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Employment Test Assignment: Recruitment & Selection

Recruitment and Selection
HRMT 59120
Employment Test Assignment
Submitted to: Professor John Hardisty
Submitted by: Amrita Chatterjee Dey, Ravinder Kaur &
Zodie Ann Donaldson
Employer Contact Particulars
Description of Employment Test
How is the Test Used by the Employer
Assessment Tools Used
Validity of the Test
Reliability of the Test
Employer Contact Particulars
The company we contacted is Apposite Learning Solutions. Apposite Learning Solutions was
founded in 2012 by a group of ex-Microsoft Learning Professionals whose aim was to simplify
learning and create engaging experiences for today’s learners. The company provides elearning training and development services via employee training programs, providing digital
learning solutions, sales training programs, business consulting services, and learning
consulting services. Apposite Learning Solutions seek to ensure employees have the perfect
environment to upskill themselves through highly engaging and effective employee training
programs (Apposite, n.d.).
Description of Employment Test
At Apposite Learning Solutions, potential entry-level candidates are given four employment
tests at different stages for the Instructional Designer position. These include essay writing,
aptitude test, psychometry, and logical reasoning tests. The first test given to the candidates is
the essay writing test. This is used as a “knockout” test and candidates who do not qualify in
this test will not successfully move forward to the next test.
Essay Writing is very crucial for the Instructional Designer position as potential employees
must have language skills to be able to create storyboards based on the content outlines and to
develop assessment items to test defined learning objectives. It is also important that candidates
can communicate clearly and concisely with internal team members and clients.
For essay writing potential candidates are given two topics, they are required to select one topic
and write an essay discussing the chosen topic. The essay must outline an introduction, a body,
and a conclusion in the correct order with a maximum of a thousand words. Essay topics are
normally related to the job they will need to perform and trending topics thus the candidates
would have prior knowledge and information. The internet should not be used to assist in essay
writing, copy and paste are allowed. An assessment tool is used to review candidates' essaywriting skills.
The essay writing test is utilised by Apposite Learning Solutions to identify and evaluate the
candidate’s written communication skills and abilities. It is used to predict the applicant’s
ability to successfully perform the job. Employees must have excellent written and verbal
communication skills, language comprehension and organisation skills to perform their tasks
on this e-learning platform. Therefore, providing applicants with a test that displays the
applicant's ability to write and communicate effectively can assist the company in measuring
the level of skill the candidate is bringing prior to entering the job as well as their potential.
How The Test Is Used by Employer
This test is used by Apposite Learning Solutions to eliminate candidates from the selection
process, this is referred to as a “knockout test”. They use this pre-employment test for entrylevel positions such as Instructional Designer and are given to the fresh graduates at a campus
hiring or walk-in candidates.
The reason to conduct the above various types of tests for this role is that an Instructional
Designer must be able to perform their job effectively and efficiently. Based on the essay
writing test, employers assess the candidates on various parameters required for the job. Ideal
candidates should have language skills. Apposite Learning Solutions believe that if a candidate
has no language skills, then all other tests won't help them to determine their capabilities.
Employers have certain restrictions for essay writing tests: the candidate should not use google
and should not copy the content from other sources. It must be developed and written by
themselves. The employer can trace candidates cheating on the test.
The format for essay writing they are looking for is the introduction of the topic, the middle
part or the body, and a conclusion. There should be flow and interconnection in the information
written by the candidate. Employer uses recent trends topics for the test. Managers use different
tools to assess a candidate’s performance. There are no standardised answers that they are
looking for as its content based. But the score is affected by the grammar, clarity of thoughts,
and limitation of words. Time limit and word count are also major factors affecting a
candidate’s score. The employer has been using this test for about 7 years. This test has been
very helpful for the employer in knocking down a good ratio of candidates. As the employer
describes, when the test is used against walk-in candidates, the test can eliminate approximately
60 candidates out of 80 walk-in candidates, thus having a high knock out ratio.
Assessment Tools Used
The essays written by the candidates is assessed against various assessment tools which check
for plagiarism, grammar, vocabulary, sentence construction and organisation of ideas. Various
tools used by the employer includes Scribbr (in partnership with Turnitin) and Grammarly to
check for plagiarism, grammar, and sentence construction. This is followed by manually
grading the essays online using a rubric grading system.
