Outline workshop 1. Determine overall structure a. Table of contents b. Case book organization i. Both for headings, sub-headings, etc. 2. Insert rules a. How to find the rule? i. Class notes, most likely prof has discussed them b. What if they decide to break the rule differently from supplements, books, etc? i. USE THE PROFESSOR’s way of breaking down rules c. What if I still don't understand the rule? i. TA, prof, suppl, casebook, etc., find help d. Break the rules into manageable parts i. Break the R down into its key elements 1. Easier to remember 2. Makes it simpler and easier to apply to the fact pattern e. Insert key cases, hypos, examples i. Don't insert every single case ii. Insert the ones he spent a lot of time on iii. Dont brief the cases. 1-2 sentences is all you need 1. A short sentence to explain the rule 2. Short sentence of relevant facts iv. Do not organize your outline around the cases! Instead, org around concepts 1. Insert the case after the R it illustrates 2. Add a case to outline: [disposition], [rule], [case name], [short summary of facts] v. Make sure to insert exceptions to the rules, majority rules, parts of unsettled law 1. 3. Insert profs comments about what will be on the exam a. Look back at notes to see where they stress something of importance in for the final 4. Insert policy if applicable 5. Think about the size a. More isn't better b. Only want the things that help get the job done