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Modbus Tester Help

Modbus Tester Help
Table Of Contents
Modbus Tester Help ........................................................................................................................ 1
How To ............................................................................................................................................ 2
How To Make a Connection......................................................................................................... 2
How To Configure a Location ...................................................................................................... 3
How To Configure Communications Parameters ........................................................................ 4
How To Configure Modem Settings ............................................................................................. 5
Menus .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Setup menu commands ............................................................................................................... 6
Online menu commands .............................................................................................................. 7
View menu commands................................................................................................................. 8
Help menu commands ................................................................................................................. 9
Setup ............................................................................................................................................. 10
Setup Locations (Setup menu) .................................................................................................. 10
Setup Communications (Setup Locations Screen) .................................................................... 11
Log Communications (Setup menu) .......................................................................................... 13
Setup Modem (Setup Communications Screen) ....................................................................... 14
Online ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Connect Screen (Online menu) ................................................................................................. 15
Online Disconnect ...................................................................................................................... 16
Test Communications Screen (Online menu)............................................................................ 17
Data Types (Test Comms Screen) ............................................................................................ 20
Convertor ................................................................................................................................... 21
Temporarily Change Comms Setup Screen (Online menu) ...................................................... 22
View ............................................................................................................................................... 23
Comms Log (View menu) .......................................................................................................... 23
Status Bar command (View menu) ............................................................................................ 24
Toolbar command (View menu)................................................................................................. 25
Help ............................................................................................................................................... 26
About command (Help menu) .................................................................................................... 26
Release Notes (Help menu)....................................................................................................... 27
Standard Interface ......................................................................................................................... 28
Close command (Control menus) .............................................................................................. 28
No Help Available....................................................................................................................... 29
Exit command ............................................................................................................................ 30
Index command (Help menu)..................................................................................................... 31
Maximize command (System menu).......................................................................................... 32
Minimize command (application Control menu)......................................................................... 33
Move command (Control menu) ................................................................................................ 34
No Help Available....................................................................................................................... 35
Restore command (Control menu)............................................................................................. 36
Size command (System menu).................................................................................................. 37
Status Bar .................................................................................................................................. 38
Title Bar...................................................................................................................................... 39
Toolbar ....................................................................................................................................... 40
Using Help command (Help menu)............................................................................................ 41
Trouble Shooting ........................................................................................................................... 42
Trouble Shooting Serial Communications ................................................................................. 42
Trouble Shooting Ethernet Communications ............................................................................. 43
Trouble Shooting Modem Connections ..................................................................................... 44
Trouble Shooting Contact Us..................................................................................................... 45
Communication LEDs .................................................................................................................... 46
Modbus Tester Help
Last updated: October 9, 2006
Welcome to Omni Flow Computers, Inc, Modbus Tester!
How To ...
Operate the Modbus Tester
Make a Connection
Configure a Location
Configure Communications Parameters
Configure Modem Settings
Setup menu
Online menu
View menu
Help menu
Trouble Shooting
Serial Communications
Modem Connections
Contact Us
How To
How To Make a Connection
From the Online menu, select Connect.
The Connection Screen is displayed.
To connect:
double click on a location in the list
or select a location and press Connect.
For more information, see the help for the Connect Screen.
How To
How To Configure a Location
From the Setup menu, select Location.
The Setup Locations Screen is displayed. For more information see the help for the Setup
Locations Screen.
To enter a new location:
Press Add
or click your right mouse button and select Add from the short cut menu.
The Setup Communications Screen is displayed. For more information see the help for the Setup
Communications Screen.
Modbus Tester Help
How To Configure Communications Parameters
From the Setup menu, select Location.
The Setup Locations Screen is displayed. For more information see the help for the Setup
Locations Screen.
To edit an existing location,
 double click on a location in the list
 or click once on a location in the list and press Edit
 or click the right mouse button on a location in the list and select Edit from the
shortcut menu.
If there are no locations listed,
press Add
or click the right mouse button and select Add from the short cut menu.
The Setup Communications Screen is displayed. For more information see the help for the Setup
Communications Screen.
How To
How To Configure Modem Settings
From the Setup menu, select Location.
The Setup Locations Screen is displayed. For more information see the help for the Setup
Locations Screen.
To edit an existing location,
 double click on a location in the list
 or click once on a location in the list and press Edit
 or click the right mouse button on a location in the list and select Edit from the
shortcut menu.
If there are no locations listed,
press Add
or click the right mouse button and select Add from the short cut menu.
