ENME 665 Advanced Materials Engineering Sept. 09, 2022 Course Outline ▪ Objectives ❖ Understand the fundamentals of dislocation theory and its application in strengthening, deformation and fracture of metals. ❖ Understand various materials failure mechanisms, including stress corrosion cracking, hydrogen embrittlement, fatigue, creep, strain ageing and corrosion. 2 Course Outline (cont.) ▪ Instructor: ▪ Dr. Frank Cheng ▪ E-mail: fcheng@ucalgary.ca ▪ Teaching Assistant: ▪ Mr. Qing Hu, ying.hu1@ucalgary.ca ▪ Mr. Yinghao Sun, yinghao.sun1@ucalgary.ca ▪ Day, time and location ▪ Monday and Friday, 8:00-9:15 am ▪ ENA 103 3 Course outline (cont.) The following textbook(s) is recommended for this course: 4 Course Outline (cont.) ▪ Examination (All in class) ▪ Quiz 1: Sept. 19th ▪ Mid-term 1: Oct. 3rd ▪ Quiz 2: Oct. 24th ▪ Mid-term 2: Nov. 4th ▪ Quiz 3: 25th Reading week is Nov. 7-11. ▪ Mid-term 3: Dec. 5th No class. ▪ Grading Mid-term 1 25% Mid-term 2 30% Mid-term 3 15% Quiz 1 10% Quiz 2 10% Quiz 3 10% 5 Topic 1 – Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 6 1. Crystalline structure 7 Microstructure of solid materials Amorphous solids – Do not possess long-range order of atom positions – Undercooled liquid, glass, glues, ceramics, … Crystalline solids – Atoms arranged in a regular pattern, extending in all three dimensions. – Metals Almost all solids prefer the crystalline state – Why? 8 Crystalline structure ▪ Crystal lattice: a lattice with atoms or ions attached to the lattice points. ▪ The smallest possible part of crystal lattice, determining the structure, is called unit cell. 9 BCC packing This type of structure has two atoms per unit cell. Each atom has 8 nearest neighbours (coordination number = 8). BCC is not ideally close-packed – Closest-packed direction: <111> – Closest-packed plane: {110} Common in – Alkali metals (K, Na, Cs) – Transition metals (Fe, Cr, V, Mo, Nb) What is the fraction of the volume occupied by spheres for a bcc type structure (packing efficiency)? 10 FCC packing This type of structure has four atoms per unit cell. Each atom has 12 nearest neighbours coordination number = 12). Close-packed planes ({111}) <110> is close-packed direction Found in natural and noble metals (Al, Cu, Ag, Au, Pt, Pb) and Transition metals (Ni, Co, Pd, Ir). What is the packing efficiency for a fcc type structure? 11 Hexagonal Closest Packing (HCP) Each atom in an HCP lattice is surrounded by and touches 12 nearest neighbors, each at a distance of 2r. Coordination number = 12. Divalent solids (Be, Mg, Zn, Cd) and Transition metals and rare earths (Ti, Zr, Co, Gd, Hf, Rh, Os) The packing efficiency of a hcp structure is 72%. 12 Closed packing of atoms 13 Atom packing in FCC and HCP crystals 14 (FCC) Void locations in the stacking ▪ Two interstitial voids in the two close-packed crystal structures: ▪ Tetragonal void: surrounded by four atoms. ▪ Octahedral void: surrounded by six atoms. 15 Sizing the voids in close-packed structure Tetragonal: maximum value of r = 0.225R Octahedral: maximum value of r = 0.414R Which type of voids has a bigger space? 16 Octahedral Voids in FCC Located at {1/2,1/2,1/2} and {1/2,0,0} There are 4 octahedral voids per FCC cell. 17 Tetrahedral Voids in FCC Located at {1/4,1/4,1/4} There are 8 tetrahedral voids per FCC cell 18 Octahedral and tetrahedral voids in BCC ▪ Maximum value of r ▪ Tetrahedral: r = 0.291R ▪ Octahedral: r = 0.154R ▪ Octahedral and tetrahedral voids in BCC are asymmetric. ▪ Movement of an interstitial atoms causes a nonsymmetrical straining of crystal. Why do the point defects in bcc have a more significant effect on mechanical properties of metal than those in FCC? 19 Stacking faults Twins – A change in the stacking sequence over many atoms spacings – -A-B-C-A-B-C-A-C-B-A-C-B-A- Stacking fault – A change over a few atom spacings – -A-B-C-A-B_A-B-C-A-B-C– Stacking faults by themselves are simple twodimensional defects. They carry a certain stacking fault energy; very roughly around a few 100 mJ/m2. – Usually occurs in close-packed structure. 