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Answer Booklet ELA Final

New SEA Specification 2021 - 2023
English Language Arts
Solution Manual
Brent Bissoon
Shantel Mohammed
Alexia Mahadeo
© Ethereal Publishers Limited
ELA Test 1
1. beleif - belief
2. site - sight
3. Carribean - Caribbean
4. diffrent - different
5. seperate - separate
6. suprised - surprised
7. Tobago,
8. Lent
9. Carnival.
10. “The
11. like:
12. Jumbies,
13. mineself - myself
14. finish - finished
15. in - at
16. bestest - best
17. have - has
18. looking - look
19. According to the passage, the name of the virus that causes chickenpox is the varicellazoster virus.
20. From the passage, three symptoms of chickenpox are:
loss of appetite
21. An infected person can avoid spreading the disease by:
avoiding overall contact with others
covering their coughs and sneezes
washing their hands often
covering their rash and blisters
22. I think that the number of cases of chickenpox disease would be significantly higher today,
since a vaccine is intended to prevent the spread of the disease and lower the number of
cases. The disease may be more widespread and possibly even more severe.
23. I think the virus will be very severe in/ harmful to an adult who did not take the vaccine
since their body now has to fight the illness on its own.
24. I would not say that chickenpox is a deadly disease because, according to lines of the
passage, there is an average of four thousand, two hundred deaths per year that are “usually
persons with underlying medical conditions.” This means that usually, chickenpox alone is
not the cause of death.
25. I think the writer wrote this passage to educate the reader about the chickenpox disease, its
symptoms, who it affects and the vaccine. The piece informs the reader about the disease
as a whole and helps them to understand specific aspects of it.
26. The poet is referring to a river in the poem.
27. One metaphor used in the poem is:
“plastic passengers” (line 13)
“heart of clear” (line 19)
28. I think this line means that as the river flows along its path, whatever it encounters
becomes a part of it, thus causing it to get larger and larger, as it picks up more materials.
29. The first stanza of the poem is a tranquil/ calm/ peaceful one.
30. The mood of the first stanza is different to that of the last stanza, because the latter is one
of destruction/ devastation/ wreckage and freedom/ liberty.
31. The message being conveyed in this poem is how littering/ unwanted materials in
waterways can have devastating effects such as flooding, which affects the lives of
farmers/ agricultural workers.
32. The events in stanzas 3 and 4 of the poem can be prevented by:
regular cleaning/ dredging of the river
widening the course of the river
proper disposal of waste
putting signs to prevent littering
33. The purpose of the flyer is to make the public aware about the missing puppy and ask for
their assistance in finding her.
34. Two pieces of information that should have been written in bold are:
when the puppy was last seen- 25th December 2020
where the puppy was last seen- Gulf View Area
35. I think a picture of Biscuit was placed on the flyer so that those who are looking for the
puppy, would be able to easily identify it.
36. One thing on the flyer that may encourage someone to look for Biscuit is the reward of
ELA Test 2
1. occassions - occasions
2. realitives - relatives
3. Marrage - Marriage
4. committment commitment
5. comming - coming
6. guess - guests
7. please?
8. replied,
9. Street
10. It’s
13. gone - went
14. was - were
15. no - any
16. were - was
11. cookies,
12. non-alcoholic
17. Among - Between
18. worst - worse
19. The character in the passage is possibly a lawyer. A line from the passage to support my
answer is, “I parked in my usual spot and made my way to the glass building of the law
firm, right on time.”
20. The speaker in the passage is a female. A phrase from the passage to support my answer is:
“lime green nightgown”
“my long, light brown hair into a messy ponytail.”
“a pair of black pumps”
21. The meaning of the following words as used in the passage are:
cacophony- loud noise, racket, series of unpleasant sounds
epiphany- sudden realisation, moment where one has a revelation
22. One literary device used in the passage is:
“comfortable, cotton” (line 3)
“baby blue” (line 3)
“more minutes” (line 4)
“sweet slumber” (line 4)
“reluctantly rolled” (line 8)
“high hopes” (line 27)
“tippy toes” (line 34)
“Without wasting” (line 39)
“purchased puppy” (line 41)
“the three” (line 42)
“headed home” (lines 42-43)
“Thankfully, these three” (line 46)
“as wide as the mouth of a cavern” (line 6)
“as dark as the night” (line 12)
“mountain of pillows” (line 3)
“cloud of comfort and joy” (lines 8-9)
“eerie sense in the atmosphere welcomed me” (line 19)
“dark cloud lingering” (line 44)
“cotton, baby blue sheets and mountain of pillows” (line 3)
“an all-black suit … long, light brown hair into a messy ponytail.” (lines 9-10)
23. The colour black in the third paragraph signifies the way that the character feels about her
job. Black is associated with gloom and unhappiness and this is initially how the character
sees her job.
