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Database Theory Test 2 Flashcards

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Database Theory Test 2
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Terms in this set (150)
An error or inconsistency that may result when a user
attempts to update a table that contains redundant
data. The three types of anomalies are insertion,
deletion, and modification anomalies.
Which type of entity cannot
Weak Entity
exist in the database unless
another type of entity also exists
in the database, but does not
require that the identifier of that
other entity be included as part
of its own identifier?
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Which type of entity has its
Subtype Entity
relationship to another entity
determined by an attribute in
that other entity called a
A relation is in which normal
Fourth Normal Form
form if it is in BCNF and has no
multivalued dependencies?
What is a synonym for tuple in a
relational database?
What is a determinant?
The attribute on the left-hand side of the arrow in a
functional dependency.
What is the term for a group of
Primary Key
one or more attributes that
uniquely identifies a tuple?
What is a relation?
A named two-dimensional table of data of rows and
columns. A tuple has a relation schema, but an entire
database has a relational schema.
In the relational model, how are
Structures, Operations, Integrity Rules. A relation is a
relationships between relations
set of tuples. A tuple is an unordered set of attribute
What is a functional
A constraint between two attributes or two sets of
What is a partial functional
A functional dependency in which one or more
nonkey attributes are functionally dependent on part,
but not all, of the primary key.
What is an example of an
Information appears in multiple rows so may get
update anomaly?
logical inconsistencies. Ex: For Employee skills table
might contain EmployeeID, Employee Address, and
Skill so a change in address for a certain employee
may have to be applied to multiple records.
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What anomalies does
Update Anomaly, Insertion Anomaly, Deletion
normalization to third normal
form help avoid?
What does a primary key
The relation
uniquely identify?
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What is it called when the value
Partial Functional Dependency
for a non-key attribute of a
relation is dependent on the
value of some part of the
relation's primary key, but not all
of it?
Check the order entry example,
With a /subtotal meaning that it is a derived attribute
how is the derived attribute
subtotal indicated in the
association class OrderLine in a
class diagram?
What type of key is UPC
An external key we will use as the primary key for our
(Universal Product Code) in the
products table
OrderLines and Products
What is the purpose of the
We have to know the dateTimeOut in order to pair a
dateTimeOut attribute in the
customer with the same book more than once. We
library loan pattern? and what is
can call this a discriminator attribute, since it allows us
this type of attribute called? Is it
to discriminate between the multiple pairings of
part of the Loans Primary Key?
customer and book.
What does the notation X→Y
Y is functionally dependent on X
What is an example of a sub
When we have an attribute or set of attributes that
key? What does this mean in a
are a super key for some of the other attributes in the
relation, but not a super key for the entire relation. An
example would be zip code
How would you model the
Phone 0...*: Phone Number (phoneType)(number)
repeated attribute phone
number in a Contacts database?
Oracle doesn't have a boolean
Oracle developers typically use a CHAR(1) data type,
data type. How do Oracle
and assign it values of 'T' or 'F').
developers typically indicate a
'Y' or 'N', 'T' or 'F' value?
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What is an enumerated domain?
Attribute domains that may be specified by a well-
How would you store the
defined, reasonably-sized set of constant values are
domain values?
called enumerated domains. PKs and FKs link them to
other tables as always.
What SQL pattern is used to
SELECT Employees, Managers
produce a list of employees and
FROM _____;
their managers? What do
E.lastname means the last name for all the employees
Best Database Theory Test 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
E.lastName and M.lastName
in the employees table. M.lastname is the same as for
mean in the query?
What is the "key to successful
Is to make sure that end users of the system never
have to manually duplicate or maintain the redundant
1.In the following reduced form
or shorthand notation
Dept_Name, Salary). What is the
primary key for the table?
