CHAPTER 3: THE ADVERTISING MEDIA: PRINT Newspaper Advertising NEWSPAPER is a publication regularly printed and distributed, usually daily or twice a day, containing news opinion, items of general interest and advertisements. This is usually the common advertising medium for small firms and retailers as well as some corporations. Types of Newspaper Advertising 1. Display Advertising Allowed to use any larger space desired Allowed to use color Measure per column centimeter 2. Classified Advertising • • • Published under different headings: "Help Wanted Ads" Uniform width, measured in terms of number of lines occupied. Not allowed to use larger space and typeface Not allowed to use color 3. Classified Display Advertising "Box Ads' about job vacancies Allowed to use larger space Allowed to use decorative border lines and company logo Not allowed to use color Measured per column centimeter 4. Legal Advertising Advertisement by government offices Measured per column centimeter 5. Amusement Advertising Advertisements of movies to be shown, concerts, stage plays, and other activities" schedules for relaxation or pleasure. 6. Other Newspaper Advertising Service termination notices Obituaries/death notices Anniversaries, birthday announcements and greetings The Rate Structure for Newspaper Advertising 1. Discount rate. Open rate provides some discount structure classified as frequency discount or bulk discount. Frequency discount is based on unit or pattern of purchase in addition to total amount of space. Bulk discount refers to sliding scale wherein the advertiser is charged proportionately based on the advertisement purchased. Flat rate offers a uniform charge for space without regard to the amount of space used or the frequency of insertion. No discount is offered. 2. Run-of-paper (ROP). Includes rate quoted by a newspaper publisher which entitles the advertisement to be positioned anywhere in the paper that the publisher chooses to place it. 3. Combination rate. A special rat for newspaper, such as morning paper and an evening paper issue, set by the same publisher. Note: DISPLAY AD – Advertisements of products CLASSSIFIED DISPLAY AD – jobs, available jobs/hiring, lot, property LEGAL AD – Invitation to bid AMUSEMENT AD – movies, cinema ORBITUATIES DEATH NOTICES AD – person who dies Magazine Advertising MAGAZINE is a paper back publication that is issued at regular intervals, either weekly, monthly or quarterly It contains stories, articles and other featured items of various writers, that may interest readers. A publication which is one of the major national advertising medium to advertise goods and services. Magazines are the most permanent of all the mass media, since they are kept for months and advertising message are seen a number of times. It offers audience selectivity, in terms of reaching a group segment of interest to advertisers, and offering advertisers an extremely credible environment for their advertising. It gives the most outstanding contemporary color work for products, and an excellent medium for coupons. An advertiser who plans to advertise in a particular magazine during the coming months will sign a space contract in order to get the best rate. This is an agreement between the publisher and the advertiser, according to which the advertiser is interested to advertise his product or service at the current rate, at a specified size; page number, dates of insertion; position of the advertisement; and agency commission, if any When the advertiser is ready to run an advertisement 1 as agreed upon on the space contract, he sends an insertion order to the publisher that makes clear the instructions from as advertiser authorizing the publisher to print an as of specified size and given date and rate. Magazine Elements The page size of a magazine is the type area, not the actual page. This size a most magazine is characterized as standard size about 8 x 10 inches, 8 ½ x 11 inches or 10.7 x 13 inches for the former issues of Woman's Home Companion, or abou 4 3/8 x 6 ½ inches like the Readers' Digest. Space in magazine is generally sold i terms of full pages and fractions thereof-half pages, quarter pages, three colume two column, or one column, or total of per column centimetres. Space buying designations of magazines consists of: • • First cover page. The front cover of the magazine; page 1 of the issue. Second cover page. The inside of the front cover, page 2 of the issue. • • Third cover page. The inside of the back cover, page 49, if magazine issue ha 50 pages. Fourth cover page. The back cover; page 50, if the magazine issue has 50 pages When a magazine advertisement runs all the way to the four edges of the page, leaving no white space margin, it is known as FULL-BLEED ADVERTISEMENT. A PART BLEED ADVERTISEMENT leaves white space margin on all or any of the four sides of t full page. When an advertisement is positioned on the second cover page extra page spreads out when opening the page that gives a big spread, this is known as a GATEFOLD. A centrefold advertisement, also called MULTIPLE-UNIT AD, is position on the two middlemost pages of the magazine issue. Some advertisements may have return cards, coupons, recipe booklets, and these are called INSERTS. In buying magazine space, the important dates that must be considered are the cover date, onsale date, closing date. Cover date is the date