24. I think that this was a good idea because it allowed the character to see what was in the box
from a safe distance, in case there was something harmful.
25. The passage makes me feel extremely happy/ grateful that animals exist/ appreciative of
animals because they are such good companions and have beneficial effects on the lives of
human beings.
26. The poet is referring to a seed throughout stanzas 1 and 2 in the poem.
27. The “light’ being referred to is sunlight/ sunshine.
28. The meaning of the word “rumbled” as used in the poem is pushed/ shoved/ came out/
poked/ squeezed.
29. The literary device that is used throughout the poem is personification.
30. The speaker in the first two stanzas of the poem is the seed and the speaker in the last
stanza is a seedling. I think it changed because the seed evolved/ grew into a sprout
because it got all that it needed to do so.
31. The mood in the first two stanzas of the poem is one of darkness/ gloom/ loneliness/
distress/ nervousness/ anticipation while that of the last stanza is one of freedom/ joy/
happiness/ ecstasy/ triumph/ victory.
32. From these lines, I learnt to never give up/ be resilient and overcome whatever darkness
that may come my way and despite my level of doubt. I also learnt that patience is
important to survival.
33. i) The event is being held on Saturday 19th December at 7 p.m.
ii) The event is taking place on Zoom.
34. One piece of information that should have been included on this flyer is a contact number,
email address or other way of contacting the persons who are hosting the event.
35. Yes, I would have included pictures on this flyer since it would have attracted the attention/
appealed to the younger children.
36. Two ways in which the flyer can be shared are:
on social media pages
by printing and sticking up on notice boards
by printing and handing them out
ELA Test 3
1. fourty - forty
2. kindergarden kindergarten
3. weather - whether
4. Febuary - February
5. forcasted - forecasted
6. lightening - lightning
7. shine.
8. phases:
13. is - are
14. waits - wait
9. waning gibbous,
10. twenty-nine
11. Humans
12. harvesting.
15. on - at
16. more heavier - heavier
17. bring- brought
18. eager - eagerly
19. Recycling is the process by which waste materials, mostly composed of glass, paper, metal
or plastic are taken out of the waste stream and reprocessed into new products.
20. The meaning of the word “crucial” as used in line 21 of the passage is critical/ necessary/
needed/ of great importance/ vital.
21. Another word that could have been used instead of “extensive” in line 37 of the passage is:
common / commonly practised
22. Recycling is beneficial in the following ways:
We can save resources on the planet
We can save large amounts of energy
23. If I see the image on a case of juice containers on my home, I should collect all the empty
ones and ask my parents to take them to the nearest recycling collection point.
24. I think that the waste bins should be properly sealed, as stated in line 35 of the passage so
that impurities and animals, such as rodents, cannot enter and contaminate the items.
25. I think my country can get large businesses and industries to engage in recycling by:
warning them about the environmental effects/ consequences if they do not
implementing/ stating it in the law
providing proper equipment for them to do so
26. The speaker feels a sense of dislike/ anger/ rage/ jealousy/ resentment/ annoyance towards
his baby brother.
27. Three reasons why the speaker feels this was towards his baby brother are:
He cries all day
He yells at night
He loves to fight
He screams at the speaker
He is a bother
He always gets the speaker in trouble
He shatters the speaker’s happy bubble
He gets all the attention
28. Another word that could be used instead of “Shatters” in line 12 of the poem is smashes/
breaks/ destroys/ bursts/ crushes.
29. The tone of the speaker in the second stanza is one of anger/ annoyance/ frustration/
displeasure/ irritation/ agitation/ aggravation.
30. The word “present” is in quotation marks because the speaker does not actually mean it/
means the opposite/ is being sarcastic about it.
31. The child’s family can speak to him/ her about why the baby brother needs a bit more
attention than he/she does.
The child’s family can try to equally split the attention they give between both children and
ensure that both know that they are loved and cared for.
32. I think the child should speak to his family about how he feels and try to find a way to
understand that his/her baby brother needs a bit more than he/she does right now.
33. The chapter with facts about the Hibiscus flower begins on page 4 and ends on page 9.
34. One chapter that will be useful to Jerry is chapter 5, Growing Hibiscus Flowers at Home.
35. Chapter 4 of the book, Pests that Affect Hibiscus Flowers, is most likely to contain
photographs of insects because these animals usually attack flowers for food.
36. Any suitable title.
ELA Test 4
1. skillful - skilful
2. boundry - boundary
3. gares - gears
4. equiptment - equipment
5. opponants - opponents
6. while - wild
7. my!
8. laundry,
9. dog.
