Uploaded by Andri Firmansyah Rayes

cmedit Node Data Retrieval Guide

Get Node Data
1. Get the managed object instance of type ENodeBFunction under a node with name
"ERBS001", in namespace "ERBS_NODE_MODEL" (will return only FDN):
Example Command:
cmedit get ERBS001 ENodeBFunction --namespace=ERBS_NODE_MODEL
(Note: the name of the namespace depends on the versions of the node in the deployed
network and the type of managed object being looked for)
Example Command Response:
FDN : MeContext=ERBS001,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1
1 instance(s)
2. Get all managed object instances of type ENodeBFunction and return their FDNs
under nodes whose name starts with "ERBS" ie (Note: using 'short' notation for -namespace -ns)
Example Command:
cmedit get ERBS* ENodeBFunction -ns=ERBS_NODE_MODEL
Example Command Response:
FDN : MeContext=ERBS001,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1
FDN : MeContext=ERBS002,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1
FDN : MeContext=ERBS003,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1
3 instance(s)
3. Get all managed object instances of type ENodeBFunction and return their FDNs
from under each of the MeContexts in the collection "CollectionOne"
Example Command:
cmedit get CollectionOne ENodeBFunction
Example Command Response:
FDN : MeContext=ERBS001,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1
FDN : MeContext=ERBS002,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1
2 instance(s)
4. Get all managed object instances of type ENodeBFunction and return all their
persistent attributes under nodes whose name ends with "01":
Example Command:
cmedit get *01 ENodeBFunction.* -ns=ERBS_NODE_MODEL
(Note: the use of the asterisk indicates that all persistent values shall be returned.)
Example Command Response:
FDN : MeContext= ERBS001,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1
ENodeBFunctionId : 1
alignTtiBundWUlTrigSinr : OFF
altNasBackTo : DEFAULT_DCN
biasThpWifiMobility : 10
caAwareMfbiIntraCellHo : false
checkEmergencySoftLock : false
combCellSectorSelectThreshRx : 300
combCellSectorSelectThreshTx : 300
csfbMeasFromIdleMode : true
dlMaxWaitingTimeGlobal : 0
dnsLookupOnTai : ON
dnsLookupTimer : 0
dnsSelectionS1X2Ref :
dscpLabel : 24
enabledUlTrigMeas : false
eNBId : 81
eNodeBPlmnId : {mcc=353, mnc=57, mncLength=2}
eranVlanPortRef :
forcedSiTunnelingActive : false
gtpuErrorIndicationDscp : 40
initPreschedulingEnable : true
interEnbCaTunnelDscp : 14
ipsecEpAddressRef :
licCapDistrMethod : SYSTEM
licConnectedUsersPercentileConf : 90
licDlBbPercentileConf : 90
licDlPrbPercentileConf : 90
licUlBbPercentileConf : 90
licUlPrbPercentileConf : 90
maxRandc : 255
measuringEcgiWithAgActive : false
mfbiSupport : true
mfbiSupportPolicy : false
minRandc : 1
mtRreWithoutNeighborActive : true
prioritizeAdditionalBands : false
pwsPersistentStorage : OFF
randUpdateInterval : 200
releaseInactiveUesInactTime : 1
releaseInactiveUesMpLoadLevel : VERY_HIGH_LOAD
rrcConnReestActive : false
s1GtpuEchoDscp : 14
s1GtpuEchoEnable : DISABLED
s1GtpuEchoFailureAction : NONE
s1HODirDataPathAvail : false
s1RetryTimer : 30
sctpRef : MeContext=ERBS001,ManagedElement=1,TransportNetwork=1,Sctp=1
sctpX2Ref :
softLockRwRWaitTimerInternal : 60
softLockRwRWaitTimerOperator : 60
tddVoipDrxProfileId : -1
timeAndPhaseSynchAlignment : false
timeAndPhaseSynchCritical : false
timePhaseMaxDeviation : 100
timePhaseMaxDeviationCdma2000 : 100
timePhaseMaxDeviationEdrx : 10
timePhaseMaxDeviationIeNbCa : 30
timePhaseMaxDeviationMbms : 50
timePhaseMaxDeviationOtdoa : 9
timePhaseMaxDeviationSib16 : 100
timePhaseMaxDeviationTdd : 15
tOutgoingHoExecCdma1xRtt : 5
tRelocOverall : 5
tS1HoCancelTimer : 3
ulMaxWaitingTimeGlobal : 0
ulSchedulerDynamicBWAllocationEnabled : true
upIpAddressRef :
upX2IpAddressRef :
useBandPrioritiesInSCellEval : false
useBandPrioritiesInSib1 : false
userLabel : RegionA
x2BlackList : []
x2GtpuEchoDscp : 14
x2GtpuEchoEnable : DISABLED
x2IpAddrViaS1Active : true
x2retryTimerMaxAuto : 1440
x2retryTimerStart : 30
x2SetupTwoWayRelations : true
x2WhiteList : []
zzzTemporary1 :
zzzTemporary10 : -2000000000
zzzTemporary11 : -2000000000
zzzTemporary12 : -2000000000
zzzTemporary2 :
zzzTemporary3 :
zzzTemporary4 :
zzzTemporary5 :
