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ACC 142 SAS 1 AGAN (1)

ACC 142: Accounting for
Special Transactions Part 2
Module #1
Name: Agan, Ariane O.
Class number: _________________
Section: COC-FB-BSA3-01 Schedule: 9:00AM-10:30AM/Thursday&SaturdayDate: ________________
Lesson title: Orientation
Branch and Agency Distinguished
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of this module, I should be able to:
Course Syllabus
1. Outline house rules.
Millan, Zeus Vernon
2. Compare branch and agency.
Accounting for
Accounting Part 1) (2020)
Dayag, Antonio J.; Advanced
Financial Accounting Volume 2
Productivity Tip:
Visualize effectively yourself. See yourself tossing away cigarettes or buying or waking up early with nutritious
food. Whatever the bad habit is that you're looking to smash, kill it, smile and enjoy your success. See yourself
creating a new identity.
1) Introduction (10 mins)
Good day future CPAs! Welcome to the ACC 142 – Accounting for Special
Transactions Part 2 class. I am (name of the instructor) but you may call me
(nickname). In this subject, I will be your educator. I'll get your Syllabus and
Student Activity Sheets distributed. Let us go through your syllabus material first.
(Call on a student to read the syllabus material.) Throughout the course, this will
act as your reference, so I want you to be responsible enough to maintain your
syllabus. In your syllabus is also written the computation of your grades. (Explain
the Computation of Grade). So far, do you have any queries?
This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
ACC 142: Accounting for
Special Transactions Part 2
Module #1
Name: Agan, Ariane O.
Class number: _________________
2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins)
You are expected to answer columns 1 and 2 for this part of the activity, but you need to start with
the 2nd column first. At this time, the 3rd column will be left blank because you will answer it later.
Start thinking anything about Special Transactions that you know, just everything.
Section: _________ Schedule: ______________________ Date: _________________________
What I Know
introduction of additional
capital. drawings of cash
and goods. purchase and
sale of non-current assets
at book value
The major difference
between these two types of
banking offices is that
branches may accept
deposits, while agencies
generally may not
What I Learned
1. What have you learned in the first introduction of additional
capital. drawings of cash and
part of Accounting for
goods. purchase and sale of
non-current assets at book
Special Transactions?
2. Make a distinction of branch
and agency.
The major difference
between these two types of
banking offices is that
branches may accept
deposits, while agencies
generally may not.
This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
ACC 142: Accounting for
Special Transactions Part 2
Module #1
Name: Agan, Ariane O.
Class number: _________________
1) Activity 2: Pre-Printed Content Notes (13 mins)
A prospering business may need to establish new sales outlets to serve more
customers. A sales outlet may be organized as a sales outlet or a branch.
LO2: Compare branch and agency.
A sales agency is not a self-contained business but rather acts only on behalf of the home
office. On the other hand, a branch is a self-contained business that acts independently but within
the bounds of company policies set by the home office. The following further differentiate these
Section: _________ Schedule: ______________________ Date: _________________________
Sales Agency
 Displays merchandise and takes customers’  Carries inventory to fill customers’ orders (or
orders but does not carry inventory to fill
provides services similar to those provided by
the home office).
merchandise offerings as well as advertising
materials are provided by the home office.
 Forwards customers’ orders to the home office  Processes customers’ orders, makes normal
for processing. Customers remit payments
warranties, and makes own collections.
directly to the home office.
 May hold revolving cash fund which is  Has its own assets and liabilities and generates
replenished when depleted.
and incurs its own income and expenses.
This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
ACC 142: Accounting for
Special Transactions Part 2
Module #1
Name: Agan, Ariane O.
Class number: _________________
 A separate accounting entity for internal
 Not a separate accounting entity.
reporting except in the manner of accounting
 Maintains only cash records to account for the
for ownership equities and recording
revolving cash fund.
transactions between branches and the main
 The home office may bear the responsibility
office of the business.
for maintaining the accounts that arise out of
Maintains a complete set of accounting
sales, billing the customers, and making
records and prepares own financial
collections. Expenses of operating the agency
statements which are combined with the home
other than those paid by the agency from its
office’s financial statements for external
working fund are met by the home office.
 It does not stock merchandise to fill customer’s  Sells good out of a stock that it maintains.
orders or pass on customer’s credit.
Sales Agency
 A booth located in a shopping mall that offers  A branch of Banco De Oro located in a
debit or credit card issued by a bank.
shopping mall.
Applicants complete their application with the
bank’s office.
 A booth on a side walk offering Globe internet  Mang Tony’s fish ball – New York branch.
connection. Customers complete their
Serves freshly cooked fish ball straight from
transactions with Globe’s office.
the frying pan…etc
2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (20 mins) LO1:
Outline house rules.
Exercise 1. HOUSE RULES
Section: _________ Schedule: ______________________ Date: _________________________
Suggest at least 3 classroom rules you wanted to ask for in order to make the class more
cooperative and participative until the rest of the semester. What are the rules that you would like
to attach to the list? Write your recommendations in the callout that was given below.
This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
ACC 142: Accounting for
Special Transactions Part 2
Module #1
Name: Agan, Ariane O.
Class number: _________________
1. Do not use any gadgets when in class
2. Do not sleep during class
3. Do not be late
3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (2 mins)
By referring to the third column of the chart in your Activity 1, I really want to assess What You
Know. Come on, let's put your minds to work!
4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins )
Now let's see what you have! To see if you really understand it, apply the principles
you learned from above. Brace on yourself!
Exercise 1. Agency
List at least five agencies that you know.
Central Intelligence Agency.
Environmental Protection Agency. ...
Federal Communications Commission. ...
Federal Trade
Commission. ...
National Aeronautics and
1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
ACC 142: Accounting for
Special Transactions Part 2
Module #1
Name: Agan, Ariane O.
Class number: _________________
Section: _________ Schedule: ______________________ Date: _________________________
Congratulations for finishing this module! Shade the number of the module that you finished.
Are you having difficulty in learning the concepts in this module? If none, which parts of the module helped
you learn the concepts?
No. By the concept notes.
Some question/s I want to ask my teacher about this module is/are: None.
What module# did
you do? What were
What’s the
the learning targets?
date today?
What activities did
you do?
Action Plan
What were your
scores in the
What contributed to the quality of your
performance today? What will you do next
session to maintain your performance or
improve it?
1. What is the basic difference between an agency and a branch?
• Efficient responsibility of the unit
• The degree of independence presumed by the unit
2. Does an agency has a working fund?
This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
ACC 142: Accounting for
Special Transactions Part 2
Module #1
Name: Agan, Ariane O.
Class number: _________________
Section: _________ Schedule: ______________________ Date: _________________________
Agency is normally provided with a working fund that is to be used for the payment of expenses
that can be more conveniently settled through the agency. The imprest system is often adopted
for the control of agency cash.
3. How agency transactions are recorded?
Its transactions are recorded in the books of the home office either at: o
Separate records from the home office transaction, or o No
separate records from the home office transaction.
1. Department of Trade and Industry
2. Department of Health
3. PhilHealth
4. Bureau of Internal Revenue
5. Travel Agencies
This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION