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Seismic Demand Amplification in Multi-Storey Frames

Dynamic Amplification of Inelastic Deformation Demands of
Multi-Storey Frame Structures
R. Folic & Dj. Ladjinovic
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Serbia and Montenegro
Non-linear dynamic analysis of refined mathematical models of multi-storey building structures
subjected to specific earthquake ground motion is the most accurate means to evaluate seismic
demands. However, in many cases, the effort required for such a detailed and very complex analysis
couldn't be justified or maintained. Faster and easier, although less accurate, procedures are preferred
intending to achieve a satisfactory balance between required reliability and applicability for everyday
design use. In this paper, an improved simplified non-linear method for estimation of seismic demands
and real response of multi-storey buildings is formulated and presented. In this approach, an estimate
of the seismic displacement demand is found by non-linear dynamic analysis of equivalent singledegree-of-freedom model with various load-deformation relationships (i.e. hysteretic models),
representing the global structural response of the structure.
KEYWORDS: Frame structures, Higher mode effects, Inelastic deformations, Ductility, Amplification.