zzzTemporary6 :
zzzTemporary7 :
zzzTemporary8 :
zzzTemporary9 : -2000000000
1 instance(s)
5. Get all managed object instances of type ManagedElement across all namespaces
and return only the userLabel attribute under any node (will also return the FDNs):
Example Command:
cmedit get * ManagedElement.userLabel
(Note: omitting the namespace parameter may decrease the performance of the query)
Example Command Response:
FDN : MeContext=ERBS001,ManagedElement=1
userLabel : sampleUserLabel
1 instance(s)
(Note: Response will be received from all available nodes. If a node is not available an
error will be received )
6. Get managed object instances of type GeranFreqGroup across all namespaces
under node ERBS001 and under a given FDN:
Example Command:
cmedit get
ERBS001 GeranFreqGroup
Example Command Response:
4 instance(s)
7. Get all managed object instances of type ENodeBFunction in the
ERBS_NODE_MODEL namespace with version 3.1.72 and return the FDN,
userLabel and dnsLookupOnTai attributes under any node:
Example Command:
cmedit get * ENodeBFunction.(userLabel,dnsLookupOnTai) ns=ERBS_NODE_MODEL -v=3.1.72
(Note: the name of the namespace depends on the versions of the node in the deployed
network and the type of managed object being looked for)
(Note: a list of attributes for a specified MO Class may be specified, contained within
brackets and separated by a comma)
Example Command Response:
FDN : MeContext=ERBS001,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1
dnsLookupOnTai : ON
userLabel : sampleUserLabel
1 instance(s)
8. Get all managed object instances of type ENodeBFunction across all namespaces
and return the userLabel and dnsLookupOnTai attributes under any node where
the value of userLabel equals to "Ireland":
Example Command:
cmedit get * ENodeBFunction.(userLabel=="Ireland",dnsLookupOnTai)
(Note: the value for a string object has to be enclosed in quotes when it contains any
special characters like space, full stop or dollar sign)
(Note: when querying for attributes with a specified value a "double" equals is required.
A single equals is used when setting a modeled value)
Example Command Response:
FDN : MeContext=ERBS001,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1
dnsLookupOnTai : ON
userLabel : Ireland
1 instance(s)
9. Get all managed object instances of type EUtranCellFDD across all namespaces on
the node ERBS001 and return only the FDNs with an latitudeDir facing North:
Example Command:
cmedit get ERBS001 EUtranCellFDD.(latitudeDir==NORTH)
(Note: the value for a string object has to be enclosed in quotes when it contains any
special characters like space, full stop or dollar sign)
Example Command Response:
latitudeDir : NORTH
1 instance(s)
10. Get all managed object instances of type ENodeBFunction across all nodes and
namespaces along with userLabel attributes, whose value starts with "Ire"
Example Command:
cmedit get * ENodeBFunction.userLabel==Ire*
(Note: when querying on a partial value, the attribute dataType must be a string, that is, it
is not possible to specify a partial enumerated dataType attribute)
Example Command Response:
userLabel : Ireland
1 instance(s)
11. Get all managed object instances of type ENodeBFunction under ERBS001,
ERBS002 and ERBS003 with userLabel attributes, whose value starts with "Ire"
Example Command:
cmedit get ERBS001;ERBS002;ERBS003 ENodeBFunction.userLabel==Ire* ns=ERBS_NODE_MODEL
(Note: the attribute must be a string)
(Note: a list of node identifiers is separated by a semi-colon)
Example Command Response:
FDN : MeContext=ERBS001,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1
userLabel : Ireland
FDN : MeContext=ERBS003,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1
userLabel : Ireland
2 instance(s)
12. Get all managed object instances of type EUtranCellFDD with a cellRange attribute,
whose value is greater than 12
Example Command:
cmedit get * EUtranCellFDD.cellRange>12
(Note: the attribute dataType must be a numerical value)
Example Command Response:
cellRange : 15
1 instance(s)
13. Get all managed object instances of type ENodeBFunction under ERBS001 with
userLabel attribute and all direct child managed object instances of type
EUtranCellFDD (in the same namespace) with no attributes.
