassles can be an even greater source of stress.
Job related Stress
Interpersonal and Social Stressors
Environmental Stressors
The first step toward reducing stress is learning what your triggers are. "If you know what pushes your
buttons, then avoid it”
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Think about this
Listed below, are life events that you may experience. Put check (√) next to the events that you
have experienced in the past or likely to experience in the near future.
______ 1. Death of a family member.
______ 2. Major illness.
______ 3. Separation of parents.
______ 4. Death of close friend.
______ 5. Being suspended or expelled from school.
______ 6. Marriage.
______ 7. Pregnancy.
______ 8. Breaking up with girlfriend or boyfriend.
______ 9. Father or mother losing a job.
______ 10. School troubles with teachers or principal.
______ 11. Beginning to go on dates.
______ 12. Change in living condition.
______ 13. Lower grades than expected.
______ 14. Vacation.
______ 15. Minor violation of the law.
Extend your understanding
As a Collegian, how do you manage stress? What activities do you prefer to do to manage stress? Is
stress easily be managed? Answer the questions in a creative way. (Essay, poem, slogan or video)
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Coping with Stress
This section aims to:
1. Differentiate healthful from unhealthful strategies in coping with stress
2. Demonstrate various stress management techniques t
3. Overcome the stress that they might experience in life hat one can use every
day in dealing with stress
Engage yourself
Below are pictures related to coping up with stress, can you identify them?
Let’s dig deeper
Everyone feels stressed out from time to time but not for the same reason. What can you do about all
this stress? A great deal. By sharing your plans, improving communication skills, maintaining healthy exercise
and good relaxation habits, and mastering simple techniques to identify and moderate individuals’ stressors.
Learn to control or cope with the stress in your life instead of allowing it to control you. The effort is well worth
the time. People who manage stress effectively not only are healthier, they also have more time to enjoy life and
accomplish their goals. Here are some rules for managing stress effectively.
1. Plan. Learn how to budget your time. Thinking ahead can help you avoid the stress of cramming for tests,
submitting of homework, and dealing with so many chores at home. Planning your time can result in
accomplishments that will build on your self-concept.
2. Communication. Discuss your problems with a friend, a teacher, or a family member. This can help
relieve stress. People with some distance from your problems can often see solutions more clearly.
3. Exercise. People who exercise regularly react with milder physical stress responses before, during, and
after exposure to stressors. According to studies, people who took three, brisk, 45-minute walk a week
for 3 months perceived fewer daily hassles. Their sense of wellness also increased.
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4. Sleep. Adequate sleep improves mood, fosters feelings of competence, and self-worth, and supports
optional mental and emotional functioning. Sleeping extra hours may significantly improve your daytime
alertness and mental abilities.
5. Relax. Lie down or sit down and try to empty your mind of troubling thoughts. This can ease stress. Listen
to soothing music, which can also help.
6. Nutrition. A healthy diet will give an energy bank to draw on whenever you experience stress. Eating
wisely also will enhance your feelings of self- control and self-esteem.
7. Laugh. Spend time with people who make you laugh. This is good way to relax. Of you are planning to
go to the movies after an especially stressful day, choose a funny movie. You will most likely feel better
after you laugh.
Techniques for Managing Stress
1. Social support help buffet people against the effects of stress and make illness less likely. Good
communication skills foster healthy relationship with others.
2. Exercise, nutrition, and sleep are wellness behaviors that reduce stress and increase energy.
3. Time management is an effective coping technique for those who tend to procrastinate, take on too many
tasks, or organize their time poorly.
4. Cognitive techniques for managing stress involve developing new and healthy patterns of thinking such
as worrying constructively, practicing problem solving, monitoring self-talk, living in the present, cultivating a
sense of humor, and going with the flow.
5. The relaxation response is the opposite of the fight or flight reaction. Techniques that trigger it, including
progressive relaxation, meditation, and deep breathing counteract the physiological effects of chronic stress.
Keep this in Mind
Everyone feels stressed out from time to time but not for the same reason.
By sharing your plans, improving communication skills, maintaining healthy exercise and good
relaxation habits, and mastering simple techniques to identify and moderate individuals’ stressors.