The Setup Communications Screen is displayed. For more information see the help for the Setup
Communications Screen.
If you are adding a location, select a media type of Modem or Satellite.
Press Modem Settings.
Follow the instructions for the Setup Modem Screen.
Note: If you do not see the ‘Modem Settings’ button, be sure you have selected a media type of
‘Modem’ or ‘Satellite’.
Setup menu commands
The Setup menu offers the following commands:
Log Communications
Online menu commands
The Online menu offers the following commands:
Temporarily Change Comms Setup
Test Comms
Modbus Tester Help
View menu commands
The View menu offers the following commands:
Comms Log
Status Bar
Help menu commands
The Help menu offers the following commands, which provide you assistance with this
Help Topics
Release Notes
Setup Locations (Setup menu)
Configure the locations of the units. This screen is only enabled in the OFFLINE mode.
Add a Location
Press Add or click your right mouse button and select Add from the short cut menu.
Edit a Location
double click on a location in the list
or click once on a location in the list and press Edit
or click the right mouse button on a location in the list and select Edit from the
shortcut menu.
Delete a Location
click once on a location in the list and press Delete
or click the right mouse button on a location in the list and select Delete from the
shortcut menu.
Re-order Locations
Click on a location in the list and while holding down the left mouse button, drag the item
where you would like and release the left mouse button.
The Setup Communications Screen is displayed if the user is adding or editing a location.
Follow the instructions for the Setup Communications Screen.
Setup Communications (Setup Locations Screen)
Configure communications parameters.
Media Type
The connection media. The four choices are Direct, Modem, Satellite, and TCP/IP. The
default is Direct.
Modbus ID
The unit’s Modbus ID or address. Click on the up arrow to increase the number and the
down arrow to decrease the number. You may also just enter in a number directly. The ID
can range from 1-255. The default value is 1.
Modbus Type
The protocol format. The choices are RTU or ASCII and Modbus/TCP for media type
TCP/IP. The default is RTU for all media types except Satellite which is ASCII.
Modicon Compatible
The default is not compatible.
Location Name
Enter a description of the location.
The number of times a message is re-sent if no response or an invalid response is
received by the unit. The default is 2.
Direct, Modem and Satellite
Phone Number or Satellite Number – (Only shown for Modem and Satellite) - the
number to dial for the connection. You may enter dashes between the numbers.
Comm Port – the serial port on the PC to be used for the connection. The program
automatically lists the available ports on your PC. The default is the first port on the list.
Baud Rate – communications speed in bits per second. The values range from 300 to
38400. The default is 9600.
Initial Character delay – the amount of time in milliseconds the PC waits for a response
from the unit. Defaults are automatically set based on media type and for Direct
connections baud rate is also a factor.
Character Delay – the amount of time in milliseconds allowed between characters in a
response from the unit. Defaults are automatically set based on media type and for Direct
connections baud rate is also a factor
Data Bits – a group of bits used to represent a single character of data for transmission.
The choices are 7 or 8. The default is 8 for all media types except Satellite which is 7.
Stop Bits – a bit that signals the end of a character. The choices are 1 or 2. The default
is 1 for all media types except Satellite which is 2.
Modbus Tester Help
Parity – method of error checking the transmission. The choices are Even, Odd, and
None. The default is None for all media types except Satellite which is Even.
Modem Settings – (only shown for Modem and Satellite) press this button to go to the
Setup Modem Screen.
485 2-Wire – (only shown for Direct) – check this box if you have a 485 2-Wire cable
IP Address – enter each of the four 3-digit numbers that make up the address. The
default is all zeros.
TCP Port – the port number. The default is 6000. For Modbus/TCP protocol, the port
number is 502.
Connection Timeout – the amount of time in milliseconds to wait before a connection
attempt is aborted. The default is 5000ms.
Message Timeout – after a connection is established, the amount of time in milliseconds
to wait for a response from the unit. The default is 2000ms.
Log Communications (Setup menu)
To enable this function, click on the Setup menu and the select Log Communications.
When the function is enabled, there is a check mark next to the item on the menu.
To view the log, click on the View menu and select Comms Log. For more information, please
see the help for the Communications Log.
Modbus Tester Help
Setup Modem (Setup Communications Screen)
Configure modems.
Initialization String
The string sent to the modem to ready the modem for communications. The default string
is: AT &F E0 M1
AT – attention (if you omit this command, it is inserted for you automatically)
&F – restore factory defaults
E0 – echo off (helps to speed communications)
M1 – speaker volume is on until a connection is made
Cancel the call if not connected within XX seconds
The default is 60 seconds. After a call has been dialed, the program aborts the call
process if a connection was not established before the connection timeout.
