Computer Studies (IX General) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page: 1 K.M.A. Girls Secondary School Half Yearly Examination 2022-2023 Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 60 COMPUTER STUDIES (THEORY) GENERAL GROUP (CLASS – IX) General Instructions SECTION “A” It consists of 12 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and all of them are to be answered. SECTION “B” It consists of 15 Short-Answer Questions of which 10 questions are to be answered. SECTION “C” It consists of 5 Descriptive-Answer Questions of which 3 questions are to be answered. SECTION “A” (MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS) Time Duration 30 Minutes. (12 Marks) Q.1 Choose the correct answers from the given options: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. _____ is a device that controls movement of the computer on the display screen. * Keyboard * Mouse * Monitor * None of these High level language is similar to: * Assembly Language * Machine Language * Human Language * All of the above Computer combine both measuring and counting are called: * Analog * Digital * Hybrid * All of these Which memory lost data when power is switched off? * ROM * EDROM * RAM * Register Data processing cycle consist of _____ step. * Four * Three * Two * Five Name the brain of the computer that does the calculation, moving, and processing of information. * CPU * RAM * Motherboard * Hard drive Integrated circuits were introduced in: * 1st Generation * 4nd Generation * 2nd Generation * 3rd Generation The device mostly used in for computer or video games: * Mouse * Joystick * Trackball * Light pen The base of the octal number system is: *2 * 10 *8 * 16 PC stands for: * Private Computer * Personal Controller * Personal Computer * Private Connector Who is the father of computer? * Babbage * Herman Hollerith * Charles Babbage * Blaise Pascal 1 byte is equal to: * 4 Bits * 8 Bits * 16 Bits * 10 Bits ************************** Computer Studies (IX General) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page: 2 K.M.A. Girls Secondary School Half Yearly Examination 2022-2023 Time: 2 1/2 Hours Max.Marks: 48 SECTION “B” (SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS) (30 Marks) Note: : Answer any 10 questions from this section. All Questions carry equal Marks. Q.2. difference between Application and system software? Q.3. Write a short note on background of computer? Q.4. Write down the full form of the following? i) GIGO ii) XT iii)DRAM Q.5. What are input devices? Write some most common input devices? Q.6. What is number system? Name its types? Q.7. Define term computer in different ways? Q.8. What is memory of the computer storage? Q.9. Explain the generation in which transistors were replaced by ICs? Q.10. Convert the following into their equivalents? i) (3250) 10 ( )16 ii) (412) 10 ( )8 iii) (176) 10 ( )2 Q.11. What is a cache memory? Q.12. Define data processing cycle? Q.13. Distinguish between hardware and software? Q.14. Convert the following into their equivalents? i) (AABA) 16 ( )10 ii) (B12) 16 ( )10 iii) (111000110010) 2 ( )10 Q.15. What do you mean by pointing device? Discuss on light pens? Q.16. What is a super computer? SECTION “C” (DESCRIPTIVE ANSWERS QUESTION) Note: Answer any 2 questions from this section. All Questions carry equal Marks. Q.17 (a). Draw the diagram of component of CPU and explain it? (b). Describe scanner as a machine readable media? Q.18 (a). Define memory measuring unit? (b). Write classification of computer by its purpose? Q.19 (a). Discuss some limitations of computer? (b). Write down the uses of computer in various fields? ************************** (18 Marks)