10. Mommy
11. Tomorrow,
12. sister-in-law
13. play - playing
14. in - at
15. are - is
16. She - He
17. no - any/ a
18. more - most
19. Two literary devices used in the passage are:
“Pop! Pop! Pop!” (line 1)
“swoosh” (line 3)
“bubbling” (line 4)
“rumbling” (line 14)
Alliteration - “Pop! Pop! Pop!” (line 1)
“drink dispenser” (line 4)
“many, many minutes” (line 9)
“collapsing coal” (lines 14-15)
“fear, frustration and fury” (line 20)
Rhetorical question
“...or was I…? (line 16)
○ “...like a long, winding river…” (line 5)
“... air was filled with the beckoning aromas of the strawberry, lemon and
chocolate candies, as well as the buttery popcorn.” (lines 2-3)
“The swoosh from the soft drink dispenser was music to my ears and the
bubbling of the deep fryer became a calming melody.” (lines 3-4)
“The lines were like a long, winding river…” (line 5)
“dressed in a bright green jersey and khaki, short pants.” (line 25)
“... while his short, curly locks dangled in the afternoon wind.” (line 26)
20. Two sounds that the child heard upon entering the movie theatre are:
“The swoosh from the soft drink dispenser” (line 3)
“...the bubbling of the deep fryer…” (line 4)
21. Another word that could have been used instead of “anticipated” is:
waited for
looked forward to
22. I think the family held hands to exit the building in order to remain with each other and so
that they would not lose each other during the proceedings/ to ensure that no one was left
behind while they walked out.
23. Two words/ phrases to describe the father in the passage are:
alert/ aware
responsible/ reliable/ trustworthy
calm throughout stressful situation
brave/ courageous/ fearless
24. I think the mother and child were:
relieved because they were reunited after such a stressful situation.
ecstatic to see each other after the intense happening.
grateful to be with each other once more
thankful that neither of them were harmed and that they both were safely reunited.
25. I learnt that you should stay close to your family or friends if there is an event, similar to
the one in the passage, so that you will not get lost and to also ensure that everyone
remains safe and secure.
26. Charles was different to the other children in his class, because he wore glasses.
27. The bully attacked Charles at lunchtime.
28. I think Charles disliked all of his school years because he was bullied and this caused him
to not enjoy his time at school and therefore not make memories with his classmates. I
believe this is the reason because this possibly caused Charles to be sad/ depressed
throughout his time at school.
29. A line from the poem that tells me that the speaker is recalling the events is:
line 2- “I’m now eighteen years old.”
line 5 -“About my school years.”
30. A word from the poem that means the same as ‘hate’ is “loathed” in line 6/ “despise” in
line 24.
31. Charles’ mood in the last stanza is one of hurt/ anger/ hatred/ dislike/ bitterness.
32. Any suitable title.
33. The name of the programme that is shown at the same time, on both channels, is
‘International News.’
34. Channel 4 has more hours of entertainment.
35. Two programmes that are likely to include recipes are:
Cooking with Mama
Chef’s Cuisine
36. A television schedule is important because it allows persons to know what show will be
aired at a specific time, thereby allowing them to plan/ organise themselves to see a certain
ELA Test 5
1. rodes - roads
2. impassible - impassable
3. Passingers - Passengers
4. disasterous - disastrous
5. havock - havoc
6. electericity - electricity
7. Brea
8. research-based
9. library,
10. are:
11. authors’
12. worldwide,
13. me - I
14. enter - entered
15. nest - pride
16. brisk - briskly
17. got - get
18. during - for
19. According to the passage, Wilbur and Orville Wright, the Wright brothers, conducted the
first flight.
20. The meaning of the following words as used in the passage are:
eliminated - removed, discarded, thrown away, gotten rid of
advanced- improved, better developed, evolved, better
21. I would say that aeroplanes are diverse machines because they can be used to perform
multiple tasks in a variety of areas. A line from the passage to support my answer is,
“These machines are used in the military, to transport passengers and goods, as well as for
recreational purposes.” (lines 14-15)
22. Three things that the inventors discussed to be used as a source of power for aeroplanes
clockwork mechanisms
spring-powered systems
23. Based on the information stated in the passage, one characteristic that I have gathered of
the Wright brothers is that:
they are courageous/ brave/ fearless.
they are intelligent/ brilliant/ smart.
they are organised.
they are persistent/ hard-working/ determined.
24. The main idea of the passage is the history of aeroplanes and how they were constructed
and that these machines have been modified.
25. I think the last paragraph of the passage is to encourage the reader to appreciate the work
and effort that went into designing, constructing and improving aeroplanes, along with its
26. Three animals that the speaker asks the reader if he/she sees on the moon are:
27. The speaker sees a goldfish swimming in its bowl when he/she looks at the moon.
28. This line means that the reader sees this image over and over, no matter from what angle or
how many times he/she looks at the moon.
