Uploaded by Amos Maina

Assembly Language Quiz: Pep/9, Machine Code, and Directives

Week 7 quiz
HW4 Exercise Quiz
Started: Nov 28 at 12:20pm
Quiz Instructions
Flag question: Question 1
Question 12 pts
Predict the output of the program in Figure 5.13 if the dot commands are changed to:
.WORD 0xFE63 ; First
0x00 ; Second
; Third
1401 ; Fourth
Provide your answer in order with single space between outputs
tim not -888, 36
-888 36
Flag question: Question 2
Question 22 pts
Convert the assembly language pseudo-op, .WORD 790, into hexadecimal machine
language object code that is suitable for PEP/9
Flag question: Question 3
Question 32 pts
5.12 b in 5th edition text
provide the second output
Flag question: Question 4
Question 42 pts
Convert the assembly language pseudo-op, .BYTE 0xF8, into hexadecimal machine
language object code that is suitable for PEP/9. Separate each byte with a space.
Flag question: Question 5
Question 52 pts
In the following code, determine the value of the symbol this.
Submit the hex value with no spaces, commas, or comments.
this: DECO
Flag question: Question 6
Question 62 pts
In the following code, determine the value of the symbol this.
Provide the hexadecimal value with no spaces, commas, or comments.
For example: 0A3F not 0A 3F
that, d
Flag question: Question 7
Question 72 pts
Predict the output of the following assembly language program.
CHARO 0x000C, d
CHARO 0x000B,d
CHARO 0x000A, d
.ASCII "gum"
Flag question: Question 8
Question 82 pts
In the following code, write the object code suitable for Pep/8 in hexadeci
Provide the hexadecimal bytes and the ending sentinel with a space in betwe
en each byte
that, d
Flag question: Question 9
Question 92 pts
Convert the assembly language instruction, STR0 0x000D, sf, into hexadecimal
machine language.
op code, (convert the mnenonic and addressing mode to the
machine language op code) [OpCode]
operand specifier, (convert the hexadecimal constant to the
machine language operand specifier)
Your answer will be one Pep/9 machine language instruction
Flag question: Question 10
Question 102 pts
Predict the output of the following assembly language program.
CHARO 0x0008, d
CHARO 0x0007,d
.ASCII "is"
Flag question: Question 11
Question 112 pts
Exercise 6.4 in the 5th edition of the text.
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Flag question: Question 12
Question 122 pts
Exercise 6.1 in the 5th edition of the text.
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Flag question: Question 13
Question 132 pts
Group of answer choices
__ branches to the location specified in the operand specifier
____________ is a language for expressing algorithms.
__________ are instructions to a translating system
_____________ is one register for arithmetic and logical operations.
__________ is required to address eacm byte of memory in Pep/8
A _______ instruction takes one byte
The Program Counter (PC) contains the address of the ________ instruction
An operand is __________ if it stored in the operand specifier
An operand is ___________ if it is stored in the places named in the operand
How many bits are in the instruction register?
Flag question: Question 14
Question 142 pts
Write the Pep/9 assembly language statement to branch to location Branch1 if the
accumulator is negative
Flag question: Question 15
Question 152 pts
What is the Pep/9 virtual machine?
How does it relate to the Von Neumann architecture?
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Flag question: Question 16
Question 162 pts
Machine Code and assembly language hase a ______________ relationship
Flag question: Question 17
Question 172 pts
Given the following state of memory, what is the contents of the accumulator after
the execution of this Load instruction
11000001 00000000 00000010
0001 A2
0002 00
0003 FF
Provide your answer in binary (0's and 1's)
Flag question: Question 18
Question 182 pts
What does the following assembler directive do?
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Flag question: Question 19
Question 192 pts
Distinguish between the pseudocode instructions .BLOCK AND .WORD.
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Flag question: Question 20
Question 202 pts
Given the following state of memory, what is the contents of the accumulator after
the execution of this Load instruction
11000000 00000000 00000010
0001 A2
0002 11
0003 FF
Provide your answer in binary (0's and 1's)