Uploaded by Kim Duggan

Sketchbook Assignment Rubric

Sketchbook Assignment Rubric
Level 1
There might be an
object that is
floating in the
center of the page.
No background or
sense of
perspective. 0-1
Student uses entire
page and
incorporates a
center of interest
and background.
Student uses
perspective to
create a sense of
depth. 1-3 marks
Idea: 3 marks
(if this artwork is a
technical piece
make composition
out of 4, and
mechanics out of 6)
Mechanics: 4
The artwork is a
copy of another
artwork. 0-1
Your proportions
are WAAAY off.
You failed to
include shade and
texture to create a
balance of light and
dark. Realism was
attempted and
failed. 0-1
Level 2
Level 3
There is a center of
interest and a bit of
smudging to
suggest a
background, or
there are several
objects that
compete for
attention . There is
some vague sense
of foreground,
background and
middleground. 1-2
There is a good
effort to create a
center of interest.
There is a good
sense of
ground. 2-3
The artwork is a
copy but changed
slightly to make it
different from the
source, or the idea
is fairly dull and
cliche. 1-2 marks
The artwork is a
fairly good solution
to the artistic
challenge 2-3
Your proportions
are off. You include
limited shading and
texture. You used
colours but did not
blend them. The
images are
recognizable and
sort of realistic. 1-2
Your proportions
are pretty good.
You included shade
and texture to make
surfaces more
interesting and to
make objects pop
from the page. You
used colour and
tried to mix them.
Your images are
recognizable and
realistic. 3-4
Level 4
There is an obvious center of
interest, and an
understanding of perspective
that makes the page
interesting and the eye want
to move around. 3 marks
The design is an insightful
and original answer to the
sketchbook title. 3 marks
Your sense of proportion is
incredible. You included
shade and texture to make
objects and surfaces more
visually complex and
dimensional. You
successfully mixed colour to
enhance images. Your
images are very detailed and
realistic. 4 marks