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Exam Instructions: Essay Questions

Spend no more than one hour on this section
Question 1
Just identify the necessary words or phrases
Question 2
Give examples / explain in your own words. No complicated
paragraphs are needed for this question
Question 3
No introduction or conclusion
1 Paragraph for language which focuses on providing a large amount
of language analysis of techniques and what they do.
1 Paragraph for structure which focuses on analysing as much
structure as possible
Question 4
No introduction or conclusion
4-6 clear points/paragraphs
Each clear point should use quotations and should state how the
quotations work on the literary piece
Do not use personal opinion except on evaluation
Question 5 and 6
If it’s a newspaper article use a dramatic title with alliteration
Start with a bold and controversial statement or an interesting
Rhetorical questions in an introduction of a paragraph are useful
Use lots of alliteration and a vast vocabulary
Don’t be afraid to be less formal
Make the writing exciting and engaging
1 introduction
3-4 paragraphs with points
1 conclusion
Plan your conclusion before you start writing because it leaves
the biggest impression on the grader
If you want you can even write your conclusion on the last
page before you start writing your other paragraphs
For your conclusion you could:
● End on a vivid image
● End on a warning
● End on a happy note
● End on a thought-provoking question
● Refer back to your introduction
● End on a call to action