29. I think the speaker is interested in what the reader sees on the moon because he/she wants
to get an idea/ gain perspective on how others see it.
30. The tone of the speaker is an inquisitive/ interrogative/ curious/ interested/ analytical one.
31. I think the speaker asks many questions throughout the poem so as to directly involve the
reader and make them feel as though the speaker is directly addressing them. It also invites
them to think about what they see when they look at the moon, which is what the speaker
32. I think different people see different things when they look at the moon because of:
their physical locations, as different things may be seen from certain angles.
their perspective/ how they look at things which influences what they see.
their imaginations.
33. One can get the keychain shown in five different shapes.
34. No, this is not the only design that a customer can get on a keychain. I say so because in
the advertisement, it says, “Create your own” and “Customisable,” meaning that a
customer can get anything that he/she wants on it.
35. The meaning of the following words as used in the advertisement are:
Add ons- additional/ extra things that can be included
minimum- the lowest amount that you can purchase
36. If I were designing this advertisement, I would have put the prices in bold since they are a
bit difficult to recognise and also since that is of great interest to customers.
ELA Test 6
1. intraduction - introduction
2. enviroment - environment
3. breath - breathe
4. contamenation contamination
5. pestisides - pesticides
6. see - sea
7. school,
8. English-speaking
9. Rican
10. caring,
13. much - many
14. possesses - possess
15. person - person’s
16. to - in
11. better principal?
12. had.
17. have - has
18. nothing - anything /
remove not
19. The speaker in the passage is excited because the class is going on a field trip to Bungalow
Cupcake Factory.
20. The speaker in the passage is a boy because Narry loaned him clothes. A line from the
passage that told me this is, “Narry opened his backpack and handed me an extra outfit of
clothes and a towel to clean up.”
21. The speaker thought that “No-Good Narry,” the class troublemaker, had the ability to upset
the events of the class field trip.
22. Two characteristics that I gather of Narry from the last paragraph of the passage is that he
is helpful/ willing to assist/ giving/ selfless/ caring/ kind/ forgiving.
23. The meaning of the word gingerly is with extreme care or caution.
24. I think the speaker’s emotions towards Narry, in the last paragraph of the passage, are ones
of thankfulness/ gratitude/ appreciation, as well as an apologetic one.
25. I learnt that you should not make assumptions about someone, unless you know the full
story because you never know who will be able to assist you in your times of need.
26. Three things that will be at the circus are:
trapeze acts
tightrope walkers
27. One example of repetition used throughout the poem is, “I can’t wait…”
28. The speaker is extremely excited about/ looking forward to/ anticipating the circus.
29. This line means that the performances are breathtaking/ amusing and can be so risky that
they also make the audience anxious.
30. Another word/ phrase that could have been used instead of “astounding” is:
31. Yes, I do think that the circus is appropriate for all ages because there is an item/ act/
event/ performance that everyone will enjoy. Additionally, throughout the poem, the
speaker says, “everyone is excited.”
32. I think the circus only comes once a year so the people will not get used to the
performances and will therefore look forward to it and support/attend it. Additionally, the
circus can visit other areas, during this time. It can also give the performers more time to
practise and improve their acts.
33. The purpose of the advertisement is to make people aware about the clearance sale at
Ethereal Bookstore. It targets parents who are interested in purchasing books for their
34. One piece of important information that is not included in the advertisement is the website
of Ethereal Bookstore.
35. Yes, this store does offer a variety of books. I say so because of the list of different uses of
the books, included in the advertisement.
36. Jane should call Ethereal Bookstore to find out if they have more copies of the book in
ELA Test 7
1. establishmant establishment
2. accomodation accommodation
3. matchress - mattress
4. refridgerator - refrigerator
5. facillities - facilities
6. libary - library
7. “Surprise!”
13. is - are
8. Amy,
14. eat - eaten
9. Fernando
10. It’s
11. Twenty-nine
12. 8:00
15. frequent - frequently
16. but - and
17. Mine - My
18. are - is
19. The main idea of the passage is that there are many precious stones known to man and each
of them have different uses, throughout time, based on their respective properties.
20. A precious stone is more expensive than another based on how rare it is.
21. Gemstones come from the earth, mainly but also come from living things. A line from the
passage to support this is, “While the majority of gemstones in the world come from rocks,
many of them are derived from living things.”