What is the purpose of physical
Translate the logical description of data into the
database design?
technical specifications for storing and retrieving
What do we call a primary key
Enterprise Key
whose value is unique across all
What are major advantages of
1.Efficiency: Records used together are grouped
2.Local optimization: Each partition can be optimized
for performance
3.Security, recovery
4.Load balancing: Partitions stored on different disks,
reduces contention
What is a common hashing
It's usually a division remainder to determine a record
algorithm? Explain.
position by dividing each primary key by a suitable
prime number and then using the remainder of the
division as the relative storage location. Eg. If there
are 1000 employees, then closest prime number is
997. Now if an employee has a record of 12396, then
we divide this by 997 to get 443 which is stored on
11.How does horizontal
Horizontal Partitioning- distributing the rows of a
partitioning differ from vertical
table into several separate files
- Useful for situations where different users need
access to different rows
Vertical Partitioning - dist the columns of a table into
several separate files
- Useful for situations where diff users need access to
diff columns; (primary key must be repeated in each
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What is the most common form
RAID 5 is most common.
of RAID in use today? What is
RAID 5 offers the advantages of data storage
redundancy along with a high level of performance. It
works differently from RAID 0 or 1 by using striping
and parity.
(striping - dist small segments of data across a
number of hard drives)
(parity - technique that allows data to be
reconstructed from the remaining hard drives in the
system if one drive fails)
What does the acronym RAID
RAID is Redundant array of independent skills. This is
a set of disk drives that appear to the user to be a
single disk drive.
Ex: Select e.LastName AS Employee, mLastName AS
FROM employees e INNER JOIN employees m
ON (e.Manager_ID = m.Manage_ID)
61 Sue Smith (null)
62 David Jones 61
63 Troy Parker 61
64 Claire Smith-Jones 63
65 Grover Rivers 63
What employees are managers?
What are the benefits of a
1.Standards are the same across the system which
standardized relational
means there is less adaptability needed in terms of
skills for users
2.It also improves productivity because there is less
time required for learning the skill of a new language
every time when you have a new system.
3.Reduce dependence in a single vendor
What is the purpose of SQL
The purpose of SQL is to provide an interface to a
relational database such as Oracle Database, and all
SQL statements are instructions to the database.
What researcher defined the
Edgar F. Codd
relational data model?
How does third normal form
Second Normal Form is in first normal form and gets
differ from second normal
rid of partial functional dependencies. Whereas third
form? Explain.
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normal form has no transitive functional
What type of integrity constraint
Referential Integrity Constraint
maintains consistency among
the rows of two relations?
What is a well-structured
Any relation that contains minimal redundancy and
allows users to insert, modify, and delete the rows in
a table without anomalies, errors or inconsistencies
If an identifier is not assigned to
The default primary key is the two primary attributes
the relation formed from the
from the other two relations.
associative entity, what is the
default primary key?
What is the relationship
A determinant is any attribute that you can use to
between determinants and
determine the values assigned to
candidate keys? Is there one?
other attribute(s) in the same row. And a candidate
key is an attribute, or combination of attributes, that
uniquely identifies a row in a relation. Hence, we can
say that a candidate key is always a determinant but a
determinant is not always the candidate key.
When is a relation in first normal
A relation that has a primary key and in which there
form? What criteria must be
are no repeating groups.
What is the main motivation for
Make it easier to search
creating an enterprise key for a
What is an attribute in a relation
Foreign Key
of a database that serves as the
primary key of another relation
in the same database is called?
What two conditions must a
Attribute has to be unique and it has to identify a row
candidate key satisfy?
in a relation.
What is a functional
Partial Functional Dependency
dependency between two or
more nonkey attributes called?
In an SQL statement, which
parts states the conditions for
row selection?
What does the following SQL
This brings out all of the records from the 'Customer'
statement do? Select * From
table where the 'cust_type' f field is Best.
Customer Where Cust_Type =
1)It is selecting all attributes
2) From the customers table
3) And they have to be of the customer type best.
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What is the difference between
Count( ) and Count (*) are the same as it both counts
the functions Count( ), Count(*)
the number of records in a table. Eg.
Select Count(*)/( ) AS NumberofCustomers from
Customers adds up all the customers from customer
Count Distinct totals up unique customers in a table
i.e. it doesn't one customer twice from a record
What qualifier is used in the SQL
Select command to eliminate
duplicate rows in a query?
What are the 3 primary
Selection - Filters the rows
Relational Algebra operators?
Projection - Shows columns you want
Join - Join tables together
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When is an outer join used
When you want rows that do not have matching
instead of a natural join?
values in common columns are nonetheless included
in the result table
Is the SQL SELECT the same as
the selection operator in
relational algebra?
What happens when you issue
If WHERE clause is not present, all records will be
the DELETE FROM tablename
command without specifying a
WHERE condition?
What is the purpose of the SQL
It is used for aggregate functions b/c WHERE does
HAVING clause?
not work with aggregate functions
What is a Self Join in SQL?
