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EFFA6212 POE Task 1 Guidance.pptx

Ancient Egypt
POE Task 1
Task 1 Instructions
Rubric for Task 1
Remainder of the Rubric
for how to
this task…
• Firstly this needs to be formatted in the
structure of an email. I will attach a
template for this.
• What this means is that you need to write
in a formal but friendly manner. This is not
an essay so you do not need to use heavy
academic language but subject specific
terminology is important. So you can be
friendly but use appropriate jargon where
necessary. Also formatting this correctly is
important. So you need to follow the
template I am providing.
of the
Cooperative Learning
A method of language
instruction that encourages
pedagogical scaffolding, shifts
the role of the educator from
an authoritarian figure to a
facilitator, encourages
learners to engage with their
prior knowledge, moves
learning from a passive to an
active process with several
activities and promotes the
use of a social environment in
The practice of
using peers to
correct, teach,
explain and
engage with the
learning provided
by the educator.
This helps the
educator manage
a large classroom
while allowing HL
learners to assist
FAL learners.
Content-Based Instruction
of the
This is the process of using knowledge from
other subjects and the outside world in
engaging with language and themes in a
classroom. This process allows learners to
bring their own knowledge of a topic into a
classroom and learn language through it.
(6 marks)
• You need to pick all three:
• Constructivism
• Cooperative Learning
• Content Based Instruction
• Looking at your assigned activity you must discuss Content
Based Instruction, this is a non-negotiable for this task.
• Once you have chosen your three approaches you need to
provide a definition for each of these three approaches. This
should be referenced, specifically look at your Wessels
textbook for this!
• So here is an example:
• Cooperative learning is a teaching approach that focuses on
harnessing learners strengths to assist one another in the classroom
with understanding content and achieving success in specific tasks
assigned by the educator (Wessels, 2014). This approach is
particularly effective in larger classrooms where the educator may
struggle to provide support to every single learner (Wessels, 2014)
and this will also help learners as it allows them a level of autonomy
in the class to accept responsibility for their own academic progress.
Linking this to Ancient
Egypt (6 marks)
After you have discussed the approach look at how you could use this to specifically teach the topic of Ancient Egypt and how it relates
to the Social Sciences content.
Now this obviously depends on your choice of approach but there is a HUGE amount of ideas you could present here. I am going to
stick with Cooperative learning and just elaborate on that, but even my example could have lots of additions. So be creative here.
Co-operative learning could be used to teach the theme of Ancient Egypt in a wide variety of manners. It is possible to let the
learners do a reading activity together where they need to find specific information in an assigned text to answer specific
questions, much like a group work comprehension. The learners could also be encouraged to do research online or in the library
on a specific given topic and create a poster to summarise what they have learnt and present it to the class. For example, let the
learners divide into groups of 4 and assign a specific topic of Ancient Egypt to the learners such as religion and religious
practices or mummification, building the pyramids (this is a great choice because there has been a shift in history right now to
discuss how the pyramids were probably not built by slaves but rather so lowest members of the social order who were
sheltered and fed by the Pharoah and expected in return to devote their winter seasons to working for the Pharoah). Then the
learners need to research their given topic, create a poster using full sentences and correct language, and then finally they need
to present this in a speech form to the class. This allows learners to work together but also rely on each others strengths to
complete this work. When presenting the learners will also feel less afraid as they can do it as a group, instead of individually.
• Now in a brief paragraph for each discuss the required
resources that are used for these approaches. A resource is
either an activity or a physical item that will help the
learners to engage with this approach to the full.
to be used
• For example: In Cooperative learning, a class discussion or a
debate format can be used for cooperative learning in order
to generate and share ideas between the learners. Also
learners could use google drive or google docs to save
information and assignments they are working on
communally to ensure that they are all working together
but not being repetitive or forgetting to complete parts of
the work (this is also a great opportunity for us to check the
work done by each learner and assess how well the group
work has gone).