Validity of the Test
Validity is an important criterion while selecting a test to be used for employment test. Validity
refers to what characteristic the test measures and how well the test measures that characteristic.
(hrguide.com, 2022) The essay test used by the employer is valid because the characteristic
that is being measured is related to job qualifications and requirements. The test is giving
meaning to the test scores. It is also showing the linkage between test performance and job
performance. It is helpful in concluding or predicting about the candidate from their score on
the test. It is demonstrating to be a valid predictor of performance on the specific job. “The
employer can conclude that candidates scoring high on the test are more likely to perform well
on the job than persons who score low on the test, all else being equal”. (hrguide.com) It
indicates the usefulness of the test.
Reliability of Test
Reliability refers to how dependably or consistently a test measures a skill or ability that is
required for a job position. This means if a person takes the test again then will he or she get
consistently similar test score. Based on examination it can be determined that the essay writing
test used by Apposite Learning Solution is reliable. The test seeks to identify the applicant’s
ability to write structured essays without grammatical errors. The test is also used to determine
if the applicant can effectively communicate. Communication and writing skills are important
characteristics that an Instructional Designer needs to have based on the job description for the
position which includes writing storyboards and effective communication with clients. The aim
of the test is not to examine the candidate's opinion but the candidate's ability to write
grammatically correct sentences as well as the ability to fluently communicate through writing.
Therefore, this eliminates the need for subjectivity or to have answers that will be compared
with standardised answers.
While this test is reliable there are factors that may result in measurement error. These include
the test taker's temporary psychological or physical state. For example, anxiety, fatigue, or
motivation may affect the applicant's test results. Environmental factors such as room
temperature, lighting, noise, or even the test administrator may influence the candidate’s
A good employment test should have both high reliability and high validity which is being used
for the selection process. A reliable measure must be replicable and must give consistently the
same results when tested under equivalent conditions. (English, 1988). The essay writing test
is a written communication skill test, and it assesses the language comprehension skills and
written communication skills required for the Instructional Designer position and hence helps
in obtaining written samples from the candidate. So, this test is a good predictor of future
behaviour. This test has high reliability and high content validity and high construct validity.
Since the results of the essay writing are first assessed through the plagiarism detecting tools
like Grammarly or Scribrr, this ensures the consistency of the result obtained. Moreover, the
parameters and instructions for the test being used are consistent for all the tests conducted for
all the applicants and the same grading rubrics is used for grading all the essays: these two
factors add to the reliability of the results and grades obtained. This test has high content
validity as the essay writing is a work sample and closely resembles the actual work to be
performed on the job. Since the test measures and scores the written communication skill
needed for the job, it is difficult for the applicants to fake job proficiency which helps to
increase the relationship between the scores on the test and performance on the job.
(hrguide.com, 2022) The validity coefficient of this test further increases as it is being used in
combination with the other three employment tests for the selection process. This work sample
test has proved to be successful in eliminating applicants when many candidates apply for the
job position of Instructional Designer. As per the employer, candidates who have scored high
in this test have been seen to have high performance on the job. The candidates hired are also
extremely successful at performing job duties and tasks of creating the content and language
development of learning modules. As a result, it is recommended that the employer keep using
the essay writing test as a knockout test and use it in combination with the aptitude test
psychometric and logical reasoning test to select applicants.
However, there is an opportunity for increasing the reliability score for this test because of the
measurement errors mentioned before. For this reason, it is recommended to use the test and
retest method for increasing the reliability or use internal consistency method. The first method
requires the company to conduct the test twice. This is because testing and retesting the same
employment test increases the reliability of the test. However, this could be time consuming
and expensive. Therefore, the other option is to measure reliability is the internal consistency
method. In this method, instead of doing two different tests the employer can redesign the essay
writing test to have two sections of questions, and consequently, language skills, written
communication skills and content are evaluated. The correlations between the scores of the two
sets of questions will be calculated and then averaged. This average estimates the internal
consistency which can be used to estimate reliability. Modifying the essay writing test with
two sections will result in higher reliability. Based on these two measures, the employer can
decide on how to improve the essay writing test and keep using it as a knockout test in
combination with the other three tests for selection of applicants.
Chapter 3: Understanding test quality-concepts of reliability and validity. Testing and
Assessment - Reliability and Validity. (n.d.). Retrieved November 24, 2022, from
Instructional designer. Apposite. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2022, from
story. Apposite. (n.d.). Retrieved November