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Saving Energy in a Vehicle-Reader 2022 (1)

Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Date: 17 August 2021
G. Angelino
R. Beem
J. de Vries
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Content/ Inhoud
Chapter 1 Energy in General .................................................................................................................. 4
Learning Objectives............................................................................................................................. 4
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 5
First Law of Thermodynamics ............................................................................................................. 6
Joule, the unit of energy ..................................................................................................................... 7
Is there a relation between Power, Work and Force? ........................................................................ 9
What is the difference between Work and Energy?......................................................................... 10
Power in combustion engines. .......................................................................................................... 11
What is the relation between these parameters? ........................................................................ 11
Efficiency ........................................................................................................................................... 12
WTW, WTT, TTW ........................................................................................................................... 13
Durability........................................................................................................................................... 13
Other sources of Energy.................................................................................................................... 14
Kinetic Energy ............................................................................................................................... 14
Spring energy ................................................................................................................................ 15
Potential Energy ............................................................................................................................ 16
Chemical Energy............................................................................................................................ 16
Heat ............................................................................................................................................... 16
Electrical Energy ............................................................................................................................ 17
References .................................................................................................................................... 18
Chapter 2 Energy losses while driving ................................................................................................. 19
Learning objectives of this lesson: .................................................................................................... 19
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 20
The Driving Resistances. ................................................................................................................... 20
Rolling resistance: ......................................................................................................................... 21
Slope resistance ............................................................................................................................ 23
Air resistance................................................................................................................................. 25
Acceleration resistance ................................................................................................................. 26
References ........................................................................................................................................ 27
Chapter 3: Power Conversions in Vehicles .......................................................................................... 28
Study Material (in advance) .............................................................................................................. 28
Learning Objectives........................................................................................................................... 28
What is Power ................................................................................................................................... 29
Drivetrain .......................................................................................................................................... 32
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Hybrid vehicles .................................................................................................................................. 34
Series Hybrid ................................................................................................................................. 35
Parallel Hybrid ............................................................................................................................... 35
Series – Parallel Hybrid ................................................................................................................. 35
Power output for ICE and MG ........................................................................................................... 36
Chapter 4: Motor performance and efficiency.................................................................................... 43
Study Material (in advance) .............................................................................................................. 43
Learning Objectives........................................................................................................................... 43
Fuel Economy Characteristics of Internal Combustion Engines (page. 49, 50) ............................ 44
Specific Fuel Consumption and Efficiency (page. 67, 68) ............................................................. 45
Energy Consumption electric drive (page. 114, 115) .................................................................... 46
Hydraulic power converter ........................................................................................................... 47
Fuel Cell’s ...................................................................................................................................... 49
Overview total efficiency .................................................................................................................. 50
Chapter 5 Aerodynamics ...................................................................................................................... 51
Learning Objectives........................................................................................................................... 51
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 51
Bernoulli’s Law .................................................................................................................................. 52
Gravitational pressure – hydrostatic pressure.............................................................................. 52
Dynamic pressure ......................................................................................................................... 52
Static pressure............................................................................................................................... 52
Bernoulli’s Law in practice (example 1) ............................................................................................ 53
Summary. .......................................................................................................................................... 56
Aerodynamics in practice.................................................................................................................. 57
The border layer (very important) ................................................................................................ 57
Pressure around the object........................................................................................................... 57
Turbulence and Laminar ............................................................................................................... 58
Drag Coefficient (cd) De cw waarde – (weerstands coëfficient [NL])................................................. 59
Example drag forces ...................................................................................................................... 60
Law of conservation of mass............................................................................................................. 61
CHAPTER 6 Thermodynamics (Basics and First Law) ......................................................................... 63
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 63
Thermodynamics definitions ............................................................................................................ 63
Ideal Gas Law .................................................................................................................................... 63
Gas constant ................................................................................................................................. 64
Specific heat .................................................................................................................................. 64
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Conservation of Energy – First Law of Thermodynamics.................................................................. 65
Special processes in a pV diagram .................................................................................................... 65
Heat energy and work....................................................................................................................... 66
Normal volume ................................................................................................................................. 66
Adiabatic process .............................................................................................................................. 67
CHAPTER 7 Thermodynamics (Cyclical Processes and Polytropes) ................................................. 68
Cyclical processes.............................................................................................................................. 68
Polytropic process ............................................................................................................................. 69
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Chapter 1 Energy in General
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lecture the student is able to apply the knowledge and skills related to:
First Law of Thermodynamics.
Name the most important forms of energy including calculation of the amount of energy in
this state. This counts for:
o Kinetic Energy
o Potential Energy
o Spring Energy
o Chemical Energy
o Electrical Energy
o Heat
Calculations for Work
Calculations for Energy transfer
Calculation of Energy density
Explaining the difference between Energy and Power
Calculation of Power density
Efficiency calculations for simple processes
Awareness of energy consumption related to the energy crisis
Link between driving strategies and energy consumption
Explaining (automotive) concepts: WTW, WTT and TTW
Chapter 1
Energy in General
page 4
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Figure 1 Cambridge Dictionary meaning of Energy (Cambridge, 2017)
Energy is defined as "The ability to work". This is still difficult to understand because “the ability” is
used here in the context of “possessing” and not in the context of the ability of an internal
combustion engine or electric motor to operate.
We need energy to survive. If you don’t eat or drink you will die. Your food contains energy to make
your heart, brain and muscles function, and to keep yourself warm.
A vehicle need energy to drive – but also to switch on the lighting. Therefore, we need to stop
regularly at the gas-station for refueling, where we take on new energy.
We can save energy and use it later. When we use it, we often convert energy from one form to
another. The dynamo from a bicycle is mounted to the sidewall of the tire. Movement energy is
converted into light. We also produce heat, another form of
energy. This doesn’t only occur in the lamp but also at the
contact with the tire and the dynamo. Even in the wires to
the lamp we produce a little bit of heat. So, we also produce
heat where we only want to produce light (to see better in
the dark). For the biker, the heat is not useful. We call this
an “energy loss”, but this is wrong. We don’t lose this
energy, but it’s useless for us.
With a dynamo on your bike, you can generate the energy
by yourself, you’re the one who’s makes the wheels go
round. Nowadays most bicycles travel with LED lighting
using batteries. These LEDs are “low-energy” lights so we
can use the batteries for a long time. But how do we
determine the energy efficiency and when can we classify it
as economical?
That’s what you are going to find out in this lesson.
Figure 2 Energy from the dynamo to the lamp by wires. (Haas, 2017)
Chapter 1
Energy in General
page 5
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
First Law of Thermodynamics
The first law states:
“In all cases in which work is produced by the agency of heat, a quantity of heat is consumed
which is proportional to the work done; and conversely, by the expenditure of an equal quantity of
work an equal quantity of heat is produced”
[Rudolf Clausius – 1850]
“Energy is never lost”
“Energy can’t originate out of nothing”
If this is true (and it is…), that energy is never lost, then: (1) we cannot have something like an
energy-crisis because (2) the total amount of energy is always constant. That brings up an interesting
question because that means the total amount of energy has always existed for eternity (we can’t
make energy out of nothing).
The second statement is true and counts for the whole universe as we know it. The first statement is
not true, because an energy crisis exists when we do have a shortage of energy in a certain form.
The most important form from this and the previous century is fossil energy and this form is, as we
all know, limited. That’s why mankind is searching for alternatives like solar, wind and tide-energy or
even in nuclear form.
Also, in automotive we can see a movement towards hybrid (vehicle’s using two energy sources) and
towards fully electrical propulsion. We also see middle ground solutions like dual fuel (two fuel
sources in one engine). These can sometimes be more efficient.
The example of the dynamo from the introduction shows clearly what the first law of
thermodynamics means:
Figure 3 Energy is never lost but can change from one form into another (Beem, 2017)
The wheel has a certain amount of kinetic energy and makes the dynamo rotate. This is also
movement but because of the friction between dynamo and tire we already loose some energy in
the form of heat. In the dynamo this kinetic energy is transformed into electrical energy, plus an
amount of heat in the lamp a major part of the electrical energy is transformed into heat (thick
arrow) and only a small part of it in light.
Chapter 1
Energy in General
page 6
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
As you can see, we can only transfer the energy that is not transferred into heat, but the total
amount of energy is still the same. There are also machines, like engines and other thermal circuit
processes that can produce work out of heat. All internal combustion engines work is based on this
Joule, the unit of energy
Every form of energy is expressed in the same unit, the Joule. If you eat a ‘Mars’ bar the commercial
slogan said: ‘a mars a day helps you work, rest and play’ and in Dutch it is even better ‘Mars geeft je
nieuwe energie’. So, a ‘Mars’ bar contains ‘Energy” …
Figure 4 How much energy is in a ‘Mars’ chocolate bar (The next Corner, 2017)
The energy is expressed in an old-fashioned unit, the ‘Calorie’. One calorie is the amount of energy
needed to heat up 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius and is equivalent to 4,18 Joules.
But how is the Joule defined:
1 Joule is the amount of energy needed to move an object with a force of 1 newton over a
distance of 1 meter.
So, if we push a mower with a force of F = 80 [N]
over a distance d = 5 [m] the work needed is:
π‘Š = 𝐹 βˆ™ 𝑑 = 80 βˆ™ 5 = 400 [𝐽]
And of course, when the force or the distance
increases the work will increase too.
You may also use a prefix for the unit for larger or
smaller values.
1 [kJ] = 1000 [J] and 1 [mJ] = 0.001 [J]
Figure 5 Work (Pinsdaddy, 2017)
In this case the man in the picture above is pushing the mower in the same direction. What if it
wasn’t in the same direction? Assume he was pushing in the direction of the rod…. In that case, the
force would be higher, but the work needed to move the mower would be the same. That is because
the force isn’t just a value, the direction is also important. We say:
Chapter 1
Energy in General
page 7
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Force is a vector (it has a value and a direction), the direction is also a vector1
So actually, we must not take the ordinary multiplication of the two values, but we must take the
scalar-product/ dot product/ inner product (Inwendig product [NL]) from the two vectors.
Figure 6 Work delivered by Force F is zero. (Pinsdaddy, 2017)
So, the man in the picture above needs to apply a force F to lift the suitcase, but the work, delivered
by him is zero if he moves perpendicular at this force. So, we need to adapt the formula a bit.
π‘Š = 𝐹⃗ βˆ™ 𝑑⃗ = |𝐹| βˆ™ |𝑑| βˆ™ cos()
Then, there are some other important laws of physics (discovered by Isaac Newton) according to the
1. An object will remain at rest, or moving at a constant velocity, unless it is acted on by an
unbalanced force.
2. Force equals mass times acceleration 𝐹⃗ = π‘š βˆ™ π‘Žβƒ—
3. For every action there is an equal opposite reaction.
If we apply these laws on a
vehicle, we can see what
this means:
If the thrust forces are
higher than the drag forces
we will accelerate until the
forces are in equilibrium.
Then the vehicle will move
on with the same speed.
Figure 7 Forces on a vehicle (Schoolphysiscs, 2017)
Drag forces on a car exist because of friction, wind and gravity when the car is going uphill. And
friction occurs between the tires and the road but also in the bearing in the driveline
A vector has a value/ magnitude and a direction. When a quantity only has a magnitude, like mass in [kg] this
is named a scalar.
Chapter 1
Energy in General
page 8
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
All the drag forces are 1000 [N], the thrust forces are 1300 [N], the weight of the car is 1500 [kg],
calculate the acceleration of this vehicle.
If we assume that all the forces are in the same direction of the movement, we don’t need to take in
account the force is a vector…
𝐹 = π‘š βˆ™ π‘Ž => π‘Ž =
𝐹 1300 − 1000
= 0.2 [ 2 ]
When the speed increases the drag forces will increase too. This means the acceleration will
decrease while the net-forces will increase. So, the vehicle will accelerate until we have a new
Thrust Force
Drag Force
Figure 8 Relation between forces, acceleration and vehicle speed. (Beem, 2017)
In the graph above you can see the relation between the forces and the vehicle speed and its
acceleration. When the speed increases the drag, forces increase too (normally not linear but more
likely parabolic) until the forces are equal. At that moment the acceleration is zero and the speed
has reached a new value.
If the vehicle has reached its new value, we see at the odometer the speed is 45 [km/h].
So, we know: To drive 45 [km/h] we need a force of 1500 [N] to overcome all the drag forces. What
power do we need to overcome all these forces?
Is there a relation between Power, Work and Force?
Yes there is:
First we need to convert the unit into standard units: 45 [km/h] = 45/3.6 = 12.5 [m/s]
So, we know, if we see for 1 second, the car has travelled 12.5 meter and this will cost:
π‘Š = 𝐹 βˆ™ 𝑑 = 1500 βˆ™ 12.5 = 18 750 [𝐽]
and after 10 seconds this will be 187 500 [J] and in one hour this will be 67.5 [MJ] (Mega-Joule)
The Power is the amount of work delivered per second. So, we can easily see the power needed to
overcome all the drag forces will be 18 750 [J/s] of 18.75 [kW]
π‘ƒπ‘œπ‘€π‘’π‘Ÿ (𝑃) =
Chapter 1
π‘Šπ‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘˜ (π‘Š)
𝐹 βˆ™ 𝑑
= 𝐹 βˆ™ = 𝐹 βˆ™ 𝑣 [π‘Šπ‘Žπ‘‘π‘‘]
π‘‘π‘–π‘šπ‘’ (𝑑)
Energy in General
page 9
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
It’s clear that if we are going uphill the drag forces will increase. For instance, if we will not increase
the thrust force (the motor delivers the same amount of power) and the angle of the hill we
encounter is 5ο‚° the additional drag forces because of this hill will be:
πΉβ„Žπ‘–π‘™π‘™ = π‘š βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ sin() = 1500 βˆ™ 9.81 βˆ™ sin(5) = 1282.5 [𝑁]
So, the total drag forces will be 1500 + 1282.5 ο‚» 2782.5 [N] and the speed will decrease until:
𝑃 18 750
𝑣= =
= 6.7 [ ] π‘œπ‘Ÿ 24.3 [ ]
𝐹 2782.5
That is exactly what we experience during driving. If the drag forces increase the speed will decrease
unless we adapt to in by pressing the throttle pedal more downwards to increase the Power.