22. The meaning of the following words as used in the passage are:
archaic- old, ancient, historic
endowed- invested, infused, provided with, contain, entail
23. Another word/ phrase that could have been used in place of “Despite” is:
In spite of
Regardless of
Even though
24. Perhaps, precious stones were associated with superiority in historic times because they
symbolized wealth, power and prosperity and even because of how expensive and rare they
25. I agree with this statement because although precious stones are used for a variety of
reasons, they are always seen in jewellery stores, in home jewellery collections and even
heard of in stories, as jewellery. They are frequently seen on hand bands, earrings,
bracelets, anklets and rings.
I disagree with this statement because precious stones are used much more in many cultures to
gain wealth and prosperity and they are used by many persons to heal ailing persons. These
uses of precious stones are more prevalent than as jewellery.
26. The literary device used in the title of the poem is alliteration.
27. Two things that Selly enjoys doing are:
exploring the sea/ reefs
making new friends
28. The word inquisitive, as used in line 20 of the poem means:
having an interest in discovering/ learning new things.
being intrigued by the wonders of the sea
being interested in the aquatic life of the sea
29. Two character traits of Selly could be:
30. The mood of stanza 3 is energetic/ adventurous/ friendly/ amiable.
31. The mood in stanza 3 is friendly while that in stanza 4 is one of danger and caution. This is
because of the different types of creatures encountered in each stanza, with the former
being friendly and approachable, while the latter is more unapproachable.
32. Selly the seahorse is able to escape the “hungry shark” because of her small size.
33. According to the poster, three symptoms of COVID-19 are:
difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
muscle or body aches
loss of taste or smell
sore throat
congested or runny nose
34. I think the information about the symptoms and prevention of COVID-19 was included
because it is very important for the public to know.
35. The meanings of the following words, as used on the poster are:
transmitting- spreading, passing on
safeguard- guard, protect, shield
36. To reach the largest possible number of people, this poster might be placed in a mall/
public area/ in schools/ in grocery stores/ in the market/ on social media.
ELA Test 8
1. meazure - measure
2. lenght - length
3. breath - breadth
4. oparation - operation
5. calculasion - calculation
6. planing - planning
7. asked,
8. year?
9. I’m
10. weekend!”
11. Chris’
12. ahead.
13. or - nor
14. although - since/ because
15. spent - spend
16. nothing - anything
17. those - that
18. tranquil - tranquility
19. The event in the passage is taking place on a beach, near a jungle. A line from the passage
that tells me this is:
“The crystal clear waters washed my feet every now and then, while the roaring waves
crashed, out in the deep blue sea.” (lines 3-4)
“The ocean glistened in the blazing sun, like glitter on a work of art, making this the
perfect day.” (lines 4-6)
“I could hear the parrots squawking melodiously in the nearby jungle, perhaps singing
about the rains that are soon to come.” (lines 7-8)
“The birds, in the baby blue sky above, shrieked in an alarmed manner, as they all
dashed into the jungle.” (lines 13-14)
20. The meaning of the following words, as used in the passage are:
shrieked – high-pitched scream, squealed, yelled, shouted
etched, stuck, carved, engraved
21. One literary device used in the passage is:
“whistling wind” (line 1)
“crystal clear” (line 3)
“waters washed” (line 3)
“baby blue” (line 13)
“great grandmother” (line 20)
“resounding rumble” (line 26)
“golden carpet” (line 2)
“mountain of lava” (line 31)
“scorching, merciless fluid” (line 32)
“like sails in the open sea” (line 4)
“like glitter on a work of art” (line 5)
“as fast as a cheetah” (line 26)
“…as they all dashed into the jungle” (line 14)
“…terrifying thoughts dashed through my little mind…” (line 27)
“…merciless fluid to invade the lands below” (line 32)
“rosy cheeks…golden carpet” (lines 1-2)
“ankle-length, bright orange dress...open sea” (lines 2-3)
“…crystal clear…deep blue sea” (lines 3-4)
“The ocean glistened….art” (lines 4-6)
22. I think the smoke signal was sent from the top of a cliff so that it would be better seen from
a high point and would therefore be more effective.
23. I think the speaker felt a sense of hopelessness/ despair/ helplessness/ desperation/
desperation in the fourth paragraph because she did not know how to go about alerting the
population of Flores Village about the near eruption of Gran Bestia. She felt this way
because many lives could have been lost or adversely affected, if she did not do something.
24. Two qualities of the speaker in the passage are:
brave/ courageous/ fearless
brilliant/ smart/ intelligent
25. I do believe that they deserve the title because of the efforts they put in and how they were
able to save the population from death and destruction.
Any proper reasoning.
