THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA As revised in 1968 And subsequently amended November 2016 Published by Florida Department of State In preparation for statehood, fifty-six delegates from Florida’s twenty counties assembled in the Panhandle town of Saint Joseph (near Port St. Joe) to frame the 1838 Constitution (cover). The delegates were mainly planters and lawyers from thirteen of the nation’s twenty-six states and four foreign countries; only three were native Floridians. Three delegates would later become U.S. Senators; two, governors; and five, members of the state supreme court. The convention was called to order on December 3, 1838 and elected Robert Raymond Reid of St. Augustine as president. The constitution divided the government into the traditional three branches – an executive headed by the governor elected to a single four year term, a bicameral legislature that met annually, and a judiciary headed by a supreme court. It banned bank officers, clergymen, and duelists from election to the legislature and governorship; and declared free men equal while at the same time preserving slavery. The constitution was approved by popular vote in 1839 and served as Florida’s constitution from statehood in 1845 until Florida seceded from the Union in 1861. The original 1838 Constitution, signed by forty-one delegates on January 11, 1839, has disappeared. The only surviving handwritten copy is a clerk’s copy signed by Reid and Joshua Knowles, convention secretary, found by the William N. “Bill” Galphin family in Fernandina Beach in 1982. The family inherited the copy from Galphin’s grandfather William Thompson. Thompson married the niece of Judge John C. McGehee, a delegate to the 1838 convention and president of the Secession Convention of 1861. The 1838 Constitution is one of many historical documents that may be found at the Florida State Archives. Located in the R.A. Gray Building in Tallahassee, the Archives is mandated by law to collect and preserve documentation of Florida’s past; including photographs, state records, and private papers of individuals and organizations. This material is available in alternate format upon request. (850) 245-6200 EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA AS TGVKSGD KP 3;88 APD SWDSGSWGPVNY AMGPDGD The Constitution of the State of Florida as revised in 1968 consisted of certain revised articles as proposed by three joint resolutions which were adopted during the special session of June 24-July 3, 1968, and ratified by the electorate on November 5, 1968, together with one article carried forward from the Constitution of 1885, as amended. The articles proposed in House Joint Resolution 1-2X constituted the entire revised constitution with the exception of Articles V, VI, and VIII. Senate Joint Resolution 4-2X proposed Article VI, relating to suffrage and elections. Senate Joint Resolution 5-2X proposed a new Article VIII, relating to local government. Article V, relating to the judiciary, was carried forward from the Constitution of 1885, as amended. Seet�qnu eqorqu�ni the 3;88 tex�u�qn haxe nq h�utqt{ nqteu0 Swbueqwent ehanieu ate �nf�eatef b{ nqteu arrenfef tq the ahheetef ueet�qnu0 Vhe �nfezeu arreat�ni at the bei�nn�ni qh eaeh att�ee, nqteu arreat�ni at the enf qh xat�qwu ueet�qnu, anf ueet�qn anf uwbueet�qn heaf�niu ate affef ef�tqt�a{ anf ate nqt tq be eqnu�fetef au ratt qh the eqnut�twt�qn0 3 ATVKENG K EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG K PTGAMDNG Ye, the reqre qh the State qh Hqt�fa, be�ni itatehw tq Ao�iht{ Gqf hqt qwt eqnut�twt�qna �bett{, �n qtfet tq ueewte �tu beneh�tu, retheet qwt iqxetnoent, �nuwte fqoeut�e ttanqw��t{, oa�nta�n rwb�e qtfet, anf iwatantee eqwa e�x� anf rq�t�ea t�ihtu tq a, fq qtfa�n anf eutab�uh th�u eqnut�twt�qn0 ATVKENG K SGEVKQP 50 Te�i�qwu hteefqo0´Vhete uha be nq aw teureet�ni the eutab�uhoent qh te�i�qn qt rtqh�b�t�ni qt rena�z�ni the htee ezete�ue theteqh0 Te�i�qwu hteefqo uha nqt �wut�h{ rtaet�eeu �neqnu�utent w�th rwb�e oqtau, reaee qt uahet{0 Pq texenwe qh the utate qt an{ rq�t�ea uwbf�x�u�qn qt aiene{ theteqh uha exet be ta�en htqo the rwb�e tteauwt{ f�teet{ qt �nf�teet{ �n a�f qh an{ ehwteh, ueet, qt te�i�qwu fenqo�nat�qn qt �n a�f qh an{ ueetat�an �nut�twt�qn0 DGENATAVKQP QH TKGJVS See0 30 20 50 60 50 80 90 80 ;0 320 330 320 350 360 350 380 390 380 3;0 220 230 220 250 260 250 280 290 Pq�t�ea rqwet0 Dau�e t�ihtu0 Te�i�qwu hteefqo0 Hteefqo qh ureeeh anf rteuu0 T�iht tq auueobe0 T�iht tq wqt�0 M��tat{ rqwet0 T�iht tq beat atou0 Dwe rtqeeuu0 Ptqh�b�tef awu0 Kort�uqnoent hqt febt0 Seateheu anf ue�zwteu0 Jabeau eqtrwu0 Ptett�a teeaue anf fetent�qn0 Ptqueewt�qn hqt et�oe; qhhenueu eqoo�ttef b{ eh�ften0 T�ihtu qh aeewuef anf qh x�et�ou0 Gzeeuu�xe rwn�uhoentu0 Afo�n�uttat�xe renat�eu0 Equtu0 Vteauqn0 Aeeeuu tq eqwttu0 Vt�a b{ �wt{0 T�iht qh rt�xae{0 Aeeeuu tq rwb�e teeqtfu anf oeet�niu0 Vazra{etu' D� qh T�ihtu0 Ea�oant'u t�iht tq ha�t eqorenuat�qn0 Matt�aie feh�nef0 SGEVKQP 60 Hteefqo qh ureeeh anf rteuu0´ Gxet{ retuqn oa{ urea�, wt�te anf rwb�uh uent�oentu qn a uwb�eetu bwt uha be teurqnu�be hqt the abwue qh that t�iht0 Pq aw uha be rauuef tq teutta�n qt abt�fie the �bett{ qh ureeeh qt qh the rteuu0 Kn a et�o�na rtqueewt�qnu anf e�x� aet�qnu hqt fehaoat�qn the ttwth oa{ be i�xen �n ex�fenee0 Kh the oattet ehatief au fehaoatqt{ �u ttwe anf wau rwb�uhef w�th iqqf oqt�xeu, the ratt{ uha be aeqw�ttef qt ezqnetatef0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 50 T�iht tq auueobe0´Vhe reqre uha haxe the t�iht reaeeab{ tq auueobe, tq �nuttwet the�t terteuentat�xeu, anf tq ret�t�qn hqt tefteuu qh it�exaneeu0 SGEVKQP 80 T�iht tq wqt�0´Vhe t�iht qh retuqnu tq wqt� uha nqt be fen�ef qt abt�fief qn aeeqwnt qh oeobetuh�r qt nqn/oeobetuh�r �n an{ abqt wn�qn qt abqt qtian�zat�qn0 Vhe t�iht qh eorq{eeu, b{ anf thtqwih a abqt qtian�zat�qn, tq batia�n eqeet�xe{ uha nqt be fen�ef qt abt�fief0 Pwb�e eorq{eeu uha nqt haxe the t�iht tq utt��e0 SGEVKQP 30 Pq�t�ea rqwet0´A rq�t�ea rqwet �u �nhetent �n the reqre0 Vhe enwne�at�qn hete�n qh eetta�n t�ihtu uha nqt be eqnuttwef tq fen{ qt �ora�t qthetu teta�nef b{ the reqre0 SGEVKQP 90 M��tat{ rqwet0´Vhe o��tat{ rqwet uha be uwbqtf�nate tq the e�x�0 SGEVKQP 80 T�iht tq beat atou0´ (a) Vhe t�iht qh the reqre tq �eer anf beat atou �n fehenue qh theouexeu anf qh the awhw awthqt�t{ qh the utate uha nqt be �nht�nief, ezeert that the oannet qh beat�ni atou oa{ be teiwatef b{ aw0 (b) Vhete uha be a oanfatqt{ ret�qf qh thtee fa{u, ezewf�ni wee�enfu anf eia hq�fa{u, between the rwtehaue anf fe�xet{ at teta� qh an{ hanfiwn0 Hqt the rwtrqueu qh th�u ueet�qn, ¬rwtehaue¹ oeanu the ttanuhet qh oqne{ qt qthet xawabe eqnu�fetat�qn tq the teta�et, anf ¬hanfiwn¹ oeanu a h�teato earabe qh be�ni eatt�ef anf wuef b{ qne hanf, uweh au a r�utq qt texqxet0 Jqfetu qh a eqneeaef wearqn reto�t au rteuet�bef �n Hqt�fa aw uha nqt be uwb�eet tq the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u rataitarh0 SGEVKQP 20 Dau�e t�ihtu0´A natwta retuqnu, heoae anf oae a��e, ate eqwa behqte the aw anf haxe �na�enabe t�ihtu, aoqni wh�eh ate the t�iht tq en�q{ anf fehenf �he anf �bett{, tq rwtuwe harr�neuu, tq be tewatfef hqt �nfwutt{, anf tq aeqw�te, rquueuu anf rtqteet rtqrett{; ezeert that the qwnetuh�r, �nhet�tanee, f�urqu�t�qn anf rquueuu�qn qh tea rtqrett{ b{ a�enu �ne�i�be hqt e�t�zenuh�r oa{ be teiwatef qt rtqh�b�tef b{ aw0 Pq retuqn uha be fert�xef qh an{ t�iht beeawue qh taee, te�i�qn, nat�qna qt�i�n, qt rh{u�ea f�uab��t{0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 ;39, 3;96; afqrtef 3;96; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 ;, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 2 ATVKENG K EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG K SGEVKQP 350 Ptqueewt�qn hqt et�oe; qhhenueu eqoo�ttef b{ eh�ften0´ (a) Pq retuqn uha be tt�ef hqt ear�ta et�oe w�thqwt rteuentoent qt �nf�etoent b{ a itanf �wt{, qt hqt qthet heqn{ w�thqwt uweh rteuentoent qt �nf�etoent qt an �nhqtoat�qn wnfet qath h�ef b{ the rtqueewt�ni qhh�eet qh the eqwtt, ezeert retuqnu qn aet�xe fwt{ �n the o��t�a when tt�ef b{ eqwttu oatt�a0 (b) Yhen awthqt�zef b{ aw, a eh�f au thete�n feh�nef oa{ be ehatief w�th a x�qat�qn qh aw au an aet qh fe�nqwene{ �nuteaf qh et�oe anf tt�ef w�thqwt a �wt{ qt qthet teqw�teoentu arr�eabe tq et�o�na eaueu0 An{ eh�f uq ehatief uha, wrqn feoanf oafe au rtqx�fef b{ aw behqte a tt�a �n a �wxen�e rtqeeef�ni, be tt�ef �n an arrtqrt�ate eqwtt au an afwt0 A eh�f hqwnf fe�nqwent uha be f�ue�r�nef au rtqx�fef b{ aw0 (e) Vhe ei�uatwte uha enaet ei�uat�qn �oreoent/ �ni uwbueet�qn (b) qh th�u ueet�qn, ehheet�xe nq atet than Deeeobet 53, 3;;3, wh�eh uha rtqx�fe that an{qne x�qat�ni the rtqx�u�qnu qh uwbueet�qn (b) uha be iw�t{ qh a heqn{0 (f) Vh�u teutt�et�qn uha nqt arr{ tq a ttafe �n qh anqthet hanfiwn0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 65, 3;8;; afqrtef 3;;20 SGEVKQP ;0 Dwe rtqeeuu0´Pq retuqn uha be fert�xef qh �he, �bett{ qt rtqrett{ w�thqwt fwe rtqeeuu qh aw, qt be tw�ee rwt �n �eqratf{ hqt the uaoe qhhenue, qt be eqoreef �n an{ et�o�na oattet tq be a w�tneuu aia�nut qneueh0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 320 Ptqh�b�tef awu0´Pq b� qh atta�n/ fet, ez rqut haetq aw qt aw �ora�t�ni the qb�iat�qn qh eqnttaetu uha be rauuef0 SGEVKQP 380 T�ihtu qh aeewuef anf qh x�et�ou0 (a) Kn a et�o�na rtqueewt�qnu the aeewuef uha, wrqn feoanf, be �nhqtoef qh the natwte anf eawue qh the aeewuat�qn, anf uha be hwtn�uhef a eqr{ qh the ehatieu, anf uha haxe the t�iht tq haxe eqorwuqt{ rtqeeuu hqt w�tneuueu, tq eqnhtqnt at tt�a afxetue w�tneuueu, tq be heatf �n retuqn, b{ eqwnue qt bqth, anf tq haxe a ureef{ anf rwb�e tt�a b{ �oratt�a �wt{ �n the eqwnt{ whete the et�oe wau eqoo�ttef0 Kh the eqwnt{ �u nqt �nqwn, the �nf�etoent qt �nhqtoat�qn oa{ ehatie xenwe �n twq qt oqte eqwnt�eu eqn�wnet�xe{ anf rtqqh that the et�oe wau eqoo�ttef �n that atea uha be uwhh�e�ent; bwt behqte reaf�ni the aeewuef oa{ eeet �n wh�eh qh thque eqwnt�eu the tt�a w� ta�e raee0 Venwe hqt rtqueewt�qn qh et�oeu eqoo�ttef be{qnf the bqwnf/ at�eu qh the utate uha be h�zef b{ aw0 (b) V�et�ou qh et�oe qt the�t awhw terteuentat�xeu, �newf�ni the nezt qh ��n qh hqo�e�fe x�et�ou, ate ent�tef tq the t�iht tq be �nhqtoef, tq be rteuent, anf tq be heatf when teexant, at a etwe�a utaieu qh et�o�na rtqeeef�niu, tq the eztent that theue t�ihtu fq nqt �ntethete w�th the eqnut�twt�qna t�ihtu qh the aeewuef0 SGEVKQP 330 Kort�uqnoent hqt febt0´Pq ret/ uqn uha be �ort�uqnef hqt febt, ezeert �n eaueu qh htawf0 SGEVKQP 320 Seateheu anf ue�zwteu0´Vhe t�iht qh the reqre tq be ueewte �n the�t retuqnu, hqwueu, raretu anf ehheetu aia�nut wnteauqnabe ueateheu anf ue�zwteu, anf aia�nut the wnteauqnabe �nteteert�qn qh rt�xate eqoown�eat�qnu b{ an{ oeanu, uha nqt be x�qatef0 Pq wattant uha be �uuwef ezeert wrqn rtqbabe eawue, uwrrqttef b{ ahh�fax�t, ratt�ewat{ feuet�b�ni the raee qt raeeu tq be ueatehef, the retuqn qt retuqnu, th�ni qt th�niu tq be ue�zef, the eqoown�eat�qn tq be �nteteertef, anf the natwte qh ex�fenee tq be qbta�nef0 Vh�u t�iht uha be eqnuttwef �n eqnhqto�t{ w�th the 6th Aoenfoent tq the Wn�tef Stateu Eqnut�twt�qn, au �ntetrtetef b{ the Wn�tef Stateu Sw/ rteoe Eqwtt0 Att�eeu qt �nhqtoat�qn qbta�nef �n x�qa/ t�qn qh th�u t�iht uha nqt be afo�uu�be �n ex�fenee �h uweh att�eeu qt �nhqtoat�qn wqwf be �nafo�uu�be wnfet fee�u�qnu qh the Wn�tef Stateu Swrteoe Eqwtt eqnuttw/ �ni the 6th Aoenfoent tq the Wn�tef Stateu Eqnut�tw/ t�qn0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 355, 3;89; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 390 Gzeeuu�xe rwn�uhoentu0´Gzeeu/ u�xe h�neu, etwe anf wnwuwa rwn�uhoent, atta�nfet, hqthe�twte qh eutate, �nfeh�n�te �ort�uqnoent, anf wn/ teauqnabe fetent�qn qh w�tneuueu ate hqtb�ffen0 Vhe feath renat{ �u an awthqt�zef rwn�uhoent hqt ear�ta et�oeu feu�inatef b{ the ei�uatwte0 Vhe rtqh�b�t�qn aia�nut etwe qt wnwuwa rwn�uhoent, anf the rtqh�b�t�qn aia�nut etwe anf wnwuwa rwn�uhoent, uha be eqn/ uttwef �n eqnhqto�t{ w�th fee�u�qnu qh the Wn�tef Stateu Swrteoe Eqwtt wh�eh �ntetrtet the rtqh�b�t�qn aia�nut etwe anf wnwuwa rwn�uhoent rtqx�fef �n the G�ihth Aoenfoent tq the Wn�tef Stateu Eqnut�twt�qn0 An{ oethqf qh ezeewt�qn uha be aqwef, wneuu rtqh�b�tef b{ the Wn�tef Stateu Eqnut�twt�qn0 Methqfu qh ezeewt�qn oa{ be feu�inatef b{ the ei�uatwte, anf a ehanie �n an{ oethqf qh ezeewt�qn oa{ be arr�ef tettqaet�xe{0 A uentenee qh feath uha nqt be tefweef qn the bau�u that a oethqf qh ezeewt�qn �u �nxa�f0 Kn an{ eaue �n wh�eh an ezeewt�qn oethqf �u feeatef �nxa�f, the feath uen/ tenee uha teoa�n �n hqtee wnt� the uentenee ean be J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 53/J, 3;82; afqrtef 3;820 SGEVKQP 350 Jabeau eqtrwu0´Vhe wt�t qh ha/ beau eqtrwu uha be itantabe qh t�iht, htee{ anf w�thqwt equt0 Kt uha be tetwtnabe w�thqwt fea{, anf uha nexet be uwurenfef wneuu, �n eaue qh tebe�qn qt �nxau�qn, uwurenu�qn �u euuent�a tq the rwb�e uahet{0 SGEVKQP 360 Ptett�a teeaue anf fetent�qn0´ Wneuu ehatief w�th a ear�ta qhhenue qt an qhhenue rwn�uhabe b{ �he �ort�uqnoent anf the rtqqh qh iw�t �u ex�fent qt the rteuwort�qn �u iteat, exet{ retuqn ehatief w�th a et�oe qt x�qat�qn qh own�e�ra qt eqwnt{ qtf�nanee uha be ent�tef tq rtett�a teeaue qn teauqn/ abe eqnf�t�qnu0 Kh nq eqnf�t�qnu qh teeaue ean teauqn/ ab{ rtqteet the eqoown�t{ htqo t�u� qh rh{u�ea hato tq retuqnu, auuwte the rteuenee qh the aeewuef at tt�a, qt auuwte the �nteit�t{ qh the �wf�e�a rtqeeuu, the aeewuef oa{ be feta�nef0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 65/J, 3;82; afqrtef 3;820 5 ATVKENG K EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG K anf oeet�niu qh the ei�uatwte uha be qren anf nqt�eef au rtqx�fef �n Att�ee KKK, Seet�qn 6(e), ezeert w�th teureet tq oeet�niu ezeortef rwtuwant tq th�u ueet�qn qt uree�h�ea{ equef b{ th�u Eqnut�twt�qn0 (e) Vh�u ueet�qn uha be ueh/ezeewt�ni0 Vhe ei�u/ atwte, hqwexet, oa{ rtqx�fe b{ ieneta aw rauuef b{ a twq/th�tfu xqte qh eaeh hqwue hqt the ezeort�qn qh teeqtfu htqo the teqw�teoentu qh uwbueet�qn (a) anf the ezeort�qn qh oeet�niu htqo the teqw�teoentu qh uwb/ ueet�qn (b), rtqx�fef that uweh aw uha utate w�th uree�h�e�t{ the rwb�e neeeuu�t{ �wut�h{�ni the ezeort�qn anf uha be nq btqafet than neeeuuat{ tq aeeqor�uh the utatef rwtrque qh the aw0 Vhe ei�uatwte uha enaet awu iqxetn�ni the enhqteeoent qh th�u ueet�qn, �newf/ �ni the oa�ntenanee, eqnttq, feuttwet�qn, f�urqua, anf f�urqu�t�qn qh teeqtfu oafe rwb�e b{ th�u ueet�qn, ezeert that eaeh hqwue qh the ei�uatwte oa{ afqrt tweu iqxetn�ni the enhqteeoent qh th�u ueet�qn �n teat�qn tq teeqtfu qh the ei�uat�xe btaneh0 Nawu enaetef rwtuwant tq th�u uwbueet�qn uha eqnta�n qn{ ezeort�qnu htqo the teqw�teoentu qh uwbueet�qnu (a) qt (b) anf rtqx�u�qnu iqxetn�ni the enhqteeoent qh th�u ueet�qn, anf uha teate tq qne uwb�eet0 (f) A awu that ate �n ehheet qn Jw{ 3, 3;;5 that �o�t rwb�e aeeeuu tq teeqtfu qt oeet�niu uha teoa�n �n hqtee, anf uweh awu arr{ tq teeqtfu qh the ei�uat�xe anf �wf�e�a btaneheu, wnt� the{ ate tereaef0 Tweu qh eqwtt that ate �n ehheet qn the fate qh afqrt�qn qh th�u ueet�qn that �o�t aeeeuu tq teeqtfu uha teoa�n �n ehheet wnt� the{ ate tereaef0 awhw{ ezeewtef b{ an{ xa�f oethqf0 Vh�u ueet�qn uha arr{ tettqaet�xe{0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 5525, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 J0J0T0 ;53, 2223; afqrtef 22220 SGEVKQP 380 Afo�n�uttat�xe renat�eu0´Pq af/ o�n�uttat�xe aiene{, ezeert the Derattoent qh M��tat{ Ahha�tu �n an arrtqrt�ate{ eqnxenef eqwtt/oatt�a aet�qn au rtqx�fef b{ aw, uha �orque a uentenee qh �ort�uqnoent, nqt uha �t �orque an{ qthet renat{ ezeert au rtqx�fef b{ aw0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 3;0 Equtu0´Pq retuqn ehatief w�th et�oe uha be eqoreef tq ra{ equtu behqte a �wfioent qh eqnx�et�qn hau beeqoe h�na0 SGEVKQP 220 Vteauqn0´Vteauqn aia�nut the utate uha eqnu�ut qn{ �n ex{�ni wat aia�nut �t, afhet�ni tq �tu eneo�eu, qt i�x�ni theo a�f anf eqohqtt, anf nq retuqn uha be eqnx�etef qh tteauqn ezeert qn the teut�oqn{ qh twq w�tneuueu tq the uaoe qxett aet qt qn eqnheuu�qn �n qren eqwtt0 SGEVKQP 230 Aeeeuu tq eqwttu0´Vhe eqwttu uha be qren tq exet{ retuqn hqt tefteuu qh an{ �n�wt{, anf �wut�ee uha be afo�n�utetef w�thqwt uae, fen�a qt fea{0 SGEVKQP 220 Vt�a b{ �wt{0´Vhe t�iht qh tt�a b{ �wt{ uha be ueewte tq a anf teoa�n �nx�qate0 Vhe qwa�h�eat�qnu anf the nwobet qh �wtqtu, nqt hewet than u�z, uha be h�zef b{ aw0 J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt E0S0 hqt J0J0T0'u 3929, 885, 2255, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;2; Ao0 S0J0T0 3286, 2222; afqrtef 22220 3 SGEVKQP 250 Vazra{etu' D� qh T�ihtu0´D{ ieneta aw the ei�uatwte uha rteuet�be anf afqrt a Vazra{etu' D� qh T�ihtu that, �n eeat anf eqne�ue aniwaie, uetu hqtth tazra{etu' t�ihtu anf teurqnu�b�/ �t�eu anf iqxetnoent'u teurqnu�b��t�eu tq fea ha�t{ w�th tazra{etu wnfet the awu qh th�u utate0 Vh�u ueet�qn uha be ehheet�xe Jw{ 3, 3;;50 SGEVKQP 250 T�iht qh rt�xae{0´Gxet{ natwta retuqn hau the t�iht tq be et aqne anf htee htqo iqxetnoenta �nttwu�qn �ntq the retuqn'u rt�xate �he ezeert au qthetw�ue rtqx�fef hete�n0 Vh�u ueet�qn uha nqt be eqnuttwef tq �o�t the rwb�e'u t�iht qh aeeeuu tq rwb�e teeqtfu anf oeet�niu au rtqx�fef b{ aw0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 2, 3;;2, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 9, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;20 3Pqte0´Vh�u ueet�qn, qt�i�na{ feu�inatef ueet�qn 26 b{ Tex�u�qn Pq0 2 qh the Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, 3;;2, wau tefeu�inatef ueet�qn 25 b{ the ef�tqtu �n qtfet tq axq�f eqnhwu�qn w�th ueet�qn 26 au eqnta�nef �n J0J0T0'u 3929, 885, 2255, 3;;20 J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 589, 3;82; afqrtef 3;82; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 260 Aeeeuu tq rwb�e teeqtfu anf oeet�niu0´ (a) Gxet{ retuqn hau the t�iht tq �nureet qt eqr{ an{ rwb�e teeqtf oafe qt teee�xef �n eqnneet�qn w�th the qhh�e�a bwu�neuu qh an{ rwb�e bqf{, qhh�eet, qt eorq{ee qh the utate, qt retuqnu aet�ni qn the�t behah, ezeert w�th teureet tq teeqtfu ezeortef rwtuwant tq th�u ueet�qn qt uree�h�ea{ oafe eqnh�fent�a b{ th�u Eqn/ ut�twt�qn0 Vh�u ueet�qn uree�h�ea{ �newfeu the ei�ua/ t�xe, ezeewt�xe, anf �wf�e�a btaneheu qh iqxetnoent anf eaeh aiene{ qt ferattoent eteatef thetewnfet; eqwnt�eu, own�e�ra�t�eu, anf f�utt�etu; anf eaeh eqn/ ut�twt�qna qhh�eet, bqatf, anf eqoo�uu�qn, qt ent�t{ eteatef rwtuwant tq aw qt th�u Eqnut�twt�qn0 (b) A oeet�niu qh an{ eqei�a rwb�e bqf{ qh the ezeewt�xe btaneh qh utate iqxetnoent qt qh an{ eqei�a rwb�e bqf{ qh a eqwnt{, own�e�ra�t{, uehqq f�utt�et, qt uree�a f�utt�et, at wh�eh qhh�e�a aetu ate tq be ta�en qt at wh�eh rwb�e bwu�neuu qh uweh bqf{ �u tq be ttanuaetef qt f�uewuuef, uha be qren anf nqt�eef tq the rwb�e SGEVKQP 280 Ea�oant'u t�iht tq ha�t eqorenua/ t�qn0´ (a) Att�ee K, Seet�qn 28 �u eteatef tq teaf ¬Ea�/ oant'u t�iht tq ha�t eqorenuat�qn0¹ Kn an{ oef�ea �ab��t{ ea�o �nxqx�ni a eqnt�niene{ hee, the ea�oant �u ent�tef tq teee�xe nq euu than 92' qh the h�tut &252,222022 �n a faoaieu teee�xef b{ the ea�oant, ezewu�xe qh teauqnabe anf ewutqoat{ equtu, whethet teee�xef b{ �wfioent, uetteoent, qt qthetw�ue, anf teiatfeuu qh the nwobet qh fehenfantu0 Vhe ea�oant �u ent�tef tq ;2' qh a faoaieu �n ezeeuu qh &252,222022, ezewu�xe qh teauqnabe anf ewutqoat{ equtu anf teiatfeuu qh the nwobet qh fehenfantu0 Vh�u rtqx�u�qn �u ueh/ezeewt�ni anf fqeu nqt teqw�te �o/ reoent�ni ei�uat�qn0 (b) Vh�u Aoenfoent uha ta�e ehheet qn the fa{ hqqw�ni arrtqxa b{ the xqtetu0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Serteobet 8, 2225; afqrtef 22260 6 ATVKENG K EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA htqo the eqaut�ne tq a rq�nt weut qh the oqwth qh the Petf�fq T�xet thtee eaiweu htqo the eqaut�ne au oeauwtef qn a �ne beat�ni uqwth 2®23Á22ÁÁ weut htqo the rq�nt qh bei�nn�ni; thenee nqtthet{ aqni ua�f �ne tq the rq�nt qh bei�nn�ni0 Vhe State qh Hqt�fa uha auq �newfe an{ aff�t�qna tett�tqt{ w�th�n the Wn�tef Stateu af�aeent tq the Pen�nuwa qh Hqt�fa {�ni uqwth qh the St0 Mat{u T�xet, eaut qh the Petf�fq T�xet, anf uqwth qh the Stateu qh Aabaoa anf Geqti�a0 (b) Vhe eqauta bqwnfat�eu oa{ be eztenfef b{ utatwte tq the �o�tu reto�ttef b{ the awu qh the Wn�tef Stateu qt �ntetnat�qna aw0 SGEVKQP 290 Matt�aie feh�nef0´Knauoweh au oatt�aie �u the eia wn�qn qh qn{ qne oan anf qne wqoan au hwubanf anf w�he, nq qthet eia wn�qn that �u tteatef au oatt�aie qt the uwbutant�a eqw�xaent theteqh uha be xa�f qt teeqin�zef0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Hebtwat{ ;, 2225; afqrtef 22280 ATVKENG KK GGPGTAN PTQVKSKQPS See0 30 20 50 60 50 80 90 80 ;0 ATVKENG KK State bqwnfat�eu0 Seat qh iqxetnoent0 Dtaneheu qh iqxetnoent0 State uea anf hai0 Pwb�e qhh�eetu0 Gneo{ attae�0 Patwta teuqwteeu anf ueen�e beawt{0 Gth�eu �n iqxetnoent0 Gni�uh �u the qhh�e�a aniwaie qh Hqt�fa0 SGEVKQP 20 Seat qh iqxetnoent0´Vhe ueat qh iqxetnoent uha be the E�t{ qh Vaahauuee, �n Neqn Eqwnt{, whete the qhh�eeu qh the iqxetnqt, �ewtenant iqxetnqt, eab�net oeobetu anf the uwrteoe eqwtt uha be oa�nta�nef anf the ueuu�qnu qh the ei�uatwte uha be hef; rtqx�fef that, �n t�oe qh �nxau�qn qt itaxe eoetiene{, the iqxetnqt b{ rtqeaoat�qn oa{ hqt the ret�qf qh the eoetiene{ ttanuhet the ueat qh iqxetn/ oent tq anqthet raee0 SGEVKQP 30 State bqwnfat�eu0´ (a) Vhe utate bqwnfat�eu ate< Dei�n at the oqwth qh the Petf�fq T�xet, wh�eh hqt the rwtrqueu qh th�u feuet�rt�qn �u feh�nef au the rq�nt whete at�twfe 52®38Á55ÁÁ nqtth anf qni�twfe 89®53Á28ÁÁ weut �ntet/ ueet; thenee tq the rq�nt whete at�twfe 52®39Á22ÁÁ nqtth anf qni�twfe 89®53Á28ÁÁ weut �ntetueet; thenee tq the rq�nt whete at�twfe 52®38Á22ÁÁ nqtth anf qni�twfe 89®29Á28ÁÁ weut �ntetueet; thenee tq the rq�nt whete the eentet �ne qh the Knttaeqauta Eana (au the uaoe ez�utef qn Jwne 32, 3;55) anf qni�twfe 89®29Á22ÁÁ weut �ntetueet; the uaoe be�ni �n the o�ffe qh the Petf�fq T�xet; thenee wr the o�ffe qh the Petf�fq T�xet tq the rq�nt whete �t �ntetueetu the uqwth bqwnfat{ qh the State qh Aabaoa, be�ni auq the rq�nt qh �ntetueet�qn qh the o�ffe qh the Petf�fq T�xet w�th at�twfe 53®22Á22ÁÁ nqtth; thenee eaut, aqni the uqwth bqwnfat{ �ne qh the State qh Aabaoa, the uaoe be�ni at�twfe 53®22Á22ÁÁ nqtth tq the o�ffe qh the Ehattahqqehee T�xet; thenee fqwn the o�ffe qh ua�f t�xet tq �tu eqnhwenee w�th the H�nt T�xet; thenee �n a utta�iht �ne tq the heaf qh the St0 Mat{u T�xet; thenee fqwn the o�ffe qh ua�f t�xet tq the Atant�e Qeean; thenee fwe eaut tq the efie qh the Gwh Stteao qt a f�utanee qh thtee ieqitarh�e o�eu wh�eh/ exet �u the iteatet f�utanee; thenee �n a uqwthet{ f�teet�qn aqni the efie qh the Gwh Stteao qt aqni a �ne thtee ieqitarh�e o�eu htqo the Atant�e eqaut�ne anf thtee eaiweu f�utant htqo the Gwh qh Mez�eq eqaut�ne, wh�ehexet �u iteatet, tq anf thtqwih the Stta�tu qh Hqt�fa anf weutet{, �newf�ni the Hqt�fa teehu, tq a rq�nt fwe uqwth qh anf thtee eaiweu htqo the uqwthetnoqut rq�nt qh the Matqweuau Me{u; thenee weutet{ aqni a utta�iht �ne tq a rq�nt fwe uqwth qh anf thtee eaiweu htqo Nqiietheaf Me{, the weutetnoqut qh the Dt{ Vqttwiau Kuanfu; thenee weutet{, nqtthet{ anf eautet{ aqni the ate qh a ewtxe thtee eaiweu f�utant htqo Nqiietheaf Me{ tq a rq�nt fwe nqtth qh Nqiietheaf Me{; thenee nqttheaut aqni a utta�iht �ne tq a rq�nt thtee eaiweu htqo the eqaut�ne qh Hqt�fa; thenee nqtthet{ anf weutet{ thtee eaiweu f�utant SGEVKQP 50 Dtaneheu qh iqxetnoent0´Vhe rqwetu qh the utate iqxetnoent uha be f�x�fef �ntq ei�uat�xe, ezeewt�xe anf �wf�e�a btaneheu0 Pq retuqn beqni�ni tq qne btaneh uha ezete�ue an{ rqwetu arretta�n�ni tq e�thet qh the qthet btaneheu wneuu ezrteuu{ rtqx�fef hete�n0 SGEVKQP 60 State uea anf hai0´Vhe feu�in qh the iteat uea anf hai qh the utate uha be rteuet�bef b{ aw0 SGEVKQP 50 Pwb�e qhh�eetu0´ (a) Pq retuqn hqf�ni an{ qhh�ee qh eoqwoent wnfet an{ hqte�in iqxetnoent, qt e�x� qhh�ee qh eoqw/ oent wnfet the Wn�tef Stateu qt an{ qthet utate, uha hqf an{ qhh�ee qh hqnqt qt qh eoqwoent wnfet the iqxetnoent qh th�u utate0 Pq retuqn uha hqf at the uaoe t�oe oqte than qne qhh�ee wnfet the iqxetnoent qh the utate anf the eqwnt�eu anf own�e�ra�t�eu thete�n, ezeert that a nqtat{ rwb�e qt o��tat{ qhh�eet oa{ hqf anqthet qhh�ee, anf an{ qhh�eet oa{ be a oeobet qh a eqnut�twt�qn tex�u�qn eqoo�uu�qn, tazat�qn anf bwfiet tehqto eqoo�uu�qn, eqnut�twt�qna eqnxent�qn, qt utatw/ tqt{ bqf{ hax�ni qn{ afx�uqt{ rqwetu0 (b) Gaeh utate anf eqwnt{ qhh�eet, behqte entet�ni wrqn the fwt�eu qh the qhh�ee, uha i�xe bqnf au teqw�tef b{ aw, anf uha uweat qt ahh�to< ¬K fq uqeon{ uweat (qt ahh�to) that K w� uwrrqtt, rtqteet, anf fehenf the Eqnut�twt�qn anf Gqxetnoent qh the Wn�tef Stateu anf qh the State qh Hqt�fa; that K ao fw{ qwa�h�ef tq hqf qhh�ee wnfet the Eqnut�twt�qn qh the utate; anf that K w� we anf ha�thhw{ rethqto the fwt�eu qh (t�te qh qhh�ee) qn wh�eh K ao nqw abqwt tq entet0 Sq her oe Gqf0¹, anf theteahtet uha fexqte retuqna attent�qn tq the fwt�eu qh the qhh�ee, anf eqnt�nwe �n qhh�ee wnt� a uweeeuuqt qwa�h�eu0 5 ATVKENG KK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG KKK bqf{ qt aiene{ qh wh�eh the �nf�x�fwa wau an qhh�eet qt oeobet hqt a ret�qf qh twq {eatu hqqw�ni xaeat�qn qh qhh�ee0 Pq oeobet qh the ei�uatwte uha retuqna{ terteuent anqthet retuqn qt ent�t{ hqt eqorenuat�qn fwt�ni teto qh qhh�ee behqte an{ utate aiene{ qthet than �wf�e�a tt�bwnau0 S�o�at teutt�et�qnu qn qthet rwb�e qhh�eetu anf eorq{eeu oa{ be eutab�uhef b{ aw0 (h) Vhete uha be an �nferenfent eqoo�uu�qn tq eqnfwet �nxeut�iat�qnu anf oa�e rwb�e terqttu qn a eqora�ntu eqneetn�ni bteaeh qh rwb�e ttwut b{ rwb�e qhh�eetu qt eorq{eeu nqt w�th�n the �wt�uf�et�qn qh the �wf�e�a qwa�h�eat�qnu eqoo�uu�qn0 (i) A eqfe qh eth�eu hqt a utate eorq{eeu anf nqn�wf�e�a qhh�eetu rtqh�b�t�ni eqnh�et between rwb�e fwt{ anf rt�xate �nteteutu uha be rteuet�bef b{ aw0 (h) Vh�u ueet�qn uha nqt be eqnuttwef tq �o�t f�uequwteu anf rtqh�b�t�qnu wh�eh oa{ be eutab�uhef b{ aw tq rteuetxe the rwb�e ttwut anf axq�f eqnh�etu between rwb�e fwt�eu anf rt�xate �nteteutu0 (�) Sehefwe´Qn the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u aoenf/ oent anf wnt� ehanief b{ aw< (3) Hw anf rwb�e f�uequwte qh h�nane�a �nteteutu uha oean h��ni w�th the ewutqf�an qh utate teeqtfu b{ Jw{ 3 qh eaeh {eat a uwqtn utateoent uhqw�ni net wqtth anf �fent�h{�ni eaeh auuet anf �ab��t{ �n ezeeuu qh &3,222 anf �tu xawe tqiethet w�th qne qh the hqqw�ni< a0 A eqr{ qh the retuqn'u oqut teeent hefeta �neqoe taz tetwtn; qt b0 A uwqtn utateoent wh�eh �fent�h�eu eaeh uera/ tate uqwtee anf aoqwnt qh �neqoe wh�eh ezeeefu &3,2220 Vhe hqtou hqt uweh uqwtee f�uequwte anf the tweu wnfet wh�eh the{ ate tq be h�ef uha be rteuet�bef b{ the �nferenfent eqoo�uu�qn eutab�uhef �n uwbuee/ t�qn (h), anf uweh tweu uha �newfe f�uequwte qh ueeqnfat{ uqwteeu qh �neqoe0 (2) Petuqnu hqf�ni utatew�fe eeet�xe qhh�eeu uha auq h�e f�uequwte qh the�t h�nane�a �nteteutu rwtuwant tq uwbueet�qn (�)(3)0 (5) Vhe �nferenfent eqoo�uu�qn rtqx�fef hqt �n uwbueet�qn (h) uha oean the Hqt�fa Eqoo�uu�qn qn Gth�eu0 (e) Vhe rqwetu, fwt�eu, eqorenuat�qn anf oethqf qh ra{oent qh utate anf eqwnt{ qhh�eetu uha be h�zef b{ aw0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 3838, 3;88; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 80 Gneo{ attae�0´Kn ret�qfu qh eoet/ iene{ teuwt�ni htqo eneo{ attae� the ei�uatwte uha haxe rqwet tq rtqx�fe hqt rtqort anf teorqtat{ uweeeuu�qn tq the rqwetu anf fwt�eu qh a rwb�e qhh�eeu the �newobentu qh wh�eh oa{ beeqoe wnaxa�abe tq ezeewte the hwnet�qnu qh the�t qhh�eeu, anf tq afqrt uweh qthet oeauwteu au oa{ be neeeuuat{ anf arrtqrt�ate tq �nuwte the eqnt�nw�t{ qh iqxetnoenta qretat�qnu fwt�ni the eoetiene{0 Kn ezete�u�ni theue rqwetu, the ei�uatwte oa{ feratt htqo qthet teqw�teoentu qh th�u eqnut�twt�qn, bwt qn{ tq the eztent neeeuuat{ tq oeet the eoetiene{0 SGEVKQP 90 Patwta teuqwteeu anf ueen�e beawt{0´ (a) Kt uha be the rq�e{ qh the utate tq eqnuetxe anf rtqteet �tu natwta teuqwteeu anf ueen�e beawt{0 Afe/ qwate rtqx�u�qn uha be oafe b{ aw hqt the abateoent qh a�t anf watet rqwt�qn anf qh ezeeuu�xe anf wnneeeuuat{ nq�ue anf hqt the eqnuetxat�qn anf rtqteet�qn qh natwta teuqwteeu0 (b) Vhque �n the Gxetiafeu Ait�ewtwta Atea whq eawue watet rqwt�qn w�th�n the Gxetiafeu Ptqteet�qn Atea qt the Gxetiafeu Ait�ewtwta Atea uha be rt�oat�{ teurqnu�be hqt ra{�ni the equtu qh the abate/ oent qh that rqwt�qn0 Hqt the rwtrqueu qh th�u uwbuee/ t�qn, the tetou ¬Gxetiafeu Ptqteet�qn Atea¹ anf ¬Gxet/ iafeu Ait�ewtwta Atea¹ uha haxe the oean�niu au feh�nef �n utatwteu �n ehheet qn Janwat{ 3, 3;;80 J�utqt{0´Ao0 b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Mateh 28, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 5, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 80 Gth�eu �n iqxetnoent0´A rwb�e qhh�ee �u a rwb�e ttwut0 Vhe reqre uha haxe the t�iht tq ueewte anf uwuta�n that ttwut aia�nut abwue0 Vq auuwte th�u t�iht< (a) A eeetef eqnut�twt�qna qhh�eetu anf eanf�fateu hqt uweh qhh�eeu anf, au oa{ be feteto�nef b{ aw, qthet rwb�e qhh�eetu, eanf�fateu, anf eorq{eeu uha h�e hw anf rwb�e f�uequwte qh the�t h�nane�a �nteteutu0 (b) A eeetef rwb�e qhh�eetu anf eanf�fateu hqt uweh qhh�eeu uha h�e hw anf rwb�e f�uequwte qh the�t eaora�in h�naneeu0 (e) An{ rwb�e qhh�eet qt eorq{ee whq bteaeheu the rwb�e ttwut hqt rt�xate ia�n anf an{ retuqn qt ent�t{ �nfwe�ni uweh bteaeh uha be �abe tq the utate hqt a h�nane�a beneh�tu qbta�nef b{ uweh aet�qnu0 Vhe oannet qh teeqxet{ anf aff�t�qna faoaieu oa{ be rtqx�fef b{ aw0 (f) An{ rwb�e qhh�eet qt eorq{ee whq �u eqnx�etef qh a heqn{ �nxqx�ni a bteaeh qh rwb�e ttwut uha be uwb�eet tq hqthe�twte qh t�ihtu anf rt�x�eieu wnfet a rwb�e tet�teoent u{uteo qt renu�qn ran �n uweh oannet au oa{ be rtqx�fef b{ aw0 (e) Pq oeobet qh the ei�uatwte qt utatew�fe eeetef qhh�eet uha retuqna{ terteuent anqthet ret/ uqn qt ent�t{ hqt eqorenuat�qn behqte the iqxetnoent J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Jw{ 2;, 3;98; afqrtef 3;98; Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pqu0 8 anf 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP ;0 Gni�uh �u the qhh�e�a aniwaie qh Hqt�fa0´ (a) Gni�uh �u the qhh�e�a aniwaie qh the State qh Hqt�fa0 (b) Vhe ei�uatwte uha haxe the rqwet tq enhqtee th�u ueet�qn b{ arrtqrt�ate ei�uat�qn0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Awiwut 8, 3;88; afqrtef 3;880 ATVKENG KKK NGGKSNAVWTG See0 30 20 50 8 Eqorqu�t�qn0 Meobetu; qhh�eetu0 Seuu�qnu qh the ei�uatwte0 ATVKENG KKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA �nttqfweef b{ eqnuent qh twq/th�tfu qh the oeobetuh�r qh eaeh hqwue0 (2) A uree�a ueuu�qn qh the ei�uatwte oa{ be eqnxenef au rtqx�fef b{ aw0 (f) NGPGVJ QH SGSSKQPS0 A teiwat ueuu�qn qh the ei�uatwte uha nqt ezeeef u�zt{ eqnueewt�xe fa{u, anf a uree�a ueuu�qn uha nqt ezeeef twent{ eqn/ ueewt�xe fa{u, wneuu eztenfef be{qnf uweh �o�t b{ a thtee/h�hthu xqte qh eaeh hqwue0 Dwt�ni uweh an ezten/ u�qn nq new bwu�neuu oa{ be ta�en wr �n e�thet hqwue w�thqwt the eqnuent qh twq/th�tfu qh �tu oeobetuh�r0 (e) ADJQWTPMGPV0 Pe�thet hqwue uha af�qwtn hqt oqte than uexent{/twq eqnueewt�xe hqwtu ezeert rwtuwant tq eqnewttent teuqwt�qn0 (h) ADJQWTPMGPV DY GQVGTPQT0 Kh, fwt�ni an{ teiwat qt uree�a ueuu�qn, the twq hqwueu eannqt aitee wrqn a t�oe hqt af�qwtnoent, the iqxetnqt oa{ af�qwtn the ueuu�qn u�ne f�e qt tq an{ fate w�th�n the ret�qf awthqt�zef hqt uweh ueuu�qn; rtqx�fef that, at eaut twent{/hqwt hqwtu behqte af�qwtn�ni the ueuu�qn, anf wh�e ne�thet hqwue �u �n teeeuu, eaeh hqwue uha be i�xen hqtoa wt�tten nqt�ee qh the iqxetnqt'u �ntent�qn tq fq uq, anf aiteeoent teaehef w�th�n that ret�qf b{ bqth hqwueu qn a t�oe hqt af�qwtnoent uha rtexa�0 See0 60 50 80 90 80 ;0 320 330 320 350 360 350 380 390 380 3;0 220 230 ATVKENG KKK Swqtwo anf rtqeefwte0 Knxeut�iat�qnu; w�tneuueu0 Nawu0 Pauuaie qh b�u0 Gzeewt�xe arrtqxa anf xetq0 Ghheet�xe fate qh awu0 Sree�a awu0 Ptqh�b�tef uree�a awu0 Arrtqrt�at�qn b�u0 Veto qh qhh�ee0 E�x� uetx�ee u{uteo0 Vetou anf qwa�h�eat�qnu qh ei�uatqtu0 Nei�uat�xe arrqtt�qnoent0 Koreaehoent0 Eqnh�et qh Knteteut0 State Dwfiet�ni, Pann�ni anf Arrtqrt�at�qnu Ptqeeuueu0 Stanfatfu hqt eutab�uh�ni eqniteuu�qna f�utt�et bqwnfat�eu0 Stanfatfu hqt eutab�uh�ni ei�uat�xe f�utt�et bqwnfat�eu0 SGEVKQP 30 Eqorqu�t�qn0´Vhe ei�uat�xe rqwet qh the utate uha be xeutef �n a ei�uatwte qh the State qh Hqt�fa, eqnu�ut�ni qh a uenate eqorquef qh qne uenatqt eeetef htqo eaeh uenatqt�a f�utt�et anf a hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu eqorquef qh qne oeobet eeetef htqo eaeh terteuentat�xe f�utt�et0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 582, 3;8;; afqrtef 3;;2; Ao0 S0J0T0 2828, 3;;6; afqrtef 3;;6; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 60 Swqtwo anf rtqeefwte0´ (a) A oa�qt�t{ qh the oeobetuh�r qh eaeh hqwue uha eqnut�twte a qwqtwo, bwt a uoaet nwobet oa{ af�qwtn htqo fa{ tq fa{ anf eqore the rteuenee qh abuent oeobetu �n uweh oannet anf wnfet uweh renat�eu au �t oa{ rteuet�be0 Gaeh hqwue uha feteto�ne �tu tweu qh rtqeefwte0 (b) Seuu�qnu qh eaeh hqwue uha be rwb�e; ezeert ueuu�qnu qh the uenate when eqnu�fet�ni arrq�ntoent tq qt teoqxa htqo rwb�e qhh�ee oa{ be equef0 (e) Gaeh hqwue uha �eer anf rwb�uh a �qwtna qh �tu rtqeeef�niu; anf wrqn the teqweut qh h�xe oeobetu rteuent, the xqte qh eaeh oeobet xqt�ni qn an{ qweut�qn uha be entetef qn the �qwtna0 Kn an{ ei�uat�xe eqoo�ttee qt uwbeqoo�ttee, the xqte qh eaeh oeobet xqt�ni qn the h�na rauuaie qh an{ ei�uat�qn renf�ni behqte the eqoo�ttee, anf wrqn the teqweut qh an{ twq oeobetu qh the eqoo�ttee qt uwbeqoo�ttee, the xqte qh eaeh oeobet qn an{ qthet qweut�qn, uha be teeqtfef0 (f) Gaeh hqwue oa{ rwn�uh a oeobet hqt eqnteort qt f�uqtfet{ eqnfwet anf, b{ a twq/th�tfu xqte qh �tu oeobetuh�r, oa{ ezre a oeobet0 (e) Vhe tweu qh rtqeefwte qh eaeh hqwue uha rtqx�fe that a ei�uat�xe eqoo�ttee anf uwbeqoo�ttee oeet�niu qh eaeh hqwue, anf �q�nt eqnhetenee eqoo�t/ tee oeet�niu, uha be qren anf nqt�eef tq the rwb�e0 Vhe tweu qh rtqeefwte qh eaeh hqwue uha hwtthet rtqx�fe that a rteattanief iathet�niu, between oqte than twq oeobetu qh the ei�uatwte, qt between the iqxetnqt, the rteu�fent qh the uenate, qt the urea�et qh the hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu, the rwtrque qh wh�eh �u tq aitee wrqn hqtoa ei�uat�xe aet�qn that w� be ta�en at a uwbueqwent t�oe, qt at wh�eh hqtoa ei�uat�xe aet�qn �u ta�en, teiatf�ni renf�ni ei�uat�qn qt aoenfoentu, uha be teauqnab{ qren tq the rwb�e0 A qren SGEVKQP 20 Meobetu; qhh�eetu0´Gaeh hqwue uha be the uqe �wfie qh the qwa�h�eat�qnu, eeet�qnu, anf tetwtnu qh �tu oeobetu, anf uha b�enn�a{ ehqque �tu qhh�eetu, �newf�ni a retoanent rteu�f�ni qhh�eet ueeetef htqo �tu oeobetuh�r, whq uha be feu�inatef �n the uenate au Pteu�fent qh the Senate, anf �n the hqwue au Srea�et qh the Jqwue qh Terteuentat�xeu0 Vhe uenate uha feu�inate a Seetetat{ tq uetxe at �tu reauwte, anf the hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu uha feu�inate a Eet� tq uetxe at �tu reauwte0 Vhe ei�uatwte uha arrq�nt an awf�tqt tq uetxe at �tu reauwte whq uha awf�t rwb�e teeqtfu anf rethqto teatef fwt�eu au rteuet�bef b{ aw qt eqnewttent teuqwt�qn0 SGEVKQP 50 Seuu�qnu qh the ei�uatwte0´ (a) QTGAPK\AVKQP SGSSKQPS0 Qn the hqwt/ teenth fa{ hqqw�ni eaeh ieneta eeet�qn the ei�ua/ twte uha eqnxene hqt the ezewu�xe rwtrque qh qtian�/ zat�qn anf ueeet�qn qh qhh�eetu0 (b) TGGWNAT SGSSKQPS0 A teiwat ueuu�qn qh the ei�uatwte uha eqnxene qn the h�tut Vweufa{ ahtet the h�tut Mqnfa{ �n Mateh qh eaeh qff/nwobetef {eat, anf qn the h�tut Vweufa{ ahtet the h�tut Mqnfa{ �n Mateh, qt uweh qthet fate au oa{ be h�zef b{ aw, qh eaeh exen/ nwobetef {eat0 (e) SPGEKAN SGSSKQPS0 (3) Vhe iqxetnqt, b{ rtqeaoat�qn utat�ni the rwt/ rque, oa{ eqnxene the ei�uatwte �n uree�a ueuu�qn fwt�ni wh�eh qn{ uweh ei�uat�xe bwu�neuu oa{ be ttanuaetef au �u w�th�n the rwtx�ew qh the rtqeaoat�qn, qt qh a eqoown�eat�qn htqo the iqxetnqt, qt �u 9 ATVKENG KKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA oeet�niu uha be uwb�eet tq qtfet anf feeqtwo0 Vh�u ueet�qn uha be �oreoentef anf feh�nef b{ the tweu qh eaeh hqwue, anf uweh tweu uha eqnttq afo�uu�qn tq the hqqt qh eaeh ei�uat�xe ehaobet anf oa{, whete teauqnab{ neeeuuat{ hqt ueewt�t{ rwtrqueu qt tq rtqteet a w�tneuu arreat�ni behqte a eqoo�ttee, rtqx�fe hqt the equwte qh eqoo�ttee oeet�niu0 Gaeh hqwue uha be the uqe �wfie hqt the �ntetrtetat�qn, �oreoentat�qn, anf enhqteeoent qh th�u ueet�qn0 ATVKENG KKK oqte than th�tt{ fa{u, the iqxetnqt uha haxe h�hteen eqnueewt�xe fa{u htqo the fate qh rteuentat�qn tq aet qn the b�0 Kn a eaueu ezeert ieneta arrtqrt�at�qn b�u, the xetq uha eztenf tq the ent�te b�0 Vhe iqxetnqt oa{ xetq an{ uree�h�e arrtqrt�at�qn �n a ieneta arrtqrt�a/ t�qn b�, bwt oa{ nqt xetq an{ qwa�h�eat�qn qt teutt�et�qn w�thqwt auq xetq�ni the arrtqrt�at�qn tq wh�eh �t teateu0 (b) Yhen a b� qt an{ uree�h�e arrtqrt�at�qn qh a ieneta arrtqrt�at�qn b� hau been xetqef, the iqxetnqt uha ttanuo�t u�inef qb�eet�qnu thetetq tq the hqwue �n wh�eh the b� qt�i�natef �h �n ueuu�qn0 Kh that hqwue �u nqt �n ueuu�qn, the iqxetnqt uha h�e theo w�th the ewutqf�an qh utate teeqtfu, whq uha a{ theo behqte that hqwue at �tu nezt teiwat qt uree�a ueuu�qn, wh�ehexet qeewtu h�tut, anf the{ uha be entetef qn �tu �qwtna0 Kh the qt�i�nat�ni hqwue xqteu tq te/enaet a xetqef oeauwte, whethet �n a teiwat qt uree�a ueuu�qn, anf the qthet hqwue fqeu nqt eqnu�fet qt ha�u tq te/enaet the xetqef oeauwte, nq hwtthet eqnu�fetat�qn b{ e�thet hqwue at an{ uwbueqwent ueuu�qn oa{ be ta�en0 Kh a xetqef oeauwte �u rteuentef at a uree�a ueuu�qn anf the qt�i�nat�ni hqwue fqeu nqt eqnu�fet �t, the oeauwte w� be axa�abe hqt eqnu�feta/ t�qn at an{ �ntetxen�ni uree�a ueuu�qn anf wnt� the enf qh the nezt teiwat ueuu�qn0 (e) Kh eaeh hqwue uha, b{ a twq/th�tfu xqte, te/enaet the b� qt te�nutate the xetqef uree�h�e arrtqrt�at�qn qh a ieneta arrtqrt�at�qn b�, the xqte qh eaeh oeobet xqt�ni uha be entetef qn the teureet�xe �qwtnau, anf the b� uha beeqoe aw qt the uree�h�e arrtqrt�at�qn te�nutatef, the xetq nqtw�thutanf�ni0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0'u 3;;2, 2, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;20 SGEVKQP 50 Knxeut�iat�qnu; w�tneuueu0´Gaeh hqwue, when �n ueuu�qn, oa{ eqore attenfanee qh w�tneuueu anf rtqfwet�qn qh fqewoentu anf qthet ex�fenee wrqn an{ oattet wnfet �nxeut�iat�qn behqte �t qt an{ qh �tu eqoo�tteeu, anf oa{ rwn�uh b{ h�ne nqt ezeeef�ni qne thqwuanf fqatu qt �ort�uqnoent nqt ezeeef�ni n�net{ fa{u, qt bqth, an{ retuqn nqt a oeobet whq hau been iw�t{ qh f�uqtfet{ qt eqnteor/ twqwu eqnfwet �n �tu rteuenee qt hau tehwuef tq qbe{ �tu awhw uwooqnu qt tq anuwet awhw qweut�qnu0 Sweh rqwetu, ezeert the rqwet tq rwn�uh, oa{ be eqnhettef b{ aw wrqn eqoo�tteeu when the ei�uatwte �u nqt �n ueuu�qn0 Pwn�uhoent qh eqnteort qh an �ntet�o ei�ua/ t�xe eqoo�ttee uha be b{ �wf�e�a rtqeeef�niu au rteuet�bef b{ aw0 SGEVKQP 80 Nawu0´Gxet{ aw uha eobtaee bwt qne uwb�eet anf oattet rtqret{ eqnneetef thetew�th, anf the uwb�eet uha be bt�eh{ ezrteuuef �n the t�te0 Pq aw uha be tex�uef qt aoenfef b{ tehetenee tq �tu t�te qn{0 Nawu tq tex�ue qt aoenf uha uet qwt �n hw the tex�uef qt aoenfef aet, ueet�qn, uwbueet�qn qt rata/ itarh qh a uwbueet�qn0 Vhe enaet�ni eawue qh exet{ aw uha teaf< ¬De Kt Gnaetef b{ the Nei�uatwte qh the State qh Hqt�fa<¹0 J�utqt{0´Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pqu0 8 anf 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP ;0 Ghheet�xe fate qh awu0´Gaeh aw uha ta�e ehheet qn the u�zt�eth fa{ ahtet af�qwtnoent u�ne f�e qh the ueuu�qn qh the ei�uatwte �n wh�eh enaetef qt au qthetw�ue rtqx�fef thete�n0 Kh the aw �u rauuef qxet the xetq qh the iqxetnqt �t uha ta�e ehheet qn the u�zt�eth fa{ ahtet af�qwtnoent u�ne f�e qh the ueuu�qn �n wh�eh the xetq �u qxett�ffen, qn a atet fate h�zef �n the aw, qt qn a fate h�zef b{ teuqwt�qn rauuef b{ bqth hqwueu qh the ei�uatwte0 SGEVKQP 90 Pauuaie qh b�u0´An{ b� oa{ qt�i�nate �n e�thet hqwue anf ahtet rauuaie �n qne oa{ be aoenfef �n the qthet0 Kt uha be teaf �n eaeh hqwue qn thtee ueratate fa{u, wneuu th�u twe �u wa�xef b{ twq/th�tfu xqte; rtqx�fef the rwb�eat�qn qh �tu t�te �n the �qwtna qh a hqwue uha uat�uh{ the teqw�teoent hqt the h�tut teaf�ni �n that hqwue0 Qn eaeh teaf�ni, �t uha be teaf b{ t�te qn{, wneuu qne/th�tf qh the oeobetu rteuent feu�te �t teaf �n hw0 Qn h�na rauuaie, the xqte qh eaeh oeobet xqt�ni uha be entetef qn the �qwtna0 Pauuaie qh a b� uha teqw�te a oa�qt�t{ xqte �n eaeh hqwue0 Gaeh b� anf �q�nt teuqwt�qn rauuef �n bqth hqwueu uha be u�inef b{ the rteu�f�ni qhh�eetu qh the teureet�xe hqwueu anf b{ the ueetetat{ qh the uenate anf the eet� qh the hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu fwt�ni the ueuu�qn qt au uqqn au rtaet�eabe ahtet �tu af�qwtnoent u�ne f�e0 SGEVKQP 320 Sree�a awu0´Pq uree�a aw uha be rauuef wneuu nqt�ee qh �ntent�qn tq uee� enaetoent theteqh hau been rwb�uhef �n the oannet rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 Sweh nqt�ee uha nqt be neeeuuat{ when the aw, ezeert the rtqx�u�qn hqt tehetenfwo, �u eqnf�/ t�qnef tq beeqoe ehheet�xe qn{ wrqn arrtqxa b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu qh the atea ahheetef0 SGEVKQP 330 Ptqh�b�tef uree�a awu0´ (a) Vhete uha be nq uree�a aw qt ieneta aw qh qea arr�eat�qn retta�n�ni tq< (3) eeet�qn, �wt�uf�et�qn qt fwt�eu qh qhh�eetu, ezeert qhh�eetu qh own�e�ra�t�eu, ehattetef eqwnt�eu, uree�a f�utt�etu qt qea iqxetnoenta aiene�eu; (2) auueuuoent qt eqeet�qn qh tazeu hqt utate qt eqwnt{ rwtrqueu, �newf�ni eztenu�qn qh t�oe thetehqt, te�eh qh taz qhh�eetu htqo fwe rethqtoanee qh the�t fwt�eu, anf te�eh qh the�t uwtet�eu htqo �ab��t{; (5) tweu qh ex�fenee �n an{ eqwtt; (6) rwn�uhoent hqt et�oe; J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 356;, 3;82; afqrtef 3;820 SGEVKQP 80 Gzeewt�xe arrtqxa anf xetq0´ (a) Gxet{ b� rauuef b{ the ei�uatwte uha be rteuentef tq the iqxetnqt hqt arrtqxa anf uha beeqoe a aw �h the iqxetnqt arrtqxeu anf u�inu �t, qt ha�u tq xetq �t w�th�n uexen eqnueewt�xe fa{u ahtet rteuentat�qn0 Kh fwt�ni that ret�qf qt qn the uexenth fa{ the ei�uatwte af�qwtnu u�ne f�e qt ta�eu a teeeuu qh 8 ATVKENG KKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ATVKENG KKK neeeuuat{ tq rteuet�be the qwa�h�eat�qnu, oethqf qh ueeet�qn anf tenwte qh uweh eorq{eeu anf qhh�eetu0 (5) ret�t �wt�eu, �newf�ni eqorenuat�qn qh �wtqtu, ezeert eutab�uhoent qh �wt{ eqoo�uu�qnu; (8) ehanie qh e�x� qt et�o�na xenwe; (9) eqnf�t�qnu rteeefent tq bt�ni�ni an{ e�x� qt et�o�na rtqeeef�niu, qt �o�tat�qnu qh t�oe thetehqt; (8) tehwnf qh oqne{ eia{ ra�f qt teo�uu�qn qh h�neu, renat�eu qt hqthe�twteu; (;) eteat�qn, enhqteeoent, eztenu�qn qt �ora�toent qh �enu bauef qn rt�xate eqnttaetu, qt h�z�ni qh �nteteut tateu qn rt�xate eqnttaetu; (32) f�urqua qh rwb�e rtqrett{, �newf�ni an{ �nteteut thete�n, hqt rt�xate rwtrqueu; (33) xaeat�qn qh tqafu; (32) rt�xate �neqtrqtat�qn qt itant qh rt�x�eie tq a rt�xate eqtrqtat�qn; (35) ehheetwat�qn qh �nxa�f feefu, w�u qt qthet �nuttwoentu, qt ehanie �n the aw qh feueent; (36) ehanie qh naoe qh an{ retuqn; (35) f�xqtee; (38) ei�t�oat�qn qt afqrt�qn qh retuqnu; (39) te�eh qh o�nqtu htqo eia f�uab��t�eu; (38) ttanuhet qh an{ rtqrett{ �nteteut qh retuqnu wnfet eia f�uab��t�eu qt qh eutateu qh feeefentu; (3;) hwnt�ni qt hteuh watet h�uh�ni; (22) teiwat�qn qh qeewrat�qnu wh�eh ate teiwatef b{ a utate aiene{; qt 3(23) an{ uwb�eet when rtqh�b�tef b{ ieneta aw rauuef b{ a thtee/h�hthu xqte qh the oeobetuh�r qh eaeh hqwue0 Sweh aw oa{ be aoenfef qt tereaef b{ ��e xqte0 (b) Kn the enaetoent qh ieneta awu qn qthet uwb�eetu, rq�t�ea uwbf�x�u�qnu qt qthet iqxetnoenta ent�t�eu oa{ be eauu�h�ef qn{ qn a bau�u teauqnab{ teatef tq the uwb�eet qh the aw0 SGEVKQP 350 Vetou anf qwa�h�eat�qnu qh ei�u/ atqtu0´ (a) SGPAVQTS0 Senatqtu uha be eeetef hqt tetou qh hqwt {eatu, thque htqo qff/nwobetef f�utt�etu �n the {eatu the nwobetu qh wh�eh ate owt�reu qh hqwt anf thque htqo exen/nwobetef f�utt�etu �n exen/nwo/ betef {eatu the nwobetu qh wh�eh ate nqt owt�reu qh hqwt; ezeert, at the eeet�qn nezt hqqw�ni a tearrqtt�qn/ oent, uqoe uenatqtu uha be eeetef hqt tetou qh twq {eatu when neeeuuat{ tq oa�nta�n utaiietef tetou0 (b) TGPTGSGPVAVKVGS0 Meobetu qh the hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu uha be eeetef hqt tetou qh twq {eatu �n eaeh exen/nwobetef {eat0 (e) SWANKHKEAVKQPS0 Gaeh ei�uatqt uha be at eaut twent{/qne {eatu qh aie, an eeetqt anf teu�fent qh the f�utt�et htqo wh�eh eeetef anf uha haxe teu�fef �n the utate hqt a ret�qf qh twq {eatu rt�qt tq eeet�qn0 (f) ASSWMKPG QHHKEG; VAEAPEKGS0 Meobetu qh the ei�uatwte uha ta�e qhh�ee wrqn eeet�qn0 Vaeane�eu �n ei�uat�xe qhh�ee uha be h�ef qn{ b{ eeet�qn au rtqx�fef b{ aw0 SGEVKQP 380 Nei�uat�xe arrqtt�qnoent0´ (a) SGPAVQTKAN APD TGPTGSGPVAVKVG DKS/ VTKEVS0 Vhe ei�uatwte at �tu teiwat ueuu�qn �n the ueeqnf {eat hqqw�ni eaeh feeenn�a eenuwu, b{ �q�nt teuqwt�qn, uha arrqtt�qn the utate �n aeeqtfanee w�th the eqnut�twt�qn qh the utate anf qh the Wn�tef Stateu �ntq nqt euu than th�tt{ nqt oqte than hqtt{ eqnueewt�xe{ nwobetef uenatqt�a f�utt�etu qh e�thet eqnt�iwqwu, qxetarr�ni qt �fent�ea tett�tqt{, anf �ntq nqt euu than e�iht{ nqt oqte than qne hwnftef twent{ eqn/ ueewt�xe{ nwobetef terteuentat�xe f�utt�etu qh e�thet eqnt�iwqwu, qxetarr�ni qt �fent�ea tett�tqt{0 Shqwf that ueuu�qn af�qwtn w�thqwt afqrt�ni uweh �q�nt teuqw/ t�qn, the iqxetnqt b{ rtqeaoat�qn uha teeqnxene the ei�uatwte w�th�n th�tt{ fa{u �n uree�a arrqtt�qnoent ueuu�qn wh�eh uha nqt ezeeef th�tt{ eqnueewt�xe fa{u, fwt�ni wh�eh nq qthet bwu�neuu uha be ttanuaetef, anf �t uha be the oanfatqt{ fwt{ qh the ei�uatwte tq afqrt a �q�nt teuqwt�qn qh arrqtt�qnoent0 (b) HAKNWTG QH NGGKSNAVWTG VQ APPQTVKQP; JWDKEKAN TGAPPQTVKQPMGPV0 Kn the exent a uree�a arrqtt�qnoent ueuu�qn qh the ei�uatwte h�na{ af�qwtnu w�thqwt afqrt�ni a �q�nt teuqwt�qn qh arrqt/ t�qnoent, the attqtne{ ieneta uha, w�th�n h�xe fa{u, ret�t�qn the uwrteoe eqwtt qh the utate tq oa�e uweh arrqtt�qnoent0 Pq atet than the u�zt�eth fa{ ahtet the h��ni qh uweh ret�t�qn, the uwrteoe eqwtt uha h�e w�th the ewutqf�an qh utate teeqtfu an qtfet oa��ni uweh arrqtt�qnoent0 (e) JWDKEKAN TGVKGY QH APPQTVKQPMGPV0 Y�th�n h�hteen fa{u ahtet the rauuaie qh the �q�nt teuqwt�qn qh arrqtt�qnoent, the attqtne{ ieneta uha ret�t�qn the uwrteoe eqwtt qh the utate hqt a feeatatqt{ �wfioent feteto�n�ni the xa�f�t{ qh the arrqtt�qnoent0 Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt, �n aeeqtfanee w�th �tu tweu, uha reto�t afxetuat{ �nteteutu tq rteuent the�t x�ewu anf, w�th�n th�tt{ fa{u htqo the h��ni qh the ret�t�qn, uha entet �tu �wfioent0 3Pqte0´See the hqqw�ni hqt rtqh�b�tef uwb�eet oattetu affef wnfet the awthqt�t{ qh th�u rataitarh< u0 332089, H0S0 (Petta�n�ni tq rtqteet�qn qh rwb�e eorq{ee tet�teoent beneh�tu)0 u0 32303;3, H0S0 (Petta�n�ni tq utate/afo�n�utetef qt uwrrqttef tet�teoent u{uteou)0 u0 365038, H0S0 (Petta�n�ni tq eqorenuat�qn qh feu�inatef eqwnt{ qhh�e�au)0 u0 38;0253(2), H0S0 (Petta�n�ni tq �nferenfent uree�a f�utt�etu)0 u0 3;2026;, H0S0 (Petta�n�ni tq the eteat�qn qh �nferenfent uree�a f�utt�etu hax�ni the rqwetu enwoetatef �n twq qt oqte qh the rataitarhu qh u0 3;20232, H0S0)0 u0 2350865, H0S0 (Petta�n�ni tq the oaz�owo tate qh �nteteut qn bqnfu)0 u0 2;8098(3), H0S0 (Petta�n�ni tq the itant qh awthqt�t{, rqwet, t�ihtu, qt rt�x�eieu tq a watet eqnttq f�utt�et hqtoef rwtuwant tq eh0 2;8, H0S0)0 u0 5950525(2)(b), H0S0 (Petta�n�ni tq aqeat�qn qh o�aie hqt watet oanaieoent rwtrqueu)0 u0 3233099, H0S0 (Petta�n�ni tq tazat�qn hqt uehqq rwtrqueu anf the Hqt�fa Gfweat�qn H�nanee Ptqitao)0 u0 3235059(5), H0S0 (Petta�n�ni tq the ¬State Wn�hqto Dw�f�ni Eqfe hqt Pwb�e Gfweat�qna Hae��t�eu Eqnuttwet�qn¹)0 SGEVKQP 320 Arrtqrt�at�qn b�u0´Nawu oa��ni arrtqrt�at�qnu hqt uaat�eu qh rwb�e qhh�eetu anf qthet ewttent ezrenueu qh the utate uha eqnta�n rtqx�u�qnu qn nq qthet uwb�eet0 SGEVKQP 350 Veto qh qhh�ee0´Pq qhh�ee uha be eteatef the teto qh wh�eh uha ezeeef hqwt {eatu ezeert au rtqx�fef hete�n0 SGEVKQP 360 E�x� uetx�ee u{uteo0´D{ aw thete uha be eteatef a e�x� uetx�ee u{uteo hqt utate eorq{/ eeu, ezeert thque ezrteuu{ ezeortef, anf thete oa{ be eteatef e�x� uetx�ee u{uteou anf bqatfu hqt eqwnt{, f�utt�et qt own�e�ra eorq{eeu anf hqt uweh qhh�eeu theteqh au ate nqt eeetef qt arrq�ntef b{ the iqxetnqt, anf thete oa{ be awthqt�zef uweh bqatfu au ate ; ATVKENG KKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA (f) GHHGEV QH JWDGMGPV KP APPQTVKQP/ MGPV; GZVTAQTDKPATY APPQTVKQPMGPV SGS/ SKQP0 A �wfioent qh the uwrteoe eqwtt qh the utate feteto�n�ni the arrqtt�qnoent tq be xa�f uha be b�nf�ni wrqn a the e�t�zenu qh the utate0 Shqwf the uwrteoe eqwtt feteto�ne that the arrqtt�qnoent oafe b{ the ei�uatwte �u �nxa�f, the iqxetnqt b{ rtqeaoa/ t�qn uha teeqnxene the ei�uatwte w�th�n h�xe fa{u theteahtet �n ezttaqtf�nat{ arrqtt�qnoent ueuu�qn wh�eh uha nqt ezeeef h�hteen fa{u, fwt�ni wh�eh the ei�u/ atwte uha afqrt a �q�nt teuqwt�qn qh arrqtt�qnoent eqnhqto�ni tq the �wfioent qh the uwrteoe eqwtt0 (e) GZVTAQTDKPATY APPQTVKQPMGPV SGS/ SKQP; TGVKGY QH APPQTVKQPMGPV0 Y�th�n h�h/ teen fa{u ahtet the af�qwtnoent qh an ezttaqtf�nat{ arrqtt�qnoent ueuu�qn, the attqtne{ ieneta uha h�e a ret�t�qn �n the uwrteoe eqwtt qh the utate uett�ni hqtth the arrqtt�qnoent teuqwt�qn afqrtef b{ the ei�uatwte, qt �h nqne hau been afqrtef terqtt�ni that haet tq the eqwtt0 Eqnu�fetat�qn qh the xa�f�t{ qh a �q�nt teuqwt�qn qh arrqtt�qnoent uha be haf au rtqx�fef hqt �n eaueu qh uweh �q�nt teuqwt�qn afqrtef at a teiwat qt uree�a arrqtt�qnoent ueuu�qn0 (h) JWDKEKAN TGAPPQTVKQPMGPV0 Shqwf an ezttaqtf�nat{ arrqtt�qnoent ueuu�qn ha� tq afqrt a teuqwt�qn qh arrqtt�qnoent qt uhqwf the uwrteoe eqwtt feteto�ne that the arrqtt�qnoent oafe �u �nxa�f, the eqwtt uha, nqt atet than u�zt{ fa{u ahtet teee�x�ni the ret�t�qn qh the attqtne{ ieneta, h�e w�th the ewutqf�an qh utate teeqtfu an qtfet oa��ni uweh arrqtt�qnoent0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 8, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 390 Koreaehoent0´ (a) Vhe iqxetnqt, �ewtenant iqxetnqt, oeobetu qh the eab�net, �wut�eeu qh the uwrteoe eqwtt, �wfieu qh f�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea, �wfieu qh e�tew�t eqwttu, anf �wfieu qh eqwnt{ eqwttu uha be �abe tq �oreaehoent hqt o�ufeoeanqt �n qhh�ee0 Vhe hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu b{ twq/th�tfu xqte uha haxe the rqwet tq �oreaeh an qhh�eet0 Vhe urea�et qh the hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu uha haxe rqwet at an{ t�oe tq arrq�nt a eqoo�ttee tq �nxeut�iate ehatieu aia�nut an{ qhh�eet uwb�eet tq �oreaehoent0 (b) An qhh�eet �oreaehef b{ the hqwue qh terteuen/ tat�xeu uha be f�uqwa�h�ef htqo rethqto�ni an{ qhh�e�a fwt�eu wnt� aeqw�ttef b{ the uenate, anf, wneuu �oreaehef, the iqxetnqt oa{ b{ arrq�ntoent h� the qhh�ee wnt� eqoret�qn qh the tt�a0 (e) A �oreaehoentu b{ the hqwue qh terteuenta/ t�xeu uha be tt�ef b{ the uenate0 Vhe eh�eh �wut�ee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt, qt anqthet �wut�ee feu�inatef b{ the eh�eh �wut�ee, uha rteu�fe at the tt�a, ezeert �n a tt�a qh the eh�eh �wut�ee, �n wh�eh eaue the iqxetnqt uha rteu�fe0 Vhe uenate uha feteto�ne the t�oe hqt the tt�a qh an{ �oreaehoent anf oa{ u�t hqt the tt�a whethet the hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu be �n ueuu�qn qt nqt0 Vhe t�oe h�zef hqt tt�a uha nqt be oqte than u�z oqnthu ahtet the �oreaehoent0 Dwt�ni an �oreaehoent tt�a uenatqtu uha be wrqn the�t qath qt ahh�toat�qn0 Pq qhh�eet uha be eqnx�etef w�thqwt the eqnewttenee qh twq/th�tfu qh the oeobetu qh the uenate rteuent0 Jwfioent qh eqnx�et�qn �n eaueu qh �oreaehoent uha teoqxe the qhhenfet htqo qhh�ee anf, �n the f�uetet�qn qh 32 ATVKENG KKK the uenate, oa{ �newfe f�uqwa�h�eat�qn tq hqf an{ qhh�ee qh hqnqt, ttwut qt rtqh�t0 Eqnx�et�qn qt aeqw�tta uha nqt ahheet the e�x� qt et�o�na teurqnu�b��t{ qh the qhh�eet0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 65;, 3;89; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 3SGEVKQP 380 Eqnh�et qh Knteteut0´A eqfe qh eth�eu hqt a utate eorq{eeu anf nqn�wf�e�a qhh�eetu rtqh�b�t�ni eqnh�et between rwb�e fwt{ anf rt�xate �nteteutu uha be rteuet�bef b{ aw0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 3Pqte0´Vh�u ueet�qn wau tereaef ehheet�xe Janwat{ 5, 3;;;, b{ Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 See u0 5(e), Att0 ZK, State Eqnut�twt�qn, hqt eqnut�twt�qna ehheet�xe fate0 Kfent�ea aniwaie tq u0 38, Att0 KKK, State Eqnut�twt�qn, wau enaetef �n u0 8(i), Att0 KK, State Eqnut�twt�qn, b{ Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;80 SGEVKQP 3;0 State Dwfiet�ni, Pann�ni anf Arrtqrt�at�qnu Ptqeeuueu0´ (a) APPWAN DWDGGVKPG0 (3) Geneta aw uha rteuet�be the afqrt�qn qh annwa utate bwfietat{ anf rann�ni rtqeeuueu anf teqw�te that feta� teheet�ni the annwa�zef equtu qh the utate bwfiet anf teheet�ni the nqnteewtt�ni equtu qh the bwfiet teqweutu uha aeeqoran{ utate ferattoent anf aiene{ ei�uat�xe bwfiet teqweutu, the iqxetnqt'u teeqooenfef bwfiet, anf arrtqrt�at�qn b�u0 (2) Wneuu arrtqxef b{ a thtee/h�hthu xqte qh the oeobetuh�r qh eaeh hqwue, arrtqrt�at�qnu oafe hqt teewtt�ni rwtrqueu htqo nqnteewtt�ni ieneta texenwe hwnfu hqt an{ h�uea {eat uha nqt ezeeef thtee reteent qh the tqta ieneta texenwe hwnfu eut�oatef tq be axa�abe at the t�oe uweh arrtqrt�at�qn �u oafe0 (5) Au rteuet�bef b{ ieneta aw, eaeh utate feratt/ oent anf aiene{ uha be teqw�tef tq uwbo�t a ei�uat�xe bwfiet teqweut that �u bauef wrqn anf that teheetu the qni/tanie h�nane�a qwtqq� afqrtef b{ the �q�nt ei�uat�xe bwfiet eqoo�uu�qn qt that uree�h�ea{ ezra�nu an{ xat�anee htqo the qni/tanie h�nane�a qwtqq� eqnta�nef �n the teqweut0 (6) Hqt rwtrqueu qh th�u ueet�qn, the tetou feratt/ oent anf aiene{ uha �newfe the �wf�e�a btaneh0 (b) APPTQPTKAVKQP DKNNS HQTMAV0 Seratate ueet�qnu w�th�n the ieneta arrtqrt�at�qn b� uha be wuef hqt eaeh oa�qt rtqitao atea qh the utate bwfiet; oa�qt rtqitao ateau uha �newfe< efweat�qn enhanee/ oent ¬qttet{¹ ttwut hwnf �teou; efweat�qn (a qthet hwnfu); hwoan uetx�eeu; et�o�na �wut�ee anf eqttee/ t�qnu; natwta teuqwteeu, enx�tqnoent, itqwth oanaie/ oent, anf ttanurqttat�qn; ieneta iqxetnoent; anf �wf�e�a btaneh0 Gaeh oa�qt rtqitao atea uha �newfe an �teo�zat�qn qh ezrenf�twteu hqt< utate qretat�qnu; utate ear�ta qwta{; a�f tq qea iqxetnoentu anf nqnrtqh�t qtian�zat�qnu qretat�qnu; a�f tq qea iqxetn/ oentu anf nqnrtqh�t qtian�zat�qnu ear�ta qwta{; hefeta hwnfu anf the auuqe�atef utate oateh�ni hwnfu; urenf/ �ni awthqt�zat�qnu hqt qretat�qnu; anf urenf�ni awthqt/ �zat�qnu hqt ear�ta qwta{0 Aff�t�qna{, arrtqrt�at�qn b�u rauuef b{ the ei�uatwte uha �newfe an �teo/ �zat�qn qh uree�h�e arrtqrt�at�qnu that ezeeef qne o��qn fqatu (&3,222,222022) �n 3;;2 fqatu0 Hqt rwtrqueu qh th�u uwbueet�qn, ¬uree�h�e arrtqrt�at�qn,¹ ¬�teo�zat�qn,¹ ATVKENG KKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA anf ¬oa�qt rtqitao atea¹ uha be feh�nef b{ aw0 Vh�u �teo�zat�qn thteuhqf uha be af�wutef b{ ieneta aw exet{ hqwt {eatu tq teheet the tate qh �nhat�qn qt fehat�qn au �nf�eatef �n the Eqnuwoet Pt�ee Knfez hqt A Wtban Eqnuwoetu, W0S0 E�t{ Axetaie, A Kteou, qt uweeeuuqt terqttu au terqttef b{ the Wn�tef Stateu Derattoent qh Nabqt, Dwteaw qh Nabqt Stat�ut�eu qt �tu uweeeuuqt0 Swbutant�xe b�u eqnta�n�ni arrtqrt�at�qnu uha auq be uwb�eet tq the �teo�zat�qn teqw�teoent oanfatef wnfet th�u rtqx�u�qn anf uha be uwb�eet tq the iqxetnqt'u uree�h�e arrtqrt�at�qn xetq rqwet feuet�bef �n Att�ee KKK, Seet�qn 80 (e) APPTQPTKAVKQPS PTQEGSS0 (3) Pq atet than Serteobet 35 qh eaeh {eat, the �q�nt ei�uat�xe bwfiet eqoo�uu�qn uha �uuwe a qni/ tanie h�nane�a qwtqq� uett�ni qwt teeqooenfef h�uea uttatei�eu hqt the utate anf �tu ferattoentu anf aiene�eu �n qtfet tq auu�ut the ei�uatwte �n oa��ni bwfiet fee�u�qnu0 Vhe qni/tanie h�nane�a qwtqq� owut �newfe oa�qt wqt�qaf anf texenwe eut�oateu0 Kn qtfet tq �oreoent th�u rataitarh, the �q�nt ei�uat�xe bwfiet eqoo�uu�qn uha wue ewttent qhh�e�a eqnuenuwu eut�/ oateu anf oa{ teqweut the fexeqroent qh aff�t�qna qhh�e�a eut�oateu0 (2) Vhe �q�nt ei�uat�xe bwfiet eqoo�uu�qn uha uee� �nrwt htqo the rwb�e anf htqo the ezeewt�xe anf �wf�e�a btaneheu when fexeqr�ni anf teeqooenf�ni the qni/tanie h�nane�a qwtqq�0 (5) Vhe ei�uatwte uha rteuet�be b{ ieneta aw eqnf�t�qnu wnfet wh�eh �o�tef af�wutoentu tq the bwfiet, au teeqooenfef b{ the iqxetnqt qt the eh�eh �wut�ee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt, oa{ be arrtqxef w�thqwt the eqnewttenee qh the hw ei�uatwte0 (f) SGVGPVY/VYQ JQWT PWDNKE TGVKGY PGT/ KQD0 A ieneta arrtqrt�at�qn b�u uha be hwtn�uhef tq eaeh oeobet qh the ei�uatwte, eaeh oeobet qh the eab�net, the iqxetnqt, anf the eh�eh �wut�ee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt at eaut uexent{/twq hqwtu behqte h�na rauuaie b{ e�thet hqwue qh the ei�uatwte qh the b� �n the hqto that w� be rteuentef tq the iqxetnqt0 (e) HKPAN DWDGGV TGPQTV0 A h�na bwfiet te/ rqtt uha be rteratef au rteuet�bef b{ ieneta aw0 Vhe h�na bwfiet terqtt uha be rtqfweef nq atet than the 322th fa{ ahtet the bei�nn�ni qh the h�uea {eat, anf eqr�eu qh the terqtt uha be hwtn�uhef tq eaeh oeobet qh the ei�uatwte, the heaf qh eaeh ferattoent anf aiene{ qh the utate, the awf�tqt ieneta, anf the eh�eh �wut�ee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt0 (h) VTWSV HWPDS0 (3) Pq ttwut hwnf qh the State qh Hqt�fa qt qthet rwb�e bqf{ oa{ be eteatef qt te/eteatef b{ aw w�thqwt a thtee/h�hthu xqte qh the oeobetuh�r qh eaeh hqwue qh the ei�uatwte �n a ueratate b� hqt that rwtrque qn{0 (2) State ttwut hwnfu uha teto�nate nqt oqte than hqwt {eatu ahtet the ehheet�xe fate qh the aet awthqt�z�ni the �n�t�a eteat�qn qh the ttwut hwnf0 D{ aw the ei�uatwte oa{ uet a uhqttet t�oe ret�qf hqt wh�eh an{ ttwut hwnf �u awthqt�zef0 (5) Vtwut hwnfu teqw�tef b{ hefeta rtqitaou qt oanfateu; ttwut hwnfu eutab�uhef hqt bqnf eqxenantu, �nfentwteu, qt teuqwt�qnu, whque texenweu