3 CATEGORIES OF SOFTWARE SOFTWARE – is a set of instructions that tell the computer what to do. Computer is useless without any software installed in it. 1. SYSTEM SOFTWARE – System software is the software that controls application processing and hardware resources of the computer system such as memory, disk space, and peripheral devices. Ex. Operating system The Operating system is a collection of programs that perform a variety of tasks or functions. The tasks performed by the operating system (OS) involve communicating with the disk drives, printers, hard disks, CD/DVD ROMS, monitor, modem and other peripheral devices 2. APPLICATION SOFTWARE – Application software is a program that is created to assist users with a specific task. Programs to perform word processing, manipulate spreadsheets, manage database, and communicate with other computers are some of the popular applications. Ex. Word Processing The Word processing technology today make it possible to enjoy typing effectively. The typist will no longer suffer the agony of retyping the text to produce clean and a neat draft. Through the used of word processing software such as the Microsoft Word and Word Perfect, a user (typist) can concentrate on thinking about the ideas and let the computer handle the details of laying out the words and spacing neatly on the page. WORD PROCESSING Microsoft Word Word Perfect word star Spreadsheet Microsoft excel Lotus 123 Quattro Database Management System Oracle Foxpro SQL Graphics Adobe Photoshop Corel Draw Games Counter Strike Dota 2 Valorant Educational MathCAD Schoology ProProfs 3. PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES – It is the representation of instructions in human recognizable form. Classification of Programming language according to generation Classification of Programming Language according to level