Checklist for Essays Check off the following for your response: _____The claim is specific, original, defensible, arguable. (SODA) _____The claim is a valid response to the prompt. _____The evidence is accurate and well-chosen. _____The essay explains the evidence in a way that makes sense. _____There is a clear claim or thesis. _____The reader can easily identify the writer’s main idea. _____There is relevant, accurate evidence from the text that supports and develops the claim/thesis _____There is sufficient (enough) evidence from text to support the claim. _____There is elaboration (explanation) that explains or analyzes how the evidence supports the claim/thesis (commentary sentences). _____The flow of ideas is logical and easy to follow. _____The introduction provides needed context (background info—lead in). _____The conclusion restates the focus and/or follows clearly from the thinking in the essay. _____The transitions/linking phrases make connections between concepts and ideas clear. _____The style is appropriate to purpose and audience. _____The word choice is precise (accurate). _____The sentence length and structure is varied and effective. _____The errors in mechanics and grammar do not impede (block) the reader’s understanding of the text.