ate eia{ refief b{ the utate qt rwb�e bqf{ tq oeet febt uetx�ee qt qthet h�nane�a teqw�teoentu qh an{ febt qb�iat�qnu qh 33 ATVKENG KKK the utate qt an{ rwb�e bqf{; the utate ttanurqttat�qn ttwut hwnf; the ttwut hwnf eqnta�n�ni the net annwa rtqeeefu htqo the Hqt�fa Gfweat�qn Nqttet�eu; the Hqt�fa tet�teoent ttwut hwnf; ttwut hwnfu hqt �nut�twt�qnu wnfet the oanaieoent qh the Dqatf qh Gqxetnqtu, whete uweh ttwut hwnfu ate hqt awz��at{ entetrt�ueu anf eqnttaetu, itantu, anf fqnat�qnu, au thque tetou ate feh�nef b{ ieneta aw; ttwut hwnfu that uetxe au eeat�ni hwnfu qt aeeqwntu hqt the eh�eh h�nane�a qhh�eet qt utate aiene�eu; ttwut hwnfu that aeeqwnt hqt auuetu hef b{ the utate �n a ttwutee earae�t{ au an aient qt h�fwe�at{ hqt �nf�x�fwau, rt�xate qtian�zat�qnu, qt qthet iqxetnoen/ ta wn�tu; anf qthet ttwut hwnfu awthqt�zef b{ th�u Eqnut�twt�qn, ate nqt uwb�eet tq the teqw�teoentu uet hqtth �n rataitarh (2) qh th�u uwbueet�qn0 (6) A eauh baaneeu anf �neqoe qh an{ ttwut hwnfu abq�uhef wnfet th�u uwbueet�qn uha be ferqu�tef �ntq the ieneta texenwe hwnf0 (i) DWDGGV SVADKNK\AVKQP HWPD0 Swb�eet tq the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u uwbueet�qn, an aoqwnt eqwa tq at eaut 5' qh the aut eqoretef h�uea {eat'u net texenwe eqeet�qnu hqt the ieneta texenwe hwnf uha be teta�nef �n the bwfiet utab��zat�qn hwnf0 Vhe bwfiet utab��zat�qn hwnf'u rt�ne�ra baanee uha nqt ezeeef an aoqwnt eqwa tq 32' qh the aut eqoretef h�uea {eat'u net texenwe eqeet�qnu hqt the ieneta texenwe hwnf0 Vhe ei�uatwte uha rtqx�fe et�tet�a hqt w�thftaw�ni hwnfu htqo the bwfiet utab��zat�qn hwnf �n a ueratate b� hqt that rwtrque qn{ anf qn{ hqt the rwtrque qh eqxet�ni texenwe uhqtthau qh the ieneta texenwe hwnf qt hqt the rwtrque qh rtqx�f�ni hwnf�ni hqt an eoetiene{, au feh�nef b{ ieneta aw0 Geneta aw uha rtqx�fe hqt the teutqtat�qn qh th�u hwnf0 Vhe bwfiet utab��zat�qn hwnf uha be eqort�uef qh hwnfu nqt qthetw�ue qb�iatef qt eqoo�ttef hqt an{ rwtrque0 (h) NQPG/TAPGG SVAVG PNAPPKPG DQEW/ MGPV APD DGPATVMGPV APD AGGPEY PNAP/ PKPG DQEWMGPV PTQEGSSGS0 Geneta aw uha rtqx�fe hqt a qni/tanie utate rann�ni fqewoent0 Vhe iqxetnqt uha teeqooenf tq the ei�uatwte b�enn�a{ an{ tex�u�qnu tq the qni/tanie utate rann�ni fqew/ oent, au feh�nef b{ aw0 Geneta aw uha teqw�te a b�enn�a tex�ew anf tex�u�qn qh the qni/tanie utate rann�ni fqewoent anf uha teqw�te a ferattoentu anf aiene�eu qh utate iqxetnoent tq fexeqr rann�ni fqewoentu that �fent�h{ utatew�fe uttatei�e iqau anf qb�eet�xeu, eqnu�utent w�th the qni/tanie utate rann�ni fqewoent0 Vhe qni/tanie utate rann�ni fqewoent anf ferattoent anf aiene{ rann�ni fqewoentu uha teoa�n uwb�eet tq tex�ew anf tex�u�qn b{ the ei�uatwte0 Vhe qni/tanie utate rann�ni fqewoent owut �newfe rtq�eet�qnu qh hwtwte neefu anf teuqwteeu qh the utate wh�eh ate eqnu�utent w�th the qni/tanie h�nane�a qwtqq�0 Vhe ferattoent anf aiene{ rann�ni fqew/ oentu uha �newfe a rt�qt�t�zef �ut�ni qh rannef ezrenf�twteu hqt tex�ew anf rquu�be tefwet�qn �n the exent qh texenwe uhqtthau, au feh�nef b{ ieneta aw0 (�) GQVGTPMGPV GHHKEKGPEY VASM HQTEG0 Pq atet than Janwat{ qh 2229, anf eaeh hqwtth {eat theteahtet, the rteu�fent qh the uenate, the urea�et qh the hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu, anf the iqxetnqt uha arrq�nt a iqxetnoent ehh�e�ene{ tau� hqtee, the oeo/ betuh�r qh wh�eh uha be eutab�uhef b{ ieneta aw0 ATVKENG KKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA Vhe tau� hqtee uha be eqorquef qh oeobetu qh the ei�uatwte anf terteuentat�xeu htqo the rt�xate anf rwb�e ueetqtu whq uha fexeqr teeqooenfat�qnu hqt �ortqx�ni iqxetnoenta qretat�qnu anf tefwe�ni equtu0 Stahh tq auu�ut the tau� hqtee �n rethqto�ni �tu fwt�eu uha be auu�inef b{ ieneta aw, anf the tau� hqtee oa{ qbta�n auu�utanee htqo the rt�xate ueetqt0 Vhe tau� hqtee uha eqorete �tu wqt� w�th�n qne {eat anf uha uwbo�t �tu teeqooenfat�qnu tq the �q�nt ei�uat�xe bwfiet eqoo�uu�qn, the iqxetnqt, anf the eh�eh �wut�ee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt0 (�) JQKPV NGGKSNAVKVG DWDGGV EQMMKS/ SKQP0 Vhete �u eteatef w�th�n the ei�uatwte the �q�nt ei�uat�xe bwfiet eqoo�uu�qn eqorquef qh eqwa nwobetu qh uenate oeobetu arrq�ntef b{ the rteu�fent qh the uenate anf hqwue oeobetu arrq�ntef b{ the urea�et qh the hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu0 Gaeh oeobet uha uetxe at the reauwte qh the qhh�eet whq arrq�ntef the oeobet0 A xaeane{ qn the eqoo�uu�qn uha be h�ef �n the uaoe oannet au the qt�i�na arrq�ntoent0 Htqo Pqxeobet qh eaeh qff/nwobetef {eat thtqwih Qetqbet qh eaeh exen/nwobetef {eat, the eha�tretuqn qh the �q�nt ei�uat�xe bwfiet eqoo�uu�qn uha be arrq�ntef b{ the rteu�fent qh the uenate anf the x�ee eha�tretuqn qh the eqoo�uu�qn uha be arrq�ntef b{ the urea�et qh the hqwue qh terteuenta/ t�xeu0 Htqo Pqxeobet qh eaeh exen/nwobetef {eat thtqwih Qetqbet qh eaeh qff/nwobetef {eat, the eha�tretuqn qh the �q�nt ei�uat�xe bwfiet eqoo�uu�qn uha be arrq�ntef b{ the urea�et qh the hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu anf the x�ee eha�tretuqn qh the eqo/ o�uu�qn uha be arrq�ntef b{ the rteu�fent qh the uenate0 Vhe �q�nt ei�uat�xe bwfiet eqoo�uu�qn uha be iqxetnef b{ the �q�nt tweu qh the uenate anf the hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu, wh�eh uha teoa�n �n ehheet wnt� tereaef qt aoenfef b{ eqnewttent teuqwt�qn0 Vhe eqoo�uu�qn uha eqnxene at eaut qwattet{ anf uha eqnxene at the ea qh the rteu�fent qh the uenate anf the urea�et qh the hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu0 A oa�qt�t{ qh the eqoo�uu�qn oeobetu qh eaeh hqwue rwu qne aff�t�qna oeobet htqo e�thet hqwue eqnut�twteu a qwqtwo0 Aet�qn b{ the eqoo�uu�qn teqw�teu a oa�qt�t{ xqte qh the eqoo�uu�qn oeobetu rteuent qh eaeh hqwue0 Vhe eqoo�uu�qn oa{ eqnfwet �tu oeet�niu thtqwih teeeqnheteneeu qt u�o�at oeanu0 Kn aff�t�qn tq the rqwetu anf fwt�eu uree�h�ef �n th�u uwbueet�qn, the �q�nt ei�uat�xe bwfiet eqoo�uu�qn uha ezete�ue a qthet rqwetu anf rethqto an{ qthet fwt�eu nqt �n eqnh�et w�th rataitarh (e)(5) anf au rteuet�bef b{ ieneta aw qt �q�nt twe0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 3, 3;;2, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 9, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;2; Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pqu0 8 anf 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 2366, 2225; afqrtef 22280 SGEVKQP 220 Stanfatfu hqt eutab�uh�ni eqn/ iteuu�qna f�utt�et bqwnfat�eu0´Kn eutab�uh�ni eqn/ iteuu�qna f�utt�et bqwnfat�eu< (a) Pq arrqtt�qnoent ran qt �nf�x�fwa f�utt�et uha be ftawn w�th the �ntent tq haxqt qt f�uhaxqt a rq�t�ea ratt{ qt an �newobent; anf f�utt�etu uha nqt be ftawn w�th the �ntent qt teuwt qh fen{�ni qt abt�fi�ni the eqwa qrrqttwn�t{ qh tae�a qt aniwaie o�nqt�t�eu tq ratt�e�rate �n the rq�t�ea rtqeeuu qt tq f�o�n�uh the�t ab��t{ tq eeet 32 ATVKENG KV terteuentat�xeu qh the�t ehq�ee; anf f�utt�etu uha eqnu�ut qh eqnt�iwqwu tett�tqt{0 (b) Wneuu eqor�anee w�th the utanfatfu �n th�u uwbueet�qn eqnh�etu w�th the utanfatfu �n uwbueet�qn 3(a) qt w�th hefeta aw, f�utt�etu uha be au neat{ eqwa �n rqrwat�qn au �u rtaet�eabe; f�utt�etu uha be eqo/ raet; anf f�utt�etu uha, whete heau�be, wt��ze ez�ut�ni rq�t�ea anf ieqitarh�ea bqwnfat�eu0 (e) Vhe qtfet �n wh�eh the utanfatfu w�th�n uwbuee/ t�qnu 3(a) anf (b) qh th�u ueet�qn ate uet hqtth uha nqt be teaf tq eutab�uh an{ rt�qt�t{ qh qne utanfatf qxet the qthet w�th�n that uwbueet�qn0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Serteobet 28, 2229; afqrtef 22320 3Pqte0´Vhe uwbueet�qnu qh ueet�qn 22, au �t arreatef �n Aoenfoent Pq0 8, rtqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Serteobet 28, 2229, anf afqrtef �n 2232, wete feu�inatef (3)/(5); the ef�tqtu tefeu�inatef theo au (a)/ (e) tq eqnhqto tq the hqtoat qh the State Eqnut�twt�qn0 SGEVKQP 230 Stanfatfu hqt eutab�uh�ni ei�u/ at�xe f�utt�et bqwnfat�eu0´Kn eutab�uh�ni ei�uat�xe f�utt�et bqwnfat�eu< (a) Pq arrqtt�qnoent ran qt f�utt�et uha be ftawn w�th the �ntent tq haxqt qt f�uhaxqt a rq�t�ea ratt{ qt an �newobent; anf f�utt�etu uha nqt be ftawn w�th the �ntent qt teuwt qh fen{�ni qt abt�fi�ni the eqwa qrrqttwn�t{ qh tae�a qt aniwaie o�nqt�t�eu tq ratt�e�rate �n the rq�t�ea rtqeeuu qt tq f�o�n�uh the�t ab��t{ tq eeet terteuentat�xeu qh the�t ehq�ee; anf f�utt�etu uha eqnu�ut qh eqnt�iwqwu tett�tqt{0 (b) Wneuu eqor�anee w�th the utanfatfu �n th�u uwbueet�qn eqnh�etu w�th the utanfatfu �n uwbueet�qn 3(a) qt w�th hefeta aw, f�utt�etu uha be au neat{ eqwa �n rqrwat�qn au �u rtaet�eabe; f�utt�etu uha be eqo/ raet; anf f�utt�etu uha, whete heau�be, wt��ze ez�ut�ni rq�t�ea anf ieqitarh�ea bqwnfat�eu0 (e) Vhe qtfet �n wh�eh the utanfatfu w�th�n uwbuee/ t�qnu 3(a) anf (b) qh th�u ueet�qn ate uet hqtth uha nqt be teaf tq eutab�uh an{ rt�qt�t{ qh qne utanfatf qxet the qthet w�th�n that uwbueet�qn0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Serteobet 28, 2229; afqrtef 22320 3Pqte0´Vhe uwbueet�qnu qh ueet�qn 23, au �t arreatef �n Aoenfoent Pq0 5, rtqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Serteobet 28, 2229, anf afqrtef �n 2232, wete feu�inatef (3)/(5); the ef�tqtu tefeu�inatef theo au (a)/ (e) tq eqnhqto tq the hqtoat qh the State Eqnut�twt�qn0 ATVKENG KV GZGEWVKVG See0 30 20 50 60 50 80 90 80 ;0 320 330 320 Gqxetnqt0 N�ewtenant iqxetnqt0 Sweeeuu�qn tq qhh�ee qh iqxetnqt; aet�ni iqxetnqt0 Eab�net0 Geet�qn qh iqxetnqt, �ewtenant iqxetnqt anf eab�net oeobetu; qwa�h�eat�qnu; tetou0 Gzeewt�xe ferattoentu0 Swurenu�qnu; h��ni qhh�ee fwt�ni uwurenu�qnu0 Eeoene{0 H�uh anf w�f�he eqnuetxat�qn eqoo�uu�qn0 Attqtne{ Geneta0 Derattoent qh Vetetanu Ahha�tu0 Derattoent qh Gfet{ Ahha�tu0 ATVKENG KV EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA See0 350 Texenwe Shqtthau0 SGEVKQP 30 Gqxetnqt0´ (a) Vhe uwrteoe ezeewt�xe rqwet uha be xeutef �n a iqxetnqt, whq uha be eqooanfet/�n/eh�eh qh a o��tat{ hqteeu qh the utate nqt �n aet�xe uetx�ee qh the Wn�tef Stateu0 Vhe iqxetnqt uha ta�e eate that the awu be ha�thhw{ ezeewtef, eqoo�uu�qn a qhh�eetu qh the utate anf eqwnt�eu, anf ttanuaet a neeeuuat{ bwu�neuu w�th the qhh�eetu qh iqxetnoent0 Vhe iqxetnqt oa{ teqw�te �nhqtoat�qn �n wt�t�ni htqo a ezeewt�xe qt afo�n�uttat�xe utate, eqwnt{ qt own�e�ra qhh�eetu wrqn an{ uwb�eet teat�ni tq the fwt�eu qh the�t teureet�xe qhh�eeu0 Vhe iqxetnqt uha be the eh�eh afo�n�uttat�xe qhh�eet qh the utate teurqnu�be hqt the rann�ni anf bwfiet�ni hqt the utate0 (b) Vhe iqxetnqt oa{ �n�t�ate �wf�e�a rtqeeef�niu �n the naoe qh the utate aia�nut an{ ezeewt�xe qt afo�n/ �uttat�xe utate, eqwnt{ qt own�e�ra qhh�eet tq enhqtee eqor�anee w�th an{ fwt{ qt teutta�n an{ wnawthqt�zef aet0 (e) Vhe iqxetnqt oa{ teqweut �n wt�t�ni the qr�n�qn qh the �wut�eeu qh the uwrteoe eqwtt au tq the �ntet/ rtetat�qn qh an{ rqtt�qn qh th�u eqnut�twt�qn wrqn an{ qweut�qn ahheet�ni the iqxetnqt'u ezeewt�xe rqwetu anf fwt�eu0 Vhe �wut�eeu uha, uwb�eet tq the�t tweu qh rtqeefwte, reto�t �nteteutef retuqnu tq be heatf qn the qweut�qnu rteuentef anf uha tenfet the�t wt�tten qr�n�qn nqt eat�et than ten fa{u htqo the h��ni anf fqe�et�ni qh the teqweut, wneuu �n the�t �wfioent the fea{ wqwf eawue rwb�e �n�wt{0 (f) Vhe iqxetnqt uha haxe rqwet tq ea qwt the o��t�a tq rteuetxe the rwb�e reaee, ezeewte the awu qh the utate, uwrrteuu �nuwtteet�qn, qt tere �nxau�qn0 (e) Vhe iqxetnqt uha b{ oeuuaie at eaut qnee �n eaeh teiwat ueuu�qn �nhqto the ei�uatwte eqneetn�ni the eqnf�t�qn qh the utate, rtqrque uweh teqtian�zat�qn qh the ezeewt�xe ferattoent au w� rtqoqte ehh�e�ene{ anf eeqnqo{, anf teeqooenf oeauwteu �n the rwb�e �nteteut0 (h) Yhen nqt qthetw�ue rtqx�fef hqt �n th�u eqnut�tw/ t�qn, the iqxetnqt uha h� b{ arrq�ntoent an{ xaeane{ �n utate qt eqwnt{ qhh�ee hqt the teoa�nfet qh the teto qh an arrq�nt�xe qhh�ee, anf hqt the teoa�nfet qh the teto qh an eeet�xe qhh�ee �h euu than twent{/e�iht oqnthu, qthetw�ue wnt� the h�tut Vweufa{ ahtet the h�tut Mqnfa{ hqqw�ni the nezt ieneta eeet�qn0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 3, 3;;2, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 9, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;2; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 20 N�ewtenant iqxetnqt0´Vhete uha be a �ewtenant iqxetnqt, whq uha rethqto uweh fwt�eu retta�n�ni tq the qhh�ee qh iqxetnqt au uha be auu�inef b{ the iqxetnqt, ezeert when qthetw�ue rtqx�fef b{ aw, anf uweh qthet fwt�eu au oa{ be rteuet�bef b{ aw0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 50 Sweeeuu�qn tq qhh�ee qh iqxetnqt; aet�ni iqxetnqt0´ 35 ATVKENG KV (a) Wrqn xaeane{ �n the qhh�ee qh iqxetnqt, the �ewtenant iqxetnqt uha beeqoe iqxetnqt0 Hwtthet uweeeuu�qn tq the qhh�ee qh iqxetnqt uha be rteuet�bef b{ aw0 A uweeeuuqt uha uetxe hqt the teoa�nfet qh the teto0 (b) Wrqn �oreaehoent qh the iqxetnqt anf wnt� eqoret�qn qh tt�a theteqh, qt fwt�ni the iqxetnqt'u rh{u�ea qt oenta �nearae�t{, the �ewtenant iqxetnqt uha aet au iqxetnqt0 Hwtthet uweeeuu�qn au aet�ni iqxetnqt uha be rteuet�bef b{ aw0 Knearae�t{ tq uetxe au iqxetnqt oa{ be feteto�nef b{ the uwrteoe eqwtt wrqn fwe nqt�ee ahtet fqe�et�ni qh a wt�tten uwiieut�qn theteqh b{ thtee eab�net oeobetu, anf �n uweh eaue teutqtat�qn qh earae�t{ uha be u�o�at{ feteto�nef ahtet fqe�et�ni qh wt�tten uwiieut�qn theteqh b{ the iqxetnqt, the ei�uatwte qt thtee eab�net oeobetu0 Knearae�t{ tq uetxe au iqxetnqt oa{ auq be eutab�uhef b{ eett�h�eate h�ef w�th the ewutqf�an qh utate teeqtfu b{ the iqxetnqt feeat�ni �nearae�t{ hqt rh{u�ea teauqnu tq uetxe au iqxetnqt, anf �n uweh eaue teutqtat�qn qh earae�t{ uha be u�o�at{ eutab�uhef0 J�utqt{0´Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pqu0 8 anf 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 60 Eab�net0´ (a) Vhete uha be a eab�net eqorquef qh an attqtne{ ieneta, a eh�eh h�nane�a qhh�eet, anf a eqoo�u/ u�qnet qh ait�ewtwte0 Kn aff�t�qn tq the rqwetu anf fwt�eu uree�h�ef hete�n, the{ uha ezete�ue uweh rqwetu anf rethqto uweh fwt�eu au oa{ be rteuet�bef b{ aw0 Kn the exent qh a t�e xqte qh the iqxetnqt anf eab�net, the u�fe qn wh�eh the iqxetnqt xqtef uha be feeoef tq rtexa�0 (b) Vhe attqtne{ ieneta uha be the eh�eh utate eia qhh�eet0 Vhete �u eteatef �n the qhh�ee qh the attqtne{ ieneta the rqu�t�qn qh utatew�fe rtqueewtqt0 Vhe utatew�fe rtqueewtqt uha haxe eqnewttent �wt�uf�et�qn w�th the utate attqtne{u tq rtqueewte x�qat�qnu qh et�o�na awu qeewtt�ni qt hax�ni qeewttef, �n twq qt oqte �wf�e�a e�tew�tu au ratt qh a teatef ttanuaet�qn, qt when an{ uweh qhhenue �u ahheet�ni qt hau ahheetef twq qt oqte �wf�e�a e�tew�tu au rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 Vhe utatew�fe rtqueewtqt uha be arrq�ntef b{ the attqtne{ ieneta htqo nqt euu than thtee retuqnu nqo�natef b{ the �wf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qn hqt the uwrteoe eqwtt, qt au qthetw�ue rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 (e) Vhe eh�eh h�nane�a qhh�eet uha uetxe au the eh�eh h�uea qhh�eet qh the utate, anf uha uette anf arrtqxe aeeqwntu aia�nut the utate, anf uha �eer a utate hwnfu anf ueewt�t�eu0 (f) Vhe eqoo�uu�qnet qh ait�ewtwte uha haxe uwretx�u�qn qh oattetu retta�n�ni tq ait�ewtwte ezeert au qthetw�ue rtqx�fef b{ aw0 (e) Vhe iqxetnqt au eha�t, the eh�eh h�nane�a qhh�eet, anf the attqtne{ ieneta uha eqnut�twte the utate bqatf qh afo�n�uttat�qn, wh�eh uha uweeeef tq a the rqwet, eqnttq, anf awthqt�t{ qh the utate bqatf qh afo�n�utta/ t�qn eutab�uhef rwtuwant tq Att�ee KZ, Seet�qn 38 qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, anf wh�eh uha eqnt�nwe au a bqf{ at eaut hqt the �he qh Att�ee ZKK, Seet�qn ;(e)0 (h) Vhe iqxetnqt au eha�t, the eh�eh h�nane�a qhh�eet, the attqtne{ ieneta, anf the eqoo�uu�qnet qh ait�ew/ twte uha eqnut�twte the ttwuteeu qh the �ntetna ATVKENG KV EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA �ortqxeoent ttwut hwnf anf the anf aeqw�u�t�qn ttwut hwnf au rtqx�fef b{ aw0 (i) Vhe iqxetnqt au eha�t, the eh�eh h�nane�a qhh�eet, the attqtne{ ieneta, anf the eqoo�uu�qnet qh ait�ew/ twte uha eqnut�twte the aiene{ heaf qh the Derattoent qh Naw Gnhqteeoent0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 655, 3;85; afqrtef 3;86; Ao0 J0J0T0 588, 3;85; afqrtef 3;88; Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pqu0 8 anf 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 50 Geet�qn qh iqxetnqt, �ewtenant iqxetnqt anf eab�net oeobetu; qwa�h�eat�qnu; tetou0´ (a) At a utate/w�fe ieneta eeet�qn �n eaeh eaenfat {eat the nwobet qh wh�eh �u exen bwt nqt a owt�re qh hqwt, the eeetqtu uha ehqque a iqxetnqt anf a �ewtenant iqxetnqt anf oeobetu qh the eab�net eaeh hqt a teto qh hqwt {eatu bei�nn�ni qn the h�tut Vweufa{ ahtet the h�tut Mqnfa{ �n Janwat{ qh the uweeeef�ni {eat0 Kn rt�oat{ eeet�qnu, eanf�fateu hqt the qhh�ee qh iqxetnqt oa{ ehqque tq twn w�thqwt a �ewtenant iqxetnqt eanf�fate0 Kn the ieneta eeet�qn, a eanf�/ fateu hqt the qhh�eeu qh iqxetnqt anf �ewtenant iqxetnqt uha hqto �q�nt eanf�fae�eu �n a oannet rteuet�bef b{ aw uq that eaeh xqtet uha eaut a u�nie xqte hqt a eanf�fate hqt iqxetnqt anf a eanf�fate hqt �ewtenant iqxetnqt twnn�ni tqiethet0 (b) Yhen eeetef, the iqxetnqt, �ewtenant iqxetnqt anf eaeh eab�net oeobet owut be an eeetqt nqt euu than th�tt{ {eatu qh aie whq hau teu�fef �n the utate hqt the rteeef�ni uexen {eatu0 Vhe attqtne{ ieneta owut haxe been a oeobet qh the bat qh Hqt�fa hqt the rteeef�ni h�xe {eatu0 Pq retuqn whq hau, qt bwt hqt teu�inat�qn wqwf haxe, uetxef au iqxetnqt qt aet�ni iqxetnqt hqt oqte than u�z {eatu �n twq eqnueewt�xe tetou uha be eeetef iqxetnqt hqt the uweeeef�ni teto0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 33, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 80 Gzeewt�xe ferattoentu0´A hwne/ t�qnu qh the ezeewt�xe btaneh qh utate iqxetnoent uha be aqttef aoqni nqt oqte than twent{/h�xe feratt/ oentu, ezewu�xe qh thque uree�h�ea{ rtqx�fef hqt qt awthqt�zef �n th�u eqnut�twt�qn0 Vhe afo�n�uttat�qn qh eaeh ferattoent, wneuu qthetw�ue rtqx�fef �n th�u eqnut�twt�qn, uha be raeef b{ aw wnfet the f�teet uwretx�u�qn qh the iqxetnqt, the �ewtenant iqxetnqt, the iqxetnqt anf eab�net, a eab�net oeobet, qt an qhh�eet qt bqatf arrq�ntef b{ anf uetx�ni at the reauwte qh the iqxetnqt, ezeert< (a) Yhen rtqx�fef b{ aw, eqnh�toat�qn b{ the uenate qt the arrtqxa qh thtee oeobetu qh the eab�net uha be teqw�tef hqt arrq�ntoent tq qt teoqxa htqo an{ feu�inatef utatwtqt{ qhh�ee0 (b) Dqatfu awthqt�zef tq itant anf texq�e �eenueu tq eniaie �n teiwatef qeewrat�qnu uha be auu�inef tq arrtqrt�ate ferattoentu anf the�t oeobetu arrq�ntef hqt h�zef tetou, uwb�eet tq teoqxa qn{ hqt eawue0 SGEVKQP 90 Swurenu�qnu; h��ni qhh�ee fwt�ni uwurenu�qnu0´ (a) D{ ezeewt�xe qtfet utat�ni the itqwnfu anf h�ef w�th the ewutqf�an qh utate teeqtfu, the iqxetnqt oa{ 36 ATVKENG KV uwurenf htqo qhh�ee an{ utate qhh�eet nqt uwb�eet tq �oreaehoent, an{ qhh�eet qh the o��t�a nqt �n the aet�xe uetx�ee qh the Wn�tef Stateu, qt an{ eqwnt{ qhh�eet, hqt oaheauanee, o�uheauanee, neieet qh fwt{, ftwn�en/ neuu, �neqoretenee, retoanent �nab��t{ tq rethqto qhh�e�a fwt�eu, qt eqoo�uu�qn qh a heqn{, anf oa{ h� the qhh�ee b{ arrq�ntoent hqt the ret�qf qh uwurenu�qn0 Vhe uwurenfef qhh�eet oa{ at an{ t�oe behqte teoqxa be te�nutatef b{ the iqxetnqt0 (b) Vhe uenate oa{, �n rtqeeef�niu rteuet�bef b{ aw, teoqxe htqo qhh�ee qt te�nutate the uwurenfef qhh�e�a anf hqt uweh rwtrque the uenate oa{ be eqnxenef �n uree�a ueuu�qn b{ �tu rteu�fent qt b{ a oa�qt�t{ qh �tu oeobetuh�r0 (e) D{ qtfet qh the iqxetnqt an{ eeetef own�e�ra qhh�eet �nf�etef hqt et�oe oa{ be uwurenfef htqo qhh�ee wnt� aeqw�ttef anf the qhh�ee h�ef b{ arrq�ntoent hqt the ret�qf qh uwurenu�qn, nqt tq eztenf be{qnf the teto, wneuu theue rqwetu ate xeutef euewhete b{ aw qt the own�e�ra ehattet0 J�utqt{0´Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pqu0 8 anf 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 80 Eeoene{0´ (a) Gzeert �n eaueu qh tteauqn anf �n eaueu whete �oreaehoent teuwtu �n eqnx�et�qn, the iqxetnqt oa{, b{ ezeewt�xe qtfet h�ef w�th the ewutqf�an qh utate teeqtfu, uwurenf eqeet�qn qh h�neu anf hqthe�twteu, itant tert�exeu nqt ezeeef�ni u�zt{ fa{u anf, w�th the arrtqxa qh twq oeobetu qh the eab�net, itant hw qt eqnf�t�qna ratfqnu, teutqte e�x� t�ihtu, eqoowte rwn/ �uhoent, anf teo�t h�neu anf hqthe�twteu hqt qhhenueu0 (b) Kn eaueu qh tteauqn the iqxetnqt oa{ itant tert�exeu wnt� af�qwtnoent qh the teiwat ueuu�qn qh the ei�uatwte eqnxen�ni nezt ahtet the eqnx�et�qn, at wh�eh ueuu�qn the ei�uatwte oa{ itant a ratfqn qt hwtthet tert�exe; qthetw�ue the uentenee uha be ezeewtef0 (e) Vhete oa{ be eteatef b{ aw a ratqe anf rtqbat�qn eqoo�uu�qn w�th rqwet tq uwretx�ue retuqnu qn rtqbat�qn anf tq itant ratqeu qt eqnf�t�qna teeaueu tq retuqnu wnfet uenteneeu hqt et�oe0 Vhe qwa�h�eat�qnu, oethqf qh ueeet�qn anf tetou, nqt tq ezeeef u�z {eatu, qh oeobetu qh the eqoo�uu�qn uha be rteuet�bef b{ aw0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 8, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP ;0 H�uh anf w�f�he eqnuetxat�qn eqo/ o�uu�qn0´Vhete uha be a h�uh anf w�f�he eqnuetxa/ t�qn eqoo�uu�qn, eqorquef qh uexen oeobetu ar/ rq�ntef b{ the iqxetnqt, uwb�eet tq eqnh�toat�qn b{ the uenate hqt utaiietef tetou qh h�xe {eatu0 Vhe eqoo�u/ u�qn uha ezete�ue the teiwatqt{ anf ezeewt�xe rqwetu qh the utate w�th teureet tq w�f an�oa �he anf hteuh watet aqwat�e �he, anf uha auq ezete�ue teiwatqt{ anf ezeewt�xe rqwetu qh the utate w�th teureet tq oat�ne �he, ezeert that a �eenue heeu hqt ta��ni w�f an�oa �he, hteuh watet aqwat�e �he, anf oat�ne �he anf renat�eu hqt x�qat�ni teiwat�qnu qh the eqoo�uu�qn uha be rte/ uet�bef b{ ieneta aw0 Vhe eqoo�uu�qn uha eutab�uh rtqeefwteu tq enuwte afeqwate fwe rtqeeuu �n the ezete�ue qh �tu teiwatqt{ anf ezeewt�xe hwnet�qnu0 Vhe ei�uatwte oa{ enaet awu �n a�f qh the eqoo�uu�qn, nqt �neqnu�utent w�th th�u ueet�qn, ezeert that thete uha be ATVKENG KV EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA nq uree�a aw qt ieneta aw qh qea arr�eat�qn retta�n�ni tq hwnt�ni qt h�uh�ni0 Vhe eqoo�uu�qn'u ezete�ue qh ezeewt�xe rqwetu �n the atea qh rann�ni, bwfiet�ni, retuqnne oanaieoent, anf rwtehau�ni uha be au rtqx�fef b{ aw0 Texenwe fet�xef htqo �eenue heeu hqt the ta��ni qh w�f an�oa �he anf hteuh watet aqwat�e �he uha be arrtqrt�atef tq the eqoo�u/ u�qn b{ the ei�uatwte hqt the rwtrqueu qh oanaieoent, rtqteet�qn, anf eqnuetxat�qn qh w�f an�oa �he anf hteuh watet aqwat�e �he0 Texenwe fet�xef htqo �eenue heeu teat�ni tq oat�ne �he uha be arrtqrt�atef b{ the ei�uatwte hqt the rwtrqueu qh oanaieoent, rtqteet�qn, anf eqnuetxat�qn qh oat�ne �he au rtqx�fef b{ aw0 Vhe eqoo�uu�qn uha nqt be a wn�t qh an{ qthet utate aiene{ anf uha haxe �tu qwn utahh, wh�eh �newfeu oanaie/ oent, teueateh, anf enhqteeoent0 Wneuu rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw, the eqoo�uu�qn uha haxe nq awthqt�t{ tq teiwate oattetu teat�ni tq a�t anf watet rqwt�qn0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 859, 3;95; afqrtef 3;96; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 5, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 320 Attqtne{ Geneta0´Vhe attqtne{ ieneta uha, au f�teetef b{ ieneta aw, teqweut the qr�n�qn qh the �wut�eeu qh the uwrteoe eqwtt au tq the xa�f�t{ qh an{ �n�t�at�xe ret�t�qn e�tewatef rwtuwant tq Seet�qn 5 qh Att�ee ZK0 Vhe �wut�eeu uha, uwb�eet tq the�t tweu qh rtqeefwte, reto�t �nteteutef retuqnu tq be heatf qn the qweut�qnu rteuentef anf uha tenfet the�t wt�tten qr�n�qn nq atet than Art� 3 qh the {eat �n wh�eh the �n�t�at�xe �u tq be uwbo�ttef tq the xqtetu rwtuwant tq Seet�qn 5 qh Att�ee ZK0 J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 93, 3;88; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 S0J0T0 25;6, 2226; afqrtef 22260 SGEVKQP 330 Derattoent qh Vetetanu Ahha�tu0 Vhe ei�uatwte, b{ ieneta aw, oa{ rtqx�fe hqt the eutab�uhoent qh the Derattoent qh Vetetanu Ahha�tu0 J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 2;2, 3;88; afqrtef 3;880 SGEVKQP 320 Derattoent qh Gfet{ Ahha�tu0´ Vhe ei�uatwte oa{ eteate a Derattoent qh Gfet{ Ahha�tu anf rteuet�be �tu fwt�eu0 Vhe rtqx�u�qnu iqxetn/ �ni the afo�n�uttat�qn qh the ferattoent owut eqor{ w�th Seet�qn 8 qh Att�ee KV qh the State Eqnut�twt�qn0 J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 2;2, 3;88; afqrtef 3;880 SGEVKQP 350 Texenwe Shqtthau0´Kn the exent qh texenwe uhqtthau, au feh�nef b{ ieneta aw, the iqxetnqt anf eab�net oa{ eutab�uh a neeeuuat{ tefwet�qnu �n the utate bwfiet �n qtfet tq eqor{ w�th the rtqx�u�qnu qh Att�ee VKK, Seet�qn 3(f)0 Vhe iqxetnqt anf eab�net uha �oreoent a neeeuuat{ tefwet�qnu hqt the ezeewt�xe bwfiet, the eh�eh �wut�ee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt uha �oreoent a neeeuuat{ tefwet�qnu hqt the �wf�e�a bwfiet, anf the urea�et qh the hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu anf the rteu�fent qh the uenate uha �oreoent a neeeuuat{ tefwet�qnu hqt the ei�uat�xe bwfiet0 Dwfiet tefwet�qnu rwtuwant tq th�u ueet�qn uha be eqnu�utent w�th the rtqx�u�qnu qh Att�ee KKK, Seet�qn 3;(h)0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn Tex�u�qn Pq0 3, 3;;2, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 9, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;20 35 ATVKENG V ATVKENG V JWDKEKATY See0 30 20 50 60 50 80 90 80 ;0 320 330 320 350 360 350 380 390 380 3;0 220 Eqwttu0 Afo�n�uttat�qn; rtaet�ee anf rtqeefwte0 Swrteoe eqwtt0 D�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea0 E�tew�t eqwttu0 Eqwnt{ eqwttu0 Sree�a�zef f�x�u�qnu0 G�i�b��t{0 Deteto�nat�qn qh nwobet qh �wfieu0 Tetent�qn; eeet�qn anf tetou0 Vaeane�eu0 D�ue�r�ne; teoqxa anf tet�teoent0 Ptqh�b�tef aet�x�t�eu0 Hwnf�ni0 Attqtne{u; afo�uu�qn anf f�ue�r�ne0 Eet�u qh the e�tew�t eqwttu0 State attqtne{u0 Pwb�e fehenfetu0 Jwf�e�a qhh�eetu au eqnuetxatqtu qh the reaee0 Sehefwe tq Att�ee V0 SGEVKQP 30 Eqwttu0´Vhe �wf�e�a rqwet uha be xeutef �n a uwrteoe eqwtt, f�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea, e�tew�t eqwttu anf eqwnt{ eqwttu0 Pq qthet eqwttu oa{ be eutab�uhef b{ the utate, an{ rq�t�ea uwbf�x�u�qn qt an{ own�e�ra�t{0 Vhe ei�uatwte uha, b{ ieneta aw, f�x�fe the utate �ntq arreate eqwtt f�utt�etu anf �wf�e�a e�tew�tu hqqw�ni eqwnt{ �neu0 Eqoo�uu�qnu eutab�uhef b{ aw, qt afo�n�uttat�xe qhh�eetu qt bqf�eu oa{ be itantef qwau�/�wf�e�a rqwet �n oattetu eqnneetef w�th the hwnet�qnu qh the�t qhh�eeu0 Vhe ei�uatwte oa{ eutab�uh b{ ieneta aw a e�x� ttahh�e heat�ni qhh�eet u{uteo hqt the rwtrque qh heat�ni e�x� ttahh�e �nhtaet�qnu0 Vhe ei�uatwte oa{, b{ ieneta aw, awthqt�ze a o��tat{ eqwtt/oatt�a tq be eqnfwetef b{ o��tat{ �wfieu qh the Hqt�fa Pat�qna Gwatf, w�th f�teet arrea qh a fee�u�qn tq the D�utt�et Eqwtt qh Arrea, H�tut D�utt�et0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 J0J0T0 3828, 3;88; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 20 Afo�n�uttat�qn; rtaet�ee anf rtq/ eefwte0´ (a) Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt uha afqrt tweu hqt the rtaet�ee anf rtqeefwte �n a eqwttu �newf�ni the t�oe hqt uee��ni arreate tex�ew, the afo�n�uttat�xe uwret/ x�u�qn qh a eqwttu, the ttanuhet tq the eqwtt hax�ni �wt�uf�et�qn qh an{ rtqeeef�ni when the �wt�uf�et�qn qh anqthet eqwtt hau been �ortqx�fent{ �nxq�ef, anf a teqw�teoent that nq eawue uha be f�uo�uuef beeawue an �ortqret teoef{ hau been uqwiht0 Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt uha afqrt tweu tq aqw the eqwtt anf the f�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea tq uwbo�t qweut�qnu teat�ni tq o��tat{ aw tq the hefeta Eqwtt qh Arreau hqt the Atoef Hqteeu hqt an afx�uqt{ qr�n�qn0 Tweu qh eqwtt oa{ be tereaef b{ ieneta aw enaetef b{ twq/th�tfu xqte qh the oeobetuh�r qh eaeh hqwue qh the ei�uatwte0 ATVKENG V EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA (b) Vhe eh�eh �wut�ee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt uha be ehquen b{ a oa�qt�t{ qh the oeobetu qh the eqwtt; uha be the eh�eh afo�n�uttat�xe qhh�eet qh the �wf�e�a u{uteo; anf uha haxe the rqwet tq auu�in �wut�eeu qt �wfieu, �newf�ni eqnuent�ni tet�tef �wut�eeu qt �wfieu, tq teorqtat{ fwt{ �n an{ eqwtt hqt wh�eh the �wfie �u qwa�h�ef anf tq feeiate tq a eh�eh �wfie qh a �wf�e�a e�tew�t the rqwet tq auu�in �wfieu hqt fwt{ �n that e�tew�t0 (e) A eh�eh �wfie hqt eaeh f�utt�et eqwtt qh arrea uha be ehquen b{ a oa�qt�t{ qh the �wfieu theteqh qt, �h thete �u nq oa�qt�t{, b{ the eh�eh �wut�ee0 Vhe eh�eh �wfie uha be teurqnu�be hqt the afo�n�uttat�xe uwretx�u�qn qh the eqwtt0 (f) A eh�eh �wfie �n eaeh e�tew�t uha be ehquen htqo aoqni the e�tew�t �wfieu au rtqx�fef b{ uwrteoe eqwtt twe0 Vhe eh�eh �wfie uha be teurqnu�be hqt the afo�n�uttat�xe uwretx�u�qn qh the e�tew�t eqwttu anf eqwnt{ eqwttu �n h�u e�tew�t0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 50 Swrteoe eqwtt0´ (a) QTGAPK\AVKQP0´Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt uha eqnu�ut qh uexen �wut�eeu0 Qh the uexen �wut�eeu, eaeh arreate f�utt�et uha haxe at eaut qne �wut�ee eeetef qt arrq�ntef htqo the f�utt�et tq the uwrteoe eqwtt whq �u a teu�fent qh the f�utt�et at the t�oe qh the qt�i�na arrq�ntoent qt eeet�qn0 H�xe �wut�eeu uha eqnut�twte a qwqtwo0 Vhe eqnewttenee qh hqwt �wut�eeu uha be neeeuuat{ tq a fee�u�qn0 Yhen teewuau hqt eawue wqwf rtqh�b�t the eqwtt htqo eqnxen�ni beeawue qh the teqw�teoentu qh th�u ueet�qn, �wfieu auu�inef tq teorqtat{ fwt{ oa{ be uwbut�twtef hqt �wut�eeu0 (b) JWTKSDKEVKQP0´Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt< (3) Sha heat arreau htqo h�na �wfioentu qh tt�a eqwttu �orqu�ni the feath renat{ anf htqo fee�u�qnu qh f�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea feeat�ni �nxa�f a utate utatwte qt a rtqx�u�qn qh the utate eqnut�twt�qn0 (2) Yhen rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw, uha heat arreau htqo h�na �wfioentu entetef �n rtqeeef�niu hqt the xa�fat�qn qh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu qh �nfebtef/ neuu anf uha tex�ew aet�qn qh utatew�fe aiene�eu teat�ni tq tateu qt uetx�ee qh wt��t�eu rtqx�f�ni eeett�e, iau, qt teerhqne uetx�ee0 (5) Ma{ tex�ew an{ fee�u�qn qh a f�utt�et eqwtt qh arrea that ezrteuu{ feeateu xa�f a utate utatwte, qt that ezrteuu{ eqnuttweu a rtqx�u�qn qh the utate qt hefeta eqnut�twt�qn, qt that ezrteuu{ ahheetu a eauu qh eqnut�twt�qna qt utate qhh�eetu, qt that ezrteuu{ anf f�teet{ eqnh�etu w�th a fee�u�qn qh anqthet f�utt�et eqwtt qh arrea qt qh the uwrteoe eqwtt qn the uaoe qweut�qn qh aw0 (6) Ma{ tex�ew an{ fee�u�qn qh a f�utt�et eqwtt qh arrea that rauueu wrqn a qweut�qn eett�h�ef b{ �t tq be qh iteat rwb�e �orqttanee, qt that �u eett�h�ef b{ �t tq be �n f�teet eqnh�et w�th a fee�u�qn qh anqthet f�utt�et eqwtt qh arrea0 (5) Ma{ tex�ew an{ qtfet qt �wfioent qh a tt�a eqwtt eett�h�ef b{ the f�utt�et eqwtt qh arrea �n wh�eh an arrea �u renf�ni tq be qh iteat rwb�e �orqttanee, qt tq haxe a iteat ehheet qn the rtqret afo�n�uttat�qn qh �wut�ee thtqwihqwt the utate, anf eett�h�ef tq teqw�te �ooef�ate teuqwt�qn b{ the uwrteoe eqwtt0 38 ATVKENG V (8) Ma{ tex�ew a qweut�qn qh aw eett�h�ef b{ the Swrteoe Eqwtt qh the Wn�tef Stateu qt a Wn�tef Stateu Eqwtt qh Arreau wh�eh �u feteto�nat�xe qh the eawue anf hqt wh�eh thete �u nq eqnttq�ni rteeefent qh the uwrteoe eqwtt qh Hqt�fa0 (9) Ma{ �uuwe wt�tu qh rtqh�b�t�qn tq eqwttu anf a wt�tu neeeuuat{ tq the eqorete ezete�ue qh �tu �wt�uf�e/ t�qn0 (8) Ma{ �uuwe wt�tu qh oanfaowu anf qwq wattantq tq utate qhh�eetu anf utate aiene�eu0 (;) Ma{, qt an{ �wut�ee oa{, �uuwe wt�tu qh habeau eqtrwu tetwtnabe behqte the uwrteoe eqwtt qt an{ �wut�ee, a f�utt�et eqwtt qh arrea qt an{ �wfie theteqh, qt an{ e�tew�t �wfie0 (32) Sha, when teqweutef b{ the attqtne{ ieneta rwtuwant tq the rtqx�u�qnu qh Seet�qn 32 qh Att�ee KV, tenfet an afx�uqt{ qr�n�qn qh the �wut�eeu, affteuu�ni �uuweu au rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 (e) ENGTM APD MATSJAN0´Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt uha arrq�nt a eet� anf a oatuha whq uha hqf qhh�ee fwt�ni the reauwte qh the eqwtt anf rethqto uweh fwt�eu au the eqwtt f�teetu0 Vhe�t eqorenuat�qn uha be h�zef b{ ieneta aw0 Vhe oatuha uha haxe the rqwet tq ezeewte the rtqeeuu qh the eqwtt thtqwihqwt the utate, anf �n an{ eqwnt{ oa{ ferwt�ze the uhet�hh qt a ferwt{ uhet�hh hqt uweh rwtrque0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0'u 6;, 83, 3;98; afqrtef 3;98; Ao0 S0J0T0 22/E, 3;9;; afqrtef 3;82; Ao0 J0J0T0 93, 3;88; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 60 D�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea0´ (a) QTGAPK\AVKQP0´Vhete uha be a f�utt�et eqwtt qh arrea uetx�ni eaeh arreate f�utt�et0 Gaeh f�utt�et eqwtt qh arrea uha eqnu�ut qh at eaut thtee �wfieu0 Vhtee �wfieu uha eqnu�fet eaeh eaue anf the eqnewttenee qh twq uha be neeeuuat{ tq a fee�u�qn0 (b) JWTKSDKEVKQP0´ (3) D�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea uha haxe �wt�uf�et�qn tq heat arreau, that oa{ be ta�en au a oattet qh t�iht, htqo h�na �wfioentu qt qtfetu qh tt�a eqwttu, �newf�ni thque entetef qn tex�ew qh afo�n�uttat�xe aet�qn, nqt f�teet{ arreaabe tq the uwrteoe eqwtt qt a e�tew�t eqwtt0 Vhe{ oa{ tex�ew �ntetqewtqt{ qtfetu �n uweh eaueu tq the eztent rtqx�fef b{ tweu afqrtef b{ the uwrteoe eqwtt0 (2) D�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea uha haxe the rqwet qh f�teet tex�ew qh afo�n�uttat�xe aet�qn, au rteuet�bef b{ ieneta aw0 (5) A f�utt�et eqwtt qh arrea qt an{ �wfie theteqh oa{ �uuwe wt�tu qh habeau eqtrwu tetwtnabe behqte the eqwtt qt an{ �wfie theteqh qt behqte an{ e�tew�t �wfie w�th�n the tett�tqt�a �wt�uf�et�qn qh the eqwtt0 A f�utt�et eqwtt qh arrea oa{ �uuwe wt�tu qh oanfaowu, eett�qtat�, rtqh�b�t�qn, qwq wattantq, anf qthet wt�tu neeeuuat{ tq the eqorete ezete�ue qh �tu �wt�uf�et�qn0 Vq the eztent neeeuuat{ tq f�urque qh a �uuweu �n a eawue rtqret{ behqte �t, a f�utt�et eqwtt qh arrea oa{ ezete�ue an{ qh the arreate �wt�uf�et�qn qh the e�tew�t eqwttu0 (e) ENGTMS APD MATSJANS0´Gaeh f�utt�et eqwtt qh arrea uha arrq�nt a eet� anf a oatuha whq uha hqf qhh�ee fwt�ni the reauwte qh the eqwtt anf rethqto uweh fwt�eu au the eqwtt f�teetu0 Vhe�t eqorenuat�qn uha be h�zef b{ ieneta aw0 Vhe oatuha uha haxe the ATVKENG V EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA rqwet tq ezeewte the rtqeeuu qh the eqwtt thtqwihqwt the tett�tqt�a �wt�uf�et�qn qh the eqwtt, anf �n an{ eqwnt{ oa{ ferwt�ze the uhet�hh qt a ferwt{ uhet�hh hqt uweh rwtrque0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;920 SGEVKQP 50 E�tew�t eqwttu0´ (a) QTGAPK\AVKQP0´Vhete uha be a e�tew�t eqwtt uetx�ni eaeh �wf�e�a e�tew�t0 (b) JWTKSDKEVKQP0´Vhe e�tew�t eqwttu uha haxe qt�i�na �wt�uf�et�qn nqt xeutef �n the eqwnt{ eqwttu, anf �wt�uf�et�qn qh arreau when rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 Vhe{ uha haxe the rqwet tq �uuwe wt�tu qh oanfaowu, qwq wattantq, eett�qtat�, rtqh�b�t�qn anf habeau eqtrwu, anf a wt�tu neeeuuat{ qt rtqret tq the eqorete ezete�ue qh the�t �wt�uf�et�qn0 Jwt�uf�et�qn qh the e�tew�t eqwtt uha be wn�hqto thtqwihqwt the utate0 Vhe{ uha haxe the rqwet qh f�teet tex�ew qh afo�n�uttat�xe aet�qn rteuet�bef b{ ieneta aw0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;920 SGEVKQP 80 Eqwnt{ eqwttu0´ (a) QTGAPK\AVKQP0´Vhete uha be a eqwnt{ eqwtt �n eaeh eqwnt{0 Vhete uha be qne qt oqte �wfieu hqt eaeh eqwnt{ eqwtt au rteuet�bef b{ ieneta aw0 (b) JWTKSDKEVKQP0´Vhe eqwnt{ eqwttu uha ez/ ete�ue the �wt�uf�et�qn rteuet�bef b{ ieneta aw0 Sweh �wt�uf�et�qn uha be wn�hqto thtqwihqwt the utate0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;920 SGEVKQP 90 Sree�a�zef f�x�u�qnu0´A eqwttu ezeert the uwrteoe eqwtt oa{ u�t �n f�x�u�qnu au oa{ be eutab�uhef b{ ieneta aw0 A e�tew�t qt eqwnt{ eqwtt oa{ hqf e�x� anf et�o�na tt�au anf heat�niu �n an{ raee w�th�n the tett�tqt�a �wt�uf�et�qn qh the eqwtt au feu�inatef b{ the eh�eh �wfie qh the e�tew�t0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;920 SGEVKQP 80 G�i�b��t{0´Pq retuqn uha be e�i�/ be hqt qhh�ee qh �wut�ee qt �wfie qh an{ eqwtt wneuu the retuqn �u an eeetqt qh the utate anf teu�feu �n the tett�tqt�a �wt�uf�et�qn qh the eqwtt0 Pq �wut�ee qt �wfie uha uetxe ahtet atta�n�ni the aie qh uexent{ {eatu ezeert wrqn teorqtat{ auu�inoent qt tq eqorete a teto, qne/hah qh wh�eh hau been uetxef0 Pq retuqn �u e�i�be hqt the qhh�ee qh �wut�ee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt qt �wfie qh a f�utt�et eqwtt qh arrea wneuu the retuqn �u, anf hau been hqt the rteeef�ni ten {eatu, a oeobet qh the bat qh Hqt�fa0 Pq retuqn �u e�i�be hqt the qhh�ee qh e�tew�t �wfie wneuu the retuqn �u, anf hau been hqt the rteeef�ni h�xe {eatu, a oeobet qh the bat qh Hqt�fa0 Wneuu qthetw�ue rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw, nq retuqn �u e�i�be hqt the qhh�ee qh eqwnt{ eqwtt �wfie wneuu the retuqn �u, anf hau been hqt the rteeef�ni h�xe {eatu, a oeobet qh the bat qh Hqt�fa0 Wneuu qthetw�ue rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw, a retuqn uha be e�i�be hqt eeet�qn qt arrq�ntoent tq the qhh�ee qh eqwnt{ eqwtt �wfie �n a eqwnt{ hax�ni a rqrwat�qn qh 62,222 qt euu �h the retuqn �u a oeobet �n iqqf utanf�ni qh the bat qh Hqt�fa0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 J0J0T0 59, 3;86; afqrtef 3;86 (ehheet�xe Jw{ 3, 3;85); Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 39 ATVKENG V SGEVKQP ;0 Deteto�nat�qn qh nwobet qh �wfieu0 Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt uha eutab�uh b{ twe wn�hqto et�tet�a hqt the feteto�nat�qn qh the neef hqt aff�t�qna �wfieu ezeert uwrteoe eqwtt �wut�eeu, the neeeuu�t{ hqt feeteau�ni the nwobet qh �wfieu anf hqt �neteau�ni, feeteau�ni qt tefeh�n�ni arreate f�utt�etu anf �wf�e�a e�tew�tu0 Kh the uwrteoe eqwtt h�nfu that a neef ez�utu hqt �neteau�ni qt feeteau�ni the nwobet qh �wfieu qt �neteau�ni, feeteau�ni qt tefeh�n�ni arreate f�utt�etu anf �wf�e�a e�tew�tu, �t uha, rt�qt tq the nezt teiwat ueuu�qn qh the ei�uatwte, eett�h{ tq the ei�uatwte �tu h�nf�niu anf teeqooenfat�qnu eqneetn�ni uweh neef0 Wrqn teee�rt qh uweh eett�h�eate, the ei�uatwte, at the nezt teiwat ueuu�qn, uha eqnu�fet the h�nf�niu anf teeqooenfat�qnu anf oa{ te�eet the teeqooenfat�qnu qt b{ aw �oreoent the teeqooenfat�qnu �n whqe qt �n ratt; rtqx�fef the ei�uatwte oa{ eteate oqte �wf�e�a qhh�eeu than ate teeqooenfef b{ the uwrteoe eqwtt qt oa{ feeteaue the nwobet qh �wf�e�a qhh�eeu b{ a iteatet nwobet than teeqooenfef b{ the eqwtt qn{ wrqn a h�nf�ni qh twq/th�tfu qh the oeobetuh�r qh bqth hqwueu qh the ei�uatwte, that uweh a neef ez�utu0 A feeteaue �n the nwobet qh �wfieu uha be ehheet�xe qn{ ahtet the ezr�tat�qn qh a teto0 Kh the uwrteoe eqwtt ha�u tq oa�e h�nf�niu au rtqx�fef abqxe when neef ez�utu, the ei�uatwte oa{ b{ eqnewttent teuqwt�qn teqweut the eqwtt tq eett�h{ �tu h�nf�niu anf teeqooenfat�qnu anf wrqn the ha�wte qh the eqwtt tq eett�h{ �tu h�nf�niu hqt n�ne eqnueewt�xe oqnthu, the ei�uatwte oa{, wrqn a h�nf�ni qh twq/th�tfu qh the oeobetuh�r qh bqth hqwueu qh the ei�uatwte that a neef ez�utu, �neteaue qt feeteaue the nwobet qh �wfieu qt �neteaue, feeteaue qt tefeh�ne arreate f�utt�etu anf �wf�e�a e�tew�tu0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;920 SGEVKQP 320 Tetent�qn; eeet�qn anf tetou0´ (a) An{ �wut�ee qt �wfie oa{ qwa�h{ hqt tetent�qn b{ a xqte qh the eeetqtu �n the ieneta eeet�qn nezt rteeef�ni the ezr�tat�qn qh the �wut�ee'u qt �wfie'u teto �n the oannet rteuet�bef b{ aw0 Kh a �wut�ee qt �wfie �u �ne�i�be qt ha�u tq qwa�h{ hqt tetent�qn, a xaeane{ uha ez�ut �n that qhh�ee wrqn the ezr�tat�qn qh the teto be�ni uetxef b{ the �wut�ee qt �wfie0 Yhen a �wut�ee qt �wfie uq qwa�h�eu, the baqt uha teaf uwbutant�a{ au hqqwu< ¬Sha Jwut�ee (qt Jwfie) (naoe qh �wut�ee qt �wfie) qh the (naoe qh the eqwtt) be teta�nef �n qhh�eeA¹ Kh a oa�qt�t{ qh the qwa�h�ef eeetqtu xqt�ni w�th�n the tett�tqt�a �wt�uf�et�qn qh the eqwtt xqte tq teta�n, the �wut�ee qt �wfie uha be teta�nef hqt a teto qh u�z {eatu0 Vhe teto qh the �wut�ee qt �wfie teta�nef uha eqooenee qn the h�tut Vweufa{ ahtet the h�tut Mqnfa{ �n Janwat{ hqqw�ni the ieneta eeet�qn0 Kh a oa�qt�t{ qh the qwa�h�ef eeetqtu xqt�ni w�th�n the tett�tqt�a �wt�uf�e/ t�qn qh the eqwtt xqte tq nqt teta�n, a xaeane{ uha ez�ut �n that qhh�ee wrqn the ezr�tat�qn qh the teto be�ni uetxef b{ the �wut�ee qt �wfie0 (b)(3) Vhe eeet�qn qh e�tew�t �wfieu uha be rte/ uetxef nqtw�thutanf�ni the rtqx�u�qnu qh uwbueet�qn (a) wneuu a oa�qt�t{ qh thque xqt�ni �n the �wt�uf�et�qn qh that e�tew�t arrtqxeu a qea qrt�qn tq ueeet e�tew�t �wfieu b{ oet�t ueeet�qn anf tetent�qn tathet than b{ eeet�qn0 Vhe eeet�qn qh e�tew�t �wfieu uha be b{ a xqte qh the ATVKENG V EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA qwa�h�ef eeetqtu w�th�n the tett�tqt�a �wt�uf�et�qn qh the eqwtt0 (2) Vhe eeet�qn qh eqwnt{ eqwtt �wfieu uha be rteuetxef nqtw�thutanf�ni the rtqx�u�qnu qh uwbueet�qn (a) wneuu a oa�qt�t{ qh thque xqt�ni �n the �wt�uf�et�qn qh that eqwnt{ arrtqxeu a qea qrt�qn tq ueeet eqwnt{ �wfieu b{ oet�t ueeet�qn anf tetent�qn tathet than b{ eeet�qn0 Vhe eeet�qn qh eqwnt{ eqwtt �wfieu uha be b{ a xqte qh the qwa�h�ef eeetqtu w�th�n the tett�tqt�a �wt�uf�et�qn qh the eqwtt0 (5)a0 A xqte tq ezete�ue a qea qrt�qn tq ueeet e�tew�t eqwtt �wfieu anf eqwnt{ eqwtt �wfieu b{ oet�t ueeet�qn anf tetent�qn tathet than b{ eeet�qn uha be hef �n eaeh e�tew�t anf eqwnt{ at the ieneta eeet�qn �n the {eat 22220 Kh a xqte tq ezete�ue th�u qea qrt�qn ha�u �n a xqte qh the eeetqtu, uweh qrt�qn uha nqt aia�n be rwt tq a xqte qh the eeetqtu qh that �wt�uf�et�qn wnt� the ezr�tat�qn qh at eaut twq {eatu0 b0 Ahtet the {eat 2222, a e�tew�t oa{ �n�t�ate the qea qrt�qn hqt oet�t ueeet�qn anf tetent�qn qt the eeet�qn qh e�tew�t �wfieu, wh�ehexet �u arr�eabe, b{ h��ni w�th the ewutqf�an qh utate teeqtfu a ret�t�qn u�inef b{ the nwobet qh eeetqtu eqwa tq at eaut ten reteent qh the xqteu eaut �n the e�tew�t �n the aut rteeef�ni eeet�qn �n wh�eh rteu�fent�a eeetqtu wete ehquen0 e0 Ahtet the {eat 2222, a eqwnt{ oa{ �n�t�ate the qea qrt�qn hqt oet�t ueeet�qn anf tetent�qn qt the eeet�qn qh eqwnt{ eqwtt �wfieu, wh�ehexet �u arr�eabe, b{ h��ni w�th the uwretx�uqt qh eeet�qnu a ret�t�qn u�inef b{ the nwobet qh eeetqtu eqwa tq at eaut ten reteent qh the xqteu eaut �n the eqwnt{ �n the aut rteeef�ni eeet�qn �n wh�eh rteu�fent�a eeetqtu wete ehquen0 Vhe tetou qh e�tew�t �wfieu anf �wfieu qh eqwnt{ eqwttu uha be hqt u�z {eatu0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0'u 6;, 83, 3;98; afqrtef 3;98; Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pqu0 9 anf 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 330 Vaeane�eu0´ (a) Yhenexet a xaeane{ qeewtu �n a �wf�e�a qhh�ee tq wh�eh eeet�qn hqt tetent�qn arr�eu, the iqxetnqt uha h� the xaeane{ b{ arrq�nt�ni hqt a teto enf�ni qn the h�tut Vweufa{ ahtet the h�tut Mqnfa{ �n Janwat{ qh the {eat hqqw�ni the nezt ieneta eeet�qn qeewtt�ni at eaut qne {eat ahtet the fate qh arrq�ntoent, qne qh nqt hewet than thtee retuqnu nqt oqte than u�z retuqnu nqo�natef b{ the arrtqrt�ate �wf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqo/ o�uu�qn0 (b) Vhe iqxetnqt uha h� eaeh xaeane{ qn a e�tew�t eqwtt qt qn a eqwnt{ eqwtt, whete�n the �wfieu ate eeetef b{ a oa�qt�t{ xqte qh the eeetqtu, b{ arrq�nt�ni hqt a teto enf�ni qn the h�tut Vweufa{ ahtet the h�tut Mqnfa{ �n Janwat{ qh the {eat hqqw�ni the nezt rt�oat{ anf ieneta eeet�qn qeewtt�ni at eaut qne {eat ahtet the fate qh arrq�ntoent, qne qh nqt hewet than thtee retuqnu nqt oqte than u�z retuqnu nqo�natef b{ the arrtqrt�ate �wf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qn0 An eeet�qn uha be hef tq h� that �wf�e�a qhh�ee hqt the teto qh the qhh�ee bei�nn�ni at the enf qh the arrq�ntef teto0 (e) Vhe nqo�nat�qnu uha be oafe w�th�n th�tt{ fa{u htqo the qeewttenee qh a xaeane{ wneuu the ret�qf �u eztenfef b{ the iqxetnqt hqt a t�oe nqt tq ezeeef th�tt{ fa{u0 Vhe iqxetnqt uha oa�e the arrq�ntoent w�th�n 38 ATVKENG V u�zt{ fa{u ahtet the nqo�nat�qnu haxe been eett�h�ef tq the iqxetnqt0 (f) Vhete uha be a ueratate �wf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qn au rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw hqt the uwrteoe eqwtt, eaeh f�utt�et eqwtt qh arrea, anf eaeh �wf�e�a e�tew�t hqt a tt�a eqwttu w�th�n the e�tew�t0 Wn�hqto tweu qh rtqeefwte uha be eutab�uhef b{ the �wf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qnu at eaeh exe qh the eqwtt u{uteo0 Sweh tweu, qt an{ ratt theteqh, oa{ be tereaef b{ ieneta aw enaetef b{ a oa�qt�t{ xqte qh the oeobetuh�r qh eaeh hqwue qh the ei�uatwte, qt b{ the uwrteoe eqwtt, h�xe �wut�eeu eqnewtt�ni0 Gzeert hqt fe�betat�qnu qh the �wf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qnu, the rtqeeef�niu qh the eqoo�uu�qnu anf the�t teeqtfu uha be qren tq the rwb�e0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0'u 6;, 83, 3;98; afqrtef 3;98; Ao0 J0J0T0 3382, 3;86; afqrtef 3;86; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 ;98, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pqu0 9 anf 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 320 D�ue�r�ne; teoqxa anf tet�te/ oent0´ (a) JWDKEKAN SWANKHKEAVKQPS EQMMKSSKQP0´ A �wf�e�a qwa�h�eat�qnu eqoo�uu�qn �u eteatef0 (3) Vhete uha be a �wf�e�a qwa�h�eat�qnu eqoo�u/ u�qn xeutef w�th �wt�uf�et�qn tq �nxeut�iate anf teeqo/ oenf tq the Swrteoe Eqwtt qh Hqt�fa the teoqxa htqo qhh�ee qh an{ �wut�ee qt �wfie whque eqnfwet, fwt�ni teto qh qhh�ee qt qthetw�ue qeewtt�ni qn qt ahtet Pqxeobet 3, 3;88, (w�thqwt teiatf tq the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u ueet�qn) feoqnuttateu a rteuent wnh�tneuu tq hqf qhh�ee, anf tq �nxeut�iate anf teeqooenf the f�ue�r�ne qh a �wut�ee qt �wfie whque eqnfwet, fwt�ni teto qh qhh�ee qt qthetw�ue qeewtt�ni qn qt ahtet Pqxeobet 3, 3;88 (w�thqwt teiatf tq the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u ueet�qn), wattantu uweh f�ue�r�ne0 Hqt rwtrqueu qh th�u ueet�qn, f�ue�r�ne �u feh�nef au an{ qt a qh the hqqw�ni< tert�oanf, h�ne, uwurenu�qn w�th qt w�thqwt ra{, qt aw{et f�ue�r�ne0 Vhe eqoo�uu�qn uha haxe �wt�uf�e/ t�qn qxet �wut�eeu anf �wfieu teiatf�ni aeiat�qnu that o�ueqnfwet qeewttef behqte qt fwt�ni uetx�ee au a �wut�ee qt �wfie �h a eqora�nt �u oafe nq atet than qne {eat hqqw�ni uetx�ee au a �wut�ee qt �wfie0 Vhe eqoo�uu�qn uha haxe �wt�uf�et�qn teiatf�ni aeiat�qnu qh �nearae�t{ fwt�ni uetx�ee au a �wut�ee qt �wfie0 Vhe eqoo�uu�qn uha be eqorquef qh< a0 Vwq �wfieu qh f�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea ueeetef b{ the �wfieu qh thque eqwttu, twq e�tew�t �wfieu ueeetef b{ the �wfieu qh the e�tew�t eqwttu anf twq �wfieu qh eqwnt{ eqwttu ueeetef b{ the �wfieu qh thque eqwttu; b0 Hqwt eeetqtu whq teu�fe �n the utate, whq ate oeobetu qh the bat qh Hqt�fa, anf whq uha be ehquen b{ the iqxetn�ni bqf{ qh the bat qh Hqt�fa; anf e0 H�xe eeetqtu whq teu�fe �n the utate, whq haxe nexet hef �wf�e�a qhh�ee qt been oeobetu qh the bat qh Hqt�fa, anf whq uha be arrq�ntef b{ the iqxetnqt0 (2) Vhe oeobetu qh the �wf�e�a qwa�h�eat�qnu eqo/ o�uu�qn uha uetxe utaiietef tetou, nqt tq ezeeef u�z {eatu, au rteuet�bef b{ ieneta aw0 Pq oeobet qh the eqoo�uu�qn ezeert a �wfie uha be e�i�be hqt utate �wf�e�a qhh�ee wh�e aet�ni au a oeobet qh the eqoo�u/ u�qn anf hqt a ret�qf qh twq {eatu theteahtet0 Pq oeobet qh the eqoo�uu�qn uha hqf qhh�ee �n a rq�t�ea ratt{ qt ratt�e�rate �n an{ eaora�in hqt �wf�e�a qhh�ee qt ATVKENG V EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA hqf rwb�e qhh�ee; rtqx�fef that a �wfie oa{ eaora�in hqt �wf�e�a qhh�ee anf hqf that qhh�ee0 Vhe eqoo�uu�qn uha eeet qne qh �tu oeobetu au �tu eha�tretuqn0 (5) Meobetu qh the �wf�e�a qwa�h�eat�qnu eqoo�u/ u�qn nqt uwb�eet tq �oreaehoent uha be uwb�eet tq teoqxa htqo the eqoo�uu�qn rwtuwant tq the rtqx�u�qnu qh Att�ee KV, Seet�qn 9, Hqt�fa Eqnut�twt�qn0 (6) Vhe eqoo�uu�qn uha afqrt tweu teiwat�ni �tu rtqeeef�niu, the h��ni qh xaeane�eu b{ the arrq�nt�ni awthqt�t�eu, the f�uqwa�h�eat�qn qh oeobetu, the tqtat�qn qh oeobetu between the raneu, anf the teorqtat{ teraeeoent qh f�uqwa�h�ef qt �nearae�tatef oeobetu0 Vhe eqoo�uu�qn'u tweu, qt an{ ratt theteqh, oa{ be tereaef b{ ieneta aw enaetef b{ a oa�qt�t{ xqte qh the oeobetuh�r qh eaeh hqwue qh the ei�uatwte, qt b{ the uwrteoe eqwtt, h�xe �wut�eeu eqnewtt�ni0 Vhe eqo/ o�uu�qn uha haxe rqwet tq �uuwe uwbrqenau0 Wnt� hqtoa ehatieu aia�nut a �wut�ee qt �wfie ate h�ef b{ the �nxeut�iat�xe rane w�th the eet� qh the uwrteoe eqwtt qh Hqt�fa a rtqeeef�niu b{ qt behqte the eqoo�uu�qn uha be eqnh�fent�a; rtqx�fef, hqwexet, wrqn a h�nf�ni qh rtqbabe eawue anf the h��ni b{ the �nxeut�iat�xe rane w�th ua�f eet� qh uweh hqtoa ehatieu aia�nut a �wut�ee qt �wfie uweh ehatieu anf a hwtthet rtqeeef/ �niu behqte the eqoo�uu�qn uha be rwb�e0 (5) Vhe eqoo�uu�qn uha haxe aeeeuu tq a �nhqt/ oat�qn htqo a ezeewt�xe, ei�uat�xe anf �wf�e�a aiene�eu, �newf�ni itanf �wt�eu, uwb�eet tq the tweu qh the eqoo�uu�qn0 At an{ t�oe, qn teqweut qh the urea�et qh the hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu qt the iqxetnqt, the eqoo�uu�qn uha oa�e axa�abe a �nhqtoat�qn �n the rquueuu�qn qh the eqoo�uu�qn hqt wue �n eqnu�feta/ t�qn qh �oreaehoent qt uwurenu�qn, teureet�xe{0 (b) PAPGNS0´Vhe eqoo�uu�qn uha be f�x�fef �ntq an �nxeut�iat�xe rane anf a heat�ni rane au eutab/ �uhef b{ twe qh the eqoo�uu�qn0 Vhe �nxeut�iat�xe rane �u xeutef w�th the �wt�uf�et�qn tq teee�xe qt �n�t�ate eqora�ntu, eqnfwet �nxeut�iat�qnu, f�uo�uu eqora�ntu, anf wrqn a xqte qh a u�ore oa�qt�t{ qh the rane uwbo�t hqtoa ehatieu tq the heat�ni rane0 Vhe heat�ni rane �u xeutef w�th the awthqt�t{ tq teee�xe anf heat hqtoa ehatieu htqo the �nxeut�iat�xe rane anf wrqn a twq/ th�tfu xqte qh the rane teeqooenf tq the uwrteoe eqwtt the teoqxa qh a �wut�ee qt �wfie qt the �nxqwntat{ tet�teoent qh a �wut�ee qt �wfie hqt an{ retoanent f�uab��t{ that uet�qwu{ �ntetheteu w�th the rethqtoanee qh �wf�e�a fwt�eu0 Wrqn a u�ore oa�qt�t{ xqte qh the oeobetuh�r qh the heat�ni rane, the rane oa{ teeqooenf tq the uwrteoe eqwtt that the �wut�ee qt �wfie be uwb�eet tq arrtqrt�ate f�ue�r�ne0 (e) SWPTGMG EQWTV0´Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt uha teee�xe teeqooenfat�qnu htqo the �wf�e�a qwa�h�ea/ t�qnu eqoo�uu�qn'u heat�ni rane0 (3) Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt oa{ aeeert, te�eet, qt oqf�h{ �n whqe qt �n ratt the h�nf�niu, eqnewu�qnu, anf teeqooenfat�qnu qh the eqoo�uu�qn anf �t oa{ qtfet that the �wut�ee qt �wfie be uwb�eetef tq arrtqrt�ate f�ue�r�ne, qt be teoqxef htqo qhh�ee w�th teto�nat�qn qh eqorenuat�qn hqt w�hw qt retu�utent ha�wte tq rethqto �wf�e�a fwt�eu qt hqt qthet eqnfwet wnbeeqo�ni a oeobet qh the �wf�e�at{ feoqnuttat�ni a rteuent wnh�tneuu tq hqf qhh�ee, qt be �nxqwntat�{ tet�tef hqt an{ retoanent f�uab��t{ that uet�qwu{ �ntetheteu w�th 3; ATVKENG V the rethqtoanee qh �wf�e�a fwt�eu0 Maah�feu, ue�entet qt oqta twtr�twfe qn the ratt qh a �wut�ee qt �wfie uha nqt be teqw�tef hqt teoqxa htqo qhh�ee qh a �wut�ee qt �wfie whque eqnfwet feoqnuttateu a rteuent wnh�tneuu tq hqf qhh�ee0 Ahtet the h��ni qh a hqtoa rtqeeef�ni anf wrqn teqweut qh the �nxeut�iat�xe rane, the uwrteoe eqwtt oa{ uwurenf the �wut�ee qt �wfie htqo qhh�ee, w�th qt w�thqwt eqorenuat�qn, renf�ni h�na feteto�nat�qn qh the �nqw�t{0 (2) Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt oa{ awatf equtu tq the rtexa��ni ratt{0 (f) Vhe rqwet qh teoqxa eqnhettef b{ th�u ueet�qn uha be bqth atetnat�xe anf ewowat�xe tq the rqwet qh �oreaehoent0 (e) Pqtw�thutanf�ni an{ qh the hqteiq�ni rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u ueet�qn, �h the retuqn whq �u the uwb�eet qh rtqeeef�niu b{ the �wf�e�a qwa�h�eat�qnu eqoo�uu�qn �u a �wut�ee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt qh Hqt�fa a �wut�eeu qh uweh eqwtt awtqoat�ea{ uha be f�uqwa�h�ef tq u�t au �wut�eeu qh uweh eqwtt w�th teureet tq a rtqeeef�niu thete�n eqneetn�ni uweh retuqn anf the uwrteoe eqwtt hqt uweh rwtrqueu uha be eqorquef qh a rane eqnu�ut�ni qh the uexen eh�eh �wfieu qh the �wf�e�a e�tew�tu qh the utate qh Hqt�fa oqut uen�qt �n tenwte qh �wf�e�a qhh�ee au e�tew�t �wfie0 Hqt rwtrqueu qh feteto�n/ �ni uen�qt�t{ qh uweh e�tew�t �wfieu �n the exent thete be �wfieu qh eqwa tenwte �n �wf�e�a qhh�ee au e�tew�t �wfie the �wfie qt �wfieu htqo the qwet nwobetef e�tew�t qt e�tew�tu uha be feeoef uen�qt0 Kn the exent an{ uweh eh�eh e�tew�t �wfie �u wnfet �nxeut�iat�qn b{ the �wf�e�a qwa�h�eat�qnu eqoo�uu�qn qt �u qthetw�ue f�uqwa�h�ef qt wnabe tq uetxe qn the rane, the nezt oqut uen�qt eh�eh e�tew�t �wfie qt �wfieu uha uetxe �n raee qh uweh f�uqwa�h�ef qt f�uabef eh�eh e�tew�t �wfie0 (h) SEJGDWNG VQ SGEVKQP 320´ (3) Gzeert tq the eztent �neqnu�utent w�th the rtqx�/ u�qnu qh th�u ueet�qn, a rtqx�u�qnu qh aw anf tweu qh eqwtt �n hqtee qn the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u att�ee uha eqnt�nwe �n ehheet wnt� uwretuefef �n the oannet awthqt�zef b{ the eqnut�twt�qn0 (2) Ahtet th�u ueet�qn beeqoeu ehheet�xe anf wnt� afqrtef b{ twe qh the eqoo�uu�qn eqnu�utent w�th �t< a0 Vhe eqoo�uu�qn uha be f�x�fef, au feteto�nef b{ the eha�tretuqn, �ntq qne �nxeut�iat�xe rane anf qne heat�ni rane tq oeet the teurqnu�b��t�eu uet hqtth �n th�u ueet�qn0 b0 Vhe �nxeut�iat�xe rane uha be eqorquef qh< 30 Hqwt �wfieu, 20 Vwq oeobetu qh the bat qh Hqt�fa, anf 50 Vhtee nqn/aw{etu0 e0 Vhe heat�ni rane uha be eqorquef qh< 30 Vwq �wfieu, 20 Vwq oeobetu qh the bat qh Hqt�fa, anf 50 Vwq nqn/aw{etu0 f0 Meobetuh�r qn the raneu oa{ tqtate �n a oannet feteto�nef b{ the tweu qh the eqoo�uu�qn rtqx�fef that nq oeobet uha xqte au a oeobet qh the �nxeut�iat�xe anf heat�ni rane qn the uaoe rtqeeef/ �ni0 e0 Vhe eqoo�uu�qn uha h�te ueratate utahh hqt eaeh rane0 h0 Vhe oeobetu qh the eqoo�uu�qn uha uetxe hqt utaiietef tetou qh u�z {eatu0 ATVKENG V EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA i0 Vhe tetou qh qhh�ee qh the rteuent oeobetu qh the �wf�e�a qwa�h�eat�qnu eqoo�uu�qn uha ezr�te wrqn the ehheet�xe fate qh the aoenfoentu tq th�u ueet�qn arrtqxef b{ the ei�uatwte fwt�ni the teiwat ueuu�qn qh the ei�uatwte �n 3;;8 anf new oeobetu uha be arrq�ntef tq uetxe the hqqw�ni utaiietef tetou< 30 Gtqwr K0´Vhe tetou qh h�xe oeobetu, eqorquef qh twq eeetqtu au uet hqtth �n u0 32(a)(3)e0 qh Att�ee V, qne oeobet qh the bat qh Hqt�fa au uet hqtth �n u0 32(a)(3)b0 qh Att�ee V, qne �wfie htqo the f�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea anf qne e�tew�t �wfie au uet hqtth �n u0 32(a)(3) a0 qh Att�ee V, uha ezr�te qn Deeeobet 53, 3;;80 20 Gtqwr KK0´Vhe tetou qh h�xe oeobetu, eqo/ rquef qh qne eeetqt au uet hqtth �n u0 32(a)(3)e0 qh Att�ee V, twq oeobetu qh the bat qh Hqt�fa au uet hqtth �n u0 32(a)(3)b0 qh Att�ee V, qne e�tew�t �wfie anf qne eqwnt{ �wfie au uet hqtth �n u0 32(a)(3)a0 qh Att�ee V uha ezr�te qn Deeeobet 53, 22220 50 Gtqwr KKK0´Vhe tetou qh h�xe oeobetu, eqo/ rquef qh twq eeetqtu au uet hqtth �n u0 32(a)(3)e0 qh Att�ee V, qne oeobet qh the bat qh Hqt�fa au uet hqtth �n u0 32(a)(3)b0, qne �wfie htqo the f�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea anf qne eqwnt{ �wfie au uet hqtth �n u0 32(a)(3)a0 qh Att�ee V, uha ezr�te qn Deeeobet 53, 22220 h0 An arrq�ntoent tq h� a xaeane{ qh the eqoo�u/ u�qn uha be hqt the teoa�nfet qh the teto0 �0 Seeet�qn qh oeobetu b{ f�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea �wfieu, e�tew�t �wfieu, anf eqwnt{ eqwtt �wfieu, uha be b{ nq euu than a oa�qt�t{ qh the oeobetu xqt�ni at the teureet�xe eqwttu' eqnheteneeu0 Seeet�qn qh oeobetu b{ the bqatf qh iqxetnqtu qh the bat qh Hqt�fa uha be b{ nq euu than a oa�qt�t{ qh the bqatf0 �0 Vhe eqoo�uu�qn uha be ent�tef tq teeqxet the equtu qh �nxeut�iat�qn anf rtqueewt�qn, �n aff�t�qn tq an{ renat{ ex�ef b{ the uwrteoe eqwtt0 �0 Vhe eqorenuat�qn qh oeobetu anf teheteeu uha be the ttaxe ezrenueu qt ttanurqttat�qn anf ret f�eo aqwanee au rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 J0J0T0 5;33, 3;96; afqrtef 3;96; Ao0 J0J0T0 392;, 3;95; afqrtef 3;98; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 ;98, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 9, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 350 Ptqh�b�tef aet�x�t�eu0´A �wut�eeu anf �wfieu uha fexqte hw t�oe tq the�t �wf�e�a fwt�eu0 Vhe{ uha nqt eniaie �n the rtaet�ee qh aw qt hqf qhh�ee �n an{ rq�t�ea ratt{0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;920 SGEVKQP 360 Hwnf�ni0´ (a) A �wut�eeu anf �wfieu uha be eqorenuatef qn{ b{ utate uaat�eu h�zef b{ ieneta aw0 Hwnf�ni hqt the utate eqwttu u{uteo, utate attqtne{u' qhh�eeu, rwb�e fehenfetu' qhh�eeu, anf eqwtt/arrq�ntef eqwnue, ezeert au qthetw�ue rtqx�fef �n uwbueet�qn (e), uha be rtqx�fef htqo utate texenweu arrtqrt�atef b{ ieneta aw0 (b) A hwnf�ni hqt the qhh�eeu qh the eet�u qh the e�tew�t anf eqwnt{ eqwttu rethqto�ni eqwtt/teatef hwne/ t�qnu, ezeert au qthetw�ue rtqx�fef �n th�u uwbueet�qn anf uwbueet�qn (e), uha be rtqx�fef b{ afeqwate anf arrtqrt�ate h��ni heeu hqt �wf�e�a rtqeeef�niu anf uetx�ee ehatieu anf equtu hqt rethqto�ni eqwtt/teatef hwnet�qnu au teqw�tef b{ ieneta aw0 Seeetef uaat�eu, 22 ATVKENG V equtu, anf ezrenueu qh the utate eqwttu u{uteo oa{ be hwnfef htqo arrtqrt�ate h��ni heeu hqt �wf�e�a rtqeeef/ �niu anf uetx�ee ehatieu anf equtu hqt rethqto�ni eqwtt/teatef hwnet�qnu, au rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 Yhete the teqw�teoentu qh e�thet the Wn�tef Stateu Eqnut�twt�qn qt the Eqnut�twt�qn qh the State qh Hqt�fa rteewfe the �orqu�t�qn qh h��ni heeu hqt �wf�e�a rtq/ eeef�niu anf uetx�ee ehatieu anf equtu hqt rethqto�ni eqwtt/teatef hwnet�qnu uwhh�e�ent tq hwnf the eqwtt/ teatef hwnet�qnu qh the qhh�eeu qh the eet�u qh the e�tew�t anf eqwnt{ eqwttu, the utate uha rtqx�fe, au fetet/ o�nef b{ the ei�uatwte, afeqwate anf arrtqrt�ate uwrreoenta hwnf�ni htqo utate texenweu arrtqrt�atef b{ ieneta aw0 (e) Pq eqwnt{ qt own�e�ra�t{, ezeert au rtqx�fef �n th�u uwbueet�qn, uha be teqw�tef tq rtqx�fe an{ hwnf�ni hqt the utate eqwttu u{uteo, utate attqtne{u' qhh�eeu, rwb�e fehenfetu' qhh�eeu, eqwtt/arrq�ntef eqwnue qt the qhh�eeu qh the eet�u qh the e�tew�t anf eqwnt{ eqwttu rethqto�ni eqwtt/teatef hwnet�qnu0 Eqwnt�eu uha be teqw�tef tq hwnf the equt qh eqoown�eat�qnu