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Climate Change & Business: Mid-Term Group Assignment

Mid-Term Group Assignment
Table of Contents
Question 1 ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Question 2 ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Question 3 ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
References ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Group 4
Mid-Term Group Assignment
Industry Sector Researched:
Technology and Startup companies
Question 1
What is the impact of climate change on business? Do companies feel pressure from
consumers to change their business habits towards more sustainable solutions? How are
consumers driving climate solutions with their spending habits? Does this vary by
Environment is a crucial element in any company’s strategy. But how companies respond to the
growing demand to address climate change varies across industries. Among technology
companies, climate change has a tangible and increasingly critical effect on its strategic
business management — it is a business continuity issue, it is a cost issue, and it is also a core
strategy issue. It is high time that we consider the impact of climate change on IT (Technology
and Startup companies). Climate events do not only have an impact on lives. Significant
events can affect the continuity and survival of industries and businesses, especially when they
affect information technology systems. It is worth mentioning the fact, while our heads (and
data) might be in the cloud, ultimately our IT and technology infrastructure lives right here on a
planet that is facing an existential crisis.
Environmental concerns in general, and issues regarding climate change in particular are
moving from the realm of corporate environment health and safety (EH&S) personnel into that
of corporate financial strategy which involves chief executive officers and chief financial
officers as well as board of directors. Climate change has become a major financial risk due to
the efforts of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in raising
corporate and regulator awareness of climate change as a financial risk and to make
recommendations for disclosure of climate-related risk. In many jurisdictions around the world,
mandatory climate risk disclosure has gained traction due to the Task Force's work.
Group 4
Mid-Term Group Assignment
If we take a closer look, Critically, the technology industry is comprised of many different subsectors with climate risk and disruption occurring at more micro levels. The assessment of
climate risks should therefore be tailored to the particular needs of each company.
Moreover, companies feel pressure from consumers to change their business habits towards
more sustainable solutions that is the reason we’ve seen a notable increase in the number of
technology companies disclosing carbon reduction targets. Approximately 70 percent of tech
companies now disclose carbon reduction targets in their reporting. Any leading technology
company that does not yet report carbon targets is now clearly out of step with global good
Climate change is a huge factor when it comes to Manufacturing Sector as well, from the
initial stage of manufacturing a product to the final form the organization has to comply with
environmental and pollution controlling aspects, which are heavily based on climatic changes.
Climatic changes always have a heavy impact on the industries, demanding them to implement
new techniques or improve present manufacturing techniques which always involves a huge
amount of money.
Yes, Companies are extremely pressurised from the Consumers and Government for more
sustainable products and services. The best example for this is, Volkswagen Audi Group. They
were pioneers of Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles and no they are giving up on their own
technology and started to research and work on more sustainable Electrics cars.
This is a very diverse topic and there are a lot of people who are environmental conscious and
contribute to the prevention of climate change by purchasing organic and recyclable products
that disintegrate in a landfill. These include Baby Diapers, Dog Litter bags, and recyclable
packaging. This seems to be improving as the generation progresses. The newer generation is
more inclined towards climate change, and it could be due to the fact of education and exposure
to it a very early stage of their life.
Changing consumer behavior in response to climate change is complex, and many consumers
are not capable of determining which behavior changes are worthwhile.
Group 4
Mid-Term Group Assignment
Question 2
How are businesses adapting to the increase in scarcity of resources? How are businesses
adapting their products towards green alternative products?
It is irrefutable fact that the green economy has a resource-scarcity problem. The world is at a
tipping point when it comes to sustainability with thousands of companies simultaneously
shifting to more sustainable practices and innovating new products and services to enable
sustainability. The need for sustainable resources is becoming urgent considering demanding
transparency and accountability by consumers, setting legally binding targets by the government,
and bold commitments of the companies. New solutions, however, will inevitably exacerbate
bottlenecks in the very infrastructures, resources, and capabilities they depend upon. While the
supply of these sustainability-related resources will expand due to investment and innovation, in
many categories rapid growth in demand will likely outstrip supply, heightening competition and
pushing up prices. Businesses that think ahead will devise a plan for delivering on their
promises, securing the necessary inputs, and capturing the value of sustainable business models.
Considering tech and start-ups companies when it comes to combat this problem, companies
start identifying where, when, and how significant scarcities will emerge in their ecosystem.
