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Subway Advertising: A Brave New World

The Brave New World of Subway Advertising
What do American Express, Target Stores, Coca-Cola, Discovery Channel, Cadillac, Minute
Maid, the Cartoon Network, and Calvin Klein all have in common? They are all breaking
through the clutter of traditional ad spaces to grab the attention of potential customers. And in
the process, they are dazzling them out of the boredom of riding the subway.
Subway advertising has been around nearly as long as the subway itself. But advertising media
pioneers Submedia, Sidetrack Technologies, and Motion Poster give the old venue a new twist.
By employing an innovative technology similar to that of a childhood flip book, they are
lighting up dark subway tunnels and turning them into valuable showcases for major
AT the core of this new method is a series of lit panels containing static images. The panels
occupy 500 to 1,000 feet of space that normally contain only graffiti, grime and the occasional
rat. When viewed fro a standstill, they appear as simple still images. But when a subway passes
by, they come to life for riders as 15-to-30- second full-motion commercial.
Having just another place to air a commercial might not seem so appealing to advertisers. But
in a media environment where consumers are increasingly bypassing ads, the placement of
these ads in subway tunnels presents exceptional possibilities. Advertisers are clamoring for
opportunities to break through the typical clutter. And these ads are so unique, most consumers
have never seen anything like them. “We think this will catch people so totally by surprise that
when they see them, they can’t help but watch them, “ said Dan Hanharan, Royal Carribean’s
senior vice president of marketing and sales.
But the uniqueness of this medium is only part of the formula that gives these advertising
agencies the belief that they’re creating a revolution. The rest is based on the nature of the
subway audience: captive and bored. “Everybody overwhelmingly says it takes away from the
boredom of the ride.” Said Joshua Spodek , founder of New York city Submeia. “It’s not like
it’s taking away from a beautiful view, loke a billboard as you’re driving around a beautiful
area in Vermont. A subway tunnel is a semi-industrial environment.”
Whether it’s because the ads give a bored audience something to do or because this new wave
of out-of-home advertisements is truly cutting edge, industry officials claim that the public
reaction has been overwhelmingly positive. Transit authorities even claim that customers
bombard them with compliments about the ads. Exaggeration? Wishful thinking? Not
according to Gabe Grant, a regular rider of Boston’s Red Line. “Wow. They do think of
everything. I’m pretty psyched about that it’s not the most exciting ride without it.”
Comments like this make it easy to believe the claims of underground advertising agencies.
One estimate asserts that more than 80 per cent of consumers remember the advertised product
while only 20 per cent have that same level of recall for television ads. This means big ad
revenues, and not just for the agencies. Mass transit organizations potentially can realize a big
source of secondary income when thy lease out this unused real estate.
Currently brightening the tunnels of numerous mass transit systems in North and South
America, Asia and Europe, these advertisements represent something every advertiser dreams
of: an ad that people go out of the way to look at. In a world that is becoming increasingly
skeptical about too much advertising , this is an express ride to success.
Metro reklamasining jasur yangi dunyosi
American Express, Target Stores, Coca-Cola, Discovery Channel, Cadillac, Minute Maid,
Cartoon Network va Kalvin Kleinning umumiy jihatlari nimada? Ularning barchasi potentsial
mijozlar e'tiborini jalb qilish uchun an'anaviy reklama maydonlarini sindirishmoqda. Bu
jarayonda esa ularni metroda yurish vaqtida diqqatni tortib ko‘zni qamashtirmoqda.
Metro reklamasi deyarli metro yaralgandan beri mavjud. Ammo reklama mediasi agentlarilari
Submedia, Sidetrack Technologies va Motion Poster eski makonga yangi tus berishayapdi.
Bolalik davridagi flip-kitob kabi innovatsion texnologiyadan foydalanib, ular qorong'u metro
Ushbu yangi usulning asosini statik tasvirlarni o'z ichiga olgan bir qator yoritilgan panellar
tashkil etadi. Panellar 500 dan 1000 futgacha bo'lgan joyni egallaydi, ularda odatda faqat
graffiti, kir va vaqti-vaqti bilan kalamushlarni ham uchratish mumkin. To'xtab turgan joyidan
ko'rilganda, ular oddiy harakatsiz tasvirlar kabi ko'rinadi. Ammo metro o'tib ketganda, ular
metrodan foydalanuvchilar uchun 15-30 soniyalik to'liq harakatli reklama sifatida jonlanadi.
Reklamani efirga uzatish uchun boshqa joyga ega bo'lish reklama beruvchilar uchun unchalik
qiziq bo'lmasligi mumkin. Ammo iste'molchilar tobora ko'proq reklamalarni chetlab
o'tayotgan media muhitida bu reklamalarni metro tunnellarida joylashtirish alohida
imkoniyatlarni taqdim etadi. Reklamachilar odatdagi tartibsizlikni yorib o'tish imkoniyatlarini
qidirmoqdalar. Va bu reklamalar shunchalik noyobki, ko'pchilik iste'molchilar hech qachon
bunday narsalarni ko'rmagan. "Bizning fikrimizcha, bu odamlarni shunchalik hayratda
qoldiradiki, ular reklamani ko'rganlarida, ularni tomosha qilishdan boshqa iloji yo'q", dedi Den
Xanxaran, Royal Carribean kompaniyasining marketing va savdo bo'yicha katta vitseprezidenti.