uetx�eeu, ez�ut�ni taf�q u{uteou, ez�ut�ni owt�/aiene{ et�o�na �wut�ee �nhqtoat�qn u{uteou, anf the equt qh eqnuttwet�qn qt eaue, oa�ntenanee, wt��t�eu, anf ueewt�t{ qh hae��t�eu hqt the tt�a eqwttu, rwb�e fehenfetu' qhh�eeu, utate attqtne{u' qhh�eeu, anf the qhh�eeu qh the eet�u qh the e�tew�t anf eqwnt{ eqwttu rethqto�ni eqwtt/teatef hwne/ t�qnu0 Eqwnt�eu uha auq ra{ teauqnabe anf neeeu/ uat{ uaat�eu, equtu, anf ezrenueu qh the utate eqwttu u{uteo tq oeet qea teqw�teoentu au feteto�nef b{ ieneta aw0 (f) Vhe �wf�e�at{ uha haxe nq rqwet tq h�z arrtq/ rt�at�qnu0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 9, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 350 Attqtne{u; afo�uu�qn anf f�ue�/ r�ne0´Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt uha haxe ezewu�xe �wt/ �uf�et�qn tq teiwate the afo�uu�qn qh retuqnu tq the rtaet�ee qh aw anf the f�ue�r�ne qh retuqnu afo�ttef0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;920 SGEVKQP 380 Eet�u qh the e�tew�t eqwttu0´ Vhete uha be �n eaeh eqwnt{ a eet� qh the e�tew�t eqwtt whq uha be ueeetef rwtuwant tq the rtqx�u�qnu qh Att�ee VKKK ueet�qn 30 Pqtw�thutanf�ni an{ qthet rtqx�/ u�qn qh the eqnut�twt�qn, the fwt�eu qh the eet� qh the e�tew�t eqwtt oa{ be f�x�fef b{ uree�a qt ieneta aw between twq qhh�eetu, qne uetx�ni au eet� qh eqwtt anf qne uetx�ni au ez qhh�e�q eet� qh the bqatf qh eqwnt{ eqoo�uu�qnetu, awf�tqt, teeqtfet, anf ewutqf�an qh a eqwnt{ hwnfu0 Vhete oa{ be a eet� qh the eqwnt{ eqwtt �h awthqt�zef b{ ieneta qt uree�a aw0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;920 SGEVKQP 390 State attqtne{u0´Kn eaeh �wf�e�a e�tew�t a utate attqtne{ uha be eeetef hqt a teto qh hqwt {eatu0 Gzeert au qthetw�ue rtqx�fef �n th�u eqnut�twt�qn, the utate attqtne{ uha be the rtqueewt�ni qhh�eet qh a tt�a eqwttu �n that e�tew�t anf uha rethqto qthet fwt�eu rteuet�bef b{ ieneta aw; rtqx�fef, hqwexet, when awthqt�zef b{ ieneta aw, the x�qat�qnu qh a own�e�ra qtf�naneeu oa{ be rtqueewtef b{ own�e�ra ATVKENG V EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA rtqueewtqtu0 A utate attqtne{ uha be an eeetqt qh the utate anf teu�fe �n the tett�tqt�a �wt�uf�et�qn qh the e�tew�t; uha be anf haxe been a oeobet qh the bat qh Hqt�fa hqt the rteeef�ni h�xe {eatu; uha fexqte hw t�oe tq the fwt�eu qh the qhh�ee; anf uha nqt eniaie �n the rt�xate rtaet�ee qh aw0 State attqtne{u uha arrq�nt uweh auu�utant utate attqtne{u au oa{ be awthqt�zef b{ aw0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 J0J0T0 588, 3;85; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 380 Pwb�e fehenfetu0´Kn eaeh �wf�e�a e�tew�t a rwb�e fehenfet uha be eeetef hqt a teto qh hqwt {eatu, whq uha rethqto fwt�eu rteuet�bef b{ ieneta aw0 A rwb�e fehenfet uha be an eeetqt qh the utate anf teu�fe �n the tett�tqt�a �wt�uf�et�qn qh the e�tew�t anf uha be anf haxe been a oeobet qh the Dat qh Hqt�fa hqt the rteeef�ni h�xe {eatu0 Pwb�e fehenfetu uha arrq�nt uweh auu�utant rwb�e fehenfetu au oa{ be awthqt�zef b{ aw0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 3;0 Jwf�e�a qhh�eetu au eqnuetxatqtu qh the reaee0´A �wf�e�a qhh�eetu �n th�u utate uha be eqnuetxatqtu qh the reaee0 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;920 SGEVKQP 220 Sehefwe tq Att�ee V0´ (a) Vh�u att�ee uha teraee a qh Att�ee V qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, wh�eh uha then utanf tereaef0 (b) Gzeert tq the eztent �neqnu�utent w�th the rtqx�/ u�qnu qh th�u att�ee, a rtqx�u�qnu qh aw anf tweu qh eqwtt �n hqtee qn the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u att�ee uha eqnt�nwe �n ehheet wnt� uwretuefef �n the oannet awthqt�zef b{ the eqnut�twt�qn0 (e) Ahtet th�u att�ee beeqoeu ehheet�xe, anf wnt� ehanief b{ ieneta aw eqnu�utent w�th ueet�qnu 3 thtqwih 3; qh th�u att�ee< (3) Vhe uwrteoe eqwtt uha haxe the �wt�uf�et�qn �ooef�ate{ thetetqhqte ezete�uef b{ �t, anf �t uha feteto�ne a rtqeeef�niu renf�ni behqte �t qn the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u att�ee0 (2) Vhe arreate f�utt�etu uha be thque �n ez�utenee qn the fate qh afqrt�qn qh th�u att�ee0 Vhete uha be a f�utt�et eqwtt qh arrea �n eaeh f�utt�et0 Vhe f�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea uha haxe the �wt�uf�et�qn �ooef�ate{ thete/ tqhqte ezete�uef b{ the f�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea anf uha feteto�ne a rtqeeef�niu renf�ni behqte theo qn the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u att�ee0 (5) E�tew�t eqwttu uha haxe �wt�uf�et�qn qh arreau htqo eqwnt{ eqwttu anf own�e�ra eqwttu, ezeert thque arreau wh�eh oa{ be ta�en f�teet{ tq the uwrteoe eqwtt; anf the{ uha haxe ezewu�xe qt�i�na �wt�uf�et�qn �n a aet�qnu at aw nqt eqin�zabe b{ the eqwnt{ eqwttu; qh rtqeeef�niu teat�ni tq the uetteoent qh the eutate qh feeefentu anf o�nqtu, the itant�ni qh ettetu teutaoen/ tat{, iwatf�anuh�r, �nxqwntat{ hqur�ta�zat�qn, the fe/ teto�nat�qn qh �neqoretene{, anf qthet �wt�uf�et�qn wuwa{ retta�n�ni tq eqwttu qh rtqbate; �n a eaueu �n eqw�t{ �newf�ni a eaueu teat�ni tq �wxen�eu; qh a heqn�eu anf qh a o�ufeoeanqtu at�u�ni qwt qh the uaoe e�tewoutaneeu au a heqn{ wh�eh �u auq ehatief; �n a 23 ATVKENG V eaueu �nxqx�ni eia�t{ qh an{ taz auueuuoent qt tq; �n the aet�qn qh e�eetoent; anf �n a aet�qnu �nxqx�ni the t�teu qt bqwnfat�eu qt t�iht qh rquueuu�qn qh tea rtqrett{0 Vhe e�tew�t eqwtt oa{ �uuwe �n�wnet�qnu0 Vhete uha be �wf�e�a e�tew�tu wh�eh uha be the �wf�e�a e�tew�tu �n ez�utenee qn the fate qh afqrt�qn qh th�u att�ee0 Vhe eh�eh �wfie qh a e�tew�t oa{ awthqt�ze a eqwnt{ eqwtt �wfie tq qtfet eoetiene{ hqur�ta�zat�qnu rwtuwant tq Ehartet 93/353, Nawu qh Hqt�fa, �n the abuenee htqo the eqwnt{ qh the e�tew�t �wfie anf the eqwnt{ eqwtt �wfie uha haxe the rqwet tq �uuwe a teorqtat{ qtfetu anf teorqtat{ �n�wnet�qnu neeeuuat{ qt rtqret tq the eqorete ezete�ue qh uweh �wt�uf�et�qn0 (6) Eqwnt{ eqwttu uha haxe qt�i�na �wt�uf�et�qn �n a et�o�na o�ufeoeanqt eaueu nqt eqin�zabe b{ the e�tew�t eqwttu, qh a x�qat�qnu qh own�e�ra anf eqwnt{ qtf�naneeu, anf qh a aet�qnu at aw �n wh�eh the oattet �n eqnttqxetu{ fqeu nqt ezeeef the uwo qh twq thqwuanf h�xe hwnftef fqatu (&2,522022) ezewu�xe qh �nteteut anf equtu, ezeert thque w�th�n the ezewu�xe �wt�uf�et�qn qh the e�tew�t eqwttu0 Jwfieu qh eqwnt{ eqwttu uha be eqoo�tt�ni oai�uttateu0 Vhe eqwnt{ eqwttu uha haxe �wt�uf�et�qn nqw ezete�uef b{ the eqwnt{ �wfie'u eqwttu qthet than that xeutef �n the e�tew�t eqwtt b{ uwbueet�qn (e)(5) heteqh, the �wt�uf�et�qn nqw ezete�uef b{ the eqwnt{ eqwttu, the ea�ou eqwtt, the uoa ea�ou eqwttu, the uoa ea�ou oai�uttateu eqwttu, oai�uttateu eqwttu, �wut�ee qh the reaee eqwttu, own�e�ra eqwttu anf eqwttu qh ehattetef eqwnt�eu, �newf�ni bwt nqt �o�tef tq the eqwnt�eu tehettef tq �n Att�ee VKKK, ueet�qnu ;, 32, 33 anf 26 qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 38850 (5) Gaeh �wf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qn uha be eqorquef qh the hqqw�ni< a0 Vhtee oeobetu arrq�ntef b{ the Dqatf qh Gqxetnqtu qh Vhe Hqt�fa Dat htqo aoqni Vhe Hqt�fa Dat oeobetu whq ate aet�xe{ eniaief �n the rtaet�ee qh aw w�th qhh�eeu w�th�n the tett�tqt�a �wt�uf�et�qn qh the ahheetef eqwtt, f�utt�et qt e�tew�t; b0 Vhtee eeetqtu whq teu�fe �n the tett�tqt�a �wt�uf�et�qn qh the eqwtt qt e�tew�t arrq�ntef b{ the iqxetnqt; anf e0 Vhtee eeetqtu whq teu�fe �n the tett�tqt�a �wt�uf�et�qn qh the eqwtt qt e�tew�t anf whq ate nqt oeobetu qh the bat qh Hqt�fa, ueeetef anf arrq�ntef b{ a oa�qt�t{ xqte qh the qthet u�z oeobetu qh the eqoo�uu�qn0 (8) Pq �wut�ee qt �wfie uha be a oeobet qh a �wf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qn0 A oeobet qh a �wf�e�a nqo�/ nat�ni eqoo�uu�qn oa{ hqf rwb�e qhh�ee qthet than �wf�e�a qhh�ee0 Pq oeobet uha be e�i�be hqt arrq�nt/ oent tq utate �wf�e�a qhh�ee uq qni au that retuqn �u a oeobet qh a �wf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qn anf hqt a ret�qf qh twq {eatu theteahtet0 A aetu qh a �wf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qn uha be oafe w�th a eqnewt/ tenee qh a oa�qt�t{ qh �tu oeobetu0 (9) Vhe oeobetu qh a �wf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�u/ u�qn uha uetxe hqt a teto qh hqwt {eatu ezeert the tetou qh the �n�t�a oeobetu qh the �wf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqo/ o�uu�qnu uha ezr�te au hqqwu< a0 Vhe tetou qh qne oeobet qh eateiqt{ a0 b0 anf e0 �n uwbueet�qn (e)(5) heteqh uha ezr�te qn Jw{ 3, 3;96; b0 Vhe tetou qh qne oeobet qh eateiqt{ a0 b0 anf e0 �n uwbueet�qn (e)(5) heteqh uha ezr�te qn Jw{ 3, 3;95; ATVKENG V EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA e0 Vhe tetou qh qne oeobet qh eateiqt{ a0 b0 anf e0 �n uwbueet�qn (e)(5) heteqh uha ezr�te qn Jw{ 3, 3;98; (8) A h�neu anf hqthe�twteu at�u�ni htqo qhhenueu tt�ef �n the eqwnt{ eqwtt uha be eqeetef, anf aeeqwntef hqt b{ eet� qh the eqwtt, anf ferqu�tef �n a uree�a ttwut aeeqwnt0 A h�neu anf hqthe�twteu teee�xef htqo x�qat�qnu qh qtf�naneeu qt o�ufeoeanqtu eqo/ o�ttef w�th�n a eqwnt{ qt own�e�ra qtf�naneeu eqo/ o�ttef w�th�n a own�e�ra�t{ w�th�n the tett�tqt�a �wt�uf�e/ t�qn qh the eqwnt{ eqwtt uha be ra�f oqnth{ tq the eqwnt{ qt own�e�ra�t{ teureet�xe{0 Kh an{ equtu ate auueuuef anf eqeetef �n eqnneet�qn w�th qhhenueu tt�ef �n eqwnt{ eqwtt, a eqwtt equtu uha be ra�f �ntq the ieneta texenwe hwnf qh the utate qh Hqt�fa anf uweh qthet hwnfu au rteuet�bef b{ ieneta aw0 (;) An{ own�e�ra�t{ qt eqwnt{ oa{ arr{ tq the eh�eh �wfie qh the e�tew�t �n wh�eh that own�e�ra�t{ qt eqwnt{ �u u�twatef hqt the eqwnt{ eqwtt tq u�t �n a qeat�qn uw�tabe tq the own�e�ra�t{ qt eqwnt{ anf eqnxen�ent �n t�oe anf raee tq �tu e�t�zenu anf rq�ee qhh�eetu anf wrqn uweh arr�eat�qn ua�f eh�eh �wfie uha f�teet the eqwtt tq u�t �n the qeat�qn wneuu the eh�eh �wfie uha feteto�ne the teqweut �u nqt �wut�h�ef0 Kh the eh�eh �wfie fqeu nqt awthqt�ze the eqwnt{ eqwtt tq u�t �n the qeat�qn teqweutef, the eqwnt{ qt own�e�ra�t{ oa{ arr{ tq the uwrteoe eqwtt hqt an qtfet f�teet�ni the eqwnt{ eqwtt tq u�t �n the qeat�qn0 An{ own�e�ra�t{ qt eqwnt{ wh�eh uq arr�eu uha be teqw�tef tq rtqx�fe the arrtqrt�ate rh{u�ea hae��t�eu �n wh�eh the eqwnt{ eqwtt oa{ hqf eqwtt0 (32) A eqwttu ezeert the uwrteoe eqwtt oa{ u�t �n f�x�u�qnu au oa{ be eutab�uhef b{ qea twe arrtqxef b{ the uwrteoe eqwtt0 (33) A eqwnt{ eqwtt �wfie �n an{ eqwnt{ hax�ni a rqrwat�qn qh 62,222 qt euu aeeqtf�ni tq the aut feeenn�a eenuwu, uha nqt be teqw�tef tq be a oeobet qh the bat qh Hqt�fa0 (32) Mwn�e�ra rtqueewtqtu oa{ rtqueewte x�qat�qnu qh own�e�ra qtf�naneeu0 (35) Jwut�ee uha oean a �wut�ee eeetef qt arrq�ntef tq the uwrteoe eqwtt anf uha nqt �newfe an{ �wfie auu�inef htqo an{ eqwtt0 (f) Yhen th�u att�ee beeqoeu ehheet�xe< (3) A eqwttu nqt hete�n awthqt�zef, ezeert au rtqx�fef b{ uwbueet�qn (f)(6) qh th�u ueet�qn uha eeaue tq ez�ut anf �wt�uf�et�qn tq eqnewfe a renf�ni eaueu anf enhqtee a rt�qt qtfetu anf �wfioentu uha xeut �n the eqwtt that wqwf haxe �wt�uf�et�qn qh the eawue �h theteahtet �nut�twtef0 A teeqtfu qh anf rtqrett{ hef b{ eqwttu abq�uhef heteb{ uha be ttanuhettef tq the rtqret qhh�ee qh the arrtqrt�ate eqwtt wnfet th�u att�ee0 (2) Jwfieu qh the hqqw�ni eqwttu, �h the�t tetou fq nqt ezr�te �n 3;95 anf �h the{ ate e�i�be wnfet uwbueet�qn (f)(8) heteqh, uha beeqoe aff�t�qna �wfieu qh the e�tew�t eqwtt hqt eaeh qh the eqwnt�eu qh the�t teureet�xe e�tew�tu, anf uha uetxe au uweh e�tew�t �wfieu hqt the teoa�nfet qh the tetou tq wh�eh the{ wete eeetef anf uha be e�i�be hqt eeet�qn au e�tew�t �wfieu theteahtet0 Vheue eqwttu ate< e�x� eqwtt qh teeqtf qh Dafe eqwnt{, a et�o�na eqwttu qh teeqtf, the heqn{ eqwttu qh teeqtf qh Aaehwa, Neqn anf Vqwu�a Eqwnt�eu, the eqwttu qh teeqtf qh Dtqwatf, Dtexatf, Gueaob�a, J�ubqtqwih, Nee, Manatee anf Satauqta Eqwnt�eu, the 22 ATVKENG V e�x� anf et�o�na eqwtt qh teeqtf qh P�neau Eqwnt{, anf eqwnt{ �wfie'u eqwttu anf ueratate �wxen�e eqwttu �n eqwnt�eu hax�ni a rqrwat�qn �n ezeeuu qh 322,222 aeeqtf�ni tq the 3;92 hefeta eenuwu0 Qn the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u att�ee, thete uha be an aff�t�qna nwobet qh rqu�t�qnu qh e�tew�t �wfieu eqwa tq the nwobet qh ez�ut�ni e�tew�t �wfieu anf the nwobet qh �wfieu qh the abqxe naoef eqwttu whque teto ezr�teu �n 3;950 Geet�qnu tq uweh qhh�eeu uha ta�e raee at the uaoe t�oe anf oannet au eeet�qnu tq qthet utate �wf�e�a qhh�eeu �n 3;92 anf the tetou qh uweh qhh�eeu uha be hqt a teto qh u�z {eatu0 Wneuu ehanief rwtuwant tq ueet�qn n�ne qh th�u att�ee, the nwobet qh e�tew�t �wfieu rteuent{ ez�ut�ni anf eteatef b{ th�u uwbueet�qn uha nqt be ehanief0 (5) Kn a eqwnt�eu hax�ni a rqrwat�qn qh euu than 322,222 aeeqtf�ni tq the 3;92 hefeta eenuwu anf hax�ni oqte than qne eqwnt{ �wfie qn the fate qh the afqrt�qn qh th�u att�ee, thete uha be the uaoe nwobet qh �wfieu qh the eqwnt{ eqwtt au thete ate eqwnt{ �wfieu ez�ut�ni qn that fate wneuu ehanief rwtuwant tq ueet�qn ; qh th�u att�ee0 (6) Mwn�e�ra eqwttu uha eqnt�nwe w�th the�t uaoe �wt�uf�et�qn wnt� aoenfef qt teto�natef �n a oannet rteuet�bef b{ uree�a qt ieneta aw qt qtf�naneeu, qt wnt� Janwat{ 5, 3;99, wh�ehexet qeewtu h�tut0 Qn that fate a own�e�ra eqwttu nqt rtex�qwu{ abq�uhef uha eeaue tq ez�ut0 Jwfieu qh own�e�ra eqwttu uha teoa�n �n qhh�ee anf be uwb�eet tq tearrq�ntoent qt teeeet�qn �n the oannet rteuet�bef b{ aw wnt� ua�f eqwttu ate teto�natef rwtuwant tq the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u uwbueet�qn0 Wrqn own�e�ra eqwttu be�ni teto�natef qt abq�uhef �n aeeqtfanee w�th the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u uwbueet�qn, the �wfieu theteqh whq ate nqt oeobetu qh the bat qh Hqt�fa, uha be e�i�be tq uee� eeet�qn au �wfieu qh eqwnt{ eqwttu qh the�t teureet�xe eqwnt�eu0 (5) Jwfieu, hqf�ni eeet�xe qhh�ee �n a qthet eqwttu abq�uhef b{ th�u att�ee, whque tetou fq nqt ezr�te �n 3;95 �newf�ni �wfieu eutab�uhef rwtuwant tq Att�ee VKKK, ueet�qnu ; anf 33 qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885 uha uetxe au �wfieu qh the eqwnt{ eqwtt hqt the teoa�nfet qh the teto tq wh�eh the{ wete eeetef0 Wneuu eteatef rwtuwant tq ueet�qn ;, qh th�u Att�ee V uweh �wf�e�a qhh�ee uha nqt eqnt�nwe tq ez�ut theteahtet0 (8) D{ Mateh 23, 3;92, the uwrteoe eqwtt uha eett�h{ the neef hqt aff�t�qna e�tew�t anf eqwnt{ �wfieu0 Vhe ei�uatwte �n the 3;92 teiwat ueuu�qn oa{ b{ ieneta aw eteate aff�t�qna qhh�eeu qh �wfie, the tetou qh wh�eh uha bei�n qn the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u att�ee0 Geet�qnu tq uweh qhh�eeu uha ta�e raee at the uaoe t�oe anf oannet au eeet�qn tq qthet utate �wf�e�a qhh�eeu �n 3;920 (9) Eqwnt{ �wfieu qh ez�ut�ni eqwnt{ �wfie'u eqwttu anf �wut�eeu qh the reaee anf oai�uttateu' eqwtt whq ate nqt oeobetu qh bat qh Hqt�fa uha be e�i�be tq uee� eeet�qn au eqwnt{ eqwtt �wfieu qh the�t teureet�xe eqwnt�eu0 (8) Pq �wfie qh a eqwtt abq�uhef b{ th�u att�ee uha beeqoe qt be e�i�be tq beeqoe a �wfie qh the e�tew�t eqwtt wneuu the �wfie hau been a oeobet qh bat qh Hqt�fa hqt the rteeef�ni h�xe {eatu0 ATVKENG V EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA (;) Vhe qhh�ee qh �wfieu qh a qthet eqwttu abq�uhef b{ th�u att�ee uha be abq�uhef au qh the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u att�ee0 (32) Vhe qhh�eeu qh eqwnt{ uq�e�tqt anf rtqueewt�ni attqtne{ uha utanf abq�uhef, anf a eqwnt{ uq�e�tqtu anf rtqueewt�ni attqtne{u hqf�ni uweh qhh�eeu wrqn the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u att�ee uha beeqoe anf uetxe au auu�utant utate attqtne{u hqt the e�tew�tu �n wh�eh the�t eqwnt�eu ate u�twate hqt the teoa�nfet qh the�t tetou, w�th eqorenuat�qn nqt euu than that teee�xef �ooef�ate{ behqte the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u att�ee0 (e) NKMKVGD QPGTAVKQP QH SQMG PTQVK/ SKQPS0´ (3) A �wut�eeu qh the uwrteoe eqwtt, �wfieu qh the f�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea anf e�tew�t �wfieu �n qhh�ee wrqn the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u att�ee uha teta�n the�t qhh�eeu hqt the teoa�nfet qh the�t teureet�xe tetou0 A oeobetu qh the �wf�e�a qwa�h�eat�qnu eqoo�uu�qn �n qhh�ee wrqn the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u att�ee uha teta�n the�t qhh�eeu hqt the teoa�nfet qh the�t teureet�xe tetou0 Gaeh utate attqtne{ �n qhh�ee qn the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u att�ee uha teta�n the qhh�ee hqt the teoa�nfet qh the teto0 (2) Pq �wut�ee qt �wfie hqf�ni qhh�ee �ooef�ate{ ahtet th�u att�ee beeqoeu ehheet�xe whq hef �wf�e�a qhh�ee qn Jw{ 3, 3;59, uha be uwb�eet tq tet�teoent htqo �wf�e�a qhh�ee beeawue qh aie rwtuwant tq ueet�qn 8 qh th�u att�ee0 (h) Wnt� qthetw�ue rtqx�fef b{ aw, the nqn�wf�e�a fwt�eu teqw�tef qh eqwnt{ �wfieu uha be rethqtoef b{ the �wfieu qh the eqwnt{ eqwtt0 3(i) A rtqx�u�qnu qh Att�ee V qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, nqt eobtaeef hete�n wh�eh ate nqt �neqnu�utent w�th th�u tex�u�qn uha beeqoe utatwteu uwb�eet tq oqf�h�eat�qn qt terea au ate qthet utatwteu0 (h) Vhe teqw�teoentu qh ueet�qn 36 teat�xe tq a eqwnt{ eqwtt �wfieu qt an{ �wfie qh a own�e�ra eqwtt whq eqnt�nweu tq hqf qhh�ee rwtuwant tq uwbueet�qn (f)(6) heteqh be�ni eqorenuatef b{ utate uaat�eu uha nqt arr{ rt�qt tq Janwat{ 5, 3;99, wneuu qthetw�ue rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 (�) DGNGVKQP QH QDSQNGVG SEJGDWNG KVGMS0´Vhe ei�uatwte uha haxe rqwet, b{ eqnewt/ tent teuqwt�qn, tq feete htqo th�u att�ee an{ uwbueet�qn qh th�u ueet�qn 22 �newf�ni th�u uwbueet�qn, when a exentu tq wh�eh the uwbueet�qn tq be feetef �u qt eqwf beeqoe arr�eabe haxe qeewttef0 A ei�uat�xe fetet/ o�nat�qn qh haet oafe au a bau�u hqt arr�eat�qn qh th�u uwbueet�qn uha be uwb�eet tq �wf�e�a tex�ew0 (�) GHHGEVKVG DAVG0´Wneuu qthetw�ue rtqx�fef hete�n, th�u att�ee uha beeqoe ehheet�xe at 33<5; q'eqe� P0M0, Gautetn Stanfatf V�oe, Janwat{ 3, 3;950 J�utqt{0´S0J0T0 52/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 3Pqte0´A rtqx�u�qnu qh Att0 V qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, eqnu�fetef au utatwtqt{ aw, wete tereaef b{ eh0 95/525, Nawu qh Hqt�fa0 ATVKENG VK See0 50 60 50 80 90 Qath0 D�uqwa�h�eat�qnu0 Pt�oat{, ieneta, anf uree�a eeet�qnu0 Mwn�e�ra anf f�utt�et eeet�qnu0 Eaora�in urenf�ni �o�tu anf hwnf�ni qh eao/ ra�inu hqt eeet�xe utate/w�fe qhh�ee0 SGEVKQP 30 Teiwat�qn qh eeet�qnu0´A eee/ t�qnu b{ the reqre uha be b{ f�teet anf ueetet xqte0 Geneta eeet�qnu uha be feteto�nef b{ a rwta�t{ qh xqteu eaut0 Tei�uttat�qn anf eeet�qnu uha, anf rq�t�ea ratt{ hwnet�qnu oa{, be teiwatef b{ aw; hqwexet, the teqw�teoentu hqt a eanf�fate w�th nq ratt{ ahh��at�qn qt hqt a eanf�fate qh a o�nqt ratt{ hqt raeeoent qh the eanf�fate'u naoe qn the baqt uha be nq iteatet than the teqw�teoentu hqt a eanf�fate qh the ratt{ hax�ni the atieut nwobet qh tei�utetef xqtetu0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 33, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 20 Geetqtu0´Gxet{ e�t�zen qh the Wn�tef Stateu whq �u at eaut e�ihteen {eatu qh aie anf whq �u a retoanent teu�fent qh the utate, �h tei�utetef au rtqx�fef b{ aw, uha be an eeetqt qh the eqwnt{ whete tei�utetef0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 33, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 50 Qath0´Gaeh e�i�be e�t�zen wrqn tei�utet�ni uha uwbuet�be the hqqw�ni< ¬K fq uqeon{ uweat (qt ahh�to) that K w� rtqteet anf fehenf the Eqnut�twt�qn qh the Wn�tef Stateu anf the Eqnut�twt�qn qh the State qh Hqt�fa, anf that K ao qwa�h�ef tq tei�utet au an eeetqt wnfet the Eqnut�twt�qn anf awu qh the State qh Hqt�fa0¹ SGEVKQP 60 D�uqwa�h�eat�qnu0´ (a) Pq retuqn eqnx�etef qh a heqn{, qt af�wf�eatef �n th�u qt an{ qthet utate tq be oenta{ �neqoretent, uha be qwa�h�ef tq xqte qt hqf qhh�ee wnt� teutqtat�qn qh e�x� t�ihtu qt teoqxa qh f�uab��t{0 (b) Pq retuqn oa{ arreat qn the baqt hqt te/ eeet�qn tq an{ qh the hqqw�ni qhh�eeu< (3) Hqt�fa terteuentat�xe, (2) Hqt�fa uenatqt, (5) Hqt�fa N�ewtenant iqxetnqt, (6) an{ qhh�ee qh the Hqt�fa eab�net, (5) W0S0 Terteuentat�xe htqo Hqt�fa, qt (8) W0S0 Senatqt htqo Hqt�fa �h, b{ the enf qh the ewttent teto qh qhh�ee, the retuqn w� haxe uetxef (qt, bwt hqt teu�inat�qn, wqwf haxe uetxef) �n that qhh�ee hqt e�iht eqnueewt�xe {eatu0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Jw{ 25, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;20 ATVKENG VK SGEVKQP 50 Pt�oat{, ieneta, anf uree�a eee/ t�qnu0´ (a) A ieneta eeet�qn uha be hef �n eaeh eqwnt{ qn the h�tut Vweufa{ ahtet the h�tut Mqnfa{ �n Pqxeobet qh eaeh exen/nwobetef {eat tq ehqque a uweeeuuqt tq eaeh eeet�xe utate anf eqwnt{ qhh�eet whque teto w� ezr�te behqte the nezt ieneta eeet�qn anf, ezeert au SWHHTAGG APD GNGEVKQPS See0 30 20 Teiwat�qn qh eeet�qnu0 Geetqtu0 25 ATVKENG VK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA rtqx�fef hete�n, tq h� eaeh xaeane{ �n eeet�xe qhh�ee hqt the wnezr�tef rqtt�qn qh the teto0 A ieneta eeet�qn oa{ be uwurenfef qt fea{ef fwe tq a utate qh eoetiene{ qt �orenf�ni eoetiene{ rwtuwant tq ien/ eta aw0 Sree�a eeet�qnu anf tehetenfa uha be hef au rtqx�fef b{ aw0 (b) Kh a eanf�fateu hqt an qhh�ee haxe the uaoe ratt{ ahh��at�qn anf the w�nnet w� haxe nq qrrqu�t�qn �n the ieneta eeet�qn, a qwa�h�ef eeetqtu, teiatfeuu qh ratt{ ahh��at�qn, oa{ xqte �n the rt�oat{ eeet�qnu hqt that qhh�ee0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 382, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;2; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 33, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 80 Mwn�e�ra anf f�utt�et eeet�qnu0´ Tei�uttat�qn anf eeet�qnu �n own�e�ra�t�eu uha, anf �n qthet iqxetnoenta ent�t�eu eteatef b{ utatwte oa{, be rtqx�fef b{ aw0 SGEVKQP 90 Eaora�in urenf�ni �o�tu anf hwnf�ni qh eaora�inu hqt eeet�xe utate/w�fe qhh�ee0 Kt �u the rq�e{ qh th�u utate tq rtqx�fe hqt utate/w�fe eeet�qnu �n wh�eh a qwa�h�ef eanf�fateu oa{ eqorete ehheet�xe{0 A oethqf qh rwb�e h�nane�ni hqt eaora�inu hqt utate/w�fe qhh�ee uha be eutab�uhef b{ aw0 Srenf�ni �o�tu uha be eutab�uhef hqt uweh eaora�inu hqt eanf�fateu whq wue rwb�e hwnfu �n the�t eaora�inu0 Vhe ei�uatwte uha rtqx�fe hwnf�ni hqt th�u rtqx�u�qn0 Geneta aw �oreoent�ni th�u rataitarh uha be at eaut au rtqteet�xe qh ehheet�xe eqoret�t�qn b{ a eanf�/ fate whq wueu rwb�e hwnfu au the ieneta aw �n ehheet qn Janwat{ 3, 3;;80 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 33, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 ATVKENG VKK HKPAPEG APD VAZAVKQP See0 30 20 50 60 50 80 90 80 ;0 320 330 320 350 360 350 380 390 Vazat�qn; arrtqrt�at�qnu; utate ezrenueu; utate texenwe �o�tat�qn0 Vazeu; tate0 Vazeu; ezeort�qnu0 Vazat�qn; auueuuoentu0 Gutate, �nhet�tanee anf �neqoe tazeu0 Jqoeuteaf ezeort�qnu0 Aqeat�qn qh rat�/owtwe tazeu0 A�f tq qea iqxetnoentu0 Nqea tazeu0 Pefi�ni etef�t0 State bqnfu; texenwe bqnfu0 Nqea bqnfu0 Te�eh htqo �eia tazeu0 Dqnfu hqt rqwt�qn eqnttq anf abateoent anf qthet watet hae��t�eu0 Texenwe bqnfu hqt uehqatuh�r qanu0 Dqnfu hqt hqwu�ni anf teatef hae��t�eu0 Dqnfu hqt aeqw�t�ni ttanurqttat�qn t�iht/qh/wa{ qt hqt eqnuttwet�ni bt�fieu0 26 ATVKENG VKK See0 380 Nawu teqw�t�ni eqwnt�eu qt own�e�ra�t�eu tq urenf hwnfu qt �o�t�ni the�t ab��t{ tq ta�ue texenwe qt teee�xe utate taz texenwe0 SGEVKQP 30 Vazat�qn; arrtqrt�at�qnu; utate ez/ renueu; utate texenwe �o�tat�qn0´ (a) Pq taz uha be ex�ef ezeert �n rwtuwanee qh aw0 Pq utate af xaqteo tazeu uha be ex�ef wrqn tea eutate qt tani�be retuqna rtqrett{0 A qthet hqtou qh tazat�qn uha be rteeortef tq the utate ezeert au rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 (b) Mqtqt xeh�eeu, bqatu, a�traneu, tta�etu, tta�et eqaeheu anf oqb�e hqoeu, au feh�nef b{ aw, uha be uwb�eet tq a �eenue taz hqt the�t qretat�qn �n the aoqwntu anf hqt the rwtrqueu rteuet�bef b{ aw, bwt uha nqt be uwb�eet tq af xaqteo tazeu0 (e) Pq oqne{ uha be ftawn htqo the tteauwt{ ezeert �n rwtuwanee qh arrtqrt�at�qn oafe b{ aw0 (f) Ptqx�u�qn uha be oafe b{ aw hqt ta�u�ni uwhh�e�ent texenwe tq fehta{ the ezrenueu qh the utate hqt eaeh h�uea ret�qf0 (e) Gzeert au rtqx�fef hete�n, utate texenweu eqeetef hqt an{ h�uea {eat uha be �o�tef tq utate texenweu aqwef wnfet th�u uwbueet�qn hqt the rt�qt h�uea {eat rwu an af�wutoent hqt itqwth0 Au wuef �n th�u uwbueet�qn, ¬itqwth¹ oeanu an aoqwnt eqwa tq the axetaie annwa tate qh itqwth �n Hqt�fa retuqna �neqoe qxet the oqut teeent twent{ qwattetu t�oeu the utate texenweu aqwef wnfet th�u uwbueet�qn hqt the rt�qt h�uea {eat0 Hqt the 3;;5/3;;8 h�uea {eat, the utate texenweu aqwef wnfet th�u uwbueet�qn hqt the rt�qt h�uea {eat uha eqwa the utate texenweu eqeetef hqt the 3;;6/3;;5 h�uea {eat0 Hqt�fa retuqna �neqoe uha be feteto�nef b{ the ei�uatwte, htqo �nhqtoat�qn axa�abe htqo the Wn�tef Stateu Derattoent qh Eqo/ oetee qt �tu uweeeuuqt qn the h�tut fa{ qh Hebtwat{ rt�qt tq the bei�nn�ni qh the h�uea {eat0 State texenweu eqeetef hqt an{ h�uea {eat �n ezeeuu qh th�u �o�tat�qn uha be ttanuhettef tq the bwfiet utab��zat�qn hwnf wnt� the hwnf teaeheu the oaz�owo baanee uree�h�ef �n Seet�qn 3;(i) qh Att�ee KKK, anf theteahtet uha be tehwnfef tq tazra{etu au rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 State texenweu aqwef wnfet th�u uwbueet�qn hqt an{ h�uea {eat oa{ be �neteauef b{ a twq/th�tfu xqte qh the oeobetuh�r qh eaeh hqwue qh the ei�uatwte �n a ueratate b� that eqnta�nu nq qthet uwb�eet anf that uetu hqtth the fqat aoqwnt b{ wh�eh the utate texenweu aqwef w� be �neteauef0 Vhe xqte oa{ nqt be ta�en euu than uexent{/twq hqwtu ahtet the th�tf teaf�ni qh the b�0 Hqt rwtrqueu qh th�u uwbueet�qn, ¬utate texenweu¹ oeanu tazeu, heeu, �eenueu, anf ehatieu hqt uetx�eeu �orquef b{ the ei�uatwte qn �nf�x�fwau, bwu�neuueu, qt aiene�eu qwtu�fe utate iqxetnoent0 Jqwexet, ¬utate texenweu¹ fqeu nqt �newfe< texenweu that ate neeeu/ uat{ tq oeet the teqw�teoentu uet hqtth �n fqewoentu awthqt�z�ni the �uuwanee qh bqnfu b{ the utate; texe/ nweu that ate wuef tq rtqx�fe oateh�ni hwnfu hqt the hefeta Mef�ea�f rtqitao w�th the ezeert�qn qh the texenweu wuef tq uwrrqtt the Pwb�e Mef�ea Auu�utanee Vtwut Hwnf qt �tu uweeeuuqt rtqitao anf w�th the ezeert�qn qh utate oateh�ni hwnfu wuef tq hwnf eeet�xe ATVKENG VKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ezranu�qnu oafe ahtet Jw{ 3, 3;;6; rtqeeefu htqo the utate qttet{ tetwtnef au rt�zeu; teee�rtu qh the Hqt�fa Jwtt�eane Eatauttqrhe Hwnf; baaneeu eatt�ef hqtwatf htqo rt�qt h�uea {eatu; tazeu, �eenueu, heeu, anf ehatieu hqt uetx�eeu �orquef b{ qea, tei�qna, qt uehqq f�utt�et iqxetn�ni bqf�eu; qt texenwe htqo tazeu, �eenueu, heeu, anf ehatieu hqt uetx�eeu teqw�tef tq be �orquef b{ an{ aoenfoent qt tex�u�qn tq th�u eqn/ ut�twt�qn ahtet Jw{ 3, 3;;60 An af�wutoent tq the texenwe �o�tat�qn uha be oafe b{ ieneta aw tq teheet the h�uea �oraet qh ttanuhetu qh teurqnu�b��t{ hqt the hwnf�ni qh iqxetnoenta hwnet�qnu between the utate anf qthet exeu qh iqxetnoent0 Vhe ei�uatwte uha, b{ ieneta aw, rteuet�be rtqeefwteu neeeuuat{ tq afo�n�utet th�u uwbueet�qn0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 2255, 3;;6; afqrtef 3;;60 SGEVKQP 20 Vazeu; tate0´A af xaqteo tazat�qn uha be at a wn�hqto tate w�th�n eaeh taz�ni wn�t, ezeert the tazeu qn �ntani�be retuqna rtqrett{ oa{ be at f�hhetent tateu bwt uha nexet ezeeef twq o�u qn the fqat qh auueuuef xawe; rtqx�fef, au tq an{ qb�iat�qnu ueewtef b{ oqttiaie, feef qh ttwut, qt qthet �en qn tea eutate whetexet qeatef, an �ntani�be taz qh nqt oqte than twq o�u qn the fqat oa{ be ex�ef b{ aw tq be �n �ew qh a qthet �ntani�be auueuuoentu qn uweh qb�ia/ t�qnu0 SGEVKQP 50 Vazeu; ezeort�qnu0´ (a) A rtqrett{ qwnef b{ a own�e�ra�t{ anf wuef ezewu�xe{ b{ �t hqt own�e�ra qt rwb�e rwtrqueu uha be ezeort htqo tazat�qn0 A own�e�ra�t{, qwn�ni rtqr/ ett{ qwtu�fe the own�e�ra�t{, oa{ be teqw�tef b{ ieneta aw tq oa�e ra{oent tq the taz�ni wn�t �n wh�eh the rtqrett{ �u qeatef0 Sweh rqtt�qnu qh rtqrett{ au ate wuef rtefqo�nant{ hqt efweat�qna, �tetat{, ue�ent�h�e, te�i�qwu qt ehat�tabe rwtrqueu oa{ be ezeortef b{ ieneta aw htqo tazat�qn0 (b) Vhete uha be ezeort htqo tazat�qn, ewowa/ t�xe{, tq exet{ heaf qh a hao�{ teu�f�ni �n th�u utate, hqwuehqf iqqfu anf retuqna ehheetu tq the xawe h�zef b{ ieneta aw, nqt euu than qne thqwuanf fqatu, anf tq exet{ w�fqw qt w�fqwet qt retuqn whq �u b�nf qt tqta{ anf retoanent{ f�uabef, rtqrett{ tq the xawe h�zef b{ ieneta aw nqt euu than h�xe hwnftef fqatu0 (e) An{ eqwnt{ qt own�e�ra�t{ oa{, hqt the rwtrque qh �tu teureet�xe taz ex{ anf uwb�eet tq the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u uwbueet�qn anf ieneta aw, itant eqoown�t{ anf eeqnqo�e fexeqroent af xaqteo taz ezeort�qnu tq new bwu�neuueu anf ezranu�qnu qh ez�ut�ni bwu�neuueu, au feh�nef b{ ieneta aw0 Sweh an ezeort�qn oa{ be itantef qn{ b{ qtf�nanee qh the eqwnt{ qt own�e�ra�t{, anf qn{ ahtet the eeetqtu qh the eqwnt{ qt own�e�ra�t{ xqt�ni qn uweh qweut�qn �n a tehetenfwo awthqt�ze the eqwnt{ qt own�e�ra�t{ tq afqrt uweh qtf�naneeu0 An ezeort�qn uq itantef uha arr{ tq �ortqxeoentu tq tea rtqrett{ oafe b{ qt hqt the wue qh a new bwu�neuu anf �ortqxeoentu tq tea rtqrett{ teatef tq the ezranu�qn qh an ez�ut�ni bwu�neuu anf uha auq arr{ tq tani�be retuqna rtqrett{ qh uweh new bwu�/ neuu anf tani�be retuqna rtqrett{ teatef tq the ezranu�qn qh an ez�ut�ni bwu�neuu0 Vhe aoqwnt qt �o�tu qh the aoqwnt qh uweh ezeort�qn uha be uree�h�ef b{ 25 ATVKENG VKK ieneta aw0 Vhe ret�qf qh t�oe hqt wh�eh uweh ezeor/ t�qn oa{ be itantef tq a new bwu�neuu qt ezranu�qn qh an ez�ut�ni bwu�neuu uha be feteto�nef b{ ieneta aw0 Vhe awthqt�t{ tq itant uweh ezeort�qn uha ezr�te ten {eatu htqo the fate qh arrtqxa b{ the eeetqtu qh the eqwnt{ qt own�e�ra�t{, anf oa{ be tenewabe b{ tehetenfwo au rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 (f) An{ eqwnt{ qt own�e�ra�t{ oa{, hqt the rwtrque qh �tu teureet�xe taz ex{ anf uwb�eet tq the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u uwbueet�qn anf ieneta aw, itant h�utqt�e rteuet/ xat�qn af xaqteo taz ezeort�qnu tq qwnetu qh h�utqt�e rtqrett�eu0 Vh�u ezeort�qn oa{ be itantef qn{ b{ qtf�nanee qh the eqwnt{ qt own�e�ra�t{0 Vhe aoqwnt qt �o�tu qh the aoqwnt qh th�u ezeort�qn anf the teqw�te/ oentu hqt e�i�be rtqrett�eu owut be uree�h�ef b{ ieneta aw0 Vhe ret�qf qh t�oe hqt wh�eh th�u ezeort�qn oa{ be itantef tq a rtqrett{ qwnet uha be feteto�nef b{ ieneta aw0 3(e) D{ ieneta aw anf uwb�eet tq eqnf�t�qnu uree/ �h�ef thete�n, twent{/h�xe thqwuanf fqatu qh the au/ ueuuef xawe qh rtqrett{ uwb�eet tq tani�be retuqna rtqrett{ taz uha be ezeort htqo af xaqteo tazat�qn0 2(h) Vhete uha be itantef an af xaqteo taz ezeort�qn hqt tea rtqrett{ fef�eatef �n retretw�t{ hqt eqnuetxat�qn rwtrqueu, �newf�ni tea rtqrett{ enewo/ betef b{ retretwa eqnuetxat�qn eaueoentu qt b{ qthet retretwa eqnuetxat�qn rtqteet�qnu, au feh�nef b{ ien/ eta aw0 (i) D{ ieneta aw anf uwb�eet tq the eqnf�t�qnu uree�h�ef thete�n, eaeh retuqn whq teee�xeu a hqoe/ uteaf ezeort�qn au rtqx�fef �n ueet�qn 8 qh th�u att�ee; whq wau a oeobet qh the Wn�tef Stateu o��tat{ qt o��tat{ teuetxeu, the Wn�tef Stateu Eqaut Gwatf qt �tu teuetxeu, qt the Hqt�fa Pat�qna Gwatf; anf whq wau ferq{ef fwt�ni the rteeef�ni eaenfat {eat qn aet�xe fwt{ qwtu�fe the eqnt�nenta Wn�tef Stateu, Aau�a, qt Jawa�� �n uwrrqtt qh o��tat{ qretat�qnu feu�inatef b{ the ei�uatwte uha teee�xe an aff�t�qna ezeort�qn eqwa tq a reteentaie qh the tazabe xawe qh h�u qt het hqoeuteaf rtqrett{0 Vhe arr�eabe reteentaie uha be eaewatef au the nwobet qh fa{u fwt�ni the rteeef�ni eaenfat {eat the retuqn wau ferq{ef qn aet�xe fwt{ qwtu�fe the eqnt�nenta Wn�tef Stateu, Aau�a, qt Jawa�� �n uwrrqtt qh o��tat{ qretat�qnu feu�inatef b{ the ei�uatwte f�x�fef b{ the nwobet qh fa{u �n that {eat0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0'u ;/G, 35/G, 3;82; afqrtef 3;82; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0'u 538, 558, 3;88; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 S0J0T0 352, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;2; Ao0 J0J0T0 ;8;, 3;;9; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 2/D, 2229; afqrtef 2228; Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pqu0 5 anf 6, 2228, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Art� 28, 2228; afqrtef 2228; Ao0 J0J0T0 855, 222;; afqrtef 2232; Ao0 E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 3;5, 2238; afqrtef 22380 3Pqte0´Seet�qn 56, Att0 ZKK, State Eqnut�twt�qn, rtqx�feu �n ratt that ¬the aoenfoent tq uwbueet�qn (e) qh Seet�qn 5 qh Att�ee VKK awthqt�z�ni the ei�uatwte, uwb�eet tq �o�tat�qnu uet hqtth �n ieneta aw, tq ezeort the auueuuef xawe qh uqat fex�eeu qt tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fex�eeu uwb�eet tq tani�be retuqna rtqrett{ taz htqo af xaqteo tazat�qn 0 0 0 uha ta�e ehheet qn Janwat{ 3, 2238, anf uha ezr�te qn Deeeobet 53, 22590 Wrqn ezr�tat�qn, th�u ueet�qn uha be tereaef anf the tezt qh uwbueet�qn (e) qh Seet�qn 5 qh Att�ee VKK 0 0 0 uha texett tq that �n ez�utenee qn Deeeobet 53, 2239, ezeert that an{ aoenfoentu tq uweh tezt qthetw�ue afqrtef uha be rteuetxef anf eqnt�nwe tq qretate tq the eztent that uweh aoenfoentu ate nqt ferenfent wrqn the rqtt�qnu qh tezt wh�eh ezr�te rwtuwant tq th�u ueet�qn0¹ Ghheet�xe Janwat{ 3, 2238, u0 5(e), Att0 VKK, State Eqnut�twt�qn, w� teaf< (e) D{ ieneta aw anf uwb�eet tq eqnf�t�qnu uree�h�ef thete�n< (3) Vwent{/h�xe thqwuanf fqatu qh the auueuuef xawe qh rtqrett{ uwb�eet tq tani�be retuqna rtqrett{ taz uha be ezeort htqo af xaqteo tazat�qn0 (2) Vhe auueuuef xawe qh uqat fex�eeu qt tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fex�eeu uwb�eet tq tani�be retuqna rtqrett{ taz oa{ be ezeort htqo af xaqteo tazat�qn, uwb�eet tq �o�tat�qnu rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 2Pqte0´Vh�u uwbueet�qn, qt�i�na{ feu�inatef (i) b{ Tex�u�qn Pq0 6 qh the Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, 2228, wau tefeu�inatef (h) b{ the ef�tqtu ATVKENG VKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA tq eqnhqto tq the tefeu�inat�qn qh uwbueet�qnu b{ Tex�u�qn Pq0 5 qh the Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, 22280 SGEVKQP 60 Vazat�qn; auueuuoentu0´D{ ienet/ a aw teiwat�qnu uha be rteuet�bef wh�eh uha ueewte a �wut xawat�qn qh a rtqrett{ hqt af xaqteo tazat�qn, rtqx�fef< (a) Ait�ewtwta anf, anf rtqfwe�ni h�ih watet teehatie tq Hqt�fa'u aqw�hetu, qt anf wuef ezewu�xe{ hqt nqneqooete�a teeteat�qna rwtrqueu oa{ be eau/ u�h�ef b{ ieneta aw anf auueuuef uqe{ qn the bau�u qh ehataetet qt wue0 (b) Au rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw anf uwb�eet tq eqnf�t�qnu, �o�tat�qnu, anf teauqnabe feh�n�t�qnu uree/ �h�ef thete�n, anf wuef hqt eqnuetxat�qn rwtrqueu uha be eauu�h�ef b{ ieneta aw anf auueuuef uqe{ qn the bau�u qh ehataetet qt wue0 (e) Pwtuwant tq ieneta aw tani�be retuqna rtqr/ ett{ hef hqt uae au utqe� �n ttafe anf �xeutqe� oa{ be xawef hqt tazat�qn at a uree�h�ef reteentaie qh �tu xawe, oa{ be eauu�h�ef hqt taz rwtrqueu, qt oa{ be ezeortef htqo tazat�qn0 (f) A retuqnu ent�tef tq a hqoeuteaf ezeort�qn wnfet Seet�qn 8 qh th�u Att�ee uha haxe the�t hqoe/ uteaf auueuuef at �wut xawe au qh Janwat{ 3 qh the {eat hqqw�ni the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u aoenfoent0 Vh�u auueuuoent uha ehanie qn{ au rtqx�fef �n th�u uwbueet�qn0 (3) Auueuuoentu uwb�eet tq th�u uwbueet�qn uha be ehanief annwa{ qn Janwat{ 3ut qh eaeh {eat; bwt thque ehanieu �n auueuuoentu uha nqt ezeeef the qwet qh the hqqw�ni< a0 Vhtee reteent (5') qh the auueuuoent hqt the rt�qt {eat0 b0 Vhe reteent ehanie �n the Eqnuwoet Pt�ee Knfez hqt a wtban eqnuwoetu, W0S0 E�t{ Axetaie, a �teou 3;89?322, qt uweeeuuqt terqttu hqt the rteeef�ni eaenfat {eat au �n�t�a{ terqttef b{ the Wn�tef Stateu Derattoent qh Nabqt, Dwteaw qh Nabqt Stat�ut�eu0 (2) Pq auueuuoent uha ezeeef �wut xawe0 (5) Ahtet an{ ehanie qh qwnetuh�r, au rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw, hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef at �wut xawe au qh Janwat{ 3 qh the hqqw�ni {eat, wneuu the rtqx�u�qnu qh rataitarh (8) arr{0 Vheteahtet, the hqoeuteaf uha be auueuuef au rtqx�fef �n th�u uwbueet�qn0 (6) Pew hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef at �wut xawe au qh Janwat{ 3ut qh the {eat hqqw�ni the eutab�uhoent qh the hqoeuteaf, wneuu the rtqx�u�qnu qh rataitarh (8) arr{0 Vhat auueuuoent uha qn{ ehanie au rtqx�fef �n th�u uwbueet�qn0 (5) Ehanieu, aff�t�qnu, tefwet�qnu, qt �ortqxe/ oentu tq hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef au rtqx�fef hqt b{ ieneta aw; rtqx�fef, hqwexet, ahtet the af�wutoent hqt an{ ehanie, aff�t�qn, tefwet�qn, qt �ortqxeoent, the rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef au rtq/ x�fef �n th�u uwbueet�qn0 (8) Kn the exent qh a teto�nat�qn qh hqoeuteaf utatwu, the rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef au rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 (9) Vhe rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u aoenfoent ate uexetabe0 Kh an{ qh the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u aoenfoent uha be hef wneqnut�twt�qna b{ an{ eqwtt qh eqoretent �wt�uf�et�qn, 28 ATVKENG VKK the fee�u�qn qh uweh eqwtt uha nqt ahheet qt �ora�t an{ teoa�n�ni rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u aoenfoent0 (8)a0 A retuqn whq eutab�uheu a new hqoeuteaf au qh Janwat{ 3, 222;, qt Janwat{ 3 qh an{ uwbueqwent {eat anf whq hau teee�xef a hqoeuteaf ezeort�qn rwtuwant tq Seet�qn 8 qh th�u Att�ee au qh Janwat{ 3 qh e�thet qh the twq {eatu �ooef�ate{ rteeef�ni the eutab�uhoent qh the new hqoeuteaf �u ent�tef tq haxe the new hqoeuteaf auueuuef at euu than �wut xawe0 Kh th�u tex�u�qn �u arrtqxef �n Janwat{ qh 2228, a retuqn whq eutab�uheu a new hqoeuteaf au qh Janwat{ 3, 2228, �u ent�tef tq haxe the new hqoeuteaf auueuuef at euu than �wut xawe qn{ �h that retuqn teee�xef a hqoeuteaf ezeort�qn qn Janwat{ 3, 22290 Vhe auueuuef xawe qh the new{ eutab�uhef hqoe/ uteaf uha be feteto�nef au hqqwu< 30 Kh the �wut xawe qh the new hqoeuteaf �u iteatet than qt eqwa tq the �wut xawe qh the rt�qt hqoeuteaf au qh Janwat{ 3 qh the {eat �n wh�eh the rt�qt hqoeuteaf wau abanfqnef, the auueuuef xawe qh the new hqoe/ uteaf uha be the �wut xawe qh the new hqoeuteaf o�nwu an aoqwnt eqwa tq the euuet qh &522,222 qt the f�hhetenee between the �wut xawe anf the auueuuef xawe qh the rt�qt hqoeuteaf au qh Janwat{ 3 qh the {eat �n wh�eh the rt�qt hqoeuteaf wau abanfqnef0 Vhete/ ahtet, the hqoeuteaf uha be auueuuef au rtqx�fef �n th�u uwbueet�qn0 20 Kh the �wut xawe qh the new hqoeuteaf �u euu than the �wut xawe qh the rt�qt hqoeuteaf au qh Janwat{ 3 qh the {eat �n wh�eh the rt�qt hqoeuteaf wau abanfqnef, the auueuuef xawe qh the new hqoeuteaf uha be eqwa tq the �wut xawe qh the new hqoeuteaf f�x�fef b{ the �wut xawe qh the rt�qt hqoeuteaf anf owt�r�ef b{ the auueuuef xawe qh the rt�qt hqoeuteaf0 Jqwexet, �h the f�hhetenee between the �wut xawe qh the new hqoeuteaf anf the auueuuef xawe qh the new hqoeuteaf eaewatef rwtuwant tq th�u uwb/uwbrata/ itarh �u iteatet than &522,222, the auueuuef xawe qh the new hqoeuteaf uha be �neteauef uq that the f�hhetenee between the �wut xawe anf the auueuuef xawe eqwau &522,2220 Vheteahtet, the hqoeuteaf uha be auueuuef au rtqx�fef �n th�u uwbueet�qn0 b0 D{ ieneta aw anf uwb�eet tq eqnf�t�qnu uree/ �h�ef thete�n, the ei�uatwte uha rtqx�fe hqt arr�eat�qn qh th�u rataitarh tq rtqrett{ qwnef b{ oqte than qne retuqn0 (e) Vhe ei�uatwte oa{, b{ ieneta aw, hqt auueuu/ oent rwtrqueu anf uwb�eet tq the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u uwbueet�qn, aqw eqwnt�eu anf own�e�ra�t�eu tq awthqt/ �ze b{ qtf�nanee that h�utqt�e rtqrett{ oa{ be auueuuef uqe{ qn the bau�u qh ehataetet qt wue0 Sweh ehataetet qt wue auueuuoent uha arr{ qn{ tq the �wt�uf�et�qn afqrt�ni the qtf�nanee0 Vhe teqw�teoentu hqt e�i�be rtqrett�eu owut be uree�h�ef b{ ieneta aw0 (h) A eqwnt{ oa{, �n the oannet rteuet�bef b{ ieneta aw, rtqx�fe hqt a tefwet�qn �n the auueuuef xawe qh hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ tq the eztent qh an{ �neteaue �n the auueuuef xawe qh that rtqrett{ wh�eh teuwtu htqo the eqnuttwet�qn qt teeqnuttwet�qn qh the rtqrett{ hqt the rwtrque qh rtqx�f�ni �x�ni qwattetu hqt qne qt oqte natwta qt afqrt�xe itanfratentu qt ratentu qh the qwnet qh the rtqrett{ qt qh the qwnet'u urqwue �h at eaut qne qh the itanfratentu qt ratentu hqt whqo the ATVKENG VKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA �x�ni qwattetu ate rtqx�fef �u 82 {eatu qh aie qt qfet0 Sweh a tefwet�qn oa{ nqt ezeeef the euuet qh the hqqw�ni< (3) Vhe �neteaue �n auueuuef xawe teuwt�ni htqo eqnuttwet�qn qt teeqnuttwet�qn qh the rtqrett{0 (2) Vwent{ reteent qh the tqta auueuuef xawe qh the rtqrett{ au �ortqxef0 (i) Hqt a ex�eu qthet than uehqq f�utt�et ex�eu, auueuuoentu qh teu�fent�a tea rtqrett{, au feh�nef b{ ieneta aw, wh�eh eqnta�nu n�ne wn�tu qt hewet anf wh�eh �u nqt uwb�eet tq the auueuuoent �o�tat�qnu uet hqtth �n uwbueet�qnu (a) thtqwih (f) uha ehanie qn{ au rtqx�fef �n th�u uwbueet�qn0 (3) Auueuuoentu uwb�eet tq th�u uwbueet�qn uha be ehanief annwa{ qn the fate qh auueuuoent rtqx�fef b{ aw; bwt thque ehanieu �n auueuuoentu uha nqt ezeeef ten reteent (32') qh the auueuuoent hqt the rt�qt {eat0 (2) Pq auueuuoent uha ezeeef �wut xawe0 (5) Ahtet a ehanie qh qwnetuh�r qt eqnttq, au feh�nef b{ ieneta aw, �newf�ni an{ ehanie qh qwn/ etuh�r qh a eia ent�t{ that qwnu the rtqrett{, uweh rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef at �wut xawe au qh the nezt auueuuoent fate0 Vheteahtet, uweh rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef au rtqx�fef �n th�u uwbueet�qn0 (6) Ehanieu, aff�t�qnu, tefwet�qnu, qt �ortqxe/ oentu tq uweh rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef au rtqx�fef hqt b{ ieneta aw; hqwexet, ahtet the af�wutoent hqt an{ ehanie, aff�t�qn, tefwet�qn, qt �ortqxeoent, the rtqr/ ett{ uha be auueuuef au rtqx�fef �n th�u uwbueet�qn0 (h) Hqt a ex�eu qthet than uehqq f�utt�et ex�eu, auueuuoentu qh tea rtqrett{ that �u nqt uwb�eet tq the auueuuoent �o�tat�qnu uet hqtth �n uwbueet�qnu (a) thtqwih (f) anf (i) uha ehanie qn{ au rtqx�fef �n th�u uwbueet�qn0 (3) Auueuuoentu uwb�eet tq th�u uwbueet�qn uha be ehanief annwa{ qn the fate qh auueuuoent rtqx�fef b{ aw; bwt thque ehanieu �n auueuuoentu uha nqt ezeeef ten reteent (32') qh the auueuuoent hqt the rt�qt {eat0 (2) Pq auueuuoent uha ezeeef �wut xawe0 (5) Vhe ei�uatwte owut rtqx�fe that uweh rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef at �wut xawe au qh the nezt auueuu/ oent fate ahtet a qwa�h{�ni �ortqxeoent, au feh�nef b{ ieneta aw, �u oafe tq uweh rtqrett{0 Vheteahtet, uweh rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef au rtqx�fef �n th�u uwbuee/ t�qn0 (6) Vhe ei�uatwte oa{ rtqx�fe that uweh rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef at �wut xawe au qh the nezt auueuu/ oent fate ahtet a ehanie qh qwnetuh�r qt eqnttq, au feh�nef b{ ieneta aw, �newf�ni an{ ehanie qh qwn/ etuh�r qh the eia ent�t{ that qwnu the rtqrett{0 Vheteahtet, uweh rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef au rtq/ x�fef �n th�u uwbueet�qn0 (5) Ehanieu, aff�t�qnu, tefwet�qnu, qt �ortqxe/ oentu tq uweh rtqrett{ uha be auueuuef au rtqx�fef hqt b{ ieneta aw; hqwexet, ahtet the af�wutoent hqt an{ ehanie, aff�t�qn, tefwet�qn, qt �ortqxeoent, the rtqr/ ett{ uha be auueuuef au rtqx�fef �n th�u uwbueet�qn0 3(�) Vhe ei�uatwte, b{ ieneta aw anf uwb�eet tq eqnf�t�qnu uree�h�ef thete�n, oa{ rtqh�b�t the eqnu�feta/ t�qn qh the hqqw�ni �n the feteto�nat�qn qh the auueuuef xawe qh tea rtqrett{ wuef hqt teu�fent�a rwtrqueu< 29 ATVKENG VKK (3) An{ ehanie qt �ortqxeoent oafe hqt the rwtrque qh �ortqx�ni the rtqrett{'u teu�utanee tq w�nf faoaie0 (2) Vhe �nutaat�qn qh a tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fex�ee0 2(�)(3) Vhe auueuuoent qh the hqqw�ni wqt��ni watethtqnt rtqrett�eu uha be bauef wrqn the ewttent wue qh the rtqrett{< a0 Nanf wuef rtefqo�nant{ hqt eqooete�a h�uh�ni rwtrqueu0 b0 Nanf that �u aeeeuu�be tq the rwb�e anf wuef hqt xeuue awneheu �ntq watetu that ate nax�iabe0 e0 Mat�nau anf ft{utae�u that ate qren tq the rwb�e0 f0 Yatet/ferenfent oat�ne oanwhaetwt�ni hae�/ �t�eu, eqooete�a h�uh�ni hae��t�eu, anf oat�ne xeuue eqnuttwet�qn anf tera�t hae��t�eu anf the�t uwrrqtt aet�x�t�eu0 (2) Vhe auueuuoent beneh�t rtqx�fef b{ th�u uwb/ ueet�qn �u uwb�eet tq eqnf�t�qnu anf �o�tat�qnu anf teauqnabe feh�n�t�qnu au uree�h�ef b{ the ei�uatwte b{ ieneta aw0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 32/G, 3;82; afqrtef 3;82; Ao0 J0J0T0 236, 3;89; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Awiwut 5, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;2; Ao0 J0J0T0 ;8;, 3;;9; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 539, 2222; afqrtef 2222; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 2/D, 2229; afqrtef 2228; Aou0 Ptqrquef b{ Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pqu0 5, 6, anf 8, 2228, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Art� 28, 2228; afqrtef 2228; Ao0 E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 3;5, 2238; afqrtef 22380 3Pqte0´ A0 Vh�u uwbueet�qn, qt�i�na{ feu�inatef (h) b{ Tex�u�qn Pq0 5 qh the Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, 2228, wau tefeu�inatef (�) b{ the ef�tqtu tq eqnhqto tq the tefeu�inat�qn qh uwbueet�qnu b{ Tex�u�qn Pq0 6 qh the Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, 22280 D0 Seet�qn 56, Att0 ZKK, State Eqnut�twt�qn, rtqx�feu �n ratt that ¬the aoenfoent tq uwbueet�qn (�) qh Seet�qn 6 qh Att�ee VKK awthqt�z�ni the ei�uatwte, b{ ieneta aw, tq rtqh�b�t the eqnu�fetat�qn qh the �nutaat�qn qh a uqat fex�ee qt a tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fex�ee �n feteto�n�ni the auueuuef xawe qh tea rtqrett{ hqt the rwtrque qh af xaqteo tazat�qn uha ta�e ehheet qn Janwat{ 3, 2238, anf uha ezr�te qn Deeeobet 53, 22590 Wrqn ezr�tat�qn, th�u ueet�qn uha be tereaef anf the tezt qh 0 0 0 uwbueet�qn (�) qh Seet�qn 6 qh Att�ee VKK uha texett tq that �n ez�utenee qn Deeeobet 53, 2239, ezeert that an{ aoenfoentu tq uweh tezt qthetw�ue afqrtef uha be rteuetxef anf eqnt�nwe tq qretate tq the eztent that uweh aoenfoentu ate nqt ferenfent wrqn the rqtt�qnu qh tezt wh�eh ezr�te rwtuwant tq th�u ueet�qn0¹ Ghheet�xe Janwat{ 3, 2238, u0 6(�), Att0 VKK, State Eqnut�twt�qn, w� teaf< (�) Vhe ei�uatwte, b{ ieneta aw anf uwb�eet tq eqnf�t�qnu uree�h�ef thete�n, oa{ rtqh�b�t the eqnu�fetat�qn qh the hqqw�ni �n the feteto�nat�qn qh the auueuuef xawe qh tea rtqrett{< (3) An{ ehanie qt �ortqxeoent tq tea rtqrett{ wuef hqt teu�fent�a rwtrqueu oafe tq �ortqxe the rtqrett{'u teu�utanee tq w�nf faoaie0 (2) Vhe �nutaat�qn qh a uqat qt tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fex�ee0 2Pqte0´Vh�u uwbueet�qn, qt�i�na{ feu�inatef (h) b{ Tex�u�qn Pq0 8 qh the Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, 2228, wau tefeu�inatef (�) b{ the ef�tqtu tq eqnhqto tq the tefeu�inat�qn qh uwbueet�qnu b{ Tex�u�qn Pq0 6 qh the Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, 2228, anf the eteat�qn qh a new (h) b{ Tex�u�qn Pq0 5 qh the Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, 22280 SGEVKQP 50 Gutate, �nhet�tanee anf �neqoe tazeu0´ (a) PAVWTAN PGTSQPS0 Pq taz wrqn eutateu qt �nhet�taneeu qt wrqn the �neqoe qh natwta retuqnu whq ate teu�fentu qt e�t�zenu qh the utate uha be ex�ef b{ the utate, qt wnfet �tu awthqt�t{, �n ezeeuu qh the aiiteiate qh aoqwntu wh�eh oa{ be aqwef tq be etef�tef wrqn qt fefwetef htqo an{ u�o�at taz ex�ef b{ the Wn�tef Stateu qt an{ utate0 (b) QVJGTS0 Pq taz wrqn the �neqoe qh teu�fentu anf e�t�zenu qthet than natwta retuqnu uha be ex�ef b{ the utate, qt wnfet �tu awthqt�t{, �n ezeeuu qh 5' qh net �neqoe, au feh�nef b{ aw, qt at uweh iteatet tate au �u awthqt�zef b{ a thtee/h�hthu (5/5) xqte qh the oeobetuh�r qh eaeh hqwue qh the ei�uatwte qt au w� rtqx�fe hqt the utate the oaz�owo aoqwnt wh�eh oa{ be aqwef tq be ATVKENG VKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA etef�tef aia�nut �neqoe tazeu ex�ef b{ the Wn�tef Stateu anf qthet utateu0 Vhete uha be ezeort htqo tazat�qn nqt euu than h�xe thqwuanf fqatu (&5,222) qh the ezeeuu qh net �neqoe uwb�eet tq taz qxet the oaz�owo aoqwnt aqwef tq be etef�tef aia�nut �neqoe tazeu ex�ef b{ the Wn�tef Stateu anf qthet utateu0 (e) GHHGEVKVG DAVG0 Vh�u ueet�qn uha beeqoe ehheet�xe �ooef�ate{ wrqn arrtqxa b{ the eeetqtu qh Hqt�fa0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 9/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;930 SGEVKQP 80 Jqoeuteaf ezeort�qnu0´ (a) Gxet{ retuqn whq hau the eia qt eqw�tabe t�te tq tea eutate anf oa�nta�nu theteqn the retoanent teu�fenee qh the qwnet, qt anqthet eia{ qt natwta{ ferenfent wrqn the qwnet, uha be ezeort htqo tazat�qn theteqn, ezeert auueuuoentu hqt uree�a ben/ eh�tu, wr tq the auueuuef xawat�qn qh twent{/h�xe thqwuanf fqatu anf, hqt a ex�eu qthet than uehqq f�utt�et ex�eu, qn the auueuuef xawat�qn iteatet than h�ht{ thqwuanf fqatu anf wr tq uexent{/h�xe thqwuanf fqatu, wrqn eutab�uhoent qh t�iht thetetq �n the oannet rteuet�bef b{ aw0 Vhe tea eutate oa{ be hef b{ eia qt eqw�tabe t�te, b{ the ent�tet�eu, �q�nt{, �n eqooqn, au a eqnfqo�n�wo, qt �nf�teet{ b{ utqe� qwnetuh�r qt oeobetuh�r terteuent�ni the qwnet'u qt oeobet'u rtqrt�etat{ �nteteut �n a eqtrqtat�qn qwn�ni a hee qt a eauehqf �n�t�a{ �n ezeeuu qh n�net{/e�iht {eatu0 Vhe ezeort�qn uha nqt arr{ w�th teureet tq an{ auueuuoent tq wnt� uweh tq �u h�tut feteto�nef tq be �n eqor�anee w�th the rtqx�u�qnu qh ueet�qn 6 b{ a utate aiene{ feu�inatef b{ ieneta aw0 Vh�u ezeort�qn �u tereaef qn the ehheet�xe fate qh an{ aoenfoent tq th�u Att�ee wh�eh rtqx�feu hqt the auueuuoent qh hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ at euu than �wut xawe0 (b) Pqt oqte than qne ezeort�qn uha be aqwef an{ �nf�x�fwa qt hao�{ wn�t qt w�th teureet tq an{ teu�fent�a wn�t0 Pq ezeort�qn uha ezeeef the xawe qh the tea eutate auueuuabe tq the qwnet qt, �n eaue qh qwnetuh�r thtqwih utqe� qt oeobetuh�r �n a eqtrqta/ t�qn, the xawe qh the rtqrqtt�qn wh�eh the �nteteut �n the eqtrqtat�qn beatu tq the auueuuef xawe qh the rtqrett{0 (e) D{ ieneta aw anf uwb�eet tq eqnf�t�qnu uree/ �h�ef thete�n, the Nei�uatwte oa{ rtqx�fe tq tentetu, whq ate retoanent teu�fentu, af xaqteo taz te�eh qn a af xaqteo taz ex�eu0 Sweh af xaqteo taz te�eh uha be �n the hqto anf aoqwnt eutab�uhef b{ ieneta aw0 3(f) Vhe ei�uatwte oa{, b{ ieneta aw, aqw eqwnt�eu qt own�e�ra�t�eu, hqt the rwtrque qh the�t teureet�xe taz ex�eu anf uwb�eet tq the rtqx�u�qnu qh ieneta aw, tq itant e�thet qt bqth qh the hqqw�ni aff�t�qna hqoeuteaf taz ezeort�qnu< (3) An ezeort�qn nqt ezeeef�ni h�ht{ thqwuanf fqatu tq a retuqn whq hau the eia qt eqw�tabe t�te tq tea eutate anf oa�nta�nu theteqn the retoanent teu�fenee qh the qwnet, whq hau atta�nef aie u�zt{/h�xe, anf whque hqwuehqf �neqoe, au feh�nef b{ ieneta aw, fqeu nqt ezeeef twent{ thqwuanf fqatu; qt (2) An ezeort�qn eqwa tq the auueuuef xawe qh the rtqrett{ tq a retuqn whq hau the eia qt eqw�tabe t�te tq tea eutate w�th a �wut xawe euu than twq hwnftef anf h�ht{ thqwuanf fqatu, au feteto�nef �n the h�tut taz {eat 28 ATVKENG VKK that the qwnet arr�eu anf �u e�i�be hqt the ezeort�qn, anf whq hau oa�nta�nef theteqn the retoanent teu�/ fenee qh the qwnet hqt nqt euu than twent{/h�xe {eatu, whq hau atta�nef aie u�zt{/h�xe, anf whque hqwuehqf �neqoe fqeu nqt ezeeef the �neqoe �o�tat�qn rte/ uet�bef �n rataitarh (3)0 Vhe ieneta aw owut aqw eqwnt�eu anf own�e�ra�t�eu tq itant theue aff�t�qna ezeort�qnu, w�th�n the �o�tu rteuet�bef �n th�u uwbueet�qn, b{ qtf�nanee afqrtef �n the oannet rteuet�bef b{ ieneta aw, anf owut rtqx�fe hqt the ret�qf�e af�wutoent qh the �neqoe �o�tat�qn rteuet�bef �n th�u uwbueet�qn hqt ehanieu �n the equt qh �x�ni0 (e) Gaeh xetetan whq �u aie 85 qt qfet whq �u ratt�a{ qt tqta{ retoanent{ f�uabef uha teee�xe a f�ueqwnt htqo the aoqwnt qh the af xaqteo taz qthetw�ue qwef qn hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ the xetetan qwnu anf teu�feu �n �h the f�uab��t{ wau eqobat teatef anf the xetetan wau hqnqtab{ f�uehatief wrqn ueratat�qn htqo o��tat{ uetx�ee0 Vhe f�ueqwnt uha be �n a reteentaie eqwa tq the reteentaie qh the xetetan'u retoanent, uetx�ee/eqnneetef f�uab��t{ au feteto�nef b{ the Wn�tef Stateu Derattoent qh Vetetanu Ahha�tu0 Vq qwa�h{ hqt the f�ueqwnt itantef b{ th�u uwbueet�qn, an arr�eant owut uwbo�t tq the eqwnt{ rtqrett{ arrta�uet, b{ Mateh 3, an qhh�e�a ettet htqo the Wn�tef Stateu Derattoent qh Vetetanu Ahha�tu utat�ni the reteentaie qh the xetetan'u uetx�ee/eqnneetef f�uab��t{ anf uweh ex�fenee that teauqnab{ �fent�h�eu the f�uab��t{ au eqobat teatef anf a eqr{ qh the xetetan'u hqnqtabe f�uehatie0 Kh the rtqrett{ arrta�uet fen�eu the teqweut hqt a f�ueqwnt, the arrta�uet owut nqt�h{ the arr�eant �n wt�t�ni qh the teauqnu hqt the fen�a, anf the xetetan oa{ tearr{0 Vhe Nei�uatwte oa{, b{ ieneta aw, wa�xe the annwa arr�eat�qn teqw�teoent �n uwbueqwent {eatu0 Vh�u uwbueet�qn �u ueh/ezeewt�ni anf fqeu nqt teqw�te �oreoent�ni ei�uat�qn0 (h) D{ ieneta aw anf uwb�eet tq eqnf�t�qnu anf �o�tat�qnu uree�h�ef thete�n, the Nei�uatwte oa{ rtq/ x�fe af xaqteo taz te�eh eqwa tq the tqta aoqwnt qt a rqtt�qn qh the af xaqteo taz qthetw�ue qwef qn hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ tq< (3) Vhe uwtx�x�ni urqwue qh a xetetan whq f�ef htqo uetx�ee/eqnneetef eawueu wh�e qn aet�xe fwt{ au a oeobet qh the Wn�tef Stateu Atoef Hqteeu0 (2) Vhe uwtx�x�ni urqwue qh a h�tut teurqnfet whq f�ef �n the �ne qh fwt{0 (5) A h�tut teurqnfet whq �u tqta{ anf retoanent{ f�uabef au a teuwt qh an �n�wt{ qt �n�wt�eu uwuta�nef �n the �ne qh fwt{0 Eawua eqnneet�qn between a f�uab��t{ anf uetx�ee �n the �ne qh fwt{ uha nqt be rteuwoef bwt owut be feteto�nef au rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 Hqt rwtrqueu qh th�u rataitarh, the teto ¬f�uab��t{¹ fqeu nqt �newfe a ehtqn�e eqnf�t�qn qt ehtqn�e f�ueaue, wneuu the �n�wt{ uwuta�nef �n the �ne qh fwt{ wau the uqe eawue qh the ehtqn�e eqnf�t�qn qt ehtqn�e f�ueaue0 Au wuef �n th�u uwbueet�qn anf au hwtthet feh�nef b{ ieneta aw, the teto ¬h�tut teurqnfet¹ oeanu a aw enhqteeoent qhh�eet, a eqtteet�qna qhh�eet, a h�teh�ihtet, an eoetiene{ oef�ea teehn�e�an, qt a rataoef�e, anf the teto ¬�n the �ne qh fwt{¹ oeanu at�u�ni qwt qh anf �n ATVKENG VKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA the aetwa rethqtoanee qh fwt{ teqw�tef b{ eorq{oent au a h�tut teurqnfet0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 3/D, 3;9;; afqrtef 3;82; Ao0 S0J0T0 6/G, 3;82; afqrtef 3;82; Ao0 J0J0T0 5353, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 J0J0T0 555, 2228; afqrtef 2228; Ao0 J0J0T0 853, 2228; afqrtef 2228; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 2/D, 2229; afqrtef 2228; Ao0 S0J0T0 5;2, 2233; afqrtef 2232; Ao0 J0J0T0 ;5, 2232; afqrtef 2232; Ao0 J0J0T0 38;, 2232; afqrtef 2232; Ao0 E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 295, 2238; afqrtef 2238; Ao0 E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 322;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 3 Pqte0´Seet�qn 58, Att0 ZKK, State Eqnut�twt�qn, rtqx�feu �n ratt that ¬the aoenfoent tq Seet�qn 8 qh Att�ee VKK tex�u�ni the �wut xawe feteto�nat�qn hqt the aff�t�qna af xaqteo taz ezeort�qn hqt retuqnu aie u�zt{/h�xe qt qfet uha ta�e ehheet Janwat{ 3, 2239, 0 0 0 anf uha qretate tettqaet�xe{ tq Janwat{ 3, 2235, hqt an{ retuqn whq teee�xef the ezeort�qn wnfet rataitarh (2) qh Seet�qn 8(f) qh Att�ee VKK behqte Janwat{ 3, 22390¹ SGEVKQP 90 Aqeat�qn qh rat�/owtwe tazeu0´ Vazeu wrqn the qretat�qn qh rat�/owtwe rqqu oa{ be rteeortef tq the utate qt aqeatef �n whqe qt �n ratt tq the eqwnt�eu0 Yhen aqeatef tq the eqwnt�eu, the f�utt�bwt�qn uha be �n eqwa aoqwntu tq the uexeta eqwnt�eu0 SGEVKQP 80 A�f tq qea iqxetnoentu0´State hwnfu oa{ be arrtqrt�atef tq the uexeta eqwnt�eu, uehqq f�utt�etu, own�e�ra�t�eu qt uree�a f�utt�etu wrqn uweh eqnf�t�qnu au oa{ be rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 Vheue eqnf�t�qnu oa{ �newfe the wue qh teat�xe af xaqteo auueuuoent exeu feteto�nef b{ a utate aiene{ feu�inatef b{ ieneta aw0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 6/G, 3;82; afqrtef 3;820 SGEVKQP ;0 Nqea tazeu0´ (a) Eqwnt�eu, uehqq f�utt�etu, anf own�e�ra�t�eu uha, anf uree�a f�utt�etu oa{, be awthqt�zef b{ aw tq ex{ af xaqteo tazeu anf oa{ be awthqt�zef b{ ieneta aw tq ex{ qthet tazeu, hqt the�t teureet�xe rwtrqueu, ezeert af xaqteo tazeu qn �ntani�be retuqna rtqrett{ anf tazeu rtqh�b�tef b{ th�u eqnut�tw/ t�qn0 (b) Af xaqteo tazeu, ezewu�xe qh tazeu ex�ef hqt the ra{oent qh bqnfu anf tazeu ex�ef hqt ret�qfu nqt qniet than twq {eatu when awthqt�zef b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu whq ate the qwnetu qh hteehqfu thete�n nqt whq{ ezeort htqo tazat�qn, uha nqt be ex�ef �n ezeeuu qh the hqqw�ni o�aieu wrqn the auueuuef xawe qh tea eutate anf tani�be retuqna rtqrett{< hqt a eqwnt{ rwtrqueu, ten o�u; hqt a own�e�ra rwt/ rqueu, ten o�u; hqt a uehqq rwtrqueu, ten o�u; hqt watet oanaieoent rwtrqueu hqt the nqtthweut rqtt�qn qh the utate {�ni weut qh the �ne between tanieu twq anf thtee eaut, 2025 o�; hqt watet oanaieoent rwtrqueu hqt the teoa�n�ni rqtt�qnu qh the utate, 302 o�; anf hqt a qthet uree�a f�utt�etu a o�aie awthqt�zef b{ aw arrtqxef b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu whq ate qwnetu qh hteehqfu thete�n nqt whq{ ezeort htqo tazat�qn0 A eqwnt{ hwtn�uh�ni own�e�ra uetx�eeu oa{, tq the eztent awthqt�zef b{ aw, ex{ aff�t�qna tazeu w�th�n the �o�tu h�zef hqt own�e�ra rwtrqueu0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 S0J0T0 3283, 3;95; afqrtef 3;980 SGEVKQP 320 Pefi�ni etef�t0´Pe�thet the utate nqt an{ eqwnt{, uehqq f�utt�et, own�e�ra�t{, uree�a f�utt�et, qt aiene{ qh an{ qh theo, uha beeqoe a �q�nt qwnet w�th, qt utqe�hqfet qh, qt i�xe, enf qt wue �tu taz�ni rqwet qt etef�t tq a�f an{ eqtrqtat�qn, 2; ATVKENG VKK auuqe�at�qn, rattnetuh�r qt retuqn; bwt th�u uha nqt rtqh�b�t awu awthqt�z�ni< (a) the �nxeutoent qh rwb�e ttwut hwnfu; (b) the �nxeutoent qh qthet rwb�e hwnfu �n qb�ia/ t�qnu qh, qt �nuwtef b{, the Wn�tef Stateu qt an{ qh �tu �nuttwoenta�t�eu; (e) the �uuwanee anf uae b{ an{ eqwnt{, own�e�/ ra�t{, uree�a f�utt�et qt