Moving forward they focus on strategies that they can adopt to overcome resource scarcities. A
portfolio-based approach to resource scarcities is on the rise, allowing companies to pick and
choose the strategies that best suit their business model. From our research and findings, we have
found that the first step in identifying, overcoming, and creating competitive advantage in cases
of resource scarcity is to use sustainable business model innovation (SBM-I) followed by the
eight portfolio-based strategies to yield the best results.
SBM-I enables companies to combine environmental, societal, and financial priorities; reimagine
their core business model; and turn sustainability into a competitive advantage.
Eight core strategies that leading companies are adapting are:
Secure the supply: Select and contract with suppliers to mitigate a shortage and create a
more resilient supply chain.
Group 4
Mid-Term Group Assignment
Own the origins: Acquire supplies or invests in companies developing alternative
Force innovation: Innovates alternatives to address scarcities or bottlenecks.
Extract value: Capture value through price premiums or build new businesses to need.
Broaden the market: Advocate for public policy that enables technology innovation,
expense supply, or incentives alternatives.
Seed the market: Invest in early-stage technologies and new companies that address
Arbitrage the options: Create value from different supply and pricing dynamics across
Act collectively: Participate in industry and cross sector coalitions to address supply
Businesses are also adapting green alternative products as a primary strategy for offsetting
greenhouse gas emissions and to reduce their operations’ negative environmental and social
impacts. The go green movement is strong here in the North America. From large multinational
companies like Walmart to my local coffee shop, sustainable business practices are cropping up
everywhere – including the tech sector. Based on our research, technology and start-up
companies are doing remarkably well in this field. Giant tech companies like Google, Cisco,
Dell, Intel, Adobe, etc. have comprehensive sustainability plan in place, including some rather
creative eco-friendly measures. Google started switching to carbon free energy equipped data
centres in early 2000 and announced as a carbon neutral tech company in the year 2007. Cisco is
another eco-friendly leader in the tech industry has the highest percentages of telecommuters.
Telecommuting saves money in energy costs and reduces tailpipe emissions by eliminating
commutes. Intel, the Greenest Company in America (Forbes, 2010) has taken the biggest ecoinitiatives in the green energy arena. According to Forbes, 51% of Intel’s annual energy
consumption comes from renewable sources like solar, wind, geothermal and biomass.
Manufacturing Businesses are adapting to new techniques from waste reduction to developing
and implementing less-resource based products. As the world population is increasing, there is a
direct proportion of resource scarcity for the natural resources. As the scarcity issue is increasing,
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Mid-Term Group Assignment
the cost of supply of the resources is rising too. Despite the situation, many firms have relied on
their outdated planning system that fail to account for the rising prices and the supply chain.
Many firms need to tend to focus on areas such as
Using resources efficiently or reusing them.
Exploring other alternatives for the resources.
Securing supply chain
Trying to change the business model.
Companies that go into a change in business models in order to lean towards the “green”
products and try to change their manufacturing methods and practises are:
IKEA is one of the finest companies and one of the first retailers in their industry to get into
renewable energy resources and waste management. They were the first ones to sell the LED
Bulbs and lighting fixtures in their stores. IKEA have installed more than 250,000 solar panels
that accounts 90% of their facilities and also, they have two wind farms located in Texas and
Illinois that generate 3 to 4 times the renewable energy needed to power these locations. They
have planted 2.4 million trees in American forests to further offset CO2 emissions, and they only
land 15% of their waste in landfills.
Question 3
How should companies respond to the increase in climate change activism? What kind of
ethics will companies have to incorporate into their practices? Is fresh air and clean water
a human right? How will companies respond if this becomes a universal right?
Companies are coming under more and more pressure to address climate change activism as it
continues to be a worry for people all around the world. There are many ways that businesses
might respond to climate change activism, but it's crucial for them to think about their particular
situation and what they can actually do to address the problem.
Group 4
Mid-Term Group Assignment
The companies can respond to environmental action by becoming more transparent. This may
entail revealing their emissions statistics, establishing emission reduction targets, and tracking
their success in achieving those targets, this may entail discussing and cooperating on climate
change solutions, assisting with campaigns to raise understanding and to educate the public about
the issue, and joining forces to promote climate-friendly legislation.
Each business will have to think about how it fits into the world and what it can actually do to
combat climate change. But businesses may demonstrate an engagement by acknowledging this
crucial concern by increasing clarity, making investments in sustainable energy, and interacting
with activists and other stakeholders.
The type of ethics that businesses must include into their procedures will mostly depend on their
personal viewpoint. This can assist in lowering emissions, generating employment in the clean
energy industry, and demonstrating a commitment to combating climate change.