Wait before redialing XX seconds
The default is 10 seconds. A call has been made but a connection was not established
before the connect timeout. The program waits these number of seconds before redialing
the number.
Disconnect the modem after XX minutes
The default is 15 minutes. If a connection is established via modem, the program
automatically disconnects after this period of inactivity.
Restore the default values.
Connect Screen (Online menu)
Establish communications with a unit. This screen is only enabled in the OFFLINE mode.
The screen displays a list of the available connection locations.
To Connect with the unit at that location:
Double click on a location in the list
or click once on a location and press Connect.
When a connection is made successfully, the Test Comms Screen appears. The Online menu
changes from ‘Connect’ to ‘Disconnect’.
For Modem and Satellite connections:
The modem connection progress is shown
the responses from the modem are also shown
an Abort button appears when dialing has commenced. The user may abort the dialing
process by pressing this button.
Press Cancel to exit without connecting.
Modbus Tester Help
Online Disconnect
Disconnect communications from the unit.
You may use this when you want to go to another unit at a different location or to re-establish
communications because port settings may have changed at the location you were connected to .
Test Communications Screen (Online menu)
Modbus Tester Screen. This screen is only enabled in the ONLINE mode.
Note that for Modicon Compatible units, the test program automatically subtracts one from the
register number and formats the protocol to conform to 16-bit integers. If float data types are
used, the float bytes are swapped from ‘aa bb cc dd’ to ‘cc dd aa bb’.
Modbus Type
The protocol format. The choices are:
The default is set to what was setup for the location.
Modbus Addressing
Logical, Register, and Modicon Compatible. The default is Logical.
For example, floats using Logical Addressing, 1 register is 4 bytes of data. Floats using
Register Addressing combine 2 consecutive registers to make the float. The program
automatically doubles the number of registers entered and does the byte combination to
make the float.
Note that for Modicon Compatible units, the test program automatically subtracts one
from the register number and formats the protocol to conform to 16-bit integers. If float
data types are used, the float bytes are swapped from ‘aa bb cc dd’ to ‘cc dd aa bb’.
Modbus ID
The unit’s Modbus ID or address. Click on the up arrow to increase the number and the
down arrow to decrease the number. You may also just enter in a number directly.
The ID can range from 1-255. The default is set to what was setup for the location.
Function Code
Select from the drop list the Function Code of the test message.
Note that there is a ‘User Defined’ function code for any non-standard functions. If the
user selects ‘User Defined’, a box appears to enter the function code. The range for the
user defined function code is 1 to 127 (because of the exception response of 0x80 plus
function code). The default value is 255 to remind the user to enter a code.
Data Type
Select the Data Type from the drop list. This is how you would like the data to appear in
the ‘Data Values’ box – it does not affect how the data is transmitted. Only data types
appropriate to the function code selected are listed. For more information, see help on
Data Types.
Register Number or Diagnostics Code
Most function types require a Register Number:
If you are using RTU, ASCII, or Modbus/TCP protocol and have not selected
"Modicon Compatible", enter the exact target read or write Modbus Address in
the range of 1 to 65535 of the remote device.
Modbus Tester Help
If you are using RTU or Modbus/TCP protocol and have selected "Modicon
Compatible", Modbus Tester automatically subtracts one from the register
address before it is sent. (Enter registers in the range of 1 to 65535.)
If you are using ASCII protocol and have selected "Modicon Compatible",
Modbus Tester does not automatically subtract one from the register address
before it is sent so you should specify one address less than the target read or
write Modbus address. (Enter registers in the range of 0 to 65534.)
For the Diagnostic function (08), it becomes the Diagnostics Code. Enter a value
between 0 and 65535.
Number of Points/Values or Data Value
Coil type function codes ask for the Number of Points.
Register type function codes request the Number of Values.
The Diagnostic function requests the Data Value to be sent.
String Size
The ASCII String data type also requests the String Size. For example if you had three
8-character ASCII strings to read, you would enter a "3" for the Number of Values field
and an "8" for the String Size field.
Data Values
The Data Values box is used to enter/display the values transmitted/received from the
unit in the format previously selected in the data type field.
Separate multiple data values using the symbol displayed in the label (it is the list
separator configured for your system - in most cases it is a comma).