qthet qea iqxetnoenta bqf{ qh (3) texenwe bqnfu tq h�nanee qt teh�nanee the equt qh ear�ta rtq�eetu hqt a�trqttu qt rqtt hae��t�eu, qt (2) texenwe bqnfu tq h�nanee qt teh�nanee the equt qh ear�ta rtq�eetu hqt �nfwutt�a qt oanwhaetwt�ni rantu tq the eztent that the �nteteut theteqn �u ezeort htqo �neqoe tazeu wnfet the then ez�ut�ni awu qh the Wn�tef Stateu, when, �n e�thet eaue, the texenwe bqnfu ate ra{abe uqe{ htqo texenwe fet�xef htqo the uae, qretat�qn qt eau�ni qh the rtq�eetu0 Kh an{ rtq�eet uq h�naneef, qt an{ ratt theteqh, �u qeewr�ef qt qretatef b{ an{ rt�xate eqtrqtat�qn, auuqe�at�qn, rattnetuh�r qt retuqn rwtuwant tq eqnttaet qt eaue w�th the �uuw�ni bqf{, the rtqrett{ �nteteut eteatef b{ uweh eqnttaet qt eaue uha be uwb�eet tq tazat�qn tq the uaoe eztent au qthet rt�xate{ qwnef rtqrett{0 (f) a own�e�ra�t{, eqwnt{, uree�a f�utt�et, qt aiene{ qh an{ qh theo, be�ni a �q�nt qwnet qh, i�x�ni, qt enf�ni qt wu�ni �tu taz�ni rqwet qt etef�t hqt the �q�nt qwnetuh�r, eqnuttwet�qn anf qretat�qn qh eeett�ea eneti{ ienetat/ �ni qt ttanuo�uu�qn hae��t�eu w�th an{ eqtrqtat�qn, auuqe�at�qn, rattnetuh�r qt retuqn0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 3626, 3;95; afqrtef 3;960 SGEVKQP 330 State bqnfu; texenwe bqnfu0´ (a) State bqnfu refi�ni the hw ha�th anf etef�t qh the utate oa{ be �uuwef qn{ tq h�nanee qt teh�nanee the equt qh utate h�zef ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eetu awthqt�zef b{ aw, anf rwtrqueu �ne�fenta thetetq, wrqn arrtqxa b{ a xqte qh the eeetqtu; rtqx�fef utate bqnfu �uuwef rwtuwant tq th�u uwbueet�qn oa{ be tehwnfef w�thqwt a xqte qh the eeetqtu at a qwet net axetaie �nteteut equt tate0 Vhe tqta qwtutanf�ni rt�ne�ra qh utate bqnfu �uuwef rwtuwant tq th�u uwbueet�qn uha nexet ezeeef h�ht{ reteent qh the tqta taz texenweu qh the utate hqt the twq rteeef�ni h�uea {eatu, ezewf�ni an{ taz texenweu hef �n ttwut wnfet the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u eqnut�twt�qn0 (b) Mqne{u uwhh�e�ent tq ra{ febt uetx�ee qn utate bqnfu au the uaoe beeqoeu fwe uha be arrtqrt�atef b{ aw0 (e) An{ utate bqnfu refi�ni the hw ha�th anf etef�t qh the utate �uuwef wnfet th�u ueet�qn qt an{ qthet ueet�qn qh th�u eqnut�twt�qn oa{ be eqob�nef hqt the rwtrqueu qh uae0 (f) Texenwe bqnfu oa{ be �uuwef b{ the utate qt �tu aiene�eu w�thqwt a xqte qh the eeetqtu tq h�nanee qt teh�nanee the equt qh utate h�zef ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eetu awthqt�zef b{ aw, anf rwtrqueu �ne�fenta thetetq, anf uha be ra{abe uqe{ htqo hwnfu fet�xef f�teet{ htqo uqwteeu qthet than utate taz texenweu0 (e) Dqnfu refi�ni a qt ratt qh a fef�eatef utate taz texenwe oa{ be �uuwef b{ the utate �n the oannet rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw tq h�nanee qt teh�nanee the aeqw�u�t�qn anf �ortqxeoent qh anf, watet ateau, anf teatef rtqrett{ �nteteutu anf teuqwteeu hqt the rwt/ rqueu qh eqnuetxat�qn, qwtfqqt teeteat�qn, watet ATVKENG VKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA teuqwtee fexeqroent, teutqtat�qn qh natwta u{uteou, anf h�utqt�e rteuetxat�qn0 (h) Gaeh rtq�eet, bw�f�ni, qt hae��t{ tq be h�naneef qt teh�naneef w�th texenwe bqnfu �uuwef wnfet th�u ueet�qn uha h�tut be arrtqxef b{ the Nei�uatwte b{ an aet teat�ni tq arrtqrt�at�qnu qt b{ ieneta aw0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 E0S0 hqt E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 832, 3;86; afqrtef 3;86; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 5, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 320 Nqea bqnfu0´Eqwnt�eu, uehqq f�utt�etu, own�e�ra�t�eu, uree�a f�utt�etu anf qea iqx/ etnoenta bqf�eu w�th taz�ni rqwetu oa{ �uuwe bqnfu, eett�h�eateu qh �nfebtefneuu qt an{ hqto qh taz ant�e�ra/ t�qn eett�h�eateu, ra{abe htqo af xaqteo tazat�qn anf oatwt�ni oqte than twexe oqnthu ahtet �uuwanee qn{< (a) tq h�nanee qt teh�nanee ear�ta rtq�eetu awthqt/ �zef b{ aw anf qn{ when arrtqxef b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu whq ate qwnetu qh hteehqfu thete�n nqt whq{ ezeort htqo tazat�qn; qt (b) tq tehwnf qwtutanf�ni bqnfu anf �nteteut anf tefeort�qn rteo�wo theteqn at a qwet net axetaie �nteteut equt tate0 SGEVKQP 350 Te�eh htqo �eia tazeu0´Wnt� ra{oent qh a tazeu wh�eh haxe been eia{ auueuuef wrqn the rtqrett{ qh the uaoe qwnet, nq eqwtt uha itant te�eh htqo the ra{oent qh an{ taz that oa{ be �eia qt �eia{ auueuuef0 SGEVKQP 360 Dqnfu hqt rqwt�qn eqnttq anf abateoent anf qthet watet hae��t�eu0´ (a) Yhen awthqt�zef b{ aw, utate bqnfu refi�ni the hw ha�th anf etef�t qh the utate oa{ be �uuwef w�thqwt an eeet�qn tq h�nanee the eqnuttwet�qn qh a�t anf watet rqwt�qn eqnttq anf abateoent anf uq�f waute f�u/ rqua hae��t�eu anf qthet watet hae��t�eu awthqt�zef b{ ieneta aw (hete�n tehettef tq au ¬hae��t�eu¹) tq be qretatef b{ an{ own�e�ra�t{, eqwnt{, f�utt�et qt awthqt/ �t{, qt an{ aiene{ theteqh (hete�n tehettef tq au ¬qea iqxetnoenta aiene�eu¹), qt b{ an{ aiene{ qh the State qh Hqt�fa0 Sweh bqnfu uha be ueewtef b{ a refie qh anf uha be ra{abe rt�oat�{ htqo a qt an{ ratt qh texenweu tq be fet�xef htqo qretat�qn qh uweh hae��t�eu, uree�a auueuuoentu, tentau tq be teee�xef wnfet eaue/rwtehaue aiteeoentu hete�n rtqx�fef hqt, an{ qthet texenweu that oa{ be eia{ axa�abe hqt uweh rwtrque, �newf�ni texenweu htqo qthet hae��t�eu, qt an{ eqob�nat�qn theteqh (hete�n eqeet�xe{ tehettef tq au ¬refief texenweu¹), anf uha be aff�t�qna{ ueewtef b{ the hw ha�th anf etef�t qh the State qh Hqt�fa0 (b) Pq uweh bqnfu uha be �uuwef wneuu a utate h�uea aiene{, eteatef b{ aw, hau oafe a feteto�nat�qn that �n nq utate h�uea {eat w� the febt uetx�ee teqw�teoentu qh the bqnfu rtqrquef tq be �uuwef anf a qthet bqnfu ueewtef b{ the refief texenweu ezeeef uexent{/h�xe ret eent qh the refief texenweu0 (e) Vhe utate oa{ eaue an{ qh uweh hae��t�eu tq an{ qea iqxetnoenta aiene{, wnfet eaue/rwtehaue aiteeoentu hqt uweh ret�qfu anf wnfet uweh qthet tetou anf eqnf�t�qnu au oa{ be owtwa{ aiteef wrqn0 Vhe qea iqxetnoenta aiene�eu oa{ refie the texenweu fet�xef htqo uweh eauef hae��t�eu qt an{ qthet axa�abe hwnfu hqt the ra{oent qh tentau 52 ATVKENG VKK thetewnfet; anf, �n aff�t�qn, the hw ha�th anf etef�t anf taz�ni rqwet qh uweh qea iqxetnoenta aiene�eu oa{ be refief hqt the ra{oent qh uweh tentau w�thqwt an{ eeet�qn qh hteehqfet eeetqtu qt qwa�h�ef eeetqtu0 (f) Vhe utate oa{ auq �uuwe uweh bqnfu hqt the rwtrque qh qan�ni oqne{ tq qea iqxetnoenta aiene�eu, hqt the eqnuttwet�qn qh uweh hae��t�eu tq be qwnef qt qretatef b{ an{ qh uweh qea iqxetnoenta aiene�eu0 Sweh qanu uha beat �nteteut at nqt oqte than qne/hah qh qne ret eent ret annwo iteatet than the aut rteeef�ni �uuwe qh utate bqnfu rwtuwant tq th�u ueet�qn, uha be ueewtef b{ the refief texenweu, anf oa{ be aff�t�qna{ ueewtef b{ the hw ha�th anf etef�t qh the qea iqxetnoenta aiene�eu0 (e) Vhe tqta qwtutanf�ni rt�ne�ra qh utate bqnfu �uuwef rwtuwant tq th�u ueet�qn 36 uha nexet ezeeef h�ht{ ret eent qh the tqta taz texenweu qh the utate hqt the twq rteeef�ni h�uea {eatu0 J�utqt{0´E0S0 hqt J0J0T0'u 5855, 6262, 3;92; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 J0J0T0 3693, 3;82; afqrtef 3;820 SGEVKQP 350 Texenwe bqnfu hqt uehqatuh�r qanu0´ (a) Yhen awthqt�zef b{ aw, texenwe bqnfu oa{ be �uuwef tq eutab�uh a hwnf tq oa�e qanu tq utwfentu feteto�nef e�i�be au rteuet�bef b{ aw anf whq haxe been afo�ttef tq attenf an{ rwb�e qt rt�xate �nut�twt�qnu qh h�ihet eatn�ni, �wn�qt eqeieu, heath teatef tta�n�ni �nut�twt�qnu, qt xqeat�qna tta�n�ni eentetu, wh�eh ate teeqin�zef qt aeetef�tef wnfet tetou anf eqnf�t�qnu rteuet�bef b{ aw0 Texenwe bqnfu �uuwef rwtuwant tq th�u ueet�qn uha be ueewtef b{ a refie qh anf uha be ra{abe rt�oat�{ htqo ra{oentu qh �nteteut, rt�ne�ra, anf hanf�ni ehatieu tq uweh hwnf htqo the tee�r�entu qh the qanu anf, �h awthqt�zef b{ aw, oa{ be aff�t�qna{ ueewtef b{ utwfent heeu anf b{ an{ qthet oqne{u �n uweh hwnf0 Vhete uha be eutab�uhef htqo the rtqeeefu qh eaeh �uuwe qh texenwe bqnfu a teuetxe aeeqwnt �n an aoqwnt eqwa tq anf uwhh�e�ent tq ra{ the iteateut aoqwnt qh rt�ne�ra, �nteteut, anf hanf�ni ehatieu tq beeqoe fwe qn uweh �uuwe �n an{ enuw�ni utate h�uea {eat0 (b) Knteteut oqne{u �n the hwnf eutab�uhef rwtuwant tq th�u ueet�qn, nqt teqw�tef �n an{ h�uea {eat hqt ra{oent qh febt uetx�ee qn then qwtutanf�ni texenwe bqnfu qt hqt oa�ntenanee qh the teuetxe aeeqwnt, oa{ be wuef hqt efweat�qna qanu tq utwfentu feteto�nef tq be e�i�be thetehqt �n the oannet rtqx�fef b{ aw, qt hqt uweh qthet teatef rwtrqueu au oa{ be rtqx�fef b{ aw0 J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 68/D, 3;93; afqrtef 3;920 SGEVKQP 380 Dqnfu hqt hqwu�ni anf teatef hae��t�eu0´ (a) Yhen awthqt�zef b{ aw, texenwe bqnfu oa{ be �uuwef w�thqwt an eeet�qn tq h�nanee qt teh�nanee hqwu�ni anf teatef hae��t�eu �n Hqt�fa, hete�n tehettef tq au ¬hae��t�eu0¹ (b) Vhe bqnfu uha be ueewtef b{ a refie qh anf uha be ra{abe rt�oat�{ htqo a qt an{ ratt qh texenweu tq be fet�xef htqo the h�nane�ni, qretat�qn qt uae qh uweh hae��t�eu, oqttiaie qt qan ra{oentu, anf an{ qthet texenweu qt auuetu that oa{ be eia{ axa�abe hqt uweh rwtrqueu fet�xef htqo uqwteeu qthet than af xaqteo tazat�qn, �newf�ni texenweu htqo qthet ATVKENG VKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA hae��t�eu, qt an{ eqob�nat�qn theteqh, hete�n eqeet�xe{ tehettef tq au ¬refief texenweu,¹ rtqx�fef that �n nq exent uha the hw ha�th anf etef�t qh the utate be refief tq ueewte uweh texenwe bqnfu0 (e) Pq bqnfu uha be �uuwef wneuu a utate h�uea aiene{, eteatef b{ aw, hau oafe a feteto�nat�qn that �n nq utate h�uea {eat w� the febt uetx�ee teqw�teoentu qh the bqnfu rtqrquef tq be �uuwef anf a qthet bqnfu ueewtef b{ the uaoe refief texenweu ezeeef the refief texenweu axa�abe hqt ra{oent qh uweh febt uetx�ee teqw�teoentu, au feh�nef b{ aw0 J�utqt{0´Affef, S0J0T0 8/G, 3;82; afqrtef 3;820 SGEVKQP 390 Dqnfu hqt aeqw�t�ni ttanurqtta/ t�qn t�iht/qh/wa{ qt hqt eqnuttwet�ni bt�fieu0´ (a) Yhen awthqt�zef b{ aw, utate bqnfu refi�ni the hw ha�th anf etef�t qh the utate oa{ be �uuwef, w�thqwt a xqte qh the eeetqtu, tq h�nanee qt teh�nanee the equt qh aeqw�t�ni tea rtqrett{ qt the t�ihtu tq tea rtqrett{ hqt utate tqafu au feh�nef b{ aw, qt tq h�nanee qt teh�nanee the equt qh utate bt�fie eqnuttwet�qn, anf rwtrqueu �ne�fenta tq uweh rtqrett{ aeqw�u�t�qn qt utate bt�fie eqnuttwet�qn0 (b) Dqnfu �uuwef wnfet th�u ueet�qn uha be ueewtef b{ a refie qh anf uha be ra{abe rt�oat�{ htqo oqtqt hwe qt uree�a hwe tazeu, ezeert thque feh�nef �n Seet�qn ;(e) qh Att�ee ZKK, au rtqx�fef b{ aw, anf uha aff�t�qna{ be ueewtef b{ the hw ha�th anf etef�t qh the utate0 (e) Pq bqnfu uha be �uuwef wnfet th�u ueet�qn wneuu a utate h�uea aiene{, eteatef b{ aw, hau oafe a feteto�nat�qn that �n nq utate h�uea {eat w� the febt uetx�ee teqw�teoentu qh the bqnfu rtqrquef tq be �uuwef anf a qthet bqnfu ueewtef b{ the uaoe refief texenweu ezeeef n�net{ reteent qh the refief texenweu axa�abe hqt ra{oent qh uweh febt uetx�ee teqw�teoentu, au feh�nef b{ aw0 Hqt the rwtrqueu qh th�u uwbueet�qn, the teto ¬refief texenweu¹ oeanu a texenweu refief tq the ra{oent qh febt uetx�ee, ezewf�ni an{ refie qh the hw ha�th anf etef�t qh the utate0 J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 5;3, 3;88; afqrtef 3;880 SGEVKQP 380 Nawu teqw�t�ni eqwnt�eu qt own�/ e�ra�t�eu tq urenf hwnfu qt �o�t�ni the�t ab��t{ tq ta�ue texenwe qt teee�xe utate taz texenwe0´ (a) Pq eqwnt{ qt own�e�ra�t{ uha be bqwnf b{ an{ ieneta aw teqw�t�ni uweh eqwnt{ qt own�e�ra�t{ tq urenf hwnfu qt tq ta�e an aet�qn teqw�t�ni the ezren/ f�twte qh hwnfu wneuu the ei�uatwte hau feteto�nef that uweh aw hwh�u an �orqttant utate �nteteut anf wneuu< hwnfu haxe been arrtqrt�atef that haxe been eut�oatef at the t�oe qh enaetoent tq be uwhh�e�ent tq hwnf uweh ezrenf�twte; the ei�uatwte awthqt�zeu qt hau awthqt�zef a eqwnt{ qt own�e�ra�t{ tq enaet a hwnf�ni uqwtee nqt axa�abe hqt uweh eqwnt{ qt own�e�ra�t{ qn Hebtwat{ 3, 3;8;, that ean be wuef tq ienetate the aoqwnt qh hwnfu eut�oatef tq be uwhh�e�ent tq hwnf uweh ezrenf�twte b{ a u�ore oa�qt�t{ xqte qh the iqxetn�ni bqf{ qh uweh eqwnt{ qt own�e�ra�t{; the aw teqw�t�ni uweh ezrenf�twte �u arrtqxef b{ twq/th�tfu qh the oeobetuh�r �n eaeh hqwue qh the ei�uatwte; the ezrenf�twte �u teqw�tef tq eqor{ w�th a aw that arr�eu 53 ATVKENG VKKK tq a retuqnu u�o�at{ u�twatef, �newf�ni the utate anf qea iqxetnoentu; qt the aw �u e�thet teqw�tef tq eqor{ w�th a hefeta teqw�teoent qt teqw�tef hqt e�i�b��t{ hqt a hefeta ent�teoent, wh�eh hefeta teqw�te/ oent uree�h�ea{ eqnteorateu aet�qnu b{ eqwnt�eu qt own�e�ra�t�eu hqt eqor�anee0 (b) Gzeert wrqn arrtqxa qh eaeh hqwue qh the ei�uatwte b{ twq/th�tfu qh the oeobetuh�r, the ei�u/ atwte oa{ nqt enaet, aoenf, qt terea an{ ieneta aw �h the ant�e�ratef ehheet qh fq�ni uq wqwf be tq tefwee the awthqt�t{ that own�e�ra�t�eu qt eqwnt�eu haxe tq ta�ue texenweu �n the aiiteiate, au uweh awthqt�t{ ez�utu qn Hebtwat{ 3, 3;8;0 (e) Gzeert wrqn arrtqxa qh eaeh hqwue qh the ei�uatwte b{ twq/th�tfu qh the oeobetuh�r, the ei�u/ atwte oa{ nqt enaet, aoenf, qt terea an{ ieneta aw �h the ant�e�ratef ehheet qh fq�ni uq wqwf be tq tefwee the reteentaie qh a utate taz uhatef w�th eqwnt�eu anf own�e�ra�t�eu au an aiiteiate qn Hebtwat{ 3, 3;8;0 Vhe rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u uwbueet�qn uha nqt arr{ tq enhaneeoentu enaetef ahtet Hebtwat{ 3, 3;8;, tq utate taz uqwteeu, qt fwt�ni a h�uea eoetiene{ feeatef �n a wt�tten �q�nt rtqeaoat�qn �uuwef b{ the rteu�fent qh the uenate anf the urea�et qh the hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu, qt whete the ei�uatwte rtqx�feu aff�t�qna utate/ uhatef texenweu wh�eh ate ant�e�ratef tq be uwhh�e�ent tq teraee the ant�e�ratef aiiteiate quu qh utate/ uhatef texenweu teuwt�ni htqo the tefwet�qn qh the reteentaie qh the utate taz uhatef w�th eqwnt�eu anf own�e�ra�t�eu, wh�eh uqwtee qh teraeeoent texenweu uha be uwb�eet tq the uaoe teqw�teoentu hqt terea qt oqf�h�eat�qn au rtqx�fef hete�n hqt a utate/uhatef taz uqwtee ez�ut�ni qn Hebtwat{ 3, 3;8;0 (f) Nawu afqrtef tq teqw�te hwnf�ni qh renu�qn beneh�tu ez�ut�ni qn the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u ueet�qn, et�o�na awu, eeet�qn awu, the ieneta arrtqrt�at�qnu aet, uree�a arrtqrt�at�qnu aetu, awu teawthqt�z�ni bwt nqt ezranf�ni then/ez�ut�ni utatwtqt{ awthqt�t{, awu hax�ni �nu�in�h�eant h�uea �oraet, anf awu eteat�ni, oqf�h{�ni, qt terea�ni nqnet�o�na �nhtaet�qnu, ate ezeort htqo the teqw�teoentu qh th�u ueet�qn0 (e) Vhe ei�uatwte oa{ enaet awu tq auu�ut �n the �oreoentat�qn anf enhqteeoent qh th�u ueet�qn0 J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt E0S0 hqt E0S0 hqt E0S0 hqt J0J0T0'u 35;, 62, 3;8;; afqrtef 3;;20 ATVKENG VKKK NQEAN GQVGTPMGPV See0 30 20 50 60 50 80 Eqwnt�eu0 Mwn�e�ra�t�eu0 Eqnuq�fat�qn0 Vtanuhet qh rqwetu0 Nqea qrt�qn0 Sehefwe tq Att�ee VKKK0 SGEVKQP 30 Eqwnt�eu0´ (a) PQNKVKEAN SWDDKVKSKQPS0 Vhe utate uha be f�x�fef b{ aw �ntq rq�t�ea uwbf�x�u�qnu eaef eqwnt�eu0 Eqwnt�eu oa{ be eteatef, abq�uhef qt ATVKENG VKKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ehanief b{ aw, w�th rtqx�u�qn hqt ra{oent qt arrqt/ t�qnoent qh the rwb�e febt0 (b) EQWPVY HWPDS0 Vhe eate, ewutqf{ anf oethqf qh f�ubwtu�ni eqwnt{ hwnfu uha be rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 (e) GQVGTPMGPV0 Pwtuwant tq ieneta qt ure/ e�a aw, a eqwnt{ iqxetnoent oa{ be eutab�uhef b{ ehattet wh�eh uha be afqrtef, aoenfef qt tereaef qn{ wrqn xqte qh the eeetqtu qh the eqwnt{ �n a uree�a eeet�qn eaef hqt that rwtrque0 (f) EQWPVY QHHKEGTS0 Vhete uha be eeetef b{ the eeetqtu qh eaeh eqwnt{, hqt tetou qh hqwt {eatu, a uhet�hh, a taz eqeetqt, a rtqrett{ arrta�uet, a uwret/ x�uqt qh eeet�qnu, anf a eet� qh the e�tew�t eqwtt; ezeert, when rtqx�fef b{ eqwnt{ ehattet qt uree�a aw arrtqxef b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu qh the eqwnt{, an{ eqwnt{ qhh�eet oa{ be ehquen �n anqthet oannet thete�n uree�h�ef, qt an{ eqwnt{ qhh�ee oa{ be abq�uhef when a the fwt�eu qh the qhh�ee rteuet�bef b{ ieneta aw ate ttanuhettef tq anqthet qhh�ee0 Yhen nqt qthetw�ue rtqx�fef b{ eqwnt{ ehattet qt uree�a aw arrtqxef b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu, the eet� qh the e�tew�t eqwtt uha be ez qhh�e�q eet� qh the bqatf qh eqwnt{ eqoo�uu�qnetu, awf�tqt, teeqtfet anf ewutqf�an qh a eqwnt{ hwnfu0 (e) EQMMKSSKQPGTS0 Gzeert when qthetw�ue rtqx�fef b{ eqwnt{ ehattet, the iqxetn�ni bqf{ qh eaeh eqwnt{ uha be a bqatf qh eqwnt{ eqoo�uu�qnetu eqorquef qh h�xe qt uexen oeobetu uetx�ni utaiietef tetou qh hqwt {eatu0 Ahtet eaeh feeenn�a eenuwu the bqatf qh eqwnt{ eqoo�uu�qnetu uha f�x�fe the eqwnt{ �ntq f�utt�etu qh eqnt�iwqwu tett�tqt{ au neat{ eqwa �n rqrwat�qn au rtaet�eabe0 Qne eqoo�uu�qnet teu�f�ni �n eaeh f�utt�et uha be eeetef au rtqx�fef b{ aw0 (h) PQP/EJATVGT GQVGTPMGPV0 Eqwnt�eu nqt qretat�ni wnfet eqwnt{ ehattetu uha haxe uweh rqwet qh ueh/iqxetnoent au �u rtqx�fef b{ ieneta qt uree�a aw0 Vhe bqatf qh eqwnt{ eqoo�uu�qnetu qh a eqwnt{ nqt qretat�ni wnfet a ehattet oa{ enaet, �n a oannet rteuet�bef b{ ieneta aw, eqwnt{ qtf�naneeu nqt �neqnu�utent w�th ieneta qt uree�a aw, bwt an qtf�nanee �n eqnh�et w�th a own�e�ra qtf�nanee uha nqt be ehheet�xe w�th�n the own�e�ra�t{ tq the eztent qh uweh eqnh�et0 (i) EJATVGT GQVGTPMGPV0 Eqwnt�eu qretat/ �ni wnfet eqwnt{ ehattetu uha haxe a rqwetu qh qea ueh/iqxetnoent nqt �neqnu�utent w�th ieneta aw, qt w�th uree�a aw arrtqxef b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu0 Vhe iqxetn�ni bqf{ qh a eqwnt{ qretat�ni wnfet a ehattet oa{ enaet eqwnt{ qtf�naneeu nqt �neqnu�utent w�th ieneta aw0 Vhe ehattet uha rtqx�fe wh�eh uha rtexa� �n the exent qh eqnh�et between eqwnt{ anf own�e�ra qtf�naneeu0 (h) VAZGS; NKMKVAVKQP0 Ptqrett{ u�twate w�th�n own�e�ra�t�eu uha nqt be uwb�eet tq tazat�qn hqt uetx�eeu tenfetef b{ the eqwnt{ ezewu�xe{ hqt the beneh�t qh the rtqrett{ qt teu�fentu �n wn�neqtrqtatef ateau0 (�) EQWPVY QTDKPAPEGS0 Gaeh eqwnt{ qtf�/ nanee uha be h�ef w�th the ewutqf�an qh utate teeqtfu anf uha beeqoe ehheet�xe at uweh t�oe theteahtet au �u rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 52 ATVKENG VKKK (�) VKQNAVKQP QH QTDKPAPEGS0 Petuqnu x�q/ at�ni eqwnt{ qtf�naneeu uha be rtqueewtef anf rwn�uhef au rtqx�fef b{ aw0 (�) EQWPVY SGAV0 Kn exet{ eqwnt{ thete uha be a eqwnt{ ueat at wh�eh uha be qeatef the rt�ne�ra qhh�eeu anf retoanent teeqtfu qh a eqwnt{ qhh�eetu0 Vhe eqwnt{ ueat oa{ nqt be oqxef ezeert au rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 Dtaneh qhh�eeu hqt the eqnfwet qh eqwnt{ bwu�neuu oa{ be eutab�uhef euewhete �n the eqwnt{ b{ teuqwt�qn qh the iqxetn�ni bqf{ qh the eqwnt{ �n the oannet rteuet�bef b{ aw0 Pq �nuttwoent uha be feeoef teeqtfef wnt� h�ef at the eqwnt{ ueat, qt a btaneh qhh�ee feu�inatef b{ the iqxetn�ni bqf{ qh the eqwnt{ hqt the teeqtf�ni qh �nuttwoentu, aeeqtf�ni tq aw0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 3;29, 3;95; afqrtef 3;96; Ao0 J0J0T0 652, 3;86; afqrtef 3;86; Ao0 J0J0T0 325, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 8, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 20 Mwn�e�ra�t�eu0´ (a) GSVADNKSJMGPV0 Mwn�e�ra�t�eu oa{ be eu/ tab�uhef qt abq�uhef anf the�t ehattetu aoenfef rwtuwant tq ieneta qt uree�a aw0 Yhen an{ own�e�/ ra�t{ �u abq�uhef, rtqx�u�qn uha be oafe hqt the rtqteet�qn qh �tu etef�tqtu0 (b) PQYGTS0 Mwn�e�ra�t�eu uha haxe iqxetn/ oenta, eqtrqtate anf rtqrt�etat{ rqwetu tq enabe theo tq eqnfwet own�e�ra iqxetnoent, rethqto own�/ e�ra hwnet�qnu anf tenfet own�e�ra uetx�eeu, anf oa{ ezete�ue an{ rqwet hqt own�e�ra rwtrqueu ezeert au qthetw�ue rtqx�fef b{ aw0 Gaeh own�e�ra ei�uat�xe bqf{ uha be eeet�xe0 (e) APPGZAVKQP0 Mwn�e�ra annezat�qn qh wn�n/ eqtrqtatef tett�tqt{, oetiet qh own�e�ra�t�eu, anf ez/ ete�ue qh eztta/tett�tqt�a rqwetu b{ own�e�ra�t�eu uha be au rtqx�fef b{ ieneta qt uree�a aw0 SGEVKQP 50 Eqnuq�fat�qn0´Vhe iqxetnoent qh a eqwnt{ anf the iqxetnoent qh qne qt oqte own�e�/ ra�t�eu qeatef thete�n oa{ be eqnuq�fatef �ntq a u�nie iqxetnoent wh�eh oa{ ezete�ue an{ anf a rqwetu qh the eqwnt{ anf the uexeta own�e�ra�t�eu0 Vhe eqnuq�fat�qn ran oa{ be rtqrquef qn{ b{ uree�a aw, wh�eh uha beeqoe ehheet�xe �h arrtqxef b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu qh the eqwnt{, qt qh the eqwnt{ anf own�e�/ ra�t�eu ahheetef, au oa{ be rtqx�fef �n the ran0 Eqnuq�fat�qn uha nqt eztenf the tett�tqt�a ueqre qh tazat�qn hqt the ra{oent qh rte/ez�ut�ni febt ezeert tq ateau whque teu�fentu teee�xe a beneh�t htqo the hae��t{ qt uetx�ee hqt wh�eh the �nfebtefneuu wau �newttef0 SGEVKQP 60 Vtanuhet qh rqwetu0´D{ aw qt b{ teuqwt�qn qh the iqxetn�ni bqf�eu qh eaeh qh the iqxetnoentu ahheetef, an{ hwnet�qn qt rqwet qh a eqwnt{, own�e�ra�t{ qt uree�a f�utt�et oa{ be ttanu/ hettef tq qt eqnttaetef tq be rethqtoef b{ anqthet eqwnt{, own�e�ra�t{ qt uree�a f�utt�et, ahtet arrtqxa b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu qh the ttanuhetqt anf arrtqxa b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu qh the ttanuhetee, qt au qthetw�ue rtqx�fef b{ aw0 ATVKENG VKKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA SGEVKQP 50 Nqea qrt�qn0´ (a) Nqea qrt�qn qn the eia�t{ qt rtqh�b�t�qn qh the uae qh �ntqz�eat�ni �qwqtu, w�neu qt beetu uha be rteuetxef tq eaeh eqwnt{0 Vhe utatwu qh a eqwnt{ w�th teureet thetetq uha be ehanief qn{ b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu �n a uree�a eeet�qn eaef wrqn the ret�t�qn qh twent{/h�xe ret eent qh the eeetqtu qh the eqwnt{, anf nqt uqqnet than twq {eatu ahtet an eat�et eeet�qn qn the uaoe qweut�qn0 Yhete eia, the uae qh �ntqz�eat�ni �qwqtu, w�neu anf beetu uha be teiwatef b{ aw0 (b) Gaeh eqwnt{ uha haxe the awthqt�t{ tq teqw�te a et�o�na h�utqt{ teeqtfu ehee� anf a 5 tq 5/fa{ wa�t�ni ret�qf, ezewf�ni wee�enfu anf eia hq�fa{u, �n eqnneet�qn w�th the uae qh an{ h�teato qeewtt�ni w�th�n uweh eqwnt{0 Hqt rwtrqueu qh th�u uwbueet�qn, the teto ¬uae¹ oeanu the ttanuhet qh oqne{ qt qthet xawabe eqnu�fetat�qn hqt an{ h�teato when an{ ratt qh the ttanuaet�qn �u eqnfwetef qn rtqrett{ tq wh�eh the rwb�e hau the t�iht qh aeeeuu0 Jqfetu qh a eqneeaef wearqnu reto�t au rteuet�bef b{ ieneta aw uha nqt be uwb�eet tq the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u uwbueet�qn when rwtehau�ni a h�teato0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 32, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 80 Sehefwe tq Att�ee VKKK0´ (a) Vh�u att�ee uha teraee a qh Att�ee VKKK qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, ezeert thque uee/ t�qnu ezrteuu{ teta�nef anf oafe a ratt qh th�u att�ee b{ tehetenee0 (b) EQWPVKGS; EQWPVY SGAVS; MWPKEKPANK/ VKGS; DKSVTKEVS0 Vhe utatwu qh the hqqw�ni �teou au the{ ez�ut qn the fate th�u att�ee beeqoeu ehheet�xe �u teeqin�zef anf uha be eqnt�nwef wnt� ehanief �n aeeqtfanee w�th aw< the eqwnt�eu qh the utate; the�t utatwu w�th teureet tq the eia�t{ qh the uae qh �ntqz�eat�ni �qwqtu, w�neu anf beetu; the oethqf qh ueeet�qn qh eqwnt{ qhh�eetu; the rethqtoanee qh own�/ e�ra hwnet�qnu b{ eqwnt{ qhh�eetu; the eqwnt{ ueatu; anf the own�e�ra�t�eu anf uree�a f�utt�etu qh the utate, the�t rqwetu, �wt�uf�et�qn anf iqxetnoent0 (e) QHHKEGTS VQ EQPVKPWG KP QHHKEG0 Gxet{ retuqn hqf�ni qhh�ee when th�u att�ee beeqoeu ehhee/ t�xe uha eqnt�nwe �n qhh�ee hqt the teoa�nfet qh the teto �h that qhh�ee �u nqt abq�uhef0 Kh the qhh�ee �u abq�uhef the �newobent uha be ra�f afeqwate eqorenuat�qn, tq be h�zef b{ aw, hqt the quu qh eoqwoentu hqt the teoa�nfet qh the teto0 (f) QTDKPAPEGS0 Nqea awu teat�ni qn{ tq wn�neqtrqtatef ateau qh a eqwnt{ qn the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u att�ee oa{ be aoenfef qt tereaef b{ eqwnt{ qtf�nanee0 (e) EQPSQNKDAVKQP APD JQMG TWNG0 Att�ee VKKK, Seet�qnu 3;, 232, 533 anf 626, qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, uha teoa�n �n hw hqtee anf ehheet au tq eaeh eqwnt{ ahheetef, au �h th�u att�ee haf nqt been afqrtef, wnt� that eqwnt{ uha ezrteuu{ afqrt a ehattet qt hqoe twe ran rwtuwant tq th�u att�ee0 A rtqx�u�qnu qh the Mettqrq�tan Dafe Eqwnt{ Jqoe Twe Ehattet, hetetqhqte qt heteahtet afqrtef b{ the eeetqtu qh Dafe Eqwnt{ rwtuwant tq 5Att�ee VKKK, Seet�qn 33, qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, uha be xa�f, anf an{ aoenfoentu tq uweh ehattet uha be xa�f; rtqx�fef that the ua�f rtqx�u�qnu qh uweh ehattet anf the 55 ATVKENG VKKK ua�f aoenfoentu thetetq ate awthqt�zef wnfet ua�f VKKK, Seet�qn 33, qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef0 (h) DADG EQWPVY; PQYGTS EQPHGTTGD WPQP MWPKEKPANKVKGS0 Vq the eztent nqt �neqnu�u/ tent w�th the rqwetu qh ez�ut�ni own�e�ra�t�eu qt ieneta aw, the Mettqrq�tan Gqxetnoent qh Dafe Eqwnt{ oa{ ezete�ue a the rqwetu eqnhettef nqw qt heteahtet b{ ieneta aw wrqn own�e�ra�t�eu0 (i) DGNGVKQP QH QDSQNGVG SEJGDWNG KVGMS0 Vhe ei�uatwte uha haxe rqwet, b{ �q�nt teuqwt�qn, tq feete htqo th�u att�ee an{ uwbueet�qn qh th�u Seet�qn 8, �newf�ni th�u uwbueet�qn, when a exentu tq wh�eh the uwbueet�qn tq be feetef �u qt eqwf beeqoe arr�eabe haxe qeewttef0 A ei�uat�xe feteto�nat�qn qh haet oafe au a bau�u hqt arr�eat�qn qh th�u uwbueet�qn uha be uwb�eet tq �wf�e�a tex�ew0 5Att�ee 3Pqte0´Seet�qn ; qh Att0 VKKK qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, teafu au hqqwu< SGEVKQP ;0 Nei�uat�xe rqwet qxet e�t{ qh Jae�uqnx�e anf Dwxa Eqwnt{0´ Vhe Nei�uatwte uha haxe rqwet tq eutab�uh, atet qt abq�uh, a Mwn�e�ra eqtrqtat�qn tq be �nqwn au the E�t{ qh Jae�uqnx�e, eztenf�ni tett�tqt�a{ thtqwihqwt the rteuent �o�tu qh Dwxa Eqwnt{, �n the raee qh an{ qt a eqwnt{, f�utt�et, own�e�ra anf qea iqxetnoentu, bqatfu, bqf�eu anf qhh�eetu, eqnut�twt�qna qt utatwtqt{, ei�uat�xe, ezeewt�xe, �wf�e�a, qt afo�n�uttat�xe, anf uha rteuet�be the �wt�uf�et�qn, rqwetu, fwt�eu anf hwnet�qnu qh uweh own�e�ra eqtrqtat�qn, �tu ei�uat�xe, ezeewt�xe, �wf�e�a anf afo�n�uttat�xe ferattoentu anf �tu bqatfu, bqf�eu anf qhh�eetu; tq f�x�fe the tett�tqt{ �newfef �n uweh own�e�ra�t{ �ntq uwbqtf�nate f�utt�etu, anf tq rteuet�be a �wut anf teauqnabe u{uteo qh tazat�qn hqt uweh own�e�ra�t{ anf f�utt�etu; anf tq h�z the �ab��t{ qh uweh own�e�ra�t{ anf f�utt�etu0 Dqnfef anf qthet �nfebtefneuu, ez�ut�ni at the t�oe qh the eutab�uhoent qh uweh own�e�ra�t{, uha be enhqteeabe qn{ aia�nut rtqrett{ thetetqhqte tazabe thetehqt0 Vhe Nei�uatwte uha, htqo t�oe tq t�oe, feteto�ne what rqtt�qn qh ua�f own�e�ra�t{ �u a twta atea, anf a hqoeuteaf �n uweh twta atea uha nqt be �o�tef au �h �n a e�t{ qt tqwn0 Sweh own�e�ra�t{ oa{ ezete�ue a the rqwetu qh a own�e�ra eqtrqtat�qn anf uha auq be teeqin�zef au qne qh the eia rq�t�ea f�x�u�qnu qh the State w�th the fwt�eu anf qb�iat�qnu qh a eqwnt{ anf uha be ent�tef tq a the rqwetu, t�ihtu anf rt�x�eieu, �newf�ni terteuentat�qn �n the State Nei�uatwte, wh�eh wqwf aeetwe tq �t �h �t wete a eqwnt{0 A rtqrett{ qh Dwxa Eqwnt{ anf qh the own�e�ra�t�eu �n ua�f eqwnt{ uha xeut �n uweh own�e�ra eqtrqtat�qn when eutab�uhef au hete�n rtqx�fef0 Vhe qhh�eeu qh Eet� qh the E�tew�t Eqwtt anf Shet�hh uha nqt be abq�uhef bwt the Nei�uatwte oa{ rteuet�be the t�oe when, anf the oethqf b{ wh�eh, uweh qhh�eeu uha be h�ef anf the eqorenuat�qn tq be ra�f tq uweh qhh�eetu anf oa{ xeut �n theo aff�t�qna rqwetu anf fwt�eu0 Pq eqwnt{ qhh�ee uha be abq�uhef qt eqnuq�fatef w�th anqthet qhh�ee w�thqwt oa��ni rtqx�u�qn hqt the rethqtoanee qh a State fwt�eu nqw qt heteahtet rteuet�bef b{ aw tq be rethqtoef b{ uweh eqwnt{ qhh�eet0 Pqth�ni eqnta�nef hete�n uha ahheet Seet�qn 22 qh Att�ee KKK qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh the State qh Hqt�fa, ezeert au tq uweh rtqx�u�qnu thete�n au teate tq teiwat�ni the �wt�uf�et�qn anf fwt�eu qh an{ eauu qh qhh�eetu, tq uwooqn�ni anf �orane�ni itanf anf ret�t �wtqtu, tq auueuu�ni anf eqeet�ni tazeu hqt eqwnt{ rwtrqueu anf tq teiwat�ni the heeu anf eqorenuat�qn qh eqwnt{ qhh�eetu0 Pq aw awthqt�z�ni the eutab�uh�ni qt abq�uh�ni qh uweh Mwn�e�ra eqtrqtat�qn rwtuwant tq th�u Seet�qn, uha beeqoe qretat�xe qt ehheet�xe wnt� arrtqxef b{ a oa�qt�t{ qh the qwa�h�ef eeetqtu ratt�e�rat�ni �n an eeet�qn hef �n ua�f Eqwnt{, bwt uq qni au uweh Mwn�e�ra eqtrqtat�qn ez�utu wnfet th�u Seet�qn the Nei�uatwte oa{ aoenf qt eztenf the aw awthqt�z�ni the uaoe w�thqwt tehetenfwo tq the qwa�h�ef xqtetu wneuu the Nei�uat�xe aet rtqx�f�ni hqt uweh aoenfoent qt eztenu�qn uha rtqx�fe hqt uweh tehetenfwo0 J�utqt{0⁀Affef, S0J0T0 335, 3;55; afqrtef 3;560 2Pqte0´Seet�qn 32, Att0 VKKK qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, teafu au hqqwu< SGEVKQP 320 Nei�uat�xe rqwet qxet e�t{ qh Me{ Yeut anf Mqntqe eqwnt{0´ Vhe Nei�uatwte uha haxe rqwet tq eutab�uh, atet qt abq�uh, a Mwn�e�ra eqtrqtat�qn tq be �nqwn au the E�t{ qh Me{ Yeut, eztenf�ni tett�tqt�a{ thtqwihqwt the rteuent �o�tu qh Mqntqe Eqwnt{, �n the raee qh an{ qt a eqwnt{, f�utt�et, own�e�ra anf qea iqxetnoentu, bqatfu, bqf�eu anf qhh�eetu, eqnut�twt�qna qt utatwtqt{, ei�uat�xe, ezeewt�xe, �wf�e�a, qt afo�n�uttat�xe, anf uha rteuet�be the �wt�uf�et�qn, rqwetu, fwt�eu anf hwnet�qnu qh uweh own�e�ra eqtrqtat�qn, �tu ei�uat�xe, ezeewt�xe, �wf�e�a anf afo�n�uttat�xe ferattoentu anf �tu bqatfu, bqf�eu anf qhh�eetu; tq f�x�fe the tett�tqt{ �newfef �n uweh own�e�ra�t{ �ntq uwbqtf�nate f�utt�etu, anf tq rteuet�be a �wut anf teauqnabe u{uteo qh tazat�qn hqt uweh own�e�ra�t{ anf f�utt�etu; anf tq h�z the �ab��t{ qh uweh own�e�ra�t{ anf f�utt�etu0 Dqnfef anf qthet �nfebtefneuu, ez�ut�ni at the t�oe qh the eutab�uhoent qh uweh own�e�ra�t{, uha be enhqteeabe qn{ aia�nut rtqrett{ thetetqhqte tazabe thetehqt0 Vhe Nei�uatwte uha, htqo t�oe tq t�oe, feteto�ne what rqtt�qn qh ua�f own�e�ra�t{ �u a twta atea, anf a hqoeuteaf �n uweh twta atea uha nqt be �o�tef au �h �n a e�t{ qt tqwn0 Sweh own�e�ra�t{ oa{ ezete�ue a the rqwetu qh a own�e�ra eqtrqtat�qn anf uha auq be teeqin�zef au qne qh the eia rq�t�ea f�x�u�qnu qh the State w�th the fwt�eu anf qb�iat�qnu qh a eqwnt{ anf uha be ent�tef tq a the rqwetu, t�ihtu anf rt�x�eieu, �newf�ni terteuentat�qn �n the State Nei�uatwte, wh�eh wqwf aeetwe tq �t �h �t wete a eqwnt{0 A rtqrett{ qh Mqntqe Eqwnt{ anf qh the own�e�ra�t{ �n ua�f eqwnt{ uha xeut �n uweh own�e�ra eqtrqtat�qn when eutab�uhef au hete�n rtqx�fef0 Vhe qhh�eeu qh Eet� qh the E�tew�t Eqwtt anf Shet�hh uha nqt be abq�uhef bwt the Nei�uatwte oa{ rteuet�be the t�oe when, anf the oethqf b{ wh�eh, uweh qhh�eeu uha be h�ef anf the eqorenuat�qn tq be ra�f tq uweh qhh�eetu anf oa{ xeut �n theo aff�t�qna rqwetu anf fwt�eu0 Pq eqwnt{ qhh�ee uha be abq�uhef qt eqnuq�fatef w�th anqthet qhh�ee w�thqwt oa��ni rtqx�u�qn hqt the ATVKENG VKKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA rethqtoanee qh a State fwt�eu nqw qt heteahtet rteuet�bef b{ aw tq be rethqtoef b{ uweh eqwnt{ qhh�eet0 Pqth�ni eqnta�nef hete�n uha ahheet Seet�qn 22 qh Att�ee KKK qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh the State qh Hqt�fa, ezeert au tq uweh rtqx�u�qnu thete�n au teate tq teiwat�ni the �wt�uf�et�qn anf fwt�eu qh an{ eauu qh qhh�eetu, tq uwooqn�ni anf �orane�ni itanf anf ret�t �wt�eu, tq auueuu�ni anf eqeet�ni tazeu hqt eqwnt{ rwtrqueu anf tq teiwat�ni the heeu anf eqorenuat�qn qh eqwnt{ qhh�eetu0 Pq aw awthqt�z�ni the eutab�uh�ni qt abq�uh�ni qh uweh Mwn�e�ra eqtrqtat�qn rwtuwant tq th�u Seet�qn uha beeqoe qretat�xe qt ehheet�xe wnt� arrtqxef b{ a oa�qt�t{ qh the qwa�h�ef eeetqtu ratt�e�rat�ni �n an eeet�qn hef �n ua�f Eqwnt{, bwt uq qni au uweh Mwn�e�ra eqtrqtat�qn ez�utu wnfet th�u Seet�qn the Nei�uatwte oa{ aoenf qt eztenf the aw awthqt�z�ni the uaoe w�thqwt tehetenfwo tq the qwa�h�ef xqtetu wneuu the Nei�uat�xe Aet rtqx�f�ni hqt uweh aoenfoent qt eztenu�qn uha rtqx�fe hqt uweh tehetenfwo0 J�utqt{0⁀Affef, S0J0T0 62;, 3;55; afqrtef 3;580 5 Pqte0´Seet�qn 33 qh Att0 VKKK qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, teafu au hqqwu< SGEVKQP 330 Dafe Eqwnt{, hqoe twe ehattet0´(3) Vhe eeetqtu qh Dafe Eqwnt{, Hqt�fa, ate itantef rqwet tq afqrt, tex�ue, anf aoenf htqo t�oe tq t�oe a hqoe twe ehattet qh iqxetnoent hqt Dafe Eqwnt{, Hqt�fa, wnfet wh�eh the Dqatf qh Eqwnt{ Eqoo�uu�qnetu qh Dafe Eqwnt{ uha be the iqxetn�ni bqf{0 Vh�u ehattet< (a) Sha h�z the bqwnfat�eu qh eaeh eqwnt{ eqoo�uu�qn f�utt�et, rtqx�fe a oethqf hqt ehani�ni theo htqo t�oe tq t�oe, anf h�z the nwobet, tetou anf eqorenuat�qn qh the eqoo�uu�qnetu, anf the�t oethqf qh eeet�qn0 (b) Ma{ itant hw rqwet anf awthqt�t{ tq the Dqatf qh Eqwnt{ Eqoo�uu�qnetu qh Dafe Eqwnt{ tq rauu qtf�naneeu teat�ni tq the ahha�tu, rtqrett{ anf iqxetnoent qh Dafe Eqwnt{ anf rtqx�fe uw�tabe renat�eu hqt the x�qat�qn theteqh; tq ex{ anf eqeet uweh tazeu au oa{ be awthqt�zef b{ ieneta aw anf nq qthet tazeu, anf tq fq exet{th�ni neeeuuat{ tq eatt{ qn a eentta oettqrq�tan iqxetnoent �n Dafe Eqwnt{0 (e) Ma{ ehanie the bqwnfat�eu qh, oetie, eqnuq�fate, anf abq�uh anf oa{ rtqx�fe a oethqf hqt ehani�ni the bqwnfat�eu qh, oeti�ni, eqnuq�fat�ni anf abq�uh�ni htqo t�oe tq t�oe a own�e�ra eqtrqtat�qnu, eqwnt{ qt f�utt�et iqxetn/ oentu, uree�a taz�ni f�utt�etu, awthqt�t�eu, bqatfu, qt qthet iqxetnoenta wn�tu whque �wt�uf�et�qn �eu whq{ w�th�n Dafe Eqwnt{, whethet uweh iqxetnoenta wn�tu ate eteatef b{ the Eqnut�twt�qn qt the Nei�uatwte qt qthetw�ue, ezeert the Dafe Eqwnt{ Dqatf qh Eqwnt{ Eqoo�uu�qnetu au �t oa{ be rtqx�fef hqt htqo t�oe tq t�oe b{ th�u hqoe twe ehattet anf the Dqatf qh Pwb�e Knuttwet�qn qh Dafe Eqwnt{0 (f) Ma{ rtqx�fe a oethqf b{ wh�eh an{ anf a qh the hwnet�qnu qt rqwetu qh an{ own�e�ra eqtrqtat�qn qt qthet iqxetnoenta wn�t �n Dafe Eqwnt{ oa{ be ttanuhettef tq the Dqatf qh Eqwnt{ Eqoo�uu�qnetu qh Dafe Eqwnt{0 (e) Ma{ rtqx�fe a oethqf hqt eutab�uh�ni new own�e�ra eqtrqtat�qnu, uree�a taz�ni f�utt�etu, anf qthet iqxetnoenta wn�tu �n Dafe Eqwnt{ htqo t�oe tq t�oe anf rtqx�fe hqt the�t iqxetnoent anf rteuet�be the�t �wt�uf�et�qn anf rqwetu0 (h) Ma{ abq�uh anf oa{ rtqx�fe a oethqf hqt abq�uh�ni htqo t�oe tq t�oe a qhh�eeu rtqx�fef hqt b{ Att�ee VKKK, Seet�qn 8, qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qt b{ the Nei�uatwte, ezeert the Swret�ntenfent qh Pwb�e Knuttwet�qn anf oa{ rtqx�fe hqt the eqnuq�fat�qn anf ttanuhet qh the hwnet�qnu qh uweh qhh�eeu, rtqx�fef, hqwexet, that thete uha be nq rqwet tq abq�uh qt �ora�t the �wt�uf�et�qn qh the E�tew�t Eqwtt qt tq abq�uh an{ qthet eqwtt rtqx�fef hqt b{ th�u Eqnut�twt�qn qt b{ ieneta aw, qt the �wfieu qt eet�u theteqh athqwih uweh ehattet oa{ eteate new eqwttu anf �wfieu anf eet�u theteqh w�th �wt�uf�et�qn tq tt{ a qhhenueu aia�nut qtf�naneeu rauuef b{ the Dqatf qh Eqwnt{ Eqoo�uu�qnetu qh Dafe Eqwnt{ anf nqne qh the qthet eqwttu rtqx�fef hqt b{ th�u Eqnut�twt�qn qt b{ ieneta aw uha haxe qt�i�na �wt�uf�et�qn tq tt{ uweh qhhenueu, athqwih the ehattet oa{ eqnhet arreate �wt�uf�et�qn qn uweh eqwttu, anf rtqx�fef hwtthet that �h ua�f hqoe twe ehattet uha abq�uh an{ eqwnt{ qhh�ee qt qhh�eeu au awthqt�zef hete�n, that ua�f ehattet uha eqnta�n afeqwate rtqx�u�qn hqt the eatt{�ni qn qh a hwnet�qnu qh ua�f qhh�ee qt qhh�eeu au ate nqw qt oa{ heteahtet be rteuet�bef b{ ieneta aw0 (i) Sha rtqx�fe a oethqf b{ wh�eh eaeh own�e�ra eqtrqtat�qn �n Dafe Eqwnt{ uha haxe the rqwet tq oa�e, aoenf qt terea �tu qwn ehattet0 Wrqn afqrt�qn qh th�u hqoe twe ehattet b{ the eeetqtu th�u oethqf uha be ezewu�xe anf the Nei�uatwte uha haxe nq rqwet tq aoenf qt terea the ehattet qh an{ own�e�ra eqtrqtat�qn �n Dafe Eqwnt{0 (h) Ma{ ehanie the naoe qh Dafe Eqwnt{0 (�) Sha rtqx�fe a oethqf hqt the teea qh an{ eqoo�uu�qnet anf a oethqf hqt �n�t�at�xe anf tehetenfwo, �newf�ni the �n�t�at�qn qh anf tehetenfwo qn qtf�naneeu anf the aoenfoent qt tex�u�qn qh the hqoe twe ehattet, rtqx�fef, hqwexet, that the rqwet qh the Gqxetnqt anf Senate teat�ni tq the uwurenu�qn anf teoqxa qh qhh�eetu rtqx�fef hqt �n th�u Eqnut�twt�qn uha nqt be �ora�tef, bwt uha eztenf tq a qhh�eetu rtqx�fef hqt �n ua�f hqoe twe ehattet0 (2) Ptqx�u�qn uha be oafe hqt the rtqteet�qn qh the etef�tqtu qh an{ iqxetnoenta wn�t wh�eh �u oetief, eqnuq�fatef, qt abq�uhef qt whque bqwnfat�eu ate ehanief qt hwnet�qnu qt rqwetu ttanuhettef0 (5) Vh�u hqoe twe ehattet uha be rteratef b{ a Mettqrq�tan Ehattet Dqatf eteatef b{ the Nei�uatwte anf uha be rteuentef tq the eeetqtu qh Dafe Eqwnt{ hqt tat�h�eat�qn qt te�eet�qn �n the oannet rtqx�fef b{ the Nei�uatwte0 Wnt� a hqoe twe ehattet �u afqrtef the Nei�uatwte oa{ htqo t�oe tq t�oe eteate aff�t�qna Ehattet Dqatfu tq rterate ehattetu tq be rteuentef tq the eeetqtu qh Dafe Eqwnt{ hqt tat�h�eat�qn qt te�eet�qn �n the oannet rtqx�fef b{ the Nei�uatwte0 Sweh Ehattet, qnee afqrtef b{ the eeetqtu, oa{ be aoenfef qn{ b{ the eeetqtu qh Dafe Eqwnt{ anf th�u ehattet uha rtqx�fe a oethqf hqt uwbo�tt�ni hwtwte ehattet tex�u�qnu anf aoenfoentu tq the eeetqtu qh Dafe Eqwnt{0 (6) Vhe Eqwnt{ Eqoo�uu�qn uha eqnt�nwe tq teee�xe �tu rtq tata uhate qh a texenweu ra{abe b{ the utate htqo whatexet uqwtee tq the uexeta eqwnt�eu anf the utate qh Hqt�fa uha ra{ tq the Eqoo�uu�qn a texenweu wh�eh wqwf haxe been ra�f tq an{ own�e�ra�t{ �n Dafe Eqwnt{ wh�eh oa{ be abq�uhef b{ qt �n the oethqf rtqx�fef b{ th�u hqoe twe ehattet; rtqx�fef, hqwexet, the Eqoo�uu�qn uha te�obwtue the eqorttqet qh Hqt�fa hqt the ezrenue �newttef �h an{, �n the �eer�ni qh ueratate teeqtfu tq feteto�ne the aoqwntu qh oqne{ wh�eh wqwf haxe been ra{abe tq an{ uweh own�e�ra�t{0 (5) Pqth�ni �n th�u ueet�qn uha �o�t qt teutt�et the rqwet qh the Nei�uatwte tq enaet ieneta awu wh�eh uha teate tq Dafe Eqwnt{ anf an{ qthet qne qt oqte eqwnt�eu �n the utate qh Hqt�fa qt tq an{ own�e�ra�t{ �n Dafe Eqwnt{ anf an{ qthet qne qt oqte own�e�ra�t�eu qh the State qh Hqt�fa, anf the hqoe twe ehattet rtqx�fef hqt hete�n uha nqt eqnh�et w�th an{ rtqx�u�qn qh th�u Eqnut�twt�qn nqt qh an{ 56 ATVKENG VKKK arr�eabe ieneta awu nqw arr{�ni tq Dafe Eqwnt{ anf an{ qthet qne qt oqte eqwnt�eu qh the State qh Hqt�fa ezeert au ezrteuu{ awthqt�zef �n th�u ueet�qn nqt uha an{ qtf�nanee enaetef �n rwtuwanee tq ua�f hqoe twe ehattet eqnh�et w�th th�u Eqnut�twt�qn qt an{ uweh arr�eabe ieneta aw ezeert au ezrteuu{ awthqt�zef hete�n, nqt uha the ehattet qh an{ own�e�ra�t{ �n Dafe Eqwnt{ eqnh�et w�th th�u Eqnut�twt�qn qt an{ uweh arr�eabe ieneta aw ezeert au ezrteuu{ awthqt�zef hete�n, rtqx�fef hqwexet that ua�f ehattet anf ua�f qtf�naneeu enaetef �n rwtuwanee theteqh oa{ eqnh�et w�th, oqf�h{ qt nw�h{ an{ ez�ut�ni qea, uree�a qt ieneta aw arr�eabe qn{ tq Dafe Eqwnt{0 (8) Pqth�ni �n th�u ueet�qn uha be eqnuttwef tq �o�t qt teutt�et the rqwet qh the Nei�uatwte tq enaet ieneta awu wh�eh uha teate tq Dafe Eqwnt{ anf an{ qthet qne qt oqte eqwnt�eu qh the utate qh Hqt�fa qt tq an{ own�e�ra�t{ �n Dafe Eqwnt{ anf an{ qthet qne qt oqte own�e�ra�t�eu qh the State qh Hqt�fa teat�ni tq eqwnt{ qt own�e�ra ahha�tu anf a uweh ieneta awu uha arr{ tq Dafe Eqwnt{ anf tq a own�e�ra�t�eu thete�n tq the uaoe eztent au �h th�u ueet�qn haf nqt been afqrtef anf uweh ieneta awu uha uwretuefe an{ ratt qt rqtt�qn qh the hqoe twe ehattet rtqx�fef hqt hete�n �n eqnh�et thetew�th anf uha uwretuefe an{ rtqx�u�qn qh an{ qtf�nanee enaetef rwtuwant tq ua�f ehattet anf �n eqnh�et thetew�th, anf uha uwretuefe an{ rtqx�u�qn qh an{ ehattet qh an{ own�e�ra�t{ �n Dafe Eqwnt{ �n eqnh�et thetew�th0 (9) Pqth�ni �n th�u ueet�qn uha be eqnuttwef tq �o�t qt teutt�et the rqwet anf �wt�uf�et�qn qh the Ta�tqaf anf Pwb�e Wt��t�eu Eqoo�uu�qn qt qh an{ qthet utate aiene{, bwteaw qt eqoo�uu�qn nqw qt heteahtet rtqx�fef hqt �n th�u Eqnut�twt�qn qt b{ ieneta aw anf ua�f utate aiene�eu, bwteawu anf eqoo�uu�qnu uha haxe the uaoe rqwetu �n Dafe Eqwnt{ au uha be eqnhettef wrqn theo �n teiatf tq qthet eqwnt�eu0 (8) Kh an{ ueet�qn, uwbueet�qn, uentenee, eawue qt rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u ueet�qn �u hef �nxa�f au x�qat�xe qh the rtqx�u�qnu qh Seet�qn 3 Att�ee ZVKK qh th�u Eqnut�twt�qn the teoa�nfet qh th�u ueet�qn uha nqt be ahheetef b{ uweh �nxa�f�t{0 (;) Kt �u feeatef tq be the �ntent qh the Nei�uatwte anf qh the eeetqtu qh the State qh Hqt�fa tq rtqx�fe b{ th�u ueet�qn hqoe twe hqt the reqre qh Dafe Eqwnt{ �n qea ahha�tu anf th�u ueet�qn uha be �beta{ eqnuttwef tq eatt{ qwt uweh rwtrque, anf �t �u hwtthet feeatef tq be the �ntent qh the Nei�uatwte anf qh the eeetqtu qh the State qh Hqt�fa that the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u Eqnut�twt�qn anf ieneta awu wh�eh uha teate tq Dafe Eqwnt{ anf an{ qthet qne qt oqte eqwnt�eu qh the State qh Hqt�fa qt tq an{ own�e�ra�t{ �n Dafe Eqwnt{ anf an{ qthet qne qt oqte own�e�ra�t�eu qh the State qh Hqt�fa enaetef rwtuwant thetetq b{ the Nei�uatwte uha be the uwrteoe aw �n Dafe Eqwnt{, Hqt�fa, ezeert au ezrteuu{ rtqx�fef hete�n anf th�u ueet�qn uha be utt�et{ eqnuttwef tq oa�nta�n uweh uwrteoae{ qh th�u Eqnut�twt�qn anf qh the Nei�uatwte �n the enaetoent qh ieneta awu rwtuwant tq th�u Eqnut�twt�qn0 J�utqt{0⁀Affef, J0J0T0 858, 3;63; afqrtef 3;62; Ao0 S0J0T0 3268, 3;55; afqrtef 3;580 6Pqte0´Seet�qn 26 qh Att0 VKKK qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, teafu au hqqwu< SGEVKQP 260 J�ubqtqwih Eqwnt{, hqoe twe ehattet0´ (3) Vhe eeetqtu qh J�ubqtqwih eqwnt{ ate heteb{ itantef the rqwet tq afqrt a ehattet hqt a iqxetnoent wh�eh uha ezete�ue an{ anf a rqwetu hqt eqwnt{ anf own�e�ra rwtrqueu wh�eh th�u eqnut�twt�qn qt the ei�uatwte, b{ ieneta, uree�a qt qea aw, hau eqnhettef wrqn J�ubqtqwih eqwnt{ qt an{ own�e�ra�t{ thete�n0 Sweh iqxetnoent uha ezete�ue theue rqwetu b{ the enaetoent qh qtf�naneeu wh�eh teate tq iqxetnoent qh J�ubqtqwih eqwnt{ anf rtqx�fe uw�tabe renat�eu hqt the x�qat�qn theteqh0 Sweh iqxetnoent uha haxe nq rqwet tq eteate qt abq�uh an{ own�e�ra�t{, ezeert au qthetw�ue rtqx�fef hete�n0 (2) Vhe oethqf anf oannet b{ wh�eh the eeetqtu qh J�ubqtqwih eqwnt{ uha ezete�ue th�u rqwet uha be uet hqtth �n a ehattet hqt the iqxetnoent qh J�ubqtqwih eqwnt{ wh�eh ehattet uha be rteuentef tq ua�f eeetqtu b{ an{ ehattet eqoo�uu�qn eutab�uhef b{ the ei�uatwte0 Vhe ei�uatwte oa{ rtqx�fe hqt the eqnt�nw�ni ez�utenee qh an{ ehattet eqoo�uu�qn qt oa{ eutab�uh a ehattet eqoo�uu�qn qt eqoo�uu�qnu uwbueqwent tq an{ �n�t�a eqoo�uu�qn w�thqwt teiatf tq an{ eeet�qn qt eeet�qnu hef wrqn an{ ehattet qt ehattetu thetetqhqte rteuentef0 A ehattet uha beeqoe ehheet�xe qn{ wrqn tat�h�eat�qn b{ a oa�qt�t{ qh the eeetqtu qh J�ubqtqwih eqwnt{ xqt�ni �n a ieneta qt uree�a eeet�qn au rtqx�fef b{ aw0 (5) Vhe nwobet, qwa�h�eat�qnu, tetou qh qhh�ee anf oethqf qh h��ni xaeane�eu �n the oeobetuh�r qh an{ ehattet eqoo�uu�qn eutab�uhef rwtuwant tq th�u ueet�qn anf the rqwetu, hwnet�qnu anf fwt�eu qh an{ uweh eqoo�uu�qn uha be rtqx�fef b{ aw0 (6) A ehattet rteratef b{ an{ eqoo�uu�qn eutab�uhef rwtuwant tq th�u ueet�qn uha rtqx�fe that< (a) Vhe iqxetnoentu qh the e�t{ qh Vaora anf the eqwnt{ qh J�ubqtqwih uha be eqnuq�fatef, anf the uttwetwte qh the new qea iqxetnoent uha �newfe< 30 An ezeewt�xe btaneh, the eh�eh qhh�eet qh wh�eh uha be teurqnu�be hqt the afo�n�uttat�qn qh iqxetnoent0 20 An eeetef ei�uat�xe btaneh, the eeet�qn tq oeobetuh�r, rqwetu anf fwt�eu qh wh�eh uha be au rtqx�fef b{ the ehattet0 50 A �wf�e�a btaneh, wh�eh uha qn{ haxe �wt�uf�et�qn �n the enhqteeoent qh qtf�naneeu enaetef b{ the ei�uat�xe btaneh eteatef b{ th�u ueet�qn0 (b) Shqwf the eeetqtu qh the own�e�ra�t�eu qh Pant E�t{ qt Veore Vettaee w�uh tq eqnuq�fate the�t iqxetnoentu w�th the iqxetnoent hete�nabqxe eteatef, the{ oa{ fq uq b{ oa�qt�t{ xqte qh the eeetqtu qh ua�f own�e�ra�t{ xqt�ni �n an eeet�qn wrqn ua�f �uuwe0 (e) Vhe etef�tqtu qh an{ iqxetnoenta wn�t eqnuq�fatef qt abq�uhef wnfet th�u ueet�qn uha be rtqteetef0 Dqnfef qt qthet �nfebtefneuu ez�ut�ni at the ehheet�xe fate qh an{ iqxetnoent eutab�uhef hetewnfet uha be enhqteeabe qn{ aia�nut the tea anf retuqna rtqrett{ thetetqhqte tazabe hqt uweh rwtrqueu0 (f) Sweh qthet rtqx�u�qnu au o�iht be teqw�tef b{ aw0 (5) Vhe rtqx�u�qnu qh uweh ehattet anf qtf�naneeu enaetef rwtuwant thetetq uha nqt eqnh�et w�th an{ rtqx�u�qn qh th�u eqnut�twt�qn nqt w�th ieneta, uree�a qt qea awu nqw qt heteahtet arr{�ni tq J�ubqtqwih eqwnt{0 (8) Vhe iqxetnoent eutab�uhef hetewnfet uha be teeqin�zef au a eqwnt{, that �u qne qh the eia rq�t�ea uwbf�x�u�qnu qh the utate w�th the rqwetu, t�ihtu, rt�x�eieu, fwt�eu anf qb�iat�qnu qh a eqwnt{, anf oa{ auq ezete�ue a the rqwetu qh a own�e�ra�t{0 Sa�f iqxetnoent uha haxe the t�iht tq uwe anf be uwef0 (9) An{ iqxetnoent eutab�uhef hetewnfet uha be ent�tef tq teee�xe htqo the utate qh Hqt�fa qt htqo the Wn�tef Stateu qt htqo an{ qthet aiene{, rwb�e qt rt�xate, hwnfu anf texenweu tq wh�eh a eqwnt{ �u, qt oa{ heteahtet be ent�tef, anf auq a ATVKENG VKKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA hwnfu anf texenweu tq wh�eh an �neqtrqtatef own�e�ra�t{ �u qt oa{ heteahtet be ent�tef, anf tq teee�xe the uaoe w�thqwt f�o�nwt�qn qt quu b{ teauqn qh an{ uweh iqxetnoent au oa{ be eutab�uhef0 Pqth�ni hete�n eqnta�nef uha rteewfe uweh iqxetnoent au oa{ be eutab�uhef hetewnfet htqo teee�x�ni a hwnfu anf texenweu htqo whatexet uqwtee nqw teee�xef, qt hete�nahtet teee�xef rtqx�fef b{ aw0 (8) Vhe bqatf qh eqwnt{ eqoo�uu�qnetu qh J�ubqtqwih eqwnt{ uha be abq�uhef when the hwnet�qnu, fwt�eu, rqwetu anf teurqnu�b��t�eu qh ua�f bqatf uha be ttanuhettef �n the oannet tq be rtqx�fef b{ the ehattet tq the iqxetnoent eutab�uhef rwtuwant tq th�u ueet�qn0 Pq qthet qhh�ee rtqx�fef hqt b{ th�u eqnut�twt�qn uha be abq�uhef b{ qt rwtuwant tq th�u ueet�qn0 (;) Vh�u ueet�qn uha nqt teutt�et qt �o�t the ei�uatwte �n the enaetoent qh ieneta, uree�a qt qea awu au qthetw�ue rtqx�fef �n th�u eqnut�twt�qn0 J�utqt{0⁀Affef, E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 3;89, 3;85; afqrtef 3;880 ATVKENG KZ GDWEAVKQP See0 30 20 50 60 50 80 90 Pwb�e efweat�qn0 State bqatf qh efweat�qn0 Vetou qh arrq�nt�xe bqatf oeobetu0 Sehqq f�utt�etu; uehqq bqatfu0 Swret�ntenfent qh uehqqu0 State uehqq hwnf0 State Wn�xetu�t{ S{uteo0 SGEVKQP 30 Pwb�e efweat�qn0´ (a) Vhe efweat�qn qh eh�ften �u a hwnfaoenta xawe qh the reqre qh the State qh Hqt�fa0 Kt �u, thetehqte, a rataoqwnt fwt{ qh the utate tq oa�e afeqwate rtqx�u�qn hqt the efweat�qn qh a eh�ften teu�f�ni w�th�n �tu bqtfetu0 Afeqwate rtqx�u�qn uha be oafe b{ aw hqt a wn�hqto, ehh�e�ent, uahe, ueewte, anf h�ih qwa�t{ u{uteo qh htee rwb�e uehqqu that aqwu utwfentu tq qbta�n a h�ih qwa�t{ efweat�qn anf hqt the eutab�uh/ oent, oa�ntenanee, anf qretat�qn qh �nut�twt�qnu qh h�ihet eatn�ni anf qthet rwb�e efweat�qn rtqitaou that the neefu qh the reqre oa{ teqw�te0 Vq auuwte that eh�ften attenf�ni rwb�e uehqqu qbta�n a h�ih qwa�t{ efweat�qn, the ei�uatwte uha oa�e afeqwate rtqx�/ u�qn tq enuwte that, b{ the bei�nn�ni qh the 2232 uehqq {eat, thete ate a uwhh�e�ent nwobet qh eauutqqou uq that< (3) Vhe oaz�owo nwobet qh utwfentu whq ate auu�inef tq eaeh teaehet whq �u teaeh�ni �n rwb�e uehqq eauutqqou hqt rte��nfetiatten thtqwih itafe 5 fqeu nqt ezeeef 38 utwfentu; (2) Vhe oaz�owo nwobet qh utwfentu whq ate auu�inef tq eaeh teaehet whq �u teaeh�ni �n rwb�e uehqq eauutqqou hqt itafeu 6 thtqwih 8 fqeu nqt ezeeef 22 utwfentu; anf (5) Vhe oaz�owo nwobet qh utwfentu whq ate auu�inef tq eaeh teaehet whq �u teaeh�ni �n rwb�e uehqq eauutqqou hqt itafeu ; thtqwih 32 fqeu nqt ezeeef 25 utwfentu0 Vhe eauu u�ze teqw�teoentu qh th�u uwbueet�qn fq nqt arr{ tq ezttaewtt�ewat eauueu0 Pa{oent qh the equtu auuqe�atef w�th tefwe�ni eauu u�ze tq oeet theue teqw�teoentu �u the teurqnu�b��t{ qh the utate anf nqt qh qea uehqqu f�utt�etu0 Dei�nn�ni w�th the 2225/2226 h�uea {eat, the ei�uatwte uha rtqx�fe uwhh�e�ent hwnfu tq tefwee the axetaie nwobet qh utwfentu �n eaeh eauutqqo b{ at eaut twq utwfentu ret {eat wnt� the 55 ATVKENG KZ oaz�owo nwobet qh utwfentu ret eauutqqo fqeu nqt ezeeef the teqw�teoentu qh th�u uwbueet�qn0 (b) Gxet{ hqwt/{eat qf eh�f �n Hqt�fa uha be rtqx�fef b{ the State a h�ih qwa�t{ rte/��nfetiatten eatn�ni qrrqttwn�t{ �n the hqto qh an eat{ eh�fhqqf fexeqroent anf efweat�qn rtqitao wh�eh uha be xqwntat{, h�ih qwa�t{, htee, anf fe�xetef aeeqtf�ni tq rtqheuu�qna{ aeeertef utanfatfu0 An eat{ eh�fhqqf fexeqroent anf efweat�qn rtqitao oeanu an qtia/ n�zef rtqitao feu�inef tq affteuu anf enhanee eaeh eh�f'u ab��t{ tq oa�e aie arrtqrt�ate rtqiteuu �n an arrtqrt�ate tanie qh uett�niu �n the fexeqroent qh aniwaie anf eqin�t�xe earab��t�eu anf eoqt�qna, uqe�a, teiwatqt{ anf oqta earae�t�eu thtqwih efwea/ t�qn �n bau�e u��u anf uweh qthet u��u au the Nei�uatwte oa{ feteto�ne tq be arrtqrt�ate0 (e) Vhe eat{ eh�fhqqf efweat�qn anf fexeqroent rtqitaou rtqx�fef b{ teauqn qh uwbrataitarh (b) uha be �oreoentef nq atet than the bei�nn�ni qh the 2225 uehqq {eat thtqwih hwnfu ienetatef �n aff�t�qn tq thque wuef hqt ez�ut�ni efweat�qn, heath, anf fexeqroent rtqitaou0 Gz�ut�ni efweat�qn, heath, anf fexeqroent rtqitaou ate thque hwnfef b{ the State au qh Janwat{ 3, 2222 that rtqx�fef hqt eh�f qt afwt efweat�qn, heath eate, qt fexeqroent0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 8, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Aou0 b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qnu h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Jw{ 52, 2222, anf Awiwut 3, 2222; afqrtef 22220 SGEVKQP 20 State bqatf qh efweat�qn0´Vhe utate bqatf qh efweat�qn uha be a bqf{ eqtrqtate anf haxe uweh uwretx�u�qn qh the u{uteo qh htee rwb�e efweat�qn au �u rtqx�fef b{ aw0 Vhe utate bqatf qh efweat�qn uha eqnu�ut qh uexen oeobetu arrq�ntef b{ the iqxetnqt tq utaiietef 6/{eat tetou, uwb�eet tq eqnh�toat�qn b{ the uenate0 Vhe utate bqatf qh efwea/ t�qn uha arrq�nt the eqoo�uu�qnet qh efweat�qn0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 8, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 50 Vetou qh arrq�nt�xe bqatf oeo/ betu0´Meobetu qh an{ arrq�nt�xe bqatf fea�ni w�th efweat�qn oa{ uetxe tetou �n ezeeuu qh hqwt {eatu au rtqx�fef b{ aw0 SGEVKQP 60 Sehqq f�utt�etu; uehqq bqatfu0´ (a) Gaeh eqwnt{ uha eqnut�twte a uehqq f�utt�et; rtqx�fef, twq qt oqte eqnt�iwqwu eqwnt�eu, wrqn xqte qh the eeetqtu qh eaeh eqwnt{ rwtuwant tq aw, oa{ be eqob�nef �ntq qne uehqq f�utt�et0 Kn eaeh uehqq f�utt�et thete uha be a uehqq bqatf eqorquef qh h�xe qt oqte oeobetu ehquen b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu �n a nqnratt�/ uan eeet�qn hqt arrtqrt�ate{ utaiietef tetou qh hqwt {eatu, au rtqx�fef b{ aw0 (b) Vhe uehqq bqatf uha qretate, eqnttq anf uwretx�ue a htee rwb�e uehqqu w�th�n the uehqq f�utt�et anf feteto�ne the tate qh uehqq f�utt�et tazeu w�th�n the �o�tu rteuet�bef hete�n0 Vwq qt oqte uehqq f�utt�etu oa{ qretate anf h�nanee �q�nt efweat�qna rtqitaou0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 33, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 ATVKENG KZ EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA SGEVKQP 50 Swret�ntenfent qh uehqqu0´Kn eaeh uehqq f�utt�et thete uha be a uwret�ntenfent qh uehqqu whq uha be eeetef at the ieneta eeet�qn �n eaeh {eat the nwobet qh wh�eh �u a owt�re qh hqwt hqt a teto qh hqwt {eatu; qt, when rtqx�fef b{ teuqwt�qn qh the f�utt�et uehqq bqatf, qt b{ uree�a aw, arrtqxef b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu, the f�utt�et uehqq uwret�ntenfent �n an{ uehqq f�utt�et uha be eorq{ef b{ the f�utt�et uehqq bqatf au rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 Vhe teuqwt�qn qt uree�a aw oa{ be teue�nfef qt tereaef b{ e�thet rtqeefwte ahtet hqwt {eatu0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 80 State uehqq hwnf0´Vhe �neqoe fet�xef htqo the utate uehqq hwnf uha, anf the rt�ne�ra qh the hwnf oa{, be arrtqrt�atef, bwt qn{ tq the uwrrqtt anf oa�ntenanee qh htee rwb�e uehqqu0 SGEVKQP 90 State Wn�xetu�t{ S{uteo0´ (a) PWTPQSGS0 Kn qtfet tq aeh�exe ezeeenee thtqwih teaeh�ni utwfentu, afxane�ni teueateh anf rtqx�f�ni rwb�e uetx�ee hqt the beneh�t qh Hqt�fa'u e�t�zenu, the�t eqoown�t�eu anf eeqnqo�eu, the reqre heteb{ eutab�uh a u{uteo qh iqxetnanee hqt the utate wn�xetu�t{ u{uteo qh Hqt�fa0 (b) SVAVG WPKVGTSKVY SYSVGM0 Vhete uha be a u�nie utate wn�xetu�t{ u{uteo eqort�uef qh a rwb�e wn�xetu�t�eu0 A bqatf qh ttwuteeu uha afo�n�utet eaeh rwb�e wn�xetu�t{ anf a bqatf qh iqxetnqtu uha iqxetn the utate wn�xetu�t{ u{uteo0 (e) NQEAN DQATDS QH VTWSVGGS0 Gaeh qea eqnut�twent wn�xetu�t{ uha be afo�n�utetef b{ a bqatf qh ttwuteeu eqnu�ut�ni qh th�tteen oeobetu fef�eatef tq the rwtrqueu qh the utate wn�xetu�t{ u{uteo0 Vhe bqatf qh iqxetnqtu uha eutab�uh the rqwetu anf fwt�eu qh the bqatfu qh ttwuteeu0 Gaeh bqatf qh ttwuteeu uha eqnu�ut qh u�z e�t�zen oeobetu arrq�ntef b{ the iqxetnqt anf h�xe e�t�zen oeobetu arrq�ntef b{ the bqatf qh iqxet/ nqtu0 Vhe arrq�ntef oeobetu uha be eqnh�toef b{ the uenate anf uetxe utaiietef tetou qh h�xe {eatu au rtqx�fef b{ aw0 Vhe eha�t qh the haewt{ uenate, qt the eqw�xaent, anf the rteu�fent qh the utwfent bqf{ qh the wn�xetu�t{ uha auq be oeobetu0 (f) SVAVGYKDG DQATD QH GQVGTPQTS0 Vhe bqatf qh iqxetnqtu uha be a bqf{ eqtrqtate eqnu�ut�ni qh uexenteen oeobetu0 Vhe bqatf uha qretate, teiwate, eqnttq, anf be hw{ teurqnu�be hqt the oanaieoent qh the whqe wn�xetu�t{ u{uteo0 Vheue teurqnu�b��t�eu uha �newfe, bwt nqt be �o�tef tq, feh�n�ni the f�ut�net�xe o�uu�qn qh eaeh eqnut�twent wn�xetu�t{ anf �tu att�ewat�qn w�th htee rwb�e uehqqu anf eqoown�t{ eqeieu, enuwt�ni the we/rannef eqqtf�nat�qn anf qretat�qn qh the u{uteo, anf axq�f�ni wautehw fwr�eat�qn qh hae��t�eu qt rtqitaou0 Vhe bqatf'u oanaieoent uha be uwb�eet tq the rqwetu qh the ei�uatwte tq arrtqrt�ate hqt the ezrenf�twte qh hwnfu, anf the bqatf uha aeeqwnt hqt uweh ezrenf�/ twteu au rtqx�fef b{ aw0 Vhe iqxetnqt uha arrq�nt tq the bqatf hqwtteen e�t�zenu fef�eatef tq the rwtrqueu qh the utate wn�xetu�t{ u{uteo0 Vhe arrq�ntef oeobetu uha be eqnh�toef b{ the uenate anf uetxe utaiietef tetou qh uexen {eatu au rtqx�fef b{ aw0 Vhe eqoo�u/ u�qnet qh efweat�qn, the eha�t qh the afx�uqt{ eqwne� qh 58 ATVKENG Z haewt{ uenateu, qt the eqw�xaent, anf the rteu�fent qh the Hqt�fa utwfent auuqe�at�qn, qt the eqw�xaent, uha auq be oeobetu qh the bqatf0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Awiwut 8, 2222; afqrtef 22220 ATVKENG Z MKSEGNNAPGQWS See0 30 20 50 60 50 80 90 80 ;0 320 330 320 350 360 350 380 390 380 3;0 220 230 220 250 260 250 280 290 280 2;0 Aoenfoentu tq Wn�tef Stateu Eqnut�twt�qn0 M��t�a0 Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee0 Jqoeuteaf; ezeort�qnu0 Eqxettwte anf rtqrett{0 Go�nent fqoa�n0 Nqttet�eu0 Eenuwu0 Terea qh et�o�na utatwteu0 Heqn{; feh�n�t�qn0 Sqxete�int{ anfu0 Tweu qh eqnuttwet�qn0 Sw�tu aia�nut the utate0 State tet�teoent u{uteou beneh�t ehanieu0 State qretatef qttet�eu0 N�o�t�ni oat�ne net h�uh�ni0 Gxetiafeu Vtwut Hwnf0 D�urqu�t�qn qh eqnuetxat�qn anfu0 J�ih ureef itqwnf ttanurqttat�qn u{uteo0 Yqt�raeeu w�thqwt tqbaeeq uoq�e0 N�o�t�ni etwe anf �nhwoane eqnh�neoent qh r�iu fwt�ni rteinane{0 Patenta nqt�ee qh teto�nat�qn qh a o�nqt'u rtei/ nane{0 Sqt oaeh�neu0 Hqt�fa o�n�owo waie0 Pat�entu' t�iht tq �nqw abqwt afxetue oef�ea �ne�fentu0 Ptqh�b�t�qn qh oef�ea �eenue ahtet tereatef oef�ea oartaet�ee0 Eqortehenu�xe Statew�fe Vqbaeeq Gfweat�qn Anf Ptexent�qn Ptqitao0 Nanf Aeqw�u�t�qn Vtwut Hwnf0 Mef�ea oat��wana rtqfwet�qn, rquueuu�qn anf wue0 SGEVKQP 30 Aoenfoentu tq Wn�tef Stateu Eqn/ ut�twt�qn0´Vhe ei�uatwte uha nqt ta�e aet�qn qn an{ rtqrquef aoenfoent tq the eqnut�twt�qn qh the Wn�tef Stateu wneuu a oa�qt�t{ qh the oeobetu theteqh haxe been eeetef ahtet the rtqrquef aoenfoent hau been uwbo�ttef hqt tat�h�eat�qn0 SGEVKQP 20 M��t�a0´ (a) Vhe o��t�a uha be eqorquef qh a abebqf�ef �nhab�tantu qh the utate whq ate qt haxe feeatef the�t �ntent�qn tq beeqoe e�t�zenu qh the Wn�tef Stateu; anf nq retuqn beeawue qh te�i�qwu eteef qt qr�n�qn uha be ezeortef htqo o��tat{ fwt{ ezeert wrqn eqnf�t�qnu rtqx�fef b{ aw0 ATVKENG Z EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA (b) Vhe qtian�z�ni, eqw�rr�ni, hqwu�ni, oa�nta�n�ni, anf f�ue�r�n�ni qh the o��t�a, anf the uahe�eer�ni qh rwb�e atou oa{ be rtqx�fef hqt b{ aw0 (e) Vhe iqxetnqt uha arrq�nt a eqoo�uu�qnef qhh�eetu qh the o��t�a, �newf�ni an af�wtant ieneta whq uha be eh�eh qh utahh0 Vhe arrq�ntoent qh a ieneta qhh�eetu uha be uwb�eet tq eqnh�toat�qn b{ the uenate0 (f) Vhe qwa�h�eat�qnu qh retuqnne anf qhh�eetu qh the hefeta{ teeqin�zef nat�qna iwatf, �newf�ni the af/ �wtant ieneta, anf the itqwnfu anf rtqeeef�niu hqt the�t f�ue�r�ne anf teoqxa uha eqnhqto tq the arrtqrt�ate Wn�tef Stateu ato{ qt a�t hqtee teiwat�qnu anf wuaieu0 SGEVKQP 50 Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee0´Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee uha qeewt wrqn the eteat�qn qh an qhh�ee, wrqn the feath, teoqxa htqo qhh�ee, qt teu�inat�qn qh the �newo/ bent qt the �newobent'u uweeeuu�qn tq anqthet qhh�ee, wnezra�nef abuenee hqt u�zt{ eqnueewt�xe fa{u, qt ha�wte tq oa�nta�n the teu�fenee teqw�tef when eeetef qt arrq�ntef, anf wrqn ha�wte qh qne eeetef qt arrq�ntef tq qhh�ee tq qwa�h{ w�th�n th�tt{ fa{u htqo the eqooeneeoent qh the teto0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 60 Jqoeuteaf; ezeort�qnu0´ (a) Vhete uha be ezeort htqo hqteef uae wnfet rtqeeuu qh an{ eqwtt, anf nq �wfioent, feetee qt ezeewt�qn uha be a �en theteqn, ezeert hqt the ra{oent qh tazeu anf auueuuoentu theteqn, qb�iat�qnu eqnttaetef hqt the rwtehaue, �ortqxeoent qt tera�t theteqh, qt qb�iat�qnu eqnttaetef hqt hqwue, h�ef qt qthet abqt rethqtoef qn the teat{, the hqqw�ni rtqrett{ qwnef b{ a natwta retuqn< (3) a hqoeuteaf, �h qeatef qwtu�fe a own�e�ra�t{, tq the eztent qh qne hwnftef u�zt{ aeteu qh eqnt�iwqwu anf anf �ortqxeoentu theteqn, wh�eh uha nqt be tefweef w�thqwt the qwnet'u eqnuent b{ teauqn qh uwbueqwent �newu�qn �n a own�e�ra�t{; qt �h qeatef w�th�n a own�e�ra�t{, tq the eztent qh qne/hah aete qh eqnt�iwqwu anf, wrqn wh�eh the ezeort�qn uha be �o�tef tq the teu�fenee qh the qwnet qt the qwnet'u hao�{; (2) retuqna rtqrett{ tq the xawe qh qne thqwuanf fqatu0 (b) Vheue ezeort�qnu uha �nwte tq the uwtx�x�ni urqwue qt he�tu qh the qwnet0 (e) Vhe hqoeuteaf uha nqt be uwb�eet tq fex�ue �h the qwnet �u uwtx�xef b{ urqwue qt o�nqt eh�f, ezeert the hqoeuteaf oa{ be fex�uef tq the qwnet'u urqwue �h thete be nq o�nqt eh�f0 Vhe qwnet qh hqoeuteaf tea eutate, �q�nef b{ the urqwue �h oatt�ef, oa{ a�enate the hqoeuteaf b{ oqttiaie, uae qt i�ht anf, �h oatt�ef, oa{ b{ feef ttanuhet the t�te tq an eutate b{ the ent�tet{ w�th the urqwue0 Kh the qwnet qt urqwue �u �neqoretent, the oethqf qh a�enat�qn qt enewobtanee uha be au rtqx�fef b{ aw0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 6526, 3;92; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 J0J0T0 62, 3;85; afqrtef 3;86; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 50 Eqxettwte anf rtqrett{0´Vhete uha be nq f�ut�net�qn between oatt�ef wqoen anf oatt�ef oen �n the hqf�ni, eqnttq, f�urqu�t�qn, qt 59 ATVKENG Z enewobet�ni qh the�t rtqrett{, bqth tea anf retuqna; ezeert that fqwet qt ewtteu{ oa{ be eutab�uhef anf teiwatef b{ aw0 SGEVKQP 80 Go�nent fqoa�n0´ (a) Pq rt�xate rtqrett{ uha be ta�en ezeert hqt a rwb�e rwtrque anf w�th hw eqorenuat�qn thetehqt ra�f tq eaeh qwnet qt ueewtef b{ ferqu�t �n the tei�utt{ qh the eqwtt anf axa�abe tq the qwnet0 (b) Ptqx�u�qn oa{ be oafe b{ aw hqt the ta��ni qh eaueoentu, b{ ��e rtqeeef�niu, hqt the fta�naie qh the anf qh qne retuqn qxet qt thtqwih the anf qh anqthet0 (e) Pt�xate rtqrett{ ta�en b{ eo�nent fqoa�n rwt/ uwant tq a ret�t�qn tq �n�t�ate eqnfeonat�qn rtqeeef�niu h�ef qn qt ahtet Janwat{ 2, 2229, oa{ nqt be eqnxe{ef tq a natwta retuqn qt rt�xate ent�t{ ezeert au rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw rauuef b{ a thtee/h�hthu xqte qh the oeobetuh�r qh eaeh hqwue qh the Nei�uatwte0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 358;, 2228; afqrtef 22280 SGEVKQP 90 Nqttet�eu0´Nqttet�eu, qthet than the t{reu qh rat�/owtwe rqqu awthqt�zef b{ aw au qh the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u eqnut�twt�qn, ate heteb{ rtqh�b�tef �n th�u utate0 SGEVKQP 80 Eenuwu0´ (a) Gaeh feeenn�a eenuwu qh the utate ta�en b{ the Wn�tef Stateu uha be an qhh�e�a eenuwu qh the utate0 (b) Gaeh feeenn�a eenuwu, hqt the rwtrque qh eauu�h�eat�qnu bauef wrqn rqrwat�qn, uha beeqoe ehheet�xe qn the th�tt�eth fa{ ahtet the h�na af�qwtnoent qh the teiwat ueuu�qn qh the ei�uatwte eqnxenef nezt ahtet eett�h�eat�qn qh the eenuwu0 SGEVKQP ;0 Terea qh et�o�na utatwteu0´Te/ rea qt aoenfoent qh a et�o�na utatwte uha nqt ahheet rtqueewt�qn qt rwn�uhoent hqt an{ et�oe rtex�qwu{ eqoo�ttef0 SGEVKQP 320 Heqn{; feh�n�t�qn0´Vhe teto ¬he/ qn{¹ au wuef hete�n anf �n the awu qh th�u utate uha oean an{ et�o�na qhhenue that �u rwn�uhabe wnfet the awu qh th�u utate, qt that wqwf be rwn�uhabe �h eqoo�ttef �n th�u utate, b{ feath qt b{ �ort�uqnoent �n the utate ren�tent�at{0 SGEVKQP 330 Sqxete�int{ anfu0´Vhe t�te tq anfu wnfet nax�iabe watetu, w�th�n the bqwnfat�eu qh the utate, wh�eh haxe nqt been a�enatef, �newf�ni beaeheu beqw oean h�ih watet �neu, �u hef b{ the utate, b{ x�ttwe qh �tu uqxete�int{, �n ttwut hqt a the reqre0 Sae qh uweh anfu oa{ be awthqt�zef b{ aw, bwt qn{ when �n the rwb�e �nteteut0 Pt�xate wue qh rqtt�qnu qh uweh anfu oa{ be awthqt�zef b{ aw, bwt qn{ when nqt eqnttat{ tq the rwb�e �nteteut0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 9;2, 3;92; afqrtef 3;920 SGEVKQP 320 Tweu qh eqnuttwet�qn0´Wneuu qwa�h�ef �n the tezt the hqqw�ni tweu qh eqnuttwet�qn uha arr{ tq th�u eqnut�twt�qn0 (a) ¬Jete�n¹ tehetu tq the ent�te eqnut�twt�qn0 (b) Vhe u�niwat �newfeu the rwta0 (e) Vhe oauew�ne �newfeu the heo�n�ne0 ATVKENG Z EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA (f) ¬Vqte qh the eeetqtu¹ oeanu the xqte qh the oa�qt�t{ qh thque xqt�ni qn the oattet �n an eeet�qn, ieneta qt uree�a, �n wh�eh thque ratt�e�rat�ni ate �o�tef tq the eeetqtu qh the iqxetnoenta wn�t tehettef tq �n the tezt0 (e) Vqte qt qthet aet�qn qh a ei�uat�xe hqwue qt qthet iqxetnoenta bqf{ oeanu the xqte qt aet�qn qh a oa�qt�t{ qt qthet uree�h�ef reteentaie qh thque oeo/ betu xqt�ni qn the oattet0 ¬Qh the oeobetuh�r¹ oeanu ¬qh a oeobetu theteqh0¹ (h) Vhe tetou ¬�wf�e�a qhh�ee,¹ ¬�wut�eeu¹ anf ¬�wfieu¹ uha nqt �newfe �wfieu qh eqwttu eutab�uhef uqe{ hqt the tt�a qh x�qat�qnu qh qtf�naneeu0 (i) ¬Sree�a aw¹ oeanu a uree�a qt qea aw0 (h) V�teu anf uwbt�teu uha nqt be wuef �n eqn/ uttwet�qn0 SGEVKQP 350 Sw�tu aia�nut the utate0´Ptqx�u�qn oa{ be oafe b{ ieneta aw hqt bt�ni�ni uw�t aia�nut the utate au tq a �ab��t�eu nqw ez�ut�ni qt heteahtet qt�i�nat�ni0 SGEVKQP 360 State tet�teoent u{uteou beneh�t ehanieu0´A iqxetnoenta wn�t teurqnu�be hqt an{ tet�teoent qt renu�qn u{uteo uwrrqttef �n whqe qt �n ratt b{ rwb�e hwnfu uha nqt ahtet Janwat{ 3, 3;99, rtqx�fe an{ �neteaue �n the beneh�tu tq the oeobetu qt beneh�e�at�eu qh uweh u{uteo wneuu uweh wn�t hau oafe qt eqnewttent{ oa�eu rtqx�u�qn hqt the hwnf�ni qh the �neteaue �n beneh�tu qn a uqwnf aetwat�a bau�u0 J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 2;3, 3;95; afqrtef 3;980 SGEVKQP 350 State qretatef qttet�eu0´ (a) Nqttet�eu oa{ be qretatef b{ the utate0 (b) Kh an{ uwbueet�qn qt uwbueet�qnu qh the aoenf/ oent tq the Hqt�fa Eqnut�twt�qn ate hef wneqnut�tw/ t�qna hqt eqnta�n�ni oqte than qne uwb�eet, th�u aoenfoent uha be �o�tef tq uwbueet�qn (a) abqxe0 (e) Vh�u aoenfoent uha be �oreoentef au hq/ qwu< (3) Sehefwe´Qn the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u aoenf/ oent, the qttet�eu uha be �nqwn au the Hqt�fa Gfweat�qn Nqttet�eu0 Pet rtqeeefu fet�xef htqo the qttet�eu uha be ferqu�tef tq a utate ttwut hwnf, tq be feu�inatef Vhe State Gfweat�qn Nqttet�eu Vtwut Hwnf, tq be arrtqrt�atef b{ the Nei�uatwte0 Vhe uehefwe oa{ be aoenfef b{ ieneta aw0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Jwne 32, 3;85; afqrtef 3;880 SGEVKQP 380 N�o�t�ni oat�ne net h�uh�ni0´ (a) Vhe oat�ne teuqwteeu qh the State qh Hqt�fa beqni tq a qh the reqre qh the utate anf uhqwf be eqnuetxef anf oanaief hqt the beneh�t qh the utate, �tu reqre, anf hwtwte ienetat�qnu0 Vq th�u enf the reqre heteb{ enaet �o�tat�qnu qn oat�ne net h�uh�ni �n Hqt�fa watetu tq rtqteet uatwatet h�nh�uh, uheh�uh, anf qthet oat�ne an�oau htqo wnneeeuuat{ ���ni, qxeth�uh�ni anf waute0 (b) Hqt the rwtrque qh eateh�ni qt ta��ni an{ uat/ watet h�nh�uh, uheh�uh qt qthet oat�ne an�oau �n Hqt�fa watetu< (3) Pq i� netu qt qthet entani�ni netu uha be wuef �n an{ Hqt�fa watetu; anf 58 ATVKENG Z (2) Kn aff�t�qn tq the rtqh�b�t�qn uet hqtth �n (3), nq qthet t{re qh net eqnta�n�ni oqte than 522 uqwate heet qh oeuh atea uha be wuef �n neatuhqte anf �nuhqte Hqt�fa watetu0 Aff�t�qna{, nq oqte than twq uweh netu, wh�eh uha nqt be eqnneetef, uha be wuef htqo an{ xeuue, anf nq retuqn nqt qn a xeuue uha wue oqte than qne uweh net �n neatuhqte anf �nuhqte Hqt�fa watetu0 (e) Hqt rwtrqueu qh th�u ueet�qn< (3) ¬i� net¹ oeanu qne qt oqte wau qh nett�ni wh�eh eartwteu uatwatet h�nh�uh b{ enunat�ni qt entan/ i�ni theo �n the oeuheu qh the net b{ the i�u, anf ¬entani�ni net¹ oeanu a ft�ht net, ttaooe net, utab net, qt an{ qthet net wh�eh eartwteu uatwatet h�nh�uh, uheh�uh, qt qthet oat�ne an�oau b{ eawu�ni a qt ratt qh heafu, h�nu, eiu, qt qthet bqf{ rattu tq beeqoe entanief qt enunatef �n the oeuheu qh the net, bwt a hanf thtqwn eaut net �u nqt a i� net qt an entani�ni net; (2) ¬oeuh atea¹ qh a net oeanu the tqta atea qh nett�ni w�th the oeuheu qren tq eqort�ue the oaz�owo uqwate hqqtaie0 Vhe uqwate hqqtaie uha be eaewatef wu�ni utanfatf oatheoat�ea hqtowau hqt ieqoett�e uhareu0 Se�neu anf qthet teetaniwat netu uha be eaewatef wu�ni the oaz�owo enith anf oaz�owo w�fth qh the nett�ni0 Vtawu anf qthet bai t{re netu uha be eaewatef au a eqne wu�ni the oaz�owo e�tewohet/ enee qh the net oqwth tq fet�xe the taf�wu, anf the oaz�owo enith htqo the net oqwth tq the ta� enf qh the net tq fet�xe the uant he�iht0 Eaewat�qnu hqt an{ qthet netu qt eqob�nat�qn t{re netu uha be bauef qn the uhareu qh the �nf�x�fwa eqorqnentu; (5) ¬eqaut�ne¹ oeanu the tett�tqt�a uea baue �ne hqt the State qh Hqt�fa eutab�uhef rwtuwant tq the awu qh the Wn�tef Stateu qh Aoet�ea; (6) ¬Hqt�fa watetu¹ oeanu the watetu qh the Atant�e Qeean, the Gwh qh Mez�eq, the Stta�tu qh Hqt�fa, anf an{ qthet bqf�eu qh watet wnfet the �wt�uf�et�qn qh the State qh Hqt�fa, whethet eqauta, �nttaeqauta qt �nanf, anf an{ ratt theteqh; anf (5) ¬neatuhqte anf �nuhqte Hqt�fa watetu¹ oeanu a Hqt�fa watetu �nu�fe a �ne thtee o�eu ueawatf qh the eqaut�ne aqni the Gwh qh Mez�eq anf �nu�fe a �ne qne o�e ueawatf qh the eqaut�ne aqni the Atant�e Qeean0 (f) Vh�u ueet�qn uha nqt arr{ tq the wue qh netu hqt ue�ent�h�e teueateh qt iqxetnoenta rwtrqueu0 (e) Petuqnu x�qat�ni th�u ueet�qn uha be rtque/ ewtef anf rwn�uhef rwtuwant tq the renat�eu rtqx�fef �n ueet�qn 5920223(2)(a),(b),(e)80 anf 90, anf (e), Hqt�fa Statwteu (3;;3), wneuu anf wnt� the ei�uatwte enaetu oqte utt�nient renat�eu hqt x�qat�qnu heteqh0 Qn anf ahtet the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u ueet�qn, aw enhqteeoent qhh�eetu �n the utate ate awthqt�zef tq enhqtee the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u ueet�qn �n the uaoe oannet anf awthqt�t{ au �h a x�qat�qn qh th�u ueet�qn eqnut�twtef a x�qat�qn qh Ehartet 592, Hqt�fa Statwteu (3;;3)0 (h) Kt �u the �ntent qh th�u ueet�qn that �oreoent�ni ei�uat�qn �u nqt teqw�tef hqt enhqte�ni an{ x�qat�qnu heteqh, bwt nqth�ni �n th�u ueet�qn rtqh�b�tu the eutab�uh/ oent b{ aw qt rwtuwant tq aw qh oqte teutt�et�qnu qn the wue qh netu hqt the rwtrque qh eateh�ni qt ta��ni an{ uatwatet h�nh�uh, uheh�uh, qt qthet oat�ne an�oau0 ATVKENG Z EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA (i) Kh an{ rqtt�qn qh th�u ueet�qn �u hef �nxa�f hqt an{ teauqn, the teoa�n�ni rqtt�qn qh th�u ueet�qn, tq the hweut eztent rquu�be, uha be uexetef htqo the xq�f rqtt�qn anf i�xen the hweut rquu�be hqtee anf arr�ea/ t�qn0 (h) Vh�u ueet�qn uha ta�e ehheet qn the Jw{ 3 nezt qeewtt�ni ahtet arrtqxa heteqh b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Qetqbet 2, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;60 SGEVKQP 390 Gxetiafeu Vtwut Hwnf0´ (a) Vhete �u heteb{ eutab�uhef the Gxetiafeu Vtwut Hwnf, wh�eh uha nqt be uwb�eet tq teto�nat�qn rwtuwant tq Att�ee KKK, Seet�qn 3;(h)0 Vhe rwtrque qh the Gxetiafeu Vtwut Hwnf �u tq oa�e hwnfu axa�abe tq auu�ut �n eqnuetxat�qn anf rtqteet�qn qh natwta te/ uqwteeu anf abateoent qh watet rqwt�qn �n the Gxet/ iafeu Ptqteet�qn Atea anf the Gxetiafeu Ait�ewtwta Atea0 Vhe ttwut hwnf uha be afo�n�utetef b{ the Sqwth Hqt�fa Yatet Manaieoent D�utt�et, qt �tu uweeeuuqt aiene{, eqnu�utent w�th utatwtqt{ aw0 (b) Vhe Gxetiafeu Vtwut Hwnf oa{ teee�xe hwnfu htqo an{ uqwtee, �newf�ni i�htu htqo �nf�x�fwau, eqtrqtat�qnu qt qthet ent�t�eu; hwnfu htqo ieneta texenwe au feteto�nef b{ the Nei�uatwte; anf an{ qthet hwnfu uq feu�inatef b{ the Nei�uatwte, b{ the Wn�tef Stateu Eqniteuu qt b{ an{ qthet iqxetnoenta ent�t{0 (e) Hwnfu ferqu�tef tq the Gxetiafeu Vtwut Hwnf uha be ezrenfef hqt rwtrqueu qh eqnuetxat�qn anf rtqteet�qn qh natwta teuqwteeu anf abateoent qh watet rqwt�qn �n the Gxetiafeu Ptqteet�qn Atea anf Gxet/ iafeu Ait�ewtwta Atea0 (f) Hqt rwtrqueu qh th�u uwbueet�qn, the tetou ¬Gxetiafeu Ptqteet�qn Atea,¹ ¬Gxetiafeu Ait�ewtwta Atea¹ anf ¬Sqwth Hqt�fa Yatet Manaieoent D�utt�et¹ uha haxe the oean�niu au feh�nef �n utatwteu �n ehheet qn Janwat{ 3, 3;;80 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Mateh 28, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 380 D�urqu�t�qn qh eqnuetxat�qn anfu0 Vhe hee �nteteut �n tea rtqrett{ hef b{ an ent�t{ qh the utate anf feu�inatef hqt natwta teuqwteeu eqnuetxat�qn rwtrqueu au rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw uha be oanaief hqt the beneh�t qh the e�t�zenu qh th�u utate anf oa{ be f�urquef qh qn{ �h the oeobetu qh the iqxetn�ni bqatf qh the ent�t{ hqf�ni t�te feteto�ne the rtqrett{ �u nq qniet neefef hqt eqnuetxat�qn rwtrqueu anf qn{ wrqn a xqte qh twq/th�tfu qh the iqxetn�ni bqatf0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 5, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 3SGEVKQP 3;0 J�ih ureef itqwnf ttanurqttat�qn u{uteo0´Vq tefwee ttahh�e eqnieut�qn anf rtqx�fe atetnat�xeu tq the ttaxe�ni rwb�e, �t �u heteb{ feeatef tq be �n the rwb�e �nteteut that a h�ih ureef itqwnf ttanurqttat�qn u{uteo eqnu�ut�ni qh a oqnqta�, h�zef iw�fewa{ qt oainet�e ex�tat�qn u{uteo, earabe qh ureefu �n ezeeuu qh 322 o�eu ret hqwt, be fexeqref anf qretatef �n the State qh Hqt�fa tq rtqx�fe h�ih ureef itqwnf ttanurqttat�qn b{ �nnqxat�xe, ehh�e�ent anf ehheet�xe teehnqqi�eu eqnu�ut�ni qh fef�eatef ta�u qt iw�fewa{u ueratatef htqo oqtqt xeh�ewat ttahh�e that w� �n� the h�xe atieut wtban ateau qh the State au 5; ATVKENG Z feteto�nef b{ the Nei�uatwte anf rtqx�fe hqt aeeeuu tq ez�ut�ni a�t anf itqwnf ttanurqttat�qn hae��t�eu anf uetx�eeu0 Vhe Nei�uatwte, the Eab�net anf the Gqxetnqt ate heteb{ f�teetef tq rtqeeef w�th the fexeqroent qh uweh a u{uteo b{ the State anf/qt b{ a rt�xate ent�t{ rwtuwant tq utate arrtqxa anf awthqt�zat�qn, �newf�ni the aeqw�u�t�qn qh t�iht/qh/wa{, the h�nane�ni qh feu�in anf eqnuttwet�qn qh the u{uteo, anf the qretat�qn qh the u{uteo, au rtqx�fef b{ uree�h�e arrtqrt�at�qn anf b{ aw, w�th eqnuttwet�qn tq bei�n qn qt behqte Pqxeobet 3, 22250 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Serteobet 5, 3;;;; afqrtef 2222; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Hebtwat{ 38, 2226; afqrtef 22260 3Pqte0´Vh�u ueet�qn wau tereaef ehheet�xe Janwat{ 6, 2225, b{ Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Hebtwat{ 38, 2226; afqrtef 22260 See u0 5(e), Att0 ZK, State Eqnut�twt�qn, hqt eqnut�twt�qna ehheet�xe fate0 SGEVKQP 220 Yqt�raeeu w�thqwt tqbaeeq uoq�e0´ (a) PTQJKDKVKQP0 Au a Hqt�fa heath �n�t�at�xe tq rtqteet reqre htqo the heath hazatfu qh ueeqnf/hanf tqbaeeq uoq�e, tqbaeeq uoq��ni �u rtqh�b�tef �n enequef �nfqqt wqt�raeeu0 (b) GZEGPVKQPS0 Au hwtthet ezra�nef �n the feh�n�t�qnu beqw, tqbaeeq uoq��ni oa{ be reto�ttef �n rt�xate teu�feneeu whenexet the{ ate nqt be�ni wuef eqooete�a{ tq rtqx�fe eh�f eate, afwt eate, qt heath eate, qt an{ eqob�nat�qn theteqh; anf hwtthet oa{ be reto�ttef �n teta� tqbaeeq uhqru, feu�inatef uoq��ni iweut tqqou at hqteu anf qthet rwb�e qfi�ni eutab/ �uhoentu; anf utanf/aqne batu0 Jqwexet, nqth�ni �n th�u ueet�qn qt �n �tu �oreoent�ni ei�uat�qn qt teiwa/ t�qnu uha rtqh�b�t the qwnet, euuee, qt qthet retuqn �n eqnttq qh the wue qh an enequef �nfqqt wqt�raee htqo hwtthet rtqh�b�t�ni qt �o�t�ni uoq��ni thete�n0 (e) DGHKPKVKQPS0 Hqt rwtrqueu qh th�u ueet�qn, the hqqw�ni wqtfu anf tetou uha haxe the utatef oean�niu< (3) ¬Soq��ni¹ oeanu �nha�ni, ezha�ni, bwtn�ni, eatt{�ni, qt rquueuu�ni an{ �ihtef tqbaeeq rtqfwet, �newf�ni e�iatetteu, e�iatu, r�re tqbaeeq, anf an{ qthet �ihtef tqbaeeq rtqfwet0 (2) ¬Seeqnf/hanf uoq�e,¹ auq �nqwn au enx�tqn/ oenta tqbaeeq uoq�e (GVS), oeanu uoq�e eo�ttef htqo �ihtef, uoqfet�ni, qt bwtn�ni tqbaeeq when the uoq�et �u nqt �nha�ni; uoq�e eo�ttef at the oqwth/ r�eee fwt�ni rwhh ftaw�ni; anf uoq�e ezhaef b{ the uoq�et0 (5) ¬Yqt�¹ oeanu an{ retuqn'u rtqx�f�ni an{ eo/ rq{oent qt eorq{oent/t{re uetx�ee hqt qt at the teqweut qh anqthet �nf�x�fwa qt �nf�x�fwau qt an{ rwb�e qt rt�xate ent�t{, whethet hqt eqorenuat�qn qt nqt, whethet hw qt ratt/t�oe, whethet eia{ qt nqt0 ¬Yqt�¹ �newfeu, w�thqwt �o�tat�qn, an{ uweh uetx�ee rethqtoef b{ an eorq{ee, �nferenfent eqnttaetqt, aient, rattnet, rtqrt�etqt, oanaiet, qhh�eet, f�teetqt, arrtent�ee, tta�nee, auuqe�ate, uetxant, xqwnteet, anf the ��e0 (6) ¬Gnequef �nfqqt wqt�raee¹ oeanu an{ raee whete qne qt oqte retuqnu eniaieu �n wqt�, anf wh�eh raee �u rtefqo�nant{ qt tqta{ bqwnfef qn a u�feu anf abqxe b{ rh{u�ea batt�etu, teiatfeuu qh whethet uweh batt�etu eqnu�ut qh qt �newfe wneqxetef qren�niu, ueteenef qt qthetw�ue ratt�a{ eqxetef qren�niu; qt ATVKENG Z EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA qren qt equef w�nfqwu, �aqwu�eu, fqqtu, qt the ��e0 Vh�u ueet�qn arr�eu tq a uweh enequef �nfqqt wqt�/ raeeu w�thqwt teiatf tq whethet wqt� �u qeewtt�ni at an{ i�xen t�oe0 (5) ¬Eqooete�a¹ wue qh a rt�xate teu�fenee oeanu an{ t�oe fwt�ni wh�eh the qwnet, euuee, qt qthet retuqn qeewr{�ni qt eqnttq�ni the wue qh the rt�xate teu�fenee �u hwtn�uh�ni �n the rt�xate teu�fenee, qt eawu�ni qt aqw�ni tq be hwtn�uhef �n the rt�xate teu�fenee, eh�f eate, afwt eate, qt heath eate, qt an{ eqob�nat�qn theteqh, anf teee�x�ni qt ezreet�ni tq teee�xe eqorenuat�qn thetehqt0 (8) ¬Teta� tqbaeeq uhqr¹ oeanu an{ enequef �n/ fqqt wqt�raee fef�eatef tq qt rtefqo�nant{ hqt the teta� uae qh tqbaeeq, tqbaeeq rtqfwetu, anf aeeeu/ uqt�eu hqt uweh rtqfwetu, �n wh�eh the uae qh qthet rtqfwetu qt uetx�eeu �u oete{ �ne�fenta0 (9) ¬Deu�inatef uoq��ni iweut tqqou at rwb�e qfi�ni eutab�uhoentu¹ oeanu the ueer�ni tqqou anf f�teet{ auuqe�atef rt�xate ateau, uweh au bath/ tqqou, �x�ni tqqou, anf ��tehen ateau, �h an{, tentef tq iweutu hqt the�t ezewu�xe ttanu�ent qeewrane{ �n rwb�e qfi�ni eutab�uhoentu �newf�ni hqteu, oqteu, teuqtt eqnfqo�n�wou, ttanu�ent arattoentu, ttanu�ent qfi�ni eutab�uhoentu, tqqo�ni hqwueu, bqatf�ni hqwueu, teuqtt fwe�niu, bef anf btea�haut �nnu, anf the ��e; anf feu�inatef b{ the retuqn qt retuqnu hax�ni oanaieoent awthqt�t{ qxet uweh rwb�e qfi�ni eutab/ �uhoent au tqqou �n wh�eh uoq��ni oa{ be reto�ttef0 (8) ¬Stanf/aqne bat¹ oeanu an{ raee qh bwu�neuu fexqtef fwt�ni an{ t�oe qh qretat�qn rtefqo�nant{ qt tqta{ tq uetx�ni aeqhq�e bexetaieu, �ntqz�eat�ni bexetaieu, qt �ntqz�eat�ni �qwqtu, qt an{ eqob�nat�qn theteqh, hqt eqnuwort�qn qn the �eenuef rteo�ueu; �n wh�eh the uetx�ni qh hqqf, �h an{, �u oete{ �ne�fenta tq the eqnuwort�qn qh an{ uweh bexetaie; anf that �u nqt qeatef w�th�n, anf fqeu nqt uhate an{ eqooqn entt{/ wa{ qt eqooqn �nfqqt atea w�th, an{ qthet enequef �nfqqt wqt�raee �newf�ni an{ bwu�neuu hqt wh�eh the uae qh hqqf qt an{ qthet rtqfwet qt uetx�ee �u oqte than an �ne�fenta uqwtee qh itquu texenwe0 (f) NGGKSNAVKQP0 Kn the nezt teiwat ei�uat�xe ueuu�qn qeewtt�ni ahtet xqtet arrtqxa qh th�u aoenf/ oent, the Hqt�fa Nei�uatwte uha afqrt ei�uat�qn tq �oreoent th�u aoenfoent �n a oannet eqnu�utent w�th �tu btqaf rwtrque anf utatef tetou, anf hax�ni an ehheet�xe fate nq atet than Jw{ 3 qh the {eat hqqw�ni xqtet arrtqxa0 Sweh ei�uat�qn uha �newfe, w�thqwt �o�tat�qn, e�x� renat�eu hqt x�qat�qnu qh th�u ueet�qn; rtqx�u�qnu hqt afo�n�uttat�xe enhqteeoent; anf the teqw�teoent anf awthqt�zat�qn qh aiene{ tweu hqt �oreoentat�qn anf enhqteeoent0 Pqth�ni hete�n uha rteewfe the Nei�uatwte htqo enaet�ni an{ aw eqn/ ut�twt�ni qt aqw�ni a oqte teutt�et�xe teiwat�qn qh tqbaeeq uoq��ni than �u rtqx�fef �n th�u ueet�qn0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 32, 2222; afqrtef 22220 3SGEVKQP 230 N�o�t�ni etwe anf �nhwoane eqn/ h�neoent qh r�iu fwt�ni rteinane{0´Knhwoane tteatoent qh an�oau �u a eqneetn qh Hqt�fa e�t�zenu0 Vq rtexent etwet{ tq eetta�n an�oau anf au teeqo/ oenfef b{ Vhe Jwoane Sqe�et{ qh the Wn�tef Stateu, the reqre qh the State qh Hqt�fa heteb{ �o�t the etwe 62 ATVKENG Z anf �nhwoane eqnh�neoent qh r�iu fwt�ni rteinane{ au rtqx�fef hete�n0 (a) Kt uha be wnawhw hqt an{ retuqn tq eqnh�ne a r�i fwt�ni rteinane{ �n an enequwte, qt tq tethet a r�i fwt�ni rteinane{, qn a hato �n uweh a wa{ that uhe �u rtexentef htqo twtn�ni atqwnf htee{0 (b) Vh�u ueet�qn uha nqt arr{< (3) when a r�i �u wnfetiq�ni an ezao�nat�qn, teut, tteatoent qt qretat�qn eatt�ef qwt hqt xetet�nat{ rwt/ rqueu, rtqx�fef the ret�qf fwt�ni wh�eh the an�oa �u eqnh�nef qt tethetef �u nqt qniet than teauqnab{ neeeuuat{0 (2) fwt�ni the rteb�tth�ni ret�qf0 (e) Hqt rwtrqueu qh th�u ueet�qn< (3) ¬enequwte¹ oeanu an{ eaie, etate qt qthet enequwte �n wh�eh a r�i �u �ert hqt a qt the oa�qt�t{ qh an{ fa{, �newf�ni what �u eqooqn{ feuet�bef au the ¬ieutat�qn etate0¹ (2) ¬hato¹ oeanu the anf, bw�f�niu, uwrrqtt hae�/ �t�eu, anf qthet arrwttenaneeu wuef �n the rtqfwet�qn qh an�oau hqt hqqf qt h�bet0 (5) ¬retuqn¹ oeanu an{ natwta retuqn, eqtrqtat�qn anf/qt bwu�neuu ent�t{0 (6) ¬r�i¹ oeanu an{ an�oa qh the rqte�ne uree�eu0 (5) ¬twtn�ni atqwnf htee{¹ oeanu twtn�ni atqwnf w�thqwt hax�ni tq tqweh an{ u�fe qh the r�i'u enequwte0 (8) ¬rteb�tth�ni ret�qf¹ oeanu the uexen fa{ ret�qf rt�qt tq a r�i'u ezreetef fate qh i�x�ni b�tth0 (f) A retuqn whq x�qateu th�u ueet�qn uha be iw�t{ qh a o�ufeoeanqt qh the h�tut feitee, rwn�uhabe au rtqx�fef �n u0 9950282(6)(a), Hqt�fa Statwteu (3;;;), au aoenfef, qt b{ a h�ne qh nqt oqte than &5222, qt b{ bqth �ort�uqnoent anf a h�ne, wneuu anf wnt� the ei�uatwte enaetu oqte utt�nient renat�eu hqt x�qat�qnu heteqh0 Qn anf ahtet the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u ueet�qn, aw enhqteeoent qhh�eetu �n the utate ate awthqt�zef tq enhqtee the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u ueet�qn �n the uaoe oannet anf awthqt�t{ au �h a x�qat�qn qh th�u ueet�qn eqnut�twtef a x�qat�qn qh Seet�qn 828035, Hqt�fa Statwteu (3;;;)0 Vhe eqnh�neoent qt tethet�ni qh eaeh r�i uha eqnut�twte a ueratate qhhenue0 Vhe �nqwefie qt aetu qh aientu anf eorq{eeu qh a retuqn �n teiatf tq a r�i qwnef, hatoef qt �n the ewutqf{ qh a retuqn, uha be hef tq be the �nqwefie qt aet qh uweh retuqn0 (e) Kt �u the �ntent qh th�u ueet�qn that �oreoent�ni ei�uat�qn �u nqt teqw�tef hqt enhqte�ni an{ x�qat�qnu heteqh0 (h) Kh an{ rqtt�qn qh th�u ueet�qn �u hef �nxa�f hqt an{ teauqn, the teoa�n�ni rqtt�qn qh th�u ueet�qn, tq the hweut eztent rquu�be, uha be uexetef htqo the xq�f rqtt�qn anf i�xen the hweut rquu�be hqtee anf arr�ea/ t�qn0 (i) Vh�u ueet�qn uha ta�e ehheet u�z {eatu ahtet arrtqxa b{ the eeetqtu0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Awiwut 5, 2222; afqrtef 22220 3Pqte0´Vh�u ueet�qn, qt�i�na{ feu�inatef ueet�qn 3; b{ Aoenfoent Pq0 32, 2222, rtqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Awiwut 5, 2222, afqrtef 2222, wau tefeu�inatef ueet�qn 23 b{ the ef�tqtu �n qtfet tq axq�f eqnhwu�qn w�th ateaf{ ez�ut�ni ueet�qn 3;, teat�ni tq the h�ih ureef itqwnf ttanurqttat�qn u{uteo, anf ueet�qn 22, teat�ni tq rtqh�b�t�ni wqt�raee uoq��ni, au eqnta�nef �n Aoenfoent Pq0 8, rtqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 32, 2222, anf afqrtef �n 22220 SGEVKQP 220 Patenta nqt�ee qh teto�nat�qn qh a o�nqt'u rteinane{0´Vhe Nei�uatwte uha nqt �o�t qt ATVKENG Z EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA fen{ the rt�xae{ t�iht iwatanteef tq a o�nqt wnfet the Wn�tef Stateu Eqnut�twt�qn au �ntetrtetef b{ the Wn�tef Stateu Swrteoe Eqwtt0 Pqtw�thutanf�ni a o�nqt'u t�iht qh rt�xae{ rtqx�fef �n Seet�qn 25 qh Att�ee K, the Nei�uatwte �u awthqt�zef tq teqw�te b{ ieneta aw hqt nqt�h�eat�qn tq a ratent qt iwatf�an qh a o�nqt behqte the teto�nat�qn qh the o�nqt'u rteinane{0 Vhe Nei�uatwte uha rtqx�fe ezeert�qnu tq uweh teqw�teoent hqt nqt�/ h�eat�qn anf uha eteate a rtqeeuu hqt �wf�e�a wa�xet qh the nqt�h�eat�qn0 J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 3, 2226; afqrtef 22260 3SGEVKQP 250 Sqt oaeh�neu0´ (a) Ahtet xqtet arrtqxa qh th�u eqnut�twt�qna aoenf/ oent, the iqxetn�ni bqf�eu qh M�ao�/Dafe anf Dtqwatf Eqwnt�eu eaeh oa{ hqf a eqwnt{/w�fe tehetenfwo �n the�t teureet�xe eqwnt�eu qn whethet tq awthqt�ze uqt oaeh�neu w�th�n ez�ut�ni, �eenuef rat�owtwe hae��t�eu (thqtqwihbtef anf hatneuu tae�ni, ite{hqwnf tae�ni, anf �a�/aa�) that haxe eqnfwetef �xe tae�ni qt iaoeu �n that eqwnt{ fwt�ni eaeh qh the aut twq eaenfat {eatu behqte the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u aoenfoent0 Kh the xqtetu qh uweh eqwnt{ arrtqxe the tehetenfwo qweut�qn b{ oa�qt�t{ xqte, uqt oaeh�neu uha be awthqt�zef �n uweh rat�owtwe hae��t�eu0 Kh the xqtetu qh uweh eqwnt{ b{ oa�qt�t{ xqte f�uarrtqxe the tehetenfwo qweut�qn, uqt oaeh�neu uha nqt be uq awthqt�zef, anf the qweut�qn uha nqt be rteuentef �n anqthet tehetenfwo �n that eqwnt{ hqt at eaut twq {eatu0 (b) Kn the nezt teiwat Nei�uat�xe ueuu�qn qeewtt�ni ahtet xqtet arrtqxa qh th�u eqnut�twt�qna aoenfoent, the Nei�uatwte uha afqrt ei�uat�qn �oreoent�ni th�u ueet�qn anf hax�ni an ehheet�xe fate nq atet than Jw{ 3 qh the {eat hqqw�ni xqtet arrtqxa qh th�u aoenfoent0 Sweh ei�uat�qn uha awthqt�ze aiene{ tweu hqt �o/ reoentat�qn, anf oa{ �newfe rtqx�u�qnu hqt the �eenuwte anf teiwat�qn qh uqt oaeh�neu0 Vhe Nei�u/ atwte oa{ taz uqt oaeh�ne texenweu, anf an{ uweh tazeu owut uwrreoent rwb�e efweat�qn hwnf�ni utate/ w�fe0 (e) Kh an{ ratt qh th�u ueet�qn �u hef �nxa�f hqt an{ teauqn, the teoa�n�ni rqtt�qn qt rqtt�qnu uha be uexetef htqo the �nxa�f rqtt�qn anf i�xen the hweut rquu�be hqtee anf ehheet0 (f) Vh�u aoenfoent uha beeqoe ehheet�xe when arrtqxef b{ xqte qh the eeetqtu qh the utate0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 28, 2222; afqrtef 22260 3 Pqte0´Vh�u ueet�qn, qt�i�na{ feu�inatef ueet�qn 3; b{ Aoenfoent Pq0 6, 2226, rtqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 28, 2222, afqrtef 2226, wau tefeu�inatef ueet�qn 25 b{ the ef�tqtu �n qtfet tq axq�f eqnhwu�qn w�th ateaf{ ez�ut�ni ueet�qn 3;, teat�ni tq the h�ih ureef itqwnf ttanurqttat�qn u{uteo0 SGEVKQP 260 Hqt�fa o�n�owo waie0´ (a) PWDNKE PQNKEY0 A wqt��ni Hqt�f�anu ate ent�tef tq be ra�f a o�n�owo waie that �u uwhh�e�ent tq rtqx�fe a feeent anf heath{ �he hqt theo anf the�t hao��eu, that rtqteetu the�t eorq{etu htqo wnha�t qw/ waie eqoret�t�qn, anf that fqeu nqt hqtee theo tq te{ qn tazra{et/hwnfef rwb�e uetx�eeu �n qtfet tq axq�f eeqnqo�e hatfuh�r0 (b) DGHKPKVKQPS0 Au wuef �n th�u aoenfoent, the tetou ¬Gorq{et,¹ ¬Gorq{ee¹ anf ¬Yaie¹ uha haxe 63 ATVKENG Z the oean�niu eutab�uhef wnfet the hefeta Ha�t Nabqt Stanfatfu Aet (HNSA) anf �tu �oreoent�ni teiwat�qnu0 (e) MKPKMWM YAGG0 Gorq{etu uha ra{ Go/ rq{eeu Yaieu nq euu than the M�n�owo Yaie hqt a hqwtu wqt�ef �n Hqt�fa0 S�z oqnthu ahtet enaetoent, the M�n�owo Yaie uha be eutab�uhef at an hqwt{ tate qh &80350 Qn Serteobet 52th qh that {eat anf qn eaeh hqqw�ni Serteobet 52th, the utate Aiene{ hqt Yqt�hqtee Knnqxat�qn uha eaewate an af�wutef M�n�/ owo Yaie tate b{ �neteau�ni the ewttent M�n�owo Yaie tate b{ the tate qh �nhat�qn fwt�ni the twexe oqnthu rt�qt tq eaeh Serteobet 3ut wu�ni the eqnuwoet rt�ee �nfez hqt wtban waie eatnetu anf eet�ea wqt�etu, EPK/Y, qt a uweeeuuqt �nfez au eaewatef b{ the Wn�tef Stateu Derattoent qh Nabqt0 Gaeh af�wutef M�n�owo Yaie tate eaewatef uha be rwb�uhef anf ta�e ehheet qn the hqqw�ni Janwat{ 3ut0 Hqt t�rref Gorq{eeu oeet�ni e�i�b��t{ teqw�teoentu hqt the t�r etef�t wnfet the HNSA, Gorq{etu oa{ etef�t tqwatfu uat�uhaet�qn qh the M�n�owo Yaie t�ru wr tq the aoqwnt qh the aqwabe HNSA t�r etef�t �n 22250 (f) TGVANKAVKQP PTQJKDKVGD0 Kt uha be wn/ awhw hqt an Gorq{et qt an{ qthet ratt{ tq f�uet�o�nate �n an{ oannet qt ta�e afxetue aet�qn aia�nut an{ retuqn �n teta�at�qn hqt ezete�u�ni t�ihtu rtqteetef wnfet th�u aoenfoent0 T�ihtu rtqteetef wnfet th�u aoenfoent �newfe, bwt ate nqt �o�tef tq, the t�iht tq h�e a eqora�nt qt �nhqto an{ retuqn abqwt an{ ratt{'u aeief nqneqor�anee w�th th�u aoenfoent, anf the t�iht tq �nhqto an{ retuqn qh h�u qt het rqtent�a t�ihtu wnfet th�u aoenfoent anf tq auu�ut h�o qt het �n auuett�ni uweh t�ihtu0 (e) GPHQTEGMGPV0 Petuqnu aiit�exef b{ a x�q/ at�qn qh th�u aoenfoent oa{ bt�ni a e�x� aet�qn �n a eqwtt qh eqoretent �wt�uf�et�qn aia�nut an Gorq{et qt retuqn x�qat�ni th�u aoenfoent anf, wrqn rtexa��ni, uha teeqxet the hw aoqwnt qh an{ bae� waieu wnawhw{ w�thhef rwu the uaoe aoqwnt au �qw�fatef faoaieu, anf uha be awatfef teauqnabe attqtne{'u heeu anf equtu0 Kn aff�t�qn, the{ uha be ent�tef tq uweh eia qt eqw�tabe te�eh au oa{ be arrtqrt�ate tq teoef{ the x�qat�qn �newf�ni, w�thqwt �o�tat�qn, te�nutateoent �n eorq{oent anf/qt �n�wnet�xe te�eh0 An{ Gorq{et qt qthet retuqn hqwnf �abe hqt w�hw{ x�qat�ni th�u aoenfoent uha auq be uwb�eet tq a h�ne ra{abe tq the utate �n the aoqwnt qh &3222022 hqt eaeh x�qat�qn0 Vhe utate attqtne{ ieneta qt qthet qhh�e�a feu�inatef b{ the utate ei�uatwte oa{ auq bt�ni a e�x� aet�qn tq enhqtee th�u aoenfoent0 Aet�qnu tq enhqtee th�u aoenfoent uha be uwb�eet tq a utatwte qh �o�tat�qnu qh hqwt {eatu qt, �n the eaue qh w�hw x�qat�qnu, h�xe {eatu0 Sweh aet�qnu oa{ be btqwiht au a eauu aet�qn rwtuwant tq Twe 30222 qh the Hqt�fa Tweu qh E�x� Ptqeefwte0 (h) ADDKVKQPAN NGGKSNAVKQP, KMPNGMGPVA/ VKQP APD EQPSVTWEVKQP0 Koreoent�ni ei�ua/ t�qn �u nqt teqw�tef �n qtfet tq enhqtee th�u aoenfoent0 Vhe utate ei�uatwte oa{ b{ utatwte eutab�uh aff�t�qna teoef�eu qt h�neu hqt x�qat�qnu qh th�u aoenfoent, ta�ue the arr�eabe M�n�owo Yaie tate, tefwee the t�r etef�t, qt eztenf eqxetaie qh the M�n�owo Yaie tq eorq{etu qt eorq{eeu nqt eqxetef b{ th�u aoenf/ oent0 Vhe utate ei�uatwte oa{ b{ utatwte qt the utate ATVKENG Z EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA Aiene{ hqt Yqt�hqtee Knnqxat�qn oa{ b{ teiwat�qn afqrt an{ oeauwteu arrtqrt�ate hqt the �oreoentat�qn qh th�u aoenfoent0 Vh�u aoenfoent rtqx�feu hqt ra{oent qh a o�n�owo waie anf uha nqt be eqnuttwef tq rteeort qt qthetw�ue �o�t the awthqt�t{ qh the utate ei�uatwte qt an{ qthet rwb�e bqf{ tq afqrt qt enhqtee an{ qthet aw, teiwat�qn, teqw�teoent, rq�e{ qt utan/ fatf that rtqx�feu hqt ra{oent qh h�ihet qt uwrre/ oenta waieu qt beneh�tu, qt that eztenfu uweh rtqtee/ t�qnu tq eorq{etu qt eorq{eeu nqt eqxetef b{ th�u aoenfoent0 Kt �u �ntenfef that eaue aw, afo�n�uttat�xe �ntetrtetat�qnu, anf qthet iw�f�ni utanfatfu fexeqref wnfet the hefeta HNSA uha iw�fe the eqnuttwet�qn qh th�u aoenfoent anf an{ �oreoent�ni utatwteu qt teiwat�qnu0 (i) SGVGTADKNKVY0 Kh an{ ratt qh th�u aoenf/ oent, qt the arr�eat�qn qh th�u aoenfoent tq an{ retuqn qt e�tewoutanee, �u hef �nxa�f, the teoa�nfet qh th�u aoenfoent, �newf�ni the arr�eat�qn qh uweh ratt tq qthet retuqnu qt e�tewoutaneeu, uha nqt be ahheetef b{ uweh a hqf�ni anf uha eqnt�nwe �n hw hqtee anf ehheet0 Vq th�u enf, the rattu qh th�u aoenfoent ate uexetabe0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Awiwut 9, 2225; afqrtef 22260 3 SGEVKQP 250 Pat�entu' t�iht tq �nqw abqwt afxetue oef�ea �ne�fentu0´ (a) Kn aff�t�qn tq an{ qthet u�o�at t�ihtu rtqx�fef hete�n qt b{ ieneta aw, rat�entu haxe a t�iht tq haxe aeeeuu tq an{ teeqtfu oafe qt teee�xef �n the eqwtue qh bwu�neuu b{ a heath eate hae��t{ qt rtqx�fet teat�ni tq an{ afxetue oef�ea �ne�fent0 (b) Kn rtqx�f�ni uweh aeeeuu, the �fent�t{ qh rat�entu �nxqxef �n the �ne�fentu uha nqt be f�uequef, anf an{ rt�xae{ teutt�et�qnu �orquef b{ hefeta aw uha be oa�nta�nef0 (e) Hqt rwtrqueu qh th�u ueet�qn, the hqqw�ni tetou haxe the hqqw�ni oean�niu< (3) Vhe rhtaueu ¬heath eate hae��t{¹ anf ¬heath eate rtqx�fet¹ haxe the oean�ni i�xen �n ieneta aw teatef tq a rat�ent'u t�ihtu anf teurqnu�b��t�eu0 (2) Vhe teto ¬rat�ent¹ oeanu an �nf�x�fwa whq hau uqwiht, �u uee��ni, �u wnfetiq�ni, qt hau wnfetiqne eate qt tteatoent �n a heath eate hae��t{ qt b{ a heath eate rtqx�fet0 (5) Vhe rhtaue ¬afxetue oef�ea �ne�fent¹ oeanu oef�ea nei�ienee, �ntent�qna o�ueqnfwet, anf an{ qthet aet, neieet, qt fehawt qh a heath eate hae��t{ qt heath eate rtqx�fet that eawuef qt eqwf haxe eawuef �n�wt{ tq qt feath qh a rat�ent, �newf�ni, bwt nqt �o�tef tq, thque �ne�fentu that ate teqw�tef b{ utate qt hefeta aw tq be terqttef tq an{ iqxetnoenta aiene{ qt bqf{, anf �ne�fentu that ate terqttef tq qt tex�ewef b{ an{ heath eate hae��t{ reet tex�ew, t�u� oanaieoent, qwa�t{ auuwtanee, etefent�au, qt u�o�at eqoo�ttee, qt an{ terteuentat�xe qh an{ uweh eqoo�tteeu0 (6) Vhe rhtaue ¬haxe aeeeuu tq an{ teeqtfu¹ oeanu, �n aff�t�qn tq an{ qthet rtqeefwte hqt rtqfwe�ni uweh teeqtfu rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw, oa��ni the teeqtfu axa�abe hqt �nureet�qn anf eqr{�ni wrqn hqtoa qt �nhqtoa teqweut b{ the rat�ent qt a terteuentat�xe qh the rat�ent, rtqx�fef that ewttent teeqtfu wh�eh haxe been oafe rwb�e{ axa�abe b{ rwb�eat�qn qt qn the Kntetnet 62 ATVKENG Z oa{ be ¬rtqx�fef¹ b{ tehetenee tq the qeat�qn at wh�eh the teeqtfu ate rwb�e{ axa�abe0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Art� 3, 2225; afqrtef 22260 3Pqte0´ A0 Vh�u ueet�qn, qt�i�na{ feu�inatef ueet�qn 22 b{ Aoenfoent Pq0 9, 2226, rtqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Art� 3, 2225, afqrtef 2226, wau tefeu�inatef ueet�qn 25 b{ the ef�tqtu �n qtfet tq axq�f eqnhwu�qn w�th ueet�qn 22, teat�ni tq ratenta nqt�ee qh teto�nat�qn qh a o�nqt'u rteinane{, au eqnta�nef �n Aoenfoent Pq0 3, 2226, affef b{ J0J0T0 3, 2226, afqrtef 22260 D0 Aoenfoent Pq0 9, 2226, rtqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Art� 3, 2225, afqrtef 2226, rwb�uhef ¬]h_w ]t_ezt¹ eqnu�ut�ni qh a utateoent anf rwtrque, the aetwa aoenfoent ¬�nuett�ni the hqqw�ni new ueet�qn at the enf ]qh Att0 Z_,¹ anf an ehheet�xe fate anf uexetab��t{ rtqx�u�qn nqt uree�h�ea{ �newfef �n the aoenfoent tezt0 Vhe ehheet�xe fate anf uexetab��t{ rtqx�u�qn teafu< 5) Ghheet�xe Date anf Sexetab��t{< Vh�u aoenfoent uha be ehheet�xe qn the fate �t �u arrtqxef b{ the eeetqtate0 Kh an{ rqtt�qn qh th�u oeauwte �u hef �nxa�f hqt an{ teauqn, the teoa�n�ni rqtt�qn qh th�u oeauwte, tq the hweut eztent rquu�be, uha be uexetef htqo the xq�f rqtt�qn anf i�xen the hweut rquu�be hqtee anf arr�eat�qn0 3SGEVKQP 280 Ptqh�b�t�qn qh oef�ea �eenue ahtet tereatef oef�ea oartaet�ee0´ (a) Pq retuqn whq hau been hqwnf tq haxe eqo/ o�ttef thtee qt oqte �ne�fentu qh oef�ea oartaet�ee uha be �eenuef qt eqnt�nwe tq be �eenuef b{ the State qh Hqt�fa tq rtqx�fe heath eate uetx�eeu au a oef�ea fqetqt0 (b) Hqt rwtrqueu qh th�u ueet�qn, the hqqw�ni tetou haxe the hqqw�ni oean�niu< (3) Vhe rhtaue ¬oef�ea oartaet�ee¹ oeanu bqth the ha�wte tq rtaet�ee oef�e�ne �n Hqt�fa w�th that exe qh eate, u��, anf tteatoent teeqin�zef �n ieneta aw teatef tq heath eate rtqx�fetu' �eenuwte, anf an{ u�o�at wtqnihw aet, neieet, qt fehawt �n qthet utateu qt eqwntt�eu wh�eh, �h eqoo�ttef �n Hqt�fa, wqwf haxe been eqnu�fetef oef�ea oartaet�ee0 (2) Vhe rhtaue ¬hqwnf tq haxe eqoo�ttef¹ oeanu that the oartaet�ee hau been hqwnf �n a h�na �wfioent qh a eqwtt qh aw, h�na afo�n�uttat�xe aiene{ fee�u�qn, qt fee�u�qn qh b�nf�ni atb�ttat�qn0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Art� 9, 2225; afqrtef 22260 3Pqte0´ A0 Vh�u ueet�qn, qt�i�na{ feu�inatef ueet�qn 22 b{ Aoenfoent Pq0 8, 2226, rtqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Art� 9, 2225, afqrtef 2226, wau tefeu�inatef ueet�qn 28 b{ the ef�tqtu �n qtfet tq axq�f eqnhwu�qn w�th ateaf{ ez�ut�ni ueet�qn 22, teat�ni tq rtqh�b�t�ni wqt�raee uoq��ni0 D0 Aoenfoent Pq0 8, 2226, rtqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Art� 9, 2225, afqrtef 2226, rwb�uhef ¬]h_w ]t_ezt¹ eqnu�ut�ni qh a utateoent anf rwtrque, the aetwa aoenfoent ¬�nuett�ni the hqqw�ni new ueet�qn at the enf ]qh Att0 Z_,¹ anf an ehheet�xe fate anf uexetab��t{ rtqx�u�qn nqt uree�h�ea{ �newfef �n the aoenfoent tezt0 Vhe ehheet�xe fate anf uexetab��t{ rtqx�u�qn teafu< e) Ghheet�xe Date anf Sexetab��t{< Vh�u aoenfoent uha be ehheet�xe qn the fate �t �u arrtqxef b{ the eeetqtate0 Kh an{ rqtt�qn qh th�u oeauwte �u hef �nxa�f hqt an{ teauqn, the teoa�n�ni rqtt�qn qh th�u oeauwte, tq the hweut eztent rquu�be, uha be uexetef htqo the xq�f rqtt�qn anf i�xen the hweut rquu�be hqtee anf arr�eat�qn0 SGEVKQP 290 Eqortehenu�xe Statew�fe Vqbae/ eq Gfweat�qn Anf Ptexent�qn Ptqitao0´Kn qtfet tq rtqteet reqre, euree�a{ {qwth, htqo heath hazatfu qh wu�ni tqbaeeq, �newf�ni aff�et�xe f�uqtfetu, eaneet, eatf�qxauewat f�ueaueu, anf wni f�ueaueu; anf tq f�ueqwtaie wue qh tqbaeeq, ratt�ewat{ aoqni {qwth, a rqtt�qn qh the oqne{ that tqbaeeq eqoran�eu ra{ tq the State qh Hqt�fa wnfet the Vqbaeeq Setteoent eaeh {eat uha be wuef tq hwnf a eqortehenu�xe utatew�fe tqbaeeq efweat�qn anf rtexent�qn rtqitao eqnu�utent w�th teeqooenfat�qnu qh the W0S0 Eentetu hqt D�ueaue Eqnttq anf Ptexent�qn (EDE), au hqqwu< (a) PTQGTAM0 Vhe oqne{ arrtqrt�atef rwt/ uwant tq th�u ueet�qn uha be wuef tq hwnf a eqorte/ henu�xe utatew�fe tqbaeeq efweat�qn anf rtexent�qn ATVKENG Z EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA rtqitao eqnu�utent w�th the teeqooenfat�qnu hqt ehheet�xe rtqitao eqorqnentu �n the 3;;; Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs qh the EDE, au uweh Best Practices oa{ be aoenfef b{ the EDE0 Vh�u rtqitao uha �newfe, at a o�n�owo, the hqqw�ni eqorqnentu, anf oa{ �newfe aff�t�qna eqorqnentu that ate auq eqnta�nef w�th�n the EDE Best Practices, au ret�qf�ea{ aoenfef, anf that ate ehheet�xe at aeeqor�uh�ni the rwtrque qh th�u ueet�qn, anf that fq nqt wnfeto�ne the ehheet�xeneuu qh theue teqw�tef o�n�owo eqorqnentu< (3) an afxett�u�ni eaora�in tq f�ueqwtaie the wue qh tqbaeeq anf tq efweate reqre, euree�a{ {qwth, abqwt the heath hazatfu qh tqbaeeq, wh�eh uha be feu�inef tq be ehheet�xe at aeh�ex�ni theue iqau anf uha �newfe, bwt neef nqt be �o�tef tq, teex�u�qn, taf�q, anf rt�nt afxett�u�ni, w�th nq �o�tat�qnu qn an{ �nf�x�f/ wa afxett�u�ni oef�wo wt��zef; anf wh�eh uha be hwnfef at a exe eqw�xaent tq qne/th�tf qh eaeh tqta annwa arrtqrt�at�qn teqw�tef b{ th�u ueet�qn; (2) ex�fenee/bauef ewtt�ewa anf rtqitaou tq efw/ eate {qwth abqwt tqbaeeq anf tq f�ueqwtaie the�t wue qh �t, �newf�ni, bwt nqt �o�tef tq, rtqitaou that �nxqxe {qwth, efweate {qwth abqwt the heath hazatfu qh tqbaeeq, her {qwth fexeqr u��u tq tehwue tqbaeeq, anf feoqnuttate tq {qwth hqw tq utqr wu�ni tqbaeeq; (5) rtqitaou qh qea eqoown�t{/bauef rattnet/ uh�ru that f�ueqwtaie the wue qh tqbaeeq anf wqt� tq efweate reqre, euree�a{ {qwth, abqwt the heath hazatfu qh tqbaeeq, w�th an eorhau�u qn rtqitaou that �nxqxe {qwth anf eorhau�ze the rtexent�qn anf eeuuat�qn qh tqbaeeq wue; (6) enhqteeoent qh awu, teiwat�qnu, anf rq�e�eu aia�nut the uae qt qthet rtqx�u�qn qh tqbaeeq tq o�nqtu, anf the rquueuu�qn qh tqbaeeq b{ o�nqtu; anf (5) rwb�e{/terqttef annwa exawat�qnu tq enuwte that oqne{u arrtqrt�atef rwtuwant tq th�u ueet�qn ate urent rtqret{, wh�eh uha �newfe exawat�qn qh the rtqitao'u ehheet�xeneuu �n tefwe�ni anf rtexent�ni tqbaeeq wue, anf annwa teeqooenfat�qnu hqt �ortqxe/ oentu tq enhanee the rtqitao'u ehheet�xeneuu, wh�eh ate tq �newfe eqorat�uqnu tq u�o�at rtqitaou rtqxen tq be ehheet�xe �n qthet utateu, au we au eqorat�uqnu tq EDE Best Practices, �newf�ni aoenfoentu thetetq0 (b) HWPDKPG0 Kn exet{ {eat bei�nn�ni w�th the eaenfat {eat ahtet xqtetu arrtqxe th�u aoenfoent, the Hqt�fa Nei�uatwte uha arrtqrt�ate, hqt the rwtrque ezrteuuef hete�n, htqo the tqta itquu hwnfu that tqbaeeq eqoran�eu ra{ tq the State qh Hqt�fa wnfet the Vqbaeeq Setteoent, an aoqwnt eqwa tq h�hteen reteent qh uweh hwnfu ra�f tq the State �n 2225; anf the arrtqrt�at�qn teqw�tef b{ th�u ueet�qn uha be af�wutef annwa{ hqt �nhat�qn, wu�ni the Eqnuwoet Pt�ee Knfez au rwb�uhef b{ the Wn�tef Stateu Derattoent qh Nabqt0 (e) DGHKPKVKQPS0 ¬Vqbaeeq¹ �newfeu, w�thqwt �o�tat�qn, tqbaeeq �tueh anf tqbaeeq rtqfwetu that �newfe tqbaeeq anf ate �ntenfef qt ezreetef hqt hwoan wue qt eqnuwort�qn, �newf�ni, bwt nqt �o�tef tq, e�iatetteu, e�iatu, r�re tqbaeeq, anf uoq�eeuu tqbaeeq0 Vhe ¬Vqbaeeq Setteoent¹ oeanu that eetta�n Setteoent Aiteeoent fatef Awiwut 25, 3;;9, entetef �ntq �n uetteoent qh the eaue ut{ef au State of Florida, et al. v. American Tobacco Company, et al., Eaue Pq0 65 ATVKENG Z ;5/3688 AJ (Ha0 35th E�t0 Et0), au aoenfef b{ St�rwat�qn qh Aoenfoent fatef Serteobet 33, 3;;8; anf �newfeu an{ uwbueqwent aoenfoentu anf uwe/ eeuuqt aiteeoentu0 ¬Yqwth¹ �newfeu o�nqtu anf {qwni afwtu0 (f) GHHGEVKVG DAVG0 Vh�u aoenfoent uha be/ eqoe ehheet�xe �ooef�ate{ wrqn arrtqxa b{ the xqtetu0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Jw{ 22, 2225; afqrtef 22280 SGEVKQP 280 Nanf Aeqw�u�t�qn Vtwut Hwnf0´ (a) Ghheet�xe qn Jw{ 3 qh the {eat hqqw�ni rauuaie qh th�u aoenfoent b{ the xqtetu, anf hqt a ret�qf qh 22 {eatu ahtet that ehheet�xe fate, the Nanf Aeqw�u�t�qn Vtwut Hwnf uha teee�xe nq euu than 55 reteent qh net texenweu fet�xef htqo the ez�ut�ni eze�ue taz qn fqewoentu, au feh�nef �n the utatwteu �n ehheet qn Janwat{ 3, 2232, au aoenfef htqo t�oe tq t�oe, qt an{ uweeeuuqt qt teraeeoent taz, ahtet the Derattoent qh Texenwe h�tut fefwetu a uetx�ee ehatie tq ra{ the equtu qh the eqeet�qn anf enhqteeoent qh the eze�ue taz qn fqewoentu0 (b) Hwnfu �n the Nanf Aeqw�u�t�qn Vtwut Hwnf uha be ezrenfef qn{ hqt the hqqw�ni rwtrqueu< (3) Au rtqx�fef b{ aw, tq h�nanee qt teh�nanee< the aeqw�u�t�qn anf �ortqxeoent qh anf, watet ateau, anf teatef rtqrett{ �nteteutu, �newf�ni eqnuetxat�qn eaue/ oentu, anf teuqwteeu hqt eqnuetxat�qn anfu �newf�ni wetanfu, hqteutu, anf h�uh anf w�f�he hab�tat; w�f�he oanaieoent ateau; anfu that rtqteet watet teuqwteeu anf ft�n��ni watet uqwteeu, �newf�ni anfu rtqteet�ni the watet qwa�t{ anf qwant�t{ qh t�xetu, a�eu, utteaou, urt�niuhefu, anf anfu rtqx�f�ni teehatie hqt itqwnf/ watet anf aqw�het u{uteou; anfu �n the Gxetiafeu Ait�ewtwta Atea anf the Gxetiafeu Ptqteet�qn Atea, au feh�nef �n Att�ee KK, Seet�qn 9(b); beaeheu anf uhqteu; qwtfqqt teeteat�qn anfu, �newf�ni teeteat�qna tta�u, rat�u, anf wtban qren uraee; twta anfueareu; wqt��ni hatou anf taneheu; h�utqt�e qt ieqqi�e u�teu; tqiethet w�th oanaieoent, teutqtat�qn qh natwta u{u/ teou, anf the enhaneeoent qh rwb�e aeeeuu qt teeteat�qna en�q{oent qh eqnuetxat�qn anfu0 (2) Vq ra{ the febt uetx�ee qn bqnfu �uuwef rwtuwant tq Att�ee VKK, Seet�qn 33(e)0 (e) Vhe oqne{u ferqu�tef �ntq the Nanf Aeqw�u�t�qn Vtwut Hwnf, au feh�nef b{ the utatwteu �n ehheet qn Janwat{ 3, 2232, uha nqt be qt beeqoe eqoo�nief w�th the ieneta texenwe hwnf qh the utate0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Serteobet 39, 2232; afqrtef 22360 SGEVKQP 2;0 Mef�ea oat��wana rtqfwet�qn, rquueuu�qn anf wue0´ (a) PWDNKE PQNKEY0 (3) Vhe oef�ea wue qh oat��wana b{ a qwa�h{�ni rat�ent qt eatei�xet �n eqor�anee w�th th�u ueet�qn �u nqt uwb�eet tq et�o�na qt e�x� �ab��t{ qt uanet�qnu wnfet Hqt�fa aw0 (2) A rh{u�e�an uha nqt be uwb�eet tq et�o�na qt e�x� �ab��t{ qt uanet�qnu wnfet Hqt�fa aw uqe{ hqt �uuw�ni a rh{u�e�an eett�h�eat�qn w�th teauqnabe eate tq a retuqn f�ainquef w�th a feb��tat�ni oef�ea eqnf�t�qn �n eqor�anee w�th th�u ueet�qn0 ATVKENG Z EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA (5) Aet�qnu anf eqnfwet b{ a Mef�ea Mat��wana Vteatoent Eentet tei�utetef w�th the Derattoent, qt �tu aientu qt eorq{eeu, anf �n eqor�anee w�th th�u ueet�qn anf Derattoent teiwat�qnu, uha nqt be uwb�eet tq et�o�na qt e�x� �ab��t{ qt uanet�qnu wnfet Hqt�fa aw0 (b) DGHKPKVKQPS0 Hqt rwtrqueu qh th�u ueet�qn, the hqqw�ni wqtfu anf tetou uha haxe the hqqw�ni oean�niu< (3) ¬Deb��tat�ni Mef�ea Eqnf�t�qn¹ oeanu eaneet, er�eru{, iaweqoa, rqu�t�xe utatwu hqt hwoan �oow/ nqfeh�e�ene{ x�twu (JKV), aeqw�tef �oowne feh�e�ene{ u{nftqoe (AKDS), rqut/ttawoat�e utteuu f�uqtfet (PVSD), ao{qttqrh�e ateta ueetqu�u (ANS), Etqhn'u f�ueaue, Pat��nuqn'u f�ueaue, owt�re ueetqu�u, qt qthet feb��tat�ni oef�ea eqnf�t�qnu qh the uaoe ��nf qt eauu au qt eqoratabe tq thque enwoetatef, anf hqt wh�eh a rh{u�e�an be�exeu that the oef�ea wue qh oat��wana wqwf ��e{ qwtwe�ih the rqtent�a heath t�u�u hqt a rat�ent0 (2) ¬Derattoent¹ oeanu the Derattoent qh Jeath qt �tu uweeeuuqt aiene{0 (5) ¬Kfent�h�eat�qn eatf¹ oeanu a fqewoent �uuwef b{ the Derattoent that �fent�h�eu a qwa�h{�ni rat�ent qt a eatei�xet0 (6) ¬Mat��wana¹ hau the oean�ni i�xen eannab�u �n Seet�qn 8;5022(5), Hqt�fa Statwteu (2236), anf, �n aff�t�qn, ¬Nqw/VJE eannab�u¹ au feh�nef �n Seet�qn 5830;88(3)(b), Hqt�fa Statwteu (2236), uha auq be �newfef �n the oean�ni qh the teto ¬oat��wana0¹ (5) ¬Mef�ea Mat��wana Vteatoent Eentet¹ (MMVE) oeanu an ent�t{ that aeqw�teu, ewt�xateu, rquueuueu, rtqeeuueu (�newf�ni fexeqroent qh teatef rtqfwetu uweh au hqqf, t�netwteu, aetququ, q�u, qt q�ntoentu), ttanuhetu, ttanurqttu, ueu, f�utt�bwteu, f�urenueu, qt afo�n�utetu oat��wana, rtqfwetu eqnta�n�ni oat��wana, teatef uwrr�eu, qt efweat�qna oatet�au tq qwa�h{�ni rat�entu qt the�t eatei�xetu anf �u tei�utetef b{ the Derattoent0 (8) ¬Mef�ea wue¹ oeanu the aeqw�u�t�qn, rquueu/ u�qn, wue, fe�xet{, ttanuhet, qt afo�n�uttat�qn qh an aoqwnt qh oat��wana nqt �n eqnh�et w�th Derattoent tweu, qt qh teatef uwrr�eu b{ a qwa�h{�ni rat�ent qt eatei�xet hqt wue b{ the eatei�xet'u feu�inatef qwa�h{/ �ni rat�ent hqt the tteatoent qh a feb��tat�ni oef�ea eqnf�t�qn0 (9) ¬Eatei�xet¹ oeanu a retuqn whq �u at eaut twent{/qne (23) {eatu qf whq hau aiteef tq auu�ut w�th a qwa�h{�ni rat�ent'u oef�ea wue qh oat��wana anf hau qwa�h�ef hqt anf qbta�nef a eatei�xet �fent�h�eat�qn eatf �uuwef b{ the Derattoent0 Vhe Derattoent oa{ �o�t the nwobet qh qwa�h{�ni rat�entu a eatei�xet oa{ auu�ut at qne t�oe anf the nwobet qh eatei�xetu that a qwa�h{�ni rat�ent oa{ haxe at qne t�oe0 Eatei�xetu ate rtqh�b�tef htqo eqnuwo�ni oat��wana qbta�nef hqt oef�ea wue b{ the qwa�h{�ni rat�ent0 (8) ¬Ph{u�e�an¹ oeanu a retuqn whq �u �eenuef tq rtaet�ee oef�e�ne �n Hqt�fa0 (;) ¬Ph{u�e�an eett�h�eat�qn¹ oeanu a wt�tten fqew/ oent u�inef b{ a rh{u�e�an, utat�ni that �n the rh{u�/ e�an'u rtqheuu�qna qr�n�qn, the rat�ent uwhhetu htqo a feb��tat�ni oef�ea eqnf�t�qn, that the oef�ea wue qh oat��wana wqwf ��e{ qwtwe�ih the rqtent�a heath 66 ATVKENG Z t�u�u hqt the rat�ent, anf hqt hqw qni the rh{u�e�an teeqooenfu the oef�ea wue qh oat��wana hqt the rat�ent0 A rh{u�e�an eett�h�eat�qn oa{ qn{ be rtqx�fef ahtet the rh{u�e�an hau eqnfwetef a rh{u�ea ezao�na/ t�qn anf a hw auueuuoent qh the oef�ea h�utqt{ qh the rat�ent0 Kn qtfet hqt a rh{u�e�an eett�h�eat�qn tq be �uuwef tq a o�nqt, a ratent qt eia iwatf�an qh the o�nqt owut eqnuent �n wt�t�ni0 (32) ¬Swa�h{�ni rat�ent¹ oeanu a retuqn whq hau been f�ainquef tq haxe a feb��tat�ni oef�ea eqnf�t�qn, whq hau a rh{u�e�an eett�h�eat�qn anf a xa�f qwa�h{�ni rat�ent �fent�h�eat�qn eatf0 Kh the Derattoent fqeu nqt bei�n �uuw�ni �fent�h�eat�qn eatfu w�th�n n�ne (;) oqnthu ahtet the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u ueet�qn, then a xa�f rh{u�e�an eett�h�eat�qn w� uetxe au a rat�ent �fent�h�ea/ t�qn eatf �n qtfet tq aqw a retuqn tq beeqoe a ¬qwa�h{�ni rat�ent¹ wnt� the Derattoent bei�nu �uuw�ni �fent�h�eat�qn eatfu0 (e) NKMKVAVKQPS0 (3) Pqth�ni �n th�u ueet�qn aqwu hqt a x�qat�qn qh an{ aw qthet than hqt eqnfwet �n eqor�anee w�th the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u ueet�qn0 (2) Pqth�ni �n th�u ueet�qn uha ahheet qt terea awu teat�ni tq nqn/oef�ea wue, rquueuu�qn, rtqfwet�qn, qt uae qh oat��wana0 (5) Pqth�ni �n th�u ueet�qn awthqt�zeu the wue qh oef�ea oat��wana b{ an{qne qthet than a qwa�h{�ni rat�ent0 (6) Pqth�ni �n th�u ueet�qn uha reto�t the qretat�qn qh an{ xeh�ee, a�tetaht, tta�n qt bqat wh�e wnfet the �nhwenee qh oat��wana0 (5) Pqth�ni �n th�u ueet�qn teqw�teu the x�qat�qn qh hefeta aw qt rwtrqttu tq i�xe �oown�t{ wnfet hefeta aw0 (8) Pqth�ni �n th�u ueet�qn uha teqw�te an{ aeeqo/ oqfat�qn qh an{ qn/u�te oef�ea wue qh oat��wana �n an{ eqtteet�qna �nut�twt�qn qt fetent�qn hae��t{ qt raee qh efweat�qn qt eorq{oent, qt qh uoq��ni oef�ea oat��wana �n an{ rwb�e raee0 (9) Pqth�ni �n th�u ueet�qn uha teqw�te an{ heath �nuwtanee rtqx�fet qt an{ iqxetnoent aiene{ qt awthqt�t{ tq te�obwtue an{ retuqn hqt ezrenueu teatef tq the oef�ea wue qh oat��wana0 (8) Pqth�ni �n th�u ueet�qn uha ahheet qt terea awu teat�ni tq nei�ienee qt rtqheuu�qna oartaet�ee qn the ratt qh a qwa�h�ef rat�ent, eatei�xet, rh{u�e�an, MMVE, qt �tu aientu qt eorq{eeu0 (f) DWVKGS QH VJG DGPATVMGPV0 Vhe Deratt/ oent uha �uuwe teauqnabe teiwat�qnu neeeuuat{ hqt the �oreoentat�qn anf enhqteeoent qh th�u ueet�qn0 Vhe rwtrque qh the teiwat�qnu �u tq enuwte the axa�ab��t{ anf uahe wue qh oef�ea oat��wana b{ qwa�h{�ni rat�entu0 Kt �u the fwt{ qh the Derattoent tq rtqowiate teiwat�qnu �n a t�oe{ hauh�qn0 (3) Koreoent�ni Teiwat�qnu0 Kn qtfet tq aqw the Derattoent uwhh�e�ent t�oe ahtet rauuaie qh th�u ueet�qn, the hqqw�ni teiwat�qnu uha be rtqowiatef nq atet than u�z (8) oqnthu ahtet the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u ueet�qn< a0 Ptqeefwteu hqt the �uuwanee anf annwa tenewa qh qwa�h{�ni rat�ent �fent�h�eat�qn eatfu tq reqre w�th rh{u�e�an eett�h�eat�qnu anf utanfatfu hqt tenewa qh uweh �fent�h�eat�qn eatfu0 Dehqte �uuw�ni an �fent�h�eat�qn ATVKENG Z EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA eatf tq a o�nqt, the Derattoent owut teee�xe wt�tten eqnuent htqo the o�nqt'u ratent qt eia iwatf�an, �n aff�t�qn tq the rh{u�e�an eett�h�eat�qn0 b0 Ptqeefwteu eutab�uh�ni qwa�h�eat�qnu anf utan/ fatfu hqt eatei�xetu, �newf�ni eqnfwet�ni arrtqrt�ate bae�itqwnf ehee�u, anf rtqeefwteu hqt the �uuwanee anf annwa tenewa qh eatei�xet �fent�h�eat�qn eatfu0 e0 Ptqeefwteu hqt the tei�uttat�qn qh MMVEu that �newfe rtqeefwteu hqt the �uuwanee, tenewa, uwuren/ u�qn anf texqeat�qn qh tei�uttat�qn, anf utanfatfu tq enuwte rtqret ueewt�t{, teeqtf �eer�ni, teut�ni, abe/ �ni, �nureet�qn, anf uahet{0 f0 A teiwat�qn that feh�neu the aoqwnt qh oat��wa/ na that eqwf teauqnab{ be rteuwoef tq be an afeqwate uwrr{ hqt qwa�h{�ni rat�entu' oef�ea wue, bauef qn the beut axa�abe ex�fenee0 Vh�u rteuwort�qn au tq qwant�t{ oa{ be qxeteqoe w�th ex�fenee qh a ratt�ewat qwa�h{�ni rat�ent'u arrtqrt�ate oef�ea wue0 (2) Kfent�h�eat�qn eatfu anf tei�uttat�qnu0 Vhe De/ rattoent uha bei�n �uuw�ni qwa�h{�ni rat�ent anf eatei�xet �fent�h�eat�qn eatfu, anf tei�utet�ni MMVEu nq atet than n�ne (;) oqnthu ahtet the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u ueet�qn0 (5) Kh the Derattoent fqeu nqt �uuwe teiwat�qnu, qt �h the Derattoent fqeu nqt bei�n �uuw�ni �fent�h�eat�qn eatfu anf tei�utet�ni MMVEu w�th�n the t�oe �o�tu uet �n th�u ueet�qn, an{ Hqt�fa e�t�zen uha haxe utanf�ni tq uee� �wf�e�a te�eh tq eqore eqor�anee w�th the Derattoent'u eqnut�twt�qna fwt�eu0 (6) Vhe Derattoent uha rtqteet the eqnh�fent�a�t{ qh a qwa�h{�ni rat�entu0 A teeqtfu eqnta�n�ni the �fent�t{ qh qwa�h{�ni rat�entu uha be eqnh�fent�a anf �ert htqo rwb�e f�uequwte qthet than hqt xa�f oef�ea qt aw enhqteeoent rwtrqueu0 (e) NGGKSNAVKQP0 Pqth�ni �n th�u ueet�qn uha �o�t the ei�uatwte htqo enaet�ni awu eqnu�utent w�th th�u ueet�qn0 (h) SGVGTADKNKVY0 Vhe rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u ueet�qn ate uexetabe anf �h an{ eawue, uentenee, rataitarh qt ueet�qn qh th�u oeauwte, qt an arr�eat�qn theteqh, �u af�wfief �nxa�f b{ a eqwtt qh eqoretent �wt�uf�et�qn qthet rtqx�u�qnu uha eqnt�nwe tq be �n ehheet tq the hweut eztent rquu�be0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Janwat{ ;, 2235; afqrtef 22380 ATVKENG ZK AMGPDMGPVS eaeh hqwue qh the ei�uatwte0 Vhe hw tezt qh the �q�nt teuqwt�qn anf the xqte qh eaeh oeobet xqt�ni uha be entetef qn the �qwtna qh eaeh hqwue0 SGEVKQP 20 Tex�u�qn eqoo�uu�qn0´ (a) Y�th�n th�tt{ fa{u behqte the eqnxen�ni qh the 2239 teiwat ueuu�qn qh the ei�uatwte, anf eaeh twent�eth {eat theteahtet, thete uha be eutab�uhef a eqnut�twt�qn tex�u�qn eqoo�uu�qn eqorquef qh the hqqw�ni th�tt{/uexen oeobetu< (3) the attqtne{ ieneta qh the utate; (2) h�hteen oeobetu ueeetef b{ the iqxetnqt; (5) n�ne oeobetu ueeetef b{ the urea�et qh the hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu anf n�ne oeobetu ueeetef b{ the rteu�fent qh the uenate; anf (6) thtee oeobetu ueeetef b{ the eh�eh �wut�ee qh the uwrteoe eqwtt qh Hqt�fa w�th the afx�ee qh the �wut�eeu0 (b) Vhe iqxetnqt uha feu�inate qne oeobet qh the eqoo�uu�qn au �tu eha�t0 Vaeane�eu �n the oeobetuh�r qh the eqoo�uu�qn uha be h�ef �n the uaoe oannet au the qt�i�na arrq�ntoentu0 (e) Gaeh eqnut�twt�qn tex�u�qn eqoo�uu�qn uha eqnxene at the ea qh �tu eha�t, afqrt �tu tweu qh rtqeefwte, ezao�ne the eqnut�twt�qn qh the utate, hqf rwb�e heat�niu, anf, nqt atet than qne hwnftef e�iht{ fa{u rt�qt tq the nezt ieneta eeet�qn, h�e w�th the ewutqf�an qh utate teeqtfu �tu rtqrqua, �h an{, qh a tex�u�qn qh th�u eqnut�twt�qn qt an{ ratt qh �t0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 3838, 3;88; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 S0J0T0 232, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pqu0 8 anf 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 50 Kn�t�at�xe0´Vhe rqwet tq rtqrque the tex�u�qn qt aoenfoent qh an{ rqtt�qn qt rqtt�qnu qh th�u eqnut�twt�qn b{ �n�t�at�xe �u teuetxef tq the reqre, rtqx�fef that, an{ uweh tex�u�qn qt aoenfoent, ezeert hqt thque �o�t�ni the rqwet qh iqxetnoent tq ta�ue texenwe, uha eobtaee bwt qne uwb�eet anf oattet f�teet{ eqnneetef thetew�th0 Kt oa{ be �nxq�ef b{ h��ni w�th the ewutqf�an qh utate teeqtfu a ret�t�qn eqnta�n�ni a eqr{ qh the rtqrquef tex�u�qn qt aoenfoent, u�inef b{ a nwobet qh eeetqtu �n eaeh qh qne hah qh the eqniteuu�qna f�utt�etu qh the utate, anf qh the utate au a whqe, eqwa tq e�iht reteent qh the xqteu eaut �n eaeh qh uweh f�utt�etu teureet�xe{ anf �n the utate au a whqe �n the aut rteeef�ni eeet�qn �n wh�eh rteu�fent�a eeetqtu wete ehquen0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 2855, 3;92; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Awiwut 5, 3;;5; afqrtef 3;;6; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 8, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 See0 30 20 50 60 50 80 90 ATVKENG ZK Ptqrqua b{ ei�uatwte0 Tex�u�qn eqoo�uu�qn0 Kn�t�at�xe0 Eqnut�twt�qna eqnxent�qn0 Aoenfoent qt tex�u�qn eeet�qn0 Vazat�qn anf bwfiet tehqto eqoo�uu�qn0 Vaz qt hee �o�tat�qn0 SGEVKQP 30 Ptqrqua b{ ei�uatwte0´Aoenf/ oent qh a ueet�qn qt tex�u�qn qh qne qt oqte att�eeu, qt the whqe, qh th�u eqnut�twt�qn oa{ be rtqrquef b{ �q�nt teuqwt�qn aiteef tq b{ thtee/h�hthu qh the oeobetuh�r qh 65 SGEVKQP 60 Eqnut�twt�qna eqnxent�qn0´ (a) Vhe rqwet tq ea a eqnxent�qn tq eqnu�fet a tex�u�qn qh the ent�te eqnut�twt�qn �u teuetxef tq the reqre0 Kt oa{ be �nxq�ef b{ h��ni w�th the ewutqf�an qh utate teeqtfu a ret�t�qn, eqnta�n�ni a feeatat�qn that a eqnut�twt�qna eqnxent�qn �u feu�tef, u�inef b{ a nwobet qh eeetqtu �n eaeh qh qne hah qh the eqniteuu�qna f�utt�etu qh the utate, anf qh the utate au a whqe, eqwa tq h�hteen ret eent qh the xqteu eaut �n eaeh uweh f�utt�et teureet�xe{ anf �n the utate au a whqe �n the aut rteeef�ni eeet�qn qh rteu�fent�a eeetqtu0 ATVKENG ZK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA (b) At the nezt ieneta eeet�qn hef oqte than n�net{ fa{u ahtet the h��ni qh uweh ret�t�qn thete uha be uwbo�ttef tq the eeetqtu qh the utate the qweut�qn< ¬Sha a eqnut�twt�qna eqnxent�qn be hefA¹ Kh a oa�qt�t{ xqt�ni qn the qweut�qn xqteu �n the ahh�toat�xe, at the nezt uweeeef�ni ieneta eeet�qn thete uha be eeetef htqo eaeh terteuentat�xe f�utt�et a oeobet qh a eqnut�twt�qna eqnxent�qn0 Qn the twent{/h�tut fa{ hqqw�ni that eeet�qn, the eqnxent�qn uha u�t at the ear�ta, eeet qhh�eetu, afqrt tweu qh rtqeefwte, �wfie the eeet�qn qh �tu oeobetuh�r, anf h�z a t�oe anf raee hqt �tu hwtwte oeet�niu0 Pqt atet than n�net{ fa{u behqte the nezt uweeeef�ni ieneta eeet�qn, the eqnxent�qn uha eawue tq be h�ef w�th the ewutqf�an qh utate teeqtfu an{ tex�u�qn qh th�u eqnut�twt�qn rtqrquef b{ �t0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 8, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 SGEVKQP 50 Aoenfoent qt tex�u�qn eeet�qn0 (a) A rtqrquef aoenfoent tq qt tex�u�qn qh th�u eqnut�twt�qn, qt an{ ratt qh �t, uha be uwbo�ttef tq the eeetqtu at the nezt ieneta eeet�qn hef oqte than n�net{ fa{u ahtet the �q�nt teuqwt�qn qt terqtt qh tex�u�qn eqoo�uu�qn, eqnut�twt�qna eqnxent�qn qt tazat�qn anf bwfiet tehqto eqoo�uu�qn rtqrqu�ni �t �u h�ef w�th the ewutqf�an qh utate teeqtfu, wneuu, rwtuwant tq aw enaetef b{ the ahh�toat�xe xqte qh thtee/hqwtthu qh the oeobetuh�r qh eaeh hqwue qh the ei�uatwte anf �o�tef tq a u�nie aoenfoent qt tex�u�qn, �t �u uwbo�ttef at an eat�et uree�a eeet�qn hef oqte than n�net{ fa{u ahtet uweh h��ni0 (b) A rtqrquef aoenfoent qt tex�u�qn qh th�u eqnut�twt�qn, qt an{ ratt qh �t, b{ �n�t�at�xe uha be uwbo�ttef tq the eeetqtu at the ieneta eeet�qn rtqx�fef the �n�t�at�xe ret�t�qn �u h�ef w�th the ewutqf�an qh utate teeqtfu nq atet than Hebtwat{ 3 qh the {eat �n wh�eh the ieneta eeet�qn �u hef0 (e) Vhe ei�uatwte uha rtqx�fe b{ ieneta aw, rt�qt tq the hqf�ni qh an eeet�qn rwtuwant tq th�u ueet�qn, hqt the rtqx�u�qn qh a utateoent tq the rwb�e teiatf�ni the rtqbabe h�nane�a �oraet qh an{ aoenfoent rtqrquef b{ �n�t�at�xe rwtuwant tq ueet�qn 50 (f) Qnee �n the tenth wee�, anf qnee �n the u�zth wee� �ooef�ate{ rteeef�ni the wee� �n wh�eh the eeet�qn �u hef, the rtqrquef aoenfoent qt tex�u�qn, w�th nqt�ee qh the fate qh eeet�qn at wh�eh �t w� be uwbo�ttef tq the eeetqtu, uha be rwb�uhef �n qne newuraret qh ieneta e�tewat�qn �n eaeh eqwnt{ �n wh�eh a newuraret �u rwb�uhef0 (e) Wneuu qthetw�ue uree�h�ea{ rtqx�fef hqt eue/ whete �n th�u eqnut�twt�qn, �h the rtqrquef aoenfoent qt tex�u�qn �u arrtqxef b{ xqte qh at eaut u�zt{ reteent qh the eeetqtu xqt�ni qn the oeauwte, �t uha be ehheet�xe au an aoenfoent tq qt tex�u�qn qh the eqnut�twt�qn qh the utate qn the h�tut Vweufa{ ahtet the h�tut Mqnfa{ �n Janwat{ hqqw�ni the eeet�qn, qt qn uweh qthet fate au oa{ be uree�h�ef �n the aoenfoent qt tex�u�qn0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 3838, 3;88; afqrtef 3;88; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 8, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;8; Ao0 J0J0T0 593, 2223; afqrtef 2222; Ao0 S0J0T0 25;6, 2226; afqrtef 2226; Ao0 J0J0T0 3925, 2225; afqrtef 22280 SGEVKQP 80 o�uu�qn0´ Vazat�qn anf bwfiet tehqto eqo/ 68 ATVKENG ZK (a) Dei�nn�ni �n 2229 anf eaeh twent�eth {eat theteahtet, thete uha be eutab�uhef a tazat�qn anf bwfiet tehqto eqoo�uu�qn eqorquef qh the hqqw�ni oeobetu< (3) eexen oeobetu ueeetef b{ the iqxetnqt, nqne qh whqo uha be a oeobet qh the ei�uatwte at the t�oe qh arrq�ntoent0 (2) uexen oeobetu ueeetef b{ the urea�et qh the hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu anf uexen oeobetu ueeetef b{ the rteu�fent qh the uenate, nqne qh whqo uha be a oeobet qh the ei�uatwte at the t�oe qh arrq�ntoent0 (5) hqwt nqn/xqt�ni ez qhh�e�q oeobetu, a qh whqo uha be oeobetu qh the ei�uatwte at the t�oe qh arrq�ntoent0 Vwq qh theue oeobetu, qne qh whqo uha be a oeobet qh the o�nqt�t{ ratt{ �n the hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu, uha be ueeetef b{ the urea�et qh the hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu, anf twq qh theue oeobetu, qne qh whqo uha be a oeobet qh the o�nqt�t{ ratt{ �n the uenate, uha be ueeetef b{ the rteu�fent qh the uenate0 (b) Vaeane�eu �n the oeobetuh�r qh the eqoo�uu�qn uha be h�ef �n the uaoe oannet au the qt�i�na arrq�ntoentu0 (e) At �tu �n�t�a oeet�ni, the oeobetu qh the eqoo�uu�qn uha eeet a oeobet whq �u nqt a oeobet qh the ei�uatwte tq uetxe au eha�t anf the eqoo�uu�qn uha afqrt �tu tweu qh rtqeefwte0 Vheteahtet, the eqoo�uu�qn uha eqnxene at the ea qh the eha�t0 An ahh�toat�xe xqte qh twq th�tfu qh the hw eqoo�uu�qn uha be neeeuuat{ hqt an{ tex�u�qn qh th�u eqnut�twt�qn qt an{ ratt qh �t tq be