Uploaded by Alexander Lowry

Stair Climbing Lab: Work & Power Experiment

Stair Climbing Lab (nov 2022)
● Determine the work done by your body and your power output.
● Compare your power output with that of a common electric. light
● Compare your work done in joules to the energy in a candy bar.
Analysis Part 1
1. Use the work formula (refer to your work/power problem set) to
calculate the work for the irst group member. Show your work
(listing givens, unknown, formula, solution) to get credit.
• stopwatch
• meter stick
• table or bench /stairs • 10 lb weight
Part 1 Lifting Power
(You can do part 2 irst if all of the part 1 stations are occupied)
1. Write the names of your group members in the data table.
work (J)
2. Convert the units of the 10 lb plate to Newtons N ( 1 lb = 4.45 N) and
record in the data table.
3. Measure the height of the table or bench in meters (to nearest 1 cm)
then record in column 4 of the data table.
4. Record the time, in seconds, it takes group member #1 to lift the
object from the loor to the top of the table then to the loor and back
to the top of the table for a total of 10 lifts. (always lift with your
legs not your back!). Do 10 lifts slow and 10 lifts faster. Be safe.
5. Repeat #4 until all group members have performed the task. Share
data until everyone has a full data table for time, distance and
Data table 1
Group member
Height (m)
Time (sec)
lifting slow
Time (sec)
lifting fast
Power (watts)
lifting slow
Power (watts)
lifting fast
2. Use the power formula (refer to your work/power problem set) to
calculate the power lifting slow and fast for one person. (list givens,
unknown, formula, solution) to get credit.
Was the work done by each person the same? Explain why or why not?
Explain how you can relate how you felt physically, lifting slow vs fast, to your
5. A Snickers bar contains about 250 Calories (approximately
1,046,000 J . How many times do you have to lift the weight to “burn”
the calories in one Snickers bar? (snickers Joules / work Joules)
Data table #2
work (J)
Part 2 Stair-Climbing Work and Pow
1. Record group member names the table below.
2. Use the scale provided or estimate your current weight in lbs and
convert to Newtons using 1 lb=4.45 N. Record in the data table. Get
information from other group members.
3. Measure the height of one stair in centimeters (cm)_______________
4. Multiply by the number of stairs and record_______________ . You may
use one light of stairs or challenge yourself and use more than one.
Power (watts)
walking slow
Power (watts)
walking fast
Analysis Part 2
1. Use the work formula (refer to your work/power problem set) to
calculate the work for the irst group member. Show your work
(listing givens, unknown, formula, solution) to get credit.
5. Divide by 100 to convert to meters and record in the data table
6. Walk slowly up the light of stairs and record this time the data table.
7. Repeat, walking quickly, up the stairs and record in the data table.
Walking quickly is safer than running up stairs.
Data table #1
Group member
Time (sec)
2. Use the power formula (refer to your work/power problem set) to
calculate the power walking slow and fast for one person. (list givens,
unknown, formula, solution) to get credit.
Time (sec)
Walking fast
A Chipotle burrito, with meat, cheese, beans, rice, sour cream,
and guacamole, with a side of chips has about 1400 Calories, which is
5858000 Joules. How many times will you have to climb the stairs quickly to
burn off this much energy?