A relation that is joined to itself
Ex: Select e.LastName AS Employee, mLastName AS
FROM employees e INNER JOIN employees m
ON (e.Manager_ID = m.Manage_ID)
What is Relational algebra?
A formal system for manipulating relations
What command is used to
delete a table from a database?
What does the SQL CASE
Allows you to return varying results based upon the
statement do?
evaluation of expressions. You can use a CASE
Best Database Theory Test 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
statement anywhere within a SQL statement that you
would normally include an expression. SQL CASE is a
very unique conditional statement providing
if/then/else logic for any ordinary SQL command,
such as SELECT or UPDATE.
In Oracle DBMS what is the
language that has all of the
conditional (IF ...THEN) looping
(WHILE), assignment, variable
declaration and other language
constructs called?
What are the "left" and "right"
Left table is the first table and right is the second
tables in an outer join?
How does a Full Outer join differ
Union includes all columns from each table that is
from a Union join?
joined, and an instance for
each row of each table, while a Full Outer join is a join
in which rows that do not have matching values in
common columns are nonetheless included in the
result table.
What is an alternate name given
Relation or Attribute
to a column or table in any SQL
statement called?
What is the goal of database
To have a well-structured relation containing minimal
data redundancy and allows users to insert, delete,
and update rows without causing data inconsistencies
or anomalies.
What is a foreign key?
An attribute in a relation that serves as the primary
key of another relation in the same database. An
identifier that enables a dependent relation (on the
many side of a relationship) to refer to its parent
relation (on the one side of the relationship).
. Which of the following CASE
expressions says if a Score is 60
or above it's a "Pass" or below
60 it's a "Fail"?
A. CASE IF n >= 60 THEN 'Pass'
OR n < 60 THEN 'Fail'
B. CASE IF n >= 60 THEN 'Pass'
ELSE 'Fail'
C. CASE IF n >= 60 THEN 'Fail'
OR n < 60 THEN 'Pass'
'Pass' ELSE 'Fail'
Best Database Theory Test 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
Which SQL statement will select
all rows from a table called
"Employee" and orders the
results by "Employee_Name"
FROM Employee
ORDER Employee_Name;
FROM Employee
ORDER ON Employee_Name;
FROM Employee
ORDER BY Employee_Name;
FROM Employee
ORDERED Employee_Name;
What are the requirements for a
Requirements for a table to qualify as a relation:
table to qualify as a relation?
1. Table must have a unique name.
2. Every attribute value must be atomic (not
multivalued, not composite)
3. Every row must be unique
4. Attributes (columns) in tables must have unique
5. Order of columns is irrelevant
6. Order of rows is irrelevant
What would we call a functional
Partial Functional Dependency
dependency between two (or
more) non-key attributes?
In 1986, what organizations
American National Standards Institute
adopted SQL as a standard?
A relation that has no
Second Normal Form
multivalued attributes, but does
have partial functional or
transitive dependencies is in
what normal form?
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What is the attribute on the left-
hand side of the arrow in a
functional dependency called?
9. A row or tuple has a
9. A row or tuple has a ____Relation___ schema, but an
____Relation___ schema, but an
entire database has a __Relational_____ schema.
entire database has a
__Relational_____ schema.
What operations are classified
Create, Read, Update, Delete, Select
as Data Manipulation Language
What records does a full outer
The FULL OUTER JOIN keyword returns all the rows
join return?
from the left table (Customers), and all the rows from
the right table (Orders). If there are rows in
"Customers" that do not have matches in "Orders", or
if there are rows in "Orders" that do not have matches
in "Customers", those rows will be listed as well.
What type of join can be further
Inner join
classified as an equi-join, natural
join, or cross-join?
What is the Data Definition
SQL commands to define a database (schema),
Language (DDL) used for?
including creating, altering, and dropping tables and
establishing constraints.
What data type is most
appropriate for a character
string that is a fixed-width ncharacter string, padded with
spaces as needed?
What is a primary key whose
Enterprise Key
value is unique across all
relations called?
What is horizontal partitioning?
Distribution of the rows of a logical relation into
several separate tables.
What is the SQL equivalent of
Create, Read, Update, Delete
the CRUD acronym?
