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The Testosterone Bible: Men's Health & Hormone Optimization

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Written By Dobrynja from Primal Thriv
“When your testosterone is high the
world is your oyster. When your
testosterone is low, you become
everyone else’s oyster, sprinkled with
lemon and cocktail sauce”
Most men are hypogonadal (Low T) without even
knowing that they are. Most men also don’t realize
that the male androgen hormones are responsible for
physical & mental health, success, and a stronger
attraction of the opposite sex.
If you have a lack in one of these aspects, you are
lickely to be deficient in your most powerful
hormone: testosterone.
The state of men is in a horrendous state. High
testosterone has become scarce, and low T the new
Just like the Bible described the fall of men, we see
masculinity devolving instead of an evolving.
Low testosterone levels effect most men in the
Western world nowadays.
To be more precise, testosterone levels have been
drastically declining since 1987 with an average of
1.4% every year.
This means that an average male in the 21st century
has about 50% less testosterone than a man in the
1980’s. Besides a drop in T, men become more and
more infertile and suffer earlier from prostate disease.
We can truly see that the odds are against men,
especially in these unstable times.
Never allow the thought to come in your mind that
you cannot increase your levels naturally. With the
right principles it becomes possible for every man of
any age.
Personally, I reversed my low T to extreme high levels
of testosterone, and with this my entire life changed.
May the following principles propel your forward.
Sleep is the pillar and foundation for good health. It is
even so important that those who sleep less live
shorter lives. That is a scientific fact!
The time between you closing your eyes and waking
up the next day is used for building hormones,
detoxification and cleansing the central nervous
system (CNS) via the glymphatic system.
During night time the pineal gland releases
melatonin, a powerful antioxidant that scavenges free
Melatonin is your number 1 antioxidant during the
night, keeping your brain and nerves young.
BE AWARE: if you have troubles sleeping in and
sleeping through the night I do NOT advise taking
melatonin. There are better solutions to this than
taking melatonin.
Consider these things to optimize melatonin below.
• Fluoride (Tan et al., 2018).
• Stress/Cortisol (Jensen et al., 2016).
• Artificial light (Gooley et al., 2011).
• EMF exposure (Halgamuge et al., 2013).
• Short-term fasting reduces blood melatonin levels by 20%
(Peuhkuri et al., 2012).
• Folate, magnesium, and zinc deficiencies.
• Caffeine intake (Dragicevic et al., 2012).
• Vitamin D before Sleep (Primal et al. 2021)
• Number #1 Tip is to go as early possible to bed
• Rise with the sun and go to bed with the sunset for
optimal circadian rhythm.
• Black-out lights during sleep and minimize light
exposure in the evening.
• Wear blue-blocking glasses
• Sufficient Vitamin D during the day (30-60min)
• Sufficient exercise during the day (1h minimum)
• Sufficient protein in the diet. (2g/kg bodyweight)
• Earthing/grounding during the day. (30 min)
• Sufficient magnesium.
• Eating pineapple natural raises melatonin levels.
In the early morning, between 6-8AM, testosterone
peaks together with cortisol to wake you up.
Feeling tired or lethargic in the morning?
You probably have low adrenal function and most
likely low T.
But all assumptions aside, get your blood levels
Testosterone helps with falling asleep and with deep
restorative sleep, whereas low test levels can cause
insomnia and other sleep related problems.
All three macronutrient must be included in the diet
for optimal testosterone levels.
Restricting one of these can lead to major
consequences for your physiology and androgen
levels. Including all three macro’s within one meal will
also balance blood sugar levels longterm.
Don’t avoid carbs and fruit, just get the right ones.
Carbs decrease stress & SHBG, while increasing free
testosterone and DHT.
You need carbs to sleep like a baby at night, while
conquering the workd during the day. Low carb ain’t
going to make it.
What about fructose?
Fructose is the preferred fuel of the liver, restoring
glycogen stores faster than any other carb. The liver
needs energy to convert inactive thyroid into active
thyroid hormone (T3) which influences testosterone.
Carbs also increase carbon dioxide, a key chemical
that regulates oxygen into the cell. Without carbs we
"suffocate" and we see this in those who do
extended periods of keto, losing their hair.
Restricting carbs will cause a decrease in testosterone
levels and an increase in stress hormones. Carbs
restriction is now popular in carnivore and ketogenic
diets, however most people aren’t aware what the
long-term consequences are.
What about fiber?
Be aware: too much fiber can increase SHBG or sex
hormone binding globulin and hence decreases free
On the contrary, a lack of fiber isn’t good either. Fiber
intake is very individual, and the best sources come
from raw carrots, salad greens, and fructo vegetables
like zuccini, tomatoes, cucumbers and squashes.
This macronutrient is perhaps the most vital one in
our modern Western world. We lack the good
saturated fats and are bombarded with cheap
processed unsaturated fats (PUFA’s) that turn
instantaneously rancid in the body when consumed.
What about cholesterol?
Cholesterol is the building block for (vitamin)
hormone D and all the steroidal hormones such as
progesterone, DHEA, estrogen, testosterone, DHT
and cortisol to name a few.