20 Binary compounds - Substitutional ▪ BCC substitutional: AB type (CsCl) ▪ Small size difference FCC substitutional: A3B type – A atoms on face center – Intermetallic compounds (Cu3Au) 21 Binary compounds - Interstitial FCC Octahedral Interstitial: NaCl FCC Tetrahedral Interstitial: ß-ZnS HCP Tetrahedral Interstitial: α-ZnS 22 2. Diffusion in solids 23 What is diffusion? Diffusion: The phenomenon of material transport by atomic motion. Many reactions and processes that are important in the material treatment rely on the mass transfer: – Either with a specific solid (at microscopic level ) – Or from a liquid, a gas, or another solid phase. This topic covers: – Atomic mechanism – Mathematics of diffusion – Influence of temperature and diffusing species of the diffusion rate 24 Diffusion is a RATE PROCESS IN SOLIDS Probability of finding an atom with energy E* E* - E kT Probabilit y e T = absolute temperature, K k = Boltzmann ' s constant = 1.38x 10- 23 J/(atom * K) 25 Fraction of atoms or molecules having energies greater than E* which is itself much greater than the average energy E. n N total = Ce E* - kT where n = number of atoms with energy greater than E* N total = total number of atoms or molecules in system T = absolute temperature, K k = Boltzmann ' s constant = 8.62x 10 -5 eV/K C = constant 26 DIFFUSION • Interdiffusion: In an alloy, atoms tend to migrate from regions of large concentration. After some time Initially 100% 0 Concentration Profiles 27 DIFFUSION (cont.) • Self-diffusion: In an elemental solid, atoms also migrate. All atoms exchanging positions are of same type. Label some atoms After some time No compositional diffusion in pure metal changes. C A D B 28 Diffusion mechanism Atoms in solids are in constant motion rapidly changing positions. Diffusion is just the stepwise migration of atoms from a lattice site to other lattice site. Two conditions for movement: 1. There must be an empty adjacent site 2. Atom must have sufficient energy to break bonds with neighbor atoms Atomic vibration: – Every atom is vibrating very rapidly about its lattice position within the crystal – At any instant, not all vibrate with same frequency and amplitude. – Not all atoms have same energy – Same atom may have different level of energy at different time – Energy increases with temperature 29 Diffusion mechanism (cont.) Several different models for atomic motion – Two dominate for metallic diffusion VACANCY DIFFUSION – Involves interchange of an atom from a normal lattice position to an adjacent vacant lattice site or vacancy – Necessitates presence of vacancies – Diffusing atoms and vacancies exchange positions ➔ they move in opposite directions – Both self- and inter-diffusion occurs by this mechanism. – The activation energy for diffusion is the sum of the energy required to form a vacancy and the energy to move the vacancy. 30 Vacancy Diffusion • Applies to substitutional impurities • Atoms exchange with vacancies • Rate depends on: -- number of vacancies -- activation energy to exchange. 31 Diffusion Mechanism (cont.) INTERSTITIAL DIFFUSION – Atoms migrate from an interstitial position to a neighboring one that is empty – Found for interdiffusion of impurties such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen ➔ atoms small enough to fit into interstitial positions. – Host or substitutional impurity atoms rarely have interstitial diffusion Interstitial atoms are smaller and thus more mobile ➔ interstitial diffusion occurs much more rapidly than by vacancy mode. There are more empty interstitial positions than vacancies ➔ interstitial atomic movement have greater probability. 32 Interstitial diffusion Smaller atoms can diffuse between atoms. The activation energy for diffusion is the energy required for these atoms to squeeze through the small openings between the host lattice atoms. More rapid than vacancy diffusion. 