SECTION 18 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC SECTION 18: MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC 1800 - GENERAL 1800.01 SCOPE This work shall consist of maintenance and protection of traffic through or around areas of construction or maintenance. The work includes, but is not limited to, provision of detours and diversions, furnishing, erecting and maintaining temporary traffic control devices including barriers, barricades, cones, drums, warning signs and lights, road lighting, traffic signals and flagmen, all in conformance with these Specifications. 1800.02 RELEVANT AUTHORITIES The Relevant Authorities referred to in the Documents with whom the Contractor will be required to discuss and coordinate the maintenance and protection of traffic proposals shall be as follows: a. b. c. The Ministry of Public Works – Roads Administration Maintenance Department. The Ministry of the Interior – General Traffic Department. The Local Area Traffic Police for the area in which the maintenance protection of traffic proposals are to be implemented. d. The Kuwait Municipality – Safety Department. e. The Kuwait Municipality – Fire Department. f. g. The Kuwait Public Transport Company. The various Service Ministries of affected by the proposals. Authorities whose plant and installations and are The Contractor will require the authorisation of the authorities listed as Items (a) to (d) above to obtain a permit to implement each stage or sub-stage of all road detours, diversions and maintenance and protection of traffic schemes. 1800.03 STANDARDS AND CODES The following standards and codes in their latest edition shall be particularly applied to works covered by this Section. MUTCD AASHTO KMTCD ANSI/ASEA ANSI 107-2004 ITE EN 471 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, 2009. A Policy of Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 2004 Kuwait Manual on Traffic Control Devices American National Standards Institution / International Safety Equipment Association High Visibility Garment Standard Institute of transportation Engineers High Visibility Warning Clothing 1801 - TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 1801.01 GENERAL Traffic control devices shall conform to the requirements of these Specifications and to the “Kuwait Manual on Traffic Control Devices”. All traffic control devices shall be approved by the Engineer before installation on the site. After initial use is complete the Contractor may reuse any approved item as the need arises. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, the installation, layout, and removal of traffic control devices shall comply with the ‘Traffic control for road works’ manual. 18-1 SECTION 18 1801.02 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC MATERIALS REQUIREMENT Traffic control devices shall meet the following materials requirements. 1801.02.1 Reflectorisation All sign panels, barricades, drums, vertical panels and flagmen’s paddles shall be reflectorised by use of reflectorised sheeting meeting the minimum requirements of Type I, enclosed lens as Specified in Section 7 (Traffic Markings and Signs) of these Specifications. Painting shall not constitute an approved substitute for achieving reflectorisation. 1801.02.2 Construction Signs a. Sign panels shall conform to Section 7 (Traffic Markings and Signs) of these Specifications and to the “Kuwait Manual on Traffic Control Devices” and shall be as shown on the Drawings. b. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, sign posts shall be of 100 x 100 mm nominal sound seasoned soft wood free of excessive knots, acceptable to the Engineer and conforming to Section 19 (Timber Structures) of these Specifications. The sign posts shall be drilled with breakway holes as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer. 1801.02.3 Barricades Barricades shall be made of metal or plastic and shall collapse when tipped over, Barricades made of wood will not be permitted. 1801.02.4 Cones Cones shall be manufactured of a material capable of withstanding impact without damage to the cones or vehicles. All cones shall be red coloured with a white reflectorised band as indicated on the Drawings. The band shall have a reflective intensity complying with the minimum requirements of Type 1, enclosed lens sheeting as specified in Section 7 (Traffic Markings and Signs) of these Specifications. Cones shall be capable of remaining upright during normal traffic flow and wind conditions in the area where they are used. Cones shall be a minimum of 750mm and a maximum of 1000mm in height. All the cones used on any one section of the Works shall be of the same height. 1801.02.5 Vertical Panels Vertical panels shall be constructed of metal or plastic and those made of wood will not be permitted. 1801.02.6 Drums Drums shall be plastic or other synthetic material approved by the Engineer of approximately 200 litre (55 gallon US) capacity, and shall be purpose-made for traffic control. Drums made of metal will not be permitted. Drums shall be of a shape that will resist rolling if knocked over and they shall be reflectorised and coloured red with a white band at mid-height in accordance with the “Kuwait Manual on Traffic Control Devices”. Where considered necessary by the Engineer, the drums shall be weighted with sand or water.. 1801.02.7 Temporary Metal Beam Guard Rail Temporary guardrail shall conform to the applicable Clauses of Section 12 (Metal Works) of these Specifications. Used guardrail material will be permitted providing it is neat in appearance, straight, and is approved by the Engineer. 18-2 SECTION 18 1801.02.8 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC Temporary Concrete Barriers Temporary concrete barriers shall conform to the requirements of Section 5 (Concrete Works) of these Specifications and shall be as shown on the Drawings. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, temporary concrete barriers shall have Type C warning lights fixed to the top of the barriers at 6 m centres. The Ministry of Public Works may furnish some or all of the temporary concrete barriers. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to collect the barriers from the designated Ministry of Public Works store, load and transport to the site of the Works, unload and position. Should the Ministry of Public Works be unable to furnish sufficient or any temporary concrete barriers, the Engineer will instruct the Contractor to provide such as are required. On completion of the Contract all barriers, whether provided by the Ministry of Public Works or by the Contractor, shall become the property of the Employer and shall be delivered to a Ministry of Public Works’ storage area as directed by the Engineer. 1801.02.9 Warning Lights Warning lights shall be Type A (low intensity flashing), Type B (high intensity flashing), or Type C (steady burn), and shall meet the minimum requirements of the Institute of Transportation Engineers “Standard for Flashing and Steady-Burn Barricade Warning Lights”, insofar as the I.T.E standard does not conflict with the “Kuwait Manual on Traffic Control Devices”. Arrangements, responsibilities and charges for power supply shall be as described for temporary lighting in Clause 1801.02.13 of these Specifications. No power supply shall be taken from any Ministry of Electricity and Water source, including permanent or temporary street lighting circuits, without the prior written approval of Ministry of Electricity and Water. 