What is the difference between Work and Energy?
Work and Energy have the same unit, the Joule [J].
Where ‘Work’ is normally abbreviated by ‘W’ and Energy by ‘E’ – but this is not always written so.
For instance, when we talk about heat (what is a form of energy) this is commonly written by a
capital Q (for the Quantity of heat, rather than meaning the intensity of heat because of its
As soon as a force is necessary to overcome a certain resistance (physically spoken…) we talk about
Work. We can use work however to increase the amount of energy.
A go-kart + driver (m = 100 [kg]) is on a hill and
rolls down by gravity. When we assume a constant
slope there is a constant force on the go-kart.
At the beginning the thrust force is larger than the
drag force so the go-kart accelerates. But on a
certain moment it has a constant speed and we
need a constant force to maintain this speed.
Figure 9 Gravity Racer (youtube, 2019)
Let’s assume F = 50 [N] and vmax = 20 [m/s].
So, at that moment we add every second 50 βˆ™ 20 = 1000 [J] of Work into the system to maintain this
But the kinetic energy (πΈπ‘˜π‘–π‘› = 2 π‘š 𝑣 2 = 20 000 [𝐽] ) doesn’t change because the speed is constant.
π‘Š =πΉβˆ™π‘‘
Here the work is used to overcome the physical resistances and during acceleration the part of
thrust force larger than the drag force is used to increase the kinetic energy.
We can also derive another formula. Because the gravity adds 1000 [J] of energy into the system
every second, so this is Joules per second and that is the unit of Power:
𝑃 = 𝐹 βˆ™ 𝑣 [π‘Š]
Chapter 1
Energy in General
page 10
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Power in combustion engines.
Work done by a combustion engine follows the same rules as normal
work, but here we know that the force on the piston and the piston
speed constantly change.
In lesson 6 and 7 of this module you will learn how to calculate how
much work is done by one cycle of a combustion engine and if we know
the rotation speed we can also calculate the Power.
What are the normal parameters of an engine?
Power [kW]
Torque [Nm]
Engine speed [rpm]
The engine speed is given in [rpm], but the standard unit for this is the
frequency in [Hz] – and for most engines counts that one cycle takes two
rotations (four-stroke engines)
Figure 10 Internal combustion engine. (Kaiserscience, 2019)
What is the relation between these parameters?
The combustion engine has a heavy flywheel that acts like an energy buffer. In a combustion stroke
it gains energy and in between it gives energy. The mass of the flywheel is chosen that this results in
a more or less constant torque output
The torque is Force x Radius: 𝑇 = 𝐹 βˆ™ π‘Ÿ of 𝐹 =
The Force is always perpendicular to the radius, and for one
rotation the travelled distance (d) is 𝑑 = 2 πœ‹ π‘Ÿ
The work delivered in one rotation will be:
π‘Š1−π‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘‘π‘Žπ‘‘π‘–π‘œπ‘› = 𝐹 βˆ™ 𝑑 =
βˆ™ 2 βˆ™ πœ‹ βˆ™ π‘Ÿ = 2 βˆ™ πœ‹ βˆ™ 𝑇 [𝐽]
When the engine has a speed of 3600 [rpm] this motor delivers
this work 60 times per second.
The frequency is 3600/60 = 60 [Hz]
The Power of this engine is de delivered work per second, here:
𝑃 = π‘Š1 βˆ™ 𝑓 = 2 βˆ™ πœ‹ βˆ™ 𝑇 βˆ™ 𝑓 [π‘Š]
We will rewrite this a little bit and we get:
𝑃 =2 βˆ™πœ‹βˆ™ π‘“βˆ™π‘‡ =πœ”βˆ™ 𝑇
πœ” =2πœ‹π‘“
Chapter 1
Energy in General
page 11
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
We have seen that for each energy conversion we lose some energy. The second law of
thermodynamics says that it is impossible to transfer heat completely into work. That means that all
cyclical processes, like the 4-stroke process for internal combustion engines, have a certain
efficiency. Further you will experience that for every step between the engine and the tires we will
lose some energy: the power into the gearbox is higher than the power we can take from the
How far do we want to go back into the energy chain if we talk about efficiency? Is it just the relation
between fuel consumption and distance travelled, or do we need to take in account the process
from the oil fields to the gas station as well?
We do have common sense about fuel consumption. Nowadays, modern vehicles can travel
between 8 and 30 kilometers on one liter of petrol (expressed as 12.5 [l]/100 [km] up to 3.3 [l]/100
Let take an average fuel consumption of 10 [l]/100 [km] for our car from the previous example when
it is driving steadily over the road at 45 [km/h]…(The drag forces are still 1500 [N])
If we travel for 1 hour, the distance will be 45 [km] and this will cost 45/100 * 10 = 4.5 liters of petrol
Now we need to compare the energy needed to travel this distance and the energy consumed.
Therefore, we need to know the energy density of petrol.
Energy density of fuels is the amount of energy / kilogram or energy/liter that we get if we let this
fuel react completely with oxygen.
For fuels this is named the calorific value (Verbrandingswarmte [NL]) and for fluids, like petrol, you
will find an upper and a lower limit/net calorific value (Bovenste Verbrandingswarmte BVW resp.
Onderste Verbrandingswarmte OVW [NL]). In combustion engines we must take the lower limit.
For petrol, the lower Limit is around 42 [MJ/kg] while the density is 800 [kg/m3].
πΈπ‘›π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘”π‘¦π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘ π‘’π‘šπ‘’π‘‘ = 4.5 βˆ™ 0.800 βˆ™ 42 βˆ™ 106 = 151 [𝑀𝐽]
πΈπ‘›π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘”π‘¦π‘›π‘’π‘’π‘‘π‘’π‘‘ = 𝐹 βˆ™ 𝑑 = 1500 βˆ™ 45 000 = 67.5 [𝑀𝐽]
Now the efficiency is: 151 βˆ™ 100 [%] = 45 [%] (This is an example, in reality it is more likely to be
βˆ™ 100 [%] =
βˆ™ 100 [%]
In the formula above you can see that we can use the ratio of the energy (work) and/ or the ratio of
the power because when we multiply the Power with the duration (time) we get the work and vice
versa. The power we can take from the gearbox is less that we put into the gearbox. To illustrate
this, we can make a 2-pole drawing. We will show this for our example with the dynamo on the bike.
The biker can deliver 100W, 10 [%] of it is used for the lamp.
PBiker=10 [W]
Chapter 1
Pwheel=8 [W]
Energy in General
Pdynamo=7.5 [W]
PLamp=6 [W]
page 12
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
The efficiency we have calculated is known as the Tank-To-Wheel efficiency (or TTW).
But to get the fuel in the tank we need more energy than we can take from it. Imagine the
machinery to take the oil out of the soil, the refinery, the factory and all the transportation of the
fuel through pipes and by trucks. So, you can even consider the energy for the production from the
pipelines divided by the total amount of fuel that will pass through it and for these pipelines we
need raw materials, transport, production etc.
All this is known as the Well to Tank (WTT) efficiency
Interesting article (Dutch): http://www.chemischefeitelijkheden.nl/Uploads/Magazines/h087Benzine.pdf (Werkt niet)
In total we can make a chain from Well to Wheel (WTW). In India
below you can find a calculation from “PluginIndia” where the
polution of vehicles is a major problem in big cities. The QR-code on
the right forwards to a video about transporting fuel.
Figure 11 The Well-to-Wheel calculated by Plugin India. (Pluginindia, 2017)
Global warming, greenhouse gases and pollution are problems which this and future generations will
encounter. We must focus on durability to keep the environment safe and to keep the weather
changes limited. That means we must focus on new energy sources that will use energy from
renewable sources such as the sun, wind and water. At the same time, when we use fossil sources,
we must try to keep the efficiency as high as possible.
To give you an idea: you need 4-liter crude oil for 1 liter gasoline, the rest is converted into other
products such as kerosene (jet fuel), lubricants etc.
Chapter 1
Energy in General
page 13
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Other sources of Energy
Here you can find the most common energy forms. Energy can be converted from one form into
another form (losing some of its original energy).
Kinetic Energy
When a vehicle with a mass of
1500 [kg] has a speed of 45 [km/h]
(see example) hits another vehicle
you can see real damage. The vehicle
has energy because of its speed and
this energy is absorbed by the chassis
during the collision. You can imagine
how much energy you must deliver to
cause the same damage to the cars
Figure 12 Kinetic Energy? (Snyder, 2017)
During your previous education the following formula must look familiar to you:
πΈπ‘˜π‘–π‘› = 2 π‘š 𝑣 2
We can derive this from the definition for Work. For those who understand integration,
the full derivation can be found below.
π‘Š = 𝐹 βˆ™ 𝑑 π‘Šπ‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘˜ = πΉπ‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘π‘’ π‘₯ π‘‘π‘–π‘ π‘‘π‘Žπ‘›π‘π‘’
𝐹 = π‘š βˆ™ π‘Ž (π‘π‘’π‘€π‘‘π‘œπ‘›′ π‘ πΏπ‘Žπ‘€)
𝑑 = 𝑣 . 𝑑 (π‘‘π‘–π‘ π‘‘π‘Žπ‘›π‘π‘’ = 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 π‘₯ π‘‘π‘–π‘šπ‘’)
Now we use the more mathematical method for distance, we introduce ‘x’ variable.
We express a small amount of Work as dW, so:
π‘‘π‘Š = 𝐹 βˆ™ 𝑑π‘₯
Here “d” does not mean distance but it is the derivate operator. If we want to know the total
amount of energy, we must add all the small dW’s, this is known as taking the integral of the
π‘Š = ∫ π‘‘π‘Š = ∫ 𝐹 𝑑π‘₯
We can’t take the integral from F to dx, but now we use Newton’s Law and the formula for motion:
∫ 𝐹 𝑑π‘₯ = ∫ π‘š βˆ™ π‘Ž 𝑑π‘₯
And the acceleration (a) is the derivate of the speed (v); a=dv/dt
∫ 𝐹 𝑑π‘₯ = ∫ π‘š βˆ™ π‘Ž 𝑑π‘₯ = ∫ π‘š βˆ™
And from 𝑑 = 𝑣 . 𝑑 (π‘‘π‘–π‘ π‘‘π‘Žπ‘›π‘π‘’ = 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 π‘₯ π‘‘π‘–π‘šπ‘’) we can see that 𝑑π‘₯ = 𝑣 βˆ™ 𝑑𝑑
Chapter 1
Energy in General
page 14
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
∫ 𝐹 𝑑π‘₯ = ∫ π‘š βˆ™ π‘Ž 𝑑π‘₯ = ∫ π‘š βˆ™
𝑑π‘₯ = ∫ π‘š βˆ™
𝑣 𝑑𝑑 = ∫ π‘š βˆ™ 𝑣 𝑑𝑣
Therefore, we must find the integral from v with respect to dv which is ½ v2 and the mass is a
constant. This means:
∫ 𝐹𝑑π‘₯ = π‘š 𝑣 2
If you couldn’t follow the mathematical explanation, just remember the outcome. During the lessons
in Toolbox and in the next few months you will understand how this process works.
Spring energy
All vehicles have springs for comfort. It can take the energy from mounds and bumps in the road. If
you compress a spring, you must apply a force to it. As long as the force is present the spring is
compressed, and as soon as you release the force the spring will expand and you will get energy in
return. In vehicles this can lead to harmonic movement of the body, which will decrease the
handling of the car. To prevent loss of control the energy is absorbed by shock-absorbers.
Figure 13 Spring Energy. (CNX, 2017)
In the picture above you can see that the force to expand the spring is a constant ‘k’ times the
distance ‘x’. Instead of ‘k’ you can also find other characters (like ‘c’ and/ or ‘u’ instead of ‘x’).
Now we can derive easier the spring energy because this is indicated by the area under the graph
where F is expressed against the deformation ‘x’:
πΈπ‘ π‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘›π‘” = π‘˜ π‘₯ 2
Here we can also use mathematics to find the energy. The energy is the integral of the
force to the distance and we must express the force F as a function of distance (x). In
figure 13 we can see that 𝐹 = π‘˜π‘₯ se we get:
πΈπ‘ π‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘›π‘” = ∫ 𝐹 𝑑π‘₯ = ∫ π‘˜ βˆ™ π‘₯ 𝑑π‘₯ = π‘˜ ∫ π‘₯ 𝑑π‘₯ = π‘˜ βˆ™ π‘₯ 2
This is exactly the same as the area under the graph if we take the spring force (F) as a
function of ‘x’
Chapter 1
Energy in General
page 15
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Potential Energy
Potential Energy (Height Energy) is the energy an object has because of its position. In ancient
Greece men knew that solid rock thrown from a wall could really damage the enemy. That is
because we must deliver work to lift the rock up and this energy is released as soon as we drop in
down. This energy is proportional to the height and the mass.
πΈπ‘π‘œπ‘‘π‘’π‘›π‘‘π‘–π‘Žπ‘™ ~ π‘š βˆ™ β„Ž
“Proportional to” means we can use an equal sign if we add a constant to it. In this case the constant
is the gravitational acceleration ‘g’ because π‘š βˆ™ 𝑔 is the gravity force:
πΈπ‘π‘œπ‘‘π‘’π‘›π‘‘π‘–π‘Žπ‘™ = π‘š βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ β„Ž
Chemical Energy
This is already partly explained at the efficiency paragraph in this chapter. Fuels release heat when
they react with oxygen. Normally we say that we burn fuels to get energy. This can be used for
warming our homes, for cooking or to get mechanical energy in an engine.
A part of the heat is used to vaporize the water that is used during oxidation and this heat is
released as soon as the water condenses. In combustion engines, this normally happens in the open
air, after the tailpipe. That means that we can’t use this extra energy. Therefore, we most use the
lower limit of the calorific value (see efficiency section).