What are the various types of
Bitmap index --> stores most of its data as bit arrays
Dense index --> An index record appears for every
search key value in
file - Hash index
Sparse index --> Index records are created only for
some of the
Best Database Theory Test 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
Reverse key index --> reverses the key value before
entering it in the
index of its data as bit arrays, e.g., the key value
24538 becomes
83542 in the index. Reversing the key value is
particularly useful for
indexing data such as sequence numbers
What theoretical RAID level is
not used in practice?
What is the purpose for building
To help get more detail and communicate with
a logical data model?
people like DBA's. Using business terms for relations
and attributes provides us with common normalized
set of relations.
What is the difference between
Third normal form has no transitive dependencies no
second normal form and third
non key fields are trasitively dependent upon the key
normalization form?
What are the three anomaly
1) Insert Anomaly 2) Update Anomaly 3) Delete
types that are avoided by
normalizing the database?
The selection, or restriction,
Select and Where clause
operation retrieves tuples from
a relation, limiting the results to
only those that meet a specific
criteria. The SQL equivalent of
selection is the ______ query
statement with a ________ clause.
What are the two parts of the
Physical and Logical
internal schema?
What are positive
Provide faster direct data access
attributes/advantages of
What are the basic statements
Create, Alter, Drop
of DDL?
What is the SQL to list the finish
SELECT Product_Finish AS 'Finished Product',
and standard price for all desks
Standard_Price AS 'Standard Price'
with a Standard_Price greater
FROM Product
than $300 in the PRODUCT
WHERE Standard_Price>300 AND
table? (Note: desk is a product
Product_Description = 'Desk';
How many orders did each
SELECT Customer.Customer_Name, Order.Order_ID
customer place in August 2014?
FROM Customer
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What type of join would you
ON Customer.Customer_ID=Order.Customer_ID
ORDER BY Customer.Customer_Name;
What is the SQL to list all
SELECT Customer_Name AS 'Customer Name', State;
customers who live in Eastern
FROM Customer
US states of "FL", "NY", "NY"? List
WHERE State = 'FL' OR State= 'NY'
the customers alphabetically by
ORDER BY State, Customer_Name;
state and alphabetically by
customer within each state.
How would you list the
SELECT Customer_ID, Customer_Name
Customer_ID and
FROM Customers
Customer_Name for all
ORDER BY Customer_Name;
Customers in alphabetical
T/F A candidate key is always a
determinant, but a determinant
may or may not be a candidate
T/F A relation is in first normal
form when there are no
repeating groups in the relation
and there is only one
determinant of the relation.
An equi-join is a join in which
one of the duplicate columns is
eliminated in the result table.
An SQL query that implements
an outer join will return rows
that do not have matching
values in common columns.
One of the original purposes of
the SQL standard was to
provide a vehicle for portability
of database definition and
application modules between
conforming DBMSs.
A database table is defined
using the data definition
language (DDL).
The WHERE clause is always
processed before the GROUP
BY clause when both occur in a
SELECT statement.
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A default value is the value that
a field will always assume,
regardless of what the user
enters for an instance of that
A hashing algorithm is an
algorithm that converts a
primary key value into a relative
record number.
Indexes are most useful for
columns that frequently appear
in WHERE clauses of SQL
commands, either to qualify the
rows to select or for linking.
There can be multivalued
attributes in a relation in 3rd
Normal Form.
The columns of a relation can
be interchanged without
changing the meaning or use of
the relation.
A cascading delete removes all
records in other tables
associated with the record to be
A partial functional dependency
is a functional dependency in
which one or more non-key
attributes are functionally
dependent on part (but not all)
of the primary key.
An enterprise key is a foreign
key whose value is unique
across all relations.
T/F A natural join is the same as
an equi-join, except that it is
performed over matching
columns that have been defined
with the same name and one of
the duplicate columns is
The original purpose of the SQL
standard was to provide a
means for portability of
database definition and
Best Database Theory Test 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
application modules between
conforming DBMSs.
If a column or set of columns is
F(only primary key)
designated as UNIQUE, that
column or set of columns is a
primary key or a foreign key.
SQL is a record-oriented
F it is a set oriented language
In a 1:M relationship, the primary
key attribute of the entity on the
one-side of the relationship
becomes a foreign key in the
relation on the many-side.
The last SQL statement to
execute is ORDER BY.
The SQL HAVING clause acts
like a WHERE clause, but it
identifies groups that meet a
criterion, rather than rows.
