Part II: Writing Lesson Plan Context: Intermediate Students Learner Needs: To practice pronouncing the “-ed” sound. Objectives/Aims: Students will be able to identify and correctly pronounce the three endings of regular past tense words. (t/d/Id) Language Analysis: This lesson will focus on the pronunciation of regular past tense verbs. Materials: Writing materials, Azar listening activity CD Timing/Sequencing: 60 minutes. Assessment: Teacher will listen to students talk about what their partners did this past weekend. Reflection: Lesson Plan: Stage Aim Procedure Mats. Focus Time Introduce the three sounds of regular past tense verbs, but lead students towards producing the rule instead of me simply listing them. Lesson activities/assessments Ask students to listen as I read a list of verbs written on the board that end in the ‘t’ sound, and then ask them what sound they hear at the end of the words. Repeat for verbs ending in ‘d’ sound and ‘-ed’ sound. Once students have identified the three different sounds, write the rule for each on the board. None. Introduce three different sounds of – ed. 5 Practice listening to the three different sounds. Practice saying different past tense verbs. Pass out handout/listening activity sheet. Explain the two listening activities, and play recordings for students two or three times. Review answers with students. Lead the students in say each verb in unison. Then, in small groups, have students take turns choosing a verb to read from list on handout. Students will listen to verb being read and write it down in the appropriate column (t/d/ed) In pairs, have students talk about what they did last weekend. The students listening will write down the verbs they hear being used by their partner. Ask students to try and include at least one verb from every sound group (t/d/ed). Handout, Listening. Azar CD Warm up Continue to practice saying different past tense verbs. 15 Handou Speaking. t 15 Writing materia ls 10 Speaking and listening. Conclusion Produce past tense verbs with correct pronunciation. Have each student give a brief report on what their partner did last weekend so as to practice using the different sounds (and allow me to assess their progress.) None. Speaking. 15