1801.02.10 Flashing Arrow Boards Flashing arrow boards shall be a minimum of 1200 mm high and 2400 mm wide, and shall be finished with flat black enamel. A minimum of fifteen, 150mm diameter, amber lamps shall be installed in the panel. The lamp configuration shall be provided with a visor, and the lamps, when illuminated, shall be visible on a clear, cloudless day, for a minimum distance of 1500 m. Flashing arrow boards having only pointing arrow heads (chevrons) shall not be used. Four selectable modes of operation shall be provided as follows: a. b. c. d. Pass Left Mode – Lighted arrow flashing left. Pass Right Mode – Lighted arrow flashing right. Pass Right and Left Modes – Lighted arrow flashing right and left simultaneously. Caution Travel Mode – The outside top and bottom lamps on the panel flashing on and off simultaneously (in a pattern which will not indicate a direction). The electronic circuitry shall provide between 35 and 50 complete, and equally spaced, operating cycles of the sign per minute in each of the modes specified above. The power source and the controls used for the lights shall be reliably governed and voltage stabilized so as to provide the required equally spaced operating cycles. The Engineer will reject the use of any power source which does not provide this. A switch controlled variable dimming device shall be provided on the control panel which will reduce the voltage on the lamps (dimming) to a minimum of 50% for night time use. Arrow boards shall be mounted to provide a minimum of 2100 mm between the bottom of the board and roadway. Where the arrow board is mounted on a towable trailer, the trailer shall be fitted with a parking brake or other device, which shall be approved by the Engineer, and which will prevent the trailer moving under the effect of wind or air turbulence from passing traffic. 18-3 SECTION 18 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC Any generator used for powering the flashing arrow board shall not leak oil or fuel onto the road or ground, and care shall be taken to avoid spillage during refuelling. Any asphalt road surface which, in the opinion of the Engineer, has become contaminated by oil or fuel shall be cut out and reinstated to the Engineer’s satisfaction at the Contractor’s expense. Arrangements, responsibilities and charges for power supply shall be as described for temporary lighting in Clause 1801.02.13 of these Specifications. No power supply shall be taken from any Ministry of Electricity and Water source, including permanent or temporary street lighting circuits, without the prior written approval of Ministry of Electricity and Water. 1801.02.11 Temporary Traffic Markings a. Temporary Painted Markings - Temporary painted traffic markings shall conform to the requirements of Section 7 (Traffic Markings and Signs) of these Specifications. b. Temporary Tape Markings – Temporary traffic tape markings shall consist of glass spheres, complying with the requirements of Section 7 (Traffic Marking and Signs) of these Specifications, embedded into a binder on a suitable backing that is pre-coated with a pressure sensitive adhesive. The spheres shall be of uniform gradation and distributed evenly over the surface of the tape. The colour of the tape shall conform to colour tolerance for traffic marking paint, as required in Section 7 (Traffic Markings and Signs) of these Specifications, and be readily visible when viewed under vehicle headlights at night. The pavement marking tape, when applied in accordance with manufacturer’s recommended procedures, shall be weather resistant and shall show no appreciable movement, fading, lifting, or shrinkage during the useful life of the marking. The tape, as supplied, shall be of good appearance, free of cracks, and edges shall be true, straight, and unbroken. Only tape specifically designed for this use will be permitted. Use of foil-backed tape will not be permitted. 1801.02.12 Raised Pavement Markers Raised pavement markers shall conform to Section 7 (Traffic Marking and Signs) of these Specifications. Non-reflective markers (Type n) shall be white or silver as directed by the Engineer. 1801.02.13 Temporary Lighting The Ministry of Electricity and Water may furnish used single or twin-arm light standards 9 m to 16 m (nominal) high with ballast and luminaries but without lamps and cut-outs. The Contractor shall be responsible for collecting light standards from the Ministry of Electricity and Water. Should the Ministry of Electricity and Water be unable to furnish used light standards and fittings, the Engineer will instruct the Contractor to provide single or twin-arm 12 m standards with one lantern and 400 Watt mercury vapour lamp per arm complete with ballasts. The Contractor shall furnish and install all cables, foundations, control cabinets, photo cells, lamps, cut-outs and everything else necessary to provide a complete lighting installation, all as specified in Section 14 (Lighting and Electrical Works) of these Specifications. During the construction of the Works, temporary light standards may be required to be removed and reinstalled in other locations as directed or approved by the Engineer to suit the phasing of the Works. The Contractor shall be responsible for making the necessary arrangements with the Electrical Distribution Network Section of the Ministry of Electricity and Water for the connection of the control cabinets of the lighting systems to the power supply network. A formal application for connection must also be made to Ministry of Electricity and Water through the Engineer. Adequate notice shall be given to the Engineer to permit the processing of this application. Connection to the network will be carried out by Ministry of Electricity and Water. Any connection charges shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. The cost of electricity used for temporary lighting systems will not be charged to the Contractor. 18-4 SECTION 18 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC All regulations of the Ministry of Electricity and Water shall be strictly observed in the distribution and use of the supply. Under no circumstances shall any installation be connected to the mains supply until authorised by the Engineer. The nominal voltage of the mains power to be supplied by the Ministry of Electricity and Water is 240 volts, single phase at a nominal frequency of 50 Hz. 1801.02.14 Temporary Traffic Signals Temporary traffic signals are to be provided by the Contractor and shall be approved by the Engineer. The signals used shall be multi-pole units complete with a controller covered by a sunshade, as shown on the Drawings. The poles shall be fitted with either one or two sets of three standard lanterns. All temporary traffic signal installations shall be to the approval of the Engineer and the Traffic Department of the Ministry of the Interior, and shall be in general conformance with Section 16 (Traffic Control System) of these Specifications. Pre-timer control or alternative methods of vehicle detection may be proposed by the Contractor where signals are proposed for short-term operation. These proposals shall be approved by the Engineer and the Traffic Department of the Ministry of the Interior before being implemented. Arrangements, responsibilities and charges for power supplies shall be as described for temporary lighting in Clause 1801.02.13 of these Specifications. No power supply shall be taken from any Ministry of Electricity and Water source, including permanent or temporary street lighting circuits, without the prior written approval of Ministry of Electricity and Water. 1801.03 FLAGMEN Persons acting as Flagmen shall be physically and mentally qualified, trained in their duties and courteous. For daytime and nighttime activity, flaggers shall wear high-visibility safety apparel that meets the Performance Class 2 and 3 requirements, respectively, of the American National Standards Institution / International Safely Equipment Association 107-2004 publication entitled “American National Standard for High-Visibility Apparel and Headwear”, or equivalent versions, and labeled as meeting the ANSI 107-2004 standard performance for Class 2 and 3 risk exposure, respectively. The apparel background (outer) material color shall be either fluorescent orange-red or fluorescent yellow-green.. High visibility clothing shall be kept clean and that which, in the opinion of the Engineer, has become so dirtied that it is no longer effective shall be cleaned or replaced. The retroreflective material shall be orange, yellow, white, silver, yellow-green, or a fluorescent version of these colors, and shall be visible at a minimum distance of 300 m. 1802 - APPLICATION OF TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES 1802.01 GENERAL Traffic control devices shall be provided and maintained both inside and outside the Contract Limits as needed to facilitate traffic guidance and to ensure that all traffic, whether vehicular or pedestrian, will be accommodated safely. Prior to start of construction operations, the Contractor shall erect such signs, cones, drums, barricades, and other traffic control devices as may be required in the Contract Documents, or on proposals submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer. During non-working hours and following completion of a particular construction operation, all warning signs, except those necessary for the safety of the public, shall be removed or entirely covered with metal, plywood, or other sheet approved by the Engineer, so that the entire sign panel will be invisible to traffic. 