Also, other chemical reactions can release energy, such as redox reactions in batteries. In this case
the chemical energy transformed into electrical energy.
The general symbol for heat energy is ‘Q’ and its unit is the Joule. If you want to heat up material,
you must put heat energy into it. The amount of heat energy depends on the rise of temperature,
the mass of the material and a constant, the specific heat ‘c’.
𝑄 = π‘š βˆ™ 𝑐 βˆ™ βˆ†π‘‡
T is the ‘delta’ Temperature and means the change (rise) in temperature.
Chapter 1
Energy in General
page 16
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Electrical Energy
To calculate the electrical energy, we must know the voltage over the component and the current
through it. The quantity voltage (U), expressed in the Unit Volt [V], is defined as the energy per unit
of charge. Charge is expressed in Coulombs. One Coulomb is equal to 6.25οƒ—1018 electrons
(6 250 000 000 000 000 000 electrons…). So, the electrons can transfer the electrical energy. The
more electrons we have, the more energy we get. The movement of charge per second through a
wire is known as the current (I) expressed in Amperes (Amps) [A].
1 π‘‰π‘œπ‘™π‘‘ =
1 π½π‘œπ‘’π‘™π‘’
π‘œπ‘Ÿ 1 [𝑉] = 1 [ ]
1 πΆπ‘œπ‘’π‘™π‘œπ‘šπ‘
1 π΄π‘šπ‘èπ‘Ÿπ‘’ =
1 πΆπ‘œπ‘’π‘™π‘œπ‘šπ‘
π‘œπ‘Ÿ 1 [𝐴] = 1 [ ]
1 π‘ π‘’π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘‘
If we multiply these:
π‘ˆ βˆ™ 𝐼 = [ ] βˆ™ [ ] = [ ] = 1 [π‘Š] (π‘Šπ‘Žπ‘‘π‘‘)
To know the total amount of electrical energy we only need to multiply the Power with time:
π‘Šπ‘’π‘™π‘’π‘π‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘π‘Žπ‘™ = π‘ƒπ‘’π‘™π‘’π‘π‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘π‘Žπ‘™ βˆ™ π‘‘π‘–π‘šπ‘’ = π‘ˆ βˆ™ 𝐼 βˆ™ 𝑑
If we switch on the wipers that take a voltage of 12 [V], and a current of 8 [A] for 2 minutes this will
π‘Š = π‘ˆ βˆ™ 𝐼 βˆ™ 𝑑 = 12 βˆ™ 8 βˆ™ (2 βˆ™ 60) = 11 520 [𝐽] π‘œπ‘Ÿ 11.52 [π‘˜π½]
Electrical energy is often expressed in the unit [Wh] (Power * hours), the power is here:
𝑃 = π‘ˆ βˆ™ 𝐼 = 12 βˆ™ 8 = 96 [π‘Š]
π‘Š = 𝑃 βˆ™ 𝑑𝑖𝑛 β„Žπ‘œπ‘’π‘Ÿπ‘  = 96 βˆ™ (
) = 3.2 [π‘Šβ„Ž]
In homes the energy consumption is expressed in [kWh] = 1000 [Wh] = 3.6 [MJ]
Chapter 1
Energy in General
page 17
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Beem, R. (2017). Energie algemeen. HAN Automotive, Arnhem.
Cambridge. (2017, 06 12). Cambridge Dictionary. Opgehaald van
CNX. (2017, 06 13). Potential Energy of a Spring. Opgehaald van
Haas, P. d. (2017, 05 18). Youtube. Opgehaald van https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrF7NzGlZ-M
Kaiserscience. (2019, 08 26). Opgehaald van
Pinsdaddy. (2017, 06 13). Bb Nsci 100 72 Work The Scientific Definition Openstax Cnx. Opgehaald van
Pinsdaddy: http://www.pinsdaddy.com/bb-nsci-100-72-work-the-scientific-definitionopenstaxcnx_XfysRfZY0KE*XjDhUONNX1anyEoYRvQfmQFkbKZK9slR1rUtbkpvtj0sxboYgG%7CYJVjuvFR
Pluginindia. (2017, 06 13). Pluginindia. Opgehaald van Calculating Well to Wheel efficiency:
Schoolphysiscs. (2017, 06 13). Friction and Drag in Cars. Opgehaald van Schoolphysics:
Snyder, E. (2017, 06 13). Car Accident. Opgehaald van https://www.edgarsnyder.com/images/large550/car-accident/car-van-accident.jpg
The next Corner. (2017, 05 17). Opgehaald van http://thenextcorner.com/i/mars-gda.png
vandale. (2017, 05 18). Opgehaald van http://www.vandale.nl/opzoeken?pattern=energie&lang=nn
youtube. (2019, 08 26). Opgehaald van https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmZtOm3Qb4A
Chapter 1
Energy in General
page 18
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Chapter 2 Energy losses while driving
Learning objectives of this lesson:
Ability to specify the formulas for calculation of the various driving resistances and can apply
these especially:
• Rolling resistance
• Hill resistance
• Air resistance
• Acceleration Resistance
Understanding the meaning of acceleration resistance and how this relates to the additional mass
because of the rotation of several components in the driveline
Chapter 2
Energy in Losses in a Vehicle
Page 19
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Driving resistances are a part of vehicle dynamics. Vehicle dynamics deals with the forces acting on the
vehicle and the consequences caused by these forces. These forces are:
driving resistance forces (driving resistances)
propulsive forces (drive forces)
brake forces
side forces
forces on the vehicle as a result of road irregularities (vertical)
This module mainly focusses on the driving resistances and their impact on vehicle performance.
The Driving Resistances.
Anyone with experience in driving various vehicles knows that:
A car accelerates if you ‘step on it’
A car with a "heavy" engine accelerates faster and has a higher top speed than the same
model with a "lighter" engine
The acceleration of the vehicle is less if we pull a trailer or drive on an upward slope
While driving a vehicle must overcome several resistances. These resistances are called driving
resistances. The following driving resistances on a vehicle occur:
rolling resistance
slope resistance
air resistance (drag)
acceleration resistance
internal resistance of the powertrain
These resistances will be discussed separately as well as their influence on the vehicle performance. The
driving resistances are actually forces that must be delivered by the engine. While driving, the resistances
exert a certain force on the vehicle. The engine must be able to deliver enough power to overcome this
force. If the engine is able to deliver surplus power, then this can be used for acceleration. Once the
engine delivers its maximum power to be used for overcoming only the driving resistances, then the top
speed of the vehicle is reached.
Chapter 2
Energy in Losses in a Vehicle
Page 20
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
For a vehicle with trailer or caravan the resistances of the trailer are simply added, although a trailer might
have a positive influence on the air resistance of the towing vehicle.
Rolling resistance:
Rolling resistance is caused mainly by deformation of the tyre on the road surface and partly by the
deformation of the road itself. The deformation of the surface depends, of course, on the type of road
surface that is being driven on. While driving through loose sand, the deformation is a rather large factor.
To clarify the concept of rolling resistance we use the following approach:
Figure 14 Rolling resistance (Kamerling, 2010)
Let's look at a non-deformable wheel on a ramp. Arch A-B is the contact surface of the tyre with the
road. The force that the road exerts on the wheel is assumed to be concentrated into a force (F*) at point
C which points towards the wheel axle.
In terms of mechanics, the wheel is in equilibrium, therefore:
 horizontal forces = 0:
FH = Froll (= Fr)
 vertical forces = 0:
FV = G
 moments about C = 0:
𝐺 βˆ™ 𝑒 = πΉπ‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘™π‘™ βˆ™ π‘Ÿ
From the last formula follows the rolling resistance equation πΉπ‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘™π‘™ = (π‘Ÿ) βˆ™ 𝐺 = π‘“π‘Ÿ βˆ™ π‘š βˆ™ 𝑔.
The factor (e/r) is called the rolling resistance coefficient π‘“π‘Ÿ , π‘š is the mass [kg] and 𝑔 is the gravitation
constant [m/s²]
the rolling resistance becomes: πΉπ‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘™π‘™ = π‘“π‘Ÿ βˆ™ π‘š βˆ™ 𝑔 [N]
ATTENTION: When the car is on a hill the normal force decreases and the rolling resistance needs to be
compensated for this!
Chapter 2
Energy in Losses in a Vehicle
Page 21
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
The rolling resistance coefficient depends on the following factors:
β–ͺ surface: type, material, condition
β–ͺ tyre: type (diagonal or radial), material, condition
β–ͺ tyre pressure
β–ͺ tyre diameter
β–ͺ vehicle speed
The rolling resistance coefficient is not simply a tyre characteristic. It is a value associated with a
combination of a certain tyre and road surface under certain conditions.
Given the number of factors that influence the rolling resistance it is clear that it won’t be constant during
driving. In practice however, one usually takes a constant value.
The value of the rolling resistance coefficient f is determined by measurements.
For calculations the values from the table below may be used
Type of road surface
rolling resistance coefficient froll
concrete or asphalt paving
0.010 - 0.020
grass court or country road
loose soil
0.10 - 0.35
loose, dry sand
> 1.9
Table 1 Rolling resistance coefficients on several road surfaces (Kamerling, 2010)
The power required to overcome the rolling resistance is:
π‘ƒπ‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘™π‘™ = πΉπ‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘™π‘™ βˆ™ 𝑣
Froll = Force rolling resistance [N]
v = vehicle speed [m/s]
Chapter 2
Energy in Losses in a Vehicle
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Slope resistance
Figure 15 slope resistance (Kamerling, 2010)
If a vehicle drives on a slope, the force caused by the weight can be resolved in two components:
a component perpendicular to the slope: 𝐺 βˆ™ cos(𝛼) = π‘š βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ cos(𝛼)
a component parallel to the slope: 𝐺 βˆ™ sin(𝛼) = π‘š βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ sin(𝛼)
() = angle of inclination [o]
G = weight [N]
m = mass [kg]
g = Gravitation constant [m/s2]
The force parallel to the slope, the slope resistance Fh equals :
πΉβ„Žπ‘–π‘™π‘™ = π‘š βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ sin(𝛼)
Conversion from percentage to degrees
Attention! The slope is normally given as a percentage instead of an angle. Then you need to convert this.
Slope = 5 [%] then the angle  is tan−1 0.05 = 2.86 π‘‘π‘’π‘”π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘’π‘  [°]
The power to overcome the hill resistance is
π‘ƒβ„Žπ‘–π‘™π‘™ = πΉβ„Ž βˆ™ 𝑣
Chapter 2
Energy in Losses in a Vehicle
Page 23
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Compensation rolling resistance according to the hill
Rolling resistance is caused by the force (weight) perpendicular to the road surface, as stated in the
previous section. A vehicle on a slope therefore experiences a rolling resistance equal to:
πΉπ‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘™π‘™ = π‘“π‘Ÿ βˆ™ π‘š βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ π‘π‘œπ‘  (𝛼)
The total resistance of the vehicle due to the slope is the sum of the slope resistance and the rolling
πΉπ‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘™π‘™+β„Žπ‘–π‘™π‘™ = π‘š βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ 𝑠𝑖𝑛(𝛼) + π‘“π‘Ÿ βˆ™ π‘š βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ cos(𝛼)
The needed torque
To be able to drive of on a slope, a force is needed at the driven wheels. This force comes as a torque that
is ultimately delivered by the engine and transferred through the driveline. To get a drive force from the
wheel torque we need the dynamic rolling radius:
𝑇 = 𝐹 βˆ™ π‘Ÿπ‘‘π‘¦π‘›
The torque needed at the wheels can decrease/ increase for the torque needed at the final drive and or
clutch depending on the gear ratios. When we have a gear ratio of 4:1 for the final drive the torque at the
input is 4 times less.
A car with a weight of 1200 [kg] is on a slope of 15 [%], two wheels (rdyn=0.28 [m]) are driven and can
deliver equal torque. The ratio of the final drive is 4:1, the first gear is engaged (3:1).
the hill resistance
the torque at the wheels
The engine torque
First find the according slope in degrees:  = tan−1 0.15 = 8.5 [°]
πΉβ„Žπ‘–π‘™π‘™ = π‘š βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ sin() = 1746 [𝑁]
Needed torque is
𝑇 = 𝐹 βˆ™ π‘Ÿπ‘‘π‘¦π‘› = 1746 βˆ™ 0.28 = 489 [π‘π‘š]
Each wheel will need half of it because of the power split in the differential
But for the total torque from the engine we count with 489 [Nm]
The input torque from the gearbox is 489/4 = 122 [Nm]
The input torque from the engine to the gearbox (via the clutch) is 122 / 3 = 40 [Nm]
Chapter 2
Energy in Losses in a Vehicle
Page 24
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Air resistance
The air resistance is a collective name for all aerodynamic resistances. A vehicle experiences three
resistances of this kind:
1. Pressure resistance: while driving the shape of the vehicle creates air pressure differences on the
vehicles’ surface. There is usually an overpressure on the front of a car, creating a pushing force, and
an under-pressure at the rear, that creating a pulling back force.
2. Friction resistance: the speed of the vehicle driving through the surrounding air (a gas), causes the
air to rub against the vehicle. This causes turbulences that produce frictional resistance.
3. Flow resistance: there is important air flow through a car that provides the cooling of the engine
and the air supply of the interior. This air stream also causes resistance.
All three resistances together form the air resistance. The magnitude of this resistance is
experimentally determined in large wind tunnels. The total air resistance Fl follows from:
πΉπ‘Žπ‘–π‘Ÿ = 2 βˆ™ πœŒπ‘Žπ‘–π‘Ÿ βˆ™ 𝐢𝑑 βˆ™ 𝐴 βˆ™ π‘£π‘Ÿ2
In which:
πΉπ‘Žπ‘–π‘Ÿ = Force air resistance [N]
πœŒπ‘Žπ‘–π‘Ÿ = air density [kg/m3]
𝐢𝑑 π‘œπ‘Ÿ 𝐢𝑀 = drag coefficient [-]
𝐴 = frontal area [m2]
π‘£π‘Ÿ2 = relative air speed [m/s]
The coefficient cd is measured in a wind tunnel. The frontal area of the vehicle is the effective crosssectional area: the projection of the vehicle in a plane perpendicular to the direction of motion. The
relative air speed vr is the speed of the air relative to the vehicle. Headwind or tailwind must therefore be
taken into account. In case the wind hits the vehicle at an angle the component of the speed in the
longitudinal direction of the car must also be taken.
