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Crime Busters TEST

Crime Busters B - 2022 UCSO Crime Busters Test - University of Chicago B - 01-15-2022
Instructions (shown before students start the test)
Hello and welcome to the 2022 UChicago Division B Science Olympiad Tournament and more specifically to Crime Busters! You will have 50 minutes to complete this test over the week.
Unlike most years, this year’s test will have no lab section, so all of the necessary information will be included in the test section.
You will need the information from this document in order to successfully take this test. https://docs.google.com/document/d/19T
xAGzMMbpSfFKrG4bwp3Y5Al835z8eLE8AzbqjJio/edit?usp=sharing (https://docs.google.com/document/d/19T-xAGzMMbpSfFKrG4bwp3Y5Al835z8eLE8AzbqjJio/edit?usp=sharing)
Introduction (shown after students start the test)
The Crime: Once again The Office has faced tragedy. When Hank, the security guard, opened the building and made his rounds, he found a warehouse worker extremely beaten and passed out
behind the Dunder Mifflin™ reception desk. Along with that, the place was ransacked with paper, M&Ms, and office supplies all over the place. When the police arrived they noticed a trail of
blood coming from the annex, solid #1 on Kelly’s desk, liquid #1 and powder #2 in the kitchen, and a few other powders, plastics, liquids, hairs, and polymers along the way. Lastly, the police
found a ransom note on the front desk. When Angela arrived at work, she realized that one of her cats, Bandit, was missing from his place in the filing cabinet, the reason for the ransom note.
The police have five suspects in mind: Toby Flenderson, Dwight Shrute, Kelly Kapoor, Ryan Howard, and Roy Anderson. Each of them have been interviewed by the police, and their
information can be found below. Your task is to determine who is the guilty party based on the evidence provided (no knowledge of The Office is required to solve the crime).
For fingerprints please put the specific type of fingerprint.
Here is the document again in case you missed it earlier: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19T-xAGzMMbpSfFKrG4bwp3Y5Al835z8eLE8AzbqjJio/edit?usp=sharing
1. (1.00 pts) What is the identity of solid #1?
2. (1.00 pts) How do you know?
3. (1.00 pts) What are some uses of solid #1?
4. (1.00 pts) Does solid #1 implicate someone? If so, who?
5. (1.00 pts) Give your reasoning to your answer above.
6. (1.00 pts) What is the identity of solid #2? 7.
(1.00 pts) How do you know?
8. (1.00 pts) What are some uses for solid #2? 9. (1.00 pts)
Who does solid #2 implicate? 10. (1.00 pts) Give your
reasoning for your answer above. 11. (1.00 pts) What is the
identity of solid #3? 12. (1.00 pts) How do you know?
13. (1.00 pts) What are some uses for solid #3? 14. (1.00
pts) Are solid #2 and solid #3 connected? 15. (1.00 pts)
Defend your answer to #14 16. (1.00 pts) What is the
identity of solid #4? 17. (1.00 pts) What are some uses of
solid #4? 18. (1.00 pts) Why might solid #4 be on Toby's
desk? 19. (1.00 pts) Is solid #4 basic or acidic?
20. (1.00 pts) Why is solid #4 different from the other possible solids? (as in the solids specified in the rule sheet) 21.
(1.00 pts) What is the identity of liquid #1?
22. (1.00 pts) What is the pH of liquid #1?
23. (1.00 pts) What is another name for liquid #1?
24. (1.00 pts) What are some uses of liquid #1?
25. (1.00 pts) Does liquid #1 indicate anyone? If so, who?
26. (1.00 pts) What is the identity of liquid #2?
27. (1.00 pts) Is liquid #2 basic, acidic, or neutral?
28. (1.00 pts) What are some uses of liquid #2?
29. (1.00 pts) What do you think liquid #2 was being used for when it was spilled? 30.
(1.00 pts) What is another name for liquid #2?
31. (1.00 pts) What is the identity of liquid #3?
32. (1.00 pts) What is liquid #3 used for?
33. (1.00 pts) Who likely spilled liquid #3?
34. (1.00 pts) Does this implicate them as a suspect? Why?
35. (1.00 pts) Is liquid #3 acidic, basic, or neutral?
A) Acidic
B) Basic
C) Neutral
36. (1.00 pts) What is the identity of liquid #4? 37.
(1.00 pts) How do you know?
38. (1.00 pts) What is liquid #4 used for?
39. (1.00 pts) Why was liquid #4 in Ryan's office? 40. (1.00
pts) Why is this liquid different from the others?
41. (1.00 pts) What is the identity of metal #1?
42. (1.00 pts) Why is this metal different from all the others? 43.
(1.00 pts) Why is this metal on the reception desk? 44. (1.00 pts)
What is the identity of metal #2?
45. (1.00 pts) In what form is this metal most commonly recognized? 46.
(1.00 pts) What makes this metal different from all the others? 47. (1.00
pts) Define exothermic
48. (1.00 pts) How does zinc react with HCl?
49. (1.00 pts) What is the only acidic solid?
50. (1.00 pts) Which two liquids are very similar (odorless and neutral)? 51.
(1.00 pts) What is the identity of hair #1?
52. (1.00 pts) Does hair #1 implicate anyone?
53. (1.00 pts) What is the identity of hair #2?
54. (1.00 pts) Does hair #2 implicate anyone? If so, who?
55. (1.10 pts) What category of fiber does fiber #1 fall under? Extra credit for specific fiber 56.
(1.10 pts) What category of fiber does fiber #2 fall under? Extra credit for specific fiber 57. (1.10
pts) What category of fiber does fiber #3 fall under? Extra credit for specific fiber 58. (1.00 pts)
What fiber(s) implicate suspect(s)?
59. (1.00 pts) What is the identity of plastic #1?
60. (1.00 pts) What is the identity of plastic #2?
61. (1.00 pts) What pen/marker wrote the note?
62. (1.00 pts) Who does this implicate?
63. (1.00 pts) How do you measure the Rf factor? 64. (2.00 pts)
How do you set up a paper chromatography? 65. (1.00 pts) What
type of print is fingerprint #1? 66. (1.00 pts) Who does it belong
67. (1.00 pts) Does it implicate anyone?
68. (1.00 pts) What type of print is fingerprint #2?
69. (1.00 pts) Who does it belong to?
70. (1.00 pts) Does it implicate anyone?
71. (1.00 pts) What type of fingerprint is fingerprint #3?
72. (1.00 pts) Who does it belong to?
73. (1.00 pts) Write 2 methods for developing prints
74. (1.00 pts) What is the most common type of fingerprint?
75. (25.00 pts)
Write an analysis of the crime scene explaining not only which pieces of evidence implicate which suspect and why the suspect(s) was (were) chosen as the culprit(s), but also why the
other suspects were not chosen.
Thank you so much for taking this Crime Busters test! I hope you enjoyed it, and good luck on the rest of your invitational!
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