appearing on the cover. The date on which the magazine is issues is the on-sale date, wherein this is usually a week advance from the cover date, or a month advance for monthly issues. Closing date is the deadline on which the blueprint or negative must be submitted to the publisher: hands in order to print the advertisement for a particular issue. One of the best positions to place advertisements in a magazine is upfront, close to it as possible or on right-hand pages. Right hand page, ranks and page numbers are as follows: • • • • • First right-hand page - Rank 1, page 3 Second right-hand page - Rank 2, page 5 Third right-hand page - Rank 3; page 7 Fourth right-hand page - Rank 4, page 9 Fifth right-hand page - Rank 5; page 11 Bulk discounts or frequency discounts may also be offered by the publisher based on total time number of space bought, usually within a year. Volume discounts are given based on total amount of space bought. The more the total space the advertiser uses within a contract year, measured in pesos, the lower the rate. In some contract, frequency and volume discounts are combined to give the advertiser the best possible rate. Other special discounts include mailorder discount, remnant space discounts or unsold spaces' discount, for direct response advertisers, whose advertisements are not part of a continuing campaign. Parts of Print Advertising • Headline is commonly presented at the upper portion of the space, in big fonts and variety of designs. Command headline starts with an action word encouraging the reader to take an immediate action to buy the product. Testimonial headline presents a well known personality, directly associated with product advertised, and his endorsement or signature on the layout. One-two-three headline outlines the product benefits, advantages, features in outline or bullet form. Question headlines starts with an inquiry, where answers can be found on the copy which can be a result for trying to purchase the item. Illustration is the visual part of the advertisement. This puts the words into pictures Forms of illustrations can be photograph form, using actual picture of the product, scene, and talents Copy are the words of the advertisement. This explains the features, benefits, and advantages of the item advertised in simple phrases, series of sentences or long paragraphs. Layout integrates the first three parts into one whole print advertisement. This places the headline, illustration and copy in their proper spectrum. The Copywriter's Terminology Lead-in paragraph is the link between the headline, the subheads, and the sales idea presented in the copy. It may include the promise or the claim-support information. Interior paragraphs are lines where interest and desire of the reader can be build up. This makes the advertisement not just truthful but also believable. Trial close is the initial asking for order. For direct mails, it is necessary to ask for the order several times, to give prospects carly option to make the buying decision. Boxes and panels are used for advertisements with coupons, special offers, reply or order forms. Slogans are also called theme lines or tag lines. Seal indicates the approval of certain organization for complying with set of standards. Logotypes may come with a signature cut (sig cut), a special design of advertiser's company name or product name with a company seal or trademark. Writing Copy Understanding the message strategy is a pre-requisite in creative copywriting. The Copy platform, is a document that serves as the creative teams guide for writing and producing the advertisement. The non-verbal aspects include the art direction and production values. These ensure that the advertising will be saying the right things to the right person in the right context in the right tone and in the right manner. Objectives of Good Copy The purpose of copywriting is usually to persuade or remind a group groups of individuals to take some action in order to satisfy a need or want. Gaining attention is the first objective of copywriting. The headline is usually the major attention-getting device. However, the size of the advertisement will influence whether the advertisement will be noticed or not. Interest is the bridge between attention and credibility, make use of cartoon characters or other interior visuals, storyline copy, charts and tables. Frequent use of the word 'you' must be a guideline. Credibility is added to the advertisements through the use of presenters or spokespersons. Desire is the statement informing the reader or viewer of the benefits of the product or service advertised. Action is motivating the reader to do something. The action might be immediate or futureoriented. Creative Art Arts in advertising refers to the whole visual presentation, how the words are arranged, the size and style of type, photographs and illustrations, and how they should be organized. Art Directors are responsible for the visual presentation of the advertisements. –initial concept of advertisement. Specialists: Graphic Designers – arranging various graphic elements Illustrators – paint or draw the pictures of advertisements Production Artists – past up artists – responsible for assembling various elements of an ad. The Advertising Visual thumbnail sketches are drawings that are approximately one-fourth of the size of the finished ad, and