If one wants to compare the air resistance of different cars, it's not enough to just compare the
cd values. It is the product of the air drag coefficient and the frontal area (𝐢𝑑 βˆ™ 𝐴) that determines the
The formula for the air resistance remains the same for a combination of a vehicle with trailer. However,
the combination changes the cd value and it might change the frontal area.
The power to overcome air drag is equal to:
π‘ƒπ‘Žπ‘–π‘Ÿ = πΉπ‘Žπ‘–π‘Ÿ ∗ 𝑣
(Note that v ο‚Ή vr)
If πΉπ‘Žπ‘–π‘Ÿ is entered into this formula, it becomes clear that the power required to overcome the
aerodynamic drag relates to the 3rd power of the speed. Therefore, the air drag is by far the most
important resistance at higher speeds.
Chapter 2
Energy in Losses in a Vehicle
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
In the table below the 𝐢𝑑 = 𝐢𝑀 value for several cars is given, as well as the frontal area and the product
of both.
Brand and type
Cw value
Alfa Romeo GT
Alfa Romeo 3.2 V6
BMW 120 d
Mercedes-Benz CLS 350
Mercedes-Benz B
Chrysler 300 c
5.7 HEMI
Peugeot 1007
Porsche 911
Porsche Carrera S
Citroen C4 2.0
Audi A2 1.2 TDI
Audi A4 2.0 TFSI
Audi A6 3.0 TDI
Audi Q7
Frontal area (A)
Cw* A
Table 2 Air drag coefficients of several passenger cars (Kamerling, 2010)
Acceleration resistance
When a vehicle accelerates there are two things that should be taken into account. The first is to
accelerate a vehicle’s mass. The second is to accelerate the rotating parts such as engine crank, flywheel,
parts of the transmission, drive shafts, differential and the wheels. In other words; the resistance due to
acceleration is the effect of translational acceleration resistance as well as rotational acceleration
For translational accelerations, Newton’s equation applies:
πΉπ‘Žπ‘π‘ = π‘š βˆ™ π‘Ž
where: m = mass of the vehicle [kg]
a = longitudinal acceleration of the vehicle [m/s2]
For rotational Newton’s equation applies (note this is a Torque, not a force):
𝑇 = 𝐽 βˆ™ π›Όπ‘Ÿ
where: 𝐽 = mass moment of inertia [kg m2]
π›Όπ‘Ÿ = rotational or angular acceleration [rad/s2]
Chapter 2
Energy in Losses in a Vehicle
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
When we have a flywheel of 15 [kg] with a diameter of 40 [cm] the mass inertia moment is bigger than
when we have a flywheel with the same mass with a diameter of 30 [cm] and when most mass is on the
outer diameter the mass inertia moment is bigger than when most mass is centred.
This means we need an additional torque to increase the speed of a flywheel and this torque is not
transferred to the wheels. The vehicle behaves as if it is heavier than it is and we need to compensate this
by adding additional mass to the vehicle mass.
This additional mass is expressed in a rotation factor (οͺ), when οͺ = 1.2 the vehicles behaves as if it is
20 [%] more heavy than it’s curb weight. The rotation factor increases for lower gears because in lower
gears we speed up rotational parts faster than in higher gears.
The rotation factor is defined as follows:
m + m red
For the acceleration resistance then follows:
πΉπ‘Žπ‘π‘ = φ βˆ™ π‘š βˆ™ π‘Ž
The table below shows guideline values for the rotation factor.
1.25 - 1.50
1.12 - 1.20
1.07 - 1.12
1.05 - 1.07
Table 3 rotation factor οͺ, guidelines for passenger cars (Kamerling, 2010)
Kamerling. (2010). Rijweerstanden. Dictaat HTS-Autotechniek.
Reimpel, J., & Sponagel, P. (1988). Fahrwerktechnik: Reifen und Räder. Würzburg: Vogel Verlag.
Chapter 2
Energy in Losses in a Vehicle
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Chapter 3: Power Conversions in Vehicles
Study Material (in advance)
Study this reader and read from Bosch Automotive Handbook (10th edition) the following pages/
1. P35 Quantities and units
2. P39 Basic principles of mechanics
3. P812 -837 Drivetrain with hybrid drives
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lecture the student is able to apply the knowledge and skills related to:
Name the most important forms of Power including calculation of the amount of Power.
This counts for:
o Chemical Power
o Electrical Power
o Mechanical Power
o Heat Power
Power losses
Power transfers and converts
Block diagrams for Power transfers in the driveline
The importance of Energy and Power density for propulsion
Understanding the relation between the Power en Torque characteristics.
Both for combustion engines and Electric Motors
Explanation why we need gears for vehicles with combustion engines
Explanation when we need gears for vehicles with electric motors
Difference between series, parallel and series/parallel hybrid vehicles
Explanation why we need a minimum number of wheels
and when we need multiple driven axles on it.
Chapter 3
Power Conversions in Vehicles
page 28
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
What is Power
Power is the work done in one second. So, it’s not just the work that has been done, but also the
time is relevant.
[π‘Š] π‘œπ‘Ÿ [ ]
For many customers it is important to have a certain amount of Power in their car, because they
think that more power means higher speed, better acceleration performances and they can pull a
bigger trailer…and that’s true (in most cases…)
First, we’re still used to the unit [hp], “horsepower”, it counts:
1 [β„Žπ‘] = 0.735 [π‘˜π‘Š]
π‘œπ‘Ÿ 1 [π‘˜π‘Š] = 1.36 [β„Žπ‘]
This counts for the metric / DIN units while an UK-hp is slightly more (745,7 W) and for electric
power motors the conversion is 746W.
But the standard unit for power is the Watt.
Let’s look at an ordinary vehicle, how does the power flow from the tank to the wheels?
Let’s start with the fuel tank, does it contain “Power”?
Not really, it contains “energy”! But when we take an amount of energy in a certain time, we can say
we take power from it.
Let’s make a rough calculation for the Power efficiency.
My car has a fuel consumption of 1 liter for 18 [km] of petrol when I drive 108 [km/h] at a constant
speed. The drag forces are 450 [N] (air and rolling resistance). What can we say about the Power
efficiency of this car?
𝑣 = 108 [
] = 30 [ ]
𝑃 = 𝐹 βˆ™ 𝑣 = 450 βˆ™ 30 = 13.5 [π‘˜π‘Š]
13500 βˆ™ 30
8.1 βˆ™ 106
≈ 26.3%
𝐸𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑉𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙
βˆ™ πœŒπ‘“π‘’π‘’π‘™βˆ™πΏπΆπ‘‰ 1[𝑙] βˆ™ 0.75 [π‘˜π‘”] βˆ™ 41 βˆ™ 106 [ 𝐽 ] 30.75 βˆ™ 106
So, from tank to wheel we lose ≈ 73% of the energy/ power – this is converted into heat.
Chapter 3
Power Conversions in Vehicles
page 29
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
To find the efficiency of conversions we can compare energy-in versus energy-out of power-in versus
power-out. Here we will use the Power more than the energy
For the propulsion of a vehicle, we need mechanical power to spin the wheels. In order to drive a
certain track or drive cycle, it is necessary to provide the mechanical power at the wheels during a
certain time span. Therefor we need to have an energy storage system. To increase the driving
range, we like to use an energy storage system with a high energy density. For that reason, chemical
energy, stored in fuel tanks, is perfect because it has a very high energy density and we can easily
fuel up. When we have electrical vehicles or hybrid vehicles, we also need electrical energy and this
is usually stored in battery packs. The energy density is the amount of energy divided by the total
weight for the storage. For fuel we need to take in account the appendages as well (tank, pump
filter,…) as for batteries the housing and frame also contribute for the total weight
πΈπ‘›π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘”π‘¦ 𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑦: π‘Š ′ =
Note the ‘accent added
W = work, E = energy but
they mean the same here…
Besides the total amount of energy that we can take on the road it is also necessary that we can use
the energy in a limited time to reach the desired power. When we need 150 [kW] to reach a top
speed of 250 [km/h] we need a bigger engine then when we use a city car that has a top speed of
100 [km/h]. Simply by injecting more fuel we get more energy in one combustion stroke – but then
we also need more air and as a result we need a bigger engine and/ or we need to use turbo’s to get
more air in the cylinders. For batteries the manufacturer will say what the maximum current is the
battery can deliver and this states the maximum power it can deliver. When we look at the power,
we can take to the weight we need we talk about the power density:
π‘ƒπ‘œπ‘€π‘’π‘Ÿ 𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑦: 𝑃′ =
Depending on the choice of the energy storage system, we need to have a certain type of power
converter to convert the power available from the energy storage into the required mechanical
For example, the following converters are used for the vehicle propulsion:
ICE (Internal Combustion Engine)
converts chemical energy into heat and mechanical energy
Electric machines/ Motor-Generator (MG)
converts electrical energy into heat and mechanical energy
Hydraulic pumps [Hyd P]
converts mechanical energy into heat and liquid flow energy
Fuel Cell
converts chemical power into electrical power
Hyd. P
/ hub
Figure 16 1Different types of power converters (G. Angelino - 2017)
Chapter 3
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
: is the fuel consumption [ β„Ž ] π‘œπ‘Ÿ [ 𝑠 ]
: is the lower calorific value [π‘˜π‘”] also known as π»π‘œ π‘œπ‘Ÿ 𝐻𝑒
: is the torque [π‘π‘š]
: is the angular velocity [
: is the current [𝐴]
: is the voltage [𝑉]
: is the pressure [π‘š2 ]
: is the volume flow [
: is the force [𝑁]
: is the velocity [ 𝑠 ]
You can see that a dot above the quantity means it is related to the time, so normally ‘m’ means
mass [kg] while π‘šΜ‡ means mass/hour or mass/second
Further notice that every power conversion has a certain efficiency, and the power losses generate
Now that we know what the difference is between power and energy and know how the energy can
be stored in a mobile application, we are now investigating the path of the energy flow from storage
to movement. The main objective of the drivetrain is to spin the wheels in such a way that the
desired performance can be accomplished.
For now, we didn’t bother about the number of wheels we need for the propulsion. But The number
of wheels which are driven by a powertrain depend on several factors, like: Single-, double- or triple
track vehicles, on-road or off-road applications, maximum traction force for each wheel and is
expressed like:
4 x 2 4 wheels and 2 wheels are driven
4 x 4 4 wheels and all 4 are driven (off road vehicles, SUV’s etc.…)
6 x 4 6 wheels and 4 wheels are driven (Like weight trucks)
8 x 6 Indeed heavy transport
20 x 20 Very very very heavy transport…
Normally we use more wheels when we need to carry more weight and we need more driven wheels
when we need more traction or the traction for each wheel is to low (off road conditions).
So, if we need a total force of 10 000 [N] to get up to a hill and each wheel can only deliver 3000 [N]
of traction because the road is slippery a 4x4 will manage the job while ordinary cars won’t reach the
Chapter 3
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Most drivetrains in modern vehicles are front wheel drive with the engine and gearbox trans versed
positioned in the vehicle and the final drive is combined with the gearbox.
Figure 17 Drivetrain (Bosch Automotive Handbook 9th ed.)
Block diagram front wheel drivetrain with the major efficiencies
Fuel tank
Figure 18 Block diagram of the front wheel driven car (G. Angelino - 2017)
The efficiency of the engine is very poor. From thermodynamics the efficiency is described as:
ο¨π‘‘β„Ž =
Where W is the work generated in the combustion chamber, Qin is the heat that is released when
fuel is burned and Qout is the heat released to the exhaust. Then there is also friction before the
power is transferred to the flywheel… we lose 70 [%] of the energy in this process.
How can we lose 5 [%] in the clutch? Now it is more a combination of flywheel and clutch, springs
need to fade out all the vibrations from the engine so most of the energy is absorbed by the springs
in the clutch plate or the double mass flywheel.
When we use torque converters the efficiency is even worse until the lock-up is activated
The losses in the gearbox are mainly because of friction, as also for the final drive/ differential. But
because the teeth in a differential are extremely hypoid, we have more friction in this section.
Further we know that because of mass moments of inertia every rotating part contributes to energy
losses when we want to accelerate and when we use bearing for these parts every bearing has a
certain friction to overcome. But the total efficiency for this drivetrain will be:
ο¨π‘‘π‘œπ‘‘ = 𝐼𝐢𝐸 βˆ™ ο¨π‘π‘™π‘’π‘‘π‘β„Ž βˆ™ ο¨π‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘›π‘ π‘šπ‘–π‘ π‘ π‘–π‘œπ‘› βˆ™ 𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓 = 0.30 βˆ™ 0.95 βˆ™ 0.98 βˆ™ 0.95 = 0.265
Chapter 3
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Some other drivetrains (made by G. Angelino, lecturer HAN Automotive):
Drivetrain A:
Fuel tank
Drivetrain B:
Fuel tank
Drivetrain C:
Fuel tank
Chapter 3
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Drivetrain D:
Drivetrain E:
Drivetrain F:
H2 tank
Hybrid vehicles
A hybrid vehicle is driven by two different energy sources but mostly we mean a fossil source and an
electric source. When two different fossil fuels can be used it’s is commonly called bi-fuel.
Hybrid vehicles are invented to lower the fuel consumption and to increase the efficiency. Many
customers feel better when they drive in a hybrid and governments encourage them with fiscally
benefits for the owner. Then these kinds of vehicles become more popular, and manufacturers will
put more effort in the investigation towards hybrid.
From hybrid to electrical vehicles looks like a small step but it is not that easy. The range for vehicles
is important, even when most people drive less than 100 [km] a day, they want a range of 1000 [km]
and a fast refueling time
And an acceptable range and fast charging time result in heavy expensive battery packs and as a
result expensive car for only a few lucky ones.