5 Ways for Coping with Stress
o Identify Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms
 Social withdrawal
 Over-sleeping
o Be physically active
 Dance to your favorite song
 Take the stairs
o Build and maintain relationships
 Ask a colleague to lunch
 Eat with your family
o Change your attitude
 Avoid perfectionism
 Set you goals
o Develop a stress relief toolkit
 Meditate
 Keep a journal
Some rules for managing stress effectively
o Plan
o Communication
o Exercise
o Sleep
o Relax
o Nutrition
o Laugh
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Think about this
Complete the following sentences.
1. I have to talk to a friend because ________________________________________
2. Eating nutritious foods can help _________________________________________
3. Listening to music help you ____________________________________________
4. Planning your time can result to _________________________________________
5. Spend time with people who can make you _______________________________
Extend your understanding
Watch a video presentation situation you might have encountered in your life. Identify at least five
healthy and unhealthy ways to cope with the stressful situations shown in the clip.
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Coping and Managing Loss
and Grief
This section aims to:
1. Explain the importance of grieving
2. Demonstrate coping skills in managing loss and grief
3. Accept that death is part of life.
4. Demonstrate appropriate behavior towards dying
Engage yourself
Word Search: Find and encircle the words listed in the box in the word search below. Words listed are
related to the nutrition guidelines needed by our body. Can you find them all?
1. Loss
2. Grief
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Death
6. Healing
7. Denial
8. Isolation
9. Anger
10. Acceptance
Let’s dig deeper
Death, like life is change. When the body is no longer able to resist unhealthy change in itself or is
mechanically broken beyond repair, it ceases to function and dies. Death has been defined in clinical terms as
occurring when the hearts stop beating and breathing ceases.
The five stages of grief
1. Denial and Isolation. This initial stage is characterized as a temporary state of shock in which people
deny the fact of death and isolate themselves from further confrontation with it. Denial is a useful coping
mechanism because it acts as buffet against shock and allows time for the mobilization of other defenses.
2. Anger. It is a normal response to disability and the loss of control over one’s life situation.
3. Bargaining. People often find a way out and a common scenario invokes making promises to God in
exchange for a prolonged life. The intense desire to find a way out drives people to become prone to
medical quackery.
4. Depression. It is a natural part of grief as a person strives to prepare f separation from the world. At this
stage, the dying person and the family begin to accept the fact and face the reality if an impending death.
They become depressed about unfinished things in life and everything they would leave behind.
5. Acceptance. When death is near, they may choose not to talk much with visitors and family members
and close friends, this is part of letting go.
Coping with Grief
Grief encompasses a person's response to the event of loss. It includes emotions mental perceptions, and
physical reactions. Among the emotions that may be part of a survivor’s grief are not only sorrow and sadness,
but also relief, anger, disgust, and self-pity. When we recognize that many kinds of feelings occur in grief-not
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just feelings of sadness-then we are likely to be better able to accept our grief and move toward its resolution.
Grieving is the means to healing.
1. Realize and recognize the loss.
2. Take time for nature's slow, sure process of healing.
3. Give yourself massive doses of restful relaxation and routine busy-ness.
4. Know that powerful, overwhelming feelings will change with time.
5. Be vulnerable, share your pain, and be humble enough to accept support
6. Surround yourself with life, plants, animals, and friends.
7. Prepare for change, new interests, new friends, solitude, creativity, and growth.
8. Recognize that forgiveness is a vital part of the healing process.
9. Know that holidays and anniversaries can bring up the painful feelings you thought you had successfully
worked through.
10. Realize that any new death-related crisis will bring up feelings about past losses.
Keep this in Mind
Grief is a natural response to loss. It’s the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you
love is taken away.
You may experience all kinds of difficult and unexpected emotions, from shock or anger to disbelief, guilt,
and profound sadness.
The pain of grief can also disrupt your physical health, making it difficult to sleep, eat, or even think
Coping with the loss of someone or something you love is one of life’s biggest challenges.
Whatever your loss, it’s personal to you, so don’t feel ashamed about how you feel, or believe that it’s
somehow only appropriate to grieve for certain things.
If the person, animal, relationship, or situation was significant to you, it’s normal to grieve the loss you’re
Grieving is a highly individual experience; there’s no right or wrong way to grieve.
How you grieve depends on many factors, including your personality and coping style, your life
experience, your faith, and how significant the loss was to you.
While grieving a loss is an inevitable part of life, there are ways to help cope with the pain, come to
terms with your grief, and eventually, find a way to pick up the pieces and move on with your life.
o Acknowledge your pain.
Accept that grief can trigger many different and unexpected emotions.