they are used for trying out ideas. Rough layout is drawn to the size of the actual advertisement. Headlines and subheads are lettered onto the layout, intended illustrations and photographs are sketched in, and the body copy is simulated by using pencil lines. If the advertisement is for television, the scenes are drawn in a storyboard form. PRINCIPLES FOR DESIGNING VISUALS: Visual advertising is the art of using pictures as visual cues that describe your business. Principle of Balance – arrangement of the elements as they are positioned on the page. Principle of Movement – causes the readers to look at the advertisement in the sequence desired. Principle of Proportion – should be given space based on importance. Principle of Contrast – contrast in color, size, and style. Principle of Continuity – using the same design format Principle of Unity – balance, movement, proportion, contrast, and continuity -UNITY Principle of White Space – focus attention on an isolated element Visuals Focus 1. Package of the product. This will help consumers identify the product on the point of purchase or selling shelves. 2. Product itself. This should show the advertised item itself. 3. Product in use. This should demonstrate how the car is used with selling pair in luxury or economy; how a cosmetic product beautifies; or how a toothpaste protects teeth and gums. 4. Product features. This should present product benefits, advantages, and features. It should show a way to get a customer's attention and show how th advertised product or service will benefit them. 5. Product comparison. A brand advertised being compared with another competitor or other brands. 6. Humor. Most advertising is entertainment, humor can make a positive and lasting impression. 7. Testimonial. This can make the advertisement not just truthful but also believable as indorsed by a well known personality. 8. Before and after. This may show variation of the illustration to recognize differences. 9. Negative appeal. Quite effective to point out what happens if the advertised product is not used. Illustrations of not using the product will be very compelling. The Psychological Impact of Color Reactions to color, says Walter Margulies, is generally based on a person's national origin or culture. For example, "warm colors are red, yellow, and orange; these tend to stimulate, excite, and create an active response." Those from a warmer climate, apparently, are most responsive to those colors. Violet and leaf green' fall on the line between warm and cool. Each can be one or the other, depending on the shade used. Here are some more Margulies observations: Red. Symbol of blood and fire. A runner-up to blue as people's favourite color but the more versatile, the hottest color with highest action quotient." Appropriate for canned foods, frozen foods, and meats. Conveys strong masculine appeal - shaving cream, cigarettes. Brown. Another masculine color, associated with earth, woods, mellowness, age, warmth, comfort- the essential male, used to sell anything, even cosmetics. Yellow. High impact to catch consumer's eyes, particularly when used with black; psychologically right for corn, lemon or sun tan products. Green. The symbols of health and freshness, popular for tobacco products, particularly those mentholated. Blue coldest color, with most appeal; effective for frozen foods-ice impression; if used with lighter tints becomes sweet. Black. Conveys sophistication, high-end merchandise and is used to stimulate expensive products, good as background and foil for other colors. Orange Most edible' color, especially in brown-tinged shades, evokes autumn and good things to eat. The Print Production After developing the idea for an advertisement and putting down the copy in a layout, and illustrations have been prepared, the next thing to do is the preparation of the production requirements. This conversion process, which can be the responsibility of the advertiser or the agency, is called print production. The process may include negotiating for a photographer, illustrators, re-touchers and photo laboratories. TYPES OF PRINTING PROCESS Letterpress - is the method of printing based on the principle of a 'rubber stamp', where the plate has a raised area for the image, and the background is etched below. Offset Lithography - is a photochemical process, using a thin flat aluminum plate moving towards a cylinder. Rotogravure - is the opposite of letterpress, wherein the image is etched below and the background is raised from the plate surface. Screen printing or Silkscreen - is advisable for short-volume and limited color production. TYPEFACES Typefaces - design of characters known as the letters and numerals. Typefont - presented in one size and face including all the characters and numerals. Typefamily - presented in two or more series of types coming from varieties of design. Typography - includes style, size and spacing of characters and numerals. – ART OF SELECTING AND SETTING TYPE. Styles - can be roman or italics. TYPESELECTION The art of selecting and setting type is known as typography. The selected typeface affects the advertisement’s mood, appearance, readability, and design. Four important point should be considered in the selection of type: Appropriateness Readability Appearance or harmony Emphasis PICAS AND POINTS In the printing industry, picas and points