18-5 SECTION 18 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC Traffic control devices shall be in place and operated only as long as they are needed. Only those devices that apply to conditions actually in existence shall be in place. If not needed, the traffic control devices shall be transported to a storage area for further reuse on the project. 1802.02 REFLECTIVE MATERIALS Reflective materials on signs, drums, barricades, and other devices shall be kept clean, free from dirt, dust, mud and road grime. Scratches, rips, and tears in the sheeting shall be promptly repaired by the Contractor to the Engineer’s satisfaction. Reflective sheeting materials shall maintain a reflectivity of not less than 50% of the minimum intensity values specified in Clause 1801.02.1 of these Specifications. 1802.03 SIGN PANELS, BARRICADES, CONES, VERTICAL PANELS AND DRUMS Sign panels, barricades, cones, vertical panels and drums shall be installed as shown in the Contract Documents, or on proposals submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer. These devices shall be supplied and maintained by the Contractor and they shall be relocated, realigned or replaced as necessary. Any traffic control devices provided under this Clause which are damaged, lost, stolen, destroyed or deemed unacceptable while their use is required on the Contract shall be promptly replaced by the Contractor without additional payment or compensation. All traffic control devices referred to in this Clause shall remain the property of the Contractor. The Contractor shall not remove any item from the Contract without the Engineer’s written agreement. 1802.04 TEMPORARY METAL BEAM GUARDRAILS Temporary metal beam guardrails shall be installed where shown in the Contract Documents, or on proposals submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall maintain the guardrails and shall promptly replace all damaged sections. During construction of the Works, the temporary metal beam guardrails may be required to be removed and reinstalled in other locations as directed or approved by the Engineer. 1802.05 TEMPORARY CONCRETE BARRIERS Temporary concrete barriers shall be installed where shown in the Contract Documents, or on proposals submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall maintain the barriers and shall promptly replace, repair or realign, as directed by the Engineer, all damaged or displaced sections. During the construction of the Works, the temporary concrete barriers may be required to be removed and reinstalled in other locations as directed or approved by the Engineer. 1802.06 WARNING LIGHTS Type A warning lights shall be securely fixed to barricades or drums used singly or installed as shown in the Contract Documents, or on proposals, submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer. Type B warning lights shall be securely fixed to warning signs, barricades, and independent supports shown in the Contract Documents, or on proposals submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer. Unless otherwise specified, Type C warning lights shall be securely fixed to barricades, temporary concrete barriers or drums as shown in the Contract Documents, or on proposals submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer. 18-6 SECTION 18 1802.07 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC FLASHING ARROW BOARDS Flashing arrow boards shall be installed or positioned as shown in the Contract Documents, or on proposals submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer. 1802.08 1802.08.1 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC MARKINGS General Thinly applied Hot-Sprayed Thermoplastic layer, Reflectorised Traffic Paint or Temporary Traffic Tape may be used for temporary pavement markings. In determining the type of marking to be used the Engineer shall consider the duration the detour will be in use and the requirement to maintain a high standard of marking at all times. Before applying any temporary pavement marking, the Contractor shall demonstrate to the Engineer’s satisfaction that the markings can be removed as specified herein. Temporary traffic markings shall be installed as shown in the Contract Documents, on proposals submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer and shall be in conformance with the following requirements: a. b. c. d. The style of traffic markings shall be established in accordance with these Specifications and the Kuwait Manual on Traffic Control Devices and shall be neat in appearance. Broken striping shall be as Section 7 (Traffic Markings and Signs) of the Specifications excepting that the width shall be 150 mm. Solid striping shall be 150 mm wide. Gaps between adjacent striping shall be 175 mm wide. 1802.08.2 Removal of Painted Pavement Markings All conflicting construction striping and other pavement markings shall be removed to the fullest extent possible by sand-blasting or by some other approved method that does not materially damage the surface or texture of the pavement. Painting-out of conflicting markings shall not be permitted. The removal pattern shall be of a shape that does not perpetuate the outline of the removed marking. Any damage to the pavement surface shall be repaired by the Contractor at his own expense by methods acceptable to the Engineer. Accumulations of sand or other material which might constitute a traffic hazard shall be removed. Sandblasted areas shall be lightly coated with an asphaltic emulsion or approved equal after inspection and approval by the Engineer. All the foregoing operations shall be complete to the satisfaction of the Engineer prior to opening to traffic. 1802.08.3 Opening of Roads and Detours No road or detour shall be opened to traffic before all applicable traffic markings have been installed and all conflicting markings removed to the satisfaction of the Engineer except for the markings at junctions of Detours and existing roads which markings shall be installed and/or removed immediately after the road or detour is opened or closed. 1802.09 TEMPORARY RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS Temporary Raised pavement markers shall be installed where shown in the Contract Documents, on proposals submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer. Installation of temporary markers shall be in accordance with manufacturer`s instructions and shall be cemented to the surface with the adhesive recommended by the manufacturer, and the procedures set out in Section 7 (Traffic Markings and Signs) of these Specifications unless approval is given in writing by the Engineer to other methods of fixing. Where such markers are to be removed but the road surface is to remain in use, the markers shall be carefully removed with the minimum of damage to the road surface. Any damage to the surface shall be made good at the Contractor’s expense with materials and in a manner approved by the Engineer. 18-7 SECTION 18 1802.10 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC TEMPORARY LIGHTING Temporary lighting shall be installed where shown in the Contract Documents, or on proposals submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer. The location and spacing of light standards shall be approved by the Engineer unless the required spacing is indicated on the Contract Drawings. The Contractor shall maintain the temporary lighting installations and shall carry out routine inspections to ensure all installations are functioning satisfactorily. The Contractor shall promptly replace or repair any faulty or malfunctioning lamps or installations. The Engineer shall be informed promptly of any traffic damaged installation and such installation shall be replaced or repaired as directed by the Engineer. During the construction of the Works, temporary lighting may be required to be removed and re-installed in other locations as directed or approved by the Engineer. 