rtqrquef b{ the eqoo�uu�qn0 (f) Vhe eqoo�uu�qn uha ezao�ne the utate bwfiet/ at{ rtqeeuu, the texenwe neefu anf ezrenf�twte rtqeeuueu qh the utate, the arrtqrt�ateneuu qh the taz uttwetwte qh the utate, anf iqxetnoenta rtqfwet�x�t{ anf ehh�e�ene{; tex�ew rq�e{ au �t teateu tq the ab��t{ qh utate anf qea iqxetnoent tq taz anf afeqwate{ hwnf iqxetnoenta qretat�qnu anf ear�ta hae��t�eu teqw�tef tq oeet the utate'u neefu fwt�ni the nezt twent{ {eat ret�qf; feteto�ne oethqfu haxqtef b{ the e�t�zenu qh the utate tq hwnf the neefu qh the utate, �newf�ni atetnat�xe oethqfu hqt ta�u�ni uwhh�e�ent texenweu hqt the neefu qh the utate; feteto�ne oeauwteu that eqwf be �nut�twtef tq ehheet�xe{ iathet hwnfu htqo ez�ut�ni taz uqwteeu; ezao�ne eqnut�twt�qna �o�tat�qnu qn tazat�qn anf ez/ renf�twteu at the utate anf qea exe; anf tex�ew the utate'u eqortehenu�xe rann�ni, bwfiet�ni anf neefu auueuuoent rtqeeuueu tq feteto�ne whethet the teuwt/ �ni �nhqtoat�qn afeqwate{ uwrrqttu a uttatei�e fee�/ u�qnoa��ni rtqeeuu0 (e) Vhe eqoo�uu�qn uha hqf rwb�e heat�niu au �t feeou neeeuuat{ tq eatt{ qwt �tu teurqnu�b��t�eu wnfet th�u ueet�qn0 Vhe eqoo�uu�qn uha �uuwe a terqtt qh the teuwtu qh the tex�ew eatt�ef qwt, anf rtqrque tq the ei�uatwte an{ teeqooenfef utatwtqt{ ehanieu teatef tq the tazat�qn qt bwfietat{ awu qh the utate0 Pqt atet than qne hwnftef e�iht{ fa{u rt�qt tq the ieneta eeet�qn �n the ueeqnf {eat hqqw�ni the {eat �n wh�eh the eqoo�uu�qn �u eutab�uhef, the eqoo�uu�qn uha h�e w�th the ewutqf�an qh utate teeqtfu �tu rtqrqua, �h an{, qh ATVKENG ZK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA a tex�u�qn qh th�u eqnut�twt�qn qt an{ ratt qh �t fea�ni w�th tazat�qn qt the utate bwfietat{ rtqeeuu0 See0 J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 3838, 3;88; afqrtef 3;88; Aou0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pqu0 8 anf 35, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 280 SGEVKQP 90 Vaz qt hee �o�tat�qn0´Pqtw�thutanf/ �ni Att�ee Z, Seet�qn 32(f) qh th�u eqnut�twt�qn, nq new State taz qt hee uha be �orquef qn qt ahtet Pqxeobet 8, 3;;6 b{ an{ aoenfoent tq th�u eqnut�twt�qn wneuu the rtqrquef aoenfoent �u arrtqxef b{ nqt hewet than twq/th�tfu qh the xqtetu xqt�ni �n the eeet�qn �n wh�eh uweh rtqrquef aoenfoent �u eqnu�fetef0 Hqt rwtrqueu qh th�u ueet�qn, the rhtaue ¬new State taz qt hee¹ uha oean an{ taz qt hee wh�eh wqwf rtqfwee texenwe uwb�eet tq wor uwo qt qthet arrtqrt�at�qn b{ the Nei�uatwte, e�thet hqt the State ieneta texenwe hwnf qt an{ ttwut hwnf, wh�eh taz qt hee �u nqt �n ehheet qn Pqxeobet 9, 3;;6 �newf�ni w�thqwt �o�tat�qn uweh tazeu anf heeu au ate the uwb�eet qh rtqrquef eqnut�tw/ t�qna aoenfoentu arreat�ni qn the baqt qn Pqxeo/ bet 8, 3;;60 Vh�u ueet�qn uha arr{ tq rtqrquef eqnut�twt�qna aoenfoentu teat�ni tq State tazeu qt heeu wh�eh arreat qn the Pqxeobet 8, 3;;6 baqt, qt atet baqtu, anf an{ uweh rtqrquef aoenfoent wh�eh ha�u tq ia�n the twq/th�tfu xqte teqw�tef heteb{ uha be nw, xq�f anf w�thqwt ehheet0 2;0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Kn�t�at�xe Pet�t�qn h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Mateh 33, 3;;6; afqrtef 3;;80 ATVKENG ZKK SEJGDWNG See0 30 20 50 60 50 80 90 80 ;0 320 330 320 350 360 350 380 390 380 3;0 220 230 220 250 260 250 280 290 Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885 uwretuefef0 Ptqrett{ tazeu; o�aieu0 Qhh�eetu tq eqnt�nwe �n qhh�ee0 State eqoo�uu�qnet qh efweat�qn0 Swret�ntenfent qh uehqqu0 Nawu rteuetxef0 T�ihtu teuetxef0 Pwb�e febtu teeqin�zef0 Dqnfu0 Pteuetxat�qn qh ez�ut�ni iqxetnoent0 Deet�qn qh qbuqete uehefwe �teou0 Senatqtu0 Nei�uat�xe arrqtt�qnoent0 Terteuentat�xeu; tetou0 Sree�a f�utt�et tazeu0 Teqtian�zat�qn0 Eqnh�et�ni rtqx�u�qnu0 Dqnfu hqt hqwu�ni anf teatef hae��t�eu0 Tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee rtqrett{0 Aeeeuu tq rwb�e teeqtfu0 State texenwe �o�tat�qn0 J�utqt�e rtqrett{ ezeort�qn anf auueuuoent0 H�uh anf w�f�he eqnuetxat�qn eqoo�uu�qn0 Gzeewt�xe btaneh tehqto0 Sehefwe tq Att�ee V aoenfoent0 Kneteauef hqoeuteaf ezeort�qn0 Ptqrett{ taz ezeort�qnu anf �o�tat�qnu qn rtqr/ ett{ taz auueuuoentu0 69 520 530 520 550 560 550 580 ATVKENG ZKK Ptqrett{ taz ezeort�qn anf eauu�h�eat�qn anf auueuuoent qh anf wuef hqt eqnuetxat�qn rwtrqueu0 N�o�tat�qn qn the auueuuef xawe qh tea rtqrett{ wuef hqt teu�fent�a rwtrqueu0 Auueuuoent qh wqt��ni watethtqnt rtqrett{0 Aff�t�qna af xaqteo taz ezeort�qn hqt eetta�n oeobetu qh the atoef hqteeu ferq{ef qn aet�xe fwt{ qwtu�fe qh the Wn�tef Stateu0 Vetetanu f�uabef fwe tq eqobat �n�wt{; hqoe/ uteaf rtqrett{ taz f�ueqwnt0 Af xaqteo taz te�eh hqt uwtx�x�ni urqwueu qh xetetanu whq f�ef htqo uetx�ee/eqnneetef eawueu anf h�tut teurqnfetu whq f�ef �n the �ne qh fwt{0 Sqat fex�eeu qt tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fe/ x�eeu; ezeort�qn htqo eetta�n tazat�qn anf auueuuoent0 Vaz ezeort�qn hqt tqta{ anf retoanent{ f�u/ abef h�tut teurqnfetu0 Aff�t�qna af xaqteo ezeort�qn hqt retuqnu aie u�zt{/h�xe qt qfet0 SGEVKQP 30 Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885 uwretuefef0 Att�eeu K thtqwih KV, VKK, anf KZ thtqwih ZZ qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh Hqt�fa afqrtef �n 3885, au aoenfef htqo t�oe tq t�oe, ate uwretuefef b{ th�u tex�u�qn ezeert thque ueet�qnu ezrteuu{ teta�nef anf oafe a ratt qh th�u tex�u�qn b{ tehetenee0 SGEVKQP 20 Ptqrett{ tazeu; o�aieu0´Vaz o�aieu awthqt�zef �n eqwnt�eu, own�e�ra�t�eu anf uree�a f�utt�etu, qn the fate th�u tex�u�qn beeqoeu ehheet�xe, oa{ be eqnt�nwef wnt� tefweef b{ aw0 SGEVKQP 50 Qhh�eetu tq eqnt�nwe �n qhh�ee0´ Gxet{ retuqn hqf�ni qhh�ee when th�u tex�u�qn beeqoeu ehheet�xe uha eqnt�nwe �n qhh�ee hqt the teoa�nfet qh the teto �h that qhh�ee �u nqt abq�uhef0 Kh the qhh�ee �u abq�uhef the �newobent uha be ra�f afeqwate eqo/ renuat�qn, tq be h�zef b{ aw, hqt the quu qh eoqwoentu hqt the teoa�nfet qh the teto0 SGEVKQP 60 State eqoo�uu�qnet qh efweat�qn0 Vhe utate uwret�ntenfent qh rwb�e �nuttwet�qn �n qhh�ee qn the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u tex�u�qn uha beeqoe anf, hqt the teoa�nfet qh the teto be�ni uetxef, uha be the eqoo�uu�qnet qh efweat�qn0 SGEVKQP 50 Swret�ntenfent qh uehqqu0´ (a) Qn the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u tex�u�qn the eqwnt{ uwret�ntenfent qh rwb�e �nuttwet�qn qh eaeh eqwnt{ uha beeqoe anf, hqt the teoa�nfet qh the teto be�ni uetxef, uha be the uwret�ntenfent qh uehqqu qh that f�utt�et0 (b) Vhe oethqf qh ueeet�qn qh the eqwnt{ uwret/ �ntenfent qh rwb�e �nuttwet�qn qh eaeh eqwnt{, au rtqx�fef b{ qt wnfet the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, uha arr{ tq the ueeet�qn qh the f�utt�et uwret�ntenfent qh uehqqu wnt� ehanief au hete�n rtqx�fef0 ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA SGEVKQP 80 Nawu rteuetxef0´ (a) A awu �n ehheet wrqn the afqrt�qn qh th�u tex�u�qn, tq the eztent nqt �neqnu�utent w�th �t, uha teoa�n �n hqtee wnt� the{ ezr�te b{ the�t tetou qt ate tereaef0 (b) A utatwteu wh�eh, wnfet the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, arr{ tq the utate uwret�ntenfent qh rwb�e �nuttwet�qn anf thque wh�eh arr{ tq the eqwnt{ uwret�ntenfent qh rwb�e �nuttwet�qn uha wnfet th�u tex�u�qn arr{, teureet�xe{, tq the utate eqoo�uu�qnet qh efweat�qn anf the f�utt�et uwret�ntenfent qh uehqqu0 SGEVKQP 90 T�ihtu teuetxef0´ (a) A aet�qnu, t�ihtu qh aet�qn, ea�ou, eqnttaetu anf qb�iat�qnu qh �nf�x�fwau, eqtrqtat�qnu anf rwb�e bqf�eu qt aiene�eu ez�ut�ni qn the fate th�u tex�u�qn beeqoeu ehheet�xe uha eqnt�nwe tq be xa�f au �h th�u tex�u�qn haf nqt been afqrtef0 A tazeu, renat�eu, h�neu anf hqthe�twteu qw�ni tq the utate wnfet the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, uha �nwte tq the utate wnfet th�u tex�u�qn, anf a uenteneeu au rwn�uh/ oent hqt et�oe uha be ezeewtef aeeqtf�ni tq the�t tetou0 (b) Vh�u tex�u�qn uha nqt be tettqaet�xe uq au tq eteate an{ t�iht qt �ab��t{ wh�eh f�f nqt ez�ut wnfet the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, bauef wrqn oattetu qeewtt�ni rt�qt tq the afqrt�qn qh th�u tex�u�qn0 SGEVKQP 80 Pwb�e febtu teeqin�zef0´A bqnfu, texenwe eett�h�eateu, texenwe bqnfu anf taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu �uuwef rwtuwant tq the Eqnut�/ twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef b{ the utate, an{ aiene{, rq�t�ea uwbf�x�u�qn qt rwb�e eqtrqtat�qn qh the utate uha teoa�n �n hw hqtee anf ehheet anf uha be ueewtef b{ the uaoe uqwteeu qh texenwe au behqte the afqrt�qn qh th�u tex�u�qn, anf, tq the eztent neeeuuat{ tq ehheetwate th�u ueet�qn, the arr�eabe rtqx�u�qnu qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, ate teta�nef au a ratt qh th�u tex�u�qn wnt� ra{oent �n hw qh theue rwb�e ueewt�t�eu0 SGEVKQP ;0 Dqnfu0´ (a) ADDKVKQPAN SGEWTKVKGS0 (3) 3Att�ee KZ, Seet�qn 39, qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, au �t ez�utef �ooef�ate{ behqte th�u Eqnut�twt�qn, au tex�uef �n 3;88, beeaoe ehheet�xe, �u afqrtef b{ th�u tehetenee au a ratt qh th�u tex�u�qn au eqorete{ au thqwih �neqtrqtatef hete�n xetbat�o, ezeert texenwe bqnfu, texenwe eett�h�eateu qt qthet ex�feneeu qh �nfebtefneuu heteahtet �uuwef thetewnfet oa{ be �uuwef b{ the aiene{ qh the utate uq awthqt�zef b{ aw0 (2) Vhat rqtt�qn qh 2Att�ee ZKK, Seet�qn ;, Swbueet�qn (a) qh th�u Eqnut�twt�qn, au aoenfef, wh�eh b{ tehetenee afqrtef 5Att�ee ZKK, Seet�qn 3; qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, au the uaoe ez�utef �ooef�ate{ behqte the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u aoenfoent �u afqrtef b{ th�u tehetenee au ratt qh th�u tex�u�qn au eqorete{ au thqwih �neqtrqtatef hete�n xetbat�o, hqt the rwtrque qh rtqx�f�ni that ahtet the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u aoenf/ oent a qh the rtqeeefu qh the texenweu fet�xef htqo the itquu teee�rtu tazeu, au thete�n feh�nef, eqeetef �n eaeh {eat uha be arr�ef au rtqx�fef thete�n tq the 68 ATVKENG ZKK eztent neeeuuat{ tq eqor{ w�th a qb�iat�qnu tq qt hqt the beneh�t qh hqfetu qh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu �uuwef behqte the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u aoenfoent qt an{ tehwnf�niu theteqh wh�eh ate ueewtef b{ uweh itquu teee�rtu tazeu0 Pq bqnfu qt qthet qb�iat�qnu oa{ be �uuwef rwtuwant tq the rtqx�u�qnu qh 5Att�ee ZKK, Seet�qn 3;, qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, bwt th�u rtqx�u�qn uha nqt be eqnuttwef tq rtexent the tehwnf�ni qh an{ uweh qwtutanf�ni bqnfu qt qb�iat�qnu rwtuwant tq the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u uwbueet�qn (a)(2)0 Swb�eet tq the teqw�teoentu qh the h�tut rataitarh qh th�u uwbueet�qn (a)(2), bei�nn�ni Jw{ 3, 3;95, a qh the rtqeeefu qh the texenweu fet�xef htqo the itquu teee�rtu tazeu eqeetef htqo exet{ retuqn, �newf�ni own�e�ra�t�eu, au rtqx�fef anf ex�ef rwtuwant tq the rtqx�u�qnu qh ehartet 225, Hqt�fa Statwteu, au uweh ehartet �u aoenfef htqo t�oe tq t�oe, uha, au eqeetef, be raeef �n a ttwut hwnf tq be �nqwn au the ¬rwb�e efweat�qn ear�ta qwta{ anf febt uetx�ee ttwut hwnf¹ �n the utate tteauwt{ (hete�nahtet tehettef tq au ¬ear�ta qwta{ hwnf¹), anf wuef qn{ au rtqx�fef hete�n0 Vhe ear�ta qwta{ hwnf uha be afo�n�utetef b{ the utate bqatf qh efweat�qn au eteatef anf eqnut�twtef b{ Seet�qn 2 qh Att�ee KZ qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh Hqt�fa au tex�uef �n 3;88 (hete�nahtet tehettef tq au ¬utate bqatf¹), qt b{ uweh qthet �nuttwoenta�t{ qh the utate wh�eh uha heteahtet uweeeef b{ aw tq the rqwetu, fwt�eu anf hwnet�qnu qh the utate bqatf, �newf�ni the rqwetu, fwt�eu anf hwnet�qnu qh the utate bqatf rtqx�fef �n th�u uwbueet�qn (a)(2)0 Vhe utate bqatf uha be a bqf{ eqtrqtate anf uha haxe a the rqwetu rtqx�fef hete�n �n aff�t�qn tq a qthet eqnut�twt�qna anf utatwtqt{ rqwetu teatef tq the rwtrqueu qh th�u uwbueet�qn (a)(2) hetetqhqte qt heteahtet eqnhettef b{ aw wrqn the utate bqatf, qt �tu rtefeeeuuqt eteatef b{ the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef0 State bqnfu refi�ni the hw ha�th anf etef�t qh the utate oa{ be �uuwef, w�thqwt a xqte qh the eeetqtu, b{ the utate bqatf rwtuwant tq aw tq h�nanee qt teh�nanee ear�ta rtq�eetu thetetqhqte awthqt�zef b{ the ei�ua/ twte, anf an{ rwtrqueu arrwttenant qt �ne�fenta thete/ tq, hqt the utate u{uteo qh rwb�e efweat�qn rtqx�fef hqt �n Seet�qn 3 qh Att�ee KZ qh th�u Eqnut�twt�qn (hete�nahtet tehettef tq au ¬utate u{uteo¹), �newf�ni bwt nqt �o�tef tq �nut�twt�qnu qh h�ihet eatn�ni, eqoown�t{ eqeieu, xqeat�qna teehn�ea uehqqu, qt rwb�e uehqqu, au nqw feh�nef qt au oa{ heteahtet be feh�nef b{ aw0 A uweh bqnfu uha oatwte nqt atet than th�tt{ {eatu ahtet the fate qh �uuwanee theteqh0 A qthet feta�u qh uweh bqnfu uha be au rtqx�fef b{ aw qt b{ the rtqeeef�niu awthqt�z�ni uweh bqnfu; rtqx�fef, hqw/ exet, that nq bqnfu, ezeert tehwnf�ni bqnfu, uha be �uuwef, anf nq rtqeeefu uha be ezrenfef hqt the equt qh an{ ear�ta rtq�eet, wneuu uweh rtq�eet hau been awthqt�zef b{ the ei�uatwte0 Dqnfu �uuwef rwtuwant tq th�u uwbueet�qn (a)(2) uha be rt�oat�{ ra{abe htqo uweh texenweu fet�xef htqo itquu teee�rtu tazeu, anf uha be aff�t�qna{ ueewtef b{ the hw ha�th anf etef�t qh the utate0 Pq uweh bqnfu uha exet be �uuwef �n an aoqwnt ezeeef�ni n�net{ reteent qh the aoqwnt wh�eh the utate bqatf feteto�neu ean be uetx�eef b{ the texenweu fet�xef htqo the itquu ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA teee�rtu tazeu aeetw�ni theteahtet wnfet the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u uwbueet�qn (a)(2), anf uweh feteto�nat�qn uha be eqnewu�xe0 Vhe oqne{u �n the ear�ta qwta{ hwnf �n eaeh h�uea {eat uha be wuef qn{ hqt the hqqw�ni rwtrqueu anf �n the hqqw�ni qtfet qh rt�qt�t{< a0 Hqt the ra{oent qh the rt�ne�ra qh anf �nteteut qn an{ bqnfu fwe �n uweh h�uea {eat; b0 Hqt the ferqu�t �ntq an{ teuetxe hwnfu rtqx�fef hqt �n the rtqeeef�niu awthqt�z�ni the �uuwanee qh bqnfu qh an{ aoqwntu teqw�tef tq be ferqu�tef �n uweh teuetxe hwnfu �n uweh h�uea {eat; e0 Hqt f�teet ra{oent qh the equt qt an{ ratt qh the equt qh an{ ear�ta rtq�eet hqt the utate u{uteo thete/ tqhqte awthqt�zef b{ the ei�uatwte, qt hqt the rwtehaue qt tefeort�qn qh qwtutanf�ni bqnfu �n aeeqtfanee w�th the rtqx�u�qnu qh the rtqeeef�niu wh�eh awthqt�zef the �uuwanee qh uweh bqnfu, qt hqt the rwtrque qh oa�n/ ta�n�ni, teutqt�ni, qt tera�t�ni ez�ut�ni rwb�e efwea/ t�qna hae��t�eu0 (b) TGHWPDKPG DQPDS0 Texenwe bqnfu tq h�/ nanee the equt qh utate ear�ta rtq�eetu �uuwef rt�qt tq the fate th�u tex�u�qn beeqoeu ehheet�xe, �newf�ni rtq�eetu qh the Hqt�fa utate twtnr��e awthqt�t{ qt �tu uweeeuuqt bwt ezewf�ni a rqtt�qnu qh the utate h�ihwa{ u{uteo, oa{ be tehwnfef au rtqx�fef b{ aw w�thqwt xqte qh the eeetqtu at a qwet net axetaie �nteteut equt tate b{ the �uuwanee qh bqnfu oatwt�ni nqt atet than the qb�iat�qnu tehwnfef, ueewtef b{ the uaoe texenweu qn{0 (e) MQVQT VGJKENG HWGN VAZGS0 (3) A utate taz, feu�inatef ¬ueeqnf iau taz,¹ qh twq eentu ret iaqn wrqn iauq�ne anf qthet ��e rtqfwetu qh rettqewo anf an eqw�xaent taz wrqn qthet uqwteeu qh eneti{ wuef tq rtqre oqtqt xeh�eeu au ex�ef b{ 6Att�ee KZ, Seet�qn 38, qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, �u heteb{ eqnt�nwef0 Vhe rtqeeefu qh ua�f taz uha be raeef oqnth{ �n the utate tqafu f�utt�bwt�qn hwnf �n the utate tteauwt{0 (2) 6Att�ee KZ, Seet�qn 38, qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, �u afqrtef b{ th�u tehetenee au a ratt qh th�u tex�u�qn au eqorete{ au thqwih �neqtrq/ tatef hete�n xetbat�o hqt the rwtrque qh rtqx�f�ni that ahtet the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u tex�u�qn the rtqeeefu qh the ¬ueeqnf iau taz¹ au tehettef tq thete�n uha be aqeatef aoqni the uexeta eqwnt�eu �n aeeqtfanee w�th the hqtowa utatef thete�n tq the eztent neeeuuat{ tq eqor{ w�th a qb�iat�qnu tq qt hqt the beneh�t qh hqfetu qh bqnfu, texenwe eett�h�eateu anf taz ant�e�ra/ t�qn eett�h�eateu qt an{ tehwnf�niu theteqh ueewtef b{ an{ rqtt�qn qh the ¬ueeqnf iau taz0¹ (5) Pq hwnfu ant�e�ratef tq be aqeatef wnfet the hqtowa utatef �n 6Att�ee KZ, Seet�qn 38, qh the Eqn/ ut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, uha be refief au ueewt�t{ hqt an{ qb�iat�qn heteahtet �uuwef qt entetef �ntq, ezeert that an{ qwtutanf�ni qb�iat�qnu rtex�qwu{ �uuwef refi�ni texenweu aqeatef wnfet ua�f 6Att�ee KZ, Seet�qn 38, oa{ be tehwnfef at a qwet axetaie net �nteteut equt tate b{ the �uuwanee qh tehwnf�ni bqnfu, oatwt�ni nqt atet than the qb�iat�qnu tehwnfef, ue/ ewtef b{ the uaoe texenweu anf an{ qthet ueewt�t{ awthqt�zef �n rataitarh (5) qh th�u uwbueet�qn0 6; ATVKENG ZKK (6) Swb�eet tq the teqw�teoentu qh rataitarh (2) qh th�u uwbueet�qn anf ahtet ra{oent qh afo�n�uttat�xe ezrenueu, the ¬ueeqnf iau taz¹ uha be aqeatef tq the aeeqwnt qh eaeh qh the uexeta eqwnt�eu �n the aoqwntu tq be feteto�nef au hqqwu< Vhete uha be an �n�t�a aqeat�qn qh qne/hqwtth �n the tat�q qh eqwnt{ atea tq utate atea, qne/hqwtth �n the tat�q qh the tqta eqwnt{ rqrwat�qn tq the tqta rqrwat�qn qh the utate �n aeeqtfanee w�th the ateut axa�abe hefeta eenuwu, anf qne/hah �n the tat�q qh the tqta ¬ueeqnf iau taz¹ eqeetef qn teta� uaeu qt wue �n eaeh eqwnt{ tq the tqta eqeetef �n a eqwnt�eu qh the utate fwt�ni the rtex�qwu h�uea {eat0 Kh the annwa febt uetx�ee teqw�teoentu qh an{ qb�iat�qnu �uuwef hqt an{ eqwnt{, �newf�ni an{ feh�e�ene�eu hqt rt�qt {eatu, ueewtef wnfet rataitarh (2) qh th�u uwbueet�qn, ezeeefu the aoqwnt wh�eh wqwf be aqeatef tq that eqwnt{ wnfet the hqtowa uet qwt �n th�u rataitarh, the aoqwntu aqeatef tq qthet eqwnt�eu uha be tefweef rtqrqtt�qnate{0 (5) Hwnfu aqeatef wnfet rataitarhu (2) anf (6) qh th�u uwbueet�qn uha be afo�n�utetef b{ the utate bqatf qh afo�n�uttat�qn eteatef wnfet Att�ee KV, Seet�qn 60 Vhe bqatf uha teo�t the rtqeeefu qh the ¬ueeqnf iau taz¹ �n eaeh eqwnt{ aeeqwnt hqt wue �n ua�f eqwnt{ au hqqwu< e�iht{ ret eent tq the utate aiene{ uwretx�u�ni the utate tqaf u{uteo anf twent{ ret eent tq the iqxetn�ni bqf{ qh the eqwnt{0 Vhe reteentaie aqeatef tq the eqwnt{ oa{ be �neteauef b{ ieneta aw0 Vhe rtqeeefu qh the ¬ueeqnf iau taz¹ uwb�eet tq aqeat�qn tq the uexeta eqwnt�eu wnfet th�u rataitarh (5) uha be wuef h�tut, hqt the ra{oent qh qb�iat�qnu refi�ni texenweu aqeatef rwtuwant tq 6Att�ee KZ, Seet�qn 38, qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, anf an{ tehwnf�niu theteqh; ueeqnf, hqt the ra{oent qh febt uetx�ee qn bqnfu �uuwef au rtqx�fef b{ th�u rataitarh (5) tq h�nanee the aeqw�u�t�qn anf eqnuttwet�qn qh tqafu au feh�nef b{ aw; anf th�tf, hqt the aeqw�u�t�qn anf eqnuttwet�qn qh tqafu anf hqt tqaf oa�ntenanee au awthqt�zef b{ aw0 Yhen awthqt�zef b{ aw, utate bqnfu refi�ni the hw ha�th anf etef�t qh the utate oa{ be �uuwef w�thqwt an{ eeet�qn< (�) tq tehwnf qb�iat�qnu ueewtef b{ an{ rqtt�qn qh the ¬ueeqnf iau taz¹ aqeatef tq a eqwnt{ wnfet 6Att�ee KZ, Seet�qn 38, qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef; (��) tq h�nanee the aeqw�u�t�qn anf eqnuttwet�qn qh tqafu �n a eqwnt{ when arrtqxef b{ the iqxetn�ni bqf{ qh the eqwnt{ anf the utate aiene{ uwretx�u�ni the utate tqaf u{uteo; anf (���) tq tehwnf qb�iat�qnu ueewtef b{ an{ rqtt�qn qh the ¬ueeqnf iau taz¹ aqeatef wnfet rataitarh ;(e)(6)0 Pq uweh bqnfu uha be �uuwef wneuu a utate h�uea aiene{ eteatef b{ aw hau oafe a feteto�nat�qn that �n nq utate h�uea {eat w� the febt uetx�ee teqw�teoentu qh the bqnfu anf a qthet bqnfu ueewtef b{ the refief rqtt�qn qh the ¬ueeqnf iau taz¹ aqeatef tq the eqwnt{ ezeeef uexent{/h�xe ret eent qh the refief rqtt�qn qh the ¬ueeqnf iau taz¹ aqeatef tq that eqwnt{ hqt the rteeef�ni utate h�uea {eat, qh the refief net tqu htqo ez�ut�ni hae��t�eu eqeetef �n the rteeef�ni utate h�uea {eat, anf qh the annwa axetaie net tqu ant�e�ratef fwt�ni the h�tut h�xe utate h�uea {eatu qh qretat�qn qh new rtq�eetu tq be h�naneef, anf qh an{ qthet eia{ axa�abe refief texenweu eqeetef �n the rteeef�ni utate h�uea {eat0 Dqnfu �uuwef rwtuwant tq th�u ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA uwbueet�qn uha be ra{abe rt�oat�{ htqo the refief tqu, the refief rqtt�qnu qh the ¬ueeqnf iau taz¹ aqeatef tq that eqwnt{, anf an{ qthet refief texenwe, anf uha oatwte nqt atet than hqtt{ {eatu htqo the fate qh �uuwanee0 (f) SEJQQN DQPDS0 (3) 5Att�ee ZKK, Seet�qn ;, Swbueet�qn (f) qh th�u eqnut�twt�qn, au aoenfef, (wh�eh, b{ tehetenee, afqrtef 8Att�ee ZKK, Seet�qn 38, qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef) au the uaoe ez�utef �ooef�ate{ behqte the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u aoenfoent �u afqrtef b{ th�u tehetenee au ratt qh th�u aoenfoent au eqorete{ au thqwih �neqtrqtatef hete�n xetbat�o, hqt the rwtrque qh rtqx�f�ni that ahtet the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u aoenfoent the h�tut rtqeeefu qh the texenweu fet�xef htqo the �eenu�ni qh oqtqt xeh�eeu au tehettef tq thete�n uha be f�utt�bwtef annwa{ aoqni the uexeta eqwnt�eu �n the tat�q qh the nwobet qh �nuttwet�qn wn�tu �n eaeh eqwnt{, the uaoe be�ni eqteto�nwu w�th the uehqq f�utt�et qh eaeh eqwnt{ au rtqx�fef �n Att�ee KZ, Seet�qn 6, Swbueet�qn (a) qh th�u eqnut�twt�qn, �n eaeh {eat eqorwtef au rtqx�fef thete�n tq the eztent neeeuuat{ tq eqor{ w�th a qb�iat�qnu tq qt hqt the beneh�t qh hqfetu qh bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu �uuwef behqte the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u aoenfoent qt an{ tehwnf�niu theteqh wh�eh ate ueewtef b{ an{ rqtt�qn qh uweh texenweu fet�xef htqo the �eenu�ni qh oqtqt xeh�eeu0 (2) Pq hwnfu ant�e�ratef tq be f�utt�bwtef annwa{ aoqni the uexeta eqwnt�eu wnfet the hqtowa utatef �n 5Att�ee ZKK, Seet�qn ;, Swbueet�qn (f) qh th�u eqnut�tw/ t�qn, au aoenfef, au the uaoe ez�utef �ooef�ate{ behqte the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u aoenfoent uha be refief au ueewt�t{ hqt an{ qb�iat�qnu heteahtet �uuwef qt entetef �ntq, ezeert that an{ qwtutanf�ni qb�iat�qnu rtex�qwu{ �uuwef refi�ni uweh hwnfu oa{ be tehwnfef b{ the �uuwanee qh tehwnf�ni bqnfu0 (5) Swb�eet tq the teqw�teoentu qh rataitarh (3) qh th�u uwbueet�qn (f) bei�nn�ni Jw{ 3, 3;95, the h�tut rtqeeefu qh the texenweu fet�xef htqo the �eenu�ni qh oqtqt xeh�eeu (hete�nahtet eaef ¬oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenweu¹) tq the eztent neeeuuat{ tq eqor{ w�th the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u aoenfoent, uha, au eqeetef, be raeef oqnth{ �n the uehqq f�utt�et anf eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et ear�ta qwta{ anf febt uetx�ee hwnf �n the utate tteauwt{ anf wuef qn{ au rtqx�fef �n th�u aoenfoent0 Sweh texenwe uha be f�utt�bwtef annwa{ aoqni the uexeta uehqq f�utt�etu anf eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�etu �n the tat�q qh the nwobet qh �nuttwet�qn wn�tu �n eaeh uehqq f�utt�et qt eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et �n eaeh {eat eqorwtef au rtqx�fef hete�n0 Vhe aoqwnt qh the h�tut oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenweu tq be uq uet au�fe �n eaeh {eat anf f�utt�bwtef au rtqx�fef hete�n uha be an aoqwnt eqwa �n the aiiteiate tq the rtqfwet qh u�z hwnftef fqatu (&822) owt�r�ef b{ the tqta nwobet qh �nuttwet�qn wn�tu �n a the uehqq f�utt�etu qh Hqt�fa hqt the uehqq h�uea {eat 3;89/88, rwu an aoqwnt eqwa �n the aiiteiate tq the rtqfwet qh e�iht hwnftef fqatu (&822) owt�r�ef b{ the tqta nwobet qh �nuttwet�qn wn�tu �n a the uehqq f�utt�etu qh Hqt�fa hqt the uehqq h�uea {eat 3;92/95 anf hqt eaeh uehqq h�uea {eat theteahtet wh�eh �u �n ezeeuu qh the tqta nwobet qh uweh �nuttwet�qn wn�tu �n a the uehqq f�utt�etu qh Hqt�fa 52 ATVKENG ZKK hqt the uehqq h�uea {eat 3;89/88, uweh ezeeuu wn�tu be�ni feu�inatef ¬itqwth wn�tu0¹ Vhe aoqwnt qh the h�tut oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenweu tq be uq uet au�fe �n eaeh {eat anf f�utt�bwtef au rtqx�fef hete�n uha aff�t�qna{ be an aoqwnt eqwa �n the aiiteiate tq the rtqfwet qh hqwt hwnftef fqatu (&622) owt�r�ef b{ the tqta nwobet qh �nuttwet�qn wn�tu �n a eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�etu qh Hqt�fa0 Vhe nwobet qh �nuttwet�qn wn�tu �n eaeh uehqq f�utt�et qt eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et �n eaeh {eat hqt the rwtrqueu qh th�u aoenfoent uha be the iteatet qh (3) the nwobet qh �nuttwet�qn wn�tu �n eaeh uehqq f�utt�et hqt the uehqq h�uea {eat 3;89/88 qt eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et hqt the uehqq h�uea {eat 3;88/8; eqorwtef �n the oannet hetetqhqte rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw, qt (2) the nwobet qh �nuttwet�qn wn�tu �n uweh uehqq f�utt�et, �newf�ni itqwth wn�tu, qt eqoow/ n�t{ eqeie f�utt�et hqt the uehqq h�uea {eat eqorwtef �n the oannet hetetqhqte qt heteahtet rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw anf arrtqxef b{ the utate bqatf qh efweat�qn (hete�nahtet eaef the utate bqatf), qt (5) the nwobet qh �nuttwet�qn wn�tu �n eaeh uehqq f�utt�et, �newf�ni itqwth wn�tu, qt eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et qn behah qh wh�eh the utate bqatf hau �uuwef bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu wnfet th�u aoenfoent wh�eh w� rtqfwee uwhh�e�ent texenweu wnfet th�u aoenfoent tq eqwa qne anf twexe/hwn/ ftefthu (3032) t�oeu the aiiteiate aoqwnt qh rt�ne�ra qh anf �nteteut qn a bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu �uuwef wnfet th�u aoenfoent wh�eh w� oatwte anf beeqoe fwe �n uweh {eat, eqorwtef �n the oannet hetetqhqte qt heteahtet rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw anf arrtqxef b{ the utate bqatf0 (6) Sweh hwnfu uq f�utt�bwtef uha be afo�n�utetef b{ the utate bqatf au nqw eteatef anf eqnut�twtef b{ Seet�qn 2 qh Att�ee KZ qh the State Eqnut�twt�qn au tex�uef �n 3;88, qt b{ uweh qthet �nuttwoenta�t{ qh the utate wh�eh uha heteahtet uweeeef b{ aw tq the rqwetu, fwt�eu anf hwnet�qnu qh the utate bqatf, �newf�ni the rqwetu, fwt�eu anf hwnet�qnu qh the utate bqatf rtqx�fef �n th�u aoenfoent0 Hqt the rwtrqueu qh th�u aoenfoent, ua�f utate bqatf uha be a bqf{ eqtrqtate anf uha haxe a the rqwetu rtqx�fef �n th�u aoenfoent �n aff�t�qn tq a qthet eqnut�twt�qna anf utatwtqt{ rqwetu teatef tq the rwtrqueu qh th�u aoenfoent hetetqhqte qt heteahtet eqnhettef wrqn ua�f utate bqatf0 (5) Vhe utate bqatf uha, �n aff�t�qn tq �tu qthet eqnut�twt�qna anf utatwtqt{ rqwetu, haxe the oanaie/ oent, eqnttq anf uwretx�u�qn qh the rtqeeefu qh the h�tut oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenweu rtqx�fef hqt �n th�u uwbueet�qn (f)0 Vhe utate bqatf uha auq haxe rqwet, hqt the rwtrque qh qbta�n�ni hwnfu hqt the wue qh an{ uehqq bqatf qh an{ uehqq f�utt�et qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu qh an{ eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et �n aeqw�t�ni, bw�f�ni, eqnuttwet�ni, atet�ni, teoqfe�ni, �ortqx�ni, enati�ni, hwtn�uh�ni, eqw�rr�ni, oa�nta�n�ni, tenqxat�ni, qt te/ ra�t�ni qh ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eetu hqt uehqq rwtrqueu tq �uuwe bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�ra/ t�qn eett�h�eateu, anf auq tq �uuwe uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu tq ra{, hwnf qt tehwnf an{ bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu thetetqhqte �uuwef b{ ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ua�f utate bqatf0 A uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu uha beat �nteteut at nqt ezeeef�ni the tate rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw anf uha oatwte nqt atet than th�tt{ {eatu ahtet the fate qh �uuwanee theteqh0 Vhe utate bqatf uha haxe rqwet tq feteto�ne a qthet feta�u qh the bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu anf tq ue �n the oannet rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw, qt ezehanie the bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�/ eateu, wrqn uweh tetou anf eqnf�t�qnu au the utate bqatf uha rtqx�fe0 (8) Vhe utate bqatf uha auq haxe rqwet tq refie hqt the ra{oent qh the rt�ne�ra qh anf �nteteut qn uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, �newf�ni tehwnf�ni bqnfu qt tehwnf�ni oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, a qt an{ ratt htqo the oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenweu rtqx�fef hqt �n th�u aoenfoent anf tq entet �ntq an{ eqxenantu anf qthet aiteeoentu w�th the hqfetu qh uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�ra/ t�qn eett�h�eateu at the t�oe qh the �uuwanee theteqh eqneetn�ni the ueewt�t{ theteqh anf the t�ihtu qh the hqfetu theteqh, a qh wh�eh eqxenantu anf aiteeoentu uha eqnut�twte eia{ b�nf�ni anf �ttexqeabe eqnttaetu w�th uweh hqfetu anf uha be hw{ enhqteeabe b{ uweh hqfetu �n an{ eqwtt qh eqoretent �wt�uf�et�qn0 (9) Pq uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu uha exet be �uuwef b{ the utate bqatf, ezeert tq tehwnf qwtutanf�ni bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, wnt� ahtet the afqrt�qn qh a teuqwt�qn teqweut�ni the �uuwanee theteqh b{ the uehqq bqatf qh the uehqq f�utt�et qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu qh the eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et qn behah qh wh�eh the qb�iat�qnu ate tq be �uuwef0 Vhe utate bqatf qh efweat�qn uha �o�t the aoqwnt qh uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu wh�eh ean be �uuwef qn behah qh an{ uehqq f�utt�et qt eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et tq n�net{ reteent (;2') qh the aoqwnt wh�eh �t feteto�neu ean be uetx�eef b{ the texenwe aeetw�ni tq the uehqq f�utt�et qt eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et wnfet the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u aoenfoent, anf uha feteto�ne the teauqnabe aq/ eat�qn qh the �nteteut uax�niu htqo the �uuwanee qh tehwnf�ni bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, anf uweh feteto�nat�qnu uha be eqnewu�xe0 A uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu uha be �uuwef �n the naoe qh the utate bqatf qh efweat�qn bwt uha be �uuwef hqt anf qn behah qh the uehqq bqatf qh the uehqq f�utt�et qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu qh the eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et teqweut�ni the �uuwanee theteqh, anf nq eeet�qn qt arrtqxa qh qwa�h�ef eeetqtu uha be teqw�tef hqt the �uuwanee theteqh0 (8) Vhe utate bqatf uha �n eaeh {eat wue the hwnfu f�utt�bwtabe rwtuwant tq th�u aoenfoent tq the etef�t qh eaeh uehqq f�utt�et qt eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et qn{ �n the hqqw�ni oannet anf �n qtfet qh rt�qt�t{< a0 Vq eqor{ w�th the teqw�teoentu qh rataitarh (3) qh th�u uwbueet�qn (f)0 b0 Vq ra{ a aoqwntu qh rt�ne�ra anf �nteteut fwe �n uweh {eat qn an{ bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu �uuwef wnfet the awthqt�t{ heteqh, �newf�ni tehwnf�ni bqnfu qt oqtqt 53 ATVKENG ZKK xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, �uuwef qn behah qh the uehqq bqatf qh uweh uehqq f�utt�et qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu qh uweh eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et; uwb�eet, hqwexet, tq an{ eqxenantu qt aiteeoentu oafe b{ the utate bqatf eqneetn�ni the t�ihtu between hqfetu qh f�hhetent �uuweu qh uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, au hete�n awthqt�zef0 e0 Vq eutab�uh anf oa�nta�n a u�n��ni hwnf qt hwnfu tq oeet hwtwte teqw�teoentu hqt febt uetx�ee qt teuetxeu thetehqt, qn bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu �uuwef qn behah qh the uehqq bqatf qh uweh uehqq f�utt�et qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu qh uweh eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et wnfet the awthqt�t{ heteqh, whenexet the utate bqatf uha feeo �t neeeuuat{ qt afx�uabe, anf �n uweh aoqwntu anf wnfet uweh tetou anf eqnf�t�qnu au the utate bqatf uha �n �tu f�uetet�qn feteto�ne0 f0 Vq f�utt�bwte annwa{ tq the uexeta uehqq bqatfu qh the uehqq f�utt�etu qt the bqatfu qh ttwuteeu qh the eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�etu hqt wue �n ra{oent qh febt uetx�ee qn bqnfu hetetqhqte qt heteahtet �uuwef b{ an{ uweh uehqq bqatfu qh the uehqq f�utt�etu qt bqatfu qh ttwuteeu qh the eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�etu whete the rtqeeefu qh the bqnfu wete wuef, qt ate tq be wuef, �n the aeqw�t�ni, bw�f�ni, eqnuttwet�ni, atet�ni, teoqfe/ �ni, �ortqx�ni, enati�ni, hwtn�uh�ni, eqw�rr�ni, oa�n/ ta�n�ni, tenqxat�ni, qt tera�t�ni qh ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eetu �n uweh uehqq f�utt�etu qt eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�etu anf wh�eh ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eetu haxe been arrtqxef b{ the uehqq bqatf qh the uehqq f�utt�et qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu qh the eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et, rwtuwant tq the oqut teeent uwtxe{ qt uwtxe{u eqnfwetef wnfet teiwat�qnu rteuet�bef b{ the utate bqatf tq feteto�ne the ear�ta qwta{ neefu qh the uehqq f�utt�et qt eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et0 Vhe utate bqatf uha haxe rqwet at the t�oe qh �uuwanee qh an{ bqnfu b{ an{ uehqq bqatf qh an{ uehqq f�utt�et qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu qh an{ eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et tq eqxenant anf aitee w�th uweh uehqq bqatf qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu au tq the tan� anf rt�qt�t{ qh ra{oentu tq be oafe hqt f�hhetent �uuweu qh bqnfu wnfet th�u uwbrataitarh f0, anf oa{ hwtthet aitee that an{ aoqwntu tq be f�utt�bwtef wnfet th�u uwbrataitarh f0 oa{ be refief hqt the febt uetx�ee qn bqnfu �uuwef b{ an{ uehqq bqatf qh an{ uehqq f�utt�et qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu qh an{ eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et anf hqt the tan� anf rt�qt�t{ qh uweh refie0 An{ uweh eqxenantu qt aiteeoentu qh the utate bqatf oa{ be enhqteef b{ an{ hqfetu qh uweh bqnfu �n an{ eqwtt qh eqoretent �wt�uf�et�qn0 e0 Vq ra{ the ezrenueu qh the utate bqatf �n afo�n�utet�ni th�u uwbueet�qn (f), wh�eh uha be rtq/ tatef aoqni the xat�qwu uehqq f�utt�etu anf eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�etu anf ra�f qwt qh the rtqeeefu qh the bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu qt htqo the hwnfu f�utt�bwtabe tq eaeh uehqq f�utt�et anf eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et qn the uaoe bau�u au uweh oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenweu ate f�utt�bwtabe tq the xat�qwu uehqq f�utt�etu anf eqoow/ n�t{ eqeie f�utt�etu0 h0 Vq f�utt�bwte annwa{ tq the uexeta uehqq bqatfu qh the uehqq f�utt�etu qt bqatfu qh ttwuteeu qh the eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�etu hqt the ra{oent qh the ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA equt qh aeqw�t�ni, bw�f�ni, eqnuttwet�ni, atet�ni, teoq/ fe�ni, �ortqx�ni, enati�ni, hwtn�uh�ni, eqw�rr�ni, oa�nta�n�ni, tenqxat�ni, qt tera�t�ni qh ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eetu hqt uehqq rwtrqueu �n uweh uehqq f�utt�et qt eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et au uha be teqweutef b{ teuqwt�qn qh the uehqq bqatf qh the uehqq f�utt�et qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu qh the eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et0 i0 Yhen a oa�qt ear�ta qwta{ neefu qh a uehqq f�utt�et qt eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et haxe been oet au feteto�nef b{ the utate bqatf, qn the bau�u qh a uwtxe{ oafe rwtuwant tq teiwat�qnu qh the utate bqatf anf arrtqxef b{ the utate bqatf, a uweh hwnfu teoa�n�ni uha be f�utt�bwtef annwa{ anf wuef hqt uweh uehqq rwtrqueu �n uweh uehqq f�utt�et qt eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et au the uehqq bqatf qh the uehqq f�utt�et qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu qh the eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et uha feteto�ne, qt au oa{ be rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 (;) Ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eetu qh a uehqq f�utt�et qt eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et uha be e�i�be tq ratt�e�rate �n the hwnfu aeetw�ni wnfet th�u aoenfoent anf fet�xef htqo the rtqeeefu qh bqnfu anf oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu anf htqo the oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenweu, qn{ �n the qtfet qh rt�qt�t{ qh neefu, au uhqwn b{ a uwtxe{ qt uwtxe{u eqnfwetef �n the uehqq f�utt�et qt eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et wnfet teiwat�qnu rteuet�bef b{ the utate bqatf, tq feteto�ne the ear�ta qwta{ neefu qh the uehqq f�utt�et qt eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et anf arrtqxef b{ the utate bqatf; rtqx�fef that the rt�qt�t{ qh uweh rtq�eetu oa{ be ehanief htqo t�oe tq t�oe wrqn the teqweut qh the uehqq bqatf qh the uehqq f�utt�et qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu qh the eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et anf w�th the arrtqxa qh the utate bqatf; anf rtqx�fef, hwtthet, that th�u rata/ itarh (;) uha nqt �n an{ oannet ahheet an{ eqxenant, aiteeoent qt refie oafe b{ the utate bqatf �n the �uuwanee b{ ua�f utate bqatf qh an{ bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, qt �n eqnneet�qn w�th the �uuwanee qh an{ bqnfu qh an{ uehqq bqatf qh an{ uehqq f�utt�et qt bqatf qh ttwuteeu qh an{ eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et0 (32) Vhe utate bqatf uha haxe rqwet tq oa�e anf enhqtee a tweu anf teiwat�qnu neeeuuat{ tq the hw ezete�ue qh the rqwetu hete�n itantef anf nq ei�uat�qn uha be teqw�tef tq tenfet th�u aoenfoent qh hw hqtee anf qretat�ni ehheet0 Vhe ei�uatwte uha nqt tefwee the ex�eu qh ua�f oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenweu fwt�ni the �he qh th�u aoenfoent tq an{ feitee wh�eh w� ha� tq rtqx�fe the hw aoqwnt neeeuuat{ tq eqor{ w�th the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u aoenfoent anf ra{ the neeeuuat{ ezrenueu qh afo�n�utet�ni the awu teat�ni tq the �eenu�ni qh oqtqt xeh�eeu, anf uha nqt enaet an{ aw hax�ni the ehheet qh w�thftaw�ni the rtqeeefu qh uweh oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenweu htqo the qretat�qn qh th�u aoenfoent anf uha nqt enaet an{ aw �ora�t�ni qt oatet�a{ atet�ni the t�ihtu qh the hqfetu qh an{ bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu �uuwef rwtuwant tq th�u aoenfoent qt �ora�t�ni qt atet�ni an{ eqxenant qt aiteeoent qh the utate bqatf, au rtqx�fef �n uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu0 (33) Dqnfu �uuwef b{ the utate bqatf rwtuwant tq th�u uwbueet�qn (f) uha be ra{abe rt�oat�{ htqo ua�f oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenweu au rtqx�fef hete�n, anf 52 ATVKENG ZKK �h hetetqhqte qt heteahtet awthqt�zef b{ aw, oa{ be aff�t�qna{ ueewtef b{ refi�ni the hw ha�th anf etef�t qh the utate w�thqwt an eeet�qn0 Yhen hetetqhqte qt heteahtet awthqt�zef b{ aw, bqnfu �uuwef rwtuwant tq 8Att�ee ZKK, Seet�qn 38 qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef rt�qt tq 3;88, anf bqnfu �uuwef rwtuwant tq Att�ee ZKK, Seet�qn ;, uwbueet�qn (f) qh the Eqnut�twt�qn au tex�uef �n 3;88, anf bqnfu �uuwef rwtuwant tq th�u uwbueet�qn (f), oa{ be tehwnfef b{ the �uuwanee qh bqnfu aff�t�qna{ ueewtef b{ the hw ha�th anf etef�t qh the utate0 (e) DGDV NKMKVAVKQP0 Dqnfu �uuwef rwtuwant tq th�u Seet�qn ; qh Att�ee ZKK wh�eh ate ra{abe rt�oat�{ htqo texenweu refief rwtuwant tq th�u ueet�qn uha nqt be �newfef �n arr{�ni the �o�tu wrqn the aoqwnt qh utate bqnfu eqnta�nef �n Seet�qn 33, Att�ee VKK, qh th�u tex�u�qn0 J�utqt{0´Ao0 J0J0T0 3853, 3;8;; afqrtef 3;8;; Ao0 E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 2;2, 3;92, anf Ao0 E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 5598, 3;92; afqrtef 3;92; Ao0 E0S0 hqt J0J0T0'u 228;, 2;86, 3;96; afqrtef 3;96; Ao0 S0J0T0 826, 3;82; afqrtef 3;82; Ao0 S0J0T0 3359, 3;86; afqrtef 3;86; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 3, 3;;2, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 9, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;2; Ao0 S0J0T0 2/J, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;2; Ao0 rtqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 8, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 3Pqte0´Seet�qn 39 qh Att0 KZ qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, teafu au hqqwu< SGEVKQP 390 Dqnfu; anf aeqw�u�t�qn hqt qwtfqqt teeteat�qn fexeqroent0´ Vhe qwtfqqt teeteat�qna fexeqroent eqwne�, au eteatef b{ the 3;85 ei�uatwte, oa{ �uuwe texenwe bqnfu, texenwe eett�h�eateu qt qthet ex�feneeu qh �nfebtefneuu tq aeqw�te anfu, watet ateau anf teatef teuqwteeu anf tq eqnuttwet, �ortqxe, enatie anf eztenf ear�ta �ortqxeoentu anf hae��t�eu theteqn �n hwtthetanee qh qwtfqqt teeteat�qn, natwta teuqwteeu eqnuetxat�qn anf teatef hae��t�eu �n th�u utate; rtqx�fef, hqwexet, the ei�uatwte w�th teureet tq uweh texenwe bqnfu, texenwe eett�h�eateu qt qthet ex�feneeu qh �nfebtefneuu uha feu�inate the texenwe qt taz uqwteeu tq be ferqu�tef �n qt etef�tef tq the anf aeqw�u�t�qn ttwut hwnf hqt the�t tera{oent anf oa{ �orque teutt�et�qnu qn the�t �uuwanee, �newf�ni the h�z�ni qh oaz�owo �nteteut tateu anf f�ueqwntu0 Vhe anf aeqw�u�t�qn ttwut hwnf, eteatef b{ the 3;85 ei�uatwte hqt theue owt�re rwb�e rwtrqueu, uha eqnt�nwe htqo the fate qh the afqrt�qn qh th�u aoenfoent hqt a ret�qf qh h�ht{ {eatu0 Kn the exent the qwtfqqt teeteat�qna fexeqroent eqwne� uha feteto�ne tq �uuwe bqnfu hqt h�nane�ni aeqw�u�t�qn qh u�teu hqt owt�re rwtrqueu the utate bqatf qh afo�n�uttat�qn uha aet au h�uea aient, anf the attqtne{ ieneta uha hanfe the xa�fat�qn rtqeeef�niu0 A bqnfu �uuwef wnfet th�u aoenfoent uha be uqf at rwb�e uae ahtet rwb�e afxett�ueoent wrqn uweh tetou anf eqnf�t�qnu au the qwtfqqt teeteat�qna fexeqroent eqwne� uha rtqx�fe anf au qthetw�ue rtqx�fef b{ aw anf uwb�eet tq the �o�tat�qnu hete�n �orquef0 J�utqt{0⁀S0J0T0 929, 3;85; afqrtef 3;850 2Pqte0´Pt�qt tq �tu aoenfoent b{ E0S0 hqt J0J0T0'u 228;, 2;86, 3;96, uwbueet�qn (a) teaf au hqqwu< (a) ADDKVKQPAN SGEWTKVKGS0 Att�ee KZ, Seet�qn 39, qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, au �t ez�utef �ooef�ate{ behqte th�u Eqnut�twt�qn, au tex�uef �n 3;88, beeaoe ehheet�xe, �u afqrtef b{ th�u tehetenee au a ratt qh th�u tex�u�qn au eqorete{ au thqwih �neqtrqtatef hete�n xetbat�o, ezeert texenwe bqnfu, texenwe eett�h�eateu qt qthet ex�feneeu qh �nfebtefneuu heteahtet �uuwef thetewnfet oa{ be �uuwef b{ the aiene{ qh the utate uq awthqt�zef b{ aw0 Att�ee ZKK, Seet�qn 3;, qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, au �t ez�utef �ooef�ate{ behqte th�u tex�u�qn beeqoeu ehheet�xe, �u afqrtef b{ th�u tehetenee au a ratt qh th�u tex�u�qn au eqorete{ au thqwih �neqtrqtatef hete�n xetbat�o, ezeert bqnfu qt taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu heteahtet �uuwef thetewnfet oa{ beat �nteteut nqt �n ezeeuu qh h�xe reteent (5') ret annwo qt uweh h�ihet �nteteut au oa{ be awthqt�zef b{ utatwte rauuef b{ a thtee/h�hthu (5/5) xqte qh eaeh hqwue qh the ei�uatwte0 Pq texenwe bqnfu qt taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu uha be �uuwef rwtuwant thetetq ahtet Jwne 52, 3;950 5Pqte0´Seet�qn 3; qh Att0 ZKK qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, teafu au hqqwu< SGEVKQP 3;0 Knut�twt�qnu qh h�ihet eatn�ni anf �wn�qt eqeie ear�ta qwta{ ttwut hwnf bqnfu0´(a) Vhat bei�nn�ni Janwat{ 3, 3;86, anf hqt h�ht{ {eatu theteahtet, a qh the rtqeeefu qh the texenweu fet�xef htqo the itquu teee�rtu tazeu eqeetef htqo exet{ retuqn, �newf�ni own�e�ra�t�eu, teee�x�ni ra{oent hqt eeett�e�t{ hqt �iht, heat qt rqwet, hqt natwta qt oanwhaetwtef iau hqt �iht, heat qt rqwet, hqt wue qh teerhqneu anf hqt the uenf�ni qh teeitaou anf teeitarh oeuuaieu, au nqw rtqx�fef anf ex�ef au qh the t�oe qh afqrt�qn qh th�u aoenfoent �n Ehartet 225, Hqt�fa Statwteu (hete�nahtet eaef ¬Gtquu Teee�rtu Vazeu¹), uha, au eqeetef be raeef �n a ttwut hwnf tq be �nqwn au the ¬Knut�twt�qnu qh J�ihet Neatn�ni anf Jwn�qt Eqeieu Ear�ta Qwta{ anf Debt Setx�ee Vtwut Hwnf¹ �n the State Vteauwt{ (hete�nahtet tehettef tq au ¬Ear�ta Qwta{ Hwnf¹), anf wuef qn{ au rtqx�fef �n th�u Aoenfoent0 Sa�f hwnf uha be afo�n�utetef b{ the State Dqatf qh Gfweat�qn, au nqw eteatef anf eqnut�twtef b{ Seet�qn 5 qh Att�ee ZKK ]nqw u0 2, Att�ee KZ_ qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh Hqt�fa (hete�nahtet tehettef tq au ¬State Dqatf¹)0 Hqt the rwtrque qh th�u Aoenfoent, ua�f State Dqatf, au nqw eqnut�twtef, uha eqnt�nwe au a bqf{ eqtrqtate fwt�ni the �he qh th�u Aoenfoent anf uha haxe a the rqwetu rtqx�fef �n th�u Aoenfoent �n aff�t�qn tq a qthet eqnut�twt�qna anf utatwtqt{ rqwetu teatef tq ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA the rwtrqueu qh th�u Aoenfoent hetetqhqte qt heteahtet eqnhettef b{ aw wrqn ua�f State Dqatf0 (b) Vhe State Dqatf uha haxe rqwet, hqt the rwtrque qh qbta�n�ni hwnfu hqt aeqw�t�ni, bw�f�ni, eqnuttwet�ni, atet�ni, �ortqx�ni, enati�ni, hwtn�uh�ni qt eqw�rr�ni ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eetu thetetqhqte awthqt�zef b{ the ei�uatwte anf an{ rwtrqueu arrwttenant qt �ne�fenta thetetq, hqt Knut�twt�qnu qh J�ihet Neatn�ni qt Jwn�qt Eqeieu, au nqw feh�nef qt au oa{ be heteahtet feh�nef b{ aw, anf hqt the rwtrque qh eqnuttwet�ni bw�f�niu anf qthet retoanent hae��t�eu hqt xqeat�qna teehn�ea uehqqu au rtqx�fef �n ehartet 252 Hqt�fa Statwteu, tq �uuwe bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu, �newf�ni tehwnf�ni bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu tq hwnf qt tehwnf an{ bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu thetetqhqte �uuwef0 A uweh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu uha beat �nteteut at nqt ezeeef�ni hqwt anf qne/hah ret eentwo ret annwo, anf uha oatwte at uweh t�oe qt t�oeu au the State Dqatf uha feteto�ne nqt ezeeef�ni, �n an{ exent, hqwexet, th�tt{ {eatu htqo the fate qh �uuwanee theteqh0 Vhe State Dqatf uha haxe rqwet tq feteto�ne a qthet feta�u qh uweh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu anf tq ue at rwb�e uae, ahtet rwb�e afxett�ueoent, uweh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu, rtqx�fef, hqwexet, that nq bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu uha exet be �uuwef hetewnfet tq h�nanee, qt the rtqeeefu theteqh ezrenfef hqt, an{ ratt qh the equt qh an{ ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eet wneuu the eqnuttwet�qn qt aeqw�u�t�qn qh uweh ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eet hau been thetetqhqte awthqt�zef b{ the Nei�uatwte qh Hqt�fa0 Pqne qh ua�f bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu uha be uqf at euu than n�net{/e�iht ret eentwo qh the rat xawe theteqh, rwu aeetwef �nteteut, anf ua�f bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu uha be awatfef at the rwb�e uae theteqh tq the b�ffet qhhet�ni the qweut net �nteteut equt hqt uweh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu �n the oannet tq be feteto�nef b{ the State Dqatf0 Vhe State Dqatf uha auq haxe rqwet tq refie hqt the ra{oent qh the rt�ne�ra qh anf �nteteut qn uweh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu, anf teuetxeu thetehqt, �newf�ni tehwnf�ni bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu, a qt an{ ratt qh the texenwe tq be fet�xef htqo the ua�f Gtquu Teee�rtu Vazeu rtqx�fef hqt �n th�u Aoenfoent, anf tq entet �ntq an{ eqxenantu anf qthet aiteeoentu w�th the hqfetu qh uweh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu eqneetn�ni the ueewt�t{ theteqh anf the t�ihtu qh the hqfetu theteqh, a qh wh�eh eqxenantu anf aiteeoentu uha eqnut�twte eia{ b�nf�ni anf �ttexqeabe eqnttaetu w�th uweh hqfetu anf uha be hw{ enhqteeabe b{ uweh hqfetu �n an{ eqwtt qh eqoretent �wt�uf�et�qn0 Pq uweh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu uha exet be �uuwef b{ the State Dqatf �n an aoqwnt ezeeef�ni uexent{/h�xe ret eentwo qh the aoqwnt wh�eh �t feteto�neu, bauef wrqn the axetaie annwa aoqwnt qh the texenweu fet�xef htqo ua�f Gtquu Teee�rtu Vazeu fwt�ni the �ooef�ate{ rteeef�ni twq h�uea {eatu, qt the aoqwnt qh the texenweu fet�xef htqo ua�f Gtquu Teee�rtu Vazeu fwt�ni the �ooef�ate{ rteeef�ni h�uea {eat, au uhqwn �n a eett�h�eate h�ef b{ the State Eqorttqet w�th the State Dqatf rt�qt tq the �uuwanee qh uweh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu, wh�ehexet �u the euuet, ean be uetx�eef b{ the texenweu aeetw�ni theteahtet wnfet the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u Aoenfoent; nqt uha the State Dqatf, fwt�ni the h�tut {eat hqqw�ni the tat�h�eat�qn qh th�u aoenfoent, �uuwe bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu �n ezeeuu qh uexen t�oeu the ant�e�ratef texenwe htqo ua�f Gtquu Teee�rtu Vazeu fwt�ni ua�f {eat, nqt fwt�ni eaeh uweeeef�ni {eat, oqte than hqwt t�oeu the ant�e�ratef texenwe htqo ua�f Gtquu Teee�rtu Vazeu fwt�ni uweh {eat0 Pq eeet�qn qt arrtqxa qh qwa�h�ef eeetqtu qt hteehqfet eeetqtu uha be teqw�tef hqt the �uuwanee qh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu hetewnfet0 Ahtet the �n�t�a �uuwanee qh an{ bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu rwtuwant tq th�u Aoenfoent, the State Dqatf oa{ theteahtet �uuwe aff�t�qna bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu wh�eh w� tan� eqwa{ anf qn a rat�t{, au tq �en qn anf uqwtee qh ueewt�t{ hqt ra{oent htqo ua�f Gtquu Teee�rtu Vazeu, w�th an{ bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu thetetqhqte �uuwef rwtuwant tq th�u Aoenfoent, bwt uweh aff�t�qna rat�t{ bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu uha nqt be �uuwef wneuu the axetaie annwa aoqwnt qh the texenweu fet�xef htqo ua�f Gtquu Teee�rtu Vazeu fwt�ni the �ooef�ate{ rteeef�ni twq h�uea {eatu, qt the aoqwnt qh the texenweu fet�xef htqo ua�f Gtquu Teee�rtu Vazeu fwt�ni the �ooef�ate{ rteeef�ni h�uea {eat, au uhqwn �n a eett�h�eate h�ef b{ the State Eqorttqet w�th the State Dqatf rt�qt tq the �uuwanee qh uweh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu, wh�ehexet �u the euuet, uha haxe been eqwa tq qne anf qne/th�tf t�oeu the aiiteiate aoqwnt qh rt�ne�ra anf �nteteut wh�eh w� beeqoe fwe �n an{ uweeeef�ni h�uea {eat qn a bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu thetetqhqte �uuwef rwtuwant tq th�u Aoenfoent anf then qwtutanf�ni, anf the aff�t�qna rat�t{ bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu then rtqrquef tq be �uuwef0 Pq bqnfu, eett�h�eateu qt qthet qb�iat�qnu whatuqexet uha at an{ t�oe be �uuwef wnfet the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u Aoenfoent, ezeert uweh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu �n�t�a{ �uuwef hetewnfet, anf uweh aff�t�qna rat�t{ bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu au rtqx�fef �n th�u rataitarh0 Pqtw�thutanf�ni an{ qthet rtqx�u�qn hete�n nq uweh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu uha be awthqt�zef qt xa�fatef fwt�ni an{ b�enn�wo �n ezeeuu qh h�ht{ o��qn fqatu, ezeert b{ twq/th�tfu xqte qh the oeobetu eeetef tq eaeh hqwue qh the ei�uatwte; rtqx�fef hwtthet that fwt�ni the b�enn�wo 3;85/3;85 uexent{/h�xe o��qn fqatu oa{ be awthqt�zef anf xa�fatef rwtuwant hetetq0 (e) Ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eetu thetetqhqte awthqt�zef b{ the ei�uatwte hqt an{ Knut�twt�qn qh J�ihet Neatn�ni qt Jwn�qt Eqeie uha be e�i�be tq ratt�e�rate �n the hwnfu aeetw�ni wnfet th�u Aoenfoent fet�xef htqo the rtqeeefu qh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu anf ua�f Gtquu Teee�rtu Vazeu wnfet uweh teiwat�qnu anf �n uweh oannet au uha be feteto�nef b{ the State Dqatf, anf the State Dqatf uha wue qt ttanuo�t tq the State Dqatf qh Eqnttq qt tq the Dqatf qh Pwb�e Knuttwet�qn qh an{ Eqwnt{ awthqt�zef b{ aw tq eqnuttwet qt aeqw�te uweh ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eetu, the aoqwnt qh the rtqeeefu qh uweh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu qt Gtquu Teee�rtu Vazeu tq be arr�ef tq qt wuef hqt uweh ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eetu0 Kh hqt an{ teauqn an{ qh the rtqeeefu qh an{ bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu �uuwef hqt an{ ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eet uha nqt be ezrenfef hqt uweh ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eet, the State Dqatf oa{ wue uweh wnezrenfef rtqeeefu hqt an{ qthet ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eet hqt Knut�twt�qnu qh J�ihet Neatn�ni qt Jwn�qt Eqeieu anf xqeat�qna teehn�ea uehqqu, au feh�nef hete�n, au nqw feh�nef qt au oa{ be heteahtet feh�nef b{ aw, thetetqhqte awthqt�zef b{ the State Nei�uatwte0 Vhe hqfetu qh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu �uuwef hetewnfet uha nqt haxe an{ teurqnu�b��t{ whatuqexet hqt the arr�eat�qn qt wue qh an{ qh the rtqeeefu fet�xef htqo the uae qh ua�f bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu, anf the t�ihtu anf teoef�eu qh the hqfetu qh uweh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu anf the�t t�iht tq ra{oent htqo ua�f Gtquu 55 ATVKENG ZKK Teee�rtu Vazeu �n the oannet rtqx�fef hete�n uha nqt be ahheetef qt �ora�tef b{ the arr�eat�qn qt wue qh uweh rtqeeefu0 Vhe State Dqatf uha wue the oqne{u �n ua�f Ear�ta Qwta{ Hwnf �n eaeh h�uea {eat qn{ hqt the hqqw�ni rwtrqueu anf �n the hqqw�ni qtfet qh rt�qt�t{< (3) Hqt the ra{oent qh the rt�ne�ra qh anf �nteteut qn an{ bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu oatwt�ni �n uweh h�uea {eat0 (2) Hqt the ferqu�t �ntq an{ teuetxe hwnfu rtqx�fef hqt �n the rtqeeef�niu awthqt�z�ni the �uuwanee qh ua�f bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu, qh an{ aoqwntu teqw�tef tq be ferqu�tef �n uweh teuetxe hwnfu �n uweh h�uea {eat0 (5) Ahtet a ra{oentu teqw�tef �n uweh h�uea {eat hqt the rwtrqueu rtqx�fef hqt �n (3) anf (2) abqxe, �newf�ni an{ feh�e�ene�eu hqt teqw�tef ra{oentu �n rt�qt h�uea {eatu, an{ oqne{u teoa�n�ni �n ua�f Ear�ta Qwta{ Hwnf at the enf qh uweh h�uea {eat oa{ be wuef b{ the State Dqatf hqt f�teet ra{oent qh the equt qt an{ ratt qh the equt qh an{ ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eet thetetqhqte awthqt�zef b{ the ei�uatwte qt hqt the rwtehaue qh an{ bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu �uuwef hetewnfet then qwtutanf�ni wrqn uweh tetou anf eqnf�t�qnu au the State Dqatf uha feeo rtqret, qt hqt the rt�qt tefeort�qn qh qwtutanf�ni bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu �n aeeqtfanee w�th the rtqx�u�qnu qh the rtqeeef�niu wh�eh awthqt�zef the �uuwanee qh uweh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu0 Vhe State Dqatf oa{ �nxeut the oqne{u �n ua�f Ear�ta Qwta{ Hwnf qt �n an{ u�n��ni hwnf qt qthet hwnfu eteatef hqt an{ �uuwe qh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu, �n f�teet qb�iat�qnu qh the Wn�tef Stateu qh Aoet�ea qt �n the qthet ueewt�t�eu tehettef tq �n Seet�qn 566029, Hqt�fa Statwteu0 (f) Vhe State Dqatf uha haxe the rqwet tq oa�e anf enhqtee a tweu anf teiwat�qnu neeeuuat{ tq the hw ezete�ue qh the rqwetu hete�n itantef anf nq ei�uat�qn uha be teqw�tef tq tenfet th�u Aoenfoent qh hw hqtee anf qretat�ni ehheet qn anf ahtet Janwat{ 3, 3;860 Vhe Nei�uatwte, fwt�ni the ret�qf th�u Aoenfoent �u �n ehheet, uha nqt tefwee the tate qh ua�f Gtquu Teee�rtu Vazeu nqw rtqx�fef �n ua�f Ehartet 225, Hqt�fa Statwteu, qt e�o�nate, ezeort qt teoqxe an{ qh the retuqnu, h�tou qt eqtrqtat�qnu, �newf�ni own�e�ra eqtrqtat�qnu, qt an{ qh the wt��t�eu, bwu�neuueu qt uetx�eeu nqw qt heteahtet uwb�eet tq ua�f Gtquu Teee�rtu Vazeu, htqo the ex{ anf eqeet�qn qh ua�f Gtquu Teee�rtu Vazeu au nqw rtqx�fef �n ua�f Ehartet 225, Hqt�fa Statwteu, anf uha nqt enaet an{ aw �ora�t�ni qt oatet�a{ atet�ni the t�ihtu qh the hqfetu qh an{ bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu �uuwef rwtuwant tq th�u Aoenfoent qt �ora�t�ni qt atet�ni an{ eqxenantu qt aiteeoentu qh the State Dqatf oafe hetewnfet, qt hax�ni the ehheet qh w�thftaw�ni the rtqeeefu qh ua�f Gtquu Teee�rtu Vazeu htqo the qretat�qn qh th�u Aoenfoent0 Vhe State Dqatf qh Afo�n�uttat�qn uha be anf �u heteb{ eqnut�twtef au the H�uea Aient qh the State Dqatf tq rethqto uweh fwt�eu anf auuwoe uweh teurqnu�b��t�eu wnfet th�u Aoenfoent au uha be aiteef wrqn between the State Dqatf anf uweh State Dqatf qh Afo�n�uttat�qn0 Vhe State Dqatf uha auq haxe rqwet tq arrq�nt uweh qthet retuqnu anf h�z the�t eqorenuat�qn hqt the afo�n�uttat�qn qh the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u Aoenfoent au �t uha feeo neeeuuat{, anf the ezrenueu qh the State Dqatf �n afo�n�utet�ni the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u Aoenfoent uha be ra�f qwt qh the rtqeeefu qh bqnfu qt eett�h�eateu �uuwef hetewnfet qt htqo ua�f Gtquu Teee�rtu Vazeu ferqu�tef �n ua�f Ear�ta Qwta{ Hwnf0 (e) Pq ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eet qt an{ ratt theteqh uha be h�naneef hetewnfet wneuu the b� awthqt�z�ni uweh rtq�eet uha uree�h{ �t �u h�naneef hetewnfet anf uha be arrtqxef b{ a xqte qh thtee/h�hthu qh the eeetef oeobetu qh eaeh hqwue0 J�utqt{0⁀S0J0T0 286, 3;85; afqrtef 3;850 6Pqte0´Seet�qn 38 qh Att0 KZ qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, teafu au hqqwu< SGEVKQP 380 Dqatf qh afo�n�uttat�qn; iauq�ne anf ��e tazeu, f�utt�bwt�qn anf wue; ete0´(a) Vhat bei�nn�ni Janwat{ 3ut, 3;65, anf hqt h�ht{ (52) {eatu theteahtet, the rtqeeefu qh twq (2⁄) eentu ret iaqn qh the tqta taz ex�ef b{ utate aw wrqn iauq�ne anf qthet ��e rtqfwetu qh rettqewo, nqw �nqwn au the Seeqnf Gau Vaz, anf wrqn qthet hweu wuef tq rtqre oqtqt xeh�eeu, uha au eqeetef be raeef oqnth{ �n the `State Tqafu D�utt�bwt�qn Hwnf' �n the State Vteauwt{ anf f�x�fef �ntq thtee (5) eqwa rattu wh�eh uha be f�utt�bwtef oqnth{ aoqni the uexeta eqwnt�eu au hqqwu< qne ratt aeeqtf�ni tq atea, qne ratt aeeqtf�ni tq rqrwat�qn, anf qne ratt aeeqtf�ni tq the eqwnt�eu' eqntt�bwt�qnu tq the equt qh utate tqaf eqnuttwet�qn �n the tat�q qh f�utt�bwt�qn au rtqx�fef �n Ehartet 3585;, Nawu qh Hqt�fa, Aetu qh 3;53, anf hqt the rwtrqueu qh the arrqtt�qnoent bauef qn the eqwnt�eu' eqntt�bwt�qnu hqt the equt qh utate tqaf eqnuttwet�qn, the aoqwnt qh the eqntt�bwt�qnu eutab�uhef b{ the eett�h�eateu oafe �n 3;53 rwtuwant tq ua�f Ehartet 3585;, uha be ta�en anf feeoef eqnewu�xe �n eqorwt�ni the oqnth{ aoqwntu f�utt�bwtabe aeeqtf�ni tq ua�f eqntt�bwt�qnu0 