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Cellular Respiration Study Guide

Cellular Respiration Study Guide
Topic List:
● Cellular Respiration Vocabulary
○ See the vocabulary list on Canvas
● Cellular Respiration and Fermentation Equations
○ Need to know the balanced equation for cellular respiration
○ Need to know BOTH fermentation equations and which organisms do each
● Input/Output Models for cellular respiration and muscle cells
○ Found in your packets
● Exercise and how it relates to these processes
○ Think about exercise lab
○ When do you switch from cellular respiration to fermentation
● Graph interpretation
○ Need to be able to look at a graph and make a conclusion about the data
● Systems
○ Respiratory
○ Circulatory
○ How the brain helps to drive them
● Information from labs
○ Exercise
○ Muscle Lab
○ Blood Glucose Lab
● Parts of a graph
○ There are slides on Canvas that have all parts of a graph
Practice Questions:
1) Play the Gimkit on cellular respiration vocabulary Link is Here
2) Write the balanced equation for cellular respiration
3) What are the two types of fermentation?
4) What are the equations for each type of fermentation?
5) Write the path of oxygen from the atmosphere to the mitochondria
6) What is the purpose of cellular respiration?
7) Why would your body use fermentation instead of cellular respiration?
8) What part of your cells is involved in making ATP?
9) Fill out the following venn diagram, comparing and contrasting aerobic and
anaerobic respiration
Aerobic Respiration
Anaerobic Respiration
10) What is homeostasis and how are feedback loops used to help maintain it?