1802.11 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC SIGNALS Where the maintenance of traffic scheme requires the installation of traffic signals at a junction where there are no existing signals the Contractor shall supply and install all temporary signal control equipment. At existing signal – controlled junctions the Contractor shall utilise the existing equipment and shall supply and install such additional equipment required for any modified road layout or traffic management system at the junction. The Contractor shall modify the temporary signal installation to suit the various detour and traffic management stages and shall supply and install all additional equipment required to maintain continuous operations of the traffic signals while transferring from one detour or traffic management stage to another. The Contractor shall maintain the temporary traffic signal installation and shall replace promptly any broken lamps and shall replace and repair any damaged or malfunctioning equipment. Unless otherwise agreed with the Engineer the new permanent traffic signal equipment shall not be installed at a junction until the permanent carriageway works are complete at the particular junction. 1802.12 DUST CONTROL The Contractor shall, to the maximum extent possible, prevent nuisance due to dust raised as a result of delivery of materials, excavation, backfilling, stockpiling, loading or unloading, hauling, the construction and maintenance of Detours or any other of his operations. Dust control shall be by watering by tanker trucks with spray attachments or by other approved methods. 1802.13 FLAGMEN Flagmen shall be used only where approved by the Engineer and the Relevant Authorities. They shall not be used for night-time operations unless approved by the Engineer. 1802.14 FAILURE OF THE CONTRACTOR TO COMPLY Should the Contractor fail to provide satisfactory maintenance and protection of traffic through areas of construction, or should he fail to adequately maintain access to properties and facilities affected by the Works, or should he fail to furnish, maintain, repair or replace any traffic control devices within 24 hours of being given written notice by the Engineer, the Employer shall apply a penalty in accordance with Clause 102.15 (Failure of the Contractor to Comply) of Section 1 (General) of these Specifications. 18-8 SECTION 18 1802.15 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC RECOVERY OF MATERIALS On completion of the Works or when no longer required, the Contractor shall remove, transport and place in a Ministry of Electricity and Water storage yard designated by the Engineer, all light standards and lighting appurtenances whether initially provided by Ministry of Electricity and Water or by the Contractor. All materials for Ministry of Electricity and Water storage shall be cleaned of dirt, concrete and deleterious coatings to the approval of the Engineer. On completion of the Works or when no longer required, the Contractor shall remove, transport and place in a MPW storage yard designated by the Engineer, all temporary concrete barriers whether initially provided by MPW or by the Contractor. All materials for MPW storage shall be cleaned of dirt and deleterious coatings to the approval of the Engineer. Asphaltic Pavement materials shall be recovered and stockpiled in locations designated by the Engineer in accordance with Sections 2 (Earthworks) and 4 (Asphalt Works) of these Specifications. All other traffic control devices shall become the property of the Contractor and when no longer required shall be removed from the Works. 1803 - TRAFFIC SAFETY SUPERVISOR 1803.01 GENERAL The Contractor shall provide a competent Traffic Safety Supervisor who shall be approved by the Engineer and who shall be responsible for the Contractor’s maintenance and protection of traffic operations. This Supervisor shall be contactable and available at all times during the Contract period and shall have received traffic safety training or shall have had previous experience in supervising maintenance and protection of traffic through highway construction work areas including Expressways and other high-speed / high traffic volume roads. 1803.02 DUTIES The Contractor’s Traffic Safety Supervisor’s duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Understanding the requirements of these Specifications and the Contract Documents. Assuring compliance of the Contractor’s maintenance and protection of traffic activities as required by the Contract Documents. Taking responsibility for coordination with, and gaining approvals from, all relevant Authorities for the maintenance and protection of traffic operations as required by the Contract Documents. Routinely inspecting the condition and position of traffic control devices in use on the Works and ensuring that they are in proper working order, clean, visible and conforming to the Drawings, the approved detailed detour Construction drawings and these Specifications. Reviewing and anticipating appropriate traffic control device needs, advising the Engineer thereof, and ensuring that such devices as are determined to be necessary for safe and efficient traffic movement are obtained and placed at the required time. Coordinating maintenance and protection of traffic operations with the Engineer. Reviewing the Contractor’s equipment operations and storage, and his materials handling and storage with respect to traffic safety and operation as required by the Contract provisions. Holding an initial traffic safety meeting with the Main Contractor’s and Subcontractor’s Superintendents and Foremen prior to beginning construction and periodic meetings (at least monthly) thereafter as deemed necessary or as directed by the Engineer. The Engineer shall be provided with the opportunity to attend these meetings and shall be issued with concise notes or minutes of these meetings whether attended by him or not. 18-9 SECTION 18 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC 1804 - LIMITATION OF OPERATIONS 1804.01 GENERAL The Contractor’s operations shall be limited as follows: a. All persons employed on installation, maintenance and removal of traffic devices and on the Works shall wear an orange high visibility and reflective jacket conforming to EN 471, Class 3, or similar approved by the Engineer and orange or light-coloured safety helmets. High visibility clothing shall be kept clean and that which, in the opinion of the Engineer, has become so dirtied that it is no longer effective shall be cleaned or replaced. b. Vehicles employed on installation, maintenance and removal of traffic devices or on the Works shall be equipped with conspicuity devices approved by the Engineer. As a minimum, each vehicle shall be equipped with two flashing amber beacons which shall be clearly visible all around the vehicle. c. Vehicles shall only enter and leave a works area which is under Maintenance and Protection of Traffic by means of designated and properly signed entrance and exit points approved by the Engineer. d. No work shall be performed during the hours of darkness unless authorized in writing by the Engineer. e. Night-time construction operations, where authorised by the Engineer, shall be illuminated by a lighting system approved by the Engineer. The lighting system shall be positioned and operated to preclude glare to approaching vehicles. f. The Contractor’s equipment shall be operated in the direction of traffic wherever practical. g. Insofar as is practicable, the construction of adjacent traffic lanes shall be completed to the same elevation within the same or subsequent workday. Where not practicable, suitable arrangements shall be made to protect traffic to the approval of the Engineer. h. The Contractor will coordinate with the Engineer on locations for staging areas. Selection of all staging areas is subject to the approval of the Engineer. The boundary of all staging areas shall be located at least 10 m from the edge of pavement. Access and egress from the staging area shall only be from designated locations which shall have adequate sight distances, shall be properly signed, and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. i. During non-work hours, pavers and rollers shall be parked in the staging areas, or 10 m from the edge of the pavement. When it is impractical to meet these restrictions, due to land features or restrictions, pavers and rollers may be parked as far from the pavement edge as possible with a minimum distance of 2 m, as approved by the Engineer. An adequate number of barricades, with Type A warning lights, shall be placed on the pavement side of the parked pavers and rollers and the cost will be borne by the Contractor. All other equipment shall be stored at approved staging areas. j. Private vehicles, belonging to the Contractor’s employees, shall be parked in areas approved by the Engineer and at no time shall private vehicles belonging to the Contractor’s employees be parked within 10 m of traffic lanes. k. Contractor’s material shall be stored at the approved Contractor’s staging areas or at other locations approved by the Engineer. If suitable areas within the project limits are not found to be adequate for the Contractor’s storage plant or office requirements, the Contractor shall be responsible to find other areas outside the project limits. All costs associated with the additional areas obtained shall be borne by the Contractor. 