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Two major differences for hybrid drivetrains exist: Series and Parallel.
Series Hybrid
Figure 19 series hybrid drive AH9th pag.730
A series hybrid system uses both an ICE (1) and Electromotor (3), but the ICE gets petrol from the
tank (2) and drives the generator (3) that powers the Electro/Generator-motor (3), and the inverter
(5) makes this possible. The electromotor relates to the final drive (4). It can be that a battery pack
(6) is used to store recovered (brake) energy and/ or the take energy from the grid when it is parked.
The advantage of a series hybrid with battery pack buffer is that we can drive with zero emission for
e certain time and when we need to charge the batteries, we can use the optimum settings for the
Parallel Hybrid
Figure 20 parallel hybrid drive AH9th pag.728
Parallel hybrid cars can drive the final drive between 0%-ICE and 100% electric and 100% ICE and 0%
electric. Often, they use a small or medium battery pack and the electric motor assist when the
circumstances are poor for the ICE (low speeds, acceleration, etc…).
The speed of both motors is the same, but the torque of both engines is added together.
Series – Parallel Hybrid
Finally, it is possible to combine these two options with a clutch (4) between the ICE driveline and
the ICE-EM driveline ánd when they are connected a Power-Split is used (often with planetary gears
– like Toyota Prius does – this will be explained later in semester three)
Chapter 3
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Figure 21 series-parallel hybrid drive AH9th pag.731
Power output for ICE and MG
Now that we have a clear view about the powertrain of a vehicle and its corresponding functions,
let’s have a better look at the power output of the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) and the Motor
Generator (MG). The mechanical power can be calculated as follow
𝑃 =π‘‡βˆ™πœ” =π‘‡βˆ™2βˆ™πœ‹βˆ™
Where 𝑇 is the torque in [Nm], = rotational speed [rad/sec] and 𝑛 is the speed in [rpm].
With the use of a transmission, we can transform the elements of the power – here the torque and
the speed. Although we always have power losses during a power conversion and we can reduce the
power if required, we are not able increase power in the driveline. In case of mechanical power, we
can use a transmission (also known as a gear) to transform the power elements. The gear ratio is
obtained by:
In the literature, the gear ratio 𝑖 can also be indicated as the inverse of the gear ratio mention above.
The definition, which will be chosen for the gear ratio, can be different for some countries. But
nevertheless, the principle is similar for both cases of course.
Example: when the first gear ratio is expressed like 1 : 4.333 it is not meant that when the prise axle
(connected to the flywheel) rotates one time the output shaft rotates 4.333 times – so actually they
mean 4.333 : 1 or 1 : 0.231.
Common sense will make you understand what they mean while first gear have normally a lower
output speed than the input speed and fifth / sixth gear can have a lower speed and are named
“overdrive”. When 𝑖𝑛 = ο·π‘œπ‘’π‘‘ this is named “prise-direct”.
During this course we look at the ICE as a black box, where we will mainly focus on what is going inand out the ICE. In the next term, we will investigate more what is happening inside the ICE. Page
458 of the AH9th depicts a torque and power curve as function of speed for the diesel and gasoline
Chapter 3
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
For the explanation of the torque, speed and power curves related to the vehicle propulsion, a few
pages from the book “Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles” (M. Ehsani, 2005) are
copied and depicted below.
Engine Performance Parameters (page. 70)
The practical engine performance parameters of interest are power, torque, specific fuel
consumption, and specific emissions. The maximum values for torque and speed are either flow
limited (in naturally aspirated engines) or stress limited (in turbocharged engines). These parameters
(torque and power) have both brake and indicated values. The difference between these two
quantities is the engine’s friction (and pumping) requirements and their ratio is the mechanical
The relative importance of these parameters varies over an engine’s operation speed and load
range. The maximum rated or normal rated brake power and the quantities such as brake mean
effective pressure (bmep) define an engine’s full potential. The maximum brake torque (and bmep
derived from it) over the full speed range indicates the engine’s ability to obtain a high airflow
through itself over the full speed range and to use that air effectively. Over the whole operating
range, particularly in those parts of the range where the engine operates for a long period of time,
engine fuel consumption, efficiency, and engine emissions are important.
Indicated and Brake Power and Torque (page. 71)
The wide-open throttle operating characteristics of an SI engine are shown in Figure 22. The
indicated power is the average rate of work transfer from the gases in the cylinders to the piston
during the compression and expansion strokes. The brake torque is obtained by subtracting the
friction power from the indicated power. The brake power shows a maximum value at about a
speed slightly less than the maximum speed of the engine. The indicated torque shows a maximum
value in the mid-speed range, which approximately corresponds to the speed at which the
volumetric efficiency has the maximum value. The brake torque decreases more than the indicated
torque at high speed because of more friction.
Figure 22 Indicated and brake power, torques and specific fuel consumptions varying with the engine speed.
Chapter 3
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At partial load and fixed throttle position, these parameters behave similarly; however, at high
speeds, torque decreases more rapidly than at full load as shown in Figure 23. The partially opened
throttle causes more resistance to air flowing at a higher speed, and the volumetric efficiency
decreases. The pumping components of total friction also increase as the engine is throttled.
Figure 23 Torque characteristics with engine throttle opening and engine speed.
Vehicle Power Plant and Transmission Characteristics (page. 33)
There are two limiting factors to the maximum tractive effort of a vehicle. One is the maximum
tractive effort that the tire-ground contact can support and the other is the tractive effort that the
power plant torque with given driveline gear ratios can provide. The smaller of these two factors will
determine the performance potential of the vehicle. For on-road vehicles, the performance is usually
limited by the second factor. In order to predict the overall performance of a vehicle, its power plant
and transmission characteristics must be taken into consideration.
Power plant characteristics (page. 34)
For vehicular applications, the ideal performance characteristic of a power plant is the constant
power output over the full speed range. Consequently, the torque varies with speed hyperbolically
as shown in Figure 2.10. At low speeds, the torque is constrained to be constant so as not to be over
the maxima limited by the adhesion between the tire–ground contact areas. This constant power
characteristic will provide the vehicle with a high tractive effort at low speeds, where demands for
acceleration, drawbar pull, or grade climbing capability are high.
Since the internal combustion engine and electric motor are the most commonly used
power plants for automotive vehicles to date, it is appropriate to review the basic features of the
characteristics that are essential to predicating vehicle performance and driveline design.
Representative characteristics of a gasoline engine in full throttle and an electric motor at full load
are shown in Figure 2.11 and Figure 2.12, respectively. The internal combustion engine usually has
torque–speed characteristics far from the ideal performance characteristic required by traction. It
starts operating smoothly at idle speed. Good combustion quality and maximum engine torque are
reached at an intermediate engine speed. As the speed increases further, the mean effective
Chapter 3
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
pressure decreases because of the growing losses in the air-induction manifold and a decline in
engine torque. Power output, however, increases to its maximum at a certain high speed. Beyond
this point, the engine torque decreases more rapidly with increasing speed. This results in the
decline of engine power output.
Figure 24 Figures for the ideal Power and Torque characteristic compared to the characteristics of an ICE and
Electromotor. Page copied from “Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles” (M. Ehsani, 2005)
In vehicular applications, the maximum permissible speed of the engine is usually set just a little
above the speed of the maximum power output. The internal combustion engine has a relatively flat
torque–speed profile (compared with an ideal one), as shown in Figure 2.11. Consequently, a
multigear transmission is usually employed to modify it, as shown in Figure 2.13 (next page indicated
as figure 25 in this reader).
Electric motors, however, usually have a speed–torque characteristic that is much closer to the ideal,
as shown in Figure 2.12. Generally, the electric motor starts from zero speed. As it increases to its
base speed, the voltage increases to its rated value while the flux remains constant. Beyond the base
speed, the voltage remains constant and the flux is weakened. This results in constant output power
while the torque declines hyperbolically with speed.
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Since the speed–torque profile of an electric motor is close to the ideal, a single-gear or double-gear
transmission is usually employed, as shown in Figure 2.14.
Figure 25 Gears used with ICE driveline and Electromotors.
Pages copied from “Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles” (M. Ehsani, 2005)
π‘₯ is the “speed-ratio” this is the ration between the maximum motor speed and the base motor
speed. In figure 4.5 here above the maximum motor speed is set at 5000 [rpm] and when the base
speed (the speed the torque in the motor is constant) is 2500 [rpm] the speed ratio is:
max 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑
π‘π‘Žπ‘ π‘’ 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑
Chapter 3
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Variable-speed electric motor drives usually have the characteristics as shown in Figure
4.5 at the previous page. At the low-speed region (less than the base speed as marked in
Figure 4.5), the motor has a constant torque. In the high-speed region (higher than the base speed),
the motor has a constant power. This characteristic is usually represented by a speed ratio x, defined
as the ratio of its maximum speed to its base speed. In low-speed operations, voltage supply to the
motor increases with the increase of the speed through the electronic converter while the flux is
kept constant. At the point of base speed, the voltage of the motor reaches the source voltage. After
the base speed, the motor voltage is kept constant and the flux is weakened, dropping hyperbolically
with increasing speed. Hence, its torque also drops hyperbolically with increasing speed. Figure 4.5
shows the torque–speed profiles of a 60 [kW] motor with different speed ratios x (x = 2, 4, and 6). It
is clear that with a long constant power region, the maximum torque of the motor can be
significantly increased, and hence vehicle acceleration and grade ability performance can be
improved and the transmission can be simplified. However, each type of motor
inherently has its limited maximum speed ratio. For example, a permanent magnet
motor has a small x (> 2) because of the difficulty of field weakening due to the
presence of the permanent magnet. Switched reluctance motors may achieve x > 6 and
induction motors about x = 4.
The use of a multigear or single-gear transmission depends mostly on the motor speed–torque
characteristics. That is, at a given rated motor power, if the motor has a long constant power region,
a single-gear transmission would be sufficient for a high tractive effort at low speeds. Otherwise, a
multigear (more than two gears) transmission must be used. Figure 27 shows the tractive effort of
an EV, along with the vehicle speed with a traction motor of x=2 and a three-gear transmission. The
first gear covers the speed region of a–b–c, the second gear covers d–e–f, and the third gear covers
g–f–h. Figure 26 shows the tractive effort with a traction motor of x=4 and a two-gear transmission.
The first gear covers the speed region of a–b–c and the second gear d–e–f. Figure 28 shows the
tractive effort with a traction motor of x=6 and a single-gear transmission. These three designs have
the same tractive effort vs. vehicle speed profiles. Therefore, the vehicles will have the same
acceleration and gradeability performance.
Figure 27 Tractive effort vs. vehicle speed with a
traction motor of x=2 and three-gear
Chapter 3
Figure 26 Tractive effort vs. vehicle speed with a
traction motor of x=4 and two-gear transmission
Power Conversions in Vehicles
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Figure 28 Tractive effort vs. vehicle speed with a traction motor of x=6 and single-gear transmission
Chapter 3
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Chapter 4: Motor performance and efficiency
Study Material (in advance)
Study this reader and read from Bosch Automotive Handbook (10th edition) the following pages/
P75 Flow mechanics
P460 Typical max. efficiency Thermal engines
P461 Efficiency
P952 – 957 Fuel consumption and power socket consumption
Learning Objectives
Efficiency calculations of ICE, MG, Hydraulic machine and a fuel cell
Know what influences the efficiency and making an estimated guess for common power
transfers in automotive.
Understand the relation between specific fuel consumption and the efficiency for
combustion engines
Know how to use an efficiency map for combustion-, electro- and hydraulic motors and fuel
Understand how the efficiency can be calculated for any power converter.
Chapter 4
Motor performances and efficiency
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Please read the pages of the Bosch AHB 10th edition as mentioned above and also the following
pages from the book “Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles” (M. Ehsani, 2005),
depicted below.
Fuel Economy Characteristics of Internal Combustion Engines (page. 49, 50)
The fuel economy characteristic of an internal combustion engine is usually evaluated by the amount
of fuel per kWh energy output, which is referred to as the specific fuel consumption [g/kWh]. The
typical fuel economy characteristic of a gasoline engine is shown in Figure 29 and in Figure 30. The
fuel consumption is quite different from one operating point to another. The optimum operating
points are close to the points of full load (wide-opened throttle). The speed of the engine also has a
significant influence on fuel economy. With a given power output, the fuel consumption is usually
lower at low speed than at high speed. For instance, when the engine shown in Figure 29 has a
power output of 40 [kW], its minimum specific fuel consumption would be 270 [g/kWh] at a speed
of 2080 [rpm].
Figure 29 brake-specific-fuel consumption (bsfc) for Power output of a typical gasoline engine
For a given power output at a given vehicle speed, the engine operating point is determined by the
gear ratio of the transmission. Ideally, a continuous variable transmission can choose the gear ratio,
in each driving condition, to operate the engine at its optimum operating point. This advantage has
stimulated the development of a variety of continuous variable transmissions, including frictional
drive, hydrodynamic drives, hydrostatic drives, and hydro mechanical variable drive.
Chapter 4
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Figure 30 (brake) specific fuel consumption for Torque output of a typical gasoline engine
Specific Fuel Consumption and Efficiency (page. 67, 68)
In engine tests, fuel consumption is measured as a flow rate mass flow per unit time, π‘šΜ‡π‘“ . A more
useful parameter is the specific fuel consumption (sfc), which is the fuel flow rate per useful power
output. It measures how efficiently an engine is using the fuel supplied to produce work.
𝑏𝑠𝑓𝑐 =
= [π‘Šβˆ™π‘ ] 𝑖𝑛 π‘π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘π‘‘π‘–π‘π‘’ → [π‘˜π‘Šβ„Ž]
Where π‘šΜ‡π‘“ is the fuel flow rate and P is the engine power. If the engine power P is measured as the
net power from the crankshaft, the specific fuel consumption is called brake-specific fuel
consumption (bsfc). The sfc or bsfc is usually measured in SI units by the gram numbers of fuel
consumed per kW power output per hour [g/kWh]. Low values of sfc (bsfc) are obviously desirable.