Understand that your grieving process will be unique to you.
Seek out face-to-face support from people who care about you.
Support yourself emotionally by taking care of yourself physically.
Recognize the difference between grief and depression.
The five stages of grief
o Denial: “This can’t be happening to me.
o Anger: “Why is this happening? Who is to blame?”
o Bargaining: “Make this things not to happen, and in return I will ____.”
o Depression: “I’m too sad to do anything.”
o Acceptance: “I’m at peace with what happened.”
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Think about this
Write True id the statement is true, write False if the statement is wrong.
_________1. The pain of grief can also disrupt your physical health, making it difficult to sleep, eat, or
even think straight.
_________2. Grieving is the means to healing.
_________3. There are six (6) stages of grief.
_________4. Do not accept that grief can trigger many different and unexpected emotions.
_________5. Recognize the difference between grief and depression.
_________6. Seek out face-to-face support from people who care about you.
_________7. The pain of grief can also disrupt your physical health, making it difficult to sleep, eat, or
even think straight.
_________8. Surround yourself with life, plants, animals, and friends.
_________9. Realize that any new death-related crisis will bring up feelings about past losses.
_________10. Depression: “I’m too sad to do anything.”
Extend your understanding
Use this worksheet to identify helpful ways of coping with your feelings of grief and loss.
✔ When I feel sad, I can do these things to cope:
✔ I can talk to these people to help me feel better:
✔ I can think these thoughts:
✔ How I plan to take care of my self:
14 || Health 7
Mental Disorder
This section aims to:
1. Recognize triggers and warning signs of common mental disorders
2. Discuss the types, sign, symptoms, and prevention, treatment and professional
care in common mental health disorders
Engage yourself
Below are some jumbled words which are related to mental disorder, can you arrange them and
give some examples?
Let’s dig deeper
Life is filled with events and changes that can lead to stressful problems. When you encounter a
problem, an important part of good mental health is to meet the problem head-on. This includes talking about
it with someone you trust and using the stress management rules you learned. When you don’t take the right
action, problems can grow and affect your total health. This may lead to mental disorder such as the following:
1. Neurosis
When a fear gets in the way of a person's ability to function in daily life, that person may suffer from
a condition known as neurosis, for everyone has at some point in life, felt fear or been anxious about
something. Neurosis can cause physical symptoms, including uneven breathing, a speeding up of the
heart, muscle pain, and sweating. One type of neurosis is obsessive compulsive or OC, which may spend
a great deal of time washing their hands or making sure doors are locked. Professional counseling can
help people with different types of neurosis.
2. Psychosis
The victim's view of the world becomes distorted. When this happens, the person is said to suffer
from psychosis. This is a condition in which a person is not able to function in the real world. A person
with psychosis may hear voices or speak in a way that is meaningless to others. There are many types
of psychosis. The most common type is schizophrenia, which means "split mind." Schizophrenia is a
serious disorder in which people turn inward and often lose touch with reality completely. Some experts
believe that schizophrenia is caused by an imbalance of brain chemistry.
3. Depression
Depression is also the name of a medical condition in which the sufferer feels extreme sadness
and lack of energy. Medical depression is usually brought on by a serious disappointment. Victims of
medical depression will often suffer from variety of symptoms such as the following:
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Not being able to sleep
Having no appetite
Feeling bored
Losing interest in day-to-day affairs.
Other Mental Disorders
Other mental disorders exist where the symptoms occur only sometimes.
1. Personality disorders. A person with a personality disorder has trouble getting along with others or
getting along in certain situations.
2. Phobias. Phobias are forms of neurosis in which the fear of an object or idea is so great that it interferes
with reasonable action. A victim of acrophobia (fear of heights) for example, might have great trouble
looking out of a second-floor window.
3. Anorexia and bulimia. These two serious eating disorders are often lumped together. Victims of both
suffer from an unreasonable fear of being Overweight. People with these disorders see themselves as
fat no matter how little they weigh.
Mental Health Professionals
The following are mental health professionals or providers whose help can asked if dealing with mental
1. Psychiatrist - A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in treating mental and emotional
disorders. He/she can prescribe medications for various mental and emotional problems.
2. Psychologist - A psychologist usually has a PhD degree in counseling or clinical psychology.
Psychologists are trained to conduct individual and group counseling sessions. They may also be trained
in certain specialties like family counseling or something that has to do with compulsive behavior.