Sweh hwnfu uq f�utt�bwtef uha be afo�n�utetef b{ the State Dqatf qh Afo�n�uttat�qn au hete�nahtet rtqx�fef0 (b) Vhe Gqxetnqt au eha�toan, the State Vteauwtet, anf the State Eqorttqet uha eqnut�twte a bqf{ eqtrqtate tq be �nqwn au the `State Dqatf qh Afo�n�uttat�qn,' wh�eh bqatf uha uweeeef tq a the rqwet, eqnttq anf awthqt�t{ qh the utatwtqt{ Dqatf qh Afo�n�uttat�qn0 Sa�f Dqatf uha haxe, �n aff�t�qn tq uweh rqwetu au oa{ be eqnhettef wrqn �t b{ aw, the oanaieoent, eqnttq anf uwretx�u�qn qh the rtqeeefu qh ua�f twq (2⁄) eentu qh ua�f tazeu anf a oqne{u anf qthet auuetu wh�eh qn the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u aoenfoent ate arr�eabe qt oa{ beeqoe arr�eabe tq the bqnfu qh the uexeta eqwnt�eu qh th�u utate, qt an{ uree�a tqaf anf bt�fie f�utt�et, qt qthet uree�a taz�ni f�utt�et theteqh, �uuwef rt�qt tq Jw{ 3ut, 3;53, hqt tqaf anf bt�fie rwtrqueu0 Vhe wqtf `bqnfu' au wuef hete�n uha �newfe bqnfu, t�oe wattantu, nqteu anf qthet hqtou qh �nfebtefneuu �uuwef hqt tqaf anf bt�fie rwtrqueu b{ an{ eqwnt{ qt uree�a tqaf anf bt�fie f�utt�et qt qthet uree�a taz�ni f�utt�et, qwtutanf�ni qn Jw{ 3ut, 3;53, qt an{ tehwnf�ni �uuweu theteqh0 Sa�f Dqatf uha haxe the utatwtqt{ rqwetu qh Dqatfu qh Eqwnt{ Eqoo�uu�qnetu anf Dqnf Vtwuteeu anf qh an{ qthet awthqt�t{ qh uree�a tqaf anf bt�fie f�utt�etu, anf qthet uree�a taz�ni f�utt�etu theteqh w�th teiatf tq ua�f bqnfu, (ezeert that the rqwet tq ex{ af xaqteo tazeu �u ezrteuu{ w�thhef htqo ua�f Dqatf), anf uha ta�e qxet a raretu, fqewoentu anf teeqtfu eqneetn�ni the uaoe0 Sa�f Dqatf uha haxe the rqwet htqo t�oe tq t�oe tq �uuwe tehwnf�ni bqnfu tq oatwte w�th�n the ua�f h�ht{ (52) {eat ret�qf, hqt an{ qh ua�f qwtutanf�ni bqnfu qt �nteteut theteqn, anf tq ueewte theo b{ a refie qh ant�e�ratef teee�rtu htqo uweh iauq�ne qt qthet hwe tazeu tq be f�utt�bwtef tq uweh eqwnt{ au hete�n rtqx�fef, bwt nqt at a iteatet tate qh �nteteut than ua�f bqnfu nqw beat; anf tq �uuwe, ue qt ezehanie qn behah qh an{ eqwnt{ qt wn�t hqt the uqe rwtrque qh tet�t�ni ua�f bqnfu �uuwef b{ uweh eqwnt{, qt uree�a tqaf anf bt�fie f�utt�et, qt qthet uree�a taz�ni f�utt�et theteqh, iauq�ne qt qthet hwe taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu beat�ni �nteteut at nqt oqte than thtee (5) ret eent ret annwo �n uweh fenqo�nat�qnu anf oatwt�ni at uweh t�oe w�th�n the h�ht{ (52) {eat ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA ret�qf au the bqatf oa{ feteto�ne0 Kn aff�t�qn tq ezete�u�ni the rqwetu nqw rtqx�fef b{ utatwte hqt the �nxeutoent qh u�n��ni hwnfu, ua�f Dqatf oa{ wue the u�n��ni hwnfu eteatef hqt ua�f bqnfu qh an{ eqwnt{ qt uree�a tqaf anf bt�fie f�utt�et, qt qthet wn�t hetewnfet, tq rwtehaue the oatwtef qt oatwt�ni bqnfu ratt�e�rat�ni hete�n qh an{ qthet eqwnt{ qt an{ qthet uree�a tqaf anf bt�fie f�utt�et, qt qthet uree�a taz�ni f�utt�et theteqh, rtqx�fef that au tq ua�f oatwtef bqnfu, the xawe theteqh au an �nxeutoent uha be the rt�ee ra�f thetehqt, wh�eh uha nqt ezeeef the rat xawe rwu aeetwef �nteteut, anf that ua�f �nxeutoent uha beat �nteteut at the tate qh thtee (5) ret eent ret annwo0 (e) Vhe ua�f bqatf uha annwa{ wue ua�f hwnfu �n eaeh eqwnt{ aeeqwnt, h�tut, tq ra{ ewttent rt�ne�ra anf �nteteut oatwt�ni, �h an{, qh ua�f bqnfu anf iauq�ne qt qthet hwe taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu qh uweh eqwnt{ qt uree�a tqaf anf bt�fie f�utt�et, qt qthet uree�a taz�ni f�utt�et theteqh; ueeqnf, tq eutab�uh a u�n��ni hwnf aeeqwnt tq oeet hwtwte teqw�teoentu qh ua�f bqnfu anf iauq�ne qt qthet hwe taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu whete �t arreatu the ant�e�ratef �neqoe hqt an{ {eat qt {eatu w� nqt eqwa uehefwef ra{oentu theteqn; anf th�tf, an{ teoa�n�ni baanee qwt qh the rtqeeefu qh ua�f twq (2⁄) eentu qh ua�f tazeu uha oqnth{ fwt�ni the {eat be teo�ttef b{ ua�f bqatf au hqqwu< G�iht{ (82') ret eent tq the State Tqaf Derattoent hqt the eqnuttwet�qn qt teeqnuttwet�qn qh utate tqafu anf bt�fieu w�th�n the eqwnt{, qt hqt the eaue qt rwtehaue qh bt�fieu eqnneet�ni utate h�ihwa{u w�th�n the eqwnt{, anf twent{ (22') ret eent tq the Dqatf qh Eqwnt{ Eqoo�uu�qnetu qh uweh eqwnt{ hqt wue qn tqafu anf bt�fieu thete�n0 (f) Sa�f bqatf uha haxe the rqwet tq oa�e anf enhqtee a tweu anf teiwat�qnu neeeuuat{ tq the hw ezete�ue qh the rqwetu heteb{ itantef anf nq ei�uat�qn uha be teqw�tef tq tenfet th�u aoenfoent qh hw hqtee anf qretat�ni ehheet htqo anf ahtet Janwat{ 3ut, 3;650 Vhe Nei�uatwte uha eqnt�nwe the ex�eu qh ua�f tazeu fwt�ni the �he qh th�u Aoenfoent, anf uha nqt enaet an{ aw hax�ni the ehheet qh w�thftaw�ni the rtqeeefu qh ua�f twq (2⁄) eentu qh ua�f tazeu htqo the qretat�qn qh th�u aoenfoent0 Vhe bqatf uha ra{ tehwnf�ni ezrenueu anf qthet ezrenueu hqt uetx�eeu tenfetef uree�h�ea{ hqt, qt wh�eh ate rtqret{ ehatieabe tq, the aeeqwnt qh an{ eqwnt{ htqo hwnfu f�utt�bwtef tq uweh eqwnt{; bwt ieneta ezrenueu qh the bqatf hqt uetx�eeu tenfetef a the eqwnt�eu a��e uha be rtqtatef aoqni theo anf ra�f qwt qh ua�f hwnfu qn the uaoe bau�u ua�f taz rtqeeefu ate f�utt�bwtef aoqni the uexeta eqwnt�eu; rtqx�fef, terqtt qh ua�f ezrenueu uha be oafe tq eaeh Teiwat Seuu�qn qh the Nei�uatwte, anf the Nei�uatwte oa{ �o�t the ezrenueu qh the bqatf0 J�utqt{0⁀Affef, S0J0T0 526, 3;63; afqrtef 3;620 5Pqte0´Pt�qt tq �tu aoenfoent b{ E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 5598, 3;92, uwbueet�qn (f) teaf au hqqwu< (f) SEJQQN DQPDS0 Att�ee ZKK, Seet�qn 38, qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, au �t ez�utef �ooef�ate{ behqte th�u tex�u�qn beeqoeu ehheet�xe �u afqrtef b{ th�u tehetenee au ratt qh th�u tex�u�qn au eqorete{ au thqwih �neqtrqtatef hete�n xetbat�o, ezeert bqnfu qt taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu heteahtet �uuwef thetewnfet oa{ beat �nteteut nqt �n ezeeuu qh h�xe ret eent ret annwo qt uweh h�ihet �nteteut au oa{ be awthqt�zef b{ utatwte rauuef b{ a thtee/h�hthu xqte qh eaeh hqwue qh the ei�uatwte0 Dqnfu �uuwef rwtuwant tq th�u uwbueet�qn (f) uha be ra{abe rt�oat�{ htqo texenweu au rtqx�fef �n Att�ee ZKK, Seet�qn 38, qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, anf �h awthqt�zef b{ aw, oa{ be aff�t�qna{ ueewtef b{ refi�ni the hw ha�th anf etef�t qh the utate w�thqwt an eeet�qn0 Yhen awthqt�zef b{ aw, bqnfu �uuwef rwtuwant tq Att�ee ZKK, Seet�qn 38, qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, anf bqnfu �uuwef rwtuwant tq th�u uwbueet�qn (f), oa{ be tehwnfef b{ the �uuwanee qh bqnfu aff�t�qna{ ueewtef b{ the hw ha�th anf etef�t qh the utate qn{ at a qwet net axetaie �nteteut equt tate0 8Pqte0´Seet�qn 38, Att0 ZKK qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, teafu au hqqwu< SGEVKQP 380 Sehqq bqnfu hqt ear�ta qwta{, �uuwanee0´ (a) Dei�nn�ni Janwat{ 3, 3;85 anf hqt th�tt{/h�xe {eatu theteahtet, the h�tut rtqeeefu qh the texenweu fet�xef htqo the �eenu�ni qh oqtqt xeh�eeu tq the eztent neeeuuat{ tq eqor{ w�th the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u aoenfoent, uha, au eqeetef, be raeef oqnth{ �n the eqwnt{ ear�ta qwta{ anf febt uetx�ee uehqq hwnf �n the utate tteauwt{, anf wuef qn{ au rtqx�fef �n th�u aoenfoent0 Sweh texenwe uha be f�utt�bwtef annwa{ aoqni the uexeta eqwnt�eu �n the tat�q qh the nwobet qh �nuttwet�qn wn�tu �n eaeh eqwnt{ �n eaeh {eat eqorwtef au rtqx�fef hete�n0 Vhe aoqwnt qh the h�tut texenweu fet�xef htqo the �eenu�ni qh oqtqt xeh�eeu tq be uq uet au�fe �n eaeh {eat anf f�utt�bwtef au rtqx�fef hete�n uha be an aoqwnt eqwa �n the aiiteiate tq the rtqfwet qh hqwt hwnftef fqatu owt�r�ef b{ the tqta nwobet qh �nuttwet�qn wn�tu �n a the eqwnt�eu qh Hqt�fa0 Vhe nwobet qh �nuttwet�qn wn�tu �n eaeh eqwnt{ �n eaeh {eat hqt the rwtrqueu qh th�u aoenfoent uha be the iteatet qh (3) the nwobet qh �nuttwet�qn wn�tu �n eaeh eqwnt{ hqt the uehqq h�uea {eat 3;53/52 eqorwtef �n the oannet hetetqhqte rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw, qt (2) the nwobet qh �nuttwet�qn wn�tu �n uweh eqwnt{ hqt the uehqq h�uea {eat eqorwtef �n the oannet hetetqhqte qt heteahtet rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw anf arrtqxef b{ the utate bqatf qh efweat�qn (hete�nahtet eaef the utate bqatf), qt (5) the nwobet qh �nuttwet�qn wn�tu �n eaeh eqwnt{ qn behah qh wh�eh the utate bqatf qh efweat�qn hau �uuwef bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu wnfet th�u aoenfoent wh�eh w� rtqfwee uwhh�e�ent texenweu wnfet th�u aoenfoent tq eqwa qne anf qne/th�tf t�oeu the aiiteiate aoqwnt qh rt�ne�ra qh anf �nteteut qn uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu wh�eh w� oatwte anf beeqoe fwe �n uweh {eat, eqorwtef �n the oannet hetetqhqte qt heteahtet rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw anf arrtqxef b{ the utate bqatf0 Sweh hwnfu uq f�utt�bwtef uha be afo�n�utetef b{ the utate bqatf au nqw eteatef anf eqnut�twtef b{ Seet�qn 5 qh Att�ee ZKK ]nqw u0 2, Att�ee KZ_ qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh Hqt�fa0 Hqt the rwtrqueu qh th�u aoenfoent, ua�f utate bqatf, au nqw eqnut�twtef, uha eqnt�nwe au a bqf{ eqtrqtate fwt�ni the �he qh th�u aoenfoent anf uha haxe a the rqwetu rtqx�fef �n th�u aoenfoent �n aff�t�qn tq a qthet eqnut�twt�qna anf utatwtqt{ rqwetu teatef tq the rwtrqueu qh th�u aoenfoent hetetqhqte qt heteahtet eqnhettef wrqn ua�f bqatf0 (b) Vhe utate bqatf uha, �n aff�t�qn tq �tu qthet eqnut�twt�qna anf utatwtqt{ rqwetu, haxe the oanaieoent, eqnttq anf uwretx�u�qn qh the rtqeeefu qh the h�tut ratt qh the texenweu fet�xef htqo the �eenu�ni qh oqtqt xeh�eeu rtqx�fef hqt �n uwbueet�qn (a)0 Vhe utate bqatf uha auq haxe rqwet, hqt the rwtrque qh qbta�n�ni hwnfu hqt the wue qh an{ eqwnt{ bqatf qh rwb�e �nuttwet�qn �n aeqw�t�ni, bw�f�ni, eqnuttwet�ni, atet�ni, �ortqx�ni, enati�ni, hwtn�uh�ni, qt eqw�rr�ni ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eetu hqt uehqq rwtrqueu, tq �uuwe bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn 56 ATVKENG ZKK eett�h�eateu, anf auq tq �uuwe uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu tq ra{, hwnf qt tehwnf an{ bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu thetetqhqte �uuwef b{ ua�f utate bqatf0 A uweh bqnfu uha beat �nteteut at nqt ezeeef�ni hqwt anf qne/hah ret eentwo ret annwo anf uha oatwte uet�a{ �n annwa �nutaoentu eqooene�ni nqt oqte than thtee {eatu htqo the fate qh �uuwanee theteqh anf enf�ni nqt atet than th�tt{ {eatu htqo the fate qh �uuwanee qt Janwat{ 3, 2222, A0D0, wh�ehexet �u eat�et0 A uweh oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu uha beat �nteteut at nqt ezeeef�ni hqwt anf qne/hah ret eentwo ret annwo anf uha oatwte rt�qt tq Janwat{ 3, 2222, A0D0 Vhe utate bqatf uha haxe rqwet tq feteto�ne a qthet feta�u qh ua�f bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu anf tq ue at rwb�e uae ahtet rwb�e afxett�ueoent, qt ezehanie ua�f bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, wrqn uweh tetou anf eqnf�t�qnu au the utate bqatf uha rtqx�fe0 Vhe utate bqatf uha auq haxe rqwet tq refie hqt the ra{oent qh the rt�ne�ra qh anf �nteteut qn uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, �newf�ni tehwnf�ni bqnfu qt tehwnf�ni oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, a qt an{ ratt htqo the ant�e�ratef texenweu tq be fet�xef htqo the �eenu�ni qh oqtqt xeh�eeu rtqx�fef hqt �n th�u aoenfoent anf tq entet �ntq an{ eqxenantu anf qthet aiteeoentu w�th the hqfetu qh uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu at the t�oe qh the �uuwanee theteqh eqneetn�ni the ueewt�t{ theteqh anf the t�ihtu qh the hqfetu theteqh, a qh wh�eh eqxenantu anf aiteeoentu uha eqnut�twte eia{ b�nf�ni anf �ttexqeabe eqnttaetu w�th uweh hqfetu anf uha be hw{ enhqteeabe b{ uweh hqfetu �n an{ eqwtt qh eqoretent �wt�uf�et�qn0 Pq uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu uha exet be �uuwef b{ the utate bqatf wnt� ahtet the afqrt�qn qh a teuqwt�qn teqweut�ni the �uuwanee theteqh b{ the eqwnt{ bqatf qh rwb�e �nuttwet�qn qh the eqwnt{ qn behah qh wh�eh uweh qb�iat�qnu ate tq be �uuwef0 Vhe utate bqatf qh efweat�qn uha �o�t the aoqwnt qh uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu wh�eh ean be �uuwef qn behah qh an{ eqwnt{ tq uexent{/h�xe ret eent qh the aoqwnt wh�eh �t feteto�neu ean be uetx�eef b{ the texenwe aeetw�ni tq the eqwnt{ wnfet the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u aoenfoent, anf uweh feteto�nat�qn uha be eqnewu�xe0 A uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu uha be �uuwef �n the naoe qh the utate bqatf qh efweat�qn bwt uha be �uuwef hqt anf qn behah qh the eqwnt{ bqatf qh rwb�e �nuttwet�qn teqweut�ni the �uuwanee theteqh, anf nq eeet�qn qt arrtqxa qh qwa�h�ef eeetqtu qt hteehqfetu uha be teqw�tef hqt the �uuwanee theteqh0 (e) Vhe State Dqatf uha �n eaeh {eat wue the hwnfu f�utt�bwtabe rwtuwant tq th�u Aoenfoent tq the etef�t qh eaeh eqwnt{ qn{ �n the hqqw�ni oannet anf qtfet qh rt�qt�t{< (3) Vq ra{ a aoqwntu qh rt�ne�ra anf �nteteut oatwt�ni �n uweh {eat qn an{ bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu �uuwef wnfet the awthqt�t{ heteqh, �newf�ni tehwnf�ni bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, �uuwef qn behah qh the Dqatf qh Pwb�e Knuttwet�qn qh uweh eqwnt{; uwb�eet, hqwexet, tq an{ eqxenantu qt aiteeoentu oafe b{ the State Dqatf eqneetn�ni the t�ihtu between hqfetu qh f�hhetent �uuweu qh uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, au hete�n awthqt�zef0 (2) Vq eutab�uh anf oa�nta�n a u�n��ni hwnf qt hwnfu tq oeet hwtwte teqw�teoentu hqt febt uetx�ee, qt teuetxeu thetehqt, qn bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu �uuwef qn behah qh the Dqatf qh Pwb�e Knuttwet�qn qh uweh eqwnt{, wnfet the awthqt�t{ heteqh, whenexet the State Dqatf uha feeo �t neeeuuat{ qt afx�uabe, anf �n uweh aoqwntu anf wnfet uweh tetou anf eqnf�t�qnu au the State Dqatf uha �n �tu f�uetet�qn feteto�ne0 (5) Vq f�utt�bwte annwa{ tq the uexeta Dqatfu qh Pwb�e Knuttwet�qn qh the eqwnt�eu hqt wue �n ra{oent qh febt uetx�ee qn bqnfu hetetqhqte qt heteahtet �uuwef b{ an{ uweh Dqatf whete the rtqeeefu qh the bqnfu wete wuef, qt ate tq be wuef, �n the eqnuttwet�qn, aeqw�u�t�qn, �ortqxeoent, enatieoent, hwtn�uh�ni, qt eqw�rr�ni qh ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eetu �n uweh eqwnt{, anf wh�eh ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eetu haxe been arrtqxef b{ the Dqatf qh Pwb�e Knuttwet�qn qh the eqwnt{, rwtuwant tq a uwtxe{ qt uwtxe{u eqnfwetef uwbueqwent tq Jw{ 3, 3;69 �n the eqwnt{, wnfet teiwat�qnu rteuet�bef b{ the State Dqatf tq feteto�ne the ear�ta qwta{ neefu qh the eqwnt{0 Vhe State Dqatf uha haxe rqwet at the t�oe qh �uuwanee qh an{ bqnfu b{ an{ Dqatf qh Pwb�e Knuttwet�qn tq eqxenant anf aitee w�th uweh Dqatf au tq the tan� anf rt�qt�t{ qh ra{oentu tq be oafe hqt f�hhetent �uuweu qh bqnfu wnfet th�u Swbueet�qn (5), anf oa{ hwtthet aitee that an{ aoqwntu tq be f�utt�bwtef wnfet th�u Swbueet�qn (5) oa{ be refief hqt the febt uetx�ee qn bqnfu �uuwef b{ an{ Dqatf qh Pwb�e Knuttwet�qn anf hqt the tan� anf rt�qt�t{ qh uweh refie0 An{ uweh eqxenantu qt aiteeoentu qh the State Dqatf oa{ be enhqteef b{ an{ hqfetu qh uweh bqnfu �n an{ eqwtt qh eqoretent �wt�uf�et�qn0 (6) Vq f�utt�bwte annwa{ tq the uexeta Dqatfu qh Pwb�e Knuttwet�qn qh the eqwnt�eu hqt the ra{oent qh the equt qh the eqnuttwet�qn, aeqw�u�t�qn, �ortqxeoent, enatieoent, hwtn�uh�ni, qt eqw�rr�ni qh ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eetu hqt uehqq rwtrqueu �n uweh eqwnt{ au uha be teqweutef b{ teuqwt�qn qh the Eqwnt{ Dqatf qh Pwb�e Knuttwet�qn qh uweh eqwnt{0 (5) Yhen a oa�qt ear�ta qwta{ neefu qh a eqwnt{ haxe been oet au feteto�nef b{ the State Dqatf, qn the bau�u qh a uwtxe{ oafe rwtuwant tq teiwat�qnu qh the State Dqatf anf arrtqxef b{ the State Dqatf, a uweh hwnfu teoa�n�ni uha be f�utt�bwtef annwa{ anf wuef hqt uweh uehqq rwtrqueu �n uweh eqwnt{ au the Dqatf qh Pwb�e Knuttwet�qn qh the eqwnt{ uha feteto�ne, qt au oa{ be rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 (f) Ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eetu qh a eqwnt{ uha be e�i�be tq ratt�e�rate �n the hwnfu aeetw�ni wnfet th�u Aoenfoent anf fet�xef htqo the rtqeeefu qh bqnfu anf oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu anf htqo the oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue tazeu, qn{ �n the qtfet qh rt�qt�t{ qh neefu, au uhqwn b{ a uwtxe{ qt uwtxe{u eqnfwetef �n the eqwnt{ wnfet teiwat�qnu rteuet�bef b{ the State Dqatf, tq feteto�ne the ear�ta qwta{ neefu qh the eqwnt{ anf arrtqxef b{ the State Dqatf; rtqx�fef, that the rt�qt�t{ qh uweh rtq�eetu oa{ be ehanief htqo t�oe tq t�oe wrqn the teqweut qh the Dqatf qh Pwb�e Knuttwet�qn qh the eqwnt{ anf w�th the arrtqxa qh the State Dqatf; anf rtqx�fef hwtthet, that th�u Swbueet�qn (f) uha nqt �n an{ oannet ahheet an{ eqxenant, aiteeoent, qt refie oafe b{ the State Dqatf �n the �uuwanee b{ ua�f State Dqatf qh an{ bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, qt �n eqnneet�qn w�th the �uuwanee qh an{ bqnfu qh an{ Dqatf qh Pwb�e Knuttwet�qn qh an{ eqwnt{0 (e) Vhe State Dqatf oa{ �nxeut an{ u�n��ni hwnf qt hwnfu eteatef rwtuwant tq th�u Aoenfoent �n f�teet qb�iat�qnu qh the Wn�tef Stateu qh Aoet�ea qt �n the bqnfu ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, oatwtef qt tq oatwte, �uuwef b{ the State Dqatf qn behah qh the Dqatf qh Pwb�e Knuttwet�qn qh an{ eqwnt{0 (h) Vhe State Dqatf uha haxe rqwet tq oa�e anf enhqtee a tweu anf teiwat�qnu neeeuuat{ tq the hw ezete�ue qh the rqwetu hete�n itantef anf nq ei�uat�qn uha be teqw�tef tq tenfet th�u Aoenfoent qh hw hqtee anf qretat�ni ehheet htqo anf ahtet Janwat{ 3, 3;550 Vhe Nei�uatwte uha nqt tefwee the ex�eu qh ua�f oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue tazeu fwt�ni the �he qh th�u Aoenfoent tq an{ feitee wh�eh w� ha� tq rtqx�fe the hw aoqwnt neeeuuat{ tq eqor{ w�th the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u Aoenfoent anf ra{ the neeeuuat{ ezrenueu qh afo�n�utet�ni the awu teat�ni tq the �eenu�ni qh oqtqt xeh�eeu, anf uha nqt enaet an{ aw hax�ni the ehheet qh w�thftaw�ni the rtqeeefu qh uweh oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue tazeu htqo the qretat�qn qh th�u Aoenfoent anf uha nqt enaet an{ aw �ora�t�ni qt oatet�a{ atet�ni the t�ihtu qh the hqfetu qh an{ bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu �uuwef rwtuwant tq th�u Aoenfoent qt �ora�t�ni qt atet�ni an{ eqxenant qt aiteeoent qh the State Dqatf, au rtqx�fef �n uweh bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu0 Vhe State Dqatf uha haxe rqwet tq arrq�nt uweh retuqnu anf h�z the�t eqorenuat�qn hqt the afo�n�uttat�qn qh the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u Aoenfoent au �t uha feeo neeeuuat{, anf the ezrenueu qh the State Dqatf �n afo�n�utet�ni the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u Aoenfoent uha be rtqtatef aoqni the xat�qwu eqwnt�eu anf ra�f qwt qh the rtqeeefu qh the bqnfu qt oqtqt xeh�ee taz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu qt htqo the hwnfu f�utt�bwtabe tq eaeh eqwnt{ qn the uaoe bau�u au uweh oqtqt xeh�ee �eenue tazeu ate f�utt�bwtabe tq the xat�qwu eqwnt�eu wnfet the rtqx�u�qnu qh th�u Aoenfoent0 Knteteut qt rtqh�t qn u�n��ni hwnf �nxeutoentu uha aeetwe tq the eqwnt�eu �n rtqrqtt�qn tq the�t teureet�xe eqw�t�eu �n the u�n��ni hwnf qt hwnfu0 J�utqt{0⁀Affef, S0J0T0 328, 3;53; afqrtef 3;52; (a), (b) Ao0 S0J0T0 238, 3;85; afqrtef 3;860 3SGEVKQP 320 Pteuetxat�qn qh ez�ut�ni iqxetn/ oent0´A rtqx�u�qnu qh Att�eeu K thtqwih KV, VKK anf KZ thtqwih ZZ qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, nqt eobtaeef hete�n wh�eh ate nqt �neqnu�utent w�th th�u tex�u�qn uha beeqoe utatwteu uwb�eet tq oqf�h�eat�qn qt terea au ate qthet utatwteu0 3Pqte0´See tabe �n Vqwoe 8 qh the Hqt�fa Statwteu ttae�ni xat�qwu rtqx�u�qnu qh the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, �ntq the Hqt�fa Statwteu0 SGEVKQP 330 Deet�qn qh qbuqete uehefwe �teou0´Vhe ei�uatwte uha haxe rqwet, b{ �q�nt teuqwt�qn, tq feete htqo th�u tex�u�qn an{ ueet�qn qh th�u Att�ee ZKK, �newf�ni th�u ueet�qn, when a exentu tq wh�eh the ueet�qn tq be feetef �u qt eqwf beeqoe arr�eabe haxe qeewttef0 A ei�uat�xe feteto�nat�qn qh haet oafe au a bau�u hqt arr�eat�qn qh th�u ueet�qn uha be uwb�eet tq �wf�e�a tex�ew0 SGEVKQP 320 Senatqtu0´Vhe teqw�teoentu qh utaiietef tetou qh uenatqtu �n Seet�qn 35(a), qh Att�ee KKK qh th�u tex�u�qn uha arr{ qn{ tq uenatqtu eeetef �n Pqxeobet, 3;92, anf theteahtet0 SGEVKQP 350 Nei�uat�xe arrqtt�qnoent0´Vhe teqw�teoentu qh ei�uat�xe arrqtt�qnoent �n Seet�qn 38 qh Att�ee KKK qh th�u tex�u�qn uha arr{ qn{ tq the arrqtt�qnoent qh the ei�uatwte hqqw�ni the feeenn�a eenuwu qh 3;92, anf theteahtet0 SGEVKQP 360 Terteuentat�xeu; tetou0´Vhe ei/ �uatwte at �tu h�tut teiwat ueuu�qn hqqw�ni the tat�h�ea/ t�qn qh th�u tex�u�qn, b{ �q�nt teuqwt�qn, uha rtqrque tq the eeetqtu qh the utate hqt tat�h�eat�qn qt te�eet�qn �n the ieneta eeet�qn qh 3;92 an aoenfoent tq Att�ee KKK, Seet�qn 35(b), qh the eqnut�twt�qn rtqx�f�ni utaiietef tetou qh hqwt {eatu hqt oeobetu qh the hqwue qh terteuentat�xeu0 SGEVKQP 350 Sree�a f�utt�et tazeu0´Af xaqteo taz�ni rqwet xeutef b{ aw �n uree�a f�utt�etu ez�ut�ni when th�u tex�u�qn beeqoeu ehheet�xe uha nqt be abtqiatef b{ Seet�qn ;(b) qh Att�ee VKK hete�n, bwt uweh rqwetu, ezeert tq the eztent neeeuuat{ tq ra{ 55 ATVKENG ZKK qwtutanf�ni febtu, oa{ be teutt�etef qt w�thftawn b{ aw0 SGEVKQP 380 Teqtian�zat�qn0´Vhe teqw�teoent qh Seet�qn 8, Att�ee KV qh th�u tex�u�qn uha nqt arr{ wnt� Jw{ 3, 3;8;0 SGEVKQP 390 Eqnh�et�ni rtqx�u�qnu0´Vh�u uehefwe �u feu�inef tq ehheet the qtfet{ ttanu�t�qn qh iqxetnoent htqo the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885, au aoenfef, tq th�u tex�u�qn anf uha eqnttq �n a eaueu qh eqnh�et w�th an{ ratt qh Att�ee K thtqwih KV, VKK, anf KZ thtqwih ZK hete�n0 SGEVKQP 380 Dqnfu hqt hqwu�ni anf teatef hae��t�eu0´Seet�qn 38 qh Att�ee VKK, rtqx�f�ni hqt bqnfu hqt hqwu�ni anf teatef hae��t�eu, uha ta�e ehheet wrqn arrtqxa b{ the eeetqtu0 J�utqt{0´Affef, S0J0T0 8/G, 3;82; afqrtef 3;820 3SGEVKQP 3;0 Tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee rtqr/ ett{0´Vhe aoenfoent tq Seet�qn 5 qh Att�ee VKK, teat�ni tq an ezeort�qn hqt a tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fex�ee anf tea rtqrett{ qn wh�eh uweh fex�ee �u �nutaef, �h afqrtef at the uree�a eeet�qn �n Qetqbet 3;82, uha ta�e ehheet Janwat{ 3, 3;830 J�utqt{0´Affef, S0J0T0 35/G, 3;82; afqrtef 3;820 3Pqte0´ A0 Vh�u ueet�qn, qt�i�na{ feu�inatef ueet�qn 38 b{ S0J0T0 35/G, 3;82, wau tefeu�inatef ueet�qn 3; b{ the ef�tqtu �n qtfet tq axq�f eqnhwu�qn w�th ueet�qn 38 au eqnta�nef �n S0J0T0 8/G, 3;820 D0 Vhe aoenfoent tq ueet�qn 5 qh Att�ee VKK, teat�ni tq an ezeort�qn hqt tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee rtqrett{, wau tereaef ehheet�xe Pqxeobet 6, 2228, b{ Ao0 rtqrquef b{ the Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 5, 2228, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Art� 28, 2228; afqrtef 22280 SGEVKQP 220 Aeeeuu tq rwb�e teeqtfu0´See/ t�qn 26 qh Att�ee K, teat�ni tq aeeeuu tq rwb�e teeqtfu, uha ta�e ehheet Jw{ 3, 3;;50 J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt E0S0 hqt J0J0T0'u 3929, 885, 2255, 3;;2; afqrtef 3;;20 SGEVKQP 230 State texenwe �o�tat�qn0´Vhe aoenfoent tq Seet�qn 3 qh Att�ee VKK �o�t�ni utate texenweu uha ta�e ehheet Janwat{ 3, 3;;5, anf uha h�tut be arr�eabe tq utate h�uea {eat 3;;5/3;;80 J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 2255, 3;;6; afqrtef 3;;60 SGEVKQP 220 J�utqt�e rtqrett{ ezeort�qn anf auueuuoent0´Vhe aoenfoentu tq Seet�qnu 5 anf 6 qh Att�ee VKK teat�ni tq af xaqteo taz ezeort�qn hqt, anf auueuuoent qh, h�utqt�e rtqrett{ uha ta�e ehheet Janwat{ 3, 3;;;0 J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 ;8;, 3;;9; afqrtef 3;;80 3SGEVKQP 250 H�uh anf w�f�he eqnuetxat�qn eqoo�uu�qn0´ (a) Vhe �n�t�a oeobetu qh the eqoo�uu�qn uha be the oeobetu qh the iaoe anf hteuh watet h�uh eqoo�uu�qn anf the oat�ne h�uhet�eu eqoo�uu�qn whq ate uetx�ni qn thque eqoo�uu�qnu qn the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u aoenfoent, whq oa{ uetxe the teoa�nfet qh the�t teureet�xe tetou0 Pew arrq�ntoentu tq the eqo/ o�uu�qn uha nqt be oafe wnt� the tet�teoent, teu�ina/ t�qn, teoqxa, qt ezr�tat�qn qh the tetou qh the �n�t�a oeobetu teuwtu �n hewet than uexen oeobetu teoa�n/ �ni0 ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA (b) Vhe �wt�uf�et�qn qh the oat�ne h�uhet�eu eqoo�u/ u�qn au uet hqtth �n utatwteu �n ehheet qn Mateh 3, 3;;8, uha be ttanuhettef tq the h�uh anf w�f�he eqnuetxat�qn eqoo�uu�qn0 Vhe �wt�uf�et�qn qh the oat�ne h�uhet�eu eqoo�uu�qn ttanuhettef tq the eqoo�uu�qn uha nqt be ezranfef ezeert au rtqx�fef b{ ieneta aw0 A tweu qh the oat�ne h�uhet�eu eqoo�uu�qn anf iaoe anf hteuh watet h�uh eqoo�uu�qn �n ehheet qn the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u aoenfoent uha beeqoe tweu qh the h�uh anf w�f�he eqnuetxat�qn eqoo�uu�qn wnt� uwretuefef qt aoenfef b{ the eqoo�uu�qn0 (e) Qn the ehheet�xe fate qh th�u aoenfoent, the oat�ne h�uhet�eu eqoo�uu�qn anf iaoe anf hteuh watet h�uh eqoo�uu�qn uha be abq�uhef0 (f) Vh�u aoenfoent uha ta�e ehheet Jw{ 3, 3;;;0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 5, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 3Pqte0´Vh�u ueet�qn, qt�i�na{ feu�inatef ueet�qn 22 b{ Tex�u�qn Pq0 5 qh the Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, 3;;8, wau tefeu�inatef ueet�qn 25 b{ the ef�tqtu �n qtfet tq axq�f eqnhwu�qn w�th ueet�qn 22 au eteatef �n J0J0T0 ;8;, 3;;90 3SGEVKQP 260 Gzeewt�xe btaneh tehqto0´ (a) Vhe aoenfoentu eqnta�nef �n th�u tex�u�qn uha ta�e ehheet Janwat{ 9, 2225, bwt uha iqxetn w�th teureet tq the qwa�h{�ni hqt anf the hqf�ni qh rt�oat{ eeet�qnu �n 22220 Vhe qhh�ee qh eh�eh h�nane�a qhh�eet uha be a new qhh�ee au a teuwt qh th�u tex�u�qn0 (b) Kn the exent the ueetetat{ qh utate �u teoqxef au a eab�net qhh�ee �n the 3;;8 ieneta eeet�qn, the teto ¬ewutqf�an qh utate teeqtfu¹ uha be uwbut�twtef hqt the teto ¬ueetetat{ qh utate¹ thtqwihqwt the eqnut�twt�qn anf the fwt�eu rtex�qwu{ rethqtoef b{ the ueetetat{ qh utate uha be au rtqx�fef b{ aw0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 8, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 3 Pqte0´Vh�u ueet�qn, qt�i�na{ feu�inatef ueet�qn 22 b{ Tex�u�qn Pq0 8 qh the Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, 3;;8, wau tefeu�inatef ueet�qn 26 b{ the ef�tqtu �n qtfet tq axq�f eqnhwu�qn w�th ueet�qn 22 au eteatef �n J0J0T0 ;8;, 3;;90 3SGEVKQP 250 Sehefwe tq Att�ee V aoenfoent0 (a) Eqooene�ni w�th h�uea {eat 2222/2223, the ei�uatwte uha arrtqrt�ate hwnfu tq ra{ hqt the uaat�eu, equtu, anf ezrenueu uet hqtth �n the aoenf/ oent tq Seet�qn 36 qh Att�ee V rwtuwant tq a rhaue/�n uehefwe eutab�uhef b{ ieneta aw0 (b) Wneuu qthetw�ue rtqx�fef hete�n, the aoenf/ oent tq Seet�qn 36 uha be hw{ ehheetwatef b{ Jw{ 3, 22260 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 9, 3;;8, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Ma{ 5, 3;;8; afqrtef 3;;80 3Pqte0´Vh�u ueet�qn, qt�i�na{ feu�inatef ueet�qn 22 b{ Tex�u�qn Pq0 9 qh the Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, 3;;8, wau tefeu�inatef ueet�qn 25 b{ the ef�tqtu �n qtfet tq axq�f eqnhwu�qn w�th ueet�qn 22 au eteatef �n J0J0T0 ;8;, 3;;90 SGEVKQP 280 Kneteauef hqoeuteaf ezeort�qn0 Vhe aoenfoent tq Seet�qn 8 qh Att�ee VKK �neteau�ni the oaz�owo aff�t�qna aoqwnt qh the hqoeuteaf ezeor/ t�qn hqt qw/�neqoe uen�qtu uha ta�e ehheet Janwat{ 3, 22290 J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 555, 2228; afqrtef 22280 SGEVKQP 290 Ptqrett{ taz ezeort�qnu anf �o/ �tat�qnu qn rtqrett{ taz auueuuoentu0´Vhe aoenf/ oentu tq Seet�qnu 5, 6, anf 8 qh Att�ee VKK, rtqx�f�ni a &25,222 ezeort�qn hqt tani�be retuqna rtqrett{, rtqx�f�ni an aff�t�qna &25,222 hqoeuteaf ezeort�qn, awthqt�z�ni ttanuhet qh the aeetwef beneh�t htqo the �o�tat�qnu qn the auueuuoent qh hqoeuteaf rtqrett{, 58 ATVKENG ZKK anf th�u ueet�qn, �h uwbo�ttef tq the eeetqtu qh th�u utate hqt arrtqxa qt te�eet�qn at a uree�a eeet�qn awthqt�zef b{ aw tq be hef qn Janwat{ 2;, 2228, uha ta�e ehheet wrqn arrtqxa b{ the eeetqtu anf uha qretate tettq/ aet�xe{ tq Janwat{ 3, 2228, qt, �h uwbo�ttef tq the eeetqtu qh th�u utate hqt arrtqxa qt te�eet�qn at the nezt ieneta eeet�qn, uha ta�e ehheet Janwat{ 3 qh the {eat hqqw�ni uweh ieneta eeet�qn0 Vhe aoenfoentu tq Seet�qn 6 qh Att�ee VKK eteat�ni 3uwbueet�qnu (h) anf (i) qh that ueet�qn, eteat�ni a �o�tat�qn qn annwa auueuu/ oent �neteaueu hqt uree�h�ef tea rtqrett{, uha ta�e ehheet wrqn arrtqxa qh the eeetqtu anf uha h�tut �o�t auueuuoentu bei�nn�ni Janwat{ 3, 222;, �h arrtqxef at a uree�a eeet�qn hef qn Janwat{ 2;, 2228, qt uha h�tut �o�t auueuuoentu bei�nn�ni Janwat{ 3, 2232, �h ar/ rtqxef at the ieneta eeet�qn hef �n Pqxeobet qh 22280 3Swbueet�qnu (h) anf (i) qh Seet�qn 6 qh Att�ee VKK ate tereaef ehheet�xe Janwat{ 3, 223;; hqwexet, the ei�uatwte uha b{ �q�nt teuqwt�qn rtqrque an aoenf/ oent abtqiat�ni the terea qh 3uwbueet�qnu (h) anf (i), wh�eh uha be uwbo�ttef tq the eeetqtu qh th�u utate hqt arrtqxa qt te�eet�qn at the ieneta eeet�qn qh 2238 anf, �h arrtqxef, uha ta�e ehheet Janwat{ 3, 223;0 J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt S0J0T0 2/D, 2229; afqrtef 22280 3Pqte0´Swbueet�qnu (h) anf (i) qh u0 6, Att0 VKK qh the State Eqnut�twt�qn, au eteatef b{ S0J0T0 2/D, 2229, afqrtef Janwat{ 2;, 2228, wete tefeu�inatef au uwbueet�qnu (i) anf (h) b{ Tex�u�qn Pq0 6, Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, afqrtef Pqxeobet 6, 22280 SGEVKQP 280 Ptqrett{ taz ezeort�qn anf eau/ u�h�eat�qn anf auueuuoent qh anf wuef hqt eqn/ uetxat�qn rwtrqueu0´Vhe aoenfoent tq Seet�qn 5 qh Att�ee VKK teqw�t�ni the eteat�qn qh an af xaqteo taz ezeort�qn hqt tea rtqrett{ fef�eatef �n retretw�t{ hqt eqnuetxat�qn rwtrqueu, anf the aoenfoent tq Seet�qn 6 qh Att�ee VKK teqw�t�ni anf wuef hqt eqnuetxat�qn rwtrqueu tq be eauu�h�ef b{ ieneta aw anf auueuuef uqe{ qn the bau�u qh ehataetet qt wue hqt rwtrqueu qh af xaqteo tazat�qn, uha ta�e ehheet wrqn arrtqxa b{ the eeetqtu anf uha be �oreoentef b{ Janwat{ 3, 22320 Vh�u ueet�qn uha ta�e ehheet wrqn arrtqxa qh the eeetqtu0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 6, 2228, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Art� 28, 2228; afqrtef 22280 SGEVKQP 2;0 N�o�tat�qn qn the auueuuef xawe qh tea rtqrett{ wuef hqt teu�fent�a rwtrqueu0´ (a) Vhe terea qh the tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee rtqrett{ taz ezeort�qn �n Seet�qn 5 qh Att�ee VKK uha ta�e ehheet wrqn arrtqxa b{ the xqtetu0 (b) Vhe aoenfoent tq Seet�qn 6 qh Att�ee VKK awthqt�z�ni the ei�uatwte tq rtqh�b�t an �neteaue �n the auueuuef xawe qh tea rtqrett{ wuef hqt teu�fent�a rwtrqueu au the teuwt qh �ortqx�ni the rtqrett{'u teu�utanee tq w�nf faoaie qt �nuta�ni a tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fex�ee uha ta�e ehheet Janwat{ 3, 222;0 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 5, 2228, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Art� 28, 2228; afqrtef 22280 SGEVKQP 520 Auueuuoent qh wqt��ni watethtqnt rtqrett{0´Vhe aoenfoent tq Seet�qn 6 qh Att�ee VKK rtqx�f�ni hqt the auueuuoent qh wqt��ni watethtqnt rtqrett{ bauef qn ewttent wue, anf th�u ueet�qn, uha ta�e ehheet wrqn arrtqxa b{ the eeetqtu anf uha h�tut ATVKENG ZKK EQPSVKVWVKQP QH VJG SVAVG QH HNQTKDA arr{ tq auueuuoentu hqt taz {eatu bei�nn�ni Janwat{ 3, 22320 J�utqt{0´Ptqrquef b{ Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, Tex�u�qn Pq0 8, 2228, h�ef w�th the Seetetat{ qh State Art� 28, 2228; afqrtef 22280 SGEVKQP 530 Aff�t�qna af xaqteo taz ezeor/ t�qn hqt eetta�n oeobetu qh the atoef hqteeu ferq{ef qn aet�xe fwt{ qwtu�fe qh the Wn�tef Stateu0´Vhe aoenfoent tq Seet�qn 5 qh Att�ee VKK rtqx�f�ni hqt an aff�t�qna af xaqteo taz ezeort�qn hqt oeobetu qh the Wn�tef Stateu o��tat{ qt o��tat{ teuetxeu, the Wn�tef Stateu Eqaut Gwatf qt �tu teuetxeu, qt the Hqt�fa Pat�qna Gwatf ferq{ef qn aet�xe fwt{ qwtu�fe qh the Wn�tef Stateu �n uwrrqtt qh o��tat{ qretat�qnu feu�inatef b{ the ei�uatwte anf th�u ueet�qn uha ta�e ehheet Janwat{ 3, 22330 J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 855, 222;; afqrtef 22320 SGEVKQP 520 Vetetanu f�uabef fwe tq eqobat �n�wt{; hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ taz f�ueqwnt0´Vhe aoenfoent tq uwbueet�qn (e) qh Seet�qn 8 qh Att�ee VKK teat�ni tq the hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ taz f�ueqwnt hqt xetetanu whq beeaoe f�uabef au the teuwt qh a eqobat �n�wt{ uha ta�e ehheet Janwat{ 3, 22350 J�utqt{0´Affef, S0J0T0 5;2, 2233; afqrtef 22320 3SGEVKQP 550 Af xaqteo taz te�eh hqt uwtx�x�ni urqwueu qh xetetanu whq f�ef htqo uetx�ee/eqn/ neetef eawueu anf h�tut teurqnfetu whq f�ef �n the �ne qh fwt{0´Vh�u ueet�qn anf the aoenfoent tq Seet�qn 8 qh Att�ee VKK reto�tt�ni the ei�uatwte tq rtqx�fe af xaqteo taz te�eh tq uwtx�x�ni urqwueu qh xetetanu whq f�ef htqo uetx�ee/eqnneetef eawueu anf h�tut teurqnfetu whq f�ef �n the �ne qh fwt{ uha ta�e ehheet Janwat{ 3, 22350 J�utqt{0´Affef, J0J0T0 ;5, 2232; afqrtef 22320 Pqte0´Vh�u ueet�qn, qt�i�na{ feu�inatef ueet�qn 52 b{ J0J0T0 ;5, 2232, wau tefeu�inatef ueet�qn 55 b{ the ef�tqtu �n qtfet tq axq�f eqnhwu�qn w�th ueet�qn 52 au eteatef �n S0J0T0 5;2, 22330 3 SGEVKQP 560 Sqat fex�eeu qt tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fex�eeu; ezeort�qn htqo eetta�n tazat�qn anf auueuuoent0´Vh�u ueet�qn, the aoenfoent tq uwbueet�qn (e) qh Seet�qn 5 qh Att�ee VKK awthqt�z�ni the 59 ATVKENG ZKK ei�uatwte, uwb�eet tq �o�tat�qnu uet hqtth �n ieneta aw, tq ezeort the auueuuef xawe qh uqat fex�eeu qt tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fex�eeu uwb�eet tq tani�be retuqna rtqrett{ taz htqo af xaqteo tazat�qn, anf the aoenfoent tq uwbueet�qn (�) qh Seet�qn 6 qh Att�ee VKK awthqt�z�ni the ei�uatwte, b{ ieneta aw, tq rtqh�b�t the eqnu�fetat�qn qh the �nutaat�qn qh a uqat fex�ee qt a tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fex�ee �n feteto�n�ni the auueuuef xawe qh tea rtqrett{ hqt the rwtrque qh af xaqteo tazat�qn uha ta�e ehheet qn Janwat{ 3, 2238, anf uha ezr�te qn Deeeobet 53, 22590 Wrqn ezr�ta/ t�qn, th�u ueet�qn uha be tereaef anf the tezt qh uwbueet�qn (e) qh Seet�qn 5 qh Att�ee VKK anf uwbueet�qn (�) qh Seet�qn 6 qh Att�ee VKK uha texett tq that �n ez�utenee qn Deeeobet 53, 2239, ezeert that an{ aoenfoentu tq uweh tezt qthetw�ue afqrtef uha be rteuetxef anf eqnt�nwe tq qretate tq the eztent that uweh aoenfoentu ate nqt ferenfent wrqn the rqtt�qnu qh tezt wh�eh ezr�te rwtuwant tq th�u ueet�qn0 J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 3;5, 2238; afqrtef 22380 SGEVKQP 550 Vaz ezeort�qn hqt tqta{ anf retoanent{ f�uabef h�tut teurqnfetu0´Vhe aoenfoent tq Seet�qn 8 qh Att�ee VKK teat�ni tq te�eh htqo af xaqteo tazeu auueuuef qn hqoeuteaf rtqr/ ett{ hqt h�tut teurqnfetu, whq ate tqta{ anf retoa/ nent{ f�uabef au a teuwt qh �n�wt�eu uwuta�nef �n the �ne qh fwt{, ta�eu ehheet Janwat{ 3, 22390 J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 322;, 2238; afqrtef 22380 SGEVKQP 580 Aff�t�qna af xaqteo ezeort�qn hqt retuqnu aie u�zt{/h�xe qt qfet0´Vh�u ueet�qn anf the aoenfoent tq Seet�qn 8 qh Att�ee VKK tex�u�ni the �wut xawe feteto�nat�qn hqt the aff�t�qna af xaqteo taz ezeort�qn hqt retuqnu aie u�zt{/h�xe qt qfet uha ta�e ehheet Janwat{ 3, 2239, hqqw�ni arrtqxa b{ the eeetqtu, anf uha qretate tettqaet�xe{ tq Janwat{ 3, 2235, hqt an{ retuqn whq teee�xef the ezeort�qn wnfet rataitarh (2) qh Seet�qn 8(f) qh Att�ee VKK behqte Janwat{ 3, 22390 J�utqt{0´Affef, E0S0 hqt J0J0T0 295, 2238; afqrtef 22380 INDEX FOREWORD Kn the �nfez tq the Hqt�fa Eqnut�twt�qn, ¬A¹ tehetu tq the Att�ee qh the Eqnut�twt�qn anf ¬S¹ tehetu tq the Seet�qn w�th�n the Att�ee0 Vh�u �nfez �newfeu teheteneeu tq the Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885 when that Eqnut�twt�qn �u �neqtrqtatef b{ tehetenee �n the rteuent Eqnut�twt�qn0 A ABORTION M�nqtu, rt�qt nqt�h�eat�qn qh ratent, A32 S22 AMENDMENT (Eqnt0) Tex�u�qn eqoo�uu�qn, A33 S2, A33 S5(a) Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, A33 S5(a), A33 S8(e) AD VALOREM TAXES See VAZAVKQP APPORTIONMENT OF LEGISLATURE See NGGKSNAVWTG ADMINISTRATION, STATE BOARD OF, A6 S6(e), A32 S;(a), (e) APPROPRIATIONS Dqnf febt uetx�ee, A9 S33(b) Eet�u qh e�tew�t anf eqwnt{ eqwttu, A5 S36(b) Ewttent utate ezrenueu, A5 S32 Gfweat�qn qttet{ hwnfu, A32 S35 H�uh anf Y�f�he Eqnuetxat�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, A6 S; Geneta arrtqrt�at�qn b�u, A5 S8, A5 S32, A5 S3;(b), (f) J�ih ureef itqwnf ttanurqttat�qn u{uteo, A32 S3; Kteo�zat�qn teqw�teoentu, A5 S3;(b) Nei�uat�xe Dwfiet Eqoo�uu�qn, fwt�eu, A5 S3;(e) Nqea iqxetnoent a�f, A9 S8 Manfatef ezrenf�twte qh hwnfu b{ qea iqxetnoentu, A9 S38(a) Mqne{ ftawn htqo utate tteauwt{, A9 S3(e) Pwb�e fehenfetu' qhh�eeu, A5 S36(a), A32 S25 Teewtt�ni rwtrqueu arrtqrt�at�qnu oafe htqo nqnteewtt�ni ieneta texenwe hwnfu, �o�tat�qn, A5 S3;(a) Tex�ew ret�qf, A5 S3;(f) Saat�eu hqt rwb�e qhh�eetu, A5 S32 Sehqq f�utt�et a�f, A9 S8 State attqtne{u' qhh�eeu, A5 S36(a), A32 S25 State eqwttu u{uteo, A5 S36(a), (f), A32 S25 State uehqq hwnf, A; S8 Vqbaeeq Gfweat�qn anf Ptexent�qn Ptqitao, A32 S29(b) Vetq, A5 S8, A5 S3;(b) ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES Jwf�e�a tex�ew, afo�n�uttat�xe aet�qn, A5 S5(b), A5 S6(b), A5 S5(b) Penat�eu, �orqu�t�qn qh, A3 S38 Swau�/�wf�e�a rqwet, A5 S3 Sentenee qh �ort�uqnoent, A3 S38 Wt��t�eu teiwat�qn, Swrteoe Eqwtt tex�ew, A5 S5(b) ADVERSE MEDICAL INCIDENTS, A32 S25 AGRICULTURE, COMMISSIONER OF (See also EADKPGV) Ait�ewtwta oattetu, uwretx�u�qn, A6 S6(f) Eab�net, oeobet, A6 S6(a) Geet�qn, A6 S5(a) Koreaehoent, A5 S39(a) Kntetna �ortqxeoent ttwut hwnf, ttwutee, A6 S6(h) Nanf aeqw�u�t�qn ttwut hwnf, ttwutee, A6 S6(h) Naw Gnhqteeoent, Derattoent qh; aiene{ heaf, A6 S6(i) Qhh�ee qeat�qn, A2 S2 Pqwetu anf fwt�eu, A6 S6(a), (f) Swa�h�eat�qnu, A6 S5(b) Veto qh qhh�ee, A6 S5(a) AIR POLLUTION, A2 S9(a), A6 S;, A9 S36 ARMED FORCES See MKNKVKA AIRCRAFT, A9 S3(b) ARMS, RIGHT TO BEAR, A3 S8(a) AIRPORTS, A9 S32(e) ASSEMBLY, RIGHT OF, A3 S5 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, A8 S5(a), A8 S8(b) ATTAINDER, BILLS OF, A3 S32, A3 S39 ALIENS, A3 S2 ATTORNEY GENERAL (See also EADKPGV) Afo�n�uttat�qn, State Dqatf qh; oeobet, A6 S6(e) Eab�net, oeobet, A6 S6(a) Eh�eh eia qhh�eet qh utate, A6 S6(b) Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, oeobet, A33 S2(a) Geet�qn, A6 S5(a) Koreaehoent, A5 S39(a) Kn�t�at�xe ret�t�qnu, teqweut�ni Swrteoe Eqwtt afx�uqt{ qr�n�qn, A6 S32, A5 S5(b) AMENDMENT Eqnut�twt�qna eqnxent�qn, A33 S6, A33 S5(a) Ghheet�xe fate, A33 S5(e) Geet�qn hqt arrtqxa, A33 S5 Jqwue qh Terteuentat�xeu, rtqrquef teto qh qhh�ee, A32 S36 Kn�t�at�xeu, A33 S5, A33 S5(b), (e) Nei�uat�xe �q�nt teuqwt�qn, A33 S3, A33 S5(a) Pwb�eat�qn, A33 S5(f) 3 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA ATTORNEY GENERAL (Eqnt0) Kntetna �ortqxeoent ttwut hwnf, ttwutee, A6 S6(h) Nanf aeqw�u�t�qn ttwut hwnf, ttwutee, A6 S6(h) Naw Gnhqteeoent, Derattoent qh; aiene{ heaf, A6 S6(i) Nei�uat�xe arrqtt�qnoent Jwf�e�a tearrqtt�qnoent ret�t�qn, A5 S38(b), (e) Jwf�e�a tex�ew ret�t�qn, A5 S38(e), (e) M�n�owo waie, enhqteeoent awthqt�t{, A32 S26(e) Qhh�ee qeat�qn, A2 S2 Pqwetu anf fwt�eu, A6 S6(a), (b) Swa�h�eat�qnu, A6 S5(b) Teeteat�qn fexeqroent bqnf xa�fat�qn rtqeeef�niu, A32 S;(a) Statew�fe rtqueewtqt, arrq�ntoent, A6 S6(b) Veto qh qhh�ee, A6 S5(a) Index BONDS (Eqnt0) Texenwe bqnfu (Eqnt0) Ear�ta rtq�eetu, A9 S33(f), A32 S;(b) Eqnuetxat�qn anf teeteat�qn anfu, aeqw�u�t�qn anf �ortqxeoent, A9 S33(e), A32 S;(a) Debt uetx�ee qn bqnfu, A32 S28(b) J�utqt�e rteuetxat�qn, A9 S33(e) Jqwu�ni anf teatef hae��t�eu, A9 S38, A32 S38 Knfwutt�a qt oanwhaetwt�ni rantu, A9 S32(e) Nei�uat�xe arrtqxa qh rtq�eet, A9 S33(h) Pqwt�qn eqnttq anf abateoent hae��t�eu, A9 S36 Pqtt hae��t�eu, A9 S32(e) Tehwnf�ni bqnfu, A32 S;(b), (e), (f) Tera{oent, uqwtee qh hwnfu, A9 S33(f) Stwfent qanu, A9 S35 Yaute f�urqua hae��t�eu, A9 S36 Yatet hae��t�eu, A9 S36 Yatet teuqwtee fexeqroent, A9 S33(e) Tqafu anf h�ihwa{u, A9 S39, A32 S;(b), (e) Sae, eqob�n�ni �uuweu, A9 S33(e) Sehqq ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eetu, A9 S32, A32 S;(a), (f) Sehqq f�utt�etu, A9 S32 Sree�a f�utt�etu, A9 S32(e), A9 S32 State bqnfu, A9 S33, A9 S36, A9 S35, A9 S38, A9 S39, A32 S; Stwfent qanu, A9 S35 Vaz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, A9 S32 Vaz ex�eu hqt ra{oent qh febt Af xaqteo tazeu, A9 S32 Gtquu teee�rtu taz, wt��t{ uetx�eeu, A32 S;(a) Seeqnf iau taz, A32 S;(e) Vtanurqttat�qn t�ihtu/qh/wa{, A9 S39 Va�fat�qn, A5 S5(b) Vqtet arrtqxa, A9 S33(a), A9 S32(a) Yaute f�urqua hae��t�eu, A9 S36 Yatet hae��t�eu, A9 S36 Yatet teuqwtee fexeqroent, A9 S33(e) ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Afo�uu�qn tq rtaet�ee, A5 S35 Dat, See HNQTKDA DAT Eqwtt/arrq�ntef eqwnue, hwnf�ni, A5 S36(a), A32 S25 Et�o�na fehenfantu, t�iht tq eqwnue, A3 S38(a) D�ue�r�ne, A5 S35 ATTORNEYS’ FEES, A3 S28, A32 S26(e) AUDITOR, A5 S2 B BEACHES, A32 S33, A32 S28(b) BILLS OF ATTAINDER, A3 S32, A3 S39 BLIND PERSONS, A9 S5(b) BOATS N�eenue taz, A9 S3(b) Veuue awneheu, oat�nau, anf oat�ne oanwhaetwt�ni hae��t�eu; taz auueuuoentu, A9 S6(�), A32 S52 BOUNDARIES (STATE), A2 S3 BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT, A2 S5 BOND (PUBLIC OFFICERS), A2 S5(b) BRIDGES, A9 S39 BONDS A�trqttu, A9 S32(e) Dt�fieu, A9 S39 Ear�ta rtq�eetu, A9 S32(e), A9 S33(a), (f), A9 S32(a), A32 S; Eett�h�eateu qh �nfebtefneuu, A9 S32 Eqnuetxat�qn anf teeteat�qn anfu, aeqw�u�t�qn anf �ortqxeoent, A9 S33(e), A32 S;(a) Eqwnt�eu, A9 S32(e), A9 S32 Debt �o�tat�qn, A9 S33(a), A9 S36(e), A9 S38(e), A32 S;(e) Ha�th anf etef�t qh utate, refi�ni, A9 S33(a), (e), A9 S36(a), A9 S38(b), A9 S39, A32 S; H�zef ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eetu, A9 S33(a), (f) J�utqt�e rteuetxat�qn, A9 S33(e) Jqwu�ni anf teatef hae��t�eu, A9 S38, A32 S38 Knfwutt�a qt oanwhaetwt�ni rantu, A9 S32(e) Kuuwef rwtuwant tq 3885 Eqnut�twt�qn, A32 S8 Nqea bqnfu, A9 S32(e), A9 S32 Mqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenwe ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, A32 S;(f) Mwn�e�ra�t�eu, A9 S32(e), A9 S32 Qwtfqqt teeteat�qn fexeqroent, A9 S33(e), A32 S;(a) Pqwt�qn eqnttq anf abateoent hae��t�eu, A9 S36 Pqtt hae��t�eu, A9 S32(e) Pwb�e efweat�qn, A9 S32, A32 S;(a), (f) Tehwnf�ni bqnfu, A9 S33(a), A9 S32(b), A32 S; Texenwe bqnfu A�trqttu, A9 S32(e) BROWARD COUNTY, A32 S25 BUDGETING Af�wutoentu w�thqwt eqnewttenee qh hw ei�uatwte, A5 S3;(e) Dwfiet utab��zat�qn hwnf, A5 S3;(i), A9 S3(e) Gqxetnqt, teurqnu�b��t{, A6 S3(a), A6 S35 Nei�uat�xe Dwfiet Eqoo�uu�qn, A5 S3;(e), (�) Tefwet�qnu tq oeet texenwe uhqtthau, A5 S3;(h), A6 S35 State bwfiet�ni rtqeeuueu, A5 S3;, A9 S3(e) C CABINET Arrq�ntoent qt teoqxa qh qhh�eetu, arrtqxa, A6 S8(a) E�x� t�ihtu, teutqtat�qn, A6 S8(a) Eeoene{, A6 S8(a) Eqorqu�t�qn, A6 S6(a) Eteat�qn, A6 S6(a) Geet�qn qh oeobetu, A6 S5(a) Gzeewt�xe ferattoentu, uwretx�u�qn, A6 S8 J�ih ureef itqwnf ttanurqttat�qn u{uteo, fexeqroent, A32 S3; Koreaehoent qh oeobetu, A5 S39(a) Knearae�t{ qh Gqxetnqt, A6 S5(b) Qhh�eeu qh oeobetu, A2 S2 2 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Index CABINET (Eqnt0) Patfqnu, A6 S8(a) Swa�h�eat�qnu qh oeobetu, A6 S5(b) Texenwe uhqtthau, bwfiet tefwet�qnu, A6 S35 Veto �o�tat�qnu qn oeobetu, A8 S6(b) Vetou qh oeobetu, A6 S5 V�e xqte aoqni oeobetu, A6 S6(a) CHILDREN (Eqnt0) Afqrt�qn qt ei�t�oat�qn, uree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) Jwxen�e fe�nqwene{ rtqeeef�niu, A3 S35(b) Te�eh htqo eia f�uab��t�eu, uree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) Vqbaeeq Gfweat�qn anf Ptexent�qn Ptqitao, A32 S29 CAMPAIGN FINANCING, A2 S8(b), A8 S9 CIRCUIT COURTS (See also EQWTVS) Afo�n�uttat�xe aet�qn, tex�ew, A5 S5(b) Afo�n�uttat�xe uwretx�u�qn, A5 S2(f) Arrea qh �wfioentu anf qtfetu, A5 S5(b), A5 S6(b) Arreate �wt�uf�et�qn, A5 S6(b), A5 S5(b), A5 S22(e) Eh�eh �wfie Auu�inoent qh �wfieu, A5 S2(b) D�ue�r�ne rane hqt Swrteoe Eqwtt �wut�ee, A5 S32(e) Goetiene{ hqur�ta�zat�qnu, awthqt�t{ feeiat�qn tq eqwnt{ eqwtt �wfieu, A5 S22(e) Nqeat�qn qh eqwtt rtqeeef�niu, feu�inat�qn, A5 S9, A5 S22(e) Teurqnu�b��t�eu, A5 S2(f) Seeet�qn, A5 S2(f) Eet�, A5 S36(b), (e), A5 S38, A8 S3(f) Death renat{, A5 S5(b) D�x�u�qnu, A5 S9, A5 S22(e) Jeat�niu, A5 S9 Jwfieu (See also JWDGGS) Eh�eh �wfie, See uwbt�te Eh�eh �wfie, th�u heaf�ni Geet�qn, A5 S32(b), A5 S33(b) Koreaehoent, A5 S39(a) Jwfieu qh abq�uhef eqwttu, A5 S22(f) Met�t ueeet�qn, qea qrt�qn, A5 S32(b) Pwobet, A5 S22(f) Tetent�qn, qea qrt�qn, A5 S32(b) Veto qh qhh�ee, A5 S32(b), A5 S33(b) Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee, A5 S33(b) Jwf�e�a e�tew�tu, See JWDKEKAN EKTEWKVS Jwf�e�a rqwet xeutef �n, A5 S3 Jwt�uf�et�qn, A5 S5(b), A5 S22(e) Qtian�zat�qn, A5 S5(a) Ptqueewt�ni qhh�eet, A5 S39 Vt�au, qeat�qn, A5 S9 Yt�tu, rqwet tq �uuwe, A5 S5(b) CANDIDATES See GNGEVKQPS CAPITAL, A2 S2 CAPITAL OFFENSES Death renat{, A3 S39, A5 S5(b) Jqo�e�fe x�et�ou, t�ihtu qh nezt qh ��n, A3 S38(b) Pteuentoent qt �nf�etoent, A3 S35 Ptett�a fetent�qn, A3 S36 CAPITAL PROJECTS A�trqttu, A9 S32(e) Dt�fieu, A9 S39 H�zef ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eetu, bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S33(a), (f) J�ih ureef itqwnf ttanurqttat�qn u{uteo, A32 S3; Jqwu�ni anf teatef hae��t�eu, A9 S38 Knfwutt�a anf oanwhaetwt�ni rantu, A9 S32(e) Nei�uat�xe arrtqxa, A9 S33(h) Nqea iqxetnoentu, bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S32(e), A9 S32(a) Qwtfqqt teeteat�qn hae��t�eu, A32 S;(a) Pqwt�qn eqnttq hae��t�eu, A9 S36 Pqtt hae��t�eu, A9 S32(e) Pwb�e efweat�qn, A32 S;(a), (f) Tqafu anf h�ihwa{u, A9 S39, A32 S;(b), (e) Sehqqu, A32 S;(a), (f) State, bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S33(a), (f), A9 S36, A9 S38, A9 S39, A32 S; Vtanurqttat�qn t�ihtu/qh/wa{, A9 S39, A32 S3; Vwtnr��e awthqt�t{, A32 S;(b) Yaute f�urqua hae��t�eu, A9 S36 Yatet hae��t�eu, A9 S36 CENSUS, A5 S38(a), A8 S3(e), A32 S8, A32 S35 CIVIL ACTIONS Dehaoat�qn, A3 S6 Dwe rtqeeuu qh aw, A3 S; Mef�ea oat��wana wue, nqt uwb�eet tq e�x� �ab��t{, A32 S2;(a) M�n�owo waie x�qat�qnu, A32 S26(e) Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) Sw�tu aia�nut utate, A32 S35 Va�f�t{ wrqn afqrt�qn qh eqnut�twt�qna tex�u�qn, A32 S9 CERTIORARI, WRIT OF, A5 S6(b), A5 S5(b) CHARITIES, A9 S5(a) CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER (See also EADKPGV) Afo�n�uttat�qn, State Dqatf qh; oeobet, A6 S6(e) Eab�net, oeobet, A6 S6(a) Eh�eh h�uea qhh�eet qh utate, A6 S6(e) Eqnut�twt�qna qhh�ee, feu�inat�qn au, A32 S26(a) Geet�qn, A6 S5(a) Koreaehoent, A5 S39(a) Kntetna �ortqxeoent ttwut hwnf, ttwutee, A6 S6(h) Nanf aeqw�u�t�qn ttwut hwnf, ttwutee, A6 S6(h) Naw Gnhqteeoent, Derattoent qh; aiene{ heaf, A6 S6(i) Qhh�ee qeat�qn, A2 S2 Pqwetu anf fwt�eu, A6 S6(a), (e) Swa�h�eat�qnu, A6 S5(b) State hwnfu anf ueewt�t�eu, oa�ntenanee, A6 S6(e) Veto qh qhh�ee, A6 S5(a) CIVIL RIGHTS Deeatat�qn qh t�ihtu, A3 Teutqtat�qn, A6 S8(a), A8 S6(a) Vqt�ni anf eeet�qnu, See GNGEVKQPS CIVIL SERVICE SYSTEM, A5 S36 CIVIL TRAFFIC HEARING OFFICERS, A5 S3 CLEMENCY, A6 S8 CLERKS OF CIRCUIT COURTS, A5 S36(b), (e), A5 S38, A8 S3(f) CHILDREN Abqtt�qnu �nxqx�ni o�nqtu, rt�qt nqt�h�eat�qn qh ratent, A32 S22 COAST GUARD, A9 S5(i), A32 S53 5 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Index CORPORATIONS Kneqoe taz, A9 S5(b) Pwb�e etef�t qt taz�ni rqwet �n a�f qh, A9 S32 T�ihtu anf qb�iat�qnu, xa�f�t{ wrqn afqrt�qn qh eqnut�twt�qna tex�u�qn, A32 S9 Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) COLLECTIVE BARGAINING, A3 S8 COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Eqoown�t{ eqeieu anf �wn�qt eqeieu, A9 S35(a), A32 S;(a), (f) Knut�twt�qnu qh h�ihet eatn�ni, A9 S35(a), A; S3(a), A32 S;(a) COUNTIES Abq�uhoent, A8 S3(a) Af xaqteo tazat�qn, A9 S;, A9 S32, A32 S2 Aeqhq�e bexetaie uaeu, A8 S5(a), A8 S8(b) Dqatfu qh eqwnt{ eqoo�uu�qnetu Eqorqu�t�qn, A8 S3(e) D�utt�etu, A8 S3(e) Geet�qn, A8 S3(e) Gz qhh�e�q eet�u, A5 S38, A8 S3(f) Vetou qh qhh�ee, A8 S3(e) Dqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S32(e), A9 S32 Dtaneh qhh�eeu, A8 S3(�) Dtqwatf Eqwnt{, uqt oaeh�neu �n ez�ut�ni rat�/owtwe hae��t�eu, A32 S25 Ehanie qh, A8 S3(a) Ehattet, A8 S3(e), (i) E�x� uetx�ee u{uteo, A5 S36 Eqnuq�fat�qn qh qea iqxetnoentu, A8 S5, A8 S8(e) Eqwnt{ eqwttu, See EQWPVY EQWTVS Eqwnt{ ueat, A8 S3(�), A8 S8(b) Eqwtt/arrq�ntef eqwnue, hwnf�ni, A5 S36(e) Eteat�qn, A8 S3(a) Etef�t, refi�ni, A9 S32 Dafe Eqwnt{, hqoe twe rqwetu, A8 S8(e), (h) D�utt�etu, eqwnt{ eqoo�uu�qnet, A8 S3(e) Dwxa Eqwnt{, eqnuq�fat�qn, A8 S8(e) Geetqtu, A8 S2 Geett�e ienetat�qn anf ttanuo�uu�qn hae��t�eu, A9 S32(f) H�teatou uaeu, et�o�na h�utqt{ teeqtfu ehee� anf wa�t�ni ret�qf, A8 S5(b) Hwnfu Eate, ewutqf{, anf f�ubwtueoent, A8 S3(b) Ewutqf�an, A5 S38, A8 S3(f) Knxeutoent, A9 S32 Gqxetn�ni bqf�eu, A8 S3(e) Gqxetnoent Ehattet, A8 S3(e), (i) Pqnehattet, A8 S3(h) J�ubqtqwih Eqwnt{, hqoe twe ehattet, A8 S8(e) Jqoe twe, A8 S8(e), (h) Knfebtefneuu, eett�h�eateu qh, A9 S32 Jq�nt qwnetuh�r w�th rt�xate ent�t�eu, A9 S32 Neqn Eqwnt{, ueat qh iqxetnoent, A2 S2 Nqea qrt�qn, aeqhq�e bexetaie uaeu, A8 S5(a), A8 S8(b) Manfatef ezrenf�twte qh hwnfu, hwnf�ni b{ Nei�uatwte, A9 S38(a) Meet�niu, aeeeuu tq, A3 S26(b) M�ao�/Dafe Eqwnt{, uqt oaeh�neu �n ez�ut�ni rat�/owtwe hae��t�eu, A32 S25 Mqntqe Eqwnt{, eqnuq�fat�qn, A8 S8(e) Mqtqt xeh�ee hwe taz, aqeat�qn, A32 S;(e) Mwn�e�ra uetx�eeu, tazeu hqt, A9 S;(b) Qhh�eetu Abq�uhoent qh qhh�ee, A8 S3(f) Awf�tqt, A5 S38, A8 S3(f) Dqnf, A2 S5(b) Eet� qh e�tew�t eqwtt, A5 S36(b), (e), A5 S38, A8 S3(f) Eqoo�uu�qnetu, See uwbt�te Dqatfu qh eqwnt{ eqoo�uu�qnetu, th�u heaf�ni Eqorenuat�qn, A2 S5(e) Eqnt�nwanee �n qhh�ee, A8 S8(e) Geet�qn, A8 S5, A8 S3(f) Jqf�ni qthet qhh�eeu, A2 S5(a) Qath qh qhh�ee, A2 S5(b) COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE See AGTKEWNVWTG, EQMMKSSKQPGT QH COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION See GDWEAVKQP, EQMMKSSKQPGT QH COMMISSIONS, A5 S3 COMMUNICATIONS, INTERCEPTION, A3 S32 COMMUNITY COLLEGES, A9 S35(a), A32 S;(a), (f) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, A9 S5(e) CONSERVATION Patwta teuqwteeu, See PAVWTAN TGSQWTEGS CONSTITUTION OF 1885 Dqnfu Knut�twt�qnu qh h�ihet eatn�ni anf �wn�qt eqeie ear�ta qwta{, A32 S;(a) Qwtfqqt teeteat�qn fexeqroent, A32 S;(a) Ptqx�u�qnu teta�nef wnt� ra{oent �n hw, A32 S8 Tqafu anf h�ihwa{u, A32 S;(e) Sehqq ear�ta qwta{, A32 S;(f) Eqwnt{ eqwttu, A5 S22(e) Et�o�na uenteneeu, A32 S9(a) Dafe Eqwnt{, hqoe twe ehattet, A8 S8(e) Gtquu teee�rtu tazeu, A32 S;(a) J�ubqtqwih Eqwnt{, hqoe twe ehattet, A8 S8(e) Jae�uqnx�e anf Dwxa Eqwnt{, eqnuq�fat�qn, A8 S8(e) Jwfieu, A5 S22(f) Jwf�e�at{ rtqx�u�qnu, terea, A5 S22(a) Me{ Yeut anf Mqntqe Eqwnt{, eqnuq�fat�qn, A8 S8(e) Nqea iqxetnoent, A8 S8(a), (e) Mqtqt xeh�ee hwe tazeu, A32 S;(e) Mqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenweu, A32 S;(f) Ptqx�u�qnu eqnh�et�ni w�th tex�u�qn, A32 S39 Ptqx�u�qnu texett�ni tq utatwteu, A5 S22(i), A32 S32 Ptqx�u�qnu uwretuefef, A32 S3 Swret�ntenfentu qh rwb�e �nuttwet�qn, A32 S5(b), A32 S8(b) Vazeu, renat�eu, h�neu, anf hqthe�twteu qwef tq utate, A32 S9(a) CONSTITUTION REVISION COMMISSION, A2 S5(a), A33 S2, A33 S5(a) CONSTITUTION (UNITED STATES) See WPKVGD SVAVGS CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, A2 S5(a), A33 S6, A33 S5(a) CONSTRUCTION, RULES OF, A32 S32 CONTEMPT, A5 S6(f), A5 S5 CONTRACTS Nawu �ora�t�ni, A3 S32 Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) Va�f�t{ wrqn afqrt�qn qh eqnut�twt�qna tex�u�qn, A32 S9 6 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Index COUNTY COURTS (Eqnt0) Jwt�uf�et�qn, A5 S8(b), A5 S22(e) Nqeat�qn, A5 S9, A5 S22(e) Qtian�zat�qn, A5 S8(a) Vt�au, qeat�qn, A5 S9, A5 S22(e) COUNTIES (Eqnt0) Qhh�eetu (Eqnt0) Qhh�ee anf teeqtfu, qeat�qn, A8 S3(�) Pethqtoanee qh own�e�ra hwnet�qnu, A8 S8(b) Pqwetu anf fwt�eu, A2 S5(b), (e) Ptqrett{ arrta�uet, A8 S3(f) Ptqueewt�ni attqtne{, A5 S22(f) Teeqtfet, A5 S38, A8 S3(f) Seeet�qn, A8 S3(f), A8 S8(b) Shet�hh, A8 S3(f) Sq�e�tqt, A5 S22(f) Swretx�uqt qh eeet�qnu, A8 S3(f) Swurenu�qn, A6 S9(a), (b) Vaz eqeetqt, A8 S3(f) Vetou qh qhh�ee, A8 S3(f) Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee, A6 S3(h) Qtf�naneeu Ehattet iqxetnoent, A8 S3(i) Eqoown�t{ anf eeqnqo�e fexeqroent taz ezeort�qnu, A9 S5(e) Eqnh�et w�th own�e�ra qtf�naneeu, A8 S3(h), (i) Ghheet�xe fate, A8 S3(�) J�utqt�e rtqrett�eu, A9 S5(f), A9 S6(e), A32 S22 Jqoeuteaf rtqrett{ taz ezeort�qn hqt efet{ retuqnu, A9 S8(f) Nqea awu, aoenfoent qt terea, A8 S8(f) Pqnehattet iqxetnoent, A8 S3(h) V�qat�qnu, A8 S3(�) Pat�/owtwe taz texenwe, A9 S9 Pqwt�qn eqnttq hae��t�eu, utate bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S36 Pwb�e fehenfetu' qhh�eeu, hwnf�ni, A5 S36(e) Teeqtf�ni qh fqewoentu, A8 S3(�) Tefwet�qn qh awthqt�t{ tq ta�ue texenwe, ei�uat�xe arrtqxa, A9 S38(b) Tqafu anf h�ihwa{u, A32 S;(e) Seeqnf iau taz, aqeat�qn, A32 S;(e) Seh/iqxetnoent rqwetu, A8 S3(h), (i) State a�f, A9 S8 State attqtne{u' qhh�eeu, hwnf�ni, A5 S36(e) State taz texenweu, ei�uat�xe arrtqxa qh tefwet�qn, A9 S38(e) Statwu, eqnt�nwat�qn wrqn afqrt�qn qh Eqnut�twt�qn, A8 S8(b) Vaz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, A9 S32 Vazeu, A9 S6(h), A9 S;, A32 S2 Vaz�ni rqwet, �o�tat�qn, A9 S32, A8 S3(h) Vtanuhet qh hwnet�qn qt rqwet, A8 S6 Vt�a eqwttu, hwnf�ni, A5 S36(e) Yaute f�urqua hae��t�eu, utate bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S36 Yatet hae��t�eu, utate bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S36 COURTS Aeeeuu tq, A3 S23 Afo�n�uttat�xe uwretx�u�qn, A5 S2 Arreau, A5 S2(a), A5 S5, A5 S6, A5 S5(b) Arreate f�utt�etu, See DKSVTKEV EQWTVS QH APPGAN Attqtne{u, afo�uu�qn tq rtaet�ee anf f�ue�r�ne, A5 S35 Dat, See HNQTKDA DAT Dwfiet�ni rtqeeuueu, A5 S3;(a), (e) Eh�eh afo�n�uttat�xe qhh�eetu, A5 S2(b) E�tew�t eqwttu, See EKTEWKV EQWTVS Eqwnt{ eqwttu, See EQWPVY EQWTVS Eqwttu/oatt�a, A3 S35(a), A3 S38, A5 S3 D�uo�uua qh eawue, �ortqret teoef{ uqwiht, A5 S2(a) D�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea, See DKSVTKEV EQWTVS QH APPGAN D�x�u�qnu, A5 S9, A5 S22(e) Gutab�uhoent, A5 S3 Hwnf�ni, A5 S36 Geneta{, A5 Jeat�niu, A5 S9 Jwfieu anf �wut�eeu, See JWDGGS Jwf�e�a e�tew�tu, See JWDKEKAN EKTEWKVS Jwf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qnu, A5 S33, A5 S22(e) Jwf�e�a qhh�ee, �wut�eeu, anf �wfieu; eqnuttwet�qn qh tetou, A32 S32(h) Jwf�e�a rqwet, A2 S5, A5 S3 Jwf�e�a Swa�h�eat�qnu Eqoo�uu�qn, A2 S8(h), A5 S32, A5 S22(e) Jwt�eu anf �wtqtu, See JWTKGS Jwt�uf�et�qn Abq�uhef eqwttu, A5 S22(f) E�tew�t eqwttu, A5 S5(b), A5 S22(e) Eqwnt{ eqwttu, A5 S8(b), A5 S22(e) D�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea, A5 S6(b), A5 S22(e) Mwn�e�ra eqwttu, A5 S22(f) Swrteoe Eqwtt, A5 S5(b), A5 S22(e) Vtanuhet, �wt�uf�et�qn qh eqwtt �ortqx�fent{ �nxq�ef, A5 S2(a) Jwut�ee afo�n�uttat�qn w�thqwt uae, fen�a, qt fea{, A3 S23 M��tat{ eqwttu, A3 S35(a) Mwn�e�ra eqwttu, A5 S22(f) Qren hqt tefteuu qh �n�wt{, A3 S23 Pann�ni rtqeeuueu anf rann�ni fqewoentu, A5 S3;(a), (h) Teeqtfu qh �wf�e�a btaneh, aeeeuu tq, A3 S26 Tweu qh rtaet�ee anf rtqeefwte, A5 S2(a), A5 S33(f) Swrteoe Eqwtt, See SWPTGMG EQWTV Vtanu�t�qn rtqx�u�qnu, A5 S22 Vt�au, See VTKANS Yt�tu, rqwet tq �uuwe, A5 S5(b), A5 S6(b), A5 S5(b) COUNTY COURTS (See also EQWTVS) Afo�n�uttat�xe uwretx�u�qn, A5 S2(f) Arrea qh �wfioentu anf qtfetu, A5 S5(b), A5 S6(b) Eet�u, A5 S36(b), (e), A5 S38, A5 S22(e) D�x�u�qnu, A5 S9, A5 S22(e) H�neu anf hqthe�twteu, A5 S22(e) Jeat�niu, A5 S9 Jwfieu (See also JWDGGS) Dat oeobetuh�r, A5 S8, A5 S22(e), (f) Geet�qn, A5 S32(b), A5 S33(b) Koreaehoent, A5 S39(a) Jwfieu qh abq�uhef eqwttu, A5 S22(f) Met�t ueeet�qn, qea qrt�qn, A5 S32(b) Pqn�wf�e�a fwt�eu, A5 S22(h) Pwobet, A5 S8(a), A5 S22(f) Tetent�qn, qea qrt�qn, A5 S32(b) Veto qh qhh�ee, A5 S32(b), A5 S33(b) Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee, A5 S33(b) Jwf�e�a rqwet xeutef �n, A5 S3 COVERTURE, A32 S5 CREDIT, PLEDGING OF Jqwu�ni bqnfu, A9 S38(b) Jq�nt qwnetuh�r w�th rt�xate ent�t{, A9 S32 State bqnfu, A9 S33(a), (e), A9 S36(a), A9 S39, A32 S; CRIMINAL OFFENSES Aeewuef, t�ihtu qh, A3 S38(a), A3 S3; D�u qh atta�nfet, A3 S32, A3 S39 Dteaeh qh rwb�e ttwut, A2 S8(f) Eqwnt{ qtf�nanee x�qat�qnu, A8 S3(�) Et�o�na utatwteu, ehheet qh terea qt aoenfoent, A32 S; Dehaoat�qn, A3 S6 Gz rqut haetq awu, A3 S32 5 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Index D CRIMINAL OFFENSES (Eqnt0) Heqn{ Deh�n�t�qn, A32 S32 D�uqwa�h�eat�qn htqo xqte anf rwb�e qhh�ee, A8 S6(a) Ptqueewt�qn, A3 S35(a) Pwb�e qhh�eet qt eorq{ee, hqthe�twte qh tet�teoent t�ihtu anf rt�x�eieu, A2 S8(f) Htawf, �ort�uqnoent hqt febt, A3 S33 Janfiwn rwtehaueu, wa�t�ni ret�qf x�qat�qnu, A3 S8(e) Jqo�e�fe x�et�ou, t�ihtu qh nezt qh ��n, A3 S38(b) Jwxen�e qhhenfetu, A3 S35(b) Mat�ne net h�uh�ni x�qat�qnu, A32 S38(e) Penat�eu, See PWPKSJMGPV P�iu, etwe anf �nhwoane eqnh�neoent fwt�ni rteinane{, A32 S23(f) Ptqueewt�qn, See ETKMKPAN PTQSGEWVKQP Vteauqn, A3 S22, A6 S8(b) V�et�ou' t�ihtu, A3 S38(b) DEATH PENALTY See EAPKVAN QHHGPSGS DEBT Jqoeuteaf rtqrett{, A32 S6(a) Kort�uqnoent hqt, A3 S33 Pwb�e febt Dqnf h�nane�ni, See DQPDS Eett�h�eateu qh �nfebtefneuu, A9 S32 Eqnuq�fat�qn qh qea iqxetnoentu, A8 S5 Eqwnt�eu, A8 S3(a) Knewttef wnfet 3885 Eqnut�twt�qn, A32 S8 Mwn�e�ra�t�eu, A8 S2(a) DECLARATION OF RIGHTS, A3 DEEDS OF TRUST, A9 S2 CRIMINAL PROSECUTION Aeewuef, t�ihtu qh, A3 S38(a), A3 S3; Ear�ta et�oe, A3 S35(a) Eqoown�eat�qnu, wnteauqnabe �nteteert�qn qh, A3 S32 Equtu, ra{oent b{ aeewuef, A3 S3; Eqwnue, t�iht tq, A3 S38(a) Eqwnt{ qtf�nanee x�qat�qnu, A8 S3(�) Et�o�na utatwteu, ehheet qh terea qt aoenfoent, A32 S; Dehaoat�qn, A3 S6 Dehenfantu, t�ihtu qh, A3 S38(a), A3 S3; Dqwbe �eqratf{, A3 S; Dwe rtqeeuu qh aw, A3 S; Gx�fenee, �nafo�uu�be, A3 S32 Heqn�eu, A3 S35(a) Gtanf �wt{, A3 S35(a) Knf�etoent qt �nhqtoat�qn, A3 S35(a), A3 S38(a) Jwtqtu, A3 S22, A5 S33(a) Jwxen�e qhhenfetu, A3 S35(b) Mef�ea oat��wana wue, nqt uwb�eet tq et�o�na �ab��t{, A32 S2;(a) Penat�eu, See PWPKSJMGPV Ptett�a teeaue anf fetent�qn, A3 S36 Seateh anf ue�zwte, wnteauqnabe, A3 