18-10 SECTION 18 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC l. The Contractor shall provide equipment for communications between the Works, flagmen where used, and the mixing or batching plant, and shall make such equipment available to the Engineer for the proper coordination of the Work, and for maintenance and protection of traffic. m. The Contractor shall schedule operations to minimise potential traffic backups. n. The Contractor shall not switch traffic routes for the closure or opening of lanes, diversions or detours without first having: i ii iii iv v. The approval of the Engineer and all Relevant Authorities. Adequate equipment and personnel on Site to remove and set up all traffic control devices as approved by the Engineer. Adequate equipment and personnel on Site to install any necessary road markings in conjunction with the switching of traffic routes. Adequate communications to control traffic safety. All equipment and materials removed from the travelled way. o. With the prior approval of the Engineer and other Relevant Authorities, certain minor roads may be operated, on a temporary basis, on a one-way-reversible-flow system. A minimum lane width of 3.5 m shall be maintained and traffic shall be regulated by temporary traffic signals. STOP/GO signs operated by flagmen may only be used in lieu of traffic signals with the approval of the Engineer and the Relevant Authorities. p. The Engineer may suspend the performance of the Works, either in whole or in part, should, in the Engineer’s opinion, unsafe traffic management related work methods take place or excessive traffic delays occur during a construction operation. In either case, work will not be permitted to recommence until the reasons for the suspension are corrected to the Engineer’s satisfaction. 1805 - MAINTENANCE OF ACCESSES 1805.01 GENERAL The Contractor shall ensure that adequate access is maintained at all times to properties and facilities affected by the Works. Such properties and facilities shall include, but not be limited to, all public and private buildings, houses, garages, parking areas, gardens, services (sub-stations, pump stations, manholes, pipelines, valve chambers etc.), shops or any other facility designated by the Engineer. As a minimum, accesses shall be replaced with the same width, standard and surface type as the existing access facilities, but in all cases a construction of all accesses shall be agreed with the Engineer prior to construction. The locations of accesses to be maintained are not shown on the Drawings, and the Contractor shall understand that any existing access whether public or private, paved or unpaved shall be maintained at all times during the Contract period unless specifically authorised otherwise by the Engineer in writing. 1806 - TEMPORARY, TOTAL OR PARTIAL CLOSURE OF ROADS 1806.01 SCOPE With the approval of the Engineer and all Relevant Authorities, the Contractor may temporarily, totally or partially close existing roads to traffic. Approval shall not normally be given to total closure or partial closure of lengths in excess of 500 m. Unless agreed otherwise in writing by the Engineer, accesses shall be maintained at all times in accordance with Clause 1805 of these Specifications. 18-11 SECTION 18 1806.02 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC DEFINITIONS a. A temporary total closure of a road shall comprise the closure of a road to all through vehicular and, if approved by the Engineer, all pedestrian traffic movements. b. A temporary partial closure of a road shall include, but not be limited to, the following: i. ii. iii. iv. 1806.03 Closure of a lane or lanes of one or both carriageways of a dual carriageway. Reduction in width of lanes of dual carriageways. Closure of lanes of two-way roads. Reduction in width of two-way roads. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS In presenting his proposals for a temporary, total or partial closure of a road, the Contractor shall show the alternative roads which may be used by traffic, together with all necessary signage and traffic control device layouts to ensure the free flow of traffic and the safety of traffic, pedestrians and properties. The Contractor shall also indicate how vehicular and pedestrian access will be maintained to affected properties and facilities, and the timetable for the road closure indicating whether it will be permanent for the stated duration or only operative at certain times of the day/night. The Contractor shall include in his proposals any temporary minor construction works (road widening, amending corner radii, temporary ramps etc.) which may be necessary to ensure satisfactory maintenance and protection of traffic and to gain the approval of the Engineer and of the Relevant Authorities to his proposals. If required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall promptly make any amendments to his proposals, including the provisions of additional or alternative traffic control devices. The Contractor shall provide the alternative roads, or parts thereof, with additional signs, traffic markings, temporary lighting, traffic signals and other traffic control devices as determined necessary by the Engineer or any Relevant Authority. Should the Engineer or any of the Relevant Authorities refuse the Contractor permission to institute a temporary, total or partial closure of a road, not forming part of the Detour concepts shown in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall not be entitled to any time extension or financial compensation. On completion of the total or partial closure of a road, the Contractor shall remove all temporary construction, and traffic control devices and shall restore the site to its original condition or such other condition as directed or approved by the Engineer. 1807 - DETOURS AND DIVERSIONS 1807.01 GENERAL Detour works shall comprise but not be limited to necessary field surveys, the construction and maintenance of paved and unpaved Detour carriageways and shoulders including all earthworks, the provision and installation of metal beam guardrails, temporary concrete barriers, adequate drainage, lighting, traffic signals, signs, barricades, pavement markings and other traffic control devices as shown in the Contract Documents, or on proposals submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer. Where required, temporary protection of existing services, in accordance with the requirements of the concerned Service Authority or Company, shall form part of the Detour works. Restoration of the Detour sites to their original condition or such other condition as directed or approved by the Engineer will be required on completion of use of the Detours. Diversion works shall comprise, but not be limited to, the installation, maintenance and removal of traffic signs (including temporary illumination of the signs where required by the Drawings or directed by the 18-12 SECTION 18 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC Engineer), traffic signals, and other traffic control devices indicating and controlling alternative routes on existing roads, as shown in the Contract Documents, or on proposals submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer, for use where an existing road is temporarily closed due to maintenace or construction work. 1807.02 DRAWINGS FOR DETOURS, DIVERSIONS AND TEMPORARY, TOTAL OR PARTIAL ROAD CLOSURES 1807.02.1 Traffic Detour and Diversion Drawings The Traffic Detour and Diversion Drawings included in the Documents show the major road detours, diversions, road closures and traffic management schemes proposed for construction of the Works. The Drawings have been approved by the Ministry of Public Works Roads Administration, Maintenance Department, the Ministry of the Interior General Traffic Department, the Traffic Studies Section of the Kuwait Municipality Planning Department, the Municipality Traffic Department and the Kuwait Public Transport Company. The Drawings for the major detours and diversions are suitable for submission to the appropriate Relevant Authorities to obtain permits to implement the major road detours and diversion proposals. 