The user may select how the CRC/LRC is calculated.
Automatic means the system calculates it automatically and appends it to the transmit
If the user selects User Defined, a box appears for the user to enter the CRC/LRC in two
hex bytes (with no space in between). For example if you wanted to send a CRC of ‘E2
9D’, enter it as ‘E29D’.
No CRC/LRC is sent if a setting of Not Used is selected.
The Modbus type, Modicon Compatibility, and Modbus ID can be configured permanently in
the Setup Screen. For more information on configuring those items, please see the help for the
Setup Communications Screen.
Press Transmit to send the test message to the unit.
The actual message sent is shown in the Transmit Message box.
The response message is displayed in the Receive Message box.
If the Modbus type is ASCII, for convenience the actual ASCII character is also shown on
a separate line.
Press Repeat to send the test message continuously. Press the Stop button to
terminate the send.
A handy number convertor is available by pressing Convertor. Note this screen can be
moved around and remain up while more testing is done.
For more information, see the help for Convertor.
Comms Log
You can view the Communications Log by pressing Comms Log. Note this screen can
be moved around and remain up while more testing is done. For more information, see
the help for Communications Log.
Change Temporary Comms
If you would like to modify some of the temporary communications parameters, press
Change Temporary Settings. For more information, see the help for Temporarily
Change Comms Settings.
Modbus Tester Help
Data Types (Test Comms Screen)
In the Test Comms Screen, the data types represents the format of the data when it is entered for
a write or how it is displayed for reads. The following is a description of each type:
Enter Booleans as 1’s and 0’s. For example if you wanted to Force One Coil and set the
value to be ‘on’, then enter the data value as a ‘1’. For the Force Multiple Coils, enter the
values beginning with the first point. For example register 1001 we would like to set 1001,
1004, and 1005. In the Data Values, enter ‘1,0,0,1,1’. If you were to read those coils back
using a Read Coil Status function, the data would be received back as a 0x19 but is
displayed as ‘1, 0, 0, 1, 1’ showing coils 1001, 1004, and 1005 are set.
Integers can be signed or unsigned based on what has been selected. Enter the number
as an integer.
Floats are entered as numbers with up to 6-7 significant digits.
Note that for Modicon Compatible units, the test program automatically subtracts one
from the register number and formats the protocol to conform with 16-bit integers. Float
bytes are swapped from ‘aa bb cc dd’ to ‘cc dd aa bb’.
For example: The float number 300.0 is converted to:
RTU (to/from Omni)
Modicon (to/from Omni)
43 96 00 00
00 00 43 96
Doubles have 15-16 significant digits.
ASCII Strings
For strings you need to enter the length of one string. For example if you had three 8character ASCII strings to read, you would enter a "3" for the "Number of Values" field
and an "8" for the "String Size" field.
Number Convertor to convert numeric data types to Hexadecimal format and back. Note this
screen can be moved around and remain up while more testing is done.
Select the data type you would like convert to or from.
Select the hexadecimal format you would like to convert to or from. Note: Modicon format is only
available for floats and doubles.
Motorola (Big Endian)
Intel (Little Endian)
Enter the data you would like converted and clear the other field.
Press [Convert] and the converted number is displayed.
For example: The float number 300.0 is converted to:
43 96 00 00
00 00 96 43
00 00 43 96
Modbus Tester Help
Temporarily Change Comms Setup Screen
(Online menu)
There are times that you may want to temporarily modify the timing or retry count without making
those changes permanent. These changes will stay in effect until you disconnect. This screen is
only enabled in the ONLINE mode.
Retries – the number of times a message is re-sent if no response or an invalid response is
received by the unit. The default is 2.
Direct, Modem and Satellite
Initial Character delay – the amount of time in milliseconds the PC waits for a
response from the unit. Defaults are automatically set based on media type and for
Direct connections baud rate is also a factor.
Character Delay – the amount of time in milliseconds allowed between characters in a
response from the unit. Defaults are automatically set based on media type and for
Direct connections baud rate is also a factor
Connection Timeout – the amount of time in milliseconds to wait before a connection
attempt is aborted. The default is 5000ms.
Message Timeout – after a connection is established, the amount of time in milliseconds
to wait for a response from the unit. The default is 2000ms.
Comms Log (View menu)
View the Communications Log. This screen is only enabled in the ONLINE mode.
Note: logs are only recorded when the ‘Log Communications’ setting is enabled from the Setup
menu. For more information, see the help for Log Communications.
The current log is displayed when the user first comes into the screen.