If you don’t get enough cholesterol, your liver starts
synthesizing its own, which is actually a stressful
For most people bout 20% of the cholesterol comes
from the diet while 80% is made by the liver. The
more you increase dietary cholesterol, the less you
burden the liver in producing its own.
Eating a high cholesterol diet (4-6 raw yolks/day)
decreases the workload on the liver.
When you are training, lifting weights or you are out
in the sun a lot, you need MORE cholesterol as these
activities lower cholesterol levels.
Cholesterol is also linked to stress. The more stress
you perceive, the more cholesterol is required for
hormone synthesis.
Our meat-suits require protein for all kinds of reasons,
to maintain the organs, bones, and muscles. Protein
are also used to make brain-chemicals or in other
words: neurotransmitters.
Protein is a very important macro, both for the mental
and physical wellbeing of the male.
Daily protein intake should be around 1.5-2g/kg body
weight. Personally, I do best on a diet with more
protein in it from various sources.
Low protein diets were associated with higher SHBG
levels and more leakiness in the gut.
On the other hand, moderate protein diets were
associated with higher testosterone levels. However,
too much protein will lower T. When protein intake
exceeds carb intake, testosterone levels will decrease.
One specific protein found in animal flesh and
products has a pro testosterone effect. Taurine
increases the conversion on cholesterol into the
steroidal hormones.
Taurine is very heat sensitive and is denatured up to
77% after heating. It is important to have protein both
cooked and raw.
A great way to decrease stress is to have a slight
caloric surplus (extra calories) in the diet.
How does it work?
This surplus communicates to your physiology that
there is enough energy within the system.
Calculate the baseline calories to compensate for
your physical activity & ADD to that 300 more
calories as your surplus.
Chronic caloric restriction like for instance IMF or
Intermittend Fasting, increases stress hormone
production by being in continuous starvation mode.
The neurotransmitters in your nervous system dictate
how you feel, how you perceive the world, how you
act and how you are.
The right balance between these is ultimately
required for you to succeed.
One neurotransmitter you don’t want to have
elevated, that is serotonin.
“When blood serotonin increased from 50 to 90 ng/ml
(normal range), there was an increase in the percentage
of spermatozoa with excellent motility. However, when
serotonin was above 90 ng/ml the percentage of sperm
with excellent motility decreased. ”
Elevated serotonin levels are associated with certain
behavior traits & physical symptoms such as:
• Obedience
• Passive Aggressive
• Low Testosterone & Dopamine
• Infertility & Sexual Dysfunction
• Reduced Metabolic Energy Production
• Elevated Stress & Estrogen Levels
• Cognitive Decline
• Reoccurring Headaches
• Learned Helplessness
Sounds like the modern man right?
Serotonin suppresses testosterone production directly
in the testes! This is NOT common knowledge, so I’m
charing it with you.
Serotonin in EXCESS can make you depressed,
feeling down, and Low T.
We can solve elevated serotonin by increasing
dopamine naturally. Dopamine is a serotonin
Dopamine is the antidote to high serotonin levels.
This neurotransmitter is what gives men the DRIVE to
go out and accomplish things.
Reasons for MORE Dopamine?
• Approaching women = dopamine
• Starting a business from scratch = dopamine
• Being content with life = dopamine
• Testosterone production = dopamine
• Being in control of oneself = dopamine
Our environment floods us with man made estrogenic
substances, which come mostly in the form of a
plastic, pesticide and some sort of preservative.
They are similar in structure as the hormone estrogen
but have a more aggressive effect, disrupting natural
hormones production and feedback loops.
This causes estrogen dominance which not only
affects women, but also men.
These chemicals have a much more aggressive effect
than the naturally estrogens occurring estrogens.
Xenoestrogens not only lower your T, they also
damage organs and glands like the brain, thyroid and
Xeno’s disrupt hormones in three major ways:
• They mimic natural hormones that are produced
by the endocrine glands in the body, disrupting
feedback mechanisms.
• Xenoestrogens bind to hormonal receptors,
blocking the natural hormone of binding and
doing its job, and causing an aggressive response.
• They interfere within the liver, damaging this
organ, and increase SHBG levels, thus decreasing
free testosterone.
Consume frequently citrus fruits for their acids that
help clear the xenoestrogens from the liver.
Use regularly binders that bind to these estrogens.
Binders such as the raw carrot salad or something
more effective like activated charcoal will help you
safely eliminate these endocrine-disrupters.
Avoid xenoestrogen exposure on the skin at all costs.
Once applied on the skin they go straight into the
bloodstream causing instant damage, while when you
ingest these estrogens they go first to the liver.
If you don’t do anything about xeno’s = Low T my
Thank you for reading!
Another way men can access their ancestral vril is by
reuniting with other men, forming a tribe.
This is my intention, to guide as many men beyond
1000 ng/dL testosterone so they can ascend their
limitations and thrive in the fields of health, business
and relationships.
Stay tuned to the Primal Tribe Newsletter or connect
with me on social media, and you will hear from me
Wish you all the best,
Dobrynja from Primal Thrive