CK- 12 Foundat ion is a non- profit organizat ion w it h a mission t o reduce t he cost of t ext book mat erials for t he K- 12 market bot h in t he U.S. and w orldw ide. Using an open- source, collaborat ive, and w eb- based compilat ion model, CK- 12 pioneers and promot es t he creat ion and dist ribut ion of high- qualit y, adapt ive online t ext books t hat can be mixed, modified and print ed (i.e., t he FlexBook® t ext books). Copyright © 2022 CK- 12 Foundat ion, w w w The names “CK- 12” and “CK12” and associat ed logos and t he t erms “ Flex Book®” and “ Flex Book Platform®” (collect ively “CK- 12 Marks”) are t rademarks and service marks of CK- 12 Foundat ion and are prot ect ed by federal, st at e, and int ernat ional law s. Any form of reproduct ion of t his cont ent in any format or medium, in w hole or in sect ions, must be at t ribut ed according t o our at t ribut ion guidelines. ht t ps://w w w /at t ribut ionguidelines Except as ot herw ise not ed, all CK- 12 Cont ent (including CK- 12 Curriculum Mat erial) is made available t o Users in accordance w it h t he CK- 12 Curriculum Mat erials License ht t ps://w w w mat erials- license Complet e t erms for use for t he CK- 12 w ebsit e can be found at : ht t p://w w w erms- ofuse/ Print ed: Sept ember 30, 2022 1 www. c k 12 .org Solute and solvent Worksheet Visit for Free Online Practice 1. Matter in any state can be the solute or solvent in a solution. a. TRUE b. FALSE 2. Water is a good solvent since it repels most molecules. a. TRUE b. FALSE 3. 5 g NaCl is dissolved in 100 mL KNO3 aqueous solution. What is the solvent of the resulting solution? a. KNO3 solution b. NaCl c. KNO3 d. Water 4. In the solution called air, the solvent is a. b. c. d. carbon dioxide. nitrogen. oxygen. water vapor. 5. Which of the following examples illustrates the phrase, “like dissolves like”? a. b. c. d. water dissolves sugar paint thinner dissolves oil-based paint oil in water two of the above 2 www. c k 12 .org 6. The solute in a solution is the substance that a. b. c. d. dissolves the other substance. is present in greater amount. separates into individual particles. all of the above 7. True or False: Solids, liquids and gases can all be solutes dissolved in solution. a. True b. False 8. Which of the following are essential parts of every solution? a. b. c. d. Only the solute Only the solvent The solute and the solvent None of the above 9. NaCl dissolves in water because water is a polar molecule. a. TRUE b. FALSE 10. Fill in the blank(s): Carbon dioxide dissolved in water is an example of a gaseous ____________________ dissolved in a liquid ____________________. 3 www. c k 12 .org Answer Keys 1. TRUE 2. FALSE 3. Water 4. nitrogen. 5. two of the above 6. separates into individual particles. 7. True 8. The solute and the solvent 9. TRUE 10. solute , solvent 4