For SI engines, typical best values of bsfc are about 250 to 270 [g/kWh].
Normally, a dimensionless parameter that related the desirable engine output (work per cycle or
power) to the necessary input (fuel flow) would have more fundamental value. The ratio of the work
produced per cycle to the amount of fuel energy supplied per cycle that can be released in the
combustion process is commonly used for this purpose. It is a measure of the engine efficiency (fuel
conversion efficiency) as shown below:
πœ‚π‘‘π‘œπ‘‘ =
π‘šπ‘“ βˆ™ 𝐿𝐢𝑉
π‘šΜ‡π‘“ βˆ™ 𝐿𝐢𝑉
π‘šΜ‡π‘“ βˆ™ 𝐿𝐢𝑉
= 𝑏𝑠𝑓𝑐 βˆ™ 𝐿𝐢𝑉
Where Wc is the work done in one cycle, mf is the fuel mass consumed per cycle, and LCV is the
lower calorific value of the fuel (also known as NCV, Q HV π‘œπ‘Ÿ 𝐻𝑒 , π»π‘œ , π‘‰π‘œ ), which is defined as the heat
released from unit fuel with complete combusting at standard conditions and the combustion
products cooling down to their original temperature. The typical heating values for the commercial
hydrocarbon fuels used in engines are in the range of 42 to 44 [MJ/kg] (11.7 to 12.2 [kWh/kg]).
Chapter 4
Motor performances and efficiency
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Using the SI units, the efficiency can be expressed dimensionless as,
πœ‚π‘‘π‘œπ‘‘ = 𝑠
Energy Consumption electric drive (page. 114, 115)
In transportation, the unit of energy is usually kilowatt-hour (kWh) rather than joule or kilojoule (J or
kJ). The energy consumption per unit distance in kWh/km is generally used to evaluate the vehicle
energy consumption. However, for ICE vehicles the commonly used unit is a physical unit of fuel
volume per unit distance, such as liters per 100 [km] ([l]/100 [km]). In the U.S., the distance per unit
volume of fuel is usually used; this is expressed as miles per gallon [mpg]. On the other hand, for
battery-powered EVs, the original energy consumption unit in [kWh], measured at the battery
terminals, is more suitable. The battery energy capacity is usually measured in [kWh] and the driving
range per battery charge can be easily calculated. Similar to ICE vehicles, [l/100 km] (for liquid fuels)
or [kg/100 km] (for gas fuels, such as hydrogen) or [mpg], or miles per kilogram is a more suitable
unit of measurement for vehicles that use gaseous fuels.
Energy consumption is an integration of the power output at the battery terminals. For propelling,
the battery power output is equal to resistance power and any power losses in the transmission and
the motor drive, including power losses in electronics.
The power losses in transmission and motor drive are represented by their efficiencies πœ‚ 𝑇 and πœ‚π‘š ,
respectively. The efficiency of the electric machine can be obtained as follows.
πœ‚π‘€πΊ =
Depending on the type of electric machine (DC or AC) different formulas are used to compute the
electric power. In practice, the battery output power (voltage and current) is mainly used as
representative electric power. I should be noted that in this case, the efficiency of the inverter is also
taken into account.
Figure 31 Typical electric motor efficiency characteristics
Chapter 4
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Hydraulic power converter
As you already know, it is also possible to use a hydraulic pump or motor to convert hydraulic power
into mechanical power or the other way around. Please watch the following YouTube video about
hydraulic transmission. This video gives a practical illustration of the working principle of a hydraulic
transmission. You can also watch other alternative videos about hydraulic drive systems as well of
Please have a look at page 75 of the Bosch AHB 10th and read also the following text.
On the next page, several graphs are plotted with respect to the efficiency of a hydraulic motor.
Source: Bent Axis variable displ. Motors, Series 51 and 51-1
Figure 32 provides the volumetric and overall efficiencies for a typical Series 51 and 51-1 motor
operating at maximum displacement, system pressures of 210 and 420 [bar] (3050 and 6090 [psi]),
and a fluid viscosity of 8.2 [mm²/s] (53 [SUS]). These efficiencies can be used for all frame sizes.
Figure 33 shows typical overall efficiencies for Series 51 and 51-1 motors operating at maximum
displacement and system pressures up to 420 [bar] (6090 [psi]), and a fluid viscosity of 8.2 [mm²/s]
(53 [SUS]). These efficiencies can also be used for all frame sizes.
Figure 32 Overall and volumetric efficiency at maximum displacement
The overall (total) efficiency is caused by hydraulic-mechanical friction losses πœ‚π‘šβ„Ž and volumetric
losses πœ‚π‘šβ„Ž .
πœ‚π‘‘ = πœ‚π‘£π‘œπ‘™ βˆ™ πœ‚π‘šβ„Ž =
Chapter 4
Motor performances and efficiency
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
The volumetric efficiency is the ratio between the theoretical volume flow and the real volume flow,
the higher the system pressure the more leakage we can expect. The efficiency increases with the
pump speed while there is less time for leakage anyway.
πœ‚π‘£π‘œπ‘™ =
π‘βˆ™ π‘‰π‘ π‘šπ‘œπ‘‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ βˆ™ 𝑛
Figure 33 Overall efficiency at maximum displacement
The input flow of a hydraulic motor can be obtained as.
π‘βˆ™ 𝑉 βˆ™ 𝑛
𝑉̇𝑖𝑛,π‘šπ‘œπ‘‘π‘œπ‘Ÿ = πœ‚ 𝑠
𝑄 = 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑒𝑑 π‘“π‘™π‘œπ‘€ [
this can also be written as 𝑉̇
𝑉𝑠 = π‘ π‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘˜π‘’ π‘£π‘œπ‘™π‘’π‘šπ‘’ [π‘š3 ]
𝑛 = 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 [𝑠 ] 𝑖𝑛 π‘π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘π‘‘π‘–π‘π‘’ [π‘Ÿπ‘π‘š]
πœ‚π‘£ = π‘£π‘œπ‘™π‘’π‘šπ‘’π‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘ 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 [– ]
𝑍 = π‘›π‘’π‘šπ‘π‘’π‘Ÿ π‘œπ‘“ π‘π‘™π‘’π‘›π‘”π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘ 
With the help of this input flow, we can calculate the input power of a hydraulic motor.
𝑃𝑖𝑛 =
βˆ†π‘βˆ™π‘ 𝑉𝑠 𝑛
Where βˆ†π‘ = π‘β„Žπ‘–π‘”β„Ž − π‘π‘™π‘œπ‘€ [π‘š2 ] is the pressure difference between the in- and output flow of the
Chapter 4
Motor performances and efficiency
page 48
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Note that this formula is about the input flow of a hydraulic motor. For a hydraulic pump, the
volumetric efficiency should be multiplied instead of divided. In that case, it will be output flow
instead of input flow.
The output power can be obtained as follows.
π‘ƒπ‘œπ‘’π‘‘ = βˆ†π‘ βˆ™ 𝑍 βˆ™ 𝑉𝑠 βˆ™ 𝑛 βˆ™ πœ‚π‘£π‘œπ‘™
Fuel Cell’s
The basic principle of a fuel cell is the direct conversion from hydrogen and oxygen into electricity.
The fuel cell works on the principle of an electrochemical process and has in basic no moving parts,
only membranes. Only the peripheral equipment such as pumps and cooling fans have moving parts.
The “fuel” for the fuel cell is hydrogen and oxygen and as long as these 2 gases are provided the fuel
cell can provide an external device with energy. The emission of a fuel cell is clear water. One of the
main problems with a fuel cell is the fact that hydrogen cannot be liquefied (unless cooled down to 252 [°C]) so the “fuel tank“ must be filled up to a very high pressure (up to 1000 [Bar]) and this sets
high (safety) demands on the construction of the fuel tank. (e.g., collision resistant)
Hydrogen is very flammable too. The Voltage of a
single fuel cell is 0.5 to 0.8 Volt, so if we need a
higher Voltage, we must stack the cells. The
efficiency of a fuel cell is higher than a conventional
combustion engine, the “fuel” is directly converted
into energy, in contrast to a combustion engine
where the fuel is converted into heat first. Hydrogen
can be made in different ways: out of natural gas or
by electrolysis of water.
Figure 34 Fuel Cell systems
The output power of a fuel cell is electric power, Voltage times Current. The input power of a fuel
cell is the hydrogen fuel consumption (π‘šΜ‡π»2 ) times the calorific value of hydrogen (𝐿𝐢𝑉𝐻2 ). So, the
efficiency can be calculated as follows.
πœ‚πΉπΆ = π‘šΜ‡
𝐻2 βˆ™πΏπΆπ‘‰π»2
Chapter 4
Motor performances and efficiency
page 49
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Overview total efficiency
The total efficiency can also be calculated by looking at the ratio between the output and input
power or the ration between the energy IN and the energy OUT. This counts in general for all types
of engines whether it is an ICE, MG or hydraulic motor. For ICE motors the efficiency can also be
calculated with the heat we put into the system (fuel) (Qin) and take out of the system (Quota)
= 𝐸 𝑖𝑛 = 𝑄 =
𝑄𝑖𝑛 −π‘„π‘œπ‘’π‘‘
ICE motor (πœΌπ’†π’‡π’‡ )
Electromotor (πœΌπ’†π’‡π’‡ )
Hydraulic motor
(πœΌπ’†π’‡π’‡ = πœΌπ’Žπ’‰ βˆ™ πœΌπ’—π’π’ )
Hydraulic pump
= 1−
π’ŽΜ‡ βˆ™ 𝑳π‘ͺ𝑽
βˆ†π’‘ βˆ™ 𝒁 βˆ™ 𝑽𝒔 βˆ™ 𝒏
βˆ†π’‘ βˆ™ 𝒁 𝑽𝒔 𝒏 πœΌπ’—π’π’
π’ŽΜ‡ βˆ™ 𝑳π‘ͺ𝑽
(πœΌπ’†π’‡π’‡ = πœΌπ’Žπ’‰ βˆ™ πœΌπ’—π’π’ )
Fuel Cell (πœΌπ’†π’‡π’‡ )
Chapter 4
Motor performances and efficiency
page 50
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Chapter 5 Aerodynamics
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lecture the student can apply the knowledge and skills related to:
static and dynamic pressure
The relation between pressure and force
Bernoulli’s Law
Laminar and Turbulent Flows
The meaning of the number of Reynolds
The influence of the border layer around objects
Methods to lower the air resistance
The drag force coefficient
Calculate the power needed to overcome air resistance
Historically, aerodynamics has played a big role in transport. When the Vikings sailed around the
world, they understood how the shape of the boat influenced its agility and speed and how to take
as much wind as possible with their sails. The first cars didn’t bother about any aerodynamic rule at
all, that was because the speeds of these cars were the same as walking. Later when scientists tried
to best the speed record time after time the shape of cars changed from rectangular to drop-shaped.
With airplanes it was more important to understand how the shape could influence the drag force or
how it could create lift.
Figure 35 a brief overview of shapes for transport ( (Carini, 2017)
From all the drag forces the force to propel yourself through a medium like air doubles with the
speed. That means the forces will be four times higher if the speed doubles.
This is theoretical… in practice it might differ. In this lesson you will learn more about flow theory,
Bernoulli’s law and a brief introduction into the principles of aerodynamics which is a very complex
We can easily define the factors which influence the size of the drag force through air. First of all is
speed, we already mentioned that. Then of course the air density, or perhaps the air pressure… we’ll
see. We then consider the shape… and the frontal area and whether or not we have holes in our car,
does it have bumps and dents etc. etc. So, a lot to take in account.
Chapter 5
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Bernoulli’s Law
In simplified form, in fluid dynamics, Bernoulli’s principle can be described as a sum of pressures.
Where the sum of all pressures is a constant – similar to the principle of conservation of energy we
can’t lose pressure ergo it must have changed into another form of pressure…
What kind of pressures exist?
Gravitational pressure – hydrostatic pressure
First of all, pressure because of height (or depth) – is
called gravitational pressure. You can experience it
when you are in an airplane or when you dive deep
into the sea. In the first case the pressure is lower
than you experienced before, in the other case the
pressure increases.
In water this phenomenon is also known as
hydrostatic pressure
The deeper you get the greater this hydrostatic
pressure will be. If we assume just at the water level,
we have 1 bar than the additional hydrostatic
pressure at 140 cm deep is:
π‘π‘”π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘£ = π‘β„Žπ‘¦π‘‘π‘Ÿ =  βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ β„Ž
π‘π‘”π‘Ÿπ‘Žπ‘£ = π‘β„Žπ‘¦π‘‘π‘Ÿ = 1000 βˆ™ 9.81 βˆ™ 1.40
= 13.734 [π‘ƒπ‘Ž] = 0.137 [π‘π‘Žπ‘Ÿ]
Where  (rho) is the specific weight (density), 𝑔 is
the gravity acceleration and β„Ž the height in meters!
Figure 36 Hydrostatic pressure (Swimex, 2017)
The unit of pressure is the Pascal [Pa]. One Pascal is 1 Newton per square meter [N/m2] which is
0.00001 [bar]
Dynamic pressure
When a medium, like a gas or fluid, moves the pressure changes. It doesn't matter if the medium
moves or that we move inside the medium. Dynamic pressure depends on the relative speed.
For instance, if we travel over the road we need to plough through the air; if we have tail wind, we
can travel easier because the relative speed has decreased.
If we go through water the forces are much bigger. So, it depends on the speed and the density of
the medium.
𝑝𝑑𝑦𝑛 =  𝑣 2 [π‘ƒπ‘Ž]
Static pressure.
The static pressure is present in a certain place at a certain moment. We are familiar with the
absolute pressure at sea level which is around 1 [bar]. And if we press the brake pedal the pressure
in the calipers can rise up to 200 [bar]. And the pressure in common rail diesel systems can reach
over 2000 [bar].
Chapter 5
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
There are multiple units to describe pressure, but in formulae you must always use the standard
unit, that is the Pascal. Also, when it’s more suitable N/m2 is often used.