26. Two similes used in the poem are:
like the sting of a thousand bees
like the beat of a thousand drums
27. In the poem, the event that is occurring is a funeral.
28. The speaker in the poem is a grandchild of the deceased.
29. The word etched in the poem means that the perfume scent:
cannot be forgotten by the grandchild
remains in the grandchild’s mind
is stuck / engraved/ inscribed/ carved in the mind of the speaker
was a key feature/ characteristic of his/her grandmother, that he/she will never forget.
30. The mood of the poem in the last stanza is a somber/ dull/ gloomy/ depressing/ sad/ grave/
drab/ solemn one. The speaker seems to be in a state of grief and shock as he/she is looking
at his/her passed grandmother.
31. I think the speaker’s grandmother had died of an illness. A line from the poem that
supports this is line 8, “Her suffering has finally come to an eternal halt.”
32. Another title that would have been suitable for the poem is:
Farewell Grandma
Goodbye Granny/ Gram/ Grandma
So long Gram
Grandma is an Angel
Any suitable title
33. Overall, the coolest day will be Sunday, February 22nd..
34. Hannah and her family should go on Wednesday, February 25th.
35. A weather forecast is important since it informs people what the weather will be like on a
specific day and therefore persons can plan their days accordingly and know which days
are suitable for certain activities.
36. It would not be wise for someone who lives in England to use this weather forecast to plan
their week because it is specifically applicable to Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.
ELA Test 9
1. benifits - benefits
2. usefull - useful
3. messeges - messages
4. dangerus - dangerous
5. occurr - occur
6. sheer - share
7. Friday,
8. Mayaro
9. Jerry’s
10. Rex,
11. pet-friendly
12. days.
13. most quietest - quietest
14. silent - silence
15. goes - go
16. in - on/ for
17. much - many
18. certain - certainly
19. Chocolate is made from the seeds of the cacao tree.
20. The meaning of the following words as used in the passage are:
indicates- shows, gives a sign, gives an idea, tells you
prized- precious, cherished, special, treasured
21. Three steps in the chocolate-making process are:
drying the bean
purifying the bean
roasting the bean
removing the shell of the bean to form cacao nibs
grinding the cacao nibs to cocoa mass
subjecting cocoa mass to high heat to form chocolate liquor
cooling the chocolate liquor
processing chocolate liquor into cocoa solids and cocoa butter
22. No. Chocolate is not always sweet. I say this because in lines 14-15 of the text, it says,
“Dark chocolate, on the other hand, has been found to be bittersweet when compared to
milk chocolate…”
23. I think this chocolate bar will taste quite bitter due to the high percentage of cocoa contents
in it. Line 20 of the passage states, “The higher the percentage of cocoa contents in a
chocolate bar, the more bitter the flavour would be.”
24. I would say that dark chocolate is healthier than milk and white chocolate because it
contains less added sugars, creams and milk, as compared to the others and is therefore
better for you.
25. I think the writer’s purpose for including the fourth paragraph of the passage is to educate
the reader about how he/she can determine the taste of a chocolate bar from the
information stated on the wrapper, without tasting it. This would perhaps help them to
figure out if they would like the chocolate before tasting.
26. The two animals I chose are:
birds which can be found singing
monkeys which can be found swinging among the trees and vines
eagles soaring
lions roaring and making their territory known
27. One literary device used throughout the poem is repetition. An example of this device is
seen at the beginning of each stanza, which states, “O what fun it must be, To live deep
within the jungle.”
28. I think the purpose of this literary device is to keep reminding the reader that jungles must
be fun to live within. It continuously repeats the idea throughout the poem and emphasises
29. The rivers may be growing because:
when they get full, they overflow onto the banks which become a part of the river.
the water may cut into the banks/ land and make the channels wider.
30. Stanzas 1 and 2 speak about the animals that live within the jungle, while stanza 4 speaks
about the plants, more specifically, the trees that are within the jungle.
31. Stanza 3 is different from the other three stanzas of the poem since it talks about the nonliving aspect of the jungle. It talks about the rivers, valleys and mountains, while the other
stanzas speak about the animals and plants (living aspects). This stanza is however still
important to the poem since the non-living parts of the jungle certainly play an important
role. They are needed for the survival of the animals and plants and add to the overall
beauty of the jungle.
32. Two impacts that I think jungles have on humans are:
recreational activities/ adventures/ hiking/ exploring
wood, etc.
33. The tie can be broken by asking another child his/her preference
34. The children that participated in the survey were between the ages of 10 and 12.
35. Someone may want to conduct a survey on children’s favourite snack to gather data for a
snack company/ to know which snack will be sold the most.
36. I would not sell chips because it is the least preferred snack.
ELA Test 10
1. lieing - lying
2. traffick - traffic
3.stationery - stationary
4. picturisk - picturesque
5. weight - wait
6. traveling - travelling
7. school’s
8. regularly,
9. Park
10. Port-of-Spain
11. Kayden,
12. distraught.
