Varun Ramesh | Objective Full-time software engineering position in programming languages (PLT), compilers, or AI. Education Stanford University - BS CS ’17. MS CS ’19. Course Assistant - CS242 (PLT) in Aut ’17/Aut ‘18. CS243 (Adv. Compilers) in Win ‘19. Coursework - Systems - CPU Arch (EE282), Compilers (CS143/243), PLT (CS242), OS/Kernel (CS140/240), Dist. Systems (CS244B), Networks (CS144/244), Crypt/Security (CS155/255), DBs (CS145). AI - CNNs (CS231N), Reinforcment Learning (CS234), POMDPs (AA228), NLP (CS224N/U), Graph Analysis (CS224W), Game-Playing AI (CS227B), ML (CS229), Num. Methods (CS205A). Other - Algorithms (CS161/168), Computer Graphics (CS148/248). Work Experience Facebook Intern (Menlo Park) - Summer 2018 - Internal iOS dev tools. Summer 2017 Hack language. Worked on exporting a typed AST interface from typechecker. Summer 2016 - Android. Developed new version of insights tab for Page authors. Summer 2015 Nuclide. Developed type-aware RPC framework for JS that generates network calls from parsed AST. Sourcegraph (Code Search) Intern (San Francisco) - Summer 2014 - Implemented Java syntax tree indexing. Golang backend work. Defined schema for languageindependent code analysis ( Created Atom editor plugin. TGen Biocomp. Intern (Phoenix) - Summer 2013 - Wrote Python/R scripts to classify tumors. Generated Bayesian networks from gene interactions. Summer 2012 - Created tools with C++/OpenMP. Parallelized legacy Java tumor analysis code. Student Research at ASU - 2010/2011 - Used OpenCV to detect facial expressions. Programmed servo-mounted camera to follow faces. Projects AI - Mario Kart 64 CNN AI. Pokémon battle AI. Automated image colorization. Game Dev - Mobile game with 2k downloads. Horror games with 40k downloads. Dev Tools - Atom plugins. JS live object environment. StarCraft Galaxy language parser. Systems - Lisp interpreter in C. Binary patching tool. Version control system in Go. Web - Personal blog. Cloud storage comparison tool. League of Legends stats. Graphics - GPU non-Euclidean ray-tracer. Voxel terrain. Multivariate function visualizer. Mobile - Dining Hall menu app. Journaling app with sync. WebWork mobile client. Skills Languages - JS/TypeScript, OCaml, C/C++, Java, Python, Lua, Go, C#, Haskell, Rust, Ruby, GLSL, SQL Libraries - React, Tensorflow/Keras, RxJS, Numpy/Scipy, Love2D, Middleman, Three.js, Pixi.js, Django, OpenMP, OpenCV Technologies - Unity3D, Android, WebAssembly, Redis, LaTeX, Postgres, Git/Hg, AWS, Linux, WebSockets, WebGL, HTML/CSS, TCP/UDP Publication Dyadic Interaction Assistant for Tracking Head Gestures and Facial Expressions. IEEE Int’l Symposium on Haptic Audio Visual Environments and Game (2010) Honors/Awards Tau Beta Pi (2016), 1st at Facebook NorCal Hack 2013, 3rd at Stanford ACM 2014 Winter Hack, TGen Top Symposium Speaker Award (2012)