S32 Seateh wattantu, A3 S32 Seh/�net�o�nat�qn, A3 S; Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) Statew�fe rtqueewtqt, A6 S6(b) Vteauqn, A3 S22 Vt�a b{ �wt{, A3 S38(a), A3 S22 Venwe, A3 S38(a), A5 S33(a) V�et�ou' t�ihtu, A3 S38(b) Y�tneuu aia�nut qneueh, A3 S; Y�tneuueu, A3 S;, A3 S38(a) DISABLED PERSONS D�uet�o�nat�qn, A3 S2 Vaz ezeort�qnu, A9 S5(b), A9 S8(e) DISTRICT COURTS OF APPEAL (See also EQWTVS) Afo�n�uttat�xe aet�qn, f�teet tex�ew, A5 S6(b) Afo�n�uttat�xe uwretx�u�qn, A5 S2(e) Arrea qh fee�u�qnu, A5 S5(b) Arreate f�utt�etu Eqwtt uetx�ni, A5 S6(a) Gutab�uhoent, A5 S3, A5 S22(e) Tefeh�n�ni, A5 S; Swrteoe Eqwtt �wut�eeu, teu�fene{, A5 S5(a) Eaue eqnu�fetat�qn, nwobet qh �wfieu teqw�tef, A5 S6(a) Eett�h�eat�qn qh eaueu hqt Swrteoe Eqwtt tex�ew, A5 S5(b) Eh�eh �wfieu, A5 S2(e) Eet�u, A5 S6(e) Eqwtt/oatt�a fee�u�qnu, tex�ew, A5 S3 Dee�u�qnu, A5 S5(b), A5 S6(a) D�x�u�qnu, A5 S9, A5 S22(e) H�na �wfioentu anf qtfetu, tex�ew, A5 S6(b) Kntetqewtqt{ qtfetu, tex�ew, A5 S6(b) Jwfieu Koreaehoent, A5 S39(a) Pwobet, A5 S6(b) Jwf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qnu, A5 S33(f) Jwf�e�a rqwet xeutef �n, A5 S3 Jwt�uf�et�qn, A5 S6(b), A5 S22(e) Matuhau, A5 S6(e) M��tat{ aw qweut�qnu, afx�uqt{ qr�n�qnu, A5 S2(a) Qtian�zat�qn, A5 S6(a) Ptqeeuu, A5 S6(e) Tweu qh rtqeefwte, A5 S33(f) Vt�a eqwtt �wfioentu anf qtfetu, tex�ew, A5 S6(b) Yt�tu, rqwet tq �uuwe, A5 S6(b) CURTESY, A32 S5 CUSTODIAN OF STATE RECORDS Dqewoentu teee�xef anf oa�nta�nef Eqnut�twt�qn tex�u�qn rtqrquau, A33 S2(e), A33 S6(b) Eqnut�twt�qna aoenfoent �n�t�at�xe ret�t�qnu, A33 S5 Eqnut�twt�qna eqnxent�qn ret�t�qnu, A33 S6(a) Eqwnt{ qtf�naneeu, A8 S3(�) H�nane�a �nteteutu f�uequwteu, A2 S8(�) Gqxetnqt'u eett�h�eateu qh �nearae�t{ qt earae�t{, A6 S5(b) Gqxetnqt'u ezeewt�xe qtfetu qh eeoene{, A6 S8(a) Gqxetnqt'u qb�eet�qnu tq xetqef b�u, A5 S8(b) Gqxetnqt'u qtfetu qh uwurenu�qn qh qhh�eetu, A6 S9(a) Jwf�e�a arrqtt�qnoent qtfetu, A5 S38(b), (h) Jwf�e�a oet�t ueeet�qn anf tetent�qn ret�t�qnu, A5 S32(b) Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn rtqrquau, A33 S8(e) Swbut�twt�qn hqt teto ¬ueetetat{ qh utate¹, A32 S26(b) DISTRICTS Arreate, See DKSVTKEV EQWTVS QH APPGAN Eqoown�t{ eqeie, A32 S;(f) Eqwnt{ eqoo�uu�qnet, A8 S3(e) Nei�uat�xe, A5 S3, A5 S35(a), (e), A5 S38(a) Sehqq, See SEJQQN DKSVTKEVS Sree�a, See SPGEKAN DKSVTKEVS DIVORCE, A5 S33(a) DOUBLE JEOPARDY, A3 S; DOWER, A32 S5 8 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA DUE PROCESS OF LAW, A3 S; Index ELECTIONS (Eqnt0) Eanf�fateu (Eqnt0) Pwb�e h�nane�ni qh eaora�inu hqt utatew�fe qhh�eeu, A8 S9 Eqoown�t{ anf eeqnqo�e fexeqroent taz ezeort�qn qtf�naneeu, awthqt�zat�qn, A9 S5(e) Eqnut�twt�qna aoenfoent qt tex�u�qn, A33 S5 Eqnut�twt�qna eqnxent�qn qweut�qn, A33 S6 Eqwnt{ eqoo�uu�qnetu, A8 S3(e) Eqwnt{ qhh�eetu, A8 S3(f) D�utt�etu, A8 S8 Geetqtu D�uqwa�h�eat�qn, A8 S6(a) Hteehqfetu, A9 S;(b), A9 S32(a) Qath, A8 S5 Swa�h�eat�qnu, A8 S2, A8 S6(a) Tei�uttat�qn, A8 S3, A8 S5, A8 S8 Vqte qh eeetqtu, feh�n�t�qn, A32 S32(f) Vqt�ni �n rt�oat{ eeet�qnu, A8 S5(b) Geneta eeet�qnu Eab�net oeobetu, A6 S5(a) Eqnut�twt�qna aoenfoent qt tex�u�qn, A33 S5(a) Eqnut�twt�qna eqnxent�qn qweut�qn, A33 S6(b) Date, A8 S5 Goetiene{, uwurenu�qn qt fea{, A8 S5 Gqxetnqt anf N�ewtenant Gqxetnqt, A6 S5 Swret�ntenfentu qh uehqqu, A; S5 Y�nnet feteto�nat�qn, A8 S3 Gqxetnqt, A6 S5 Jwfieu, A5 S32, A5 S33(b) Nei�uatqtu, A5 S3, A5 S2, A5 S35 N�ewtenant Gqxetnqt, A6 S5(a) Mwn�e�ra eeet�qnu, A8 S8 Pq�t�ea ratt{ hwnet�qnu, A8 S3 Pt�oat{ eeet�qnu, A6 S5(a), A8 S5(b) Tehetenfa, A5 S32, A8 S5, A9 S5(e), A32 S25(a) Tei�uttat�qn, A8 S3, A8 S5 Sehqq bqatfu, A; S6(a) Seetet xqte, A8 S3 Sree�a eeet�qnu Aeqhq�e bexetaie uaeu, A8 S5(a) Eqoown�t{ anf eeqnqo�e fexeqroent taz ezeort�qn qtf�naneeu, A9 S5(e) Eqnut�twt�qna aoenfoent qt tex�u�qn, A33 S5(a) Eqwnt{ ehattet, A8 S3(e) Teiwat�qn, A8 S5 Swret�ntenfentu qh uehqqu, A; S5 Swretx�uqtu qh eeet�qnu, A8 S3(f) Vaz awthqt�zat�qn, A9 S;(b) Veto �o�tat�qn, eetta�n eeet�xe qhh�eeu, A8 S6(b) Vqte qh the eeetqtu, feh�n�t�qn, A32 S32(f) DUVAL COUNTY, A8 S8(e) E ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, A9 S5(e) EDUCATION Arrq�nt�xe bqatfu, tetou qh oeobetu, A; S5 Dqnf h�nane�ni Ear�ta rtq�eetu, A9 S32, A32 S;(a), (f) Stwfent qanu, A9 S35 Ear�ta qwta{ hwnfu, A32 S;(a), (f) Eauu u�ze �o�tu, A; S3(a) Eqoo�uu�qnet qh Gfweat�qn, See GDWEAVKQP, EQMMKSSKQPGT QH Eqoown�t{ eqeieu anf �wn�qt eqeieu, A9 S35(a), A32 S;(a), (f) Htee rwb�e uehqqu, A; S3(a), A; S2, A; S6(b), A; S8 Jeath/teatef tta�n�ni �nut�twt�qnu, A9 S35(a) Knut�twt�qnu qh h�ihet eatn�ni, A9 S35(a), A; S3(a), A32 S;(a) Jq�nt efweat�qna rtqitaou, A; S6(b) Nqttet�eu, A32 S35 Pte��nfetiatten efweat�qn, A; S3(b), (e) Ptqrett{ taz ezeort�qn, A9 S5(a) Pwb�e efweat�qn u{uteo, A; S3(a), A; S2 Sehqq bqatfu, A; S6, A; S5, A32 S;(f) Sehqq f�utt�etu, See SEJQQN DKSVTKEVS State Dqatf qh Gfweat�qn, A; S2, A32 S;(a), (f) State uehqq hwnf, A; S8 Stwfent qanu, A9 S35 Swret�ntenfentu qh rwb�e �nuttwet�qn, A32 S6, A32 S5, A32 S8(b) Swret�ntenfentu qh uehqqu, A; S5, A32 S5, A32 S8(b) Vazeu Gtquu teee�rtu taz, wt��t{ uetx�eeu, A32 S;(a) Ptqrett{ taz ezeort�qn, A9 S5(a) Sehqq f�utt�et, A9 S8(a), A9 S;, A; S6(b) Sqt oaeh�ne texenweu, A32 S25(b) Vqbaeeq Gfweat�qn anf Ptexent�qn Ptqitao, A32 S29 Vqeat�qna tta�n�ni uehqqu, A9 S35(a), A32 S;(a) EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF Arrq�ntoent, A; S2 State Wn�xetu�t{ S{uteo Statew�fe Dqatf qh Gqxetnqtu, oeobetuh�r, A; S9(f) Statwteu wnfet 3885 Eqnut�twt�qn, arr�eab��t{, A32 S8(b) Swret�ntenfent qh Pwb�e Knuttwet�qn, ttanuhet qh qhh�ee, A32 S6 ELECTIONS, SUPERVISORS OF, A8 S3(f) EDUCATION, STATE BOARD OF, A; S2, A32 S;(a), (f) ELECTRICAL ENERGY FACILITIES, A9 S32(f) ELDERLY AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF, A6 S32 EMERGENCIES Dwfiet utab��zat�qn hwnf, w�thftawau, A5 S3;(i) Eqnt�nw�t{ qh iqxetnoent, oeauwteu tq enuwte, A2 S8 Geet�qnu, uwurenu�qn qt fea{, A8 S5 Jabeau eqtrwu, uwurenu�qn qh wt�t, A3 S35 Seat qh iqxetnoent, ttanuhet, A2 S2 ELDERLY PERSONS Vaz ezeort�qnu, A9 S6(h), A9 S8(f), (e), A32 S28, A32 S58 ELECTIONS Aeqhq�e bexetaie uaeu, qea qrt�qn, A8 S5(a) Dqnf h�nane�ni arrtqxa, A9 S33(a), A9 S32(a) Eab�net oeobetu, A6 S5(a) Eanf�fateu Eaora�in h�naneeu, f�uequwte, A2 S8(b) Eaora�in urenf�ni �o�tu hqt utatew�fe qhh�eeu, A8 S9 Eqniteuu�qna f�utt�etu haxqt�ni �newobentu, A5 S22 H�nane�a �nteteutu, f�uequwte, A2 S8 Nei�uat�xe f�utt�etu haxqt�ni �newobentu, A5 S23 M�nqt ratt{ qt nqnratt{ eanf�fateu, A8 S3 EMINENT DOMAIN, A32 S8 ENEMY ATTACK See KPVASKQP ENERGY Geett�ea eneti{ hae��t�eu, rwb�e uwrrqtt, A9 S32(f) Tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fex�eeu, tazat�qn, A9 S6(�), A32 S3;, A32 S2;, A32 S56 9 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Index FIREARMS (Eqnt0) Ya�t�ni ret�qf between rwtehaue anf fe�xet{, A3 S8(b), (e), (f), A8 S5(b) ENERGY (Eqnt0) Sqat fex�eeu, tazat�qn, A32 S56 ENGLISH, OFFICIAL LANGUAGE, A2 S; FIRST RESPONDERS Jqoeuteaf taz ezeort�qn hqt f�uabef h�tut teurqnfet �n�wtef �n �ne qh fwt{, A9 S8(h), A32 S55 Jqoeuteaf taz ezeort�qn hqt uwtx�x�ni urqwue qh h�tut teurqnfet ��ef �n �ne qh fwt{, A9 S8(h), A32 S55 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION See PAVWTAN TGSQWTEGS EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW, A3 S2 FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION, A6 S;, A32 S25 ESTATE TAX, A9 S5(a) ETHICS, COMMISSION ON, A2 S8 FISHING Eqooete�a h�uh�ni rtqrett{, taz auueuuoentu, A9 S6(�), A32 S52 Dqewoent eze�ue taz rtqeeefu, wue hqt hab�tat rtqteet�qn, A32 S28(b) H�uh anf Y�f�he Eqnuetxat�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, A6 S;, A32 S25 Gaoe anf Hteuh Yatet H�uh Eqoo�uu�qn, A32 S25 Mat�ne H�uhet�eu Eqoo�uu�qn, A32 S25 Mat�ne net h�uh�ni, �o�tat�qnu, A32 S38 Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq hteuhwatet h�uh�ni, A5 S33(a), A6 S; ETHICS IN GOVERNMENT, A2 S8, A5 S38 EVERGLADES, A2 S9(b), A32 S39, A32 S28(b) EVIDENCE Dehaoat�qn, A3 S6 Knafo�uu�be, A3 S32 Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) Vteauqn, A3 S22 EX POST FACTO LAWS, A3 S32 FLAG (STATE), A2 S6 EXECUTIVE BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT Gzeewt�xe rqwet, A2 S5, A6 S3(a) Geneta{, A6 Pann�ni rtqeeuueu anf rann�ni fqewoentu, A5 S3;(a), (h) Pwb�e teeqtfu anf oeet�niu, aeeeuu tq, A3 S26 FLORIDA BAR Attqtne{ Geneta, A6 S5(b) Attqtne{u, afo�uu�qn anf f�ue�r�ne, A5 S35 Eqwnt{ eqwtt �wfieu, A5 S8, A5 S22(e), (f) Jwfieu, A5 S8 Jwf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qn oeobetu, A5 S22(e) Jwf�e�a Swa�h�eat�qnu Eqoo�uu�qn oeobetu, A5 S32(a), (h) Pwb�e fehenfetu, A5 S38 State attqtne{u, A5 S39 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS, A6 S8, A32 S38 EXECUTIVE POWER, A2 S5, A6 S3(a) F FREEDOM OF PRESS, A3 S6 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT See WPKVGD SVAVGS FREEDOM OF RELIGION, A3 S5 FREEDOM OF SPEECH, A3 S6 FELONIES See ETKMKPAN QHHGPSGS G FINANCE Arrtqrt�at�qn qh utate hwnfu, See APPTQPTKAVKQPS Dqnfu, See DQPDS Geneta{, A9 Texenwe, See TGVGPWG State hwnfu, See SVAVG HWPDS Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, A2 S5(a), A33 S5(a), A33 S8 Vazeu, See VAZAVKQP Vtwut hwnfu, See VTWSV HWPDS (PWDNKE) GAMBLING Nqttet�eu, A32 S9, A32 S35 Pat�/owtwe rqqu, A32 S9 Pat�/owtwe tazeu, A9 S9 Sqt oaeh�neu, A32 S25 GAME AND FRESH WATER FISH COMMISSION, A32 S25 GENERAL PROVISIONS, A2 FINES AND FORFEITURES (See also PWPKSJMGPV) Afo�n�uttat�xe renat�eu, A3 S38 Eqwnt{ eqwttu, A5 S22(e) Gzeeuu�xe, A3 S39 M�n�owo waie x�qat�qnu, A32 S26(e) Qw�ni wnfet 3885 Eqnut�twt�qn, A32 S9(a) Teo�uu�qn, A5 S33(a), A6 S8(a) Swurenu�qn, A6 S8(a) GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY TASK FORCE, A5 S3;(�) GOVERNOR Aet�ni, A6 S5(b) Afo�n�uttat�qn, State Dqatf qh; eha�t, A6 S6(e) Afx�uqt{ qr�n�qnu htqo Swrteoe Eqwtt, A6 S3(e) Arrq�ntoentu Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, A33 S2(a), (b) Gfweat�qn, State Dqatf qh, A; S2 Gzeewt�xe qhh�eetu qt bqatfu, A6 S8 H�uh anf Y�f�he Eqnuetxat�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, A6 S; Gqxetnoent Ghh�e�ene{ Vau� Hqtee, A5 S3;(�) Jwfieu, A5 S33(a), (b), (e) FIREARMS T�iht tq beat atou, A3 S8(a) Saeu, et�o�na h�utqt{ teeqtfu ehee�, A8 S5(b) 8 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Index HANDICAPPED PERSONS Dert�xat�qn qh t�ihtu, A3 S2 Vaz ezeort�qnu, A9 S5(b), A9 S8(e) GOVERNOR (Eqnt0) Arrq�ntoentu (Eqnt0) Jwf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qn, A5 S22(e) Jwf�e�a Swa�h�eat�qnu Eqoo�uu�qn, A5 S32(a) M��t�a qhh�eetu, A32 S2(e) State wn�xetu�t�eu, qea bqatfu qh ttwuteeu, A; S9(e) State Wn�xetu�t{ S{uteo Statew�fe Dqatf qh Gqxetnqtu, A; S9(f) Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, A33 S8(a) Vaeane�eu �n utate qt qea qhh�eeu, A5 S39(b), A6 S3(h), A6 S9 D�u Gzeewt�xe arrtqxa, A5 S8(a) Vetq, A5 S8, A5 S;, A5 S3;(b) Dwfiet�ni, A6 S3(a), A6 S35 Earae�t{, teutqtat�qn, A6 S5(b) E�x� t�ihtu, teutqtat�qn, A6 S8(a) Eeoene{, A6 S8(a), (b) Eqooanfet/�n/eh�eh, o��tat{ hqteeu, A6 S3(a) Geet�qn, A6 S5(a), (b) Gzeewt�xe ferattoentu, uwretx�u�qn, A6 S8 J�ih ureef itqwnf ttanurqttat�qn u{uteo, fexeqroent, A32 S3; Koreaehoent, A5 S39(a), A6 S5(b) Koreaehoent tt�a, rteu�f�ni qhh�eet, A5 S39(e) Knearae�t{ tq uetxe, A6 S5(b) Kntetna �ortqxeoent ttwut hwnf, ttwutee, A6 S6(h) Jwf�e�a rtqeeef�niu, �n�t�at�qn, A6 S3(b) Nanf aeqw�u�t�qn ttwut hwnf, ttwutee, A6 S6(h) Naw Gnhqteeoent, Derattoent qh; aiene{ heaf, A6 S6(i) Nei�uatwte Af�qwtnoent qh ueuu�qn, A5 S5(h) Arrqtt�qnoent ueuu�qnu, eqnxen�ni, A5 S38(a), (f) Meet�niu between Gqxetnqt anf ei�uat�xe eafetuh�r, qren tq rwb�e, A5 S6(e) Meuuaie qn eqnf�t�qn qh utate, A6 S3(e) Sree�a ueuu�qn, eqnxen�ni, A5 S5(e) Vetq qh b�u, A5 S8, A5 S;, A5 S3;(b) N�ewtenant Gqxetnqt, auu�inoent qh fwt�eu, A6 S2 M��t�a, ea�ni qwt, A6 S3(f) Qhh�ee qeat�qn, A2 S2 Patfqnu, A6 S8(a), (b) Pann�ni, A5 S3;(h), A6 S3(a) Pqwetu, ieneta{, A6 S3 Ptqeaoat�qnu Arrqtt�qnoent ueuu�qnu qh Nei�uatwte, eqnxen�ni, A5 S38(a), (f) Seat qh iqxetnoent, ttanuhet, A2 S2 Sree�a ueuu�qn qh Nei�uatwte, eqnxen�ni, A5 S5(e) Swa�h�eat�qnu, A6 S5(b) Texenwe uhqtthau, bwfiet tefwet�qnu, A6 S35 Seat qh iqxetnoent, eoetiene{ ttanuhet, A2 S2 Swrteoe ezeewt�xe rqwet, A6 S3(a) Swurenu�qn qh qhh�eetu, A6 S9 Veto �o�tat�qnu, A6 S5(b) Veto qh qhh�ee, A6 S5(a), (b) Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee, A6 S5(a) HEAD OF FAMILY, A9 S5(b) HEALTH CARE FACILITIES Afxetue oef�ea �ne�fentu, rat�entu' t�iht tq �nqw, A32 S25 HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF Mef�ea oat��wana wue, teiwat�qn, A32 S2;(f) HIGH SPEED GROUND TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM, A32 S3; HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, A8 S8(e) HISTORIC PRESERVATION Af xaqteo taz auueuuoentu anf ezeort�qnu, A9 S5(f), A9 S6(e), A32 S22 Dqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S33(e) Dqewoentu eze�ue taz rtqeeefu, wue hqt rtqteet�qn, A32 S28(b) HOME RULE CHARTERS Dafe Eqwnt{, A8 S8(e) J�ubqtqwih Eqwnt{, A8 S8(e) HOMESTEAD PROPERTY A�enat�qn, A32 S6(e) Eqnfqo�n�wou, A9 S8(a) Eqnttaetwa qb�iat�qnu, A32 S6(a) Dex�ue, A32 S6(e) Gqw�tabe t�te, A9 S8(a) Gutate b{ the ent�tet{, A9 S8(a), A32 S6(e) Gzeort�qnu Hqteef uae, A32 S6(a), (b) Jwfioent �en, A32 S6(a), (b) Vazat�qn D�uabef h�tut teurqnfetu, A9 S8(h), A32 S55 Gfet{ retuqnu, A9 S6(h), A9 S8(f), (e), A32 S28, A32 S58 Geneta{, A9 S8, A32 S29 M��tat{ retuqnne ferq{ef �n uwrrqtt qh o��tat{ qretat�qnu, A9 S5(i), A32 S53 Swtx�x�ni urqwueu qh feeeauef xetetanu qt h�tut teurqnfetu, A9 S8(h), A32 S55 Gztent qh rtqrett{, A32 S6(a) Je�tu qh qwnet, A32 S6(b) Jq�nt qwnetuh�r, A9 S8(a) Neauehqf, A9 S8(a) Neia t�te, A9 S8(a) Tentetu, A9 S8(e) Stqe� qwnetuh�r, A9 S8(a) Swtx�x�ni urqwue, A9 S8(h), A32 S6(b), A32 S55 Vazeu anf auueuuoentu Ehanie qh auueuuoentu, A9 S6(f) Jwut xawe anf euu than �wut xawe auueuuoentu, A9 S6(f), A9 S8(a) N�o�tat�qn qn auueuuoentu (Saxe/Qwt/Jqoeu rtqx�u�qnu), A9 S6(f) N�x�ni qwattetu hqt ratentu qt itanfratentu, tefwet�qn qh auueuuoentu, A9 S6(h) Pew hqoeuteafu, ttanuhet qh Saxe/Qwt/Jqoeu beneh�tu, A9 S6(f), A32 S29 Sae hqt tazeu, A32 S6(a) Vaz ezeort�qnu, See uwbt�te Gzeort�qnu uwb/uwbt�te Vazat�qn, th�u heaf�ni Vetetanu f�uabef fwe tq eqobat �n�wt{, rtqrett{ taz f�ueqwnt, A9 S8(e), A32 S52 GRAND JURIES, A3 S35(a) GRIEVANCES, PETITION FOR REDRESS OF, A3 S5 H HABEAS CORPUS E�tew�t eqwttu, A5 S5(b) D�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea, A5 S6(b) Gtantabe qh t�iht, A3 S35 Swrteoe Eqwtt, A5 S5(b) Swurenu�qn, A3 S35 ; Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA HOMOSEXUAL PERSONS Saoe/uez oatt�aie, �nxa�f�t{, A3 S29 Index INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND, A6 S6(h) INVASION Eqnt�nw�t{ qh iqxetnoent, oeauwteu tq enuwte, A2 S8 Jabeau eqtrwu, uwurenu�qn qh wt�t, A3 S35 M��t�a, ea�ni qwt, A6 S3(a) Seat qh iqxetnoent, ttanuhet, A2 S2 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES See NGGKSNAVWTG HOUSING BONDS, A9 S38, A32 S38 HUNTING, A5 S33(a), A6 S; J HURRICANES Y�nf faoaie teu�utanee �ortqxeoentu, tazat�qn, A9 S6(�), A32 S2; JACKSONVILLE, CITY OF, A8 S8(e) JEOPARDY, DOUBLE, A3 S; I JOINT OWNERSHIP Gqxetnoenta bqf{ w�th rt�xate ent�t�eu, A9 S32 Jqoeuteaf rtqrett{, A9 S8(a) IMPEACHMENT Aeqw�tta, A5 S39(b), (e) Eab�net oeobetu, A5 S39(a) E�x� teurqnu�b��t{ qh �oreaehef qhh�eet, A5 S39(e) Eeoene{, A6 S8(a) Eqnx�et�qn, A5 S39(e) Et�o�na teurqnu�b��t{ qh �oreaehef qhh�eet, A5 S39(e) D�uqwa�h�eat�qn htqo qhh�ee, A5 S39(b), (e) Gqxetnqt, A5 S39(a), A6 S5(b) Jqwue qh Terteuentat�xeu, rqwet tq �oreaeh, A5 S39 Jwut�eeu anf �wfieu, A5 S39(a), A5 S32(f) N�ewtenant Gqxetnqt, A5 S39(a) M�ufeoeanqt �n qhh�ee, A5 S39(a) Qhh�eetu �abe tq �oreaehoent, A5 S39(a) Pqwet, A5 S39(a) Pteu�f�ni qhh�eet, �oreaehoent tt�a, A5 S39(e) Senate tt�a, A5 S39(b), (e) Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee, teorqtat{ arrq�ntoent, A5 S39(b) Vqte, A5 S39(a), (e) JUDGES Aie �o�t, A5 S8, A5 S22(e) Arrq�ntoent, A5 S33(a), (b), (e) Dat oeobetuh�r, A5 S8, A5 S22(e), (f) E�tew�t eqwttu, See EKTEWKV EQWTVS Eqnuetxatqtu qh the reaee, A5 S3; Eqwnt{ eqwttu, See EQWPVY EQWTVS D�ue�r�ne, A5 S32 D�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea, A5 S39(a), A5 S6(a) Geet�qn, A5 S32, A5 S33(b) G�i�b��t{, A5 S8, A5 S22(f) Koreaehoent, A5 S39(a), A5 S32(f) Knxqwntat{ tet�teoent, A5 S32(b), (e) Jwf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qnu, A5 S33, A5 S22(e) Jwf�e�a Swa�h�eat�qnu Eqoo�uu�qn, A2 S8(h), A5 S32, A5 S22(e) Pqo�nat�qn, A5 S33 Pwobet, feteto�nat�qn, A5 S; Pq�t�ea ratt{ qhh�ee, hqf�ni, A5 S35 Ptaet�ee qh aw, A5 S35 Ptqh�b�tef aet�x�t�eu, A5 S35 Swa�h�eat�qnu, A5 S8, A5 S22(e), (f) Teoqxa htqo qhh�ee, A5 S32 Tert�oanf, A5 S32(a) Tetent�qn, A5 S32(a) Tet�tef �wfieu, teorqtat{ fwt{, A5 S2(b) Twe qh eqnuttwet�qn, A32 S32 Saat�eu, A5 S36(a), A5 S22(h), A32 S25 Swrteoe Eqwtt �wut�eeu, See SWPTGMG EQWTV Swurenu�qn, A5 S32(a), (e) Veorqtat{ auu�inoentu, A5 S2(b), A5 S5(a) Vetou qh qhh�ee, A5 S32, A5 S33(a), (b) Vtanu�t�qn rtqx�u�qnu, A5 S22 Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee, A5 S32(a), A5 S33 IMPRISONMENT (See also PWPKSJMGPV) Afo�n�uttat�xe uentenee, A3 S38 Eqnteort qh Nei�uatwte, A5 S5 Eqwtt/oatt�a, �orqu�t�qn qh uentenee, A3 S38 Debt, uentenee hqt, A3 S33 Knfeh�n�te, A3 S39 Senteneeu wnfet 3885 Eqnut�twt�qn, A32 S9(a) INALIENABLE RIGHTS, A3 S2 INCOME TAX, A9 S5 INCOMPETENT PERSONS D�uqwa�h�eat�qn htqo xqte anf rwb�e qhh�ee, A8 S6(a) Jqoeuteaf rtqrett{, a�enat�qn, A32 S6(e) INITIATIVES, A33 S5, A33 S5(b), (e) JUDICIAL CIRCUITS Eh�eh �wfieu, See EKTEWKV EQWTVS E�tew�t eqwttu, ieneta{, See EKTEWKV EQWTVS Eqwtt uetx�ni, A5 S5(a) Gutab�uhoent, A5 S3, A5 S22(e) Jwfieu, ieneta{, See JWDGGS Jwf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qnu, A5 S33(f), A5 S22(e) Pwb�e fehenfetu, A5 S38 Tefeh�n�ni, A5 S; Tweu qh rtqeefwte, A5 S33(f) State attqtne{u, A5 S39 Statew�fe rtqueewtqt, A6 S6(b) INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER LEARNING, A9 S35(a), A; S3(a), A32 S;(a) JUDICIAL NOMINATING COMMISSIONS, A6 S6(b), A5 S33, A5 S22(e) INSURRECTION, A3 S35, A6 S3(a) JUDICIAL POWER, A2 S5, A5 S3 INDICTMENTS, A3 S35(a), A3 S38(a) INDUSTRIAL PLANTS, A9 S32(e) INFORMATIONS, A3 S35(a), A3 S38(a) INHERITANCE A�enu, A3 S2 Vaz, A9 S5(a) 32 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Index JUDICIAL QUALIFICATIONS COMMISSION, A2 S8(h), A5 S32, A5 S22(e) LEGISLATIVE BUDGET COMMISSION, JOINT, A5 S3;(e), (�) JUDICIARY, A5 LEGISLATIVE POWER, A2 S5, A5 S3 JUNIOR COLLEGES, A9 S35(a), A32 S;(a), (f) LEGISLATURE Abqtt�qnu �nxqx�ni o�nqtu, rqwetu anf fwt�eu, A32 S22 Arrqtt�qnoent Arr�eab��t{ qh eqnut�twt�qna rtqx�u�qnu, A32 S35 Gzttaqtf�nat{ arrqtt�qnoent ueuu�qn, A5 S38(f), (e), (h) Ha�wte tq arrqtt�qn, A5 S38(b) Gw�fe�neu hqt tef�utt�et�ni, A5 S23 Jq�nt teuqwt�qn qh arrqtt�qnoent, A5 S38 Jwf�e�a tearrqtt�qnoent, A5 S38(b), (h) Jwf�e�a tex�ew, A5 S38(e), (f), (e), (h) Terteuentat�xe f�utt�etu, A5 S38(a) Senatqt�a f�utt�etu, A5 S38(a) Sree�a arrqtt�qnoent ueuu�qn, A5 S38(a), (b) V�oe hqt oanfatef tearrqtt�qnoent, A5 S38(a) Va�f�t{, A5 S38(e), (f), (e), (h) Arrtqrt�at�qnu, See APPTQPTKAVKQPS Awf�tqt, A5 S2 D�u Aoenfoent, A5 S9 Aoenfoent qh awu, A5 S8 Arrtqrt�at�qnu, A5 S8, A5 S32, A5 S3;(b), (f) Eauu�h�eat�qn qh rq�t�ea uwbf�x�u�qnu, A5 S33(b) Ghheet�xe fate, A5 S; Gnaet�ni eawue, A5 S8 Gzeewt�xe arrtqxa, A5 S8 Kteo xetq, A5 S8, A5 S3;(b) Qt�i�n, A5 S9 Qxett�fe qh xetq, A5 S8(e), A5 S; Pauuaie, A5 S9, A5 S8(a), (e), A5 S; Pteuentat�qn tq Gqxetnqt, A5 S8(a) Teaf�niu, A5 S9 Tex�u�qn qh awu, A5 S8 Sree�a awu, A5 S32, A5 S33(a) Swb�eet oattet, A5 S8, A5 S33, A5 S32 V�te, A5 S8, A5 S9 Vetq, A5 S8, A5 S;, A5 S3;(b) Vqte hqt rauuaie, A5 S9, A5 S8(e), A9 S3(e), A32 S32(e) Dtaneh qh iqxetnoent, A2 S5 Dwfiet�ni rtqeeuueu, A5 S3;, A9 S3(e) Dwu�neuu qh, A5 S5(e), (f) Ear�ta rtq�eetu, arrtqxa, A9 S33(h) Eqoo�tteeu Koreaehoent �nxeut�iat�qnu, A5 S39(a) Knxeut�iat�qnu, A5 S5, A5 S39(a) Meet�niu, qren tq rwb�e, A5 S6(e) Swbrqena rqwet, A5 S5 Vqteu, teeqtf�ni, A5 S6(e) Y�tneuueu, A5 S6(e), A5 S5 Eqorqu�t�qn, A5 S3 Eqnewttent teuqwt�qnu, A5 S5(e), A5 S; Eqnut�twt�qn Aoenfoent, A33 S3, A33 S5(a), A32 S36 Sehefweu, feet�qn qh qbuqete �teou, A5 S22(�), A8 S8(i), A32 S33 Wn�tef Stateu, rtqrquef aoenfoent, A32 S3 Eqnteort, A5 S6(f), A5 S5 Eqwttu Arreate f�utt�etu, eutab�uhoent, A5 S3, A5 S; Eqwtt/oatt�a, awthqt�zat�qn, A5 S3 Jwfieu, �neteau�ni qt feeteau�ni nwobet, A5 S; Jwf�e�a e�tew�tu, eutab�uhoent, A5 S3 Jwf�e�a Swa�h�eat�qnu Eqoo�uu�qn tweu, terea, A5 S32(a) Tweu qh rtaet�ee anf rtqeefwte, terea, A5 S2(a), A5 S33(f) Swrteoe Eqwtt tweu, terea, A5 S2(a) JURIES Gtanf �wt{, A3 S35(a) Koratt�a, t�iht qh aeewuef, A3 S38(a) Jwtqtu, qwa�h�eat�qnu anf nwobet, A3 S22 Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) Vt�a b{ �wt{, A3 S22 JUVENILE DELINQUENCY, A3 S35(b) K KEY WEST, CITY OF, A8 S8(e) L LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Eqeet�xe batia�n�ni, A3 S8 T�iht tq wqt�, A3 S8 LAND ACQUISITION TRUST FUND Dqnf qt taz texenweu, ferqu�t qt etef�t, A32 S;(a) Eqnuetxat�qn rwtrqueu, fef�eatef wue, A32 S28 Vtwuteeu, A6 S6(h) LAW ENFORCEMENT, DEPARTMENT OF, A6 S6(i) LAWS Aoenfoent, A5 S8 Arrtqrt�at�qnu, A5 S8, A5 S32 D� qh atta�nfet, A3 S32, A3 S39 D�u, See NGGKSNAVWTG Eauu�h�eat�qn qh rq�t�ea uwbf�x�u�qnu, A5 S33(b) Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885 rtqx�u�qnu, eqnt�nwanee au utatwteu, A5 S22(i), A32 S32 Eqwnt{ ehattetu, A8 S3(e) Et�o�na utatwteu, ehheet qh terea qt aoenfoent, A32 S; Ghheet�xe fate, A5 S; Gnaet�ni eawue, A5 S8 Gnaetoent, A5 S9, A5 S8 Gz rqut haetq aw, A3 S32 Hqt�fa Statwteu, ehartet 225, A32 S;(a) Geneta awu qh qea arr�eat�qn, A5 S33(a), A6 S; Nqea awu, A8 S8(f), A32 S32(i) Qtf�naneeu Eqwnt{, See EQWPVKGS Mwn�e�ra, See MWPKEKPANKVKGS Pteuetxat�qn wrqn afqrt�qn qh Eqnut�twt�qn, A32 S8 Ptqh�b�tef awu, A3 S5, A3 S6, A3 S32, A5 S33(a) Tex�u�qn, A5 S8 Sree�a awu Eqnuq�fat�qn qh qea iqxetnoentu, A8 S5 Eqwnt{ ehattetu, A8 S3(e) Eqwnt{ ueh/iqxetnoent rqwetu, A8 S3(h) Deh�n�t�qn, A32 S32(i) Pqt�ee, �ntent�qn tq enaet, A5 S32 Ptqh�b�tef uwb�eetu, A5 S33(a), A6 S; Swret�ntenfentu qh uehqqu, A; S5 Swb�eet oattet, A5 S8, A5 S33, A5 S32 V�te, A5 S8 33 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA LEGISLATURE (Eqnt0) Death renat{ ezeewt�qn oethqfu, feu�inat�qn, A3 S39 Goetiene{ rqwetu, A2 S8 Gneo{ attae�, rqwet tq enuwte eqnt�nw�t{ qh iqxetnoent, A2 S8 Geneta awu teqw�t�ni qea ezrenf�twteu, �o�t�ni ab��t{ tq ta�ue texenwe qt tefwe�ni reteentaie qh utate taz uhatef, A9 S38 Geneta{, A5 Gqxetnqt Af�qwtnoent qh ueuu�qn, A5 S5(h) Arrqtt�qnoent ueuu�qnu, eqnxen�ni b{ rtqeaoat�qn, A5 S38(a), (f) Meet�niu between Gqxetnqt anf ei�uat�xe eafetuh�r, qren tq rwb�e, A5 S6(e) Meuuaie qn eqnf�t�qn qh utate, A6 S3(e) Teutqtat�qn qh earae�t{, A6 S5(b) Sree�a ueuu�qn, eqnxen�ni b{ rtqeaoat�qn, A5 S5(e) Vetq qh b�u, A5 S8, A5 S;, A5 S3;(b) J�ih ureef itqwnf ttanurqttat�qn u{uteo, fexeqroent, A32 S3; J�utqt�e rtqrett{ taz auueuuoentu, aqw�ni eqwnt{ anf own�e�ra qtf�naneeu, A9 S6(e) Jqoeuteaf rtqrett{ taz ezeort�qn hqt efet{ retuqnu, aqw�ni eqwnt{ anf own�e�ra qtf�naneeu, A9 S8(f) Jqwue qh Terteuentat�xeu Eet�, A5 S2, A5 S9 Eqorqu�t�qn, A5 S3 D�utt�etu, A5 S3, A5 S35(e), A5 S38(a) Koreaehoent qh qhh�eetu, A5 S39 Meobetu Abuenee, renat�eu, A5 S6(a) Auuwort�qn qh qhh�ee, A5 S35(f) Eqnteort, A5 S6(f) D�uqtfet{ eqnfwet, A5 S6(f) Geet�qn, A5 S3, A5 S2, A5 S35(b) Gzrwu�qn, A5 S6(f) Swa�h�eat�qnu, A5 S2, A5 S35(e) Terteuentat�qn qh e�entu behqte iqxetnoent bqf{, A2 S8(e) Veto �o�tat�qnu, A8 S6(b) Veto qh qhh�ee, A5 S35(b), A32 S36 Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee, A5 S35(f) Qhh�eetu, A5 S2, A5 S5(a) Swqtwo, A5 S6(a) Tweu qh rtqeefwte, A5 S6(a), (e) Srea�et Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, arrq�ntoent, A33 S2(a) Gqxetnoent Ghh�e�ene{ Vau� Hqtee, arrq�ntoent, A5 S3;(�) Koreaehoent �nxeut�iat�qn eqoo�ttee, arrq�ntoent, A5 S39(a) Nei�uat�xe Dwfiet Eqoo�uu�qn, arrq�ntoent, A5 S3;(�) Texenwe uhqtthau, bwfiet tefwet�qnu, A6 S35 Seeet�qn, A5 S2 S�inatwte, b�u anf �q�nt teuqwt�qnu, A5 S9 Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, arrq�ntoent, A33 S8(a) Kneqoe taz tate, �neteaue awthqt�zat�qn, A9 S5 Knxeut�iat�qnu, A5 S5, A5 S39(a) Jq�nt teuqwt�qnu, A5 S9, A5 S38, A33 S3 Jqwtnau D� t�teu, rwb�eat�qn, A5 S9 Eqnut�twt�qna aoenfoent teuqwt�qn, A33 S3 Gqxetnqt'u xetqeu, entt{, A5 S8(b) Pwb�eat�qn, A5 S6(e) Teqw�teoent, A5 S6(e) Vqteu qh oeobetu, A5 S6(e), A5 S9, A5 S8(e) Nei�uat�xe Dwfiet Eqoo�uu�qn, Jq�nt, A5 S3;(e), (�) Nei�uat�xe rqwet, A2 S5, A5 S3 Index LEGISLATURE (Eqnt0) Mat�ne net h�uh�ni x�qat�qnu, enaetoent qh oqte utt�nient renat�eu, A32 S38(e) Meet�niu, qren tq the rwb�e, A3 S26(b), A5 S6(e) M�n�owo waie hqt Hqt�f�anu, rqwetu, A32 S26(h) Mqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenweu, ei�uat�xe teutt�et�qnu, A32 S;(f) Patfqn, tteauqn eaueu, A6 S8(b) Pann�ni fqewoentu, tex�ew, A5 S3;(h) Pwb�e efweat�qn ear�ta rtq�eetu, awthqt�zat�qn, A32 S;(a) Pwb�e h�nane�ni qh eaora�inu hqt utatew�fe qhh�eeu, hwnf�ni, A8 S9 Pwn�uhoent rqwet, A5 S6(f), A5 S5 Tearrqtt�qnoent, See uwbt�te Arrqtt�qnoent, th�u heaf�ni Teeqtfu qh ei�uat�xe btaneh, aeeeuu tq, A3 S26 Texenwe eqeet�qn �o�tat�qn, �neteaue b{ twq/th�tfu xqte, A9 S3(e) Sehqq ear�ta qwta{ rtq�eetu, awthqt�zat�qn, A32 S;(a) Senate Arrq�ntoent qt teoqxa qh rwb�e qhh�eetu, A5 S6(b), A6 S8(a) Equef ueuu�qnu, A5 S6(b) Eqorqu�t�qn, A5 S3 Eqnh�toat�qn qh arrq�ntoentu Gfweat�qn, State Dqatf qh, A; S2 H�uh anf Y�f�he Eqnuetxat�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, A6 S; M��t�a ieneta qhh�eetu, A32 S2(e) Teqw�teoent, A6 S8(a) State Wn�xetu�t{ S{uteo Statew�fe Dqatf qh Gqxetnqtu, A; S9(f) D�utt�etu, A5 S3, A5 S35(a), (e), A5 S38(a) Koreaehoent tt�a, A5 S39(b), (e) Qhh�eetu, A5 S2, A5 S5(a) Pteu�fent Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, arrq�ntoent, A33 S2(a) Gqxetnoent Ghh�e�ene{ Vau� Hqtee, arrq�ntoent, A5 S3;(�) Nei�uat�xe Dwfiet Eqoo�uu�qn, arrq�ntoent, A5 S3;(�) Texenwe uhqtthau, bwfiet tefwet�qnu, A6 S35 Seeet�qn, A5 S2 S�inatwte, b�u anf �q�nt teuqwt�qnu, A5 S9 Sree�a ueuu�qnu, eqnxen�ni, A6 S9(b) Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, arrq�ntoent, A33 S8(a) Swqtwo, A5 S6(a) Tweu qh rtqeefwte, A5 S6(a), (e) Seetetat{, A5 S2, A5 S9 Senatqtu Abuenee, renat�eu, A5 S6(a) Auuwort�qn qh qhh�ee, A5 S35(f) Eqnteort, A5 S6(f) D�uqtfet{ eqnfwet, A5 S6(f) Geet�qn, A5 S3, A5 S2, A5 S35(a) Gzrwu�qn, A5 S6(f) Swa�h�eat�qnu, A5 S2, A5 S35(e) Terteuentat�qn qh e�entu behqte iqxetnoent bqf{, A2 S8(e) Veto �o�tat�qnu, A8 S6(b) Veto qh qhh�ee, A5 S35(a), A32 S32 Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee, A5 S35(f) Sree�a ueuu�qnu, A6 S9(b) Swurenfef qhh�eetu, teoqxa qt te�nutateoent, A6 S9(b) Seuu�qnu Af�qwtnoent, A5 S5(e), (h), A5 S6(a) Arrqtt�qnoent ueuu�qnu Gzttaqtf�nat{, A5 S38(f), (e), (h) Teiwat, A5 S38(a) Sree�a, A5 S38(a), (b) Equef, A5 S6(b) Gztenu�qn, A5 S5(f) 32 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Index MARIJUANA (MEDICAL), A32 S2; LEGISLATURE (Eqnt0) Seuu�qnu (Eqnt0) Nenith, A5 S5(f) Nqeat�qn, A2 S2 Qtian�zat�qn ueuu�qnu, A5 S5(a) Pwb�e, A5 S6(b) Teiwat ueuu�qnu, A5 S5(b), (f), (h), A5 S8(b) Sree�a ueuu�qnu, A5 S5(e), (f), (h), A5 S8(b), A5 S38(a), (b), A6 S9(b) Sqt oaeh�neu �n Dtqwatf anf M�ao�/Dafe Eqwnt�eu, fwt�eu, A32 S25(b) Swbrqena rqwet, A5 S5 Wn�tef Stateu Eqnut�twt�qn, rtqrquef aoenfoent, A32 S3 Vqt�ni, A5 S6(e), A5 S9, A5 S8(e), A32 S32(e) Y�tneuueu, A5 S6(e), A5 S5 MARINE ANIMALS See HKSJKPG MARINE FISHERIES COMMISSION, A32 S25 MARRIAGE Saoe/uez oatt�aie, �nxa�f�t{, A3 S29 MEDICAL MARIJUANA, A32 S2; MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE, A3 S28, A32 S25, A32 S28 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, A8 S8(e), (h), A32 S25 LEON COUNTY, A2 S2 MILITARY AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF, A3 S38 LICENSING BOARDS, A6 S8(b) MILITARY PERSONNEL TAX EXEMPTION, A9 S5(i), A32 S53 LIENS Gzeort rtqrett{, A32 S6(a) Kntani�be retuqna rtqrett{ taz, qb�iat�qnu ueewtef b{ �en, A9 S2 Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) MILITARY POWER, A3 S9 MILITIA Af�wtant Geneta, A32 S2(e), (f) Ea tq fwt{, A6 S3(f) Eqooanfet/�n/eh�eh, A6 S3(a) Eqorqu�t�qn, A32 S2(a) Eqwttu/oatt�a, A3 S35(a) Pat�qna Gwatf, A9 S5(i), A32 S2(f), A32 S53 Qhh�eetu Arrq�ntoent, A32 S2(e) Jqf�ni rwb�e qhh�ee, A2 S5(a) Swurenu�qn, A6 S9(a), (b) Qtian�zat�qn, oa�ntenanee, anf f�ue�r�ne, A32 S2(b) Pqwet uwbqtf�nate tq e�x�, A3 S9 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Aet�ni Gqxetnqt, A6 S5(b) Eteat�qn qh qhh�ee, A6 S2 Dwt�eu, A6 S2 Geet�qn, A6 S5(a) Gzeewt�xe ferattoentu, uwretx�u�qn, A6 S8 Koreaehoent, A5 S39(a) Qhh�ee qeat�qn, A2 S2 Swa�h�eat�qnu, A6 S5(b) Sweeeuu�qn tq qhh�ee qh Gqxetnqt, A6 S5(a) Veto �o�tat�qnu, A8 S6(b) Veto qh qhh�ee, A6 S5(a) MINIMUM WAGE, A32 S26 LIFE AND LIBERTY, RIGHT TO, A3 S2 MINORITIES Eqniteuu�qna qt ei�uat�xe tef�utt�et�ni, ehheet qn, A5 S22, A5 S23 LOCAL GOVERNMENT Dqnf h�nane�ni, See DQPDS Eauu�h�eat�qn �n ieneta awu, A5 S33(b) Eqnuq�fat�qn, A8 S5, A8 S8(e) Eqwnt�eu, See EQWPVKGS Etef�t, refi�ni, A9 S32 D�utt�etu, See SPGEKAN DKSVTKEVS Geett�e ienetat�qn anf ttanuo�uu�qn hae��t�eu, A9 S32(f) Geneta{, A8 Jqoe twe, A8 S8(e) Jq�nt qwnetuh�r w�th rt�xate ent�t�eu, A9 S32 Mwn�e�ra�t�eu, See MWPKEKPANKVKGS Pwb�e hwnfu, �nxeutoent, A9 S32 Vazeu, A9 S; Vaz�ni rqwet, �o�tat�qn, A9 S32 Vtanuhet qh rqwetu, A8 S6 MINORS See EJKNDTGP MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS, A32 MOBILE HOMES, A9 S3(b) MONORAILS, A32 S3; MONROE COUNTY, A8 S8(e) MORTGAGES, A9 S2 MOTOR VEHICLES Af xaqteo tazeu, A9 S3(b) Hwe tazeu, A9 S39(b), A32 S;(e) N�eenue texenweu, A32 S;(f) N�eenue taz, A9 S3(b) Vta�etu anf tta�et eqaeheu, A9 S3(b) LOTTERIES, A32 S9, A32 S35 M MANDAMUS E�tew�t eqwttu, A5 S5(b) D�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea, A5 S6(b) Swrteoe Eqwtt, A5 S5(b) MUNICIPALITIES Abq�uhoent, A8 S2(a) Af xaqteo tazat�qn, A9 S;, A32 S2 Annezat�qn, A8 S2(e) Dqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S32(e), A9 S32 Ehattet, A6 S9(e), A8 S2(a) MANUFACTURING PLANTS, A9 S32(e) 35 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Index NATURAL RESOURCES (Eqnt0) Eqnuetxat�qn anf rtqteet�qn (Eqnt0) Vazat�qn qh anf hef hqt eqnuetxat�qn rwtrqueu, A9 S5(h), A9 S6(b), A32 S28 H�uh anf oat�ne an�oau, See HKSJKPG Pq�ue abateoent, A2 S9(a) Pqwt�qn eqnttq anf abateoent, A2 S9, A9 S36 Teeteat�qn anf aeqw�u�t�qn anf �ortqxeoent, bqnf �uuwanee, A9 S33(e), A32 S;(a) MUNICIPALITIES (Eqnt0) E�x� uetx�ee u{uteo, A5 S36 Eqnuq�fat�qn qh qea iqxetnoentu, A8 S5, A8 S8(e) Eqwttu, A5 S22(f) Etef�t, refi�ni, A9 S32 Dafe Eqwnt{, Mettqrq�tan Gqxetnoent qh, A8 S8(h) Geet�qnu, A8 S8 Geett�e ienetat�qn anf ttanuo�uu�qn hae��t�eu, A9 S32(f) Gutab�uhoent, A8 S2(a) Gzttatett�tqt�a rqwetu, A8 S2(e) Knfebtefneuu, eett�h�eateu qh, A9 S32 Knxeutoent qh rwb�e hwnfu, A9 S32 Jae�uqnx�e, E�t{ qh, A8 S8(e) Jq�nt qwnetuh�r w�th rt�xate ent�t�eu, A9 S32 Me{ Yeut, E�t{ qh, A8 S8(e) Nei�uat�xe bqf�eu, A8 S2(b) Manfatef ezrenf�twte qh hwnfu, hwnf�ni b{ Nei�uatwte, A9 S38(a) Meet�niu, aeeeuu tq, A3 S26(b) Metietu, A8 S2(e) Qhh�eetu Eqnt�nwanee �n qhh�ee, A8 S8(e) Jqf�ni qthet qhh�eeu, A2 S5(a) Ptqueewtqt, A5 S39, A5 S22(e) Swurenu�qn htqo qhh�ee, A6 S9(e) Qtf�naneeu Eqoown�t{ anf eeqnqo�e fexeqroent taz ezeort�qnu, A9 S5(e) Eqnh�et w�th eqwnt{ qtf�naneeu, A8 S3(h), (i) J�utqt�e rtqrett�eu, A9 S5(f), A9 S6(e), A32 S22 Jqoeuteaf rtqrett{ taz ezeort�qn hqt efet{ retuqnu, A9 S8(f) V�qat�qnu, rtqueewt�qn, A5 S39 Pqwt�qn eqnttq hae��t�eu, utate bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S36 Pqwetu, A8 S2(b), (e), A8 S8(b) Ptqrett{ qwnef b{, tazat�qn, A9 S5(a) Ptqrett{ w�th�n, tazat�qn b{ eqwnt{, A8 S3(h) Tefwet�qn qh awthqt�t{ tq ta�ue texenwe, ei�uat�xe arrtqxa, A9 S38(b) State a�f, A9 S8 State taz texenweu, ei�uat�xe arrtqxa qh tefwet�qn, A9 S38(e) Statwu, eqnt�nwat�qn wrqn afqrt�qn qh Eqnut�twt�qn, A8 S8(b) Vaahauuee, E�t{ qh, A2 S2 Vaz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, A9 S32 Vazeu, A9 S;, A32 S2 Vaz�ni rqwet, �o�tat�qn, A9 S32 Vtanuhet qh hwnet�qn qt rqwet, A8 S6 Wt��t{ uetx�eeu itquu teee�rtu taz, ra{oent, A32 S;(a) Yaute f�urqua hae��t�eu, utate bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S36 Yatet hae��t�eu, utate bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S36 NAVIGABLE WATERS, A32 S33 NET FISHING, A32 S38 NOISE POLLUTION, A2 S9(a) NOTARIES PUBLIC, A2 S5(a) O OATHS Geetqtu, A8 S5 Pwb�e qhh�eetu, A2 S5(b) OCCUPATIONAL REGULATION N�eenu�ni bqatfu, A6 S8(b) Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) OFFICIAL LANGUAGE, A2 S; OPEN MEETINGS, A3 S26(b), (e), (f), A5 S6(e), A32 S22 ORDINANCES Eqwnt{, See EQWPVKGS Mwn�e�ra, See MWPKEKPANKVKGS OUTDOOR RECREATION, A9 S33(e), A32 S28(b), A32 S;(a) P PARDON, A6 S8(a), (b) PARENT AND CHILD Abqtt�qn �nxqx�ni o�nqt, rt�qt nqt�h�eat�qn qh ratent, A32 S22 PARI-MUTUEL GAMBLING, A9 S9, A32 S9, A32 S25 N PAROLE, A6 S8(e) NATIONAL GUARD, A9 S5(i), A32 S2(f), A32 S53 PAROLE AND PROBATION COMMISSION, A6 S8(e) NATIONAL ORIGIN DISCRIMINATION, A3 S2 PENSION SYSTEMS (PUBLIC), A2 S8(f), A32 S36 NATURAL RESOURCES Eqnuetxat�qn anf rtqteet�qn Dqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S33(e), A32 S;(a) Debt uetx�ee qn bqnfu, A32 S28(b) Dqewoent eze�ue taz rtqeeefu, wue hqt eqnuetxat�qn rwtrqueu, A32 S28 Gxetiafeu Vtwut Hwnf, f�ubwtueoentu, A32 S39(a), (e) Geneta rtqx�u�qnu, A2 S9(a) Seen�e beawt{, A2 S9(a) State eqnuetxat�qn anfu, f�urqu�t�qn teutt�et�qnu, A32 S38 PETITION Eqnut�twt�qna aoenfoent �n�t�at�xe, A33 S5, A33 S5(a) Eqnut�twt�qna eqnxent�qn ea, A33 S6(a) Tefteuu qh it�exaneeu, A3 S5 PHYSICIANS Mef�ea oat��wana wue, eett�h�eat�qn, A32 S2;(a) Tereatef oef�ea oartaet�ee, rwb�e rtqteet�qn, A32 S28 PIGS, A32 S23 36 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA PLANNING Gqxetnqt, teurqnu�b��t{, A5 S3;(h), A6 S3(a) State rann�ni rtqeeuueu anf rann�ni fqewoentu, A5 S3;(a), (h) Index POLITICAL PARTIES, A5 S35, A8 S3 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES (Eqnt0) Gth�eu, eqfe qh, A2 S8, A5 S38 H�nane�a �nteteutu, f�uequwte, A2 S8 Teeqtfu, aeeeuu tq, A3 S26(a) Terteuentat�qn qh e�entu behqte iqxetnoent bqf{, A2 S8(e) Stt��e, t�iht tq, A3 S8 POLITICAL POWER, A3 S3 PUBLIC LANDS, A32 S33, A32 S;(a) POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS Eauu�h�eat�qn �n ieneta awu, A5 S33(b) Eqwnt�eu, See EQWPVKGS Mwn�e�ra�t�eu, See MWPKEKPANKVKGS Sree�a f�utt�etu, See SPGEKAN DKSVTKEVS PUBLIC MEETINGS Aeeeuu tq anf nqt�ee qh, A3 S26(b), (e), (f), A5 S6(e), A32 S22 Nei�uatwte, A5 S6(e) PUBLIC OFFICERS Dqnf, A2 S5(b) Dteaeh qh rwb�e ttwut, A2 S8(e), (f), (h) Eaora�in h�naneeu, f�uequwte, A2 S8(b) E�x� uetx�ee u{uteo, A5 S36 Eqorenuat�qn, A2 S5(e), A5 S32, A32 S5 Eqnh�etu qh �nteteut, A2 S8(i), A5 S38 Eqnt�nwanee �n qhh�ee wrqn afqrt�qn qh Eqnut�twt�qn, A8 S8(e), A32 S5 Eqwnt{ qhh�eetu, See EQWPVKGS Eteat�qn qh qhh�ee, �o�tat�qn qh teto qh qhh�ee, A5 S35 Gth�eu, eqfe qh, A2 S8, A5 S38 Heqnu, f�uqwa�h�eat�qn htqo hqf�ni qhh�ee, A8 S6(a) H�nane�a �nteteutu, f�uequwte, A2 S8 Jqf�ni qthet qhh�eeu, A2 S5(a) Koreaehoent, See KMPGAEJMGPV Menta{ �neqoretent retuqnu, f�uqwa�h�eat�qn htqo hqf�ni qhh�ee, A8 S6(a) Mwn�e�ra qhh�eetu, See MWPKEKPANKVKGS Qath qh qhh�ee, A2 S5(b) Pqwetu anf fwt�eu, A2 S5(b), (e) Swau�/�wf�e�a rqwet, A5 S3 Teeqtfu, aeeeuu tq, A3 S26(a) Terteuentat�qn qh e�entu behqte iqxetnoent bqf{, A2 S8(e) Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) Sweeeuu�qn, eneo{ attae� eoetiene{, A2 S8 Swurenu�qn htqo qhh�ee, A6 S9 Vetou qh qhh�ee, See VGTMS QH QHHKEG Vaeane�eu �n qhh�ee, See VAEAPEY KP QHHKEG POLLUTION CONTROL AND ABATEMENT, A2 S9, A9 S36 PORT FACILITIES, A9 S32(e) POWERS OF GOVERNMENT Gzeewt�xe rqwet, A2 S5, A6 S3(a) Jwf�e�a rqwet, A2 S5, A5 S3 Nei�uat�xe rqwet, A2 S5, A5 S3 M��tat{ rqwet, A3 S9 Pq�t�ea rqwet, A3 S3 Seratat�qn qh rqwetu, A2 S5 PREGNANT PIGS, A32 S23 PRESS, FREEDOM OF, A3 S6 PRETRIAL RELEASE AND DETENTION, A3 S36 PRIVACY, RIGHT OF, A3 S25, A32 S22 PROBATION, A6 S8(e) PROHIBITION, WRIT OF, A5 S5(b), A5 S6(b), A5 S5(b) PROPERTY Aeqw�u�t�qn, rquueuu�qn, anf rtqteet�qn; t�ihtu qh, A3 S2 Af xaqteo tazeu, See VAZAVKQP A�enu, tea rtqrett{ qwnetuh�r anf f�urqu�t�qn, A3 S2 Ewtteu{, A32 S5 Dert�xat�qn w�thqwt fwe rtqeeuu qh aw, A3 S; Dqwet, A32 S5 Dta�naie eaueoentu, A32 S8(b) Go�nent fqoa�n, A32 S8 Hqteef uae, ezeort�qnu htqo, A32 S6 Jqoeuteaf, See JQMGSVGAD PTQPGTVY Neaueu, rwb�e{ h�naneef hae��t�eu, A9 S32(e) N�enu, A5 S33(a), A9 S2, A32 S6 Matt�ef wqoen, A32 S5 Mwn�e�ra rtqrett{, tazat�qn, A9 S5(a) Teeteat�qn anfu, utate bqnf h�nane�ni, A32 S;(a) T�ihtu tq aeqw�te, rquueuu, anf rtqteet, A3 S2 Sqxete�int{ anfu, A32 S33 Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) Swboetief anfu, A32 S33 Va��ni hqt rwb�e rwtrqueu, A32 S8 Vazat�qn, See VAZAVKQP uwbt�te Af xaqteo tazeu PUBLIC RECORDS Aeeeuu tq, A3 S26(a), (e), (f), A32 S22 Gzeort�qnu htqo f�uequwte, A3 S26(a), (e) PUNISHMENT Afo�n�uttat�xe renat�eu, A3 S38 Dteaeh qh rwb�e ttwut, A2 S8(e), (f) Eeoene{, A6 S8 Eqnteort, A5 S6(f), A5 S5 Equtu, ra{oent b{ aeewuef, A3 S3; Eqwnt{ qtf�nanee x�qat�qnu, A8 S3(�) Eqwtt/oatt�a, A3 S38 Et�o�na utatwteu, ehheet qh terea qt aoenfoent, A32 S; Etwe anf wnwuwa, A3 S39 Death renat{, A3 S39, A5 S5(b) Gzeeuu�xe, A3 S39 Kort�uqnoent hqt febt, A3 S33 Jwfieu, f�ue�r�ne, A5 S32(a), (e), (e) Jwxen�e fe�nqwentu, A3 S35(b) Nei�uatqtu, A5 S6(a), (f) Patfqn, A6 S8(a), (b) Patqe, A6 S8(e) Penat�eu, h�neu, anf hqthe�twteu wnfet 3885 Eqnut�twt�qn, A32 S9(a) Ptqbat�qn, A6 S8(e) Senteneeu wnfet 3885 Eqnut�twt�qn, A32 S9(a) Sree�a awu retta�n�ni tq, A5 S33(a) PROPERTY APPRAISERS, A8 S3(f) PUBLIC DEFENDERS, A5 S36(a), (e), A5 S38, A32 S25 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES Dteaeh qh rwb�e ttwut, A2 S8(e), (f), (h) E�x� uetx�ee u{uteo, A5 S36 Eqnh�etu qh �nteteut, A2 S8(i), A5 S38 35 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Index REVENUE (Eqnt0) Pew heeu �orquef b{ eqnut�twt�qna aoenfoent, arrtqxa b{ twq/th�tfu qh xqtetu, A33 S9 Pat�/owtwe tazeu, aqeat�qn, A9 S9 Ta�u�ni tq fehta{ utate ezrenueu, A9 S3(f) Texenwe uhqtthau, bwfiet tefwet�qnu, A5 S3;(h), A6 S35 Seeqnf iau taz, aqeat�qn, A32 S;(e) Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, tex�ew qh texenwe neefu, A33 S8(f) PUNISHMENT (Eqnt0) Y�tneuueu, ei�uat�xe �nxeut�iat�qn, A5 S5 Q QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY PROGRAM, A5 S3;(h) QUASI-JUDICIAL POWER, A5 S3 REVENUE BONDS See DQPDS QUO WARRANTO, WRIT OF, A5 S5(b), A5 S6(b), A5 S5(b) REVISION See AMGPDMGPV R RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, A3 S2 RIGHT OF PRIVACY, A3 S25, A32 S22 RAIL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM, A32 S3; RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE, A3 S5 REBELLION, A3 S35, A6 S3(a) RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, A3 S8(a) RECORDS CUSTODIAN See EWSVQDKAP QH SVAVG TGEQTDS RIGHT TO WORK, A3 S8 RIGHTS, DECLARATION OF, A3 RECREATION LANDS AND FACILITIES, A32 S;(a) RIGHTS OF ACCUSED, A3 S38(a), A3 S3; RELIGION D�uet�o�nat�qn bauef qn, A3 S2 Gutab�uhoent anf htee ezete�ue qh, A3 S5 M��tat{ fwt{, ezeort�qn, A32 S2(a) Ptqrett{ wuef hqt te�i�qwu rwtrqueu, taz ezeort�qn, A9 S5(a) Pwb�e texenwe �n a�f qh, A3 S5 RIGHTS OF TAXPAYERS, A3 S25 RIGHTS OF VICTIMS OF CRIME, A3 S38(b) RIGHTS, PROPERTY, A3 S2 ROADS AND HIGHWAYS, A5 S33(a), A9 S39, A32 S;(b), (e) RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, A3 S5 S RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCE DEVICES, A9 S6(�), A32 S3;, A32 S2;, A32 S56 SCENIC BEAUTY, A2 S9(a) RESIDENCE Eab�net oeobetu, A6 S5(b) Eqwnt{ eqoo�uu�qnetu, A8 S3(e) Geetqtu, A8 S2 Gqxetnqt, A6 S5(b) Jqoeuteaf, A9 S8(a), A32 S6(a) Jwfieu, A5 S5(a), A5 S8 Nei�uatqtu, A5 S35(e) N�ewtenant Gqxetnqt, A6 S5(b) Pwb�e fehenfetu, A5 S38 State attqtne{u, A5 S39 Swrteoe Eqwtt �wut�eeu, A5 S5(a) SCHEDULES Dqnfu, A32 S;, A32 S38 Eqnh�et�ni rtqx�u�qnu, A32 S39 Eqnuetxat�qn rtqrett{, af xaqteo taz ezeort�qn anf taz auueuuoent, A32 S28 Eqnuq�fat�qn anf hqoe twe, A8 S8(e) Eqnut�twt�qn qh 3885 uwretuefef, A32 S3 Dafe Eqwnt{, A8 S8(h) Deet�qn qh qbuqete �teou, A5 S22(�), A8 S8(i), A32 S33 Gfweat�qn, Eqoo�uu�qnet qh, A32 S6, A32 S8(b) Gth�eu �n iqxetnoent, A2 S8 Gzeewt�xe btaneh tehqto, A32 S26(a) Gz�ut�ni iqxetnoent, rteuetxat�qn, A32 S32 Gaoe anf Hteuh Yatet H�uh Eqoo�uu�qn, abq�uhoent, A32 S25(e), (f) J�utqt�e rtqrett{, af xaqteo taz ezeort�qn anf taz auueuuoent, A32 S22 Jqoeuteaf ezeort�qn, A32 S28, A32 S29, A32 S53, A32 S55, A32 S55, A32 S58 Jwf�e�a Swa�h�eat�qnu Eqoo�uu�qn, A5 S32(h) Jwf�e�at{, A5 S32(h), A5 S22, A32 S25 Nawu rteuetxef, A32 S8 Nei�uat�xe arrqtt�qnoent, A32 S35 Nqea iqxetnoentu, A8 S8 Mat�ne H�uhet�eu Eqoo�uu�qn, abq�uhoent, A32 S25(e), (f) Qhh�eetu tq eqnt�nwe �n qhh�ee, A8 S8(e), A32 S5 Qtf�naneeu, A8 S8(f) Ptqrett{ tazeu, A32 S2, A32 S29 Pwb�e febtu teeqin�zef, A32 S8 RETIREMENT SYSTEMS (PUBLIC), A2 S8(f), A32 S36 REVENUE (See also SVAVG HWPDS; VAZAVKQP) A�f tq ehwteh, ueet, qt te�i�qwu fenqo�nat�qn, A3 S5 Dqnf tera{oent, A9 S33(f) Eqwtt heeu, hwnf�ni eet�u qh e�tew�t anf eqwnt{ eqwttu, A5 S36(b) Gtquu teee�rtu taz, arr�eat�qn, A32 S;(a) N�eenue heeu, H�uh anf Y�f�he Eqnuetxat�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, A6 S; N�o�tat�qn qn eqeet�qn, A9 S3(e), A33 S5, A32 S23 Nqea iqxetnoent awthqt�t{ tq ta�ue texenwe, tefwet�qn b{ Nei�uatwte, A9 S38(b) Mqtqt xeh�ee hwe tazeu, aqeat�qn, A9 S39(b), A32 S;(e) Mqtqt xeh�ee �eenue texenweu, A32 S;(f) 38 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Index SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT, A32 S39 SCHEDULES (Eqnt0) Pwb�e teeqtfu anf oeet�niu, aeeeuu tq, A32 S22 Tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fex�eeu, tazat�qn, A32 S3;, A32 S2;, A32 S56 Teqtian�zat�qn, A32 S38 Terteuentat�xeu, A32 S36 Texenwe �o�tat�qn, A32 S23 T�ihtu teuetxef, A32 S9 Senatqtu, A32 S32 Sqat fex�eeu, tazat�qn, A32 S56 Sree�a f�utt�et tazeu, A32 S35 Swret�ntenfentu qh uehqqu, A32 S5, A32 S8(b) Vtanu�t�qn htqo 3885 Eqnut�twt�qn, A32 Vetetanu f�uabef fwe tq eqobat �n�wt{, hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ taz f�ueqwnt, A32 S52 Y�nf faoaie teu�utanee �ortqxeoentu, tazat�qn, A32 S2; Yqt��ni watethtqnt rtqrett{, af xaqteo taz auueuuoent, A32 S52 SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY, A32 S35 SOVEREIGNTY LANDS, A32 S33 SPECIAL DISTRICTS Af xaqteo tazat�qn, A9 S;, A32 S2, A32 S35 Dqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S32(e), A9 S32 E�x� uetx�ee u{uteo, A5 S36 Etef�t, refi�ni, A9 S32 Geet�qnu, A8 S8 Geett�e ienetat�qn anf ttanuo�uu�qn hae��t�eu, A9 S32(f) Knfebtefneuu, eett�h�eateu qh, A9 S32 Knxeutoent qh rwb�e hwnfu, A9 S32 Jq�nt qwnetuh�r w�th rt�xate ent�t�eu, A9 S32 Meet�niu, aeeeuu tq, A3 S26(b) Pqwt�qn eqnttq hae��t�eu, utate bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S36 State a�f, A9 S8 Statwu, eqnt�nwat�qn wrqn afqrt�qn qh Eqnut�twt�qn, A8 S8(b) Vaz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, A9 S32 Vazeu, A9 S;, A32 S2, A32 S35 Vaz�ni rqwet, �o�tat�qn, A9 S32 Vtanuhet qh hwnet�qn qt rqwet, A8 S6 Yaute f�urqua hae��t�eu, utate bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S36 Yatet hae��t�eu, utate bqnf h�nane�ni, A9 S36 SCHOOL BOARDS, A; S6, A; S5, A32 S;(f) SCHOOL DISTRICTS Af xaqteo tazeu, A9 S8(a), A9 S;, A; S6(b) Dqnfu, A9 S32 Dqwnfat�eu, A; S6(a) Ear�ta rtq�eetu h�nane�ni, A9 S32, A32 S;(a), (f) Etef�t, refi�ni, A9 S32 Knfebtefneuu, eett�h�eateu qh, A9 S32 Knxeutoent qh rwb�e hwnfu, A9 S32(a), (b) Jq�nt efweat�qna rtqitaou, A; S6(b) Jq�nt qwnetuh�r w�th rt�xate ent�t�eu, A9 S32 Meet�niu, aeeeuu tq, A3 S26(b) Mqtqt xeh�ee �eenu�ni texenwe, f�utt�bwt�qn, A32 S;(f) Sehqq bqatfu, A; S6, A; S5, A32 S;(f) State a�f, A9 S8 Swret�ntenfentu qh uehqqu, A; S5, A32 S5, A32 S8(b) Vaz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, A9 S32 Vazeu, A9 S8(a), A9 S;, A; S6(b) Vaz�ni rqwet, �o�tat�qn, A9 S32 SPECIAL LAWS See NAYS SPEECH, FREEDOM OF, A3 S6 STATE ATTORNEYS, A5 S36(a), (e), A5 S39, A5 S22(e), A32 S25 STATE BOUNDARIES, A2 S3 STATE FLAG, A2 S6 SCHOOLS See GDWEAVKQP SEARCHES AND SEIZURES, A3 S32 STATE FUNDS (See also TGVGPWG) A�f tq qea iqxetnoentu, A9 S8 Arrtqrt�at�qnu, See APPTQPTKAVKQPS Eh�eh h�nane�a qhh�eet, fwt�eu, A6 S6(e) Knxeutoent, A9 S32(a), (b) Manfatef ezrenf�twte qh hwnfu b{ qea iqxetnoentu, hwnf�ni b{ Nei�uatwte, A9 S38(a) Mqne{ ftawn htqo tteauwt{, A9 S3(e) Sehqq hwnf, A; S8 Vtwut hwnfu, See VTWSV HWPDS (PWDNKE) SEAT OF GOVERNMENT, A2 S2 STATE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS, A2 S8(f), A32 S36 SELF-INCRIMINATION, A3 S; STATE SEAL, A2 S6 SENATE See NGGKSNAVWTG STATE, SECRETARY OF, A32 S26(b) SCHOOLS, SUPERINTENDENTS OF, A; S5, A32 S5, A32 S8(b) SEAL (STATE), A2 S6 SEARCH WARRANTS, A3 S32 STATE TREASURY, A9 S3(e) SEPARATION OF POWERS, A2 S5 SHERIFFS, A5 S5(e), A5 S6(e), A8 S3(f) STATE UNIVERSITIES, A9 S35(a), A; S3(a), A; S9, A32 S;(a) SLOT MACHINES, A32 S25 STATEWIDE PROSECUTOR, A6 S6(b) SMOKING (TOBACCO), A32 S22, A32 S29 STUDENT LOANS, A9 S35 SOLAR DEVICES, A32 S56 SUBMERGED LANDS, A32 S33 39 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Index SUPREME COURT (Eqnt0) Tweu Arreate f�utt�etu, et�tet�a hqt tefeh�n�ni, A5 S; Arreate tex�ew, �ntetqewtqt{ qtfetu, A5 S6(b) Eh�eh e�tew�t eqwtt �wfieu, ueeet�qn, A5 S2(f) Eqwtt rtaet�ee anf rtqeefwte, A5 S2(a), A5 S33(f) Jwfieu, feteto�nat�qn qh neef, A5 S; Jwf�e�a e�tew�tu, et�tet�a hqt tefeh�n�ni, A5 S; M��tat{ aw qweut�qnu, afx�uqt{ qr�n�qnu, A5 S2(a) Vt�a eqwtt �wfioentu anf qtfetu, tex�ew, A5 S5(b) Wn�tef Stateu eqwttu, eett�h�ef qweut�qnu qh aw, A5 S5(b) Wn�tef Stateu Swrteoe Eqwtt, A3 S32, A3 S39, A5 S5(b), A32 S22 Yt�tu, rqwet tq �uuwe, A5 S5(b) SUITS AGAINST STATE, A32 S35 SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS, A; S5, A32 S5, A32 S8(b) SUPERVISORS OF ELECTIONS, A8 S3(f) SUPREME COURT (See also EQWTVS) Afx�uqt{ qr�n�qnu, A6 S3(e), A6 S32, A5 S5(b) Arreate f�utt�etu, teeqooenfat�qnu hqt tefeh�n�ni, A5 S; Attqtne{u, afo�uu�qn tq rtaet�ee qh aw anf f�ue�r�ne, A5 S35 Eh�eh �wut�ee Arrq�ntoent, A5 S2(b) Auu�inoent qh teorqtat{ �wfieu, A5 S2(b) Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn oeobetu, arrq�ntoent, A33 S2(a) Koreaehoent tt�au, rteu�f�ni, A5 S39(e) Texenwe uhqtthau, bwfiet tefwet�qnu, A6 S35 Eet�, A5 S5(e) Death renat{, tex�ew, A5 S5(b) Dee�u�qnu, A5 S5(a) D�teet arrea, A5 S5(b) D�ue�r�ne qh �wut�eeu anf �wfieu, A5 S32(a), (e), (e) D�utt�et eqwtt qh arrea fee�u�qnu, tex�ew, A5 S5(b) H�na �wfioentu anf qtfetu, tex�ew, A5 S5(b) Gqxetnqt Afx�uqt{ qr�n�qnu, A6 S3(e) Knearae�t{ feteto�nat�qn, A6 S5(b) Jabeau eqtrwu, wt�t qh, A5 S5(b) Kn�t�at�xe ret�t�qnu, tex�ew, A6 S32, A5 S5(b) Jwfieu Eett�h�eateu qh neef, A5 S; D�ue�r�ne, A5 S32(e) Veorqtat{ auu�inoent tq Swrteoe Eqwtt, A5 S5(a) Jwf�e�a e�tew�tu, teeqooenfat�qnu hqt tefeh�n�ni, A5 S; Jwf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qn, A6 S6(b), A5 S33(f) Jwf�e�a rqwet xeutef �n, A5 S3 Jwf�e�a Swa�h�eat�qnu Eqoo�uu�qn, rqwetu anf fwt�eu, A5 S32 Jwt�uf�et�qn, A5 S5(b), A5 S22(e) Jwut�eeu (See also JWDGGS) Eh�eh Jwut�ee, See uwbt�te Eh�eh �wut�ee, th�u heaf�ni Deh�n�t�qn, A5 S22(e), A32 S32 D�ue�r�ne, A5 S32(a), (e), (e) Geet�qn, A5 S32(a) Koreaehoent, A5 S39(a) Jwfieu, teorqtat{ auu�inoent, A5 S5(a) Pwobet, A5 S5(a) Swqtwo, A5 S5(a) Teewua, A5 S5(a) Teu�fene{ teqw�teoent, A5 S5(a) Tetent�qn, A5 S32(a) Tet�tef, teorqtat{ fwt{, A5 S2(b) Veorqtat{ fwt{ w�th qthet eqwttu, A5 S2(b) Veto qh qhh�ee, A5 S32(a) Vaeane{ �n qhh�ee, A5 S32(a) Nei�uat�xe arrqtt�qnoent Arrqtt�qnoent qtfetu, A5 S38(b), (h) Deeatatqt{ �wfioentu qh xa�f�t{, A5 S38(e), (f), (e), (h) Nqeat�qn, A2 S2 Manfaowu, wt�t qh, A5 S5(b) Matuha, A5 S5(e) Qtian�zat�qn, A5 S5(a) Ptqeeuu, A5 S5(e) Ptqh�b�t�qn, wt�t qh, A5 S5(b) Swq wattantq, wt�t qh, A5 S5(b) Swqtwo, A5 S5(a) Teiwatqt{ aiene{ aet�qnu, tex�ew, A5 S5(b) T TALLAHASSEE, CITY OF, A2 S2 TAX COLLECTORS, A8 S3(f) TAXATION Af xaqteo tazeu Ait�ewtwta anf, A9 S6(a) Aqw�het teehatie anfu, A9 S6(a) Auueuuoent qh rtqrett{, A9 S6, A9 S8, A9 S35, A32 S29 Dqnfu ra{abe htqo, A9 S32 Dwu�neuueu, new qt ezranf�ni, A9 S5(e) Eqnuetxat�qn rtqrett{, A9 S5(h), A9 S6(b), A32 S28 Eqwnt�eu, A9 S;, A8 S3(h), A32 S2 Gfweat�qna, �tetat{, ue�ent�h�e, te�i�qwu, qt ehat�tabe/wue rtqrett{, A9 S5(a) Gzeort�qnu, A9 S5, A9 S6(e), A9 S8, A32 S29, A32 S28, A32 S56 J�utqt�e rtqrett�eu, A9 S5(f), A32 S22 Jqoeuteaf rtqrett{, See JQMGSVGAD PTQPGTVY Keia auueuuoentu, te�eh htqo, A9 S35 Kntani�be retuqna rtqrett{, A9 S2, A9 S;(a) Neaueu, rwb�e{ h�naneef hae��t�eu, A9 S32(e) N�xeutqe�, A9 S6(e) Nqea iqxetnoentu, A9 S; M�aie, A9 S2, A9 S;(b), A32 S2 Mqttiaieu, qb�iat�qnu ueewtef b{, A9 S2 Mwn�e�ra rtqrett�eu, A9 S5(a) Mwn�e�ra�t�eu, A9 S;, A32 S2 Ptqrett{ arrta�uetu, A8 S3(f) Ptqrett{ w�th�n own�e�ra�t�eu, beneh�t hqt eqwnt{ wn�neqtrqtatef ateau, A8 S3(h) Tateu, A9 S2, A9 S;(b), A32 S2 Tea rtqrett{ Ehanie qh auueuuoentu, A9 S6(i), (h), A32 S29 Gzeort�qnu, A9 S5, A9 S8 Nqea tazeu, A9 S; Tate, A9 S2, A9 S;(b), A32 S2 State taz, A9 S3(a) Vawat�qn, A9 S6 Teeteat�qna anfu, A9 S6(a) Tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fex�eeu, A9 S6(�), A32 S3;, A32 S2;, A32 S56 Tentetu, taz te�eh, A9 S8(e) Teu�fent�a rtqrett{ eqnta�n�ni n�ne wn�tu qt hewet, A9 S6(i), A32 S29 Sehqq rwtrqueu, A9 S8(a), A9 S;, A; S6(b) Sqat fex�eeu, A32 S56 Sree�a f�utt�etu, A9 S;, A32 S2, A32 S35 State, A9 S3(a) Stqe�/�n/ttafe, A9 S6(e) Vani�be retuqna rtqrett{ Gzeort�qnu, A9 S3(b), A9 S5(e), (e), A9 S6(e), A32 S29 Nqea tazeu, A9 S; 38 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA TAXATION (Eqnt0) Af xaqteo tazeu (Eqnt0) Vani�be retuqna rtqrett{ (Eqnt0) Tate, A9 S2, A9 S;(b), A32 S2 State taz, A9 S3(a) Vawat�qn, A9 S6(e) Vaz ant�e�rat�qn eett�h�eateu, A9 S32 Vawat�qn qh rtqrett{, A9 S6 Vqtet awthqt�zat�qn, A9 S;(b) Yatet oanaieoent rwtrqueu, A9 S;(b) Y�nf faoaie teu�utanee �ortqxeoentu, A9 S6(�), A32 S2; Yqt��ni watethtqnt rtqrett�eu, A9 S6(�), A32 S52 A�traneu, A9 S3(b) Dqatu, A9 S3(b) Eqnuetxat�qn rtqrett{, A9 S5(h), A9 S6(b), A32 S28 Eqnuq�fat�qn qh qea iqxetnoentu, A8 S5 Eqtrqtat�qn �neqoe taz, A9 S5(b) Eqwnt�eu, A9 S;, A8 S3(h), A32 S2 Dqewoent eze�ue taz rtqeeefu, wue hqt eqnuetxat�qn rwtrqueu, A32 S28 Gutate taz, A9 S5(a) Gzeort�qnu Af xaqteo tazeu, A9 S5, A9 S6(e), A9 S8, A32 S29, A32 S28, A32 S56 D�nf retuqnu, A9 S5(b) Eqoown�t{ anf eeqnqo�e fexeqroent, new qt ezranfef bwu�neuueu, A9 S5(e) Eqnuetxat�qn rtqrett{, A9 S5(h), A32 S28 D�uabef retuqnu, A9 S5(b), A9 S8(e) Gfet{ retuqnu, A9 S6(h), A9 S8(f), (e), A32 S28, A32 S58 Jeafu qh hao�{, A9 S5(b) J�utqt�e rtqrett�eu, A9 S5(f) Jqoeuteaf rtqrett{, See JQMGSVGAD PTQPGTVY uwbt�te Gzeort�qnu uwb/uwbt�te Vazat�qn Jqwuehqf iqqfu anf retuqna ehheetu, A9 S5(b) M��tat{ retuqnne ferq{ef �n uwrrqtt qh o��tat{ qretat�qnu, A9 S5(i), A32 S53 Mwn�e�ra rtqrett{, A9 S5(a) Sqat fex�eeu qt tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fex�eeu, A32 S56 Vani�be retuqna rtqrett{, A9 S3(b), A9 S5(e), (e), A9 S6(e), A32 S29 Vetetanu, A9 S8(e) Y�fqwu anf w�fqwetu, A9 S5(b), A9 S8(h), A32 S55 Gau taz, A32 S;(e) Geneta{, A9 Gtquu teee�rtu taz, wt��t{ uetx�eeu, A32 S;(a) J�utqt�e rtqrett�eu, A9 S5(f), A9 S6(e), A32 S22 Jqoeuteaf rtqrett{, See JQMGSVGAD PTQPGTVY Keia tazeu, te�eh htqo, A9 S35 Kneqoe taz, A9 S5 Knhet�tanee taz, A9 S5(a) Neaueu, rwb�e{ h�naneef hae��t�eu, A9 S32(e) N�eenue taz, A9 S3(b) N�o�tat�qnu Eqnuq�fat�qn qh eqwnt{ anf own�e�ra�t�eu, ehheet, A8 S5 Pefi�ni etef�t qh utate qt rq�t�ea uwbf�x�u�qnu, A9 S32 Texenwe eqeet�qn �o�tat�qnu, A9 S3(e), A33 S5, A32 S23 Wn�neqtrqtatef ateau, A8 S3(h) Nqea tazeu, A9 S; Mqb�e hqoeu, A9 S3(b) Mqtqt xeh�eeu Af xaqteo tazeu, A9 S3(b) Hwe tazeu, A9 S39(b), A32 S;(e) N�eenue taz, A9 S3(b) Mwn�e�ra�t�eu, A9 S;, A32 S2 Patwta retuqnu, A9 S5(a) Pew State tazeu �orquef b{ eqnut�twt�qna aoenfoent, arrtqxa b{ twq/th�tfu xqte qh xqtetu, A33 S9 Index TAXATION (Eqnt0) Pat�/owtwe taz, A9 S9 Ta�u�ni uwhh�e�ent texenwe, A9 S3(f) Tenewabe eneti{ uqwtee fex�eeu, A9 S6(�), A32 S3;, A32 S2;, A32 S56 Tentetu, taz te�eh, A9 S8(e) Texenwe, ieneta{, See TGVGPWG Sehqq f�utt�etu, A9 S8(a), A9 S;, A; S6(b) Seeqnf iau taz, A32 S;(e) Sqt oaeh�ne texenweu, A32 S25(b) Sqat fex�eeu, A32 S56 Sree�a f�utt�etu, A9 S;, A32 S2, A32 S35 Sree�a awu, A5 S33(a) State/rteeortef tazeu, A9 S3(a) Vaz eqeetqt, A8 S3(f) Vaz �enu, hqoeuteaf rtqrett{, A32 S6(a) Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, A2 S5(a), A33 S5(a), A33 S8 Vazeu wnfet 3885 Eqnut�twt�qn, A32 S9(a) Vazra{etu' D� qh T�ihtu, A3 S25 TAXATION AND BUDGET REFORM COMMISSION, A2 S5(a), A33 S5(a), A33 S8 TERM LIMITS, A8 S6(b) TERMS OF OFFICE Eab�net oeobetu, A6 S5(a), A8 S6(b) Eqwnt{ eqoo�uu�qnetu, A8 S3(e) Eqwnt{ qhh�eetu, A8 S3(f) Gfweat�qn bqatfu, arrq�nt�xe, A; S5 H�uh anf Y�f�he Eqnuetxat�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, A6 S; Gqxetnqt, A6 S5(a), (b) Jqwue qh Terteuentat�xeu, A5 S35(b), A8 S6(b), A32 S36 Jwfieu, A5 S32, A5 S33(a), (b) Jwf�e�a nqo�nat�ni eqoo�uu�qnu, A5 S22(e) Jwf�e�a Swa�h�eat�qnu Eqoo�uu�qn, A5 S32(a), (h) N�ewtenant Gqxetnqt, A6 S5(a), A8 S6(b) N�o�tat�qn qh teto, A5 S35, A6 S5(b), A8 S6(b) Patqe anf Ptqbat�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, A6 S8(e) Pwb�e fehenfetu, A5 S38 Sehqq bqatfu, A; S6(a) Senate, A5 S35(a), A8 S6(b), A32 S32 State attqtne{u, A5 S39 Swret�ntenfentu qh uehqqu, A; S5 W0S0 Senatqtu anf terteuentat�xeu, A8 S6(b) TOBACCO, A32 S22, A32 S29 TRAFFIC HEARING OFFICERS, A5 S3 TRANSPORTATION RIGHTS-OF-WAY, A9 S39, A32 S3; TREASON, A3 S22, A6 S8(b) TRIAL BY JURY, A3 S38(a), A3 S22 TRIALS Arreau, A5 S5(b), A5 S6(b) Et�o�na, A3 S38(a) Gx�fenee, See GVKDGPEG Jwt{, A3 S38(a), A3 S22, A5 S33(a) Jwxen�e rtqeeef�niu, A3 S35(b) Ptett�a teeaue anf fetent�qn, A3 S36 S�te feu�inat�qn, A5 S9 TRUST FUNDS (PUBLIC) Dwfiet utab��zat�qn hwnf, A5 S3;(i), A9 S3(e) Gfweat�qn qttet{ hwnfu, A32 S35 Gxetiafeu, A32 S39 3; Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Index VETERANS AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF, A6 S33 TRUST FUNDS (PUBLIC) (Eqnt0) Geneta texenwe hwnf, A5 S3;(h), (i), A5 S22(e), A32 S28(e) Knut�twt�qnu qh h�ihet eatn�ni anf �wn�qt eqeie ear�ta qwta{, A32 S;(a) Kntetna �ortqxeoent, A6 S6(h) Knxeutoent, A9 S32(a) Nanf aeqw�u�t�qn, A6 S6(h), A32 S28, A32 S;(a) Nei�uat�xe arrtqxa, A5 S3;(h) Pwb�e efweat�qn ear�ta qwta{ anf febt uetx�ee, A32 S;(a) Sehqq f�utt�et anf eqoown�t{ eqeie f�utt�et ear�ta qwta{ anf febt uetx�ee, A32 S;(f) State tqafu f�utt�bwt�qn hwnf, A32 S;(e) State uehqq hwnf, A; S8 Swnuet rtqx�u�qnu, A5 S3;(h) VETO, A5 S8, A5 S;, A5 S3;(b) VICTIMS OF CRIME, RIGHTS OF, A3 S38(b) VOCATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOLS, A9 S35(a), A32 S;(a) VOTE Eab�net oeobetu, t�e xqte, A6 S6(a) Geetqtu, A32 S32(f) Nei�uat�xe hqwue qt iqxetnoenta bqf�eu, A32 S32(e) VOTING Geet�qnu, See GNGEVKQPS Nei�uatwte, A5 S6(e), A5 S9, A5 S8(e), A32 S32(e) TURNPIKE AUTHORITY, A32 S;(b) U W UNITED STATES Eenuwu, A32 S8 Eqniteuu�qna oeobetu htqo Hqt�fa, teto �o�tat�qnu, A8 S6(b) Eqniteuu�qna tef�utt�et�ni iw�fe�neu, A5 S22 Eqnut�twt�qn Aoenfoent, A32 S3 Arrqtt�qnoent qh Nei�uatwte, A5 S38(a) Eqwtt �ntetrtetat�qn, tex�ew, A5 S5(b) Hqwtth aoenfoent ueateh anf ue�zwte t�ihtu, eqnhqto�t{ w�th, A3 S32 Qath tq fehenf, A2 S5(b), A8 S5 Eqwttu qh Arreau, A5 S2(a), A5 S5(b) Gutate taz, A9 S5(a) Kneqoe taz, A9 S5, A9 S32(e) M��tat{ retuqnne ferq{ef �n uwrrqtt qh o��tat{ qretat�qn, hqoeuteaf ezeort�qn, A9 S5(i), A32 S53 Pat�qna Gwatf, A9 S5(i), A32 S2(f), A32 S53 Qb�iat�qnu, �nxeutoent qh rwb�e hwnfu �n, A9 S32(b) Qhh�eetu, hqf�ni utate qhh�ee, A2 S5(a) Senatqtu htqo Hqt�fa, teto �o�tat�qnu, A8 S6(b) Swrteoe Eqwtt, A3 S32, A3 S39, A5 S5(b) WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES, A9 S36 WATER POLLUTION Gxetiafeu, A2 S9(b), A32 S39(a), (e) H�uh anf Y�f�he Eqnuetxat�qn Eqoo�uu�qn awthqt�t{, A6 S; State bqnf h�nane�ni, rqwt�qn eqnttq hae��t�eu, A9 S36 State rq�e{, A2 S9(a) WATER RESOURCES Dqnf h�nane�ni qh fexeqroent, A9 S33(e) Dqewoentu eze�ue taz rtqeeefu, wue hqt rtqteet�qn, A32 S28(b) State bqnf h�nane�ni, watet hae��t�eu, A9 S36 WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS Jqoeuteaf rtqrett{, A32 S6(b), (e) Vaz ezeort�qn, A9 S5(b), A9 S8(h), A32 S55 WILDLIFE Dqewoent eze�ue taz rtqeeefu, wue hqt hab�tat rtqteet�qn, A32 S28(b) H�uh, See HKSJKPG H�uh anf Y�f�he Eqnuetxat�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, A6 S;, A32 S25 Gaoe anf Hteuh Yatet H�uh Eqoo�uu�qn, A32 S25 UNIVERSITIES, A9 S35(a), A; S3(a), A; S9, A32 S;(a) V WITNESSES Eqorwuqt{ rtqeeuu, A3 S38(a) Eqnhtqntat�qn b{ aeewuef, A3 S38(a) Et�o�na tt�au, A3 S;, A3 S38(a) Nei�uatwte, A5 S6(e), A5 S5 Seh/�net�o�nat�qn, A3 S; Vteauqn, A3 S22 Wnteauqnabe fetent�qn, A3 S39 VACANCY IN OFFICE E�tewoutaneeu eqnut�twt�ni xaeane{, A32 S5 Eqnut�twt�qn Tex�u�qn Eqoo�uu�qn, A33 S2(b) Eqwnt{ qhh�eeu, A6 S3(h) Geet�qn tq h� xaeane{, A8 S5 Gneo{ attae� eoetiene{, A2 S8 Gqxetnqt, A6 S5(a) Koreaehoent, A5 S39(b) Jwfieu, A5 S32(a), A5 S33 Jwf�e�a Swa�h�eat�qnu Eqoo�uu�qn, A5 S32(a), (h) Nei�uatqtu, A5 S35(f) State qhh�eeu, A6 S3(h) Swurenfef qhh�eetu, A6 S9 Vazat�qn anf Dwfiet Tehqto Eqoo�uu�qn, A33 S8(b) WOMEN Dau�e t�ihtu, A3 S2 WORK, RIGHT TO, A3 S8 WORKFORCE INNOVATION, AGENCY FOR, A32 S26(e), (h) VENUE, A3 S38(a), A5 S33(a) WORKPLACE SMOKING, A32 S22 VETERANS Eqobat/teatef f�uab��t�eu, hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ taz f�ueqwnt, A9 S8(e), A32 S52 Swtx�x�ni urqwueu qh xetetanu f{�ni htqo uetx�ee/eqnneetef eawueu wh�e qn aet�xe fwt{, hqoeuteaf rtqrett{ taz ezeort�qn, A9 S8(h), A32 S55 WRITS Eett�qtat�, A5 S6(b), A5 S5(b) E�tew�t eqwtt, A5 S5(b) D�utt�et eqwttu qh arrea, A5 S6(b) Jabeau eqtrwu, See JADGAS EQTPWS Manfaowu, A5 S5(b), A5 S6(b), A5 S5(b) 22 Index CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA WRITS (Cont.) Prohibition, A5 S3(b), A5 S4(b), A5 S5(b) Quo warranto, A5 S3(b), A5 S4(b), A5 S5(b) WRITS (Cont.) Supreme Court, A5 S3(b) 21 Index Compiled by: Division of Laws Revision and Information The Florida Legislature (850) 488-8403 Published by: Florida Department of State (850) 245-6200