1 Pa
1 bar
1 torr
1 [N/m2]
0.00001 [bar]
1000 [mbar] 100 000 [Pa]
1013.25 [mbar] 101 325 [Pa]
68.95 [mbar] 6894.76 [Pa]
1.33 [mbar]
133 322 [Pa]
(this is the Standard Unit)
(Pound per Square Inch) (1 [bar] ο‚»14.5 [psi])
(Torricelli = 1 [mm Hg])
Bernoulli’s Law in practice (example 1)
Assume somebody carries a glass plate of 2 [m2]
in the open air. If there is a side wind, what will
be the force on the glass?
Now we must know some values:
Windspeed: 5 Beaufort (10 [m/s])
air density: 1.3 [kg/m3]
Glass Area 2 [m2]
Air Pressure: 1 [bar]
Figure 37 (left) Carrying glass in the open air (Kerulit, 2017)
First, we make a simple sketch:
Figure 38 Simplified situation for the glass carrier (below)
(Beem, 2017)
We can see three situations, 1, 2 and 3.
Position 1 is far away from the glass plate, here
the static pressure is 1 [bar] and the windspeed
is 10 [m/s].
At position 2 the windspeed is zero and at
position three the wind speed is also zero but
the static pressure will there be 1 [bar].
The height of all positions is the same, so we
don’t need to take the gravitational pressure in
account, but for completeness we also include it
in the formula.
You may choose your own zero line for the height (Where h = 0 [m]), in this case it’s practical to take
the dashed line as h = 0 [m].
𝑝1 +  𝑔 β„Ž1 +  𝑣12 = 𝑝2 +  𝑔 β„Ž2 +  𝑣22
10 + 1.3 βˆ™ 9.81 βˆ™ 0 + βˆ™ 1.3 βˆ™ 10 = 𝑝2 + 1.3 βˆ™ 9.81 βˆ™ 0 + βˆ™ 1.3 βˆ™ 02
𝑝2 = 100 065 [π‘ƒπ‘Ž]
Chapter 5
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
This doesn’t seem to be a huge difference… the pressure is only 65 [Pa] bigger than the static
When we assume that the force all over is the same, we can calculate the force on the glass plate. If
the pressure on both sides is the same the net-force is zero. So, we must look at the pressure
difference across the plate.
=> 𝐹 = 𝑝 βˆ™ 𝐴 = 65 βˆ™ 2 = 130 [𝑁]
Bernoulli’s law can be derived from the first law of thermodynamics, conservation of
Out of thermodynamics Work can be described as: π‘Š1−2 = 𝑝1 βˆ™ 𝑉1 − 𝑝2 βˆ™ 𝑉2
But when an object falls down to earth potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. Let’s
combine these two in an equation for conservation of energy…
π‘Š1−2 = 𝑝1 βˆ™ 𝑉1 − 𝑝2 βˆ™ 𝑉2 = (π‘š βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ β„Ž2 − π‘š βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ β„Ž1 ) + ( π‘š βˆ™ 𝑣22 − π‘š βˆ™ 𝑣12 )
Now write the start situation (1) on the left and the final situation (2) on the right…
𝑝1 βˆ™ 𝑉1 + π‘š βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ β„Ž1 + π‘š βˆ™ 𝑣12 = 𝑝2 βˆ™ 𝑉2 + π‘š βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ β„Ž2 + π‘š βˆ™ 𝑣22
And we divide both sections by the mass (m)
𝑝1 βˆ™ 𝑉1 π‘š βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ β„Ž1 2 π‘š βˆ™ 𝑣1 𝑝2 βˆ™ 𝑉2 π‘š βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ β„Ž2 2 π‘š βˆ™ 𝑣2
(specific volume) is the reciprocal of the density; so
=  that means
+ 𝑔 βˆ™ β„Ž1 + 𝑣12 = + 𝑔 βˆ™ β„Ž2 + 𝑣22
Now multiply both sides with the density and we get:
𝑝1 +  βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ β„Ž1 +  𝑣12 = 𝑝2 +  βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ β„Ž2 +  βˆ™ 𝑣22
Chapter 5
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Example 2 (Gravitational Pressure)
Perhaps you’ve heard you can better pump water upwards instead of using a suction pump. That is
because the hydrostatic pressure can’t be ignored here.
If we lower the pressure above the water level the water will
rise in the pipe, similarly to when you drink through a straw.
But the water in the pipe wants to stream back because of
gravitational forces. Let’s ignore the speed of the water, we
just want to get the water out of the source.
𝑝1 +  βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ β„Ž1 +  βˆ™ 𝑣12 = 𝑝2 +  βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ β„Ž2 +  βˆ™ 𝑣22
Position 1 is at the water level and position 2 is at the top of
the pipe. The minimum pressure here will be 0 [bar]
(theoretically, because you need a very good pump to reach
this value…).
Figure 39 How high can we get the water up? (Wikipedia, 2017)
At position 1 the static pressure is 1 [bar], because that is the air pressure and the air pressure
doesn’t change much in the ground. If we dig a hole 5 meters deep the air pressure will change as
much as if we rose 5 meters up and the air pressure at the first or second floor on a building is
essentially the same. (In reality the pressure changes logarithmic because air is compressible but
roughly up to 3500 [m] the pressure declines with 1 [mbar] per 9 meter). The density of water is
1000 [kg/m3].
105 + 0 + 0 = 0 + 1000 βˆ™ 9.81 βˆ™ β„Ž2 + 0
β„Ž2 = 10.19 [π‘š]
So, it’s impossible to take water out of the source when the water level is below 10 meters, in
practice it gets difficult when the water is below 7 meters. In that case you cannot use a suction
pump, but you must use a pressure pump or rise the water in stages.
Chapter 5
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Example 3 (dynamic pressure)
Before fuel injection was widely used in combustion
engines many vehicles relied on carburetors. In a
carburetor the fuel level in the inlet just didn’t flow
out of the nozzle unless the pressure above the
nozzle decreased. To achieve this, we need a
narrowing in the inlet manifold to lower the
pressure. This is called the Venturi.
Figure 40 The carburetor principle. (Madhvan, 1017)
To understand this, we need to use…Bernoulli’s
On the right we focus on the
venturi. Because the mass airflow
must be a constant everywhere
(otherwise we accumulate air
somewhere). This means that de
speed in the wide section is lower
than the speed in the narrow
Figure 41 The venturi. (Instrument, 2017)
For air we can have a deviation in specific weight, for fluids the speed is related to the cross sections.
Let’s take two points, 1 in the wide section and 2 in the narrow section. The height of both points is
the same so we can ignore the gravity pressure
𝑝1 +  βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ β„Ž1 +  βˆ™ 𝑣12 = 𝑝2 +  βˆ™ 𝑔 βˆ™ β„Ž2 +  βˆ™ 𝑣22
Now we can see, that if we have atmospheric pressure at the beginning, where the speed is low we
must have a lower pressure at point 2 where the speed is higher! Because:
𝑝1 +  βˆ™ 𝑣12 = 𝑝2 +  βˆ™ 𝑣22
𝑝1 + π‘ π‘šπ‘Žπ‘™π‘™ = 𝑝2 + 𝑏𝑖𝑔
𝑝2 < 𝑝1
So, we have two different kind of pressures. Static pressure which is partly gravitational and partly
because of circumstances, mostly because 𝑝 =
or because of the air pressure that surrounds us.
Dynamic pressure because of the flow from the medium (gas / fluid).
Within a flow the sum of the pressures is a constant. That means that if the static pressure rises, the
dynamic pressure lessens and vice versa.
Chapter 5
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Aerodynamics in practice
We can imagine that if we make cars out of square boxes the aerodynamics of the vehicles would be
horrible. Suffice it to say that small children have no knowledge of aerodynamics at all.
In this case the drag forces because of the air would
be very high. All the air would slow down completely
so the speed of air would be zero and create a high
thrust pressure (Stuwdruk [NL]).
A better arrangement is to guide the air around the
obstacle and make it more aerodynamic.
Figure 42 a car in the eyes of a child. (Merriam, 2017)
The border layer (very important)
Actually, the speed of the medium at the border layer (grenslaag [NL]) of the object is always zero…
This insight is sometimes hard to understand, because…how can we blow away a fluffy if the
airspeed near the fluffy is zero? That has to do with pressure. The pressure on the fluffy, how small
this fluffy might be, acts a force to it and so you can blow it away.
But the influence of the border layer on the total friction force that the object experiences is a new
science. Therefore, the idea to polish the surfaces of objects to lessen the drag forces is not always
Figure 43 Smooth surfaces are not always better... (rideapart, 2017)
Outside the border layer, the medium behaves like a frictionless surface. Within the border layer the
friction causes a drag force. The dimples on the surface of a golf ball makes it easier for the air to
leave the surface, the border layer becomes thinner and the friction is lower. Lower friction means
that the air is guided better around the surface and the pressure on the other side of the ball is less
low than without dimples, so the drag forces are lower… This phenomenon was discovered in 1910
by Prandtl.
Pressure around the object
We saw by the example with the glass plate there was a pressure because of the wind. We assumed
the pressure on the other side of the plate was the same as the static pressure.
If air goes around an object this can result in a lower pressure at the end of the object. Mostly that is
the point where the air leaves the border area which is at the point of the lowest pressure. That
Chapter 5
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
means, if we look at the golf ball above the pressure on
the right, near the ball is lower than the pressure further
away from the ball. We create a low pressure point and
that creates an air stream to fill up this low pressure.
And to create an air flow… this takes energy, so the drag
forces also depend on the pressure after the object.
If you drive close behind a truck you can profit from this
air-stream. If you are further away from the truck
turbulences can make the drag forces higher.
For the total air resistance, it’s not only important to
look at the front side, but also at the tail side of the
So, make the border layer very thin, guide the air well
around the object and try to make the air stream as
small as possible.
Figure 44 Air stream at the tail. (Lammertse, 2008)
Turbulence and Laminar
In the drawing before you have seen the term laminar and turbulent. In a laminar stream each
particle will follow the same path as its predecessor. When turbulence occurs, this will not be the
If turbulence occurs depends on the diameter of the tube, the viscosity and the flow speed of the
medium. If you want to know more about this, please search on the world wide web for the
Reynolds number.
Chapter 5
page 58
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Drag Coefficient (cd)
De cw waarde – (weerstands coëfficient [NL])
In the 1970s one would think that the wipers on the windshield had to have had a dramatic
influence on the air resistance.
Pictured here you can see the Volkswagen Golf1. And we can also see that ahead of the wipers
we have the ‘paravane’ that looks like a
dimpled surface where the border layer lifts off
from the bonnet. In practice the wipers didn’t
have much influence on the air resistance at all.
Figure 45 The knick between bonnet and windshield from a VW-Golf-1. (Ralfons, 2017)
The drag force coefficient is the relation between the drag force and the dynamic pressure and can
derived in experimental way if we can measure the resistance force for a certain airspeed.
Figure 46 cd values for different types of transport. (Wikipedia, 2017)
Formula 1 cars do have a cd value near or more than one. That is because the want to produce
downforce that makes it possible to corner faster. The power in the engine is not only used for
speed but also for handling.
But the air resistance does not only depend on the drag coefficient and the (relative) speed but also
from the frontal surface / area of the vehicle. And now we have all the ingredients to calculate the
air resistance:
πΉπ‘Žπ‘–π‘Ÿ = 𝑐𝑑 βˆ™ 𝐴 βˆ™ 𝑝𝑑𝑦𝑛 = 𝑐𝑑 βˆ™ 𝐴 βˆ™  βˆ™ 𝑣 2
A few tips:
Avoid sharp edges at the front
when you need to use obstacles (like wipers…) make a dimple or edge in your construction
to release the border layer.
Let the frontal area increase slowly at the front, but also at the rear!
Look at good practices on the internet.
The drag force coefficient has the minimum value when you can reach the speed of sound. If
not, then review the tips above
Chapter 5
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Example drag forces
A Mc Laren F1 has a power of 465 [kW] (around 630 [hp]) and has a top speed of 380 [km/h]. How
much power is needed to overcome only the air resistance?
We need some numbers of course:
𝑐𝑑 = 0.32 [−]
𝐴 = 1.8 [π‘š2 ]
ο²π‘Žπ‘–π‘Ÿ = 1.3 [
First, we calculate the speed in [m/s]:
= 105.5 [π‘š/𝑠]
Now we fill in the formula for the Air resistance:
πΉπ‘Žπ‘–π‘Ÿ = 𝑐𝑑 βˆ™ 𝐴 βˆ™  βˆ™ 𝑣 2 = 0.32 βˆ™ 1.8 βˆ™ βˆ™ 1.3 βˆ™ 105.52 = 4.17 [π‘˜π‘]
The power is Force times velocity:
𝑃 = 𝐹 βˆ™ 𝑣 = 4.17 βˆ™ 105.5 = 440 [π‘˜π‘Š]
This means that only the air resistance takes 95 [%] of all the power and the other frictional
resistances take 5 [%]. This shows that air resistance is one of the most important drag forces for
high speeds.
Figure 47 Mc Laren F1. (NickD, 2017)
Chapter 5
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Law of conservation of mass
Aerodynamics is a part of the general subject of Fluid Mechanics. In automotive technology the
motion of fluids also plays an important role.
If we are dealing with a steady flow, then the amount of mass that flows per unit time in a flow field
remains constant. This is a very important concept and is the so-called law of conservation of mass
in stationary flow.
If the flow is a liquid, the same applies to the volume flow because a liquid is effectively
incompressible (not usually the case for gases!).
The law of conservation of mass is also known as the law of continuity.
 kg οƒΉ
οͺ m mass flow or mass flux οƒͺ οƒΊ
s 
 m3 οƒΉ
οͺV volume flow or volume flux οƒͺ οƒΊ
 s 
 
A flow cross-sectional area m 2
v average speed οƒͺ οƒΊ
 kg οƒΉ
 specific mass (density) οƒͺ 3 οƒΊ
m 
For flow through a cylindrical pipe it applies that:
οͺ m =  οͺ v =  A v in which the flow cross-sectional area is A = 14  d 2
If multiple pipes come together and further on divide again into other pipes, the total incoming mass
flow is equal to the total outgoing mass flow (compare to Kirchhoff’s Laws in Electrical Theory).