13. schedule - scheduled
14. at - on
15. patient - patiently
16. are - is
17. are - is
18. He - She
19. Two things that Willy the Bookworm wears are:
a brown hat with a red band
a pair of black, circular spectacles
a chestnut brown coat
20. One literary device used throughout the passage is:
“Willy wiggles” (line 8)
“while Willy was” (line 14)
“beloved book” (line 21)
“crystal clear” (line 26)
“slabs of wood” (line 9)
“world of literature” (lines 30-31)
“creaky, unpolished, wooden shelves…” (line 1)
“dons a brown hat, with a red band upon his wrinkled bright green head, along
with a pair of black, circular spectacles.” (lines 2-4)
“his slimy green and yellow body is usually covered with a chestnut brown
coat” (lines 4-5)
21. Two personality traits about Willy that I gathered from the passage are:
He is attentive – line 10 – Willy pays attention to what is going on around him.
He is hard-working/ well-organised – lines 8-13 – He ensures that everything is in
order around him and does what needs to be done to address and solve any issues.
He is passionate- Willy seems to be passionate about what he does and seems to enjoy
looking after that section of the library.
He has a good memory- He recognizes when something is out of place/order and
knows exactly where everything should go.
22. One word or phrase from the passage that means ‘meticulous’ is:
“pays extremely close attention to…” (line 10)
“…carefully explained every single detail…” (line 21)
23. I think Willy was able to explain everything about the book because he read it every day
for approximately the past twenty years. Since he read it so often for such a long time, he
possibly became very familiar with the book and remembered everything about it and thus
was able to explain it to the librarian.
24. I think Willy did not explain what book was missing, along with the details, to the librarian
at first, because he was in a frantic/ panicky/ distressed mood and possibly did not think
about doing that.
25. From the last paragraph of the passage (lines 26-31), I learnt that:
although you may have been doing the same thing for a very long time, change is not a
terrible thing and comes in many different ways and it should be viewed as an
opportunity to better yourself
although you may be sad/ gloomy about a certain situation, look on the bright side/ try
to focus on the positives
although you may look at some situation as a loss to you, it can also be viewed as a
gain to others [seek the betterment of others]
26. The pet in the poem is a dog. I say this because of the clues given in the poem such as:
line 5 -“They took me on long walks”
line 6 -“And played fetch with me”
line 7- “They loved to give me treats”
line 10 -“No one came to pet me…”
27. Two things that the pet and its owners initially enjoyed doing together are:
going on long walks
playing fetch
the owners enjoyed giving the pet treats
running around the yard
28. The pet wants to leave its home because it feels as though it is a burden to the family and it
seems to think that it is causing the siblings to argue.
29. The mood in the first stanza of the poem is one of:
a jolly/ merry one
30. I think the word that indicates a change in the mood between stanza 2 and stanza 3 is
31. I think the pet did not look back when it ran away because it did not feel any regret for
leaving because it believed that it was doing the right thing for the family.
32. The last line of the poem means that the pet did not want to be the reason that the brother
and sister (siblings) argue and split (knife). The pet would rather be the reason that the
siblings get along with each other (stitch).
33. One ingredient that is not necessary to make this chocolate cake is chocolate chips because
in step 5 of the recipe, it is stated that one can add it, if they desire, meaning that it is
34. I think anyone who enjoys having sweet, chocolatey desserts would be interested in
making this recipe.
35. One should grease the pan, as stated in step 6, so that the cake does not stick to the pan and
is therefore easy to remove.
36. If the steps were not numbered, a person who is making the recipe can do it wrongly/ in the
wrong sequence and the cake would not turn out the way that it is supposed to.
ELA Test 11
1. twelveth - twelfth
2. piecefully - peacefully
3. wierd - weird
4. thiefs - thieves
5. ramsacking - ransacking
6. aprehended - apprehended
7. Carlos’
8. Cruz
9. three o’ clock
10. scared.
11. safe?”
12. sound,”
13. them - their
14. on - in
15. water - watered
16. is - are
17. hard - hardly
18. but - because/ since
19. The main idea of the passage is to explain to the reader what the Olympic Games are all
about and give some insight about the history/ origin of the games and some common
traditions associated with it.
20. The main goal of the Olympic Games is to promote world peace and unity.
21. Unity around the world is important to ensure that everyone gets along/ agrees on matters
that may affect the entire globe/ to ensure that there is no war.
22. The significance of the image, which is the Olympic torch is that it represents the positive
values that Man has always been associated with fire.
23. Other words/phrases that could have been used instead of the following are:
elaborate- extensive, detailed, complex, intricate
excluded- left out, disregarded, shut out
24. The opening ceremony is important to the games because it formalizes it and recognizes it
as a universal event, as well as gives the event structure.