Press Refresh to retrieve any entries that have occurred since the last display.
Press Save to File to save the current log to file.
To clean out the log, press Clear Log.
Press Cancel to exit.
To see the time difference between two entries, select two log entries. Click on a log to select
the first one. To select the second log, press and hold Ctrl on the PC keyboard and click on a log.
(If more than two logs are selected, it uses the first two selected logs to compute the time
The log is stored in memory. When a user exits the program, the log is no longer available.
Modbus Tester Help
Status Bar command (View menu)
Use this command to display and hide the Status Bar, which describes the action to be executed
by the selected menu item or depressed toolbar button, and keyboard latch state. A check mark
appears next to the menu item when the Status Bar is displayed.
See Status Bar for help on using the status bar.
Toolbar command (View menu)
Use this command to display and hide the Toolbar, which includes buttons for some of the most
common commands in the program, such as File Open. A check mark appears next to the menu
item when the Toolbar is displayed.
See Toolbar for help on using the toolbar.
About command (Help menu)
Use this command to display the copyright notice and version number of your copy of the
Release Notes (Help menu)
Use this command to display the readme.txt file in Notepad. The file contains the updates and
release notes for the program.
Standard Interface
Close command (Control menus)
Use this command to close the active window or dialog box.
Double-clicking a Control-menu box is the same as choosing the Close command.
Note: If you have multiple windows open for a single document, the Close command on the
document Control menu closes only one window at a time. You can close all windows at once
with the Close command on the File menu.
Keys: CTRL+F4 exits the screen.
ALT+F4 closes the dialog box.
Standard Interface
No Help Available
No help is available for this message box.
Modbus Tester Help
Exit command
Use the Close command on the application Control menu to end your program session.
Mouse: Double-click the application's Control menu button.
Keys: ALT+F4
Standard Interface
Index command (Help menu)
Use this command to display the opening screen of Help. From the opening screen, you can jump
to step-by-step instructions for using the program and various types of reference information.
Once you open Help, you can click the Contents button whenever you want to return to the
opening screen.
Modbus Tester Help
Maximize command (System menu)
Use this command to enlarge the active window to fill the available space.
Mouse: Click the maximize icon
on the title bar; or double-click the title bar.
Keys: CTRL+F10 enlarges a document window.
Standard Interface
Minimize command (application Control menu)
Use this command to reduce the program window to an icon.
Mouse: Click the minimize icon
Keys: ALT+F9
on the title bar.
Modbus Tester Help
Move command (Control menu)
Use this command to display a four-headed arrow so you can move the active window or dialog
box with the arrow keys.
Note: This command is unavailable if you maximize the window.
Keys: CTRL+F7
Standard Interface
No Help Available
No help is available for this area of the window.
Modbus Tester Help
Restore command (Control menu)
Use this command to return the active window to its size and position before you chose the
Maximize or Minimize command.
Standard Interface
Size command (System menu)
Use this command to display a four-headed arrow so you can size the active window with the
arrow keys.
After the pointer changes to the four-headed arrow:
1. Press one of the DIRECTION keys (left, right, up, or down arrow key) to move the pointer to
the border you want to move.
2. Press a DIRECTION key to move the border.
3. Press ENTER when the window is the size you want.
Note: This command is unavailable if you maximize the window.
Mouse: Drag the size bars at the corners or edges of the window.
Modbus Tester Help
Status Bar
The status bar is displayed at the bottom of the program window. To display or hide the status
bar, use the Status Bar command in the View menu.
The left area of the status bar describes actions of menu items as you use the arrow keys to
navigate through menus. This area similarly shows messages that describe the actions of toolbar
buttons as you depress them, before releasing them. If after viewing the description of the toolbar
button command you wish not to execute the command, then release the mouse button while the
pointer is off the toolbar button.
The middle area shows the communications LEDs reflecting the communications activity. The
left Red LED indicates transmission while the right Green LED indicates reception.
The right area of the status bar provides connection information:
Location Name
Modbus ID
COM Port
Baud Rate
Number of Data Bits
Number of Stop Bits
Initial Character Delay
Character Delay
Modem and Satellite
Location Name
Location Number
Modbus ID
COM Port
Baud Rate
Number of Data Bits
Number of Stop Bits
Initial Character Delay
Character Delay
Location Name
IP Address
TCP Port
Modbus ID
Connection Timeout
Message Timeout
Standard Interface
Title Bar
OmniMBT - Modbus Tester
The title bar is located along the top of a window. It contains the name of the application.
