Uploaded by HD Chicano

Political Self: Understanding & Development in the Philippines

Political SELF - Understanding the Self
Psychology (Southern Luzon State University)
Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university
Downloaded by HD Chicano (hdchicano29@gmail.com)
Answer the following essay questions.
1. Enumerate at least five functions of the political self.
A. It reflects our culture
B. It manifest our values
C. It discovers our conformity
D. It reveals our manners
E. It shows your beliefs
2. Explain the origins of the political self. Discuss how family, school,
church, peer groups, and media affect the development of the political
The Political Self is developed whenever we are involved in an argument and
the desire to speak for ourselves. Family took a big part of developing my Political
Self, basic ways are explaining to my parents why I got home late from school.
Speaking of school, a debate activity given by the teacher also improves my
Political Self because it helps me to fight for my stand. The church also had a big
influence in molding my Political Self, especially the issues about death penalty as a
Roman Catholic who believes that only God has the rights to take lives for He is the
one who gave it. The peer groups and social media affects how I cultivate my
Political Self just similarly in a way that I spent more time with my peers and social
media that anything else. It influences me, directly, but I always make the time for
balancing what to believe and what to not believe into.
Downloaded by HD Chicano (hdchicano29@gmail.com)
3. Identify current political issues in the Philippines and recount the
circumstances that led to the issues. As a citizen, what can you do to
prevent the issues form recurring?
Most of the Political Issues in the Philippines are due to the rejection of the
community on how the government is governing. This is because Filipinos are too
gullible when the Election season is happening. Some Filipinos usually base their
votes on who’s most popular, who’s most likely to appear on screen just because
they don’t really have the time to think and reconsider.
If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve
always got. This sentence reflects how Filipinos vote. Maybe or might be, if we just
make time to choose our leaders properly, maybe, just maybe, we can prevent
these Political Issues from recurring over and over.
4. Give at least three problems that ail the Philippine political system.
Explain how these problems can affect your political views and beliefs.
Discuss your answer.
A. Corruption
B. Extra-Judicial Killings
C. Political Dynasty
These 3 major political issues had been going around decades and
surprisingly, still, not cured. How unfortunate I am to be born with a government
filled with these issues. I grew up believing that these issues are none of my
business. But then, when it started to affect me and my beliefs, that’s when I
realized that I am so much little part but has a great responsibility towards our
Whenever I see news about corruptions, extra-judicial killing and political
dynasty, I always feel angry not because it directly affects me but because of my
great empathy towards the victims of the issues. I may not be the victim but there
is always a victim. There is always someone suffering and knowing these facts are
still existing and ongoing is how my beliefs are changes. How I switched stands.
How I jump into how can my voice be heard.
Downloaded by HD Chicano (hdchicano29@gmail.com)