33 Steady-state diffusion The quantity of an element that is transported within another is a function of time ➔ diffusion is a timedependent process. Diffusion flux (J) – Rate of diffusion or mass transfer – Defined as “mass or number of atoms (M) diffusing through and perpendicular to a unit cross-sectional area of solid per unit time. – Mathematically, in differential form: J = M = l dM At A dt A: area across which diffusion is occurring t: time 34 Steady-state diffusion (cont.) Rate of diffusion independent of time Flux proportional to concentration gradient = C 1 C1 dC dx Fick’s first law of diffusion C2 x1 x C2 dC J = −D dx x2 D diffusion coefficient dC C C2 − C1 if linear = dx x x2 − x1 35 Steady-state diffusion (cont.) 36 Non-steady-State Diffusion Most practical diffusion situations are non-steady. Non-steady – Diffusion flux and the concentration flux at some particular point of solid vary with time – Net accumulation or depletion of the diffusing species – Figure shown concentration profile at three different times 37 Non-steady-State Diffusion • Concentration profile, C(x), changes with time. • To conserve matter: • Fick's First Law: • Governing Equation: 38 Solution for Semi-infinite Solid with constant surface concentration Assumptions – Initial concentration C0 – X = 0 at the surface and increases with distance into the solid – Initial time = 0 Boundary conditions – For t = 0, C = Co at 0 x – For t > 0, C = Cs (Constant surface concentration) at x=0 C = C0 at x = Solution – erf( ) : Gaussian error function C x − C0 x = 1 − erf C s − C0 2 Dt 39 Non-steady state diffusion • Copper diffuses into a bar of aluminum. Cs C(x,t) t Co o t1 t t2 3 position, x • General solution: 15 Error function 40 41 Diffusivity -- the proportionality constant between flux and concentration gradient depends on: 1. Diffusion mechanism: Substitutional vs. interstitial 2. Temperature 3. Type of crystal structure of the host lattice. Interstitial diffusion easier in BCC than in FCC. 4. Type of crystal imperfections (a) Diffusion takes place faster along grain boundaries than elsewhere in a crystal. (b) Diffusion is faster along dislocation lines than through bulk crystal. (c) Excess vacancies will enhance diffusion. 5. Concentration of diffusing species 42 Temperature Dependence of the Diffusion Coefficient Qd D = Do exp RT Qd ln D = ln Do RT D is the Diffusivity or Diffusion Coefficient ( m2 / sec ) Do is the prexponential factor ( m2 / sec ) Qd is the activation energy for diffusion ( joules / mole ) R is the gas constant ( joules / (mole deg) ) T is the absolute temperature ( K ) 43 Non-steady state diffusion Sample Problem: An FCC iron-carbon alloy initially containing 0.20 wt% C is carburized at an elevated temperature and in an atmosphere that gives a surface carbon concentration constant at 1.0 wt%. If after 49.5 h the concentration of carbon is 0.35 wt% at a position 4.0 mm below the surface, determine the temperature at which the treatment was carried out. Solution: C( x, t ) − Co x = 1 − erf Cs − Co 2 Dt 44 Solution (cont.): – t = 49.5 h – Cx = 0.35 wt% – Co = 0.20 wt% C( x , t ) − Co x = 1 − erf Cs − Co 2 Dt x = 4 x 10-3 m Cs = 1.0 wt% C( x, t ) − Co 0.35 − 0.20 x = = 1 − erf = 1 − erf ( z ) Cs − Co 1.0 − 0.20 2 Dt erf(z) = 0.8125 45 Solution (cont.): We must now determine from Table 5.1 the value of z for which the error function is 0.8125. An interpolation is necessary as follows z erf(z) 0.90 z 0.95 0.7970 0.8125 0.8209 Now solve for D z − 0.90 0.8125 − 0.7970 = 0.95 − 0.90 0.8209 − 0.7970 z = 0.93 x z= 2 Dt D= x2 4 z 2t −3 2 x2 ( 4 x 10 m) 1h D = = = 2.6 x 10 −11 m2 /s 4z 2t ( 4)(0.93 )2 ( 49 .5 h) 3600 s 46 Solution (cont.): To solve for the temperature at which D has above value, we use a rearranged form of Equation: Qd T= R(lnDo − lnD ) from Table 5.2, for diffusion of C in FCC Fe Do = 2.3 x 10-5 m2/s Qd = 148,000 J/mol T= 148,000 J/mol (8.314 J/mol - K)(ln 2.3x10 −5 m2 /s − ln 2.6 x10 −11 m2 /s) T = 1300 K = 1027°C 47 Summary: Structure & Diffusion Diffusion FASTER for... Diffusion SLOWER for... • open crystal structures • close-packed structures • lower melting T materials • higher melting T materials • materials w/secondary bonding • materials w/covalent bonding • smaller diffusing atoms • larger diffusing atoms • cations • anions • lower density materials • higher density materials 48