1807.02.2 Alternative Proposals If the Contractor wishes to propose an alternative detour or diversion concept or significantly amend the alignment of the detour roads as indicated on the Traffic Detour Drawings he shall be entirely responsible for agreeing the revised concept with and for preparing detailed detour construction or diversion drawings (to the same degree of detail as those forming part of the Traffic Detour Drawings) for approval of the Engineer, the Relevant Authorities (as specified herein) and the Traffic Studies Section of the Kuwait Municipality Planning Department. 1807.02.3 Drawings for Sub-Stagings, Localised Detours and Temporary, Total or Partial Closure of Roads The Contractor shall prepare any additional drawings required to show sub-stagings necessary to construct the major detours together with all drawings required to obtain permits for localised short term detours and temporary, total or partial closure of roads. The drawings shall be to a scale of 1:1000 and shall show the proposed highway geometry and the number, type and location of traffic control devices as specified in these Documents. Copies of the Contract Drawings may be used as the base for all such additional drawings. 1807.02.4 Vertical Alignment The vertical profile for detour roads shown on the Traffic Detour Drawings is indicative of the alignment proposed. The Contractor shall review the proposed alignment and make such adjustments, necessary to maintain the required clearance to services and to ensure adequate road drainage. 1807.02.5 Detailed Detour Construction and Diversion Drawings Drawings prepared by the Contractor for alternative detour and diversion schemes, and those for sub-stagings of major detours, minor detours or for temporary, total or partial closure of roads shall become detailed detour Construction drawings once approved by the Engineer and the appropriate Relevant Authorities. The detailed detour Construction and diversion drawings shall be a part of the Contract Documents, provided that the approval of the drawings shall in no way release the Contractor from his responsibilities for the proper fulfillment of the requirements of the Contract. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with one transparency on stable polyester film together with six (6) paper copies and one soft (CD) copy of each of the detailed detour Construction and Diversion drawings with the exception of those which have been nominated from the set of Traffic Detour and Diversion Drawings. 18-13 SECTION 18 1807.03 1807.03.1 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC GENERAL CONDITIONS TO BE OBSERVED FOR DETOURS AND DIVERSIONS Detours General conditions for Detours shall include the following: a. The flow of traffic shall be maintained at all times. b. Traffic shall not be permitted to pass under bridges or other overhead structures which are under construction except with the approval of Engineer. c. Detour roadway cross-sections and pavement structure sections shall be as detailed on the Drawings or as specified herein. d. All Detour staging and sub-staging shall be approved by the Engineer in writing prior to commencing construction. e. All traffic control and signing arrangements shall be in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications. f. The Contractor shall ensure that the Detours are maintained at all times and that all necessary repairs are promptly carried out. g. Pavement markings shall be re-applied when necessary as directed by the Engineer to maintain a high standard of definition throughout the period a Detour is in use. 1807.03.2 Diversions General conditions for Diversions shall include the following: a. The flow of traffic shall be maintained at all times. b. The design of the diversion shall take into account the requirements of any load restrictions on bridges, culverts and other structures that may be considered as part of a diversion route. c. All traffic control and signing arrangements shall be in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications. Temporary traffic signs shall be illuminated at night where shown on the Drawings or required by the Engineer. 1807.04 1807.04.1 TYPES OF DETOURS AND DIVERSIONS General The following types of Detours and Diversions shall be utilised as shown in the Contract Documents, on proposals submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer. Type I Temporary Unsurfaced Detour (for one week period) Type II Temporary Surfaced Detour (for one month period) Type III Short Term Detour (for three months period) Type IV Long Term Detour ( for longer than three months period) Type V Diversion using existing roads 1807.04.2 Type I – Temporary Unsurfaced Detour The existing ground surface shall be graded and compacted to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 18-14 SECTION 18 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC The Contractor shall ensure satisfactory dust control in accordance with Clause 1802.12 of these Specifications. 1807.04.3 Type II – Temporary Surfaced Detour The surface of the Detour shall be prepared as noted for a Type I Detour and shall then be treated with a prime coat as described in Clause 405 of Section 4 (Asphalt Works) of these Specifications followed by a 50 mm thick layer of asphaltic concrete Type II laid and compacted in accordance with Section 4 (Asphalt Works) of these Specifications. 1807.04.4 Type III and Type IV Detours The pavement construction details for both Type III Short Term and Type IV Long Term Detours will be as shown in the Contract Documents, on proposals submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer. 1807.04.5 Type V Diversion The diversion shall utilize existing roads and shall follow the route and utilize the traffic signs layout and legends, traffic signals, and other traffic control devices indicating and controlling alternative routes on existing roads as shown on the Contract Drawings or directed by the Engineer/MOI. If the Contractor wishes to propose an alternative diversion concept or significantly amend the route of the diversion roads as indicated on the Drawings or directed by the Engineer/MOI, he shall be entirely responsible for agreeing the revised concept with, and for preparing detailed diversion drawings (to the same degree of detail as those forming part of the Traffic Diversion Drawings) for approval of, the Engineer, the Ministry of Interior’s Traffic department, the Relevant Authorities (as specified herein) and the Traffic Studies Section of the Kuwait Municipality Planning Department. 1807.05 REQUIREMENTS FOR DETOURS AND DIVERSIONS 1807.05.1 General The requirements of Clause 1802 Application of Traffic Control Devices of these Specifications as supplemented herein shall apply to Detour and Diversion Works. 1807.05.2 Construction Requirements Earthworks shall be constructed as shown in the Contract Documents, on proposals submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer. Acceptable grades and grade transitions shall be provided where Detours join existing pavements. The works shall be carried out in accordance with the following -Sections of these Specifications: a b. c d. Earthworks Section 2 (Earthworks) Sub-Base Section 3 (Sub-Base and Base Course) Asphalt Works Section 4 (Asphalt Works) Temporary Drainage Section 6 (Stormwater Drainage) The requirements for Dynaflect testing of the earthworks (Clause 204.01.3) of Section 2, sub-base (Clause 303.03.7) of Section 3 and asphalt works (Clause 411.03.4) of Section 4 of these Specifications shall not apply to Detour Types I, II and III which do not form part of the Permanent Works. 