SQL is a nonprocedural
language and no statement
execution sequence is implied.
A correlated query requires that
a value be known from the inner
query to process the outer
The order of columns of a
relation can NOT be
interchanged without changing
the meaning or use of the
candidate key
An attribute, or combination of attributes, that
uniquely identifies a row in a relation.
composite key-
A primary key that consists of more than one
Data Definition Language
Commands used to define a database, including
creating, altering, and dropping tables and
establishing constraints.
Data Manipulation Language
Commands used to maintain and query a database,
including updating, inserting, modifying, and
Best Database Theory Test 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
querying data.
Process of transforming normalized relations into
non-normalized physical record specifications.
The attribute on the left-hand side of the arrow in a
functional dependency (A -> B). A determinant in a
database table is any attribute that you can use to
determine the values assigned to other attribute(s) in
the same row.
dynamic view
A virtual table that is created dynamically upon
request by user. A dynamic view is not a temporary
table. Rather, its definition is stored in the system
catalog and the contents of the views are
materialized as a result of an SQL query that uses the
view. Its differs from a materialized view, which may
be stored on a disk and refreshed at intervals or
when used, depending on the RDBMS.
Specific type of comparator-based join that uses only
equality comparisons in the join-predicate.
entity integrity rule
enterprise key
Primary keys that are unique in the whole database,
not just within a single relation.
foreign key-
An attribute in a relation that serves as the primary
key of another relation in the same database. An
identifier that enables a dependent relation (on the
many side of a relationship) to refer to its parent
relation (on the one side of the relationship).
functional dependency-
A constraint between two attributes (or two sets of
attributes) in which the value of one attribute is
determined by the value of another attribute. A
functional dependency occurs when one attribute in
a relation uniquely determines another attribute. This
can be written A -> B which would be the same as
stating "B is functionally dependent upon A." For
example, in a table listing employee characteristics
including Social Security Number (SSN) and name,
name is functionally dependent upon SSN (or SSN ->
name) because an employee's name can be uniquely
determined from their SSN. However, the reverse
statement (name -> SSN) is not true because more
than one employee can have the same
name but different SSNs
hashed file organization-
address for each row is determined using an
hashing algorithm
Usually division-remainder to determine record
position, e.g., dividing each primary key value by a
Best Database Theory Test 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
suitable prime number and then using the remainder
of the division as the relative storage location.
Records with same storage location are grouped in
Is a sorted list of pointers stored along with the
actual data. It's additional physical file.
A table or other data structure used to determine the
location of records in a file that satisfy some
materialized view
Copies or replicas of data based on SQL queries
created in the same manner as dynamic views are.
However, a materialized view exists as a table and
thus care must be taken to keep it synchronized with
its associated base tables
normal form
A state of a relation. Each normal form has rules
regarding relationships between attributes (or
functional dependencies) that must be satisfied.
Normalization is the process of organizing the fields
and tables of a relational database to minimize
outer join
The FULL OUTER JOIN keyword returns all rows from
the left table (table1) and from the right table (table2).
a division of a logical database or its constituting
elements into distinct independent parts. Database
partitioning is normally done for manageability,
performance or availability reasons.
Horizontal partitioning
Distribution of the rows of a logical relation into
several separate tables.
Vertical partitioning
Distribution of the columns of a logical relation into
several separate
physical tables.
physical database design
Is the process of translating a logical description of
data into technical specifications for storing and
retrieving data.
physical file-
A named portion of secondary memory allocated to
store physical records.
primary key
An attribute or a combination of attributes that
uniquely identifies each row in a relation.
RAID (redundant array of independent disks;
originally redundant array of inexpensive disks) is a
Best Database Theory Test 2 Flashcards | Quizlet
way of storing the same data in different places (thus,
redundantly) on multiple hard disks.
recursive foreign key
A foreign key in a relation that references the primary
key values of the same relation.
referential integrity constraint
A rule that states that either each foreign key value
must match a primary key value in another relation or
the foreign key value must be null.
named two-dimensional table of data.
transitive dependency
A functional dependency between the primary key
and one or more nonkey attributes that are
dependent on the primary key via another nonkey
well-structured relation
Any relation that contains minimal redundancy and
allows users to insert, modify, and delete the rows in
a table without anomalies, errors or inconsistencies.
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