Example Command:
cmedit get ERBS001 ENodeBFunction.userLabel,EUtranCellFDD
Example Command Response:
FDN : MeContext=ERBS001,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1
userLabel : sampleUserLabel
2 instance(s)
14. Get all managed object instances of type ENodeBFunction under ERBS001 with
userLabel attribute and all child MOs of any type (in any namespace)
Example Command:
cmedit get ERBS001 ENodeBFunction.userLabel,*
(Note: a wildcard asterix specified in-lieu of an MO will result in all MO Instances being
returned in the query)
Example Command Response:
FDN : MeContext=ERBS001,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1
userLabel : sampleUserLabel
FDN : MeContext=ERBS001,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1,GeraNetwork=1
FDN : MeContext=ERBS001,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1,AnrFunction=1
4 instance(s)
15. Get all managed object instances of type ENodeBFunction under a list of node name
IDs whose specified attribute matches a specified value
Example Command:
cmedit get ERBS001;ERBS002;ERBS003
Example Command Response:
FDN : MeContext=ERBS001,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1
x2retryTimerMaxAuto : 1440
FDN : MeContext=ERBS002,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1
x2retryTimerMaxAuto : 1440
FDN : MeContext=ERBS003,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1
x2retryTimerMaxAuto : 1440
3 instance(s)
16. For a specified node, get the managed object instances of a specified parent MO, a
specified child MO and that MO's child MOIs
Example Command:
cmedit get ERBS0001 ENodeBFunction,EUtranCellFDD,*
Note: MO Classes seperated by a comma indicate that the MO is a child of the preceding
parent MO.
Example Command Response:
FDN : MeContext=ERBS0001,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1
6 instance(s)
17. For all nodes with a specified MO that matches a specified condition, get all of that
MO's children but only output the specified MO types
Note: When the user wants to query network data based on certain criteria, but wants to
view different or additional data than the data specified in the search criteria, the data that
is desired to be output from the search can be specified
Example Command:
cmedit get * EUtranCellFDD.userLabel==Cell001*,* EUtranFreqRelation;
Note:The information that is displayed is independent of the information specified in the
search criteria. In the example, the query is based on all EUtranCellFDD MOIs with
userLabel starts with Cell001 and all it's child MOIs. The desired output is all
EUtranFreqRelation MOIs and all UeMeasControl MOIs but as stated not the
EUtranCellFDD MOIs.
Example Command Response:
3 instance(s)
18. For all nodes of type ENodeB, get all specified MOIs along with the specified
Note: When the user wants to contain a query across the network to return data only for a
type of node, the netype optional command parameter can be specified to limit the data
that is returned in the search criteria
Example Command:
cmedit get *
EUtranCellFDD.(userLabel,ulInterferenceManagementActive,ulChannelBandwidth) ne=ERBS
Example Command Response:
ulChannelBandwidth : 10000
userLabel : ulInterferenceManagementActive : true
ulChannelBandwidth : 10000
userLabel : ulInterferenceManagementActive : true
ulChannelBandwidth : 10000
userLabel : ulInterferenceManagementActive : true
3 instance(s)
19. For all nodes get all instances of a parent MO Class that has a specified child MO
Note: The parent (and child) MO will only be returned if a child exists that fulfills the
child cmObjectSpecification. If more then one child specification is specified then all of
those need to be fulfilled for the parent and those children to be returned. An output
specification can be used to return just the parent or child MO types as required.