are common units of measurement. One inch equals 6 pica or 72 points. Thus, typeset at 36 points would be 1/2 inch tall, and 18 pica column of type would be 3 inches wide. CHAPTER 3: THE ADVERTISING MEDIA: Out of Home and Direct Response OUTDOOR ADVERTISING It is an advertising medium that demands attention from travelling public, particularly advantageous for well-known brands. This provides the largest and most colorful display for an advertiser's trademark, product, and slogan. A medium with constant presence 24 hours a day. Creative outdoor advertisements consider few words, larger illustrations, bolder colors, simple background, and clearer product identification. FORMS OF OUTDOOR ADVERTISING 1. POSTER PANEL- standardized outdoor signs (12 X 25 ft) – illuminated and unilluminated; contract period – 30 days with volume and continuity discounts given. 2. PAINTED BULLETINS - outdoor signs that are painted rather than papered. - more permanent and expensive than poster panels, and usually placed in high traffic locations. These advertisement can be permanent bulletins, that remain fixed at a location. 3. SPECTACULARS - make use of lights, motion, or action and considered as most expensive outdoor advertising form. Bought on a long term of 3 to 5 year basis Built in steel beams, metal sheets, fiber glass, and tarpaulin sheets Placements can be angular, head on parelled. 4. PHOTOGRAPHIC TARPAULIN 5. SHELTER ADVERTISING - has unique advantages that no other format can provide, and unlike billboards, these ads are eye-level and provide a full informational experience. 6. ROVING BILLBOARDS or PORTAPANEL - With roving truck ads or ad trucks, the advertisement is wrapped into a structure in the body of the truck turning it into a mobile billboard. They may be inclusive of the ff. services: maintenance, installation, dismantling. Minimum rental of three months at 30% down payment upon billing. Usual route include Metro Manila areas six days a week, 8 hours/day Rental per day excludes VAT 7. TRANSIT ADVERTISING - Potential customers are always exposed to wide array of message on trains, taxis, commuter stations, airports. They find themselves reading and re reading these overhead advertisements on public utility vehicles. a. Interior Transit Advertisements - are found inside the public utility vehicles. Car cards are commonly used, which may make two impressions a day, since commuters go back and forth on the same route with the same transit line. These car cards are sold on number of units like 11 inches x 28 inches; 11 inches x 42 inches; 11 inches x 56 inches; b. Exterior Transit Advertisements - obviously outside the public utility vehicle. Sold on the number of displays, or units. Options for exterior displays are: King Size - right side of the bus Queen Size - left size of the bus Busorama - on top of the public utility vehicle Traveling Display - infront & back of the vehicle Headlight - infront of the vehicle Tailight - rear/back of the vehicle 8. STATION AND SHELTER ADVERTISEMENT - are found in bus fleet stations, or public commuters waiting sheds in national roads, which are negotiated with the engineering office of the locality. These provide exposure of the advertisement with car riders and pedestrians. Posters are used in different materials and sold on the number of sheets and size Advertisers desiring to buy both the interior and exterior space of the public utility bus enters into an agreement called "total-total bus contract.” For only interior space is "basic bus contract” and only exterior is a "total bus contract”. Examples: Jeepney Ad Tricyle Ad Lamp Post Banner Ad TRANSIT ADVERTISING – BUS WRAP PLACEMENT DIRECT RESPONSE MARKETING Uses a two way communication and an immediate reply device. Uses one or more advertising media for an effective response or transaction Targets specific type of people as consumers and also potential prospects. DIRECT RESPONSE MEDIA: DIRECT MAIL, HOME TELEVISION SHOPPING, TELEPHONE MARKETING AND ELECTRONIC BUSINESS Direct mail is the common medium used in direct response advertising. –complex yet self standing. 1. Envelope Where the selling start It must be attractive enough A window typed envelope is better 2. Letter m u s t b e p r e s e n t e d si m p l y y et c o m p r e h en s i v e l y f e a t u r e s , a d v a n t a g es , a n d b e n e f i t s m u st b e d is c u s s e d . 3. Brochure a p p e a r s i n f u l l c o l o rs v a r i e t i e s o f t h e p r od u c t o r s e r v i c e o f f e ri n g i s p r e s e n t e d 4. Order Form contain a toll free number m u s t b e p r e - f i l l e d wi t h t h e p e r s o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n o f t h e cu s t o m e r 5. Act Now a . A n a t t r a c t i o n f o r i mm e d i a t e r e s p o n s e b . M a y i n c l u d e a f u t u re c a l e n d a r d a t e 6 . R e p l y E nv e l o p e – e nc o u r a g e s a c h e a p e r r e p l y , s e l f st a m p e d , a n d p o s t a g e p r e p a i d e ma i l . Home TV shopping Demonstrate the products uses, features and advantages. Advertisement is constantly repeated A toll free number is shown in the monitor Telemarketing - is the use of landlines as a massive network linking almost every home and business in the country. Two way process Hires a specialized company to handle the solicitations and order taking. 