(οƒ₯ οͺ m )in = (οƒ₯ οͺ m )out
so, for example for three incoming and two outgoing pipes:
οͺ m1 + οͺ m2 + οͺ m3 = οͺ m4 + οͺ m5
 d12 v1 + 14  d 2 2 v2 +
 d 3 2 v3 =
 d 4 2 v4 +
 d 5 2 v5
If it is one liquid, one can divide by the density because of the incompressibility (so in the second
equation the density has already gone).
Chapter 5
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Such a combination will probably hardly occur in practice, but a pipe that splits in two pipes
or the joining of pipes into one pipe are constructions that we regularly see in practice. See
the figure below.
Figure 48 Conservation of mass means you need to add the same mass as you take from it.
In the left part of figure 48 we see a pipe that narrows. Based on the continuity rule, we can deduce
the following:
πœ‘π‘š1 = πœ‘π‘š2
𝜌1 βˆ™ 𝐴1 βˆ™ 𝑣1 = 𝜌2 βˆ™ 𝐴2 βˆ™ 𝑣2
Because liquids are incompressible there follows 𝜌1 = 𝜌2
So 𝐴1 βˆ™ 𝑣1 = 𝐴2 βˆ™ 𝑣2
𝑣2 = (𝑑1 ) 𝑣2
βˆ™ 𝑣1 =
𝑑1 > 𝑑2
βˆ™ 𝑣2
𝑑12 βˆ™ 𝑣1 = 𝑑22 βˆ™ 𝑣2
𝑣2 > 𝑣1
In the right part of figure 48 we see a pipe that splits and therefore:
(πœ‘π‘š )1 = (πœ‘π‘š )2 + (πœ‘π‘š )3
(πœ‘π‘š )1 = (𝜌 βˆ™ 14πœ‹ βˆ™ 𝑑2 βˆ™ 𝑣)
Chapter 5
(πœ‘π‘š )1 = (𝜌 βˆ™ 𝐴 βˆ™ 𝑣)2 + (𝜌 βˆ™ 𝐴 βˆ™ 𝑣)3
+ (𝜌 βˆ™ 14πœ‹ βˆ™ 𝑑2 βˆ™ 𝑣)
page 62
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Chapter 6 Thermodynamics I (Basics and First Law)
In this part of the course, we will look at the topic of Thermodynamics which plays an important role
in combustion engines.
Although there are all kinds of options for alternative engines, it seems, for the time being, that
combustion engines in vehicles will still be on the street.
But we also need Thermodynamics in material science and electrical engineering. Everybody knows
that when batteries are charged the temperature increases in this chemo-electric process. And when
dealing with heat transfer (inside materials) thermodynamical processes take place.
In this chapter we will only look at the Thermodynamics of processes involving gasses (not that of
liquids or solids)
Thermodynamics definitions
The word Thermodynamics comes from twee Greek words:
thermos = temperature and dynamos = force (think of the word dynamite)
Three important thermodynamical quantities are pressure p, temperature T and volume V
Often processes are draw in a pV-chart where V is de x-coordinate and p the y-coordinate
In thermodynamics, units that do not originate from SI are still often used
1 [π‘π‘Žπ‘Ÿ] = 1000 [π‘šπ‘π‘Žπ‘Ÿ] = 105 [𝑁/π‘š2]
1 [π‘Žπ‘‘π‘š] = 76 [π‘π‘š] π‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘ π‘ π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘’ π‘œπ‘“ π‘šπ‘’π‘Ÿπ‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘¦ = 1013 [π‘šπ‘π‘Žπ‘Ÿ]
T (in [K]) = 273.15 + t (in [°πΆ]); usually the rounded-off value 273 is used, so that:
0[°πΆ] = 273 [𝐾]
Ideal Gas Law
The simplest way to describe a gas is to interpret it as a large set of very small particles.
Particles that are point masses without any interaction between each other (no potential energy)
only collisions between the particles (exchange of kinetic energy)
Kinetic energy of the particles is the microscopic quantity which has to do with the macroscopic
quantity temperature.
As the particles go faster, the temperature increases (increase of kinetic energy) and as the particles
move slower, the temperature decreases. It is shown that the following equation applies:
𝑝𝑉 = π‘šπ‘… 𝑇
Whit pressure p, volume V, mass m, gas constant R and temperature T
This law is called the ideal gas law.
Ideal gases do not exist because each gas (when cold enough) finally condenses at a certain pressure
and temperature. But if a gas, at some temperature, is far from its condensation point, this
comparison is good.
Chapter 6
Thermodynamics (part 1)
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Air at 1 atm and room temperature behaves well as an ideal gas because the main constituents of
oxygen and nitrogen condense at very low temperatures
(-183 [°C] and -196 [°C], respectively)
In many calculations, this law can only be used. If one considers a closed system, the mass remains
constant and, of course, the gas constant. If you go from a starting situation 1 to a second
thermodynamic situation 2 and then 3 etc. then one can write:
𝑝1 𝑉1
𝑝2 𝑉2
𝑝3 𝑉3
= .........
Figure 49 ideal gas: no internal friction nor cohesion
Gas constant
The quantity R is the so-called specific gas constant which is different for each gas.
The unit is [J/kgK] This can be seen as follows because the product pV has the unit of energy
[𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑑 𝑝] ⋅ [ 𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑑 𝑉]
𝑅 =
] ⋅ [π‘š3 ] = = [ 𝑁 ⋅ π‘š] = [ π½π‘œπ‘’π‘™π‘’ ] = [ 𝐽]
[ 𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑑 𝑅] = [
Specific heat
c is the specific heat of a substance in [J/kgK]. It applies in most cases that the specific heat is (near
enough) independent of the temperature. In many calculations, use is made of cp and cv, the specific
heats at constant pressure and volume.
(For solids and liquids, it applies that c depends on the temperature.)
Frequently this is a near-linear relationship e.g. 𝑐(𝑇) = π‘Ž0 + π‘Ž1 𝑇
(with a0 and a1 coefficients to be defined), but it may also be approximated by a quadratic equation.
This depends on the accuracy that is aimed for.)
Note the different notations in the formulae that define c.
𝑄12 = π‘š 𝑐 ( 𝑇2 − 𝑇1 ) (if c is constant) 𝑐 =
Chapter 6
π‘š π›₯𝑇
𝑐 =
Thermodynamics (part 1)
π‘š 𝑑𝑇
page 64
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Conservation of Energy – First Law of Thermodynamics
Just as in other physical subjects, the Law of Conservation of Energy plays an important role in
Thermodynamics. This law is therefore titled the First Law of Thermodynamics.
(The Second and Third Laws also exist, but these are not covered in this series of lessons.)
Many kinds of energy may be defined, such as nuclear, chemical, mechanical (work), heat and
electrical energy.
All types of energy may be traced finally to the kinetic and potential energy of the microscopic
structure of the material and the interaction among elementary particles (but we will not go that far
in this course).
We will restrict ourselves in this part to three types of energy, namely
Q = heat, W = work (mechanical energy) and U = internal energy.
Internal energy is the total amount of kinetic and potential energy of the molecules. For an ideal gas,
this is only the amount of kinetic energy, and it may be derived that U is a function of the
temperature: π‘ˆ12 = π‘š 𝑐𝑉 ( 𝑇2 − 𝑇1 ) or expressed as π›₯π‘ˆ = π‘š 𝑐𝑉 π›₯𝑇 .
Application of the Law of Conservation of Energy to Q, W and U yields the equation:
𝑄12 = π‘Š12 + π‘ˆ12
or expressed as
π›₯𝑄 = π›₯π‘Š + π›₯π‘ˆ
Special processes in a pV diagram
In thermodynamical technology there are often processes where one of the quantities of pressure,
volume or temperature remains the same. These processes have the following names. (the prefix iso
is derived from the Greek word isos which means equal)
process at equal pressure
process at equal temperature T = constant
process at equal volume
Chapter 6
p = constant
V = constant
Thermodynamics (part 1)
page 65
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Heat energy and work
Heat energy is represented by the letter Q and mechanical energy (= work) by the letter W. If there is
a process of a thermodynamic situation 1 to another situation 2 (for example, because the pressure
or temperature changes) then the heat energy supplied or removed is noted as Q12 and the work
done by the system as W12 (the same for situation 2 to 3,
3 to 4 Q23, Q34, Q45 ....... etc.) The following is defined for positive or negative energy
Q12 > 0
positive heat-energy at heat supply
Q12 < 0
negative heat-energy at heat dissipation (emission)
W12 > 0
positive work on expansion (volume increase)
Work is being done by the system
W12 < 0
negative work on compression (volume decrease)
Work is being done on the system
U12 > 0
increase in internal energy
Temperature rises (particles move faster)
U12 < 0
decrease in internal energy
Temperature drops (particles move slower)
Normal volume
An important thermodynamic reference point (p0 , V0, T0 ) of a gas is the situation under so-called
normal conditions, namely p0 = 1 [atm] and t0 = 0 [°C].
The volume that the gas occupies in this situation is called the normal volume V0.
These normal conditions are easy to achieve in a laboratory (why?).
Different thermodynamic situations can be easily compared together with each other with regard to
this reference point.
Chapter 6
Thermodynamics (part 1)
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Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Adiabatic process
In nature and technology, there are often thermodynamic processes that take place so quickly that
there is no time to exchange heat with the environment. These processes are called adiabatic
π›₯𝑄 = 0
The thermodynamic environment in which this happens is considered a “closed system”. (there is no
matter and no energy exchange)
Filled in the First Law of Thermodynamics, this provides:
π›₯𝑄 = π›₯π‘Š + π›₯π‘ˆ
0 = π›₯π‘Š + π›₯π‘ˆ
π›₯π‘Š = − π›₯π‘ˆ
Work and internal energy are opposite to each other. (the minus sign is important!!)
This means the following:
Adiabatic expansion
Adiabatic compression
provides work W12 > 0
temperature drops U12 < 0
negative work W12 < 0
temperature increases U12 > 0
If an adiabatic process is thermodynamically reversible between two situations, that process is called
isentropic. In this lesson series we will not go into the concept of reversibility, but it is important to
know the two concepts.
The following statements can be made:
All isentropes are adiabatic processes but not all adiabatic processes are isentropes.
(compare that to the statement: all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares)
(An isentrope is a process of constant entropy. The term 'entropy' is not discussed in this first-year
course but is a subject in the second year)
Chapter 6
Thermodynamics (part 1)
page 67
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
CHAPTER 7 Thermodynamics II (Cyclical Processes and Polytropes)
Cyclical processes
Cyclical processes occur in combustion engines. If from a thermodynamic starting situation, after a
number of sub-processes, the same situation is returned to then a cyclical process has taken place. In
calculations a so-called energy balance is often drawn up.
In this energy balance the work, heat added or emitted and the internal energy is calculated for each
sub-process (usually expressed as amount of energy per unit mass, [J/kg]).
Important here is the Law of Conservation of Energy, the First Law of Thermodynamics.
Because internal energy is a situation-dependent quantity, this energy is unaltered after a cyclical
process, and so the total work done is equal to the algebraic sum of the supplied and emitted heat
(follows from the Law of Conservation of Energy). So
∑ π‘Š = ∑ 𝑄 = (∑ 𝑄)𝑠𝑒𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑑 − (∑ 𝑄)π‘’π‘šπ‘–π‘‘π‘‘π‘’π‘‘
If the total work is positive then this is called a positive cyclical process, and for negative work, a
negative cyclical process.
The ratio between the total W and the Q supplied finally yields the thermal efficiency.
πœ‚π‘‘β„Ž =
(∑ 𝑄)𝑠𝑒𝑝 − (∑ 𝑄)π‘’π‘šπ‘–π‘‘π‘‘π‘’π‘‘
(∑ 𝑄)π‘’π‘šπ‘–π‘‘π‘‘π‘’π‘‘
(∑ 𝑄)𝑠𝑒𝑝 (∑ 𝑄)𝑠𝑒𝑝
(∑ 𝑄)𝑠𝑒𝑝
(∑ 𝑄)𝑠𝑒𝑝
As already mentioned, thermodynamical processes are draw in a pV-chart (or pV-diagram) where V is
de x-coordinate and p the y-coordinate.
If the pressure and volume are measured at every moment in a cyclic process like the four-stroke
cycle of a combustion engine the pV- diagram becomes the so-called indicator diagram.
How to construct this indicator diagram will be shown in the lesson.
This diagram can be simplified using the First Law of Thermodynamics ( Conservation of Energy ) An
amount of positive work can be conveniently crossed out with the same amount of negative work.
The remaining processes can be approximated by so-called polytropes.(see paragraph below )
How this can be done will be shown in the lesson.
Figure 50 Four stroke cycle of an Internal Combustion Engine.
Chapter 7
Thermodynamics (part 2)
page 68
Saving Energy in a Vehicle
Polytropic process
A polytropic process is a thermodynamical process of an ideal gas that obeys the relation:
𝑝 𝑉𝑛 = 𝐢
Where n is the polytropic index and C is a constant. By making use of the ideal
gas law, this equation can be transformed to an equation with T, V or p, T
𝑝 𝑉𝑛 = 𝐢
𝑇 𝑉 𝑛−1 = 𝐢
= 𝐢
Another definition can be given as follows:
A polytrope is a process where the specific heat capacity remains constant.
Every polytropic process can be characterized by its index and specific heat capacity.
The following processes are of special interest in Thermodynamics:
c = cp
isentrope (adiabatic)
n = k = cp/cv
c = cv
Figure 51 Basic 4 polytropic processes in the pV diagram
(Source is from the book: Warmteleer voorTechnici page 60, Author: Ir. AJM van Kimmenaede,
Chapter 7
Thermodynamics (part 2)
ISBN 90 401 04492)
page 69