3. Psychoanalyst - A psychoanalyst is a psychiatrist or a psychologist having special training in
psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is a kind of therapy in which the client is helped to remember early
traumas that have blocked personal growth. The psychoanalyst allows the client to face the trauma to be
able to resolve the conflicts and begin to lead a normal, more productive life.
4. Counselor - Many counselors are trained to do individual and group counseling. They often specialize
in one type of counseling such as family marital relationship, drug, divorce, children, behavioral, and
persona counseling.
Keep this in Mind
Mental disorders (or mental illnesses) are conditions that affect your thinking, feeling, mood, and
behavior. They may be occasional or long-lasting (chronic). They can affect your ability to relate to
others and function each day.
How are mental disorders diagnosed?
o The steps to getting a diagnosis include
o A medical history
o A physical exam and possibly lab tests, if your provider thinks that other medical conditions
could be causing your symptoms
o A psychological evaluation. You will answer questions about your thinking, feelings, and
What causes mental disorders?
o There is no single cause for mental illness. A number of factors can contribute to risk for mental
illness, such as
o Your genes and family history
o Your life experiences, such as stress or a history of abuse, especially if they happen in
o Biological factors such as chemical imbalances in the brain
o A traumatic brain injury
o A mother's exposure to viruses or toxic chemicals while pregnant
o Use of alcohol or recreational drugs
o Having a serious medical condition like cancer
o Having few friends, and feeling lonely or isolated
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Think about this
As a Colegian, what will be the best thing to do when you experience some mental disorders? As we all
know mental disorders commonly appeared at your stage. (Make an essay).
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Extend your understanding
My Emotion
1. I might feel sad if
2. I might feel happy if
3. I might feel lonely if
4. I might feel excited if
5. I might feel proud if
6. I might feel nervous if
7. I might feel angry if
8. I might feel tired if
9. I might feel embarrassed if
10. I might feel scared if
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Post test
From the list below, choose the term that best completes the statement. Write your answer in the
1. Depression is also called __________ in which the sufferer feels extreme sadness and lack of energy.
2. Medical depression is usually brought by a serious __________.
3. __________ can cause physical symptoms, including uneven breathing, a speeding up of the heart,
muscle pain, and sweating.
4. A condition in which a person is not able to function in the real world is called ____________.
5. Your mental picture of yourself and way in which you believe others you see you in your __________.
6. Learning to express __________, or feelings, is an important part of mental health.
7. ___________ means “Split mind”.
8. People with good __________ are happy and active most of the time and have positive outlook on life.
9. Your __________ is the sum total of your attitudes, habits, and feeling.
10. Your __________ is the way you act in situations.
mental health
body language
Choose the best answer by encircling its letter.
1. It can cause physical symptoms, including uneven breathing, a speeding up of the heart, muscle pain,
and sweating.
a. Psychosis
b. Depression
c. Neurosis
d. Behavior
2. It can make you alert and focused on a task.
a. Eustress
b. Distress
c. Stress
d. Inspiration
3. _________ is also the name of a medical condition in which the sufferer feels extreme sadness and lack
of energy.
a. Acceptance
b. Depression
c. Bargaining
d. Denial
4. It is any physical or psychological event or condition that produces stress.
a. Eustress
b. Distress
c. Stressor
d. Stress
5. ____________ is an effective coping technique for those who tend to procrastinate, take on too many
tasks, or organize their time poorly.
a. Time management
c. Cognitive techniques
b. Exercising
d. Eating healthy food
6. When people talk about being under a lot of stress, they usually mean negative stress.
a. Eustress
b. Distress
c. Stress
d. Inspiration
7. A person with a _____________ has trouble getting along with others or getting along in certain
a. Personal Disorder b. Phobias
c. Anorexia
d. Depression
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8. A ________ is a medical doctor who specializes in treating mental and emotional disorders.
a. Psychologist
b. Psychoanalyst
c. Counselor
d. Psychiatrist
9. They are trained to conduct individual and group counseling sessions.
a. Psychologist
b. Psychoanalyst
c. Counselor
d. Psychiatrist
10. When death is near, they may choose not to talk much with visitors and family members and close
friends, this is part of letting go.
a. Acceptance
b. Depression
c. Bargaining
d. Denial
Final Task
As a Colegian, make a 3-4 minutes video about “Mental Health Awareness”. Your output will be
graded by the following criteria:
Scoring Rubrics
Total of
20 || Health 7