'personal' medium, since the human voice is the most persuasive of all tools presented. conversation can be tailored to individual interests. Electronic Business: Internet Advertising The internet consists of four components, these are the electronic mail, internet relay chat, usenet and the world wide web. Electronic mail is used to send messages using the internet, in the layman's term it is sending letters through internet linkages. Internet relay chat makes it possible for parties to lalk electronically, despite the distance. Usenet is a group forum wherein members and interested parties share their knowledge. World wide web or www is the collection of data, making it accessible to search for information of interest. To use the internet a personal computer must have a modem. This will give access using any of these: the commercial on-line service, a corporate gateway, a local internet service provider, or an educational institution. Banner ads – “pops out” Virtual mall is another way to post advertisement in the internet. - group of internet storefronts that provide access to mall sites, of almost same category, by simply clicking on the desired storefront. Coupons can also be distributed using the internet. A consumer may simply print the coupon and redeem it at all retail stores. The web is also a road for tie-ups with events. Measuring the Effectiveness of the Internet Commonly employed techniques in measuring effectiveness of internet advertising are: • Hits. The number of times a specific component of a site is requested. It could represent 100 people making one request or one person making 100 requests. The primary value of hits is to let the owner know which part of the site are most and least popular • Viewers. The number of viewers to a site. • Unique visitors. The number of different visitors to a site within a specified period of time. • Clicks or click-thru. The number of visitors to a site that click onto a banner ad to retrieve more information. Some companies bill clients on the number of clicks their ad generates, for this is the most effective way of providing value for the expenditures. •Impressions or page views. The number of times viewers see a page. The above-mentioned measures are assessments on users' interactions with a site. The measures identified will determine navigation and content analysis. This is typically collected by a cookie, a device attached to a file, that collects information on where site visited, number of times visited, source of click, and the like. Some other measures, for additional references include the following On-line Measuring- gives information regarding demographics, psychographics, location of web access, and buying habits. Clients can determine who saw their ads, determine reach, and whether target audience was reached. Recall and Retention viewers remember the ads as they see, and recall them using interviews. Non-response. Determines where consumers go once and they have been exposed to any advertisement but decide not to click on it. Surveys. Research on-line and using traditional methods determine everything from site usage to attitudes toward a site. Sales. The prime indicator of effectiveness is the number of sales guaranteed Tracking. This gives information regarding site performance, including downtime and speed. It analyzes shopping patterns, frequency of hits, number of repeat visitors, and the like, over a period of time to assist advertisers in developing more effective messages. The Website When major corporations first began to conduct business in the internet, the put up websites primarily for information purposes. The role of the website quickly changed, however, sites have become much more creative, offering promotions, chat rooms, and even products and services for sale. With the introduction of Java in 19 ', it became possible to create fancier graphics, audio and animation on-line. This resulted in marketer's utilizing the internet in an entirely new way, moving beyond the purely informational role. The internet is a hybrid of media. In part, it is a communication medium allowing companies to create awareness, provide information, and influences attitudes, as well as pursue other communications objectives. But it is also partly a direct-response medium, allowing the user to both purchase and sell products through e-commerce. One of the primary objectives for using the web is to provide in-depth information about a company's products and services. In business-to business markets, having a website has become a necessity, as more and more buyers expect that a company will have a site providing them with detailed information about its offerings. Advertising on the web is also useful in creating awareness of an organization as well as its specific product and service offerings It offers the opportunity to create awareness well beyond what might be achieved through traditional media. Web is also used by marketers to gain audience profile information. Companies use it to establish and maintain relationships with their clients, to research the marketplace, and to gather competitive information. Some offer electronic coupons in an attempt to stimulate trial for the product. By providing information, answering inquiries, and offering an opportunity to register complaints, many companies have found websites useful for improving customer service and building relationships.