Example Command:
cmedit get * ManagedElement,(Equipment;ENodeBFunction)
Note: MOs specified with in the brackets must be child MO's of the preceding MO
Example Command Response:
FDN : MeContext=ERBS0001,ManagedElement=1,Equipment
FDN : MeContext=ERBS0001,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1
FDN : MeContext=ERBS0001,ManagedElement=1
3 instance(s)
Note: All commands and search options in ENM CLI are case sensitive - MO Class and
attributes are as per modeled data
20. For ERBS001 get all instances of the MOs of type ManagedElement AND
ENodeBFunction, specifying all persistent attributes on the ManagedElement
Note:The search shall be contained to look for all MO instances under
Example Command:
cmedit get ERBS001 ManagedElement.*;ENodeBFunction
Example Command Response:
FDN : MeContext=ERBS001,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1
FDN : MeContext=ERBS001,ManagedElement=1
ManagedElementId : 1
applicationConfiguration : []
healthCheckResult : {startTime=, message=,
healthCheckSchedule : []
logicalName :
mimInfo : {mimVersion=1, mimRelease=160, mimName=ERBS_NODE_MODEL_H}
neType : ERBS
platformType : null
productName :
productNumber :
productRevision :
productType : Node
site :
userLabel :
2 instance(s)
21. For ERBS001 get all instances of the MOs of type ManagedElement and
ENodeBFunction, specifying all persisted attributes on the ManagedElement and
PM Counters on ENodeBFunction MO
Note:The search shall be contained to look for all MO instances under
Example Command:
cmedit get ERBS001 ManagedElement.<p>;ENodeBFunction.<pm>
Example Command Response:
FDN : MeContext=ERBS001,ManagedElement=1,ENodeBFunction=1
pmIotConnectedUsersMax : 0
pmLic5MHzSectorCarrierActual : 0
pmLic5Plus5MHzScFddActual : 0
pmLic5Plus5MHzScTddActual : 0
pmLicConnectedUsersActual : 0
pmLicConnectedUsersDistr : []
pmLicConnectedUsersLevSamp : 0
pmLicConnectedUsersLevSum : 0
pmLicConnectedUsersLicense : 0
pmLicConnectedUsersMax : 0
pmLicConnectedUsersTimeCong : 0
pmLicDlCapLicense : 0
pmLicDlPrbCapLicense : 0
pmLicUlCapLicense : 0
pmLicUlPrbCapLicense : 0
pmMoFootprintMax : 0
pmPagS1Discarded : 0
pmPagS1DiscDistr : []
pmPagS1EdrxDiscarded : 0
pmPagS1EdrxReceived : 0
pmPagS1RecDistr : []
pmPagS1Received : 0
pmRimAssocMax : 0
pmRimReportErr : 0
pmZtemporary34 : 0
pmZtemporary35 : 0
FDN : MeContext=ERBS001,ManagedElement=1
ManagedElementId : 1
applicationConfiguration : []
healthCheckResult : {startTime=, message=,
healthCheckSchedule : []
logicalName :
mimInfo : {mimVersion=1, mimRelease=160, mimName=ERBS_NODE_MODEL_H}
neType : ERBS
platformType : null
productName :
productNumber :
productRevision :
productType : Node
site :
userLabel :
2 instance(s)
22. For ERBS001 get all instances of the MOs of type ManagedElement, specifying all
writable persistent attributes on the ManagedElement MO and displaying the
output in Dynamic format
Note:The search shall be contained to look for all MO instances under
Example Command:
cmedit get ERBS001 ManagedElement.<w> --dynamic
Example Command Response:
FDN : "MeContext=ERBS001,ManagedElement=1"
ManagedElementId : "1"
applicationConfiguration : []
healthCheckSchedule : []
logicalName : ""
neType : ERBS
platformType : <empty>
productName : ""
productNumber : ""
productRevision : ""
productType : "Node"
site : ""
userLabel : "Label1"
1 instance(s)
23. For ERBS001 get all instances of the MOs of type ManagedElement, specifying all
mandatory persistent attributes on the ManagedElement MO
Note:The search shall be contained to look for all MO instances under
Example Command:
cmedit get ERBS001 ManagedElement.<m>
Example Command Response:
FDN : MeContext=ERBS001,ManagedElement=1
ManagedElementId : 1
neType : ERBS
1 instance(s)
24. Count the MOs of type ManagedElement and ENodeBFunction
Example Command:
cmedit get * ManagedElement;ENodeBFunction --count
Example Command Response:
ManagedElement 4 instance(s) found
ENodeBFunction 4 instance(s) found
8 instance(s)