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Varun Ramesh - Software Engineer Resume

Varun Ramesh
varunramesh.net | github.com/rameshvarun
Full-time software engineering position in programming languages (PLT), compilers, or AI.
Stanford University - BS CS ’17. MS CS ’19.
Course Assistant - CS242 (PLT) in Aut ’17/Aut ‘18. CS243 (Adv. Compilers) in Win ‘19.
Coursework - Systems - CPU Arch (EE282), Compilers (CS143/243), PLT (CS242),
OS/Kernel (CS140/240), Dist. Systems (CS244B), Networks (CS144/244), Crypt/Security
(CS155/255), DBs (CS145). AI - CNNs (CS231N), Reinforcment Learning (CS234),
POMDPs (AA228), NLP (CS224N/U), Graph Analysis (CS224W), Game-Playing AI
(CS227B), ML (CS229), Num. Methods (CS205A). Other - Algorithms (CS161/168),
Computer Graphics (CS148/248).
Facebook Intern (Menlo Park) - Summer 2018 - Internal iOS dev tools. Summer 2017 Hack language. Worked on exporting a typed AST interface from typechecker. Summer
2016 - Android. Developed new version of insights tab for Page authors. Summer 2015 Nuclide. Developed type-aware RPC framework for JS that generates network calls from
parsed AST.
Sourcegraph (Code Search) Intern (San Francisco) - Summer 2014 - Implemented
Java syntax tree indexing. Golang backend work. Defined schema for languageindependent code analysis (srclib.org). Created Atom editor plugin.
TGen Biocomp. Intern (Phoenix) - Summer 2013 - Wrote Python/R scripts to classify
tumors. Generated Bayesian networks from gene interactions. Summer 2012 - Created
tools with C++/OpenMP. Parallelized legacy Java tumor analysis code.
Student Research at ASU - 2010/2011 - Used OpenCV to detect facial expressions.
Programmed servo-mounted camera to follow faces.
AI - Mario Kart 64 CNN AI. Pokémon battle AI. Automated image colorization.
Game Dev - Mobile game with 2k downloads. Horror games with 40k downloads.
Dev Tools - Atom plugins. JS live object environment. StarCraft Galaxy language parser.
Systems - Lisp interpreter in C. Binary patching tool. Version control system in Go.
Web - Personal blog. Cloud storage comparison tool. League of Legends stats.
Graphics - GPU non-Euclidean ray-tracer. Voxel terrain. Multivariate function visualizer.
Mobile - Dining Hall menu app. Journaling app with sync. WebWork mobile client.
Languages - JS/TypeScript, OCaml, C/C++, Java, Python, Lua, Go, C#, Haskell, Rust,
Libraries - React, Tensorflow/Keras, RxJS, Numpy/Scipy, Love2D, Middleman, Three.js,
Pixi.js, Django, OpenMP, OpenCV
Technologies - Unity3D, Android, WebAssembly, Redis, LaTeX, Postgres, Git/Hg, AWS,
Linux, WebSockets, WebGL, HTML/CSS, TCP/UDP
Dyadic Interaction Assistant for Tracking Head Gestures and Facial Expressions. IEEE
Int’l Symposium on Haptic Audio Visual Environments and Game (2010)
Tau Beta Pi (2016), 1st at Facebook NorCal Hack 2013, 3rd at Stanford ACM 2014 Winter
Hack, TGen Top Symposium Speaker Award (2012)