Uploaded by rocio.nunez


Name ______________________________________
Date ______________________
The List: Gifts Edition!
What would you give someone if you could give them anything- even things that money can’t
buy, or things that none of us could ever afford. What would you give to the people in your life
and people whom you don’t know personally, but affect your life? Remember theses gifts are
for them, not you. Choose a different gift for each person. Take your time and make each one
as personal as possible. Write down why you would give them that particular gift.!
10. Your best friend- __________________________________________________________!
9. The adult(s) you live with (parents, grandparents, guardians)-!
8. Your homeroom teacher-_____________________________________________________!
7. Your music teacher 🎶 - ______________________________________________________!
6. The school principal-________________________________________________________!
5. Your favorite famous personality (sports figure, writer, scientist, actor, artist)- ____________!
___________________________________________________________________________ !
4. Your favorite musical artist or group (or one you really like)-__________________________!
3. The President of the United States- ____________________________________________!
2. A homeless person- ________________________________________________________!
1. The world-________________________________________________________________!
Bonus: Yourself-______________________________________________________________!