Ammo ushbu vositaning o'ziga xosligi bu reklama agentliklariga ular inqilob yaratayotganiga
ishonishni beradigan formulaning faqat bir qismidir. Qolganlari metro tomoshabinlarining
tabiatiga asoslanadi: asir tushgan va zerikkan insonlar. "Hamma ko'pincha bu sayohatdan
zerikishdan xalos bo'lishini aytadi." Dedi Joshua Spodek, Nyu-York shahri Submeya asoschisi.
“Vermontdagi go‘zal hududni aylanib o‘tayotganda, reklama taxtasiga qarash, bu go‘zal
manzaradan uzoqlashayotganiga o‘xshamaydi. Metro tunneli yarim sanoat muhitidir”.
Reklamalar zerikkan tomoshabinlarga nimadir qilish imkonini berganligi uchunmi yoki uydan
tashqari reklamalarning yangi to'lqini haqiqatan ham eng zamonaviy bo'lgani uchunmi, soha
rasmiylari jamoatchilikning munosabati juda ijobiy bo'lganini ta'kidlamoqda. Tranzit
ma'murlari hattoki, mijozlar ularni reklama haqida maqtovlar bilan bombardimon qilishganini
da'vo qilmoqda. Mubolag'asizmi? Xayolparastmi? Boston Red Linening oddiy chavandozi
Geyb Grantga ko'ra emas. "Qoyil. Ular hamma narsani o'ylashadi. Men busiz hayajonli sayohat
emasligidan juda hayronman."
Bu kabi sharhlar yer osti reklama agentliklarining da'volariga ishonishni osonlashtiradi. Bir
hisob-kitoblarga ko'ra, iste'molchilarning 80 foizdan ortig'i reklama qilingan mahsulotni eslab
qoladi, atigi 20 foizi esa televidenie reklamalari uchun bir xil darajada eslab qolishadi. Bu
nafaqat agentliklar uchun, balki katta reklama daromadlarini anglatadi. Ommaviy tranzit
tashkilotlari foydalanilmagan ko'chmas mulkni ijaraga berganingizda katta ikkilamchi
daromad manbasini amalga oshirishi mumkin.
Hozirda Shimoliy va Janubiy Amerika, Osiyo va Yevropadagi ko‘plab ommaviy tranzit
tizimlarining tunnellarini yoritib turuvchi ushbu reklamalar har bir reklama beruvchi orzu
qiladigan narsani ifodalaydi: odamlar ko‘z yumadigan reklama. Haddan tashqari ko'p
reklamaga shubha bilan qaraydigan dunyoda bu muvaffaqiyat sari tezkor yo'ldir.
1. Based on the principles of attention presented in this chapter, explain why this new wave of subway
ads is expected to be so effective.
This case is suited for illustrating various aspects of the perceptual process, including sensation, exposure,
attention, and interpretation. However, the concepts that best explain why this new advertising medium should
initially be successful are the stimulus selection factors of position and novelty that contribute to attention.
With respect to position, subway ads come into full view, right outside the windows of subway trains where
many riders are likely to be gazing. The concept of novelty exerts that stimuli that appear in unexpected places
tend to grab attention. Certainly, these ads should at least initially be unexpected on the dark walls of subway
tunnels. These things alone will contribute to higher than normal levels of attention which should have some
effect on memory retention.
2. By the same principles, what should the subway tunnel agencies be considering in order to avoid the
potential burnout of this medium?
Obviously, if novelty is the biggest playing card for this advertising medium, then this should wear off. This
is especially true because the image panels for these ads are placed
1. Ushbu bobda keltirilgan e'tibor tamoyillariga asoslanib, metro reklamalarining ushbu yangi to'lqini nima
uchun shunchalik samarali bo'lishi kutilayotganini tushuntiring.
Bu holat idrok etish jarayonining turli tomonlarini, jumladan, sezish, ta'sir qilish, diqqat va talqinni tasvirlash
uchun mos keladi. Biroq, ushbu yangi reklama vositasi nima uchun dastlab muvaffaqiyatli bo'lishi kerakligini
eng yaxshi tushuntiradigan tushunchalar e'tiborni jalb qiladigan pozitsiya va yangilikni tanlashning
rag'batlantiruvchi omillaridir. Lavozimga kelsak, metro e'lonlari to'liq ko'rinishda, metro poezdlari
derazalaridan tashqarida paydo bo'ladi, bu erda ko'plab chavandozlar tomosha qilishlari mumkin. Yangilik
tushunchasi shuni ko'rsatadiki, kutilmagan joylarda paydo bo'ladigan ogohlantirishlar diqqatni jalb qiladi.
Albatta, bu reklamalar hech bo'lmaganda metro tunnellarining qorong'u devorlarida kutilmagan bo'lishi kerak.
Bularning o'zi diqqatni me'yordan ko'ra yuqori darajaga ko'tarishga yordam beradi, bu esa xotirani saqlashga
qandaydir ta'sir ko'rsatishi kerak.
2. Xuddi shu printsiplarga ko'ra, metro tunnel agentliklari ushbu vositaning potentsial yonib ketishining oldini
olish uchun nimani e'tiborga olishlari kerak?
Shubhasiz, agar yangilik ushbu reklama vositasi uchun eng katta o'yin kartasi bo'lsa, unda bu eskirishi kerak.
Bu, ayniqsa, ushbu reklamalar uchun tasvir panellari joylashtirilganligi sababli to'g'ri