18-15 SECTION 18 1807.05.3 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC Temporary Lighting 1807.05.3.1 Detours The Detour lighting system shall be as shown in the Contract Documents, on proposals submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer. Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall install light standards at approximately 40 m spacings in the median and/or on one or both sides of the Detours. 1807.05.3.2 Diversions Any additional temporary lighting required on a Diversion route shall be as shown in the Contract Documents, on proposals submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer. 1807.05.3.3 Signs Where shown on the Drawings or required by the Engineer, temporary Detour and Diversion traffic signs shall be illuminated to the approval of the Engineer. 1807.05.4 Cross Drainage The Contractor shall ensure the continuity of existing cross-drainage facilities by extending them under Detours as shown in the Contract Documents, on proposals submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer. Cross-drainage shall be provided under Detours in locations approved or as directed by the Engineer. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawing or in the Contract Documents or unless otherwise directed by the Engineer the extension of existing cross-drainage facilities and the provision of cross-drainage under Detours shall be by 1000 mm diameter reinforced concrete pipes as specified in Section 6 (Stormwater Drainage) of these Specifications. Where specified or as directed by the Engineer drainage pipes shall be recovered, cleaned and set aside for reuse on other Detours. Used pipes shall not be used in the permanent works. 1807.05.5 Restoration of Detour Sites On completion of the Works or when, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Detours are no longer required, the Contractor shall remove all temporary lighting, and all construction, materials, and structures as specified in Clause 1802 of these Specifications, and shall restore the Detour sites to their original condition, or to such other condition as shown in the Contract Documents, on proposals submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer. 1807.05.6 Restoration of Diversions On completion of the Works or when, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Diversions are no longer required, the Contractor shall remove any temporary lighting and all temporary traffic signs, temporary traffic signals, other temporary traffic control devices, as specified in Clause 1802 of these Specifications, and shall restore the Diversion Roads to their original condition, or to such other condition as shown in the Contract Documents, on proposals submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer. 1808 - PORTABLE ENERGY ABSORBING TERMINAL (E.A.T.) SYSTEMS The portable E.A.T. systems are to be used as shown in the Drawings in connection with the maintenance and protection of traffic during the various construction stages. 18-16 SECTION 18 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC The materials, installation, spare parts, repair of damaged E.A.T. systems and all requirements for the E.A.T. system will be provided in accordance with Clause 1206 of Section 12 (Metalworks) of these Specifications. Where indicated on the Drawings and when directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall relocate such portable E.A.T. systems. The relocation shall include the complete portable E.A.T. system with all anchors. When no longer required for the maintenance and protection of traffic during construction, the Contractor shall remove all portable E.A.T. systems, which shall become the property of the Employer, and shall load, transport, unload and place them in storage at a location directed by the Engineer. 1809 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT FOR MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC 1809.01 MEASUREMENT Measurement shall be as follows: 1809.01.1 Construction Signs and Vertical Panels Construction signs and vertical panels shall each be measured by square metre of face area of each type for each time they are initially used in an area or locality, as shown in the Contract Documents, or as proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer, or as directed by the Engineer. 1809.01.2 Barricades, Cones and Drums Barricades, Cones and Drums shall each be enumerated separately for each type for each time they are initially used in an area or locality, as shown in the Contract Documents, or as proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer, or as directed by the Engineer. 1809.01.3 Temporary Metal Beam Guardrail Temporary Metal Beam Guardrail shall be measured by the metre run (centre of end post to centre of end post). Measurement shall be for: a. b. c. 1809.01.4 as provided and installed. as provided and installed as replacement to damaged rail. as removed and re-installed. Temporary Concrete Barriers Temporary Concrete Barriers shall be measured by the metre run. Measurement shall be for: a. b. c. d. e. 1809.01.5 as provided by Contractor and installed. as provided by MPW and installed. as provided by Contractor and installed as replacement to damaged barriers. as provided by MPW and installed as replacement to damaged barriers. as removed and re-installed. Warning Lights Warning lights type A, B or C shall be measured separately by the actual number of each type for each time they are initially used in an area or locality as shown in the Contract Documents, or as proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the Engineer. 1809.01.6 Flashing Arrow Boards Flashing Arrow Boards shall be measured by unit on a daily basis for any portion of a day for which they were ordered by the Engineer and were actually operational on the Works. 18-17 SECTION 18 1809.01.7 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC Temporary Traffic Markings Temporary Traffic markings shall be measured as specified in Clause 701. 16 (Measurement and Payment of Road Markings) of Section 7 (Traffic Marking and Signs) of these Specifications for each type of material used. Measurement shall be for: a. b. c. 1809.01.8 application removal re-application Raised Pavement Markers Raised Pavement Markers shall be measured by the number installed, removed, or reinstalled. Measurement shall be for: a. b. c. 1809.01.9 Non reflective markers Reflective markers (regardless of colour combination) Type d markers Temporary Lighting Temporary Lighting shall be measured by the number of single-arm and the number of double-arm standards installed. Measurement shall be for: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. J 1809.01.10 single-arm standards as installed (Ministry of Electricity and Water provided) single-arm standards as installed (Contractor provided) double-arm standards as installed (Ministry of Electricity and Water provided) double-arm standards as installed (Contractor provided) single-arm standards as installed as replacement to damaged standards (Ministry of Electricity and Waterprovided). single-arm standards as installed as replacement to damaged standards (Contractor provided). double-arm standards as installed as replacement to damaged standards (Ministry of Electricity and Water provided) double-arm standards as installed as replacement to damaged standards (Contractor provided) removal and reinstallation of single arm standards. removal and reinstallation of double arm standards. Temporary Traffic Signals Temporary Traffic Signal installations shall be measured as an item for each junction to include installation, maintenance, and removal. 1809.01.11 Dust Control Dust Control shall be measured and paid for separately for Detours only. Measurement shall be by the number of 1000 litre units of water used as approved by the Engineer. 1809.01.12 Flagmen When required, flagmen shall not be measured and paid for separately but shall be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor under other items of this Section. 1809.01.13 Maintenance of Access Except for measurement and payment of items included in Section 18 (Maintenance and Protection of Traffic) of these Specifications, maintenance of access shall not be measured and paid for separately but will be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor under other items of this Section. 