25. I believe the Olympic Games are beneficial to the world and its population because it
promotes positive attitudes and instills values in the people and the youths of the numerous
nations and additionally, encourages a healthy lifestyle.
I do not believe that the Olympic Games are beneficial to the world and its population because
funds are used to provide partial positivity, every four years, rather than used to assist
developing countries and in other areas. Also, it can be seen as an obstacle to those who do not
engage/ are not interested in it.
26. The job of the main speaker in the poem is a hairdresser/ barber. I say so because of the
lines that describe that profession, such as lines 9, 11, 17, 18 and 19. Also, the other
speaker asks the main speaker to fix his hair, which implies that the latter is a hairdresser/
27. I think that the other person in the poem is Client Number One because of the time of day
(morning) and also because the first line of the poem states, “The first young man walked
28. Two things that the main speaker did at work, on Client Number One are:
draped him
brushed/ combed his hair
cut his hair
washed his hair
29. The mood of the first stanza of the poem is one of excitement, eagerness, keenness,
enthusiasm, zest, etc.
30. I think the word elite, as used in the poem means handsome, noble, like royalty, first class,
31. I do think that the main speaker in the poem enjoys his/ her job because of the level of
enthusiasm portrayed during it. He/ She seems to really/ thoroughly enjoy what they do.
32. I do think that the dialogue within the poem is important because it helps me, the reader,
understand the [sequence of] events that are taking place. Also, it allows me to better
understand the mood/ tone of each speaker.
No, I do not think the dialogue within the poem is important since it is quite easy to
understand/ follow the sequence of events without it. Also, the mood of each person in the
poem can be identified through their actions, which are also described.
33. The free online class that was offered in the advertisement was one and a half hours long.
34. This advertisement is targeting parents of Level 4 Primary Students, who may need extra/
additional help in Mathematics.
35. The meaning of each of the following words are:
thoroughly- in depth, detailed, completely, totally, from top to bottom
brief- quick, short,
36. The details in the advertisement that may encourage persons to attend are the fact that it is
a free session, along with the variety of topics to be covered.
ELA Test 12
1. proffesional - professional
2. carear - career
3. stories - storeys
4. imploys - employs
5. fleat - fleet
6. busyness - business
7. Yesterday,
8. Mathematics
9. meticulously,
10. 9:45
11. seventy-five
12. It’s
13. of - in
14. newer - newest
15. is - am
16. are - is
17. many - much
18. sorrowfully - sorrowful
19. One simile used in the passage is, “like a giant snake.”
20. The passengers on the bus played a game of “I Spy” to keep themselves occupied.
21. The phrase “fierce game” means highly competitive.
22. One personality trait of Uncle Joe that I have gathered from the passage is that he is funloving/ cheerful/ bubbly/ enjoys making others happy.
23. I think the passengers on the bus were shocked/ in a state of disbelief and possibly fearful/
concerned after hearing the news.
24. I would say that extraordinary is a suitable word to describe the bus ride because such an
unusual event as seeing a lion on the side of the road, took place.
25. The news reporter should have included guidelines for the public, in case they encountered
the lion or he/she should have warned the public about things that they should not do, if
they saw the lion.
26. Two words that are used to refer to the sandcastle are:
master plan
dream palace
gorgeous creation
grand design
27. The meaning of the following words as used in the poem are:
Meticulously (line 17)- This means with precision/ absolute care/ carefully/ being
careful so that it looks neat and tidy.
borderline (line 21)- This means the area around the sandcastle, where it would remain
untouched by the water, the limit.
28. One example of a simile in the poem is, “sand shimmering like gold.”
29. In stanza 4 of the poem, the mood is one of victory/ achievement/ happiness/
successfulness/ accomplishment/ joy/ satisfaction.
30. One quality of the person who is building the sandcastle is:
31. The “You” that is referred to throughout the poem is a child. This is implied in line 2,
“With your little hands searching vigorously,” because the hands of the person are small.
32. The sandcastle is not there at the end of the poem. This is because the last stanza of the
poem states that the water from the sea has washed away the sand castle and flattened it,
leaving behind nothing.
33. I think the word is in bold on the advertisement so that it will be easily recognised and
attract many customers.
34. Two reasons why one should purchase this scrub are because:
it removes dead skin
it cleans pores
it gives the user smooth and soft skin
it is a natural product
35. I think Pore Away Stores included the ingredients in the scrub so that the customer will
know what is in the product. This can be useful if the customer is allergic to anything.
36. I would have included a contact number so that persons can get more information about
where the store is located, if there are scrubs in stock, when the sale is ending and ask any
other questions.