Businesses can be in response to climate change action. Companies that are dedicated to
combating climate change, for instance, will need to implement ethical practices that support
their objectives, Technology and start-up industries for instance can do efforts such as lowering
emissions and investing in sustainable energy. Other businesses that are less dedicated to fighting
climate change may not need to adjust their operations as drastically, but they still need to be
conscious of the ethical ramifications of their choices.
Manufacturing businesses, on the other hand, have a broad area and giving them the right pace
toward the audience is the best way to grow in the market. The manufacturing industry should
respond to these factors. The best way to assess a country's greenhouse gas emissions is to
consider its influence on the environment and the globe. A corporation must be examined to
determine which production processes produce the most pollution research is complete,
businesses can start considering ways to reduce their emissions. Next, manufacturing companies
need more power and consume more energy, so reducing them also can help with climate change
activities. Renewable energy is becoming increasingly popular among consumers, and it also
offers businesses an intriguing answer. Companies like ekWateur or Enercoop offer an intriguing
way to use entirely renewable energy. Moreover, the manufacturing department can choose more
Group 4
Mid-Term Group Assignment
environmentally friendly products. For example, new printers, air conditioners, bulbs, materials,
and laptops, so these manufacturers need more equipment. Providing them with more efficient,
energy-wise, standard products will benefit the company.
Manufacturing companies’ strengths are their employees and their customers and setting up best
practices for the customers and for their organizational staff is a must. Manufacturing companies
mostly require a lot of risks, so companies should give employees a high amount of health and
safety practices, companies should give them the right benefits and compensation, companies
should give customer values about their demands by following the latest technologies with high
quality, integrity in management ethics, customer and personal integrity.
Although clean air and water are necessary for human life, but they are not generally regarded as
universal human rights. Companies would be compelled to offer these resources to everyone,
regardless of their ability to pay, if clean water and fresh air were made universal human rights.
This would probably have a big effect on businesses, especially the ones that work in the
polluting industries. In order to comply with the new rights, these businesses would need to
make considerable adjustments to their processes, which might be expensive and challenging.
Generally speaking, firms are likely to be significantly impacted by the rise in climate change
activism. Businesses will need to think carefully about how they might address the problem and
integrate moral principles into their work.
In order to comply, businesses would need to make considerable adjustments to their current
procedures if access to clean water and air were made a fundamental human right. In
manufacturing industries, production emits lots of carbon and other chemicals which harm the
environment and people’s health and having fresh air and clean water is a fundamental human
right. Companies should start to focus on clean water and start manufacturing green products to
save the universe from chemicals. Manufacturing should attract customers by giving them the
right to live, and safe, clean, healthy, and sustainable environments. For example, in one article
the world bank states that manufacturing start making the transition to clean fuels and stoves to
meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. This would cost about $US 5 billion
annually. This is an excellent investment given the advantages to women's health, time savings,
Group 4
Mid-Term Group Assignment
linked income potential, quality of life improvements, less air pollution and greenhouse gas
emissions, and decreased stress on forests (Boyd, Para. 17, 2019).
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Mid-Term Group Assignment
Boyd, D. R. (n.d.). The Human Right to Breathe Clean Air. Annals of Global Health, 85(1), 146.
Dunlop, C. (2019, December 12). 12 tech companies who are proactive about being green.
AuthorityLabs. Retrieved November 8, 2022, from https://www.authoritylabs.com/green-techcompanies/
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November 8, 2022, from https://hbr.org/2021/07/the-green-economy-has-a-resource-scarcityproblem
KPMG. (2021, July 1). Climate risk for the technology industry. KPMG US. Retrieved November 8,
2022, from https://info.kpmg.us/news-perspectives/industry-insights-research/climate-risk-forthe-tech-industry.html
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Predicting the business and climate performance of start‐ups. Business Strategy and the
Environment, 30(2), 1019–1036. https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.2667
Thøgersen, J. (2021). Consumer behavior and climate change: Consumers need considerable assistance.
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 42, 9–14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cobeha.2021.02.008
Young, D., & Beck, S. (2022, October 14). Solving the puzzle of sustainable resource scarcity. Canada EN. Retrieved November 8, 2022, from https://www.bcg.com/en-ca/publications/2021/how-totackle-resource-scarcity
Yahoo! (n.d.). Ikea US and American forests create a child-oriented 'forests' video to be shown in IKEA
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