To move the window, drag the title bar. Note: You can also move dialog boxes by dragging their
title bars.
A title bar may contain the following elements:
Application Control-menu button
Maximize button
Minimize button
Name of the application
Close button
Modbus Tester Help
The toolbar is displayed across the top of the application window, below the menu bar. The
toolbar provides quick mouse access to many tools used in the program.
To hide or display the Toolbar, choose Toolbar from the View menu (ALT, V, T).
Click To
Monitor - to Setup Locations
World - to Connect
Disconnected Circuit - to go Offline
Clock - to change temporary communications settings
Omni Ball - for the Modbus Tester
Log - to View the Communications Log
10/A - for the Number Convertor
Question mark - to see the About Screen
Arrow + Question mark - Context sensitive help. Click on this and then an item you would like
help on.
Standard Interface
Using Help command (Help menu)
Use this command for instructions about using Help.
Trouble Shooting
Trouble Shooting Serial Communications
No Connection or Timed Out:
Check the physical cable connections.
Is the correct COM port configured for the site? See the Setup Communications
Baud Rate of the unit's port does not match the PC port. See the Setup
Communications Screen.
Invalid CRC errors:
Baud Rate of the unit's port does not match the PC port. See the Setup Communications
May be caused by too short an inter-character delay. Go to Setup Locations, edit the
location, and increase the "Character Delay" timing. For more information see the Setup
Communications Screen.
The number of bytes returned from the unit is not correct errors:
May be caused by too short an inter-character delay. Go to Setup Locations, edit the
location, and increase the "Character Delay" timing. For more information see the Setup
Communications Screen.
Trouble Shooting
Trouble Shooting Ethernet Communications
Use “Telnet” or “Ping” to see if there is a response. If there is the connection is OK. If not then
go to Board Checks.
Use Omni's Modbus Tester and try to communicate. If you are able to communicate, check the
site setup to see if it matches the Omni unit. If you are not able to communicate, check the
Modbus ID set up in the unit on the Ethernet port is the same as the Modbus ID set up in the
Ethernet card.
Board checks:
If the firmware is older than 74.10, the SE card is going to be shown as an S card. Check
the baud rate set up in the Omni for the Ethernet port is the same as the baud rate set up
in the Ethernet card (defaults to 38400).
If the firmware is v74.10 and up, make sure the “SE Firmware >2.0” is set to ‘N’
If it is an Omni, make sure the repeater lights are not blinking.
Look at the TX and RX lights on the Ethernet board for activity.
Check the interrupt level on the board matches your board configuration. (The interrupt
level should be set to 3. If there is an SV module in your system, set the Serial card
interrupts to 2).
Run the Ethernet card (SE Module) in Debug Mode:
Go into the Ethernet board set up via Telnet if there was a response in the first step or via
direct link to the serial port on the board.
Press “9” to enter debug mode. (If you do not see a “9” on your menu, then press “SHIFT
Z”.) If you pressed “9” then press “A” for just the Host debugging or “B” for debugging
both sides.
The times on the left hand side are relative timings. (For example if the time on the first
line is 1 and the time on the next line is 3 then there were 2ms between the lines.)
Messages from the Ethernet card are preceded by an “E”.
Messages from the Host are preceded by an “H”.
Press “9” or “SHIFT Z” to exit debug mode.
Modbus Tester Help
Trouble Shooting Modem Connections
Starts to initialize but quits before dialing:
Check the physical cable connections.
Was a Modem or Satellite location selected to connect to?
Is the correct COM port configured for the location? See the Setup Communications
 Check the Modem Initialization String has commands that are valid for your modem.
See the Setup Modem Screen.
Some modems require the baud rate of the COM port matches the modem’s baud rate.
See the Setup Communications Screen.
Dials the number but does not connect:
Is the Connect Wait Time set for long enough to allow the modems to connect? See the
Setup Modem Screen.
Has the modem at the unit been properly configured and connected?
Trouble Shooting
Trouble Shooting Contact Us
You may contact us via the web at www.omniflow.com.
E-mail us at: techsupport@omniflow.com
Omni Flow Computers, Inc.
12620 West Airport Blvd.
Suite 100
Sugar Land, TX 77478
281-240-6161 - telephone
281-240-6162 - fax
Communication LEDs
The RED LED indicates data transmission from the OmniCom PC program to the Omni (sending
to Omni).
The GREEN LED indicates data reception from the Omni to the OmniCom PC (receiving from