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ReadMe FireNET 041305

On this CD is a Release version of FireNET Loop Explorer software (with Deskey DLL
program), the panel door label drawing, the FireNET Install/Program manual, FireNET
datasheets, FireNET battery/address calculator, several Hochiki presentations &
Please keep in mind this material is UL listed & proprietary intellectual property of
Hochiki America and is confidential between our two companies.
Use the Browse CD feature & go to the Loop Explorer software folder to locate FireNET
software files. Follow the instructions below.
To install FireNET software:
1. Run dk3win.exe to install Deskey DLL software, follow Install Wizard
2. Reboot PC.
3. Copy MLoopusa.exe & Mloop.htm files from CD to a new folder location on
your hard-drive.
4. Launch software by running MLoopusa.exe from it’s location, or create a shortcut on your desktop to do this.