18-18 SECTION 18 1809.01.14 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC Detours and Diversions Measurement of temporary unsurfaced detours shall be by the metre square of carriageway as defined in the Contract and/or as instructed by the Engineer. Measurement of temporary paved detours shall be by the metre square of the top of the paved surface for the types specified. Tapered edges of the paved surfaces shall not be included in the measurement. Measurement of Diversions will be by the unit, per Diversion including setting up, maintenance, and removal of all signs, temporary lighting, temporary signals and everything else necessary for the safe operation of the diversion, for any length of time of diversion. Measurement shall be for: a. b. c. d. e. Type I Temporary Unsurfaced Detour Type II Temporary Surfaced Detour Type III Short Term Detour Type IV Long Term Detour Type V Diversion The construction of other detours and access roads required but not shown in the Contract Documents shall not be measured but shall be considered as subsidiary to other items of work. 1809.01.15 Cross-Drainage Cross drainage pipes shall be measured by the overall metre run of each pipe diameter regardless of depth for both the initial installation and for re-use. 1809.01.16 Maintenance of Detours and Diversions The cost for maintaining the detours and diversions, including such items but not limited to metal beam guardrails, temporary concrete barriers, flashing arrow boards, raised pavement markers, temporary lighting, temporary traffic signals, temporary signage, detour pavement, earthworks and shoulders and drainage shall not be measured or paid for separately but shall be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor under other items of this Section. 1809.01.17 Restoration of Detour and Diversion Sites Restoration of Detour sites shall not be measured and paid for separately but will be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor under other items of this Section. 1809.01.18 Contractor’s Traffic Safety Supervisor The Contractor’s Traffic Safety Supervisor, communications equipments, and night time construction lighting system will not be measured or paid for but will be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor under other items of this Section. 1809.01.19 Portable Energy Absorbing Terminal (E.A.T.) Systems Measurement shall be by the number for each type required as provided and installed or as removed and reinstalled. No separate measurement or payment will be made for repair of E.A.T. systems damaged by any cause whatsoever, the cost of which shall be considered a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor under other items of this Section. No separate measurement or payment will be made by the Employer for the removal, loading, transporting, off-loading and placing portable E.A.T. systems in the MPW stores when no longer required and when directed by the Engineer. 18-19 SECTION 18 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC 1809.02 PAYMENT 1809.02.1 General The quantities, as determined in accordance with Clause 1809.01of these Specifications, will be paid for at the rate per unit of measurement for each of the pay items included in the Bills of Quantities, which payment will be full compensation for all works and requirements prescribed in this Section of these Specifications. No traffic control devices that are delivered to or removed from the Site without approval of the Engineer will be considered for payment. 1809.02.2 Construction Signs, Vertical Panels, Barricades, Cones, Drums and Warning Lights Rates for Construction Signs, Vertical Panels, Barricades, Cones, Drums and Warning Lights etc. shall also include for, but not be limited to: supply, installation, loading and unloading, positioning and repositioning within an area or locality, transporting, storage and removal on completion, and all fixings, posts, temporary foundations, ballast, regular cleaning, maintenance, replacement of lost, stolen, damaged or defective items, and all associated labour, material and equipment requirements. 1809.02.3 Temporary Lighting Rates for Temporary Lighting shall also include, but not by way of limitation, any necessary generators with fuel, spares and maintenance, lamps and cut-outs for standards supplied by the Ministry of Electricity and Water and replacement lamps as and when required for all standards. 1809.02.4 Temporary Traffic Signals Rates for the Temporary Traffic Signal installation for each particular junction shall also include for, but not be limited to, repositioning existing equipment, supplying, installing and reinstalling additional equipment including all cabling, ductwork, controller foundations and the like to maintain an approved traffic signal installation until such time as the permanent signal installation is operational. Rates shall also include for removal of all existing and temporary equipment and all such other works as are required in accordance with the Contract Documents to maintain the approved signal control system for all detour and traffic management stages at the particular junction. 1809.02.5 Detours In addition to the requirements of Clause 1809.02.1 herein, payment for Detours shall also include for necessary field surveys, preparation of Construction drawings, liaison and gaining approvals from the Engineer/MOI and the Relevant Authorities and all other things necessary to provide the Detours. Payment shall also include for the recovery and stockpiling of all asphaltic materials as specified. No claim for additional costs or extension of time will be allowed consequent to approval of alternative layouts for Detours proposed by the Contractor. 1809.02.6 Portable Energy Absorbing Terminal (E.A.T.) Systems Payment for provision and installation of portable E.A.T. systems shall be at the rates in Section 18 of the Bills of Quantities which rates shall include for detailed design submission, supply and installation of the complete system (including all necessary materials and anchor systems), labour, tools, equipment and appurtenances and for supplying installation and maintenance manuals to the Engineer as specified herein. Payment for removal and reinstallation of portable E.A.T. systems from one location to another within the limits of this Contract shall be at the rates shown in the Bills of Quantities, which rates shall include for all materials, labour, tools, equipment, loading, hauling, unloading and appurtenances required to remove and reinstall the portable E.A.T. system, complete, in a new location as shown on the approved drawings or as directed by the Engineer. 18-20 SECTION 18 MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC 1809.03 Items in the Bill of Quantities PAY ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT OF MEASUREMENT 1809.1 Construction Signs sq.m 1809.2 Vertical Panels sq.m 1809.3 Barricades nr 1809.4 Cones nr. 1809.5 Drums nr 1809.6 Flashing Arrow Boards nr/Days 1809.7 Temporary Thermoplastic Broken and Solid m Lines Traffic Markings (width) (color) (application / removal/reapplication) 1809.8 Temporary Reflectorised Broken and solid linesTraffic m 1809.9 Temporary Tape Markings (width) 1809.10 Raised Pavement Markers (type, installed/removed/reinstalled) nr 1809.11 Temporary Metal beam Guardrail Markings (width) (color) (application / removal /reapplication) m m (provided & installed/ provided & installed as replacement/ removed and re-installed) 1809.12 Temporary Concrete Barrier m (provide by the Contractor/ provided by MPW/provided by the Contractor as replacement/ provided by MPW as replacement/ removed and re-installed) 1809.13 Warning Lights (Per Type) nr 1809.14 Temporary Lighting (Per Type) nr (provided by the Contractor/ provided by MEW/ provided by the Contractor as replacement/ provided by MEW as replacement/ removal and reinstallation) 1809.15 Temporary Traffic Signal (Per Junction) LS 1809.16 Detours (Per Type) sq.m 1809.17 Diversions nr 1809.18 Dust Control (For Detours Only) cu.m 1809.19 Cross-Drainage m 1809.20 (pipe dia./ initial installation/re-use) Portable EAT Systems (Per Type) nr (provided and installed/ removed and reinstalled) 18-21